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SANSKRIT SYNTAX J.S, SPEER With on Introduction by +H KERN {OTILAL BANARSIDASS PUBLISHERS PRIVATE LIMITED « DELHI ‘© MOTILAL BANARSIDASS PUBLISHERS PRIVATE LMFTED ‘ah Rear Dy agen wah EB, tua: #208.42 1 cay ISHN: BLOBS Pe MOTILAL BANARSIDASS {1 UA Rangow Rn ear Na Da t10007 tuts Cnt aon a Mami 0 026 {20 Rapp High Ro pao, Caen £0004 Tt Man Raat ane 56 00 ‘Came Set Caleta 19017 "Ata ipa Pas 800 ‘Cron are 221 0 Ts order to comply with tho withe of Dr. Spr T take ‘the Harty to nledace his work wih the stents of Sanne Tian grammar, which ie vstlly the mime a saying Poin gracmar, super ax it in in many respecte Yo any= thing of the kind prodsoel among other cid aaons of Antiquity, is profane deiot in ite teatment of epnta, ‘As all Sanskrit grammars pablbed ty Wosorn sole aro, 0 far as the linguistic! fete ae cone, aioe entirely Aependent, ther dry or indietis, pon Pia, teannot ‘be mtr for surpre Unt apnter ie not adeqotely tented in ‘theo, although i most be aiid tat Profesor Whitney's ranma sows inthis rape a igo progres. Some yrts of Indian eyntar have rieied arf tel: neat at the bande of competent ecole amongst whom Dele Tc stands forenort, All who are gratfl to hone pionre vil it my Go mspposnl, gaily swore this moro compen sire work, the fist comple apotax of claiol Sait, {a which to are indebted to the Taboos of De. Spe. My it Iw the fooramer ofa smile work, a1 copioos an omsian= tious, on Vaiik Syntax! 1 KERN. Tyner, 13 Jay 1886, PREFACE. "This ook an to gre # enone account of Suskit Salar, ‘it ie reprevntd Jo cane Senkrit erate, without ne ‘lcting howerer theaters ond peste of ral prom (Geiinape, spanisad, sta) and of pie pote. Th fate laid down’ bere have ets aed ce hy my own obra tions in poring Sanskrit wigs, and. aconingly by fe the goat eajority of the emmpln quod hare been select lielly from the sores, if nol, thee sagged by the ee tropltan Disinsry or othe Inve, ata rule, boo redial only sfisevrigoaon. Moreover, vlableinfirston was guand ty the sttomonte of voraeslar grammarans epecialy of Phe iy 10 whine reernced authority due repel ie paid and ‘whine len ate tsfortod to enety opportanity. For sme ‘fal jntligeae Tam iadebed to Mr. Axoxoon Bowoou Higher Sasiit Grammar Casita 1870, A wleome and pro ‘ions anitanoo were to me sone teas or onstionl hots ‘of disngsshod Kaopean sola, who, aa Dutance, oe Swons, Winer, hare explored tackn of this seedy fevan region of Taian phillogy. Bat forthe goer part of the sabe fling within the scop of tis compilation, sooographics and epsalinvaaigations of w soond yhilslgia and ekoarlite charctr are all wasting, nnd Dave fl hat ‘wast offen aad dep. For tha reaoe Tam filly aware, at muy deflenon and insvsrsne will crtaly be fo tow or appear aftermars in this fist Sanskelt Spat wets fin Europe, Notwithstanding, a T fet convinced thet my Tabour, honerer inpefact, might prove of some proft hy ‘uaiating bots he scm to Sens iterator and tsa of aan Ingoags, and that on th other and his work might siford como tno for further fnvtigations on pail points of Spalax, it ls placod Beloe the public wih the couidece tat it ay be jalgel, what i in, ana Get atlompt, and an stompt ‘underiaken by a forigner In arranging materials 1 prefered folowing, as beat Loud, ‘the alate and apn ofthe Tanguage Twas working crater ‘ha clinging 400 cloly to the clanieaton familiar to ox by ‘he Spar of Latin and Greek in stating fst T Dave avoid gwuerining fom such inatanens at did rst only on my ow nited expenace, rmamberiag the wise wordt of Pall en ee an GRE SCE GEE qe ght et Sat eo: "hewn of Spt ede op a Sen Tee ‘Capt Ent mas TTL How te dase toon | 0 AN Tantus 7 os Tat etre opedogce Tmt tate |S 2ormits ap, Peas eq eatin, 18 % Devons, Rain, Irn 2 Powel vate 4 Pron Adjetos | Saenns 1 Sie of th ve (Gagt 1 Geomal ros Kinde fy, Aun, Po ir ve a + Thonn + : ta Maa. Yee a nce saat SNR i 2 re Dov Gems ss SLE aaata Ses We Spa of he een (Gage Pat of ep on musts IL Mtn hese 1 Serpe so TY Goamat pie se Anmsterdam, Jaly 1866, sv tt wth as, 0 ng te soppenicet ser sheen SECTION THE FIRST, GENERAL REMARKS ON THE STRUCTURE OF SENTENGES, 1, The subject of the sentence’) is pat in the nos “MM native case. The predicate of the sentence is cither Ne! noun or verb; SPT ATE. ARTS: (th hone ie omg. 2 To the nounpredicae tho so oalod verb sabe {ig Hewtioes is commonly not suhjeined; fom a loi! $5. point of viow it is indent of no ao, and ity obliga. SE tory employment in modern weston lnguages rather to be called an abase. Pane 26 me go fo le rae monn pop, Sala a Tht yo sy fle wm he ox gm Ge Fob tr hal of Be Ay ners Ie may, bint be sll Pu 100 ‘exe inion, Kathie, 16, 115 wearer (Calon am guilty.) — 1) Verona gama to frm t tne th enc ofthe ee wet st gmat snack ‘Th erm fer pl th age oe {nt ire theme may Lara ma ep At, ‘er mig be gama! ato ths Spf i te ‘ev ht wl at jt tego a Sie gel 1 toc utero ote al ene, Se peamalal wat a Ae (ot) a ara Gea). 2 60-4 1 mat be ade, Sf to Ba ae oo ex or ot be met wih Whew he rammat te rd ty bem owe ‘Hom 1 ren waning soni i ach ses, a oe fan a edits the ope or pave med opel in some ae pray ua arti t i)8 e) al we ony wre (hy mab eto af) mono we er (Ga malonate: Peabo, Ip 0th esi bona {hn Geto ie him ert ro is diy wpe fou we ot ee Een you my teh yen a, Inte int atin of te a, 8 Desides FET and AAP, the verde Faraet, feveter, BALA and the participle FAT may be used more or ess as serdum aaltotn, Sho P34 8) Filters onaing oe), Yen I 2g er we te regret (he Dy iting down mde he hae —) 101 mah xa th ing fe sve to dn). eo Ah even expe hovetr aly spss hat fh ria meaning of thw verb han aok bly He Acorn fometiesnt iter whith vam at she, Be Ft fepcaly dee She ning tet wi” yay owl wey et ans expo th sung a ore eo inl); is comp Tart om: By eomnqene, si aha pope vn feb i tom eo he ree shar my te plated ot ha {heat eevee wih he gy or pounce uly pd sted of Oh Up 6 181i with pet med ed acorns of he, sper etna by Mn cot ‘2 [ot Bs 11 9 as sn re hn ‘wade hea) BSA 1998 feet sen emt @ ce a er. 4. The same character is exhibited by the predicates 1 aie thin at ae 9 he wf (wee waning eat 8 rao up of » nom and a vet of loanit,grovieg, toning, remening, Asay clad enero wad tha ite Comp. 88, 5, The noanroliats isl deviates by 00 mens Sez tom th. common se of eer tongece. may ths "SE to aay kid of noun cher substantive or ajetvo, t's atin ths nominative cae, provid that ibe pointing othe timo peron or thing tia pinted out ty the sujet, an TRE TET (nights ofr in Unt eatenc the subj. TR andthe priate ETAT are rltag to one ant Ge time thing. This we ay tat the noun-predieate proper. Nothing, Indeod, fuebids ober nowncss, adverts andthe lio ding daly ofthe prods, ax APL. when = sate sin the pt Pa at een er: (ok fc, whe hat tv Mate 38 em ney Go (et (eee Te fa) EA eth ee ang ts conmn wit en tr ey ih) el @. As to he verb-prodica, the samo action my Wo expend so well by the eave ico a by the Eb peative, When active, ils eguatcr sujet is pt in “A the vominaive case and is objet in Un acuntive: EE Tag HE THA GN. mnkosa nt) Into sive sentence, the cet ofthe ation ej of he en tence nd acorlngly a nominative; the agent isinar- bly ptin th isrammontal RAZA WE! FRARY (Qe mat is made by N.N; of FAFA (eo) the am for is FT APR i ep hye), 0d 0 on. 7. Sanskrit has a decided predilection for the passive 4 518 trie voice, In translating from Yt language it is often ucesary 40 transform passive sontanese into active, Fort Pon. 4 frprok ge rer Gb long ine T oar lane yu) Dap 158 apn Romer emer (& fnldn hvelyspnnce reply poached), HL 58 eae ea ves EN eet A aU HY + ro a Eo HE 8." Since this preference is of couse not limited ttran- "ext sitive verbs, nothing ean bo pore common than th we of impersonal passives. 99 of mere fe ‘(ee ric of the oop wn stanng sl), Dugas 18 eigen are ee ‘el ny ae bvng sin he ‘ohn, dhappeni) Vo. Ip 8 et ewes rigs Hven te vo ata Ia sonsoly 4 amie my om 320. saga: em” Apert onthe sid Sperm uke, we Bere re "ERE snd te al sd posonipereonale with atv er mail eo fog ead mening. ln sla. Sat hey se serely wel, fot tat roan af or wey mploed oma the alt unguagy ie Be 482 ment ost oh cri sa Ot tah sh common, cw et hy boowng hi) APY. Ging. it ene Seer wager nth tse five to alot by Hue be mold whee; — Pane. Y {Ghee Ft i doe ot ered sawing iho ort hover ri) = eh of (6. THR. 11 wh Ke su F440) and 0 om 8. Partioiples, especially those in A andgFaAT, Tut and the krtyas are frequently employed as f they wore Snite verbs, without the at- tendance of the verb subst. In simple prose a great deal of tho sntences arb moulded in that Shapes tap 1 wt orp se: we eg ld Binder in) Tye emerge te, (Ge cir se 19th food Veh), Ga re $10. 5 sare af (ey, nhs seb di Sen spr prema nk ed et an Se enann, op 23 2 wh 1) 20, The subject of the sontonce is not always Ae expressed. Often it is implied by the verb. For 220 Pn eT arqite asin se ETT and ZA, and lkewise in the thicdpanon the ool ET Ful, if ther can be no dou a othe vr ma ‘Nevetises, the peraal”prononss denating. the subject av nol seldom added, yen hen nok rogue for the unieranling, certainly mach oftener tan ia atin and Groc. Sei Sa 8; 8% Hab, 6398 ‘Bat the omiaion is impomible, i ses ehould bead oa te penn age in pie secencer, the pool proonas denoting 15 the agent may be wanting likewise, but of course this tool by fr dove so een asin atve scenes Pe ie ome, iS to Bee Rede Con bah way Bo fe) rn eve ny Bo in “Te omiioa i rogue with pire imperaire, tat axe exprenive of tn injunton or commandment in a stone or polite manner, as TIAL (go), ST Theat) Bas, 67 the panthr thas adirenan tho hasery len, ‘ike of tht oem ar dow deel to how ie om sl by alg sa able ay ermal ° § 10-1, saree ora Se et Sen etre ope oe Bat in sentence without «faite verb the personal pronoun dniing the sujet cant be ming Te ay Be ail promicanily ITPA aod ACT, FATA cod FAYE aad so on. Tho full foe WE -FATATE, a FTTATAA ae, of ware, also available. su, 7 ‘the persons or things involved, are embodiol into speech by the same or nearly the same grammatical appa rutas, as server that purpose in other languages. eis ‘tho relative froyuency or rareness and the distribution of those instromentalities of speoch, which gives to Sanskrit siylo ite proper and posuliar characlar, the ‘ain foutnres of which may bo sketchod as follows: Wy. Sanskrit, in comparison with wester langua- 1 RI Orn yawns enn ia a 2%; 02, door not aval itself much of finite verbs, Henco yond oul, whi abjrt Iv meant Pan, 314 tho crow t" abundance of gerands, participles, absolute lcatives, ett th Bing of tha ovle th Ht troatment i i Go 38 noun-prodicates and a relative scarcity of subordinate si pry eet ad te obs cant et 88h ae se fs fs) Op By oT 12K geal sot may te exposed. Uy wing SS. the pasive fm, a8 TORT Ge iy wid), OA to tang. Tikowse by the lanl ofthe 9 yo of the ctv as TRE (ey ay, when sie soem, nen 0), PAE fis ksows), AAA itis tod Bat 1 edb abo th singular of tho 9 por ft active i employed in thin manner.‘ I, wr Seer rw ag sme oa es ie ee et ty TN pe etl ae, aa sais iL sonnet and Frc 1 bet aes Br dirscisemre feo wen nae ge ae Sie by onag may tne pee ‘The accessory parts of the sentence, such 98 are to pint ont the slere, the wher, the why, the few of ‘the fact related, the qualitin aad other attributes of son King, free oe et es wey = entences. Accumulating short coordinate phrases is ‘kewise avoided by using gorands, Depa. 19 amt pe gone) ak oes oe pee sears for the fa ono i tho fora, Dut nt Gearing ber Ica it to my tuecher, and gave I oer in hie anda, By Me ordor aoe bare toapht the bey you" In Senskvit style the prodicte of the sentence is many times expressed by means of a owen action, to be translated hy a finite verb. Pave 2 rrr em fe Fee gree, Dam, aids why doce my mater tp sad say hore) 7 Ty. Abstracts in “AT or “A may be made of any ‘nown either simple or compound. Sinoo they are available jn all noun-nses, they afford an easy expedient to being 1 whole clamse into a shape as concise a8 possible and to exprese logical relations in the very sharpest and ost distinct way. Hence they are often employed in ‘treatises, commentaries and similar works. A more Aetailed scoount of them will be given hercafter. 8 ou TH, A great and important pho in Sanit com- postion i lll ep by compound noune. This oy Tinie exroion of ong bap tote mest vat tus and afl lgeal ratios, bt itis epecly in te move Zovery ssi of adored Itersy compo- ‘ton, int tey nr wel ata conser age extent Tare lanes ere commonly avid by thom. TV An ofr charetrite of Sunt esl sre diction forthe wate dre. Worse gh re rented jot ay have een yen snd Song op qooel to hareben ba they ere ot mould ino tho gue of an omatio obliga, Generally the adverb TA (has, to) is put behind the words oe thoghts ro. Ae. coving the Bagh sntence fe nd ir fiend, ey de bad sot lft ths toon is Sanskrit, WETTER emit PTAA so cian wu 1 ete attr oven (aly Wd tea on Tt ee we Bevo "Ps The system f orlation between relatives and demowstratven, though suiiently dovloped a to the timer ad. vay of eombinaoay hur ened a fq deal of Tin evita and poaty fi er Sinetay sage Toten reminds of thst silo tli ati, Mostiy th rate date peo are. 2 cr mr eigen BFE ey Pe (et oo i ny Siu, ia To gh gO ote eomrey aed ne Iv Sakis ks rhetoric interrogstlons, that is, sch do not put a qdotion, bat contain & ale tent either psvo or egtivee th tara mech tor employed than in modern aguas, sek nla ce ° rogations are often to be translated rather freely. 8» rite noe carey an ether expoion of nobody” and ie tan, more fly tbe del wih in ‘hapten, Compare Hagley, when = snow, well 'Vilv. The prediletion for the passive construction has been already mentioned (see 7). Tbs ofcourse not restric- ted to the finite verb, but applies also to participles, Tike all langoages, that possess a rich store of in- flections, Sanskrit affords a comparatively great freedom 1s to tho onder of words in the sontence'). Yet, it is ‘roquantly not altogether indiferont in what order one puts one’s words, We ought to distinguish between the trar ditional or regular arrangement and the various excep tions caused by the exigencies of style, enphony , metre te. ‘Therefore though tracing av general scheme, we rust Keep in mind, that it bears but on the most frequent employment, as it has beon obseeved in poras- ing the best writers, but it cannot claim to be a sot of Bixed rules rigorously to bo followed throughout. 16, The traditional ordor of words is this.) 1. The predicate being verbal, it ordinarily closes the sentence, which is headed by the noun-sbjoct, ‘when expressod. "The other elements of the sentence fre taken in the midst, but placed so as to make the Doom Fa Lie Spe ATTEN bat she. ce et rts wee Oe Ue mane ave en teat of Da, Dance De tints Wertfge ur dew Cpa oe i ee oot go eon Gh ae lad 0 ne ecb ave Hohe immelataly lr t ERTFD RE BRATHAN. makes a mat), ZITAT AYA AE TE Far ateae (N. tns pred foe Polit. with is rothen). Ia a similar manner the attites anid ator acossotin of moons preele them. Moreover, one i inctined in Sunset to avoid subordnnt sen- tenos by araling one's sl lang of participle, go rude and the Hike (4, 1}, it often oon, th the Chief entnce ispreided by 6 greater or amallecamonnt of acrenory elements of tho Kind, put soording to the exguecies of grammar and syle either before the suhjpetor subnyuont to i These, thn om Pe fj (9.9, 1)y Baar tans egy St chr ge ion sw Foo Tien lt Bend bye sts tan © te dy thn talons inet fealy pine ast te set, bat ie menage af he pend fo, yt other toma the id gud npr 5 the acorn af ho hi pn, ol ha pea om. In pamive sentences the agent, ox far a T Inve our, soma to hare th prvadenoe nthe rae ditional order of words not the nominative ofthe karma. Poe 18 4; war fe sper ew Ho 2 ‘aibjemnge of he sen a 2 If the predicate be a noun, it 1s put be fore the subject. Pom. 38 ens duh fitch Jen gree et mee ai ae ager Seer Sealy Se pone Hit 30 egg nt ono a al orn T mot to Jour comp Tok Wann, Xr yb ety le teknd tne ter dee? wu tek 3 Attributes are put tore their nou Bat when ca § 6 n ding daty oft so calot predicative attribute, they. gene fillow. Comp. for Int he pve gam ‘Sem eft ores which ba ed spent, ore Sow vee wegen. ‘Rem Not len ey a epi tm te aon (og: sos) tn tlng te Dat 0 ef re eh tralg th elecn ta shld nde ern ae Shay o ne fer mame So Pon. 10 x Gegavh are ‘orresfon tle he tection wf fee al wr 4 The vosativegoonrally heads th sentence 5."Theprepositinsare commonly precded ky theca, 6. In seatoces linked to the procting by mans of relatives or pte, theo words ae pat fists won encltcal, they aro atx to theft wor of te cance they intace ‘As it ha been stated above (18), this ditional or- der of words is Tilo to. be modi by various ia fences of the. power to. cause tho speaker Wo pre- for an othr aremigement Tnstnd of the sujet, tho wort on which str is Iaid will had tho entonoe Th this way tho verd or an oblique nouneasa or a adverb (epesially when of ime), aw not dom pt fin trease of empbask. tt wien wer Gt ES snd thew sets ayy aden), Dood wey eg feqch cr tow Fl hee sistant gine, go te eneber fe phan i, 10 cet pac a Foe 8 rot oe rom i 8 oe met fo. ne {dap Asa ein snd ae dh ei sing Bhp 6h yet my Mg 1 ‘suger phen gr Peng wr fa emer connoatng sents i i nowy. to Likewise 2 17-18. commence & new sentonee or a new clause at the word, ‘which relates to somebody or something mentonel in the foregoing. Hence dononstrativs often hea the en- tence, Pace wn mt seed «re — orem fae nee — et fee Gee ew ee ‘Tem Te gun tho manner wach wesc a Ind tngier may be of tome taaece onthe eengenet of Wri frie ye, eget MHD cen were ae fee sare fatal of fen ny ep Poel sl Gp Dog 8 es wow wo {Bh Mana 1 emer me ‘On the otter hand similar renons may expel the ‘verb fiom ie place at tho rear, suatituting for itsome ‘ther word, requieed there by coonomy of style, bexanse ‘the end of & sntonce is alo it to give some emphasis to the word placed here. Hat I wy ey seit foe Ge yon thy hing wo may ot Tne fy Dg OT Paine ame wee rare ence LE Jeu dott retro eane hat you have son of them, 308 {ilwy by experince so ght tare, ak 2 tt ath fet 1 298 co A ¥ meteor wor Ther is much freedom, where to put the nogations, ts wl be shown in the chapter, whic tents of them, 1 Sanskrit pools, especially in Uhe more artical and "gf reid Kinds asplay a fl greater variety in arrange ing the parts of the sontonen. Wo may ascount for it partly bythe exigencios of versifention, but for & gor doa 1 6 the ech of Ue spring after an ee= fant and exquisite diction, Yet, a# deviation fom the traditional order of words is uot striven ab for ie, ‘he idlom of the poet is rather ehamcterid by the #119, 8 ikem and si of omponnds by the lagancy of wanda fd the meloiosne of sounds, hy the elevation and Yevetion of lle, than by an acti disturbed r= angement of words Sich entangll and infrastruc ture, for emmple inmates Latin pootry, i an xopion in Sankt? There It eielydiplayed in the eximordnary great Ubety in placing lave, in tergtien and negations. em, Rip wn and mpoy, fr, may lh ce sit gat ot mikes one or ape Shhy ted aH sme tone, Ch ape ooh Coal ay evens Alt Be 1009 rer seer tn of gory il 2 wh oe Terapia gala fe vrs hen oig ot s Ine range red ly een ge ypr Sen ae mpoed Grated in er ity etn retin tom ny pt tren thy mA Be, 3,8 oe a oman. os SEOTION IL. SYNTAXIS CONVENTENTIAE AND SYNTAXIS ‘RECTION Caner. 1. Concord, 10. A trrofold agreomont is hore to be spoken of, one rm § 19-20. existing between idea and word (), the other between swords standing in the same sentence (I. ty TAs a rule, there is agreement between the real (ES, and tho grammatical gender and number. As to the ‘TEP number, an exception is to be stated for the collective ‘tie nouns and some plurafia (axtam , a wre (water arom and Te a il), se (Ne aly enon), in the edo Inguage lo rox Geala-toa, ae (nek 1) Rarely the gender dite (ees, me the mslr fer ofdend” weds a eeu EP pron” MAUR, 16,8 ee oom ar he proper sam to bear —) Soe (0). and Rae () aly” ots — are ‘marr vile” ha Intanon of iagonment bth gender sal nator?) ‘The diminutives generally retain the gender of their primitives): gen mat gop But ghar £8 gi Rom. Of tp coletier tome soe aot always Ged 90; fone mayan wll denote single Invi! se &ealeeon of Indias. "Acrordogyy Inthe ater case may Wo sald oe ‘llr (lng) aes Gor") Sly se: or ser: spe, 1 mand, ker gon” at an vogings ens 22_I2 8 gmerl propoiton whole clas of individ Agr may be optionally denoted by the singular or by the " 3 cat are tne fn tng Autos Sov tony ape Peete Beer) on 3 {hep snr drwloen ot lat ero aa ‘or Guat W235 ‘ “hed ae agar ho Dhoni of Aptana of sa er rite, rl, 1B, Tomy 2) Waa nw hr, lware,soetne ino ta {80 wet (om Sage = wig KH), hon (2) 8 edly "Sa GAt we: SF MERRY em EN. sty Det in Ue evan loka road Yor Same teen ge er et et kee 5 20-28, 6 plural of the common noua. sre: gen 8 {eran [at ny Dh rhe ks) cnght tbe ture). Cp is B18 ge fem fe obser seni «Mpa pais on, Ait by terete pred, ok, we ae modly ‘rom tn” unt Rem, Propor names oveadonly are eapleyed ia the plat yest wil brat th nly of agin). — GETTo eters I of thon, that ala of sch «a 21, The plural of abstract nouns i employed in Sa 22 rt more largely than with ws, at leat sometimes In SE phmoes, somewhat strange to our feeling. Kmued.162 itso ergo an exe ser rm me 3a rn who any hs tne een lw he ah sty hi ores rin) es ep a ay Ce) ‘chon ren” Gtk WL peor no In he ance it nigh, tong Real mad Upon Ma coat," I, VI reg, nomi sins, Of fhe ink se arog M1 1, To ine of ton ag sari) B84, 9: and the Uke 22. The plural of « people's name is commonly uso to" Hy ante the segion, wee Hat people al Th coun. oy; inhabited by the mation called EPP is abo named ‘AFT in the same way ite spoken of TATA, APPA TREE, FA eto, ithe country of Pac, Mat tym, Kal, Vides mona. Oop tae Yt, Ra chil, Gens Pony Hanae feces Nag Se 29," The ploralis maestatlou is often wel in alireaing ESE penons or speaking of thom in a reverential manner. ZEAE Tle apple tall were and pits nach ynurble ten as " daignled with Clk Ith Hing sale th mowunget faa 6 5 85, Ate (we got un by my ovr mother) 1,89 ag Jee ie tte Dew te pet ex on by alin wn I eg teen ereeih To (Gow Meine cebly my Hoe hn non mp anger ob ‘one hr by shay «companion of Vie) ‘tour Soe te much topoyel mcapher of rpeking of the at iad of thn tre maser Move Tt ae Se mans er tle e ommontyomprnled wh er — mt fhe para — at Hp. 96 ge geet set sgh Rew Eo Yew gg” 24” Similaniy it i token of great rept, if one is sere by the placa of the poronal pronoun, ge Seen ta he poli ry. Ds 0» nn Sara © ip san sma hier oho Ger are [etre yor mrs ln yn of ong Uy me, Ge Yas men Goes aye Kg Dupes ga Cloet Maja hn bcd )y Pane 1 [Damas th Bo] bn a gece eg? 25, "The plural of the fst peron is alowed to be made amie oe of, wien metning a singular or a dual. Here we ‘3 have not a majestic plural, but almost thesameIberty bin Tatn, to we orm Thos PF may have the port of Land TAT and may b= or A, stances ere very common, Moir. pak. {Se sro he ppt au ht Pan fa feo ot er ony wi tae Nour Sry a8 ee Cree ne ere a a) iny Poe. o8 the TY Pil der nt msn lows dl wo i i met alla nee ont shct i tte Kiem oan te te (on e-2 ) got gram The vs and none awit the ale f sm Syn hea arkansas ee pera eure nls ts UG tm 2B § 0m " loa be wid at the dt ph, wat lw do teow (yon and 1) 26. In all periods of the language the dual is the proper "gn aole number by which duality is to be exprosed, 1 th valamiooe ive of Saueet erature wil enc be to nghiy examined ih rorya lo syne facts it nt img He Chrewil b pot frwand sandy Uatanee of dani ex rowed by the plat smber. But the numberof auch excep lowest ba bt exseingy smal), or hah the ved Tete andthe pall havo Lov the daa poled Saeki ily oberrar ite omplopmest and do ne way ofr tant ‘mfoion of dal and paral, which x sbioe fn Ae Gok TL — Concord in case, number, gender and person is in Sanskrit the same, at in all languages with infleotions, that is to say, it does exist between all such words, as, while standing in the same sen- tence, are to point at the same thing. For tht reason, the predicate does agree with its subject in ease and person, the atéridwte with the now, it qualifies, in ase and — if posible — also in number and gender, and so on. Tt would be suporflous to exemplify this general rule,") which, moreover, i common to all oa oe 2,299 ust tag ts sd ir. Mn 118) Fw ting th dry ‘ie, o — Kati 10,51 senate ante pa aor ve Som supped Stange ft pany: MS 268 peer rer rt Re tere beg ne mom Be tn Tints itapeon ae gre "Omid secede i yr gem te wl 18 om. Tnngunges Ts will ele lo notice we more of lee remariable fare 1) Pronouns illo the genera rte ofugrsment, Ths itis Soon to ay TTA, as it Hatin to ay eos et quetio, where Teaionic dates always pk the pronoun in ‘be ester sing. Duteh det sr de reg, Grn det ape Pe 8 t,t ey Ke sod LE 20 at et soe te mt eh nn ae ee ‘cere rete tee ney a, Fn ps lettres ote aie te eer {Extn Mes hv may sven heal Wa pile se Birt 2) Occasionally the ver will agree with the noun- site when aig ner nnd of gig i ates Tone 23 we ot a dp ot 3.0, 284 oy eh Gm ee he (ee int te Can ga fe earl agen oom ot tn eh ge tw re tt dd teste meh of rat), Sanders tment ace (aaa) fhe nine (ore 1D Bee for Sn Ch. U.6,16,9 gre ea ee fH we ed by Pr Ma Mee i {ELS ron hoje ohn sioge of geri. rd Io ‘loa. oe sl st ya Bul Sd Bete al, tt ‘int oot ar, Dost ts Ba, Typ XERYI). Neve: Ten in he ont imme lowing m,n vy Hom to be sept, for ty ner pi asp othe rae Hu he eter hn ere poe, ban fod ad tee fn a's fl ey nas due wi vc to ao ny, SE yh en 22 hema lon Wt (Ge tat Sa on™ #8 1 8) Sometimes, in eases of dissonlance between the grammatical and tho real gender o number of & noun, its predicate or attribute will agree with the lator (@onstructio ad aynesin) X25 2 rf: — Frere ‘pre ear thinking of thee ~ ee aabjute donot tk fut ere {rey thnsgh prammatoly a to. ned patil a the ‘mucal ots in tho example quoted the diac by wish the state i epatod tom he Bown, Se gpalien If the same predicate belongs to more subjects or the same attribute refer to more nouns at the same timo, tho idiom of Sanskrit is almost like ‘that of other languages. Bither the common predicate (attribute) agrees with ‘bat one and must bo supplied mentally with the others, Beth oe mrt a pT oO caste Da. 1 arn re manga, (Cinta! ond hi Kingiom wl my on ipa at ee merey ftom thle moment). — The prntally tne the ss eet ae suplyag he tom, on) of the other altematve, receded on ee 20 or it has. a grammatical expression adequate to its character of being common to more substantives at the same time. In that oawe: 14) tho number required ie of couse the dual when relating to two individuals, otherwise the plural. yet vcs ts = zm et & Sere a efemt= Cp th Rem, on 1) as to the gender there must be distingushod Detween persons and things. When relating to persons of the same sex, the common predicate or attribute i of thesame gender: ae = car art 82 we. When applying to porsons of diferent sox, itis always put in ‘the masculine: frm s cme But when belonging ‘0 inanimate things oF things and pemons mixed itis outer. Rly 1, 96 oer sme et os eee Be 49 1 ba fee oy ers ae a ro Them. I nestor ‘woe ate mised wih words of oor godt, "eiatoni ptr nema pono ratte ster fh ngs Maoh eam A Me eH ye cipge iho Ue, whee wins Se Cpe, {he Tete, tbo ltd pool thu ful sake ae os In te yes of to, othe money man «) a5 to the person. Inthe case of diference, the first person ontweigh= tho second and thitd, and the second proades tho thind Gee Pat, 38, en 20, At, 1,4, Fae goo tha examples pd te sacra auf sr ee 0," "The tpn Tibi vt Gos Greet, Hague Latino Grace it alee Say Ch Up. 8,32 ifm oon 80. canals wor wobec by wih” econ i they were eopsaed By nan” 2,8, 20 9 fern ma srg emer sore gow bn Ba on pat {Ree ey oes thal er on, he wae ft ow Oh Sontuton as de 81, The distinction betwoon prediente and attetbuto’) Js chielly «logical one. Formally both follow the ame rules of syntar, and it is but by the context, partly also by the place it occupies in the sentonso, 1 Tan tom athe” i sk iy a st on fed copes” fet fn nore wig hl il he oe. ‘dnc, ih tn sce Wren ste spot § ase a we can leatn how to understand gi Aerwea, whether 3 FAPTT= the ol fate father i old,” ote As to thse meaning, then, we may dtngish Gee claves, T the simplo attibne, Aft PRAT = sth old futher,” I the soll predceinnattite, as FRAT FAR (= FR AAD) the fathor, when old." U1 the noute predicate of the teene, 04 TES FAT ~ qth father a 1" TV the none, wanted by the verb for making up Uogether the prelicue of the watence, as FAT TZ: BTA (ihe tather grove oly, PATE FE ATA (you think the father old), V such a nota, as though for. anally agrecing with the sujet or some other substan. tive, rely srves to ually the verb, as Dag. 141 ATR, STATA: TWAT TEAM, see ‘shove, page 1 Rem (Of them tho formal sgrecmet of las and 1 is fully made clear in 27. As to class IH we 8. 32, TV. —Thenoun wanted for completing the prodieate ARS, i used in many idioms, the most important of which are: "EE a) itis « nominative, when accompanying verbs of doing, soning, coming, growing, renciing uch pases 1 fo be called, held for, condered,apinted, wade, in, (uk Tange te: te der he Yvon tn ey, {2 eer oer py, he Bre grow angry), Pe) fe cece dre ly. ou ave svete ot a wldns Py Pott mermpe Ge eve (y do Joe lt toga) Pane 88 Tie cenit Ge Cae Mag ur etacl fbb, pom of sting oh te, Foe E19 ee he i at eal or sh 2 3m, Ret b) it isan instrumental, if wantod by a verb of bing SS seca, ong te when nperonal pase Tn tise oth subject and noun-prdicate are putin the insta seat Mate Tora = wt ay a 1 rots east (he Baby wen cog ght ede ate ie Tinton ty of eum, ory wih the Hyg of Deg. 160 racgten oer, (epee dares Se your alleen), Pate 31 ger cegit e ot (Gud is sgh yb age to i ve). ato) an accusative, when qualifying the object of ‘Sr the verbs of cli and naming, of eteeming lng Jor, couidring, bnoving 04, ob mating, appointing, eee fag’ andthe ike, 2,140 rend et hi they all {ssh Mala 22 oh GE ow mo ng Ral) Madr, TL rte going (anh he meng 2 my ao sau o€ ot, at 17 80 meq te ale tn Se ee <2, NB. It is supertaoas to give some more instances of "ES" that wollinown type, but it must be observed, that Sanskrit hus also other coneurront fiom it often p= for, Not in the ft place, the nominative with TF, 2 the instamental of abstract nouns, Both are eye Talent to the nomin, or asus of the completing pre ioate, Tasted of AUT Ta ATEMT (hold you for a bridman), i is abso anid ATU TART aT” or ARAMA HT; the same of eourse applies tothe Dusivo construction, 2.9, 9,11 zee gn fe ery, {Gee tae a of th ov alll Dasa Kiger PTT feo fic Si (or ome fu} » pmsl fem. Amore delaled acount of those ios wil be von in tho couse ofthis book $388, % 189, In th acho dls we fugsnty mest with oy omit Ds sonra ih we verb ha mie vole, vi ach lly IRE ell nif 1 coer ons sl") Rg 1,5, 8 de at 1 Seen Gv tina Bim having drank soma), Ch Up 8 8,4 BE ‘wer ef ot eet i (my ld you me fay 300 bal boon nated? how cvald anybody, who id tet ov than hogs, cla Rime Urol, The. 2, 3,852 ‘gqragr faery, ator Bering eral io tra cosdaed SE rc fate.) Shey ld fr I tle with tom. oto eee thn shape of "Ai Br By a0,4 wor St ope ving sre leh shag), ‘Be 11,8) 8 ory at eee ‘Rem. Is dani Senn ha om soem to bar antigua to call, 10 oun on’ mit In exes hy mens of he efexive pronoun a wen mt i Head of the ld ‘pe wo gd rr vo mot wih rch compounts as Pans S26 a 84 Im the case of a substantive xing tho atinibute or proticate of an other substantive, disagreement of gen- der ot number oF af both is postble, 1 2,118, 1 xg ‘err per eet eg (Bh, pat on sade pede, ounaly] fie siggr. 1) Tes sowie hae coe n Grekatdinmoden Mae scat ape nn rn oh Dat a 3 th iis ap ety we mt with ch sprue ten foe ingen teed mi Dai 9, 28,18, Tey ae aly then we emponne, F on, pe ade ike (8,2, 89, 2] tn of i We nd Sa XI HL — con a u 4 9526 Care Il, How to donoto caso relations. 95 ‘Tho manifold relations eve nouns aad yrs nouns and nouns ar signifi by cases, by the pec riphrase of oases, by compounding. A to the proportional freency of tn eal mds of expen, ‘wie caves are more frely employed in poetry San in ross afenr in the ear periods of Seas than the Iter; heron pvp expensive ek tenting by the tins, the implement of deeumlocnton Inresing’in number and variety, the nearer wo ap. rach to our own tats, But th faulty of signing civereations by conning the enelating noms ae the somowiat rudimentary chap of eapotce nn no been cvertaret not diminshel by tine. On the con tray, whater wo on at tie fequency or a tle manibldnes or ab their expansiity. the ad daet is by fr srpsel by the anand period of Sait itertoe. 36, The sme rishnr nd afandoc gener displayed in the several eomstrutions, taken sepurately. eo ot ror ecptons of the same eteeation bang equally Iwosble in thonght, they mostly aro alto availabe in speech thre i perhaps no language, whee one maybe Jest inthis eet. "Ths wo meet ey side with 1 partie genitive pasitive ablative, pare oa tive. Gumalty may bw dented by mean of the ate ‘ental an wel aby th ablative oy various prpimce, ss Git, AAMT, TMT ote. The ponon saben to may be put jn the abate or dative or expr by means of BF, QF, HEL. The verbs of giving are an. § 3530, % rot only construed with the dative of the pson bee stowed upon, but alo with genitive or loative. The Aintve of the purpose i Fnterchangeale with many a reriphrase G47], FARAF. ote) and with inftives. And s0 on, — Ad to this the many implements for Deiphese, cider prepositions, partly atefent and cman to the trdoearnpean mother-tongue, yrtlynewformel in Swomkrit, or nouneaoes and verbl forms that have ‘almost the foree of prepositions, as FUP FATT cto, when = so," FAV om acount of” TST ox PNT = swithoot," ATFOT = by means of", sm. Momover, in mont cases one is free to compound the substantive with those works, for ex, to say STHAAGAT: instond of TUPARL BATE: (or the sake of ite) , TATA CHATIMPATTAT (over w stone), ete. — Finally it must ‘Kept in mind that in a ange amount of cats one Jims oven the ele of efther expressing the exserea- tion, oF letting it be implied by a eompoand, made wp of the two cormlating substantves (UTTAR! = GRIT FAR: (a tom among men), TATET: = TER TTT (the king's attendant), TEVA: = AGAT BAL Golain by 2 serpent), sim, Im consogeence, the three general cassis, me have vot up, — cases, periphrao, compounds —- do but re present ono ani’ the same logic! category and are in practice coordinate, For elaurnes’ atke however, 4s they exanot be deat with promiscuowsly, they te ‘aire to be treated suoesively. Accontingly chaptt, 2% 53788, III—VI will contain the syntax of the cases, ehapt VIII the periphrstc expresion of easerelations; in chap TX the diflrent kinds of compounds — acing ako dvandva and darmadharayn, though lngcally ber Jonging to other categories — wil be gone through, Guneza some oF 1 cbs 28 Tho nominative or first case (TAT s«. F- {PE fry exrosie of tho sntenees jock aod prt cate, seo 1 and 5. Morover the nominate is em- plod to denote the noun taken hy Hel, spect from the sentence, will be shown bara. ‘The person adieu # pat in the rocative,"} sooner In a npr oy nec ag ie teeter we Leama raft are Gane se (hnsntr (1) at tn tn aye be ie‘ tania’ By tn ay Tru ni ening i teste pops of tt wa Th da cent ee fend emo Sha ei te Ee trac ty mg fe {atin ype, bem ae gy an See te igo or nen Mat ape et tg St pet me gy, ne st ptt othe en ah Stayer rhe tra taro ftp, geo apa [elinaoso atu napa tine We oy Gee's nan tov a tobe $38. a OF tho six others the general purport’) may be tote tine: 1. The accusative or second case (ATM) de. notes ) tho wider, bh) tho objet of teamstives,c) sm extension in time or yuce, itis mod adverbial. 2. The instramental or third case {AT ‘ee nn od sine at et pam. wot tte ‘Te cues en mel by ae, ch ey dnp weniger, ales ery ofer dan Yak So TS i ai id i ey 8 By may ep B14 0 ego (= ‘edey, 23,00 pedo ration), 33,38 marek amet Hore ew hr 1 aaying te ming of grammar, bel eee fh ‘ord ayo wll be enplapl n te marone a f einy i'n‘ kage of say sean tre” nd ogy oe ceainlly wayne fe (oP nde ong ena Inthe Pep Dist 1¥, pet) Po ite sue te wes ich ecm uy oe aye in he way ener pet ict oc epee, oc tr aad ae ine Bk ee 2 tia ae) mo 1) Punt Ba ho ni wllaun tne fo plot thei dient imeem of eat re oe ssrpradioa, Aint ofthe abiative oping, tat ofthe Ieativ we mT bat of Se ad a gee epee TEE sete ae et Be steely tt te pete 8 #58 may be called the weiH-ate, fri ignites ith whet by slat, how. ceorting to the various applications’ of this fendamental notion, there may de set up divers ‘kinds of instrumental. So we have an instrumental of secompaniment — the w-aled sviatce — one of the inmtrument, one of the agent, of the way, the means, the manner, the quality, of tne, of valve, and a0 on, A The dative or fourth (AP points out th iret of movement. Mosty itis employed in tnetaphorial sense, or the ret, ite employment ad- tite of @ division into two Kinds: a) the socale ‘tative of intra, W) the dative of the parse 4 the ablative or fifth CTA, denotes whence there is a stating, withdrawal, separation, distance, consequence and the Tike, i being apliod to vaious categories of thought 5. The genitive or sixth (#1) upon the whole ray bo deserted a8 the case, which sgifes colon 1 chiely server to expres relations existing Intwem substanives') and aceording tothe loge vaseties of theze relations wo may distinguish betwen the pour sive genitive, the parttoe, the abjetioe, the ojeive te, Dasids, the sixth cise is wanted with some al- jectives (as tho of liken, owing and tha cnteary) fod some verls (as those of remembering). Sanskrit flko ta thee wore kinds of goutive, cach of them Aispaying a purtialar haracter, nl 1. Ue geiie of 95830 29 te tine, after which, 2 Ue able gtie, 8. the ge tive hihi eons wil he dai of nero 1. Tho Tocative or seventh (AFH sis the weve and thre it gentry iso bo rendre by tuib proton at iny ai, 40, on. An ts lige Inet ie not ried 1 ral wu, bt of cae a Cen other seer of thought ae are rans lamer of lev, for, ft of fine, of au tance, of motive (tho so-called FAFTFTAAAT, the abso ite toate On the other hand the leave is not I mid to fhe apt, whet something. vor happen, bot i so signi the in rend Too, TAN tows cv neal ua he wd exe, nae ss eh wet wan ey te gated rarer many, ppt, owt intl 1 alot, $7 ean nein fein ft ny aunty ho Eo ant eles Sy ty oe ll ota yt gb ey So {ny atu pay i ogy oop er caper narn. TIL Accusative. 4. The accusative expresses whither something moving Pans expt afr: host nt fe hls Yom), Na 1,22 Frecforir (hen they woot tthe cout of Wath, 3 23,114 fr sore (Koomlego ou tt Bran en a =) Tn the instances adduced tho movement is rel. But in a metaphorical eense the accustive is Tkewise available, B.2, 8,2 sneer Tom, Dag 40 frm om, (G7 Me aside geen dy ‘This obvious construction is not the only ono. 80 8 90-41, ‘ho aim arisen af may also be putin the dative (70), ‘he ain reaced is mestly denoted by the Ioetive (194), ‘Moreover various periphrase, by means of AT, 3GA= aay, eee, afi, eto are concurrent iioms, see chapt. VITl. 40, From this ace, of the aim the ace. of the ob Jeet isnot sharply to be severed. On the boundary are standing such turns as Af PTA (he bends to you, vets on youl, FART AT he attains knowledge), ATE A the moves towards the village) sh _ Bem. Verb af rinpng, careya tating, sch, ome wih two acemater, SEE et onset ma eee teach aoe Sy SS bn; — Dip. 88 eth ero, Oo me conde! you t soot 41. When contrast with « nite verb, the aus of 2%, the sim semotinesrminn entre tin Lata GE, Sek, sometimes it tame nominate. Soi eepet SEE somtitto ay AUT MEU, FUT AM Testo tte 2,210 sg me mr Tees tthe alt B Pt aat wTe me ssl op ee oe = 42 Fa yn mm a ee in Se gmp Swi spews es Seals aa ane twee of aa yw le hs shana 0) sme eh, Hv ue a la ey sat, sl on. Th nf han nt henge nt th gee, when stig «wos Tt sail Seca gp he Wns of + forme Sagi), with ho on fh tnd he gona he tnt Op Pay ae 42, IL The aoo- ofthe object. — Upon the whole, the {£5.Slrame category of verbs are transitive in Sansit as ate =" clamhere. Yot, some cases of disrepaney and some idiomatic tame propor to Shaskrit are to be noted: 1. Verbs of speaking may admit ofthe scous of the per- som adiresed, ep. 46; 2. Many a Sonskit intransitive, ‘whose English equivalent is likewise ints, may ooo Sionally admit of an object put in the sccus; then the translation wil generally die. Ofte kied we 2 oer > to laugh at; ann: 2 eh Lanm s leew, s rer ESR) tau tomintpns Sgah + lost, | te igie ae ere 8 Yorn of rambling, ering, ik sy, a rns, whet — sto wa ovr, to trough ot ao ek tar ot eat (i a hunting, ot be ie by bg. — faery aE ‘nd ite camposnas, ty be comtraed with the ac, of hn to ‘whom rapes i shown. A ira Mest of tho a be hnows By the dinar, Tem. Ie Asa tle, th ail ceive are not eiguory. 80 ‘be urbe ‘of spebing ait alo of «at or lca or wftj — ‘my aod ry ar fone ome with dat, or gens — it lo 8k ae wall gat aga oF gure (omy oe) oF gah RR, em. 2 Not ao tho tn at sa (hit fill oy shar) ‘nd the tran. eoauatin of gry er gsi 8, es fi, Kaman 1, 9559, 695 Bagh 38) 4) fe 9 sau om. A. cht (0 play) wih the aco, of tho wager Ie an P38 (49 Intransitive verbs may become transitive, when being $8. compounded with some proposition ys meget EO os ar the cow), pos APC ATEPTPTA. se EE elety aptin vote, compounded with TF RY FS AY ST GFA, but alo to others Reampla: wim (o essen); afSR wont vy ep B15 4405 ae lo rips sone (lo perke aty to eens ofa oe by ‘Pom vel er); gfe (appar) were a ‘wen lore on to grap)y rat (lo ahah sor Co ele, era fo ge tm) oe ‘Rem Thr tence of the propo i ean sen the 6, ttnding on tomo omponnd salve, a ga, age Cla 2,21 coe He, 50,1 - 44, ‘Instances of the ‘sovallol etymological oF 00 WSS enate accusative are not wanting Day 158 sre my “Sioa 1.2, 5 9 afoot ao («we bare pe fhe Soh) ik 08,3 emp her ney ebm youl! eo ery vith rout to your mothe MBE 1023, {Joe qin ary — An ama of ti pve ening Bie m8 8,90 ge gh aterm Fen, em. 1 tomo of hae spose! seats tach wpou he apbreof th lve and do gernd n'y, fometinee ‘in rhe est in what eter Yo en thom: Of the Kind fe Ob Up 815.8 gre AE, MAM. 1184, 00 eer. ‘eG ied [hin] es i bn) 8, Dee Tom. 2 Tho ht ing an enya when oppo aces 8% “height ire tnen expire atte Ase enins 10 atr 46. ""Somo verbs elm of « double construction, which Pat plore of shee aay oe 4540, 33 Yefe is the counterpart of the well-known Latin idiom muse EE midé danat = munere me donat. Compare tor int Ge a Ae ere dat ce Tee Nine | tl Seema. (invasions vihanon both | ay star ego hi eae vou wid, 1 he oe bot othe shoal natow the htt pon the lie), fr — B. Gore) 6,11 gle | 3 8, 200 penne ‘arin (they tor outbee| guerre lng A, shee baring 4 dre wilh ge grew rte the moe) an wordy gre hate thoowaen. Both contresior are ed ide by ide Sn fhe masta of Puls iy. 2,3 9 Bogen eee ee Bas. The wo yn er sey of one tg, bet tft fe nt thy wh dh he tags 7, bt 3 common inant fy leh iu iu poner mening Ow owt te tm ob faba i ert et ve een sone of owe ting, Nnoingy ting orth Uke. hong he ofag Input the inromeiy h.aiyfe roniped fe" astra an aac nay waren ee ‘tute jan ~ Tae ral oes af oer mug intr ibe iaiy es Sa, and le sr Loar a where otrng pa iy whe fing iy thao ine wif goo fr eh age Monova he otter oof Sue ie pl wih cum with ght may be mid mp my ag gai Dat De Sica a Le cenig wth ge ll cemndey oP, (eee so tn ses trp by 4. "Nom, tine verte hive fly of amiting two aya objects at the mine tine, "Ets wl eto aor a fo se to 300 owen tne the neg) pe he au $14, ‘angus «ago; a wall fg (he tach is pp) ‘beg (ho tach the law). By eabining bth consrctons ve ohn 1 etfs 2 Ze we 8 ona This double object may allend a) verbs Of pea dig, 08 HTT, A hey ty, ws TT, Pe, ia, TERA and sim, ‘ecg, epeilly TA TUE and ATTA, .) some others, especially PAT (lowin), ABA to wit), AEA (lo puaiet, to fs). Se P.1,4,51 sith the commentaries Tuan pigs Hae 20a sf ond me roy 3 54H met a Shr) ny Hans oh Uh88 0 m tory sew fon low oft nage tated ee fre quien), bby 3? ewe eg omy Kae 1 1 at smoor O rted brn om), MD, 18 20 ted ok ome ne corer oat belt Joy oes raver, ao ody icky Bey 38, a oe avert cgi nd al nts ih Ml es Betton em Fe Kami. 1.2 sn gent see ep ey ES stom te arth estes fons ad Bebe of ia owe — eros 28 fee sl poh ‘om ht Soe srt enum! pop em Inn grim ni ae sme they tm of ‘ich void rh + nest ee sel et trey ia all OF Kd rf Go seb, pte the 0 mm fo eh), thn seme gee ets Sera toe RS oh "Yo, wate of te oid eb in dub comaative 4s of nocesity. Other constructions aro quite av waa, sometimes even preferable, especially in simple prose, 1) ee ao sega gasisite pot te to scm cote wate a0 ng, oe a $4749, 36 "he wh fen fn ena hs a ogni 2's pone “Ts etch atl a a attra ree a Soares tnt eo pcg a runt ak mee mje pnt onbaa at open in fey aoa eed we eee 0a pon ty he gies a a 1B, Some vr x PTT to tel), ATA to make known), AHEM (to enjoin) never comply with the Aone objet. 48. In the passive construction the person asked, adres- sed, defeated ele, turns nominative, the thing asked for, spoken elo. remains aocistie. Thrtr, teegh it say bn aid spiny al a sme qe ot ‘al at gy wine combi, we got the 00 Fy Fe ge qm Bnumpln: Pane 29 hit oe st cree ome hve sad my mar fo grat Jou Ptr), Kathi 27,148 seb gomeney eer ma (hoe bagged a for 8 ony tht wb) BeAr Hh set i sr ase; — De 80 fm ero FO TMS a8 weg ecas: iano (ot when ering fo witow, he Sunt Bo pnihed ith wan of one ehh of ie oot ‘This pussive construction is often avoided :) by em- Ploying one of the concurrent idioms, taught in 47. hertow rt et oF ey aan army ee 49, Accusative with causstive verbs — Ifthe primitive 1h so et a, Ha at me wth pm he wl, Stn wi a Stee Tan, Get nal te ete anon She Sm te sot hot oe ety fa 6 49 ‘at be an iatronitoe verb, it causative ix constued with ‘EE tan active ofthe priv ajc, Pr, SS Qa: com, ANGAT TATA ATTA. The same ap- plies to verbs of gigs then oe will have exasonally ‘oro scowstives, ono ofthe aim and the other, pit ing out the primitive's subject. Prim. TAHT TERA TAT one, TATA TAT TTA, Bat if the primitive bea éomitie, thro is diver sity of idiom, Often tho primitives subject isin the samo mamer put in the accusative, when con. strued with the causative, but often alo in the Ine stramental. In the former case we have of couse too scouatives, a Kate 8 10 mgh wg mneghee (Gn et of mone ade te gen mat seared Fogg, ‘oh hace ad row (shat beable gt npg dey Fuk Tho alfonso of both construction ie datonmined by ‘he divene nature of the notions, cated by thom, If cone wants to say Ae coner me fo do omeling, if a by Ki inpuse Tact, there 3 rom forthe type Ft FrFarcagaf, bu ibe meant he yt someting dene fy me, am ey the ayent or intraven hrongh eich he set, he intra sont place PRPRERTEAE FAT, Blanpt: «of to aceon: Mate Jp @ ot echo, sit etereingarapn ern ei (le atthe vee af erg il enind th ppl of th tomer Mago), Dee fe en fe ot rein. pressor met ‘ed hat, MR. 1128 cerca he meh aly sen py tes) M2 85 17 rere edrel s embed 94 2 yeaa epi, Do. 218 8 49-50, a ~ So always mare a fr hi verb thn sno ino formally i «autre ands te ft meaning (he entogory, mendoned in 0 of tho prints ebjets Dag 170 gt ot anticancer exon! cory (ho thane] an onder of tho ng sho was ravi ff whal had happened es) pot {oath thant mam); Made, p 37 yt rit de hee ‘aga i ey Gin eyenrrny th caret le hin ring homey tly, Kee amir 6 9. come eran (he (Himsa to be etiored them, tat he open hs renee to ew’ ML 9TL tov mage Cher the hing ould der to bo Aevouel By do). 50. Tn the passive construction these two types ar likewise Possible: 1. the primitoe'e subject terns nominative, the _wrinitioe’s object romaine accsatoe a Made. ¥en wemctt rizr te ative form of which weld be ga wey col 2. the primitio's subject is iatrmenta, bud the prisitioe's object terme sowisative se May. 22 1) Pia gre ditt rls sont th sont of the cane ren bi in 1,4, 82 ho teacher tat hn nr aed Wi in) intrantien Ue veg nh 1) ew of pen a Eni a ne fag) tee wang inate tlowg ae dea opal sn ei (mye at eral” (at tha grandes me Pa, pee Th ‘7k "ths catia, tev eine’ ae emia Anejo (ms), cdagly att fa the nts ta {5 trmmnay toring to B18, 88 compra wit SIG, ow the val of Pai, ch poate etm of ts le disc eiting by nny einen the enpe ot spi ep tome ele masa, 1 an eat he depos ba on 51, 83 § 5052, rowomt prey enPmere® ior ative fea Grit mt ret fir be ld the happy Part tna sfx visatowp Tho lather type appears to be rare ‘the former is the general one and is applied ever such cases, a8 would not admit of two accusatives in Mod. VI», 28 eee me sin Af, Koll on M8, 287 mer wc eh cre Co mut bo urd Jo pey av much or has bon expends Dp secu sci geierftmeuneiy (Kyun nemo oy ot fot et) Ho. Bo ee (ed gee nf (hen he (cho bar) eomaeded ty chit slopast fo mae Fo iron), R. 9,09, rr Pum i eT, ramp f typo 2 Mile. 18 crore ie ae et ‘rene: (% He Majy, ido, Basi inh own pow to ‘ako mo relate Mchausens. ‘When having goto more at le frie sete castes tay change thi ratractin, So wth ny (show) snd ema (4 tl) tho pean who i eased 5 an and fo hse stmt ut fm tho nat azolag ea = camatv, bt ie ore com ‘oan to wie the gem or dat Deron thy i ft range ith te reste of slowing aad ling, Se wt ene ever omtrnd withthe an ofthe pron fo wh ‘made Kaen, ‘The accusative of the objovt is not restricted to the finite verbs, but affects also some active verbal forms, ‘which are grammatically classe among the nouns. Inthe fiat place all participles, gerands and infinitive with ac- tive signification must have their objet putin the cus 1 Apu ftom the tne cramped Ie the oct To ak water baring at ih soy feta ie set ed th 452, a0 tive. Hitherto there is no difference between the syntax of Sanskrit and ofits sistor-languages. But the ceusative also wanted with tome clases of verbal nouns, com- ‘monly not reckoned among the patisiples ete") al 44) with those in 5, made of desiderative verbs; this” lass of aijoctives has indeod almost the nature of pas ticples, 6.) with some in EQ of Kindred siguifeation, ) with the Ia, when hog fh worth of «pate af te {hina a) with some Ln fa "py, 6) nth de Tats in ‘rhe berytoen, ‘Bammpo: 21, 8 (hing to rat maid eee), MDL, 10, 48 ra Be we serys — 5) Du 25 bet. (Ge mld st bt ‘he hase of hic wos —«) Kagan P-2, 3, TO mb ah (he gue ts maken mt); «wn 42. Peon Th ipa won Oy Pia an ang wih ano, but ti comtanton han anion, Tne of are Set wth he ae et, Tet 86,1, € pete fate eed Bg, Oh. Up 8,2, 2 week et sah osly, be (in dre. ‘em 2 Mot lo Go ee wih hea (rr, dering ‘Ay hr as Tow, tha lm ie rovtrotad to the epee. My 68,4 yest pt moe (lenge by is pence worth of 1) Se St degen ingen mana pen ein piel, Haat be hits P 88,2. ag a 3 Fe te owt the as anton th vor ar.—H,10, 18 mem armed roll nla inane st opr oe ‘land with ean wes pablo in tobe changed in Pw HOME. 1G enloat dae of the radi mantras many more nds of vortlaoene may agro with tn So fra. gy 8, 25, 4 fi ot: Scr MBDA 1,13, #1 we ave even a ae, dor ‘eating on nomen won fbr nt (Oy hinds Wo cong he earty crete ows bi 1, 1,8 ghetto (by hi wih to rut roo) 159, Tho at, with the burton in“ thgh not rato in th eer ‘Pod, seams to prota bat a ately lame Sense, ‘1656 wot with only In raed yo and avon thre ade by lds ‘ith tho eave ‘Dag 109 ld f 0 gordkng, that he vu saan questi Sawegemte meysmae cy o ‘earings making bi sted mig, ang hl aie, lowering his fous comp. Pane IU, 0 mpweeim em (e Hag, ‘nko rales he enjoy. =~ On the ober band he examples ives yy ig, am B. 3,3, 186 prove that atthe Sine, they were ap bd af fit the’ contruction with th as, war abo ted a fan, So geet sof tr ayo, e Gl ave tho casa to save the Bir of ie young-narll Woman) Gp Apa, 18 54, IIL Tho accusative of space or time server to de- ‘ac note a continuity of ther; it expresses therefore EL selat space is ccmped ox dering what tne the action is 1) Te lot ngage some with gai, Pp {9 suBtarteren (t her st wm swt alo my nt) erie on 2a ty te 8 {08 em tn ene baba a eel Sr riser te tie itr rp. ‘Ee. Comp the Tt of ptt fo ad Typ. 8 af rent, § 5455. a ing on, Compare the ae pati and tempore i Latin, Greek, Gorman ete, Touophes a) 9pece 129 ay on yf emer sea fo bn Ba ner an sch af Be Yount ory het) MBA. 158, 40 Foye eee Ge tne i ad argged Min aang over pus Of tht ee. Wem When suing the denne of «ting, one dome aot tha tery bt es of bnherconpenn 1) time Pan 18 ra foe oro many pt 1: sou, De. fr et rm Ge, pln, vite mont. ‘Row 1 ow and thon ibn st: of ine Gna th tine ot sd, 0,1 ee REA a eg en AL gh GR sete, Dap 1S ho evens RE Oa endo regen memes Re er OP ‘Eee 2,195 MND, 1 63, 405 191, 945 Ape 512 ‘Rom. 2 Sometime may et Ded th any when den Sage Sin rig iy 8 ma sei, (an trend ptr Garng © men ver Dag ‘Hein 4 The acs of Sine rome crag nh pe sso Dat 96 chad sore Bat evel te det iy iF ee fh sje B03; 02 ge eager i ay yb pe foroad of Ef sie (88 IV. Asa Talo, the accusative neater of any BF anjective noun maydoduty foran adverb, 2a TFT (he goes swiftly], *]Z ATA (he speaks gently), 2 Son a vi eB. §,8; 6 FoR ra any ys ua ay 208 aes eh woe oD tte te nme on erp gr Se ba ee 42 8 5558, BH PARTAT (bo amuses himselt secretly), Fa (he eneang rapt, Te temo ee lp svt ite aa a a vere 56. 4 great number of prepositions and the like agree ‘wi tn now cplr IO ete Sun Fen sane y esate Cau IV, Instrumental, Wn ete us te out reece ike dt el eran te sept wet oe iy ear Secures eee Ir nl te si oom, wry ttc i mie SONIA oo ay ah Seer ci edo i i = ie ee Bante nem en sight * Ege oooh ea Sco fl ad the whe wih the wing) nnn Ne sk te ee ES ry ae 1, Dramatic in hi ating 558. 8 the notion of big Leger vi, 1° he adverbs ARE, FR], ARAL, AAPL which may then be considered pontoon, on TIFT AE; ouch paler FARE, FFA, WH, AAT and the the, as TA: AAT AFRTE or ompousded FETTRET: Or tution of the socatve is exprened by a compound, the for amor part of whichis For FR) aa ZF: ABT. Occ sionally the gerund 2T@7 (having taken) is also used, in the meaning of wie ‘The propositional adverbs FIG eto. are likewise added to tho instrumental forthe mike of denoting relations Tween diferent pasties fo omer wily to adie with to Sgt with 10 tend wit, sim. "lamp 6) eee 4 of comic. Muh p12 a fc wr eet (or rons sot ected il va SHOE Ino aoe tet erent ost rrr emt Pane Seeds Oat ivan Kable 4106 ome gre ene ee ee temps SE ee a oe Sl omace ey ance LE EO ae AM oa oS Ses ae ee ea a ene eae asa Se ee wot Sk St Eat eaten ote BG inoue cuban eae SEs “4 $5860, tn streams iturin rte Sarno eee Ran eae omorees eens SIE 2 Sy ane Saat aoe eat AER very common, denoting as well concomitancy aa mubae sae eS ts to the Ianguage of poetry and poetical prose and to meee See pcs nen Big sciere ae ee ere Soo pone sos 3 mat Se tr = ater cape ee eT ed SeeSea eee Sassen =aces SE a ime ach ce cae Se De 60. Compound nouns or verbs, whose former part is #, For AG, 2 many words expressive ofthe notions of § 60-61 6 aniing, combining , mingling ao often construe with the sole instrumental, oven in proce. This construction ia ‘tho regular one with TEL and ite derivates eamplat: a) compen, commencing hy & ot, Di. 70 eh swift, Mi. p18 ger fhe ere ee rary (ee ie ‘vt in tha wold a man wore haps, tun be, Whe ho ead conver wih, TV, 12 ee fener (he rine lingiag 49 mangers) Mesh 1.34 pe To Soh 1b) other verbs of uniting, maging, vombiing, — M25 otgherben gape mm, Bae 10 eh ear ernie ‘with hls Kinane), QU 1 20 ae Beate mesh dow ot ua Bor vave to min) Row. 1 lon Lat fry aba aur BoM 1X Pausyap) fron a Se (i was ot ie Itenton to Ir his pep op 2,7, 82 Many Hs te on bat omathing up seo 2 Pan. 3 wt awe et it teow Tartu, al issteces of that rary; Patan gir tho example fof Fer Sar ut it not pan what ie har the ening ofA slit lavrom. depnding on a compound ver, eommening ty Ie taught by Dlg. 1, 8 9 and his commentator, ne Pa, 38 Acorn to th il deere fro mabe ‘rset ta tran toa fale of lovecat a (OL bing ed cy inthe ea of ll interior, iq The instrament attends on the adjectives of epaliy, m8 EE aera, id av the ik, a8 FY, TAL, AAT, SELCFT. Were howerer the genitive is a conearrent ‘25 constraction, jst a in Tain. Tt aid promizenusiy ST Fay oe TE Ruane: B 2 1 35 wo Go nH, cgi he Sut Hp 118 wr ah oh on “6 § 61-02 ch Ae IA 13 ge eo eas ne ou Sen ty feds Pat I, BH een Gehan Dsowe ‘Sc sua tooo i loo be expr by some ‘nape irene lo be €or yen tasty sho hang of pang on « Doe, cp Kee, 8,30 — Couper ao mh expen Dep 1 orien ‘year end T having ho ame Dao me Sh de ot sate. eave AA. $199, £8 ow tf eg 2.3.20 aif gr fer re Of yey (ls) fw sow he the en a ney en, A* the insirumental is the exponent of the notion ats of component and simaeconmes, 08a ar “TRE tae with words exprenive of the very contrary, namely EE ccertion and digitonin tho same Way ats “Saray BARA, AAT FAR with you," ove is allowed to say AAT Thea, AAT FAFA without you") ‘The proper cae for expresing separation, the ablative fs however als availabe. In some phrues the istra- rental is more frequently emplayod, in other again the ablative. Tho instru, prevails with PA and met of th compounds binning wth Palo with TL sand G17, but tho ablative with such as TY, AZ. aaope: Pane. 84 er fag be won ont pied of i), 1) ae LA poe tg eugene agi dr sre “ni ae dnl pli aa igs i'm ot ho ep of sprain a ie We are hart tte Ke tion wh note 80,42 hewn wed of yon ay nib om het i ees Pane 8 meer eB par Sri a pore 56268, a Dag. 312 gywcregepens (ih pled th gran of ‘hee ake wo (cloery at to koep thom emi}, Kail, 15 Sten pe BE (fron the gla omed by Bie Spates ton 8) 7 saeco get ‘he cath bn fd ffm a great st) ‘om. The aijesiee qiery Ger, RG ges. often ae TL By extending the notions of concomitancy, sc- ‘companiment, simultaneowsntss from space and time ‘to all sorts of logical categories, we may understand ‘how large a sphere of employment the thind ease occu pies in Sanskt syntax. Generally spoken, itis always ‘ued, when it is wanted to express the circumstances, instruments, meant, ways, properties accompanying ‘the action and qualifying i In other terms the instra- mental bas the daty of telling the dae of the action or state, expressed by the verb or verbal noun, it de- ends on, For clearness sake the most striking types of this ‘instrumental will be severally enumerated: IY” and 2 it is expressive of the instrament karapa) and the agent (karts). ‘These two kinds of instromental are practieally the most important, for they are the most ‘wanted for, Hxample of the former tor spt (le ont with it), gat ergy gone om fut Tare gr, (ein deme by ma) OD. hw tof tt tg oo Se ea ete —~— Si a imenaee winner os comme oui oir “ 6304, ‘Tir, the insteum. denotes accompanying creunslence ‘and quater, like Latin abl. modi and qualitats. 4,3 ‘oft fier sie snr, ma make mnaey, bat vitheat ving tol thie bed), Pane 129 cence pst ae ‘PH ng exec he royalty with Dam, hs mint) Fourity, it declares the tost, to measure by; min. rr (70 il now ty Ht ei. Fifliy, it expresses the price or value, something {sated at, bought, sold, hired for, the thing, some othur is taken for in exchange, sim. Pass. 158 eramin free, ger: (+ oak sold for « banded rape, Sinthty, it denotes the way, by which one goos; glk. 1 eer srocedion rg? (the tener git han pod ite tore slog ths sow of young ten). Seentiy, the instrumental denotes the ceune, mise oF reaton, by which something is done or happens to bo ‘eer gam: (eropeons by wealth) fer oa ame by leaning, scomish (bat pcton haw azivad by my one) rer come oma prea). 64. Te should be kept in mind, however, that these and sm similar distinctions are but made for argument’ sake EE and do not answer to sharply separated real divisions i Properly speaking, there is but ov instrumental in all of “A them, just as in English itis the same word wif, which is usd in phrases as distant fom one another 8 go with you, Leut with a knife, he with his black ket, he it conte with me. For this reason on the one hand no- ‘thing impedes incressing the number of divisions and subdivisions according to. the manifold logical variety of ite employment, but on the other hand no system of division will exhaust it, and more than once awe es 88, o smay be a sou ander which bend to enrgte agen instrament Rem, Two ing impli of so various Inga cone ception by an inpletat for exprtion as ely f cwoentng is hn y the tine beomeinoaesint Instn of the vnpl festrumeatal, therfore, © more txplist todo of expresion, signing more pecely ete a at eta Totten mado eo of, namely the paige by words as THU, SICA, ATA, AC, TTT ete. Te riative feguncy is ene of tho mt ting foe tere of moda, compared 1 ania, Sane, 8. Soe ee ae iene ftir Bae be given. now. Se mete tee — tapes tek sit me of woh et ea ina rs To oy ceesorci en ovr Bini ie det Po 148 gt abe Romrend neem, MI 1, 144, 18, plea roams aot ST vin cre gc Gh we Pe eee ae ty runt pops he gay By syd nee er pate iio ales feel ‘Stk, ty (mang) tan be pote mo) ‘rom warn nec rp nih id xs cyte te tonne pat San otal prt tat Bel isp tt ence Bente i open cs mop pena Sent) reenter se re, tsning th Bown of he) Sw Pe ‘ter ger Ee In he Inter ue ho sold ej gan ape Eon or. os 50 8 66-67, enc snow oe genre ia “ety vou rat fc te soya othe Tom ert ha oc goo ae denote the agent with o Kriya. As a ral the instramenta is required, ie use ee pre py he Shas at a jie or sn: Hamepl Fest ae rats fa hie ei), Baer ney et eT ay by Taf ea fat ih (ot one wr tpt en re Sg; cgen tne 0 ha ero fe ce fe sate fe ed ao Oo os tas gay aly orth ne wed SEL Te ea we eke ee see onh sora ce (oa lee ey Sat aout Timer ree apne We ey tn Smal ih pnt Pon 8 le tet 2 eat 1 1 Gay ge oa ew fe 2 gulty tee acStesey Whe gy ga ty om eh pi of Tan rm {mutton tol Splat nL door et Sea 8 wd (io meme epee cso « die i « shat, bd owe 8 eto ifsc lon ee cre (trary wi te pe comm ori Bad Ga Bah ree ‘foroxt with manifold trea). oa ssp oo sng «vo, — Ton tha he mates of at a wl tng 2.3 tT eb hr site ie af) nem Ego Specs Sih get ae ny 8 eo ot as romero eh eee GP STUD cad wale Ming beay nah tn ae oo, ")Pt eater op wth in opoanded ya ‘peg wrt sto nume th ls be mar, wich maken wae ‘Sigs woneing we pomndng tc aly, yrverys ner le Be ede het tien fn rn, nn, 4 67—10._ a syn ne ang, ding, weigh 08 reminiscing he he moped peat Tem Nef wih intron, tea un mon aimee Tem Sv tren fin th ha of set nt may te cntel wo (7, henge te met ‘cops ne ode, tnt cy oe em git on mr eit nme nih etal oer ey on 4 nvoun ny enter nyo seonhig oh noe srr ft sce, So 3 18 ww ist mae ge (oth Io arp open ths tra, Sy en, le 25 Stn dre pe Craton ome te aren, Ay gu, iS ea ad be jan th to 3) Say Pa. 0 smerny Ratan tort named we he Eee eure: TAL gree of fo eyed td tot tee ot Han ay neyo tyne yo a cin sh ua Ts ema yr toga te gu a Lata at at the so soap cect fron fatg hr sagnts teen ee eben Pound, troup Gui sl ope ftp and I ae sgn y omyuns, nating vi te fresyt Shevrenpon ofS ri eaten pcre obi bt Saw clr oe eg, rth ee tga net Soon Oe aaa “lato eron~ Ret: Ragh 1,7 etn tare safe or Gar chatiy ee blared en he pos ah 10) einen eet mace ti ily tb uch «manne ‘rin or yalon — septa Pans 918 pen sgt mt sn seca, Ki. 3 8,8 weer any 32 3072, an. 8 art ert aria R38, 40 wom swig a UC ebuoe elle, wore af the yuen of aly wishes), Likewise ho fv. ad to dante that, which given fa szsbaage for somthing: Pane 152 (rho taker (fom mo] ple scum is exchangy for uapoled) ‘om, 1 Tho li ul on eae adie however a oan olbet Intron ae cxf ay sgifyvbow all my wish Thor sr good deal of Sntasces proving, a Samat hd eopesally in th walt let, a iar. ofthe hig trpaind of the tame over ae the 29 ellod biti somparatinia, More on {is sbjet soe 107. Bom 2 ‘The verb oft (0 Br) may be conrad ier th the intron, or with fhe dato of the wag, ior ot ame ‘Fees Both eraepinn ae Togoly ght qth tay, by whit — Pe 12 nae mfr ers or On YS what vain iho rows ave dhagped) By « common vl. pace matapbr afer osm ae alo wd gst he mame, in which one acy Panes 1,4 gyn age ont abn & 72. "1 eat, motive, rete: — Brample: Du. 198 fe Ser gu er Qj emo ny, voxod Dy hunger sad fin) Ch GEE Up 0,9 eer oF (rom sorrow be wan ok ale to aE ea, cu IV vedegt erm at se ai em (ven hon ‘SF tajred by your batand you shoal not opine Bim dem wt) Comal + ao prot Dy the ablaie, and in vomo eae tho ator isto bo employed xchat. Bat Sommony oth con Hews ae prmieaner aod orosloaly found tape inthe ‘me seione, Pan. TY, 24 m= fe ff ger Sf | serv ep fr fin Gch ing fn ae ad pra ‘the sue tine, woman lo eacopled, by whose sion os lv, ud the apareion of whom cnann dot), Kathe, 28,29 cher ‘re get fie (it fom Joy the baw bo epee, ot om is). Rom Mh abv forkidten nd xporiagy te ate fal ie of nomi, if 18 the euiee or mote be at tho wane ime the agent, sco 102, 29 AC bean abit oun of the sn. 58 eminent, ering gy) 1 may hb a er fr Beg (mond by Men, bt oly fa eos ad {fom fash. Hace fn hea of+ mun ad naar andthe in af the foie rang tot a Ro, 10,29 or po ee ge ere tee were Pr I peat rn rat mn cure po Sam secon sou Wor ey, fh The mo on {ean of the Dripreagy now by lngh ein a by wy Teing ved by ol age Td ok ropnn you est). Ik ‘sei ed pin wok, comment th ele Svein Solr wth intents nen ore do ote er fh moving Pall 73. Nextt tho instrumental of causality comes that, which ‘FEE signs dy wlat side. Like the Latin abl. partis it oome ‘BE monly depends on adjostives, but may aio be the com- plomont of the whole predicate. It is especially used ‘point out the pote of comparisoe with verbs or now ‘which denote superiority or inferiority, Likeness or dif. ference, “amples R11, 85 ster Rey igure, Up. 12 srr ea melt Dap FT amma: ops mgt Sor Go war sah i vene Line of Eneldge ol tn ped lie, bet nt vey ally = enely gdh, Pane. 274 fier ‘Gamert afer gem Goer whose on i mT inferior 10 Toth of fom sir in tle cr fo one eppetrnce or in sly oF fn rere, Dag Tae feb Tepes 1)8.2,425 pineal of onlin, The wo er fern, ay gy opti, when expning + silly, poral Gr cally ioe fee” te Tena hes pong 8 sa I ah ane tay sn ee Sra inte, a aly ‘pei fis edie "Se leet, i pce, nen siggy, ‘Macre wi the oper! needa alae sal ue a1, rater oft hn ip surpsning ll hi clzem by Ai bith, Ba ‘eal and Bi ing the Kings soins), GF gen ‘est anv ft rem Ware (he tee dos tae rent low ofthe sn on remit fo areae by fe sadn he ant ‘fh who come fi for hte) Tn he la expe, th Sn ‘et may aso be sccpid a the Sntoment. In pac, idee {ho diferent shades of the hot-ne dono show tmsucnes ot ‘arly, av thy ar exhitite ty the saduriypn, op 8. Hom. 1, Onnetrrent idioms dsarting the side by which, are ‘he sblatve and th leat, pei i be wate to expe ‘he pont of compton, te orn allowed to we them le by fide So R.1, 11,19 (wo intents ae wed together wit eo ‘01 Gam me diferefpe, MBM. 1, 16,9 hoy range wish a Tecate gfe 2 ae Fer eet de). Rem. 2 The intrumeil eof secey, when taning the art of the body, Wy whieh aoe nfl, te two ana (hed 7) nf fi ewe. Ch Up 3, 18,2 ope pe, {gE Gh ho Hawes mo, not sipld tn way lint) ‘Rom. 8 Wih comparative ani eke the fsrameatl is quire tothe Tan sblaivn mens. Dep 13 atone ‘ri (by bow much i daty apie to inter an plnre ‘ip. om Vash Brats (rasan of Korn.) wget chit (cush a plant morn vo many. sohs TA, sore the trata lab), Se The instrumental is used in many idiomatic turns, “EX most of which belong to the general heads described in the preceding parogeaphe. Of them the most impor- tant are: 1. (0 dancur, to fvoer, to attend on with Chie 1 af ‘confor st tee (we watt to walt ep you ‘8 dame ey Pane, 159 daft ote 2. oscar, ocanjurely. 2, 18,29 irk me (we mer ‘ves by ou eile); Mrvch. I (196) wees oes ou 56 DO. 181,46 be — ii ey on lipid hwo =o i te (Be ld the uy ya sh OL US ‘fo Boot on, NOH. 3 64, 1 ae eo epee 4 to i by. M3 168 mar Sa (a sg ed 5.40 ree, fo laph, fo wonder oe, af, MO. 18,1 re. (mao me hae VL pl he fer (Wh vbw verona ok vont) Kate 2040 eee Ar ho Mig Ighed t1 Gp my ary nal don) foo Aap 9) ya en we Yom. Im the ume of a & he sav may ceiny Se mde we of. Tha fn, oa, ey ge, mn bo Sh as bea sth ali ean eth somo ‘onto oan oes bat rey comply wh i ‘om. 2. With zy had thie be irom may by eer the eae pop (ee may le se awa 08 Up 8 138 glee fiance oe sndng he torr ine of nth sepa retary ee svi Gaping [or alo Bara Ia og Tone, ‘Seago alt, Go RU with Pan 11 ey StS: he Snr rit wae eof hn shar of yy Ser canal eee, teovith he ED hs bi ede 8¢Aegh srs: — The gir wih ware lig is lr et wy J ingen pr the Io tl th "Lt wen sn ( bt, te), Bae. 2 beget 8. to cary ~ 10 beep sto har on (in, Sil) Poe 1 22 got cet oh eo (he carer et ie wie ih hr prea nh ay Da, 10 tere ue Bet nt Tink 8 ele ba we sini batt poniay geen eae pete 4 omen af se oe Ea cere ws eorper tor aes seeder enn 36 eum. 8. thal penta Oe ale,Cpat oun) 3.4 pereneh er Ng See Bg bein ermaditmgerst rate aera Sauer ol def Yo ei nam st ooh ok guj es a a ere Seam ait Sie. evict et Mate a lye aay, yan te ey emer ee 1510) th se pe PB on MPs Sin, of ow nguive form HT TEER ewe em ec with he at oft, wah eno ater (Or even it is said simply TAFT (what matters this‘). a Lr—C Bstmpet: Pane. 295 ffi geen sti (va pot hae being arewrghty, Ml eg mt or oie ee the Keo Dag AD hb Mode 0) eri wanes ener at pr uv oman weve td evar ery gh ete fein, at Tn fn Ge (oho mon me, Ge ¥ fi geen te Jn san vay ad Fi eu fon Pa, 28 Pe ein ot. Rem I Lie i, i drareafé cmpl with ta, ine vraig, bang seer fry wveings Reta nie HG went tobe mud MeV 100 fete (coma of thom long ar the fs en sme eters ay ong he domi) Rem. 8 Soto cm wi nun, sdoedet oe poner 4? 23,158 apap, Mile VE (pepe ger Tob 78. 11.) with REL, WEY, FAY the instru. expresses ‘© prohibition oF on invitaion to cease oF to stop. ”. a7 ot ‘nm Cwm nym ty i ae a —rLrr—“aEsrC Sa cp pa, Moay itunes Dave mute or ls the ctr of aives, go TMU (nt), PT (oly, FMT ant FEM (arty), APA (with all my hea), _— tran ot totr «pit tn fey fee i oh rH a ‘wor tae ay, ma a) See {Shi be pry ga, a “no weet er ns ae ‘ies TL he instrumental of ine serves to dente in lt tne ometing a acompa, Rot rly thscom. ction einen with tat of the fer some tings hapesiag emg np and (te «nh e he acne, shee owe 2 etem gn gman sete ym be nc, at Enh re rq (in elon days [he cr] grew sng les oem 1) The dilation tht ram, of tn ste above meted sez of tine (Ga) Hate ty Ihe taper fhe Ka et ih miviatirhgeein, ge re fe oi the jt Sor th eae rs vag ain, ee ues my att wap 38 $1379 ‘om, 1. The fnlaentleonepin sams hast ba at of enema. enc it maybe explained, how the hid noel lly deacon ovo at what tine, as Re 72, 12 eget 0 ‘the samo Og) rot ee erg san gt tt fk sandig pain wu exon, Pr, whisk ar psilly ‘foquat in Baddhnte nal Jin ok om 2 The massra er coniastion, cents, map bo pot lnierentiy (poet or got rom: Bramples of the ntram, er Gehy. 35,1 scum pit sn st ony Pa 1, 201 ane Ser a Cnareae V. Dative. ) 79. ‘The dative or fourth case serves to point out the $515 sarin, and horfore it genrally des ease to En: EE ation to and for, Eatin ot in with ace Yt, it bo “want to expres the destination of rea going o mov. ing, the acrusatve (29) or lcativ (194) ar commonly referred, although the datie may be use even then, ne ATA TERIA tings cornet a TH TERA. oy nah, 48 Eh 12 tere, Des rere Me gorges tom apegt ey omuhing 3,

ruin a bly man by wordline, a-son by sping, © ron (in dp ik tho onan = bys Eph” a att ph Satan by acetaying, Sly by + balan), (UR Ty we 104, “Ablatives of the cause and of the side often have the ‘st yrs: (otk after she tah [by wekg the charactorofed verbs (77); especially when ening in 7 th ty aim (the dy go te et Hs — Te Ba ya | tn sae nto tt he ifthe of eto Be ra © “aw bs dean, eg: i dor are eereee re eaas ‘ew (a ive ot, eal (hvegh oa oom orden fied by the shar nay safe: (ith all one's power), areyr (ut of rxpet mer (withe oe as 08 ie opal fat motives on a eden), am Many ablative of avait have assumed th character senate } of avert, 500 108. helio inens Bronte, 10n, IV. Sesiit, jot as Talia, wos abatve not only Mee svat, a any eee Oe tu minum Bor the ako of slying from lt ae, bul abo of a Soe hey bcp esky ae Poe 0 TSE whet side. Horo tho ending "7 is employed, it seem, re. ar ht, " 2 " 105. "“Ablative of comparison. — ‘The ablative expresive “RAT a ntamtl oe rape dete oF wt bt wih of the notion on whet side, wilh reqect o — ie frequently stat te am te uly gO) whe SSE aypied in comparisons to signify the thing compared with, provided there be superiority oF inferiorly oe disrepancy g 1 joins 1 comparativen; then the ab ‘mL 2 hat exe Yi a 8, eA wat Lewd, ante oe ‘omete wowne, pring ery strange e:asn rly both cme of cea aie cle ete ence we our than." | 1 For i Se ce of ant, Heme, gira te Sam Thoin (0) ond oe a abo fe he cum conn (8) 8 § 105. Pane 88 ARREARS ATT eo appir man inthe worl than yon ed, Lat em to fet, 2 ostves of any adjectine Dag. 1 TERT sear Pr ATETAARAPTTEUTOPT he costo mea franate, vena ompaion with Lord Td) 2 mods, ering super or infroy,sch as AUT (lit sth better thing,” = beter than), PL (exceeding), JEP (ouperion, SIARCAT (to exe, (to be inferior), sim. Mune. I, p. 68 SPER AFCA omy mot otngig bana of 2 all word, meaning eller or ifr, a 7, BAT, FIG, PT Pooe. m0s TOTCTET Tt “Re (erin some other otrvane, base th walle own ar expen) Ty se ne ample, OF L — Bee 82420 scopy ry eg rey tn cei ch tn 8168 ge emp ciel ee a se set some & eel art ‘rem mca cn, Or ls Sa iin ny hay thi uns sr of sy mance bay, ma Sees eeiate ae ota ned. Hal he nl ees gate tn eth rae ‘Sa ey, hava, pa an vey Apu 1,18 19 gin et dex ye ghoromeragerean thie TT a a aloe ore than anybody clay Hi Te gem on 108, Observations on zhe abl of comparts 4 105—t08. 2 pre ith Mi body happy Bay URL 2 {r HZE ere Se ah Ber ee Spied fan nn by Your eng, i tr ten ei) 4 ion a 0 a lt ye, Ta 818 sar = . ow sete, "od nae an eh ey 85510 erg ce a Re eh it kw {vt pee tw lan tle a ge A 98 rca Sot frre ging op de exes sng ‘Soup stata tm th sae irae: Alt. Be 4.1% 4 man ie se mer Jo have owen th he Sat et cove rid ooh of = gr 16,18, 1 oi at Rema tor pa, ie ot he ah th guy Oh Up 10 23 =f Ta ea (or ete sa tat ne), Pee Hy 2 eo ‘ees ik Prod, 01 ef too (rar favor oo Girt among theme, yet not drat frm Gol) em. 1. Our shan” wih sho comparative ie to bo rendered Sous bythe abi, < ‘ae goo mii Te Sanit song inpodee uch seston at {BH ae ower, Ho Mala, X,p 104 Se) ey et nt ear oration twnde mo, than Brads your oa mete "Rom. 2. Note tho abl with ach woke at: dnb, tbl te, in, Me, 289 gouge cen (4 eof fe times the wala ‘Rom & If Wir be mld no ogy thay moody Bly a0 ‘Phran idh th meaning tat foe" may Be med Sntnd of the 1 Pane 116 pt gpa = ar (oo other bat yon il now vy id 160 pect oe xe. — Th, the allie imny alo Yo aed oven wioet wr a Kami 6 4 afSexeme, ey 8 106-103, SEITE ny tes fond othr ehhh a wth SEE moe aro (ler Mes bet a m+ Ki "te Pelee hare at ih sm aco er plennti tome etry vb ere olay, Aine te adj wor pen, Pat, 0 tft ek sxqeéncn rf at le ot acomgany Hy et in proprio) ep 4, line 2, pl, He yp 209 le ie lve af wag (Oh Grek dnd, ad ach pre tsi dis. a fn ontonnd byt helg nened ng epee exe 1, p10, Hw 10). ‘Wom 4. Gtk VIE eu weemargermfernet ont do sot in mill fr doweig the exrnary hour be toed spn me Oy Ina) a Svan of hie ih fhe See eg yh wl he i ar, 107. “nthe tenn nda dt wh treet of ompcen 5 ie somtinae ned fad of th ble. 80 R32 eh et inna of ay 3,48, 969m oe TSE canna ts conan vn mr that on? orn ens Beigfoh, h64 18 on eee eee (eg, O'S Back pg an Be 2,98 pe sh To a SSE oy oly ne ehh St M3) ey Bene, tne oy rene at show ht ven gentoo span Io Yen wel 108. In the foregoing the ending 1 has been considered (BS. w it it pomed th fall'worth Uo regular cum TS cadngs ofthe ablative. etn ll na compl Ho tty Tetwean them ‘tay abv be sata fo tw pre ewon Pugin gives some ral shot "allel to ‘oon wih how tht is ehere femployment hgh ‘oly coining wth that of the alae, i mel ine dest ean Ty Wt lg nw xp he see? 109, 108109, st ye forms in “ns There eek cafes ot eit By cin ‘3 Roalig or lng won i, Maming om aun oy wih sam with rapt 10 Int be donot by th instrament, or by Zi "hy 208 by thn air proper. — Fer thir roma, ine yore unt by Pat 1, p2 ge mec erm a (@ wor, wrong fn town of ls see ar of In sony xy a aa tercaugtable with ey and ay out Wi) cry and i Liew, in Ob. Up. 4 1%, 4 — quoted page of hls book — ems rime ao sybongtois with he iste, and the ab ey yes op weal wot be allowed. ‘am. It sosld howeror be remambore dat ei ale dont ok apy neither athe peat somperen C8 ele ‘orto the abate of comparison ae socrded mb 1-— a ie equivalent wih the reglar ene ‘logy ‘he same opine tthe bl, depending on the prepos om Plain does not geo ay ral about ming the ab i wth such ners wd pronoube ae rs arr. Now, alae ve of tht Md are verily not exreng tho apd, we {hey are taught In he hid cape of the 2 adh, no fe ‘he forth of the 1, Acsodigy St would note allowed og “re with Sm, Tet pte te not wholly eons theeovth, th arom an gee ‘Im two cto ei inlrohangenlo with gone bat wot vith ana whom caprnting tho waning om on? ae tay ebe (or weiner, 8) if deoing the dar, open! sch ee appli some remedy or cares fem: (or mee] ire someting sist aro nara VIL, Gonitive.‘ ‘The fundamental notion of the genitive or sixth ‘the get in Sanit, spill int dit of the Hee solani, hve sts oogonia Be Snes te pein 8 § 109110, our cave is to mark the Belonging £0, partaking of. Ta San- (shit iis emplosod in 20 masifld and o diferent ways as to make it very dificalt to give a satisfactory ac- connt of all of thom). — ‘The absolute genitive vill bo trent in the ehapter on participles U0, 1. With substantivos, the genitive serves to que "oP iy them, as TEE FAT the king's moo), PEAT i PAAAT: (the slchoie of Dam), FT (the ene SE my's strength), PAPA] (the friend's arrival), FRIRPT TITAMT ithe dying up the ocean), TETEMTATA: (0 part of tho scrfc), THREAT: (the opportunity of fighting). hese examples show 1* that the genitive, at least in prose, commonly precedes the substantive, ft is depending upon, 2 that, like in Latin and Greek, 1) Rion Poly Ad me eee mor, — Phas wens are notary dl ae par of emploment a et fe exp i tr 280) ih (Goes eonevialdttent seat pido ‘sco af mn star eecopon Bet, this of han wait ‘ond ote tn sot ss thn tose the oo SH it lowe ioe atin (Sy ey tee Sone by Hy oa iter rf be Biel, 10-101, 88 the most dition dio! relations will ther ex presi hy it. When diving tho whole ofits dominion by setting up auch ategores ax tho gone ety the nbjectve, jective, partie, that origin, mate, oon fty ee, it most not bw oriole, thn thee dvons have been mad for clarion” sale and do nok aft the unity of tho grammatia ty dscarged inal oe each by the genitive. For the ret, nt rarely tho o Ainay logical dtintions may fal short of elsifying tome given genitive, a th owe of gounerey ot Ut 1, p28 ewer om (Gn ray tthe herfg 1) ‘Conearrent constractions are 1. compounding the ge, wih the subst, it alites THIET = ZI TT, soo 214, 2 sing instead ofthe ge. the deriv adjective, x WE FAY = TATITT or TITTY ATCT ote. OF these rubettations the lator i comparatively tae, when contrasted with the utmontfrteney of the formes Ram They cael eprint or pat ae In nt sed in Bans 1 ld gms mk mn git iho ky of Behn” 810538 fg par Se eg lamer corm, he pe rnin] sh igen). ‘When pointing ont the gonitive athe cis to put in such sibrtutves as aro wanted to qualify ater sabe antives, it in by 0 means sid that no other con stration’ may bo sed for the same parpow Vert oans cftn ain the verbal constriction. 80, ifa moving to or fom sme plac eto he exe oan mat be construc jut as verb; grommet Mt ge Bens oh. i mi—118, ‘has we meet with inorumenal a fa seh othe sept raton frm ten an Jou ae,” oes teow om acount of gil? — abate eee, or of fling” — dative oe (gr erg evond for sto,” ct Sex the tn for {ng Iuapparnt?” ~ loaves ne fg yr vttchnent tothe ‘resi, worn" — propuloas ab thy sh >anger wane sme" sare ply foe hie se,” ear entation wih » mighty 008” ‘em Plis aa a petal ral about the aout Serr ond, 3% ‘exfez (ome aft (Cle), cee Ohl) en (wes) (Ga and pr Cor) a4 agrsing Wi Laie on walla wl 8 gan at exe oF sigs ep. Kathy 16 14 mere ox ‘dh Did 0 18 er Bd Bo Moth Xp 84 -profit fr, (ot he be appinod pir f llth moontaria te ed, 112, The postesive genitive has nothing remarkable, As IgE im other languages, it may be the proiate of the sentence, a. 7, 26 a moet aera (Wht one congue, ie ‘nes ove) iL 7, 1 the venga ariorsrendor Bima nth the wos safer (Lam yous); MA. 1 14,3 er a, Cenbon are yout" that be sof what fy ?)5 Madey p10 aly, foto, the Gadewing Csn- 1 bt an isromont (a he (Chay) ad). BL2/48,7 (Dau, to Kak) rege it at an howe, who we our atundens, do a0 Delong 10 ty nor 1 ‘Wem. That it may so donee the pri, of whieh one Iya ‘aera, ated sboe (106, 0, 118, The gen. of the material, something is made of, and Es that of the orgie are not’ very frequent, Beumpla: Pa TEE, 112 wee rer ak (vou eal of thread, Oh Up, SSE 0 nae gare © 3 Germ = Ferme re 3 eta ‘et mcrae he sid to Rims my deuy teat sable et fence, eek you do ot proie thr, of tat sable emenes {hiss gras paprodha sve eit) MMB, 1, 108, 47 cee (e tiene deste, 5 13—116, 8 em, In eivemoks tore e alo 4 gee of th anheiy, scoring to hom something is statad, So olen Heyy, ste. "P3411 saz veering to Galan” pends onthe wort wk not expreved sserding 1 the me a 114. "Thm subjective gontivy is atrciangsabe with the" * fe instrumental of the agent (8), According to aint SE tater i srnory, i the vera nown be atten by ita ej and te ope nt th sume He Tn manner two genitives are avoided,as Wat ATR TTT (aot FTPTET) (te milking of the ows hy Ue eow herd ‘We tay fly eed this boraton sma, to all se erin pr a ost: ike hr sth 86 eee ee eee recoes a —lrr———_ Mh 105,07 aces mm ate oe ae ‘oun odo jaw) at ne my ee Sm great comes ee oe vr coy of Plot eno MWh mn ee fh mate gets na bo Saray acl eeeeae aloes Sites! Rok togetn PSe t wai m, Deeg ee es eee 115 “The “objective eultive is saxty atria Se: guable with a loatie or wih prop an Bae SE Esta ay be wo We tre ee oa beled iow pn Map. ge ey tr ‘was he). = 1) Dat Moet, pa sue cera ss, rs tsi wi pt et rd 86 $116. 116, The partitive gunttive denotes iter the whole, hipe & part of which is spoken of, as HE AVTTRT chal of = ‘the town), TAPIA: (a part of the sacrifice), Kad, 1, p81 ATARI (the mile ofthe sky) or It carries the notion of selecting out of « multitude os Nin 1, 12 swome of —, among the ‘grunmarians", Tn the latter ca, the genitive is inter- ngeable with the locative: AEPATUTT (or FET) P See een A 26 158 36 weet Be se uh aa eg Sai ie 9 ee em Sota ergot wore From Gs camp ge fo fa, th a Sunt, w shies the pea oy nat on tt scant, al df es a “om 1 bet sing ot aft ste hoy og 88 wa ale Bt OS Rita mae vey eee See Ea gon; ‘om 2 ew vayemnon, yey nara, to periphrace the partitive cases by "FBT (= gen. or is nt AT a. Se 1 Dnt ele ecen m e 2 Ti i he vy aati, jl. 48 gb wine ereng te ien emi Pata (he 40) 0 ee a. 1e—118, 8 Wh semen of + pt ad nto a oh hn Sear toa gh ome tees, ang tthe pre ensrutn, art bo ete pn Men ro ngs vol expo {5 ta ae pr he pen A 8 eer a sro lee tits dss hed von Ta ae pet ine apc Tp tegen ee i fh aye en pe tt pore 2) Se eae ay amet Oe TM ath preniet oe sig pry of 2°Or« pre pny hpi eDlro teprome, she te we tap Oy 4,651 ee a pos Ey tng mut ct he ag) wh sa ae Ser Ms pf tr oy Kip oe P18 end serra fh ban erage eet teat) To pre gey ta nar C40), may Be Sead i ep Oy ety fe Sn + y+ way x it by te pre ses A 281s Ree de Pe LUslavpmee erie 8H ea bean ee any Pin fokeson aad pom Taseomarop ease Sen TCA partir get dpndiag on ole of x athe, i rum, tnt gage ASB 8 8 ‘ae Reval dr ta meh ge wee ih nid Lat id tp th Hey op Bact PR be wanting. Il, Several verbs are construed with a genitive LA povunioe pantie in pot to wma vske ot ning nd 2 Yet MUDD. 1.57.8 Chae Sonne sll "jt bn beg 88 § 118-120 ring, vk ey fa, (F288), tho voile qe, Comp Grane Spee ends" Bo Bg. 1, 28,20 ae 3 or To Qe Be. 8,1 84 om 0 82 we ay ot ‘Rove how in fy that Death han pover ever rach as have Iaetred thvele and he vleone), hla IE, 88 aul em pet sn BE wy op HHL TV, pe Oy Mls, Vp 1A — ‘Te sontoton la rare a clas Saat fy ith apn. come to be wboly obsolete. 119.” 2 A porte gontn be Seqoetly employed in the elder rao, and ha ot potent appeared th dye of Pini. Beta lanl Sanat aoc phen se mer cf (he gies of ‘he aaron), PEG at (he dei of he bi) ae eu of wm, ‘a manta, hhmepe aed epnihed tn stoning vr ising, Deyn satiny drinking x0 ho Ik) Rg 0, 88 3 eh eat fa ere ra ot fhe wna, tho brahmass knew, sabody ei) nd, 9 0, Rrra rege: boging fe ahare] of ho dalighfel abrosiy Ohe Up. 10,3 geet 2 (Give me of thao), TBe 22,0, 8 egger = Raf (hey do nt Ain of he econ), Ait Bry 2,6 me €3 ge Fae ‘rh (of tree obnions thay do ot cat of fr the Sra Tem. To thie belong the Tle of P23, 6 and 68, which eivn the genitive ofthe olaon a) i ertin formals tered the moment of wfrng ifthe dit, ) with my. 80 EL (Get Be 88 2,28 oiretat eter wed (gen. =e 68 NB] Bear qa (onunon to Agel md Boma (Uhr share) of the spinon andthe tof tho hegoay Rg. 8 89 in ra ofl (E haveworhipg thon (wih your sare] of soma Ae B28 5. 120. 8. Tho genitive serves to denote the objects of some ‘verbs: «) FF (Wo remember), ) 77 (to lave merey), EFF (ita), 2) some verb of gig for. With Att them, however, the eostive an aad ar 2) a0, ph ee ego em ee str dae rita eae te eu TE sy 1) Be Bases». 8820 aa, 5 120-121. 89 a 69 ox mar fmm Cpr with ha eae has fom, Min. Hl 8 a frog hon prin em ath hi Von et UR em The Soo fo fred mtd tm) Seg of urge cone (ey thee der men she sneny rics Jo) Teen tend wi me Tan yoo wn se id xa Yt inn gues, p20 apni Mae yp 1 nye george he a al oh far from Ube res). xd ie Ram Coup. wah one sf hihi oma ily by pe, yn eek sr Pa 1 98 eer Or he ser Bs thy Tn tae oP. 258 comp 61180 ee (tho sae a may sino pt 2) re tn se fh gu sotto adh bat scythe a Soot sae ng bg aed iv ed Se ey er Mine ngper oce tre gr lng Haya) B 8 80g i ee "In te me et may te nmap be soto ‘ih tho gon of thir bjt Platoon ty bing wd Tio) ll vaca of reembering?); 2) sy when = sto dace, { bopes” ep 10,4; 0) ve verte of ining ve prt, eet [Arb dove nota hu ho gen. wih thm rte {oe ly beat iy, ha wn and on age ba hat hw mtgetd aarvarda. Sop. 60-82 i treaty on the ‘ein genitive bs giv some exampln ft bing ed inthe 1) ok Rt 1,10 on with gen oe Di 18 se ie tpt pug aft items 18 et we ‘Racer (rn os be mew fet Hg Dap” 1) Pus ASH) op of wld ha eval, whsh mw aint te Ge Sone Tey Sst tno ib fant oo) Sene Tey 2) the ef of nas — foro exeptnd— a * 122, % 131-122, [igvedusmbith with such vrbe at wy fer Fags en, Wik (Go know fo bo avare of, to expres) it ser cer in ‘he Demawors, Ait Be 2 88 ae eet ‘As tthe foruaid’ verb of njring, in tho Rhyne ale (toh corso wth gon, B12 es eq wy tno 306,60, em. Accaing to P. 88 Othe ve et Se ousted with he gen of hy fnermest (Grr), Gon gr mu ant be og ‘ale! wth fg Ky goth exapl meta cori 1 ot mfsienty pin, whet hve he mag of "The woper ith vere of paying or bing, the paras: ‘mony ith tov of busing aed ling i to by the gn secon to B95 5160, ths exempied ty Kd or ecto one Insane of hn vale appli in Mare ‘ey oter af all mst be saa.) With fhe ompounds of Be {Be gen tld fo be opts! — er or aft wrt — athe ‘hao the spl sored with he nf te vag sce P35, 50 wih comm, 1), thn Grek re, tr iTowns objective ates wh ro er an, common the ‘Mie Tologemanie tly tod the tot plas estan, Wie ‘ay bie of hen coe a nga at. nt nly they dave by tes haber ‘ed ste, ted mates Sunbelt nd seme ith i ad ur sipped lo : '9 So he Kit pote no ie exltion, stig to ‘br ith p= oto wom, toy Buren Poe {tan no epost th stn, Barn tay tan thon sfacher ey, seme mig # le re ‘Thon it al jut the etry: gr wien ~ fy een ih pn sn ttn th ancient let wa act rly sented iss, o 193-6. Verbs of fulnem, repletion, entnfaction, as TUM AF, TT are often construed with a genitive, but more commonly with the instrumental. Cp. Latin ear plouat ini co vino). Haamplc of he geit. Sup. 16, 1 ans sg, fhe ie bathed lth tour), Pane, 148 rrr aren eich: ste ekgre (lt oot tel of ‘reo, oor tho vitae of sre, nor dena of mort ag, 1B, at the gen. of the gerson, orare him kodam le shown ‘sik getty ey mach and eur salar words is of fort od (13D. MiMh 1, 220,32 ye mer gi he Boome well ‘od to this braun, Pane. SU4 groper, an sated i em, Be, 8 18 eres agg am. 1. Voll nies conn many inane of ok snar veshe ~ any mets — ting contond woes, pg, em. 2. With apr the Toei aho avaable. Dap 114 abe erovoga he eto il). 1% With several verbs the gonitive does the duty of ‘an ablative. Seo 196, 8. With several verbs the genitive does the duty ‘of a dative. See 181, 192, 124 IL A genitive with adjectives is frequently ‘er weed. When attending adjectives akin to transitive verbs, BE tisan obetive gon, as Kathe. 29,58 5°C7 ‘FART (old ago, which will desteoy this beauty). Among. ‘thom are to be especially noticed: 1) Both gun into, som tbe lion Tet wi sem, hat on i wad of fen bt go ot yoann ‘tig bing cused wine. Siete moc anf eve — th crear den my ena ee mit: gt va Op th ar oo Lal (hie 9,0, “adi Hate 2,26 bora; te etn nan 2 1 1. Those of knvatedye, abil, exverence and the con- trary (os APU, FAP, FIAT and AA (wont to. Made Tp 34 argent gt Pema Ore my oi, outa eqetatd ih pun of the wordy et, 20 24 eww ort silad in btn — 2 61,3 tom Save ule rhe are anearomed to onl. aso ith thre Ma 1p 140s me er Gn Atak ot the bude), Km. 9,28 i i deer be sma one 40 an reso al Daag). 'NB. With the adjctives of hrowldge and sbi! and ‘with some others the loetive is also used (243).") "28 2S epnting ni AP clinging), sat pa sof et ony ny i rr ——— Ear alg SUP ant compounds. So 128, LUT inheying tie sn 0 ato abo wr a pres a hey ont Io se sh hgh ii at Sette af wets att y Py, {2 te tomo wn the ter ofeach para cie, ae {in ond smtd the gamma wo simi of exceptions Sst ete se grt 198, 8 ‘Rom Nolo fe with gon, when sabe, — ve mash, the ountryet™ Pat 1 4S wer size (moter ox i wanted ike hi) Kathe 25,8 acer fee ger wl fetch ou ‘myst Sh math of this fntorsnson ‘5. A great number of adjctives admit of the dative: like gunitive, see 128. 128, 1¥, Seton he gsi ie sal nah 2B do yoy tg nt ety esa Eg The bt the me mn nom rt soot of shelmgig to" sth of pcg Bon OF te iat hve aaty mar het, the gave f ogo Ga) ta Sing yon 8, Hts Th ine nt ine ox, tn, etna ove, at ein el Sy tan te sine tee io soe EE Sac, GOT oe, Tahoe 5.51 aot er ord in com 126, On this sosnnt we my understand how the genitive ie sometimes aso ist of the ablative with 2) verbs of aang, winking, tain, rorvng ok, by of ering, Iocrnings 2) oh big afr of ‘) The le hrs he rope Hom ho ge. nt 1 Bi 1, 11 rem got Sieh ewe Ray 10 che coon 4 8 cw sgn ee erent, (2 tgs of ig, oe eer Ce re af ib royal Sep) Fone 2 ee ore Sige fom Se arey the web tind Oat Tt Se Coe det mech yi cig @ tes alieed Sch eng por bo torn weno yond kine (78.685 2 ee Tm er ane raring oo 5 126-187, er tom hie olen he vena of Ria, i 8 4 Si {Ge inmate mes So voles with gr (OP. 680) mt 4,107 ag 2a, an ene a eB (al are ald of yom, Pane UC, 195 oy feb who has always an arin tome). Bb 40, 20a) adie nine of Yoh constr titer {Tee Pn Ra Fem a Fe Tem. Compa, Affe (ngs with) with «gen, Pane tea, seep geo eer Oo as i Bo BE Now and then thio abL-like genitive seems to hare EE. boon extended beyond its limits by abuse, especially of modern, writers"). ea. ™Note the give bg wel some tum fpr, wt wight be pts wel in to ner fea Uren th ofthe gn sug, Th le Rade ck of te me tr iste tre Seis nvey tig eps Dy Foe 62 eee eet fe 8 eo a Hh Sorry rope tno ns mer. Me Dae om “tai a a he Ser er i eg ety Wa intr te ce se Hct wr ht atthe peo SE er need Ws or of te ng ony SU stn tere seb aoe SCOTS Sal tect i oe nino re veranda nay ith a epee wea apn tty my yw eng, TORUS gree ess he te ens sce pr ln Rott yn wey npc the sy Ee Se, karte eng ea: 17128, 9% 2 sak reat ty ee yc en vectig bai ae ew be ee TL ee "att Sa el ape of mo pla TE tn olan nf oh ttt mp Temas; rac x eget re See sa "Sr eto oe B18 of pe Pak 1p betters em = wie sites pt ws th Oot I Grtcvom es sre wre gym ob wet vat Soar Tahal tuo at w a 120," ‘The Umedenotingsonitive i erin wading on Her Ge prot f te ablative, i doo alrae ntes TE teal ine somethings Inpponig. Hr wally otc to some fed tors, an TEN or AEN AT ara = faa, ek. iY gee Deh ar woe bie ete ar er ae = Tach Ha 1 aden Oe Tray nal gata pean gf ee eae ped veee pe in thir gon a9 Voy a = ogee say very inn). Ra, 2A imo-dacing word may be atended by he ei of wn parte By thi danse th tine sae oe wen Tecmo to pane Mesh. Vy 2 es weer He se war rer inden long tie, Maloy i gone fo, Moan 1, pS wy coh sre it toy jt the for day ope Tp 23 a ey er % § 128-199, Imre, Yat You bare aot maid ha), Pat 909 Ror fe sn, Ui IY, p78; Be 8, 5,209, 129, V. he genitive serves also to denote him, who is Rite concomed by theaotion or fact, the so-called remote objet ie, "This kind of genitive, as it stands on the same GE ground as the dative, T namo dativetike genitive, SEE Partly it may be substituted to the dative, but in a SSX great number of caso the dative would even be nnavai- lable, at least in classic Sanskvt, especially, if the person concerned is to be expretod ix exch sentonoee, 1 where the predicate is nominal (ubatantce o adjective). 1 sch mss Kath 20, 6 FRIEPA & ATT AT TAU A (for virtuous wives the only path to follow here aod hereafter in thir husband), Pane. TI, 68 sarong: eeleat Pik aoe erator a aT aaberarett we BrAMFZT (wat i tobeary fe the vigorous? wit danger doer exist forthe andscion ‘whats forign country for the lene bof unat- tsinabie for the fatterert) the genitive isthe reglar idiom, and the dative out of use Likewite the genitive = nok the dative — is to be employed, with nor tives of friendlip and enmity, fle and sees good fand coil ete, a8 Pane. 881 SPT FPEUPAT A TI (© fader is always weloome to him), ibid, 218 ALARA ATT (dows not sat you), 1) ion etd a to ate, aad pr. UR HE, 1B berger ak rey ater oo eae i RNOUES mma 4139 ” eames Kem 8,10 oft (nb at aac mo, Mowe THE 9.248 mex) gprs a pla ey (ed of Lae i eer rat ene a Be {oe ot enor My MBN 1 1 2 age ee (ve shale aahnorn th pot) Pane 00 ete Ze Se eae (ne we aot take of s menengey beeps ay GA 1 agg Geo rw ot opme ori yee ov ho oe. pe hneeg te ee, WRN comply «gee ech a+ TE egg et singer ro by Senge nt ee SE ge ena an ar gumpee Hae we cree rE ane, 104 ee: eget et ee, oe Shea pot fe sy ni ge bf sly a Lop whaBt ew ey (is Nene ae B's opt, RAL X, p58 gu weet Mle 1, 98 tin et {ee Col od xn agit hs alien, MR 4 {Beka eer (Be sna oa lg) al 1p 8 gt mete oe daaand Yo me a, UH. 70 ee ‘ceo teh ens epee Cheomg oy eng 3 cee op eet geen ehh GA seo. Aa lo ef wel ang op te ootacle the oer eye om oa ee Tovar a B34, 1 emo A, 18 ‘Mving pl id to he pray Tn. Pi wn, i part th give sr be wody al he num fn agate ele U taped os pot one ach or at oe ‘an to, more bythe ig) fl in tho le ot th se Sor ib 11 a lk 1 qed there, ad ep le IVR remo ou yng here Kaen ote br Ram 2 Op Ge genk wih Key oe 00 R, Acong P13, 8,68 the geve i fidden wih eo Bs wy et 1 a ge hp a ng 8 § 129-181. ‘fread sm a the mat sary Wo me by yon, frm ‘pee Bo B85, £0 op ae bk mech goer In eh hovever yay SOR, out Fe a len extras With he gee ve ep fg wit gy Bet, Tv a es Kath. 24,05 fren FE Ser 290, When uted with the verb subelantive. expres fus.equivalent tour verb fo dave. Pat. 1, 427 ono anks the other AT AAMT TATA aTAAAT ATT (how ‘many children aveyoat ow many wires!) Cp the Latin Phrase at mii lin, ie Be. 38 3 yee wet nay OME for at owe cou Care someiag le fo ak you tee, aon 168 eee see (oon ako nowy, Wty go ‘Seon Lilevse irk forme oe 6 iby (es Be F [lo fedie, f 4 ih Mnf op 68 2 "The dativeiko genitive attends even on vers. Mice. Xp M6 PRET ATIETTEPTAT (what is tobe done ‘to this wicked man) and ibid. X, p. ast FarTeT Fret: (what sto be done fr this monk) ae sting cvamples ofthe sixth ease wie so. It is epoxaly verbs of ding pod or ceil (8 AR, HAZ, ATK, HAEDs HA (to trast), A to fordone and somo others which parle of thi idiom, its concurrent contraction being the Tocative, rarely, if at all, the dative) campos Bon 4 88,48 Pome cmt RE ou 1) Ae w weg SOBs wep, Bem Ido wot ue Big mat seit ag inane a he eng ith ae gota ‘Bhai Upon wl, te ae of pot a age ila § 1311 ” oot guard your ingdon by dog well © you eal) L116 {Trap (ofred orale (0H), Pane 280i een Spay fi what have ijl hee or you?) QU. VI wert Ser me areer (f havo sane against the Tovrea Kaa), eae 88 maori (orate aoboly), MOD 1, 29,26 src mer, (r melo we, who besoweh thn), MA VIL, IDE mgirrascmeysed oe (the itd dele othe young the oars of young Wome) em. In Latin, with such turns as dino eefew ere or tere, eisiam or civil dolor axcte et th dative and the ge- nitive are both available. Sanskoit invariably uses the Genitive, Pane, Uh 161 sof fe entra Fier gyer fob ih pr GF ie By exon, thal engin ‘cr mevnafay no 07 withing, dor co not anor the mouth af aeoping Voy i. p MB Rarer gre eo apt OL Imad his roerece fo 3, ibd 137 meh ie Ge have ot grat ple) 199. Finally, the genitive ie allmed to attend sll verb, 24 as are commonly construed with the dative of concur, SY Such a genitive may be aot without affectation itis 1) et th ino na Dn 1 fi Fhe ‘sear roma) ‘Spe da ih Skit eing pone Be oi ees hae rome an oe ot Leet Tithe ive Se nes ay Tabata Darvin 100 § 82. cof frequent oceuronoe in ivrature). So it is found with 1. verbs of givin, offering, 2. of tela, menting, 2 of carping senng, 4 of slowing, 8. of eneang 6. of promising 1 of peng, 8. of being angry, 9. of boing, emt on sl, re 58am tm sete np Pons 85 ae an ate grt Tim aa) QT oem paren Mie yp. serveur ey (give Bt fo Ihe ey fallow tn She a fl 1 16s hn te Pn a scrori (edna of you adventure gn Sn ee nh ae peated et rer hon ty Yt al an wrod te Sg af ogy a eet Set et TL UL mecgreiek qua «srt ck Co ten et Ty TV wee eh ge on Mat Tener he hana, Tata eee heed Sr ep. Pun now eo he red oh ETT stern (ee ny oo. fa tn we eer th ete ig min oi inlets the dative han got obelete, unt the genitive, tr tae sna ity he fw no dn in Pa ewe SESTy ee “ar wine teyaer fle ety Se ne i Tuas pron Bo ans apt 6 Hip each. gaan are ents ets aif ah with too so ge ci ii oa a a a “at oer ‘nfs See ‘lt pp Th ane con bu hve ava re SSt.t fete ttn greta, Pa eB prone ewe or par eta a sere aire 5 182, 182%, 101 (16,08 er ato grr a I pind wd fare Som ote Ln on er tie Sle yo, Ue Tins ge pi toa on ed ek ape sper ie nl Gd Et ng L—Lr—— a —Lrr—— rare SLT Tle an wp ak Bn ua zageuhagtmse beta beri ear ba a —U—L—r—— sin gate) foe ee ee ee Egg papery emcees 12, ts te onl atmo und ta emg |—,hLr ea eer x DUM OD RAST nL ee seit pal ta na Ss ee aes oT oF Lh™hLrhr™™ EL cae i cee, fer rd en eee ap ns tern SUE re ee eee PS Seer TS Tes rrr sone Fee ermatee Sie Spe che Spo ns a a ea az pee ge atin 102 6 138, Cuarren VITL Locative ) 288, Tho sorenth caso or loctive serves to signify the (ESE scene of the action te power is exprased by English SSE propoitions, as am, on, of, mony, will, by, near Th tas not only the duty of pointing ont the spot where, but aloo the spot whither. In othr terms, someti res it answers Lat in with abl, sometimes in with A Looative of the spot whore. — Hero wo must make the following distinctions. 4) the Tocative conveys the notion of being within x.) ooo or ahs (gs) Rochon hin sh, Dag, 180 ptr fe. prog in tha air ot the Gang, $11 warmer Pt 4) it denotes a surfse,troden or touched o, on wer, a. ase 97 ro een eet sees me ae Sat cms, 248,10 sal eared ew ee (cutee, eng ty, weed am or he hy Pa $x eer a ered hr aos sg i we Sol iat the mening semaly ome. Aes ain foal ta ude ht eh tn wy § 188188, 108 (he Da 40 fr th gy far ait ‘down on the naked earth), ibid 141 frgf fixe. ) it egies the dominion oF tereory: in, af, on, Ltn ad ns Poe Cert ee ge DBL 810 wy per he rye pace thers a 4 Sk ft rm), Rane 50 et 7 inna eno th en) fe reg (te erty of oe) eo Dey MOON 7 8,18 egg Goh Ion ade Tard oar fin dee veragy op BER, “2) i inicates omelhing very nen, Hough nob di- rectly touched: rear, om, ant). OM 10, 3 wtp ger (Pa ous ped ate tthe Ong) op. 3055 Seo ee enero tree Ti wy fat by oorten ayo dy Se ls Ty p90 ox ‘hte sing saath ret” 2) ik is exprenive of among, amid. Ms se entre ey See or gr eer ag STAT hee vasiegtions are mined up in the gael ion, gid by the soventh ca. Greater pein, it wanda, ny be obtained by eng perihmsng trae, as the props, TEA (within), or such words at HBT, FA, TB, TAM, APTA, ete. See 168, 190, 102. 184. B, Looative of the spot whither. It attend of course eee eee per reet cette Sep Saale 2 ves sins ae saa oad 1) Tle eto etd en asa. 108 18, 198% (G0 bare ended toe sp) B 1 1h, 24g em Fr Oe met manages tote en) B43, 20 eee ie oe eng ser bing roma Bha to He) “ofr: Poe. 26 it ook oy BQ. 88 at 8 ah fe oth yon Il gu tno tr ry) felon a, Be 338,85 cry ey QT Fey on he dat lon te net of he Bria dav oterge i. Kuan 1, 3p fe gt rh Sige (or [hal] one et appar te ome wil 1 wus, ke ho mone opt amen eben 16th i Di et hy 184 Dip yt put fa, opm Mote,» 91st fr opr (dogo bas oti to out had), Pew ‘She fe Be (pa i that sry Inga toy Mb, 10,20 er ee of gh to arm, Apt 8,21 wt eee oo Seta Meer Pach Yop 8 cal st gf Soe oa (o aicend Ea 2199 eer ae aa tml neh wy. Mahe” Pa BF eee gre cafés on vin the Hg ar hel trikes tit Term a seer Kaa 26,31 eras sre otc the oly an with Bs ard Meck TE, p80 chm gfe erty Pane. 208 of Genco And 50 on. ‘Rom Note og with lec, & very common tum = slo pet fa ce on; a ews GR, emt Th gg (lo etal hn Deal, ‘The epot reached may aso be denoted by the aecwsatice. ‘compare ithe stove eshaploe he: Ch Up 5, & Leen (Qo tame at tho movtig) Pans. 149 expen mer having pat mo on your back, GUL. Tmt ea we Pat tam dea aga te pee ed won hing mata et oa tng po ey — (the ye ok” Mal 194126, 105 So ith verbs of going bringing, carrying seg, vending, entering, Tose, however of fallag, thawing, segs paleg my Ri my Bh ene fo. be construed with the loative exclusively. On the her hand the accusative obligaory, if to come to is the metaphovial expression of sto become” (236), fod in some other standing tras, = gree According to what has been said 121, ii plan, 3 mths ine atin agen," phmses as 37 PAPTAPYATATE ATRT ar oe good Sans- 135. it ao water inthe i,” ga boat om the er” are ‘good English. — Hore the genitive is concurrent, 1s soe frost Toate a standing, tin fee rary vor ance gee wpe oy v0, {heft ru ot Rega of Haan of el 186 TL Both kinds of lective are applied in so many “G2 end in so manifold ways ato make it hardly practicable ‘Ce to eoumerte them all ditivetly and completely. Tt Be may suffice to mention the most important and the most stcking idioms eg We will note in the fit plas some peculiar ‘Ro phrase, OF the kind aro to drink from, Pane, 820 sn Ra gt TAMA ¢ ak tag ger ven Eos «mun sl) te fod on Dep 14 se reer fat oe ssn, wba arog saying Te meeps aks She 'tde may ate bo comand hs eave. MK 105° sights ab Ch. 308 1) Se Daan Lp 8 108 #136189, 0 be brs frm: tage wih, Tho moti i yt in tho loeatve. Op. 100, 1 Kenta 22 merge to eto anon. Deen veal eh the on. 194 "2:'he lative in which apa thepenon, with whom one decoy ge: Pated Vt woe yet So Stot ter a wie soy oer baa That mi feel ary fey Ne Tp 2 rosette ine selene neh Mah Soret gy oan ee dae hh pea fam, Ch Uy no opel at we (cat vl we te penton Rove, 2988, FAT or FL with lon ewing lowe to", that 2 abarsing big one's yrs, principle, judgment ae feo GW a4 oh ts Gost Sym) re, Da 2 sig nb wun wile wb your MeO Lato oct oat nse Kag on Fr, of Oe acim te te) 199, "4. The love, which serves to denote the thing 425 touch. His wae with) verte of fern af — p= (BS say FT — as wal in the proper as ine figumtive ewine with the other, 2) thine of aga, adhering to, os PU], FAY, A ete, c) of leaning on, relying on, trusting , d) of sizing by ,¢) of falling at one's feat ont in othr similar lations, as £3. Ragh, 1,10 STAT aT TAT (and tho sting, bent on th bow), ak. VL apy Re Trt aM AH (on antelope’ feel, robbing her lft pe asin tho orn of her sno companion ite Damar) Pee 8 ng 98 oe, L286 cer TS ete ay Fa 0, Dh Pa 20 5139140, 107 (i wet obi Bah 84 a et SES eat a oe sores ote rors ayo ng Se tt ay ita ae Bete ene Be cts any Doe 18 pt fl or Wh Ch re Ga aa tek (det ng ig SE hate Syn tral egy bn, ae ed at tan om Re 2 8, 27 ees eee eo ty ssc aging dove a Woy = Ba ae ates coy te soe ep o Thaph eae ony dg Ont = chy ‘ te EE Gl ee aemeeercet ane tows Fe ee genre oat ih ee oe OD, wey i HE va oe wae TS accu tv sta i tr tow ad SPST shales Poe 0) eat gy, Ch 38 sine yt it eh gy otal My tn hk “25 ao te ag famine ls a elm Bec sumien sett ferthgectoh Fe 8 Too tnatve, when mod in the same way us Bgtish = oie ten eee IL ge ‘eaifafr (hunting is reckoned to bo vieious in a Sek he seen erren prr eee ares cere eee eee eee eee ree eee peop arcngunrrarngiersar eid Te el Ti mmeceed se ree oe 108, 5 40142, royal digly bots & man accompa in ple sens, He: ‘lly and alan, lal, Ran. 2. Synonyms exlning the meting ot some word ce olla ine, ish wey — nh msg” Aman trent tf ut (ho wert Hapa may hae ho ‘ining of lent crmmen, tor «pst tly fe rier eo sama en Km 30 et er (ot pina ao manag: iow, Spa 11 ak Se: 141, 6. The quite, arta, sconce ot, in which one excels HESSaor wn ena wl wh ptf he ati aie mT ogee net ot Rome er ph we a gia oe Gry AUDA. 85 Sot Beret eye ep gb cme Bie Ge nie al ine (Ma, 7. Tho seventh cae attending nous of aii, ai, Teh troeedge ani the ka. Here the golive e tho cone BEX current constracton (124, 1, ‘Beamle of the Ises Ch. tp. 38 a gor (uve men wen alle he Wed Habe 26°87 oe er (fc, at lg ngs ey als. Vp. 1h ek Srwistna oha tla te age wh Nigh pe cae sled i ona ero oh Hatt va nt ening Pa,» 0 oy asia fe Tem. 1, Vist on F 8 8,96 ger a aps rule for ade sect option in copying with ena, Tie comple ven by Pa kp. 8 wi ag ra froma wor ef (owing he hy of i) pov hl Kind ot tole to beg tegen of werd e hy fui a 0p Dag 87 Fy ce wi eg em ais - ‘en. 2 P84 ace the rome of ee ad umn ih ts re ig ie aus. 109 4168, "8, The Lote, whieh denotes the een der SE iat he natn comet yo 80 SI in nw of 2 Gute, ATE in dur time,” ATT in tan” SE Cia tho the Ths Kind of lietino Bas ery great Chieusion ani encompases abo tho leave of time taal a Ce abotte Toate, The omer deste the fine af wih the wer as FARE oer dg), AT Gin the rainy veson), TAT co night, TET at aybeea, 7 ATT in thew day), ATT (ot the gan Se on Ue 1 ero Ge oy Mh ter oszres i Oe reson wnlr wich signi ty. two nouns, one of which the proizate Sen ole As the mid owed gees Caprenet by a psticple, itis tothe daplr om pa {Wipe we reer fra Rl avant of the atolts lo Seo eer cae aie ee eat Tite tiene sees cine Made Trp Mt expen soa see Sea emer ae To 2 cen ‘ eect oat rb ee awe eee eee gr ten er sliced pm, Oem thingy yw tony ts pe Be a AeA oar tn we you lv © une pe ae ee sen ey me ee esc ne ree ere rete eae ot SA 0 8 144148, 1448. The locative denoting, of which dance one thing $Me fact is fom another. Ale Be 18 end erg de SE sm wren, int om he aw duet owed esos on hrc, R430 tees ma neh athe 9168 9 cit ny oy a foun be. Op. W021 en Pat 458 iain he prison she ciel sath Smo cxf nye Be te boy eatdcne ni ae Segment tpn mn st wna 145, IIL. Dativtizo looative. In 194 it has bon shown, PAT tht the leave in used with verbs of ping in oF a lasing ee. Sanskrit extends tht idiom to many Kindred conceptions, and often ses the lctive with verbs of sig» promising, ying, sling, felling ele, 90 8 20 rake it concur withthe dative oF the genitive of the remote object. Cp. nglth fo below won Tamper fe tae lates 1°98 dec et airy BL 81 5 pe peep rm, ie ie Seo at (mid # tliat) Wa, Vs 189 ah or ‘Sem Gving ld hima 9 4 veh mas Mh 10 boy sepireh (ny "gro + ue tote ert Unt Rae ere raf (thee dono to yo), Op. 2, 88 28 are meng 140, "n seer pues the lev ay rab onear: reat ilom ofthe tate faa, ply of he it tives diva Tes mely pat to) words of trian efter, wing, vain vet epitng to, nag, xin, priya PATTIE, ENED, 1) Bo tod edig, Brocton hasan rom 3 46—147, mM FTA, 9 to words monning able, ff and tho like, ‘Bnamplon: 0) MAb 1,138, 69 ma oie ser me (Lave oo ‘voted your kingdom), Pano. 1¥, 26 adesgzar gi nee nea ah pie i ha, Zi be append by tema ity Mia Ty 50 greta Seem ee ae eee ere 75) i i op a pat deerenay Ee a a ca ara at feicln we eieh be tcr es eee Capa Smee sec eee Sea chest oe ee chee aes eee eer Pm no eh SIRES Seat ierenle oreet 141". snitnoytat hs na ec ener ‘Moe the spot, towards which there is some movement, so ew it may be used at @ very large extent to signify the povos orang, nel ok se ion lita, Ester tems tat on ana fll wating fine Spaing oly, note ae wee Sc ini het ie geugpl, ble cama ens a is pn ay To Woot Unt a ted he bene Tw arose empl i is Soe ee See ee SST oe Gye or ete at he wee ot Sa a wie 2 Or eh tay ats Doers Bh ha Soper ee ne § 47109, (Oe enn fr rt vi rapt 1 stent 3 Ser aged mS Go ome 149, "This lend of loative is somtimes bordering on that, tag in 140. The rininpian (eative of tho motive; clive of rernc cen sores to quai och substantive as ate, aie, Ay, aA, Mey, HAT, PRT, SPAM, FT, AAA ant the ike, The genitive hero, ef conte, the comenrent constratin Bramglor: Dag 89 miei Are fomsntd is ely towards Uap, MBA 1, 38,9 weir et ef sf (soe sat Bae ron), Os Tweens (89h lg fo eh 2.102 7 gear Mog. 9 ah fr 836 sf Ge Hine Bx w ogi ely Ore (ene eu wt nt era eat ant, Revove ea Tt alo attends on soverl adjectives pat of which Tikewse comply with a gmitivo, a» 0, RR, 3% sand the inverse of them, {7 (fond of), FATT (delighting in) ete inc Xy p12 Sth tb ef ETC eg et gorse caf, Pano. V, 68 ach dat eg Tm 140, VTa" goo, hla EE mel mi, nt rons wi tn AT, os GET TEAL ox ATE TFT. We Beer econ Ta sala Day ak cg gy oe (oh be rat sh a hou oe dr), Cs Ta nt roe nr, by ha ss ale Sey vais hy Bae 1 1 gi op ee SS greverig ang 8 ony wh Gl oe got rs, Se ave tonal hy ht mt ely ame re may denote disposition ®$ § 49102, na sod by the vio rel he caemion, Gu 1S cfu fet oid to yur bouabld), 160. Hany Tocatives have the character of adverbs, a» ext A athe bganing eft (crt, eh opr) w(t the Bal, Toy npsaly eh an dnote tne or opae!) ‘Caareen TX. Poriphrastio expression of easo- relations, 151. The apparatar for peripbrasing careselations may be clase into Uhree main extogories, viz 1. prepo- sitions, 2 noun-cases, 3 verbal forms. The boundary between the frst class and tho second is in ome degree unsettled and floating; of the nown-cases fonnoemed here a great deal, indeod — vin. veh wont sew so, ty mg, thove ia: le. — are construed in tho same way as the old and genuine propositions, whereas others aro always felt as nouns and construed ooondingly — of the kind sr Birr mos mam, By tet mo "The third class is made up of gerunds — at wrens scr, for sry, ot — oF partieipls in ve ny ts Gy am and fhe ks 152, L. parrosoxs Sonsiait propositions should ruther be styled ,post- pDaehs in oe. "Tet aaa Web ne nt pom, at ne 3, ht Iie 1m #152183, {En poston,” a they aro generally po hebind the now they are consiued with, ST being the one, Ut is always put before As a rue, they are abo allowed to be compounded wih their nouns; in that eat, the ropotition is geneily the former meer : 69," The archaic dialect wod more prepositions anit wed thin oftne, than the se lngzage does, The more we. go back in time, tho greatar the aumber and the Trarety of ios. 80 fr fms, in the apr of gist ome prpuitons — wy wy 3, ff — ens 10 hao bee ia mene, tut in la Hrtaze they at if a all, rarely ” ceninnasoraingty eal restr umber of prop. std ato dlayng « tll grin vray and Imonieowe in eaplying thom. 80 the old word gy (ita) cod by an atey he ymonym eg, protodel by ah lye {etsy oust wih nem, do not our at fhe masz, ‘ew fg andy soe 100. — Tho spurge wy 6, fo mvt do daly of armapraracaniy, at fr 4 fow putes; Paint doce net enon thom im ie Kat of Kara nor we they ated to inthe ari! Donk of the Vodn The ence pe ont seh of frm sted art of bs teeny sh ‘Teng oor syria tat then by font tae Totog ta Hal i set {hele yan old epee, Da he tne pre il be te emapsoiey whee ej wo For thi ras, the nmap Sn a eae ee eS (aha epwpoionn a gdm Pi 88,50 8-98. 110 wong oy ht toe tou, steno trp, te ened By iy for wt he poet, tt ena ey SALW the pial ago he em, hi ule wo Ted pth pogetion 158156. 16 pian epee by comps oe ie SOUT Ge 7oce a Bb rm Kony Sop it wpe ef 208,10 i a 164. "The old projstions av, in alpabota ore Lea age TAT 16. aie am ae mae aRe ee ee Lapa Ee ee ae Ot them, nino (ww 367% 1 12, 18, 18) aro costes oa lout wd exiremaly seldom i tela dine (2) onsoLay® rRxPOSrToNs. 1. eft is may wre ann propny however fogest, when 6 "EP. moro aver encoding, very” Whon propos it agree with few AR Br 4618 ef 2 een (oii, ined, (td cals have the psodeeceabore the bunbandmas hill} Dibh 1, 110, 1 Bhhne ape ge ft ges mane. (our ronrrsed fay deers the sorely fron tho sath ove ote nea) "hom, When bing compounded wih now, th compounl 21 1 adver wg, (berond en’ sleep 150." aft maf Fogunt cores inthe acca and old epi ‘GR wring In the cawlo alot ie afl wed Yo expos sh0 ro Talon intrest ruler and the rund, an wol hv ruling ener JA 1) how math by 49 ater ce Ramapo ot fn ata oe RENE ue hee Tete donee 2) The Rg res 23 cme st doer isin One big ere no ave tought Se of he ain WR 6 § 156158, ss the standing waders than St Se contrat wih « lectin Ib We said ther wit wera metre (Brahman (rang) ovr the Faas) or wi serge eure (iho P. under Br), So Dap 122 se neon fy er "When pt ence, i agree wih the asomatine (17. ‘Wea compounded wiht oun, the compound i ax advr and P21 1s oquialiat tothe wimp lective of the town, pec toe leapt (U7 wie wih eget wen ir with rent 1 the dip ot Hem, Th the older dot gh jined Oy lo, abL and ase, ie. net thy sac on” ind ese quoted by Pat Ty pd dat spear anf (ty Ble esate om ‘ha tmgoo, — What egain the coming fom’. — Wh sc, f= over, on (6 vrfice];" wo Hk ie fen met within ‘mania, smth bedbmagan,Qat Be 3, 4 3 pam — BT. Gwe wih alate mentioned by Ply (1, § 98; 2, 11%, "WE, 5, 10) The sanding example of bis commence is we Be ‘ex (tha ined outa vg). No other insaseor ae hao 50, wt aed 18 of, oth wth me, ar lint eyonyione ep ‘8B Grek ul and xe mt "They Ind of othe moaning road, about” whe in mlae terial in slo senaceing, on” Ta eratare exampen of (Ff ao oxttemely ze, if hay occur at ally mrt Dave fon naiqaed, Tasos of ware met with, epi i the seine dae Rg om P21 weft — er wey (compound ‘dverb] — awn: ane (he Sredioe ver round he feds, Ch Up 46,1 wht my (oat the ereing)s Kath 1, 10 dere see (, fol no anger agate 1 Accrington) ey be nepali tar wx mmf (he wil pt me ove The Pp. Di Typ a ae 2) 9) 6) wrmgiy ns mor te nod cnn with wT a tot the or atthe Lok, Wch sds i ori il {he ppotin i lly soe by th eng ft tn i | | 159. § 158-159, nt Ram 1 Pll (4,9) ne + fn emplomen 2) dante «ety b) Hegre) ie Stat we fn shi 2) We eve smth ame nr fry td oa So 9 ‘Sve nti camel be kemgrarsanga in te cae 6) The ini Mane ie rae ye ecm: #) ae tery eG rh gi pining ahr od i” 1) deca peice ay or nh or it Ne od fr ey a) Gayo or eho abs teen cee sr) wine) ear of, erm etee vinoer be my ta o 8? cv fH opera net cepa the dc of he Yay ney Wath un Age tele sphere wage, lant nae ef in die ay 90. With g8 op ele ef rk 340%, Gsm. wm Doh om Tan. To th sk fA off las Sct ha abe sit hl avast feo horror a oly Sie a prs 18 an. het gh wih of ma ff a a amt wih te mann ut hart ha large opel, ea ‘eon in he ve manta, fran rare. Py lemon it among the Lamgpreracaiya, 1 to dents « ogeing wpend;" tas fb comsteed id « lel 32 kere 7 P88. up mote than lhl, 2, to denote nfs, then It Compton wih the soe se moment ret 2) When wedi sata se, Wy FE 8 ane be conte sy Ey Ree Senly he mat te ne cmv.” eat Rr so wae tw feed Tonk Gp th paar 8,47, 10 ‘tent 1 fing ot afar gran ie gras pt usa. 160. ns 8 159—162, em. 1. Asording to the commentie on P21, 6-5 Uke 1 xyes wernt, vine cnponned vhf tae op (asa the po) 80 Dug. 88 zememeet eer te sara em. 2 In the rl miata 5 fe cmtund wit nt oy Anat andi expen ofmaren. Re 1, 28 17 ona ar ne ‘gh mee — WM acess T have mat with thie vanes ta oo ‘ote. 83721 Mite dlrnde the reper of Std oa oe ovat of the irate povor of rot Rtn ere nk Gh 3 ‘meme ftir, Gt be wil met you [Ravana] In be the yo Web om iw and, 1, Ss —in foo and manag = La. rou — de day a propo in hu archi dialect of ty bribes Te oe 161. ot 162, ih os se hy Cad py i shee, a ot rach of" Qt Be 3,450 ere Sm On Ge at wi frei sad tne Wns at ee 12 og eyond) with tna, blr a ero the lt ten, 1 foe 188, 34 gr with abe Ue a tine-dmting propor. of the arta snd opie diet. It moms belong” Ages Gy Im 1 mem, (etre ht bing ttahed by wider, Ch. Up aka ‘orgesncbumrar (before the baiting of th pltransrd opine, Rom. Smolin grr may hare expomed sputon Rar, 44, 90 ser oh sft gern ak x meh fy. extnd or ‘il, Ass, homing My we lag, fer aff om mistininy ee), AN Be 86,26 gr amar way gm, mt et ot ‘he omen wiht hung the anh 2), emesis er, mene. The other ten are still in common use, though not all of them are equally frequent, We will twat of thorn in alphabetical ondur, adding moreover to each such 162168, 9 ‘younger prepositions as are moro or les its synonyms, 163. [2] FA (below, under). Tis synonym is FART: TE a derivative of it, Both are construed wih preceding ge- fe mle, Qk. T Rerge eetame, Pane, 21 eh see se, ee im 1 Compare 171 R imo 6 comin with abl Pas, 5 apne fa nim, Los, [4] AY wih acme after” Like its Latin eoun- " terpnrt secundum” i ise in various seas a) of pace and rank, 2) of ime c) = yaosording to") ~ sdhering 40 ove's side,” sim.” Mostly, a least in prose, it pub Behind the noun as AZ] there), A datter i). 2 i oleae my bt meena for = in aun, tin, oak 3.) my ges ae 09 aan eg fey Kit ot Pi, 80 we BOE (rami itrie ©); lng Be 8,28 fw se oa, {Gn euanped ie tmy'on the bina he Gago 3 (O° MOM. Saeet Rw ea arg = Ante = vasrig i BS 8 Be ares — 6 to Ni 13,1 senivimceae et ie grata sraning of Ge); tenn Ok Up 1 8 ‘GE ax pr mero met (orn he bane ine Sink allt wn) "Rom Ary my bn wopoonedith te nmm. HOR, 1, 17,14 57s amigo he ang Ka, 2,28 ye 1 imp. tn apne me ad a dsr, KT dg 130 § 164166, 1 wy lave + dane mag, comping hg: ‘eet (ay tar ay), gir, at rage] secuting the sie an. 2 Is ee pony i somnines Gen wih te ee Ara Ph ann Tay 0 A 3 GE) Savqre evebenorn Gon amet) bt are yur Fo Sito rowel ofr cn i 141, — th Phan eter mae, Boo 61038 cpa tothe ‘ine, whoa I bs rg) Tom Plait of wy a four stra: 1, 4,460 ad ‘eaings of wg hen =a 88. (5) ATT, a vory old porile. Tt is aed 0 foatve for the sake of spofyng its meaning . within” (189, 2), Bat often also noun +A are compounded into an fryayibhta, — Beamlat «) of wp wih oat 7 28 qari te mut ie sudan Wiha dvr, Pane rrr ff (te fry dling whi the wed), Kotte 4,oF ct Some er: te pei yas Hw ed tn the Seinen; a wy mponde Pas Me ae saw. Coll the waa IG 227 wrrerer ger ny AL 1, 41 shorter (Dik) wc hve por thal yong con even thr Wap) ‘em oy svuonly spon with 8. ganna. TH 2 104 moras, Komi 38 wernt fon. 100. Kindrod farms of FT ae the particles ART and “CU SERITUT, pisedinstromentals. Doth agree with he js Thy ase I= shetwen,” 29 ywiboat* 7) Hw Dt e+ ea 2 tn Pe. it Gree tron oa i ptr ra § 168. 1a 7 = uve, but fr 87 RUT my sity ith pie tn, enon” — Lk FF they ac lowed tovanke ap a compouod with tha noun, thn Dn noun i the fer meme ae El etcetera (sie Apert porrerebentird ferme, un ns: pet ad tk pean Be Sire Steet tee pone 6 lan Fe Se lecar ome amano coe aca a boiiirags plenary Se Serer POU tc gat sroweo es tris Sastre siti mn grb Fata sepa mop, (Gone at Mahendr)j — PoE eae Sorel mer ar erie on euras oem rem Se ee ee oa Dee Saas Ghote wemgeoieen Soe Eas een tates) eC pret pelea aos See, watpaeanetropustek 4 lcont esate eat Teeanranicn ner cores © oo forento thoro is botwoen lion and chacal in tho foros Soha ch a oan tee kee wt a bene at wees Sac bees eo Dosa sin se a i aa, Bo AWS i, ge tag, pd gen tr ot 1a 168-168, snd you), 80h, 1, 8,15 fr emer Ae the drandrecuaposnis in the ft xanplo eo 207, [8] 3 always agrts wih He alate, andi pat be fort noun I seein to denote the bounaryo mit, either ho torn ag othe termina ad quem, eel the latter es aaa oth in spe and ia tine, and maybe rndore sntingly nowy win" andl now by yom" and to" M9, ea example ase tiveotitesigiyng te es EY Beary abaya ct Pare (Ge sb now Arava tobe the country betean {he a mountain ron the enter ocean the eta ter etapa Tr genet ott her tm in ray Ko 2 eee (Ge np ied t vu oe cg 2 to ofp MOS 1,108 ea ving i ssi top lth nny Qh BY ened Soe ev OAL Vy coer er yt Sl {ive dehy 8 at Sag (em ere foe fie seo shan Fr fie ot pel fre ou, oe). ~ Tee rae se {1 Ga er eget ey a cre ‘hala pring ropa, ae conan by 4) or on sompornnd wih eno apy Dap. 118 et do ba Ha lh ea) Kae 288 grin feo is or ws esi thr bt oe ing yn he Oana cio) ene 1,59 ea wr ng bce § 168-170, 138 om me VALE mantras ot fh sae pene, sade ptt ditinat ce, sons Dre, eas bled 300. “Oiierprepsitional words WA, AT aot HOH, sm, TTA. is motly attended hy the acon, sometimes by the abl. Ue 1p 6 fr (Bow og; Kah 0 eam ea et (— fa BB) 185 abate me 5 ‘om As ra Pepe to rot bth ef ale ot posnn,ucd nance van an etre le hat fr may te sgy Haring woe aa” Pee 188 cee renege so mpc ty OF 84 Re 170. ATTA and HF with preci abate are very IT common. The former is property gerund = begining PI staring from,” SPAT is construed with abl. by so called syntactic analogy, seo Rem. 2. ramp of toe. Pane 2 or Reem fer emg Mat Vp. 88 eee mor ae {Sn ay hve sre Me fr le Et, ‘sample oft = ite, Pee Bt mere wee Mla 1, p60 adam te fe Sa oe eon in hs gure of Kia, p.10 er yeh on eae They maya bowed tse Bi 158 ge, “rere aaa any Keke 8,28 mee ee: prem See = 1) Te a vol sey a Yaka, ar wih loeb ste, ‘3 exten ete toate the male pei ve were fhe cnt by mi tof (Vin), en let Aime ts rer loo ists nl he ovo anther fr wih ts maning bag suite 59, cone Sens ono eye or hae ad mi an. 14 8 70-171, ‘oa, 2 mgt oiinaly «foie, miaing voip, ome ‘meaoomen” and lik is ayuonym wf ie often tel a tho ‘nds ofDbuvels (228, 1°, A the ote, arr, sao at ‘rata tho vary same mop srr ‘ie mowaing aro fer By the nm bowery, he hun yet eas to be employed an 4 tparate word, and one commend > lone upon the areal compounds, ending In “ay an thy ‘yrs ening in som propoian, main ainea” By the mia TWheppned that gh stud oan the character of slain Pure cnt ry yay eee cd Eset te wayned mf ns Oe 8 8 vo foc on re tong og Be mah er {Gow shan acu ie nay wets Me meena ‘tree, te apn @ dining owe hen oie ra [20] BAF (above, over, on, upon) is the very op- posite of FRR, sce 169, As aru, itisconstmued with receding gent), ules it makes up the latter part of & compound: ATPHAT or ATA: ts employment vot, a i wd a) of pte b) oft von = lnmistely {eta 4) soy epee. abent,oncnng,w et {ethene werent wien it pln ‘Sere ener or ‘mpl a) Kon F817 soft ha rah eerie 4 Jarepnis ad Pe 236, 298 ror dst emer ans emma, Pans £12 gra. cre (vel by anger bode seo hn) Mop EU ba 1, 10 Rerepeh ‘tere he ing lis on ie dmiinn, Pyne Oy" 884.28 at 1) Sot tag by Pal a mb ned by comping P2390, hate ami, 135 re ae hs tani pos ray ty it Tartare en 2) Kip, on P. 2, 8,9 oof pleinarebcoi ifthe teachne he ees oo a or “oo Sr 1 et em tat Rm har ren Prats ae ml ues aoe ae Serer seen lege mame eee Ginap Pa we thet Sinn han eerpiog ane gem "you es eter ye hs perma Own shaman fp ste thot Kate aa meg wergtoreh mined niece SES Et mae ota uot by ris SPT tan bay 5, bn lo Secret easiest ED 3S Botta hear roe se en SATE Reena eye wre acaag SOEMLTE TS Tha Gee tte Soe ge ees saa ET an Na re Ag 1) He fal, the ox ren by ho Ki if ste In thet el of he Caleta ean “f Pas thee one ‘rst hw dood ain ie af Dae dp 0), Senn i ty 100) ef ng mo es Sate ae any rb sage at tose [iif ict asst State ope so ie G38) Sp al Me mt ppt 8 tis the replln dave no inp hate ho aon of pointy tht ‘Sete oun oor a ma 126 ea, Irsnding gar, and general signin aber, pon Tie welled: did't It Ae at Umodeaaag the sate (cp see 17D. Ie he Ga he someon na ‘lise with the socusative, ~ Men afte i nl fog 182 see opStins Das apt here ta aT 17S, (10, Akin to the old and ohsolete (160) case im Sanskrit possesses TUL, TTA, A: ond FETT, all camp of them expresive of the notion yond. When denoting rime, they sev oto sity the ping by ~ eps ally UT with ascus.— and the mrpaniag — expe. RRA. with gent. When denoting time, they are vate and comply with eatin, ‘ample: a) of pce and TBE Aik Be 8, 16,3 9 w ert pre leurs bond te aay) ab eer (7 yo dont haem wr) Ke 4 ede ‘eeu ek 3 ere cr: (— tor doo able extatin go Beyond wots Mas ym t's etme, (eho sepa swrton. 2) of Soe: vaio” M18 eReeraa (rhe atten, Pass ¥ 58 gm (tr © moment) UA MN, p39 wee intr (fer Ieting the brea 8 the faqunt pao wr mr zante le a ea. 1, Ocsoaly ther cor, whom bg atnded by a nity eet while timeoting. M29 cfr Rl Rwepdah Ai Be 358 dope orem am. 8 As yet aver 0 Lal aa, a wai the sprit tt ar ting te wae ae Awedooting, ug. centutel with ery ad the ike le oor diny sete thn my te tl wh M8 80 erent fort or set Perinat meen eo adi ep eer a ohn eye ee sr, a7 te eurad by ng fn yu. Bea em he wy se sr Ws ho Hep 174. After in ine i fen expel by SE oe TTC, “Et bio, Of tem, HATCH commonly makes up the ‘SF latter part of compound adverb, Kamla 69 ara aer TF tie yh Bah 8 gr or Gee te Son tot ta at Ung) ae en ere, ee ‘og ea ha So metro “Tena ay enya sth to ls 0) 118. Anotiee word for yee” is TH, Whin popes, Tom complies wk pein gnealy peclig, an a mostly wed of sycr and rank, Kale 6 3k ae Teco alas Fae IM et ener gps ot Tt etn Tem Tins may ab die by vende nig wwe fa meng gp fe) and wy Ga Tame te all ed Ug Sa 376, (1b The very opposite of OL i th oll adverb BC GE lefre nd its epnonyia: «) the Kade TAP me ; Fr" CENT, 0) HA an HHT (literally atthe top at be ime. Ras". When prepmton, they comply wit genitoe or are compound They rv employed bot of pas and wri time, cea gn aged fo mon HL me ae gigi Age. Geb. 1 11, rsh] gorge Fearon ey tes tenga oo SO" be ng ot he Jory {fore hur). — As to their application to tine s00 278, a1, "Thay we alo often ted to donot sn the proce ot, unr Un een of Lat. eam. In the same wy 138 aim. FFT] and FATE, Moreover word, mening sin he ity 0” an APE te Note the frequent employment of titra with vrba of vying, ttn, promi, oten with inn of pong, tring pening tt ite. Te vitualy the ee tory AIT ATG, AAP ea AAT a Uo oo AA —, A —, A a Ui ec) Erp =p ss tak are Dap ergqcemgen agora, Bot Hi pet er ches a) er tt See meee ecm om (enn rr pone be soe Syme ayy Bin me gh heer rp ten Paper rd eebenain nut Sw gry somin Ov mitt tag apy foe Pe fae Reo Heetegegy ME Pte sal po SS creme oe Meh Sale mon la Sree geet ge ei re Beh ene Copal Le pene no ee Fu art Sy Ge pe fe ta eos equ sky abbr 1, 18 age ge ing oy = TT (or play. The ve of Zak remy rt on th ak ew do bray ob aad y one apiece, Ss oeeps lg gpm Gastyi ise gine Whats Savage erin, 1) fo X tape wed he aig ot a 1 th tthnaqe fhe cy hes = in, al nt ith nt, Gt. Be 1,3,2.7 Soro, A Be 8, 85 ae = rey, At. Be 8 a 8178-170. 120 178, When of time, FTiete.agreelikewise witha genitive ‘Yet before” in time is commonly not exprased by them, bat suthorby OT ox FART, both complying with ‘he ablative ‘Beamplee a) of timedenting gy fe. Qa VIE happoee i ssid te bv the cotqsoes of fi toons of mighty perenne fencer gry fc Ont our fone vane by hpynen, BONN, 88,1 gy ego rem ees — 8) og (Gr, Gt. V evento: eto Sone: Bagh 12,05 weg, tre arproatag. 170, [16] AAT with acensative is, relatively speaking, the most common among the s0 called prepositions. It generally denotes the direction towards, and for thin reason it often is a concurrent idiom of the sole accusative, dative and leative, Tt is usd a) with words of moremeat to signify the -whither;" 0) insuch tors, 8 speatig fo, bowing 10, sriig to, lave —, hatred —, ager {and the like, «) like the ninittasaptam! (147) to ‘expres with respect to, on account of, concerning, about, on, d)= about,” to denote nearness in apace (oF time, «) # has a distibative senso, ia what caso ‘one is wont to compound fe with its noun , as TIGA (every dag). Asa rale, OFA is put behind its noan, at least in prose. "Beamplor: o) Pan. 2 aft at (ho sot oat Homeward ag 0 rae fy — ecaphor R910, 1 ser aot 1 Noe the aie wih wi 916 we Pe wut ents thm ene blr Ae gu” Kalba wee ‘afer al § 179180. eee esse eee ere Sor hot eg GUTH eh os ee ‘ois 8. 66.99 Sr pats — Qik Tecomenhtmametoa, Sie ataeee Te Bee sence ee rete ce cs ne eet Ea ot oe 2a Sm Te Tes s eee Desa caesne ce as ee ee ees ee ane eT LE Toate cee cys epee er ere eee pe pee ees Stee ee 1100, —Plsnt nj ako th bites with fy ta two cae vi E18, when pointing out ) one's match or sabato, 8) something SAE fren In exebanga. The Kiger one rule by these exam ples 0) agg: gear, gen: aft (Pr th mich or wate fy Fa oft omer. exhang of eam bog ‘mas T have aowhore et wih nines of tat ontectin | Wertar, bat fe ono, I borrow textually ftom ih Pte Diet, ie MDA 818887 ref ope ST we ey Yet there aro seven! esas a th anced Ved det a vl a in eaie Samet ofa ecu, with ty when sgiying the gr 21, 8k wer aera (ou are aga a 162, 150-182. 181 ons te, Kaa 45,409 mea a oor are yo sath for ih 117) AE: (outside, out) isthe very opposite of FRE (265). Tt + more wil asa mer adverb ian asa propos tion. In the late ae i complies with prevding alate Pane (26 of eng ni (pot of Ws tay BALL ey trator ay be ie lar put of + compu Ut Tan wo. Hom DT oH contac wilh «guns wf sn sem a Ae [18] FHT (without) is construed with instrumental, 39, © accwatice oF alative, Ta. proce itis commonly put bebind ft cue), in pty i len resin tees a icaroms ue 8 re mw ty ben vibe John Sagem fo th ae bt oy alo fy iF edo bsg tna en Sat ona te bo tego tt fh eof pay Wee tg ee Tau 1 Grosomly fy may Dae the monig of sey AC ot Pa fe Se sk ey ten ft et (re bey we bt eee) Ten Jo Ge ee ened qed my apt fo” Ot sem, wien pop, Tt qr toner Ba erry, St ges ely wi cabo coy Ce afro tue une the Gy of tv wl), Pah pot, Med Tep th

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