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Descriptive Text

Descriptive is a text that contains about the description of an object in detail so that the object is
real. The purpose of descriptive is to give a detailed description of a person, object, or
circumstance so as to be real to the reader. The descriptive text structure consists of.

Identification: contains a general description of the object to be described.

Description: contains detailed description of the object described.

Examples of descriptive text taken from the UN English SMA 2012 as follows:

Example Descriptive Text

My Garden

I love gardening. I have a small garden in my backyard. In the garden, there are some flowers.
There are daffodils, Cambodian flowers, orchids, red roses and white lilies. My oldest daughter,
Annisa, is crazy about red roses. She always helps me watering the flowers in the afternoon. I
love all the flowers in my garden.

Identification in the example is a garden or garden and its description is a lot of flower garden
and often watered by Annisa during the day.

Also read:

Simple Present Tense Formula

Present tense

2. Narrative Text

The next type of English text is narrative. Have we ever read the story in a novel? The story is
included in the type of narrative. So the notion of a narrative text is a text that contains the story
and story of an event that follows the author's timeline. Narrative text is usually used as an
entertainment for readers with various events as if the event really experienced the reader.
Narrative text structure is as follows.

Orientation : contains the introduction of the story to be picked up usually there are swallowing
of other characters and backgrounds.
Complication: contains the core story of the story that is characterized by a conflict that occurs
to the character of the story.
Resolution: the end of a story marked by conflict resolution.
Coda: contains the conclusions of the story.

Examples of narrative text quoted from Aesop's Fable story are as follows:

Example of narrative text

The Mouse And The Frog

Once, there was a mouse which made of close friendship with a frog.

One day, the frog said to the mouse; "Let's bind ourselves together with a string so that we may
get separated". The mouse agreed. Both tied themselves together leg to leg. It went quite well on
land. When they came to a small pool, it was a tragic for the mouse.

In the end, the frog kept swimming across the small pool dragging the mouse with him. Soon, the
mouse drowned and floated on the surface of the pool.

Also Read: Narrative Text in English

The orientation in the example is in the presence of a rat who is good friends with frogs.
Complication in parts when rats and frogs agree to bind themselves with a piece of rope so as not
to be separated. But the calamity for mice when it reaches to the pond. Resolution and coda on
the frog part that keeps swimming across the pond while dragging a mouse that has floated on
the surface.

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3. Report Text

Report is a text that contains any information that occurs within a scope. The general purpose of
the report text is to provide an overview of what has just happened through systematic
observation and analysis. The structure of the report is as follows.

General classification: contains an overview of an event.

Description: contains descriptions of events to be conveyed.

Examples of report text are as follows:

Example Report Text

Thunder Lightning
Thunder Lightning is a sudden, shocked, and very fast electric force between the cloud and
ground, or between clouds. The speed of thunder can be several miles long. It is so hot, with
average temperatures of 34,000 Celsius, that cause surrounding air suddenly expanding with a
loud explosion and sounds. This is why we can hear thunder. The most dangerous type of cloud
is caused by lightening is called cumulonimbus. (report text)

When the cloud rises high enough, the moisture freezes and creates crystal ices and snowflakes.
It started to fall, pushing the rain on the way down. This is more humid, rainy air, and it is the
friction between those who generate static electricity. When the cloud is fully charged with
electricity, it will burst as a flash of lightning. So lightning suddenly appears before the rain and
the sounds are very loud.

In the example above, general classification is on the explanation that lightning is a sudden,
instantaneous, and very rapid electric friction between clouds and the ground or between clouds
and clouds. The next sentence goes in the description.

Also Read:

Sentence and Clause

Imperative Sentence
Simple Sentence

4. Recount Text

Text recount is a form of text that is usually used to tell the events of the past. The main feature
of the recount text is a past sentence or past tense. The structure of the recount is as follows.

Orientation: an opening paragraph that contains the introduction and background of the event.
Events: a paragraph containing an event the subject has experienced.
Reorientation: contains the conclusions of the events experienced.

Also read:

Past tense
Simple past tense formula

Examples of recount text can be seen in the following paragraphs:

Example Recount Text

School Holiday

On my fantastic school holidays I have a lot of things to do. First, I went to my best friend's
house for a sleep over because my whole family went out. I also went to the cinema with my
lover to see movie. It was a very funny movie. The next morning I went to my grandparent's
house with my dad and my brother. My mother did not join us because she had to do with her job
activities. On the second Monday I went to the cinemas again to see Monsters University. It was
really funny movie. My favorite character was Mike Wazowski. I went to see that movie with
my mom and my brother. When it came to Wednesday, Taylor came for a play and we had a
picnic at the park but after a while Tay had to go home earlier. That was a great holiday.

Orientation on the sentence that tells the activities done during the holidays. Then the event in
the paragraph is at the time telling the experience of sleeping at a friend's house and watching a
movie with family. Then the reorientation is in the last sentence when Angelina comes to play
and the subjects feel the holiday is great fun.

5. Text Procedure

Judging from the text's name, we can confirm that the procedure text contains text that describes
the steps and ways to do things correctly. The structure in the text procedure consists of.

Aim: contains the objective exposure of the process of making things.

Materials: contains goods and objects used in the manufacturing process.
Steps: contains the process and steps of making something.

Examples of procedure text can be seen in the following paragraph:

Example Procedure Text

How to Operate Computer


To share how to operate computer correctly.


A computer and a set of computer devices.


How to Operate Computer and How to Turn Off The Computer.

How to Turn On The Computer

Before turning on the computer, keyboard and mouse, monitor and a power cable in a state of
connected to the power supply and make sure the PC is installed the Operating System. Here are
the steps to turn on the computer:

Press the power button on the CPU

Push of a power button on the monitor
Wait a few moments until the loading process window pops up windows and computer / PC is
ready for use.

How to Operate The Computer

After the computer restarts, the next process is to Operate Computers. So that you can more
quickly master the computer, then use the computer according to your needs and goals. If you are
a designer, you can use Design Software like Corel Draw, 3D, Adobe Photoshop and others to
better focus on the activity of your design. If you are a programmer, you can use Visual Basic, C
++, Java, PHP and others to support your work. If you're looking for something else to do,
Typing, Sending E-Mail, Making Letters and other activities which support the work of your
office, then Microsoft office (Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Access) and little knowledge
of the internet has a very quality to help you lighten your work.

How to Turn Off The Computer

To turn off the computer (Shutdown), there are several steps that must be considered as belows:

Close all the applications you use.

Click the Start menu (XP) / Windows Logo (7) in the bottom left corner.
Select Shutdown and wait a while until your computer is completely shutted down.
After the computer is completely off, then press the button on the monitor and speakers,
stabilizer and other computer devices.
After that, unplug it from the wall socket. Its aim is to save power and to anticipate the
occurrence of electrical short circuit.

Also Read:

English Vocabulary
Examples of English Conversations

Sponsors Link

6. Review Text

Review is a text that contains comments and evaluations about a particular item or product. The
structure of the text review is as follows.

Orientation: contains an introduction to the item or product,

Interpretation: contains an assessment of the goods or products discussed.
Evaluation: contains evaluations and comments of the author of the goods or products.

An example of a text review can be seen in the following paragraph:

Example Review Text

Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

I undoubtedly love the this novel Norwegian wood and it will always hold a special place in my
heart forever.

Evaluation 1

I have to say that I have been reading many novels, however, this was my favorite.

Evaluation 2

On the very first chapter, the story begun so playful, fresh, and desperately romantic. By the
chapters, the story narrated so great and made me feel so in love.


The novel entitled Norwegian Wood but it's not about the real wood in somewhere of
Norwegian. However, the setting of the place is in Japan, away from Norwegian places. Indeed,
it's something absurd to guess where the Norwegian wood is.

However, the novel must inspired by Rolling Stone masterpiece's in the same title Norwegian
Wood. The song is the same absurd as the Norwegian Wood. Thus, it implies something deep,
dramatic, and touching sense that I can say it in words.


The "real" story about Norwegian Wood is because the first female character that Rolling Stone's
masterpiece. In the end of the novel, the Norwegian Wood novel being played by the first male

Also Read:

English Grammar
Dependent Clause
Indirect Object
Example Sentence Verb

7. Spoof Text

Spoof is a text that contains an event or a funny experience that has been experienced by
someone. The structure of the spoof text consists of.

Orientation: contains introduction and story opening.

Event: contains a description of the story experienced.
Twist: contains the end of the story.
Examples of spoof text can be seen in the paragraph below.

Spoof Text Example

Jacky Wong got married with Lia Wong. Both of them had a white skin and straight hair. They
are really a well-matched couple. One year later, Wong family got a new baby. A nurse brought
them a son with curly hair and a black skin. The nurse congratulated and said, "With a confused
face, Jacky Wong grumbled," Sum Ting Wong! "

Also Read:

Sample Singular and Plural

Example Sentences of English adjectives
Example of Passive Voice Present Tense

8. Announcement Text

A text in Inggirs which contains an announcement of an event or public notice.

The Tittle: ie contains a theme or title about the information we will provide.
Date, Time, Place: Contains the date, time and location of the event or information about the
Contact Person: Contains phone number or e-mail that can be contacted.

Announcement Text Example


To all student of 13 State School, we would like to inform you that there will be Art Show in our
school. The show will be held:

Date: On Sunday, 21 December 2020

Time: Started at 10 am to 10 pm

Place: Hall of 13 State School

Please, wear your best clothes and spark the art show.

Thank You!

Also Read:

Example of Passive Voice Present Tense

Example Sentence Personal Pronoun

9. Advertisement Text

Advertisement text in english is a text that contains an advertisement containing information

about a product or event. Thus, advertisement text serves to promote a particular advertising
product with persuasive intent.

There are no specific rules in creating an ad, but usually a good ad should be persuasive. So, the
format in advertisment text should be a simple, clear, short, persuasive, and use an interesting

Example Advertisement Text in English

Also Read:

Dependent Clause
Example Past Perfect Sentence
Indirect Object
Example Sentence Verb

10. Anecdote text

Anecdote text in English is a text to tell the odd things that usually happen in the past. In
addition, anecdote text also serves to entertain the reader through his story.

Generic Structure Anecdote Text

Abstract: the beginning of the story of an event

Orientation: start introducing setting or background occurrence of an event.
Crisis: contains the obstacles that occur in the story.
Reaction: begins to end the incongruity.
Coda: contains the conclusions or the message in the story.

Anecdote Text Example

The Whole Word Stinks

By John C. Maxwell

Wise men and philosophers Throughout the year, Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "A man is what he
thinks about all day long." The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius put it this way: "A man's life is
what his thoughts make of it." In the Bible we find: "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he."

One Sunday afternoon, a cranky grandfather was visiting his family. As he lay down to take a
nap, his grandson decided to have a little fun by putting Limburger cheese on Grandfather's
mustache. Soon, grandpa awoke with a snort and charged out of the bedroom saying, "This room
stinks." Through the house he went, finding every room smelling the same. Desperately he made
his way around the world "The whole world stinks!"

So it is when we fill our minds with negativism. Everything we experience and everybody we
encounter will carry the scent we hold in our mind.

11. New Item text

News item text in english is a text that presents a new news with the aim to provide the most
updated information that happened.

Generic Structure News Item

Main event: contains news headlines about something that happened.

Background : contains where the event occurred
Source : the source from which the news originated.

Example News Item Text

Three people have been killed and eight others injured in a hand grenade blast at a packed village
The explosion in Idvor, north of Belgrade, happening at 2:30 am Sunday (0030 GMT Sunday;
8:30 pm EDT Saturday) when a man activated the grenade at the entrance to the club. About 150
customers were inside at the time.
Such incidents are not unusual in Serbia since the wars in the Balkans in the 1990s when many
hand grenades and firearms were taken home from warfronts.
Serbia's state TV says the man was angry because he and three of his friends were refused entry
by the club's security. He and one of his friends were killed in the blast.
This example of news item text is taken and arranged from

Also Read:

Passive Voice
12. Descriptive Text

Descriptive text in English is a text used to describe or describe an object / writing in English.

Generic Structure Descriptive Text

Identification: a brief description of the object we will observe

Description: description of the object we observe.

Example Descriptive Text

"The face of Elrond was ageless, neither old nor young, though in it was written the memory of
many things both glad and sorrowful. His hair was dark as the shadows of twilight, and upon it
was set a circlet of silver; his eyes were gray as a clear evening, "You can almost feel the night
gathering as you read that passage, from the gray of the evening to the appearance of the night
sky, and the overalls impression is one of great age despite the claim of agelessness.

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien (page 274)

Read Also

Regular Verb
Irregular Verb

13. Explanation Text

Explanation text in English is a text that explains the occurrence of an event clearly and
completely, and in detail.

Generic Structure Explanation Text

Tittle: the title or theme we will explain.

Definition: the definition of the text.
Description: description of something
Process: a description of the process.
Application: contains its application or its accomplishment.

The following is an example of explanation text in English

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Abstrack Noun
Countable Noun
Uncountable Noun

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