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Ammar Kheloufi Secondary School Time Allotted: 2 Hours

Level: 2 AS Literary Stream Date: 1 /05/2017

Final Term Exam of English


Read the text carefully then do the following activities:

If any country is able to cope with disasters, it is Japan. Situated in the Ring of Fire, an arc of seismic
activity encircles the Pacific Basin, Japan is the world leader in preparedness for disasters. Every year the country
marks Disaster Prevention Day on Sept. 1, the anniversary of the 1923 Tokyo quake. At many Japanese schools,
first-day-of-class celebrations include an evacuation drill which takes place once a month. Every schoolchild is
taught what to do the moment the earth shakes: cover if inside and rush to open spaces to avoid falling debris if
out. The local fire department also takes groups of children into earthquake simulation machines to familiarize
them with the sensation of being in an earthquake.

Drills are programmed regularly in all buildings: hospitals, companies and even supermarkets. This
creates a generation well prepared for any disaster. I was surprised! Ive seen children so calm walking after the
earthquake. They seemed concerned, but never panicked! Said the journalist J. Brown. All offices and
households keep a basic survival kit of bottled water, dry rations, a first-aid kit, hard-hats and torches equipped
with radios to be up-dated.

Moreover, Japanese buildings are earthquake proof made with the aid of deep foundation and massive
shock absorbers that allow the structure to move with the earth, rather than against it. Though Japanese cities
often shake, they rarely topple. "This gives me great faith in Japan's building codes," said Hong Kong
University's Charles Schencking, an earthquake expert. Still, whatever the extent of the death and destruction, it
would be much worse if not for Japan's hard-earned culture of preparedness.

Adapted from the Internet: by Erica Ho, Hillary Brenhouse, Christy Choi and Krista Mahr ,
Full Name:............................. Level: 2AS Literary Stream


1. The text is (0.5 pt) : a- expository b- argumentative d- descriptive

2. Say whether the following statements are true , false (02 pts)

a. Drills are seldom programmed in Japan . ________

b. Japanese people are well trained and equipped to face earthquakes ._________
c. Buildings in Japan easily topple after earthquakes . ________
d. Drills rarely take place in Japanese Schools . _________
3. Answer the following questions according to the text. (03 pts)

a. What is the Ring of Fire ?

b. What makes Japan so experienced in facing disasters and earthquakes ?
________________________________________________ ____________________________________
c. Why do the Japanese celebrate Disaster Prevention Day on Sep. 1?
_____________________________________________ _______________________________________
d. Do students in Japan know really what to do in the event of an earthquake ?
4. Choose the most suitable title to the text (01 pt):

a. Japan Hits by Earthquake b. Japan: Country Best Prepared for Quakes

c. a Country situated in the Ring of Fire

5. What/who do the underlined words refer to in the text? (1.5 pts)

a. which (1)_______________ b. this (2) ______________________ c. they (3) _________


1. Find in the text the words whose definitions are the following (01.5 pt)

Definition Word
a. located or situated 1 ______________
b. Training or instruction by means of repeated exercise for disasters 2 ______________
c. a package containing medical supplies and other vital equipment for emergency 2 ______________
2. Complete the table with the right word. (01.5 pts)

Verb Noun Adjectives

to avoid
3. Rewrite sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A (02 pts)

1. A. . I was surprised! Ive seen children so calm. They seemed concerned, but never panicked! Said J.Brown.
1. B. _______________________________________________________________________________________
2. A. "This gives me great faith in Japan's building codes," said Charles Schencking.
2. B. _______________________________________________________________________________________
1. A. Algeria should share the Japanese experience to promote its anti-disaster program.
1. B. _______________________________________________________________________________________
4. Classify these words according to the pronunciation of their final "s": (1 pt)
encircles - torches - companies - kits
/z/ /Iz/ /s/

5. Reorder the following steps so as to have a coherent experiment. (1pt)

a. important measures and high rate of awareness help the Japanese to react efficiently.
b. It measured 6.5 on the Richter scale.
order 1 2 3 4
c. At midnight in 2016, a violent earthquake awakened people in Japan.
d. Yet, it didnt cause any victims because

PART II. WRITTEN EXPRESSION (5 PTS) Choose only one of the following topics

Topic one:

Some people say that knowing safety measures changes nothing in disasters since all people react fast without

thinking under the pressure of panic. Do you agree with this? State your opinion and give arguments and examples.

Topic two:

Using the following notes write a short paragraph about The 2003 Boumerds earthquake occurred on May 21st,
2003 in northern Algeria:
- Magnitude 7.3 on Richter scale.
- 2,266 people killed and 10,261 injured.
- More than 1,243 buildings completely or partially destroyed.
- 150,000 people became homeless.
- Solidarity among Algerian (rescuers, food, blood, clothes for victims...)
- Foreign aid from Canada, USA, Germany, )
- Government program to reconstruct the affected area
Topic n: ........................

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