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Industrial Crops & Products 108 (2017) 470479

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Evaluation of in vitro and in vivo safety of the by-product of Agave sisalana as MARK
a new cosmetic raw material: Development and clinical evaluation of a
nanoemulsion to improve skin moisturizing
Stella Maria Andrade Gomes Barretoa, Mayara Saatmn Maiaa, Alvaro Moreira Benica,
Hugo Raphael Bezerra Silva de Assisa, Vnia Rodrigues Leite-Silvab, Pedro Alves da Rocha-Filhoc,
Marlia Medeiros Fernandes de Negreirosd, Hugo Alexandre de Oliveira Rochad,
Elissa Arantes Ostroskya, Patricia Santos Lopesb, Valeria Soraya de Farias Salesa,

Raquel Brandt Giordania, Mrcio Ferraria,
College of Pharmacy, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN, Rua Gustavo Cordeiro de Farias, s/n, Petrpolis, Natal, RN, 59012-570, Brazil
Departamento de Cincias Exatas e da Terra, Federal University of So Paulo UNIFESP, Rua So Nicolau, 210, Centro, Diadema, SP, 09913-030, Brazil
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeiro Preto, University of So Paulo, Avenida do Caf, s/n, Monte Alegre, Ribeiro
Preto, SP, 14040-903, Brazil
Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN, Avenida Salgado Filho s/n, Natal, RN, 59078-970, Brazil


Keywords: Agave sisalana (sisal) is the important global source of hard ber, which is widely used in the production of wires,
Agave sisalana by-product ropes, and handicrafts. The decortication process of the A. sisalana leaf produces large amounts of by-product
Cosmetic that is discarded and can cause environmental damage. Studies have shown the potential of the by-product of A.
Safety sisalana in dierent applications. The aim of this study was to obtain a polysaccharide-enriched fraction (EF)
from the by-product of A. sisalana, assess its safety in vitro and in vivo, to develop a cosmetic nanoemulsion and to
evaluate its moisturizing clinical ecacy. EF was obtained and total sugar, total phenolic, and protein content
were quantied. The safety of EF was determined using in vitro and in vivo assays. Nanoemulsions were de-
veloped and their stability evaluated for 90 days at dierent temperature conditions. The clinical moisturizing
ecacy was evaluated by biophysical techniques using capacitance measurement and transepidermal water loss.
The fraction exhibited high concentrations of sugar (65.49 0.51%) and the presence of phenolic compounds
(2.53 0.04%) as well as protein (0.04 0.01%). The EF did not exhibit potential cytotoxic or phototoxic
eects and did not present the potential to induce skin irritant reaction in clinical tests. Nanoemulsion con-
taining 40% oil phase, 50% aqueous phase and 10% surfactants, added fraction or not (vehicle), was stable for
90 days. The nanoemulsion containing 0.5% of the fraction increased the water content of stratum corneum by
10.13% vs. vehicle and by 19.28% vs. baseline values and maintained skin barrier function after 5 h of a single
application. The EF obtained from the industrial by-product of A. sisalana demonstrated a promising prole as a
moisturizing cosmetic raw material. This is important because it shows the possibility to increase the commercial
value to the industrial by-product of sisal, and thus reduce the environmental impact caused by the disposal of
this material.

1. Introduction Mexico and adapted to the semi-arid region. In Brazil, this species was
widespread in Caatinga biome, and it is mainly cultivated to obtain
Agave sisalana Perrine, popularly known as sisal, is an herbaceous bers for the production of wires, ropes, and handicrafts (Gutirrez
plant that belongs to the Agavaceae family. This plant originated from et al., 2008; Maran and Priya, 2014). About 5% of the plants weight is

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S.M.A.G. Barreto), (M.S. Maia), (A.M. Benic), (H.R.B.S. de Assis), (V.R. Leite-Silva), (P.A. da Rocha-Filho), (M.M.F. de Negreiros), (H.A. de Oliveira Rocha), (E.A. Ostrosky), (P.S. Lopes), (V.S. de Farias Sales), (R.B. Giordani), (M. Ferrari).
Received 2 March 2017; Received in revised form 27 June 2017; Accepted 29 June 2017
0926-6690/ 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.M.A.G. Barreto et al. Industrial Crops & Products 108 (2017) 470479

used to produce bers, and the by-product discarded from production (Optiphen) provided by Ashland Inc. (Brazil), Disodium EDTA (DEG
can become an environmental problem (Maran and Priya, 2014). Importao de Produtos Qumicos, Brazil), Butylatedhydroxytoluene
Studies have demonstrated the potential of A. sisalana by-product as BHT (Galena qumica e farmacutica LTDA, Brazil) and distilled water.
a raw material for application in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic in- For the in vitro safety assessment: Dulbeccos Modied Eagles Medium
dustries. Literature reports the presence of dierent metabolites classes (DMEM), EDTA, penicillin, streptomycin, amphotericin, glutamine and
in chemical composition of this by-product, particularly carbohydrates fetal bovine serum were purchased from Vitrocell (Brazil). Neutral Red
(Zhang et al., 2014), avonoids (Chen et al., 2009) and saponin (Sigma-Aldrich, Brazil), trypsin solution, phosphate buer at pH 7.4.
(Ribeiro et al., 2015a). Occlusive patch test device of 1 cm2 (IPI ASAC Brazil, Brazil) was used
Polysaccharides, mainly of natural or biotechnological origin, have for the in vivo safety evaluation.
been used as moisturizing agents (Bont, 2011). Dierent placebo-
controlled studies have attributed moisturizing activity to these com- 2.2. Crude extract and polysaccharide-enriched fraction
pounds (Damasceno et al., 2016; Ribeiro et al., 2015b). Zhang et al.
(2013, 2014) attributed antioxidant activities to these compounds in The sisal by-product used in this study was supplied by Sisaltec
the vegetal extracts. Industry (Natal, Brazil). A voucher specimen and the by-product were
The bioactivity of vegetal ingredients combined with the trend of collected from a sisal farm in the city of Pedra Grande, Rio Grande do
using plant extracts have improved scientic eorts in the search for Norte State, Brazil (50756.3S 355431.7W) on August 8, 2015. The
new raw materials for cosmetic products. However, natural products by-product was collected directly from a decortication machine. The
are not necessarily safe and eective, as these can cause damage to voucher specimen was deposited at the Herbarium of the Federal
health, such as irritation, sensitization, and/or photoreactions University of Rio Grande do Norte under number UFRN- 20544.
(Nohynek et al., 2010). Therefore, the safety and ecacy should be The natural ber (sisal) was mechanically removed from the A. si-
evaluated to ensure the best conditions of use, and in vitro and in vivo salana leaves and the residual material from this process (by-product)
studies are needed to elucidate the benets of A. sisalana by-product in was pressed aording a liquid portion (we named crude-extract CE)
skin care. and a solid portion (mainly residual ber that was discarded). The
Initially, safety can be evaluated through preclinical testing in vitro, crude extract was added to ethanol 95% to promote precipitation ac-
an alternative to the use of animals, in order to ensure safety prior to cording to Santos et al. (2013). This process was carried out with 95GL
clinical trials (Felippi et al., 2012). In vivo studies of skin compatibility, ethanol at 1:3 (v/v) residue/solvent ratio and stored at 4 C for 24 h;
such as the semi-occlusive contact test or occlusal (patch test), re- subsequently, two samples were obtained: a precipitate and a super-
present the rst contact of a substance or product with the skin. These natant. The supernatant was ltrated, concentrated, and lyophilized
are performed under maximized conditions, with control of the area of (Christ, Germany) aording a sample named polysaccharide-enriched
application and quantity applied being an important tool used in de- fraction (EF) (Fig. 1). The yield of EF was calculated from the initial
termining the absence or presence of allergens or potential irritatives amount of liquid portion (CE): Yield (%) = (Mass of polysaccharide-
(Anvisa, 2012; Antignac et al., 2011). Thus, after the in vitro and in vivo enriched fraction/Mass of liquid portion) 100 (Santos et al., 2013).
tests of a raw material, together with the evidence of absence of risk,
the extract can be used for the development of formulations and/or 2.3. Quantication of total sugars
subjected to specic ecacy testing in vivo.
To overcome the disadvantages of the use of cosmetics containing The quantication of total sugars in CE and EF was performed using
botanical ingredients, as its lower penetration and high compound in- the Phenol/sulfuric acid method (Dubois et al., 1956). The assays were
stability (Ganesan and Choi, 2016), nanoemulsions can be used (Gianeti performed at room temperature (25 2 C) using D-galactose as ca-
et al., 2012; Peshkovsky et al., 2013). libration standard for the construction of the calibration curve. The
Scientic and technological advances in the development of re- spectrometric readings were recorded at 490 nm.
search tools for the biological functions of the skin changed the un-
derstanding of the eects caused by cosmetic products, enabling the 2.4. Quantication of phenolic compounds
interpretation of results obtained in actual conditions of use and thus
enabling the evaluation of ecacy in vivo. Bioengineering methods The amount of total phenolic compounds in CE and EF was de-
enable to investigate the dierent responses of the skin to the multiple termined by spectrophotometric analysis in the visible region using the
stimuli caused, including the top layer of skin hydration and its barrier Folin-Ciocalteu method (Athukorala et al., 2006). The assays were
eect (Byrne, 2010; Dreno et al., 2014). performed at room temperature (25 2 C) with protection from the
Thus, with the prospect of a promising prole from the by-product light and using Galic acid as calibration standard for the construction of
of the processing of A. sisalana as a cosmetic raw material, together the calibration curve. The spectrometric readings were recorded at
with the possibility of adding commercial value to an industrial residue, 765 nm.
as well as the reduction of damages to the environment, and the con-
tribution to sustainable development, the objective of this work was to 2.5. Protein content assessment
develop a safe and eective moisturizing cosmetic nanoemulsion con-
taining polysaccharide-enriched fraction of the by-product from the Protein content in CE and EF was assessed by Bradford method
industrial processing of A. sisalana. (1976) by spectrophotometric analysis. The assays were performed at
room temperature (25 2 C) using bovine serum albumin as cali-
2. Materials and methods bration standard for the construction of the calibration curve. The
spectrometric readings were recorded at 595 nm.
2.1. Materials
2.6. Raw materials safety evaluation
The following materials were used for the preparation of the for-
mulations: Caprylic/CapricTriglyceride (Crodamol GTCC), 2.6.1. Safety evaluation in vitro
Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), Sorbitan Monooleate (Span 80),
Ethylhexyl Palmitate (Crodamol OP) donated by Croda of Brazil Ltda Cell culture. BALB/3T3 clone A31 (ATCC CCL163) the
(Brazil), Isostearyl Neopentanoate (Eschercemol 185) provided by permanent murine broblast cell line was used in cytotoxicity and
Lubrizol of Brazil Ltda (Brazil), Phenoxyethanol, Caprylyl Glycol phototoxicity assays. Cells were cultured in Dulbeccos Modied Eagles

S.M.A.G. Barreto et al. Industrial Crops & Products 108 (2017) 470479

Fig. 1. Scheme of extraction and obtainment of

crude extract and polysaccharide-enriched fraction
from Agave sisalanaAgave sisalana by-product.

Medium (DMEM) supplemented with fetal bovine serum (10% v/v), were evaluated at 30 min and 24 h and 48 h after patch removal
glutamine (4 mM) and antibiotics and then maintained in standard (Felippi et al., 2012; Kligman and Wooding, 1967; Wilkinson et al.,
conditions (5% CO2, 37 C, 97% UM for 24 h). The cell detachment 1970).
process was performed using trypsin solution 0.05% (w/v)/0.02%
EDTA (w/v) in phosphate buer pH 7.2; the detached cells were 2.7. Development of formulations
counted and plated on 96-well plates (P96w) with 20,000 cells per well
(ISO 10993-5, 2009; OECD 432, 2004). 2.7.1. Pseudo-ternary phase diagram (PTPD)
The formulations were developed according to the ternary diagram Cytotoxicity study. The cytotoxic eect of CE and EF was method (Lo et al., 1976). A blend of Polysorbate 80 and Sorbitan
evaluated using 3T3 neutral red uptake assay. After 2 h of incubation, Monooleate (9:1 w/w) with a hydrophilic lipophilic balance (HLB) of
absorbance was measured at 540 nm (ICCVAM, 2006; OECD 129, 14.0 as surfactants in order to obtain oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions was
2010). CE and EF are water soluble and were evaluated at dierent used (Mahdi et al., 2011; Silva et al., 2016). The pseudo-ternary phase
concentrations (0.15, 0.3, 0.6, 1.25, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 mg/mL). diagram consisting of oily and aqueous phases and surfactants was
The values of IC10 and IC50 were calculated. Cell viability was structured (Rocha-Filho et al., 2016) by varying the component con-
calculated according to Eq. (1): centrations by 10% (w/w). EF (0.5%) was added into the aqueous
phase. Energy was supplied to the system by an ultrasonic probe (So-
VC = 1 100 nics, USA) for 4 min (30 W). Only the region of the phase diagram with

ODcontrol (1) a concentration of 10.0% of surfactants and an oil concentration of
In which: VC is cell viability, OD sample is an optical density of the 10.0% to 40.0% was studied.
extract, OD control is an optical density of the test control cells.
2.7.2. Preliminary stability study Phototoxicity study. The phototoxic eect of CE and EF was The samples were stored at 45 2 C and 75% 5% RH (Nova
evaluated using 3T3 neutral red uptake assay (OECD TG 432, 2004) at Etica, Brazil) for 5 days. After 24 h of manipulation the centrifugation
concentrations determined by cytotoxicity assay. The samples were test and macroscopic analyses were performed. Zeta potential, pH
exposed to radiation (UVA+) during 1 h and 50 min to reach a dose of value, particle size and polydispersity index (PI) were measured at 0
5 J/cm2. Moreover, the samples were also evaluated at the same and 5th day.
concentrations in the absence of light (UVA-). After this period, the
cells were subjected to neutral red uptake assay, and the result was Centrifugation test. Centrifugation was performed on 24 h-old
measured at 540 nm. The data were analyzed by Phototox, and the preparations at 3000 rpm (Fanen, Brazil) for 30 min at 25 C (Ribeiro
Photo Irradiation Factor (PIF) and Mean Phototoxic Eect (MPE) et al., 2015b). After that, centrifugation appearance, homogeneity and
(OECD TG 432, 2004) were then determined. organoleptic characteristics were evaluated macroscopically.

2.6.2. Safety evaluation in vivo Macroscopic aspect. Organoleptic changes (color and odor) as
Cutaneous compatibility of EF was assessed according to well as the presence of nanoemulsion instability phenomena (creaming
International Contact Dermatitis Research Group guidelines. It was or phase separation) were observed visually.
evaluated by a single application to 18 volunteers of ages from 22 to 46
years after receiving their written informed consent. The volunteers pH analysis. The formulations pH values (Hanna Instruments,
involved in the study were with phototype skin types II to IV. The vo- mod. HI 21, Brazil) was determined into an aqueous dilution 1:10 (w/
lunteers were selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria w) by inserting the electrode directly in the sample (Ribeiro et al.,
for the study. The study was carried out with the approval of the 2015b).
Research Ethics Committee of the University of Cuiab (195.680/
2013). In order to evaluate the safety, 3 patch test devices of 1 cm2 Droplet size and polydispersity index measurements. The droplet
embedded with 20 L of the 0.5%, 1.0% of EF and water (negative diameter and droplet size distribution (evaluated by the polydispersity
control) were applied on the normal skin of the upper back. The patches index PDI) were measured by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)
were removed after 48 h of application. The skin irritation responses (Malvern, United Kingdom) at 25 C. The scattered angle was xed at

S.M.A.G. Barreto et al. Industrial Crops & Products 108 (2017) 470479

Table 1 at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 h after a single application of the formulations to

Quantication of total sugars, protein and phenolic compounds in CE and EF from Agave elds A2-A4 and to the control eld without formulation (A1).
sisalana by-product.

Samples Total sugars (%) Protein (%) Phenolic compounds (%) 2.9. Statistical analysis

CE 41.31 2.41 0.12 0.01 1.27 0.13 Statistical analyses were performed using the software Graph Pad
EF 65.49 0.51 0.04 0.01 2.53 0.04
Prism 6.01. Analyses between the two groups were performed by the
In which: CE = crude extract and EF = polysaccharide-enriched fraction. p-value <
Students t-test. Statistical signicance for two or more groups were
0.05 for students t-test (unpaired). evaluated by the variance analysis (ANOVA) followed by the Tukey test
for multiple means comparisons. p < 0.05 was considered statistically
173. The formulations were diluted with distilled water by 200-fold signicant.
before measurements (Ribeiro et al., 2015b). The experiments were
carried out in triplicate. 3. Results and discussion

The CE and EF presented a greenish and greenish-yellow color, re- Zeta potential measurements. Zeta potential of nanoemulsions
spectively, with an odor characteristic of the plant. The polysaccharide-
were measured by phase analysis light scattering, (Malvern, United
enriched fraction yield was 7.08%.
Kingdom) at 25 C. The formulations were diluted with distilled water
Characterization of botanic bioactives by the determination of total
by 200-fold before measurements (Ribeiro et al., 2015b). The
sugar, phenols and protein is an important step in the development of
experiments were carried out in triplicate.
cosmetics. The chemical composition may indicate its use and also
predict the potential eects on the ecacy of the nal product
2.7.3. Accelerated stability study (Garbossa and Maia Campos, 2016).
The nanoemulsions considered stable after the preliminary tests By analyzing the results showed in Table 1, it can be seen that the
were packed in hermetically sealed glass bottles and subjected to ac- fraction (EF) showed higher concentration of sugar than CE (p-
celerated stability tests. The formulations were evaluated initially value < 0.05). The quantication of total sugars methodology used
(t0 = 24 h) and 90 days after exposure to dierent temperature con- (Dubois et al., 1956) is applied to the analysis of any mixtures of sugars
ditions: 4 2 C (Consul, Brazil), room temperature (25 2 C) and and has proven of value for the analysis of hydrolysates of oligo-
45 2 C (Odontobrs, Brazil) (Ribeiro et al., 2015b). The macro- saccharides, dierent polysaccharides, plant gums and hemicelluloses
scopic analyses (appearance, homogeneity and organoleptic char- (Dubois et al., 1956). To obtain the fraction assessed, we used an ex-
acteristics) (, droplet size and polydispersity index measure- traction methodology (Santos et al., 2013) commonly used to obtain
ments ( and zeta potential measurements ( were used as polysaccharides. Zhang et al. (2014) used a similar methodology for
evaluation parameters of stability. extraction of polysaccharides of A. sisalana by-product. In this way, we
extrapolated and denominated the fraction of polysaccharide-enriched
2.8. In vivo evaluation of skin hydration fraction.
Polysaccharides are used as moisturizing molecules in cosmetics
The study was carried out with the approval of the Research Ethics products because of their capacity of promoting regulation of skin
Committee of the University of Cuiab (195.680/2013) where 18 vo- water content, being able to retain humidity in the skin or forming a
lunteers were selected, aged between 22 and 35 years of both genders, soft moisture lm (Bont, 2011). Polysaccharides can act as emulsion
who declared no history of skin diseases. Injuries were not visible at the stabilizers, which is an interesting feature in the development of new
time of the tests, in which the goals and methods of the survey were products (Shao et al., 2017). These compounds can also exhibit anti-
made clear, and the volunteers agreed to participate after reading and oxidant properties, activity which is usually related to phenolics com-
signing the informed consent. These volunteers were banned to use any pounds (Garbossa and Maia Campos, 2016; Stojiljkovi et al., 2016).
cosmetic products for two weeks before and on the day of the experi- Furthermore, benets of proteins in skin care products were ob-
ment, except for cleaning products such as soaps. The study was mono- served in silk protein studies performed by Daithankar et al. (2005);
blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled (Ribeiro et al., 2015b). these proteins promoted an increase at skin water content. Protein
Prior to the start of the tests, the volunteers remained in the room moisturizing action was observed in studies using protein extracts of
for at least 30 min in order to allow the skin adaptation to the rooms wheat (Triticum vulgare) and soy (Glycine soya) (Gianeti and Maia
temperature (21 2 C) and relative humidity (55 5%) (Felippi Campos, 2012).
et al., 2012). Thus, polysaccharide-enriched fraction containing phenolic com-
Stratum corneum aqueous content was determined by noninvasive pounds and protein can be used a new multifunctional raw material for
biometrical measurements using a skin capacitance meter (Corneometer cosmetic industry. Therefore, clinical tests must be performed to con-
CM 825, Courage & Khazaka, Electronic GmbH, Khln, Germany). Four rm in vivo biological activity of this compounds.
sites (9 cm2 each) on volunteers forearm skin were randomly selected
(A1 to A4): one (A1) as the control where only measurements were 3.1. Safety evaluation in vitro
taken, and the others (A2 to A4), to which dierent formulations without
fraction (vehicle), formulation containing 0.5% polysaccharide-enriched According to Nohynek et al. (2010), mixtures of components present
fraction (A3) and a positive control-commercial formulation (A4) were in plant extracts can produce local reactions when applied to the skin,
applied respectively. All formulations were applied to the surface of the and this can be a critical factor for use as cosmetic ingredients. Cos-
skin at 2 mg/cm2 with a light massage of approximately 10 s. metic products containing these ingredients may be used frequently and
Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) from the skin was assessed by an may be in contact with the skin for long periods. Polysaccharides are
evaporimeter (Tewameter TM 300, Courage & Khazaka, Electronic usually considered non-toxic (Zhang et al., 2014), although the irrita-
GmbH, Germany). TEWL values were registered for 2 min following a tive potential of these components should be evaluated.
30-s period of equilibration of the probe on the skin. One reading in The results for the cytotoxicity test are shown in Fig. 2. At con-
each eld was taken for TEWL evaluation, (Maia Campos et al., 2012; centrations of 0.128 and 0.45 mg/mL, CE and EF, respectively, showed
Ribeiro et al., 2015b). 90% cell viability for BALB/c 3T3 cells. CE showed an IC50 value of
Skin capacitance and TEWL were determined before (baseline), and 0.252 mg/mL, suggesting that the use of higher concentrations can

S.M.A.G. Barreto et al. Industrial Crops & Products 108 (2017) 470479

Fig. 2. Cytotoxicity evaluation of the crude extract and polysaccharide-enriched fraction from Agave sisalana by-product.
In Which: (A) Cytotoxicity evaluation of the crude extract from Agave sisalana by-product; (B) Cytotoxicity evaluation of polysaccharide-enriched fraction from Agave sisalana by-product.

cause cytotoxic eects on the skin. Thus, from these results, the crude chrysin e beta-carotene) was evaluated by Freitas and Gaspar (2016).
extract was not evaluated in the subsequent tests. Chrysin and beta-carotene presented a phototoxic prole when the PIF
The approach using an IC50 value from an in vitro basal cytotoxicity values were greater than 1.0 and MPE superior to 0.15; these com-
test to determine the concentration of compounding promoting 50% pounds were then considered phototoxic. OECD TG 432 (2004) de-
cell viability is widely use (OECD 129, 2010). The 0% viability is scribes the parameters for the prediction of PIF and MPE, based on the
considered the maximum toxicity and 100% viability is considered non- validation study: a substance with PIF < 2 or MPE < 0.1 predicts: no
cytotoxic. At all tested concentrations evaluated, it was not possible to phototoxicity. PIF values > 2 and < 5 or MPE > 0.1 and < 0.15 pre-
calculate the IC50 value for EF, indicating that this is a non-cytotoxic dicts:" likely phototoxicity and PIF > 5 or MPE > 0.15 predicts:"
fraction as the maximum concentration did not inhibit 50% of the cells phototoxicity.
used in the assay. In other words, the EF highest concentration tested, The possibility of exposure to solar radiation when using cosmetic
do not presented cell toxicity (20 mg/mL) and it is much higher than products for skin care, indicate the importance of the evaluation of this
the proposed concentration (5 mg/mL) for the development of the new eld for topical use.
cosmetic moisturizing nanoemulsion. Thus, the polysaccharide-en-
riched fraction from A. sisalana by-product can be considered safe for
cosmetic application, and it was then possible to conduct the safety in 3.2. Safety evaluation in vivo
vivo tests.
Phototoxicity is an acute response generated after applying an ac- Because of their complex chemical structure, plant ingredients may
tive substance to the cells, with subsequent exposure to ultraviolet light contain potentially allergic or irritative substances. The skin compat-
and an absence of cytotoxicity. Thus, the cells were treated with dif- ibility assessment provides a preview of possible irritative and or al-
ferent concentrations and exposed or not exposed to UVA light. Fig. 3 lergenic mechanisms; these are main concerns when assessing the
shows the results obtained for CE and EF. safety of new ingredients for personal care (Antignac et al., 2011). In
A large number of cases of irritation or sensitization induced by the evaluated concentrations, none of the volunteers showed signs of
exposure to UVA radiation, after human skin contact with plants or erythema, edema or papules on the skin; therefore, it is considered safe
botanical ingredients, have been reported in the literature (Antignac for use in products for topical use. However, to obtain more data, it is
et al., 2011). A common feature of the substances that induce photo- necessary to perform skin compatibility and sensitization tests by re-
toxic eects is their ability to absorb the ultraviolet radiation (Freitas petitive application and to conduct tests with a larger number of vo-
and Gaspar, 2016). lunteers.
The phototoxic potential of three dierent compounds (apigenin,

Fig. 3. Phototoxicity evaluation of the crude extract and polysaccharide-enriched fraction from Agave sisalana by-product.
In Which: (A) Phototoxicity evaluation of crude extract; (B) Phototoxicity evaluation of polysaccharide-enriched fraction from Agave sisalana by-product.

S.M.A.G. Barreto et al. Industrial Crops & Products 108 (2017) 470479

Table 2
Nanoemulsion compositions (%, w/w).

COMPOUNDS N1 N2 N3 N4 N1v N2v N3v N4v

Caprylic/Capric 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0

EthylhexylPalmitate 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0
IsostearylNeopentanoate 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0
Phenoxyetanol (and) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Caprylic glicol
BHT 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Sorbitan Monooleate 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Polyssorbate 80 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1
Dissodium EDTA 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Enriched fraction (EF) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Distilled Water 48.3 58.3 68.3 78.3 48.8 58.8 68.8 78.8

formulation, nanoemulsion were subjected to centrifugation 24 h after

Fig. 4. Pseudo-ternary phase diagram region showing formulations with nanoemulsion
of preparation. Except for formulation N3 v, the samples showed no
change in their initial characteristics and stability.
3.3. Pseudo-ternary phase diagram Droplet size, polydispersity-index, and zeta-potential measure-
An important point in the development of the nanoemulsion is the ments. The droplet size is an important parameter for evaluating the
choice of its components. The composition of the formulations was stability of nanoemulsions. Due to the smaller droplet sizes, they
determined according to the nanoemulsions obtained by Ribeiro et al. present greater stability against instability phenomena, considering
(2015b). A blend of emollients was selected to improve the perfor- that small droplets reduce gravitational force enabling the Brownian
mance of the sensory of the formulations. The selection of mixed sur- movement to overcome them (Kabri et al., 2011; McClements and Rao,
factants, Polysorbate 80 and Sorbitan Monooleate, was used following 2011). However, the Ostwald ripening phenomenon appears as the
the results achieved when these surfactants were used to obtain the O/ main instability mechanism of these systems (McClements, 2012).
W emulsions with dierent EHL values (Ribeiro et al., 2015b; Mahdi Ostwald ripening causes increase in the droplet size through the
et al., 2011; Silva et al., 2016). The type of emulsion (O/W or water-in- absorption of smaller droplets; thus, this phenomenon occurs due to
oil W/O) is based on the surfactant system used in the process of dierences in the Laplace pressure as well as the dierence in solubility
emulsication; the concentrations of each phase (aqueous and oily) of the droplets. Thus, the droplet size increases, aecting the stability of
inuence the process of formation of nanoemulsions (Ribeiro et al., the system and can result in phase separation (Gianeti et al., 2012;
2015b). The pseudo-ternary phase diagram of formulations is a useful McClements and Rao, 2011). Nanoemulsions can be obtained by using
tool in the development of dispersed systems, because it is possible to low energy methods based on their physical or chemical characteristics
obtain formulations with improved performance, which are able to or high energy methods. The high pressure methods are considered
produce dierent systems such as gels, emulsions, microemulsions and superior because they provide nanoemulsions of smaller droplet sizes
nanoemulsions among others (Amaral-Machado et al., 2016). A na- and polydispersity, associated with better stability (Peshkovsky et al.,
noemulsion region was obtained in the pseudo-ternary phase diagram 2013; Tadros et al., 2004). The results of the preliminary stability tests
(Fig. 4). are shown in Table 3.
Nanoemulsions are translucent, transparent or opaque systems, with After 24 h of the preparation (t0), the samples showed the mean
a droplet size of between 50 and 500 nm. They are formulated pre- droplet size from 83 nm to 155 nm. The formulations N1 and N1v did
dominantly with an aqueous phase and consequently present low not present signicant increase in droplet size. For N3, N4 and N4v, we
viscosity, which can be obtained at surfactant concentrations in a range can observe the signicant reduction (p > 0.05) in the PDI values and
of 510% (Gianeti et al., 2012; Izquierdo et al., 2002; Mahdi et al., a signicant increase in droplet size, indicates relatively instability in
2011; Jafari et al., 2006; Tadros et al., 2004). Formulations with a formulations. The solubility of the dispersed phase in the continuous
surfactant concentration of 10%, oily phase concentrations between phase is a critical factor in the formation of Ostwald ripening (Gupta
10% and 40%, and 50% of aqueous phase were uid and an opaque et al., 2016). Wooster et al. (2008) evaluated the inuence of the oily
aspect. Rocha-Filho et al. (2016) used systems containing sunower oil composition on the formation of Ostwald ripening and stated that the
and mineral oil (7.5: 2.5, ratio w/w), obtained by the phase inversion insolubility of the oils provides a kinetic barrier capable of preventing
method, observed in the same pseudo-ternary phase diagram region O/ the appearance of this phenomenon of nanoemulsion instability, and
W emulsions with lamellar liquid crystalline phase. Amaral-Machado suggested that there were proportions of at least 50% of insoluble oils in
et al. (2016) obtained a stable nanoemulsion in an oil concentration of the phase. McClements and Rao (2011) observed similar results and
12% (bullfrog oil), 8% surfactants (Span 20 and Tween 80), and 80% reported that the addition of 10% of insoluble oils in their formulations
water. The composition of selected formulations, and their respective was sucient to maintain the stability of the nanoemulsions.
vehicle formulations, are shown in Table 2. The zeta potential is a parameter used to evaluate the nanoemulsion
stability (Mahdi et al., 2011; Ribeiro et al., 2015b; Tichota et al., 2014).
It indicates the force of repulsion between adjacent equally charged
3.4. Stability study droplets, and thus demonstrates the important role of the surface layer
of the droplets in the process of stabilization. High values of zeta po-
3.4.1. Preliminary stability tential (> 30 mV) indicate resistance to particle aggregation and
Initially, the nanoemulsions containing 0.5% of EF were light consequently a greater stability (Bali et al., 2010). However, in addition
yellow, homogeneous and uid. The nanoemulsions vehicle was white, to electrostatic stabilization, the addition of nonionic stabilizers to
homogeneous and uid. colloidal systems can promote steric stabilization achieved by the sol-
The centrifugation test was performed to obtain information on vation eect (Wu et al., 2011).
possible instability processes (Ribeiro et al., 2015b). To choose the best The formulations presented negative zeta potential values and less

S.M.A.G. Barreto et al. Industrial Crops & Products 108 (2017) 470479

Table 3
Mean droplet diameter (Z-average) polydispersity index (PDI) and zeta potential (ZP) values of preliminary stability tests of nanoemulsions with and without the polysaccharide-enriched

Formulation Z-average (d.nm) PDI Zeta Potencial (mV) pH

(t0) (t5) (t0) (t5) (t0) (t5) (t0) (t5)

N1v 155.80 3.99 158.60 3.33 0.09 0.02 0.07 0.00 * 20.41 2.58 16.01 0.43 5.01 0.05 5.17 0.06
N2v 130.0 1.99 134.0 1.92 * 0.12 0.02 0.09 0.01 17.33 1.51 14.23 1.13* 4.88 0.32 5.24 0.11
N4v 84.69 1.64 160.01 15.81* 0.24 0.00 0.05 0.03 * 13.57 1.30 12.70 0.75 5.21 0.04 5.33 0.06 *
N1 155.0 1.29 158.4 2.91 0.10 0.01 0.09 0.01 17.67 0.40 12.27 1.88 4.47 0.09 4.48 0.01
N2 124.3 4.50 PS 0.12 0.01 PS 14.67 1.24 PS 4.43 0.02 PS
N3 113.5 1.24 133.2 7.30 * 0.17 0.00 0.09 0.01* 13.02 1.8 11.30 0.44 4.42 0.02 4.45 0.03
N4 83.57 2.35 188.07 7.30 * 0.23 0.00 0.05 0.00 * 10.64 1.73 10.67 0.67 4.42 0.02 4.44 0.01

In Which: * = p-value < 0.05 for students t-test (paired). PS = Phase separation.

than |30|Mv (Table 3). N2v showed signicant reduction (p > 0.05) in these authors increased the sonication time of the samples from 15 to
the zeta potential values after storage at 45 C. Negative zeta potential 30 min, the formulations showed no change in the droplet size in these
values can be related to the adsorption of hydroxyl ions from the temperature conditions. Thus, we can suggest that an increase in the
polyoxyethylene chains present in the surfactants used (Polysorbate 80 time of preparation of the our nanoemulsions could inhibit the changes
and Sorbitan Monooleate) (Mahdi et al., 2011). caused by the exposure of nanoemulsions to higher temperatures.
Topical formulations must have a pH value compatible with skin During storage time, there was no macroscopic evidence of instability
(4.56.0) (Ribeiro et al., 2015b). Except for formulation N4v, no change phenomena such as cremation, coalescence or occulation, attributed
was observed in the pH values after storage at 45 2 C; this indicates to the droplet size remaining in the manometer scale during the eva-
that there were no modications in the components of the formulations. luation period.
N1 e N1v formulations were considered stable under conditions of Despite the signicant increase in droplet size at 45 C, the PDI
preliminary stability tests and were therefore evaluated by the ac- values were not signicantly altered and remained at around 0.1.
celerated stability tests. Ribeiro et al. (2015b) and Saberi et al. (2013) observed changes in
droplet size without signicant changes in polydispersity index values.
3.4.2. Accelerated stability assessment Thus, it can be stated that because nanoemulsions do not present such
Table 4 presents the results for the mean diameter (Z-average), changes, and when compared to their initial characteristics, can be
polydispersity index (PDI), and zeta potential (ZP) values of the na- considered stable (Ribeiro et al., 2015b).
noemulsions after 24 h of production and after 90 days of storage in The droplet size distribution by intensity evaluation showed an
dierent conditions. occurrence of a high intensity peak, monomodal type (Fig. 5). In ad-
No signicant variations in mean diameter and polydispersity index dition, a lower PDI values of the formulations indicated the stability of
values were observed at temperatures of 4 C and 25 C indicating systems and the eciency of the ultrasound method to obtain stable
stability. In contrast, a variation in Z-average values was observed with nanoemulsions.
nanoemulsions stored at 45 C. The increase in droplet size may cause After 90 days of storage at 4 C, 25 C, and 45 C, the formulations
instability in terms of phase separation (Saberi et al., 2013). According showed no change in the zeta potential values, indicating stability for
to Komaiko and McClements (2014), these changes in droplet size may the nanoemulsions. The lower values of zeta potential can be due the
be associated with the sensitivity of nonionic surfactants to tempera- steric stabilization mechanism (Wu et al., 2011).
ture. Similar to that observed in our studies, Luo et al. (2017) observed In this context we can consider that both the vehicle (N1v) and the
changes in droplet size in nanoemulsions due to exposure to higher formulation containing 0.5% polysaccharide-enriched fraction (N1)
temperatures. These authors obtained stable nanoemulsions with were stable.
changes in droplet size when stored at temperatures of 55 C for a In the rst stage of this research, we obtained the raw material and
period of 14 days, with a small droplet aggregation not observed for the evaluated the safety of the polysaccharide-enriched fraction from A.
samples stored at 4 C and 25 C. sisalana by-product. We then conducted the development of the stable
Carpenter and Saharan (2017) used the same methodology (ultra- nanoemulsions. Finally, formulations added or not added with poly-
sonication) of obtaining and the same surfactants, they observed a saccharide-enriched fraction were subjected to clinical tests to evaluate
proportional increase in the droplet size of nanoemulsions, when ex- their moisturizing ecacy.
posed to the temperatures of 40 C, 60 C and 80 C for 90 days. When

Table 4
Results of accelerated stability tests after 24 h and 90 days. Mean diameter (Z-average) polydispersity index (PDI) and zeta potential (ZP) values of the nanoemulsion.

Evaluated Initial values (24 h) Nanoemulsion N1 Initial values (24 h) Nanoemulsion N1v
After 90 days After 90 days

4 C 25 C 45 C 4 C 25 C 45 C

Z-average 171. 23 3.49 165.0 4.27 174.86 2.29 237. 84 3.84* 174. 81 5.37 172.71 10.6 175.97 6.19 215.79 11.11
PDI 0.12 0.02 0.09 0.02 0.09 0.01 0.08 0.03 0.11 0.02 0.09 0.03 0.10 0.02 0.09 0.04
ZetaPotential 15. 77 2.20 18. 02 1.78 16. 10 2.73 18. 91 3.14 23. 03 1.94 20.78 2.19 22. 78 3.04 19.04 2.31

In which: * = p < 0.05 for ANOVA (one way); v = vehicle.

S.M.A.G. Barreto et al. Industrial Crops & Products 108 (2017) 470479

Fig. 5. Droplet size distribution (intensity vs droplet diameter) obtained by Dynamic Light Scattering.

Table 5 product were signicantly higher (p < 0.05) than the vehicle for-
Water content values of the stratum corneum (Arbitrary Units) before (baseline) and 1, 2, mulation. This result showed that the moisturizing property is from
3, 4 and 5 h after single application of the formulations. The results are shown in mean
polysaccharide-enriched fraction and not from vehicle components of
values standard error of the mean.
the formulation.
Time A1 A2 A3 A4 The moisturizing capacity of the polysaccharide-enriched fraction
can be related to the compounds present in the chemical constitution
Baseline 39.32 1.86 37.51 1.59 39.05 1.87 37.86 1.86abc
such as polysaccharides (results no shown). Futrakul et al. (2010)
1 37.29 1.84 41.74 1.14 44.37 1.57a 58.66 2.56abc
2 38.66 1.98 46.81 1.09a 50.84 1.22ab 58.64 2.65abc
evaluated the moisturizing capacity of a polysaccharide gel obtained
3 40.73 2.05 49.74 1.40a 53.07 1.46ab 58.44 2.75abc from Durio zebethinus Murr. and demonstrated the ability of these
4 42.74 1.91 47.99 1.70a 52.18 1.51ab 57.80 2.47abc constituents to promote the increase in the water content of the stratum
5 44.30 2.38 47.98 2.03 52.84 1.84ab 58.52 2.89abc corneum. Polysaccharides biotechnologically obtained from Klebsiella
pneumoniae and polysaccharides obtained from Myrtus communis extract
In which: A1 Negative control; A2 Vehicle; A3- Nanoemulsion containing 0.5% of the
polysaccharide-enriched fraction; A4 Positive control (commercial moisturizer);
promoted increased hydration of the skin (Camargo Junior et al., 2012).
a = statistically dierent from A1, b = statistically dierent from A2; c = statistically According to DalBello et al. (2006) the association of polysaccharides
dierent from A3; p-value < 0.05 for ANOVA + Tukey. and amino acids (histidine, arginine, threonine, serine, glycine and
alanine) was able to promote increase of skin hydration. Table 6 shows
3.5. In vivo evaluation of skin hydration the transepidermal water loss values obtained from the treated areas
(A2, A3 and A4) and untreated area (A1).
The evaluation of the water content on the stratum corneum was
assessed by corneometry based on the changes in the skin capacitance
caused by the increase or decrease in its aqueous content. The barrier Table 6
Transepidermal water loss (g/m2/h) values before (baseline) and 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 h after
function of the skin was evaluated by transepidermal water loss, by
single application of the formulations. The results are shown in mean values standard
measuring the density gradient of the water evaporation from the skin error of the mean.
(Byrne. 2010). Table 5 shows the results obtained for the water content
of the stratum corneum. Time A1 A2 A3 A4
When compared to the negative control (A1), the vehicle (A2) sig-
Baseline 11.33 1.09 12.54 1.05 12.90 1.03 14.17 1.20
nicantly increased (p < 0.05) the aqueous content of the stratum 1 11.61 1.09 12.09 1.12 12.13 1.21 12.97 1.15
corneum, and this eect continued until the fourth hour of the study. 2 12.06 1.11 12.45 1.17 12.92 1.13 13.03 1.06
However, the nanoemulsion containing 0.5% of the polysaccharide- 3 11.77 0.95 12.84 1.02 12.79 0.98 13.32 0.98
enriched fraction (A3) achieved hydration eect of the skin from the 4 11.57 1.05 11.94 1.00 12.33 1.06 13.05 1.13
5 12.22 1.01 12.98 0.93 12.98 1.03 12.94 1.09
rst hour and this property was maintained throughout the study
period (5 h). From the second hour, the hydration values achieved by In which: A1 Negative control; A2 Vehicle; A3- Nanoemulsion containing 0.5% of the
the nanoemulsion containing the fraction from the A. sisalana (EF) by- polysaccharide-enriched fraction; A4 Positive control (commercial moisturizer).

S.M.A.G. Barreto et al. Industrial Crops & Products 108 (2017) 470479

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