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PIERS PLOWMAN: THE A VERSION WILL’S VISIONS OF PIERS PLOWMAN AND DO-WELL AN EDITION IN THE FORM OF TRINITY COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE MS R,3.14 CORRECTED FROM OTHER MANUSCRIPTS, WITH VARIANT READINGS GEORGE KANE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON THE ATHLONE PRESS 1960 CT 1 499, 175679 Pablited by {THE ATHLONE ones 212 Cover Sere, Lender Wc Died by Constsle © Co. Lid 12 Onage Stet, Looe wea Coad Univesity of Torn Press USA. Oxford Univesity Pres te New York © Geary Kene, 1960 Printed in Gest Bein by WESTERN PRINTING SERVICES LTD BRISTOL PREFACE AxrHoucit I am in some degree the successor ofthe great initiators of this edition, and although I have enjoyed unrestricted access to their matedals, T eannot claim the honour of collaboration with them. I ‘was privileged, at various times, to learn fiom both Professor Chambers and Professor Gratan, and itis hardly possible for me today to dite tinguish my ows findings from what they taught me, by writing and by word of mouth, But because opinions about textual criticism are much changed since their time, with an inevitable effect upon me, I cannot claim that they would have approved of the direction which my conclusions have taken. independence his, indeed, been forced upon me. When I undertook to edit this version of Piere Plowman, Professor Grattan was still alives the plan then was that my uninformed energy would be guided by his great experience. But with his deach all responsibilities fell upon me; tthe same time I was deprived of any source of interpretation of the materials collected by my predecessors. If T was to continue with the work, no course semed possible except to eat it as my own. For, in 2 sivation of this kind, although eredit can be shared, responsibility is indivisible. Therefore I recollated in full that part of the poem al- ready examined by them, instead of simply completing thee collations 25 was originally planned; T reviewed all editorial decisions taken by ‘Chambers and Gratan or by Gratcan and myself; and I replanned this volume asthe present state ofthe subject seemed to require. I did not lee considerations of piety affect my decisions; that is, know, the last ching they would have wished. True piety seemed co me to licrather in follows ing to che utmost of my ability the high tradition of scholarship which they represented, They would at all costs have wished me to obey the ditection of the evidence. Sell it remains a fact that their interpretation ‘of this evidence might not have been thesame as mine. Therefore, while ‘my relation co them is one of obligation in almost every respect, and they must share in any credit atached to my performance, the tesponsi- bility for ehis volume is mine alone. PREFACE T am alto under many other obligations, for help and suppor. The Levethulme Research Fellowships Advisory Commitee in 1948 awarded mea grant towards the expenses of preparing the edition; a substantial grant from the Central Research Fund of the University ‘of London in 1950 enabled me to visit Ann Arbor and consult the files of the Middle English Dictionary; a further grant from this source paid for visits to Libraries in Great Britain and Treland to examine ‘manuseripts, I have especially to thank the Provost and Professorial ‘Board of University College, London, for permission of access co the ‘Chambers and Grattan papers in the library of chat college; Professor ‘Hans Kurath of the Middle English Dictionary for most handsomely ‘putting the unpublished materials of that project at my disposal; the Librarian of the National Library of Wales for depositing 2 Piers Plownan manuscript in the British Museam for my use; and the Librarian of Pembroke College, Cambridge, for lending me the Piers Plowman fragment discovered in the library of that college. The Librarians of University College and Royal Holloway College have ven me unfailingly cheerful help; the Libracian of Liverpool Univer sity has most generously lent me Pier Plowman photostas in his charge. T have enjoyed, on a number of occasions, the hospitality of the libraries of Trinity College, Cambridge, Lincoln's Inn, and the Society of Antiquaries of London. Dr R. W. Hunt of the Bodleian Library patiently answered many questions. Mr David Masson, then of Liverpool University Library, Mr William O'Sullivan of Trinity College, Dublin, and Dr John Plummer of the Pierpont Morgan Library mos kindly checked and supplemented information gathered during all too hasty visits to their libraries. Dr C. E, Wright of the British Museum Manuscript Room gave me information about Harleian manuscripts. For their patience and co-operation I am greatly obliged to the officers of the Athlone Press. For permission to publish from Piers Plowman manuscripts in this edition T am happy to thank the Trustees of the Beish Museum, the ‘Curators of the Bodleian Library, the Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge, the Board of Trinity College, Dublin, the Treasurer and Masters of the Bench of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Im, the University of Liverpool,’ the Keeper of Manuscripts + Prime Getan would ave wished 1 mane 3 end se bane: of chi ein the las Mon lars Fey, poeta the Cadet amet tothe Univer of Bverpoo- PREFACE and Records in the National Library of Wales, che Pierpont Morgan Library, the Sociery of Antiquaries of London, and the executors of the late Duke of Westminster. ‘Several scholars upon whom Thad no claim have been most generous ‘oftheir time and interest. I am especially obliged to the late Six Walter Greg and to Dr Kenneth Sisam, who read my introduction; their expert comments and criticisms invariably resulted in improvement. Professor Francis Wormald undertook to examine and date the hands of the manuscripts of the A. version. It has been immensely reassuring to have the benefit of his professional opinion, and the dates in my description ae his, or confirmed by him, My friends, Talbot Donaldson, Morton Bloomfield, Alex Mitchell, Randolph Quirk, and Stanley “Hiussey have helped me in various ways, with checking, wich stimulat- ing discussion, and with constructive criticism. To Professor Hugh ‘Smith I am panicularly indebted. But for him chis undetaking would never have been realized. He supported it when to do so was an act of faith; his patient confidence and sustained encouragement have heartened a much protracted and often lonely task. {cannot exaggerate the value of his experience and advice, from which [ have benefited at every urn. For defeets and errors, which I cannot hope to have avoided, I alone am to blame. I must confess to lively consciousness of fallibility. The responsibility for accuracy in a work of this size has weighed heavily lupon me, and my best hope must be for fiendly correction, Royal Holloway College GK. Englefield Green CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ‘The Manoscripts Manuscripts and Versions CChasification of the Manoseripes Editorial Resources and Methods PIERS PLOWMAN: THE A VERSION ERITICAL NOTES 19 3 us 73 33 DNB ETS MED MP NED PMLA sp Ts ABBREVIATIONS Diana f Neti! Birply, ed Lee Stephen and Sidney Le, London, 1855-9. Early Englh Text Soci, 1864 Mille xlth Dioary, ed. i. Korah and S. M. Kun, Ann Atbor and London, 1952. Moder Laue Reve, 1906 Moder Pilly, 1903-- [New Engi Dictinry ot Historical Principles, ed. J. A. He Mara ot Ontord, 1888-1953, Palco of the Modern Language Sacety of Auoice, 1884-- Stain Pile, 1906-. Times Liter Supplement, 1902~ I THE MANUSCRIPTS: “The fist version of Piers Plowman is known to have survived in sevens . teen manuseripts and one fragment: A. MS Ashmole 1468 Bodleian Library (S.C.7004) pr compo volume aed io the evenenh ery, comprising the dine, Tranwscps The haf the, conssing of 36 leaves numbered 327-7 conalns Pies ‘loumay A 142-XI 313 Sin of page 1 0 #2} 8 inches, wi 23-0 lin pr page impefir acks vi, wands conjuge, and che conjugates of | ad i I ur ives ssp. 307-4 (9) and pp. 360-14 (conjugates fii) ‘a ks pp 385-38 signe Ll imped ad incre eebcund: i acs and che conugst of viv, which sendy broke vay atthe ld, sped in at Sle of he que he conjugate oi pated in the ob of vis vibe; signatures tan ev (p. 339) ej (34) i (343) {ij 45). The presen p. 39 sould fallow p46 se: pp. 359-78. From the clos of he paper, his manu ly unbound fr log tne. The ralng of Temes as cote the page, some of which ave broken slog the lines. Probably very few {eds ae ins. The ext cls llowing: Plague 14 (ci); E1845 (on and is conjugate); TT 124-229 (conjogaes of snd ai); VIT 33-85 (ci); and VIII 32-80 (conjugate of evi). In addition ev has been bound in the place of tose ci, so that VIT 237-66 fellows VIL 33 andi fllowed by VIT 46. DIVISIONS OF TEXT 11 Pasa seconds devsione 11 Tai pas de visooe I Paso gars de vision ad fo 0 1 Hic inept via de donel dab dab {Xiu pasus de dowel + From coniertion of expen the publication of fal deseipion of thse mance rat sag wore other ocaon. The preset ction reise aaron sboat tem kh = tentoal problem: Nor‘ thle langue exaned ee ng ala Shee on larg ears roams asa. “das ond Crate ap Depd te unser Ould by Bia dats Ee Wr. 1 Blk: er osc tgs tas The Vision of Wala cosceraing Piers Plowrmat,. «the ‘Vem’ Text; or Text A cd. W. W. Skea, [BETS 36 (London, 17, adver) scl Henceforth feed to a Shey Tet B 1 INTRODUCTION _XI Passos secundus de dowel ‘tend Ammen Amen saupwarriNe ‘A silfil bot oply barard hand. ‘The seb inconsserly diinguishes p and y by ouing. DATE ‘From the hand, and general character of the manuserp, tid quarter ofthe feet xm? “These sno evidence for determining the oigin and exly movements ofthe manutrpt, Ch Chaderton MS* Liverpool University Library F.48 “Valu, 10 leaves, average ie 10} «8 inches, wih 30-36 lines pr side, Pages us bere ton (Gi to2 and fot ate uasumbaed). Conains Pes Plarnan A Prologue— EE 315 plora C conelasion, on pp. 1-203. The manus is intact except ade end DIVISIONS OF TEXT Foor pas of Pes Parma ate dxinguithed by roman numerals athe ops of pages: fA Prologue VIN; j A IX-C-XVII; i © XIX-XXI; ij © XXU and XXII a tion cher are dvions 2s flows: ‘A [aims paso de vsone ‘rPasao secundus de vison and fet VHT Pass sepimus dev VI ass ocaus de vsione vt pros {IX Explicit visio will de parole ployman Eciam incpc va de dowel dobet ec daber secundum wine and Reson x Pass primus de Dowell. 2X1 Pass secunds de Dowelle “fier BX1 533 theta Brevis rai peat edu fom C, lll by Past terns de Dowel and thr © XU 297 ft" © Xin w dion XIV me dion XY Pass quarws de Dowel XVI Paso quis de Dowd supra “XVII Dass ses de Dowell {XVII Pass sepia de Dowel «explicit Incpc Dobet XIX Pass pimos de Debet nf 2 2 tn de sense eine by. Desh Young, Hating in England and Wes, Cari 195 Manin a Afi, LR, 0 (947, "teint to te ties versont of Pr ei he vlame employ the line nambexing cof shess cons Sbseqnt woke: wil coma the lfmaton needed to conver Skea ‘Smbering to dof the presen ton, THE MANUSCRIPTS “XxI1 Exp dbet Epi de Dobe [XxIM1 Pawn xcondus de Dobe tend Explicit Ube Wile de pee plowyman er Engh vem aed, th aenon to sped ad ei as “An idper English vemacltbaed, wren with anenion to seed and leiiiy her ean aay Thelewes and y ate early itinguished, and are not, DATE “From handing, abou 1425. ‘stony “phe engin andthe moverens of the manus belie dhe see entry, when it ppean be connected with Oxfordshire, ae not known. DMS Dewe 323! Bodlein Library (S.C.21897) Pap aboak of 167 leaves numbed in pec vege se 1111 ace, On Fae peers sn copied Po Plownen A Prologue 1? The a3 bsp Pte fist. Ese fos of he Lt ce leaves the noni i nace. Dict of Pes ‘Phumam content on fol. x11 (where IIT 137-61 are copied afier line 77) and on fas. 1376 od rts Goh XI 128-46 ate mle frie 20) ocd in am ane copy. rvisions oF TEST Dims ge de vine ‘Yano ends devon nd fr (17, VI, Vi VE mtn vise) to 1x Via de dowel dab 0 Sober ecandim wy and ron 2 Famer pin seconde bo Xined yep eer od Exp ie pi plouman ‘Onctencunive hand dhoghoot the manus. The les pad y ar digits sand arene From handing le heh cetry? ‘stony _Alioogh te ogin and ety bor of hit manuscript ar net cone determinable, 2 eeepc wit eee oui ot ney se Shon Aes 9 SLSR ars Beep of gn poe oa). Wl Mare f sn ivan Sle Bg see ee bp sf, Te Chat of te le Je Bie ta het Go Wee Mowe pea sed en his hi ad oli kinks gts 6 int per efi 68 er. Bro TEN nae Ti aa fade ft Vie ew Yor 90, 0h. “SN rods hr oh ant pe INTRODUCTION E Trinity College, Dublin, MS D. ¢. 12" Paper, 72 leaves so numbered, with subsidiary numberings beginning on fels. x and 27. Seth wh nce, 274 lpr page. On le oath ae coped Pr laa AProopoe Vil and Vitgo-tia® ia tea: fu -26 Seng vile vie {fl 2738 On phen on bh ‘eee 5 shih sto spperon pop map inderminne eS 3h Sewig viable wer fa 46 so 4: 39-48 bear the sgets inom nd imps; aking le been poet fb 6 nd 6s. Seng vale ewe al 59 ans gan fen fe 4-00 SGesrevs of heey pape eal moe Ate ie tbs a vibe 1 les Plaman Vl 7st emplaced, bepaning on fc 1 18, tha oe lige Bde teed fe ps and eotping fa cy te ad pee Arh end ef tempest pase 0-2 ae coped U Pot Pama date tend 1. Alecks ecives be baganing king by compen wih MS Amal 44, is en oy bine i Alone te in ekg eae 6» nnd teteave a tend Pinus Pass ceVisone ass Standage Vsone Ti Pas ot Viorec 1 Quarts PastsDe Visto Psioe ass uit Visi Sg si ary BT go ene hm tn Po siNhE'S jl lathe Pol oman Mable Sealy Cages DOSE ete ely Bese ine 2s Sittecraae spat asst tak na eben heat eet ad “etude a do nd ei fe Shri ae‘ thet puta tp” Cae a es Nop Berea co 3 {Slit eee ra i oe cad rove MPC Oa Ns Meas eeseay n ile) Ou anpneet toed Te de rer CER tats tia al oly te ene et "eet is rama and he begining of Ande pry ccc sil con qe, Za ate og hor plop Seeille tes a fei SEUSS Retreat tn Sebo ea ene? Mos teal eel (el ahony Een inf Utes pala eh ee a a fe nts Vor pee ta sk ing a Aide an Neng: Cae te well Sep ee a arate enone farce we pista ee pee Tefageceof Eon spa PE ACES oh Te 4 ‘THE MANUSCRIPTS 71 Sexo Pas de Vine Seon Paso de Vsone marowninc (ARNDT Tce shad fhe Seth ey ooghoa he nani. Thelen Psi anda nse on dtnged “om he waza and grea hare, 145-150 deni of vas namin he mans odie dt i wa ia Data Peo sound sot 1 HMS Harley 873 British Museum “Vellum, 22 lees so numbered size tof 6} inches 16-4 ns per page; containing Per Ploaman A Prologue-VII 143, ad fou: fs 1-16. ‘xigialy our, now lacking the over fold: fs 17-23. “The manticipt lacks a af Gfom the beginning of (VI 48-VIL 2), and its concen Ta adion ts tr idfoive whee patches applied to ginal poration before copy sng have broken away. See Apparatus at 1V 76 118 fy V 2 fb, 42 fy 82, 123 fy 10,197, cmeapending to fl 12,12, 14 and 15, The skin elewhere pafoed, widoot To of ex, ase, tas 2 47.9, 10, ; Te were inte i would presumably contin the emainder of VIL. Thee io indie sion ine anusctiptwhaher wa sla que. Fot genetic evidence tht twas nos below, pp. 39545. DIVISIONS OF TERT Pope rb pal 1 see aie e I Texts pss de von odin magn pass 3 LT Pssus tc de von with marginal ge, and fort (xcept fr eet) Vi Passos Ocauss de vision wih mail ge “Thro main ands oven ad te ols nb and, Hand eis coun Engh vrs sand, uply nd angular. The form ofits it woe, bo ys variable, ofien rsembling . “Hand lis a roende typeof veracaa: hand nflscned by bastard; here pis cer se tingithed from. Nether hand diingaishes wand». Shea (A-Teat,p. xf) hought his msrp ‘of erly dae, about 1400" Bur the hand ‘wings seca in is dstney Le. Testo be dated 1430-1495. Ee eats 2 In, her, wearest Drguet64sa in tower, ners Bee ia kc cn We tf aS, "TRS A Maik of Harkin Msp: nthe Dats Mura, London, 188, 3,» 456; abo Stet, Te pp ve, 5 INTRODUCTION “There ae no indications ofthe origin and early movements ofthis mantsrpt H* MS Harley 6041 British Museum pe: inde i mr eee tae cad marae 1 eminem tad netted on eee pera

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