Stonewall Democrats of Dallas Newsletter - August 2010

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Stonewall Democrats of Dallas • August 2010

The Stonewall
A monthly publication for members of the SDD

“The evidence shows Dallas County Democrats may pass

Proposition 8 does nothing “midterms” by rallying around White
more than enshrine in the By Jesse Garcia even though changing demographics in the
California Constitution Another federal mid-term election is on its county will continue to benefit the Democratic
way, and the Democratic Party is bracing for Party.
the notion that opposite- a tough season at all levels of government.  In the last federal election in 2008, Dallas
Republicans are busy fund raising millions County saw 742,890 voters (61.57 percent of
sex couples are superior to for their political committees, but they are the county’s registered voters) turn out. Of
same-sex couples.” also expecting a nice gift of $200 million
from special interest groups that want to
those 742,890 voters, nearly 39 percent voted
straight ticket for Democrats (compared to
reverse the national gains made by the Obama only 25.19 percent who voted Republican
- Judge Vaughn Walker in his decision Administration and the Democratic Congress. straight ticket).  Democratic straight-ticket
striking down California’s Proposition 8 From the Patient Protection and Affordable voting has increased and beat Republicans in
Care Act that will insure nearly all Americans the last four federal election cycles.
with healthcare within the decade, to the The 2008 Democratic victors also enjoyed
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act support from non-straight ticket-voting
that helped the U.S. avoid a depression, Democrats, Independents and cross-over
to the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Republicans who handed them a 55 to 58
Protection Act that enacted financial reforms percent win.
that would prevent future banking meltdowns In 2010, local Democrats will have to work
and help consumers with predatory creditors, their precincts to achieve those 2008 numbers.
Republicans have gained new friends that are Many concede that non-presidential elections
opposed to these policies. tend to attract fewer voters.  But the drop off
The Center for Responsive Politics recently varies.
reported that nearly 70 percent of all money In 2004, 691,407 showed up to vote in the
donated by Wall Street to national political presidential election, but only 409,886 came
candidates went to Republicans in June.  This back for the 2006 midterm (a 41 percent
is a trend that began in December 2009, drop off). In 2000, 617,049 Dallas County
when regulatory reform was first proposed in voters came out for Bush v. Gore, but 450,119
Congress. participated in the 2002 election (only a 28
A war chest to fund mudslinging ads percent drop off).
coupled with Tea Party hysteria and a What worked for 2002 may work for
down economy lingering from the Bush 2010 – a well-funded Democrat in the Texas
Stonewall Democrats administration have given Democrats quite Governor’s Race.
a challenge.  The Democratic Party will In 2002, we had a spirited governor’s
of Dallas have to double its efforts to energize their contest between Republican Rick Perry and
base, convince independents to stick with Democratic candidate Tony Sanchez, a Laredo
progressives, reach out to new 18-year-old real estate and banking millionaire. It also
4209 Parry Avenue voters and turnout minority communities who helped that former Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk
Dallas, TX 75223 are under attack by Republican xenophobic was on the ballot as the Democratic candidate
and homophobic rhetoric. for U.S. Senate. 
Luckily, the Dallas County Democrats are This year’s Democratic candidate for
P.O. Box 192305 energized and well prepared to turn out the governor, former Houston Mayor Bill White,
Dallas, TX 75219 vote. The local party has recently undertaken is spending major campaign dollars in North
a series of mega walks through neighborhoods Texas. Since the beginning of August, daily
in both base and competitive districts.  Dallas television commercials featuring the Houston
214-506-DEMS Democrats are not taking anything for granted, continued, page 2
Page 2 The Stonewall Advocate August 2010
White Key to Midterm Success,
News Briefs
Living Room Discussion to feature Rep. Anchia
across the country. Texas Democrats embrace
this buzz and hope it resonates with voters.
Republican Perry has been in the governor’s
office for the last 10 years.  Declines in
education, health, employment and personal
freedoms have all occurred on his watch.
This discontent is underscored by those who
voted against Perry in the Republican Primary. 
Some of Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison’s
The Dallas County Democratic Party
supporters have pledged support for White.
Coordinated Campaign has on-going
-Social networking: Historians have mega walks in various parts of the
credited social networking as one of the county. Recent ones have been in
successful tools used by candidate Barack Duncanville, Irving and North Dallas.
Obama during his primary and general for more info.
election for getting out the vote and leading to
continued, from page 1
a historic win.  A silent majority of observers
energy industry millionaire have run in the who are progressive process information on
DFW media market. a candidate via blogs, comment postings and • Stonewall meets on :
What’s different for gubernatorial web videos. No longer do we have to wait for The August General Meeting takes
candidate White compared to gubernatorial a newspaper’s endorsement of a candidate. place Tuesday, August 17th, at 6:30
candidate Sanchez is that Dallas County is Instant access to like-minded individuals on p.m., at Ojeda's Restaurant, located at
a whole different place.  In 2002, Sanchez the web who lend their support to a candidate 4617 Maple Avenue in Dallas. With
lost to Perry in Dallas County. But in 2006, may play a major part in influencing a whole scheduled guest(s), Dist. Attorney
Democrat Chris Bell beat Perry by four new generation of voters. Craig Watkins, Rep. Allen Vaught
points. That year, Dallas Democrats swept White’s aggressive courting of Dallas
nearly every race in the county. County voters, along with 2008 Democrats
What else is in candidate White’s favor? • Monday Night Madness
who are willing to back up a president who The Dallas County Democratic Party
- Increased Straight ticket voting: has had only two years to undo eight years of
Democrats are far outpacing Republicans. A with Organizing for America Present
mismanagement, may be the winning strategy MONDAY NIGHT MADNESS
mass exodus of conservatives from Dallas for countywide Democrats up and down
County is reflected on the straight-party Democratic Phone Banks at Eight
the ballot, along with those in competitive Convenient Locations
ticket voting: 2000 Election – Democrats districts.
70,528 v. Republicans 89,984; 2002 This Monday August 16th is our First
To learn more about the Bill White Phone Bank
Election - Democrats 138,656 v. Republicans Campaign, you are invited to a Living
134,937; 2004 Election - Democrats 228,549 Room Discussion featuring State Rep.
v. Republicans 215,618; 2006 Election - All Phone Banks Open 5-9 PM.
Rafael Anchia, on Thursday, Aug. 19, from Please bring a cell phone if you are
Democrats 124,136 v. Republicans 108,000; 7 to 9 p.m., at the home of Ruben Ramirez,
2008 Elections Democrats 289,551 v. able, and indicate if you can bring one
located at 3121 Trevolle Place, Dallas, in your email RSVP.
Republicans 187,190. TX 75204. Please RSVP for this event at
- Incumbent fatigue: National media Go to for locations.
buzzes around the anti-incumbent sentiment

Stonewall a “Friday Night Lights” Sponsor • Stonewall Summer Fundraiser

August 29th, 2-5pm
Stonewall Democrats of Dallas is a proud sponsor Sponsored by: Havana’s, 4006 Cedar Springs, Dallas
of the upcoming “Friday Night Lights” block party The Dallas County Democratic Party Great Music, appetizers, casual
in Irving on August 20th.Please join us and other Dr. Elba Garcia for County Commissioner
General Tickets are $25 per person.
Democrats for a fun evening. Loretta Haldenwang for State Representative
The Dallas County Democratic Party Stretch Rideaux for Justice of the Peace
Sponsorship levels:
Continues a Series of Neighborhood Block Parties Katy Hubener for Justice of the Peace Bronze $125, Silver $250, Gold $500
with FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS Roy Williams for Constable
Stonewall Democrats events
Friday, August 20, 2010
Irving Democrats
North Texas Asian Democrats • Same Place, New Face
West Irving Improvement Assoc. Building Check out our newly
3901 Jackson St. Irving, Texas redesigned website.:
Thank you Kenneth!
•Grilled Burgers & Dogs, Beverages
•Free Living Wills & Medical Power of
Attorney Legal Clinic
August 2010 The Stonewall Advocate Page 3

President’s Corner National Stonewall Convention Report

By Jay Narey was in attendance and presented good informa-
Stonewall I was privileged to represent Stonewall tion on what should be done and what should
President Democrats of Dallas at the National Stonewall definitely be avoided when running for office
Erin Moore Democrats 2010 Convention in Washington or working on a campaign.
D.C. July 30th – August 1st. On Friday, Jen- Diego Miguel Sanchez who is the Legisla-
nifer O’Malley Dillon, the Executive Director tive Aide to Congressman Barney Frank was
of the Democratic National Committee kicked in attendance throughout the conference. He
off our Convention. is listed as one of the Top 100 most power-
The host city co-hosts were Tiffany Joslyn ful Latinos in corporate America by Hispanic
of the Virginia Partisans Club and Jeffrey Rich- Business magazine.
ardson of the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club, He is also the first transgender person ap-
both Stonewall affiliates. There were numer- pointed to a DNC Standing Committee by a
Prop 8 is down for the count. ous plenary sessions and workshops scheduled Party Chair.
throughout the weekend with topics like “Run- Early on Saturday morning, National
On August 4, Judge Vaughn Walker ruled ning for office as an Out Candidate” Stonewall arranged for us to go on a tour of
that California’s Proposition 8, a vote taken “ENDA: Where we are at and Where we the White House which was quite exciting.
banning gay marriage, violated the state’s are going.” There was also a joint session with After which, the White House’s Director for
Constitution. Labor representatives entitled “From EFCA to Outreach, Brian Bond addressed the Conven-
ENDA” which dealt with how important the tion delegates.
What this means is that a conservative historic relationship between organized labor He stressed that while we aren’t getting
judge, appointed by Reagan and confirmed and GLBT rights are – and that Labor is assist- everything that we as a community want
under George Bush, Sr., heard arguments from ing us in our efforts to get ENDA passed and immediately, that this is the most pro-GLBT
a conservative lawyer, Ted Olsen and a liberal administration in history.
we as grassroots Democrats need to work with
lawyer, David Boies that the law should not
Labor to get EFCA passed. The Clinton Administration had 19 openly
stand. Olsen formerly argued the Bush side of
Bush v. Gore. His opponent was Boies. They EFCA is the Employee Free Choice Act GLBT appointments, the Obama Administra-
came together in this case because both could which will make it easier for the working tion has more than 100, and 2 dozen of those
agree that the state, indeed government in gen- people of this country to form a Union. I was required Senate confirmation involving high
eral should have no say in who marries who.. proud to participate in this session as an Officer level positions.
only that they can marry. of Stonewall Democrats and as a member of a Bond went on to say how strong an ally the
Labor Union. new Health and Human Services Secretary
Even Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was Friday evening there was a nice reception Kathleen Sebelius is to our community, as well
vehemently opposed to gay marriage is now and dinner and several members of Congress as Kathleen Martinez an Undersecretary of
saying “let them marry.” “Doing so is consis- joined us including, Congressman Paul Hodes Labor to Hilda Solis. Secretary Martinez, who
tent with California’s long history of treating from New Hampshire who is running for a U.S. happens to be blind is the third secretary for
all people and their relationships with equal Senate seat in the Granite State. Congressman Disability Employment Policy and regularly
dignity and respect.” Pity he couldn’t have Jared Polis of Colorado and Congresswoman advises Secretary Solis and the Labor Depart-
summoned that opinion earlier for the sake Dina Titus of Nevada. ment. She is delightfully refreshing and candid
of the thousands of married couples in limbo Additionally, we had several Congressional …just matter of fact and very “off the cuff.”
since Prop 8 initially passed. Candidates attend including: Anthony Woods A new voter registration tool was announced
running in California’s 10th District. Woods at the conference. will eas-
What this may mean for Texas: Surely the served in the Iraq War on two tours of duty; ily allow people to register to vote online.
case will be appealed to the Supreme Court. Also be sure to visit
A graduate of West Point, and the Kennedy
Because Judge Walker’s decision was far
School at Harvard, he is a proud member of our On the Saturday evening tour of the National
reaching and even quoted decisions made by
the Supreme Court it is highly unlikely it will community and would represent us well in the Monuments I was perhaps most struck by
be overruled. The Court could issue a narrow U.S. Congress. Woods was introduced to us by Thomas Jefferson’s inherent belief in The
decision only applying to California. OR it the man who is single-handedly spearheading People’s ability to govern themselves. Jefferson
could say that no civil rights should be put up the repeal of Don’t Ask –Don’t Tell, Congress- described an ‘elastic’ government which is so
to a vote. I’m not suggestion we would get man Patrick Murphy of Pennsylvania. incredibly prescient today in the light of Prop 8
marriage in Texas but it could put an end to the Additionally Scott Galvin attended who is that I wanted to include it for you to appreciate.
use of our civil rights as a political issue used running in the Florida primary to represent the It gave me a renewed faith in Democracy and
to stir up the Religious Right. Congressional District in North Miami. The I hope you are as moved by it as I was when
results of that should be known very soon after reading it.
Lastly, what we need to all do now is push this newsletter goes to press. Congressional
for marriage on a national basis. We need Candidate Ed Potosnak is running for Congress “I am not an advocate for frequent changes in
to repeal the Federal DOMA and allow two in the 7th District of New Jersey. Ed is a sci- laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions
consenting adults to marry. Otherwise, we’ll ence teacher and would make a great addition must go hand in hand with the progress of the
be fighting this same fight in the remaining 40 to our community’s congressional delega- human mind. As that becomes more developed,
states, 40 times for years to come. It’s time for tion. I urge you to financially support each of more enlightened, as new discoveries are made,
our government to protect us with the same these fine representatives and congressional new truths discovered and manners and opin-
rights and privileges that heterosexual couples candidates, you won’t find stronger friends and ions change, with the change of circumstances,
have. Banning gay marriage is unconstitutional institutions must advance also to keep pace with
proponents of equality.
after all.
Peggy Shorey, the Executive Director of the times. We might as well require a man to
Talk to you later, Pride at Work was also in attendance and wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy
Erin conducted some of the plenary sessions. Martin as civilized society to remain ever under the
Garcia, the political associate of the Victory regimen of their barbarous ancestors.”
Funds’ Gay and Lesbian Leadership Institute —Thomas Jefferson
Page 4 The Stonewall Advocate August 2010
Prop 8 Ruling in a Nutshell
James Esseks, Director of the ACLU sex parents are of equal quality,” and “Propo- a couple is same-sex or opposite-sex.”
LGBT & AIDS Project sition 8 does not make it more likely that •Third, Judge Walker held that the Prop 8
Perry v. Schwarzenegger an historic opposite-sex couples will marry and raise Proponents could not identify any factually
ruling that strikes down Prop 8 because it vi- offspring biologically related to both par- verifiable way in which allowing same-sex
olates the federal Constitution. The decision ents.” State courts addressing challenges to couples to marry would harm different-sex
makes some big contributions to the law, but parenting restrictions have come to the same couples. Indeed, when the judge pressed the
it’s the court’s factual findings that are likely conclusions (based on the same evidence), lead lawyer for the Proponents about how
to be most important in terms of changing but it’s great to have a federal court reinforce straight people would be harmed, he re-
the dialogue in America about marriage. these findings. sponded: “Your honor, my answer is: I don’t
What sets this case apart is that the court •Second, the judge held that there is no know. I don’t know.”
held a full trial, at which both sides got to material difference between same-sex and
present evidence, and the judge could then different-sex relationships: “Same-sex Those questions - whether gay people are
sort fact from fiction. couples are identical to opposite-sex couples bad for kids, whether our relationships are
Three of Judge Walker’s factual findings in the characteristics relevant to the abil- the same or different from those of straight
stand out: ity to form successful marital unions. Like people, and how exactly allowing us to marry
• First, he rejected the assertion that kids opposite-sex couples, same-sex couples have would harm heterosexual marriages - are key
need a married mom and dad, and that happy, satisfying relationships and form deep touchstones of the marriage debate all across
restricting marriage to different-sex couples emotional bonds and strong commitments to the country. To have them not only answered,
ensures that more kids are raised in that kind their partners. Standardized measures of rela- but demolished on the facts after a full trial,
of household. Instead, the evidence at trial tionship satisfaction, relationship adjustment is a turning point in the national discussion of
showed that “same-sex parents and opposite- and love do not differ depending on whether this issue.

* Reminder: August General Meeting

Tuesday, August 17th at 6:30 p.m.
at Ojeda’s Restaurant

P.O. Box 192305

Dallas, TX 75219
The Stonewall Advocate is a monthly pub-
lication of the Stonewall Democrats of
Dallas. To contact the editor, e-mail Ken-
neth Denson at kenneth.denson@stone- No portion of
this newsletter may be reproduced without
President Erin Moore
Vice President Jay Narey
Treasurer Mike McCue
Secretary Kenneth Denson
SDD Annual Memberships:
$35 General Membership
$120 Truman Level
$300 Jefferson Level
$600 Kennedy Level
$1,200 Roosevelt Level
To join or renew, visit

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