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Probability and Random

Processes: A Refresher
ETSN01 Advanced Telecommunications

Emma Fitzgerald
Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Probability and Random Processes: A Refresher


Random variables
Discrete random variables
Continuous random variables

The Poisson Process

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Probability Axioms

Set of possible outcomes

Events A, B defined as any subsets of
0 P r(A) 1
P r() = 1
If A and B are mutually exclusive,
P r(A B) = P r(A) + P r(B)

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Basic Probability Laws

Laws that follow directly from axioms

P r(A) = 1 P r(A(
P r(A B) = P r(A) + P r(B) P r(A B)
If A and B are mutually exclusive, P r(A B) = 0

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Conditional Probability

Probability of event A when it is known that event B has

P r(A B)
P r(A|B) =
P r(B)
Events A,B are independent if

P r(A B) = P r(A)P r(B)

If A,B are independent, then

P r(A|B) = P r(A), P r(B|A) = P r(B)

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Random Variables

A random variable is a mapping from an outcome to a real

Discrete or continuous
Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF):

F (x) = P r(X x)

Example: Rolling a die: we are mapping from the way the die
lands to the number printed on the face.
What are some more examples of random variables?

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Discrete random variables

Events can take only discrete values, e.g. integer values

Probability function pk or p(k) = P r(X = k)
Probabilities sum to 1.0
pk = 1.0 P
Mean: = kpk
P 2
Variance: = (k ) pk

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Example: Rolling a die

Discrete values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Each with probability 1/6

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Bernoulli random variable

discrete values
1 with probability p
0 with probability 1 p

Mean = p
Variance = (1 p) p

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Poisson random variable

Discrete values 0, 1, 2, . . .
Value k has probability pk , with

pk = e

Mean =
Variance =

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Continuous random variables

Events can take real values on arbitrary range

Example: A persons height
What are some more examples of continuous random variables?

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Continuous random variables

Continuous RVs have a probability density function

Probabilities integrate to 1.0
p(x) dx = R1.0
Mean: = xp(x) dx
R 2
Variance: = (x ) p(x) dx

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Continuous random variables

Cumulative distribution function

P r (X x))

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Negative exponential random variable

p(x) = ex
P r (X x) = 1 ex
Probability density function ( = 2)

Mean = 1
Variance = 1
Cumulative distribution function ( = 2)

Standard deviation = 1

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Gaussian random variable

Parameters ,

1 (x)2
p(x) = e 22
Probability density function ( = 0, = 1)

Mean =
Cumulative distribution function ( = 0,
Variance = 2
= 1)
Standard deviation =

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Multiple random variables

X, Y are random variables

Joint CDF of X, Y

F (x, y) = P r (X x, Y y)

if X, Y discrete: joint probability function

P (x, y) = P r (X = x, Y = y)
if X, Y continuous: joint density function
X, Y are independent iff F (x, y) = F (x)F (y)

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Some handy properties

For any random variable X, constants a, b:

E[aX + b] = aE[X] + b
V ar[aX + b] = a2 V ar[X]
For any random variables X, Y :
E[X + Y ] = E[X] + E[Y ]
For any independent random variables X, Y :
E[XY ] = E[X]E[Y ]
V ar[X + Y ] = V ar[X] + V ar[Y ]

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Correlation and covariance

Cov[X, Y ] = E[(XE[X])(Y E[Y ])] = E[XY ]E[X]E[Y ]

Compare with variance:

V ar[X] = E[(X E[X])2] = E[X 2 ] E[X]2
Can be positive, negative, or zero
Correlation coefficient:

Cov[X, Y ]
r(X, Y ) =
x y

1 r(X, Y ) 1
X, Y are called uncorrelated if r(X, Y ) = 0
if X, Y are independent, then they are uncorrelated
if X, Y are uncorrelated, they may still not be independent
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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Correlation and covariance: example

X is a normally distributed (Gaussian) random variable with = 0

Y = X2
X and Y are:
A Correlated and dependent
B Correlated but independent
C Uncorrelated but dependent
D Uncorrelated and independent
E Confusing

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Correlation and covariance: example

Answer: C: uncorrelated but dependent. Y is completely

determined by X so they are not independent, but

Cov(X, Y ) = E[XY ] E[X]E[Y ]

= E[X 3 ] 0

so X and Y are uncorrelated.

This is because correlation is only a measure of linear dependence
it does not say anything about nonlinear dependence!

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Stochastic processes

A stochastic process (or random process) x(t) is a dual entity:

for every time instant, x(t) is a random variable

for every point (sample) in outcome space , x(t) is a
real-valued function of time
Random processes can be
discrete-time or continuous-time
discrete-value or continuous-value

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Stationary processes

For a random process x(t):

autocorrelation function R(t1 , t2 ) = E[x(t1 )x(t2 )]
autocovariance function C(t1 , t2 ) = Cov[x(t1 ), x(t2 )]
x(t) is called stationary (in the weak sense) if:
E[x(t)] is a constant (independent of t)
the autocorrelation R(t1 , t2 ) (or autocovariance C(t1 , t2 )) is a
function of the difference t2 t1 only

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

The Poisson process

Continuous-time, discrete-value process

Very commonly used to describe arrivals into a queueing
system or network
Characterized by a rate parameter (e.g. packets/second)
Three equivalent viewpoints (definitions) of the Poisson

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

First viewpoint

Behaviour in small time interval

Approximately Bernoulli distribution
1 event with probability t + o(t) (approx. t for small
0 events with probability 1 t + o(t) (approx. 1 t
for small t)
Probabilities are independent between non-overlapping

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Second viewpoint

Behaviour over a long time interval

Poisson distribution

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Third viewpoint

Behaviour between events

Negative exponential distribution

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Three equivalent viewpoints

1. P r(an arrival in time(t, t + t) = t + o(t) and arrivals

are memoryless, i.e. independent of what has happened
2. P r(k arrivals in time t) = et (t)
k! i.e. a Poisson
distribution, with parameter t.
3. The probability density function of the times between events
(the interarrival times) is negative exponential, with parameter
, i.e pT (t) = et .

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Why are the definitions equivalent?

Proof that definitions of Poisson process are equivalent

Will show:
a Poisson process according to definition 1 satisfies definition 2
a Poisson process according to definition 2 satisfies definition 3
a Poisson process according to definition 3 satisfies definition 1

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

1 = 2

Find the probability of k arrivals in time t:

Divide period t into N small periods of t each
will later take N , t 0
Approximately sum of N independent Bernoulli random
variables with probability t/N each
Probability that k out of N will be 1 and the rest 0:

t N k
N! t
k! (N k) N N

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

1 = 2 (cont.)

t N k
N! t
k! (N k) N N
When N is large:

N! t N t k
Nk 1 et 1 1
(N k) N N

so when N , we obtain

P r(k arrivals in time t) = et

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

2 = 3

P r(k arrivals in time t) = et (t)

Probability that time between arrivals is more than t =

Probability of 0 arrivals during time t = et
(using formula in definition 2 for k = 0)

so, exponentially distributed as required

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

3 = 1

Suppose last arrival was time t ago:

a priori probability that next arrival comes after more than t from
previous one = et
a priori probability it is after more than t + t = e(t+t)
a priori probability that it happens within the next
t = et e(t+t)
Conditioned on knowing that no other arrivals in last t:

et e(t+t) t (t)2 (t)3

= 1 e t + ...
et 2 6
which is independent of t, so satisfies the requirement of
independence from previous arrivals

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Sums of Poisson processes

Consider superposition of several Poisson processes

m independent Poisson Processes, rates i , i = 1, 2, ..., m
Sum is also a Poisson process, rate = i

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Sums of Poisson processes (cont.)

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Probability Random variables The Poisson Process

Packets arrive at a router according to a Poisson process, i.e.

number of packets arrived after time t = x(t), with
P r(x(t) = k) = et (t)

Should x(t) be discrete or continuous? Should time be discrete

or continuous?

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