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Class 1 - Friday, September 1st Unit 1,2

System: (1) Interacting parts that are complex. (2) Interacting, Interdependent and interrelated group of
items forming a combined whole with a unified purpose. (3) A network of items employed to achieve a
common singular goal.

Characteristics: Entity, Complex, Singular goal, Multidisciplanary

Bouldings classifications of systems:

1. Frameworks
These are systems in which all of the parts exist in fixed and unchanging relationship to one
another. The example he used to use was a chair, not a fancy chair like a recliner, but just a
simple chair with a seat, a back, and four legs that dont move. They always stay in the same
relationship to one and other.
2. Clockworks

3. Thermostats
4. Cells
5. Plants
6. Animals
7. Human Being
8. Social organizations
9. Transcendal systems

Systems elements:

- Components
- Attributes
- Relationships

Three types of systems componets

1. Structural (paint, chasis)

2. Operational (aire conditioner, radio)
3. Flow (Electrical lines, pipes, transmition)

Component attributes come in variaties

- Characteristics
- Qualities/properties
- Configurations
- Powers
- Parameters/limits
- States

- Componets affects systems properties

- Components are affected by other componets
- (all of the above applies for subset componets)*

Types of systems

1. Natural and artificial (engineered)

2. Physical and conceptual
3. Static and dynamic
4. Open and closed - open can ve affected by the environment input, output

Artificial systems AKA Engineered

Serve a distinct purpose and satisfy a specific need. Modern technologies, methods and materials.


Systems, subsystems, components, subcomponets, parts pieces, materials

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