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Resumen Public revenge

Derecho Penal

Mauro Suarez Tolentino

Matricula: 814913

Derecho nico 3 Cuatrimestre

Public revenge is when people were punished in public, with scourges and some
other methods of torture to conclude with their execution.
Thus, since society exists as such - from the earliest human groupings, man knows

the phenomenon of criminality. This is manifested in all societies. It is one of the

constant aspects of social life, to the point that today is not considered criminality as

an abnormal phenomenon of the social group, but as something connatural to any

organized society, only being abnormal the abrupt increases or decreases in rates

of crime. Based on this, they have been identified as characteristics of the criminal

phenomenon its permanence and its actuality.

During the period of public revenge, a distinction is made between private and public

crimes, according to the fact that directly injures the interests of individuals or public

order. This is when the stage called "public revenge" or "political conception"

appears; the courts are judging on behalf of the community. This was an immense

epoch, of rewarding and at most intimidating purposes, for the purpose of general

prevention, in which it was hoped to use the offender for the benefit of the State

(mines, galleys).

The time of Public revenge is deposited in the public power the social vindication

representation regarding the commission of a crime. The public power exercises

revenge on behalf of the community or persons whose legal assets have been

injured or endangered. The criminal repression that sought to maintain at all costs

the public tranquility, becomes a true public revenge that came to excess

characterized by the application of inhuman penalties and totally disproportionate to

the relation to the damage caused.

It was exercised through a representative of the public power. Here simply the

transfer of justice to someone who represents the interests of the community, initially

in its most primitive manifestation to organize the State was transferred to special

bodies (judges and courts) impartial settlement of penalties from the offended and

limiting their right to revenge. An entire probative system was organized and the

penalty was objectified and independent of the subject who indicated it (legislator),

and even of the one who executed it (administrative authorities).


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