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Problems in controlled rectifiers

A single phase fully controlled bridge

converter operates in the continuous
conduction mode from a 230V, 50HZ
single phase supply with a firing angle
= 30. Assume the load resistance of 100
ohm and inductance of a large value.Find
the average load voltage and load current
and also sketch the waveforms

Power Electronics 2
A single phase fully controlled bridge
converter operates in the continuous
conduction mode from a 230V, 50HZ
single phase supply. Find the suitable
value of firing angle for an average load
current of 4A with continuous conduction
mode and also sketch the waveforms.
Assume the load resistance of 10 ohm and
inductance of a large value.

Power Electronics 3
A single phase fully controlled rectifier has
load aof R=15 and, Vs=220 sin 314 t
and unity transformer ratio. If it is required
to obtain an average output voltage of
70% of the maximum possible output
voltage, calculate:- (a) The delay angle ,
(b) The efficiency, (c) Ripple factor of
output voltage(d) The peak inverse voltage
(PIV) of one thyristor.
Power Electronics 5
Vn 0.5 (1 cos ) 0.7 , then, =66.42o
2 Vm
Vm 220 , then, Vdc 0.7 *Vdm 0.7 * 98.04 V

Vdc 98.04
I dc 6.536 A
R 15
Vm sin( 2 )
2 2
=66.42o Vrms=134.638 V. Then, Irms=134.638/15=8.976 A
Pdc Vdc * I dc 98.04 * 6.536
Pac Vrms * I rms 134.638 * 8.976
Vrms 134.638
FF 1.3733
Vdc 98.04
RF FF 1 1.3733 1 0.9413
2 2
The PIV is Vm
A 3 phase fully controlled bridge rectifier is
operating from a 400 V, 50 Hz supply. The
thyristors are fired at = /4. There is a
FWD across the load. Find the average
output voltage for = 45 and = 75 .

Prof. A. Chitra, SELECT, VIT University

Prof. A. Chitra, SELECT, VIT University
Prof. A. Chitra, SELECT, VIT University
Prof. A. Chitra, SELECT, VIT University
Prof. A. Chitra, SELECT, VIT University

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