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Promoting oral care in the preschool child:

effects of a playful learning intervention
Promoo da higiene bucal de pr-escolares: efeitos de uma interveno educativa ldica
Promocin de la salud bucal de nios preescolares: efectos de una intervencin educativa ldica

Ceclia Helena de Siqueira SigaudI, Bruna Rodrigues dos SantosII,

Priscila CostaI, Aurea Tamami Minagawa ToriyamaI

Universidade de So Paulo, School of Nursing. So Paulo, Brazil.


Universidade de So Paulo, School of Nursing, Postgraduate Program in Primary Care and Family Health. So Paulo, Brazil.

How to cite this article:

Sigaud CHS, Santos BR, Costa P, Toriyama ATM. Promoting oral care in the preschool child: effects of a playful learning
intervention. Rev Bras Enferm [Internet]. 2017;70(3):519-25. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0034-7167-2016-0237

Submission: 05-25-2016 Approval: 11-13-2016

Objective: To compare the number of appropriate behaviors for tooth brushing before and after a playful learning intervention
with preschool children. Method: A quasi-experimental, quantitative, before and after study design was conducted in an
early childhood educational institution, with children between three and five years of age. The intervention consisted of three
meetings with educational activities about tooth brushing, whose outcome was evaluated by means of observation of ten
behaviors suitable for tooth brushing. Results: Forty-four children participated in the study. The mean of adequate behaviors
was 4.4 before the intervention, and 8.5 after the intervention. A significant increase in the adoption of appropriate behaviors
for tooth brushing (p <0.01) was identified. Conclusion: Nurses can enhance oral health promotion actions with preschoolers
in preschool institution using playful learning interventions
Descriptors: Oral Hygiene; Health Education; Child Health; Child Day Care Centers; Nursing.

Objetivo: Comparar o nmero de comportamentos adequados para a escovao de dentes antes e aps uma interveno
educativa ldica com pr-escolares. Mtodo: Estudo quase-experimental, do tipo antes-depois, com abordagem quantitativa e
conduzido em instituio de educao infantil com crianas entre trs e cinco anos de idade. A interveno consistiu em trs
encontros com atividades educativas ldicas sobre escovao de dentes, cujo efeito foi avaliado por meio da observao de
dez comportamentos adequados para a escovao dos dentes. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 44 crianas. A mdia de
comportamentos adequados foi de 4,4 antes da interveno e 8,5 aps a mesma. Houve um aumento significativo na adoo de
comportamentos adequados para a escovao de dentes (p < 0,01). Concluso: Por meio de intervenes educativas ldicas,
recomenda-se que os enfermeiros potencializem as aes de promoo da sade bucal com pr-escolares em instituies de
educao infantil.
Descritores: Higiene Bucal; Educao em Sade; Sade da Criana; Creches; Enfermagem.

Objetivo: Comparar el nmero de comportamientos adecuados para cepillarse los dientes antes y despus de una intervencin
educativa ldica con preescolares. Mtodo: Estudio cuasi-experimental, antes y despus, con enfoque cuantitativo conducido
en una institucin de educacin infantil con nios entre tres y cinco aos de edad. La intervencin consisti en tres sesiones con
actividades educativa ldicas sobre cepillarse los dientes, cuyo efecto se evalu mediante la observacin de diez comportamientos
adecuados para cepillarse los dientes. Resultados: El estudio incluy a 44 nios. El promedio de comportamientos adecuados
fue de 4,4 antes de la intervencin y de 8,5 despus. Hubo un aumento significativo en la adopcin de comportamientos
adecuados para el cepillado de los dientes (p<0,01). Conclusin: A travs de intervenciones educativas ldicas, se recomienda

http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0034-7167-2016-0237 Rev Bras Enferm [Internet]. 2017 mai-jun;70(3):519-25. 519

Sigaud CHS, et al. Promoting oral care in the preschool child: effects of a playful learning intervention

que los enfermeros potencien las acciones de promocin de la salud bucal de nios preescolares en las instituciones de
educacin infantil.
Descriptores: Higiene Bucal; Educacin en Salud; Salud del Nio; Guarderas Infantiles; Enfermera.

CORRESPONDING AUTHOR Priscila Costa E-mail: priscila.costa@unifesp.br

INTRODUCTION and the community. Some themes involve: promoting food

safety and healthy eating; bodily practices, physical activity
Childhood is a critical period of acquisition of new knowledge and leisure; environmental health and sustainable develop-
and habits, which may be reflected later in health-related behav- ment; prevention of violence and accidents, promotion of
iors. The World Health Organization supported the promotion of body hygiene, including oral hygiene, among others. This
oral health, in 1989, as an integral part of health actions for all. partnership between health and education should be includ-
The oral health goal for 2010, not yet reached in Brazil, was 90% ed in the political-pedagogical project of the centers of early
five-year-old children would be free of dental caries(1). childhood education, respecting the competence and autono-
The latest National Oral Health Survey conducted in all re- my of educators and pedagogical teams, as well as the socio-
gions of Brazil revealed that only 46.6% of Brazilian children, cultural diversity of each place(6).
less than five years of age, were free of caries in the decidu- Considering that preschoolers are developing affective, so-
ous dentition. The mean number of caries within the deciduous cial, and motor and language skills that allow greater autonomy
dentition was 2.43 teeth; less than 20% of the cases had been for their personal care, and for active participation in their rou-
treated. The results showed that preschoolers need effective in- tine at home and in educational institutions, it is relevant that
terventions to promote oral hygiene and prevention of caries(2). healthy behaviors are promoted and consolidated in this age
Corroborating these findings, and demonstrating the serious group. In addition, oral health education is an opportunity for
epidemiological situation of oral health in Brazilian children, a children to develop skills to take care of themselves, as they may
study conducted in Rio de Janeiro showed that the prevalence of suffer limitations from their parents to perform self-care actions(5).
caries in children aged two and six years was 33.3%(3). Some studies have evaluated the effects of interventions to
The pattern of oral hygiene in preschoolers is influenced by promote preschool oral hygiene. However, most studies have
several factors. A study performed with 1,122 children under demonstrated health education interventions developed for the
the age of five, born in Pelotas, showed that 42.7% of the parents of the children(7-8). Evidence regarding the effectiveness of
children showed patterns of oral hygiene that were consid- behavioral interventions in pre-schools, in order to promote the
ered irregular. The overall prevalence of dental plaque was acquisition of knowledge on oral hygiene, behavior change and
37.0%, and it was higher among those with irregular oral reduction of the prevalence of caries is insufficient(5,9). However,
hygiene, who were members of families in the lowest fam- the study of educational interventions for promoting healthy oral
ily income quartile, and with less educated mothers(4). Other hygiene habits in pre-schools by nurses is rare. Once the knowl-
factors that may influence the occurrence of problems related edge gap is verified, it is essential to generate evidence for oral
to oral health in preschool children include: excessive sugar health education practices conducted by nurses with preschool
consumption, inadequate exposure to fluoride, poor access to children in educational institutions.
water and safe sanitation facilities, poor access to oral health The hypothesis of the present study is that the number
services, primary health care with a focus on promotion of of appropriate behaviors related to tooth brushing would be
oral hygiene and proper brushing, as well as prevention of greater after the playful learning intervention, compared to the
injuries on an individual and collective scope(1,5). values before the intervention.
Epidemiological data(2-4) on oral health problems of pre-
school children emphasize the importance of educational OBJECTIVE
interventions, planned according to the characteristics of a
groups developmental stage, which includes children be- To compare the number of appropriate behaviors related
tween three and five years of age. to tooth brushing in preschool children before and after the
The kindergarten schools are privileged spaces for collec- implementation of a playful learning intervention.
tive interventions aimed at the promotion of healthy behav-
iors and the development of child autonomy. The nurse, as a METHOD
health professional, is responsible for advancing actions from
the perspective of integral development of the child in the Ethical aspects
pre-school environment, using projects that articulate health The development of the study met the national and interna-
and education to address vulnerabilities that jeopardize the tional standards of research ethics involving human subjects.
full development of children(6). The research project was approved by the Research Ethics Com-
The actions of health promotion and prevention of diseases mittee of the School of Nursing of the University of So Paulo,
in childhood educational institutions can be conducted by the and was authorized by the director of the childhood educa-
multiprofessional primary health care team, with educators tional institution. All those responsible for the children enrolled

Rev Bras Enferm [Internet]. 2017 mai-jun;70(3):519-25. 520

Sigaud CHS, et al. Promoting oral care in the preschool child: effects of a playful learning intervention

received clarification on the objectives of the study, agreed to At the first meeting, the objective was to improve the chil-
participate, and signed the Terms of Free and Informed Consent drens knowledge regarding the parts of the mouth, their
form, allowing their children to participate. In addition, all the functions and importance of caring for them, as well as to
children showed interest in participating in the meetings, as well warn them about problems associated with inadequate oral
as allowing systematic observation of tooth brushing. hygiene. To do this, a conversation was initiated, aided by the
use of a giant mouth model made for childrens use, allowing
Design, place of study and period them to touch, identify and reflect on the functions and impor-
This was a quasi-experimental, before-after study with a tance of each part that make up the mouth. This was followed
quantitative approach. The manipulation of the independent by the awareness of the need to take care of all parts of the
variable (learning intervention) occurred without designation mouth to maintain health; otherwise problems could occur if
of a control group or randomization of the participants. In there was pronounced or prolonged carelessness. The prob-
before-after studies, a measurement occurred before and after lems were illustrated with the display of figures of children
each participant was exposed to the intervention. Thus, each with decayed teeth, tartar and gingivitis.
child served as his own control for the evaluation of the effects In the second meeting, a conversation circle was conduct-
of a playful learning intervention on tooth brushing. The study ed using large plush dolls with human dental arches and giant
was conducted in a nursery/preschool at a state public uni- toothbrushes, aiming to work on relevant aspects of the tooth
versity in the city of So Paulo, from March to May of 2014. brushing practice, as an effective measure for the health/hy-
giene of the mouth. The following aspects regarding the prac-
Sample, inclusion and exclusion criteria tice of tooth brushing were emphasized: using a small amount
To calculate the sample size, a of 0.05 and of 0.80 was of toothpaste, brushing all the faces of the teeth and tongue,
assumed, in addition to a minimum difference of two adequate mouthwash with water, and finishing with the use of dental
behaviors before and after the intervention, resulting in a mini- floss. After the conversation, the children had the opportunity
mum sample of 32 subjects. The inclusion criteria of the study for, in an unscripted manner, practicing brushing and flossing
population were: children regularly enrolled in kindergarten; the dolls.
age between three and five years. All children who met the inclu- The third and final meeting was aimed at reinforcing the
sion criteria were invited to participate, resulting in 50 children. relevant aspects of tooth brushing, culminating with an experi-
Considering the possibility of losses during the intervention, the ential practice. The meeting began with a viewing of a known
researchers chose to invite all the children who met the inclu- music video for children, the video of R-Tim-Bum Castle,
sion criteria. The exclusion criterion was not participating in the with a rat brushing his teeth, which deals with the subject,
three educational meetings on tooth brushing, which comprised stimulating the children to sing. Next, a set of illustrated cards
the playful learning intervention in this research. with pictures and figures was presented, demonstrating ap-
propriate and inadequate aspects of brushing, so that children
Study protocol could remember and differentiate them. The group was then
First, all children included in the study had their behav- given the opportunity to apply toothpaste that highlight the
iors evaluated during tooth brushing. For this, the researcher bacterial plaque on teeth, explaining the effect of pinking the
(nurse) adopted a list with ten adequate behaviors related to areas of the teeth that needed to be brushed better. To reduce
tooth brushing: 1) put a small amount (small pea or rice grain) the childrens fear, the researcher demonstrated the use of the
of toothpaste on the brush; 2) brush the teeth internally; 3) dentifrice containing a plaque-disclosing agent on himself,
brush the teeth externally; 4) brush anterior teeth (incisors and and made a careful brushing to remove the pink spots, which
canines); 5) brush the posterior teeth (premolars and molars); indicated dirt, from his own teeth and invited those interested
6) brush the contact surface of the teeth; 7) brush the teeth of to participate in the activity. Some children accepted and got
the upper dental arch (maxilla); 8) brush the teeth of the lower excited about the game, others refused because they were
dental arch (mandible); 9) brush the surface of the tongue; and afraid. At the end, all the children performed the practice of
10) rinse the mouth with water at least once. Systematized brushing their own teeth, with a mirror to identify areas that
observations, performed approximately ten days before the demanded more attention during the brushing. The pink col-
beginning of the intervention, were made in groups of three oration was removed with brushing in all children who had
children at a time during tooth brushing, which was consid- the product that marks the bacteria plaque voluntarily applied
ered the evaluation of the pre-intervention behaviors(10). to their teeth.
The intervention consisted of three meetings aimed at edu- The proposal of activities performed with the three groups
cating children to adopt appropriate behaviors related to tooth of children was the same and, in general, great participation of
brushing. The meetings between the researcher and the chil- the children was identified, particularly in the games that in-
dren were consecutive and occurred in the childhood educa- volved the resources of most interest to them: the giant model
tional institutions, with an interval in between them of one to of the mouth, the brushing of the plush dolls with the den-
four days. All had the same sequence and format, allowing tal arch, the music video, and the experience of brushing the
children of different ages to have the same experience. Each teeth after the pinkish coloration of the stained areas (bacterial
meeting lasted approximately 60 minutes, and was conducted plaque). The use of play activities was considered crucial to
by one of the researchers. determine the success of these activities.

Rev Bras Enferm [Internet]. 2017 mai-jun;70(3):519-25. 521

Sigaud CHS, et al. Promoting oral care in the preschool child: effects of a playful learning intervention

The manner of participation Children who met the

of the children in the activities Children excluded for
inclusion criteria (n= 50) not having participated
varied somewhat according to
in the three meetings
the age group. Those who were that were part of the
three and four years of age were educational intervention
more suspicious and withdrawn Children who participated in the study (n= 44) (n = 6)
initially, handling the resources
more reservedly, especially in
Children 3 years old Children 5 years old
the case of the use of the bacte- (n = 14) (n = 18)
rial plaque marker. Once confi-
dent, they actively and intensely
participated in the games. In Children 4 years old
addition, the four-year-olds, and (n = 12)
especially the five-year-olds,
expressed their ideas more eas- Figure 1 Participants of the study, So Paulo, Brazil, 2014
ily in the group because of their
greater verbal fluency.
The evaluation of tooth brushing behaviors after the inter- Table 1 Distribution of appropriate behaviors for tooth
vention was assessed in all children, between three and seven brushing before and after the intervention, So
days after the third meeting. The same list (10) of ten behaviors Paulo, Brazil, 2014
used at the pre-intervention time was adopted. Thus, the effect
studied was the number of appropriate behaviors related to Before After
tooth brushing, evaluated in all research subjects, before and Appropriate behaviors intervention intervention
after the intervention. n (%) n (%)

Put a small amount (small pea

Analysis of results and statistics or rice grain) of toothpaste on 44 (100.0%) 44 (100.0%) 1
Categorical variables were presented according to absolute the brush
and relative frequencies, and descriptive statistics were used Brush teeth internally 22 (50.0%) 37 (84.1%) 0.001
for numerical variables, including mean, standard deviation,
Brush teeth externally 29 (65.9%) 43 (97.7%) 0.001
minimum and maximum values. For analysis of association, a
significance level of 5% was considered, and a Students t-test Brush front teeth (incisors
14 (31.8%) 43 (97.7%) < 0.001
and canines)
and Mann-Whitney test were performed.
Brush posterior teeth
12 (27.3%) 43 (97.7%) < 0.001
(premolars and molars)
Brush contact surface of the
14 (31.8%) 38 (86.4%) < 0.001
A total of 44 children participated in the study, according to
Brush teeth of the upper
Figure 1. The mean age of participants was 4.1 years (standard dental arch
14 (31.8%) 22 (50.0%) 0.061
deviation: 0.85). The majority were female (52.3%).
Brush teeth of the lower
Considering the 44 children participating in the study, 11 (25.0%) 23 (52.3%) 0.003
dental arch
the mean number of appropriate behaviors related to tooth
Brush surface of the tongue 5 (11.4%) 38 (86.4%) < 0.001
brushing before the intervention was 4.43 (standard devia-
tion:1.96), ranging from one to nine. After the intervention, Rinse mouth with water at
30 (68.2%) 44 (100.0%) 0.001
least once
the mean of appropriate behaviors was 8.56 (standard devia-
tion: 1.64), ranging from two to ten. There was a statistically
significant difference in the number of appropriate behaviors
before and after the playful learning intervention (p=0.0083). Table 2 Mean of appropriate behaviors related to tooth
Table 1 shows the distribution of correct answers for the ten brushing before and after the intervention according
behaviors observed before and after the intervention. to the childs age, So Paulo, Brazil, 2014
The behavior with the greatest right answers before the in-
tervention was the first: Put a small amount of toothpaste on Before
After intervention
intervention p
the brush. The behaviors with the highest number of errors Child age Mean (standard
Mean (standard value
before the intervention were Brush teeth of the lower dental deviation)
arch and Brush surface of the tongue. The data reveal a
significant improvement in the percentage of correctness of Children 3 years old 3.0 (1.51) 7.8 (1.52) 0.54
these items after the intervention. Children 4 years old 4.5 (1.78) 8.2 (2.2) 0.15
The effects of playful learning intervention on tooth brush- Children 5 years old 5.5 (1.75) 9.3 (0.89) 0.14
ing were also analyzed according to the childs age (Table 2).

Rev Bras Enferm [Internet]. 2017 mai-jun;70(3):519-25. 522

Sigaud CHS, et al. Promoting oral care in the preschool child: effects of a playful learning intervention

Younger children (3 years old) showed fewer appropri- to highlight that none of these studies(9,11-14) was developed by
ate behaviors before and after the intervention. However, all nurses. This demonstrates the need to strengthen and expand
groups presented an increase in the number of appropriate the integration of the nurse in health education activities in
behaviors after the intervention, but without a statistically sig- pre-schools, such as oral health, in addition to producing and
nificant difference. disseminating knowledge related to the topic.
Considering the relationship between the childs age and
DISCUSSION the adoption of appropriate behaviors for tooth brushing, the
findings of the present investigation are similar to those of a
The results obtained in the present study reveal the acquisi- study developed at a kindergarten in Braslia-DF (15). The study
tion of adequate behaviors in relation to tooth brushing after showed that children aged 5 to 6 years present a greater ability
the learning intervention with preschool children, demon- to properly brush their teeth when compared to children aged
strating effectiveness. Oral health education interventions in 3 and 4 years, showing that the manual ability for brushing
pre-schools have the potential to encourage children to estab- skills is acquired after a certain age. The study in question
lish and maintain effective oral hygiene routines(5). evaluated the efficacy of educational intervention in children
National and international studies have shown that health based on the reduction of plaque indexes.
education in the school environment favors the involvement Motivation and health education are important tools for
of the child in developing new knowledge, facilitating change promoting the oral health of preschool children. It is under-
in habits. A survey conducted in Pernambuco, with 169 chil- stood that appropriate educational programs on oral hygiene
dren enrolled in pre-school and elementary school, adopted have a potential motivating value, as they constitute a means
lectures and play activities appropriate to the age group to of introducing childrens health care in a pleasant way. Reaf-
promote oral health. The results showed a reduction in the firming the learning intervention implemented in this study for
percentage of deficient brushing from 20.7% to 4.1%, and the effective increase of learning, the construction of knowl-
regular from 62.1% to 49.7%, with an increase in the good edge by children should occur in a relaxed and participative
hygiene index from 8.9% to 32%(9). way. Audiovisuals, games, puppets, theater and dynamics are
A randomized clinical trial aimed at evaluating the effica- recommended as excellent means of promoting learning, pro-
cy of an educational-preventive oral health activity with 38 viding children with a variety of experiences and stimuli in a
children, aged three to five years, showed the effectiveness of fun and enjoyable way, and motivating them for self-care(16-17).
this strategy in reducing visible plaque and gingival bleeding. The use of individual instruction for the practice of oral hy-
The didactic resources used in the educational activities were giene with preschoolers is also suggested, and is considered
theater with puppets, interactive games, macromodels, brush useful because it is an easy and low cost method(15).
and toothpaste, and posters. The activities emphasized topics For better learning in children, it is important that educa-
such as dental caries, gingivitis, brushing with toothpaste, use tional programs are not performed once, but repetitively, evi-
of dental floss, and relationship of diet with dental caries(11). dencing the effectiveness of the reinforcement on the educa-
Another national study evaluated the effectiveness of brush- tion of oral hygiene practices(9).
ing supervision in dental plaque removal and brush damage
in 49 children, aged 3 to 5 years, who received new tooth- Study limitations
brushes and participated in a puppet theater on oral health. Quasi-experimental studies have limitations in controlling
The results showed that professional supervision in multiple factors external to the intervention. Another disadvantage is
sessions was effective in reducing plaque indexes, which were the lack of a control group for comparison. However, as the
not influenced by brush damage, showing the need for con- present study used a before-after design, each child was his
tinuous motivation for oral hygiene(12). own control. Other limitations refer to the unicentric nature
A study in India with 100 preschoolers assessed the impact of the research, and to the limited size of the sample by age
of three different methods of health education. Participants subgroup (three, four and five years).
were randomly selected and divided into four groups. Group
A received oral health education from a dentist. Group B re- Contributions to the area of nursing and public health
ceived it from the class teacher, who was trained by a dentist. Early childhood educational institutions, in partnership
Group C received it from dental residents wearing cartoon with the professionals of the primary health care services, pro-
characters; Group D was the control group. The best indexes of vide privileged space for the promotion of childrens health.
oral health evaluated three months after the intervention were The school health program (Programa Sade na Escola - PSE),
the group that received the intervention in a playful way, that instituted by Presidential Decree No. 6,286, represents a
is, with health professionals imitating cartoon characters(13). means of articulation between school and health units. Inter-
An investigation conducted in Thailand with 3,706 children sectoral and interdisciplinary actions aim to establish practices
evaluated the benefit of a dental health promotion program com- for health promotion and injury prevention in children, ado-
bined with teacher-supervised tooth brushing in pre-schools using lescents, youth and adult students in Brazil(6). In this context,
fluoride toothpaste. After two years of follow-up, the results re- nurses play a crucial role in the promotion of child health, and
vealed significant improvements in dental plaque scores with prevention of disease in kindergarten and pre-school children.
up to a 34% reduction in caries occurrence(14). It is important In partnership, nurses and other health and education

Rev Bras Enferm [Internet]. 2017 mai-jun;70(3):519-25. 523

Sigaud CHS, et al. Promoting oral care in the preschool child: effects of a playful learning intervention

professionals should seek to promote health education ac- CONCLUSION

tions for the adoption of healthy living habits from pre-school.
The school health programs health promotion actions could The realization of playful educational interventions with
include activities aimed at children, families and professionals preschool children is effective to improve appropriate behav-
in the area of education, in order to promote good oral hygiene iors related to the practice of tooth brushing. These actions
at home, in the educational institution, and in the community. should use methods and playful resources appropriate to the
The evidence points to some effective public health measures childs age group. Educational programs should be seen as
for caries prevention. Fluoride toothpaste is recommended important strategies for development of health habits in pre-
for tooth brushing, along with regular plaque removal, and school children. The institutions of early childhood education
decreased consumption of sweetened foods. For the future, are a privileged space for this, because it is in infancy that
addressing risk factors related to social determinants, diet, and the child learns and incorporates personal care habits. Nurses
community involvement in strengthening healthy choices and must potentiate oral health promotion actions with preschool-
behaviors related to oral hygiene will require research(18). ers during kindergarten.


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