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Benjamin Franklin

Thomas Jefferson Name:____________

Thomas Jefferson was a man of great 1. Why was it confusing that Jefferson wrote All men were created
accomplishments. He was also a man of great confusion. He equal?
is a person who spoke out of both sides of his mouth. He a. He loved Jesus Christ.
b. He was a brilliant man.
wrote, All men are created equal. He owned more than
c. Jefferson was a diligent reader.
two hundred slaves. He spoke out against slavery publicly. d. He owned more than 200 slaves.
Privately, he supported it. He loved Jesus Christ. He
rewrote most of the Holy Bible to make Jesus seem more 2. Which document did Thomas Jefferson write?
human. a. The Bill of Rights
He was a brilliant man. He wrote the Declaration of b. The Constitution
Independence. He is one of Americas founding fathers. He c. Declaration of Independence
d. Monticello
believed that education was the foundation of democracy.
Democracy is a form of government. Democracy receives
3. What kind of reader was Jefferson
its power from the popular majority of people. Jefferson a. Confused
was diligent reader. He often thought about creative ideas b. Diligent
for his country. One of his big ideas was that people we c. Freely
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. d. Creative
He believed that among these unalienable rights are life,
4. What book did Jefferson rewrite?
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He also believed
a. The Holy Bible
that people should be able to practice their religion freely.
b. Lewis and Clarks maps
Jefferson would later become President of the c. The Constitution
United States. One of his most memorable d. The Bill of Rights
accomplishments was the Louisiana Purchase. It doubled
the size of the United States. He would send Lewis and 5. What is not an unalienable right described by Jefferson?
Clark to map the land. a. Life
b. Liberty
Thomas Jefferson would retire to his home. He lived
c. Love
at Monticello. He would die on the fourth of July in 1826. d. Happiness
Bow Tie Guy 2014

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