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My hypothesis: this is a text of

its time that would not be
acceptable in 2017. It is aimed
at attracting a young male
audience with disregard to any
possible to any female viewers
out there.

The denotation for this poster would be

. There is a man dressed in a suit with four scantily dressed girls lining up behind
. He has a gun in his hand and is looking at the viewer of the poster.
. He is bigger then the other girls
. There is a use of yellow, black and red
. The title of the film is bold and stands out.

The connotations for this poster are

. This is an action man who women will fancy due to the fact he has a gun and is
looking seductively at the viewer while a line of women stand behind him
attracting a male audience as well.
. The film it self may be serious as,. The main man is wearing a suit, this would
have been shocking at the time of release (6 October 1962) because of the
amount of female flesh on show.
. The use of yellow and black is now used by the RNIB as it has been proven to be
the most powerful contrast of colours and hardest to avoid. The red could
symbolise danger and passion leading the viewer to believe this will be an
excited film.
. There is a suggestion of a villain in the far left as we only get to see half of him
making it more mysterious.
. The male figure is so much larger then the women it leads you to believe he is
the main star in the film and they are subsidiaries to the plot.
. The combination of a gun, a sharp dressed man and a mysterious figure suggests
its a spy film

The conventions of this film are

. Due to the way it is an action film it has a male as the main star
. It shows women in B part roles and merely as sex symbols
. There is a bold title that cannot be missed
. This was the first use of the, 007 logo
. It should be noted however that this poster broke with traditional conventions
at the time because of the amount of female flesh on show
1) The text is addressed to cinemagoers who enjoy action/spy films. The age
range would be 15+ and predominantly male.
2) The text implies that the audience will want to see some action, both physical
and sexual and that they will not be expecting a dull moment. It doesnt
necessarily imply that this is a film to be taken entirely seriously because the
main figure is dressed in a dinner jacket and backed up by a line of semi-naked
3) The construction of the text assume that it will be looked at and appeal to a
mainly male audience of 15+ who will be attracted by both the bold colours and
the line up of women.
4) At the time in 1962 few people would have seen this on television, and so they
could mainly view it outside cinemas or in newspaper/ magazines. The use of
yellow would certainly make it stand out in colour magazines and cinema facings.
5) We can assume that, the majority of the audience will be men and boys looking
for some action and some female thrills.
6) The probable audience readings of the text are that they are in for, an action
pact sexy movie. The possible readings are, that it will be a violent and sexist
7) As a 16-year-old woman in 2017, I find this text distasteful, old fashioned and
disrespectful toward women, even if I add a splash of irony into my reading. I
read the text as insulting and patronising view of women and men: men are
macho and strong; women are there to satisfy their needs.

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