Digestibility, Faeces Recovery, and Related CA

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Aquaculture Research, 2004, 35, 1370^1379 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2004.01179.

Digestibility, faeces recovery, and related

carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus balances
of five feed ingredients evaluated as fishmeal
alternatives in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L.

Oliver Schneider, Abdul K Amirkolaie, Jordi Vera-Cartas, Ep H Eding, Johan W Schrama &
Johan A J Verreth
Department of Animal Sciences, Fish Culture and Fisheries Group,Wageningen University,Wageningen, the Netherlands

Correspondence: O Schneider, Department of Animal Sciences, Fish Culture and Fisheries Group,Wageningen University, PO Box 338,
6700 AH Wageningen, the Netherlands. E-mail: oliver.schneider@wur.nl

Abstract Introduction
This study shows that alternatives for shmeal in a In past decades, several protein sources were tested
sh diet aect not only sh growth but also faeces as alternatives for shmeal in nsh diets. Results of
stability and nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) waste those studies for dierent sh species were summar-
production. Wheat gluten diet (WGD), soybean meal ized by Hardy (1996), El-Sayed (1999) and Francis,
extract diet (SBE), soybean meal diet (SBM), duck- Makkar and Becker (2001). Most studies reported in
weed diet (DWD) and single-cell protein diet (SCP) the literature focused on growth-related factors and
were evaluated as a shmeal replacement on a feed digestibility. Only three studies correlated total
15% weight weight 1 basis in tilapia diets. Fishmeal faeces recovery with feed composition (Vens-Cappell
replacement aected dry matter (dm), protein, ash 1985; Han, Rosati & Webb 1996; Dias, Huelvan, Dinis
and P digestibility signicantly. Faeces recovery & Metailler 1998). Yet, faeces recovery represents a
(6.8^11.2%) was not signicantly aected, although physical measure of faeces stability. Faeces removal
the amount of non-recovered faeces and total faeces eciency is inuenced by faeces stability, which in
showed signicant dierences. Duckweed diet and turn is inuenced by feed composition (Vens-Cappell
SCP resulted in the largest amounts of non-recovered 1985; Han et al. 1996; Dias et al. 1998; Cripps & Ber-
and total faeces (199^210, 224^225 g dm kg 1 feed gheim 2000). Chen, Stechey and Malone (1997) and
dm). Compared with shmeal diet (FMD), the WGD Wong and Piedrahita (2000) showed that solid
and SBE resulted in similar growth, but higher removal eciencies are proportional to the size and
non-faecal N losses (471^495 vs. 416 g N kg 1 N). stability of faeces particles. Furthermore, if shmeal
Soybean meal diet, DWD and SCP resulted in is replaced by another feed ingredient, the feed nitro-
lower growth but less non-faecal loss (409^ gen (N), phosphorus (P) and carbon (C) levels will
450 g N kg 1 N). The DWD and FMD had the highest change. These changes aect nutrient retention in
N retention (480 g N kg 1 N) compared with the sh (Machiels & Henken1986; Einen, Holmefjord, As-
other diets (431^451g N kg 1 N). Carbon retention, gard & Talbot 1995; Lupatsch, Kissil, Sklan & Pfeer
faecal and non-faecal losses and P retention were 2001), and thus automatically nutrients released as
similar for all diets (302^358, 142^176 and 489^523 waste in the rearing system (Brunty, Bucklin, Davis,
g C kg 1 C, 606^704 g P kg 1 P). Phosphorus faecal Baird & Nordstedt 1997; Lupatsch & Kissil 1998; Lu-
loss was lower for all diets (329^381g P kg 1 P) than patsch 2003). These changes consequently inuence
for the FMD (401g P kg 1 P). system design (Liao & Mayo 1974; Eding & van Weerd
1999). Nutrient balances for C, N and P deliver a
Keywords: faeces recovery, nutrient balance, di- transparent picture of retention and faecal and non-
gestibility, shmeal, tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus faecal loss originating from the sh. By combining

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Aquaculture Research, 2004, 35, 1370^1379 Five alternative feed ingredients in tilapia diets O Schneider et al.

nutrient balances with faeces recovery rates, the im- Table 1 Experimental diet formulation on % dry weight
pact of shmeal replacement by other feed ingredi- basis
ents on sh and the surrounding culture system can
be estimated. These predictions are invaluable to de- Ingredient Amount

velop so-called low-pollution diets. Test ingredient 15

The objective of the study was to determine the di- Fishmeal 28.9
gestibility, total and recovered amount of faeces, and Corn 25.0
Wheat 17.0
the related nutrient balances for ve feed ingredients,
Wheat bran 8.5
which can be used as alternatives for shmeal in
Fish oil 2.6
tilapia diets. Diamol (AIA) 2
Premix 1
Materials and methods
AIA, acid-insoluble ash.
Experimental diets
& Ravindra 2000). In this experiment, a mixture of
Five feed ingredients, which might serve as potential brewers yeast and Lactobaccilus (BORACEL, DSM,
shmeal replacements, were selected based on nutri- Zaandam, the Netherlands) was tested. Fishmeal (RE
tional value and on ecological sustainability aspects. 580^630, Demeter, Alblasserdam, the Netherlands)
Thus, the ingredients contained a high amount of was used in the control diet (FMD). To prepare the ex-
good digestible protein and were either land-based perimental diets, one of the ingredients was added to
grown plants or grown on waste products. The se- a basal diet in a ratio of 15% weight/weight (Tables 1
lected shmeal alternatives were wheat gluten, soy- and 2). The obtained diets were fed as a sinking pellet
bean extract, soybean meal, duckweed (Lemna of 2 mm. To allow for digestibility studies, Diamol
minor) and a mixture of yeast and bacteria single-cell [acid-insoluble ash (AIA), Franz Bertram GmBH,
protein. Wheat gluten diet (WGD, bulk material), Hamburg, Germany] was used as an inert marker.
soybean meal extract diet (SBE, Nurish 1500, Protein Three diet samples have been collected for prox-
Technologies, St Louis, MN, USA) and soybean meal imate analysis. One was taken at the beginning, one
diet (SBM, bulk material) have a high-protein content in the middle, and one at the end of the experiment as
(50^80%) and high digestibility (Shiau, Chuang & a grab sample from the feed stocks. Feed samples
Sun 1987; Sintayehu, Mathies, MeyerBurgdor, Rose- were stored at  20 1C for later analysis.
now & Gunther 1996; Sugiura, Dong, Rathbone &
Hardy 1998; Fonta| nhas-Fernandes, Gomes, Reis-
Fish and husbandry
Henriques & Coimbra 1999; Hardy 2000). However,
soybean products may contain anti-nutritional fac- The Wageningen University Animal Care and Use
tors (ANFs) (Hardy 1996; Francis et al. 2001; Vielma, Committee approved the experiment. The study was
Ruohonen & Peisker 2002). To evaluate an inuence carried out at the experimental facility of the Fish
of these ANFs, soybean protein extract and soybean Culture and Fisheries Group, Department of Animal
meal were compared. Duckweed diet (DWD) was se- Sciences, Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
lected because it can be grown on sh wastewater The research lasted for about 8 weeks and comprised
(Porath & Pollock 1982; Verdegem, Sereti & Eding 1 week adaptation to the facilities, 1 week to feed and
2003; El-Shafai 2004) and be reused as sh feed feeding level (starting with day 0) and 6 weeks sam-
(Gaigher, Porath & Granoth 1984; Hassan & Edwards pling period (ending with day 50). Juvenile tilapia (Or-
1992; Bairagi, Ghosh, Sen & Ray 2002; El-Shafai eochromis niloticus L.) were purchased from a
2004). It represents, therefore, a renewable feed commercial sh farm (Helmond, the Netherlands).
source recycling N and P waste. The duckweed was One week after arrival and adaptation to the facilities,
obtained from a commercial culture (Levita, Baarlo, sh were weighed and divided at random into 12
the Netherlands). Before incorporation in feed pellets, glass aquaria (40  50  35 cm,70 L) with an initial
it was dried and ground. Single-cell protein diet (SCP) stocking density of 40 sh per aquarium. These aqua-
was chosen as a test ingredient because it is an inno- ria were connected to a recirculation system com-
vative and alternative protein source for nutritional prising the aquaria, a sedimentation unit, pump
applications, which can even be grown on waste (Ta- sump and trickling lter. Photoperiod was 12-h light,
con 1979; de Muylder, van Damme, Vriens, Nihoul & 12-h dark. The sh were adapted to the experimental
Ollevier 1989; Kiessling & Askbrandt 1993; Anupama diets and feeding level for another week before the

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Five alternative feed ingredients in tilapia diets O Schneider et al. Aquaculture Research, 2004, 35, 1370^1379

Table 2 Analysed composition of the tested ingredients and the experimental diets in g kg 1 wet weight

Crude Gross
Dry matter Ash protein N Crude fat Carbohydrates Carbon Phosphorus energy AIA

Wheat gluten 893.5 7.2 757.5 121.2 7.9 120.9 470.8 1.9 20.6
Soybean extract 911.1 42.6 815.7 130.5 2.0 50.7 466.8 6.4 20.5
Soybean meal 880.2 60.2 485.4 77.7 12.5 322.1 416.0 6.3 17.3
Duckweed 896.9 159.6 338.3 54.1 31.8 367.3 370.8 19.6 15.7
Single-cell protein 948.0 128.5 405.1 64.8 2.2 412.2 404.5 17.2 16.9
Fish meal 903.5 142.9 577.4 92.4 87.7 95.5 422.4 23.0 16.7

WGD 870.2 76.5 347.1 55.5 75.3 371.3 410.5 9.7 17.2 1.6
SBE 872.2 82.3 357.1 57.1 74.9 357.9 409.7 10.2 17.2 1.6
SBM 868.2 84.1 304.7 48.8 70.9 408.5 400.6 10.2 16.8 1.6
DWD 863.9 98.0 274.6 43.9 73.4 417.9 390.4 12.1 16.0 1.6
SCP 866.5 95.6 291.1 46.6 73.4 406.4 394.2 11.7 16.5 1.7
FMD 868.3 98.1 325.2 52.0 83.2 361.8 400.4 13.0 16.9 1.7

WGD, wheat gluten diet; SBE, soybean extract diet; SBM, soybean meal diet; DWD, duckweed diet; SCP, single-cell protein diet; FMD,
shmeal diet; N 5 protein/6.25; Carbon 5 protein  1.18  0.461fat  1  0.761carbohydrates  1.11  0.4, whereby 1.18, 1, 1.11 are
the hydration factors of protein, fat and carbohydrates, and 0.46, 0.76, 0.4 is the carbon content in the hydrolysed molecule (Machiels &
Henken 1986); AIA, acid-insoluble ash.

experimental period began. The sh were fed on Weight gain is in g, total nal biomass 5 total bio-
experimental diets during 49 days of the experimen- mass at the end of experiment in the tank (g), total
tal period. On the sampling days (days 0 and 50) sh initial biomass 5 total biomass at the beginning of
were not fed. Each day water quality was checked the experiment (g).
after the rst feeding. The system was monitored for Specic growth rate (SGR, %) was calculated from
temperature, conductivity, pH, oxygen concentra- the mean initial individual body weight, the mean -
tion, NH1 4 -N, NO2 -N and NO3 -N concentrations. nal individual body weight, and the time in between
Water ow through the tanks was 8 L min 1, which the two weighing moments:
was checked daily with a water ow meter (Brooks,
Veenendaal, the Netherlands). SGR 100  ln Wfinal  ln Winitial  t1

whereWnal is the mean nal individual body weight

Experimental procedure (g),Winitial the mean initial individual body weight (g)
and t the time period (days).
The 12 aquaria were randomly assigned to one of the Feed conversion ratio was calculated by dividing
six experimental diets, each diet in two replicates. The total feed intake per tank by the total body weight
sh were fed by hand, four times a day: at10:00,12:30, gain per tank. Daily feeding rations were adjusted to
15:00 and 17:00 hours. Feeding level was restricted at the number of sh in the tanks, based on recorded
17 g feed kg  0.8 day 1. The daily estimated weight mortality. Survival rate was calculated as the number
gain was based on an assumed feed conversion ratio of sh at the end of the experiment divided by the
(FCR) of 1.2. Before feeding, dust was sieved from the number of sh at the beginning. The relative feeding
feed pellets with a 1-mm mesh. The rst day after rate was calculated as:
weighing and sorting, sh were fed 50% of the feed-
ing ratio, the day after 75% and the third day 100%. Rm feedconsumed  BW0:8 t1
This progressive feeding level was applied to enable
sh to adapt to the experimental diets and feeding re- where feedconsumed is the amount of feed consumed
gimes. Fish were weighed at the beginning (day 0) during the experimental period (g), BW the geometric
and at the end of the experiment (day 50). Weight mean body weight eln Winitial ln Wfinal =2 and t the
gain was calculated as: experimental period (days).
Faeces were collected using six Choubert faeces
weight gain total final biomass
collectors (Choubert Collectors, Wageningen Univer-
 total initial biomass mass sity, Wageningen, the Netherlands) with a mesh size

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Aquaculture Research, 2004, 35, 1370^1379 Five alternative feed ingredients in tilapia diets O Schneider et al.

of1000 mm (Choubert, Delanoue & Luquet1982). This these nutrients from diets in sh:
method was preferred above other collection meth- ADCnutrient
ods because of its potentially high recovery rate and 1  AIAdiet =AIAfaeces
the low level of nutrient leaching (Choubert et al.
 nutrientfaeces =nutrientdiet
1982). The faeces were transferred from the collectors
into plastic containers twice a day (9:30 and 17:00
hours) and stored at  20 1C for later analysis. Be- where AIADiet is the AIA in the diet (%), AIAfaeces the
cause only six collectors were available for 12 aqua- AIA in the faeces (%), nutrientfaeces the nutrient in the
ria, collectors were shifted alternating in between faeces (%), and nutrientdiet is the nutrient in the diet (%).
two aquaria every 48 h. The amount of faeces recovered in relation to the
total amount of faeces produced was calculated by di-
viding AIA recovered from the collector byAIA given
Analytical procedure
with the feed:
An initial sample of ten sh was used to analyse initi- faeces recovery AIArecovered =AIAfeed  100
al body composition. At the end of the experiment,
ten sh were randomly selected from each tank dur- where AIArecovered is the AIA recovered from the col-
ing the weighing procedure to analyse the nal body lector (g kg 1 dm) and AIAfeed is the AIA given with
composition. These sh were euthanized with tri- the feed (g kg 1 dm).
caine methane sulphonate and immediately stored
at  20 1C for subsequent analysis. Collected feed,
faeces and sh samples were analysed for dry matter Nutrient balance
(dm), ash, crude protein, crude fat, gross energy, AIA Nutrient balances were derived from the amount of a
and P. Samples were analysed for dm by drying the nutrient in the feed and sh, nutrient digestibility,
samples for 4 h at 103 1C until constant dry weight feed uptake and sh performance:
(ISO 6496, 1983), and for the ash by incineration in a
mue furnace for 4 h at 550 1C (ISO 5984,1978). Kjel-
concentration feednutrient  feedconsumed
dahl N was determined according to ISO 5983 (1979)
procedures using a Tecator 2020 Digestor at 400 1C where uptakenutrient is the amount of nutrient taken
for 4 h and distillation using Tecator Kjeltec Auto- up by the sh (g), concentration feednutrient the con-
sampler system 1035 Anaylser (Tecator AB, Hoganas, centration of nutrient in the feed (g kg 1) and
Sweden). Kjeldahl N was translated to crude protein feedconsumed is the amount of feed consumed (kg).
content by multiplication with 6.25. Crude fat was de- The fraction of digested and undigested nutrients
termined using Soxhlet extraction with petrol ether was calculated by:
(EEG 18.1.84 no. 15/29^30, Lab-Scan, Dublin, Ireland). digestednutrient
Gross energy was determined using bomb calorimetry uptakenutrient  digestibilitynutrient =100
(IKA-C-7000, Fa. Janke & Kunkel, IKA Analysentech-
nik, Heitersheim, Germany). The AIA content was undigestednutrient
determined by dissolving the obtained ash in hydro- uptakenutrient 100  digestibilitynutritent =100
chloric acid following the ISO 5985 (1981) procedures.
where digestednutrient is the amount of nutrient di-
Phosphorus was determined using a vanado-molyb-
gested (g), undigestednutrient the amount of nutrient
date method after sample combustion at 550 1C and di-
undigested (g) and digestibilitynutrient is the deter-
gestion with acid (ISO 6491, 1980). Carbohydrate
mined digestibility (%).
fraction was determined as dm minus fat, protein,
Digested nutrients were divided into retained
and ash in feed and faeces.
nutrients and non-faecal loss:
nutrientretained Wfinal  nutrientfish
Digestibility measurements
 Winitial  nutrientfish
and faeces recovery

Apparent digestibility coecients (ADCs) of nutrients nutrientnon-faecal loss digestednutrient

and energy were determined using an internal mar-
ker (AIA) in the diets. The ADCs for the dierent nu- where nutrientretained is the amount of nutrient re-
trients are expressed as the fractional absorption of tained in the sh (g),Wnal the nal wet weight of the

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Five alternative feed ingredients in tilapia diets O Schneider et al. Aquaculture Research, 2004, 35, 1370^1379

sh (g), Winitial the initial wet weight of the sh (g), od. Probably due to limitations of the experimental
and nutrientsh is the amount of the nutrient in the rearing system to process high feeding loads, on day
sh in g kg 1 wet weight 10 dissolved oxygen levels decreased to 3.6 mg L 1 in
The obtained values were converted to g kg 1 one of the aquaria. To avoid possible oxygen prob-
nutrient supplied with the feed. lems, from day 13 onwards all feeding rations were
kept constant. Oxygen levels remained consecutively
Statistics at 4.3 mg L  1 or higher.
Initial and nal body weights and sh mortality
In this experiment, each tank was considered as one showed no signicant dierences between diets
experimental unit. Data were analysed by one-way (Table 3). However, FCR and SGR were signicantly
ANOVA using SPSS 11.5. The means were compared by aected by diet (P 5 0.017 and P 5 0.008). Lowest
a Tukeys post hoc test at a 5% probability level. FCR and highest SGR were found for the high-protein
diets WGD, SBE and FMD. Fish body composition was
Results not signicantly aected by diet ingredients for dm,
crude protein, crude fat, P and energy (Table 4).
Fish and husbandry
Crude ash content of the sh was aected by diet,
Water quality remained within the appropriate showing the highest contents for diets with high ash
ranges for sh growth during the experimental peri- content: DWD, SCP and FMD.

Table 3 Growth and feed utilization of tilapia fed the experimental diets

Total feed Individual start Individual final Survival FCR SGR Rm

Diet given (g tank  1) weight (g) weight (g) rate (%) (kg kg  1) (%BW day  1) (g kg  0.8 day  1)

WGD 4038 55.6 156.2 97.5 1.0 2.0bc 13.6

SBE 3937 54.3 153.0 98.8 1.0 2.0c 13.3
SBM 4039 55.6 146.1 100.0 1.1 1.9abc 13.6
DWD 4291 60.2 153.7 100.0 1.2 1.8a 13.7
SCP 3997 54.8 142.1 100.0 1.1 1.9ab 13.7
FMD 4085 56.4 157.0 100.0 1.0 2.1bc 13.3
SEM 52.04 0.93 2.55 0.33 0.02 0.03 0.06
P 0.565 0.593 0.566 0.055 0.017 0.008 0.048

Total feed given per tank, initial individual weight, nal individual nal weight, survival rate, feed conversion rate (FCR), specic growth
rate (SGR), and relative feeding rate per metabolic weight are presented (Rm) as means. The experimental period lasted for 51 days.
Means within columns with a dierent superscript dier signicantly.
WGD, wheat gluten diet; SBE, soybean extract diet; SBM, soybean meal diet; DWD, duckweed diet; SCP, single-cell protein diet; FMD,
shmeal diet; SEM, standard error of the mean; P, probability.

Table 4 Body composition (g kg 1 wet weight) of tilapia fed the experimental diets

Dry matter Ash Crude protein Crude fat Phosphorus Gross energy
Diet (g kg  1) (g kg  1) (g kg  1) (g kg  1) (g kg  1) (MJ kg  1)

Initial 299.9 42.2 159.3 96.1 7.3 7.4

WGD 288.4 39.8a 156.6 87.2 7.0 7.3
SBE 283.7 40.6ab 160.1 80.7 7.3 6.8
SBM 286.8 41.3abc 156.2 86.8 7.3 6.9
DWD 295.5 46.8d 155.3 88.5 8.1 7.0
SCP 284.4 44.2bcd 152.6 81.9 7.8 6.8
FMD 290.5 44.7cd 159.6 84.5 8.0 7.0
SEM 1.63 0.78 0.96 1.29 0.14 0.07
P 0.343 0.002 0.203 0.511 0.095 0.319

Means within columns with a dierent superscript dier signicantly.

WGD, wheat gluten diet; SBE, soybean extract diet; SBM, soybean meal diet; DWD, duckweed diet; SCP, single-cell protein diet; FMD,
shmeal diet; SEM, standard error of the mean; P, probability.

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Aquaculture Research, 2004, 35, 1370^1379 Five alternative feed ingredients in tilapia diets O Schneider et al.

Table 5 Apparent digestibility coecients (%) of the experimental diets

Crude Crude Crude

Diet Dry matter protein fat Carbohydrates ash Phosphorus Energy
b d bc
WGD 80.8 92.6 96.8 74.3 39.9 65.0 86.3
SBE 80.2b 91.4cd 96.9 74.5 41.7 64.5bc 86.7
SBM 79.2ab 90.5bc 96.7 74.8 45.3 64.5bc 85.7
DWD 77.6a 88.9a 95.9 78.0 47.1 67.2c 84.3
SCP 77.5a 89.1ab 95.8 72.4 47.6 61.9ab 84.5
FMD 79.1ab 89.7ab 96.8 74.4 45.4 59.9a 85.3
SEM 0.40 0.40 0.19 0.68 0.94 0.74 0.36
P 0.011 0.000 0.411 0.329 0.039 0.004 0.333

Means within columns with a dierent superscript dier signicantly.

WGD, wheat gluten diet; SBE, soybean extract diet; SBM, soybean meal diet; DWD, duckweed diet; SCP, single-cell protein diet; FMD,
shmeal diet; SEM, standard error of the mean; P, probability.

Table 6 Relation between AIA given by feed, the recovery rate, the amount of recovered faeces and of non-recovered faeces

Recovery Total faeces produced Recovered faeces Non-recovered faeces

Diet rate (%) (g DM kg  1 feed DM) (g DM kg  1 feed DM) (g DM kg  1 feed DM)

WGD 9.5 192a 18 174a

SBE 8.8 198a 17 181ab
SBM 9.7 208ab 20 188ab
DWD 11.2 224ab 25 199ab
SCP 6.8 225b 15 210b
FMD 8.8 209ab 18 191ab
SEM 0.57 3.95 1.27 3.92
P 0.491 0.011 0.412 0.029

Non-recovered faeces are the dierences of total faeces produced and recovered faeces.
Means within columns with a dierent superscript dier signicantly.
Amount of total faeces produced equals (1 digestibilitydry matter)/100  1000.
WGD, wheat gluten diet; SBE, soybean extract diet; SBM, soybean meal diet; DWD, duckweed diet; SCP, single-cell protein diet; FMD,
shmeal diet; SEM, standard error of the mean; P, probability; AIA, acid-insoluble ash; DM, dry matter.

Digestibility measurements WGD and SBE resulted in the lowest amounts

and faeces recovery (192^198 g dm kg 1 feed dm). Single-cell protein diet
resulted in the highest amount of non-recovered
Replacement of shmeal by the test ingredients af-
faeces (210 g dm kg 1 feed dm) while the plant-based
fected digestibility of dm (P 5 0.011), crude protein
diets and FMD showed lowest amounts (174^
(P 5 0.000), crude ash (P 5 0.039) and P (P 5 0.004)
199 g dm kg 1 feed dm).
(Table 5). Highest dm and protein digestibility was
determined for WGD, SBE, SBM and FMD, and lowest
digestibility for DWD and SCP. Ash digestibility was
Nutrient balances
signicantly aected (P 5 0.039) and was highest for
SCP (47.6%) compared with lowest values for WGD The C balance showed no signicant eect for re-
(39.9%). Plant-based diets, DWD,WGD, SBE and SBM tention, faecal and non-faecal loss for the dierent
generally showed higher P digestibility rates than diets (Table 7). Highest N retention and lowest non-
FMD or SCP. The amount of faeces recovered per kilo- faecal losses were found for FMD and DWD (480 and
gram feed was not aected by the dierent diets 409^416 g N kg 1 N) compared with the other diets
(P40.05, Table 6). However, the amount of total (431^451G N kg 1 N, P40.05 and 450^495 g N
faeces produced and consequently the amount of kg 1 N, P 5 0.033). Nitrogen faecal loss was highest
non-recovered faeces per kilogram feed were signic- for DWD, SCP and FMD (104^111g N kg 1 N) com-
antly aected (P 5 0.011 and P 5 0.029). Duckweed pared with WGD, SBE and SBM (74^95 g N kg 1 N,
diet and SCP resulted in highest amounts of total P 5 0.000). Phosphorus retention was lowest for
faeces produced (224^225 g dm kg 1 feed dm); DWD, SCP and FMD (606^633 g P kg 1 P) compared

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Five alternative feed ingredients in tilapia diets O Schneider et al. Aquaculture Research, 2004, 35, 1370^1379

Table 7 Carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) balance for tilapia fed with six dierent diets based on g kg 1 nutrient

C Balance N Balance P Balance

Fish Faecal loss Non-faecal Fish Faecal loss Non-faecal Fish Faecal loss Non-faecal
Diet (g kg  1 C) (g kg  1 C) loss (g kg  1 C) (g kg  1 N) (g kg  1 N) loss (g kg  1 N) (g kg  1 P) (g kg  1 P) loss (g kg  1 P)

WGD 346 142 513 431 74a 495b 685 350ab  34

SBE 342 144 514 442 86ab 471ab 704 355ab  59
SBM 324 158 518 451 95bc 455ab 640 355ab 5
DWD 325 153 522 480 111d 409a 625 329a 46
SCP 302 176 523 442 109cd 450ab 606 381bc 13
FMD 358 153 489 480 104cd 416ab 633 401c  34
SEM 6.97 4.14 7.35 7.08 4.00 9.92 16.21 7.34 15.73
P 0.188 0.167 0.877 0.244 0.000 0.033 0.587 0.004 0.490

Non-faecal loss is calculated as the dierence between the amounts of digested nutrient and the amount of retained nutrient to close
the nutrient balance.
Means within columns with a dierent superscript dier signicantly.
WGD, wheat gluten diet; SBE, soybean extract diet; SBM, soybean meal diet; WD, duckweed diet; SCP, single-cell protein diet; FMD,
shmeal diet. C 5 protein  1.18  0.461fat  1  0.761carbohydrates  1.11  0.4, whereby 1.18, 1, 1.11 are the hydration factors
of protein, fat and carbohydrates, and 0.46, 0.76, 0.4 is the carbon content in the hydrolysed molecule (Machiels & Henken 1986); SEM,
standard error of the mean; P, probability.

with the other diets (640^704 g P kg 1 P). Duck- et al. 2002). The low dm digestibility of the SCP might
weed weight showed lower faecal losses for P be related to the indigestible cell wall of the bacteria
(329 g kg 1 P) compared with the other alternative or other ANFs such as high nucleic acid content (Ta-
diets (350^381g P kg 1 P). However, FMD had the con 1979; Rumsey, Kinsella, Shetty & Hughes 1991).
highest faecal loss (401g P kg 1 P, P 5 0.004) Fish body composition was only aected signicantly
for ash (P 5 0.002). This coincided with signicantly
dierent ash digestibilities (P 5 0.039). Fishmeal diet,
SCP and DWD contained both the highest contents in
Fish showed higher specic growth rates and better feeds and resulting sh body, and SCP and DWD
FCR for the high-protein diets WGD, SBE and FMD showed the highest ash digestibility. The low ash di-
compared with higher FCR and lower SGR for the gestibility and sh body content in WGD and SBE
low-protein diets SBM, SCP and DWD. This result is might be caused by limited availability of P. Storebak-
related to the higher dm and protein digestibility of ken, Kvien, Shearer, Grisdale-Helland, Helland and
WGD and SBE and to lower dm and protein digestibil- Berge (1998) found reduced uptake of calcium (Ca)
ities in SBM, SCP and DWD. In addition, these diets and magnesium in salmon for gluten diets, compris-
also had a lower protein content. The high dm and ing untreated soybean meal extracts with low P
protein digestibility of WGD is comparable with the availability. In SCP the increased amount of dietary
ndings of Allan, Parkinson, Booth, Stone, Rowland, nucleotides might aect gut motility and thus pro-
Frances and Warner-Smith (2000) and Sugiura and mote mineral uptake to similar levels as in FMD (Da-
colleagues (1998). They found similar results for sil- vies & Wareham 1988). The similar ash uptake of
ver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus), salmon (Oncorhynchus DWD compared with FMD was surprising, because
kisutch) and trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) respectively. diets that are rich in cellulose and associated prod-
In the latter study, the lower dm digestibility of SBM ucts normally show decreased mineral availability
was related to indigestible components, such as bre (Coudray, Demigne & Rayssiguier 2003). However,
and starch. The higher protein digestibility of WGD other sources mention that bre content could have
and SBE reects good protein availability compared inuenced mineral uptake positively (Davidson &
with FMD and lower levels of ANFs than in SBM and McDonald 1998). Phytate content in DWD or other
DWD (Hardy 1996; Francis et al. 2001; Vielma et al. factors could have inuenced mineral uptake in addi-
2002). The lower dm digestibility of the DWD, com- tion (Francis et al. 2001). Furthermore, it has been
pared with SBM, is probably related to bre content, shown that excess levels of minerals, such as Ca, lead
e.g. cellulose, and other ANFs of duckweed (Bairagi to increased amount of minerals in bone ash (Robin-

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Aquaculture Research, 2004, 35, 1370^1379 Five alternative feed ingredients in tilapia diets O Schneider et al.

son, LaBomascus, Brown & Linton 1987). The ash ances showed in general higher non-faecal losses
content in the sh body for FMD, DWD and SCP is for WGD and SBE (471^495 g N kg 1 N) than for
nally a result of these factors. Phosphorus digestibil- the other diets, especially compared with DWD
ity in sh ranges widely depending on its source (409 g N kg 1 N). The high non-faecal N losses of
8^75% (Sugiura et al. 1998; Cheng & Hardy 2003). WGD and SBE agree with the ndings of Brunty and
Although P in plants is mainly present as phytin, P colleagues (1997), which relate increased non-faecal
digestibility in plant-based diets was generally higher loss of N with increased levels of protein in the feed.
than in FMD or SCP. Because FMD is high in P con- N retention was highest for FMD and DWD
tent, relative uptake and thus apparent digestibility (480 g N kg 1 N). The protein, contained in FMD,
might decrease in sh (Coloso, King, Fletcher, Hen- was taken up and retained better in the sh body
drix, Subramanyam,Weis & Ferraris 2003; Satoh Her- due to its composition (Tacon 1990; Allan et al. 2000;
nandez,Tokoro, Morishita, Kiron & Watanabe 2003). Storebakken et al. 2000). Duckweed diet showed the
Faeces recovery was not aected by diets (Table 6). opposite of the increased non-faecal loss for high-
Because dierences in the feed composition are relat- protein diets WGD and SBE as low non-faecal loss for
ively small with 15%, altered faeces recovery might a low-protein diet (Brunty et al.1997). Phosphorus re-
not have been detected. In addition, the high water tention was rather high with 606^704 g P kg 1 P
ow of 8 L min 1 may have inuenced the recovery compared with values found in the literature of
rate. The observed recovery rates are low compared 150^380 g P kg 1 P (Kim, Kaushik & Breque 1998;
with rates of 12^99% found elsewhere (Choubert Lupatsch & Kissil 1998; van Weerd, Khalaf, Aartsen
et al. 1982; El-Shafai 2004). Although the variation & Tijssen 1999), for dierent sh species grown from
among the treatments was not statistically signic- 20 to 400 g. However, for low dietary P levels (0.6%P),
ant, a number of observations have been made. For retentions as high as 600 g P kg 1 P have been deter-
instance, adding duckweed to the diet resulted in a mined in trout (Coloso et al. 2003). Non-faecal P loss
higher recovery than for the other diets. This result showed partly negative results, possibly due to minor
may be due to the ingredient composition. An in- errors in analytical procedures and applied meth-
creased level of cellulose leads to an increase in phys- odologies, which would be compounded in calcula-
ical property, rmness, settlement of faeces, and tions used to estimate digestibilities, retentions and
larger particle size (Vens-Cappell 1985; Han et al. losses. Conversely, this low non-faecal loss might
1996; Dias et al. 1998). The amount of non-recovered have been related to the described phenome-
faeces reects dierences in dm digestibility. Wheat non of high relative retention for low dietary levels
gluten diet resulted in the least amount of non-recov- (Bureau & Cho 1999; Coloso et al. 2003).
ered faeces and DWD and SCP in the highest Taking FCR and SGR into account, WGD and SBE
amounts. These ndings are supported by other stud- have a high potential as shmeal replacements on
ies, where inclusion of wheat gluten in tilapia feed re- a level of 15% weight weight 1. Duckweed showed a
sulted in an increased particle size of sh faeces (Han lower growth performance and overall digestibility.
et al.1996), or inclusion of cellulose resulted in a high- Yet it should not be rejected as a shmeal replace-
er total faeces production (Dias et al. 1998). ment because it has a positive impact on faeces recov-
The non-faecal loss for C was higher (513^ ery and yields lower non-faecal and faecal N loss.
523 g C kg 1 C) for all diets compared with FMD Further, the N retention in DWD was as high as in
(489 g C kg 1 C), and C retention was low for SBM, FMD and higher than in all other diets, resulting in
DWD and SCP (302^325 g C kg 1 C) compared with lowest total waste loads for N supplied. For diets high
the other diets (342^358 g C kg 1 C). This illustrates in P (FMD, SCP and DWD), P retention was low and
that sh had less C expenditure to grow on a sh- their total waste productions per kilogram P was
meal-containing diet than on the other diets (Table higher than for the diets with lower P content. DWD
7). This supports the correlation that protein sources showed similar results in P retention as FMD and its
with a composition similar to the sh carcass composi- faecal loss per kg P was lower than for FMD.
tion are retained better than a protein source with a
dierent amino acid prole (Tacon 1990; Allan et al.
2000; Storebakken, Shearer, Baeverfjord, Nielsen,
Asgard, Scott & De Laporte 2000). This eect is re- Fishmeal alternatives, such as wheat gluten, soybean
ected in the N balances, where FMD had one of the products, duckweed, and single-cell protein, have
lowest non-faecal losses (104 g N kg 1 N). The N bal- high potential as feed ingredients to replace shmeal.

r 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 35, 1370^1379 1377

Five alternative feed ingredients in tilapia diets O Schneider et al. Aquaculture Research, 2004, 35, 1370^1379

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