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Waterfall Display


Waterfall Display is a powerful new

tool from Marquette Hellige that allows
reviewers to analyze ST segment data
more easily and efficiently.

Unique way to easily review vast

amounts of data.
This patent pending technology
presents every cardiac cycle in an entirely
new way. It rotates traditional waveform
data by 90, allowing the reviewer to look
down at the waveform. By stacking the
rotated waveforms, a tremendous amount
of ECG data can be compressed onto a
single screen.

Quickly and intuitively guides reviewers Visual pattern recognition helps call
to areas of possible concern. attention to even brief changes in
Through its innovative presentation waveforms.
of data and use of color. Waterfall Display Helps cancel out random noise without
automatically transforms complex the use of filters, so patterns at various
information into patterns which can be amplitudes can be detected in routine
quickly and easily recognized by the ambulatory or stress ECG recordings.
human eye. Helps reviewer determine the presence,
White represents baseline activity. frequency, duration and location of ST
Blue represents ST segment segment changes.
depressions (- Amplitude). For more detailed analysis, simply point-
Red represents ST segment elevations and-click on any area to call up the
(+ Amplitude). corresponding conventional waveform
strips and measurements.
By clearly highlighting areas of
possible concern. Waterfall Display allows In short, Waterfall Display is an efficient,
reviewers to efficiently review hours of intuitive tool that can help patient monito-
QRS complexes at-a-glance. ring, ambulatory monitoring and exercise
testing environments dramatically enhance
Reveals relevant patterns not readily ST segment analysis. And its a Marquette
apparent through traditional Hellige exclusive.
assessment methods.
By presenting sequentially acquired
data very succinctly. Waterfall Display
offers distinct advantages in clinical

changes, helping the clinician know

immediately when to take appropriate

Visually intuitive presentation helps

speed post-test review.
The ability to compress tremendous
amounts of data enables Waterfall Display to
present the results of an entire exercise test
on a single sheet of paper, for efficient
review. Its simple, yet distinct color system
helps localize ST changes, identifying where
and when ST segment deviations occurred
and how severe they were.
Waterfall Display can also reveal patterns
Exercise Testing: of clinically valuable information that were
Quick, confident ST segment assessment. previously not easily recognized. This
Waterfall Display transforms all capability helps make Waterfall Display an
exercise test ECGs into one quickly and efficient exercise testing tool.
easily reviewable screen. Ready access to
this comprehensive and constantly Holter Analysis:
updated data can greatly enhance the Identify ST deviations at-a-glance.
clinical value of your exercise testing With Waterfall Display, up to 8 hours
program. of full disclosure ECG data can be displayed
on one screen for quick review.
Helps detect subtle temporal changes
during the test. Highly reliable and efficient assessment.
By offering at-a-glance ST segment By presenting patterns of data, Waterfall
review that is updated in real time, Display makes it easy for reviewers to rapidly
Waterfall Display enables a physician to note ST segment deviations from a distance.
detect subtle temporal changes during The ability to clearly reveal changing
the test, without having to look at ECG patterns, even in the presence of sporadic
traces, QRS complexes or full disclosure noise, helps reviewers efficiently evaluate a
recordings. patients condition in the context of his or
Also, Waterfall Display automatically her daily activities. The capabilities offered
presents the worst case ST segment and by the use of the Waterfall Display makes it a
provides an individual display for each of practical choice when assessing ST segment
the 12 leads. This data quickly calls changes, either at rest or during exercise.
attention to potential clinically significant

Due to continual product innovation, Marquette Hellige designs

and specifications are subject to change without notice.
European Headquarters World Headquarters Asia Pacific
Marquette Hellige GmbH GE Marquette Medical Systems, Inc. GE Marquette Medical Systems
P.O. Box 60 02 65 8200 West Tower Avenue 11th Floor, The Lee Gardens, 33 Hysan Ave.
79032 Freiburg Germany Milwaukee, WI 53223 USA Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Tel. +49 761 45 43 - 0 Tel. +1 414 355 5000 Tel. +852 2100 6300
Fax +49 761 45 43 - 233 Fax +1 414 355 3790 Fax +852 2100 6292

MH05179DE099.072,0-V1.0 Printed in Germany Printed on chlorine-free paper.

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