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2015 International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation

Seamless Mobility with Interference Free Reliable

Communication in WBAN
Vijay M. Birari Dr. Jagdish Helonde Dr. Vijay Wadhai
Research Scholar Principal, ITM College of Principal, SIT College of
RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur. Engineering, Nagpur university, Engineering, S.P. Pune University
Maharashtra, India Nagpur, Maharashtra, India Pune, Maharashtra, India

Abstract This paper describes seamless mobility Adaptive channel bandwidth allocation based on queue
management in mobile Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) and fault-tolerant priority is basic need for reliability in
for patient monitoring system. Nowadays super specialty WBAN similarly energy efficiency is an important
hospitals are generally equipped with more electronic medical requirement in WBANs. Sensors can search only a limited
devices which results in high level of electromagnetic interference amount of energy from their environment and have limited
that lead to failure of medical monitoring device. In order to battery capacity. Reliable communication in wireless body
overcome these issues, seamless mobility and interference free area sensor network for health monitoring is required [4-
reliable communication technique is adopted for patient 5][16].
monitoring in mobile WBAN. A Demodulate and Forward XOR
Network Coding Scheme is used to generate an efficient network To predict, diagnose, and treat diseases in human body
code to increase the reliability during communication. Also an monitoring system using wireless Body Area Networks
efficient random partial coloring technique is used to increase (WBANs) have been developed. Channel fading significantly
spatial reuse and increase the energy efficiency. In order to affects packet error rate and overall network performance in or
increase the reliability without any overhead in the network around the human body during the signal transmission in
route quality identifier (RQI) and next hop identifier (NHI) is WBANs takes place
estimated to determine the quality of the link.
A novel in-network solution for WBAN [10] system is
Keywords - WBAN, Random XOR Network Coding (RXNC), proposed which endlessly watches vital signs of manifold
Random Incomplete Coloring (RIC), Route Quality Indicator patients and prioritizes data transmission based on patients
(RQI), Next Hop Identifier (NHI) condition and data content.
For interference-aware prioritization service cross-layer
communication solution is proposed. The modules include
Routing, Scheduling and Medium Access Control. Each
WBAN module is individually designed to meet the domain-specific
A Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN) is a special requirements; then, the three modules are jointly optimized
purpose sensor network. It is designed to operate in and considered to obtain the best performance possible.
competition to connect various miniature medical sensors and However the available energy is wasted on idle listening.
appliances, located inside and outside of a human body. The While routing medium access collisions, protocol overheads
data gathered by the devices is collected by central device occurs and interference occurs. Also error due to data loss
called sink. WBANs is used for ambulant patient monitoring occurs during data transmission.
[1-2],[15], which is one of the key technology to support
medical help to growing elderly population. WBAN presents
two major advantages compared to current electronic patient II. RELATED WORK
monitoring systems. The first is mobility of patients and An easy way to comply with the conference paper Nabil
second is the location independent monitoring facility. WBAN Ali Alraje [6], have proposed a novel multi-radio multichannel
can also explore and find the appropriate communication framework for efficient communication among devices in
network to transmit data to an isolated database server for WBAN. The focus of this research is to ensure energy
storage. Physical layer, Data Link layer (MAC Layer) & efficient and reliable communication in WBAN. The multi-
Network layer play an significant role in WBAN, for sensing radio multi-channel offer efficient data delivery rate and
accurate readings of patients health and transmitting precise reduced end-to-end delay. However, more energy
information to medical servers. Physical layer is anxious with consumption is observed in multi-radio multi-channel
energy, antennas and radios. MAC layer has the liability to mechanism due to operation of extra radios.
manage data rates, while network layer has a role to search
best possible route from source to destination [6], [15]. Baozhi Chen and Dario Pompili [10] have proposed a
novel in-network solution to prioritize the transmission of
Reliability in WBAN patient vital signs using wireless body area networks; the
solution relies on a distributed priority scheduling strategy

978-1-4799-6892-3/15 $31.00 2015 IEEE 251

DOI 10.1109/ICCUBEA.2015.54
based on the current patient condition and on the vital sign 2) Random Partial Coloring Technique
end-to-end delay/reliability requirement. The proposed Once the network coding is done [18], then for the entire
solution was implemented in Tiny OS and its performance was selected relay random partial coloring technique is applied to
tested in a real scenario. However there occurs delay and error avoid any kind of interference and hence saves the energy by
due to loss of data. efficient spatial reuse. The proposed partial coloring technique
Baozhi Chen [11] has developed a novel wireless has two main components:
communication solution that seamlessly supports patient Random Value Coloring method: It is a type of low time-
mobility and that prioritizes vital signs transmission using complexity coloring technique to design for inter-WBAN
Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs). This solution scheduling (IWS).
overcomes the current limitations of patient monitoring in pre-
and hospital environments, which represent an important Incomplete Coloring Technique: It is a high spatial reuse
barrier for developing improved trauma triage strategies. coloring technique which controls standard coloring rule to
However there occurs signal error due to packet loss. discover about the high spatial reuse in case B < F ( G ) .
Where F ( G ) represents minimum number of color (i.e.
Shih Heng Cheng and Ching Yao Huang [14] have chromatic number) to color a graph in spatial reuse coloring
proposed a random incomplete coloring (RIC) with low time- method.
complexity and high spatial reuse to overcome in-between
wireless-body-area-networks (WBAN) interference, which can 3) Random Value Coloring Technique
cause serious throughput degradation and energy waste. The random-value coloring scheme is a technique which
Interference-avoidance scheduling of wireless networks can be recognizes prioritized vertex coloring and have low time-
modelled as a problem of graph coloring. For instance, high complexity. This technique considers a random value
spatial reuse scheduling for a dense sensor network is mapped comparison to generate immediate priority differences among
to high spatial-reuse coloring; fast convergence scheduling for all adjacent vertices as illustrated in Figure 1. In this Figure,
a mobile adhoc network (MANET) is mapped to low time- the justice to the random value coloring can be supported only
complexity coloring. The proposed coloring algorithm in case random value Rv < from different vertices which are
effectively overcomes inter-WBAN interference and created with like uniform distribution. As there is symmetry
invariably supports higher system throughput in various among vertices, hence it is clear that that the probability that
mobile WBAN scenarios compared to conventional colorings. vertex produces maximum random value (that means wins the
color) amongst (n-1) competitors is given by 1/ n . Here
competitors represent adjacent vertices competing for the
III. PROPOSED WORK same color. Hence, each vertex has equal rights of radio
In the existing works, they have not proposed any interference resource sharing with its adjacent vertices. Moreover, random
free reliable routing model and mobility management. value coloring avoids any kind of conflict with the circle, as it
is not feasible to arrange the random values of vertices in a
Therefore in our solution provide mobility management with
interference free reliable routing communication to monitor circle with one way orientation RV 1 > RV 2 > ......RVn > Rv1 .
patients in WBAN [15]. The fairness and circle-free properties of the proposed
technique makes proposed coloring possible to recognize for
To overcome the intrusion problem, we can apply random quick IWS
incomplete coloring (RIC) algorithm with low time-
complexity and high spatial reuse. RIC coloring has two major
components: one is a proposed random-value coloring method 3
and second is proposed incomplete coloring approach. By G Y
relaxing the coloring rule, the distributed coloring algorithm 1
RIC avoids the trade off and satisfies both high spatial-reuse
and fast convergence requirements. We propose an
interference free reliable communication for patient
monitoring by applying DXNC and RPI technique which is B
described in the following section. 2
A. Estimation of Matrix
Resource/ Active vertices scheduling Y
1) Vertices per Color (Vp) 4
It is described as average number of vertices colored by
each color considered which is used to estimate average 3 1 2
spatial reuse of periodical coloring.
High Vp indicates more number of wireless nodes which
can concurrently transmit packet by using same color, that
VP =4/3
means the system make higher spatial reuse on average.
Fig.1. Partial Complete 3- coloring

This technique increases the spatial reuse by continuously
coloring a graph B < F (G ) . However, it is not possible to fully 1. Perform colouring for coded relay
color a graph using B < F (G ) colors, as color conflict is 2. For each coloring cycle
obvious for this case and also it cannot be resolved. Hence 3. While j is uncolored
incomplete coloring technique helps to avoid any kind of 4. j choose color Cj from color set Cj(r) with a random
conflict in case vertices run out of B colors as illustrated in value Rj
Figure 1. It is important to note that while applying incomplete 5. j broadcasts RVC message including Cj and Rj to Lj
coloring to IWS, the uncolored node represent that a CPN 6. if j receives message from
doesnt reserve any resource in that coloring. Then the WBAN v T j with condition Rv R j
of this Central processing Node (CPN) becomes provisionally
inactive and hence no interference is created with its 7. then j remains uncolored
neighbour WBANs. In Figure 1, importance of incomplete 8. else colored by Cj
coloring is shown. 9. if j wins color
10. then it broadcasts color taken from notification
In Figure 1, graph D with four vertices can be fully colored 11. j delete color taken from Lj and Cj(r+1)
with F (G ) = 3 (case 3a) written as 3 . Hence VP (3 ) = 4 / 3 In 12. if | Cj(r+1)|=0
the second case, if two colors are considered for incomplete 13. then it becomes uncolored
coloring that means if B=2 written as ' 2 , then four possible
Fig. 3. Coloring Algorithm Interference free Reliable communication
results is expected at the end of the coloring cycle that is (case
2a to 2d. Since 2a to 2d all have three vertices colored by two V. SIMULATION RESULT
colors, hence 2a to 2d all have same VP (3 ) = 3 / 2 . The
A. Simulation Model and Parameters
probability that all cases occurs depends color conflict
technique. As in cases 2a to 2d all are symmetric and vertices The Network Simulator (NS2) is used to simulate the
1 to 4 have equal priority in the conflict, hence each case proposed architecture. In the simulation, the mobile nodes
move in a 50 meter x 50 meter region for 50 seconds of
shows probability 1 / 4 . As a result, if incomplete coloring with
simulation time. All nodes have the same transmission range
B=2, ' 2 , is iterated, then for each coloring E[VP(2')] = 3/ 2 . It of 250 meters. The simulated traffic is Constant Bit Rate
is observed that there is an increase of 12.5 percent (CBR). The number of nodes is varied from 20 to 100. The
over V P (3 ) = 4 / 3 . nodes are moving in a horizontal direction with the varying
speed of 0.5m/s to 2.5 m/s.
Y 3
1 Y Simulation settings Parameters
1 No. of Nodes 20,40,60,80 and 100
G 2 G Area Size 50 X 50
2 Y
Mac IEEE 802.11
Y 4 4
Transmission Range 250m
Simulation Time 50 sec
Y 3 3
1 Y G Traffic Source CBR
1 G
Packet Size 512
Rate 50,100,150,200 and 250Kb
2 2 Node Speed 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 m/s
Y 4
Y 4
Routing Protocol SMIFRC
Simulation Time 50sec
(2a) or (2b) or (2c)
Y G Y G Y G Y G or (2d) .t B. Performance Metrics
The proposed Seamless Mobility Interference Free
Reliable Communication in WBAN (SMIFRC) is compared
3 1 3 1 with the Channel Quality Based Routing (CQBR) technique
VP = , P[ 2 a ] = , V p = , p[ 2b ] = [10]. The performance is evaluated mainly, according to the
2 4 2 4
following metrics.
3 1 3 1 Packet Delivery Ratio: It is the ratio between the number
VP = , P[ 2 c ] = ,V P = , P[ 2 d ] =
2 4 2 4 of packets received and the number of packets sent.
Fig. 2. Representation of Periodical complete and incomplete Coloring using Packet Drop: It refers the average number of packets
colors Y, G, and B dropped during the transmission

Delay: It is the amount of time taken by the nodes to Speed Vs Delay
transmit the data packets.
1) Varying Nodes

In our first experiment we vary the number of nodes as
20,40,60,80 and 100
Nodes Vs Delay
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

25 Speed (m/s)
Delay (Sec)

5 Fig.7. Speed Vs Delay
20 40 60 80 100 Speed Vs Delivery Ratio

Delivery Ratio
Fig.4. Nodes Vs Delay 0.2
Nodes Vs Delivery Ratio 0
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
0.4 Speed (m/s)
Delivery Ratio

SMIFRC Fig.8. Speed Vs Delivery Ratio
Speed Vs Drop
20 40 60 80 100
Nodes 80000
Drop pkts

Fig.5. Nodes Vs Delivery Ratio 20000
Nodes Vs Drop 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Speed (m/s)

10000 CQBR Fig.9. Speed Vs Drop

Figure 4 shows the delay of CQBR and SMIFRC
0 techniques for different number of nodes. . It is observed that
20 40 60 80 100 proposed SMIFRC technique has the delay 57% of less than
CQBR technique.
Figure 5 shows the delivery ratio of CQBR and SMIFRC
techniques for different number of nodes. It is observed that
proposed SMIFRC technique has the delivery ratio 54% of
Fig.6. Nodes Vs Drop higher than CQBR technique.

2) Varying Horizontal movement Speed Figure 6 shows the drop of CQBR and SMIFRC
techniques for different number of nodes. . It is observed that
In our second experiment we vary the mobility speed as
0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 M/s

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