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The Addams Family

Thank you to all who auditioned for this years production of The Addams Family. Your
hard work and dedication was evident to all those involved in the process. You did not
make casting this show easy, especially for a first time director!

If you were not selected to be on-stage, please be aware that it does indeed take a
village to raise a production, and we really could use all of the student help we can
get. We need assistance in costumes, props, set construction, and with the jobs in the
production office. Please do not be discouraged if you were not cast, your role on the
production team is equally as important as the actors and actresses on stage. There
will be a flood of opportunities for you to try again for an on stage performance

Again, congratulations to everyone who has been cast. Please understand that despite
the fact you may have a named role, everyone is part of the Ensemble/Company and
will participate in ensemble numbers. If your role is double cast then you will be
in the Ensemble/Company numbers on your off performances. If you are cast as an
understudy, remember that understudies are not guaranteed a performance or the role. If
you are cast with an understudy remember that understudies may be cast at a later date
as partial or full double cast and may be performing one or more performances.

All casting is subject to change at any time. Just because a role is or isnt double
cast now, has an understudy assigned or not, etc., doesnt mean it will stay that way.
There may be role changes most of which depends on you.

There will be an intensive rehearsal schedule for this production, including some
Saturday commitments. Mrs. Johnson is working on a tentative calendar now and will send
it out ASAP. Rehearsals will be broken down by characters/scenes, vocal selections, and
choreography. Tech Week will begin Sunday, December 4th and run for the entire week
leading up to Opening Night. For newbies and seasoned drama students alike, this will
be the most demanding and exhaustive part of the entire rehearsal and preparation
process. Each cast member and tech crew member will be expected to stay after-school
until 9:00PM no exceptions. Meal plans and additional details about the week will be
provided at a later date; however, please mark these days on your calendar and be sure
you have adequate transportation available and can make the commitment. All rehearsals,
including Saturdays, and Tech Week are considered Mandatory therefore, it is
important you complete the conflicting days form and return to Mrs. Johnson A.S.A.P.

Please Note: Everything must be memorized by Wednesday, October 26th. Stability in

casting is contingent on preparedness, memorization, and work ethic, attendance, taking
direction and respectfulness to all. Please note that attendance and
rehearsal/performance conduct policies will be enforced. Plan college visits, dental
appointments, and other engagements accordingly. More information will be provided when
you receive the contract.
Mrs. Johnson will be sending important information via email, social media/web, and
text. Please ensure all contact information, including email address phone number
and frequently used social media accounts have been provided and are up-to-date. An e-
script will be sent to cast members via link for immediate and convenient access.
Production script/vocal books have been ordered and will arrive shortly. In most cases,
any and all scripts from productions licensed to and authorized for the PCHS Theatre
Department are given to student cast and crew members for temporary use only. These
scripts are kept in the drama room and must be returned to the Theatre Department after
production closing. Since this is our first official musical at PCHS and for most
of you consider the Addams Family Musical scripts a gift. They will be yours to
keep. Informal copies of the cast script/vocal books will be provided until yours
arrive. These scripts will be located in the drama room and must be returned after each
rehearsal, unless otherwise request and approved by Mrs. Johnson. Once official scripts
have been issued, it will be the responsibly of each cast member/crew to label, keep up
with, and bring to each and every rehearsal

I am aware that many of you need and/or want to improve your dance and vocal skills. As
part of your audition, choreography and singing were scored and taken into
consideration during the casting process. Dance tutorials and vocal coaching will be
provided throughout rehearsals; however, the door is always open to students needing
additional practice, guidance, and help. Please be open to these opportunities to
improve and feel free to seek constructive criticism and support from others persons
skilled in these areas, such as your company dance instructor and/or PCHS Music
Director: Mr. Whitt.

In order to make this production a success, we will need the help of volunteers,
community members, and willing parents. Please let your parents know there will be a
parent meeting Sunday, September 18th (3:00-4:00) at which time they will be able to
sign up for a variety of responsibilities and will be provided information about the
show, rehearsals, and overall expectations.

Thanks again everyone! I look forward to working with all of you. The talent that
auditioned for this show was incredible and I know that, together, we will continue to
grow. I am absolutely sure you all are going to create an amazing production. Lets do

Thankfully Yours,

Mrs. Christina Johnson

Theatre Director

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