Hobbes Locke Comparison

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Thomas Hobbes and John Locke

Thomas Hobbes John Locke
What was their primary text on

Are people naturally good or

State of Nature: the hypothetical
condition of what life would look like
without government

Why do people form

Social Contract: a hypothetical
agreement between rulers and ruled

Whats the best kind of


Who should make laws?

What should laws protect?

Natural rights: the rights people
supposedly have under natural law,
that is, given by nature to all human

What should be done if those

laws are broken?
Thomas Hobbes and John Locke
Thomas Hobbes John Locke
What was their primary text on The Leviathan Treatises on Government

Are people naturally good or In a society without laws people will Our natural state is not one of war,
cheat, steal and kill to get what they rather moral principles govern our
want. They will live in fear of their actions. People enforce the laws of
State of Nature: the hypothetical
safety. nature.
condition of what life would look like
without government

Why do people form While people are not generally good, Even in a state of nature there will
they are rational and therefore still be inequalities and
people will organize to get disagreements over property. People
Social Contract: a hypothetical
protection. therefore acknowledge the need for
agreement between rulers and ruled
an authority to judge between
people. People then give up the right
to enforce their rights into the
community at large.
Whats the best kind of Absolute monarchy will need to He rejects the idea of absolute
impose order on the chaotic state of monarchy. Leaders also live in a state
affairs. The monarch should have of nature alongside the subjects.
power over the state and the church.

Who should make laws? The monarch alone should make laws He insists on the need for a
to govern the people and decide on separation of powersexecutive,
religious matterswhat to believe, judicial, and legislative.
and who should teach. The sovereign
creates security, rights, and justice.

What should laws protect? The people obey the law because The laws of a society are not created
Natural rights: the rights people they prefer it over the state of to abolish freedom, but rather to
supposedly have under natural law, violence and fear. The government protect life, liberty, and property.
that is, given by nature to all human should protect the life and property
beings. of people.

What should be done if those You can resist if the sovereign If a sovereign does not protect the
threatens your life or property, which natural rights of the people, then
rights are broken?
is at the heart of the social contract. they should rebel against the

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