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And There Came An Age

An UNOFFICIAL Game Adventure

for use with the Classic Marvel Role-Playing Game, Advanced Set


As Marvel Comics enters a self-proclaimed new Heroic Age, its only appropriate that fans also
get the chance to participate! Heres your chance to enter a Heroic Age of your very own, with
the classic Marvel Super-Heroes Role-Playing Game published originally by TSR, Inc. way back in
1984. While this game is long since out of print, you can certainly just keep the structure and
characters ideas for this adventure and adapt for use with your favorite role-playing system to
run a game of your very own. For more information on the classic Marvel game system, see
The Heroes

AND THERE CAME An Age...! Resources: Remarkable true hero of the mind and thus an exemplar
The following heroes were chosen for this ad- Popularity: 6 of the modern age. This also includes head-
venture because they represent a wide range ing the Olympus Group, a corporation that
of heroic-ness (heroic-ality? heroism!) from POWERS/EQUIPMENT is the modern iteration of the Olympian
the various corners of the Marvel comics Hypermind: Amazing ability to reason and pantheon. Good thing-- Amadeus will need
universe. We have youngsters and veterans, calculate at high speeds and meta-advanced all those resources to fight the monsters that
mutants and self-made heroes, vigilantes and levels. Identifies variables and quantum possi- continue to plague the Earth.
purehearts. Weve also tried for a balance of bilities to choose the action most favorable to
him. Power stunts include: Hyper-Invention Amadeus Cho is brash, quirky, and sarcastic,
powers and character archetypes. And while not to mention fun-loving and quick to
this adventure was designed with this particu- and called shots that border on prescience/
precognition (so he can use his Hypermind battle (in particular if its a battle of wits!) In
lar mix, feel free to play with any variety of other words, hes a perfect match to replace
characters that you like. Luckily enough, the ability in place of Agility or Fighting)
Hercules in our modern times. Like many
adventure works well with characters who Golden Mace: Class 1000 material, Unearthly young heroes, Amadeus refuses hear things
havent worked together before. This could damage; stored in subspace pocket and mani- like you cant do that or weve never tried
even be even the perfect time to create some fests at whim that before, and hell do whatever he thinks
brand-new heroes of your very own! it takes to get the job done, no matter how
Bannertech Shield: Monstrous personal force unconventional.
field; Amazing energy reflection

HERO roll-call Modified Classic GameBoy Micro: Remark-

able computer interface,
enables Hypermind to
affect computer systems
and networks; enables Ban-
nertech teleportation
Teleportation: The Olym-
pus Group can teleport
Amadeus and others near
him anywhere in the world
or trans-dimensionally with
Amazing ability.
Computer Gaming
Eidetic Memory

Amadeus Cho Olympus Group BLACK CAT
Other Aliases: Mastermind Excello, Prince Avengers
Real Name: Felicia Hardy
of Power Bruce Banner
Occupation: Freelance private investigator,
Occupation: CEO of the Olympus Group;
occasional cat burglar
champion of the gods; mythslayer
AMADEUS IN BRIEF: Who would have
thought that the young upstart Amadeus Cho Excellent Fighting!
Good Fighting!
would actually be the seventh smartest person Incredible Agility!
Good Agility!
on the entire planet? The Greek goddess Excellent Strength!
Typical Strength!
Athena, actually. She enabled Amadeus to Excellent Endurance!
Excellent Endurance!
discover his abilities by entering the Master- Good Reason!
Incredible Reason!
mind Excello online contest, and Amadeus Excellent Intuition!
Excellent Intuition!
soon found himself chased by enemy agents, Excellent Psyche!
Remarkable Psyche!
forming a team to help the Hulk, and becom-
ing a sidekick to Hercules himself. When Health 100
Health 46
Hercules died to save the universe, Amadeus Karma 40
Karma 90
became the favored champion of Athena, a Resources: Typical

Popularity: - 2


Bad Luck: Incredible manifestation of bad Real Name: James Buchanan Bucky
luck to those around her (she has relatively Barnes
more conscious control to trigger it than in Occupation: Adventurer; former covert
the past) operative
Infravision/UV Vision: Excellent sensory
perception, via specialized contact lenses Incredible Fighting!
Excellent Agility!
Costume: Enhanced strength, reflexes; in- Excellent Strength!*
creased sense of balance (via earrings); Claws Remarkable Endurance!
of Excellent material/damage with Climbing Good Reason!
of Good ability Excellent Intuition!
Good Psyche!
Grappling Line: Excellent material, Line-
Health 110
TALENTS Karma 40
Cap went on to be revived in modern times.
Martial Arts A, E Resources: Typical*
Instead, the Soviet Russians captured James
Acrobatics/Tumbling Popularity: 100/6
and brainwashed him into becoming one of
Tightrope Walking
their more deadly operatives-- the Winter
Espionage (Security Systems/Infiltration)
POWERS/EQUIPMENT Soldier. Kept in stasis between missions,
Specialized Armor: Good protection vs. James was finally used by Caps enemies in
physical, Typical vs. fire recent times to fight his former mentor, but
Hero Community: Spider-Man, Heroes for
Cap restored James memories. Soon after,
Hire, Puma Unique Weapon-- Shield: Class 3000 mate- when the world thought Captain America
Criminal Underworld rial strength, indestructible; thrown up to was dead, James took up the mantle and has
3 areas with Remarkable damage; power continued to serve as the newest Captain
THE BLACK CAT IN BRIEF: Felicia fol- stuntbounce and return even after his return.
lowed in her cat-burglar fathers footsteps,
becoming a notorious thief herself, but this Gun: Excellent piercing/edged damage Often feeling like a man-out-of-time, James
time with a gimmick. Carefully-laid traps Conventional Weaponry: Knife (Good has nevertheless come to terms with his
and tricks made her appear to have bad luck damage), Grenades (Remarkable effect) tumultuous history. He is a driven man, de-
powers. Running up against Spider-Man, the termined to do his duty for his country but
Black Cat changed her mind and became a *Bionic Arm: Incredible superhuman moreso for his namesake and mentor. He is
crime-fighter instead, even Spider-Mans strength; Excellent material; EMP pulse: helped in his determination by his teammates
partner for a time. The two were a romantic Excellent disruption to electronics; Good in the Avengers and the Black Widow, with
couple for a time, until the Black Cat was Intensity electricity discharge blast whom hes formed a romantic relationship.
injured due to their dangerous lifestyle.
When she tried to get her own genuine su-
Military, Espionage FIRESTAR
perpowers, she ended up giving bad luck to Real Name: Angelica Jones
anyone around her. Nowadays, her powers Occupation: University Student
have returned with much better control,
Martial Arts A, B, D, E
and she supplements them with specialized
Languages: German, Russian
equipment. She still hasnt managed to fix Good Fighting!
her relationship problems with Spider-Man, Excellent Agility!
though. Typical Strength!
Hero Community: Steve Rogers, Black
Remarkable Endurance!
Widow, Avengers
Fun-loving and whimsical, the Black Cat Typical Reason!
U.S. Government/SHIELD
wavers from being a truly good superhero Poor Intuition!
and a truly spectacular thief. Often, it comes Excellent Psyche!
down to what promises the most excitement CAPTAIN AMERICA IN BRIEF: Bucky
at the time. Shes truly a spur of the moment Barnes was the former kid sidekick to the Health 66
kind of girl, which gets her trouble when it original Captain America during the 1940s, Karma 30
comes times for consequences. but he was long thought killed in action while Resources: Poor

heroes to register their activities. She
was even an Avenger at one point,
but would rather return to Empire
State University and complete a
degree in Art History.

Angel is often described as a girl-

next-door, thanks to her gentle
nature and willingness to see the best
in others. She is more confident in
her abilities than ever, but she would
really rather not have them and
pursue a normal life instead. That
said, she is dedicated to standing up
for the oppressed and fighting the
good fight no matter the cost.

Popularity: 6
POWERS ROCKSLIDE was sent from his Boston home to join the
Microwave Manipulation: Amazing control Real Name: Santo Vaccarro Xavier Institute, he fit in quite nicely with the
over microwave energy. Established power Occupation: Student others on his squad, the one appropriately
stunts include firing Microwave Blasts up to titled the Hellions. In other words, he was
Unearthly damage vs. living organisms and Remarkable Fighting! often too cocky, pushy, and aggressive for his
Monstrous vs. non-living matter; flying with Good Agility! own good! Still, Rockslide was one of the
Typical speed/Excellent maneuverability; Amazing Strength! few of these young mutants to be considered
carrying objects in flight as if having Excel- Amazing Endurance! a candidate for X-Men membership, and he
lent Strength, and disrupting electronics/ Typical Reason! has been training with them ever since. Deep
electronic communication with Incredible Typical Intuition! down, he continues to harbor some small
intensity. She can melt objects with Mon- Good Psyche! hope of becoming a superhuman pro-wres-
strous intensity heat, up to 1 area in size. tler or ultimate fighter, too.
Health 140
Heat Sphere: A fiery sheath offers Amazing Karma 22 Originally, Rockslide was the typical bully
protection from physical objects/projectiles. Resources: Poor of the student body. Since then, despite his
Popularity: 0 rocky exterior, he has softened somewhat,
TALENTS particularly with his friendships with Anole
Aerial Maneuvers POWERS and Pixie. So while he may not have the social
Art/Art History Rock Body: At over 6-foot tall, his body has graces youd expect, he more than makes up
Incredible protection vs. physical and fire/ for it in tenacity and solidarity.
CONTACTS cold; Excellent vs. energy
Hero Community: Avengers, New Warriors, Explosive Shatter: Causes Remarkable explo-
Young Allies, Emma Frost sive force and shrapnel damage to anyone in
Father (Bart Jones) his immediate area; Can re-form body from
available rock/earth, taking on any unique
properties of such, but it costs a full round
FIRESTAR IN BRIEF: Angel never asked to complete.
for greatness, but has often felt it forced
upon her. She joined a school for mutants TALENTS
ran by the White Queen (Emma Frost), but Martial Arts B
instead was used as a pawn in the Queens Wrestling
power plays until she wised up and ran away.
She joined the New Warriors and became CONTACTS
engaged to her teammate Justice, but broke it X-Men
off from both when the United States forced Xavier Institute student body


The following roster contains all the vital Body: Monstrous ability to reform if Chapter Two:
stats for the major villains encountered in the destroyed
adventure. Well, really all the non-heroes, Jinku the Lava Shaman
or antagonists as well as supporting cast. Limitation: The Glob requires a electronic Real Name: Jinku
As youll see in the adventure, a villain one voice box to communicate verbally Occupation: Shaman
moment can be an ally in the next! (More TALENTS
generic/incidental characters will be listed in Typical Fighting!
the chapter in which they appear.) Good Agility!
Excellent Strength!
Remarkable Endurance!
SHIELDs Howling Commandos base in
Typical Reason!
Area 13, Pine Barrens, New Jersey
Villain Roster Good Intuition!
Remarkable Psyche!
In order of appearance: Chapter One
THE GLOB IN BRIEF: Little more than a
6-foot-6, 900-pound swamp thing, the Glob Health 66
The Glob was once Joe Timms, an escaped convict who Karma 46
Real Name: Joseph Joe Timms hid in a swamp to avoid capture and ended Resources: Poor
Occupation: special operations agent; former up victim of radioactive waste. The creature Popularity: -3
criminal fought the Hulk, mistaking Betty Brant for
Leeora, his deceased wife, and actually bested POWERS
Excellent Fighting! him! Since then, the Glob was among the Invulnerability to Fire
Typical Agility! monstrous creatures assembled by SHIELD
Unearthly Strength! Heat Generation: Incredible intensity heat to
to form a new Howling Commandos unit in
Unearthly Endurance! the touch, can increase each round to Un-
order to fight the more esoteric of strange
Poor Reason! earthly total, but every rank above Incredible
criminals. The final fate of these Howling
Good Intuition! can only be sustained for 5 rounds before
Commandos are unknown, however, and the
Poor Psyche! returning to Incredible.
Glob, with his poor reasoning skills, certainly
cant help. Body Armor: Excellent protection vs. physi-
Health 226 cal attacks, can melt weapons of lower mate-
Karma 18 rial strength by touch
Resources: Feeble
Popularity: 0 Lava Magics: Incredible mystical ability over
the earth. Power stunts/spells include:
POWERS Conjuring pile of volcanic ash
Globs body is composed of a sterile, mud- Transmuting metal into volcanic ash
like substance. He has no visible mouth, and Earth control (as the power listing) but
tends to be covered in grassy or weed-like limited to molten lava
Soft Body: Mystic Origin
Monstrous Leadership
ity, absorbs CONTACTS
power rank Lava Men
in physical
damage; JINKU IN
Incredible BRIEF: While
protection vs most Lava
energy, cold, Men are simple
heat, and fire; creatures, Jinku
Unearthly is ambitious
resistance vs. and venge-
toxins and ful, capable
disease of leading
Reconstitute his people in
reaction to any

surface world attack (whether justified or Attacks with sonic energy or sound- POWERS/EQUIPMENT
not.) Jinku is still in some ways quite simple dampening Vibranium inflict full damage Pheromones: Incredible chemical toxins
in his reactions, basically reducing behavior Slams and Stuns affect him as normal produced by her body can provide Animal
to fight! or its mine! or well get you Control over certain creatures, including
for that! Sonic Converter: Klaws right hand has been werewolves, as well as Emotion Control in
replaced with a device of Incredible material human beings, unleashing their bestial nature.
NOTE: All Lava Men share Jinkus statistics strength that provides the following: Nightshade often uses this to turn heroes
and ability ranks, with the exception of Lava Incredible Sonic Blasts against their allies. Range is touch only.
Magics. Incredible Force Fields
Remarkable creation of solid sonic Hypodermic Gun: Excellent piercing
Chapter Five: objects, such as simple shapes damage; delivers darts filled with various
Creation of sound creatures, quasi- chemicals, including:
KLAW living beings under Klaws control. They Excellent Knockout toxin
Real Name: Ulysses Klaw take damage normally and have the fol- Excellent Psychedelic potion (Halluci-
Occupation: Criminal; former scientist lowing stats: nations)
F A S E R I P Excellent Shutdown potion (causes
Good Fighting! TY TY RM RM N/A N/A N/A loss of all motor functions, collapsing
Excellent Agility! Destroying the Sonic Converter forces victim into a limp pile)
Remarkable Strength! Klaw to discorporate/disappear Excellent Slo-Mo potion (brain
Monstrous Endurance! function disrupted, all actions are in slow
Typical Reason! TALENTS motion (-2 CS) and dodging is impos-
Typical Intuition! Physics sible)
Typical Psyche!
CONTACTS Beta Gun: Remarkable laser/energy damage
Health 135 Villain Community: Frightful Four, Masters Putty Grenades: Remarkable strength adhe-
Karma 18 of Evil, AIM, the Network sive properties, can trap a hero in place or
Resources: Typical
gum up his movements to -2 CS.
Popularity: -3 KLAW IN BRIEF: Ulysses Klaw led an inva-
sion of Wakanda in order to gain its precious TALENTS
POWERS/EQUIPMENT Vibranium, but the Black Panther stopped Leadership
Sonic Body: Klaws body has been completely him by causing his sonic weapon to explode. Martial Arts B
transformed into a corporeal sonic energy His body was destroyed, but Klaw returned Chemistry/Biochemistry
form. He has no need to eat/drink, breathe, more powerful than ever. Even when he was Engineering/Robotics
or sleep, and cannot be harmed except for fully human, Klaw was overconfident, arro- Marksmanship
specific circumstances: gant, and power-hungry. His lust for power
Exposure to vacuum yields Remarkable drives him to all kinds of criminal activity
damage each round CONTACTS
and to form all kinds of criminal alliances. Criminal Community: Yellow Claw, Superia,
M.O.D.O.K., the Network
Real Name: Dr. Tilda Johnson
Occupation: Criminal scientist NIGHTSHADE IN BRIEF: A self-made
genius, Nightshade wasnt about to let anyone
Good Fighting! keep her down, even if that meant turning to
Excellent Agility! a life of crime. Shes the ultimate in selfish-
Good Strength! ness-- taking whatever she needs, studying
Excellent Endurance! whatever she wants, and doing whatever she
Remarkable Reason! feels like.
Good Intuition!
Good Psyche! Red Vulture
Real Name: Jimmy Natale
Health 60 Occupation: Serial killer, former mob en-
Karma 50 forcer
Resources: Remarkable
Popularity: -4 Excellent Fighting!
Remarkable Agility!

Remarkable Strength!
Incredible Endurance! Amazing Fighting!
Poor Reason! Excellent Agility!
Good Intuition! Monstrous Strength!
Poor Psyche! Remarkable Endurance!
Typical Reason!
Health 120 Remarkable Intuition!
Karma 18 Excellent Psyche!
Resources: Typical
Popularity: -4 Health 175
Karma 56
POWERS Resources: Typical
Flight: The newest Vulture has natural Popularity: -10
wings as part of his physiology. They
provide Typical air speed (6 areas/ POWERS
round) and completely silent flight. Body Armor: Excellent protection against
physical damage/pressures of deep ocean;
Mandible: Good edged damage Excellent resistance to cold
Acid: The Vulture can vomit a nasty Swimming: Typical hyper-swimming
red acid of Excellent intensity. How-
ever, it takes 2 rounds to recharge Water-Breathing: via fish-like gills
each attack.
Teeth: Razor-sharp teeth of Excellent edged
TALENTS damage
Melee Weapons
Handguns Hydro-Suit: Over time, exposure to air may
Martial Arts B cause his abilities to decline; this suit helps
Infiltration circulate moisture in his body to maintain his
powers on dry land.
Maggia Underwater Combat


Natale was one of the mobs best Villain Community: Masters of Evil
cleaners, an enforcer who could do TIGER SHARK IN BRIEF: Todd Arliss
the messy work of cleaning up loose was a kind-hearted, All-American athlete
ends, no matter how violent. And he and professional swimmer whose kind act to
did so with cold, detached efficiency. save an old man from drowning resulting in
When the Maggia was targeted by Mys- serious injury to himself and experimental
terio, they forced Jimmy to undergo a procedures that transformed him into a
medical procedure to turn him into a shark-like, cold-blooded criminal with a lust
superpowered hitman, but turned him for battle and a strong survival instinct.
into the Red Vulture instead. Despite
his reduction of intelligence (and
nearly being rendered unintelligible,) he Whirlwind
embarked on a mission of revenge on Real Name: David Cannon
all involved, and ran into Spider-Man Occupation: Criminal, former circus per-
in the process, but once his vengeance former/ice skater
was appeased, he flew away to operate
on his own terms. Good Fighting!
Incredible Agility!
Good Strength!
Tiger Shark Remarkable Endurance!
Real Name: Todd Arliss Typical Reason!
Occupation: Criminal, former pro Typical Intuition!
athlete Typical Psyche!

has always used his powers for per-
sonal gain and profit, Whirlwind is a
braggart and loudmouth. He enjoys
flaunting his powers and making
heroes look like saps. He considers
himself somewhat of a ladies man
but everyone knows differently.

Chapter Eight:

Thor Girl
Real Name: Tarene
Occupation: Adventurer

Incredible Fighting!
Remarkable Agility!
Incredible Strength! Alien languages
Health 90
Karma 18 Unearthly Endurance!
Typical Reason! CONTACTS
Resources: Typical Hero Community: Avengers Initiative, Thor
Popularity: -4 Typical Intuition!
Good Psyche! Asgard


Spinning: Hyper-spinning to 400 rpm, with Health 210
Karma 22 alien born under the prophecy to become
power stunts such as: the Designate, a cosmic being of phenom-
Excellent superhuman speed, including Resources: Typical
Popularity: 15 enal power to bless the universe. The villain
movement up vertical walls Thanos tried to destroy her and her world,
Monstrous escape from Grappling but she was saved by Thor. Dedicating her
Remarkable shield of air vs. physical POWERS/EQUIPMENT
Body Armor: Tarenes body in naturally life to following Thors example, she later
attacks and missile weapons sacrificed her power cosmic to defeat the
Good vs. physical and energy attacks and is
immune to disease. demon Surtur, retaining only those abilities
Air Control: Remarkable ability to control she used to emulate Thor.
the air around him as he spins. Power stunts Immortality: Tarene is near ageless, although
include: the full extent of her immortality is unre- Tarene is trying to be the best hero she can
Maintain Good flight for up to 10 vealed. This also provides her with Excellent be, but is apt to default to petty and petulant
minutes regenerative powers. behavior. Often, her power and her pride get
Create Remarkable focused air blast in the way of being the hero she knows she
Create Remarkable tornado-like winds Unique Weapon: Thor Girl wields a golden ought to be.
in an area replica of Thors hammer and made of a
Class 1000 material. It also mimics Thors
additional powers: Chapter Nine:
Wrist Blades: Amazing edged damage when
using blades while spinning. Remarkable Throwing the hammer up to 10 areas
edged damage when firing blades like shurik- away, with the hammer returning the fol- Grim Reaper
en. Whirlwind normally carries 10 of these. lowing round (Note: the following stats reflect the Grim Reaper as
Flying at Unearthly speeds, or hovering encountered in this adventure)
TALENTS in place
Wrestling Spinning to create a shield for Remark- Real Name: Eric Williams
Driving able protection Occupation: Criminal
Performing Summoning storms and lightning with
Unearthly weather control Excellent Fighting!
CONTACTS Traveling to and from Asgard Remarkable Agility!
Villain Community: Masters of Evil Unearthly Strength!
TALENTS Monstrous Endurance!
WHIRLWIND IN BRIEF: A mutant who Hammer weapons Typical Reason!

Typical Intuition!
Typical Psyche!

Health 225
Karma 18
Resources: Excellent
Popularity: -10

Ionic-fueled Body: Amazing protection from
all forms of damage, including physical and
energy damage. Class 1000 invulnerability to
heat/cold. Mental attacks are resolved nor-
mally. The Grim Reaper does not require
food, water, or air to survive.
Ionic Scythe: Where once the Grim Reaper
held a mechanical scythe, he now replicates
it with ionic power. He can swipe with
Remarkable edged damage or emit blasts
of Remarkable intensity. (See Chapter 9 for
additional tactics.)
Flight: Good air speeds/hovering
Weapons Specialist: Scythe

Villain Community: Nekra, Lethal Legion


a petty criminal and embezzler, the Grim
Reaper turned into a truly psychotic villain
after becoming obsessed with the life/death
of his brother, Wonder Man. He has since
moved on to maniacally obsess over all forms
of criminal gain, fame, and power.

Chapter ONE

then use a secret camera, but he seems (darn the traffic on the turnpike!). The heroes
spooked. If she doesnt get it now, the are at the top of the quarry in a good vantage
fence will move the merchandise before point. Below them, the quarry opens up like
The Call Goes she can return a second time. a great canyon, the size of several city blocks.
Forth! There are numerous buildings for offices,
The call to action (in this case, a literal call storage, and shelter, as well as a variety of
to action!) will occur, of course, at the most equipment such as containers, conveyors,
inconvenient time. For Amadeus and Rock- and mid- to large-sized machinery. Much of
Summary slide, the call may come after answering their the jagged cliff faces have scaffolding from
The various heroes receive individual distress cell phone. For Captain America, the call top to bottom. Vehicles of all kinds pepper
calls to alert them of the menace of the comes simultaneously over a closed-circuit the scene: dumpsters, cranes, bulldozers, and
monstrous Glob! comm link reserved by SHIELD, while for the like.
Firestar, the call comes through the televi-
Set-Up sion that serves to distract students from None of the heroes recognize the Glob,
Invite the heroes to embellish the following the boredom of the admissions office line, unless Captain America or Amadeus Cho
scenes of a regular weekday morning a interrupting the daytime talkshow. The Black specifically researched, asking SHIELD or
morning that just might get interrupted! Cat will hear the call over the pawn shops the Olympus Group for more information.
in-store radio. (Note that while the players The Glob is in the middle of his rampage,
Amadeus Cho is in the middle of the are aware of the same call being heard five dead center. Equipment is overturned, of-
Arizona desert, sitting on top of a cage different ways, the characters are not.) Read fices and vehicles are smashed, and various
with a half-dozen wild chupacabras the following to the players: piles of rubble are even more rubbley?
(think of a monstrous combination of Quarry men have tried their best to find shel-
reptile and kangaroo that eats goats)
Whee-oo! Whee-ooo! The alarm- ter; the armed security and police who have
inside. The battle was long and draining, responded arent faring very well.
ing signal certainly does its job
and hes just waiting for an Olympus
Group transport to arrive so they can of attracting your attention! A The Globs poor reasoning skills and me-
relocate the beasts to Monster Isle. mechanically-distorted, disguised chanical voice box make communication
voice declares: Attention, Network! frustrating and difficult, not much more than
Rockslide, in disguise as much as he can Class 5 villain now wreaking havoc a few expressions Glob smash!, Pitiful
be, is in New York to catch the upcom-
at the Wickhessian Quarry, New guard-men!, and Where is rock? If the
ing Unlimited Brawling Championship heroes hold back for too long (after all, the
Jersey. You and four others will
match, and its about to start. The game call to action did imply that other villains
is still very much underground, so hes engage and recruit for our destruc-
should be arriving), it becomes obvious that
right to feel more than a little nervous. tive ranks! The Network grows!
they better jump in and stop the Globpar-
Still, Rockslides teammate Anole had Coordinates as follows ticularly the pair of quarry men who have
dared him to not only catch a game but hidden behind a propane tank at one corner
to get the autograph of the villainous Sure enough, if the heroes investigate (by of the scene. The one where an overturned
Man-Killer who is about to go on stage. switching to a news channel or by checking truck has been leaking fuel and a stray spark
in with teammates/Contacts) they will hear from some Glob-thrown debris sends flames
Captain America is waiting on a reports of a monster who suddenly appeared
rooftop to rendezvous with the Black headed their way! A hero would need a Yellow
and is currently rampaging in a New Jersey FEAT (of a movement Power or Endurance)
Widow; shes on a mission and he quarry, and lives and property are in danger!
managed to get some sensitive intel she to get in and get them to safety.
might find useful. They must somehow excuse themselves from The Glob wont actually engage the heroes
their respective situations to investigate. Let directly, but he will if he perceives the heroes
Firestar (as Angelica Jones) is in line the heroes role-play out their responsethey
at the admissions office for her school, are in his way or if the heroes touch him
are free to fulfill their scene, or they may want physically. At times, he might even turn away
hoping to finalize some paper work to drop what they are doing and run! After
before todays deadline, and after three from the heroes. His only dialogue is short,
everyone has described their scene, give a clipped phrases about some pretty rock,
earlier trips failed to do so. Thankfully, bonus to Karma to any who managed to
shes only one person away from the the Jin-stone or ku-ku rock or some
somehow fulfill their personal obligations. variation of that. The Glob is smart enough
next available window!
to use his environment in his tacticsfight-
The Black Cat is in a pawn shop, un- Encounter/Battle ing with thrown debris or baseball bat-like
dercover, trying to photograph evidence Regardless of the individual time it takes to crane arms.
that the owner is fence for stolen jew- complete each set-up, all the heroes more
elry. Shell need to ask to see the jewelry or less arrive at the quarry at the same time What he is really doing here is searching for
the Jinku Stone, a mystical artifact that fea-

tured in an aborted mission when the Glob Karma Awards
was used as an agent, of sorts, by SHIELD. Fulfilling personal obligations: +5
The Glob is nothing if not single-minded, Saving the quarry men from the explo-
and he has been trying to fulfill his mis- sion: +20
sion long after his SHIELD program was Attempting to reason with the Glob
disbanded. The search has led him to this before the battle: +5
quarry, and his rampage is nothing more than Defeating the Glob: +100
a monstrous misunderstanding. While the Preventing undue amounts of property
Glob cant express his full memory, the Judge damage: + 20
can leak some of this information through Being defeated by the Glob: -40
the Globs special dialogue. Warm-hearted Ignoring the Globs personal mission/
heroes might catch on to the fact that the failing to help the Glob: -25
Glob is more misguided than malicious,
and may attempt to end the battle through
dialogue. The heroes are welcome to observe
and follow along, leading into Chapter 2.

In the unlikely event the heroes are defeated,
Glob will stop himself just before disposing
of one of the heroes. He will instead return
to his original taskfinding the Jinku Stone.
The heroes were taken out, they will recover
to find the Glob giving the stone to Captain
America, fulfilling what he understands as his
mission (retrieve the object for SHIELD.) He
does really hope to be a hero.
If/when defeated, Glob will try to explain as
best he can that he had a mission, and his
disappointment in failing his mission should
be obvious to all. After some questioning,
hindered by Globs poor reasoning and
limitation of his voice box, it should become
clear he was connected to SHIELD, and
from there heroes such as Captain America
could easily verify his original, if obsolete,
mission. If a hero gets the idea to help the
Glob, award that player with +5 additional
Karma and move on to the next chapter.
Otherwise, you can move ahead by having
the heroes contact SHIELD and allow them
to take custody of Glob. In that case, move
directly to investigating the mysterious alert
calls in Chapter 3.

Dangling Questions
What is the Jinku Stone?
What to do with the Glob?
Who called the heroes to the scene?
What is the Network?

Chapter Two

parting the crowds of Lava Men. If the Strangley, Rockslide (and the Glob, or any
heroes are more aggressive, the Lava Men other earth- and rock-like structures) remains
will defend themselves en masse, until the unaffected, and may be able to take advan-
The Secrets of arrival of Jinku in a similar manner causes tage of this fact to find a way to persuade
the Jinku Stone! the battle to cease. the Jinku and the Lava Men to stop their
battle. Otherwise, the heroes have few other
Jinkus scepter is a thin column of twisted
Summary rock with a bulbous end much like a lacrosse
options to end the scene. One way would be
The heroes and the Glob find the Jinku to steal the geode from Jinku or find some
stick carrying a ball. The Glob recognizes the way to close the two halves. Unless they have
Stone with its original owner, Jinku the Lava stone atop the scepter as the Jinku Stone,
Man, and they must stop the Lava Men from magic powers, however, it is an Amazing
to which Jinku affirms. The Glob will try to Intensity Strength FEAT to hold the geode
invading the quarry. forcibly take the stone, which will ignite a closed. Jinkus power will be needed to seal
war between the heroes and the Lava Men. the stone shut. If all else fails, they might be
Set-Up (It is possible the heroes tried to investigate able to render Jinku unconscious, in which
If left to his own devices (and free of dis- the Jinku Stone without the Glob, in which case the stone will seal itself now that its no
tractions such as pesky heroes), the Glob will case the Glob makes a sudden and surpris- longer under Jinkus control.
quickly zero in on his target with some sort ing reappearance at this point, with the same
of sixth sense. He just knows in which results.) If the geode is closed, all materials that had
direction to go toit just happens to be one been affected will immediately snap back/
of the quarrys cliff faces. The cliff is really At the beginning of the battle, Jinku declaims reform into their original state. If it re-opens,
hollow insideit closes off a tunnel into the that it is all as he had predicted, and it is for of course, the effects restart from scratch.
earth. Nevertheless, it will require a Monstru- this reason that he stole his stone back from
the humans who had it. He had been prepar-
ous Strength FEAT to break through. Most
ing the Lava Men for an invasion, and this Aftermath
likely, this means the Glob and another high- Should Jinku be defeated, the Lava Men will
powered hero will need to team up to smash attack merely serves to hasten its beginning.
Behold, the power of Jinku! Jinku will quickly retreat, taking Jinku with them and
it down. Let the heroes come up with that covering their escape by literally melting into
idea if possible; alternatively summarize that open the stone into two hemispheres, reveal-
ing a crystal geode inside. The radiation from the walls. Hopefully, the stone will remain in
the Glob or a solo hero whittles it down after possession of the heroes. If Jinku is forced
a few minutes. the geode, however, is magical in nature, and
it will soften and melt any non-stone mate- to retreat while still in possession of the
Read the following text aloud: rial, starting with complex alloys and fibers stone, or if the stone is lost to the Lava Men,
and eventually even simple flesh and bone. the Glob will continue his mission, oozing
The dark, imposing tunnel twists its Describe the effects in such a way: his soft body into cracks in pursuit, leaving
way steadily downward in a haphazard the heroes on their own.
direction. The walls resemble frozen There is some kind of force or power The Glob will want to return the stone to
drippings and smeared, misshapen emanating from the open geode! Area 13, and if left to his own, he will
lumps, the remnants of the death You each instinctively cringe, as if shuffle off into the distance, alone. Be
throes of a belching volcano. The air
avoiding a campfire that suddenly open to suggestions: for example, Captain
grows thick and the darkness intense. America might take the lead in arranging for
grew to hot. Captain Americas gun,
Soon the only light source is Firestars both the Glob and the stone to be remanded
powers, which cast eerie shadows Amadeus scepter, the Cats claws,
into custody of SHIELD, or a hero might
along the grotesque walls. When the even your very skin feels like they
suggest handing the stone over but keeping
tunnels opens up into a wide cavern are growing soft, airy. Is that con- the Glob as a Judge-controlled character in
filled with a forest of stalagmites, new densation on Caps shield, or could their team.
sources of light flicker into viewthey it be melting?
are beings of light darting in between
Dangling Questions
the columns of rock! More than light, Each round, all equipment and non-organic
Who called the heroes to the scene?
they are the Lava Men! material in the area will lose Rank of material
What is the Network?
strength. Once they are reduced to Shift 0,
they will be useless piles of goo (fortunately, Karma Awards
the heroes will still be able to use the equip- Defeating Jinku/forcing Lava Men to
If the heroes approach peacefully, the Lava ment as normally until that time). After three retreat: +50
Men will gather around, but will not speak rounds, the heroes will begin to lose one Ensuring the Jinku Stone is recovered
directly, waiting the arrival of Jinku, their Rank of Endurance per round as well, with by SHIELD: +20
shaman and spiritual leader. Jinku will arrive the same diasterous results should they reach Being defeated by the Lava Men: -20
on a palanquin carried by several attendants, Shift 0! Recruiting the Glob: +10

Chapter Three

seeking Where, for example), in which case links that received the calls, and Rockslide
any duplicate color result will be bumped to can use the X-Men/mutant community. The
the next highest. (If Captain America already Black Cat might be particularly helpful with
Network got the Green result for Where, then the her ties to the criminal underworld. Any
Research Black Cats Green result gets bumped up offer made by a hero should be considered,
to Yellow.) Each hero can only attempt one if in line with the characters story and mo-
answer, however. tivation.
Summary Who? Any White results during the investigation
Heroes use their resources and/or contacts The Network is a criminal secret society should result in some kind of complication.
to find out the source of their mysterious that promises to unite the criminal Research equipment could malfunction,
summons. underworld! (Green) contacts could turn hostile, or contacts could
They are spreading quickly as the request a favor before any information can
Set-Up villains realize that shared resources and be given. There shouldnt be any battle as
With the immediate threat of the Glob intelligence can be mutually beneficial. a result, but done-in-one FEATs or similar
and the Lava Men taken care of, the heroes (Yellow) challenges should be considered, based on
should be able to focus their attention on the The true masterminds remain hidden the individual descriptions. These complica-
mystery of their common call to action. The due to a complex chain of communica- tions may turn out to be a subplot, as heroes
heroes should agree to each take the lead in tion. (Red) may have additional obligations now hanging
five separate investigations according to their over their heads.
own abilities, contacts, or resources. They
Each of the calls shared the same
should be encouraged to help each other
unique frequency. (Green) Aftermath
rather than to split upafter all, they all If the heroes managed to uncover the names
The frequency exists only with highly
seemed to have been targeted specifically. If of Klaw and/or Nightshade, skip to Chapter
advanced technology, the leading
so, forming a Karma pool at this point could 5 directly. If all they received was informa-
proponent of which was once Man-
be a useful tactic. tion on Mandrake Enterprises, proceed to
drake Enterprises. (Yellow)
The frequency matches that commonly Chapter 4.
Research/FEATs used by the villain Klaw. (Red) If no information can really be distinguished,
The heroes should announce which direction
Where? a second call will occur. This time, however,
they are looking (Who, What, or Where) and
The timing of the calls coincided with the call is to inform the Network they are
role-play their search for the information.
a surge of energy in a decommissioned Code 7, with the coordinates that match
Five pieces of information can be obtained,
private satellite. (Green) that of Mandrake Enterprises. The cell
with suggestions for the effectiveness of
The satellite was previously owned by phones or whatever device that managed to
colored results; a higher color result will
Mandrake Enterprises in Silicon Valley, communicate the call will summarily explode,
include all the information below it as well.
California. (Yellow) causing anyone in contact with them (or near
The heroes may compound their searches
Mandrake Enterprises was once a shell enough) to receive Typical damage, which
(both Captain America and the Black Cat
company that fronted the criminal carries over into Chapter 4 with them.
activities of the
deadly Nightshade Dangling Questions
(Red) Why?
Who else?
Captain America To what purpose?
can use his SHIELD If Klaw is master of sound, how did
or military contacts, the sending of the message get messed
while Amadeus Cho up?
can focus on more
research. Firestar Karma Awards
may be able to use Each Red result answer: +20
the Avengers equip- Each Yellow result answer: +10
ment (with the help Each Green result answer: +5
of the Beast or the Having to wait for a second call to
Wasp, of course) occur: -10
to analyze the cell

Chapter Four

terraced room, with a wide desk of various down shirts, ties (sometimes worn around
control panels facing the factory floor and their heads, commando-style), slacks, and
multiple network servers along the back. At business dresses. Some even have their black-
Madness at

The heroes investigation of Mandrake
Enterprises reveals Nightshade and Klaw to
be part of the villainous Network, but not
before they pass through all of her traps!

Mandrake Enterprises, once a thriving com-
puter development company, exists as a grim
reminder of the dot com boom and bust.
The grounds cover several acres of rolling
hills in its own isolated corner of central
California, with several buildings, expansive
parking lots, and resort-like amenities. Now,
however, everything is in ruins, overgrown
and overrun with wild nature and decay.
All of the buildings would fit into a post-
apocalyptic version of the futureas if all
the workers were forced to flee some sudden
catastrophe. An uncomfortable silence per-
vades every hall, every room.
Unknown to the heroes, Mandrake merely the other end is a giant floor-to-ceiling video rimmed glasses, albeit they might be cracked
served as a front for Nightshades past wall, with a small control panel at the base or askew. They will attack any grounded hero
criminal activities. The buildings still house amid a wide area. In between, office desks but they can also leap and bounce off the
workable equipment, and Nightshade left face the video wall, lining the perimeter on walls to engage flying characters.
some unique guardians to distract from three tiered levels. On either end of these
levels are file cabinets, waist-high and long After the first strike by a werewolf, regardless
her involvement as well as to keep things safe of its resolution, the video wall will flicker
should she need to return later. enough to hold an entire person.
into life, displaying a giant single image of a
The focal point of the Mandrake complex is This room is the key to understand who werewolf in what passes for a suit. His eyes
the factory building at the center. Any Energy sent the signal for the Network, but when are hidden by the cracked glasses, but he
or Electrical Detection (or other sensory the heroes reach the console below the giant perceives perfectly well, and the tufts of hair
powers/equipment) will reveal this building video wall, a sound similar to a lunch whistle around his temples are streaked with white
is remains the only part wired for electricity will blow, and from the entrances and from fur. He snarls and yelps in response to the
and is giving off heat signatures. When the the dilapidated ceiling and floor will flood werewolf s action, and makes scratches on a
heroes investigate, play up the mysterious werewolf guardians! The heroes are trapped giant bulletin board behind him. Throughout
atmosphererandom sparks from exposed and must defeat all 12 werewolves in order the scene, whenever there is a particularly
wires, scattered papers and debris, odd but- to continue. good attack (or a particularly bad one), the
tons and computer monitors casting eerie Chief will do his snarly rant and move
WEREWOLVES markers/make scratches on the board. The
lights. F A S E R I P true purpose will be truly incomprehensible
Ex Gd Gd Gd Fb Fb Fb to the heroes, but a few may catch on to the
Encounters/Battle Health: 50 Karma: 6 fact that the werewolves are acting out some
The search ends at the situation room near Claws: Excellent perverse distortion of office work. Other
the floor of the factory, so called because it Tracking: Excellent office attacks include by the werewolves:
seems more like the home base for a space
The werewolves are dressed in tattered rem- Attempting to drag a hero and stuff
shuttle launch. Entering from the back, the
nants of office attirewhats left of button- him inside one of the file cabinet
heroes find themselves on the top tier of the

drawers. and avoid being hit by a bubble. Once hit, the at the same time. Its the pinkish
Using makeshift weapons such as bubble residue will stick to the hero, caus- translucent body of Klaw, Master
pen-swords, mouse-flails, LAN cable ing Excellent toxic damage for every round of Sound! The recorded commu-
garrotes, and paperweight missiles. it remains on his/her body. It will require a
niqu commences: The Network
Forcing heroes to make thumbprints regular solvent/cleaning solution to wash the
on memos. residue off. Bubbles will continue to emanate
expands, deadly Nightshade! We
The battle will end when all the werewolves while the heroes are in the scene and will must send out the following signal
are defeated (or if the battle becomes too remain in the room if they leave, with about to our Recruitment Agents, of
protracted and its time for lunch break.) four or five bubbles per character (although Sector 12. The response calls
The Chief will then deliver his largest rant they will only attack one at a time) unless up a secondary window with
of all, throwing over his bulletin board and the heroes can deactivate the security from Nightshades close-up, the two
activating a remote, launching a last-ditch the console. Amadeus Cho can get the con- villains verify the coordinates. Klaw
trap-- acid bubbles. sole running automatically, while someone is at first skeptical that the satel-
with Espionage/Security Systems will need a lites appropriated by Mandrake
These basketball-sized green globes will rise yellow Reason (or appropriate Talent) FEAT.
from tiny nozzles in the floor and hover for a Enterprises could be used, but
Anyone else needs a Red result.
bit before being attracted to the static electri- Nightshade confirms the building
cal charges from movement of the heroes There are two ways to avoid the trap entirely. could be used as a relay station.
bodies (Firestar, however, is immune due to The first happens if heroes want to split up
her fiery microwave aura causing some disrup- and track down the Chief, in which case the The consoles file records confirm this was
tion.) Heroes must continually make Yellow werewolves will remain behind in the situ- the message that the heroes intercepted.
Agility FEATs if they want to move around ation room to continue fighting the heroes Klaws communication was supposed to go
there. (If everyone leaves, though, the to other Network villains but the signal was
werewolves will all follow.) Let the heroes disrupted an as-yet-unknown third party.
spend a couple of rounds seeking out the
Chief, which is an Excellent intensity Intu- Dangling Questions
ition FEAT. The Chief will escape and not Where are Nightshade and Klaw now?
even put up a fight, but they will have to play What is the Networks agenda?
through the whole battle with the remain- Who else is in the Network?
ing werewolves. The second way is to give Who disrupted Klaws signal?
inallow the werewolves to put them in
the filing cabinets and hide out until all the
werewolves leave, their job done. Karma Awards
Defeating all the Werewolves: +40
Aftermath Defeating Werewolves by tracking
Any missing information from the previous down the Chief: +60
chapter regarding Nightshades activities can Defeating the Werewolves by playing
be filled in at this point from the console, dead: +60
as well as infromation about her continued Uncovering the Network connections:
research in technology both physical and +20
biological (thats how she turned hapless
employees of a shell company into werewolf
guardians.) Her most recent activity with
Mandrake was merely to use it as an archived
resource. More specifically, the video wall
will replay the video correspondence that
Nightshade had with Klaw. Read a variation
of the following, depending on how much
information the characters already know:

The 10-meter high video wall

soon pieces together a familiar
face, one causes you to flinch with
revulsion because it is so alive
and yet so inhuman and unreal

Chapter Five

have to come across the info via separate dishing a hi-tech lance, Klaw with
contacts and/or a news reports. his sonic hand humming ominously,
Fundraising Nightshade and Klaw have been seen fight- Whirlwind whose blades shine with
ing the heroic Wonder Man on the backlot wicked gleam, the Red Vulture cir-
Opportunities cling menacingly, and Tiger Shark
of Timely Studios!
with his evil shark-toothed grin!
Summary Wonder Man waves your help aside
When the heroes arrive at Timely Studios,
The heroes track down Nightshade and
the sounds of battle and random flashes of with one hand, but his bravado is
Klaw, who are fundraising: that is, help-
ing members Tiger Shark, Red Vulture,
powers make it easy to zero in on the scene. ill-timed. Before he can resume
and Whirlwind to steal a very particular
Its the giant soundstage, the set of a new sci- his attack, Nightshade laughs that
ence fiction show called Timejumpers, star- she has him right where they want
resource a resource that turns out to be
ring Wonder Man. The actual set is divided
someone familiar to the hero community! him! She plunges her lance into the
into four quadrants, each one representing
different time periods the show is set in a
circuitry that lines the floor of the
Set-Up Computer World covered in circuitry and settheyve laid a trap! Wonder
This chapter can also serves as a breaking technology, a Western World featuring a Mans body is reduced to the ionic
point, should there still be some subplots segment of an Old West-style main street, energy that powers him, and the
the heroes need to address. For example, a Jungle World used for the Jurassic period, energy is relayed through the cir-
depending on the heroes responses to the and a Gothic World with a haunted-look- cuitry and into Nightshades lance!
call in Chapter 1, there may be some issues ing Medieval castle. As the heroes will later She dashes off backstage, yelling
still outstanding. Did Amadeus remand the figure out, Nightshade and the Network have to the others to keep up the distrac-
chupacabras into custody effectively? What infiltrated the area ahead of time in order to tion-- Destroy them!
if one of them went missing or they got lay traps to their advantage.
caught up in some mythological customs
The heroes get there just in time to see five Klaw, Red Vulture, Tiger Shark, and Whirl-
check? Does Rockslide follow up on attend-
total villains corner Wonder Man on the wind will intercept the heroes, and further
ing a UBC fight, or maybe he even gets ap-
Computer World: pursuit of Nightshade will have to wait until
proached to become a contender? Does Black
these guys are defeated. The villains tactics
Widow need an update on a piece of intel,
will try to take advantage of the unique
and did she even get the right info in the first Despite the obvious signs of battle
layout of the soundstageduring the first
place? Does Firestars admission paperwork that has been waged, Wonder Man round they will try to score Slams in order to
get through, or is there added complications seems no worse for wearhis body push heroes through the walls separating the
like faxed signatures needed? Did the Black crackles with ionic energy and con- various Worlds and then follow them once
Cat take those photos yet? If so, where do fidence. Nevertheless, the villains the heroes numbers are divided. If they fail
they go next? If there are no issues to follow
are converging on him from four to Slam heroes into the Worlds, they will later
up, dont necessarily force them. However, if
corners. Theres Nightshade bran- scatter themselves into the Worlds, taunting
someone missed out on some Karma for not
fulfilling their obligations, they might be able
to make up for it here.
In the same way, heroes might be able to
follow up on any subplots that may have
happened when using Talents/Contacts in
Chapter 3. Dont let it derail the main plot,
but keep it a reminder. Perhaps an email or
a note from a loved one, or delivering some-
thing the hero owes.
However, the activities of the Network will
once again disrupt the heroes activities!
Captain America will receive an emergency
call from a military contact that those villain
guys he was looking for have been sighted.
Or, if the heroes have split up to take advan-
tage of some subplot opportunities, theyll

Some basic information about the Network:
No one knows who started it or who keeps
up the infrastructure. The members are usu-
ally recruited by other villains, often after
their moment of capture by a superhero.
By agreeing to perform specific tasks when
called upon, a supervillain can be guaranteed
protection from prison; no questions asked,
none given, for as long as he remains in the
the heroes to follow them. form an attack as normal. Network. However, Klaw has been a star
player for longer than the others. It was his
In the Western World, Whirlwind gains an In the Gothic World, Klaw will take the mastery of sound that made him a kind of
advantage due to the unique dust Nightshade cue and create a variety of monsters and communications officer, such as creating the
has laid as one of the many traps. Every attack ghost-like forms with his sonic powers. If communiqu to try to recruit the Glob.
he makes involving his super-speed and/or the heroes use an Edged attack against one
air control will be accompanied by a trail of of the monsters or ghosts, that creature will All the villain knows about this recent job is
dust, which adds an automatic Excellent In- disappear, but all monsters and ghosts in that it was the task he was charged with
tensity additional attack. The dust has effects the area will scream in response creating trap Wonder Man in energy form with a
the heroes by blinding and choking for a -2 a Incredible energy attack against any other lattice circuit. Nightshade arranged the traps
CS penalty on all actions, while Whirlwind hero engaging them. Klaw wants the heroes and built the lattice circuit, with the others
remains immune. However, inventive heroes to work against each other, inadvertently. Its as added muscle. This was just one of those
may be able to use the dust to their own ad- a risky trick, though. The heroes can stumble done-in-one missions for him.
vantage if Tiger Shark is in the scene. If they onto a clue that Klaw himself can be affected As for where Wonder Man is know, the
call it, they can add a similar attack against by this attack if its near enough to himthe villain doesnt know. Further instructions
Tiger Shark, whose amphibious physiology is feedback of the sonic energy with his sonic would be communicated, as always, when it
particularly susceptible to the special dust. hand may affect his sound-form. Once clued became need-to-know, because thats how it
in, a red Edged attack against a sound-ghost works.
In the Jungle World, the set design includes when another sound-ghost is near Klaw will
misters, into which Nightshade has delivered result in Klaw being absorbed by his own
a chemical compound that will give Tiger sonic converter.
Dangling Questions:
Shark a +1 column shift to all his physical Where has Nightshade taken the lattice
abilities and powers as long as he is in contact circuit with Wonder Man?
with the mist. As for Whirlwind, however, Aftermath Why would Wonder Man be taken?
the heroes may gain an advantage over him It will be important that the heroes can cap- Who runs the Network?
in this area, as they could use the dense foli- ture at least one of the villains (so even if the Who else is in the Network?
age and vines to force Whirlwind to avoid villains are allowed to escape, have one of How did Klaws call to recruit the
using charging and super-speed attacks. them be too late to board a getaway vehicle. Glob get disrupted and go to the heroes
At the very least, have the villains be forced instead?
In Computer World, the scenery makes a to abandon some equipment as they flee.
perfect setting for the Red Vulture to act as if If that equipment happens to be the sonic
he is from any sci-fi/aliens movie. He can fly converter that happened to absorb Klaw, the Karma Awards
into the rafters and effectively disappear into heroes have a ready prisoner.) (Since it is a plot point that Wonder
darkness, moving behind the heroes with Man is captured, there is no Karma loss
sudden, scary movements and only in their The villain doesnt actually know everything, as
for failing to prevent this or for allowing
peripheral vision. Vulture gets to blindside the Network only contacts its members on a
Nightshade to escape.)
heroes each round, silently striking and flying case-by-case basis. You get all the benefits
Defeating Klaw: +75
away, while the hero must spend his time for just being on call! He will, however, brag
Defeating Tiger Shark: +75
rolling Intuition FEATs to guess where the freely as he gives over what information he
Defeating Red Vulture: +40
Vulture is at. (Treat these attacks as Charging does, since he believes the Network is so big
Defeating Whirlwind: +40
attacks, with either the Vultures Strength OR that nothing is lost in giving you this. And
Using the terrain to heroes advantage:
his Mandibles for damage.) The Black Cats besides, such info will be burned anyway
Infravision, of course, makes in impossible so it will be useless before long. (Take care
for her to be blindsided in such a manner. that none of the Dangling Questions or stuff
Otherwise, the trick is to work with another from the later chapters can be answeredthe
hero-- one can roll an Intuition FEAT and villains have been simply kept in the dark
shout instructions so that the other can per- about those details.)

Chapter Six

disrupts electronic signals from reaching the Vulturions total, and allow the heroes to
floating island. This means any attempt to re- capture them and switch costumes as a
motely monitor the area and even to teleport disguise.) Chapter Seven has details on
Network Hub inside or within it will fail. the AIM agents and Vulturions.
Navigating the halls and/or ventila-
KEY MOVES/Feats tion system of City Hall without being
Summary Any key move the heroes make must be ac- noticed to find where the villains are
The heroes hope to intercept the delivery companied by a successful Excellent Intensity gathering.
of the lattice circuit but end up infiltrating a Intuition FEATthe Stealth FEAT. (Only Any other key move that naturally
Network meeting! Will the heroes learn the one roll is needed for the entire group; if the results from the storytelling the heroes
secrets of the Network or find themselves Black Cat is the point man rolling for the create. Play to the heroes strengths, such
exposed in the middle of an assembly of group, allow her to use her Infiltration talents as Black Cats talents for breaking and
dozens of villains? for a +1 CS bonus.) At the first White result, entering, or Firestars electromagnetic
however, the heroes have tipped their hands, disruption.
Set-up or slipped up, or otherwise have made their
Based on the information they learned in presence known. Also, if at any time a battle Aftermath
the previous chapter, the heroes just have to breaks out-- that is, anything that would go The heroes have hopefully made their way
wait for their captive villain to be contacted over one round of combat-- its as if the to the general assembly floor of City Hall,
to learn where the Network will be expecting Stealth FEAT automatically fails. (In other where they will see a large assembly of vil-
the delivery of the lattice circuit that contains words, getting the drop on and blindsiding lains. One or two flanks of AIM agents, the
the energy-form of Wonder Man. The info opponents doesnt count. Play these battles Vulturions, Nightshade and any other villains
can come directly to the villain (or literally out as Simple FEAT rolls. Success means the from Timely Studios still free, and other as-
through him, if its Klaw) or come over a villains immediately crumple.) sorted goons and henchmen. Feel free to set
communication device found in the villains The easiest way to infiltrate will be from the stage as ominously as possible, adding
equipment or costume. The curious thing below, as the town has been scooped up, other villains and henchmen as necessary.
is that the message is so simple-- it includes with sewers and piping and everything in tow. There should be no doubt that directly en-
the phrase general assembly with simple Amadeus Hyper-Mind power will confirm gaging the assembly would be tantamount to
coordinates. this is the approach least likely to be noticed. suicide; instead, discretion and info-gathering
Alternatively, any direct approach, even if should be the priority. Start at the beginning
The coordinates point to a remote area in the
disguised, will bump the Intensity of the very of Chapter Seven.
plains of Colorado. The heroes are free to
leave immediately. After all, even a little bit first Stealth FEAT to Remarkable. If, however, the heroes fail any Stealth FEAT,
of research will quickly prove fruitlessthe Other key moves should involve: they will immediately be confronted with the
area is unremarkable in nearly every way, iso- full force of the Network that has been as-
lated and anonymous, which only adds to the Evading Nightshades unmanned mini- sembled, falling victim to their trap. Directly
mystery. Furthermore, it defies all attempt copters. These four drones patrol the move to the Captured! section of Chapter
at monitoring via satellite and teleportation; town in a crisscross pattern and the first Seven.
something is jamming all radiowaves and will appear once the heroes come up
from the sewers. Each one is equipped
related signals, making it (electronically, at Dangling Questions:
least) a black hole. with a motion camera and alarms.
What is the true extent of the Net-
Hiding from the sudden appearance
Its only when traveling to the area that the work?
of a flank of AIM agents, marching in
heroes realize the truth behind the mystery. How is the floating town remaining
a formation of 25 (5 by 5) down main
As they draw close, regardless of their ap- aloft?
street. These agents sport their typical
proach, by air, by car, etc., theyll notice a giant Where is Nightshade and Wonder Man
yellow beekeeper hazmat suits and
floating land mass above the area determined now?
wicked-looking laser rifles. (This would
by the coordinatesits obvious that this is Will the Networks true leader be here?
also be a possibility to switch costumes
the true location of the meeting. It should How did Klaws call get disrupted and
for disguise, but would have to be done
also be obvious that any direct approach will go to the heroes instead?
without starting a battle.)
get the heroes immediately noticed, and some Following Tiger Shark/Whirlwind/Red Karma Awards:
careful planning should be required if they Vulture and two Vulturions (petty crimi- Each successful key move: +20
are to travel to and infiltrate what appears to nals in costumes similar to the Vultures (maximum cumulative award +100)
be a floating Midwestern town in the sky. original) into City Hall without being
Note: Throughout this chapter, there is a noticed. (If all the big-name villains
bubble of communication interference that had been captured in chapter 5, use five

Chapter Seven

Boss. But Nightshade has been VULTURIONS

tasked with retrieving the Object F A S E R I P
should Team Sector D fail. And GD TY RM RM TY TY TY
Raising the Health: 76 Karma: 18
theyll leave in five minutes! Nows
Stakes the time to get outta town!
Flight: Typical

If there are no big-name villains on hand, the

The heroes should realize the true mas-
Summary stakes can still be raised by having more than
termind of the Network still hasnt been
one group attack on the villains turn. In
The heroes overhear the Networks plans revealed, but since Nightshade will lead the
other words, if a mob of 20 AIM agents are
from Nightshade and must sneak out to race next Network activity, (and they shouldnt
flooding the area, use 4 single attacks of +3
to the Networks next target location. How- stay on the island with the odds stacked
CS intensity. Raise the stakes in subsequent
ever, the heroes inadvertently fall into a trap, against them!), it may be time to escape the
rounds by starting with small groups of vil-
forcing them to surrender. As an added sur- floating island and follow Nightshade and
lains and add more and more groups as the
prise, though, it is through this capture that the Network before this next step in their
rounds continue. Theyll also use whatever
the true creator of the Network is revealed! plan comes to fruition.
Karma necessary to ensure best results.

Set-Up ESCAPE/Battle The heroes should (rightly!) decide a tactical

The heroes begin the chapter observing the To escape the floating island, the heroes will retreat is in order. In this case, treat each
gathering of henchmen and villains in the need one final Stealth FEAT of Excellent round of combat as a round of a chase
City Hall of the raised town. The crowd will Intensity. This time, however, each hero must scene. Each hero may describe any ability/
soon hush as Nightshade enters and rises to succeed with their own FEAT result, one-by- talent/power in action, but resolve every roll
the platform, a few agents of AIM on either one. They are free to describe any action (any with the Evading column on the Universal
side of her: ability/talent/power) that may yield the best Table. (For example, the Black Cat dodging
result. around a corner uses Agility for the roll, but
Network, hear me! You know that still uses the Evading column for resolution.)
If all the heroes succeed in their FEATs, feel Each hero banks the Evading result totals,
you are only given information as free to skip to Chapter 8. Otherwise, some and if each hero accumulates +3 CS over the
needed, both as a protection for failure of the hero results in their presence course of 4 rounds, then the entire team has
yourselves and for our organization. being made known to the hordes of criminals successfully evaded capture and may jump
You have also enjoyed many other around them. (Alternatively, you may skip into Chapter 8! Phew! But any one failure will
benefits as befitting a large com- this FEAT requirement if some more action result in the heroes being Captured!
pany such as ours. It may keep us is needed to keep restless heroes satisfied.)
separate, but today we are calling Allow the heroes to fight as best they can the Captured!
so many of us at once, in order to first round of combat (give them an auto-
The capture should come as a surpriseper-
matic success for Initiative), but when the
bear witness as two separate plans haps the heroes feel they are finally in the
villains turn comes, nearly an overwhelming
come together-- plans that will give clear when BAM! They are suddenly frozen
force may come against them! This includes a
us all more benefits, more power! single attack for every named villain (such as
in place, with a invisible but impossibly heavy
Behold! (She lifts the staff contain- those who escaped Chapter 5 and any others
weight enveloping them with an eruption
ing the ionized form of Wonder of sound and energy! Theyve managed to
you may have added to the scene in Chapter
stumble into one of Nightshades Gravity
Man.) With this machine, we are but 6) plus a single attack that represents a group
Wells! The trap turns the heroes strength
one step away to giving everyone in of 5 AIM agents and another representing
against them, meaning that the intensity is
our Network nearly limitless power! a group of 5 Vulturions. Any such group
always +1 CS rank intensity to the heroes
attack uses the ability ranks for a single
highest Strength rank. (With Rockslide pres-
Nightshade asks for Team Sector D agent with a +3 CS modification.
ent, the intensity of the gravity gripping the
to report. But one of the AIM agents AIM AGENTS heroes is Monstrous.)
behind her reports that Team Sector F A S E R I P
In short order, they will be surrounded by
D had failed to complete their mis- GD TY TY GD RM GD PR
the various henchmen and/or super-crimi-
sion; they were forced to abandon Health: 32 Karma: 44
nals on the island. An indistinguishable AIM
the Object somewhere over Lake Body Armor: RM vs energy; EX vs physical
agent will communicate with Nightshade via
Eerie. Nightshade curses the inef- Blaster Rifles: RM energy damage
a holographic communicator, informing her
fective team, but refuses to send a that theyve captured the heroes. Nightshade
rescue team. Thats up to the Big will order them to stand down and evacuate-
- the Network leader has ordered the island

Chapter Eight

to be destroyed and has plans for these would gather themselves and be
heroes. Besides, Nightshade is on her way ripe for the take-down. But the Net-
to pick up where Team Sector D has failed. work grew of its own accord and out
(Leave this deliberately cryptic if the heroes Plans Behind the
of control. It was all Thor Girl could
failed to witness the gathering in Chapter 6.) Plans do to second-guess the Networks
With quick motions of her hand, the villains
scatter, and the heroes remain frozen, gravity- agenda, and she very nearly failed
stricken, while the earth around them quakes to arrive in time to save the heroes.
and while the island holding them falls!
Thor Girl reveals the truth about her respon- True, it was her idea for Nightshades recent
Nighshades Gravity Well had been allowing sibility in creating the Network, and how activitybut she had thought Wonder Man
the Midwestern town to stay aloft, but now it has gotten out of hand! The heroes race could easily defeat such a minor-league vil-
the trap is causing the island to implode on to Nightshades next target, just in time to lain. How was she to know that the Network
the heroes location. The heroes can try to demand her surrender. Of course, she isnt would take matters into their own hands?
break out of their predicament, but it will be going down without a fight! So now Nightshade is about to complete
hard, if not impossible. (Use the Impossible the assignment she was never meant toto
FEATs rule here.) To add to the tension, the Set-Up resurrect Wonder Mans brother and one
heroes may have to dodge (as best they can) This chapter starts immediately after Thor of the Avengers notorious villains, the
debris, various equipment, and large chunks Girls big announcement, although it can Grim Reaper! And if she could succeed in
of earth as the island implodes. Firestar may be appropriate to have a jump cut to a resurrecting him, then any Networked villain
hold the key here, if her microwave powers new scene to continue her exposition. (For could go through the same process and be
can manage to disrupt the electronics of the example, the heroes can be recuperating at guaranteed extreme power ... and everlasting
Gravity Well. Even so, theres still the prob- Amadeus Olympus Group corporate head- life!
lem of falling to the ground, and the same quarters or at Captain Americas safehouse in
disruption will short out Captain Americas Thor Girl will point the heroes to Night-
order to rest up or retrieve/repair equipment.
bionic arm and Amadeus Cho and the Black shades destination, where the other Network
By using Amadeus Bannertech teleportation,
Cats equipment! criminals were forced to abandon the Grim
they can still attempt to head off Nightshade
Reapers body when they were apprehended.
before the big encounter.)
Before the heroes are truly smashed to the She is ready to accompany the heroes, but
ground, they will feel a mighty updrift of Read the following: its possible that in light of her involvement
wind and be carried aloft to safety! The island with the Network, the heroes will refuse her
will collapse into gigantic clouds of dust and Thor Girl prefaces what she is about help. Role-play the exchange, and Thor Girl
destruction, and when the everything settles, will plea with each hero in turn to allow her
to say by acknowledging that any
the heroes realize they have been saved by to redeem herself. Many of these heroes also
. . . Thor Girl!
idea inspired by Loki, God of Mis-
received second chances (Firestar, Captain
chief, was bound to end in misery.
America) or has seen themselves in gray areas
Aftermath Remember how Loki tipped off when fighting the good fight (Amadeus Cho,
Thor Girl holds a striking pose as silence
various heroes about the location Black Cat.) Unknown to the heroes, it might
returns to the scene. She will even use her of the Hulk, and the heroes man- be to their advantage to have an extra in
lightning powers to magically restore any aged to stick together as the team the scene later, be it Thor Girl or the Glob (if
electronic devices to working order. That forever renowned as Avengers? he is still hanging around.) Once the heroes
said, her most dramatic pronouncement is This was supposed to be like that... have settled on the final roster, they can travel
. . . Im sorry! Its all my fault! to meet Nightshade.
Thor Girl is actually Tarene, an alien
Dangling Questions born into a strange cosmic prophecy Encounter/Battle
How is Thor Girl responsible? but has chosen to emulate her hero, The heroes can be teleported directly into the
Where is Nightshade striking next? Thor, instead, and even earned scene-- a floating research base in the middle
of Lake Michigan. This innovative scientific
What is the plan with Wonder Man? the blessing of Odin, himself. But
What is the true nature of the Net- Thor Girl was upset about the rise vessel, reminiscent of the old Avengers Hy-
work? drobase, is nearly two city blocks in square
of villainy lately, and hoped to turn footage and held aloft by giant flotation cells
Karma Awards: that rise against itself. She would and magnetic propulsion. Aside from several
Successfully avoiding detection: +20 pose as the head of some villainous buildings for research and aquatic transport,
Being captured: +/-0 Network but secretly tip off heroes the area contains sand, wild grasses, and light
Defeating 5 Network agents: +40 at the same time. Thus, the villains forestation resembling the lakes coastline.

Nightshade (still carrying the ionic staff) Nightshades back and running interference Karma Awards
and over two dozen AIM agents are at the so she can devote her attention. There can Allowing Thor Girl to help: +25
docking facilities, along with any criminals always be more AIM agents on call from Defeating an AIM-PLUS agent: +30
remaining at large from Chapter 5. The support helicopters if their numbers thin too Defeating 5 AIM agents: +40
heroes are too late! (Thor Girls information quickly. Creating an appropriately climactic
was out of touch and assurances were pre- transition: +10
mature.) The criminals have already trawled Aftermath
the lake and have recovered the body of the The battle should end at an appropriately
Grim Reaper, which is housed in a giant, fea- climactic moment, paving the way for the
tureless capsule, and theyre in the process of action ramping up in Chapter 9. Some
bringing it aboard an AIM hover-platform by suggestions include reducing Nightshades
way of a large crane. Nightshade will order Health to a quarter of its total, eliminating all
the AIM agents/criminals to take care of 4 AIM-PLUS agents, having an appropriately
them while she completes the transfer. dramatic narration from the heroes, playing
The AIM agents will use their blaster rifles out at least 7 rounds, and/or getting one or
and fragment grenades (RM damage, scatter) more spectacular FEAT results.
against the heroes. Their advantage is their Nightshade, shaken but undeterred, will cut
great numbersuse the group attack short her preparations, declaring that this
modifications from Chapter 7. In this case, should be enough at any rate! and that the
the heroes can succeed by whittling down heroes can never stop the Network for its
their numbers: Groups of 4 or 5 get the +3 agents will never die! With a final twist or
CS bonus, but groups of 3 or 2 only get +2 two of the ionic staff, she plunges it into a
CS. If there are no criminals remaining from socket below the capsule with the body of
Chapter 4, up to 4 AIM agents will use AIM- the Grim Reaper. The result, however, is
PLUS armor, growing an instant 8-foot tall unexpected and sudden, as the entire area
exoskeleton with the following stats: explodes with a tempestuous burst of ionic

Health: 90
Karma: 44
Body Armor: RM
vs physical, RM vs
Energized Punch: IN
blunt damage

Nightshade will only

participate in the
battle if engaged
directly by a hero,
and only then to
respond with specific
and deliberate force
before returning to
the pyramid-machine.
The AIM agents/
other villains will then
re-focus their attacks
on the heroes, having

Chapter Nine

ionic force. to be a willing participant!) Any repair attempt

requires three Remarkable Reason FEATs
Nightshade makes an impassioned plea that over the course of the battle, but even so the
Matters of Life she is the one who has resurrected him, machine will only be able to result in a kind
making him more like his brother than ever.
and Death of ionic absorption. In other words, it wont
She points out that the only thing stopping be enough to fully reverse the process, but it
him from taking his rightful place among the will affect the Grim Reaper and immediately
criminal elite is-- those heroes! start the aftermath.
The Grim Reaper comments on his newfound
power, how it has made him a new man and Aftermath
how it will make dead men his enemies! He When the Grim Reaper has suffered enough
raises his arm, where he is missing his left hits to be brought down to one quarter of
hand, and unleashes the energy within him to his Health (or if the ionic machine has been
form a ionic version of his classic scythe. activated, or even if it seems like the Grim
Reaper has won,) hell convulse and seem to
Battle crumble under the force of battle (this will
The Grim Reaper now shares in Wonder be especially dramatic after an effective hit
Mans resurrection and power, (with added performed by a hero!) The form of Wonder
boosts thanks to Nightshades experiments.) Man will appear rising out of his brothers
He has little motivation right now beyond body, but it remains little more than an ener-
simply reveling in the power and the violence gized ghost. Wonder Man announces that he
it affords him. Any conversation he will can feel himself being a part of his brothers
engage in is to merely trash talk or otherwise empowerment, but also that they have tapped
brag about his new abilities and his plans to into another dimension of pure energy! If
rob and pillage the entire free world. Accord- he could attempt to absorb the energy back,
ingly, he will try to use as much display of he can absorb the Grim Reapers energy and
power as he can, coming up with creative explosive power! But hell need the heros
opportunities for multiple attacks and area- help to keep the Grim Reaper close enough
wide effects. For example, a swipe of his to be absorbed.
scythe can ionize swaths of air and affect up Unfortunately, as Wonder Man attempts to
to three adjacent heroes. His strength allows do so, its not just the Grim Reapers energy
him to tear up chunks of earth or pick up that is being absorbedits all the energy that
large pieces of equipment to use as giant currently engulfs the entire island! Wonder
bats or to drop on the top of an entire area. Man has started an energy black hole that
He can plunge his scythe into the ground
Summary will suck the Grim Reaper wholly into the
and send ionic eruptions into a nearby area. ionic dimension, as well as the island and
The Grim Reaper has awakened in the heart
Also, he can raise his scythe in the air and everything else along with it!
of an ionic storm, and the heroes must fight
send ionic lightning into another area or even
him back before the very fabric of reality is
through multiple heroes as conduits!
destroyed! Karma Awards
If there are any AIM agents or Network Defeating all remaining AIM agents:
Set-Up criminals left, they will fight alongside the +50
The air around the heroes crackles with Grim Reaper against the heroes. Nightshade Repairing the ionic pyramid: +20
purple and dotted energy. The entire floating will take cover among the debris of the Defeating/convincing Nightshade to
island is no longer in Lake Michigan; its as if machinery and use her ranged weapons. defect: +40
it is floating in a fog of ionic energy, the same Persuasive heroes, however, may be able
kind once fueling the body of Wonder Man. to convince the agents to turn against their
Nightshade has amplified it and focused it masters.
through the body of his brother, the Grim One possible alternative to slugging it out
Reaper. This same energy had once resur- with the Grim Reaper will be for Amadeus
rected Simon Williams into the powerhouse Cho to repair the ionic pyramid and attempt
hero Wonder Man, and now Eric Williams some sort of reversal process. (Alternatively,
himself has become the powerhouse. He someone can try to persuade or force Night-
rises from the wreckage of the pyramid-ma- shade to repair something, but she is unlikely
chine, his entire physique now bursting with

Chapter Ten

Escaping the
Reapers Grip!

The heroes must fight back the Grim Reaper
to imprison him in another dimension and
avoid becoming trapped themselves.

The research island on Lake Michi-
gan is slowly being torn apart! The
ghostly form of Wonder Man serves
as the focal point for a maelstrom
of energy, with crackles of power
forming around him and popping
like explosive soda pop. The entire
scene is now being swept up in roar- durance number of Health points in order to of battle. Similarly, any reduction of Health
ing tornado, with the lightest pieces participate in this Chapter.) to zero will kick that hero (or the Reaper) to
of debris, the sand, and scattered the center, but in this case no Strength FEAT
The Grim Reaper, too, will be trying to escape
items all flying through the air and can save him or her from being trapped in
the implosion, fighting to retain his connec-
into the pocket dimension within tion to such power! Thor Girl (if present)
the ionic dimension!
Wonder Man. Anything that gets or even Nightshade will remark that its no There are four possible ways the battle could
close enough to the focal point will longer a question if the Grim Reaper could be wrapped up, depending on who first gets
shrink and disappear as if being remain charged with energy but the heroes trapped in the ionic dimension, and if Thor
sucked into a black hole. can only hope to imprison him into the ionic Girl is with the heroes:
dimension. The Reaper digs into the ground
The Nightshade and the AIM agents will to make a strong stance, continuing to rant A hero is trapped! The first hero to
attempt nothing else but escape from the and revel in his power. He is determined become trapped in the center of the
ionic storm. Anyone who breaks through the to keep his power, and he is determined to storm may seem to be lost as his/her
edges of the area (in this case, simply get- destroy as many heroes as possible in the form becomes smaller and smaller,
ting off the island itself) will be free of the process! pressed in on all sides by the implosion
pull of ionic energy. However, it will feel like of energies. At the last possible moment,
however, Thor Girls hand reaches out!
beating back against the force of a hurricane. Battle! Thor Girl will wrench the hero free, but
The confluence of matter and energy makes The key to winning this battle is for the
Amadeus teleportation impossible, and all in the process will throw herself inside,
heroes to try to score Slam results against the become trapped in the heros place! Thor
Flight attempts will be at -3 CS effectiveness. Reaper while avoiding Slam results against
After the second round of combat during Girl will express her regret for creating
themselves. The Grim Reaper will spend the Network. It was only her intent to
this chapter, all AIM agents and criminals Karma to avoid Slam results, but he will only
will have escaped, leaving the heroes alone to trap villains, so maybe its poetic justice
spend Karma to score Slam results against that she remains trapped herself. The
face the Grim Reaper. (If a hero does chose the heroes if he has not used Karma during
to exit the scene, too, he or she will lose all heroes will have a small window of time
Chapter 9. to save themselves.
Karma and be captured by AIM who sent a
recovery team for their agents.) Any Slam (any one Area or higher result) A hero may be trapped without Thor
will kick a hero or the Reaper to the center Girl present. This time, the ionic storm
Any hero that may have been knocked out of the ionic storm. Once in the center, that will collapse on top of him/her, and the
(or reduced to zero Health) can be temporar- hero (or the Reaper) must succeed against a hero will be lost. Describe the tumultu-
ily revived in time for the big escape. (If at Remarkable intensity Strength FEAT. If suc- ous crash of wind and energy as the
zero Health, the hero should gain their En- cessful, he or she can crawl back into the fray heroes must make the final leap to safety

without him/her! Its a picturesque view as the sun sets, and the Karma Awards
The Reaper is trapped! The Grim Reaper heroes can reflect on the implications of the Trapping the Grim Reaper: +100
may get trapped before a hero, in which Network, if it is truly running as a self-suf- Being trapped by the Grim Reaper:
case he will make one last desperate ficient organization or not. Give the heroes -40
grip for freedom. Suddenly, there will opportunity to suggest banding together in Releasing Wonder Man: +25
appear two energy forms in the center a heroic network of their very ownit may Attempting to flee the area: -All
of the stormboth the Grim Reaper be time to make an official team-up and/or
and Wonder Man! At the last moment, Karma pool.
however, Thor Girl will step in the way
of Wonder Man, and she will throw him Perhaps, by ensuring that heroes of all kinds
out of the storm and take his place, band together, these heroes will be creating a
locked in battle with the Reaper. She will new and Heroic Age!
express her regret (as she might with a
hero, above) as the ionic storm collapses
around her. The heroes may escape
(with Wonder Man revived), with the
Grim Reaper remaining imprisoned.
The Reaper may be trapped without
Thor Girl present. In this scenario, the
Grim Reaper will become trapped and
locked into the deathgrip with Wonder
Man, but both Wonder Man and the
Grim Reaper will become subsumed by
the ionic energies swirling around them.
The heroes may have a chance to escape,
but both Wonder Man and the Grim
Reaper will be lost.

The heroes should each make a Green FEAT

roll to describe their final escape from the
Final Implosion, leaping out of the storm
and into the waters of Lake Michigan. (The
choice of ability/action is up to the indi-
vidual.) This is the dramatic finale! Theres
a violent crescendo of noise and light as the
titanic tornado of ionic energy crashes inward
upon itself! The island and everything on it
disappears with the fury of a dying star!

Some debris may be scattered for refuge for
the heroes and, in most scenarios, Wonder
Man, who will be restored to Earth after
he draws the ionic energy to a close. If the
Grim Reaper was not trapped by Thor Girl
or Wonder Man, he will float above the
This adventure is dedicated not only to my old Marvel-Heads from Back
heroes in his ionized form, gloat that he now
will begin his criminal empire, and soar away
in the Day and who put up with all my crazy home-brewed adventures
before the heroes can muster the strength to but to all who want to keep the spirit of Classic Marvel alive! No matter
react. what game system you use , Supers gaming is one of the purest
expressions of imagination youll ever get to experience. Big props to
The heroes may recover on a lakeside dock Marvel Comics to keeping comics fun for so many years, and for
with the help of local law enforcement, as
realizing that sometimes a Heroic Age is really the best age to be in.
the kind but bewildered staff help the heroes
to steaming mugs of tea and warm blankets.

marv e l s up erh e roes : THE f l i ps i de
Real Name: name:
Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes:

Abilities: Variables:
Fighting: Health:
strength: Karma:
Psyche: Edge:

Powers/Special Equipment: (rank/name/description)

In Brief:

Talents: Contacts:

Limitation: Pad
Scratch Health Karma Edge FEAT
for current
fight scene:

www .marvel f l i ps i

True, this may be the Age of Heroes, but what does that mean
for the Marvel villains?

Five heroes who have rarely, if ever, worked together are

the sudden recipients of a strange summons. As they band
together, they begin to unravel the strange secrets of a vil-
lainous Network. But what is the Network, how far does its
reach extend, and for what dread purpose are they organizing

Take the role of one of the heroes committed to uncovering the

secrets of the Network in this exciting adventure based on the
classic Marvel Super Heroes Role-Playing Game published by
TSR, Inc.

Otherwise, Marvels Heroic Age may be over before its truly


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