Ex Inicial 1ºeso

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A. READING (LECTURA COMPRENSIVA): Read the following text and

answer the questions (Lee el siguiente texto y contesta a las preguntas).
Marks: 20/100


In Britain, people usually have a quick breakfast- toast or cereal with tea or coffee- but
they sometimes have the traditional English breakfast of bacon and eggs at weekends.

At eleven they often have a cup of tea or coffee with a biscuit. At one oclock they have a
sandwich for lunch.

Dinner is early, at six in the evening. Before bed people often have a snack.


1.- Do British people only drink tea?

2- What is a traditional English breakfast?

3.- What do British people have for lunch?

4.- What time do they have dinner?

5.- Do they eat anything before they go to bed?


Write a short paragraph about her profile and add other interesting
information such as the age, the nationality, the address and the likes and
C. GRAMMAR (GRAMTICA) (Marks: 20/100)

1. Complete the sentences with the correct word. Use the words in the box. Completa las
oraciones con la palabra correcta. Usa las palabras del recuadro.

is Are `m not isnt aren`t

Manchester _________ in England.

I ___________ eleven. I`m twelve.
___________ you a student?
My teacher ____________ English. She`s Spanish.
Dogs ____________ colours. Theyre animals.

2. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

Completa las oraciones. Usa las palabras del recuadro.

my our your His Her

Hello! What`s __________ name?

This is my friend. ___________ name is Lucy.
I like pizza. Its ____________ favourite food.
We live in Spain, but ___________ parents are from Scotland.
Hes from Britain. ___________ name is James Bond.

3. Complete the sentences. Use There is + a/an or There are.

Completa las oraciones. Usa There is o There are.

_______________ thirty tables in our classroom.

_______________ computer in my room.
_______________ English dictionary on your table.
_______________ twelve months in a year.
_______________ seven days in a week.

4. Complete the sentences with the present simple form of these verbs.
Completa las oraciones con la forma del presente simple de estos verbos.

sing work go live write

My friend ____________ in that house.

The Backstreet Boys ______________ in English.
Our teacher _______________ on the blackboard.
My mum ________________ in a school.
I _______________ to Scotland at Christmas.

Answer these questions and then with this information write a short paragraph
about your profile.

1.- Whats your name?

2.- Whats your surname?
3.- Where are you from?
4.- How old are you?
5.- Where do you live?
6.- Whats your telephone number?
7.- Whats your e-mail?
8.- What do you like doing?
9.- What are you like?

E. LISTENING (AUDICION): Listen and answer the questions (Escucha y

responde las preguntas). (Marks: 20/100)


Listen to Nicky and answer the following questions about her.

Escucha a Nicky y responde las siguientes preguntas sobre ella.

1. What's Nicky's surname?


2. How old is she?


3. Where is she from?


4. Has she got any brothers or sisters? How many?


5. What are her hobbies?


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