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Sosial function :
To inform readers,listener,or viewers about events of the day
which are considered news-worthy or important.

Example :

Illegal Medicine Destroyed

Hundred of packages of medicine and Newsworthy event
traditional herbs of various brands
were confiscated and destroyed by
Yogyakartas Food and Drugs Control
Officers during its joint operation with
the Citys Healthy Officers starting on
The joint operation was conducted
by seven personels at several shops
and drug stores in several parts of the

In the fight gainst unregistered
medicine,well continue the
raids,said head of Yogyakarta Citys
Health Office,Chairul Anwar on
Shop owners found selling the Background event
unregistered medicines would first be
warned as they probably did not know
they were selling illegal products.

Dominant Language Features :

1.Using passive sentence:was conducted

2.Using saying verbs: said

Adapted from:linked to the world grade X.

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