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Terao eck} BattleTechnology The Magazine of Combat a Burma Famer Olay BattleTechnology Target in on the future ... The Magazine of Combat in the 31st Century FEATURING. BattleMech Camouflage tips MechWarrior Employment Guides BattleTech Combat Simulations plus the latest news from the Inner Sphere Join Us! a BATTLETECHNOLOGY POST OFFICE BOX 23651 OAKLAND, CA 95623 Send me: C_ 6 issues of BattleTechnology 5 12 issues of BattleTechnology Name PLEASE INDICATE METHOD OF PAYMENT TGHECKI MONEY ORDER CHARGE dress = 'e2 'o= City State zi GEES Aw Sees eD) Enclose $19.00 for 6 issues, $34.00 for 12 issues in the USA. APOs, aunts and FPOs; $21.00 for 6 issues, $40.00 for 12 issues to Canada. Rates to other destinations are $36.00 for 6 issues via air mail Payments must be by US check, charge, postal money ‘order, or international money order drawn on an account in the US. ‘These rates are in effect from July 1, 1987 until superceded. SGRATURE ep baie BattleTechnology ...... The Magazine of Combat in the 31st Century August 3027 ‘About the Cover: A.lightning strike by the 2nd Kearny Highianders. spearheaded a snap raid by Liao forces onto the Davion world of Corella eary in July, culmi- naling in the Batile of Kilgour. Critics of Prince Hanse Davion’s poicies contend that the war games and maneuvers recently launched are wasteful of precious war materials and risk triggering confrontations suchas Kilgour. See page 16 of this issue, "What Is Hanse Up To?" Contents What Is Hanse Up To? ‘Wallis Hasek MechWarrior: Mind and Machine ‘eth Douglas and Colonel Kuan LiPo (Ret) Mastering the Inner Fire: The Mind as a Weapon .. Colonel Kuan Li-Po (Ret.) Drop Into Hell: Combat Drop on Scheat V Captain Sinclair MacCray DEPARTMENTS Hiring Hall Duke of Alcyone 4 Worldbook Brimsione, by J, Andrew Keith 6 BattleTac Battle of Kgour 8 Sicearms Laser Pistols. 12° ‘Technical Readout FLC-AN Faleon, by Dale L. Kemper 40 Repair Bay Engine Swaps 42 BATTLETECH SIMULATOR MechWartior: Training and Experience 44 ‘The Battle of Kilgour: BatleForce Campaign 48 Randal’ Charge at Bloody Field 52 Holding the Line 54 Deep Trouble 56 More Than Warriors— The Apprentice's Lament Words by William H. Keith, J. Music by Nina Barton Unttied Poem ‘by Thomas 8. Gressman OPENING SHOTS Welcome to BattleTechnology Magazine. ithas been said of the 31st Century that human fais cheap, while tha combat machines they plot ara ‘Certainly this istruein military terms. In the brutal blood and steel accounting system of modem combat, regimental commanders woud gaaly saciice a batalion of Infantry in erder to bring down a single BatlleMech. Those ponderous machines which have been termed Kings of the Baitlfold are vinualy imeplaceabie, priceless in any real sence of the word. One study suggests that new ‘Mechs ae being {sssembled inthe various surving industrial complexes of th Inner Spare sta ate which only just barely ‘surpasses their ation rate incombat. The maori of ‘Mechs encountered on the batlefild are centuries {¢,Iteraly nailoams which have been passed down trom generation to generation withn single families , inmany cases, witin particular recimental companies. ‘Ard ofcourse, the hurrans who take these machines into bate can always be replaced. Orcan they? ‘There are aspects of flesh and blood and sprit which can never be assumed by the purely mechanical ‘amas ofcombat macines, however sophisticated. The brothernoog which binds ighting menandwomen, togathe, the belonging, tha traning and experience theespritde cores which makes a company more han an aimed mob—these are intangibles which go beyond the statistics of 'Mech tonnage and combat Trepower. These comprise he human element of sprit and radiion and fghting wil whichmake i possbte for a Davd to triumph over a Goliih.or a pair of Wasps to take on a Pifleman and win, Even today, the human element cannot be lightly diemisted, When such qualities cease to make any affarancaintha balance oflfe—or death—then Manas aspecios will bo ready or the serap heap, replaced by the machines which were prevousl his servants. itis ths human elemert which makes a magazine sucti as BatleTechnobgy possible. Ary magazine cesignedtor Mach Warriors whch cealtsolly inthe statistics of Mech against Mecn wouldhaveallthe flavor ‘and coloro!atechnical manual. tis ine human element—wih al islearandhope, stiving and falure and Success which addsthe fre. In this and uture issuesof BattoTechnology, MechWarriors and oher interested parties wilfindwhatwe hope is 2 balanced range of columns and feéture artes. Sunjec's wil include arytning of interest 10 warrors. techs, and mercenaria, tom the polis othe Great Houses, to new Mech desians, rom tacical Favions of historical battles to useful modficatios to ‘Mechs cr equipment, from columns deaing with folestial mercenary employers to detailed deseriptons of worlds aeoee the oxpiored Galaxy. But in this endeavor, we must rely on the human element. BatleTechrology maintains its princpal editoral offices on the sail wors of Exeter, within the boundaries of he Federated Suns, an satelite ‘fices winin he taritry ef each ofthe other Houses, Wa rly on the human element—the menandwomen \tho serve astechs, as mercenary solders, as MechWariors acrass the realm of Human space—toprovide Us wih the material you seein these pages. ‘Combat experiencss. Tactical evaluations of battles or campaigns which you have expetienoed. EattleMach dasigs o revisions or modifications which you have used, or had used aganst you. Songs, obi, e° artwhich spaak of fe humen element ina univeiee of death and blood ard machines and of le and hope in such a universe. ‘BatleTectrology Hopes to present al ofthese and more. But we need your help ahd parteipation, We nead the human element BatleTectnology is, after al, your sory ‘STANDARD THES AND OATES ‘Unossothorwise noted, limes gyn nthisigsue ave Toran Syncronsed Time abbreviated TST), TST elates the ime on any wot eo tadonal thou ck ett he rng we sot of sonal ein araune TST variate “nou: maybe as much asten manus shore’ or lngor hana stands, o"-matre” hou, Gepending onthe words ‘The 24-hour clock divides the local day into 24 equal periods, with 1200 hours corssponding to local noon, Thus, 900 hours e mizmaraing wi 1500 hed" rieatinec. ‘lidates use tha univeral Teran standard calendar abbreviated TO), which divides art's year ino 2 months or 385.25 cays, ax measured by slarearazea mevre tre ranerfan Ww varaue TST. TC caws a realod oe Current dite at" bngitude Grewnren on Tera, and wil ave nating de wivhe eeaens or loal date of wots sine an Cath “his promiriesue of ata Techalogy is died Rugest 007 td THE OFFICIAL BATTLETECH FAN CLUB ‘Whenyou join MECHFORCE you get everything the well dressed MechWarrior is wearing today An official BATTLETECH cap ‘A patch of your tavorte House Campaign ribbons An Official MechWartiorID Card But that's not all! You also get BATTLETECH Quarterly, the Offical BATTLETECH newsletter. This Newsletter includes information on the Major Houses, articles on notable MechWarriors, Tournament results, scenarios,. game statistics for new "Mechs, and official secret information found nowhere else, direct from FASA. = Althis can be yours for only $15.95. For only $3.00 more for members (or $5.00 for non-members) you may become an Active MechWarrior. As an Active MechWarrior you will be eligible to participate in Official Tournaments held across the country. The results of these tournaments will be published in the BATTLETECH Quarterly Newsletter. Also, a record of your kills and skill levels will be recorded in national files. Become an Active MechWarrior today! NAME ADDAESS cry, STATE zip. TELEPHONE [5 clus MEMBERSHIP $15.95 [7 ACTIVE MECHWARRIOR (MEMBER COST $3.00) [J active MECHWARRIOR (NON-MEMBER COST $5.00) TOTAL HOUSE AFFILIATION: [23 pavion Colsteien Coqurrra Couiao Co) warik SEND TO: MECHFORCE 1200 So. Brand Blvd. #3 Glendale CA 91204 Allow 4-6 weeks delivery Reader surveys indcate that uly 32.6% of Battie Technology's readers are merce- nary warriors, either as mombers of estab fished mercenary combat units serving one or another of the great houses, or as freelance warriors forhire in such diverse services as bounty hunters and personal body guards for important goverament or corporate offcials. ‘As a spacial service to is mercenary leaders then, BattleTechnology introduces this column designed 10 apprise the magazne's readers of mercenary employ- ‘ment opportunities throughout the Inner Sprereang beyond. Each column in tuture ‘sues will faature a particular potential ‘employer, ranging rom the Great Houses of the Successor States themselves 10 wealthy or powertul dividuals. compora- tions, orinsitutes which periodicaly require soldiers-for-ire. ‘A throo-ltter coding system has been developedtorate eachemployerreviewedin this coumn, Each letter, ranging from A (very good) to Z (very bad) provides insight into possible advantages or disadvantages associatedwith hing out tthe employerin Guestion. Note that the same code is pro Sentedin the companion Battle Technology Column, World Book The areas rated through this cede are. NEED: How frequently does the em- ployer require mercenaries? Code values, 9f A through G indicate a nearly continual need for mercenary forces of various types. Values of U through 2 suggest that merce nary openings are relatively rare. PAY: How well does the employer pay? Code values ofA through @ indicaie above- average pay scales. Values of U through Z indicate poor pay, ora history of nencompi- ‘anes wih mercenary contract, CONDITIONS: What are the usual conditions under which mercenarias work? Values of A through G genetally indicate relatively good corditions—access to rec- reatonal or R&R ‘acilties, service on an Earthlike world, or “soft tickets" such as coremonial guard duty or providing ascot {or roble functionaries at court. Values of U through Z suggest generally bad of un- ploasant conditions, such as sorvico at an 4 BattleTechnology Leopold Ransom: Duke of Alcyone isolated outpost far trom recreational facil ties, guard duty at a emote prison or forced labor facility, or hitch on a world with an unusually hostile ervironment. ‘Numerous factors are taken intoaccourt in calculating each code value. Naturally, ‘contract openings, pay, and condiiions tnder the same employer may vary tremien: ously depending on circumstances or changes unreported to BattleTechnology since the basic research was done. These code valves are intended as guidelines in the presentation of a readers’ service only. Batile Technology assumes no responsibil: ity, written orimplied, fordamages, costs. or casualties incurred through service to mer: conary employers screenedin tis column. SYSTEM OVERVIEW The word listed as “Alcyone" on most Federated Suns star charts isnot the same 29 tho cassical Aleyono, brghtost star of the custer of young, hot, biue white stars krown as the Pleiades. The Alcyone of the Pleiades is, of coursegiven that lusier’s extremely young age—slanatiess, hough it is under close observaion from research ations cicing other stars of the cluster, Electra, Meia, and Merope. ‘The world Aloyone lies ai two thirds’ the stance of the Pleiades Cluster from Sol, ose to the Davion systems of Redfield, Daniels, and Stein's Folly and near the Liao border. ‘The system was discovered by Captain Alfred Daniels of the Terran Survey Ship Seekerin 2214. The single habitable world was named by Daniels alter his daughter, Alyone Daniels. Thefactthat the system appears to fe along a straight ine running fom Sol to the Pleiades on two- dimensional star charts is probably conc ence. Alcyone’s star is a main sequence KO sun invisible from Sol. I listed on ravigational ephemerides as NSC E 4-008, 382, andis called Alsun or “A's Sun by the natives. Alcyone is formally designated as ‘Aeun I Aleyone is rated as an Earthike wortd Possessed ofa terrestrial ecosystem and a standard oxygerrnitrogen atmosphore, it ssupporis a population of several hundred million. The world has been repeatedly raided by Liao warfloots during the past several centuries and suffered heavily cur- ing the genocidal campaignsof the First and Second Successor State Wars. Numerous, of Aisun Ifs cities have been destroyed and ever rebuilt, or they remain inhabited but show extensive signs of heavy war dam. ‘age. Aicyone is marginaly self-sufficient in both agriculture and industry. The planet's, principal resource is the Hobson-Redeye Factory compex outside ofAlcyone’s capi- tal of Gratura. The HobsorRedeye plant manutacturés core assemblies for medium and heay lasers which are in demand throughout the Inner Sphere. Numerous recent Liao raids have been staged for he ‘express purpose of securing stocks of laser cote units for Liao manufacturing, or in Coder to destroy the plant in a sifor 10 hamper House Davion's military effort. Leopold Ransom: Duke of Alcyone Alsun Il is ruled by Duke Leopold of ‘Aleyone, eleventh of his line in a peerage Created in 2807 by Paul Davion. Almost a century later, Alcyone fell to the growing strength of House Liao, though there were whispered hints o!treason byinetnen Duke of Aleyone, Fentie Ransom. Liao Planetary {govermors ruled Alcyone through the line of AAlcyone Dukes, maintaining the line in or- or to maintain tir logtimacy. Only ro- cently, military reversals against House Lizo ‘at Redfeld and Steins Folly have resulted in House Davion's securing a frm foothold in this system, ‘Duke Leopold is not popular with the people he rules. Though he publicly sup ported Hanse Davion ard led the call for Feunification with the Federated Suns after Redfield, ts widely rumeredthat the move wes designed to save his own skin, that he isin fact, stl inthe pay of Liao agents and seorely working against the intorosts of tho ‘ever-popular Prince Hanse Davien, Davion himself has never acknowiedged these rumors, though he has certainly heard them. Publicly. at least, Leopold is Davion's faithful servant, and Davion has confirmed him as the designated ruler of Alsun Il. Leopold is also a close supporter and con- fidant of Prince Davion's. brother-in-Law, Michael Hasek-Davion, Dukeof New Syris. I the general population of Aleyone ex- pected to receive a new ruler withthe pass- ing of tei Liao overlords, they were disep- ponted. Publie unrest and discontent have August 3027 been swelling in recent months, and Duke Leopold has three times deciared a plane- tary state of emorgency and omployod household troops to crush local insurrec- tions MERCENARY TICKETS Because of he widespreadpublic unrest, ‘Duke Leopold hasbeen unwilingto employ ative Alcyonian militia forces for duties such as personal ar palace security, or for ‘crowd and riat control. In one of the recent declared emergencies, local miltia forces joined rioters in the streets and were put down only when Leopold's own House Guard, the notorious Alcyone House Reds, fired into the crowd, kilingthiry and wound- ing wel over two hundred. With his miltary and paramilitary 16- sources severely limited, Duke Leopold has recently issued a call for mercenaries 10 extend the strength and scope of his per- sonal forces. Mercenary duties reported by BatleTechnology correspondents include escorts of miltary and government con- voys; security details for factories (including the Hobson-Redeye complex), cams, bridges, power stations, or BattleMech repair facilties; and highly prestigious du- ties as ceremonial quards at the Ducal Palace at Gratura. On July 2nd, 3027 (TC) a 20-man mercenary security force opened fire on a rioting crowd outside the Plaza Concordiat two kilometers from the Ducal Plaza, killing tree and wounding seven. Themercenaries wereimmediataly overrun by armed rioters. Aitera sharpfightin which womore civilians and one mercenary were Killed, the security detail was rescued by a detachment of Alcyone Reds and managed to retire to the Palace in good orcer. August 3027 TICKET DETAILS Though details vary depending on the individual mercenary ticket, the lollewing information describes typical service stan- dards in previous mercenary contracts signed with Duke Leopold of Aleyone. MISSIONS: RETAINER TERRITORIAL CAMPAIGN (iot duty, crond control) STATIC DEFENSE (including garrison duty, training cadres, and providing security) LENGTH OF SERVICE 6 to 9months REMUNERATION Infantry, Armor, Artillery Veteran, Elite: Cb 12,000- 15,000 per squad per week Regular: Cb 7,000 - 10,000 per squad per week Green: Cb 2,000 - 5,000 per squad per week MaechWarriors. AeroSpace Pilots: Veteran, Eite: Cb 1,500 per warrior per week Regular: Cb 700 ‘per warrior per week Green: Cb 500 per warrior per week GUARANTEES ‘ComStar Intermediary: An agrood-upon sum (generally equal to one third of the entire agreed-upon sum for the mercenary Unitfor a'six month period, less. 5% fee for ComStar's serves) is placed in an escrow account al the ComStar offices in Gratura, ‘Aleyone, Contractual noncompliance by «ither side is grounds for release offunds to the aggrieved party, after adjudication by a noutral ComStar precentor, COMMAND RIGHTS ‘Command wil a House Command, with the unit placed directly Under the orders of Baron General Fitzhugh Ransom of the Duke's personal staf. Where possible, the mercenary force will operate independently of local planetary forces but wil be responsible o the plane- tary Staff Command Under some circumstances, Duke Leo- oid retains the right to itvoduce an inte- grated command. structure. with local planetary troops augmenting or replacing various of the mercenary forces. TRANSPORT ‘The mercenary untis generally expected to provide its own transport to Aleyone. In exceptional cases, the Alcyone Govern- ‘mentmay arrange fortransportat Aleyone’s oxponse. ASSESSMENT ‘Though wel-ated in noed and average to above-average in pay and conditions, mercenaries considering applying for mmorctickst on Aleyore are strongly uigod to ‘consider the deteriorating poitical situation. Indeed, Alcyone’s code rating of "M" inthe Conditions category is as low as itis princi pally because of the volatile political situ- aton onthe pianet. Analystshave predicted that Aloyone’s goverment cannot remain inpower without instituting sil turther dra- Conian measures against the population. Iniervention. by either Davion or Liao in order to “restore order” isa distinct possibil- ity Also possible is ful-blown armedrevolu- tion oF altoutcivi war. Whether successful ‘or not, any such rising would have as prin- cipal targets any offworlder mercenaries in the pay oF the hated Duke Leopold. Further, revolutionary governments tend to show an almost unifoim failure to honor mercenary contracts and agreements ‘signed with former governments, The over- throw of Duke Leopold by a popular rising ‘could strand Leopole’s mercenaries on a hostile world, leaving them at the mercy of bloodthirsty mob. Evendirectinterveniion ‘on behalt of the goverment by Hanse Davion's forces, or those of tho Duko of New Syrts, woud likely come too late 10 help offworider mercs marooned on Alcy- BattleTechnology's recommendation is that merosnary MechWerriors and infantry alixe avoid Aloyone. There are othertickots available which pay as well or better—and ‘without the risk of becoming involved in a bloody ard bitter civ war. BattleTechnology Mercenary Employer Assessment Alsun Il: Alcyone CODE: BiJM ASSESSMENT: Negative Fal pay; high risk A BattleTechnology 5 on by J. Andrew Keith STELLAR DATA Catalog #NSC D 6507-438 NB nay) ‘Star: Orpheus (A) Type: FSV Me: 90 So Luminesty:2.70 Sol Baas 124 os Estimated “Time Remaining on Main ‘Semmes! © bavayeet Type: FIV Lumincity-2.07 Sol Rass 119 So! Estimated Time Remaining on Main Sequence: 9 begayoa! BRIMSTONE: Fiery Hell the Kurita Frontier SYSTEM DATA Binary System Type: Close Double Planetary System: 9 ror bodes, 1 asteo1 bot PLANETARY DATA Planet V: Welssu Common” Name: Brimstone oan Orta! Rads:2.74 AY neta! Eosontcty: 0129 ‘pasion Obl Distance: 2 7678 AU ered 8.099 sardara oars 2.9681 tana cays) ase: taah qual Diameter: 6322.0 km loan Planetary Desi 8.9 gl (1.8 Eath) cantor eee anes ome Seeing meer te i en 6 BattleTechnology overt soot Pa eae Ste Gaka Haih ‘Snwardtor Bisons ava laste Des 8 ECONOMY: Feces bs, ndt 167, ear ‘smacon (74954 Some B28) Moan Surtace Graviy:3.1780 Ezeape Volo. 12.8 koe FoationalPorod: Nove: tal lck with salto. Daylight cycle ave to mutual ort wih atl c 8.1 howe, ‘Atmosphere: Marginal Eath Typo ‘Gompestion: N83, 0,11 3%: HO(Twan} 0.6% ‘ult andeutlr compounds 2390 rarograghis: 1% of the surace 2overed by Naud H,OM,S0, tated by other sur compounds Teinporatre Range (Port Erebus): = 10°. (wnt, "ght through «66°C (summer. dy). Equatorial temperatres can exceed 125°C GENERAL PLANETARY INFORMATION Fre) Mean Orblial Radius: 162.2966 km (30 tmatona radi: Eoventity: 0206 Period: $5.1 hous, Mass: 4 Ear; Equatorial Diamoter: 42,756 km: Mean Density: 22 gio Mean Surface Gravity: &.G: Escape Velocy: £39 ps. Rotational Period: None [bal lock wih (tira) bat saynght oye nterates Dy aria of 55.1 hows: Asal ncination: 31838 7: ‘mosphere: Innosptabe: Sulace Pramure: 17 ‘aim Conposon varous neft gases: Hydro: ‘Oraphie Bata: no Raul Mydrospere on planet, SATELLITES: 1 (Common nar Fagiut: 4161.5 kr; Cirourtorence: 26,147 508, fen; Total Surface Area: 217 25,000 59 kn: nnd ‘Surface. Aree: T67.197/000 e0 kr Inhabited ‘Surface Aten” 1/871,570 20 km Surtoce Topography: Coon Soatake 1% ValyatvBenin 236; Rising Ground 11% Lowlands 10% StppePain 2, Low his Os; High hile Low Mountains 7s; High Mountains 5. Finance: Goro Atma nak ~ C0582) Pr Cape Income Gob ou Donate Peat Co 181 lon importa. Nara! Agri Pavocemese, Aarts ev Mentacued Gove it MiractresGones rapa Sowers (2), Seo), Walt (teh acai 1) Kaaropy (7, aang Usd St Expert hier Ue atoactws Meo! Manet eacu (9, Yale 6), Wacbam ‘Ate eee Gr Sovet ),Mazng (2). sone’ Dewy Sac nn Enver rar hercant Fee ‘Siig a Pgh 3 Sates Spetom Jump ‘ine Bconce 1020 A. rel Tne ies 20 Nurs Lu Expectancy a Bich: 6 os: Bh Rate: 2009 Morty ate (30) Pepulson Growth ale: Geran at payee Luacy 126; Tehnisane 100 population: 4 eee er mares eae eae cae ee Saori eee Seen eae ee August 3027 THE PLANET ‘he binary star system of Orpheus/Eu- rydice les in the cis-Alpheratz region ofthe Draconis Combine, less than 30 ight years {rom the Federated Suns border. tis a part of the six~planetfiefdom of Duke Heinrich ven Altdor! and is important chietly for the ‘great mineral wealth of Brimstone, the only world even marginally habitable by Man. ‘Geology: Brimstone israted at Class Xill con the Ermsson Scale indicating extremely ‘active geological conditions. Vulcanism and severe seismic sressesresult fromthe massive tidal influence exerted by the planet's satelite (more a twin world than a moon). Tectonic instabilty has produced a wide variety i surface features, dominated by rugged mourtains and high, relatively fiat upland plains. The major areas of vol ccani¢ acivily and. mountan-bullding are centered at the wora's equator, where the tidal effect is strongest, but no part of Brim- stoneis completely ree ot quakes, volcanic eruptions, sulfurous gas couds, or lava flows. Ecology: Native life forms are scant and totaly incompatioe with Terrestrial types. Al species discovered to date are ron- motile chemosyrthtic types which flourish in the regions of greatozt volcanic activity “They extract variety of chemicals fromthe soil and metabolze gaseous sulfur dioxide (60), releasing pure oxygen a¢ a by-prod uct. The harsh conditions have limted the feasibility of introducing oftword flora or fauna, except in climate-controlled hydro pponics domes inthe area around thehuman Sattiement. Persons planning to visit the planet should note the marginal qualities of theamosphere, which is heavily tainted by sulfur compounds. Though breathable, the a is noxious—areathing masks are not essential but are certainly important to Comfort and good health—and may occa- Sionaly be contaminated wih dilulo gase- ous sulfuric acid. This can have @ highly Corrosive effect on equioment and people exposed for protonged periods of time to clouds ofthis acid steam. Persons bringing ‘Mechs or other fusion-powered vehicles to the planet should take precautions against the extreme heat, which complicates ordi- nary heat buldups cut of al recogriton. istory: Weiseu was discovered by the Fourth Intertollar Survey in 2235 but was never exploited dus to the retreat of Terran Colonial interests a few years later. In 2540 the Draconis Combino, interested in tap- ing the recently re-discovered resource potertial of the planet, threw it open to Settlement. Roughly 100,009 satlore, most of them miners of European and North August 3027 American extraction trom the Kurita fron- tiers worlds of Misery and Barlow's Folly, wore established in that year at the north polar ragion that later became known as Port Erebus. The first 60 years of the colony's history wore marked by hardship and sutfering, andfora time itseemediikely that it would fail entirely. t was during this ppotiod that the popular focal name "Brim stone” came into common use. Fortunes began to pick up around 2700, and thereat- ter the colony anjoyad a longthy poriod of slow but steady growh. ‘The misfortunes of the war touched Brim- ‘stone during the Second Succession con- flict; a Davion invasion force occupied Port Erebus as par of a general offensive in the area. In the Second Battle of Port Erebusin 2858, the Davion forces were dislodged, but Federated Suns General Ferdinand Rico's scorched-planet tactics in the with