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A. Define the ff.


Hip hop Dance From being a fad, it developed into a dance style called electric
boogaloo and a music genre called Latin boogaloo. ... Once hip-hop activist and
DJ, Afrika Bambaataa, used the word "hip-hop" in a magazine interview in 1982,
"hip-hop dance" became an umbrella term encompassing all of these styles. The
commercialization of hip-hop dance continued into the 1990s and 2000s with the
production of several television shows and movies such as The Grind, Planet B-
Boy, Rize, Street Dance 3D, America's Best Dance Crew, Saigon Electric, the
Step Up film series, and The LXD, a web series. Though the dance is established
in entertainment, including mild representation in theater, it maintains a strong
presence in urban neighborhoods which has led to the creation of street dance
derivatives Memphis jookin, turfing, jerkin', and krumping.
1980s films, television shows, and the Internet have contributed to introducing
hip-hop dance outside of the United States. Since being exposed, educational
opportunities and dance competitions have helped maintain its presence
worldwide. Europe hosts several international hip-hop competitions such as the
UK B-Boy Championships, Juste Debout, and EuroBattle. Australia hosts a team-
based competition called World Supremacy Battlegrounds and Japan hosts a
two-on-two competition called World Dance Colosseum.

Festival Dance A festival is an organized series of events such as musical

concerts or drama productions. Numerous Umbrian towns hold their own
summer festivals of music, theatre, and dance. Festival dances are cultural
dances performed to the strong beats of percussion instruments by a community
of people sharing the same culture usually done in honor of a Patron Saint or in
thanksgiving of a bountiful harvest. Festival dances may be religious or secular in

Cheerdance, sometimes referred to as cheerleading, is a team physical activity

using organized routines for the purpose of motivating a sports team, entertaining
an audience, or competition.
Cheerdance performances usually take a few minutes and is always done by
multiple performers, with formal cheerdance competitions outlining various
requirements such as minimum and maximum number of performers and a time
C. What are the components of hip hop dance ?

Breaking (also referred to as b-boying or b-girling) is probably the most well-

known element of hip hop dance. Breaking is very unstructured and
improvisational, and evolved from a style of dance known as uprock. Breaking, or
breakdancing, is composed of movements performed at different levels: toprock
(performed while standing), downrock (performed close to the floor), power
moves (acrobatics) and freeze moves (poses). Dancers who perform
breakdancing are often called b-boys, b-girls or breakers.

Boogaloo is a very loose movement, mostly using the hips and legs. Boogaloo
seems to give the illusion that the dancer has no bones. This style is closely
related to popping, with dancers involved in rolling the hips, knees, legs, and

Social dances, or '80s party dances, came about during the 1980's as popular
dances at the time were transformed by club dancers. Social dance is a freestyle
dance style and is the element of hip hop that is often seen in music videos

General - Locking & Popping

Both locking and popping, or ticking, originally came from Los Angeles. Popping
was created by street dance crew Electric Boogaloo. Locking was created by The
Lockers. Both locking and popping existed a long time before breaking was born.
During the breaking era, b-boys started to put popping and locking into their
dance. Nowadays, so-called "Breakdance" consists of breaking, locking, and
electric boogie or popping.

Electric Boogie
Electric boogie is a style of popping (ticking) but the major difference is that
Popping creates a soft wave whereas Electric Boogie creates more jerky waves
with micro wave moves, executed with a high velocity more difficult than classical
popping. The Robot, and the more smooth and controlled movements of mime
are characteristic. Instead of throwing the body in and out of control like locking,
or in total hydraulic control like The Robot, energy is passed through the body
popping and snapping elbows, wrists, necks, hips and just about all the body
joints along the way. Electric Boogaloo is more like mime in the sense that it
imitates a live wire of electrical current or rippling river, but it still needs the
control of The Robot to give it style.

Old School / New School, General History

The Old School Hip Hop Styles such as Locking, Popping and Break dancing or
B-boying emerged from the USA in the 1970s, and were a result of
improvisational steps and moves from the streets and clubs. Old-school music
had fast beats which matched the breaking moves.
Music videos of artists such as Bobby Brown, Bell Biv Devoe, Heavy D, and M.C.
Hammer proved that a new way of dance was coming alive and young dancers
were ready to explore this new form. New moves were and are continually being
invented by creative and innovative versions and mixing of the Old School Styles.
Current trends, cultures and disciplines such as Martial Arts, Reggae and Soul
Train also had an effect and resulted in New School Hip Hop styles evolving in
the late 1980s. Moves were very simple with steps such as Running man, Roger
Rabbit, and Robocop were popular in this era. These were moves that everybody
could do unlike the Old School Styles. However, new school dance in present
time is much more evolved and complex. Many dancers have twisted popping or
electric boogie and put in their own moves.
Today, Funk and Hip Hop have many individualized styles but the roots are still
in Old School Hip Hop and in New School Hip Hop. The blending of music styles
and dance moves influenced by many factors which are then personalized by a
choreographer, makes it impossible to define Funk and Hip Hop styles

D. What are the characteristics of hip hop dance?

Hip hop dance is closely associated with hip hop music and has a very specific
vocabulary of dance moves, which fall under a range of styles known as
breaking, locking and popping. It appeals to many people because it is both fun
and physically demanding. Hip hop dance evolved along with hip hop music, in
the 1970s within groups of African American street gangs from the streets of
South Bronx and Brooklyn, NY. Hip hop dance is often performed in groups, or
crews, where freestyle choreography is encouraged, and formal or informal
dance battles, or competitions of showmanship, are a way of proving prowess.
Dance battles occur within a cipher, or circle, or if two groups are battling, each
crew stands in an Apache Line so the face off can take place.

E. Brief history of hip hop dance

Dance is a form of creative expression that people have been practicing for
many, many years. Dance has been used as part of rituals, ecstasy, as well as
for pure entertainment. Over time, people have developed various forms and
styles of dance, including ballet, tap, folk and swing dance, jazz, ballroom
dancing, etc. One of the more popular dance styles today is hip-hop dance. Hip-
hop dance refers to a style of dance that has emerged out of hip-hop culture and
is usually danced to hip-hop or rap music.

Hip-hop began in the early 1970s when DJs and MCs began to experiment and
produce music composed of poetry over instrumental tracks or dubbed versions
of music records. One of the very first DJs/MCs was DJ Kool Herc, a native of
Kingston, Jamaica who brought this form of music to Bronx, N.Y.

As hip-hop began to catch on, different artists began to develop their own style
and hip-hop dance emerged. Today, there are multiple types of hip-hop dance,
but it all began with just three: popping, locking, and breaking. People began to
form dance crews to show off their moves and to battle other crews. It was
through these battles and the collaboration of the three types of hip-hip dance,
that new dance forms and techniques were created and became an integral part
of hip-hop culture.

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