Time Jump Immanent

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Time jump immanent

Written by Haigen Miller

It had only been a few days since we had heard anything from the command. We were certain
something had happened and that meant it was one day till we had to take action. We had been
given the order to use the device if they hadn’t reported back. We weren’t sure if the device would
work or not but just in case we had it ready. Over the last week or so we had encountered a strange
meteor that had crashed into a nuclear reactor and caused mass destruction taking out a fair part of
Germany. Since we were currently in a War trying to purify the filthy Jews we didn’t have many
resources. We managed to obtain a strange chemical we called “Strialax”. This chemical had strange
effects when placed with biological matter. It seemed to tear apart and reassemble it in a different
age but in the same place. This was proven when a few scientists other than myself, placed a mouse
in the chemical and strangely the mouse disappeared. It reappeared a few hours later in perfect
health but it had aged as normal. This was something that was heavily looked into as a form of
weapon against the Russians. We had managed to concentrate it but the last few weeks test haven’t
gone so well. We still haven’t managed to control the time jumping periods and therefore every test
subject hasn’t returned or has been returned with only half their matter. I put forward an idea that
we should design a suit containing the chemicals so that it only jumps the suit and then what ever is
inside will stay un-displaced. They agreed to trial it and I have been working on it ever since. I
created and Artificial Intelligence to guide the user through the time jumping. The one problem the
suit had encountered was a time paradox. This is where a time jump must happen no matter what.
Reasons are yet to be found why.

The Russians had taken down Command of the lab I was working in. All I heard was the screams and
gunfire before I knew what had to be done. There was little time so I ran to the device. It was more
like a room and I quickly put the suit on. I hit the go button and got inside before the door shut. I saw
the flames of the explosion before hearing the familiar sound of the AI. “Time jump immanent” it
said and I felt the earth being ripped from beneath my feet. Everything seemed a blur and it was
only a few seconds before I felt the ground again. “Vital signs stable, initiating adrenaline” the AI had
said as I felt needles plant themselves in my back. “Checking system stability” and I looked around
the destroyed lab. “System stable, the year is two thousand, two hundred and thirty eight” WHAT! It
progressed me over two hundred years! I said to myself. I wasn’t sure how the chemical worked or
how to get back but, I knew I had to find out what had happened. I walked out of the lab. It was like
the world had been burned a hundred times. It was just black and ash everywhere. I felt sick as I
knew my family had been long gone. If I didn’t get back this will just happen over. I walked up to a
small crater and saw an un-detonated nuclear bomb. It was different from the ones we had
prepared in Germany but then again I am in the future. Everything was going to be different. I
walked until my legs started to hurt. That’s when I remembered I had a setting on the suit to keep
checking vital signs but, only for near death or disillusioned states. I lifted a small flap on the silver
like suit and pressed the button. “System vital sign scanner initiated” It said and I instantly felt like
my legs were full of energy again. I felt like I could run a hundred miles when I heard the AI again.
“Warning, ballistic threat detected” and out of nowhere came a huge mechanical machine that
looked like a human but with missile launchers for arms and some kind of barrel as the other.
“Taking evasive action” it said and i felt a kind of headache as the machine stopped mid step. The
ash clouds around it seemed to not move. No way! It must have stopped time somehow I thought to
myself. I walked up to it and around it. I got on top of the machine and saw a person sitting in it. He
looked like a normal German and I opened the door. I closed it again and pressed a button on the
suit. “Time return initiated” and everything just started moving again. I felt like I was going to throw
up and the German looked shocked. “How did you get in here?” he asked.
“I don’t know I just am” I said. He turned the machine off.
“My name is Jack, I’m a mech mechanic” he said with a smile.
“Hi, my name is Troy” I said. We shook hands and he examined my suit.
“I bet your wondering what a mech is? Judging by your suit there you’re the scientist that went
missing in nineteen forty one?” I just nodded and asked how he knew there was one missing from
the blast. “You’re the only one they couldn’t count for when they scanned the charred bodies” he
said. “Do you know a way to get me back?” I asked. He nodded.
“You need to enter another paradox and get the suit to reinitiate you to an earlier time period so
you can prevent the blast” he said. I was lucky to understand what he was saying and he took me
back to his town. It was empty except for two men and four women. They waved at him and when
they saw me they started talking to each other. “What exactly happened here?” I said as we climbed
out. “Well after that explosion cause your lab to blow up Germany had to forfeit and the world went
fine for a few years. Everyone had thought Hitler was dead. Instead he had been taken to a secret
location and bronzed until the time he was set free” I knew what being bronzed meant and
shuddered. “Yeah and that was supposed to be his fate forever, but we were attacked and had no
choice but to let him be de-bronzed and he took order again” he said pointing around. “This is
exactly the reason why he wasn’t meant to be brought back. He went crazy and sent nukes
everywhere killing anything that didn’t listen to him” I asked how he survived and if Hitler had lived
somehow for this long. “Of course he has he got every scientist on to it trying to make himself
invincible. As for me surviving it wasn’t easy, countless nights in a special bunker with these guys” he
pointed to the two men. “This is Johnno and the other is Callum” he said. They waved and the girls
turned around. “These four are real trouble” he said laughing and they stuck their fingers up at him.
“Oh come on you girls know I’m just kidding” he said. “They are Jessi, Danni, Bridget and the badest
one over there is Helen” he said and she was sitting away from the others carving a piece of metal
with a knife.

They told me of how their families had been in slave labour camps back in world war two. How they
were treated as nothing but filth and slaves and how much they hated their lives. Their parents had
told them they were lucky to be alive. After I heard this I knew this place was better than what I saw
back in Auschwitz where they would burn and torture Jews. They knew I was a German but seeing as
I was trying to prevent what had happened they smiled and thanked me. “We thought we wouldn’t
be saved from this nightmare” they said. It wasn’t just them who had lost their families and they
knew that I was feeling the same pain. They had made sure I was alright and comfortable. Jack had
taken a look at my suit and made some improvements. “Now if you wore this back then it might
have saved you but now they have laser cannons that will fry you in an instant” he said and
reinforced my suit with trinium plating. He tested it out by placing a place of trinium on a table and
shooting a laser at it. It took a few shot before it cracked. This made Jack put a regeneration device
in it from his mech. “Are you sure you want to do that?” I asked.
“Well if you make it back it won’t matter will it?” he said.
“And if I don’t make it back?” I asked. He looked at me and shook his head.
“Then it won’t matter either” he said and put a hand on my shoulder. “To tell the truth I had been
working on a similar suit for years” he said. I looked at the prototype suit and asked why it wouldn’t
work. “Because I don’t have any of that chemical that your suit contains” I nodded and asked him
where they keep it all. “At a factory not far from here” And he pulled out a map from a drawer.

After showing me how to get to the factory he asked if I wanted any backup. I shook my head and
told him I had enough death on my hands and he understood. As I made my way to the factory I saw
destroyed towns and buildings, farms that had been blown apart and even children’s playgrounds
that had been torn to shreds. The thought of little children being blown apart by missiles brought
sickness to my throat. I was fighting for the wrong side this whole time. I knew exactly what had to
be done and it wasn’t long before I reached the factory. They must have thought there were no
survivors because the guard was low. As I walked up the drive I knew I was wrong. I heard an alarm
and instantly turrets came out of the ground and began firing at me. “Time reversal initiated” and
the bullets flew back into the turrets and the turrets went back into the ground. I used the time to
run inside the building. Time returned to normal and I still felt a little sick. I was getting used to the
time jumps. There was no one in here but machines flew around checking the system to make sure it
was intact. I used the suit to stop time and ran through a few corridors. On my way I saw more and
more machines as if the humans didn’t exist anymore. I managed to find the room with the chemical
but there were several machine turrets guarding it. The time returned to normal as the suit needed
to recharge. I used the time to check to see if there was a container to put it in. That’s when I met
the first human who recognized the suit. “Guards! Seize him!” and that’s when I used the suit to stop
time. I checked and saw that he was going to pull out a gun. I grabbed it and time returned. “What?
How did you do that” and I shot him. I heard nearby machines flying towards me and slowed time so
I could dodge the bullets. I grabbed on and smashed it into another. Then I shot one and it broke and
fell to the ground.

After taking the guards out I stopped time and grabbed some of the chemical in a container. All of a
sudden the suit rewound time and I turned to see a laser had almost hit me. I quickly moved out of
the way and noticed a machine with a laser cannon attached. I slowed time and tried shooting it. It
was bullet proof. It didn’t take me long to reach it dodging its shots. I grabbed a nearby hammer and
broke a panel open. I pulled its wiring out and when time returned to normal it shut down. I rushed
out of the facility as sirens grew louder. It wasn’t long before I had reached a fair distance when I
saw hovering mechs approach the building. I had taken the laser cannon of the machine as well as
some strange looking grenades. I ran knowing it wouldn’t be long before they saw me and just as I
thought that I felt the ground beneath my feet move. The suit had initiated a time jump because the
mechs were getting close. “Ballistic threat detected, initiating time jump” and suddenly I was back at
the camp and Jack handed me the map. I put the container on the table looking at my hands. The
chemical had caused the suit to jump back and that meant there was a way to go back to the past.
Jack smiled and took the container to his suit. He poured it into a small compartment in the suit and
powered it up. “Welcome Jack” it said. Jack had designed his AI with its own personality. He smiled
and put it on. “Thanks Troy, now let’s get you back to your own time to stop this nightmare from
happening again” he said. I smiled and shook his hand. It was then that a missile had struck nearby
and both our suits powered on reversing time and throwing us a fair distance from the town. We
watched as the missile hit and Jack ran towards it. I watched the smoke rise up and knew that the
others couldn’t have gotten out. Jack stopped and fell to his knees. I walked over and put a hand on
his shoulder. “Don’t worry I’ll go back and make sure this will never happen again” I said and Jack
nodded. We got up but as we did we saw two flying mechs coming at us. I check to see if I still had
the laser cannon. I pulled it out and shot one of the mechs. Jack saw I had grenades and grabbed
one. “Mind if I borrow this?” he said and pulled the pin. As he did it glowed and he quickly threw it
sticking it to the cockpit of the mech. I watched as it exploded taking out the mech with one hit. He
smiled and I shot the other one and took it down. It was then that we noticed a much bigger mech
shooting at us. We slowed time and ran up the side of it. I took out one of its guns and Jack took out
the other. We got to the cockpit and time returned. The guy seemed shocked but Jack put a bullet in
his head with my gun before I knew he had it. Jack turned the self-destruct key but when he let it go
the self-destruct deactivated. He pushed me out of the cockpit and as I fell the mech exploded.

I woke to find myself laying down next to the broken mech. I slowly got up and the suit was trying to
repair itself. I walked over and saw Jacks suit lying on the ground. I took the helmet off and he was
barely breathing. His suit had been too badly damaged to do anything for him. He coughed and said
“Don’t worry about me, take the chemical from my suit to give yours more power and stop this
nightmare from happening” I nodded and he died in front of me. I open the compartment on his suit
and poured the chemical into the compartment on my suit that contained the chemical. Instantly my
suit worked twice as fast and I felt healed and refreshed. I knew I had to return and set a control that
reverses time to my control. It didn’t take much but until now I didn’t have the required chemical. I
still had no idea if this would work so I hit the button anyway. I instantly felt the ground beneath my
feet again. “Time jump immanent” I heard again. It was like before and only a few seconds before I
was back in the lab. “We need to get everyone out now!” I said and we managed to evacuate as the
factory exploded. I told them everything and they made sure Hitler was bronzed and thrown into a
volcano. I couldn’t find a way to get the suit off and it wasn’t long before I heard a familiar voice.

“Time jump immanent”

The end

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