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37 Roads and Paths of Morality.

1. Road of Humanity
a. Path of Breath
b. Path of Community
c. Path of Illumination
d. Path of Vigor
2. Road of Kings
a. Path of Chivalry (fine amor)
b. Path of the Merchant
c. Path of the Tyrant
d. Path of the Vizier
3. Road of the Beast
a. Path of the Hunter
b. Path of the Nomad
c. Path of the Savage
d. Path of the Grey Hunter
e. Path of Harmony
4. Divine Roads and Paths
a. Road of Heaven (Christian)
b. Road of Heaven (Pagan)
c. Road of Heaven (Islamic)
d. Path of Divinity
e. Path of Penance
f. Path of Retribution
g. Path of Tears
5. Road of Sin
a. Path of Pleasure
b. Path of Cruelty
c. Path of the Devil
d. Path of Screams
6. Road of Bones
7. Path of Metamorphosis
8. Path of Paradox
a. Eastern (Mayaparisataya)
b. Western
9. Path of Blood
10. Path of Night
11. Path of Typhon
12. Path of Lilith
13. Path of Self-Focus

Road of Humanity
E A man is measured by his words, his deeds, and his heart, not his birth
or circumstance
E The ability to reason separates man from beast.
E Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
E All men are brothers
E Freedom is earned with dignity and justice

Aura of Conviction: Normalcy, the aura of those on this road work to suppress the
unease their supernatural form inspires on others. The aura bonus is added to
appear human.
Virtues: Conscience and Self Control

Hierarchy of Sins against Humanity

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Selfish thoughts; minor selfish acts
4 Injury to another person (deliberate or otherwise); theft and robbery
3 Accidental violation of another (e.g. drinking a vessel dry from
starvation); wanton destruction
2 Impassioned violation of another (e.g. killing in frenzy); planned
violation of another (e.g. murder)
1 Casual violation of another (e.g. wanton killing, feeding past satiation);
the most heinous and demented acts

Path of Breath
E Do not shy away from human labors, therein is found the spark of life
E The beast dwells within the lifeless heart and cannot endure those things
that remind it of human vitality.
E Life is not so much a physical state as it is a mental one.

Aura of Conviction: Normalcy, the aura of those on this road work to suppress the
unease their supernatural form inspires on others. The aura bonus is added to
appear human.

Virtues: Conscience and Self Control

Hierarchy of Sins against Humanity

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Failure to seem in every way human; Inhuman actions under duress
4 Injury to another person (deliberate or otherwise); Shunning normal human
3 Accidental violation of another (e.g. drinking a vessel dry from
starvation); Inhuman action when unthreatened
2 Impassioned violation of another (e.g. killing in frenzy); Planned
violation of another (e.g. murder)
1 Casual violation of another (e.g. wanton killing, feeding past satiation);
The most heinous and demented acts

Path of Community
E Dwell among the people and share both their levity and their sorrow, for
the desire for community is the most essentially human need.
E Never abuse the trust of those among whom you dwell, for the Beast longs
to turn you against those closest to you.
E The races of Caine and Seth in there entirety are the greater community
in which you exist.

Aura of Conviction: Normalcy, the aura of those on this road work to suppress the
unease their supernatural form inspires on others. The aura bonus is added to
appear human.

Virtues: Conscience and Self Control

Hierarchy of Sins against Humanity

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Thoughts that defy the greater good; Acting against the greater good in
any way
4 Injury to another person (deliberate or otherwise); Flagrant disregard for
a community's laws
3 Accidental violation of another (e.g. drinking a vessel dry from
starvation); Wanton destruction
2 Impassioned violation of another (e.g. killing in frenzy); Planned
violation of another (e.g. murder)
1 Casual violation of another (e.g. wanton killing, feeding past satiation);
The most heinous and demented acts

Path of Illumination
E Caine alone is without sin or even the capacity for sin.
E The world of flesh is a prison, intneded to ensnare the human soil (the
only substance within material reality capable of evolution to perfection) in an
eternal cycle of reincarnation.
E Through Golconda, Cainites transform their souls into a vessel for the
perfected world of spirit, or else become human once more and, thereby, discover
the means to liberate those souls.

Aura of Conviction: Normalcy, the aura of those on this road work to suppress the
unease their supernatural form inspires on others. The aura bonus is added to
appear human.

Virtues: Conscience and Self Control

Hierarchy of Sins against Humanity

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Failure to openly seek Golconda at all costs; Accepting the rule of others
4 Harming or controlling others; Theft and robbery
3 Accidental violation of another; Failure to pursue wisdom and
2 Impassioned violation of another (e.g. killing in frenzy); Planned
violation of another (e.g. murder)
1 Casual violation of another (e.g. wanton killing, feeding past satiation);
The most heinous and demented acts

Path of Vigor
E Always remain in motion, whether physically, mentally or spiritually.
E Embrace change, for it will come, regardless.
E Stagnancy begets boredom, inflexibility and cruelty; all avenues to the
Beast's control.

Aura of Conviction: Normalcy, the aura of those on this road work to suppress the
unease their supernatural form inspires on others. The aura bonus is added to
appear human.

Virtues: Conscience and Self Control

Hierarchy of Sins against Humanity

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Failure to embrace something new every night; Fighting any impending
4 Injury to another person; Theft and robbery
3 Accidental violation of another (e.g. drinking a vessel dry from
starvation); Embracing permanence
2 Impassioned violation of another (e.g. killing in frenzy); Planned
violation of another (e.g. murder)
1 Casual violation of another (e.g. wanton killing, feeding past satiation);
The most heinous and demented acts

Road of Kings
E There are only two roles in this world: that of master and that of
E You are superior to mortals, made to rule.
E To master others, you must first master yourself and the Beast within.
E Only those who seize power gains it; only those who use power keep it.
E Your word is your bond. Without it, you are nothing.

Aura of Conviction: Command - their aura modifiers become active during challenges
to command or lead others.

Virtues: Conviction and Self Control

Hierarchy of sins against Kingship

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Neglecting your duty; treating a peer with disrespect.
4 Treating an inferior as an equal; breaking your word to a peer
3 Behaving shamefully before your peers; showing weakness in front of
2 Failing to answer a challenge to your honor; treating a superior with
1 Breaking your word to your superiors; breaking a sworn oath

Path of Chivalry (fine amor)

Ethics: (those of the road of kings +)
E The blood of Caine makes you superior to mortals, therefore you have the
responsibility to protect and aid your inferiors. (especially women.)
E Duty comes before all else (duty to one's lady is mores important than
duty to one's lord)
E Honor is everything. (including the honor of one's lady) Without your
honor you are (she is) no more than a beast.

Aura of Conviction: Command - their aura modifiers become active during challenges
to command or lead others.

Virtues: Conscience and Self Control (note: Conscience instead of Conviction)

Hierarchy of sins against Chivalry (fine amor)

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Neglecting your duty (to your lady) for any reason; Dishonorable
(shameful) acts (e.g. ambush, deceit, etc. greed, chastity)
4 Treating another with disrespect; Behaving in an unjust manner
3 Behaving shamefully in front of your peers (a lady); Failing to come to
those in need (a lady)
2 Treating a superior (your lady) with disrespect; Failing to answer a
challenge to your (lady's) honor
1 Breaking your word; Breaking a sworn oath

Path of the Merchant

Ethics: (those of the road of kings +)
E Wealth is the key to power and control
E Power can be just as effective behind the scenes, perhaps even more so.
E Your reputation is all that you really own, and is worth more than all
the rest put together.

Aura of Conviction: Command - their aura modifiers become active during challenges
to command or lead others.

Virtues: Conviction and Self Control

Hierarchy of sins against Business

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Neglecting your work; Treating a customer with disrespect
4 Treating an inferior as an equal; Breaking your word to a customer
3 Behaving shamefully before your peers; Showing weakness in front of
2 Failing to answer a challenge to your good name; Treating a superior with
1 Breaking your word to your superiors or clients; Breaking a sworn oath or

Path of the Tyrant

Ethics: (as per road of kings +)
E Power is yours for the taking if only you have the will to seize it.
E Honor your obligations, as they will earn you allies and loyal servants.
E It is better to be feared than loved, if you can not be both.

Aura of Conviction: Command - their aura modifiers become active during challenges
to command or lead others.

Virtues: Conviction and Self Control

Hierarchy of sins against Tyranny

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Neglecting the opportunity to gain power; Treating a peer with disrespect
4 Treating an inferior as an equal; Giving up power to a peer
3 Behaving shamefully before a peer; Showing weakness to inferiors
2 Failing to answer a challenge to your authority; Treating a superior with
1 Breaking your word to your superiors; Breaking a sworn oath

Path of the Vizier

E Those seen to have power are targets to those who wish to seize it.
E Those seen to grant power are the allies of those that wish to seize it.
E Gather power subtly, use it wisely. Be seen as an ally rather than a

Aura of Conviction: Command - their aura modifiers become active during challenges
to command or lead others.

Virtues: Conviction and Self Control

Hierarchy of sins against Counsel

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Neglecting your duty; Treating a peer with disrespect
4 Openly usurping power; Breaking your word to a peer
3 Behaving shamefully before a peers; showing lack of knowledge in front of
2 Failing to answer a challenge to your knowledge or integrity; Treating a
superior with disrespect
1 Breaking your word to your superiors; Breaking a sworn oath

Road of the Beast

E Exist in accord with the needs of the Beast
E Do what you must to survive. No more, no less.
E Mercy is for the weak. Only the strong survive.
E The past is over, the future is not yet written. There is only the
E Respect only the strong, and swear fealty to no one.

Aura of Conviction: Menace ? those on this path emanate an imposing aura that
takes effect when terrifying or cowing an opponent.

Virtues: Conviction and Instincts

Hierarchy of sins against the Beast

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Putting yourself at risk needlessly; not challenging a weak leader
4 Killing for any reason other than survival; avoiding contact with nature
3 Needless torture or cruelty; making a sacrifice for someone unrelated to
2 Refusing to kill when important to your survival; failing to defend your
1 Showing mercy to an enemy; abstaining from feeding when hungry

Path of the Hunter

E You are a predator; all others are your prey.
E The beast exists to aid you in the hunt. Master it as you would master a
hunting dog.
E There is no shame in abandoning a hopeless hunt ? as long as you return
with the pack. No prey is safe from the Hunters.

Aura of Conviction: Menace ? those on this path emanate an imposing aura that
takes effect when terrifying or cowing an opponent.

Virtues: Conviction and Instincts

Hierarchy of sins against the Hunter

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Failing to hunt for your own prey; Interrupting the hunt of another
4 Failing to hunt when ever the opportunity presents itself; Avoiding
contact with the wilds
3 Needless torture or cruelty; Making a sacrifice for a stranger
2 Refusing to kill to ensure your safety; Failing to defend your hunting
1 Showing Mercy for an enemy; Abstaining from feeding when hungry

Path of the Nomad

E Civilization is slavery, run wild and be free.
E To remain under the same sky is a kind of death ? seek out new lands
E Only take what you need. Possessions are a weight to drag you down.

Aura of Conviction: Menace ? those on this path emanate an imposing aura that
takes effect when terrifying or cowing an opponent.

Virtues: Conviction and Instincts

Hierarchy of sins against the Nomad

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Spending more than three nights in one place; Accumulating an excess of
4 Allowing your path to be permanently blocked by another; Avoiding contact
with the wilds
3 Needless torture or cruelty; Making a sacrifice to a stranger
2 Refusing to kill when important to your survival; claiming a permanent
1 Showing mercy for an enemy; Abstaining from feeding when hungry

Path of the Savage

E Embrace your hatred and rage and use them to destroy the weak.
E The beast is your salvation, and should be loosed upon your enemies
whenever it calls out for blood.
E Civilization is a creation of the weak. Destroy it and let only the
strong survive.

Aura of Conviction: Menace ? those on this path emanate an imposing aura that
takes effect when terrifying or cowing an opponent.

Virtues: Conviction and Instincts

Hierarchy of sins against the Savage

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Allowing civilizations proponents to live; Not striking at civilization
when possible
4 Not challenging a weak leader; Participating in a civilization without
intent on destroying it
3 Avoiding contact with the wilds; Making a sacrifice for a stranger
2 Refusing to kill when it is important to your safety; Failing to defend
your territory or your pack
1 Showing mercy to an enemy; Abstaining from feeding when hungry

Path of the Grey Hunter

E Civilization must become home to Cainites, as it is home to our prey.
E Alliances and agreements can be used to your advantage. Only a fool
ignores a possible source of strength.
E The pleasures of civilization can delight the beast. Take advantage of
them as you desire.

Aura of Conviction: Menace ? those on this path emanate an imposing aura that
takes effect when terrifying or cowing an opponent.

Virtues: Conviction and Instincts

Hierarchy of sins against the Grey Hunt
Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Failing to offer hospitality to an invited or announced visitor; Avoiding
an opportunity to hunt in the wilds
4 Not hunting an easy target when the opportunity presents itself; Shunning
a gathering or celebration
3 Avoiding contact with civilization; Making a sacrifice for a stranger
2 Refusing to kill when important to your safety; Failing to defend your
territory or your pack
1 Showing mercy to an enemy; Abstaining from feeding when hungry

Path of Harmony

Aura of Conviction: Menace ? those on this path emanate an imposing aura that
takes effect when terrifying or cowing an opponent.

Virtues: Conviction and Instincts

Hierarchy of sins against the Grey Hunt

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Failing to spend at least two hours / night communing with nature. Killing an
animal for any reason other than survival.
4 Failing to hunt & drink blood whenever hungry (< max bps) and time permits.
Acting in an overly cruel manner.
3 Refusing to ride the wave if not detrimental to your own survival. Killing a
mortal for any reason other than survival.
2 Failing to provide safety for your loved ones and comrades. Allowing
yourself to act too human or too bestial.
1 Feeling guilty about doing something you needed to do. Refusing to kill when
it is important for your survival.

Road of Heaven (Christian)

E God laid his mark upon Caine and his childer as part of his great plan.
E The word of God is law. Defiance of God is sin that leads to damnation.
E No one is above Godfs law.
E Love and serve God in all things.
E Deny the Devil through denial of the Beast and all creatures of Hell.

Aura of Conviction: Holiness ? their aura modifier applies to their appearance as

divine beings.

Virtues: Conscience and Self Control

Hierarchy of sins against Heaven

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Violating any of the Ten Commandments, for any reason; failing to speak
out against corruption and sin
4 Acting out of pride, avarice, gluttony or some other sinful impulse;
robbery, willful vandalism
3 Causing harm to a pious and virtuous person; feeding from and innocent
with permission
2 Blasphemous of heretical acts; allowing a crime or major sin to go
1 The murder of innocents; aiding a demon or other supernatural agent of
Road of Heaven (Pagan)
E The Creator laid his mark upon the first murderer and his childer as part
of her great plan.
E There is little difference between clergy and laity, ones' community and
hospitaltity is extremely important..
E It is traditional to boast of what one will perform before a fight or
E Love and serve God by being gernerous, honest, hardworking and valorous
in battle.
E Deny the Beast less the creatures of hell drag you to the infernal

Aura of Conviction: Holiness ? their aura modifier applies to their appearance as

divine beings.

Virtues: Conscience and Self Control

Hierarchy of sins against Heaven (Paganism)

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Failing to perform an insane boast; Failing to be generous, honest,
energetic and valorous; Failing to respect any of your diety's pantheon.
4 Failing to perform a dangerous boast; Failing to be loyal to ones
superiors; Refusing to offer pagans hospitality; Acting out of selfishness;
Failing to pay wergild or honor a boon to one of lower status
3 Failing to perform a hard boast; Failing to be courteous to pagons;
Breaking a vow (breaking hospitality); Feeding from a pagan without permission;
Failing to pay wergild or honor a boon to one of equal status: Failing to respect
your God.
2 Failing to perform a simple boast; Failing an Ordeal; Performing or
allowing a crime against pagans to go unpunished (theft, kidnapping, rape,
battery, manslaughter); Being cowardly; Failing to pay wergild or honor a boon to
one of greater status.
1 The murder of innocents; aiding a demon or other supernatural agent of

Road of Heaven (Islamic ) Sharia El-Sama

Do not feed an unbeliever.
When feeding from a believer, he must not be slain or left too weak to perform his
daily duties to God.
It is preferable to feed from animals, but Ashirra must never feed from pigs.
Do not Embrace an unbeliever.
Do not Embrace a believer unless he has given his consent.
The blood bond is a form of slavery. Ensnare only non-believers in this trap. If
one under the bond shows piety toward God, free him.
The enemy has many servants who would prey on believers. Defend those who follow
Godfs law.

Aura of Convition:
Virtures: Conscience and Self Control

Hierarchy of sins against Sharia El-Sama

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Failing to follow the Five Pillars of Islam, nightly; not enlightening
others outside the faith to the truth of Islam
4 Failing to be charitable, when necessary; embracing an infidel
3 Enslaving another; Theft
2 Breaking an oath; murder
1 Slaying those under your protection; turning away from the law of God

Path of Divinity
E The blood of Caine makes you superior to mortals.
E The Flock must be led, guided, and educated to fear and adore God's
E Spread of the worship of Cainites increases and spreads the worship of

Aura of Conviction: Normalcy, the aura of those on this road work to suppress the
unease their supernatural form inspires on others. The aura bonus is added to
appear human.

Virtues: Conviction and Self Control

Hierarchy of Sins against Divinity

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Allowing mortals to violate the 10 Commandments; Failing to speak out
against corruption and sin.
4 Acting out of pride, avarice or some other sinful impulse; Theft, robbery,
willful vandalism
3 Causing harm to a pious and virtuous person; Feeding from an innocent by
2 Blasphemous or Heretical acts; Allowing a crime or major sin to go
1 The murder of innocents; Aiding a demon or other supernatural agent of

Path of Penance
E Cainites are damned, filthy creatures by their very natures.
E Personal suffering leads to enlightenment, and ultimately to redemption.
E Removing the stain of sins past requires the performance of good deeds

Aura of Conviction: Normalcy, the aura of those on this road work to suppress the
unease their supernatural form inspires on others. The aura bonus is added to
appear human.

Virtues: Conscience and Self Control

Hierarchy of Sins against Penitence

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Violating any of the 10 Commandments; Failing to speak out against
corruption and sin.
4 Feeding to maximum capacity; Failing to self-flagellate or otherwise
suffer nightly.
3 Failing to administer charity to the needy; Feeding from an innocent
without permission..
2 Blasphemous or Heretical acts; Allowing a crime or major sin to go
1 The murder of innocents; Aiding a demon or other supernatural agent of
Path of Retribution
E The Faithful exist to serve as Heaven's righteous wrath.
E Clemency must be neither asked nor given where evil is concerned.
E Non-Faithful Cainites ultimately walk the path to damnation.

Aura of Conviction: Normalcy, the aura of those on this road work to suppress the
unease their supernatural form inspires on others. The aura bonus is added to
appear human.

Virtues: Conviction and Self Control

Hierarchy of Sins against Retribution

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Neglecting an opportunity to exact vengeance; Failing to punish any
corruption or sin.
4 Acting out of pride, avarice or some other sinful impulse; Allowing a
moderate crime or sin to go unpunished.
3 Causing harm to a pious and virtuous person; Feeding from an innocent
without permission.
2 Blasphemous or Heretical acts; Allowing a crime or major sin to go
1 The murder of innocents; Aiding a demon or other supernatural agent of

Path of Tears
E It is the duty of the Martyr to suffer so that others might not.
E The tide of corruption brought forth by demons and other Cainites must be
E Aid must be offered to those in pain, and protection to those who suffer
evil's scourge.

Aura of Conviction: Normalcy, the aura of those on this road work to suppress the
unease their supernatural form inspires on others. The aura bonus is added to
appear human.

Virtues: Conscience and Self Control

Hierarchy of Sins against Tears

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Neglecting your duty in any way; Showing cowardice in the face of evil.
4 Acting out of pride, avarice or some other sinful impulse; Theft, robbery,
willful vandalism
3 Causing harm to a pious and virtuous person; Feeding from an innocent by
2 Blasphemous or Heretical acts; Allowing a crime or major sin to go
1 The murder of innocents; Aiding a demon or other supernatural agent of

Road of Sin
E You are already damned, so nothing is forbidden to you
E Claim the Beast and make it yours. Do not let it claim you.
E The night is yours. Take what you want and do what you will.
E Act where others hesitate. The laws of neither man nor God bind you.
E In the dark depths of your heart lies pleasure, if you have the courage
to free it.

Aura of Conviction: Seduction ? modifier allows followers of this path to coerce


Virtues: Conviction and Instinct

Hierarchy of sins against Sin

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Acknowledging any moral restraint; failing to indulge a new desire
4 Failing to ride the wave of a frenzy; refusing to tempt the virtuous
3 Avoiding injury to others at the cost of your own pleasure; turning down a
chance for material gain
2 Acting against your own best interest; refusing to kill when it is your
best interest
1 Refusing to feed when the opportunity arises; encouraging virtue or aiding
agents of virtue

Path of Pleasure
The beast is a creature of the senses, best tamed by feeding it the pleasures it
Feel no shame or inhibition when seeking fulfillment; all acts of pleasure are
sacraments to yourself.
Avoid those things that bring no pleasure, for they arouse the beast to wrath.
Aura of Conviction: Seduction ? modifier allows followers of this path to coerce

Virtues: Conviction and Instinct

Hierarchy of sins against Sin

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Feeling shame for any reason, Failing to indulge a new desire
4 Failing to ride the wave of a frenzy; Any display of modesty
3 Associating with those who bring you no pleasure; turning down a chance
for material gain
2 Acting against your own best interest; refusing to kill when it is your
best interest
1 Refusing to feed when the opportunity arises; encouraging virtue or aiding
agents of virtue

Path of Cruelty
The beast is a creature of the senses, hungry to please itself with both ecstasy
and agony. Give its pleasures to yourself and its torments to others
Serve your own needs first, no one else in this world will serve them for you.
Mercy and Pity are for the weak. Excise them from your soul and come to your true
Aura of Conviction: Seduction ? modifier allows followers of this path to coerce

Virtues: Conviction and Self-Control

Hierarchy of sins against Sin

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Acknowledging any moral restraint, Failing to indulge in pleasure
4 Failing to indulge in pain, refusing to bring harm to the virtuous
3 Avoiding injury to others for any reason; turning down a chance for
material gain
2 Failing to study pain in all its guises; Killing too quickly or without
1 Refusing to feed when necessary; Displaying mercy for any reason

Path of the Devil

You belong solely to yourself; suffer no man, vampire or god to claim himself your
Free will is your most valuable possession - allow none to defile it.
Destroy that which enslaves the souls and wills of others, and teach them a better
Aura of Conviction: Seduction ? modifier allows followers of this path to coerce

Virtues: Conviction and Instinct

Hierarchy of sins against Sin

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Acknowledging the laws of god or man, Failing to indulge your desires
4 Failing to ride the wave of a frenzy; Refusing to aid a lost soul in need.
3 Refusing pleasure that injures no one; seeking material gain at the
expense of higher concerns
2 Refusing to act when necessity demands it; Refusing to kill when it is in
your best interest
1 Refusing to feed when necessary; Encouraging false virtue or aiding its

Path of Screams
You are damned, and you server Hell on Earth.
Virtue is a lie; defile and devourer those who claim to possess it.
Freedom of will and soul is an illusion; listen to the demands of your true masters
in the voice of the Beast, and do their will.
Aura of Conviction: Seduction ? modifier allows followers of this path to coerce

Virtues: Conviction and Instinct

Hierarchy of sins against Sin

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Acknowledging the laws of god or man, Failing to indulge your desires
4 Failing to ride the wave of a frenzy; Refusing to kill when it is in your
best interest.
3 Avoiding injury to others for any reason; Any display of pity or mercy.
2 Failing to act on behalf of your patrons; Any display of altruistic
1 Acting against the minions of Hell; Encouraging virtue or aiding the
agents of virtue

Path of Blood
The teachings of Haqim are the gospels of the night. Follow them faithfully.
The low clans feed on mortal blood. Assassins are not of the low clans. Feed from
God's children only when utterly necessary. To feed on humans is wrong. To feed
on vampires is the will of the divine
The Beast must be sated. The Beast is a tool, a gift, and it can be used for good
or ill. The Beast is a challenge. It must be honed to one's will and mastered
utterly. To lose oneself to the Beast is to loose control. Loosing Control is the
province of the weak.
Watch and listen for anything that can help in the war against the Children of
Haquim's treachings hold truth for all vampires. Offer those who prove worthy a
chance to learn of Haquim's words.
Those who refuse Haqim's words are heretics and enemies and must be slain.
Seek out opportunities to draw one's self closer to Haqim

Aura of Conviction:
Virtues: Conviction and Self Control

Hierarchy of sins against the Blood

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Killing a mortal for blood; Breaking your word to a clan mate
4 Refusing to allow an outsider to convert; failing to destroy an outsider
who refuses conversion
3 Succumbing to frenzy; refusing to pursue lore of Khayyin
2 Failing to pursue lesser blood for your clanmates; refusal to aid a more
enlightened follower of the path
1 Failing to take a chance to lower your generation; acting against another

Path of Bones
Study death in all its permutations. This is the central tenet of the path.
Determine when death occurs; define it. For vampires, death does not come when the
heart stops, when brain activity ceases. The precise whens, whys and wherefores of
the moment between awareness and nonexistence, vital and inanimate, must be
Search for a purpose for death and the life that precedes it.
Quantify the differences of death among various causes. From studies of ghosts, it
is clear that means of death have a measurable effect on what lies beyond.
Achieve a comfort with death and life - distinguish between salvation and
Hasten death's arrival should it seem to be unnecessarily delayed.

Aura of Conviction:
Virtues: Conviction and Self Control

Hierarchy of sins against Bones

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Showing fear of death; failing to study death
4 Accidentally killing; failing to feed when hungry
3 Succumbing to frenzy; refusing to kill
2 Heeding emotion; showing compassion
1 Preventing the occurrence of death

Path of Metamorphosis
E Learn the characteristics of all stages of life and death.
E One should not overly concern oneself with mortals. They are step
beneath Cainites, not above.
E Do not share knowledge with others, as all creatures are ultimately
objects of study. To impart knowledge is to corrupt the experiment.
E Indulge the Beast, but deny it. True comprehension of unlife requires a
broad range of experience.
E One should alter and augment onefs body. Changing the flesh might pave
the way toward changing the soul.
E Do not heed the needs or desires of others. To remain ever aware on
onefs evolution, one must be continuously self-centered.

Aura of Conviction:
Virtues: Conviction and Instinct

Hierarchy of sins against Metamorphosis

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Postponing feeding; indulging in vices
4 Asking for or sharing knowledge with another
3 Refusing to kill for knowledge; failing to guide a frenzy
2 Considering others; failing to experiment
1 Neglecting to practice alteration and evolution; showing compassion

Path of Night
E Leave no being untouched by onefs taint. All beings must experience the
touch of evil. The weak must be destroyed. The strong must be destroyed or
E Tempt and horrify those around onefs self. The weak will fall, while
the strong will be tempted by the test.
E Inspire other to accept their inner darkness. Every being turned to its
own darkness is another soldier in the struggle between light and shadow.
E Experience every sensation possible, and then some. A master crafts man
must be familiar with all his tools.
E Death is a means, not an end.
E Vampires as souls damned by God, fulfill their purpose by preying on

Aura of Conviction:
Virtues: Conviction and Instinct

Hierarchy of sins against Night

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Killing a mortal for food; acting altruistically
4 Failing to devise new and shocking forms of evil; asking for assistance
3 Accidentally killing; following another Cainitefs will
2 Intentionally killing rather than prolonging suffering; showing compassion
1 Accepting anotherfs authority; repenting of your evil

Path of Paradox (Eastern)

Aura of Conviction:
Virtues: Conviction and Self Control

Hierarchy of sins against Paradox (Eastern)

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Embracing a woman or someone outside the family
4 Destroying another Shilmulo; killing a mortal for sustenance
3 Failing to destroy a vampire outside this Path; killing a mortal
2 Failure to aid anotherfs svadharma; allowing other concerns of override
1 Becoming blood bound; embracing needlessly
Path of Paradox (Western)
Aura of Conviction:
Virtues: Conviction and Self Control

Hierarchy of sins against Paradox (Western)

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Refusing to commit Amaranth on an elder of another clan; refusing to lead
a "locked" being into the light - or destruction.
4 Showing any concern for mortals; failing to acquire knowledge or items
that would affect reality
3 Failing to to trick others when the opportunity arises; being caught
2 Refusing to destroy an empowered device; actively joining or maintaining
an existing Cainite power structure
1 Actively hindering change; actively inducing boredom

Path of Typhon
E Gather information, secret or otherwise, and learn how it applies to the
resurrection of Set.
E Contribute to the clanfs greater goal of reviving its slumbering master.
E Bring others under onefs sway, thereby increasing influence and
E Subjugate the Beast; its reckless wiles serve only itself.
E Maintain a veil of secrecy, for others look ill upon this pathfs means
and ends.
E Look for Setfs hidden signs and act upon them.

Aura of Conviction:
Virtues: Conviction and Self Control

Hierarchy of sins against Night

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Pushing your own vices or failing to aid another Theophidian
4 Failing to destroy a vampire in Golconda; failure to observe a Setite
3 Failing to undermine the social order in famor of the Setites; failing to
do what is necessary to bering another to ruin
2 Failing to pursue occult knowledge; hindering another Setite
1 Failing to take advantage of another; refusing to aid in raising Set

Path of Lilith
E Seek pain. In moments of agony, onefs senses are afire and
enlightenment is close.
E Be a teacher, lover and bringer of pain and knowledge to those who would
follow the Dark Motherfs ways.
E The night belong s to the Lilin. Blind mortals are onefs victims.
E Confront onefs fears. Overcome them. Grow stronger.
E Seek out those who would find awareness and draw them into the truths of
the path
E Nothing is fair in this world. Fairness and sentimentality are for the
weak. The Mother rewards the strong.
E Be independent. Be strong. Trust only onefs self.
E Share pain and learning with others on this path.
E Wealth, materialism and comfort are mere trappings- foolish things of
civilization. Reject them.
E Mortal religion merely encapsulates Godfs oppression of the Mother.
Seek to undo all its rules and teachings.
E God forbids magic and all vampiric Disciplines. They are the dark gifts
that cast off the shackles of His petty rules
E Prepare the way for the Eschaton when Heaven, Hell and Earth cease to be,
and Heaven is remade.

Aura of Conviction:
Virtues: Conviction and Instinct

Hierarchy of sins against Lilith

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Indulging in instant gratification; feeding immediately when hungry;
seeking wealth or temporal power
4 Not challenging the gfalseh scriptures of mortal religions or vampire
Noddists; Feeling remorse for the suffering you bring on others.
3 Not participating in a Bahari ritual; Showing fear of death or pain
2 Murdering a mortal or vampire; not learning the teachings of Lilith
1 Not bringing pain and anguish to others; shunning pain

Path of Self-Focus
E Live in the moment.
E Know onefs self, intellect and Beast utterly.
E Do not mourn those who fall to onefs predation, provided such predation
occurs at the correct time and place.
E Do not be overconfident.
E Judge others (and onefs self) by what they do and how they do it, not by
their words.
E A being is responsible to itself and only to itself, not others.

Aura of Conviction:
Virtues: Conviction and Self Control

Hierarchy of sins against Paradox

Score Minimum Wrongdoing
5 Overconfidence; Laziness ? mental or physical
4 Not treating others as you wish to be treated; relying upon others
3 Seeking to control others; struggling with onefs self
2 Restraining the Beastf when it must be freed; not meditating regularly
1 Frenzying; being a slave, submitting to the blood bond or a boon

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