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Home: Komplek Perumahan T a m a n S a r i Persada, cluster Palm Blok H1/1 BOGOR

Phone : +62 815 884 3528 , Fax : +62 251 831 2346


Clinical Nurse Specialist & Coordinator of Wound Clinic Kanker Dharmais Hospital 1993 2008

Clinical Nurse Specialist & Director of WOCARE Clinic (

As The First Private Nursing Clinic for Wound-Ostomy and Continent): 2008 Now

Program Director of InETNEP (Indonesian Enterostomal Therapy Nurse Education Program) Recognition
By WCET (World Council of Enterostomal Therapy) 2007 2016,

Norma N Gill Foundation / NNGF Committee By WCET (World Council of Enterostomal Therapy) 2014

Lecturer & Clinical Preceptor InETNEP (Indonesian Enterostomal Therapy Nurse Education Program)
2007 now

Lecturer & Clinical Preceptor CWCCP (Certified Wound Care Clinician Program) 2009 now

National speakers and Visiting Lecture more than 300 invitations around Indonesia 2000 - now


1. Elementary (SD Bhakti), Junior (SMPN 111) & senior high school (SMAN 78) in Jakarta


3. Faculty of Nursing University of Indonesia, graduate 2000

4. Enterostomal Therapy Nurse Education Program (ETNEP) of WCET, Prince H o s p i t a l

HONGKONG graduate 1995

5. MSc Wound Healing and Tissue Repair Programme, Cardiff University 2013 (On Going)


International speaker at A SE A N Soceity C oloprotology 2016, (T itle : Development of

stoma care and wound care in Asia pacific), Bali Indonesia, April 2016

International speaker at WCET Bieneal Congres 2016, (Title :Palliative Stoma Care Management:
Spreading the Moslem Fatwa and Traditional Massage & Vaginal Spa Treatment for Manage
Continence Problems in Adult Women: A Case Series), Cape Town South Africa, March 2016

International speaker at Coloproctology 2 0 1 6 , (Title: The Future Direction Of Enterostomal

Therapy In Asia , Stoma Siting: The Challenges And How We Overcome It and Pouching
System Supply In Indonesia), Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia, March 2016
International speaker at 15th Asia Pasific Federation of Coloprogtology Congress 2015, (Title
:Indonesian Stoma Care), Melbourne Australia

International speaker at 2 st Joint Effort Indonesia Malaysia, (Title: Indonesian WOC past, present
and Future), Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia, April 2015

International speaker at Coloproctology 2 0 1 5 , (Title: Indonesian Stoma Care Experience), Kuala

Lumpur - Malaysia, March 2015

International speaker at ASSR & ASPOA 2014, (Title : Indonesian Stoma Nurse Ostomy Support),
Vietnam , Oktober 2014

International speaker at Transborneo Wound Care 2014, (Title : Wound Care in Indonesia) ,
Kuching Malaysia, August 2014

International speaker at WCET Bieneal Congres 2014, (Title : Efficacy Of Adjunctive Models And
Alternatives Treatment Of Zinc Cream Mix With Cadexomer Iodine In The Treatment Of
Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFUs): A Prospective Study), Gotenburg Sweden, Juni 2014

International speaker at Coloproctology 2 0 1 4 , (Title: 1000 free bags for Indonesian OSTOMATE),
Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia, March 2014

International speaker at 1 st Joint Effort Indonesia Malaysia, (Title: Indonesian WOC past, present
and Future), Bogor Indonesia, November 2013

International speaker at Wound International, (Title : Adjungtive and Alternative Modalities), Kuala
Lumpur Malaysia, Oktober 2013

International speaker at APWCC (Asia-Pacific Wound Clinician Congress) Manado - Indonesia, (Title:
Indonesian Private Practice), June 2013

International speaker at Coloproctology 2 0 1 3 , (Title: Indonesian Ostomate Experience), Kuala

Lumpur - Malaysia, March 2013

International speaker at WOCN & WCET Joint Conference (Title: Wound Care in USA &
Indonesia), Phoenix-Arizona USA, June 2010
International speaker at Asia Pacific Enterostomal Therapy Nurse Association (Title: Ostomate in
Indonesia), Guang Zhao China, December 2009

International Poster Presentation at (Title: Management on Malignant Cutaneous Wound)

International Conference on Cancer Nursing, Singapore, August 2008

International speaker at (Title: Function of Stoma Support Groups-What is The ideal of

Indonesian) 6th Malaysian Colorectal Conference Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 2008 and 5th Congress of
Asian Society of Stoma Rehabilitation, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 2008

International speaker at (Title: The Role of Moist Wound Healing with Occlusive Dressing to
Care The Patient with Special Case: HIV / AIDS) 2nd APETNA Congress, Mumbai India and
presented by Ms. Carmen George, STN 2007
Oral Abstract presentation at (Title: Diabetic Foot Ulcers) 1st APETNA Congress, Penang Kuala
Lumpur 2005

International speaker at (Title 1: Wound & Ostomy Management in Indonesia) and (Title 2:
Dealing with Malignant Cutaneous Wound in Cancer Patient) 16th Biennial WCET Congress
(World Council of Enterostomal Therapy), Hongkong 2006

National speakers: Seminars & Workshop (more than 400 invitations around Indonesia)

Member of AAWC (Association for the Advancement of Wound Care), 2013 - now
Member of WOCN (Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse) United States, 2010 now
Founder & Member of Ethic Council InWOCA (Indonesian Wound Ostomy & Continence Association),
2010 - now
Founder & Member of Ethic Council InWCCA (Indonesian Wound Care Clinician Association),
2009 now
Founder & Member of Proffesional Board Stomanurse Ostomy support Group, 2009 now
Member of NNGF (Norma N Gill Foundation) Committee WCET (World Council of Enterostomal
Therapy) 2011 - now
Member of Education Committee WCET (World Council of Enterostomal Therapy) 2008 - 2011
Member of WCET (World Council of Enterostomal Therapy) 1999 Now (
International Delegate WCET of Indonesian 1999 2010
Founder of InETNA (Indonesian Enterostomal Therapy Nurse Association) 1999
Founder & Professional Board of Indonesian Ostomate Association InOA / Indonesian Cancer
Foundation 2000 now
Member of Indonesian Nursing Association 1993 now

1. Buku Panduan CWCCAP- Wocare Indonesia, 2014.

2. JEIM Stop Amputasi, Widasari Sri Gitarja, 2013. ISBN: 9786021469101
3. Perawatan Luka Kanker, Widasari Sri Gitarja, SKp, RN, WOC(ET)N, Penerbit Wocare publishing,
publish Januari 2011.
4. Wound Drainage, Carmen George & Widasari Sri Gitarja. Journal of Wound Practice and Research,
AWMA 2013
5. Perawatan Luka Diabetes, Widasari Sri Gitarja, SKp, ETN
Penerbit Wocare publishing, publish Mei 2008, ISBN: 978-979-18266-0-0
6. Penatalaksanaan Perawatan Luka Kanker, Widasari Sri Gitarja, Ch Asmi SJ,
Indonesian Journal of Cancer, Volume 1, No.3. Juli September 2007, ISSN: 1978-3744
7. Penggunaan Ferracrylum 1% pada Penyembuhan Luka, Widasari Sri Gitarja, SKp, ETN
Dexa Media Jurnal Kedokteran dan Farmasi Vol 18, No 4 Oktober Desember 2005 ISSN:

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