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Proposal Paper
NHM 491-901

Sara Fryer

Academic Honor Pledge:

I promise or affirm that I will not at any time be involved with cheating, plagiarism,
fabrication or misrepresentation while enrolled as a student at The University of
Alabama. I have read the Academic Honor Code, which explains disciplinary
procedures that will result from the aforementioned. I understand that violation of this
code will result in penalties as severe as indefinite suspension from the University.
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While I have enjoyed my experience at the University of Alabama thoroughly, it is

time for it to end. Selecting my major of Food and Nutrition has proved to be an

inspiring choice to set the pace for the rest of my career. In my courses I have taken for

my major, I have learned many things. I have absorbed information about cooking,

restaurant management, cellular level nutrition, and medical nutrition therapy; I have

completed assignments focusing on procuring recipes and collaborating with registered

dietitians. This knowledge and experience has provided for me an incredible

opportunity to experience and pursue a career in the wide field of dietetics.

What I have gained from the university will allow me to secure a position in a

career that many desire to have. I have discovered that I am most passionate about

low income child and family nutrition, geriatric nutrition, and large-scale foodservice

operations. While I am unsure of which particular career I will choose, I will be well

qualified and worthy of any position I achieve due to the hard work of my professors and

other faculty. The experience of shadowing the registered dietitian during this

independent study will allow me to explore my dreams by visiting many different

patients in the hospital and observing how a large-scale foodservice operation is


During the independent study, I hope to observe the registered dietitian

assessing, monitoring, and counseling patients with different nutritional challenges.

Obesity and diabetes are common diagnoses in these patients, so learning how these

diseases are managed before and after counseling in real-life situations will be quite

interesting. I also am looking forward to observing the kitchen staff create flavorful and
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appetizing meals for the patients and guests, and how quality can be managed with

large quantity. In the next decade, my independent study will provide me with wisdom

of how a large-scale foodservice operation is regulated and how to interact and counsel

patients from a low socioeconomic status and of an older population.

My involvement in this independent study will be completed at Jackson Hospital

in Montgomery, Alabama. This is a not for profit hospital with 344 beds. There are

many doctors offices and a long-term care unit on site also. My preceptor is Hilary

Milott, RD. Hilary is the lead dietitian at this facility, and she is passionate about both

clinical and outpatient counseling. She began her career as a dietitian working in WIC

clinics across the country as her husband is in the military. She enjoys challenging

cases and takes time to learn her patients charts thoroughly before meeting them to

best address their needs. For a great example of a clinical dietitian, one should observe

Mrs. Milotts methods.

While I am learning from Hilary, I will hope to complete a few objectives. First, I

will complete two presentations. The first is for an audience of patients families for

general information about diabetes, as this is a common diagnosis for patients admitted

to the facility. This will include a flyer with quick facts that are appropriate for even low

literacy attendants. I will also offer diabetic friendly refreshments. The second

presentation will be for the junior volunteer staff about general kitchen safety as they

sometimes help in the kitchen. I will create a quiz that we will answer together about

common kitchen safety mistakes. Next, I will observe Hilary assessing patients, and will

then ask for situational examples or old patient data to create fifteen of my own
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assessments for her to review and offer suggestions on. Then, I will take my

assessments and create nutritional calculations for TPN, EN, or other needs for the

patient. I will then consult the pharmacist, Bart, with questions that I have about these

situations as it is his responsibility to create these formulas at the hospital. Next, I will

assist the nutrition department in keeping the cyclic menu information current. I will

research the distributors and equipment manufacturers websites for changes to

products and safety recalls. Upon finding updated information, I will submit the old and

new menus and any recalls pertinent to the facility. In the kitchen, I will observe and

record findings of kitchen staff creating patient trays for breakfast and lunch. I will then

choose a tray and compare it to the facilitys standards for temperature and overall

acceptability. With these trays, I will include an anonymous, brief, easy-to-understand

patient satisfaction survey regarding meals and mealtime routines in both English and

Spanish, with the help of the hospitals translator, James Gutierrez. I will collect the

results and report my findings to the kitchen manager, James McMillan, and Hilary. I

will also include photos of various situations, a journal of my experience, and business

cards of networked contacts in my final submission once my project is complete.

Upon completion of this project and course, I will have gained knowledge of what

occurs daily at a successful facility in the nutrition department. Also, I will discover new

ideas and methods that the entire hospital staff practices to collaborate on patients

nutritional needs. I may possibly discover a passion that could become my career upon

graduation. With the fast-paced, dynamic realm of nutrition, there is always information
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to be gained by observing and participating in an array of situations; I plan to immerse

myself in as many as possible this semester.

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