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The American Journal on Addictions 8:279292, 1999 Published by Brunner/Mazel

1999 American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry 1055-0496/99 $12.00 + .00


Dialectical Behavior Therapy

for Patients with Borderline
Personality Disorder and
Marsha M. Linehan, Ph.D., Henry Schmidt III, M.A.,
Linda A. Dimeff, Ph.D., J. Christopher Craft, B.S.,
Jonathan Kanter, M.A., Katherine A. Comtois, Ph.D.

A randomized clinical trial was conducted to evaluate whether

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), an effective cognitive-be-
havioral treatment for suicidal individuals with borderline per-
sonality disorder (BPD), would also be effective for drug-depen-
dent women with BPD when compared with treatment-as-usual
(TAU) in the community. Subjects were randomly assigned to ei-
ther DBT or TAU for a year of treatment. Subjects were assessed at
4, 8, and 12 months, and at a 16-month follow-up. Subjects as-
signed to DBT had signicantly greater reductions in drug abuse
measured both by structured interviews and urinalyses through-
out the treatment year and at follow-up than did subjects as-
signed to TAU. DBT also maintained subjects in treatment better
than did TAU, and subjects assigned to DBT had signicantly
greater gains in global and social adjustment at follow-up than
did those assigned to TAU. DBT has been shown to be more effec-
tive than treatment-as-usual in treating drug abuse in this study,
providing more support for DBT as an effective treatment for se-
verely dysfunctional BPD patients across a range of presenting
problems. (Am J Addict 1999;8:279 292)

S ubstance abuse is a common and fre-

quently grave problem for individuals
with borderline personality disorder (BPD).
Specically, individuals meeting criteria for
BPD are more likely to also meet criteria
for current substance abuse than individu-

Received November 9, 1998; revised May 24, 1999; accepted July 19, 1999.
From the Behavioral Research and Therapy Clinics, Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle.
Address correspondence to Dr. Linehan, Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Box 351525,
Seattle, WA 981951525. E-mail:

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

als with other psychiatric disorders, except Achieving treatment success with BPD
Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD),15 populations has been difcult. In addition
and more commonly report a history of to the severity of the disordered behavior
substance abuse.6 This comorbidity is not presented by individuals with BPD, treat-
entirely due to the overlap in diagnostic ment is frequently compromised by non-
criteria. Dulit and her colleagues 7 found compliance. In pharmacotherapy trials for
that 67% of BPD individuals met criteria for BPD, for example, drop-out rates have
a current substance abuse disorder. When been very high, 16 and medication compli-
substance abuse was not used as a criterion ance has been problematic, with upwards
of BPD, the incidence dropped to 57%, still of 50% of patients reporting misuse of
a signicant portion of the population. their medications and 87% of therapists re-
Within the substance abuse treatment porting medication misuse by their pa-
literature, comorbidity with BPD ranges tients, including taking dosages other than
from 5.2% 8 to 32%.9 Among opiate addicts those prescribed or taking an over-
seeking methadone treatment, BPD was di- dose. 1719 BPD has also been associated
agnosed in 12% of 150 subjects in one with worse outcome in treatments of Axis I
study10 and 5.2% of consecutive admissions disorders, such as major depression,20 ob-
(9.5% of all female admits) in another.8 In a sessive-compulsive disorder,21 bulimia, 22,23
study of cocaine-dependent inpatients, and substance abuse.10
32% met criteria for BPD during periods of Randomized, controlled studies of
both drug use and abstinence.9 Thirteen treatments designed specically for BPD
percent of new admits in an alcohol treat- are sparse. Other than studies examining
ment program met criteria for BPD.11 Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), we
Within a polysubstance abuse inpatient could locate only one published random-
sample, 17% were diagnosed with BPD.12 ized controlled trial of a psychosocial in-
BPD substance abusers are uniformly tervention for BPD. Marziali and Munroe-
more disturbed than substance abusers Blum24 found that structured, time-limited
without a personality disorder (PD). Stud- group therapy was more effective than in-
ies comparing substance abusing patients dividual psychotherapy in keeping pa-
with and without a personality disorder tients in therapy, although it was not more
found that those with a PD have effective on other outcome variables. Fol-
signicantly more psychiatric problems, low-up studies of BPD individuals who
including alcoholism, depression, behav- have received inpatient and outpatient
ioral dyscontrol, and legal difculties, psychiatric care suggest that traditional
were at greater risk for HIV infection, and treatments in the community are margin-
were more extensively involved in sub- ally effective at best when outcomes are
stance abuse than patients without a measured two to three years following
PD.1014 One study that discriminated BPD treatment.25,26
from other PDs found that patients with Linehans DBT was originally empiri-
BPD had more severe psychiatric prob- cally validated in a randomized controlled
lems than patients with other PDs.10 An- trial comparing DBT to treatment-as-usual
other study compared patients with BPD (TAU) in the community. 27 Using a sample
only, substance abuse only, or BPD with of women with BPD, DBT was more effec-
substance abuse.15 Individuals comorbid tive than TAU for reducing suicidal behav-
for both disorders had signicantly more iors, therapy drop-out, use of psychiatric
psychopathology, self-destructive behav- inpatient beds, and anger, as well as for
iors, and suicidal thoughts over a seven- improving interpersonal functioning and
year period. global adjustment. Results were main-


Linehan et al.

tained when numbers of outpatient psy- and global adjustment (Axis V, DSM-IV)
chotherapy hours, total outpatient treat- using a minimization random assignment
ment hours, and total mental health treat- procedure, and they were randomly as-
ment hours were controlled.28 In a second signed to a treatment condition (DBT = 12;
study of psychotherapy process in four TAU = 16). All subjects provided written
BPD cases,29 patient experience of dialecti- informed consent before beginning the
cal balancing of acceptance and change study.
were more highly associated with subse-
quent reductions in suicidal behaviors than Treatments
pure change or pure acceptance tech-
niques. Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Replace-
Our primary aim in this research was ment Medications. All patients received
to adapt the original Dialectical Behavior the core elements of the standard man-
Therapy manual30 for a population of sub- ualized DBT evaluated in previous stud-
stance abusing women with BPD and to ies.27,35,36 DBT comprises strategies from
compare its efcacy to a treatment-as- cognitive and behavioral therapies and
usual control condition. Given that DBT acceptance strategies adapted from Zen
effectively decreased parasuicidal behavior teaching and practice; it is a synthesis of
and other areas of behavioral dyscontrol in both validation and acceptance of the pa-
our original trial, we hypothesized that tient, on the one hand, with persistent at-
DBT also would be effective in decreasing tention to behavioral change on the other.
substance abuse for individuals with BPD The change procedures consist of system-
when specically targeted in treatment. atic and repeated behavioral analyses of
dysfunctional chains of behavior, training
METHOD in behavioral skills, contingency manage-
ment to weaken or suppress disordered re-
Subjects sponses and strengthen skillful responses,
cognitive restructuring, and exposure-based
Individuals were referred to our pro- strategies aimed at blocking avoidance and
gram by area clinicians and were given a reducing maladaptive emotions. The ac-
screening interview that included the ceptance procedures consist of mindful-
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R ness (e.g., attention to the present mo-
(SCID)31 and the International Personality ment, assuming a non-judgmental stance,
Disorders Exam (PDE).32 Subjects were 28 and focusing on effectiveness) and a vari-
women between the ages of 18 and 45 ety of validation and stylistic strategies.37,38
years who met criteria for BPD on both the The treatment was provided in weekly in-
PDE and the SCID-II and met criteria for dividual psychotherapy (1 hour), group
Substance Use Disorder for opiates, co- skills training sessions (2 hours plus a 15-
caine, amphetamines, sedatives, hypnotics, minute wind-down), skills coaching phone
anxiolytics, or Polysubstance Use Disorder calls with the primary therapist (when
on the SCID. Individuals were excluded if needed), and weekly team meetings of all
they met criteria for Schizophrenia, an- therapists aimed at reducing therapist
other Psychotic Disorder, or Bipolar Mood burn-out and increasing therapists capa-
Disorder on the SCID, or mental retarda- bility in treating these patients. Individual
tion on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary sessions are based on clearly prioritized
Test-Revised. 33 Subjects were matched on targets and focus on enhancing motivation
age, severity of drug dependence (based (e.g., to quit using drugs and to continue
on SCID ratings), readiness to change,34 therapy), and the foci of specic sessions


Dialectical Behavior Therapy

are determined by the patients behavior (for skills generalization). Illicit stimulants
since the previous session. Group skills were replaced with methylphenidate, and
training teaches mindfulness, distress toler- opiates were replaced with methadone.
ance, emotion regulation, interpersonal ef- During the maintenance phase, dosages
fectiveness, and self-management skills. were determined with the patient to pre-
Several modications and additions vent withdrawal symptoms. The maximum
were added to standard DBT for use with dose of methylphenidate given was 20 mg
this substance abusing population.39 A daily, and the maximum dose of metha-
new set of attachment strategies were done given daily was 70 mg. Patients on
added to DBT. These strategies consisted drugs other than opiates or stimulants
of a set of organized interventions de- (e.g., cannabis) were not offered drug re-
signed to increase the positive valance of placement. One polydrug addict (with
the therapy and the therapist, as well as to heavy use of both cocaine and metham-
reach out to and bring back lost patients. phetamines) and all three opiate addicts
A dialectical stance on drug use was devel- selected the transitional maintenance pro-
oped in recognition that, on the one hand, gram. Of the seven remaining DBT pa-
cognitive-behavioral relapse prevention tients, two entered and dropped the study
approaches 4042 are effective in reducing before this option was available or offered,
the frequency and intensity of drug use two chose immediate detoxication, two
following a period of abstinence from drug were abusing drugs other than stimulants
use, and, on the other, absolute absti- or opiates, and one was too medically un-
nence approaches are effective in length- stable for the program.
ening the interval between periods of DBT individual therapists included
use.43,44 Dialectical abstinence, i.e., a syn- two psychologists (including the rst au-
thesis of unrelenting insistence on total ab- thor, who treated one patient), one psychi-
stinence before any illicit drug abuse with atrist, and two masters level clinicians se-
an emphasis on radical acceptance, non- lected for their experience working with
judgmental problem-solving, and effective drug addicts. Pharmacotherapy was con-
relapse prevention after any drug use, fol- ducted by a psychiatrist using DBT clinical
lowed by a quick return to the unrelenting management. All components of treatment
insistence on abstinence, seeks to balance were offered to patients free of charge.
these two positions.
A transitional maintenance replace- Treatment-as-usual (TAU). The primary
ment medication pharmacotherapy proto- aim of this study was to determine
col was added for individuals with stimu- whether DBT was efcacious for these
lant or opiate dependence. This approach substance-dependent women with BPD.
assumes that while a life without drugs is While it is customary practice when
laudable and necessary, substance abusers conducting clinical research trials to
often do not have the requisite skills in compare the treatment of interest to an
their repertoire at the start of treatment to assessment-only control condition to de-
achieve this end. With a goal in mind of termine its efcacy, the severity of be-
replacing drug use with use of behavioral havioral dysfunction of individuals with
skills (replacing pills with skills), we BPD as well as their risk for suicide
developed a program consisting of four necessitate use of a control condition that
months of drug maintenance (to provide minimally resembles the standard of care
time for skills acquisition), four months of these individuals would receive in the
drug tapering (for skills strengthening), community. For this reason, we selected a
and four months of no drug replacement naturalistic control condition in which to


Linehan et al.

compare DBT in order to determine ments did not differ between the two treat-
whether or not DBT is efcacious for this ment conditions (DBT = 136 12, TAU =
particular patient population. The TAU 124 18, t(16) = 1.58, n.s.).
condition was designed to control for
several key threats to internal validity, Measures
including time and attention. Subjects
either were referred to alternative sub- Drug abuse was assessed using struc-
stance abuse and/or mental health coun- tured clinical interviews and urinalyses. In-
selors and programs in the community, or formation about the quantity and fre-
were allowed to continue with their quency of subjects drug and alcohol use
individual psychotherapists if they were at each assessment period was measured
receiving services at the time of the by the time-line follow-back assessment
pretreatment assessment. Subjects who method,45 a highly reliable structured in-
dropped their rst therapist were offered terview. A measure of proportion of days
additional referrals throughout the one- abstinent from alcohol and drugs was cal-
year treatment period. Consistent with culated as the ratio of days reported ab-
practice within community mental health stinent to total days between assessment
in the State of Washington, TAU included periods. As validation for interviewers as-
as needed meetings with case managers. sessments of subjects drug use, urine sam-
TAU services were paid primarily through ples for urinalyses were collected at each
Medicaid; in some cases, individuals paid assessment period and at random on one
for treatment themselves. Efforts were occasion between assessment periods.
made to ensure TAU subjects were not Subjects were contacted by telephone and
prohibited from receiving services due to instructed to return to the laboratory for a
lack of funds. random urinalysis within 24 hours of the
initial contact to provide a urine specimen.
ASSESSMENT Urine specimens were analyzed using
the uorescent polarization immuno-assay
Independent clinical interviewers, blind to (FPIA) technique by Abbott (using an
the subjects treatment conditions, con- AxSYM instrument) by a university med-
ducted assessments at pre-treatment, 4, 8, ical laboratory for cannabis, cocaine,
12, and 16 months. For subjects who re- amphetamine, barbiturate, opiates, ben-
ceived DBT, the 4-, 8-, and 12-month as- zodiazepines, phencyclidine, methadone,
sessment appointments were timed from methaqualone, and propoxyphene. A strin-
the beginning of group therapy. Because gent denition was used in coding urinaly-
groups could only accept new subjects be- sis data. Specimens were considered dirty
tween (not during) topic areas, subjects if results for any drug (other than replace-
could begin individual therapy up to four ment medications for DBT subjects who
weeks before their rst group session. were in transitional maintenance) were
Post-treatment assessments were scheduled positive, if the subject missed a random
to follow the termination of treatment. Tim- urinalysis, or if the subject provided a ran-
ing of TAU subjects 4-, 8-, and 12-month dom urinalysis occurring outside the 24-
assessments was determined by yoking hour window. A proportion clean score
each TAU subject with the next subject was calculated for each subject as the ratio
who entered the study and was assigned to of clean urinalyses to total urinalyses
DBT. Assessments were scheduled for the scheduled for each assessment period.
same time period as their yoked partners. Types and amounts of medical and
Average number of days between assess- psychological treatments received during


Dialectical Behavior Therapy

the study were measured by the Treatment than $5,000 in the prior year; only 12%
History Interview. 46 A number of other earned $20,000 or more in the prior year.
scales were included to allow replication of Sixty-three percent were single, and 15%
other improved outcomes found in previ- were currently married (see Table 1). Sev-
ous studies of DBT. Parasuicidal behaviors enty-four percent of the sample met SCID
were measured by the Parasuicide History criteria for substance dependence for more
Interview. 47,48 The Social History Interview than one drug, 58% for current cocaine
(SHI), an adaptation of both the psycho- abuse or dependence, and 52% for alco-
social functioning portion of the Social hol dependence. Eight subjects primarily
Adjustment Scale and the Longitudinal In- abused cocaine; six, opiates; four, mari-
terview Follow-Up Evaluation base sched- juana; three, methamphetamine; one, hal-
ule,49 allowed for the determination of lucinogens; and one, both cocaine and
Global Social Adjustment (GSA) and Global methamphetamine. Subjects also met SCID
Adjustment Scale (GAS) scores. Interview- current criteria for an average of 2.6 ( 2.1)
ers made GSA and GAS ratings for the other Axis I non-substance use disorders,
worst week of the last month of the assess- most commonly Major Depressive Disorder
ment period and for the best week overall. (79% lifetime; 50% current) and post-trau-
State and trait anger were measured by the matic stress disorder (38% current and life-
State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory.50 time; see Table 2). Twelve percent were di-
agnosed with ASPD. There were no
signicant differences between conditions
RESULTS on any of these demographic and diagnos-
tic variables, indicating that randomization
Mean subject age was 30.4 6.6 years. to treatment condition had been success-
Fifty-four percent of the sample earned less fully achieved. There were no signicant

TABLE 1. Subject Characteristics

Characteristic Total (N = 27) DBT (n = 12) TAU (n = 15)

Age M (SD) 30.4 (6.6) 30.4 (6.4) 30.4 (7.0)

Ethnicity (%):
European Descent 78% 67% 87%
African-American 7% 17% 0%
Latina 4% 8% 0%
Other 11% 8% 13%
Education (%):
High school grad or GED 22% 25% 20%
Some college/college graduate 63% 58% 67%
Income, Last Year (%):
Less than $5,000, % 54% 36% 67%
$5,000 to $19,999, % 35% 55% 20%
$20,000 and above, % 12% 9% 13%
Marital status (%):
Single 63% 50% 73%
Married 15% 25% 7%
Separated 7% 8% 7%
Divorce 15% 17% 13%

Note: Due to administrative error, we do not have demographic data for one subject who dropped out before


Linehan et al.

TABLE 2. Subjects Comorbid Current Axis I Disorders by Condition*


Major Depressive Disorder 55% 45%
Dysthymia 36% 55%
Anxiety Disorders
Panic Disorder 36% 0%
Agoraphobia without Panic 0% 9%
Social Phobia 9% 36%
Specic Phobia 30% 9%
Obsessive-Compulsive 30% 27%
Post Traumatic Stress 50% 27%
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 40% 9%
Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa 0% 9%
Bulimia Nervosa 10% 10%
Binge-Eating Disorder 20% 0%

Mean lifetime diagnoses Mean current diagnoses

Number of substance use disorders 5.3 2.0 2.7 1.4

Number of other Axis I disorders 2.7 2.2 2.6 2.1

*Diagnoses according to Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R (SCID).

differences between conditions at pre- planned comparisons using a signicance

treatment on primary substance abused. level of .05 (one-tailed).
Additionally, the groups did not differ on
the number taking a medically sufcient
dosage of a psychotropic medication at the Drug Abuse
time of the pre-treatment assessment; one
DBT and two TAU subjects were using With pre-treatment scores co-varied,
psychotropic medications at a clinically- an analysis of covariance of the treated
sufcient dose before beginning treatment. sample (DBT n = 7; TAU n = 11) using the
Outcome analyses on the drug abuse structured interview found a signicantly
variables were conducted on the intent-to- higher proportion of drug and alcohol ab-
treat sample (DBT = 12, TAU = 16). For stinence days for subjects assigned to DBT
these analyses, missing data were dealt versus those assigned to TAU at 4 and 8
with by carrying forward the latest data months, the overall year total, and 16
available or, if no data were available, us- months; a trend toward signicance was
ing the worst possible outcome. Major out- observed at 12 months (see Table 3 and
come analyses, other than those of initia- Figure 1). Using the more stringent intent-
tion and retention of subjects in treatment, to-treat sample (DBT n = 12; TAU n = 16),
were also performed on subjects treated similar results were found at 4 months, the
(dened as receiving more than 6 ses- year total, and at 16 months.
sions) and who provided outcome assess- Results from analysis of covariance
ments beyond pretreatment (seven DBT (co-varying urinalysis scores at the pre-
subjects and all 11 TAU subjects). Specic treatment assessment) of the urinalysis
directional treatment outcomes were pre- data generally mirrored those from the
dicted, and we therefore conducted structured interviews: DBT subjects pro-


Dialectical Behavior Therapy

TABLE 3. Interviewer-Assessed Proportion Days Abstinent from Drugs and Alcohol by Treatment
Condition for Treated and Intent-To-Treat Samples


Mean (SD) Mean (SD) F Value Effect Size

Pre-Treatment Assessment
Treated 0.29 (0.26) 0.32 (0.29)
Intent-to-treat 0.36 (0.26) 0.22 (0.28)
Pre to 4-month
Treated 0.82 (0.19) 0.46 (0.37) 6.53* 1.02
Intent-to-treat 0.63 (0.34) 0.32 (0.37) 3.16* .80
4 to 8-month
Treated 0.79 (0.28) 0.56 (0.27) 3.76* .81
Intent-to-treat 0.62 (0.35) 0.38 (0.34) 1.50 .65
8 to 12-month
Treated 0.89 (0.24) 0.62 (0.39) 2.53 .75
Intent-to-treat 0.67 (0.38) 0.39 (0.44) 1.67 .64
Year Total
Treated 0.83 (0.14) 0.56 (0.24) 7.85* 1.12
Intent-to-treat 0.63 (0.33) 0.35 (0.34) 2.83* .93
12 to 16-month
Treated 0.94 (0.17) 0.60 (0.36) 6.12* 1.03
Intent-to-treat 0.94 (0.17) 0.58 (0.36) 4.04* .59

*p < .05.
TAU n = 10.
p < .10.
TAU n = 8.

Note: DBT = Dialectical Behavior Therapy; TAU = treatment-as-usual; treated sample n = 18, intent-to-treat
sample n = 28.

duced signicantly more clean urinalyses jects provided no data after pre-treatment;
than TAU subjects during the pretreatment of these, one dropped treatment after the
to 4-month interval, over the entire year, sixth session, and one died of an appar-
and between 12 and 16 months, with a ently accidental drug overdose during the
trend between the 4- to 8-month period. four-month assessment.
When the intent-to-treat samples were an- Because treatment in the TAU condi-
alyzed, a trend was found during the 4- to tion frequently included individual ses-
8-month period and during the 12- to 16- sions with a case manager in addition to
month period (see Table 4). individual counseling, exposure to treat-
ment in TAU was rst analyzed by sum-
Treatment Initiation, ming hours of psychotherapy and sessions
Exposure, and Retention spent with a case manager that were pro-
vided to TAU subjects. This total was then
Six subjects dropped the study before compared to DBT individual psychother-
or immediately after pre-treatment assess- apy sessions. No signicant differences
ment (TAU = 5, DBT = 1). Two DBT sub- were found between conditions in receipt
jects began treatment but dropped by the of individualized treatment-related contact
sixth individual therapy session (i.e., be- (DBT M = 43.14 10.67; TAU M = 31.6
fore completing 15% of the treatment) and 27.88, F [ 1, 15] = 1.07, n.s.). When case
are considered non-treated. Two DBT sub- management hours are excluded from


Linehan et al.

FIGURE 1. Proportion of days abstinent from drugs and alcohol by treatment condition for treated sample.

these analyses, DBT subjects receive dose), compared to eight of 11 (73%) from
signicantly more psychotherapy than do TAU (Fishers exact p = .10). If all subjects
TAU subjects (DBT M = 43.14 10.67; TAU who never showed for their rst treatment
M = 21.88 32.32; F [ 1, 15] = 2.07, p < .05). session and the subject who died are
Rarely did TAU subjects participate in counted as having dropped, treatment
group psychotherapy. drop-out rates are higher: 45% for DBT
Determining drop-outs from treatment and 81% for TAU.
depends on how one looks at the data. In In DBT, three of the four DBT drop-
DBT, a subject was considered a drop-out outs were cocaine dependent, and the one
if four consecutive weeks of scheduled in- death was a woman who was both ad-
dividual sessions or four consecutive dicted to heroin and cocaine. In TAU, all
weeks of scheduled group sessions were ve individuals who dropped treatment
missed for any reason. In TAU, a subject shortly before or after the pretreatment
was considered a drop-out if she never assessment were cocaine dependent, as
went to therapy or if she dropped out of were three of the eight that dropped dur-
therapy at any time following a rst ses- ing the treatment year.
sion. Fishers exact p was used to evaluate
treatment drop-out rates. Using these crite- Psychopathology
ria and looking only at those subjects who
completed pre-treatment, a trend emerged There were no between-group differ-
in favor of DBT. Four of 11 (36%) dropped ences on other outcome measures (e.g.,
from DBT (excluding the accidental over- parasuicide episodes, GSA, GAS, or anger)


Dialectical Behavior Therapy

TABLE 4. Proportion of Urinalyses Clean by Treatment Condition for Treated and

Intent-To-Treat Samples


Mean (SD) Mean (SD) F Value Effect Size

Pre-treatment Assessment
Treated 0.43 (0.53) 0.55 (0.52)
Intent-to-treat 0.33 (0.40) 0.38 (0.50)
Pre to 4-months
Treated 0.64 (0.38) 0.31 (0.34) 6.27* .86
Intent-to-treat 0.38 (0.43) 0.22 (0.31) 2.13 .42
4 to 8-months
Treated 0.57 (0.45) 0.36 (0.39) 2.49 .50
Intent-to-treat 0.33 (0.44) 0.22 (0.31) 1.27 .21
8 to 12-months
Treated 0.50 (0.41) 0.36 (0.45) 0.93 .32
Intent-to-treat 0.33 (0.39) 0.25 (0.41) 0.57 .21
Year Total
Treated 0.57 (0.36) 0.33 (0.32) 4.65 .63
Intent-to-treat 0.35 (0.39) 0.23 (0.31) 1.65 .24
12 to 16-months
Treated 0.50 (0.50) 0.18 (0.34) 4.73* .75
Intent-to-treat 0.29 (0.40) 0.13 (0.29) 2.41 .56

p < .05.
p < .10.
Note: DBT = Dialectical Behavior Therapy; TAU = treatment-as-usual; treated sample n = 18, intent-to-treat sam-
ple n = 28.

during treatment or at the 12-month post- anger, F ( 3,36) = 6.88, p < .01; for trait
treatment follow-up. At the 16-month fol- anger, F ( 3,32) = 6.41, p < .01). There were
low-up assessment, however, DBT sub- no between-group differences found in
jects showed better social and global types and amounts of medical and inpa-
adjustment, with signicantly lower (bet- tient psychiatric treatments received.
ter) scores on the GSA (DBT M = 2.25
0.75, TAU M = 2.92 0.71, F [ 1, 12] = 3.98, DISCUSSION
p < .05 for best week scores; DBT M =
3.04 0.89, TAU M = 3.74 0.67, F [ 1, 12] = This comparison of Dialectical Behavior
2.94, p = .056 for last month scores) and Therapy (DBT) to treatment-as-usual
higher scores on the GAS (DBT M = 69 (TAU) in the community found three major
12, TAU M = 49 10, F [ 1, 12] = 22.24, p < results. First, we found a signicant reduc-
.001 for best week scores; DBT M = 62 tion in substance abuse among subjects as-
10, TAU M = 44 10, F [ 1, 12] = 22.19, p < signed to DBT compared to those assigned
.001 for last week scores). Subjects as a to TAU. These results were found with
group showed signicant reductions over both intent-to-treat and treated samples
time on frequency of parasuicide episodes and were corroborated by urinalysis re-
and state and trait anger (all repeated sults. The between-group mean effect
measures ANOVAs using the Greenhouse- sizes in these analyses, varying between
Geisser e correction; for parasuicide epi- 0.6 and 1.1, are considered large in behav-
sodes, F ( 3,39) = 3.96, p < .02; for state ioral science research.51 Second, DBT


Linehan et al.

more effectively retained subjects in ther- 28.46, non-adhering adj. M = 28.88

apy, with a 64% retention of DBT subjects 41.95, F [1,4] = 5.71, p < .05). A trend was
(excluding the accidental overdose), com- found at 4 months (adhering adj. M =
pared to 27% of TAU subjects that re- 86.03 28.87, non-adhering adj. M =
mained in treatment with their primary 38.97 50.00, F [1,4] = 3.56, p < .07). Given
therapist for the duration of treatment. the small sample sizes, this apparent rela-
Third, improvements in social and global tionship between adherence to DBT and
adjustment in the DBT condition are ob- outcome must be viewed with caution.
served and reached signicance when However, the greater improvement of sub-
compared to TAU at follow-up. The ab- jects with adhering therapists suggests that
sence of signicant pre-treatment dif- sufcient training, therapist adherence to
ferences between DBT and TAU subjects, the DBT manual, and therapist competence
together with random assignment to con- may be important predictors of outcome.
dition, rule out interpretations of our re- Although there were signicant reduc-
sults based on known preexisting differ- tions in both episodes of parasuicide (in-
ences. Along with our previous research cluding suicide attempts) and state as well
ndings that DBT reduces suicidal be- as trait anger, the reductions were not
haviors and improves social and global ad- signicantly larger for subjects assigned to
justment, results from this study provide DBT than for those assigned to the TAU
further evidence of DBTs efcacy for be- condition. For parasuicide episodes, the
havioral and emotional dysfunctions in in- base rate was low at pre-treatment, and
dividuals with BPD. Of note is that in two both groups quickly reached the oor.
consecutive studies, DBT has now been With respect to anger, the mean pre-treat-
demonstrated efcacious in improving BPD ment anger scores in this study were over
patients primary presenting problem. ten points lower than were scores in our
Further support for the contention that previous study with suicidal patients.36 The
DBT was the variable contributing to the mean one-year reductions from pre-treat-
greater improvements in subjects assigned ment to post-treatment, however, were al-
to DBT comes from a series of post-hoc most identical in both studies (a ve-point
analyses we did comparing outcomes as a decrease for suicidal subjects assigned to
function of therapist adherence to the DBT DBT compared to an eight-point decrease
treatment manual. Adherence was based for drug abusers assigned to DBT, and a
on scores on the DBT Expert Rating Scale 52 one-point increase for suicidal subjects as-
combined with observations of therapy signed to TAU compared to a three-point
tapes and supervision by the rst author decrease for drug abusers assigned to
(MML). Four subjects completed therapy TAU). This prediction needs testing with a
with therapists who achieved consistent larger sample size in light of the fact that
DBT adherence (including the one subject this trials small sample size compromised
treated by MML), and three subjects com- statistical power.
pleted therapy with therapists who did not In our previous study with suicidal pa-
achieve consistent DBT adherence. With tients, drop-out was 16%.27 Although the
pre-treatment urinalysis scores covaried, 36% incidence here is higher, the attrition
adhering DBT therapist-client dyads had a rate in DBT for both suicidal and drug
signicantly higher proportion of urinaly- abusers is low for a one-year treatment.
ses clean at 12 months (adhering adj. M = Factors contributing to the high retention
81.13 28.87, non-adhering adj. M = rate in DBT may include an emphasis in
10.54 28.87, F [1,4] = 9.60, p < .02) and DBT on targeting therapy-interfering be-
the year total (adhering adj. M = 80.84 haviors (e.g., missing or coming late to


Dialectical Behavior Therapy

sessions). Additionally, DBT emphasizes dropped out. Furthermore, high drop out
ongoing validation of patient behavior and rates among clients with BPD are com-
building a strong, supportive relationship mon, even when a sliding fee scale is used
early in treatment in order to prevent treat- (J. F. Clarkin, Ph.D., oral communication,
ment drop-out. Finally, DBT clearly de- January 1992).
nes what constitutes dropping out (four Despite these limitations, this study has
consecutive missed sessions of any one a number of strengths. First, although some
mode of treatment). This policy, in combi- aspects of the treatment were being added
nation with our active therapy attachment to the treatment manual during the delivery
strategies, may prevent DBT patients from of treatment, all aspects of standard DBT
drifting out of therapy. were implemented throughout all phases
This study has a number of limitations. of the research and with all DBT subjects.
First, it was conducted at the same institu- Second, all assessment measures used to
tion where the treatment was developed. evaluate outcomes in this study were iden-
Thus, results may have been due to factors tical to those used in our original outcome
associated with treatment allegiance, as research, 27 thereby holding ourselves to a
evidenced by differential drop-out rates standard of identical measures. Third, we
following randomization to treatment con- made use of a fairly rigorous urinalysis
dition. Second, there were relatively few standard in our data analysis procedure, as
subjects in each treatment condition, which all major drugs of abuse were tested for all
compromised statistical power to nd subjects and a total abstinence standard
other differences that might exist. Third, it was used to evaluate whether a particular
remains unclear how our results would urinalysis was dirty or clean. Additionally,
generalize to less dysfunctional individu- all missing urinalyses were coded as
als, to males, or to other impulsive behav- dirty. Fourth, the statistical signicance of
iors. Fourth, although they were directly our results, despite small sample sizes, sug-
trained and supervised by the rst author, gests a powerful effect of the treatment, at
there were differences in therapist adher- least with respect to its primary targets: re-
ence levels in DBT. Fifth, because DBT ducing substance abuse, retaining subjects
subjects received more treatment on the in treatment, and improving social and
whole than TAU subjects, we cannot com- global adjustment.
pletely rule out time and attention alone
(vs. actual efcacy of DBT) as factors in- This research was supported by grant
uencing outcomes. However, other stud- DA08674 from the National Institute of
ies conducted in our laboratory have dem- Drug Abuse, Bethesda, Md (Dr. Linehan).
onstrated that increased time and contact The authors would like to thank An-
alone does not account for improved out- drew Elliott, M.D., Ruth Herman-Dunn,
comes.28 Finally, DBT subjects did not pay Ph.D., Gerald Hover, Ed.D., Rolf Kolden,
for treatment, while TAU subjects did (al- M.D., Sandra McAuliff, M.S.W., Doron
though the majority of payment was Raphaely, M.D., Shari Fox-Leslie, M.S.,
through Medicaid and other public assis- Eric Levensky, B.A., Debbie McGhee, B.A.,
tance funding). Can we attribute the supe- and Angela Murray-Gregory, M.A. for
rior retention rate of DBT to this fact? We their contribution to this project. We also
cannot summarily rule out this possibility. wish to thank Alan Marlatt, Ph.D. for serv-
However, we could not nd any dis- ing as a consultant to this project, and
cernible differences in cost of therapy or Jack Blaine, M.D. and Lisa Onken, Ph.D.
payment method between TAU subjects for their aid in keeping this research
who remained in treatment and those who funded.


Linehan et al.


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