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Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

Stacked Patch Antenna with Dual-Polarization antenna sub-array with 1 4 elements had a gain of 11.7dBi.
and Low Mutual Coupling for Massive MIMO The MIMO array comprised of 8 4 such sub-arrays occu-
pying an area of 4 8, which provided an array gain of
Yue Gao, Runbo Ma, Yapeng Wang, Qianyun Zhang 15dBi in simulation.
and Clive Parini Stacked patch antennas in [10][14] showed a low-profile
antenna structure. The patch fed by orthogonal slots in [11]
[13] demonstrated a dual-polarization with high isolation.
AbstractMassive MIMO has attracted significant interests in The capacitive coupling feeding was further explored in [14].
both academia and industry. It has been considered as one of
However, those antenna structure must be equipped with two
most promising technologies for 5G wireless systems. The large-
scale antenna array for base stations naturally becomes the key to exciting structures for each patch in order to achieve the dual-
deploy the Massive MIMO technologies. In this paper, we present polarization. In this paper, a low profile stacked patch antenna
a dual-polarized antenna array with 144 ports for Massive MIMO unit is designed with four apertures through four coupling
operating at 3.7GHz. The proposed array consists of 18 low strips to excite four patches with the dual-polarization. Each
profile sub-arrays. Each sub-array consists of 4 single units.
aperture transfers the input power to its crossed coupling strip
Each single antenna unit consists of one vertically polarized port
and one horizontally polarized port connected to power splitters, without any via, and then each coupling strip excites two
which serve as a feeding network. A stacked patch design is patches.The proposed antenna unit is designed as a symmetric
used to construct the single unit with the feeding network, which layout in layers except the feeding network at the bottom
gives higher gain and lower mutual coupling within the size of layer, resulting in advantages such as simple structure and
a conversional dual-port patch antenna. Simulation results of
low mutual coupling between the two orthogonal polarization
the proposed single antenna unit, sub-array and Massive MIMO
array are verified by measurement. modes. A sub-array consisting of 4 single antenna units is
also proposed to achieve higher gain. The measured mutual
Index TermsMIMO, antenna array, sub-array, Massive
MIMO, mutual coupling, dual-polarization, feeding network.
coupling and radiation patterns of the sub-array at 3.7GHz
are compared with simulated ones. Furthermore, 18 sub-arrays
are fabricated to construct a Massive MIMO array with 144
I. I NTRODUCTION ports and 288 patches. The array configuration, which takes the
form of a Turning Torso of three stacked orthohexagonal rings
Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MIMO) has been a
within a volume of 648mm648mm258mm (883)
very important technique for wireless communications, such
is presented. Measurement shows that the mutual coupling
as 3G, 4G, WiFi, etc. Enormous research has been carried out
between any two ports in the array is lower than -35dB.
for MIMO terminal antennas addressing challenges of limited
space in handheld devices [1][4]. Driven by the development II. P ROPOSED S INGLE A NTENNA U NIT
of 5G wireless systems, Massive MIMO recently has attracted A. Structure and operating principle
significant interests in both academia and industry as it has
The proposed single antenna unit utilizes a planar structure
shown over 10 times the spectral efficiency increase than a
with 7-stacked layers, as shown in Fig. 1. Layer 1, 3, 5
conventional MIMO under realistic propagation environment
and 7 are metal layers and Layer 2, 4 and 6 are dielectric
conditions and simpler signal processing algorithms [5] [6].
substrate layers. With Rogers RT5880 as an example, the
With over 100 antenna ports to be implemented at the base
dielectric constant is r = 2.2 and loss tangent is = 0.0009.
station, Massive MIMO has brought significant challenges.
The single antenna unit operating at 3.7GHz with height of
An active multibeam antenna system for 5G Massive MIMO
h1 = (1/2)h2 = h3 = 0.762mm is optimized in CST
wireless system was designed and implemented in [7], which
Microwave Studio. On Layer 1, four square radiating patches
contained 64 RF Channels and 64 elements array being divided
with a side length of l1 = 23.7mm are arranged in a 2 2
between 8 PCBs. The dimension of each individual PCB was
matrix form. The space between the edges of adjacent patches
320mm 215mm (6 4, where is the wavelength
is se = 13.7mm (about 0.17). On Layer 3, four metallic
in free space). The antenna array resonated at 5.8GHz and
coupling strips with length of la = 16.6mm are placed under
the impedance bandwidth was 200MHz. The simulated and
the middle of the space between adjacent patches, and the two
measured gain of the antenna array reached 13dBi and 11dBi,
open ends of each strip are overlapped by the two adjacent
respectively. A system design by integrating an EM lens with
patches. On Layer 7, a feeding network comprised of two T-
the large antenna array was proposed in [8], which had the
junction power splitters transfers power from Port 1 and 2 to
capability of focusing the power of any incident plane wave
the four coupling strips via four bow-tie apertures on Layer 5.
passing through the EM lens to a small focal area of the
The structure layouts on Layer 1, 3 and 5 are symmetric with
antenna array, depending on the angle of arrival of the wave.
respect to the x-axis and y-axis. The size of the antenna unit
In [9], a practical 2D active patch antenna array configuration
is 81mm 86mm (about ).
for Full Dimension MIMO systems was proposed. A patch
The power coming from one of the two port is split into
Yue Gao, Qianyun Zhang and Clive Parini are with Queen Mary Uni- two equal ones which are guided to the two bow-tie apertures
versity of London, London E1 4NS, United Kingdom (e-mail: {yue.gao, on the ground, and then coupled to the metallic coupling
qianyun.zhang, c.g.parini} strips above the apertures. With the symmetric structure, the
Runbo Ma is with Macao Polytechnic Institute - QMUL Information
Systems Research Centre (ISRC), Rua de Gomes, SAR Macao (e-mail: {, maximum magnitude of the coupled current and zero mag-} nitude of E-field occur at the middle of each coupling strip,

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This articleDownloaded
has been accepted for
from publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2016.2593869, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

Stacked Layer 1: Patches Ra Power Ra

Layers M
Layer 2: Dielectric Cc Splitter M Cc
Ca Ca
Layer 3: Metallic Coupling strips +vcm +vcm
h1 La
Layer 4: Dielectric
La Lc2 Lc1 Lc1 Lc2
Layer 5: Ground Plane Ra Ra
Cc Cc
Layer 6: Dielectric Ca +vcm +vcm Ca
h3 Ce Port Ce
Layer 7: Feeding Network La La

81mm Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit of the antenna unit for any port.
l1 se sb
sa Layout on Layer 7
Patch Patch
1 2
l1 power splitters are orthogonal which leads to he low mutual
coupling level between Port 1 and 2. Each polarization mode
Port 1
y 86mm
x of the proposed antenna unit are operating independently,
and therefore it can be expressed by the same equivalent
ls circuit given in Fig. 3. The four same La Ca Ra shunt circuits
Patch Patch
3 4
Port 2
represent the four same radiating patches operating around
Layouts on Layer 1, 3 and 5
z the resonant frequency. Components Lc1 , Lc2 , M (magnetic
coupling between Lc1 and Lc2 ), Ce and Cc stand for the trans-
(b) (c) former balun and the capacitive coupling between coupling
Fig. 1. Structure of the proposed antenna unit: (a) prospective view, (b) strip and patches.
layouts on Layer 1, 3 and 5, and (c) layout on Layer 7. (With h1 = 12 h2 = Lc2 in the equivalent circuit represents the corresponding
h3 = 0.762, l1 = w1 = 23.7, la = 16.6, se = 13.7, sa = 10.0 and coupling strip, and the middle of Lc2 is a virtual ground.
sb = 12.5, all dimensions are in mm).
Hence, the La Ca Ra shunt circuit is loaded with the series
circuit comprised of Cc and half of Lc2 . Because the series
resonant frequency of Lc2 Cc /2 is far higher than the shunt res-
onant frequency of La Ca , the Lc2 Cc /2 series circuit presents
capacitive character around the shunt resonant frequency of
La Ca . As a result, resonant frequency of the antenna unit
can be slightly decreased and controlled by adjusting Cc and
Lc2 , which is corresponding to controlling the length of the
coupling strip, la .
The other advantage of the symmetric layout of the pro-
posed antenna unit is the ability to eliminate the mutual cou-
(a) (b) pling between the horizontal and vertical polarization modes.
Fig. 2. Surface currents on the four patches: (a) horizontal linear polarization
As shown in Fig. 2, even if there are mutual coupling signals
excited by Port 1, and (b) vertical linear polarization excited by Port 2. on the two ends of each coupling strip exciting the vertical
polarization mode when the horizontal polarization mode is
being excited, the signals are same amplitude and in-phase
while E-fields around both open ends of each coupling strip because of the symetric layout, thus each of the vertical
have identical amplitudes but opposite phases. Each set of the coupling strip is excited by the horizontal mutual coupling
splitter end, aperture and coupling strip acts as a transformer signals in common mode. It can be seen in Fig. 3 that the
balun that drives the two radiating patches by capacitive common mode mutual coupling signals, labeling as +v, cannot
coupling at the two ends of coupling strip overlapped by the generate current in Lc2 , so that the mutual coupling of the
patches. Therefore, Port 1 excites stable and in-phase currents horizontal mode is eliminated in the vertical coupling strip.
along the x-axis on all four patches, and Port 2 excites stable In the same way, when the vertical polarization mode is
and in-phase currents along the y-axis, as shown in Fig. 2. being excited, each of the horizontal coupling strips is excited
The horizontal or vertical polarization T M01 modes of four on its both ends by the vertical mutual coupling signals in
patches are created independently by Port 1 or 2. common mode, and the mutual coupling of the vertical mode
The symmetric layouts on Layer 1, 3 and 5 are beneficial is eliminated in the horizontal coupling strip. This is a positive
to increase the linearity of each polarization. This is because feature to enhance the isolation for the dual-polarization.
when one polarization mode is excited, the amplitude of E-
field at the mid-point of the non-radiating edge of each patch, B. Simulated and measured results
just above the coupling strip end for the other polarization Without any via inside the stacked structure, the proposed
mode, is almost zero due to the symmetric layouts. Further- antenna unit is easy to be fabricated by using multilayer planar
more, the patches and feeding network are separated by the structures. A prototype of the proposed single antenna unit is
ground plane. The last segments of the horizontal and vertical fabricated in a multi-layer stacked patch as shown in Fig. 4.

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This articleDownloaded
has been accepted for
from publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2016.2593869, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation


Radiation Pattern (dB)



-40 Simulated Measured

(a) (b) E-plane Co-pol E-plane Co-pol
-50 E-plane X-pol E-plane X-pol
Fig. 4. The prototype of the single antenna unit: (a) front view and (b) back H-plane Co-pol H-plane Co-pol
view. H-plane X-pol H-plane X-pol
0 -180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Theta (Degree)
Antenna (a)
-10 Simulated
S11 0
S-parameters (dB)

-20 -10
-25 Feeding Network

Radiation Pattern (dB)

-30 Antenna -20
-35 Measured
S11 S22
-45 S22 -40 Simulated Measured
-50 E-plane Co-pol E-plane Co-pol
3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 E-plane X-pol
-50 E-plane X-pol
Frequency (GHz) H-plane Co-pol H-plane Co-pol
H-plane X-pol H-plane X-pol
Fig. 5. The measured and simulated S-parameters of the antenna unit and its -60
feeding network with matching terminators. -180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Theta (Degree)
The simulated S-parameters are compared with measured
ones in Fig. 5. The measured -10dB return loss of the antenna Fig. 6. The measured and simulated radiation patterns at 3.7GHz, (a)
horizontal linear polarization, (b) vertical linear polarization.
unit is from 3.65GHz to 3.81GHz with impedance bandwidths
of 160MHz, which matches well with the simulations. It can
be seen that the simulated and measured S21 between two given in Fig. 7. The measured gains of both linear polarization
exciting ports are less than -33dB and -31dB respectively, are about 10.5dBi at 3.7GHz. From 3.65GHz to 3.84GHz, co-
which verifies the mutual coupling level between the two po- polarized gains are higher than 10dBi, and are 23dB higher
larization exciting ports is very low. This low mutual coupling than cross-polarized ones. It verifies that the antenna unit has
benefits from the symmetric and multilayer structure of the good linearity in both polarization.
antenna unit, where the two excited linear polarization modes
are orthogonal. Additionally, the mutual coupling between the
two power splitters with matching terminators is also given in
Fig. 5, and is less than -45dB, which supports the low mutual
coupling between the two ports. A. Sub-array with 1 4 antenna units
Fig. 6 gives the measured and simulated radiation patterns at In order to flexibly build a large-scale array for the Massive
3.7GHz. The radiation patterns of horizontal and vertical linear MIMO, a sub-array with 1 4 antenna units is designed by
polarization are very similar. For the horizontal linear polar- arranging the proposed antenna units along x-axis directly, as
ization, the measured half power beam widths are about 52 shown in Fig. 8, occupying a size of 324mm86mm (4).
and 55 in E-plane and H-plane respectively. For the vertical There are 4 ports in the sub-array for each linear polarization
linear polarization, the measured ones are about 54 and 53 mode. The space between two adjacent patches is only 2sa =
in E-plane and H-plane respectively. For both the polarization, 20mm (e.g. 0.25).
the front-back ratios are greater than 15dB, and the gain of The simulated and measured S-parameters of a sub-array
cross-polarization are 25dB lower than the co-polarization at are shown in Fig. 9. Compared with the simulated return loss
the boresight. The realized gains at boresight with respect to in Fig. 5, it is found that the center frequencies of the sub-
frequency in the co-polarized and cross-polarized planes are array are slightly lower than those of the single antenna unit,

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This articleDownloaded
has been accepted for
from publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2016.2593869, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

15 0
3.62-3.77 GHz 3.65-3.81GHz
10 BW=0.15 GHz BW=0.16 GHz
5 Simulated Measured
Horizontal Polarization Co-pol. Simulated Measured

S-parameters (dB)
Realized Gain (dBi)

0 Horizontal Polarization X-pol. S11 S11

Vertical Polarization Co-pol. S22 S22
Vertical Polarization X-pol. -15 S33 S33
S44 S44
-15 -20 S55 S55
S66 S66
-25 S77 S77
-25 S88 S88
-30 -30
3.60 3.65 3.70 3.75 3.80 3.85 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9

Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)

Fig. 7. The measured and simulated realized gains with respect to frequency
at boresight.


S-parameters (dB)
-40 S31
-50 S62
(a) S53
-60 S73
-65 S64
P1 P3 P5 P7 S84
3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5
P2 P4 P6 P8
Frequency (GHz)
Fig. 9. The S-parameters of the sub-array: (a) return loss and (b) mutual
Fig. 8. The sub-array with four antenna units: (a) front view of the fabricated coupling.
sub-array and (b) back view of the fabricated sub-array.

53 , which is same as the single antenna unit.

because the equivalent area of substrate for each unit in the
sub-array becomes slightly larger. As shown in Fig. 9 (a), the
-10dB bandwidth of 160MHz is achieved for all ports, which B. Mutual Coupling Analysis
is from 3.65GHz to 3.81GHz. The representative measured The sub-arrays can be arranged flexibly in different manners
mutual coupling levels between ports are given in Fig. 9 (b). to build a larger array, for example in matrix to build a
It can be seen that the maximum mutual coupling levels occur planar array. In order to efficiently analyze the mutual coupling
between any adjacent ports and are less than -32dB within the between different antenna units, a simple planar array with
bandwidth. The mutual coupling levels between non-adjacent 2 2 units are modeled and studied, as shown in Fig. 11 (a).
ports are less than -40dB. The planar array with ports labeled from P1 to P8 is simulated
As shown in Fig. 10, the sub-array features a directional with two kinds of boundary conditions, e.g. open boundary
radiation pattern with maximum realized gain of 16.7dBi along and periodic boundary. The mutual coupling levels obtained
the normal of the sub-array face when the four ports for the in the two conditions can be treated as the approximated ones
same linear polarization are excited in-phase. For horizontal between adjacent antenna units arranged along the edge and
linear polarization, the zx-plane is the E-plane and yz-plane is in the inner area of a large array.
the H-plane, while for vertical linear polarization, yz-plane is The mutual coupling levels of this planar array are given in
the E-plane and zx-plane is the H-plane. Because the antenna Fig. 11 (b). Almost every mutual coupling level under periodic
units are arrange along x-axis, the half power beam widths for boundary conditions is higher than its corresponding one under
both polarization modes on the zx-plane are about 13 , much open boundary conditions. It is reasonable to assume these
narrower than the single antenna unit. While the half power two curves as the upper and lower bounds for the real mutual
beam widths of both polarization modes on yz-plane are about coupling level between the same ports.

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This articleDownloaded
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from publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2016.2593869, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation


C24 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

B5 B6 B7 B8
Realized Gain (dBi)

B1 B2 B3 B4

A1 A2
-10 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
Horizontal Pol. Vertical Pol.
-20 zx-Plane Co-Pol. yz-Plane Co-Pol.
zx-Plane X-Pol. yz-Plane X-Pol. (a)
-25 yz-Plane Co-Pol zx-Plane Co-Pol
yz-Plane X-Pol. zx-Plane X-Pol. -30
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 -35

S-parameters (dB)
Fig. 10. The radiation patterns of the sub-array excited with synchronous -45 S1V
signals in all 4 ports for horizontal polarization or vertical polarization.
-50 S2V
-60 S4H
-65 S5H
P5 P7
3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4
P6 P8 Frequency (GHz)
x (b)

Fig. 12. (a) The configuration of three level Turning Torso antenna array and
(b) mutual coupling levels.
P1 P3

Based on the exciting polarization and antenna unit ar-

P2 P4
rangement, the mutual coupling between different ports is
categorized into 4 classes:
1) Class-A mutual couplingthe highest two levels are S13
and S26 . As shown in Fig. 11 (a), the highest mutual
-25 Periodic coupling occurs between the ports exciting the same
-30 boundary polarization in the two adjacent antenna units along the
S17 excited polarization direction. The mutual coupling level
-35 S17
S-parameters (dB)

S13 is ranging from -35dB to -25dB.

-40 S15
S15 2) Class-B mutual couplingthe second high mutual cou-
-45 S18 pling levels include S15 and S24 and occurs between
-50 S14 the ports exciting the same polarization in the two
S16 adjacent antenna arranged perpendicularly to the excited
S28 polarization direction, ranging from -40dB to -30dB.
-60 S28
S24 3) Class-C mutual couplingthis kind of mutual coupling
-65 S26 level occurs between the ports exciting the same po-
larization and belonging to the antenna units arranged
3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 diagonally, including S17 and S28 , ranging from -50dB
Frequency (GHz) to -35dB.
4) Class-D mutual couplingthe lowest mutual coupling
levels include S14 , S16 and S18 and occur between the
Fig. 11. (a) 22 units for mutual coupling study and (b) the mutual coupling ports exciting different polarization and belonging to
levels of the array with 2 2 units under different boundary conditions.
different antenna units. The mutual coupling level is
always less than -40dB.

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This articleDownloaded
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from publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2016.2593869, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

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and Class-A mutual coupling analyzed in Section III. This
is because the adjacent sub-arrays are not in the same plane.

In this paper, a compact dual-polarized antenna with four
radiating square patches has been designed with low mutual
coupling. The mutual coupling between different ports were
analyzed including ports exciting different polarization modes
in the same antenna unit, and ports in different antenna units
in the same and different sub-arrays. An array configuration
containing 18 sub-arrays was constructed for practical consid-
erations. With the closely placed adjacent patches and compact
array configuration, the proposed Massive MIMO array only
occupied a volume of about 8 8 3 and offered a maxi-
mum mutual coupling lower than -35dB between any two ports
in the array. The proposed array could be a strong contender
for the small cell base station deployment in the urban area
with high-density buildings for 5G wireless systems.

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