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cea] USSR BattleTechnology Ue A ate Ce a hier Uh I Yer BattleTechnology ....... The Magazine of Combat in the 31° Century October 3027 Contents Black Luthion Roger Van Nuys ‘The Nekekami Tomio Ochna DEPARTMENTS Hiring Hall "The Rad Duke 4 BatleGear—Sidearms ‘Submachine Guns 8 MechTac—BatleTips “The David Ambush 12 BattleMechanics— BatileColors Gresn Woodland Gamo #1 34 Technical Readout Devastator. DVE-5E 36 Combat Salvage WVRIRFL Hybrid, The Woman 38 BATTLETECH SIMULATOR Long Range Gombet 40 Nightshadow—a MechWarrior scenario 44 Hide and Seek 52 To Save the Dragon 54 Daggers Edge 56 ‘About the Cover: This month's cover captures a moment of raw terror—Captain More Than Warriors— Addison's Thunderbolt. under ‘Mech-to- Mechattack by a Davion eels esas e Marauder at the Battle of Hil 091, ‘on Scheat V, in Augustof this year Dropbiip Thunder a by Thomas 8. Gressman GaptanAdcon's own S071 ‘rds ty Wier H. Koth fecurecin his nowe Sepage 28, moet Neen “A Daggor’s Death.” Haiku -. Dy Hoatner Keath OPENING SHOTS We want YOU for BattleTechnology. This, the second issue of BettleTechrology, is as good aplace as any to begin explaining the layout ofthis magazine. Percepiive readers will immediately reaize that certain departments intreduced in the lastissue—Hiring Hall and Sidearms, for ns'ance—appear againin this issue, while cthers—BattleTac and Repair Bay are two—do not. Why? No, we did not receive a flood of mail fram disgruntied readers insisting that we drop some columns ard add others. Nor are we operating entirely at random. Difficult as it may be to tell after only two issuss ofthis magazine, we are proceeding according to a precise and carefully laid-out campaign plan. (Any of you who believe that, I've got this slightly used Battle Mech for ‘sale | want to tak fo you about.) ‘On the theory that whatwas good for Gaesars good for us, alo! BatleTechnology isdivided into three parts: Departments, Artices, and the BatteTech Simulator. Ths time around, i's the ‘cara and teading of the daparimanis Id like to tak about. The deparimenis are designed to cover a wide range of topics of interest to as many of BattieTechnology’s readers as possible. To cover as much territory as we can, some depart ants can be broken down into sub-departments. The foliowing lst gives our deparimerts (in bold, capital type), sub-departments (n bod tac), and ashort description of the material whch appears in each HIRING HALL—Desorbes an¢ rates potential mercenary employers WORLDBOOKGives planctary slats, descriptions and histories MECHTAC BattlcTeo—Analysi of histrical or recort bates at a company level or higher BattleTips Combat tects, from individual Mecns upto corrpary level BATTLEGEAR ‘Sidearma—Personal weapens ceried by MechWarirs, mores, ard infancy Combat Arma-Hoevy weapons and BatleMech woapone eyatems Full Kit_Combat oquipmont, unime, and personal gar other than weapons BATTLEMECHANICS. Technical Readout_State and hetoroe of BatleMoche, Aercepaoe fghtore, and vaticies Repsir Bay—Peald maintenance and repair pe Combat Salvage—Corversios, updates, and special ‘Mech variants BtlleColors-Pantng and cameutage schomos MORE THAN WARRIORS—Pceme, songs, ard special artwork revealing Man and ‘Meche. Obviously, we cant have every department featured in every issue, but wo will attempt to ‘maintain a balance of subject matoral with the idea of including something for everybody. In this 'ssue, for instance, we elected to drop WerleBook, but we have an expanded Hiring Hall. We dropped BattleTac this time, but were introducing BaitleTips. Which department columns appear romissus to issue wil dapend on nowmuch room we have In agiven issue, what materal 'S sent o us... and on what you who read Battle Technology prefer 1 see. ‘Which brings us to the point of ths editorial Battle Technology is actively seeking writers, ard all of the columns listed above are open to anyonewho wants fo take a shot at them. (Andes. so arethe feaiurearticles.and the BattieTech ‘Simulator material... but those willbe the subjacts of future edtovials, | have tohave something to wrte about noxt iseue, aftor al) But even if you'd rather play BattloTech than write about t, you can still write us.a letter and tellus what you Ike and don’ lixe. Space and response peimiting, we'l print some of the best ones... and we'll de aur best to listen to them all ‘As sald inthe last issue, this ls your story. Mb fefetts — 3027- iL Oe THE OFFICIAL BATTLETECH FAN CLUB When you join MECHFORCE you get everything the wel dressed MechWarror is wearing today, An official BATTLETECH cap A patch of your favorite House Campaignribbons An Oficial MechWarrior ID Card But that's not all! You also get BATTLETECH Quarterly, the Official BATTLETECH newsletter. This Newsletter includes information on the Major Houses, articles on notable MechWarriors, Tournament results, scenarios. game slatistics for new ‘Mechs, and official secret information found nowhere ese. direct from FASA, “ Allthis can be yours for only $15.95. For only $3.00 more for members (or $5.00 for non-members) you may become an Active MechWarrior. As an ‘Active MechWartior you wil be eligible io partcipate in Official Tournaments held across the country. The results of these tournaments wil be publsned in the BATTLETECH Quarterly Newsletter. Also, a rocoid of your kills and skill levels will be recorded in national files. Becomean Active MechWarrior today! NAME ADDRESS 2 ee erry. STATE Zp. TELEPHONE (7 cLup MEMBERSHIP $15.95 [= active MECHWARRIOR (MEMBER COST $3.00) (1 Active MECHWARRIOR (NON-MEMBER COST $5.00) TOTAL HOUSE AFFILIATION: TJ pavion Csteinen Cokuarta Diao C1 warik SEND TO: MECHFORCE 4200 So. Brand Blvd. #3 Glendale CA 91204 Allow 4-6 weeks delivery BameTocnolegy continues to present tis colum asa special sonics fo Mose Ii 2900" Wo a2 Inetesray wamors each Ss, fg Hal ges Indep tovow cf potent! parors whe cous fer ‘Sopher! Gpernitoe for heatnce warior. Tho aroma reviewed range tom wealty indica i> esdotsolser fer hr trouphcomoratons and mer ‘hantorganzatons, tome Maor Houses cho Succes ‘01 Slates. Enplymert oporunites sueened here ‘may netdeanyting rem necualopengs fe sec gras Sou rns op anne reas “A trelnter crg ation has born Sova ‘ange fom A ery. vey 900d rom fe mercensiy’s ont of iow) Eraugn Z (very very bad. Ths code wl De usov excuse tis and ahr ane Technodgy ‘urna, seca Workbook, inate puss ae (NEED; How equonty does the aaron employ mrce: Inasies? Ratngs ofA trough G suggest a neary cor. Sant noe for etconanesofvarous types, ange of Uraugh Zina ha! morcaranes ae ary onpeye PAY: How wel cs te employer pay? High age ‘auggest above-avrage pay sods Low rings ek {a tolew average pay oF 2s eFancomplance ‘it mereonay contacts Nat tar pay ale enohe ‘factor uso nella ts ag. Or facore whch afectihetharcia aspect of «potent contact ‘it bo employer aro talon ito aes0uN Such 28 ‘nnator or othe meteors mus’ prove ter apr andPow art wr sey ‘earpply ordesth banat CONDITIONS: What re fe usual cantons under hon mercenaries Won? High ratings Incest fl Bel goed condtions icing scoess recreates or Ra tectes, sorice ona arma wore or sot Set sc corre guy or og Sec epee eee ‘ond win a hole arirnmont or af aia (bos fr fr recreational ates. Many taco are appt he catlatos foreach oce valve. oes, pay conations, an export esmay tay remencously rom eke ike ceed ‘ngandraunstannaandon charges hte orpbyor® Snore fo comm wa smpised Forth reason these codes a0 intended as_culcalnas ony. Bat {eTacincogy can assume noraspensiy. ait oF Imple, for darages, costs, cr casualtes ced Oy ‘waders curng seve to mercenary erpayes re Right: Duke Hassid Ricols personal JumpShip Huntress seen here at the Rodigo Nadir JumpPoint 4 BattleTechnology Hassid Ricol: The Red Duke Duke Hassid Rico! Rating Code: B/C/T OVERVIEW Duke Hassid Rico! House Kurita is not usually thought of as a cesirable employer for mercenaries, ‘Given the suspicious nature ofthe Draconss Combine, the government is generally unwilling to rely on untrustworthy outsid- ‘ers—Woll's Dragoons is a netable excep- tion—and Kurita’s reputation for treachery inits dealingswith mercenaries is enough 10 ‘make any mercenary commander think twice before signing a contract with them Thore aro individuals, howaver, within the Draconis Comtine who occasionally aug- ‘ment their personal forces by hiring merce nnarles—and usually treat ther fally, Duke Hassid Ficol s such an individual Properly speaking, Ficol s an Archduke, cone of the handful of high-ranking nobles who govern a number of worlds within the CCombine’s borders. The de facto lord of 14 worlds within the Rasalhague Military Dis- trict along tho outlying bordore with tho Lyran Commonwealth, from Kufstoin’s World to the twiight barrens of The Edge, the maintains his capital and ducal court at ‘Alexis on Rodigo, barely 20 parsecs from the Lyran border, and less than 50 parsecs from the Bandit king words of Henarik of Oberon. Ricolis, however, one of the more active of Kurita’s nobles. His personal JumpShip Huntress serves to carry him throughout his owndomain, and sometimes ‘even farther afield for reasons of palitical or military necoesity The Ricols of Rodigo The Rico's of Rocigo are an old and ‘established family, one dating back atleast to the time when the region was frstsettiad late in the 23° Century. In 2785 General Henri Rico! became the first Duke of Rodigo, and for more than two centuries after that, the Ficol domainwasrestrictedto. the word of Rodi. It has only been with the pasi 30 years that 13 worlds formedy belonging to Steiner—some of the Tamar Pact worlds—and ceded'to House Kurita in three separate campaigns, have boon placod undor the admnistrativejuriediotion of the Duchy of Fodigo. ‘The Red Duke Hassid Ricol became the ruling Duke of Rodico, 12° ofhisline,in3011, at he age of 34. Hassidisa complex and ssemingly sel- ‘contradictory personality. In public ha is a flamboyant and highly visible figure, known for his love of extended hunts in Rodige's vast ducal game prosorvos. He revived the occriptve honorfic ofthe Flod Duke,” first ‘adopted by Stefani Rlcol, the 3 Duke of Rodigo, because of the predominant color of the family crest, and deghts in wearing impressive, miltary-cut, gold-tmmed, bri- liant red uniforms replete with medals and ostentatious decorations. This image is dt- ficult to reconcile with the more private Picture of the man which has emerged in Fecent years—a brillant poltician and a super military tactician, one who spins @laborato and olegant traps for his eno- ‘mies, beth military an¢ political ‘The outward flamboyance, it seems, isa ‘mask shielding a keen mind and a ruthiess andcaiculating ambition. it shouldbe noted in passing that at least five plots against Hassid Rico's life within the past eight ‘years have all failed. Rumors abound that during this same period, several of Ricol's ‘more prominent enemios among the Kurita Court structure have vanished or met with unfortunate—and_convenien'—accidente, October 3027 but there is not the sightest shred of evi- dence to support these whisperings. Itshouldbe mentionedthata large part of ico!’ image is his skilful use of spies and informers. His personal intelligence-cather- ing network has a reputation for thorough- ‘nges and efficiency unrivaled by ary private secret service. ‘Duke Ricol is known for using mercena- ies more freely and with greater confidence than other House Kurita lords. Perhaps best known is his use of banat hirelings during the Trell campaign of 3024. Bandit Mercs on Trell | Trell —"Trellwan" 2s the 1o- calecallit—ie abachwater world (of Stoiner’s Trollchio district. In ‘2024, Steiner meroeneries wero protecting the planet from bandit Faids by Hendrik of Oberon. Ficols forces, posing as Ober nian bandits, landed and orcad the Steiner mercs to withdraw. He then attacked the local de- fenses, setting the stage for his later “rescue of the Trellwanese by his own forces. In a single stroke, and at very Ile cost, Fricol conquered a Steiner world by convincing its population that he had come as thet world's saviour! ‘That the plan faled in the end was rot due to any failure in Fico'’s planning, but to unfore- seen setbacks in its execution. Part of the local planetary mili- tia—possibly aided by survivors ofthe original Steiner mercenary garrison and by defectors among the Oberonian merce- naries—iumed against Rico’s forcesard puiup a stubborn and totaly unexpected resistance, Ficol fala to dislocge a stand by local forces at the Battie of Thunder Rif, and the jump freighter used to ferry in the Oberonian mercenaries was captured by rebel mila, “The delay caused by tha battle was enough toalow word ofthe invasion tobe cartiod to Antares aboard the freighter, and Ricol wisely wihdrew before he could be con {ronied by superior forces. Verthandi ‘Since the episode on Trell |, Duke Ficol has received a second serious politcal setback. Reactionary lorces on Ver- thardi—one of the seven Tamar Pact worlds cadad to House Kurita by House Stoinor in 3015 —Wore able, withthe aid of October 3027 off-world mercenaries, o winanimpressive Victory over Ricol's local forces. By thetime Duke Rico! could arrive with reinforce ments, a House Steiner ‘leet had arrved as wel, wih formal recognition for the rebel ‘govemment and an offer of riltary aid Faced with possibly losing Verthardi cuttight, Rico! instoad ongagod in nogotia tions which ultimately granted Verthandi a semi-autonomous status within the Com bine, with trade and recognition treaties graniedbyboth the Gommonwealty and the Combine, Since Verthandi lies well inside the Combine's current border with Steiner, the future ofthe world’s indapandence is in ‘some doubt, and Rizo! has publicy stated that a “formal and final settlement of the ‘matter is only a mattor of timo. In other words, the Red Duke is not fin ished with Verthand yet Future Plans The double setbacks at Trell| and Ver- thandi seriously jeopardized Duke Rico's poliical standing in Luthien, where failureis neither appreciated nor rewarded. Besides ‘making plans for the eventual return to Ver- thandi, Ricol has kept his future plans a closely-guarded secret. There are hints— vague and unsubstantal at best—that a new project of extreme importance and ‘extreme secrecy has engaged his attention al some considerable distance away from his domain along the Lyran border. What this new project mightbe is anyone's quess. Ite importance is hinted at by roports that Ricol hae been paying well ior information about events in Liao and Marik space. itis possible tha this project, whatever it 's, will require the Red Duke to-again sesk ‘he services of professional mercenaries. MERCENARY TICKETS At the presanttime, Duke Hassid Ricol s actively seeking ‘mercenaries for both short- and long-term contaote within hie ‘own domain slong the Lyran frontier. The fiasco on Verthandi has led to serious conse: quences on the other worlds which tormenty belonged to the ‘Tamar Pact Verthandi’s. near-indepsnd- fence has raised hopes among the resistance forces on allofthe old Pact werlds, New Caledonia with its tough and stubborn in- habitants forcoly eatin tho mold (of their Celtic background, has been reported in open rebellion, land there has been widespread fighting against Kurta garrisons ‘on Basilano and Dahigren as well, With House Kurita line forces fied down by recent Davion maneuvers and raids along the Proserpina front (see: Black Luthien on page 16 ofthis jissuo), Ricof' personal troope are hard-pressed to keep local land scattered acts of defiance from exploding into all-out rebel- lion all along the Kurta frontier. Raliable reports have already been received that at least one mercenary regiment nas been hired and stationed on Aurie (Harvest), andthatsev- feral mercenary comparies are scheduled to be deployed within coming weeks to Basiliano and others of the formar Tamar Pact worlds now controlled by the Draconis Combine There are also reports from several of BatleTechnology’s correspordents that Duke Rico! is saarching for indivicuals wno can provide him with inteligence about events now unfolding elsewhere in the in- ret Sohere. Freelance intelligence agents, bounty hunters, andprivate observershave been approached by several Ficol agerts BattleTechnology 5 With offers of money forinformation. The na: ‘ure ofthe desired information has not yet. been disclosed. TICKET DETAILS. Duke Ficol does not maintain mercenary forces under his command as a rule, but hires them for short-termccntracts when he has a special need for their services. The current crisis generated by the Verthandian, rabelion has created such a special noed, ‘The following ist of possible missions has boen suggested by BatleTechnologye Miltary Analysis Staff as probable merce: rary tickets i Ricols service. MISSIONS COMBAT CAMPAIGN” Assaults on rebel military forces (Oftensive Campaign) Invasion of rebel werlds (Pranetary ‘Ascauit) Operations against Stoiner invasion forces and raids (OftensiverDefensive Campaigrs, Flecon/Objective Raids) Guerrilla Wartare ‘TERRITORIAL CAMPAIGN ot duty and crowd control Siege campaigns against rebel cites STATIC DEFENSE Garrison and security duty on frontier words ‘Training cadre missions with local pro- Kurita militias * Note that, 25 of the press date of this Issue of BattieTechnology, House Steiner has not mounted any actual operations: ‘within Kurita space since the show of force at Verthandi in 3025. The possiblity of a ‘major raid or all-out invasion of Rico! domain remains. a constant. possbilty, however, especially in ight of recent unvest ‘on saveral of the former Tamar pact worlds Mercenary forces may ba hired against this possibilty, especially if Rico's inteligence indicates that a major Steiner carmpaig’ planed for the near future. INTELLIGENCE+ (One-man/small group intelligence operations Planetary observation ‘Company-level intaligence raids Duke Ricalis aggressively expanding his infoligonce operations in regions es far removed from Rodigo as Aveus and Sian. ‘though no details ere available, ris inier- ‘est is rumored to extend from individual freelance intelligence agents wiling to 6 _BattleTechnology ‘observa and report on events on various worlds in Steiner, Mavik, and Liao space, to ‘mercenary companies wiling ‘0 undertake tipand-run raids against the Common weatth and tne Free Worlds Leagueinorder to take prisoners and secure jiems of mil {ary inteligence. Interested mercenaries, individuals and unit commanders, are ad vised to contact the Ducal Otfices in Ales, Rodigo. LENGTH OF SERVICE 6 to 12monthe Length of service depends on the nature of the mission. Most mere combat tickets are relatively short-term, ranging from 6 to 32 months. Missions assigned to non- “Mech. inteligenoe-aathering operations are typically longer. lasting from 1 to years ‘or more, depending on the need for agents to develop their covers. REMUNERATION (per man per week, unless otherwise designated) Infantry, Armor (per squac): Elita: Cb 7,090—10,000 Veteran: Cb 3,500—-5,000 legular: Cb 1,750—2.500 Green: Cb 1,000—2,000 Artilery (par 7-man squad) Vetaran-Bite: Cb 8, 000—12,000 Regular: Cb 2,000—5,000 Greon: Cb 1,000—1,500 MechWartiors, AeroSpace Pllc: Elite: Cb 1,500—2,500 Veteran: Cb 1,000—1,500 Regular: Cb 600—1,000 ‘Support (Tach): Elite: 1,500—2,500 Veteran: 800—1,000 Regular: Cb 500—600 Groon: Cb 100-250 DropShip (per crew per week) Elite: Gb 12,000—14,000 ‘Veteran: Co 8,000—10,000 Regular: Co 5,000—6,000 Green: Cb 3,000—4,000 JumpShip (per crow per wook): Eite: Cb 15,000—18,c00 Veteran: Cb 10,000—12,000 Flegular: Go 6,000—8,000 Green: Cb 3,000—4,000 GUARANTEES ComsSiarintermeciary: The agreed-upon ‘sum (generally equal to one quarter io one third ol the entre sum for the mercenaryurit for six months, less ComSiar's 5% fee, is placed in escrow at the GomSter offices in ‘Aiexis, Rocign, or at any other bank of the ‘mercenary unit's choice within House Kurita tertory. Contractual noncompliance is grounds for release of funds to the ag- grieved pany, afteradjudication by a nautral ComStar precentor. Standard contract clauses may stipulate that both House ‘Kurita and Duke Rico! will be held blame- less if “operational necessities force the party ofthe first part (Duke Fico!) taemploy deliberate misdirection for tactical or strate- {gic purposes, resulting in possible loss or Casualties among the party of the second art the mercenaries)."In other words, dis- ‘covery that the mercenary unit was not fully informed (or was lied to) about ts partin an ‘operation is never grounds for a charge of ‘contractual noncomplianoa against Ouke Rol or House Kurita, Though not usual in standard contracts with House Kurita or Kurita commanders, there are rumors thet Duke Ficol may be wiling to offer land grants to veteran and elte Battetech forces who successtully Complete active combatcampaignsin{orth- Coming operations against the Lyran Com: monwealth of rebel iorces. One common rumor—neither confirmed nor denied at fess time—is that mercenary BattelMech companies may be offorod individual do mains on Now Caledonia or Besiano, where they will be expected to keep the rebelious locals inline, ‘COMMAND RIGHTS Individual commanders of veteran and elite units are generaly granted a high degree of indepencence in mercenary and combined forces operations. Regular and Green units wil generally be assigned tothe ‘operational command of a local House Kurita loader. Unit commanders may be subject to orders trem Kurta field com ‘manders at regimental level or higher, orto Duke Fico! himself, o to his staff officers, ‘depending on ciicumstances and the im- portance of tne mission. On most missions involving non-Kurita mercenary personnel, ‘one or more Liaison Officers wil be as- signed to the unitto insure compliance with ‘operational orders and poltical reliability of the unit. ‘TRANSPORT ‘The mercenary units generally expected to arrange for lis own transport to Fodigo, ‘Transport trom Rodigo to the units final Ccestiraton is usually provided by Duke Ricol's own transports. In special circum- stances, Duke Ricol may arrange for trans- October 3027 Castle in the Clouds: the Ricol Estate on Rodigo portfor aurit athis ownexpense, or aboard hi own transports. ASSESSMENT ‘Speaking in ganeral terms, Duke Ficol is. presently innaed of mercenary forces of all types and is offering salaries consderably above the usual pay scales, especially for lt and voteran units. Further, Kurita forces have a tradition of victory—espe- cially against House Steiner—which sug ‘gesis that forthcoming operations againet House Sieiner withinand near Duke Ricol’s domains are likely 'o be successful and profitable. The opportunity for individual Companias to recaive land grants—at the cost of pacifying their own landholds—5 fone which would appeal to any landless mercenary unit. ‘BattoTochnology’s assessment, then, gives Duke Ricol quite high need and pay Talings. Mercenaries contemplating sorvics with Duke Ficol are cautioned, however, that the Duke has a past history of using mercenary forces without concern for ther sunival. Indeed, there are persistent rumors that the mercenaries deployed in the Trellwan. ‘operation (actualy ila MechWartiors “purchased in a secret arrangement from ‘one of Hendriks staff officers) were des~ tined to bo liquidated by Rico's own Battle- Mech forces as “proof of Kurita’s friendly October 3027 intentions towards the native Trellwanese ‘The Oberonians thomselves were appar- ently informed that they would bo “cap- tured’ in @ staged battle, then later and secretly given their choice of retum to Hendrik's domains or employment with Ficol's personal forces. ‘There is now no way of proving Rico!s actualintent on Trell| one way or the other. However, the possibilty that Rico! actually planned the dalizeraia exterminaton of Morcenary forces he Firrself had hired has forced BatloTochnelogy's evaluation staff to give the Conditions code for sorvice under Duke Rico a low cating ‘A second unfavorable factor in rating the Conditions for mercenary service under Duke Ricoiis he probabiity thatmercenary Units willbe assigned garrison or ant-guer- filadutyon worids where the majority of the population will be actvaly hostile to the ‘ccupying force. All of the Tamar Pact worlds within Kurta domains are habitable without the need for spacial cuits or equi- ment, and all possess cities where numor- ‘0uS recreational facies and services may be enjoyed by off-duly personne. The Conditions code ratingisiowered, however, by thelikelnood thatthe mercenaries willbe targets of an aimed and hostile populace. ‘These two factors together have yielded a relatively low Conditions rating coce of "7" BattsTechnology's recommendationis that mercenary commanders approach any negotiations with Duke Ficol or his staff cautiously, making avery attempt to deter- mine the unit's deployment, mission, and responsibiitiee bafore committing to serv- ice: I possible, a clause should be inserted allowing noncompliance penalties to be ‘applied against the employerinthe eventot deliberate and provable sacrifice of merce- frary troops in combat. Further, the unit commander should accept the possiilty that RAR opportunites, while present, may resultincasualties, aswellasadded{riction ‘between the occupation forces and the local population High pay and opportunity ‘or victory and recognition, however, probably outweigh the risks, BattleTechnology Mercenary Employer Assessment Duke Hassid Rico! CODE: BIT ASSESSMENT: Marginally Favorable ‘Good Pay, good opportunity: ‘considerable risk BattleTechnology 7 BattleGear Submachine Guns by the BattleTechnology Staff If laser pistols represent the cutting edge of modern weapons technology, submachine guns remain the most common oi readily. available personal sidearm which combine lightweight portabty with deadly and haré-hittng firepower. It has been suggested that laser pistols ere the most scughtatter of ell personal weapons, but the decline of the high-tech industrial capabiities of each of the Suocessor Stats houses has resulled in laser hand weaponry becoming relatvaly rate. Laser pistols require an extensive high- tech indstial base both for ther manufacture and foe ther repal, anditheirreiance on complex internal electronics forpewer eed and focus control esulsin malfunctions andoutrght breakclowns which ‘equite high-tach servicing facies for repar. ‘Submachine guns, on the other hand, havebeen around sincethe early 20° certury. They operate on wollundorstcod and purely ‘mechanical principio and can be manufactured, repaired, or rebult atany facility stocking simple andrevatvely cammon tootsand pats Theirammuniton, oo, in any o several standard calbers. is wely- availabe. Many soldiers Save ther spent brass and reload thek own ounds, and most Techs possess the molds and benchtop presses necessary for reloading by hand when in te field, The continued popularity of submachine guns can probably be 2xalained by ther abit to deliver a high volume of fr, and bythe fact tha they are so much funto shoot fl-auta.Liabilites common to.all SMGs, however, aretha high rate of ammo usage and th high rate of recoi-induced muzalocimb, Trained warriors ane elt special forces personnel are taught to use shigle-shot or burst fre aniy with these weapons, to avoid these haricaps Ourlstingot severe common submachine gunsisarawn rom me ‘New Avalon Edition ofthe Galactic Consumer's Report, Volume 27, number 5, for determinations of reabilty and for tasing reports BattleTechnology cannot assume responsibly {or the technica ‘accuracy of these reports, orfrthe safety othe weapons described in this column, 8 —_BattleTechnology Bereitor Modo! 14 as Boroiter M14 Weapon type: Submachine gin Manutacturer: Baris fre peration: Sowback iter sam-nito tee Weight (wo magazine: 2 1g Weight (2-round magezino): 8 ig Wilght (se-roura magazine): 1 Length (wo stock) 0 (wists): 65 om caliber? mr ‘Type of Fre: Single sh, 4ound burst orfl-asto Fate of Fie: 1200 Magazine: 20-0” 5tround Mager 2ragh, pol gp inset Feload Time: 10 seconds Ettecive Ranges (eletthet stock, ulate): "Shor: 1820 m Mediums 39/3 m, Leng: 51/190" (it stock, single shot or burs) ‘Shon 4) ‘Mech: 190". Long: 120 m Weapon Raliabitty: 92% Bese Coat Cb 00 Reload Cost 20round magazine): Cb & (GO-rourd magazina):cb 10 Notes: Borsitor Arms' M14 cubmachine gun was designed as an ‘extremely lighi-woight and easily concoalable SMG with avery high rato offre. As such, its popular with MechWarrors as a personal on-board weapon; with security forces, intelligence agents, and bodyguards who want to carry an easly-concealed SMG; and with anti-terrorist, marine, of commando squads who needa ightweight weapon for roon-clearing in urban or shipboard assaults ‘The M14's chiet disadvantage, strangely enough, ists high rate of fire. At 1200 rounds per minute, a 50-round magazine will be ‘emptied in two and a half seconds of full-auto fire, 20-round magazine in a second and 2 half. While the manufacturer's claims suggest that the small (7 mm) round reduces recoil to the point where it is easily controlled aven in one-handed operation, test reports indicate thet the muzzle climb under ful-auto fre Is almost unmanageable, even with a two-handed grip and using the cip-on stock extension. The high rate of fire is also responsible tor this \weapon'smost common maltuncton—teed jam caused by fllure to ‘extract oF eject a spent shell casing. “These problems, common to all SMGs, are extreme in the M14 when “ouzzsawed” at 1200 rpm. Trained personnel conserve ammo and accuracy by using single-shot or burst fire only. October 3027 Imporator 289441 Rugan SMG Imperator Submachine Gun seeitespecnsen Soe sent SSeenvoncer Sneeanae Seer oe a SEGRE ero samcton tae ie Ee wim noom ieee soo ice toa oes mee a Soo EES ret ers Ear. Ss sg Ei eae resis Notes: The Imperator SMG has along history of rugged and reliablo Service with numerous miltary, spocial ops, and securly forses itroughcut the Inner Sobere. its length, weight, and celatvely low Fate of te give it great accureoy and range for an SMG. ‘A‘akg tulyloaded, the Imperator isheavy foran SMG. Partofthis ‘woightis he fesuttotine bult-n sound suppressor. With the escape Of gas from the muzzle eliminated, and the bull's speed reduced {o subsonic velocties, the Imperator is one of the most quiet of modem SMGs. Though not completely silenced, the report is Softened to a light chutfing sound inaudible to normal hearing at anges greater tran about 80 meters. The crack—the bullet's sonic oom caused by supersonic rounds i also eliminated, as wel as, the gus muzzle fash a night, making it ficult or impossible for fan enemy to determine the drection from which fre is caring at ranges over about 40 mete. “Thelow velooty ofthe roundreduces the amount of damage dare tothe target as well as the round abilty to peretiale armor, buithe Iinporator remains popular wih various mittary arms, partloulrly with special operations groups who can make expert use oF Is Slencad lethally. October 3027 Fugan Submachine Gun Wspon type: Submachine gun Manufecuter: Vanous, ures loose e Ragan hndsiies ‘Operation: Borback flat or burt io ‘Werght (wie magasine):25 Wiolgh (Sorourd magazine): 1 ko Luang 68 on Calter: 12 rm cases ‘Type of Fre: ound oust or avo Fite o Fie: 1000 "pm" Magazine: 8 curd box magatine Feioed Te’ 10 seconde Long: €0/°00 ‘weapon Reliab: Vargs win maruactre; 892% ‘Base cost Cb 70 Feloed Goat (OPreund mogasing):Cb 20 Notes: The Rugan SMG is a commonly encountered SUG on worlds ofthe periphery, and on backwater planets moro or less * isolatedtromtne wel-travelled commercelanes of tie Inner Sphere. Iifres large (12 mm), slow (250 mps) rounds which cause consid- erable damage when they Mit Fugans are simple and ruaged weapons which are easily manu- factured and maintained. Many are bult by local industial facies Under license to Rugan Erterprises of New Earth, Many more are manviactured from pitted ueprints and die patterns without the {ochmealty of lcarse fees or royalties. For this reason, Rugan MGs (or dortical copies) are manufactured on tens of planets 100s the Human Sphere, on worlds as diverse as Stewart [House Maik), Exeter (House Davion), Trel | (House Steiner periphery), Unty (House Kurta), and Butte Hold (independent). 'A Important feature of the Fugan i its use of caseloss rounds Each bullet is imbedded in a Diock of solid propellant which is detonated electrically, This reduces the weight of the megezine Considerably, 2s well as allowing more rounds to be fited into a Standard-sizod magazine. Since he propeliantis completely sable {ftcan bo fred only by ts electrically fired detonator), the weapon is Jotprone 1 cook cffe" whonthe woapon overheats. Thelack of an sjontion port reduces probiome dus toditorjams.caused by spent casings. Because of the verse origins of mary Rugan SMGe, reliability may vary trom weapon to weapon. Those manufactured under fcense (or et least with fathiul adherence to the original blueprint specticatons)are lable under themmostadverseof conditions and BattleTechnology 9 are virtually impossible to jam. Some weapons, however, are cheaply made and are prone to jamming or overheating, ‘A weak point in the weapon is the difficulty in obtaining casaless 12mmammo. Its readily available through Rugan-lcensed manu facturers, though itis more expensive than standardoartrdge SMG ‘founds. Molds and kits are availaole which allow techs to cast ‘rounds from readily-available industrial chemicals. Rounds which are rot obtained through regular, icerised Rugan facies, how: ever, may be of substandard quailty. These may bum incompletely and foul the weapons firing chamber, causing feed jams, mistres, land a reduction of ihe weapon's punch. Sound suppressors are available which partially silence the Rugan's report, atthe cost of a slight reduction in damage to the target. THE QUARTERAASTER “The MaiLOnder Hobby Shop WARBOTS & DEATH MACHINES 19 THE NEWEST IN THE ST ARGUARD FaniLy GF "ante Node Sncusna Faasoe con ETAT Olt Gh AGAINST THE GIANT ROBOT HAR RACHINES. Gor oct Tiss Tes BRU Ee RINE IG BortZie oS ram Setncee St area WE SFB "PME SUSIE" Alba BEER LE Ereioeee "Bup’ Peamylt cetge fearon: ate Svs Tens WARBOTS & DEATH macHINES COWLETE IN TWO YOLUMES FOR OMY #15.00, THE Eoweanron "eooe & hora? fe fs arabe: Tas? BURILABLE FOR'$10.00. ORDER BOTH FOR #22, 50, (cus ehade sales tas SEND FOR OUR CATALOG # PRICE LIST 10 BattleTechnology Rorynex Industries 3-mm sliver SMG ‘Model XXI (FIM-32XXI) Rorynex Submachine Gun Weapon type: Submacrire oun Manuiactuer: Rory rusts pert: Blew aa but re Weight (wo magaziey: 2:19 ‘Weight (1Oefound cabaeta: 9 Ky Lengths 60m Caters eablaee evens ‘Type of Fite: aun bro so Fate of Fre 109 rn Magazine: T0o-eund casson Feta Tire: 10 secon Etiectve Ranges (alhautorbure ort 15/20 Madi: 90:20 m Long: 5080 m Weapon Relabity: 9% Base Cont: Coc eloed Cost (10Cround cassette): Co 20 Notes: Forynex Industry's SMG fres 3-mm caseless explosve slivers identcal to those fired by TK assaut rfles and other, simlar weapons. Siver SMGs and assault rifles ara designed as close. ranged weapons, nce thay are not riled, and accuracy drops off sharply at ranges of more than 100 motors Each elver contains miligram quantities of a binary explosive armed by the check of fring and detonated by the shock of impact ‘The resuting explesion is tiny, but sufficient to shred flash or, in sulficient numbers, to chew through concrete walls of the most stuobom personal armor. Each sliver is embecded in a prepeliant block smaller than those employed by TK ARS, allowing mare rOunds to be cared in a single ammo cassette, bul with a range hich is considerably reduced “The FM-3)XXI or “three twenty-one"is designed as a lightweight and inexpensive SNG for planetary miftias ard ine infantry a well 28 for special ops forces, MechWarriors, secuiy forces, and tho ctharreguiar users of SMGs. tis a sold, dependable weapon with very low malfunction rte. The ammunition i ficult o manufac ture, however, ands notreadly avaiable on worlds ar rom regular commerce routes of atraments manulacturing centers, The base ‘ost of Cb 20 for a cassette of 3 mm explosive sivers Is Usual for worlds on which explosive slivers are manufactured, Their price celsewnere can range five to ten times higher—i they are avaliable atall ‘The three twerty-one’s unusual appearance is, of course, the result ofhaving the feed device ard sliver cassette mounted above and behind the weapon rather than attached underneath the \wezpon, a8 with aditonal SMG magazines. Despite the anpeer- ‘ance, test reports rato the weapon highly since the ow: calber low ‘mate rounde produce ite rcoil.itcanbefredeesily with ene hand, though aforward, snap-down pistol gipprovides added supportand cont. October 3027 Model 2920 KK-SPW TK MP Kogyo-Khorsakov Special Purpose Weapon, M-920 Weapon ype: Suoracine gn Mancicturr:Kegys nteron Operation: Sovesch, ior somata ta Weight (wi ragasine|: 24 ve te of Fire: 89000 Maganine: 90-50 or 0-ound staggered box magazine ‘Retad Tine: 10 seconds Effscve Ranges Fel aritag act or tart: Short 20725 Medium: 4050 = ong: 700 m. Weopan Relabtty: 02% ‘Boas Costs Co 80 Feed Cost: (Soround magazine): CoS {Soround magazney: cb 10 (@o-round magazine): cb 16 Notes: The KK-SPW has achieved considerable notoriety through ‘out the Inner Sphere as the lean, cangerous-looking combat Weapon favored by Kurita BaltleMach, special ops, and security forces. Featuring fully selectivefire, the weaponcan beset to celiver single shots or bursts of 2.3, 4, or more rounds, as well as ful-auto fire Silenced versions are available, or the barrel of the unsilenced ‘model can be removed and replaced by a highly-eicient suppres- ‘sor which makes the wespon virtually inaucible at ranges greater than0 meters. One silenced modo), theKK920s-K, features abuilt- in, retractable snaplock bayonet. Though considered by most arms ‘experts to be largely ornamental, the SMG's bayonet has added to the weapon's aura of deadly menace, and enhances the psycholog! cal advantage ofthe soldier wielding it. The KK 920s-Kis favored by several Kurita elte units, including Kurita’s personal Guard. “The weapon'ssoledisadvantageis is clumsiness when used with the £0-round magazine, which isso long that itis impossible to fire from tho prone pesition and awkward to handle in tight comers. Many Draco veterans choose instead to tape twa 30-round mage. Zines side-by side, topto-botiom, to alow suror and more rapid reloading. "The design of the KK $20 makes kt @ rugged, dependable, and highty lettal weapon. October 3027 ‘Thorvald & Koch Submachine Gun Weapon type: Submachine gun Manttecturr: Towals & Koch ‘Type of ew: Siege stot selective burs or Uso to of Fite: 950 om Magazine: 90-0" 50-round staggered box magazine Reload Time: 10 seconce Etectve Ranges ull utosinge shot or brat; ‘Show: 2555 m- Mecham: 53/70. (Go-r0und megatine): oo {So-round megeria):Cb 10 ‘Notes: The TK MP is generally acknowledged to beone ofthe finest submachine guns in Current service, Itis not as common as some ‘other designs, beng produced in relatively ited numbers only at the T&K plants on Tharkad, New Avaion, and Skye. Itwas originally ‘conceived as 2 3-mm sliver gun, 2 scaled-down version of the famous TK assault fle, butthe decision was made during the early design stages to produce instead a weapon which could use the far ‘more readily-available 9-mm ammunition used by pisiols and many SMGe, Ie relatively low muzzle velocity (less than 300 mps) is compensated for by the largo, hollow-point or explosive rouncs. “The TK-MPSisa silenced version with abuil-in suppressor which lowers the weapon's soundito the point where tis virtually inaudible at ranges of more than 50 meters. ‘The TK MP is shorter than other SMG designs of similar weight and caliber. This is due to te bullpup configuration (barrel-tigger- magazine rather than bartelmagazine-riger) which allows the ‘magazine and feed mechanisms to bs buit into the weapon's stock. This makes it ideal for MechWarriors. @s an on-board personal sidearm, and for special-ops, anti-errorsi, and other special forces ‘who need a compact weapon which delivers heavy frepower. “Though more expensive than many submachine gun designs, the “TK MP is favored by several elite and commando forees of both House Steiner and House Davion. Small numbers ofthese weapons have also found their way into Kurta and Liao hands, and aro ‘oocasonally encountered in the hands of Draco and Confederation forces. Many individual weapons a cantury or more old continue in ‘active service to this day, and they are highly prized forthis reason by mercenary as well as regular house troops. BattleTechnology abl Praliminary surveys indicate that tuly 24.9% Of BetleTechnologys readers are themselves MechWarrors or AercSpace pits, and that 48.8% have served in combat on tho batltields ofthe 31st Century. As @ special servce tothase readers who raly on BatleTechnology as 2 mears of keeping up wih current battefald tactics, wears pleased to ntroduce Bata Tips, @ counn deaing with individual and small unt (lance) lactis in combat. Fuire BatieTies CoV umn wil De devoted to narratves oy veteran warriors who wil share ther personal expen enees in combat, anato in-depin anayses of he ‘Mech-to-Meoh and martornan tactics which can spell te dlferonce 1 modern Dato bo- ‘ween vetory and death The David Ambush— Many light ‘Mechs ‘can take on one heavy in street-to-street combat! Edtora\ Note: Perobscots the arncpalcty on ‘2 World cf deep forests andruaged mountains on fhe Mari-Staner frontier. Named, ts boleved, for an early colonial pioneer loader, the world Isat is sted as Penobscot on mast star chars, though the oficial designation is Tremaine IV, The oiy of Penobscot is a modem complex of toe! and ferocet structures sprawing from Penobscot Bay 10 he vasi forests of the White Mourians. “Late in September, s0z2 (FC) a banaton ot -Mank raiders droppedion the outskrts of Penco- ‘Scot City for reasons Which are sit notererely ar. befeved that factional conic: witin the House Maik government had led Coloret Marcus Galan io stage the 1d in an efor 10 an leverage against opponents on the Maik Sat. ‘Penobscot was gatisoned by a small rce of veteran mercenaries, Varick's Vandals, under the command of Colonel Charles Varrick. The ‘Vandals, under contract to House Steiner, put up 2 valiant resistance despite the overwhoining ods in both numbers. and ‘Mech tonnage ‘agan! them. The following BattleTips entry was ‘Submited by Lieutenant Oavid Peter, former ‘recon lance commander of Varck’s Vandals} 12 BattleTechnology The David Ambush Despite their numbers, we ware in 2 good postion. We'd fallan back into the cantral Partofthe city where we could take advan- tage of tho cover offered by the taller struc tures. The Mavikresders didn't know for sure witere we were, and they been forced to disperse in an effort to locate us and root us out My lance consisted of my own Panther, Brad Finnegan's UrbanMech, Paula Mason's Wasp, and Fred Jurgens’ Stinger. Fred's machine had already taken savage damage in an uneven passing sncounter wih a Mark Alas. His ‘Mech’s leit arm was hanging by a thread, and gaping craters showod in his front torso armor. All of the rest of us had taken hits, but we were determined to make a stand here, in the heart of the clly, where the enemy's num: bers and tonnage were at least partly bal: anced by the shelter of the surrounding buildings. Droman Avenue was one of the main thoroughfares in the city, a broad, straight avenue running east towards the domad homisphero of the capitol, hemmed in by sturdy steel and ferrocrete structures averaging three and four stories in height. Many o'the buldngs werealeady showing damage from the Mavik bombardment ang air sinkes, and rubble was spiling out across the sireet, but mosi were stil sand ing and would provide excellent cover. We were cerlain that the enemy would use Droman Avenue as a direct pathway into the citys heart. and the battle-damaged buildings gave me an idea which might let Us gat a etriko or twa in before the enemy was able to concentrate enough to kick us out ofthe cit. Butthe Mark forces would beon us soon, I gave my orders, “Jurgens plied his ‘Mech in'o a narrow alley whieh entered Droman Avenue from the south, Paula positioned hor Wasp in an alley opening opposite Jurgens’ hiding place on the nerth side of the street Finnegan and Ichose hiding places sixty ‘motors up Droman Avorus to the wast, he incido a battlo-damaged buildng on the rrorth side of the street, myselt inside the shattered front of anofice building opposite October 3027 him to the south, We entered our hiding places from the opposite sides ofthe builé: Ings, parly tohide the fact of ow envanco from ooserve's on Droman Avenue, partly to provide ourselves with escape Toutes should we need them. Then came the waiting. Wa didn’t have long to wait. Hidden away as we were behind massive facades of motal andiferrocrate, wecauldnt Use our Mech eancors. The frst hint | had that the enemy was coring was the small avalanche of plaster and sione fragments rattling on my Panther'shead and shoulder ‘as something large and ciose javred the pavement outside with ponderous, slow- motion footsteps. The rain of debris came harder andfaster with each step. Iwasn'tlong before my external mikes could pick up the lumbering thud-slam-thud of “Moch footsteps approaching up the etreot from the west. The sirueture | was hiddon in—al- feady damaged by my unauthorized entrance— trembled, dancing with eech footfal and threatening to bury my Panther once and for alin @ cave-in of rubble. This approach: ing monster was bio itwasa'tuntila towering black mountain swopt past the north windows ofthe building that | re alized just what it was we wore facing. There was no mistaking thatsinouetta, that massively ar mored, death's head seul, hose jutting weapons. Atlas! The AST-D Atlasis one of the deadliest. most feared Eatto- Mochs ever faded. It masses 400 tons. Where my Panthercar- ries a Telos four-shot SRM launcher and a particle cannon, one of these monsters mounts weapons equiva: lent to @ whole lance of lighter machines: four medium iasers;a massive, hig'-speed, 120 mmautocannon; a20-rack launcher for long range missiles; and a six rank for its powerful SRMs |Ibroke out in a cold sweat. This was the machine which had almost casually Streddled Jurgen’s Stinger with a fusilade fof autocannan and LRM fro less than ‘twenty minutas before, and come within an ‘ace of putting Jurgens down in a single ‘exchange of fre. The results of Jurgens’ ratumn tite were visible on te Marik 'Mech’s Jeg.and torso armor: scorch marks from the ‘Stingers medium laser which had marred the paint and done litle more. | had heard October 3027 stories of Alasesin combat, how their arms were so strong they could pick up lesser "Mechs with ono hand and throw them down, howit had been suggested once that ‘one Atlas could take on a battalion of Sting: @°s,take everything they could dshout,and eliminate the smaller ‘Mechs one by one with the ease of aman polishing off a plate of hors d'oeuvres. We coutdr' stand against such @ mon- ster “The problem was, our trap was already laid, Paula and Fred were a few metars up the street, and the Atlas was certain to see them when it reached the alley openings where they waited. Iithey flednow, perhaps they would have a chance, ‘But no, | knew those two too well. Even if they knew what horror was lumbering down the siroot towards their hiding places, they ‘would not les and leave Finnoganormyselt to face the monster by ourselves. ‘Nox could we remain in hiding end let the Atlas dismember our friends, I knew Finnegan woud be waitng for me fo make my move. AS the shadow of that armored mountain swept past outside, | took a deap breath, struggling for calm. | would need all my wits about me for this Grasping my Panther's controls, | forced my Mech forward, into the north wall ofthe building. Glass and girders showered out- ward as | stepped through the collapsing {ace of he building ard onto the street. Like metal cif, the back of the Atlas rose in front of me, @ bare 30 metars to the east. ‘an explosion of debris trom across the stroot marked the appearance of Finnegan's UrbanMech. Had he been wait ingfor my appearance, or hadhe decidedto take on the Allas by himsell? | never did learn the answer to that one, but knew that Finnegan and Paula were very, very close. INV electedtto pull out, Ihave no doubt that Finnegan woud have chosen to stay and slug outwith the monster, rather than let Paula face it alone. We'd caught the Atlas by surprise, cer- tainly, | stabbed my SRM firing button, sending my four SRM screaming into my target. One missed, but the other throe ‘smashed in rapid-fire suceossion squarely into the morster's back. My PPC spat blue lighting, ‘catching the Atlas as it began = onoerous tum and striking white fire along the rear portion ofits left sige, Armor fragments showered (onto the street in molten glcbs. Finnegan's litle 40 mm au- tocannon was barking close be- sido me, adding that weapon's firepower tothe smoking damage already wroskod to the Atlas’ back. His UibanMech'sorly other weapon was aHarmon light laser. He scored a hit wih it on the enemys massive right forearmas the Atlas completed its turn, but the damage amounted to a scratch which the heavier ‘Mech didn't even notice Beforathe Atlashad completed ite turn, both my Panther and Finnegan's UrbarMoch had ducked back into our half-uined shelters, We were lucky in onere- ‘spect: the Atlas mounts a pair of rearfacing mecium tasers but it didnt fre them, not then. All | could think was that its pilot planned to take us apart by hand But it would have to caich us first. Laser freepearedinto my building, show- ‘ering my Panther with ruined chunks of builging but doing no corious harm. ‘Through the smoke and cascading plaster ‘dust, Fouls make outa pairoflithe shapes ‘appearing in tne street behind the towering ‘Ail. Paula and Jurgens had repeated our maneuver, stepping info the street just behind the Atlas, where they could pour concentrated fre at cose range intothe rear ofthe massive target. Both of Paula's SRMs hi, flaling armor from the Atlas’ right eg. Thosa shots were ‘wasted, | was eure; the Alias carries damn BattleTechnology 13 noaraemuch ecmoron onelog asitdoes on is renttoro, Her mediimlaser stabbed at het target's let trso, though, acing tothe damage caused bymy PPC burst Jurgens waded awit ase fro and with botn of his arm-mourted machine guns. Blazing. 1 Could hear the spangs ano shisks of high- ‘velocity bullets sparking offthe Atlas’armor. The Atlas free its vear-maunted lasers, iviingits ire beween Paula and lurgors. Paula's Wasp took damage 1 ts it og. | was conan, but if anything bit Jugor's Stings, eovlen' a00 #. Both ight Mechs ducked back no the mouths of heralloys. ‘The Alas paused as if considerng, then made a ponderous, siow-mton turn and Started back towards our comrades. smashed through info the sreet again, White light flared across my Panther's carter torso. The Atlas must nave been expecting sucha move, becase bathofhis rear lasars caught me till in my Moche chest But my PPC had dechargad a second bolt into the Aas’ baok betore my vision eered, and four more SAMs. streaked across tne narrow gap. A hit! And another! Thedarrage added'o te Atas backby the Stinger and. Wasp had been grievous in- deed. | could see bundies of wiring and charred support struts through smoking craters in the Atlas’ back. AS | walchod, Finnegan's UtbanMechbiastod awayatout target with his autocamon, multiple explo sions fashingacrossthe enemy Miech'sieft side andleg, chopping atalredy sated We ducked tack info our holes 2s the ‘Alla turned once more Iran 2 quick check on my ‘Mech’ systems. That twin hit had savaged the armor in my carter and right torso. A few more tke that, and thisuneven David-and-Goliath contest would end— bavtaly ‘The Atas plotmusthave known thatho'd 14 BattleTechnology damaged me. His machine closed on my building. Autocannon fite smashed around me, stredding steel, vaporing ferrocrete slabs, banging and wanging at my Panther'sarmorin an orgy ol dasiruction. A wallcolapsed. smashing metothe side and back Worse, my cover was partly strioped away now, spiling into the siroatin a cloud ‘of dust and emoko. The Atlas loomed huge behind that wispy vei. The Stingerand the Wasp stepped from cover again. More missiles struck the Arias in the back and sides, and the Stinger’s Paired machine guns ‘chattered away in tunison, chewing into the huge machine's internal structure revealed through the rents inits armor. ‘The Atlas took a step forward, ignoring the twin nuisancos to ite rear eave for an- other twinned burst ftom its rear mounted lasers. The autocannon mounted inits side ‘swung i's gaping maw towards me. | sent my Parner scrambling back Into the ruin of the building, welcoming the avalanche of wreckage which came thun- ering in as more of the structure collapsed. ‘The Atlas’ autocannon fre sought me out, probing through darkness and ruin, as SRM ‘and laser fre stabbed and probed. | emerged on the street south of and parallal to Droman Avenue, my ‘Mech dented and battered but carrying no serious adcitional damage. The sitarp barks and ‘cracks of explosions from the far side of the building told me that the street battle there vas continuing, tured, braced myself, then fired my Panthers jumpjets. Bursis offusion-heated flame sent me soaring over my former shelter n'a soaring bound. | came down squarely behind the Atlas just as it bore down on Jurgon's crippled Stinger. Stingers left arm was lying on the street, shredded wiring and actuator ci- cuitry hanging out the severed end ike fir blackened spaghett, Paula's Wasp stood close alongside, her laser washing narm- Jess shafts of light across the 100-10 ‘monster's impenetrable chest armor. The UrbanMlech was at the Atlas’ reat, iis au- tocannon smashing through internal struc- ture ina fine spray of exploding shells and half-molten fragments. | took the shock of landing by flexing low.on my'Mech’s knees, ‘and opened fire with my PPC as Irecovered from the drop. Lightning fished and sparked in the damaged Atlas’ exposed wiring and cir- couitry. A Dott of electricity played between the hole in the Atlas’ back and the street, lumping and flickering as megawaits of charge overload sparked through the ai to ‘ground in thunder and ozone across the Pavement. Another spread of SRMe rock ‘ted into the Atias'leg and right torso, That hurt the bastard! The Atlas stag gered as though gravely wounded, then lurched heavily into the facade of a bulding on the south side of the sireet. Its autocan- non continuedtofire as tll the ral of 120 mm shell explosions smashing across the ‘Stinger's torso, then arrowing off down the street in a crashing drumroll of raw sound. For a long moment, it looked like the Attas wauld go all the way down, but its plot recovered, and the heavy machine turned to faco me ance mare. “Lance... jump! cried into the command circuit, and all four ‘Mechs triggered their jumpjets, bounding backout of the sweep of ‘the damaged Atlas wrath. Jurgans’ landing onthe south sideof he row of buildings was heavy and clumsy. “Jurgens! | ordered, Withdraw!" "'mokay, Lieutenant!” Jurgensrapliad. “1 ccan handle i!” I dide't have time to answer him. At that moment, the wall of buildings bohind us dissolved in crashing, tubing debris. An Atlas is too heavy to mount jumpjets. This October 3027 ‘Atlas had solved the problem of the barrior ‘of buildings not by going over them, but by ‘coming through! Laser fir lashed remthe heaviar' Mach, ‘end missios scrbed hot, white convails from the Atlas 'lefttorso. The Marikpiotwas spittinghis re again. Three missiles struck me in my Parthers legs. The others ex: Ploded narmiessiy somewhere behind me. A laser smashed into my machine's center torso, adding to the demage already thers. My HUD was flashing red, shrieking warn- ing of damage omy internals, of theloss of two heat sinks, of imminent power shut ‘down. That was all | nesded now, for my Panther to shut itso off and leave me helpless in the face of that monsters raw, rushing strength! Tineld my fe to Keep from adding to my “Mech'sheat problems, and fought a short, rightmare battle overriding the Panthers ‘cutoff crcuits. Jurgens took mare damage that staggered his ‘Mech, evan as he fred hopelessly and uselessly into the Atlas’ front torso. “Two BatteMoch forms landed close bohind the Atlas on hissing jumpjets. The study litle UrbanMech open fir with te autocannen, buttherange was soclosethat the rounds went flashing pasi the Alles’ shoulder end off down the stret bebind us. is laser scored damage, though, and isaw chunks of machinor piling oni he pave. ment, Paulas Wasp lt fly with her SAMs ‘and laser rom neariypoiatblenkrange. The ‘Atlas seemed to sag. then stagger to the ioft Smoke was billowing from the ravaged, armorlese seotions of te beckandloft torso. I fired my jumpjets and soared to ono side risking another heat shutdown in order tb gel cear of the Allastront arc of ie. As {set down elgnty meters away, | saw that ‘he Atlas pilot Ned regained control of ris machine and leshed out atthe closest of his tormentors— Finnegan's UrbanMech. The stubby litte 30-ton ‘Mech had one torible disadvantage. It was sow. slower ‘oven than the Atlas which was bearing down on it. Porhags he tried to fre his jumpjets to escape, and failed. All know is Thal the Allas loomed above his litte ma- chine, towering, unstoppable, its massive fists descending lke fang mountains... For the first tie in thiswicfight, was far enough away that | had a clea track-and- lacie with my PPC. Coldly and deliberately, {drew absead with my rigntforearm weapon onthe Atias’akready damaged back Battle damage must havo opened some of the: seams in my sealed cockpit for the dis- charge of the weapon brought the sharp {ang of ozone to my nostils. A voleano gout of fame andsmoke boiled from the st October 3027 giant Its torso seemed to bend backaround the wound, tt took a step forward, paused, then toppled forward like the ‘all of some ‘monstrous tree. A rising pall of smoke and dust blocked my view. “The battle—that part of i, at least—was over. Four ight Mechs had taken on an Atlas, and wor. Our sensors wamed us of approaching Marik BattieMechs, more heaves summoned, no doubt, by the doomed Atlas in the last moments before we'd managed to cut it down. Our cost was high: al of ur ‘Mechs carried heavy battle damage—my Panther's torso armor had been breached in four places, and | noticed that Paula's Wasp was dragging its right log. Fred Jurgone escaped with his i though his Stingerwas badly hurt its gyros damaged, its loft arm gone. ‘And we'd lost Finnegan. The Atias had ‘smashed the litle UrbanMech's head and Upper torso with a savage, brutal force hich had ariven Finnegan's machine into ‘he pavement. | don't know if he was still alive when my kiling shot struck the Atlas and toppled it forward onto its victim God...|don‘tever want to know. ifhe was stif alive, he must have bean sill struggling to get free of his cockpit when 100 tons of carballey stool and suddenly lifelose ma- chinery had thundered down on his traoped UranMech. ‘And | was his kller. We lefthim there in te wreckage. There was no time to recover his body...2nd nei- ‘her Fred nor | wanted Paula to see what was laf. Yeu all know how the rest ofit goas. The Vandals wero forced back out of the city ‘eventually, but not before we'd accounted for fourtesn enemy ‘Mechs, inciuding, of ‘course, an Atlas piloted by none other than Golonel Marcus Galliani. The Colonel's death loft hs command in some disarray, ‘adding to suspicions that Gatlianihad been improvisinghis mysterious plans for Penob ‘sobtashe went along, There wasasavage, drawn-out campaign, an endless round of hit-and-run aids, which burned through the forests along the flanks of the White Mour- tans throughout the rest of that fall. The Marc foroes kept tying to trap and pin us, butthey wore never able to catch us. For our parte, we wore running low on ammunition land coulé strike only whon we were certa af winring an overwheiming, f temporary, facventage, Those times were not frequent. ‘By late November, word came that a Steiner relief force had jumped in-system. The Mark forces fel over themselves in indecent haste to board theit DropShips ‘and depart Penobscot for elsewhere. The invasion collapsed as quicky as it had ‘bogun, and wo found ourselves the proud possessors of a remarkable end totally Unexpected vitor. Victory. {only needed to remember the expres- slonon Paui's face tha afternoon, air we climbed out of our Mechs back at orcamp back in the deep woods, for any taste of Victory to be transformed to ashes in my mouth, Victory...buta victory bought at such cost that | rasigned my commission soon after tho Marik DropShips stricked their way into Penobscot's etmosphore and beyond, into space. | would continue to fight, but not a3 lance commander, and never again with \Vartick's Vandals. There was no way Icould continue serving with my old unt, not after thal encounter with Gallian’s Aas. Because the look on Paula Mason's fao2 which had so seared my soul had been ‘aimed at me. "Murderer," she said Tho bond which had tied our lance to- ‘gether, which hed made it possible for us to Maneuver in such a perfect dance of death ‘against the Mari Atlas, hadbeen shattered forever. BattleTechnology 15 A BattleTechnology Exclusive Feature Article: Black Luthien by Roger van Nuys Black Luthien—a world of sprawing, black cities: awidderness of black ferrocrata ‘and manufactories and industrial centors ‘encroaching upon black swamps under an ‘atmosphere black and turgid with the ‘oul Delchings of Luthien’s incustry “This has been the image af the capital world of the Draconis Combine hed tor Centuries by tne ctzans of every one ofthe other Successor Sates... but just how truthful en image is it? BattleTecinology asked Roger van Nuys of our Draconis Combine branch editrialoficeson uthien to give us a report. Not many people outside of the Draconis Combine realize the extent of the ter alorming miracle which has transformed the face of eworta known as Luthien. Only four centuries ago, Luthien was a world of litte more than equatorial desar's, shalow seas and foul-smeling polar swamps. Fourth planet of a huge. GC-type subgiant star, Luthion was virtually uninhabitable at the equators, and the poles sweltered in a ‘steamy, sauna bath climate that made the world only marginally habitable. Its popula- tion was less than three milion—tarmers, ‘mostly, raising rubber, bamboo, and ‘Jukweed. On the Sendai Coset, fishing fleets harvested the xenocrustacean known as Tushani, the “Tushan Lobste” served as a delicacy by expensive resiau- fants and catering services acrossihe Inner Sphere. was Lord Sanethia Kurte’s decision to ‘move the capital of the Draconis Combine from New Samarkand to Luthion in 2617 hich was responsible for the transiorma- tion of Luthien into the imperial splendor which wo of the Combine know today, The factories are there—there can be litle doubt about that. An estimated 70% of LLuthien’s land area and laige parts of the shallow, coastal sea regions are now cov- ered by theindustraltacities and manutac- turing centers which make Luthien one of the leading industrial worlds of the Inner Sohers. It is true, too, that certain prob- lems—pollution of air and water. the condi- tions of life in the offcially-designated “housing utopias” surrounding the cities, the threatened exiinetian ofall native Luth’ len lifeforms—have caused and concern among Draco administrators and officials. Tashiro Smith, an Associate Co-Ordina- tor of the Luthien Ministry of Information. addressed the problem with characteristic direciness. ‘Lies!" Smith said during a re- ccontintorview. “The picture thatnon-Draco- nisne have of ife here on Luthioniea fabric of los, exaggerations, andhalf truths! Iithey wantto see Luthien, to know Luthien andits People, they should visit Imperial City for themselves, and not rely on the words of ant-Kurita propagandisis and Davion ru- ‘mor-mongers!” Imperial Cty! Perhapsthe mestastonish- ingand magnifcentciyy inthe Inner Sphere today is that monument to.human energy and ereatwvity, Imporial City, a monument which trly is the modern heart ofthe Dra- conis Combine. Growing in the midst of what once was swampiand, Imperial Clty {oday is showcase of magnificent edifices of teak and marble, of cut quartz and fegiobony and granite, arrayad among the parks | imported saquoia, birch, and trav- ferswood trees, reflected in the limpid beauty of he Daimyo Canal. Risinthe midst of this tranquil magnificence that the teakwood beauty of the Imperial Palace rises above the etl, bluo wators surround ing its island garden. “To know Imperial City is to know the slandering maliciousnes of he Combine's enemies. Itisaificutto imagine wny theenemiesot House Kurita should refuse toacknowledge the engineering and artistic brifiance of Luthien's capital. When asked his opinion, Tashiro Smith merely smilad and sug- ‘gested that jealousy might have something 10 do with it Black Luthien: Planet-wide factories and pollutant-spewing industrial facilities are what most foreigners think of when they think of Luthien. As is so often the case, this is an anti-Draco distortion of the truth 16 _ BattleTechnology October 3027

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