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Drilling Through a Career of Dentistry

Kensley Rasbornik

English III Honors Pd. 1

Mr. Piatak

February 23, 2017

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Drilling Through a Career in Dentistry

Kids were playfully screaming and laughing, swinging on the monkey bars and running

around kicking a soccer ball. One of the young boys swung on the monkey bars and all of a

sudden lost his grip and landed face first into the pavement. Dizzy with pain, he stood up to a

crowd of people surrounding him asking if he was okay. The second he opened his mouth his

classmates started to laugh and point out the missing teeth. He closed his mouth and felt around

with his tongue realizing he had lost three teeth and chipped two bottom teeth. Embarrassed, the

little boy ran inside and asked the teacher to call his mom. When his mom arrived, they headed

straight to the dentist. As he walked into the office, the little boy thought there was no way the

dentist could repair his missing teeth. The hygienist brought him back and he laid in the chair.

The bright light shined in his eyes and he heard the snap of the rubber gloves as the dentist put

them on. The dentist leaned over and told the boy he had nothing to worry about. The little boy

smiled as he fell asleep knowing everything would be fixed when he woke up. Dentistry has

existed for over 7000 years, during which time, dentistry evolved into many specialties that have

all see major changes due to the new technologies.

The first discovery of dentistry accounted for over 5,000 years ago in an old Sumerian

clay tablets written by ancient physicians who recorded observations, explanations, and advice in

maintaining healthy teeth. Egyptian Hesi-Ri, was the first recorded dentist to the Pharaoh.

Hesi-Ris tomb, dated back to 3000 BCE, continued hieroglyphic symbols of the eye over a tusk

was engraved on this tombstone and this symbol represented dentistry (Messina, 19). The

discovery of three Egyptian dentists indicated that a toothache was caused by an increase of

pressure inside of the tooth. These dentists did not comprehend the understanding of infections
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and bacterial growth within the tooth and blamed evil spirits for causing these pains (Messina,

19). Prescribed treatment for this was drilling into the tooth to help minimize the pressure was a

success and the starting point for the first part of a root-canal. (Messina, 20). The first ever

recording of the use of toothpaste was made out of wine vinegar and powdered stone. The

Romans later on added honey and crushed eggshell for flavor to the toothpaste. The tools used

for these procedures involved drills, herbs and prayer. The most famous treatment back then, the

Eber papyrus, contained herbs and other compounds to treat pain and swelling. Dental education

begun at a college in Maryland in the United States in 1840. The American Dental Association

was then later on founded in 1859 (Messina, 20). From 1865 to 1870, five more dental schools

were founded and the first university-based dental program was at Harvard in 1867 (Messina,

20). Schools during this time were a new development and the outcome spread quickly across

America and throughout the world expanding the knowledge of what dentistry has turned out to

be today.

Approximately 40 years later, over 57 dental schools formed and sixty percent of the

dentists graduate from these institutions. Dr. Robert Tanner Freeman became the first

African-American to earn a dental degree from the Harvard University Dental School (History

of). Later on in 1883, the National Association of Dental Examiners established a policy for

several states to require a uniform standard. The first successful laboratory in the United States

opened in Boston by Stowe and Eddy Dental Laboratory which was established in 1887

(History of). In 1895, a German physicist, Wilhelm Roentgen, discovered the x-ray machine

and in 1896 this new technology was first used in New Orleans.
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In 1905, Alfred Einhorn, a German chemist, formulates the local anesthetic procaine,

later marketed under the trade name Novocain (History of). The first use of synthetic

denture bases was introduced in 1932. Following this discovery, novocaine was introduced as a

local anaesthetic by Alfred Einhorn (History of Dentistry). In 1913, Alfred C. Fones

opened a clinic for dental hygienists in Connecticut and most of the twenty-seven women that

attended this school graduated (History of Dentistry). These women made a great mark on

female dentistry and hygienist today by competing with the men. Later on in 1930, the worlds

first orthodontics office opened by the American Board of Orthodontics. After this office got

founding, it opened the doors to many different specialties and new discoveries of tools and the

alignment of one's teeth and how they align in the mouth. A few years later, the synthetic

toothbrush came into the picture getting a deep clean along with water fluoridation that would

pump water through the patient's teeth like floss (History of Dentistry). This made several

importants all across the world and rivalries between school, dental practice and corporations to

strive for the next discovery in oral medicine and tool advancement. By 1958, the first reclining

dental chair made a breakthrough across the nation. Soon after, lasers came into the picture and

developed for periodontics for work around the soft tissue (History of Dentistry). Almost 30

years later, the first home tooth bleaching hit the market and increased the usage of bleaching

and implants in the era of esthetic dentistry (Timeline). Within the past 20 years, YAG lasers

treated tooth decay for the other fields of dentistry not just periodontics (History of

Dentistry). Advancements happen often and will coming to happen with the new technology

and techniques begin discovered all around the world today.

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The standards for enrolling into dental school remain challenging because one must be

top of their class to get accepted into dental school. Dr. Rasbornik did a total of ten years of

schooling. Within those years, he did four years undergraduate, four years of dental school, and

two years General Practice Residency at the Medical University of South Carolina. The classes

he took to get ahead of his other classmates were very rigorous classes, like biochemistry and

comparative anatomy (Rasbornik). These classes were extremely tough, but it made the classes

in dental school much easier. His path was different from the others, he majored in Marine

Biology for two and a half years, making his core class selections much different than his

graduating class.

In North Carolina, the top ranked dental school is the University of North Carolina

School of Dentistry. The courses a dental student would have to take in college must complete

90 hours in a science related or pre dentistry undergraduate program, and the top of their class

with an excellent GPA and receive their bachelor degree. Second, one has to take the Dental

Acceptance Test, which is administrated by the American Dental Association. This test is

composed of 280 questions in five hours and mainly consists of natural sciences, reading

comprehension and quantitative reasoning. The test is scored out of 30 points and has a current

average of 19 (Dentist Schools and Career). Once one completes this test, the score determines

the next step one would take to become a dentist. The next step is to receive a Doctoral Degree.

In America, there are two different types of programs that one would have to qualify for: the

Doctor of Dental Surgery and the Doctor of Dental Medicine. Both of these names appear to be

very similar, but the coursework and outcomes happen to be very different (Dentist Schools and

Career). Once one decides which path to follow, they would have to get a certain credential by
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the Commissioner of Dental Accreditation to confirm the dental license once the dental student

graduates. The final step to becoming a dentist is to complete to requirements for licensure. An

individual must pass two examinations that cover a written portion and a clinical portion. Then,

The National Board Dental Examinations are overviewed by The Joint Commission on National

Dental Examination and the following topics that are required to receive a full dental licenses

include: biomedical sciences, ethics to clinical dental subjects, patient management and dental

anatomy (Dental Schools and Career). These schools compete with one another and accept

nothing but the best to attend their school.

In the United States, University of California at Los Angeles School of Dentistry is the

top ranked school. The requirements a dental student would have to achieve to be accepted into

this program include: a GPA of 3.66 weighted, three recommendation letters, eight biology

semester hours, eight inorganic chemistry hours, six organic chemistry hours, eight physics

hours, six english hours, and fifty-four elective hours. The required test score average is about 22

out a score of 30 points (Rate Limited). This school is ranked number one because of the

changeling course load, total of hours needed to be accepted and the competition between fellow

students to be the top of the class.

Dentistry involves eight different fields that related to each other and specialize in the

health of a persons mouth. These fields have separate programs but around the same types of

classes needed to prepare for the real word and apply their knowledge to help the community

they live in. All the branches of dentistry include: Oral surgery, Orthodontics, Prosthodontics,

Periodontics, Endodontics, Pediatric dentistry, Oral pathology, and Public health dentistry. All

these fields involve certain specialties that are needed to maintain healthy teeth. Oral surgery, the
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branch that deals with any surgical treatment of deficiency of the jaw, injury, malformation, or

any disease. (Dentistry). This field involves the removal of wisdom teeth, joint disorders,

fractures of the muscles, tendons and ligaments (Orthopedic Surgeons). Oral surgeons play a

key role in the correct development of premature teeth and already matured teeth.

Orthodontics, the division of dentistry that specializes in the alignment of the teeth and

jaw. Without orthodontics, deformities can occur in the face and jaw. This fields helps align the

teeth and can improve speech impediments. Prosthodontics, the phase that deals with various

methods of providing artificial substitutes, or dentures, for missing teeth, the replacement which

ensures the even distribution of the forces involved in chewing (Funk and Wagnalls, 1). These

artificial teeth tend to be replaced by crowns and the artificial tooth is then attached to the crown.

The crown will be made out of porcelain or acrylic to look like a real lifelike tooth and cannot be

easily removed. Another method for replacing the decayed tooth is by dental implants. The

procedure involves screws that are drilled into the jawbone for support of the new tooth and

cement to hold the tooth in place. After this, a metal frame waged in place for the support of the

tooth incase the bone appears to fragile (Funk and Wagnalls, 1). When the structure that holds

the bone in places becomes weak, it makes this procedure harder because the specialist

performing this can cause a greater risk than when the patient first came in.

Periodontics, the branch of dentistry that studies of the tissue and supporting structure of

the surrounding teeth. This branch involves all the studies of cavities and how you get cavities

and how to prevent them. Food particles which happen to be a big reason on why so many

people get cavities. Food builds up and gets stuck in between and down the roots and nerves of

the tooth and will get infected if not cleaned soon, if the tooth cannot receive proper irrigation, it
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becomes infected and will lead to gum disease. Gum disease, an infection in the gum from the

lack of proper hygiene within the tooth increases the risks of many other diseases in the human

body. The diseases that can occur are heart disease, premature birth, and loss of all the teeth.

Heart diseases happens when the bacteria along inside the gum and outside surrounding the tooth

enters the bloodstream and infects the heart muscles (National Institute of). Premature birth

acts in the same way, the bacteria infected blood can enter the premature baby and cause

different types of problems before the baby is due. Tooth loss happens to be common among

patients with gum disease. A periodontal specialists would have to be the one to declare if their

patient had gum disease. Patients tend to think that any inflammation within the mouth or gums

surrounding one's teeth can lead to gum disease. The simple fix to this problem can be better

hygiene, going to the dentist more often, brushing one's teeth more frequently and flossing.

These new techniques benefitted the public by making it easier to get access to a better

understanding of proper hygiene and what will happen if one does not take care of their teeth in

the way that will benefit them the most.

Endodontics is the division that deals with the nerve and bleaching of the teeth. This is a

therapeutic procedure that removes infected root canals. Pediatric dentistry is the field that deals

with patients who are under twenty years old. This practices main goal is to prevent treatment of

malocclusion and growth of bacteria on childrens teeth. If the teeth are infested with bacteria,

the teeth are treated with a solution to make the teeth more resistant to tooth decay and bacteria

growth. Oral Pathology involves the nature of oral diseases and how it affects the alterations of

the function and structure of the mouth. One person can acquire an oral disease by not properly

brushing their teeth, going to the general dentist once every three to four months. Diagnosis of
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oral disease is found out by blood test, as well as microscopic examination of tissue (Funk and

Wagnalls, 1). The final branch of dentistry is public health dentistry or general dentistry. This

field involves the promotion of clean and healthy teeth and also the prevention and control of

dental diseases. All these fields have a major significance to each other and all based around the

mouth, teeth, and gums of the patients they see.

Compared to the old ways of practicing dentistry, the more modern methods have

become increasingly advanced with the help of these newly derived tools. If dentists in the 21st

century were to use the tools dentist used back then, more health concerns and problem could

have come up due to the lack of technology they had. The tools could have caused life

threatening problems to the patients with ground herbs and then scrubbing this blend all around

in their mouth without any hesitation. Previous to the discovery of these tools in the middle

ages, China used silver paste as a type of amalgam as the main mixture for the mold of the

teeth (History of dentistry). Later on, gold crowns were used after a root canal and within that

same year, the first man received a porcine tooth. The first known dental foot engine, created by

Isaac Greenwood, rotated the drill on a spinning wheel (History of dentistry). These tools

helped in many ways and got the job done with the supplies and resources available to them back

in these time periods.

The new technological improvements advanced since dentistry's first discovery of the

numbing gel, the wand, healozone, and air abrasion (Technology and gadgets). Numbing gel

has come a long way and now spread along the patient's gum to numb it before injecting a needle

into it. Also, the wand, a computer controlled device used to rate the how local anaesthetic. This

means that to flow of the anastazia is steady and constant. This device is easy to use and
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lightweight, and when the anaesthetic is inserted into the body, it is more comfortable and

effective when this tool is used. A healozone is a headpiece that is used to inject ozone, which is

three oxygen atoms stuck together (Technology and gadgets). Air abrasion uses the tip of it

to blast 27 micron aluminium oxide powder into the patient's mouth during surgery and helps the

main dentist or surgeon have a clear image of what their looking at (Technology and

gadgets). These tools have come a long way from what they used to be and will continue

making progress in this field as new techniques appear. The future developments in this area

will hopefully decrease the amount of diseases caused by not properly taking care of one's teeth

and increase health gum tissue.

A day to day life of a dentist consists of seeing 15 to 20 people on a regular basis. In a

dentist's office, patients should come in on around every four to six month for a checkup and

regular cleaning of the teeth. The hygienists tends to see more of the patients because a dentists

their main focus is on bigger cases like surgerys, root canals, fillings, and implants. A general

dentists sees around ten special cases a day while a hygienists sees around 16 or more for more

broad cases. A special cases cost Dr. Rasbornik, owner of Third Creek Dentistry says, one of the

biggest challenges for him is people management (Rasbornik). Being successful in business, and

being technically excellent are not related. Having the skills is important, however being able to

sell what you can do is just as important. Dr. Rasbornik says, the biggest dislike in this industry

is the influx of corporate ownership of Dental practices (Rasbornik 4). In his office, him and

his hygienists must wear scrubs, tennis shoes, if the hygienists have long hair, it must be up and

out of their face to work. His staff works for about ten hours a day with one hour long breaks for

lunch and a meeting if necessary. The schedule for all the surgeries and regular teeth cleanings
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and checkups are booked six months prior (Rasbornik 10). To take off or a vacation, the notice

must be place in advance to scheduling appointments so that the patients are not affected by this.

The income of for job occupation pays well, the works might be long but the outcome rewarding.

This job has its ups and downs. Dr. Rasbornik states that one of the hardest things he has to do

is telling one of his patients that he has to lose all of this teeth from gum disease or just poor


Dentistry will always play a role in communities today due to the essential properties it

possesses such as the new advancements in technology and the proper way for maintaining

healthy teeth. Throughout the history of dentistry, knowledge of all the fields has transformed

into the profession many experience today. The necessity of dentist guarantees a spot for any

hard-working student who expresses an interest in any dental occupation.

Works Cited
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"Dentist Schools & Careers | How to Become. Web. 19

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"Dentistry." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (2016): 1p. 1. Funk & Wagnalls New

World Encyclopedia. Web. 16 December. 2016.,custuid&custid=s8455


"History of Dentistry Timeline." Web. 17 Feb. 2017.


Messina, Matthew J. "Why Older Adults Have Teeth: A History Of Dental Care And Its

Improvements." Generations 40.3 (2016): 19. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 2 Feb. 2017.,custuid&custid=s8455


National Institutes of Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Web. 22 Feb.


Rasbornik, Kenneth. Pride Paper Interview Questions. Received by Kensley Rasbornik, 19

Feb. 2017.

Rate Limited. Web. 18 Feb. 2017.

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Surgeons, American Academy of Orthopaedic. Orthopaedic Surgeons: Who Are They and What

Do They Do?

Web. 22 Feb. 2017.

"Timeline." The Story of Dentistry Timeline. Web. 20 Feb. 2017.

"Technology and Gadgets for Easing Dental Fears." Dental Phobia and Dental Anxiety. Web. 22

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Worsley, Lucy. "Oral History." History Today 61.5 (2011): 5. MAS Complete. Web. 1 Jan. 2017,custuid&custid=s8455


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