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OSC File No.

DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on

2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 1

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC


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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 2

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 3

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 4

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 5

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 6

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 7

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 8

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 9

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 10

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 11

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 12

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 13

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 14

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 16

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 17

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 18

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 19

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 20

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 21

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 23

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 24

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC



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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 25

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 26

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 27

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 31

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 32

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 33

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 34

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2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 35

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 36

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

/.0$/./# =.+0-+*. /*''*2$/../!!/*/#$)&/#//# 4))*/.#- 
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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 37

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 38

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 39

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 40

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 41

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 42

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 44

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 45

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 46

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 47

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 48

OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

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Criscione ML16242A333 Exhibit 1, page 49


Review and Comments on the

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairmans
Letter to the Office of Special Council
RE: File No. DI-15-5254
Dated June 30, 2016
Jeffrey T. Mitman
Senior Reliability and Risk Analyst
August 24, 2016

Significance of a Jocassee Dam Failure

The Jocassee Dam is a large dam. It is 385 feet in height and impounds over a million acre feet of water. Should
this dam fail Dukes August 2010 analysis indicated a peak flow across the Keowee Dam, and significantly onto
the Oconee Nuclear Station, of between 2.3 and 2.8 million cubic feet per second (cfs) and a peak flow across
the Oconee intake canal structure of between 0.7 and 0.8 million cfs.1 Dukes post Fukushima reanalysis
essentially confirms these results.2,3,4 To put this into context, the average flow of the Mississippi River at New
Orleans is approximately 0.6 million cfs. 5 If the Jocassee Dam fails catastrophically, there will be a lot of water at
Oconee. Further, Dukes states: [C]ore damage occurs in about 8 to 9 hours following the dam break and
containment failure in about 59 to 68 hours. When containment failure occurs, significant dose to the public
would result. 6

Near-Term Task Force on Fukushima Process Has Significantly Decreased Flood Protection at Oconee


The first allegation that the NRC Chairmans working group was tasked to evaluate was whether the NRC had
failed to require Oconee to take corrective measures to safeguard the plant from a Jocassee Dam failure. The
Executive Summary of the NRCs Flooding Working Group report (Investigative Report to the Chairman of the
U.S. NRC, hereafter referred to as the Investigative Report), concludes:

The NRC has required Oconee to take appropriate action to provide adequate protection to
public health and safety from rare but credible upstream dam failures.7

Duke Letter from D. Baxter to NRC, Oconee Response to Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) 2-10-003, dated August 2,
2010, ML102170006.*
Duke Letter from T.P. Gillespie, Jr., Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report, dated March 12, 2013, ML13079A227.
Duke Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report, Enclosure 1, dated March 2013, ML13240A016.
Duke Letter from S.L. Batson to NRC, Revised Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report per NRCs Request for Additional
Information, dated March 6, 2015, ML15072A106.
National Park Service, Mississippi River Facts,
Duke Letter from D. Baxter to NRC, Response to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Request, dated September 26, 2008, ML082750106.
NRC Letter from S. G. Burns to Office of Special Council, C.N. Lerner, Re OSC File No. Di-15-5254, dated June 30, 2016.
*Criscione comment: See Exhibit 6 for information on how to access NRC ADAMS references.



In 2011 the NRC required that Duke protect the Oconee reactors from a Jocassee Dam failure-induced flood to a
flood depth of 19 feet.8 They also concluded that when that flood protection was in place Oconee would meet
the adequate protection standard:

These conservatisms provide the staff with additional assurance that the above Case 2 scenario
will bound the inundation at [Oconee], therefore providing reasonable assurance for the overall
flooding scenario at the site.

However, in 2016 the NRC informed Duke that they needed to protect Oconee only to a flood height of about
4.5 feet.9,10 The NRC made this decision without a finding of adequate protection. Instead of using a
conservative standard they used one based on reasonableness.

At this time, the best that can be said is that it is unclear whether the public is adequately protected.

Detailed Discussion

In August 2008, the NRC wrote a request for information to Duke regarding protection of Oconee from a
Jocassee Dam failure.11 In April 2009, the NRC elevated this to an adequate protection issue. 12 In January 2011,
the NRC wrote a safety evaluation finding that Oconee was adequately protected if it complied with a
confirmatory action letter.13 This safety evaluation was based on a detailed two-dimensional hydrological
analysis conducted by Duke.14 (A major shortcoming of this safety evaluation is that it is based on a hydrological
analysis which the NRC never reviewed. See Box 1 below for a detailed discussion.) The end result of this
process was that Duke was required to protect Oconee from a Jocassee Dam failure-induced flood of about 19
feet above grade.

The safety evaluation describes the flood height for which Oconee needs to be protected as Case 2. The flood
height location that is most critical to public safety is at the standby shutdown facility (SSF). The SSF is located at
grade at an elevation of 796 feet mean sea level (all elevations are given with respect to mean sea level). The
calculated flood height is 19 feet. The significance of the SSF to plant safety is that the SSF, while not safety
grade, is currently the highest permanently installed equipment in place to protect the plant and the public from
a flood; that is, it would be the last equipment to be flooded. The top of the flood wall protecting the SSF is at

NRC Letter to P. Gillespie, Staff Assessment of Dukes Response to Confirmatory Action Letter Regarding Dukes
Commitments to Address External Flooding Concerns at Oconee, dated January 28, 2011, ML110280153.
NRC Letter to S. Batson, Oconee Staff Assessment of Response to Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f)
Flood-Causing Mechanisms Reevaluation and Path Forward on Confirmatory Action Letter, dated April 14, 2016,
NRC Staff Assessment by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Related to Flooding Hazard Reevaluation Report Near-
Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Oconee, Enclosures 1 and 2, dated April 2016, ML15356A158 (not publicly
NRC Letter to D. Baxter, Information Request Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Related to External Flooding, Including Failure
of Jocassee Dam, at Oconee, dated August 15, 2008, ML081640244.
NRC Letter to D. Baxter, Evaluation of Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke), September 26, 2008, Response to NRC Letter
dated August 15, 2008, Related to External Flooding at Oconee, dated April 30, 2009, ML090570779.
NRC Letter to D.A. Baxter, Confirmatory Action Letter Oconee Nuclear Station Commitments to Address External
Flooding Concerns, dated June 22, 2010, ML101730329.
NRC Letter to P. Gillespie, Staff Assessment of Dukes Response to Confirmatory Action Letter Regarding Dukes
Commitments to Address External Flooding Concerns at Oconee, dated January 28, 2011, ML110280153.



about 7.5 feet. Thus, the flood height established by this analysis requires Duke to increase flood protection to
19 feet.

As stated previously, this level of flood protection was required for adequate protection. The safety evaluation
reiterates this requirement when it states: The NRC staff reviewed the information [preliminary information
submitted by the licensee at the outset of the NRCs inquiry] and based on the review, the NRC staff found that
the information provided by the licensee did not demonstrate that the Oconee site would be adequately
protected from external flooding events. As the safety evaluation states repeatedly, the inputs to establish
adequate protection were required to be based on conservative assumptions. The safety evaluation concludes
by stating that: [T]he above Case 2 scenario will bound the inundation at [Oconee], therefore providing
reasonable assurance for the overall flooding scenario at the site. This Case 2 scenario will be the new flooding
basis for the site. One would presume that the flood height determined by this NRC safety evaluation
establishes the new licensing basis flood.

As part of the post Fukushima Near-Term Task Force (NTTF), the NRC, in a request for information in March
2012, required the licensees to reevaluate the seismic and flooding hazards at their sites using updated seismic
and flooding hazard information and present-day regulatory guidance and methodologies. 15 In almost all cases,
new methods are more conservative than methods established for licensing older plants like Oconee. Using
present-day methods, Oconee would never be licensed below two large dams (Keowee and Jocassee). The
Oconee plant grade is four feet below the normal Keowee reservoir of 800 feet mean sea level, and portions of
the dams west embankment are less than a 1000 feet from the Oconee power block. In addition, the safety-
related electrical distribution system has critical equipment located only a foot above grade in a structure that is
not protected from flooding. In other words, a flood with resulting water level only a little more than a foot
above grade will destroy the distribution system and thus incapacitate most of the emergency core cooling
system (ECCS).

Duke submitted their initial flood hazard reevaluation report (FHRR) in March 2013. 16,17 After discussion with
the NRC, Duke submitted their final FHRR in March 2015. 18 The NRC accepted the conclusions of the final FHRR
by letter containing a staff assessment dated April 14, 2016. 19 Dukes final FHRR proposesand the NRC staff
assessment acceptsa flood height from a Jocassee Dam failure of approximately 4.5 feet above grade. 20,21 This
new flood height is about 15 feet lower than the height established by the NRCs safety evaluation of January 28,

NRC Letter to All Reactor Licensees, Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of Code of Federal Regulations 50.54(f)
Regarding Recommendations 2.1, 2.3, and 9.3 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi
Accident, dated March 12, 2012, ML12053A340.
Duke Letter from T.P. Gillespie, Jr., Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report, dated March 12, 2013, ML13079A227.
Duke Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report, Enclosure 1, dated March 2013, ML13240A016.
Duke Letter from S. L. Batson to NRC, Revised Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report per NRCs Request for Additional
Information, dated March 6, 2015, ML15072A106.
NRC Staff Assessment by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Related to Flooding Hazard Reevaluation Report Near-
Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Oconee, Enclosures 1 and 2, dated April 2016, ML15356A158 (not publicly
NRC Letter to S. Batson, Oconee Staff Assessment of Response to Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f)
Flood-Causing Mechanisms Reevaluation and Path Forward on Confirmatory Action Letter, dated April 14, 2016,
NRC Staff Assessment by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Related to Flooding Hazard Reevaluation Report Near-
Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Oconee, Enclosures 1 and 2, dated April 2016. ML15356A158 (not publicly



2011.22 Thus, the NRCs NTTF process has lowered the level of protection required of Duke at the Oconee site
from a Jocassee Dam failure. The NTTF process was never intended to lower licensee requirements, nor was it
intended to decrease plant safety. But that is exactly what Duke and the NRC have used the NTTF process to

There are several anomalies associated with this decision. First and foremost, the basis for the requirements
established in the NRCs January 2011 safety evaluation was a question of adequate protection. The NRCs 2011
safety evaluation reiterates this basis when it states: The NRC staff reviewed the information and based on the
review, the NRC staff found that the information provided by the licensee did not demonstrate that the Oconee
site would be adequately protected from external flooding events. When the NRC completed this safety
evaluation, it concluded in typical safety analysis language with: These conservatisms provide the staff with
additional assurance that the above Case 2 scenario [a flood height at the SSF of 19 feet] will bound the
inundation at Oconee, therefore providing reasonable assurance for the overall flooding scenario at the site
[emphasis added]. When writing the staff assessment in April 2016, the NRC could have argued that the new
and lower flood height established in the revised FHRR was sufficient to meet the adequate protection
threshold. But the NRC made no such finding in the 2016 staff assessment. In fact, the staff assessment does
not even acknowledge that an adequate protection issue exists; it ignores the very reason for the 2008 request
for information. Therefore, one could assume that it does not address or resolve the adequate protection

Second, the NRCs 2011 decision was documented in a safety evaluation. Safety evaluations are the typical
method for articulating the NRC staffs basis and reasoning for these types of decisions. NRCs Office of Nuclear
Reactor Regulation has a procedure for conducting and documenting safety evaluations: LIC-101, License
Amendment Review Procedures, Revision 4, May 22, 2012 is the current version.23 Section 4 of this document
(Safety Evaluations) states the following: [T]he [safety evaluation] provides the technical, safety, and legal
basis for the NRC's decision regarding a license amendment request. As with every FHRR, Dukes revised FHRR
was reviewed and accepted not under the LIC-101 safety evaluation process, but via a staff assessment. To
my knowledge, there is no NRC guidance on the purpose of a staff assessment or how to conduct one. It
seems surprising, to say the least, that an ad hoc processin this case a staff assessmentwas used to overturn
a safety evaluation.

Third, adequate protection issues are decided using conservative standards. This is typical of deterministic
analysis and adequate protection decisions. However, the NRCs FHRR process uses a reasonableness
standard. In fact, the staff assessment of the Oconee revised FHRR uses the phrase reasonable more than 40
times. To me, this bar is significantly lower than the typical conservative criterion used by the NRC for resolving
adequate protection questions. The reasonable standard has not been described in any NRC procedure or
guidance document. One should remember that the NRC request for information required the licensees to use

NRC Letter to P. Gillespie, Staff Assessment of Dukes Response to Confirmatory Action Letter Regarding Dukes
Commitments to Address External Flooding Concerns at Oconee, dated January 28, 2011, ML110280153.
NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Office Instruction, License Amendment Review Procedures, LIC-101, Revision
4, dated May 25, 2012, ML113200053.





evaluation was started in October 2008 but was stopped. 30 The only LIC-504 evaluation for Oconee was not
completed until March 2013.31 This is over four years after the original 50.54(f) letter was issued and about four
years after the Oconee flooding issue was identified as an adequate protection issue, and not until after the
safety evaluation was written on the adequate protection question. 32

It should be noted that two Technical Basis for the Timeline to Resolve External Flooding Issues at Oconee
memos were completedthe first on August 12, 2009, and the second on March 5, 2011. 33 These technical
basis memos fail to address several of the LIC-504 required criteria, including the critical issue of adequate
defense-in-depth. Specifically, LIC-504 Revision 2 states:

The following are guidelines, any of which may be used to question whether additional
regulatory action is required to place or maintain the plant in a safe condition: Defense-in-depth
is significantly degraded (e.g., multiple barriers are moderately to significantly degraded;
functional redundancy or diversity is significantly compromised; vulnerability to single failures is
significantly increased, etc.).

The Duke analysis of record shows that if the Jocassee Dam failed, core damage would occur in about 8 to 9
hours following a dam break and containment failure in about 59 to 68 hours. 34 Therefore, the fuel and the
containmentboth significant barriers to releasewere known to fail under these flooding conditions. In
addition, the entire emergency core cooling system, all balance of plant equipment, as well as the SSF, were all
expected to fail. Therefore, Oconee lacked the required redundancy and diversity. This conclusion is
documented in an NRC assessment when it states [I]f a flooding event from a Jocassee Dam failure occurred at
the [Oconee] site, all three units have no defense-in-depth to prevent core damage. 35 Clearly, the LIC-504
guidelines were not met.

Moreover, the NRCs required process for performing a LIC-504 evaluation was not completed in a timely

A second example of NRC failure to follow its own processes and procedures is illustrated by the NRCs review of
the licensees flood hazard reevaluation reports. These reports are in response to the NRCs post-Fukushima
required reevaluation of flooding hazards. Normally, when the NRC reviews licensee submittals it writes a
safety evaluation, as it did in the case of the Oconee adequate protection issue. In the case of the NRCs FHRR
reviews, the NRC has not issued safety evaluations, but has instead written staff assessments. To my
knowledge, the NRC has little guidance on when to use or how to write a staff assessment, or more importantly,
on the significance of staff assessments or their relationship to safety evaluations.

NRC Slides, Oconee Flood Protection and Jocassee Dam Hazard NRR LT Meeting, dated October 21, 2008,
NRC Memo to File, Oconee Documentation of Staff Decision Regarding Implementation of Permanent Modifications for
Protection from External Flooding, dated March 19, 2013, ML13063A110 (not publicly available).
Letter NRC to D. Baxter, Evaluation of Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke), September 26, 2008, Response to NRC Letter
dated August 15, 2008, Related to External Flooding at Oconee, dated April 30, 2009, ML090570779.
NRC Memo to J.A. Grobe et al. from P.L. Hiland et al., Technical Basis for the Timeline to Resolve External Flooding Issues
at Oconee, incorrectly dated March 5, 2010, ML103410042.
Duke Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report, Enclosure 1, dated March 2013, ML13240A016.
NRC Assessment of Oconee External Flooding Issue (October 19, 2010), ML102910480 (not publicly available).



Concluding Observation

I want to close with one final observation about the flood height issue at Oconee. I have been involved with this
issue since January 2008, and even with this extensive background, I find it difficult to understand what the NRC
has done and what it currently requires of Duke to protect public health and safety and the environment. Two
of the NRCs core valuesopenness (Nuclear regulation is the public's business, and it must be transacted
publicly and candidly) and clarity (Agency positions should be readily understood and easily applied)have
not been met.36

Here are a few clear and simple examples that serve to summarize the previous discussion. The NRCs April
2016 staff assessment lowered the flood height from a Jocassee Dam failure that Duke is required to protect
Oconee against by about 15 feet (from 19 to 4.5 feet). The 83-page staff assessment never mentions that the
January 2011 safety evaluation established a flood height of 19 feet.

As a result of this poorly articulated decision, some future NRC inspector or analyst (or member of the public)
will find in the agency records these two disparate flood heightsone based on a conservative adequate
protection decision and the second reached as part of the NTTFs reevaluationand will then have to decipher
which is the current licensing basis flood to evaluate and make decisions against.

This opacity was completely unnecessary; a second safety evaluation could have been written clearly articulating
the new requirements and establishing a new licensing basis. One can only speculate why this was not done.
Additionally, the Investigative Report to the Chairman was another missed opportunity to address these
openness and clarity deficits.

See NRC webpage for statement of values




I am a Professional Engineer and a staff member of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC). I have witnessed an unremarkable bureaucratic culture that powers this agencys
decision-making, a sorting and culling of individuals within the agency based on their tolerance
for lackluster regulatory principles, and an atmosphere where whitewashed assessments are
favored over more rigorous evaluations that might highlight regulatory deficiencies. This culture
deliberates about what can be shared among employees, what isnt to be recorded in e-mail,
and what might frighten or confuse the public if it were released. I have witnessed excessive
regulatory self-censorship and the loss of factual fidelity. I have seen persistent overtones exert
forces that, over time, grossly distort the analysis of safety issues. I have experienced insistent
pressure to tweak, adjust, and remove sentences that seem too stark or blunt. At the NRC,
there is high regard for an assessment that is, in the end, not at all offensive to industry albeit
denuded of particular insight and straight-forward facts.

Earlier this year, the Office of Special Council (OSC) referred a disclosure, regarding flood-
related risks at United States nuclear power reactors, from NRC staff member Lawrence
Criscione to the Chairman of the NRC. The NRC provided a response to the OSC on June 30,
2016. OSC statutes allow an opportunity for the originator to provide comments on the
agencys response. I am among a group of NRC colleagues Mr. Criscione requested
assistance from in reviewing the NRCs response.

The NRCs June 30, 2016, response to the OSC begins with the NRC explaining what its
obligations are under the letter of the law and further, that it has met these obligations. On the
first page of its response the NRC states, Adequate protection (of the health and safety of the
public) is not a fixed standard, but rather involves a case-by-case application of technical
judgement of the Commission. Thus, the NRC correctly describes that there is no fixed
goalpost with regard to the agencys obligations; there is no quantitative standard for safety;
decisions are made by the Commission based on judgement. Furthermore, the NRC states that
the reasoning of that judgement changes on a case-by-case basis due to any number of facts (a
subset of which the paragraph goes on to describe). The NRC continues its explanation
acknowledging that risks do exist, but that that failure to comply with regulations can still be
adequate if there is no undue risk to public health and safety, and that what constitutes undue
risk is again left to the judgement of the Commission. I say sincerely and without cynicism, it
would be hard to overstate the responsibility this places on the shoulders of the Commission.

The Commission must balance the benefits of nuclear power production for our economy 1
against the impacts of a nuclear accident on our countrys economy, our property, and our
safety. I do not have confidence in the bureaucracy that informs this Commission. 2 Openness
and transparency within the NRC has continued on a sharp decline I, therefore, do not have

This writing addresses NRCs responsibilities concerning the licensing and regulation of nuclear power
production. The NRC has other responsibilities as well.
The defense of this statement continues in the pages that follow.



confidence that the judgments of the Commission would align with the publics judgment, if the
public at large was informed in accordance with its entitlement.

The recent water contamination crisis in the city of Flint, Michigan is a case in point. Allegedly,
that citys public stewards knew of a hazard, but chose to keep the information hidden from the
public. Perhaps the citys stewards felt there was no practical alternative or that costs were
too high. Perhaps they understood the risks and accepted them on behalf of the public. I
argue, if the public had known of the high lead levels in their drinking water if they knew what
the government stewards knew it is likely the public would have changed their behavior. But,
the information was withheld from the public for various reasons and they kept drinking the
water. As a result, thousands will likely suffer serious and permanent health consequences.
How best can we assure ourselves that the judgments of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
are sound and competent? The responsibility of this Commission is far too great to allow the
process that informs them to unfold in subtle light.

The NRCs June 30, 2016, response puzzle-pieces together selections of information in a
manner that supports a notion that the NRC identified a potential safety issue; recognized its
seriousness; allowed full, open, informed discussions; rose to timely conclusions; and enacted
satisfactory corrections efficiently and effectively. 3 Further, the NRCs response supports a
notion that all of the actions occurred in a satisfactory manner, that the NRC was never
influenced by industry, and that all the eventual actions would have happened just as they did
regardless of the whistleblowers and advocates that stepped forward to raise their concerns in
a public and documented manner. 4 The NRCs account is a notion that comes out of a world
where anything is possible.

In reality the effective consideration of flood-related nuclear safety issues was hamstrung
within the NRC for quite some time. In its response to the OSC, the NRC puts together the best
explanation it can, omitting everything that is not favorable. In fact, the NRC gives itself a near
perfect score on the subject. There is no discussion about processes that could be improved.
No miss-steps were identified. There is no acknowledgment of the employees who were forced
to suspend their nuclear careers in order to stick to their principles. There is no discussion of
the quietly brokered MOU 5 between the NRC and the United States Army Corp of Engineers
that prohibits the passing of relevant flood safety data between our two agencies. No concern is
noted regarding organizational stove piping, nor the careful pocketing of unfavorable data
among a select subset of trusted staff. There is no concern about a culture of secretiveness.
There is no acknowledgement of the agencys growing need-to-know mantra a phrase
increasingly used as a warning, by managers, that NRC regulators should not discuss their work
with other NRC regulators unless they have been approved to have a need to know by
management. There is no discussion of negative impacts on safety culture, openness,
NRC Investigative Report, Re: OSC File No. DI-15-5254, 30 June 2016, pg. ii, bullet 5
NRC Investigative Report, Re: OSC File No. DI-15-5254, 30 June 2016, pg. ii, bullet 4
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is a signed agreement between two or more agencies. For
unclear reasons, this MOU was not placed in NRCs record tracking system (ADAMS) and, therefore,
does not have a distinct accession number, nevertheless, it can be found on pp. 3-5 of ADAMS record
*Criscione comment: See Exhibit 6 for information on how to access NRC ADAMS references.



collaboration, engineering excellence, or teaming among the larger group of professionals who
are, in fact, paid to study these issues. There is no discussion of the effect this has on a
science-based, multi-disciplinary organization tasked to anticipate nuclear catastrophes such as
those which have already occurred elsewhere in the world. Instead, the response has the
distinct ring of a courtroom defense; the NRC has done what the law requires. 6

I expect the authors of the NRCs response know their own personal feelings about what is
broken. It can be assumed that the authors are honest, hard-working, well-intentioned
individuals. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that this NRC response like so many
other bureaucratic products is not a place for reflective, balanced, fully-truthful discussion.
The NRC response was developed by individuals who, I expect, feel they have a duty to defend
the agency to the best of their ability.

Legal professionals, hired by the agency, have an obligation and a motivation to support their
client, which is the bureaucracy that hired them. A management structure will tend to defend its
past management practices. A bureaucracy tends to support and defend itself. Individuals,
however, can behave contrary to bureaucracy. Individuals may decide to separate from the
herd even when it is not in their own self-interest. If you believe that ethics is an intrinsic
value,7 then by definition only individuals account for the ethical component of an
organization. Whether they are engineers, NRC managers, or government lawyers I argue
that the greatest sense of ethical responsibility exists at the individual level. This is the level
where people become unbending and insist on their own ethical convictions, no matter what the

This is as good a place as any to acknowledge my own considerable imperfection. I stopped

counting my mistakes many years ago. My greatest strength comes from the competency and
capability of my colleagues, and I ride it for all its worth.

In 2010, three colleagues and I were tasked to write a report 8 on Flooding of U.S. Nuclear
Power Plants Following Upstream Dam Failures. This tasking was in response to a July 19,
2010, preliminary assessment. 9 The report, called a screening analysis, was essentially
complete prior to the March 11, 2011, reactor accidents at Fukushima Daiichi; the report was
being circulated for final comments at that time. Months later after significant pushback
concerning which relevant facts should remain in the report after the rise of the Missouri River
and encroachment around Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station after extensive deliberations about

NRC Investigative Report, Re: OSC File No. DI-15-5254, 30 June 2016, pg. ii, bullet 2
Edward N. Zalta. Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Value, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 22 October 2002,
retrieved from
Richard H. Perkins, P.E.; Michelle T. Bensi, Ph.D.; Jacob Philip, P.E.; and Salim Sancaktar, Ph.D.
Screening Analysis Report for the Proposed Generic Issue on Flooding of Nuclear Power Plant Sites
Following Upstream Dam Failures, July 2011, ML112430114
Fernando Ferrante, Ph.D., Meena Khanna, Memorandum from Lois James to Benjamin Beasley,
Identification of a Generic External Flooding Issue Due to Potential Dam Failures, 19 July 2010,



sensitivity and after Congressional testimony on the meltdown of the three reactors in Japan,
the topic was designated NRC Generic Issue #204.10

As we started our development of the report, our early research yielded bits and scraps of
information. Some of this information was interesting and might have been relevant, but the
information was incomplete. Some of it was without context and sometimes it was difficult to
determine the original source of the information. We pulled threads, asked around, received
information from other employees, and read through documents looking for similar information
and references. As early drafts of our report took shape, I received casual advisories that some
of the information, related to flooding and dam failure, was sensitive, for internal use only, and
that the use of this information was restricted. I was advised that flooding, as a result of dam
failure, was under the jurisdiction of the Army Corp of Engineers and was not to be used in NRC
assessments. The concerns of others notwithstanding, this was information we were looking
for. The information was salient and we needed the references in order to document the
information sources.

I received continuing advisories against the use of this information in our report. The advisories
were, at first, nudging. Shortly thereafter came insistence, stern language, and calls to my
supervision; the information could not be directly used in the report. Having had years of
experience working with classified and sensitive information at all levels, I did not believe the
proper marking and handling of information would pose more than an inconvenience, but I also
knew that I would need to see the official guidance (or a directive) for the proper handling of the
information. Proper guidance 11 provides not only the directions for handling the information, but
the authority by which the information is withheld from routine circulation among employees. I
became suspicious that no such guidance existed. In that case, I would need to push for the
issuance of proper guidance. Continuing without guidance would have been highly
inappropriate for numerous reasons:
- This behavior of handling government information is not condoned by law.
- Continuing under a false assumption that the topic was properly compartmented implies
that the issue is being properly addressed by a portion of the government that is
accountable and responsible for the subject. When an issue is simply not being
circulated, it is unlikely the issue is being dealt with responsibly.
- If a level of security sensitivity was, in fact, warranted, there was no evidence of the
proper escalation of the security issue(s), nor coordination among the responsible
security organizations.

The Generic Issues Program is a congressionally mandated, agency-wide program to address
unresolved safety issues having significant generic implication among a group or class of nuclear power
Classification guidance, in the United States, is any part of an extensive, authoritative, set of references
describing the type and level of classification for various topics. Classification guidance is issued under
the authority of specific named and titled individuals throughout the United States Government who are
granted that authority. A much larger group of named and titled individuals are granted the authority to
classify information based on the topical classification guidance (i.e., derivative classification authority).
Information guidance, in general, may apply other designations as well, such as controlled unclassified



- If the information was not security sensitive, the information was mischaracterized;
visibility, research, and coordination on the safety issue had been stalled and was
currently hampered unnecessarily.
- The unique hazards posed to safety, to the economy of the United States, and to
private homes and property (which cannot be insured against nuclear-related losses) 12
requires a watchful assurance that potentially high-consequence nuclear accident
scenarios do not fall between the cracks in a regulatory environment.

One of the inconsistencies I have struggled with has been the NRCs approach to safety issues
that have a conceivable security component to them. 13 Based on the failure data available to
me, it has never been clear that hostile actions by humans (equipped with the highest
reasonable means) pose an unmitigated threat to large dams in a manner that could result in
flooding of downstream nuclear power plants. 14 Individuals in the NRC who vehemently insist
that information regarding dam-failure and flooding is so sensitive that it must not circulate (even
among regular security-cleared staff) are arguing that I am incorrect in that assumption. They
are arguing that the threat from hostile persons, to bring about the destruction of a nuclear plant
via the deliberate failing of a dam, is very real. So I must explore the possibility that I am
incorrect; the possibility that the danger is much greater and more serious than I recognize it to
be. If that is true, it means that I have been wildly under-informed and it means that the human
threat and the commensurate risk is, in fact, extraordinary. It means that the risk is so great that
the normal cadre of safety regulators (including the safety regulators tasked to write the
screening analysis for the focal safety issue) cannot be allowed to fully acknowledge and
document the safety issue because the security issue is overshadowing in its magnitude. It
means if knowledge of the risk becomes widely known, then the surrounding community is in
grave danger from those who might seek to damage the economy of the United States, and a
large geographic area, by means of a major multi-reactor nuclear meltdown triggered by a dam
failure brought about by an individual or attainable group. Inconsistently, however, the NRC
never took an equally measured action to mitigate this danger. For years, nothing significant
appeared to happen except for the NRC staying tight-lipped about it and making the information
hard to find among regulators and concealing the information from the public.

Standard homeowners and renters insurance excludes damages related to nuclear incidents. The
Price-Anderson Amendments Act of 1988 limits the liability assumed by commercial nuclear industry.
Instead, the Act establishes a no-fault insurance-type system to compensate residents, for damage or
injuries resulting from a commercial nuclear accident, out of a set-aside pool of $12.985 billion in funds.
In 2016, approximately a quarter-million Japanese remain displaced from their homes due to radiation
from the nuclear accident at Fukushima. A similar accident in the U.S. could displace far more people.
Nevertheless, distributed among 250,000 individuals, the average payout from the fund would be less
than $52k. Any additional payout would be determined by Congress as part of legislated disaster-relief
For example, fire is a safety issue, but fire could also be utilized by a terrorist. In the past, the NRC has
taken actions to restrict the public disclosure of nuclear safety issues that include the mention of fire.
On May 16, 1943, in a nation-state effort called Operation Chastise, British forces carried out a one-of-
a-kind attack on the Rohr region of Germany, successfully breaching two German dams using specially
designed bouncing bombs dropped from19 Lancaster heavy-bomber aircraft. BBC News Magazine, 15
May 2013. Retrieved from



While the occasion of large dam failure from hostile human action is extraordinarily rare 15, dam
failures resulting from the stresses imposed by nature are routine. The hydraulic forces placed
on a dam as part of its nominal use are great when we consider the total area of pressure
applied on the dam and potential energy of the water stored behind a dam. Correspondingly,
large dam failures have occurred routinely throughout the history of large dams. 16 Rivers,
dams, and geographic drainage basins are subject to natural forces far more powerful than
those created by humans. Earthquakes, tornados, storms, hurricanes, and the massive rainfall
and flooding that is often associated, applies power that typically dwarfs that of human
meddling. The case I make is not that security threats do not exist; it is that, regardless of the
protections provided to mitigate hostile human threats, those predominate threats posed by the
forces of nature are not abated. Three Mile Island, the triple-melt down at Fukushima, and the
explosion and fire at Chernobyl which left a large section of Ukraine uninhabitable, were all
either operator-induced accidents or deficiencies against predictable acts of nature. Ironically,
an engineering solution which properly protects a nuclear plant from flooding would also
inoculate that same plant from the dangers of flooding induced by hostile human intentions.

On June 30, 2011, I received an email from Bernard Stapleton, the Chief of Information Security
in NRCs Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, stating that the subject of flooding
of nuclear power plants following up-stream dam failure was neither Safeguards Information
nor an equal or greater category of security information (such as Classified Information,
Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information, or Controlled Unclassified Information).17 Up to
that time, I lacked written guidance. The handling of the issue from a security perspective
was based on rumor, innuendo, and organizational habits. The June 30, 2011, e-mail was a
positive sign that the security nature of the issue was being clarified and we might soon return to
the usual business of regulating. Nevertheless, concerns about the sensitivity of the information
continued and I continued to receive pressure to remove so-called sensitive information from
the report. At one point, my management told me that if I did not convince my writers group to
strike the information from the report, I would be removed from the effort and reassigned. I
relayed a corresponding inquiry to the team, on behalf of our management, questioning whether
the report would be better or worse with the inclusion of some sensitive data. I did not inform
them of the pledged consequences to me personally. By consensus of the group, the content
remained in the report.18 I was not removed from the effort. Although I faced continuing
unhappiness from some levels of management, in the end, I believe everything was in the report
that the authors wanted to include.

For large dams it is unprecedented outside of Britains 1943 wartime effort.
Based on data provided by James S. Halgren, Dam Failures and Incidents, Association of State Dam
Safety Officials, retrieved from
Safeguards Information (SGI) is a term used mostly by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI) is a term used mostly by the Department of Energy
and its contractors, and Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) is a category of information established
in 2008 to replace other categories of information including the category Sensitive But Unclassified
Because the function of this report was to inform NRC decision makers, we were reluctant to remove
significant information that was central to the issue.



Over the following months, concern continued to be expressed over the content in the report.
There was a great deal of uneasiness. Among the frustrations expressed to me, by some levels
of my management, was that I could have made the point without the inclusion of some of the
more stark information. I have never agreed with that reasoning. Softening the report
(presumably as a courtesy to the affected licensees) would not have been appropriate since this
report was intended to inform decision makers within the NRC. The purpose of the report was
to be clear and representative of the facts and analysis at hand. Certainly, it would not have
been proper to reverse course on an already written draft with an intention to make it less clear
and less representative of what we knew. If we had left out certain sensitive salient
information, different conclusions may very well have been drawn. I do not see any legitimate
circumstances where it would have been acceptable for us to omit relevant and salient
information just because it was sensitive to some people in the NRC. Furthermore, to this day,
I do not know what the singular word sensitive defines within NRC; it remains to me, a vague
unofficial term that carries an implication. It did seem to me, based on noted conversations and
meetings I participated in, that a large component of this sensitivity was a plain discomfort in
discussing the issue and its history within the NRC openly.

Based on information provided by the screening report and the procedures laid out in the NRC
Generic Issues Program, the NRC needed to determine whether Flooding of U.S. Nuclear
Power Plants following an Upstream Dam Failures would be designated as a Generic Issue. In
NRC parlance, a Generic Issue is a potentially significant safety issue that affects a class of
plants not just one plant. Multiple nuclear power plants may all have the same problem. The
importance is more than just the multiplicity. A Generic Issue may require a shift in regulatory
thinking. For example, if regulators or licensees had drawn conclusions about safety based on
similarity with other compliant sites, that reasoning may no longer be true. The concept of a
Generic Issue designation was to change the regulatory approach to the issue.

In accordance with the NRC procedures at the time, a separate independent panel reviewed the
issue (and the screening report) and elected to recommend the issues designation as a
Generic Issue. As part of my duties, I coordinated a signature package forwarding the panel
recommendation to the Director of the NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES). On
October 19, 2011, the package was returned to me without signature, by the RES Director, with
instructions to expand the scope of the analysis, report, committee recommendation, and
signature package to include fuel fabrication facilities and independent spent fuel storage
installations. The independent review panel subsequently determined that the change in scope
was not warranted19 and a second signature package was again coordinated and presented for
signature on November 16, 2011.

A fuel fabrication facility does not have an operating nuclear reactor, therefore, there is no reactor
meltdown or core damage risk. Similarly, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations contain only
spent fuel that has been allowed a considerable time to decay and its spent fuel heat production has been
considerably reduced. The decay heat present in this spent fuel is low enough that appreciable damage
from the heat buildup, during or subsequent to container flood exposure, is not possible.



On March 1, 2012, the RES Director signed a document designating the issue as Generic Issue
#204. On March 6, 2012, the public was informed of the existence of Generic Issue #204 via
press release and a highly-redacted version of the screening report was released to the public.
On July 2, 2012, in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, the NRC released
a second highly-redacted version of the report stating that large sections of the report could not
be released to the public due to security concerns. 20 As a basis for the redactions, the NRC
cited 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(7)(F) also known as FOIA exemption 7(f) which allows the
Government to redact from public release, information that "could reasonably be expected to
endanger the life or physical safety of any individual. Importantly, the NRC was claiming that
the release of safety issues description was reasonably expected to endanger the life or
physical safety of the public; therefore, in accordance with the NRCs judgement, the public
should not be allowed to know of the safety issue.

The massively-redacted FOIA release was the culmination of a long-running series of NRC
actions that illustrated the NRCs continuing desire to prevent awareness of this safety issue
from reaching the public. After extensive NRC review, vague notions of security were the
justification for widespread redactions to a document that had little or no bearing on security.

On September 14, 2012, I submitted an allegation to the NRC Office of the Inspector General. 21
My coworker, Lawrence Criscione, shared my letter, his own letter, the GI-204 screening
analysis, and several other agency records regarding flooding with Congressional staff on
NRCs various House and Senate oversight committees. 22 On February 4, 2013, the NRC
Office of the Inspector general recommended, to the U.S. Justice Department, that Lawrence
Criscione be charged with a felony for sharing sensitive information with Congress.

Over the next two years, the NRC received, and slowly processed, FOIA requests related to the
subject. During October and November of 2014, I received instructions and directions from the
NRCs General Council staff and the head of the NRC FOIA Office 23 to redact from public
release, all information that can be expected to undermine the agencys ability to effectively
argue in the courts that the agency properly withheld certain flooding-related information under
FOIA Exemption 7(f).24 These instructions, from the NRC and the NRC General Council staff,
directed me to withhold from public view, any information that would indicate that the NRC had
violated the law. I documented my concern in a November 21, 2014, memorandum 25 and asked
for clarification. I never received a response; instead, the task of redacting the information was
assigned to another NRC employee.

Richard H. Perkins, P.E., "Concealment of Significant Nuclear Safety Information by the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission." Letter to Hubert T. Bell, 14 Sept 2012, ML16204A002
See ML16204A001, ML13256A370, and ML13256A372 in NRCs record management system
Laura Pearson, Chief; FOIA, Privacy, and Information Collection; NRC Office of Information Services
Richard H. Perkins, P.E., Concerns about the Appearance of Obstruction of Justice. Letter to Richard
Correia, 21 Nov 2014, pp.7-8. ML14325A850
Richard H. Perkins, P.E., Concerns about the Appearance of Obstruction of Justice. Letter to Richard
Correia, 21 Nov 2014, ML14325A850



I am content to work for improvements in our regulatory culture and to support openness in our
governments conduct and processes. Just as it is most important that an officer of the law
follow the law those who take the responsibility to guard classified information, in an open and
democratic society, must never abuse that special power entrusted to them. Although entirely
unexpected, it was my previous 15 years of career experience in other agencies, working in
high-security government programs, that made it plain to see the serious and chronic abuses
within NRC. In as much, I am quite satisfied to be in a position to continue pressing for positive
changes it is deeply concerning, however, that this is needed.

September 2, 2016


OSC File No. DI-1 5-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC resoonse to OSC
Union of d Two Brattle Square, Cambridge, MA 02138 -3780 t 617.547.5552 f 61'1.864.9405
[ Concerne Sc1ent1sts 1825 K Street NW, Su ite 800, Wash ingto n, DC 20006-1232 t 202.223.6133 f 202.223.6162
2397 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 203, Berkeley, CA 94704-1567 t 510.843.1872 fSl 0.843.3785
One North LaSalle Street, Su ite 1904, Chicago, IL 60602-4064 t 312.578.1750 f 312.578.1751

Comments on Nuclear Regulatory C ommission Response to the Office of Special Counsel

(OSC File No. DI-15-5254)

On July 18, 2016, Lawrence Criscione contacted me an d explained that the Chai1man of the U.S.
Nuclear R egulatory Commission (NRC) had responded to a request from the U .S. Office of
Special Counsel (OSC) regarding the agency's handling of flooding hazards at 19 U.S. nuclear
power plants. Mr. Criscione knew that I had been monitoring the generic flooding issue and had
been tracking that issue more closely at some of the affected plants. Mr. Crisione infon ned me
that OSC had given him with a copy of the NRC's response and the oppo1tunity to provide his
comments on the response. Mr. Criscione asked if I was interested in reviewing and collllllenting
on the NRC 's response on the condition that the response not be made publicly available. I
agreed to review the response under those ten ns and self-imposed one additional condition- that
my comments on the repo1t be provided only to Mr. Criscione for his use in providing comments
to OSC about the response.


1. The fomth paragraph on page ii of the Executive Summaiy to the NRC 's investigative repo1t
begins with this sentence:

The report contains a sufficient amount ofmater;af to support the findings and conclusions
while avoiding the disclosure ofany personally identifiable information, sensitive
unclassified security-related information, or classified information.

Because the repo1t contains no personally identifiable info1mation, sensitive unclassified

security-related info1mation, or classified info1mation, there would be n o legitimate reason
for the NRC not to make the report publicly available, either on its own volition or in
response to a request m1der the Freedom of Info1mation Act.

2. The NRC response to OSC question 5 stated that " the current risks to public health and
safety are very small ... ". This NRC response is misleading at best. Appendix B of the NRC's
response identified that Yellow fmdings were issued for flood protection violations at Fo1t
Calhoun and Watts Bar. The NRC also issued a Yellow finding for flood protection
violations at Arkansas Nuclear One (ML15023A076)*on Janua1y 22, 2015. The NRC failed
to mention this relevant fact in Appendix B in its discussion of flooding issues at this
facility. 1 In addition to only mentioning some of the Yellow fmdings related to flood
protection violations, the NRC's response failed to provide context for these fmdings. Yellow
is the second most serious severity level in the NRC's green/white/yellow/red classification
process. Fmt he1more, the agency seldom classifies violations at this severity level or greater.

Section B.1 .2 described the flood protection deficiencies that led to the NRC issuing a Yellow finding, but failed to
mention the Yellow finding.
*Criscione comment: See Exhibit 6 for information on how to access NRC ADAMS references.


OSC File No. DI-1 5-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

Between 2001 (the first full year of the NRC's Reactor Oversight Process that initiated this
color-coded system) and 2015, the NRC issued a total of 11,675 findings. Only 18 (0.2%)
were classified as Yellow. This context reveals that flooding poses a significant hazard to
nuclear power plant safety and that nonconfonn ing configurations have significant adverse
risk consequences.

The NRC ' s response describes much of th e work remaining to achieve confo1mance with the
NRC's post-Fukushima orders. The cwTent risks to public health and safety would be very
small if and only if (a) the findings for flood protection violations were Green or White
(demonstrating low safety significance) or (b) the post-Fukushima orders were fully
implemented at all 19 nucleai- plants covered in the response. The fo1mer would strongly
suggest that the outstanding work had little risk significance. The latter wou ld strongly
suggest that flooding risks were being properly managed. That neither applies at this moment
strongly suggests that the NRC's response is misleading.

The NRC cannot impose new regulato1y requirements on plant owners unless the upgrades
are eith er necessary to protect public health and safety or are cost-justified. Thus, the
regulatory analysis supporting the flood-related aspects of the NRC 's post-Fukushima orders
issued in March 2012 have been dete1mined to be w01ihwhile. The NRC cannot have it both
ways and now contend that unimplemented flood-related measm es have little to no risk

Inspection Findings
Yea.- White Yellow Total
2001 23 2 685
2002 30 1 816
2003 19 2 773
2004 11 0 789
2005 10 1 860
2006 13 0 689
2007 9 2 770
2008 17 0 793
2009 7 0 886
2010 9 2 827
2011 13 2 861
2012 16 1 932
2013 10 2 718
2014 16 3 722
2015 8 0 790
Sum 211 18 11,911
Percent 1.8% 0.2% 100.0%
Yearly Average 15 1 851


OSC File No. DI-1 5-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC resp on se t o OSC

3. The third bullet from the bottom on p age ii of the Executive Summaiy to the NRC's
investigative rep01t is this single sentence:

The NRC actions, including orders, requests for information, enforcement

actions, and mlemaking activities, have been in conformance with NRC
programs, processes, and procedures, including those for addressing differing

This statement is misleading because it, and the investigative repo1t more broadly, failed
to describe how the NRC handled similai situations ve1y differently. The disparate
treatments may have all been within the range of options available to the agency. But the
disparate handling of similar situations resulted in confusion and frustration within the
NRC staff.

The fomt h paragraph on page 8 of the NRC's investigative report begins with this

The NR C has a f ormal office procedure to deterrnine whether an immediate p lant

shutdown is warranted given new information.

Footnote 7 at the end of this sentence refers to LIC-504, "Integrated Risk-Info1med

Decision-Making Process for Emergent Issues" (ML14035A143). The implication is that
the NRC used this procedure when evaluating the risk from emerging info1mation about
flooding hazaids. But while the NRC used LIC-504 in assessing flooding hazaids at the
Oconee Nucleai Station: it did not use LIC-504 in assessing flooding h azards at the Watts
Bar nuclem plant. The NRC's investigative rep01t is silent about why the NRC handled
these similar situations so differently and leaves the very false impression that the NRC
used LIC-504 in all cases.

Tw o NRC engineers filed a Differing Professional Opinion (DPO) within the agency
raising concerns with how flooding hazards at Watts Bar were being handled. A three-
person DPO panel was fo1med to examine the concerns raised by the two engineers. The
DPO panel issued its repo1t, "Differing Professional Opinion Involving External
Flooding at Watts Bar Nuclear Unit 1 (DP0-201 2-003)," on Janumy 17. 2013
(ML13115A273). The DPO panel wrote :

In April 2012, about two months before the staff issued the CAL; the Division of
Operating Reactor Licensing (DORL) branch chiefat the time arranged a
meeting with staff to discuss a p rocess for documenting staffdecisions associated
with the WBN J flood issue. In an email (ADAMS Accession No. M L12335A059),
the branch chiefstated that NRR Office Instmction LIC-504 (ADAMS Accession
No. ML100541776) would be used. On the bases of its interviews, the Panel
determined that the branch chiefcould not gain alignment among the staff to
app~y LIC-504 to the WBNJ issue. Therefore, the branch chief's idea was not
imp lemented.
*Criscione comment: Statements in ML13052A784 pp. 5, 11, 12 & 15 pertaining to 2008-May-30, 2008-0ct-6, 2008-0ct-15 &
2009-Jan-26 mention LIC-504, but for unexplained reasons the LIC-504 process pertaining to the Oconee/Jocassee flooding was
turned off prior to the process being completed in 2008/2009. A LIC-504 evaluation was completed in March 2013 (ML13063A110).
See Jeff Mitman's comments for discussion of irregularities in the NRC's application of the LIC-504 process regarding Oconee.


OSC File No. DI-1 5-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

Because a number of the individuals who had been involved in the ONS [Oconee
Nucleru: Station] issue were also involved in the WBNJ [Watts BaT Unit 1] issue,
the Panel found the apparent disparate treatment ofthe two plants particularly
interesting and counted it as its final example ofa missed opportunity.

In addition, for the reasons detailed in our report, we concluded that the staff's
bases for accepting the licensee 's commitments and its reasons for choosing to
issue a CAL instead ofan order may have been clearer and less divisive had the
stafffollowed the proce,ss prescribed in LIC-504, Revision 3, "Integrated Risk-
Informed Decision-Making Process for Emergent Issues. "Not following an
available process, like LIC-504, suggests to us that the staffmay not have fully
internalized the lessons learned from past significant events or there may be gaps
in the staff's training or understanding about how to handle emergent issues.

The authors of the NRC's investigative repo1i were clearly aware of the DPO Panel's
repo1i because it was refened to within Appendix B and was cited in footnote 43 7 on
page 130. But they curiously failed to describe the disparate use and non-use ofLIC-504
by the NRC in handling flood hazard issues at Oconee and Watts Bar. Their omission is
misleading at best, deceitful at worst.

The NRC investigative repo1i superficially described another finding by the DPO panel in
Section B.19.2 covering the Additional Plant-Specific Actions taken at Watts Bar:

The panel observed that the issue could have been addressed better if a risk
assessment and clear safety basis for continued operation of Watts Bar bad been

The DPO panel was more critical than merely suggesting the NRC could have addressed
the matter better:

The Panel concluded that the staffshould have performed a risk assessment of the
issue and prepared a clear safety bases for continued operations of WBN1.
However, even though several years had passed since concerns had first been
raised about the potential {or a higher flood level at WBNJ, neither a risk
assessment nor the bases (or continued operations had been prepared or
documented. Rather, it appeared to the panel, the staffhad relied on a qualitative
risk-informed decision based largely on the common perception that the PMF is
"unlikely" and that the compensat01y measures would work. Almost everyone the
Panel asked suggested that the corrective action schedule proposed by TVA was
acceptable to them because the design basis flood was unlikely or of low
probability. Through its interviews, the Panel had also learned that at least one
manager askedfor a risk assessment. The Panel understands that the staffstarted
a risk assessment but did not complete it. All things considered, the Panel
decided that the staff came up short on the assessment that was wa"anted by
the potential significance ofthe WBNJ issue. [emphasis added]


OSC File No. DI-1 5-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213 (e) (1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

The NRC finally perfo1med a risk assessment of the flooding issues en route to issuing a
violation to the plant's owner regarding deficient flood protection measures at Watts Bar:

The NR C staff also evaluated the licensee's flood p rotection through inspections.
In June 2013, the NR C issued a Yellow finding (substantial safety significance)
associated with the licensee's inability to reconfigure and realign systems
necesswy f or flood mode within the assumed preparation time. [emphasis added]

Thus, when the NRC finally got around to perfo1ming the risk assessment several years
after it was identified at Watts Bar, they concluded it had "substantial safety
significance." And as pointed out above, the NRC rarely concludes that violations have
"substantial safety significance." As the DPO panel concluded, th e NRC should have
perf01m ed the risk assessment that identified "substantial safety significance" in the
unresolved problems at Watts Bar much sooner.

4. The NRC issued Confnmato1y Action Letters (CALs) to address similar flood protection
issues at four nuclear plants in ve1y different ways. The NRC 's investigative rep01i mentions
the CALs, but fails to mention the disparate ways that they were issued.

The NRC issued a CAL on September 2, 2011 , docmnenting flood protection upgrades to be
implemented at the F01i Calhoun nuclear plant (MLl 12490164). The NRC made this CAL
publicly available in ADAMS, its online digital record repository, on September 26, 2011 .

The NRC issued a CAL on June 25, 2012, documenting flood protection upgrades to be
implemented at the Sequoyah and Watts Bar nuclear plants (ML12165A527). The NRC
made this CAL publicly available in ADAMS on June 28, 2012.

The NRC issued a CAL on June 22, 2010, docmnenting flood protection upgrades to be
implemented at the Oconee nuclear plant (ML12363A086): But the NRC did not make this
CAL publicly available in ADAMS until December 28, 201 2, and then only in response to
Freedom of Info1mation Act requests.

NRC Management Directive 3 .4, "Release of Info1mation to the Public" (ML0803 l 0417)
was last revised on Febmary 6, 2009, so was in place when all three CALs were issued. The
General Release Policy stated on page 14 of Management Directive 3.4 states: "Documents
generated by the NR C are to be released to the public by the 61h working day after the date of
the document."

The NRC issued CALs for Fo1i Calhoun, Sequoyah, and Watts Bar after flooding caused
three reactor meltdowns at Fukushima in March 2011 , and issued the CAL for Oconee before
this disaster. But Fukushima does not explain the NRC's disparate handling of these CALs.
The NRC did not make the Oconee CAL publicly available until 14 Yi months after it made
the F01i Calhoun CAL publicly available. The NRC did not make the Oconee CAL publicly
available until 5 Yi months after it made the Sequoyah and Watts Bar CAL p ublicly available.

*Criscione comment: The version cited by Mr. Lochbaum is the one released to him under the FOIA in early
2013 and has copious redactions. In response to a FOIA appeal and the threat of a lawsuit, the CAL was fully
released on April 28, 2013. See for the non-redacted original.


OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213 (e) (1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

Security concerns about persons exploiting the vulnerabilities suggested by the flood
protection upgrades in the CAL not yet implemented do not explain the NRC 's disparate
handling of these CALs. All four plants aie downriver of dams/levees whose failure could
cause flooding at the plants. The Jocassee Dam upriver of Oconee has not been suspected,
yet alone shown, to be more susceptible to sabotage than the dams and levees upriver ofF01t
Calhoun, Sequoyah and Watts Bar.

Financial considerations may explain the NRC's disparate handling of these CALs. Duke
Power, the owner of the Oconee nuclear plant, was pursuing a merger with Progress Energy
when the NRC secretly issued its CAL for Oconee in June 2010. The merger was publicly
announced in eaily 2011 and completed on July 2, 2012. The owners of the Fort Calhoun,
Sequoyah and Watts Bar nucleai plants were not unde1taking similai business financial
activities around the times the NRC issued their CALs.

The NRC has withheld potentially adverse safety infonnation about other m1cleai facilities in
the past as they pursued mergers and initial public offerings of stock. In fall 2001 , the NRC
staff drafted an order that would require the Davis-Besse nuclear plant in Ohio to shut down
for a safety inspection. But NRC management shelved that shut down order. At the time,
FirstEnergy (Davis-Besse's owner) was pursuing a merger with GPU Nuclear. The "secret"
draft order was not publicly disclosed until ve1y serious safety problems were identified at
Davis-Besse in March 2002.

An initial public offering of the stock of the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC)
was made on July 23, 1998. USEC was taking over the uranium emichment facilities built by
the federal government at Paducah, Kentucky, and P01t smouth, Ohio. The NRC conducted a
public meeting that month about perfo1mance at the two facilities, but failed to disclose
safety deficiencies and violations it knew needed to be remedied at the fa cilities.

The NRC ' s mission is to protect public health and safety, not to protect the financial dealings
of its licensees. The NRC 's disparate handling of the CALs issued to address flood protection
problems at Oconee, Fort Calhoun, Sequoyah and Watts Bar strongly suggest that financial
considerations aie improperly guiding the NRC's actions, and inactions.

5. The NRC 's investigative repo1t contends that the agency handled the flooding haza1ds at the
19 nuclear plants in a timely, efficient, ai1d effective way. The last bullet on page 29 of the
repo1t stated:

Continued timely, efficient, and effective use ofthese programs, p rocesses, and
procedures by NR C staff, irnplementing Commission decisions and considering all
available information and technical viewpoints, p rovides the best and most
appropriate means ofbringing the ongoing dam failure and flooding revielvs to
app rop riate conclusions.

Comment 3 above that the disparate application of LIC-504 in handling compaiable

flooding hazaids unde1mines the efficient and effective aspects of the NRC's response.


OSC File No. DI-1 5-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

The DPO Panel examining concerns raised by two NRC engineers about flooding hazards
at Watts Bar questioned the timeliness aspect of the NRC's response wh en they wrote:

First, in reviewing the timeline associated with the issue, the Panel noted that
more than four years had passed between the point when the [NRC] stafffirst
questioned the methods and results of TVA 's hydrologic analysis and the p oint
when the staff issued the CAL [confnmato1y action letter].

The lack of timeliness adversely impacted the NRC 's regulato1y oversight of safety at
Watts Bar. At the bottom of page 132, the NRC's investigative report described the
consequence from the Yellow finding issued by the NRC to TVA for flood protection
violations at Watts Bar:

This finding, combined with another ;dentified as part of the walkdowns described
in the next section, resulted in Watts Bar entering the Degraded Cornerstone
column of the NRC 's Reactor Oversight Process Action Matrix, necessitating
additional inspection by the NRC staffto assure that root and contributing causes
were understood, independently assess the extent ofcondition, determine whether
safety culture components contributed to the issues, and assure that corrective
actions were sufficient to address the causes and prevent recurrence.

The "more than four years" that passed according to the DPO panel impaired the NRC's
regulato1y oversight of safety at Watts Bar. The Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) 2 relies
upon Perfo1mance Indicators submitted quait erly by the licensees and an anay of
inspections conducted by the NRC. The inspections aie conducted at different
frequencies, but every inspection within the baseline set of inspections is conducted at
least once every three years.

NRC Inspection Procedure 71111 .06, "Flood Protection Measures," (ML15140A133) is

one of the baseline inspections conducted by the NRC under its ROP. baseline
inspection is conducted aililually.

The NRC assesses the inputs from the perfonnance indicators and inspection findings
quait erly to dete1mine which of five columns in the Action Matrix each operating
reactor's safety perfo1mance wairnnts. The three-year cycle for baseline inspections and
quait erly safety perfonnance assessments strongly suggests that taking "more than four
years" to act upon flooding hazards at Watts Bar was untimely. Had the flood protection
deficiencies been identified during an aililual perfo1mance of Inspection Procedure
71111.06, the NRC's reaction would have occmTed within a qua1ter. But the
identification outside of this process took the NRC ((more than four yearsn to get around
to addressing the regulato1y problems at Watts Bar.

The ROP is described by the NRC at


OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213(e)(1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

The additional inspections and probing into whether safety culture components
contributed to the problems should have been perfonned sooner, contrary to the "timely,
effective, and efficient" asse1tion made in the NRC's investigative repo1i.

The NRC ' s response concludes that the cmTent risk of the nuclear plants to flooding is small. But
the response glosses over the fact that flood protection shortcomings have been among the
highest risk safety problems identified over the past 15 years and many other known
sh01icomings remain uncoITected. The risk from flooding may be small, but only after all the
IOUs are implemented.

The NRC ' s response concludes that the NRC handled the flooding hazards in a timely, effective,
and efficient manner. But the response fails to mention internal conclusions about untimely
handling of flooding hazards at Watts Bar, the use and non-use of an internal risk management
procedme in handling flooding hazards at Oconee and Watts Bar, and the disparnte manner in
how the NRC issued confinnato1y action letters to address flood protection upgrades at Oconee,
Fo1t Calhoun, Sequoyah and Watts Bar.


David A. Lochbaum *
Director, Nuclear Safety Project
Union of Concerned Scientists
PO Box 15316
Chattanooga, TN 37415
423-468-9272, office

July 20, 2016

*Criscione comment: Mr. Lochbaum holds a bachelor of science degree in Nuclear Engineer and has worked in the
national nuclear energy enterprise for several decades, including as a Shih Technical Advisor at commercial nuclear
reactor plants and training NRC examiners and inspectors as a member of the NRC's Techincal Training Center staff.


OSC File No. DI-15-5254 Comments per 5 USC 1213 (e) (1) on
2016-June-30 NRC response to OSC

George Mulley's Comments Regarding NRC OIG Investigations Pertaining to

the Concerns Raised under OSC File No. DI-15-5254

Criscione's Comments: George Mulley retired in 2008 after 26 years as a federal law
enforcement agent assigned to the NRC. Prior to his retirement he spent 12 years as
the Senior Level Assistant for Investigations including 4 years as acting Assistant
Inspector General for Investigations in the NRC's Office of the Inspector General. I
provided him FOIA versions of NRC OIG Case 13-001 and 13-005 for review and
comment. These cases pertain to the OSC disclosure that became File No. DI-15-
5254. Mr. Mulley's comments were provided via email. The highlighting, footnotes
and bracketed items in the email below were added by me (Criscione).

From: George Mulley

Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2016 12:48 PM
To: Larry Criscione
Subject: Re: Review of OSC File No. Dl-15-5254


I have completed my review of OIG Report of Investigation 13-001. Before providing my

critique, which I think would be best presented in long bullet form, I must start by
noting that some background to this investigation must exist that I am missing or that I
am unaware of.

First, OIG claims it initiated this investigation based on receipt of information indicating
an improper release of sensitive security information by you. However, OIG does not
disclose who developed this information (unusual) nor does OIG interview the source of
the allegation (violation of OIG investigative procedure) .

Additionally, OIG claims the information it received indicates you may have improperly
released OU01 information to members of Congress and to the US Office of Special
Counsel. That is the sum total of the information OIG supposedly received.

Ironically, OIG knows full well such a release does not violate any statute oir
management directive: in fact, OIG commonly makes exactly the same releases. So why
initiate an investigation? OIG even cites Title 5 USC 7211 2 in the ROl 3 as support of an
employee's right to petition Congress that may not be interfered with. To me, this OIG

Official Use Only
"Employees' right to petition Congress" (which contains language specifically delineating that the right
to furnish information to Congress "shall not be interfered with or denied")
Report of Investigation



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*Criscione comment: See Exhibit 6 for information on how to access NRC ADAMS references.



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Note on NRC ADAMS References






ADAMS Records Associated with these Comments

 IR 0500026906002, IR 0500027006002, IR 0500028706002,

01/01/2006 03/31/2006; Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3; Other Activities.
 Management Directive 3.4, "Release of Information to the Public".



 Information Request Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(F) Related to External

Flooding, Including Failure of the Jocassee Dam at Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2,
and 3 (TAC Nos. MD8224, MD8225, and MD8226).  
 Oconee, Units 1, 2 and 3 Response to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Request.
 Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3, Evaluation of Duke Energy
Carolinas September 26, 2008, Response to 10 CFR 50.54(f), Letter Dated August 15,
2008, Related to External Flooding, Including Failure of the Jocassee Dam.
 Evaluation Of Duke Energy Carolina, LLC (Duke), November 30, 2009,
Response To Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Letter Dated April 30, 2009,
Related To External Flooding At Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, And 3 (Oconee).
 LIC504, Revision 3, "Integrated RiskInformed Decision Making Process
for Emergent Issues."  
 Generic Failure Rate Evaluation for Jocassee Dam Risk Analysis.
 Oconee, Units 1, 2 & 3, Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL 210003),
Commitments to Address External Flooding Concerns. 

 Identification of a Generic External Flooding Issue Due to Potential Dam
 Oconee Units 1, 2, & 3, Response to Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) 2
 NRC Assessment of Oconee External Flooding Issue (October 18, 2010).
 Supplement to Technical Basis for Allowing Oconee Nuclear Station to
Remain in Operation Through November 2011, Associated with the External Flooding
 Staff Assessment of Duke's Response To Confirmatory Action Letter
Regarding Duke's Commitments To Address External Flooding Concerns At The
Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, And 3 (ONS) (TAC NOS. ME3065, ME3066, and
 Analysis Report for the Proposed Generic Issue on Flooding of Nuclear
Power Plant Sites Following Upstream Dam Failures. 
 Screening Analysis Report for the Proposed Generic Issue on Flooding of
Nuclear Power Plant Sites Following Upstream Dam Failures. 



 Letter to David J. Bannister re: Confirmatory Action Letter Fort

Calhoun Station.  
 LIC101, Revision 4, License Amendment Review Procedures.
 Screening Analysis Report for the Proposed Generic Issue on Flooding of
Nuclear Power Plant Sites Following Upstream Dam Failures_redacted.
 FOIA/PA20120106 Redacted Potential flooding of nuclear plants
following upstream dam failures.  
 Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendations 2.1, 2.3, and 9.3, of the NearTerm
Task Force Review of Insights From the Fukushima DaiIchi Accident.
 Confirmatory Action Letter Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, and
Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Commitments to Address Flooding Concerns
(TAC NOS. ME8805, ME8806, and ME8807).  
 Screening. Analysis Report for the Proposed Generic Issue on Flooding of
Nuclear Power Plant Sites Following Upstream Dam Failures. 

 FOIA/PA20120106 Resp 1 Final.  
 FOIA/PA20130008 Letter from NRC staff, Lawrence Criscione to
Chairman Alison Macfarlane regarding Nuclear plant vulnerabilities to flooding
 Dresden, Units 2 & 3, Exelon Generation Co., LLC's 180day Response to
NRC Request for Information Pursuant to 10CFR50.54(f) Re: Flooding Aspects of
Recommendation 2.3 of the NearTerm Task Force Review of Insights from the
Fukushima Daiichi Accident.  
 Quad Cities, Units 1 and 2, 180day Response to NRC Request for
Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding Flooding Aspects of
Recommendation 2.3 of the NearTerm Task Force Review of Insights from
Fukushima Daiichi Accident.  
 FPL060PR001, Rev. 0, "Flooding Walkdown Report," in Response to
NRC 10 CFR 50.54(f) Request for Information Regarding NearTerm Task Force
Recommendation 2.3, Flooding.  
 CAL 210003 Confirmatory Action Letter Oconee Nuclear Station,
Units 1,2 and 3 Commitments to Address External Flooding Concerns (TAC NOS.
ME3065, ME3066 and ME3067  
 FOIA/PA20130008 RESP I Partial.  



 FOIA/PA20130127 Redacted Copies of September 18, 2012 email to

the NRC Chairman and referenced documents  
 FOIA/PA20130008 Resp 2 Partial. 

 Oconee Timeline.  
 Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Documentation of Staff
Decision Regarding Implementation of Permanent Modifications for Protection from
External Flooding.  
 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW: Oconee 2D Results
 Oconee, Units 1, 2 & 3, Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report in Response to
NRC Ltr. "Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) re Recommendations
2.1, 2.3, and 9.3, of NearTerm Task Force Review of Insights from Fukushima Daiichi
 03/25/2013 Slides From Meeting With Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC,
Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3, Concerning the Flooding Hazard
Reevaluation Report.   
 FOIA/PA20130008 Resp 3 Partial.  
 DPO2012003 Case File.  
 FOIA/PA20130239r Information regarding the risk of inundation
from dam failure to operating commercial nuclear reactors 

 Second Quarter Operating Plan FY2013 

 FOIA/PA20130239 Resp 1 Partial. 

 Template for Staff Assessment of Response to 10 CFR 50.54(f)
Information Request Flooding Mechanisms.  
 Complaint, Public Employees for Environmental ResponsibilityPlaintiff
v. USNRC Defendant, Civil Action 8152013.  
 Report, Enclosure Oconee Nuclear Station Flooding Hazard
Reevaluation Report.  
 Email from L Criscione to Chairman A Macfarlane.
 Letter from L Criscione to Chairman A Macfarlane.



 Joint Motion to Stay Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility

Plaintiff v. USNRC.  
 LIC504, R.4 "Integrated RiskInformed DecisionMaking Process for
Emergent Issues". Y020130056  
 NRR LT Meeting on Oconee Flood Protection and the Jocassee Dam
 LER 1400100 for St. Lucie, Unit 1, Regarding Internal RAB Flooding
During Heavy Rain Due to Degraded Conduits Lacking Internal Flood Barriers.
 US Army Corps of Engineers Evaluation of Missouri River Mainstem
Dams and Potential Flood Hydrographs at Fort Calhoun and Cooper Nuclear Power
 St. Lucie Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Staff Assessment of the Flooding
Walkdown Report Supporting Implementation of NearTerm Task Force
Recommendation 2.3 Related to the Fukushima DaiIchi Nuclear Power Plant
Accident (TAC MF0274 and MF0275).  
 OIG14A17, Audit of NRC's Freedom of Information Act Process Final
Report Dated June 16, 2014.  
 NRC Information Notice 201501, Degraded Ability to Mitigate Flooding
 COMSECY140037: Enclosure 3 NonConcurrence Process Record for
 COMSECY140037: Enclosure 4 NonConcurrence Process Record for
 Concern about the Appearance of Obstruction of Justice.
 Arkansas Nuclear One, Units 1 and 2 Final Significance Determination
of Yellow Finding and Notice Of Violation: NRC Inspection Report 05000313/2014010
and 05000368/2014010.  
 Oconee, Units 1, 2 and 3 Submittal of Revised Flood Hazard
Reevaluation Report per NRC's Request for Additional Information.
 IP 71111.06 Flood Protection Measures. 

 Nuclear Energy Institute, NEI 1206, Rev 1A, "Diverse and Flexible
Coping Strategies (FLEX) Implementation Guide."  
 Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 (PUBLIC) Staff Assessment of
Response to Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) FloodCausing



Mechanisms Reevaluation (CAC Nos. MF1012, 1013 and 1014).

 Oconee Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 (NONPUBLIC) Staff Assessment of
Response to Request for Information Pursuant to 10CFR 50.54(f) FloodCausing
Mechanisms Reevaluation (TACs MF1012, MF1013 and MF1014). 
 INSJ, Vol. 1, No. 1, Analysis of the October 21, 2003 Unintentional
Passive Reactor Shutdown at Callaway Plant with regard to aspects of Reactivity
Management, Corporate and Regulatory Oversight, Nuclear Safety Culture, and
Operating Experience.  
 Oconee Nuclear StationConfirmatory Action Letter Followup Inspection
Report 05000269/2016009, 05000270/2016009 and 05000287/2016009.
 Press ReleaseII16031: NRC Completes Review of Flood Protection
Improvements at Oconee Nuclear Plant.  
 Records associated with comments on the 2016June30 NRC response
to the OSC referral regarding Criscione's disclosure concerning flooding at nuclear
power plant sites 
 2016Jun30 Response by the NRC Chairman to the US Special Counsel
regarding OSC File No. DI155254
 2016July7 Letter from the US Office of Special Counsel to Lawrence
Criscione regarding his right under 5 USC 1213(e)(1) to comment on the 2016June
30 response from the NRC Chairman to the US Special Counsel concerning OSC File
No. DI20155254
 2012Nov15 Letter from the NRC Freedom of Information Act/Privacy
Act Officer regarding FOIA request 20130034.  
 2016May19 0734, Failure to study Dam Security, from Criscione to
Kirkwood, Holahan and Clark.  
 2016May19 0800, MOU between USACE and ACRS, from Criscione to
Kirkwood, Holahan and Clark.  
 2016May19 0754, NeedtoKnow regarding nuclear safety issues
associated with flooding, from Criscione to Kirkwood, Holahan and Clark.
 2016May19 0813, Email Regarding Keeping Inundation Levels from
the Public, from Criscione to Kirkwood, Holahan and Clark. 
 2016May9 email from Criscione to Kirkwood, Holahan and Clark.pdf

 2016May17 0849 email regarding initial interview, sent from
Criscione to Kirkwood, Holahan and Clark.pdf



 2016May20 0600, Clarification regarding pumps at Peach Bottom,

from Criscione to Kirkwood, Holahan and Clark.pdf
 2012Sep14, email from Criscione to various Congressional staff
concerning NRC Concealing Concerns Regarding Oconee Nuclear Station.pdf

 2012Sep14 Letter from Richard Perkins to Inspector General Hubert
Bell regarding Concealment of Significant Nuclear Safety Information by the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
 2013Aug4 email from Scott Hodes to Lawrence Criscione.pdf

 2013Feb4 Request to DoJ for Felony Indictment and 2013Feb15
 2016Aug3 LinkedIn Profile for Jack R. Davis, Director of the NRC's
Japan LessonsLearned Directorate
 2013Jan15 interview of George Wilson for OIG Cases 13001 & 13005
(interview summary of the NRC's Dams Safety Officer)_redacted
 2013July5 Appeal From Initial Decision FOIAPA201300239.pdf

 2013June10 Discussion of FOIA Releases regarding the flooding issues
at Oconee.pdf
 2013June13 Letter from Hirsch to Criscione and Criscione's
 2013May24 email from Criscione to Macfarlane, Bell, Doane, Vietti
Cook, Borchardt, Ash, Sealing, Zobler, Grodin and Lee, subj Inquiry Regarding Overdue
FOIA Appeals 2013004A, 006A, 009A, 010A, 011A & 013A.pdf
 2014Jan5 Input regarding Audit of NRC's FOIA Process.pdf

 2015March13 Union of Concerned Scientists' briefing package for NRC
Chairman Burns and Commissioner Baran
 2013Mar29 Appeal for refusal to release documents requested under
FOIA Requests 20130126, 20130127, and 20130128
 2012Nov15 Entry for FOIA 20130008 on p 25 of ML13149A079 and
FOIA request 20130262
 Sensitivity Reviews for ML16200A049, ML16201A086, ML16201A093,
ML16201A095, ML16201A100, ML16202A536A538, ML16204A001A002,
 Style Sheet for JLD Flooding Review Documents.pdf



 2014Jan9 mpg video of the flooding at St. Lucie, D43 MOV03976.MPG

 2014May27 and 2014June5 emails concerning the St. Lucie Jan 9
Reactor Auxiliary Building Flooding Video
 2010Feb13 Memo from NRR requesting a Generic Issue regarding
flooding due to upstream dam failures.pdf
 2013Mar25 Emails from the NRC to various members of the public
(Greenville News, Westinghouse Electric Company, WGOG radio, Greenpeace, etc.)
distributing Duke Energy power point presentation concerning flooding at the Oconee
Nuclear Station_redacted
 2013April23 email from Duke Energy to NRC complying with NRC
direction to redact power point presentation presented at a March 25, 2013 public
 2013April11 Letter from a FOIA requester to the NRC EDO concerning
an update for FOIA Appeal 2013009A
 2013Mar25 email from Greenpeace to the Union of Concerned
Scientists and the Huffington Post containing a Duke Energy presentation obtained
from the NRC.pdf
 2012Oct19 interview of Ben Beasley (Chief of the Operating
Experience and Generic Issues Branch in the Division of Risk Assessment in the NRC's
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research)_redacted
 2012Oct23 interview of Doug Coe (Deputy Director of Division of Risk
Assessment of the NRC's Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research)_redacted

 2012Oct24 interview of Daniel Cardenas (Branch Chief in Division of
Facility Security)_redacted
 2012Nov29 interview of Craig Conklin interview (Senior Executive
Service member at the Department of Homeland Security)_redacted

 2013Jan04 interview of Rich Correia (Director of Division of Risk
Assessment of the NRC's Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research)_redacted

 2013Jan17 mp3 Recording of Interrogation of Lawrence Criscione
corresponding to transcript pp. 87 to 95 on the topic of speculating who in Congress
shared the GI204 screening analysis with Greenpeace
 2013Jan17 mp3 recording corresponding to pp.116144
demonstrating the agent's lack of understanding of the relationship between
classified information and information administratively restricted from public release
under informal extralegal processes



 2012Autumn undated Memorandum from Mary Jane RossLee to
Richard Correia concerning preventing recurrence of events such as the September
18, 2012 release of information to Congress link
 2014Mar12 letter and email informing Criscione's attorney that OIG
Case 13001 and 13005 had closed.pdf
 2016Sep8 Criscione et. al. comments submitted under 5USC1213(1)(e)
regarding the NRC Chairman's 2016June30 response to the US Special Counsel
concerning OSC File No. DI155254 on flooding at reactor sites due to upstream dam
 Sensitivity Review: ML16195A368A369 ML16232A001 ML16236A018
A019 ML16236A021 ML16236A230 ML16237A004A007 ML16238A005A011
ML16238A013A014 ML16239A085 ML16242A333 ML16242A344 ML16244A000
A009 ML16245A000A002 ML16252A004
 2016Aug29 Verification of Identity and Sworn Authorization for
Release of Information
 2013Jan17 Transcript
 2013Jan17 mp3 recording corresponding to transcript pp. 70 to 75
regarding the Inspector General's agents concern that Criscione did not adequately
work through internal NRC channels prior to contacting Congress with his flooding
 2013Jan17 mp3 recording corresponding to transcript pp. 44 to 46
concerning protecting Official Use Only information
 2013Jan17 mp3 recording corresponding to transcript pp. 58 to 64
concerning the need to seek approval from NRC supervision, licensees, and other
federal agencies prior to providing information to Congress
 2013Jan17 mp3 recording corresponding to transcript pp. 79 to 83
concerning Inspector General's agents understanding that NRC employees do not
have an inherent needtoknow about nuclear safety issues not formally assigned to
 2013Jan17 mp3 recording corresponding to transcript pp. 98 to 103
concerning motivation of Perkins' complaint to the IG regarding redactions to the GI
204 Screening Analysis
 2013Jan17 mp3 recording corresponding to transcript pp. 95 to 98
concerning speaking with Tom Zeller of the Huffington Post and David Lochbaum of
the Union of Concerned Scientists
 2013Jan17 mp3 recording corresponding to transcript pp. 153 to 159
concerning NRC policy with regard to speaking to the media



 2012Dec10 email from Criscione to Commissioner Ostendorff and

follow up correspondence arranging an Open Door policy meeting on the Oconee
flooding issues
 2011Mar29 complaint by an agent of the NRC Office of the Inspector
General against Criscione regarding Criscione responding to a media inquiry
following the Fukushima accident_redacted
 2011Mar18 Seventeen month OIG investigation of Lawrence Criscione
for statements made as a private citizen at a 10 CFR 2.206 petition meeting on
September 17, 2010_redacted
 2013June27 Eight month OIG investigation of Lawrence Criscione
concerning an International Nuclear Safety Journal paper on the October 21, 2003
passive reactor shutdown at Callaway Plant that he wrote and submitted as a private
 2013July26 Email from the NRC Office of Administration to Office of
the Inspector General denoting that the NRC Office of General Counsel determined
nothing security sensitive was contained in Criscione's 2016Jan17 interrogation
transcript_redacted link
 2016Sep9 Cover Letter for 5USC1213(1)(e) comments submitted
regarding the NRC Chairman's 2016June30 response to the US Special Counsel
concerning OSC File No. DI155254


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