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Implementation at an insurance surveyor company.

The process start with environmental stimuli which is hearing in this organization. The
surveyor go and settle the claim. Some other person says or blame that surveyor taken
money to settle the claim. It is the hearing process start.
By hearing this every one thinks or perceived that the surveyor may take money.
The interpretation diverts that surveyor taken money from them
The behaviour of the employees and boss have changed and they talk very less with him and
not give much importance to that surveyor.

The problem is that we believe whtever others say instead of finding the actual truth. We
make perception and behave negatively wiith the person. That organization had done the
same thing. Yes its true that surveyor had taken the 500 rupees once and he accepted that
mistake and promised that he will not take money again from any one in the field. Once the
perception made in the minds of the employees and boss it is very much difficult to change
it. Next time the same thing happens. We hear that surveyor taken 10,000 rupees in the
field. This time had not taken money. But no one believes him and boss shouted on that
surveyor. On the next day boss had fired that employee. This time surveyor did not take
money but as the perception made previously so no one believes this time. No one
investigate this time. So this is the perception model example of a surveyor company.

Every organization do some activity to maximize work and for that they use personnels who
work for organization and maximize profitability. For that they alter behaviour to maximise
positive consequences and minimise adverse consequences.
In surveyor company organization change the behaviour of the surveyors by giving
motivation and dreams of high salary by providing license also so the surveyor will think that
he will open his own company too. These type of activities changes the behaviour of
surveyors and they do more concentrate on their work.

Organization has made a strategy to maximize surveyors behaviour positively. The had given
commission on reports. Basic salary was there but it will increase with the number of
reports surveyor will issue. By that he can take salary how much he wants just hard work
The behaviour of surveyor changed totally. They were performing job 9 to 6. Now they sit
late night from 6 they have started sitting in office completed their files and obviously
competition was there in surveyor. Every one wants high salary and the behaviour changed

The result was positive. The surveyors who gives maximum 60 report per month by this
motivation they had given more than 100 reports and company had given benefits to their
surveyors as committed. The profit was obviously for the company but the change in
behaviour was positive and because of the strategy.

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