9 19 Meeting

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National Art Honor

Meeting 1
Todays objectives
Review requirements for the club
Officer positions (nominations/voting)
Community service opportunities for the semester
Collections for service points
Attend 4 meetings each semester
Make a minimum of 4 donations to the cause/charity each semester
Complete a minimum of 4 service hours per semester.

Completing more than 4 each semester just means your awesome, it will not
roll over.
So I still have people joining and do not have a printed roll yet so please
see Shaina or me to document your name to count as attendance.

Normally I do a roll call to ensure that nobody signs in for someone else.
Officer Positions
Officer meetings will be on Tuesdays during 1st flex (unless I have tutoring)
President senior only
Leads attendance, meetings, helps track things and sets up opportunities
Vice President 2 positions Usually one senior and one junior
Assist president as needed
Secretary-any grade level
Helps track service points/donations/hours/attendance etc.
Community Service Points
Murals. Galore
Face painting (10/22 2:30-5:30)
Drawing caricatures at a school festival (10/6 5-8)
Holiday Bazaar (11/11 several shifts between 9:30-3:30)
Art show (12/5 multiple times/shifts
Clean up (a few days a month- after school on Tuesdays or Wednesdays)
If it is not on here then its likely no do not try to do something on your own and
get that to count.
Murals: Teacher and Design
Mr. Adamson Mrs. Hicks
Ms. Tran Natsis

Without the words

Mrs. Genovese Ms. Perry
Mrs. McCready

The future of the world is
in my classroom today
Young kids
New tech
Doctor, lawyer, of
Children's toys to future
Mr. Lawhun Mr. Scorsone
Mrs. Swann

Mrs. K

As for art ideas, it's journalism -- but the focus in my

class is NOT broadcast -- so:
cameras, pencil, reporter's notebook (narrow with spiral
at the top), newspapers and/or magazines, computer,
cell phone, press pass, the world (planet earth), maybe a
clock (to indicate deadlines?) words:
Journalism, News, The Talon, Red&Black, (and even
Voices since creative writing uses my same rooms).

Out of ideas? Also maybe trophies or award ribbons

since the kids do that every year.
Fall Donations

We will be donating to the Levines Children Hospital. A list of possible donations can be
found on my website

Spring will be to the teachers (tissue, markers, hand sanitizer, Lysol wipes, etc)

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