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Step by Step Installation of SAP NetWeaver 7.

01 SR1 SP3
ABAP Trial Version in Oracle VirtualBox Part 1/3
August 19, 2010 | 699 Views |

Faisal Altaf
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ABAP Development
abapsap developer networksap educationsap netweaver platform

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Step by Step Installation of SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SR1 SP3 ABAP Trial Version in Oracle VirtualBox
Part 2/3
Step by Step Installation of SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SR1 SP3 ABAP Trial Version in Oracle VirtualBox
Part 3/3

Downloading and Installing Virtual Box

Click here for Downloading Oracle Virtual Box
1. Run the .exe file after downloading. After running this, you will get the following first installation

2. Below Screen for End-User License Agreement will appear when you check the next button from
the above screen
3. After Selecting next from the above Screen you will get the below one from where you can select or
unselect installation components by default all are going to install, you can also change the path from
this screen but I am going to install on default path and selecting all components to install.

4. Below Screen will appear after the above one. From this screen you can select the Shortcuts as i have
selected for both Desktop and Quick Launch Bar
5. After selecting next from above window you will get following one with the Warning message, means
if you are Browsing, doing some downloading or copying data from local network it will temporally
stopthis because it will reset network connection for few seconds, so be sure that you are doing
nothing with network.

6. When you select Yes from above screen the following ready to begin Installation window will appear.
Now you can select Install Button to start Installation.
7. After selecting Install button you will get the above progress installation window and you may get the
following message for 3 or more times you have to select the Continue Anyway button every time.
8. You have done with Installation now. when you select the Finish button from the below screen with
the Check Box Checked Start Oracle VM VirtualBox 3.2.6 after installation. VM will start
Automatically or you will have to start it using the shortcut you created.

Creating Virtual Machine

1. From below initial screen of VM you have to select the New button appearing top left under menu
bar, you can select it from menu path Machine > New or you can also use short cut Ctrl + N
2. After selecting New Button you will get the following Welcome windows. Select Next button from
this window.

3. From below windows VM Name and OS Type as i am selecting

Name as Windows Server 2003 for SAP MINI
Opreating System as Microsoft Windows
Version as Windows 2003
Note: You can also installl MINI SAP on Windows XP but I am installing on Windows Server 2003.
4. After selecting Next from above windows you will get the following one from where you can select
Memory (RAM) for you VM. Your system must have 2 GB Physical RAM from that 2 GB you can
assign to VM 1.25 GB or 1 GB too.
Note: if you will give 1 GB (1024 MB) you may will get message for low memory while installing
MINI SAP but you can ignore this message because I have experienced with to install with one GB on
VM and it works.

5. Below is the window that will appear after the above one it is about the Virtual Hard Disk Select
Check Box Create New Hard disk and go to next Screen using Next Button.

6. Press next for appearing window after the Welcome Create New Virtual Disk Wizard
7. There are two type of Virtual Hard disk Dynamically expending storage and Fixed-size storage.
Here we will select 1st one (Dynamically expending storage) and Press Next button.

8. From the below window you can select the Virtual Disk Location and Size we will select the Physical
drive where minimum 40 GB of free disk space is available. Because we will copy about 3.5 GB Setup
files in it too. You have to select the Virtual Disk Size more than 50 GB as I am selecting 1.01 TB.

9. From the following Summary window conform about the Location of Virtual Disk on you Physical
Hard disk and select Finish.

10. A new entry will appear will the Provided VM Name in the list as shown in screen below, on the
right hand side it is showing the settings of that VM. Now you will have to change some setting for this
we can click on the Heading appearing as Blue or we can check the Setting button appearing right to
New button.
11. In the Setting (tab or window) we will see the Boot Order adjust it as shown below.

12. In Network (tab or window) we have to set the setting as shown below.

13. In Storage (tab or window) we have to assign Physical CD/DVD Drive which have Bootable
Windows Server 2003 CD/DVD (because I have two Drives in my system so it is showing as two select
the one having windows CD/DVD), you can also assign a ISO Image of Windows using the Yellow
button just right side of the CD/DVD Dropdown menu shown Below.
14. Now Select the Start Button showing in the Step 10 Screen just right side of the Setting button. Our
system is starting now.

15. It will Boot from CD/DVD/ISO Image and now we have to follow the windows installation steps,
below is the first one we will press enter from the Keyboard.
16. Read and Press F8 for User Licensing Agreement from Below Screen.

17. Now follow the Steps (18 to 20) below for Creating and formatting the partition.


20. We will do Quick format as selected below

21. As shown below setup has start it is copying files.

22. After Restart you will see the below Screen no need to do any change here so press Next for go to
next Step.
23. Give User and Organization in below window

24. On Screen below no need to do any change, so press Next for go to next Step.
25. Hostname must not exceed 13 characters, like me giving MINISAP below

26. In case of Simple Password we can get the below message if want to change the password
Press No and if Continue using the same then Press Yes,
27. Select Data and Time Settings in Below Screen

28. Press Next Button with Typical setting Radio button selected.
29. leave the workgroup same or you can do change accordingly.

30. After Selecting Next Setup Starts again like following screen.
31. Finally after restart the following window appear because it is in VM so you will not Press Ctrl +
Alt + Delete to login but you will use Right Ctrl + Delete

32. Follow steps from here to 39 for Installing VM Additions for better move to the screen of VM and
Physical Machine.
Note: in the screen below Host + D Host mean Right Ctrl Key

33. When we will select the option above we will see the setup start as below sometimes it will not start
Automatically, in this case we have to go to My Computer and open CD ROM of VM (In CD/DVD of
VM you will find a loaded ISO) open it and run setup from there.


37. You may will get the below warning message for few time always click the button Continue
38. Following Security Alert may also come in this case Select Yes

39. Finally Select Finish Button to Restart your VM.

40. Follow the Steps Below to share the host Drive or Folder for VM. Right Click on the Icon as
highlighted in the below screen shot and select Shared Folders When you will select this option
window in the step 41 will appear.
Note: I have experienced many times for running setup from network and found it end with error so I
strongly recommend you to copy the setup files in the local Hard Disk of VM.

41.From the Shared Folders window select Add button, after selecting this button you will get the Add
Share Small window, from this window you can select the Drive or Folder you want to show in VM.

42. You can go to the Shared Folder or Drive using the below path from My Network Places. From here
you can copy past in your Local Drive.
Click here for downloading (SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SR1 SP3 ABAP Trial Version)
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1. Manish KumarAugust 20, 2010 at 12:27 am

it is nice tutorial will plenty of sceenshots
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2. Rajesh GAugust 31, 2010 at 3:08 am

It was very helpful for me on installing the Virtual box. A suggestion that you could
mention a topic called pre-requisites for installation at the beginning of the document
so that anyone can keep the things required before hand.
RAM > 2 GB
Operating system iso image or CD/DVD
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3. karthiksai chennaNovember 22, 2010 at 11:44 pm
This is very good and very useful.I am loging in only to comment on your post.
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4. Georg BechmannJune 22, 2011 at 12:15 am

Hi Faisal,
Short question: Does this installation guide works also for other window operation
systems like Windows XP or does it have to be Windows Server 2003? Thanks a lot
for your answer!
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1. Faisal Altaf Post authorJune 22, 2011 at 12:18 am

Hi Georg,
You can install the same on Windows XP.
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1. Vineet SafayaMarch 13, 2014 at 6:17 pm

Is the VMWare compatible with windows8?

If i install VMware on my win8.. any problems i might be facing?

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2. Astley WedderburnApril 29, 2016 at 1:05 pm

Is the VMWare compatible with windows10?


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5. Dip DGJune 11, 2014 at 4:33 pm

Hi i am getting an error during installing windows server 2003 r2 as a host on Oracle Virtual
box. it is saying make sure the kernel module has been loaded successfully and then after
aborting its giving The virtual machine windows server 2003 has terminated during start up
with exit code 1.
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6. Jayalakshmi SubramaniJuly 16, 2015 at 5:05 pm

I am getting below error while installing. Please help
An error occurred while processing option SAP NetWeaver 7.0 including Enhancement
Package 2 > SAP Application Server ABAP > MaxDB > Central System > Central System( Last
error reported by the step :Assertion failed: SdbVersion.readFromCD: The output of
DATA_UNITS\MAXDB_WINDOWS_I386\SDBINST.EXE -l is not analysable. The component
Base is missing.). You can now:

Choose Retry to repeat the current step.

Choose View Log to get more information about the error.

Stop the option and continue with it later.

Log files are written to C:\Program Files (x86)/sapinst_instdir/NW702/AS-


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Step by Step Installation of SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SR1 SP3
ABAP Trial Version in Oracle VirtualBox Part 2/3
August 19, 2010 | 327 Views |

Faisal Altaf
more by this author
ABAP Development
abapsap developer networksap educationsap netweaver platform

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Step by Step Installation of SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SR1 SP3 ABAP Trial Version in Oracle VirtualBox
Part 1/3
Step by Step Installation of SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SR1 SP3 ABAP Trial Version in Oracle VirtualBox
Part 3/3

Start Installing SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SR1 SP3 ABAP Trial Version
First of all before starting main installation we have to install prerequisites like java (JRE) and needs to
do some other settings like Virtual Memory.
Downloading and Installing JRE
Click here for Download latest JRE
1. After downloading run the setup, you will see the following first installation window. you can change
the installation folder here but i will not change and do the installation with the default path.
Note: you will have to remember the JRE installation path because you will have to select that path
while installing SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SR1 SP3 ABAP Trial Version.
2. After selecting Next from the above window installation will start and after moments it will complete
and following window will appear with the message of Successful installation.

3. For setting up Virtual Memory Right Click on My Computer and from the appearing window go
to Advanced tab like the screen Below. Click on the Settings button shown below.
4. After Selecting the Settings button on window with Title Performance Options will appear, in this
window you will see a part with heading Virtual Memory like it is showing in the below screen, Click
the Change Button.

5. As we have only one Partition of our Virtual Hard Disk so it will so only one. Select it (C:) and Radio
Button Custom size and give 4096 in both Initial Size and Maximum Size text box, now
Click SetButton. Now we are ready to Start Setup.

6. Go to the following Path as i copied in the local Drive C.

and Run the Setup using the sapinst.exe
7. After running the setup you will see the following window from where you will have to select
the Central System as showing bellow.
8. After selecting Central System, when you will Click on the Next button following Message Box will
appear, from here you will select OK button after selecting this system will automatically log you off
and when you log in again setup start again automatically.

9. After running the setup again the following window with User License Agreement will appear, Read
and Select I Accept Radio Button and Press Next Button
10. From the next window select the JRE installed location using Brows Button as shown in the screen
below. Press Next Button for go to next Step.
11. Because we are not doing installation under some Domain so uncheck the Check Box Set FQDN for
SAP System and Press Next.
12. Give the Master Password in the below window.
Note: Please note this Password because you will use this password for Login to SAP* user and some
other purpose too.
13. You may will get the following Message Box with the message Shown in Screen of Step 12. Press
the Cancel Button to Continue Setup.
14. Following message will show under the above message.
Note: Because i gave 1024MB(1GB) to VM so i am getting the message of RAM Size too if you will
give about 1500MB or 2048MB to VM, then it will not show this message.
15. Because are not going to install SAP Cryptographic Library so uncheck this Check box and Press
Next Button.
16. Following Summary window will appear after above step you can check the selected option for
installation like JRE Directory or Password if you found those all correct then Press Next for start
17. After pressing the next button Installations will start as shown in the screen Below.
18. The Step 18 of 27 (Import ABAP) will take a long time to compete so dont worry. It can take 5 to 8
hours according to your system Specification.
19. After Completing the setup following message of Installation Successful will appear. Now you are
ready to play with it.
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1. Salvador DiazAugust 27, 2010 at 8:19 pm

Excelent tutorial, for the people that try to do it with VMWare 7.0 does not work at step
18 (Import) i did it because was alreay installed with Virtual Box no problem at all
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2. Rudolf IngerlOctober 8, 2010 at 6:35 am

Hi Faisal
Thank you for the hard work producing this very detailed guide! Im going to try it as soon as
the downloads finish!
Youve used the latest version of the JRE did this really work? The download page for
NetWeaver 7.01 ABAP Developer Edition SR1 SP3 clearly states JRE 1.4.2.x
My experience with installing Portal 7.0 NW2004s (Java stack) is that if you do not use the
exact JRE requested, it will crash & burn quite badly
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1. Faisal Altaf Post authorOctober 9, 2010 at 12:34 am
Hi, Rudolf
I mention all the steps of my Successful Installation, so i am sure that Latest JRE will work with
I think for ( IDES or Portal 7.0 NW2004s (Java stack) ) it is Obligatory to install jdk1.4.2.x but
in the this case it is not.
Hope you understand, Please reply in case of any confusion or need any help regarding
Thanks and Regards,
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1. Rashid KhanJune 12, 2013 at 12:45 pm

Hi bro,

i am new to sap,

I am trying to install SAP Bi 7.0.

I have windows 2003 Server and I have Oracle 10g.

Please share some guide step by step to install SAP BI 7.0.

I would really thank full to you.
Please refrain from sharing personal info. Moderator.



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3. Rolf WinterNovember 29, 2010 at 9:08 am

First of all: Thanks for this great tutorial!
It was a great help.
After the installation I run in problems when using Webdynpro, which needs a FDQN to
generate the URL. So try to enter localhost here if you are doing a local installation. If this isnt
accepted you have to set parameter icm/host_name_full = localhost with transaction RZ10.
You can also insert icm/host_name_full = localhost in instance profile
file usr\sap\nsp\sys\profile\*.pfl manually.
Furthermore you have to activate the services with transaction SICF.
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1. Faisal Altaf Post authorNovember 29, 2010 at 9:14 am

For Web Dynpro Settings you can check my following Blog
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4. Philipp HauptmannNovember 27, 2013 at 9:42 am
thanks for this (-:

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Step by Step Installation of SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SR1 SP3
ABAP Trial Version in Oracle VirtualBox Part 3/3
August 30, 2010 | 286 Views |

Faisal Altaf
more by this author
ABAP Development
abapsap developer networksap educationsap netweaver platform

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Step by Step Installation of SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SR1 SP3 ABAP Trial Version in Oracle VirtualBox
Part 1/3
Step by Step Installation of SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SR1 SP3 ABAP Trial Version in Oracle VirtualBox
Part 2/3

After competing all steps of Part 1 and 2, on Desktop and in Start Menu Bar you will see the SAP
Management Console as shown in Below Screen.
After Running SAP Management Console you will see the following Console Window, where you can
see all the ABAP Work Process with Wait Status mean it is ready to login.

NOTE: First time when you run SAP Management Console just after completing Setup you will find
the instance Running but every time you will start windows (for next time) you will have to start it using
the steps given below.
1. Stooping SAP Instance
Before turning of the windows you must have to stop the Instance. For this Right Click on the minisap
0selected below and from the Menu Select Stop. After Selecting Stop you will see the window SAP
Instance Shutdown from here you have Three option for stop.
1. Hard(SIGINT): Immediately Stop
2. Soft with timeout (SIGQUTT(SIGINT)): Stop on given time
3. Soft without timeout (SIGQUIT): Soft Shutdown
From the above window after selecting OK button it will ask from you the Windows Administrator
Password as shown below window WebServic Authentication.
It will take few Min to Stop, You can Refresh using the Refresh Button OR F5
2. Starting SAP Instance
When you will Start windows and Open SAP Management Console You will find the Instance
Stooped. Right Click on the minisap 0 and Select the Start Option from the Menu as Shown in the
Screen Below.
NOTE: It will ask from you the Computer Administrator Password as shown above for Stooping it,
Give the Password and Press OK Button.
3. Login System (From within VM)
For login to system you will have to install SAP GUI for Windows or SAP GUI for JAVA. Follow the
installation Guide in the bellow Article.
SAP GUI Family
SAP GUI Family
After Installation You will get the Icons of both SAP GUI for Windows and Java on your Desktop like

Create a new Connection in SAP GUI for Windows or JAVA with the following System Connection

-> GUI For Windows


-> From GUI For Windows (Initial Screen)

-> From GUI For JAVA (Initial Screen)
4. Login System (From out Side VM Host System)
First of All you need to install the SAG GUIs on your host system as installed in side VM. After
installation you need only one extra thing which is the Name or IP Address of the you VM.
You can get the name of the Computer by Right Click on my Computer and go to Properties and from
Computer Name Tab as shown below.
For IP Address Double Click on the Network Connection Icon from Task Bar or from Network
Connection in Control Panel and go to Support tab as shown in Below Screen.
After Getting the Computer Name or IP Address you just Replace the LOCALHOST from the above
step of Login system (from within VM) with this Computer Name or IP Address.
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1. Divya VOctober 18, 2010 at 1:10 am

Hi Faisal,
The Blogs are excellent. I tried installing ABAP and is working well. But i am unable to connect
to ABAP from my host system. I installed SAP Logon710 and created a new system with the
same values of the ABAP system. But failed to connect to partner minisap error.
Error WSAEWOULBLOCK : Resource Templorarily
How can i connect to abap on VM from my host system?
Please do help me on this regard.
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1. Faisal Altaf Post authorOctober 18, 2010 at 1:26 am

are you giving LOCALHOST as application server ?
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1. james hawthorneJune 11, 2011 at 11:35 pm
Hi there
Good blog
Works FINE when installed as posted
BTW I would recommend that if running on a Virtual Server machine to CHANGE the
PASSWORD POLICY BEFORE INSTALLING !! so you can set your normal passwords Im
assuming people are installing this at home / private machines.
However please note that people who run this on a VM WONT be able to connect to it from
their HOST machine unless the VM is a server like W2003 / W2008 or alternatively they use a
SERVER type VM application on their Host like vmware server (Free) or EsXi.
So although this WILL actually install on a W7 Virtual Machine if you do this you will have to
logon to SAP from INSIDE the Virtual machine.
(The problem is not a SAP one its simply that Vmware workstation / vplayer or VBOX dont
allow you to run a VM in the background / hence you get the complication of Multiple
concurrent users on the HOST machine which not being a server wont work).
like (0)

2. Divya VOctober 18, 2010 at 1:34 am

It is working fine inside VM. I am successfully able to login through SAP Logon using
application server name localhost / minisap / ipadrress. But outside VM, none of the 3 are
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1. Faisal Altaf Post authorOctober 18, 2010 at 1:39 am

Please check the 12th point in Part 1/3 and let me know if you are selecting the same
setting or some else settings ?
like (0)

1. Divya VOctober 18, 2010 at 2:03 am

yah. Made a mistake.
Enable Network Adaptor
Attached to Host only adapter
Name Virtual Host-only Ethernet Adapter
But in Advanced
Advanced Type PCnet-FAST III (NAT)
Instead of Intel PRO/1000 T Server (Host-only adapter, VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet
How else can i rectify this? Should i uninstall and create vm and install abap again. I have
posted a thread in application server. You can help me in that.
like (0)
1. Divya VOctober 18, 2010 at 2:42 am
Hi Faisal,
I went and changed it in the settings. Now it is reflecting correctly as per in the blog. But still i
am getting the same mistake. What else should be done in this regard.
Please do help.
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1. Faisal Altaf Post authorOctober 18, 2010 at 2:46 am

What IP Address it is assigning to OS inside VM ? It should be ?
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1. Divya VOctober 18, 2010 at 2:53 am

After making the required changes for the point 12 in settings. The ip address is
Still the same error.
Should i change the host file?
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1. Faisal Altaf Post authorOctober 18, 2010 at 2:57 am

Try to ping this IP from your host OS if it is not replying then go to OS inside your VM
and Switch off the firewall and try to ping again, let me know in any case ?
like (0)

1. Divya VOctober 18, 2010 at 3:12 am

It is replying.
Ping with 32 byes of data:
packets sent=4 , received = 4. lost =0.
In the host file i gave like localhost.
like (0)

1. Faisal Altaf Post authorOctober 18, 2010 at 3:15 am

Ok, Great
I think no need to change in Host file, now just give this IP ( in Application
Server field in you GUI. Hope it will work now.
Please Reply in case of any error.
like (0)

1. Divya VOctober 18, 2010 at 3:36 am

No Way. Things to be done in the host system.
Installed SAP GUI710. Configured a new Item
Desription NSP Local
Application Server
System No 00
System ID NSP
On click of Logon. Throwing error
partner not reached
WSAEWOULDBLOCK:Resource Temporarily Unavailable.
Return Code:-10
Is there any thing else to be installed or configured on the host system. Please do help
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1. Divya VOctober 18, 2010 at 3:46 am

Hi Faisal,
Thanks a lot for your help. It is working fine now. As you said, I blocked the firewall on VM.
Now it is able to connect. Thanks a lot. Have posted a thread. If you could reply in that, will
reward points and can close the thread.
Forums Application Server SAP Netweaver AS General
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3. Jason TisseraJanuary 5, 2011 at 5:49 pm

Hi Divya,
Did you try inputting the IP address of the VM instead of the name?
I did this and it rectified my issues.
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1. Murat KASIKCIOGLUMarch 24, 2011 at 1:59 am

Dear friends,
I think you can forward connections using vboxmanage command from command line:

VBoxManage modifyvm VM name natpf1 guestssh,tcp,,2222,,22

For more info please read the manual Configuring port forwarding with NAT.
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2. Jason TisseraJanuary 5, 2011 at 5:57 pm

Hello Faisal,
Thank you very much for posting this tremendous guide, it worked perfectly with my system
MacBook Pro Intel Chipset, 4gig ram, Running Windows 7 using Bootcamp
Oracle VM running Windows Server 2003
with the suggested SAP system installed on an external hard-drive.
Now that I have an instance of SAP up and running, I will be keeping my eyes glued to the
forums to find out what I should try and accomplish next.
As I am aiming to become an SAP consultant, do you have any suggestions on what I should
try and implement?
All the best,
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3. Mohamed HaniAugust 25, 2011 at 8:51 pm

Great work faisal bhai..
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4. Mohamed HaniAugust 25, 2011 at 8:53 pm

Hello Faisal,
i tried to log on to SAP Netweaver Application server using username bcuser and password
minisap.. but its not working is there any other way to log into application server
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1. Faisal Altaf Post authorAugust 25, 2011 at 8:59 pm

I have explained the way at the end of my following blog, please have a look and let
me know if still having some problem.
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5. Rohit KuthiyeJuly 17, 2015 at 10:11 am

Hello Faisal,
Very good blog with step by step procedure of screenshots, thanks to you very much.

After long struggle of installation, finally i have successfully install SAP ABAP Netweaver 7.02
SP6 software in windows server 2003 enterprise edition SP2 without any single error on Virtual

Now i can make a SAP ABAP practice at home anytime.

Faisal, i can successfully login SAP ABAP system inside virtual machine,but unable to
login from outside of virtual machine (from host operating system).
please let me know how can i login it from outside of virtual machine as you mention it at last of
your blog.
I went through your procedure, provide computer name (or ip address) instead of localhost
application server name but it didnt happen. its giving me a connection refuse error or host
name is unknown error.

I have provide correct connection parameters while creating new connection.

Please help me to solve above issue.

Please reply me.

Again thank you very much for your support.
Keep it up.



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1. Faisal Altaf Post authorJuly 29, 2015 at 12:56 pm

Hi Rohit,
In Virtual Box network setting you can try using Host only Adopter setting.
Thanks and Best Regards,


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