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Kusmiati, Fica. 2016. The Development of Ombudsman of Central Java Province

Capacity (The Building) on the Supervision of Public Service in Semarang. Politics
and Civics Department. Social Faculty. State University of Semarang. 1st advisor
Puji Lestari, S.Pd, M.Si, 2nd advisor Moh. Aris Munandar, S.Sos, MM. 121 pages.

Keywords: Capacity Development, Ombudsman, Supervision, Public Service

Governments public service is aimed at fulfilling society needs which are

demanded to improve the quality of service and on ability on determining the
services standard by involving the Indonesia ombudsman supervision. The
purposes of this study are: (1) to identify the supervision of public service by
Indonesia ombudsman representing Central Java province in Semarang city, (2) to
know the development of Indonesia ombudsman representing Central Java province
in Semarang city in doing its tasks, (3) to know kinds of obstacles faced by
Indonesia ombudsman representing Central Java province in Semarang city.

The research method used is qualitative research method which takes place
at Indonesia ombudsman representing Central Java province. The informants of this
study were the chief and ombudsman assistant. The data collection techniques used
were observation, interview, and documentation. The analysis of the data was done
after the data gathering, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion making or
verification. The data analysis was done within the data collection.

The result of this study shows that task of Indonesia ombudsman

representing Central Java province in public service is as the supervisor of public
service. The task is done both implicitly and explicitly by having systemic
investigation, private investigation (OMI) using mystery shopper method and
socialization. The development of capacity of Central Java representative is
strongly needed to improve the service for society or stakeholder. The development
needs to be done by rearranging each dimension of the service. the capacity
development in dimension system is done by revising Government Ordinance
number 21 year 2011 and adding ombudsman role as the auditor of the public
service. the development of capacity of organization dimension is aimed at
repairing organization structure by adding regency representatives, making official
website of Central Java, creating budget plan, additional office and stocking
investigating equipment, meeting room, computer equipment, and files case. The
capacity development of the human resource dimension is done by conducting
trainings for assistants.

Regarding to the above description, the writer suggests: (1) Indonesia

ombudsman representing Central Java province in Semarang city is suggested to
create volunteer, making official website and SMS center, adding number of
assistant by revising the Government Ordinance number 21 year 2011 for the short
period plan. For the long period plan, they are suggested to add role of Indonesia
Ombudsman as the audit of public service, shape the ombudsman of regencys
representative. Or by requiring each department on regencies to create report of the
public service implementation development. (2) it is also suggested for the central
and local government supervised by Indonesia ombudsman to know more their
position as public service organizer as what is stated in act number 25 year 2009
about public service. (3) for society, they are required to know further their rights
to get maximum service by actively report wrong administration practice done by
the public service committee.

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