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Members :
1. Allyda UlfaN. 932206115
2. Galuh Ajeng S. 932209115
3. Anisa Rachmah O. 932210115
Title : Chain Words
1. To make students think and speak spontaneously.
2. To improve vocabulary.
3. To build concentration and focus.
Method : Using Collaborative Methods
Collaborative Methods are process, behaviors and conversations that relate to
collaboration between individuals. These methods specifically aim to increase the success of
teams as they engage in collaborative problem solving. And the goal of these methods to
improving performance in current and future project.
Delivering the instruction:
1. All of students make a circle.
2. One of the representative choose a topic.
3. Every students must mention a words.
4. The other students continue a words that mention before into a phrase > sentence >
paragraph > a story.
5. If the student can not mention the words or take a long time and think with the duration
fo about 5 second, the students will out from the circle and get a punishment after the
game over.
6. The punishment depend on the presenter.

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