Seelman-Emma 1 Pride Paper

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How does Education affect the world?

Emma Seelman

English III Standard Pd. 1

Mr. Piatak

February 23, 2017

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For centuries, teaching has played a big role in students lives. Teachers give people the

knowledge that everyone needs to get the world. The information that students learn from their

teachers not only makes their lives easier when they get into college, but also what will come in

their future. The students then go to universities and can become important innovators, or doctors

who could change the world. The more teachers discipline their students, the larger the chance of

students not listening to instructions (Botwinik Press). Many students do not like their teachers,

but teachers do a great deal for their students. Teaching as a career has become more popular due

to the fact that there have become more job openings. Teachers want to see all their students

benefitting from what they have learned on a daily basis. Even the teachers attitude can influence

how the students learn and the way the class it taught which could cause a positive or negative

effect. Therefore, teachers cause a tremendous affect on students knowledge, and must have

multiple qualifications to become part of spreading the important knowledge to future


Education teaches the knowledge of a previous generation to a new generation.

Education has made such a big impact on formating the United States. The world seems to have

become more advanced due to education. The process to becoming a teacher includes many

steps. In Minnesota, about 6,500 students who graduate from college major in something that

involves education. This area has some challenges when it comes to trying to improve the

nations schools (Goral). Teaching all started in Europe, in the early 1800s. At the time, the idea

of training teachers had started and continues today. Before this had become a practice in the late

nineteenth century, a practice which still employees people today . The first professional teacher

training program established Normal Schools. Normal Schools a program that involves two years
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of teachers working on their skills that seem to have become needed to later work as a teacher.

Soon after this program began to spread, it appeared in colleges and universities across the

world. People began believing that most of the attention seemed to have turned towards the

educational theory. A new program called competency-based education began in the 1970s. This

program focused on the teacher's way of teaching in the classroom and how to improve it. To

teach a class, extensive training seems to have become a necessity or a requirement. Teachers

should have the ability to tell when their students do not understand a lesson. Competency-based

education helped teachers to become more prepared for their teaching job. Before anyone

graduated from any of these programs, each future teacher had to get tested; they needed to

prove that they could teach, demonstrating that they could hold discipline and that they knew all

of the topics that they had to teach. Having a teaching degree makes acquiring a job easier in the

field of education. Even so, there are still exist some negative factors to the job, due to the factor

because certain companies or schools want a certain degree from a teacher to get the job. For

example, if a 4th grade teacher retired, the principal or school district would need to hire a

teacher that has an elementary education degree. These programs seem to have created a big

change in the way new teachers teach their students. Experienced teachers should know how to

improve their students weakness and turn them into strengths. This ability can help students

succeed in the long haul. Money, time, and improvement goes towards the teacher, which in turn

impacts everyone involved, including teachers, students, and principals. In the past decade the

numbers for teachers and students have increased by 45 percent (Macht).

The way a teacher instructs can change the way the students achievements turn out,

basically that could change their whole future (Gabriel). Becoming an educator with a
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elementary teaching degree, would require a different degree to become a high school teacher in

some states. In the U.S. an elementary/early education degree means that the teacher can teach

from preschool to 5th grade. In fact, during 2015, becoming a teacher and getting that job

seemed to have reached all time high. In that time, they had fewer teaching position openings.

Before that, in 2001, most schools had open positions for teachers, with an estimated about 2,000

openings . In 2015, there seemed to have about 2,150 jobs open (Macht). In a current trend, more

and more people have become teachers in the United States and Canada. The reason for this

trend caused a decrease of open positions in millions of schools worldwide, all of which seem to

need someone to teach their students. The popularity of education increased more in preschool

education, while secondary school actually had a decrease in the amount of teachers. In recent

years, schools have started teaching students common knowledge, skills, and education (Moran).

Training to become an elementary teacher involves general education requirements, which make

the teacher teach the most common topics; including history, foreign language, English, math,

science, and computer science. Every student learns the following topics in school: the history of

our country, language, and math: but at the end, teachers help students become better citizens to

the the United States (World Book Inc). These topics allow the students to develop critical

thinking and a curiosity for the subject that they have learned. Once the student-teacher reaches

their second year of college, they will have to choose what area of education they wish to focus

on, such as history, math, or English. After that, when the student finally reaches their last year

in college, they must complete a teaching program which helps them to become more prepared

for a teaching job, but only certain colleges offer this type of program. A student must teach a

class with the assistance of an accomplished teacher. In all fifty states, the teacher in training
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must have a teaching certificate before they can teach any students. The certificate proves to the

state that the teacher has the basic requirement to teach. Not very many states require preschool,

private school, or community college teachers to have the certificate. All teachers need to have at

least a four year degree from their college. Some states even require teachers who teach different

grades such as elementary, middle, and high school must have different certificates and

qualifications. Most states make teachers obtain a special certificate to become the role of a

principal or a headmaster. Some teachers may want to further their studies, so they will more and

likely go back to college to get a masters degree or another certification. Teachers have to plan

lessons for class by using a textbook and paper materials. If any of the students have special

needs, such as audio-visual needs, but they will always get the materials they need. Recently,

teachers who have an elementary teaching degree seem more popular for schools to hire (Macht).

But, all teachers have to follow certain criteria no matter what grade they teach.

Each state has to create a curriculum, which always seems to get reviewed. The

curriculum tells teachers what they need to teach during that school year by the state, so all

teachers must follow the requirements. Sometimes, not all students get a well rounded education

because most schools only focus on math and English- one of the reasons why states have now

started making curriculums (King Jr). Teachers seemed to undergo observation to see if they

always teach within teaching standards. Many or most school boards now allow their teachers in

that area to help plan the curriculum. In some states, due to curriculum, the grades of the students

will determine how much the teacher will get payed. Teachers would try to teach the curriculum

in a fun and creative way, that the students would start to understand to memorize the material

better. The school boards and districts have tried to create a more one-on-one environment, while
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they have also started pushing each student to bring their own electronic device to utilize in

class. A couple of states do not allow teachers to plan the curriculum, even with most teachers

believing that they should get a chance for involvement. Leaders of the school districts in the

United States have made many changes to the way school functions, even since 1995: In my

experience, school was seen as a place of preparation, when students didn't have the capacity or

resources to make an impact outside of the walls of their institution (Moran). This just goes to

show that schools have always thought of the students futures. The world has become much

more advanced, not just in the last two decades, but even in the last two years. The Minnesota

Office of Higher Education has estimated 3.9 percent growth in the education field within 10

years (Macht).

School districts have started creating a new program called STEM, which stands for

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Schools want to become more technologically

based. Most schools have tried to concentrate on more of the STEM programs. The STEM

program has become popular in higher education, including universities and colleges. This

means that most colleges have become more interested in renewing their STEM programs. This

program started taking science and technology to the next level, and to create more progress in

the world or country. About 36% of teachers say that they have used more technology-based

learning tactics (Goral). Depending on the teacher, most teachers break down the curriculum into

daily lesson plans and daily activities, which make it fun for the students to learn a lesson. If the

teachers use this idea of breaking down the curriculum to split up into units which they would

then test on it would more and likely affect students grades in a good way. This tactic has started

to spread to teachers around the world; it separates all the topics into little sections, making it
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easier for students to understand.

To get into college, the student needs to keep their grades up, which helps them get into

college. The following elements could help students in high school: by helping to tutor

elementary kids, assisting at after school programs at a school, and helping with some type of

summer camp (Clark). After they graduate college, schools will need to look over applications.

Once they become a teacher; they normally work around 40-50 hours a week at school, but that

could depend on the school and the number of students the teacher has to teach. All of those

things could show up on the student's college application, which in the end could help the student

get into a amazing college to become a teacher. If people with an education degree plan on

teaching in elementary education they will teach all subjects which include math, science,

spanish, and English. After they graduate college, they will more than likely start in a completely

different type of elementary teaching job than when they retire from teaching. Elementary

teachers seem to have no two days alike due to the way the class acts on a daily basis. After they

become a teacher, they have more stressful times of the year. Grading papers and report cards is

stressful. Also, parent concerns can add stress to this job. Teachers are pleasers, and it is very

hard when parents are not supportive (Clark). Most schools require their teacher to attend

certain events such as, plays, musicals, and games. Even though teachers have a degree and

understand what they teach, they still seem to have moments when they learn new things because

the world keeps advancing and improving technology wise or any other way.

Education has always existed and will always exist, due to the fact that every citizen

needs to have a least a chance to learn something about their country, their language, math, and

science. Influencing kids to make good choices and to teach them new topics each day seems to
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have caused teachers to choose this job. Education can change the way a students life goes,

which could cause an amazing change; if the student can get 4.0 GPA or higher in school, they

can get into better colleges, shaping a person's future. Most people think that becoming a teacher

doesnt do anything to affect the future of our country. However, teachers have always caused

the most change in the world, which then aids the amazing technological advances we have in

medicine, science, and more. With the use of curriculum, teachers follow a more structured plan

for the students to learn. Teachers have to follow many rules and regulations with the state

curriculum. Schools seem to have started involvement with more technology and engineering

within the past couple of years, when the STEM program started spreading throughout the

United States. Even with the extensive curriculum that a teacher needs to follow to instruct their

students, they still seem to try and teach students in a fun and interesting way. Teachers utilize

teaching methods and materials that use different abilities. Becoming a fun and effective teacher,

the state requires a certificate to teach at a school. Some benefits exist to having a degree in

teaching elementary and early education, from preschool to 5th grade; during the many years

that kids go to school, teachers have and will always seem to have a very important role in their

school lives because they carry all responsibility for much of their knowledge. Education can do

a lot to a student's future; it could affect them in a positive way or negative way. A change that

could make teaching different, that can cause all students to do well, dependson teachers getting

through training programs. Another good thing that teachers should care more about includes the

individual learning level of each student. Students tend to learn more from someone that they can

admire and look up to for help or assistance. Teachers try and create lesson plans and activities

with the thought of those who struggle with that topic in mind, that they can learn the material
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better. Most students have opinions that their school has seemed too controlling or stressful, but

all teachers and schools have tried to accomplish a non-stressful environment by creating a better

area for students to learn in, and to prepare them for their future. According to all this

information, education has a big impact on the world which means that it could end up becoming

a good or bad thing. In the end, teachers seem to cause the most affect the survival of our world.

without teachers we might not have all the advances in the world.
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Work Cited

Botwinik, Ruth, and Marlyn Press. "Now That You Are A Professional In The Classroom, What

Do You Need To Know?." Clearing House 86.4 (2013): 125-127. Academic Search Complete.

Web. 31 Dec. 2016.



Clark, Jennifer Email Interview Feb. 2017

Dunn, Joseph Jr."Reviving Liberal Education." America 215.9 (2016): 22. MasterFILE

Complete. Web. 31 Dec. 2016.



Gabriel, Rachael. "The Evolution Of Quality Teaching And Four Questions For Change." Phi

Delta Kappan 97.8 (2016): 50. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 2 Feb. 2017.



Goral, Tim. "Experts Forecast The FUTURE Of K12." District Administration 53.1 (2017): 54.

MasterFILE Complete. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.



King Jr. John B"What School Can Be." Education Digest 82.2 (2016): 4. MasterFILE Complete.

Web. 31 Dec. 2016.

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Macht, Cameron. "Education Is The Foundation." Minnesota Employment Review (2016): 1.

MasterFILE Complete. Web. 31 Dec. 2016.



Mascio, Bryan"True Teaching Expertise." Education Digest 82.4 (2016): 17. MasterFILE

Complete. Web. 31 Dec. 2016.



Moran, Martin. "Education Is Life." Independent School 75.2 (2016): 80. MasterFILE Complete.

Web. 31 Dec. 2016.



Raftery, Deirdre. "Religions And The History Of Education: A Historiography." History Of

Education 41.1 (2012): 41-56. Academic Search Complete. Web. 31 Dec. 2016.



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