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Salam alaykom and kiora

Every year the children of An-Nur learn all about Hajj, they have learned new
Nasheed that they preformed front of parents and friends, Now its time to
practice what the children have been learning. Its not the real thing, of course,
but rather a way to embed the knowledge even more deeply.

Boys wore their white ihram and girls wore

their hijabs ready to start the Haj journey.

1. Make tawaf Al Qodoom (arrival) by walking around kabaa seven times

Here I am O Allaah, (in response to Your call), here I am. Here I am, You have
no partner, here I am. Verily all praise, grace and sovereignty belong to You.
You have no partner.
"Labbayk, Allahumma Labbayk. Labbayk. La shareeka laka. Labbayk. Innal-
hamda wan-ni'mata laka wal-mulk. La shareeka lak."
Children walk between the Safa and Marwa also seven times Sai
3.Children pretend spend the night in tents at Mina, reading Quran
and supplicating to Allah.

4.After leaving Mina, Children climbed their fort pretending it is

Mount Arafat. They stayed on Arafat in devotion asking Allah for
forgiveness of any previous sins.
5Children picking up the pebbles from Muzdalifa and re-enacting how prophet
Ibraheem also threw stones at Satan who tried to convince him not to follows
Allahs commands.

6.Children also pretended to cut hair as a ritual of finishing main steps

of Hajtahallol and they colour the lamb pictures for pretend
sacrifice Odhiya

7. Children concluded the Hajj with Tawaf Al Ifada then Tawaf Al

Wida(farewell), going around the Kaba seven times then they had Zamzam
water before leaving Makkah.

8.After completing their Hajj ritual, The excitement day of Eidul adha began
when celeberated in An-nur Centre with friends, teachers and family. What an
exciting day it is! Children dressed up very beautifully and wore their smiley
and happy faces all
day. Children were enjoyed the yummy foods and desserts, and they enjoyed the
goodie bag that given by teacher Maysoon .

Review of learning
Today the children were able to experience a very significant event of their
culture and religion, alongside their peers. Performing Hajj allowed her to
connect to them spiritual side, as well as make important connections between
home, school and their wider community. This special day required the children
to manage impulsivity, and apply their past knowledge. I really enjoyed
observing the children, enjoying the Quran, sitting quietly as they recited.
Where to next?

I really enjoyed being part of your Hajj and celebrating Eid with all the children
. At An-Nur all of the teachers strive to support Islamic knowledge, building on
the knowledge the children have gained at home and strengthening their
connections between home, mosque and school. The teachers will continue
supporting and valuing the Islamic faith, in particular introducing the children
to concepts in hands on manner which we
have observed the children enjoy the most.

T. Huda
August 2017

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