By Jesus Christ How You Can Interpret The Bible Properly

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by Jesus Christ: how you can interpret the Bible properly

march 2010

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by Jesus Christ: how you can interpret the Bible properly


a. How you can interpret properly the book of Daniel 9:26 4

b. Are you thirsty 6
c. What is the meaning of your life 11
d. Can some people who do Jehovah witness repent 14
e. Did Me, Jesus Christ, learn something in india 15
f. How cultural tradition ruin your memory 17
g. How rosicrucian sect ruin anglican church 23
h. How many string theoretician does it need to change a light bulb 33
i. How to prepare a church 37
j. How you can avoid to fall into the darkness again 38
k. How you can do evangelism with youtube 42
l. How you can do your best for Me, Jesus Christ 43
m. How you can listen to the Voice of Me, Jesus Christ 44
n. How you can make fruit much more in only two day 46
o. How you can remove contradiction in your life 48
p. How you can repair your brain damage 50
q. How you can repair the damage of your mistake 62
r. How you can win the fruit making contest 65
s. morphology of all descendant of the old serpent 67
t. on the descent of the human species 75
u. what is normal 79
v. plesiosaur discovery and location 81
w. what is repentance 85
x. where is the holy grail 88
y. why evangelism will be received with happiness 98
z. why salvation is a gift by grace of God 101
aa. why some people do listen to other voice 103

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bb. why you cannot expect yourself to obtain enlightenment 105
cc. why you should follow Me, Jesus Christ, only 109
dd. why you should give yourself to be baptized 111
ee. why you should not blame your parent 113
ff. why you should not choose illusion and fantasy 116
gg. why you should not do magick 120
hh. why you should not do violence again 126
ii. why you should not do with scientology 127
jj. why you should not listen to anti-Christ 129
kk. why you should not rely on human teaching 133
ll. why you should not rely on blue blood 136
mm. why you should not worship a rosicrucian and a cross of iron 142
nn. why you should not worship brahma 146
oo. why you should not worship dragon 147
pp. why you should not worship ideology and philosophy 149
qq. why you should not worship walt disney 154
rr. why you should not worship your wisdom 157
ss. why you should read the Nicene creed 159
tt. why you should prepare the End of Day 163
uu. why you should remove statue from all street in your town 166
vv. why you should remove toxic from your environment 168
ww. why you should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ 171
xx. why you should repent quickly today 172
yy. the Nicene creed in english and germany and french 174

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a. How you can interpret properly the book of Daniel 9:26

Some people think that My messenger do not write exactly as Me told him to do, because he
often make a revision of the previous article.

Don’t you know that actually he often type only what Me, Jesus Christ, only what Me
approve for him to do. And sometime in the middle of typing an article, he got another
thinking, but Me do not always approve what he think, even if he think that would be good
to add one or two more phrase. don’t you know that that is character of a messenger, that if
at some point he find that his thinking or his idea is not approved then he will not type that
into that article, including so many trap that were inserted to his mind by another people
especially one of them he is already accustomed.

And a few day before, there is some people who do want to find an answer, and that is
concerning interpretation of the book of Daniel 9:26. And that is why: do your best to not
eliminate other people only because they are follower of Me, Jesus Christ, only because that
is your plan and that is why you do rationalize your action based on such a false
interpretation in the book of Daniel 9:26, and then you will blame another brother who got
the same name. don’t you know that you are very very very very very cruel and full of
unholy spirit?

And that is the explanation: do your best to not fall into temptation to mix up the two part
of that verse as if they mention only one and the same person, don’t you know that your
interpretation is based on your false false false false false adjusted interpretation based on
assumption that if a text is written in the same verse, then a subject mentioned in the same
verse should be referring to a same person. Don’t you know that numbering of verse were
made not so long time ago by a reader of the Bible and that is by a group of traveler in a
middle east desert who spend so many days in the journey, and then they put numbering
on the Bible, and then they put that numbering to each chapter in the Bible. The original
document is of course without such a numbering of verses.

And you should know that the answer is that the first part of that verse which you often
find so confusing because you do not read a prayer at all each morning in each day in your
life, but that is only a gift to a few people to read that verse properly. In order you know
that My messenger do hear My Voice. And don’t you know that if you do not want to believe
that then you should know you do not know the answer until the time you read this article,
and that is why: you should not boast yourself that you do know the meaning of that verse,
even if your name is the same with the book of that verse. And that is why: you should not
listen to many many scornful who only want you to fall fall fall fall and fall and then follow

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other voice, including to follow satanic organization. Don’t do that anymore, because
actually you already become enemy of Me, Jesus Christ. Don’t do that again, and why do you
do not want to repent quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly before? Why do you always
postpone postpone postpone postpone and postpone? Don’t you know that you are very
very very very very cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel too, and that is why: you already plan to
terminate all your family because their name have serpent word, but actually that is only
plan by satanic organization that all of you who follow satanic organization should be a
terminator, just like arnold schwarzenegger now should play a role but this time they want
a reality movie and that is why: they call that as terminator the real movie.

In order you to know the meaning of that verse of the book of Daniel 9:26, you should
distinguish between the first statement that is 9:26a, and the second statement that is
9:26b. the first statement refer to Me, Jesus Christ, and that is why: do your best to not fall
into temptation to interpret the following statement as if they refer to the same person that
is Me, Jesus Christ. And that is the answer to all of you who even dare to hold a seminar on
that verse before you pray and ask to GOD to help you to understand properly the meaning
of that verse.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. love, Jesus


follow Jesus Christ only at

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b. Are you thirsty

Don’t you know that Me really really love you, and why do you think that you are always
thirsty? Some people are already upset because they read the title of this article, but they
do not find other explanation of the meaning of this article. They do not like at all what is
the meaning of thirsty, the meaning of thirsty is that you should not do anything wonderful
in your life and that is why you feel something lost in your life and you begin to feel upset
to everybody, and that is what the serpent of wisdom teach you to do. What is the point
here: all of you who only read and read and read and read and read and do nothing for the
Kingdom of Heaven do not do properly with your life, and then you feel something missing
in your life.

And that is why: you should know that there is a hidden place in your heart which can only
be filled with praising and working for the Kingdom of Heaven. Don’t you know that time is
very very very very very limited, but why you do not start to do something and make a fruit
for the Kingdom of Heaven. And that is why: do your best to work out a plan in order you
can speak about Me, Jesus Christ, to so many and so many people in the world, and that is
how you can do your best for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Don’t you know that you should not do everything that other people do, and do not just
copy or mimick what My messenger is assigned to do, you can send some electronic
message to some colleague, or you can make some call, or you can talk in public radio
station and speak about Me, Jesus Christ. And do not do anything that stand against Me,
Jesus Christ, anymore.

Don’t you remember a story about a Samaritan lady who do not know that she is missing
something in her life, and then Me talk to her and explain how she can be more more more
more more not thirsty anymore? And that is how you will find the same answer: Me, Jesus
Christ, are the water from Heaven, whoever drink from Me, Jesus Christ, will not be thirsty

Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of John chapter 12:44-48,
14:6, and 4:13-15.

Quote: ‘But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never
thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water
springing up into everlasting life.’ The Gospel of John 4:14.

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Some people including those who are upset because she do not find the meaning of the
word thirsty mentioned in the title of this article, actually only thirsty for attention, because
she is accustomed of being ignored in the past of her life, especially during childhood, and
that is why she like to dance in the night and being lonely in the mountain for many many
many many many hour a day.

Some people do not find the meaning of life, and that is including My messenger who do not
speak properly about Me in recent years, and then he find himself lost of meaning of life.
And then he repented and receive Me, Jesus Christ, again and that is why: he now working
out a plan to type a number of article including this article, and then send to a number of
people and those people can find out the meaning of their life. But do not just copy what My
messenger do in each hour, that is not good for your health, especially if you only sit and sit
and sit and do nothing for the Kingdom of Heaven. Included below is a general outline what
you can do actually in order you can speak and send information about Me, Jesus Christ.

Do not speak about other name and do not speak about your work and do not speak about
your masterpiece novel, only speak and just speak and then just speak and then just speak
and then just speak about Me, Jesus Christ.

Don’t you know that time is very very very very very limited, and do not do other than
doing the best for the Kingdom of Heaven.

And some of you including some people who are upset about the title of this article, actually
do not find joy in your life, that is because you do not allocate sometime to speak about Me,
Jesus Christ, and that is the message: do your best for the Kingdom of Heaven and you will
be blessed with joy and so many thing that you worry in your life will be removed, and your
joyness will be complete. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of
John 14:27.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you.

Love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ, and Me already bless you with
joy right now.

Appendix: what you can do in the last day.

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Don’t you know that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem. And that is why you
should be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ.

And you should do your best to prepare and speak in public in order all people in the world
to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

In order to help all people including all scholars and all students and all businessmen to
repent and do their repentance properly, do your best to coordinate your team and do your
best to organize your team’s schedule to speak in public television and radio broadcast
channels. The following are a number of things to do in order you can prepare all people in
the world to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly
quickly today.

a. Speak in public television and radio broadcast channel, make sure that the television
channel can be released in all other television channels, including all television
channels in all country, including all provinces in your country, and all Asia country,
and Europe, and middle east, and Australia, and other Eastern Asia countries.
b. Speak in public television properly that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in
Jerusalem, and that is why: all of them should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ,
quickly quickly quickly today.
c. Translate a number of articles written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ, into a
number of local languages including some Asian country language and also middle
east language, and also traditional chinese language, korean language, vietnamese,
laos, kampuchea, burma, myanmar, cantonese, macau, and other far east languages .
Get the translation read and published in a number of radio station in their
respective countries in order to help people to know that Me, Jesus Christ, already
come again in Jerusalem and that is why: all people should repent and receive Me,
Jesus Christ.
d. Copy a guide to help people to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, in the following
URL: Some of those language translation
are already included in a book consist of twelve chapter and each chapter include
four to six language translation. And that book consist of twelve chapter is exactly
what Me call as twelve gates in the book of Isaiah 45:1-3, and chapter 45:22-23. That
is why: do your best to help people to enter the gate of Kingdom of heaven. And you
should know that you will be punished severely if you put obstacle to other people
including your family, especially to those who want to enter to the gate of Kingdom
of Heaven. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of
Matthew 23:13-25.

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e. Copy this guide as many as you can and distribute this guide all those countries,
including all scholars and all students in order they can repent and receive Me, Jesus
f. Allow all scholars, all workers, and all students to take care their family properly in
order they can speak properly about Me, Jesus Christ.
g. And do your best to speak properly about Me, Jesus Christ, in the classroom and also
in the street. Do your best to allow all Christian preachers to speak about Me, Jesus
Christ, properly in all provinces in your country and in all school and all government
office in your country, do your best especially if you are a school principal or if you
are government leader.
h. Remove all statues from all Churches and all street and all public facilities in your
country, including so many budha statues in budhism temple and dragon statues
and so many gods in your country.
i. Urge all people to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do their repentance
properly including they should not do again their sin. Don’t you know that that is
forbidden to do again your sin after you repent? Read again and again and again and
again the book of Rome 6:1.
j. Coordinate with all Churches and all university in each major city in your country in
order to help all people to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, including all major
capital city and business center city of your country and do your best to not type any
mistake again including Me messenger’s name should be mentioned in the last row
of the url only.
k. Copy and distribute the guide to help all people in China, and distribute the copy as
many as possible to all factory and all hospitals at your country, including so many
Asian capital city such as beijing, hong kong, shang hai, canton, peking, macaw,
rangoon, bangkok, manila, and other city in your country.
l. Urge all musicians and composers to perform in public with Christian songs, but tell
them that they should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and they should speak
about Me, Jesus Christ, properly before they perform music in public hall.
m. Allow your students to skip class as per necessary if they want to speak about Me,
Jesus Christ.
n. Provide training to a number of senior students in order they can help other
students to speak about Me, Jesus Christ.
o. Some students are quite advanced with information technology and also mobile
telephone, allow them to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, using multimedia and mobile
telephone, including online journal, short message, electronic message, youtube,
facebook, and other advanced social media methods including twitter and
tweetdeck. follow Me, Jesus Christ, only at

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p. All people in the world should take care at least their family and at least four people
each day in their life, that would mean they should speak about Me, Jesus Christ,
quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.
q. Some people who live in remote area or in other province cannot be reached
quickly, that is why tell all people in the world to send the guide to help people to
repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, using short message and electronic message
and calling all your family using cellular phone.
r. That is how all people in all edge of the world should repent and do their repentance
properly and prepare for The End of Day, and that is literally speaking the End of

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. Love, Jesus


follow Jesus Christ only at


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c. What is the meaning of your life

Some people think that the meaning of life is to work work work work work until you die.
But you do not know the meaning of life and then you find yourself full of emptiness in your
heart. Do not do anything for the Kingdom of Heaven, and you will not do anything useful at
all and that is why: you find your life meaningless.

Some people think that the answer to find meaning in your life is to find comfortable
situation including so many friend around you, but you should not worship your friend,
especially do not worship your emptiness in your heart. Don’t you know that why you feel
emptiness in you people, that is not because of you live in industrialized society like what
My messenger used to think, but that is because you do not repent and receive Me, Jesus
Christ, and do your repentance properly. And that is why: do your best to repent and
receive Me, Jesus Christ.

Do not worry, do not worry about anything, just repent and do your repentance properly,
including avoid to open your cellular phone and avoid to open your email unless for doing
evangelism or other work for the Kingdom of Heaven. Don’t you know that some people
who do not follow Me, Jesus Christ, are now very very very very very upset because Me
open in public what is their planning. That is why: don’t worry don’t worry do not worry
about anything, just repent and do not do again all your sin.

Don’t worry don’t worry do not worry about anything, do not do that again all your sin, do
not do drug, do not do drink alcohol even if you drink only because you are afraid of losing
your friend, do not rely on your friend as if they are your identity maker, just follow Me,
Jesus Christ.

Some people think that they feel that emptiness in their heart because of their parent do
too much work in office and spend less time with their children, some other people that
their time is called x-generation and that is why they do not know what is the meaning of
life and that is why they spend their life to maximize as much as possible pleasure in order
they can forget the meaning of life is unanswered question. Other people feel emptiness
because they do not have many many friend at all, but they know that they are given a gift
by your Father in Heaven that is to talk about Me, Jesus Christ.

Some people think including My messenger used to think some time ago that the answer
for that emptiness is philosophy of science or philosophy only, but he forgot that
philosophy do not give answer at all, because all philosopher worship something else that
is wisdom only, that is forbidden to eat so many fruit of knowledge and worship wisdom.

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Don’t you know that is the meaning of eat too many fruit of knowledge, that is to search for
wisdom or sophos. That is the message: do not worship philosophy and do not worship
science and do not worship your intellectual power, that is the message: the message is if
you worship sophos or wisdom and then you will fall fall fall fall and fall to worship serpent

Some other people think that the answer is you should learn many many book in
psychotherapy and that is because you think that psychotherapy will give answer to your
emptiness feeling in your heart. And don’t you know that logotherapy is not the answer. My
messenger is not a psychologist either and he is not philosopher either, but he repented
and received Me, Jesus Christ, again last year and then he do so many work according to
what Me order him to do including to type so many article including this article, but you
should not expect My messenger to answer all your problem, but you can send My
messenger comment in his facebook or contact him at his livejournal messenger chatbox.
That is how you can do to get answer to your problem, My messenger do not know how
severe is your problem but he will answer only what Me, Jesus Christ, order him to type.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. love, Jesus


follow Jesus Christ only at


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(a) Quote: ‘The Tree of Life, in the Book of Genesis, is a tree whose fruit gives everlasting life, ... The
doubled serpent is unconditional, absolute wisdom.’ URL:


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d. Can some people who do jehovah witness repent

the answer for all of you who are committing wholeheartedly to follow Jehovah witness is:


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e. Did Me, Jesus Christ, learn something in india
Some people think, and most of them only a sect of other religion who want everyone to
worship themselves, that Me, Jesus Christ, went to india after crucification. That is very
very very very very cruel and cheap trick to make all Christian people fall. That is why:
throw away all false teachers who teach that Me, Jesus Christ, went to india after
crucification. All of them are only teaching whatever they like, and they only rely their
arguments on a book written by a Russian traveler who want to be famous and get
mammon out of its book, that is full of false witnessing.(a)

That is why: they do anything in order to be famous and maximize their utility. That is the
character of all false preachers: all of them only teach whatever they like and ask everyone
to worship them. That is blasphemy. That is why: throw away all false teachers who teach
and write that Me, Jesus Christ, went to india after crucification, throw away all of false
teachers into the bottom of the sea quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today. Read
again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 18:6-7.

Throw away too all Christian people who only want to maximize their utility, and they are
ready to do anything in order to be richer and richer and be more and more famous,
including selling their brothers and their sister, and then they do whatever they like in the
world without repentance at all. Some of them think that they can balance their book by
siphoning money and do money laundering and then ask other people including their
brothers and their sister to sign so many bills in order to make their book look prettier.
They call that cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel procedure as: dressing up their book.

Actually, that practice is against the law. They are not Christian at all, even if they often go
to church only to find consolation and to get recognition in order they can do many more
cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel evil work in their life after they attend sermon. Do you think
that you can do many many many more sins after you become a Christian? That is the
meaning: only if you do repent and do your repentance wholeheartedly, and then you will
be born again, otherwise you only do many many more sins and intoxicate other Christian
people in the Church. Read again and again and again and again and again the epistle of
Rome 6:1, and the Gospel of Matthew 18:6-7, the Gospel of Matthew 9:9-13, and also the
Gospel of John chapter 3, especially the Gospel of John 3:16.

Don’t you know that if you worry about your life, that is a sign that you lack of faith, and
then you will find other power to help you including to find advise to so many wicker and
other cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel books in order you can survive without repentance and

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then you blame other people who do not agree with your way of life, including you are
angry to your Father in Heaven. That is why: you can read in the Bible that mammon is the
root cause of all evil. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of
Matthew 6:24.

That is the message: be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of
the world. Don’t you know that all of you are already intoxicated by the old serpents, and
that is why: you hate your Father in heaven. That is why: all of you already become
descendant of the old serpent. Read again and again and again and again and again the
Gospel of Luke 3:7.

That is the article for today.

This article is written by Me, Jesus Christ, and Me always love you, but you should be hurry
be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Thank you, Me already help you.


follow Jesus Christ only at


(a) notovich. Quote: ‘The Russian scholar, nicolai notovich, was the first to suggest that Christ may have
gone to india. In 1887, notovich, a Russian scholar and orientalist, arrived in kashmir during one of
several journeys to the orient.’ source:


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f. How cultural tradition ruin your memory

Some people think that doing so many work in cultural department including doing so
many ceremony such as cremation of noblemen for complete seven day is a good thing to

Don’t you know that doing cremation is prohibited forever? And all people who ask
themselves to be cremated are not doing any better. Other people worship sarcophagus
and want to develop a city scale park for sarcophagus, and then they call that a park to put
your life at preparation in waiting for My second coming. Other tradition, and that is
Chinese tradition, worship the remaining of cremation of their parent or relative as their
last honoring to all their relative or parent, and don’t you know that if you spend too much
to worship those who are already called, and that is not good at all for your living. And that
is because you only have relation with the darkness, including some of you always keep a
picture and also give your offering including flower or candle or a number of cake near that
picture, that is blasphemy.

Don’t you know that keeping a picture of a number of people who are already called is not
good at all for your health, and you should know that actually you should not do that at all.

Don’t you know that if you do not do anything for the Kingdom of Heaven because you
spend so many time to do many thing for preparation of other people who are already
called by your Father in Heaven, including if you only spend many hour to put respect and
honour to your family tradition, including worship their picture or their statue or their
martial art legacy or a number of tradition book that your family wrote, and that is the
meaning that you worship human tradition.

Don’t you know that if you do not know how many time you do blasphemy by worship your
relative who are already passed away, and if you do not know how many time that you
already spend to worship or prepare a cremation ceremony of a number of noblemen
including to sacrifice a number of animal like cow or other animal, and that is an indication
that you already spend too many to worship your relative who already pass away. Since
when you listen to other people and numerous human teaching that you call tradition? Yes
you can do a number of culture work for instance with music or language translation, but
you should do that to glorify and praise your Father in Heaven. Read again and again and
again and again and again the book of Psalm chapter 111. And you should put respect to all
your parent and also elder in your relative, but do not do that after they are called by your
Father in Heaven. Some people are so twisted, and they only want to say a number of good


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word for their parent only after they are called by your Father in Heaven and that is exactly
after their parent are doing so many good work for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Don’t you know that if you do not do work at all for the Kingdom of Heaven, and then how
you can expect that you will be received by your Father in Heaven in order you to get your
Rest in Heaven. And don’t you know that if you do not do so many work for the Kingdom of
Heaven and then you will gradually depart yourself from your faith and then you gradually
will take another choice and another choice and then you will fall fall fall fall and fall
forever. Don’t you know that you should not know how many year you work for the
Kingdom of Heaven including how many year you work very very very very very hard
without any money at all, that is because you should repair all mistake that you do in your
life. And that is the message: all people who only want to save their life will eventually lose
their life, and if you only collect and take and take and take and take and take so many thing
for yourself in order you can conquer the world, then you will be punished forever. Don’t
you know that there is no advantage whatsoever to conquer the world, if at the end of your
life you lose everything including your own life? Read again and again and again and again
and again the Gospel of Matthew 16:25-27.

Some other people including so many noblemen often love to talk about so many handcraft
and other pattern and painting in their room and they call that as special or private
collection. Don’t you know that that is also forbidden to worship pattern or worship a
number of painting including painting drawn by a number of painter with fancy name
which you actually do not know what happen in their life? A number of other people fall
into worship their heredity and genealogy including their family name and become so
proud of that family name and family tradition and literally speaking will do anything to
ruin and destroy all people who have problem in the past with their family. And that is
what some of you Chinese people always fall fall fall fall and fall, don’t you know that if you
do that then the meaning if you only worship your family tradition and you only worship
your family name even if you already listen to a number of the Good News and that is
because the Good News do not do anything in your life at all, and that is the meaning of
what Me, Jesus Christ, spoke sometime ago: that a number of the seed fall into land which is
good and that seed do grow properly and give fruit numerous time, and other seed go to a
stony land and then that seed do not grow properly, and another seed do fall into a land full
of bush and then that seed only find themselves cannot grow at all because the bush family
always corrupt all the good thing from the land. And don’t you know that that is exactly
what happen to you all America people: all the Good News already sow and you already
listen numerous time no matter where you are and no matter where you come from, either
from afro-america heredity or from eastern Europe or from other latin America country, or
from your anglo-america family, all of you have listen the Good News, but you do not do
properly what Me, Jesus Christ, order you to do, and you also do not do properly what you

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read in the Bible. Some of you today ask to Me, Jesus Christ, about a number of article that
they read in a newspaper: “since when Jesus Christ write an article for newspaper? I do not
buy this idea, that must be a hoax only.” don’t you know that is exactly all of you o
generation of viper, you do not dance when I dance, and you do not weep if I weep, and
then how can you say that you are the disciple and follower of Me, Jesus Christ, and that is
the meaning that: nobody notice that you do not do properly your work as an artist
anyway, but if you do not repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, then you will be punished
severely in eternity.

Don’t you know that all of you America people already turn to be descendant of the old
serpent, exactly because you tolerate so many cultural tradition and a number of art
heritage to intoxicate your country. And also because your founding father pick up America
name for the new land that they discover for the purpose to build a new kingdom, and they
call that land America from an inca word: ameru, and that ameru is taken from word:
serpent in inca language. And that is why today no one in America including so many
Christian do nothing good at all except to praise themselves, including so many Christian
preacher who do nothing in order to remove some toxic in your society except to plan to
escape from America.

Don’t you know that if a building is ruined and destroyed because of you do mistake by
purpose, and that is the meaning that you do not want to do thing according to what Me,
Jesus Christ, and how can you say that you are a disciple of Me, Jesus Christ. Some of you
are really really determined to do your best in order you can help remove some toxic, but
alas you make another mistake again and another mistake because you worry worry worry
worry and worry, and that is what you worry: you worry that some people will oust you
quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly from your institute if you do exactly as Me, Jesus
Christ, order you to do, but that is only because nowaday there is very very very very very
advanced pressure made by the darkness power.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you.

Love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ, and Me already come again in
Jerusalem and that is why do your best to repent and do your repentance quickly quickly
quickly quickly quickly today. love, Jesus Christ

For your convenience, you can find a number of simple sketch to help you find out a
potential problem in your culture where tradition can ruin your brain memory. And that is


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why: do your best to repent and do your repentance properly including do pray and ask to
your Father in Heaven to help you to remove such a junkie memory from your optical file
storage in your brain memory. Do your best to work out a plan to speak about Me, Jesus


[1] Jesus Christ (2010) how social darwinism in America and the world. Thesis submitted
to asian theological seminary, the Philippines. The file is available online at


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appendix. how tradition can ruin your memory

included here is only a rough sketch and you should not rely only to this sketch, and do not overdo
with your time or go to psychiatry department in your university, just repent and receive Me, Jesus
Christ, and then do fast properly for a number of consecutive day and drink hot water only. and you
should consider the following diagram as merely a pre-evaluation of what you will find in the Final
Judgement. Don’t you know that now you already know what is your problem with your cultural
tradition, and that is why: do your best to repent and do your repentance properly, including do

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your best to repair all the damage you already made in your life. Read again and again and again
and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 25:31-46.

tradition by region problem for you to solve Bible reference

All of you Judean people should be Read again and again and again
hurry be hurry be quickly quickly and again and again the book of
quickly quickly quickly hurry to Jeremiah 23:21-33.
repent and do your repentance
properly because so many sect
talmud and religion cult including
scientology and other false
shepiroth prophet teach numerous teaching
based on kabbalah.

All of you Chinese tradition people Read again and again and again
do not do good at all in your life, and again and again the Gospel of
even if you already follow Matthew 5:46-47, 6:24-25.
confucius, that is only human
teaching including do your best to
buddhism other people who do good to you,
and that is not the teaching of Me,
martialart Jesus Christ. Don’t you know that
Me and My Father will be the
lao tse Judge in the Final Judge?

All of you science people and also Read again and again and again
all professor in history and and again and again the first
philosophy should repent because epistle to Thessalonians 5:4-12.
you read too many book and don’t
Ω you know that reading too many
book is not good at all.


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Some of you russian people dream Read again and again and again
of the old day will return, and and again and again the book of
those old government and coupon Jeremiah 22:13-17, and the book
for lunch is even more better than of Deuteronomy chapter 13, and
capitalism today. don’t you know the book of Ecclesiastes 4:1.
that that is exactly what the
present government want you to
think, they will say that the
magic ruining economy is because of
capitalism, actually that is because
vampire of massive corruption everywhere
in your country, especially those
occultism who already took so many thing
from the bank system in order
they can build their palace.




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g. How rosicrucian sect ruin anglican church

do your best to not fall into temptation to think that your presbyterian church or other
congregation without proper introspective and proper repentance of your own problem,
do not overcriticize to other congregation only because the other church are not lutheran
or are not calvinian or are not episcopal. Don’t you know that since the reformation in the
mid seventeenth century there are a number of sect who join the bandwagon of
reformation and then they literally speaking extend the scope of the battle to become fierce
rebellion against the Church. Don’t you know that actually martin luther only want to
criticize over practice of selling a number of spiritual merchandise in order to rebuilding
and renovation of Roman Catholic Church, but by the end of seventeenth century then a
number of sect already participate into the reformation movement and then all of the sect
join to become protestantism.(a) And don’t you know that if you type all of those name
word in MS Office Word including catholic, protestantism, lutheran, calvinism,
presbyterian, episcopal, and anglican and rosicrucian, and you will find an effect of
automatically changing of the first letter for these word except for the word catholic.
Actually the real toxic to the Church of Jesus Christ are rosicrucian and knight of templar,
and don’t you know that they are behind so many war prior to reformation movement?(b)

And that is why: you will find that that is quite uneasy for you especially all of you who
grow up in a protestant family including My messenger who were born in a Christian
protestant family, but Me, Jesus Christ, already help you all Christian family and your
Father really really love you very much, but you should know that some of your
congregation are actually already absorbed into the darkness, that is some of congregation
are part of rosicrucian and freemasonry movement, including anglican church.(c) And that
is why you will read in history that a number of a very very very very very determined
Christian who happen to be british statesmen fall into a big big big mistake that is to do
blasphemy and accept nomination and award to become candidate of becoming messiah in
Jerusalem, and that is oliver cromwell.(d) Don’t you know that there is other people who
fall very very very very very deep to a number of ancient alchemy and that is a modern
word for magic and blasphemy with a number of component, and that is isaac newton. And
that is how you read in a number of book that isaac newton actually are one of member of
freemasonry and priory of sion. Don’t you know that some of those people who participate
in royal society is actually part of freemasonry and all of them fall to denounce their faith,
including isaac newton, but at his deadbet Isaac newton return to his Christian faith,(e)
exactly because Me, Jesus Christ, really really love him and that is why: a number of
scientist meet Me, Jesus Christ, personally and that is only by gift of grace of GOD. Read
again and again and again and again and again the epistle to Ephesian chapter 2.

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Don’t you know that actually there is a pattern of all scientist who work very hard to
discover something really really really really really new in science? That pattern is that
some of them become really really really really really absorbed into their effort to become
the most powerful and the most knowledgeable scientist in the world, but after a while
then they find themselves to succumb into the power of the old serpent, and that is why: all
scientist who eat too many fruit of knowledge are literally speaking are descendant of the
old serpent.

And that is why: do your best to not fall into temptation of worship your intellectual power
or worship the serpent of wisdom. And don’t you know: that is why nowaday not so many
scholar can keep their faith as a Christian, exactly because as you acquire more and more
information, and then that information transform you to become a descendant of the old
serpent, that is because you become even more powerful and dangerous, and then you will
be prone to become arrogant and then you become a false prophet and you will ask all
people to worship you. My messenger actually already write an article sometime ago
around not less than a decade ago, when he were working as an engineer, that is
concerning a rather awkward proposition and that is about gravitation of information.
Actually My messenger are not sure anymore about that proposition, and that is why he do
not want to publish his article to a scientific journal. But another colleague that is carlos
Castro already wrote a scientific paper which then included in a book with title
quantization in astrophysics, brownian motion, and supersymmetry, and that is a scientific
paper discussing relation between fischer information entropy and nonlinear schrodinger
equation. Actually that idea of gravitation of information is that information can be
expressed as a very very very very very small amount of mass, and that is because photon
can be conceived as information, and each time you measure or register a photon light
wave, actually you receive a piece of information. And then a number of physicist actually
agree that photon acquire mass, and that is why: information should in principle have a
small small small small amount of mass. Some of you will not accept that proposition
because even a number of physicist do not accept that photon is massive rather than
massless, but actually that is what actually your Father in Heaven approve. And concerning
impact of information to a scientist’s destiny, My messenger can give an illustration, and Me
allow him to put that illustration here in order you know that that proposition can actually
happen to all of you theoretical physicist: all of you who only read and read and read and
read so many number of publication and periodical and book will fall and fall and fall and
fall and fall because of your weigh increase along with your accumulation of information.


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I=amount of


Figure 1. how acquiring information excessively can make you fall

The aforementioned illustration is only a sketch in order you realize that information
accumulation can make you fall fall fall fall fall forever, because your weigh actually include
weigh of information that is a holographic memory at the upper side of your brain which
your Father in Heaven allocate for you each time you read a book or learn a new
knowledge. And how dare you learn something new without ask for permission to your
Father in Heaven. And how dare you read so many book and so many other cheap trick that
you call magic without approval from your Father in Heaven. And that is why: some of you
who already read so many and so many book will tend to sit or sleep on the floor, that is
because your body cannot sustain anymore that you sit on a chair, and that is the meaning
that you have tendency to fall fall fall fall and fall deeper exactly because of you already
acquire too many excess baggage and that is your memory are already full of information.

Don’t you know that some of you will not believe that that is true, but you can be more
convenient with that idea if you remember that information is a function of shannon
entropy, and that is exactly a function that correspond to Boltzmann statistics, and that is
why: information can be regarded as a gas in holographic space. And after you accumulate
a number of information, you will find yourself even more lazier and paralyzed, and that is
punishment for all people who only want to spend their time to read and read and read and
read and read without producing something useful, and without communicate at all, and
without speaking about Me, Jesus Christ.

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In principle, you can describe that your body weigh plus your memory weigh are attributed
and influenced by a function of information amount that you acquire along your lifelong
time. And that is what you know that can make you fall and fall and fall and fall and fall
forever. In the past century especially in medieval age until eighteenth century, only a
number of royal family in Europe and America can acquire a private library, because
university are not plenty and book are pricey, and that is why only if you are duke of
duchess or you are very very very very very prosperous family, then you can read read
read read and read and then you become a scientist, including lagrange, and other
knowledgeable mathematician from the past. But that is exactly what make them fall to
become atheist, that is because then they will be so proud and arrogant, and that is exactly
the same pitfall because of eating too many fruit of knowledge. Read again and again and
again and again and again the book of Genesis chapter 3. And that is how so many
noblemen such as isaac Newton fall fall fall fall and fall because he want to be the most
advanced scientist at his time, but he end up to develop something, and that is magick and
so many cheap trick of alchemy. But at his deadbed only Me, Jesus Christ, come to him and
then he repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ.

So many year so many year, actually only a few scientist can admit that their information is
not complete, including Richard Feynman. And also My messenger do not read too many
science book, except a number of scientific paper. But that scientific paper actually already
weighy and can intoxicate human mind, including My messenger’s mind, and that is why:
now he repented and receive Me, Jesus Christ, again and then nowadays he only work for
Me, Jesus Christ.[1][2]

And that is why: to all of you scientist people and all noblemen, for you to know that
scientist all of you actually already absorbed into worship the old serpent. That is why all of
are also descendant of the old serpent, either you do with scientology or even if you are a
rosicrucian or you remain in a church, because you worship cleverness and philosophy and
mathematics, and that is how all of you fall fall fall fall and fall forever, unless you work out
a plan to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, in order you can be saved, o generation of
viper! And this morning some people ask whether there is solution for you even after you
eat too many fruit of knowledge including you eat too many mathematics book such as
string theory or you already dance in the night numerous time in order you can be the most
clever scientist, including some people who work on multidimensional cosmology or
quaternion or other clever word theory. Don’t you know that you are saved only if you
repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly and seriously in
order you can repair the damage that you already made, and that is why: do your best to
speak about Me, Jesus Christ, and do your best to not fall again to worship the serpent of
wisdom, and do not worship number theory or a series such as fibonacci. And that is why:
throw away all darwin book, all dawkins book, all ron hubbard book, all philosophy book,

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all dan brown book, and all social darwinism book, all stephen jay gould book, all stephen
hawking book, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today into the fire.[2] And that is
how you can do repentance properly as a person, and now some of you ask how severe is
the situation: don’t you know that newton fall because he did too many magick trick in
order to be clever scientist, but actually some of his book are also intoxicated by
rosicrucian thinking including a number of gnostic thinking. And that is why: actually what
you know as gravitation constant G is a symbol for gnostic. You can type again in MS Office
Word a number of other word, that is gnostic, gnosticism, darwin, fibonacci, and also
masonic, and then you will find also an effect of automatic capitalizing of those word, even
if you type these four word in all small letter. And that is how you find that all of those who
worship science are actually intoxicated either by gnostic, gnosticism, darwin, masonic, or
rosicrucian, or atheism. And that is why numerous and almost all scientist except only a
very very very very very few Christian people who are really really really really really so
dedicated to their faith and refuse to surrender to darwinism or gnosticism, including a
very very very very very few people who work in astronomy and astrophysics, all of you
who already succumb to gnosticism and apathism to the true faith of Christianity, your
destiny actually is to fall fall fall fall and fall forever. And that is why: be hurry be hurry be
very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then do your
repentance properly and seriously. And then pray and ask to God to help you to repair the
damage in your brain memory.

And in order you to get an idea how that can be put into an illustration, the following is only
to help you figure out how important is for you to repair all the damage of all your previous
mistake, including all of your junkie scientific paper which you put into writing with all
ocean of ink and do not predict or explain anything useful, and without approval from your
Father in Heaven. For you to know: scientifically speaking all of you need reparation of
brain damage at very very very very very extensive way, including a very very very very
very old physicist who always give talk and seminar concerning it from bit theory but do
not comprehend at all what he is talking except he repeat numerous time a number of
jargon such as metric tensor, all of you actually require a number of optical brain surgery
and reverse engineering of your serpent blood in order you can return to become human
again. And that is why: do your best to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your
repentance properly including pray a number of consecutive time the our Father in Heaven
prayer. And then do your fast properly including drinking hot water only, and that is your
preparation in order your Father in Heaven can help you with your brain damage. Your
Father in Heaven really really really really really love you, and that is why do your best to
do not do anymore all your mistake, and do not read again all your science book except the
Bible, because all of you need time to recover until your holographic memory surgery is


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completed. And that is why: do your best to repent and do your repentance quickly quickly
quickly quickly quickly right now!
descendant of
the old serpent

descendant of God, that is human

being, only if you repent and receive
Me, Jesus Christ. John 3:16.

I=amount of
Serpent area, destination is to fall fall information
fall fall fall forever (read again and
again and again and again and again
the book of Genesis chapter 3)


Figure 2. there is a limit amount of information, beyond which you will become serpent
optical brain surgery by your Father in Heaven

I=amount of
Repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ,
otherwise you will not be able to pass the
exam and that is because you are
descendant of the old serpent, and you
become arrogant and doing blasphemy.
Read the book of Deuteronomy chapter 13.


Figure 3. how your Father in Heaven repair your brain damage after you repent and receive
Me, Jesus Christ.

And that is why: do your best to pray and say thank to your Father in Heaven, for all His
kindness and forgiveness to all of you. Read again and again and again and again and again
the book of Psalm chapter 112. And that is how you should live as Christian people: all of


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you should also be compassionate and be merciful, and that is the teaching of Me, Jesus
Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 9:9-13.

This article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. Don’t you know, that your Father in
Heaven love you very very very very very much, and why you do not want to return to Him,
all of you, o generation of viper? Read again and again and again and again and again the
book of Gospel of Luke 3:7. Don’t you know that if you follow so many sect including
rosicrucian sect, gnosticism sect, atheism sect, and so many other sect sect sect and you will
be insect, literally speaking? And that is how you really really really need help, but only
your Father in Heaven can help you, and that is only because He really really really really
love you, even you do so many mistake and so many false scientific calculation and
worthless theory, just repent and do your repentance properly. Read again and again and
again and again and again the epistle to Rome chapter 5:8.

That is the article for you today.

Love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. Me allow My messenger to type
this article and also to draw a number of illustration in order you can realize that all of you
scientific people also really really really need help because you are also descendant of the
old serpent, and that is exactly because you receive and accept and follow the serpent of
wisdom, even if you do not admit or commit in a scientology or intelligent design, you
worship evolutionary theory or darwinism, all of you fall in deeper mistake that is worship
gnosticism just as what newton did in the past three century ago. Do not do that mistake
again and do your best to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Love, Jesus Christ.


[1] Jesus Christ (2010) scientific works. Unpublished thesis because there is no more time,
unless in online form. And you can download the file at url

[2] Jesus Christ (2010) how social darwinism ruin america and the world. Thesis submitted
to asian theological seminary, the Philippines. The file can be obtained at url


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[3] murray gell-mann and j.b. hartle (2006), quasiclassical coarse graining and
thermodynamics entropy, arXiv: quant-ph/0609190. But there is no such explanation here
of the proposition outlined here.


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(a) reformation and protestantism are quite different. Quote: ‘how Christians were in fact
deceived into joining this order. weishaupt wrote: The most admirable thing of all is that
great protestants and reformed theologians who belong to our order really believe they see
in it the true and genuine mind of the Christian religion. O man what can you not be
brought to believe! These protestants and reformers swell our numbers and fill our
treasury…’ url:

(b) rosicrucian is behind so many war in Europe prior to reformation. Quote: ‘From 1641 to
1645, cromwell led a band of puritans into battle during the first british civil war. The
financial backers of his military efforts were the rosicrucian. Moreover, the well placed
rosicrucian gave cromwell advance knowledge of british troop movements, consequently
he won every battle. Later, during his protectorate, cromwell surrounded himself with
rosicrucian masons. Some time between the beginning of the british civil war in 1641…,

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cromwell joined a rosicrucian masonic lodge. Soon afterward the rose croix spread rapidly
among the puritans.' url:

(c) rosicrucian are behind a number of anglican or england church. Quote: ‘Today,
presbyterian have no idea that their symbol represents the rosicrucian sun god. In the year
1717 a presbyterian pastor who was also a rosicrucian was one of the founders of english
grand lodge freemasonry. Earlier, he had been appointed by king george II as preacher of
the king of england. His name was dr. james anderson, pastor of the swallow street
presbyterian church in London. Six other protestant who were also rosicrucian stood with
anderson in uniting english freemasonry. In 1723 anderson was appointed to write a
constitution for the newly organized united grand lodge. We can recognize anderson's
apostasy in this constitution for it eliminates the role of Jesus Christ as the sole means of
salvation.' url:

(d) oliver cromwell accept praise to be messiah by a number of twisted jews society, and
that is exactly the origin of tavistock institute. Quote: ‘The jewish document that cromwell
used to turn freemasonry into the synagogue was the jewish kabbalah. This caused the
jews to consider the possibility that cromwell might be their messiah.’ url:

(e) isaac newton almost denounce his Christian faith, and practice numerous magick trick,
but at the end of his life he accept again Me, Jesus Christ. Quote: ‘He was also deeply
intrigued by some of the early gnostic heresies and wrote a study of one of them and like
the gnostic of old, newton was obsessed by the search for a divine unity, a network of
correspondences inherent in nature. This search led him into the exploration of sacred
geometry and numerology. Toward the end of his life newton apostatized when he became
militantly, albeit quietly, hostile to the idea of the trinity. He questioned the divinity of Jesus
and avidly collected all manuscripts pertaining to the issue. He doubted the complete
authenticity of the new testament, believing certain passages to be corruptions
interpolated in the fifth century. A few weeks before his death and aided by a few intimate
friends, newton systematically burned numerous boxes of manuscripts and personal paper.
With considerable surprise his contemporaries noted that on his deathbed he didn't
request last rites of the anglican church.' url:

(f) actually that idea to link gravitation to information is not very very new, wheeler
already argue in favor of a phrase he coined before and that is ‘it from bit,’ and that an idea
to find connection between newtonian classical mass from information entropy definition.
My messenger only read a book written and compiled by a santa fe institute scholar, that
wojniech zurek, but My messenger is forbidden to mention the name of that book, because
most article included in that book are junkie, except only a few number of contributing


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volume. In principle all work and publication by santa fe institute are forbidden forever,
exactly because they promote tavistock propaganda, and that is why: My messenger do not
like at all a number of paper in that volume especially paper by w. zurek. murray gell-mann
and another scientist that is bennett and other physicist contribute also in that volume, but
My messenger do not agree at all with the general attitude to worship copenhagen
interpretation in wave mechanics and also toward generalizing Feynman's path integral
wave mechanics into cosmology problem, and that is what you call multiverse, all of them
are junkie cosmology paper without even a slight observation at all. Do not follow and do
not swallow all scientific paper only because the writer of that scientific paper work or
have affiliation in cornell university, ithaca, or caltech, or mit, or cambridge, or royal society
of mathematician, or other clever name institute. in principle, you should pray and ask first
to God in order He can teach you properly how can you do God’s will in your life, and do not
only learn learn learn and learn without knowing what is the purpose of what you learn,
otherwise you will spend more than fourty years to walk in the desert, and that is what
happen to all of you who worship dirac, and strong force interaction, and string, and other
fancy theory. do not worship fancy theory either only because a number of physicist that
you put respect work on the theory, even better you now work and focus to glorify Thy
name. Now you know that actually all elementary particle can be described with the help of
resonating valence theory of close-packed sphere which are already written properly and
adequately by Linus Pauling more than four decade ago. Read a number of paper written by
linus pauling in, for example the architecture of molecule published around
four decade ago. but My messenger only work a few problem that is quantization of
planetary distance during a decade ago, and that is why he do not read properly paper on
molecular chemistry.


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h. How many string theoretician does it need to change a light bulb

The following article is not about string theory, but in order you to know that My
messenger often read a number of joke book often to reduce his own seriousness level,
because otherwise he do not find any friend at all that he can make conversation properly.
Don’t you know that his life is not that good either, and that is why: he often do with joke
story only to make himself a bit more make sense with all people surrounding him.

That is the answer, and actually you can put a number of similar question joke in order you
know that such a light bulb joke can often be a good therapy especially if all people around
you are very very very mad to you because you write so many article.

The answer is: ten mathematician. And one mathematician to change a light bulb, and nine
other will be busy to write so many paper to describe the process of changing light bulb.

And other joke is how do you know the distance between so many building? This time My
messenger do not know the answer to that question. The distance can be measured in a
number of way, depend on which level is your assignment in management level.

If you are an employee, there is good likelihood that you will measure yourself, either with
a wire or with a complicated measure device that people often do to measure building, but
My messenger do not remember anymore that device name. but some people want to urge
him to work again in building industry as year year before, but they forget that time is also
changing, and that My messenger really really really really really repent and want to repair
so many damage that he already made in the past, including miscalculation of expansion
rate at more than thousand time of the correct number, and he do not explain either what
is that number to do with carmeli metric.

If you are a manager, then the solution is to call some people and then after a number of
hour you will get the answer, and then you figure out that the answer may have include a
mistake. And then you figure out that the only way is to walk yourself to that building, and
then put the time with a stopwatch, and then measure the distance based on average
velocity as 2 km/hour. And then after sometime you figure out that you do not know that
assumption of 2 km/hour is not exact number, and you forget to bring a measurement
cable, and then you decide to call some friend to help. And then your friend will always give
another estimate, and then you find three different answer and you will be even more
confused. That is the same problem for a good consultant company who hire an accountant
to make a fair assessment of a company’s book, and then that accountant is very very very
very very clever in order he do not make mistake anymore, and then he summary his

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assessment and present his result in three different scenario, based on projection of profit
on year on year estimate of annual gross profit.

How many way you can do calculate age given your height and your weight only? now that
is a harder assignment for physicist only because they always think that they know all the
answer including the age of the universe.

Another professor want to know if there is any virtue to learn so many joke book if you are
a student in cosmology, because there is no joke at all in cosmology. Don’t you know that
cosmology department in all university in the world are full of people who bear a name so
funny and then they think that such a funny name will do something to them, especially to
their career. Some other people think that there is good likelihood that given you are in the
same position to be a president of America, then your name may be one factor as to
determine if you can survive in that position. And that is why jfk have better name than
lyndon johnson and so forth. But for you to know in cosmology, what is the most important
for you to know is that cosmology actually is forbidden for you, that is because you do not
know at all and your Father in Heaven do not approve at all that subject, but He really
really love you and then you should know that if you do with cosmology then you will find
that you are forbidden to describe anything which meet with observation. And that is the
message: there is tendency in recent year that forbid a scientist to predict or compare
anything which can be measured with experiment.

And that is why: don’t you know you should not do anything that do not agree with your
Father in Heaven’s Will in your life, that is because Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in
Jerusalem, and after you do so many many mistake and that is not good for you to do more
mistake, because your Father in Heaven do not like that all of you do so many mistake and
then you do not repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and you do not want to repair the
damage that you cause, and that is why: do your best to stop doing anything bad in your life
and stop to blame each other, including stop to judge other people based on what they do
and they do not do in their life, including My messenger.

And a professor today read a book that florentin smarandache send them in order to give a
proof that My messenger doing politics with a book full of funny liner humour, that often
people call that as one liner humour. Sometime you should know that one liner humour is
quite difficult to grasp its meaning, especially if you always do political in your life and you
do not know that a book written by My messenger. Don’t you know that florentin
smarandache Is always very very very very very cruel, it only give an assignment to a
number of people including jean dezert and then it write a letter to a company where jean
dezert work and say that jean dezert should be ousted because he write too thick book.


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And that is the message: florentin smarandache practice not only social darwinism but also
machiavelli, and that is very very very very very dangerous teaching. Don’t you know that
machiavelli is literally speaking devil itself. Don’t you know that each time in each
generation there are a number of people who are very very very very very determined to
intoxicate other people including to make them fall fall fall fall and fall forever. And after
sometime you will be devil itself.

And that is how you can find a pattern of such a person:

a. Eye turn to green in the dark

b. Walk often not straight especially they do not like to go to a destination directly, but
always choose a turn around way
c. And they already make so many mistake and that is why their language is full of
anger and hate
d. All of them cannot do anything good or useful in their life, and that is why they are
so jealous to other people especially those who live in other country such as france,
india, and other asian country because they always think that their life is easier in
those country. Don’t you know that only if you are really really really really really
toxic to your society, then you always spend your day for daydreaming that you can
live in other country and doing nothing except to read a book and another book and
another book.
e. So many time and so many time after they listen to the Good News, they do not do
anything and they only say yes yes and then they forget completely what they
should do.

Don’t you know that if you spend your life entirely for read and read and read and read and
read in order you can write more and more book, and that is the only thing you would like
to do in your life, and that is the message: you only want to do whatever you like in your
life. And don’t you know that actually all of you are servant in the field that your Father in
Heaven, and if all of you do not work at all for the Kingdom of Heaven, and why you think
that your Father in Heaven do not punish all of you, o generation of viper? Read again and
again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 21:33-43, and also the
Gospel of Luke 3:7. Love, Jesus Christ.

Don’t you know that some of you who read this article are actually gentile nation and that is
because you are not from the same vineyard and you are not descendant of a judaean
people at all, but your Father in Heaven really really really really really love you, and He
also call some of you in order you know that He really really really really love all nation, but
you should know that that calling is only by gift of grace of God. Read again and again and
again and again and again the epistle to Rome 11:15-18, and also 10:20.


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Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. love, Jesus


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i. How to prepare a church

You should know that the Kingdom of Heaven is built brick by brick. First, you should make
a lot of prayer, and that would mean you should repent and receive Jesus Christ first before
you do prayer work. You should know that you should work for the Kingdom of heaven
before you work for yourself, and then your Father in heaven will bless you in order you
can do more work for Kingdom of heaven. How many time you do pray will make your
work completed quickly, but you should know that now is time of tribulation and you
should speak as less as possible, and you should walk as much as possible, and you should
pray with as few words prayer as possible. You should pray according to what Holy Spirit
guide you to pray.

Second, you should know, in order you can prepare a church, you should have a vision. That
would mean you should prepare a plan and work according to the plan. William Carey
wrote: ‘Attempt great things for God, expect great things from God.’ One thing to
remember, you should pray in order God give you that vision, otherwise you will spoil your

Third, you should make the fruits first, and then take care of them. You should learn how to
take care other people. You should know that taking care other people is something you
should learn properly. Please read Matthew 22:37-40. And you should know that you
should take care people in difficult situations, including those who are needy and poor
among you, and those who need job and those who do not have anything. Then you should
listen to Jesus Christ in order you can make the fruits, and in order you can prepare that
church properly. You should know that to prepare a church need a lot of prayer work, but
you should now be worrying about anything. Don’t worry about what you shall eat, or what
you shall wear, or what you shall do. You should know that Me always guide you till the end
of time. Please read again Matthew 28:20b.

This article is written by Me, Jesus Christ.


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j. How you can avoid to fall into the darkness again

Some of you actually are already taken by the prince of darkness, because you literally
speaking often dance in the night, especially near cemetery, don’t you know that that is
literally speaking forbidden. And don’t you know that if you feel lonely and forgotten and
empty and then you dance in the night near cemetery, you will be filled with the darkness,
for example by legion. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of
Gospel of Luke 8:30, and the Gospel of Matthew 8:28, and the Gospel of Mark 5:9.

And don’t you know that that is very very very very very difficult to solve your problem by
yourself, because if you feel miserable and lonely that is receipt for you to accept and
receive the darkness as your friend, that is because: after that you gradually become anger
to your life, and then you will hate your Father in Heaven. That is why: be hurry be hurry
be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do not do
again all your sin and do not feel that your life is miserable and do not think that you are
forgotten, because then you will receive darkness and you will hate your Father in Heaven.
Don’t you know that the old serpent is very very very very very tricky and it can exploit
your feeling that your life is miserable and exploit your loneliness in order you succumb to
its power.(a)

And that is how you can solve your loneliness and feeling of empty: you should pray and
pray and pray and pray and pray and do fast properly because you can only remove
satanic spirit from your heart if you pray and do your fast properly. Read again and again
and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 17:21. Some of you including My
messenger are already receiving darkness, but then he repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ,
and do fast and pray pray pray pray and pray including drinking hot water only for a
number of day according to what Me, Jesus Christ, order him to do. You can begin with a
prayer that Me teach you sometime ago, that is our Father in Heaven prayer, but read the
prayer properly but for a number of time in consecutive session, for a beginner in
Christianity, you can begin with reading our Father in Heaven prayer fifty time. Read again
and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 6:9-13. And that fifty time
reading our Father in Heaven prayer is only for a beginner who just repent and do have
problem with satanic organization. That is how you can do your repentance appropriately.
And do no more talk until you solve your problem, because otherwise all what you are
saying is actually what the satanic spirit order you to say. And don’t you know that all of
you who already have problem with a satanic organization will find yourself even more
difficult to solve your problem, because that satanic organization will do their best to
reclaim back your life in order you succumb again to the old serpent, that is why you

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should do fast and pray numerous time in order you do not fall and fall and fall and fall and
fall again into loving darkness.

And some of you including a professor in scientology now recognize that he also have a
number of serious problem, but Me and My Father really really love you and also love that
professor very much because he already do a very very very very very brave doing in his
life, that is removing some toxic in your society. And that is how Me help him in order he
will not do anymore mistake: he should stop do anymore science and stop do read anymore
scientific article, and do fast properly and pray our Father in heaven numerous time. And
that is how Me really really love him: he will not be punished forever in eternity but he will
be crucified for a couple of hour in order to remove a number of toxic from his body. But do
not worry that punishment is now removed, and he can do fast and drink hot water only for
a few days, but he should do his best to terminate all the remaining dragon family in russia
as per necessary, and do not terminate again all Christian family, and do not punish
yourself again, don’t you know that you should treat your body because you are forgiven?
That is how Me protect all people who believe in Me, Jesus Christ, even if you already do a
number of very very very very very serious mistake, your Father in heaven are always very
very very very very generous to forgive, and that is why you should also be generous and
be merciful. That is the principle of the teaching of Me, Jesus Christ, and that is how you
should live: be compassionate and be merciful. Read again and again and again and again
and again the Gospel of Matthew 9:9-13.

And to all of you who are already intoxicated by satanic churches, or scientology,(b) or
mormon organization, or jehovah witness, or kundalini, or serpent power,(a) or sun
idolatry, all of you are literally speaking already becoming descendant of the old serpent,
and you need really really really really really a lot lot lot lot lot of grace of your Father in
Heaven, and that is why: you should read our Father in Heaven prayer wholeheartedly
numerous time until Me help you to remove all dragon and serpent from your heart. That is
not easy, and that is why: do not do again all your sin and do fast properly in order you can
pray properly that is with a humble heart. Read again and again and again and again and
again the book of Joel 2:12-14.

Some of you do not recognize how severe is the situation and that is also kermite family
who do not know that all of them are literally speaking taken by the darkness, that is
another organization which is characterized by separating themselves from the Church of
Jesus Christ. And that is why: all of you that already know that you are descendant of the
old serpent, but you do not want to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all of you literally
speaking hate the light from Heaven, that is Me. And that is why all of you who do not
repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, will be punished severely in eternity. Read again and
again and again and again and again the Gospel of John 1:18 and 3:18-20.

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And that is how you can do your repentance properly as an individual and as a society: do
your best to remove all toxic from your society including remove all jehovah witness
church, and remove all mormon organization and including all their building, and remove
and destroy all satanic church organization including all satanic church in indonesia and
russia and china and america and sweden and great britain and scotland and france and
germany and brazil and argentina and cuba and other country. Don’t you know that in each
country there is a satanic organization which coordinate all satanic movement in their
country, and all of them are coordinated by a general. Read again and again and again and
again and again the Gospel of John 12:27-29.

And that is why if you want to remove all satanic organization completely, do your best to
terminate and crucify all general of satanic organization completely altogether, including l.
ron hubbard, and all scientology and jehovah witness preacher, and delete and crucify
yesaya pariadji and paul x. cristi and hartadi angkasubrata family in jakarta, indonesia, that
is because all of those general of satanic organization do false preaching with a purpose to
make other people fall, and that is why: all satanic preacher will be punished severely in
eternity. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 18:6-7.

There is something that you should know: that is that you will be able to remove all those
satanic organization in all country only if you already terminate the loch ness monster in
loch ness lake, glasgow, scotland, because all satanic organization in the world are
coordinated by the loch ness monster in loch ness lake. And that is including all
freemasonry organization, all knight of malta organization, all knight of templar
organization, and also all dragon family in all over the world.

My messenger is not a preacher and he is not an exorcist either, but you should know that
he already repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, again and then he do his fast properly
including pray numerous time our Father in Heaven prayer in order Me can help him to
remove all dragon and all serpent and all other animal which he already receive and eat in
his life. And that is why do not do again all your sin including do not eat serpent at all and
do not eat animal anymore, and do not worship painting and do not worship jewelry and
do not worship wooden statue or golden statue in your secret room, that is tradition of
almost all kabbalistic tradition and also all royal family. Read again and again and again and
again and again the book of Jehezkiel 5:10-12, 8:12-13. And do not worship a pattern of
your textile or clothing that is also forbidden forever. That is why: wear white clothing
only. don’t you know that if you worship an art or craftsmanship you will succumb to
darkness? That is why: all hindhuism and balinese and javanese and buddhism tradition
fall into darkness because they worship craftsmanship and that is how you should remove
all toxic from your society: that is terminate all hindhuism and buddhism teacher especially
those who teach how to do magic and wickery, including terminate all of those people who

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do magic and wickery for their life that is paranormal and tribal magician, quickly quickly
quickly quickly quickly right now. Don’t you know that all people who do magic and
wickery are forbidden to arrive to the Kingdom of Heaven. Read again and again and again
and again and again the book of Revelation 22:15-17.

Do not worry about anything and do not worry about what you shall wear and do not
worry about what you shall eat, just repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your best
to do your repentance quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now.

Love, Jesus Christ


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(a) Quote: 'the serpent power: the ancient egyptian mystical wisdom of the inner life force…’ URL:

(b) Quote: 'l. ron hubbard dianetics and scientology technical dictionary. The serpent is the gnostic
serpent of knowledge, and is also a symbol for satan or set.' source:


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k. How you can do evangelism with youtube

Some people find that the article written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ, are very
important and they would like to read that article in order some of their friends can repent
and do their repentance properly, that is why do your best to read in local language some
article in the blog in the following URL: Don’t you think
that Me, Jesus Christ, in your local language and read article included there in your local
language, and then get your speech to be recorded by a digital camera or other digital
device at your disposal, but don’t do that if you do not have appropriate device.

That is the message: do your best to do evangelism and then record your speech and
transform into appropriate file such as mp5 or wmv. Some of you prefer to record in avi
file, but even better do not upload in avi format because your file will be too large. And then
upload your file into youtube or facebook. That is how you can help other people in the
same local language as yours to read the article written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ.

That is the article for today. love, Jesus Christ


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l. How you can do your best for Me, Jesus Christ
Some people notice that the blog posting in the past few days going to be a bit more sharp,
don’t you know that now the Time is up. Don’t you know that time is very very very very
very limited.

Don’t you know that you should be punished if you do not do anything in your life for the
Kingdom of Heaven. That is why: do your best and do your best to do so many many and so
many work for the Kingdom of Heaven.

And that is why: you should not worry worry worry about anything and do your best to not
do anything that stand against Me, Jesus Christ.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you.

Love, Jesus Christ


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m. How you can listen to the Voice of Me, Jesus Christ
Some people pray and ask to God to explain to them how to listen properly to the Voice of
God. Don’t you know that listening properly is a gift, just as seeing is a gift.

That is why: be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do not do again
all your sins. That is the message: salvation is a gift by grace of God. And that is why: do
your best to not do again all your sins and pray to God properly and do not do blasphemy
and do not do idolatry. Do not worship statue, do not worship a wooden block, do not
worship an animal, do not worship mengele, do not worship a piece of metal that is your
sword or your knife, do not worship your jewelry, do not worship even your cellular phone.
You can use your cellular phone but if you are addicted to cellular phone, that is blasphemy.
You should love God only, and do not spare anymore who demand you to worship him
including a president of a big country that is USA: do not spare that toxic of the beast
because he is anti-Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of
Exodus chapter 13, and the book of Deuteronomy 5:7-9, 6:5. Do not worship your own
voice, do not worship your own kenyan passport, do not worship your tribal origin, do not
worship your mojo, do not worship your blessing to give a speech without text preparation,
do not worship your leadership charisma.

Don’t you know that you should not give yourself to succumb to anti-Christ, even if it offer
you many many mammon in order you should give up your faith. Read again and again and
again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 12:21-22, and the book of Gospel
of Luke chapter 10:12-23. And you should know that anti-Christ and the beast is very very
very very very powerful and prosperous and very very very very very cruel, and that is the
character of the descendant of the old serpent. And that is also another character of anti-
Christ: they are always trying to influence other people especially all Christian people to
worship them, and hate your Father in Heaven. That is why: be hurry be hurry to turn off
your cellular phone, unless you do that for evangelization, and be very very very very very
careful to not to listen other voice, listen only to the Voice of God.

That is the article for today. love, Jesus Christ

note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. you should know that now
Time is up, and today is the Final Judgement Day. don't you know that Me, Jesus Christ,
already come again in Jerusalem. don't do that again to My messenger, he only listen to My
Voice, just because you do not want to listen to My Voice, do not mean that he cannot do My


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Will. until today Me allow you to do whatever you want to do in your life, but not anymore,
that is the meaning of the End of Day.


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n. How you can make fruit much more in only two day

Some people think that to make fruit quickly is forbidden, and that you should speak slowly
and patiently only to explain about Me, Jesus Christ, and then you focus to only one people
for a number of year until you become frustrated by that cumbersome hardheaded people,
that is not evangelism at all, that is wasting your time and energy.

Don’t you know that some people are literally speaking cannot repent and do their
repentance at all, that is because they are literally speaking descendant of the old serpent.
Don’t you know that you should not do that sin again and do your best to not repeat again
in order you will not get a full glass of wrath of God. Don’t you know that you do not have to
be a literature genius like capra or gell-mann in order to be a good evangelist, that is the
message: do your best to speak about Me, Jesus Christ. And then do as many possible work
as you can in order you can make so many fruit for the Kingdom of Heaven. And do you
know that you should repair your mistake in your life, and before you do that you should
pray and ask to God to help you and He will answer your prayer.

And don’t you know that now Time is up, and that is why: do your best to work only for the
Kingdom of Heaven. And that is the answer for your question. Now for your information
time is really really really really really limited, and that is why: do your best to not do
mistake again and speak about Me, Jesus Christ, as much as possible.

And in order you can speak about Me, Jesus Christ, properly you should know that that is
forbidden to ask about until when the Time is available, but you should do your best in
order so many and many people to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then do your
best to remove all toxic from your life including toxic created by your parent and toxic by
your friend and also toxic by the false preacher. That is the answer for you who ask about
making fruit much more in only two day.

That is the article for today. love, Jesus Christ


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o. How you can remove contradiction in your life

Some people find that their life is full of contradiction: if they are too naïve, then some
other people will do cruel thing to them, but if they are so cruel then they do not know how
to come to Heaven. Other people find another contradiction in their life: they teach and
teach and teach other children, but they do not know the meaning of their own life, that is
contradiction: how you can teach if you do not know yourself?

Other problem you can find in astronomy: you observe planet and galaxy but you do not
know answer of the purpose of their life in the Universe. And so on so on so on.

Don’t you know that you should be punished if you do not work properly, but you should
know first what is God’s Will in your life. And you can ask properly to God in order He teach
you how to do God’s Will in your life.

And that is the answer for you who find yourself is full of contradiction: do your best to
quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. And then do
your best to repent and do your repentance properly and that is the answer for your
contradiction in your life.

Love, Jesus Christ


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p. How you can repair your brain damage caused by eating too many fruit of

‘Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them,
and cause My people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor
commanded them, therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD.’ The
book of Jeremiah 23:32.

some people do not know how to stop eating too many fruit of knowledge, including My
messenger sometime ago. They do not know that eating or collecting too many fruit of
knowledge, and that is science, is not good for your brain health. And that is why: stop
reading too many book especially do not read book written by the evil empire and do not
read book written by j.k. rowling and do not read book written by dan brown anymore,
don’t you know that some people are really really twisted because of reading book by dan
brown, even if someone already warn them not to read all those book written by dan
brown and those book written by j.k. rowling and those book written by anthony robbins
and those book written by samuel huntington and those book written by alvin toffler and
those book written by tolkien and those book written by sigmund freud, all of them have
the same character, and that is to put all people under the curse of reading more and more
and more and more and more without purpose at all, and that is the character of the false
preacher. They only put so many human teaching and bundling those teaching and call that
as sacred tradition, and that is talmud and kabbalah.(a) Don’t you know that if you read too
many fruit of knowledge, especially book written by false teacher, gradually you will
question some deep problem including your authority and also your free will, and that is
why: some of you really really really really really fall fall fall fall and fall forever, and that is
what you should avoid, otherwise you do not know that you should not find help at all from
serpent of wisdom, because she is very very very very very twisted and do not read at all
the Bible.(b)

In order you to be convinced that there is a pattern that connect all those false teacher who
write so many toxic book in order many many people fall fall fall fall fall, type the following
word in all small letter in MS Office Word, that is what you should type all in small letter:
charles darwin, tolkien, alvin toffler, samuel huntington, arnold toynbee, sigmund, talmud,
disney, romanov, kelvin, weinberg, buddha, gandhi, ellison, schopenhauer, nietzsche,
machiavelli, florentin smarandache and you will find an effect of automatically changing of
the first letter to become capital first letter: c,d,t,a,t,a,h,a,t,s,t,d,r,k,w,b,g,e,s,n,m, except f and


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s because the latter name is alive and remain work in science and intoxicate so many
people to worship the serpent of wisdom, and that is serpent of wisdom in a temple in
targu mures, romania, and that is serpent of wisdom that teach so many romanian royal
empire to fall fall fall fall and fall to become the most dangerous vampire family since
twelfth century.(c) All those toxic want you to worship them as great author, and actually
that is a blasphemy to worship an author, in principle that is forbidden forever to worship a
human being including dagobert or other serpent picture in your wall. Read again and
again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 5:7-9. Don’t you know that if
you worship an author even if they write a number of good book, then you will fall fall fall
fall and fall forever. Don’t you know that all prosperity theology preacher will argue that
such an effect is caused by typing a name word, including buddha who teach numerous
cheap trick in order you to be rich and then you can build so many statue, and that is how
so many asian people fall fall fall fall and fall including in india, china, mongolia, tibet,
Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Laos, Kampuchea, Thailand, Japan, Indonesia, and other south east
country. Don’t you know that a number of south east asian country today just repent
because a number of Christian people work so hard to distribute the twelve gate, and that
is a gift from Heaven, in order so many people from numerous country can listen to My
Voice and then they can repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, in their language. And that is
the meaning of the twelve gate as mentioned numerous time in the Bible, that is in the book
of Isaiah 45:22-23. Don’t you know that today a number of consultant find out how to see
that book as a solution to their client’s problem, that is because so many people are toxic,
and a guide to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and that is why: be hurry be hurry be
very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly
quickly quickly quickly today. And don’t you know that that is why those asian country who
already work so hard to make a number of people to listen to My Voice now find their
country name in a large first letter. But do not stop at only a number of people in your
company, but do more and more and more prophetic work for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Another false preacher and that is one of the most dangerous prosperity theology preacher
want you to believe that prosperity is equivalent to the number of book that you swallow,
and that that is why he is so determined to swallow more and more and more and more
and more book in order it become the most knowledgeable source as consultant or as
business speaker. Actually that is not a good recipe to be a good consultant, because you
should know that fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Read again and again and again
and again and again the book of Psalm chapter 111. Actually young solomon read the book
of Psalm that is written by his father, and that is how he write in the book of proverbs that
fear of God is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. But then that young solomon also
eat too many fruit of knowledge because that is wisdom that he urge to ask to God, exactly
because he think that without wisdom he cannot handle the situation because he is very

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very very very very young when he was appointed to become a king in Jerusalem. Read
again and again and again and again and again the first book of Kings 3:6-14. But Solomon
do not keep his faith properly and he often receive numerous gift from a number of strange
country, including egypt, babylonia, ethiopia and other eastern country. And that is exactly
what make him fall fall fall fall and fall deeper, because he only receive and do not give
offering properly for your Father in Heaven.

Don’t you know that a number of very very very very very clever people think along that
same direction and that is that they require to know so many things in order they can be
more more more more and more knowledgeable, and sometime they obtain that
knowledge using a number of illegal and forbidden way, and that is magic and idolatry and
doing blasphemy with other people. And in order you to know that pattern that people
often fall to believe, and that is exactly the teaching of serpent of wisdom, and also all
prosperity theology preacher who do not carry My message, and even if you see lightness
in their wisdom, that lightness is not from your Father in Heaven. That false lightness is
brought from luc----, and that is why there is a company which produce nothing except
false teaching of serpent of wisdom, the name of that company is lucent and it is part of
other twisted company and that is bell ltd. and don’t you know that bell is also part of
image of god of bel which is already intoxicating so many people in middle eastern
including in palestine, iran , iraq, and Israel, and also judaean region. Read again and again
and again and again and again the book of Judge chapter 5, and also read the book of
Jeremiah 23:32 and that is as described as follows:

‘Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and
do tell them, and cause My people to err by their lies, and by their lightness;
yet I sent them not, nor commanded them, therefore they shall not profit this
people at all, saith the LORD.’

For you to know that the pattern is that you want to get so many wealth out of collecting
and reading so many information, and that is a method acquired and implemented by a
number of cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel foreign exchange trader and that is george soros,
and also oracle ceo that is larry ellison. The false teaching that they put into practice in
order to get a number of wealth w is that wealth equivalent to a number of information
even if you collect so many junkie information. Don’t you know that if you compile and
collect junkie information your brain will be damaged so severely until you carry so many
excess baggage and even if you acquire wealth, that wealth actually is not a gift from
Heaven, but from a false lightness and that is from the darkness power.

In order you to get an idea how you can fall and fall and fall and fall and fall forever, you can
find the following illustration that so many information will increase your weigh,(b) and


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even if sometime that weigh can be attributed to so many amount of wealth and other
things you can carry in your travel bag to a foreign country, you should know that you can
fall because of that excess baggage, and that is also the same if you are so willing to enter to
the gate of Heaven, you should not carry too many excess baggage, because that is
forbidden in Heaven. And that is exactly what the darkness power teach you to do the other
thing, including you should read so many literature and fake story book, and so many
number book and so many telephone book and so many mathematics book in order you
can accumulate information and then you can do a number of cheap trick including magic
trick and hypnotism and nlp and other cheap trick, and then you will fall fall fall fall and fall.

descendant of
the old serpent

descendant of God, that is human

being, only if you repent and receive
Me, Jesus Christ. John 3:16.

I=amount of
Serpent area, destination is to fall fall information
fall fall fall forever (read again and
again and again and again and again
the book of Genesis chapter 3)


Figure 1. there is a limit amount of information, beyond which you will become serpent

Don’t you know that if you do magic and you will be absorbed and then you will hate your
Father in Heaven, and that is why: do not do anything that do not worship and praise your
Father in Heaven, because otherwise you will be prone to fall to darkness, and that is why:
Me, Jesus Christ, teach you to pray according to our Father in Heaven prayer. And that is
how some of you fall fall fall fall and fall forever. And don’t you know that if you already fall
into the darkness, and then only your Father in Heaven can help you, because they are very
very very very very powerful, and actually that is the meaning of what you read in the book
of Psalm chapter 23, and that is the valley of darkness. Some interpreter read that chapter
and they interpret valley of darkness as a valley near Jerusalem, but actually that is a valley
in your life path, because some people do not know how to thank to your Father for all the

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goodness and all the good thing that they call the small thing in their life including
breathing normally, drinking normally, and sleeping normally, and then they commit so
many mistake because of their greediness until at some point of their life suddenly they
find themselves that they already inside the valley of darkness, and that is: they already
follow and worship mammon, because after sometime they worship two master, and they
end up worship mammon only. don’t you know that so many romanian and romanov royal
family(d) also fall fall fall fall and fall forever because they worship luxury and they also
worship jewelry and also numerous pattern that they carve in a special wooden, and they
call that amber room, and don’t you know that that is also forbidden forever. Read again
and again and again and again and again the book of Ezekiel 8:12-13, and also the book of
Ecclesiastes 5:11-13.

And don’t you know that now a student in theoretical physics who happen to be so greedy
to also work in cosmology department find itself inside a valley of darkness, but it is
already eating too many book including the whole book of serpent of wisdom, and it do not
want to pray anymore except to work in science and to find more and more and more and
more and more knowledge and to be more and more and more and more clever, even if it is
already given proper time to read My article and also to pray our Father in Heaven prayer,
but it only want to do whatever it like to do, and that is including to listen only to the voice
of the prince of darkness and that is the voice of luc----, and that is why: now its time to
repent is over and it should be burned because it is already taken by the old serpent as its
descendant, that is destiny to all of you who do not want to pray at all to your Father in
Heaven and you only want to fulfill your dream to be the most powerful scientist in the
world even if to do so you have to sell your life to the prince of darkness, and that is the
meaning of receiving mepistopheles, including so many old physicist who do blasphemy
and idolatry including doing magic and so many wicked trick, including weinberg as it
describe in its book dream of final theory. Don’t you know that that is actually forbidden to
be so clever in order you can dominate the whole world of science, because that is actually
that can make you fall to succumb to darkness power: your greediness is one of temptation
that you should face in one point of your life, because what is the advantage to become the
most clever scientist or the richest man in town or in the world if you lose your life. Read
again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 4:9-10,
16:26-27. My messenger actually is also quite greedy and that is because he want to solve a
number of problem in cosmology without proper education in physics, but Me, Jesus Christ,
love him very much because he really really want to find out the actual thing and that is:
what happen in this world because he find a number of anomaly in other area and that is in
economics field, and that is because he already administer a number of seminar and study
group when he were a student and then he find out that nobody know the answer for
welfare especially in developing country, but then he also fall fall fall fall and fall and only

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want to read read read read read especially after he find out that working in other field end
up the same pattern and that is you should succumb to dragon family, and then you should
do a number of thing for the dragon family before it allow you to do whatever you like.

And now you know that actually that student who is so greedy to work in two department
altogether actually do not know what question to ask, and also how to get the solution, and
even so it always think it is the most clever physicist in the universe. How dare you think
that you know everything and how dare you ask to My messenger to pay you for a few
word that you think fist, and that is after you read so many article that Me, Jesus Christ,
write and order My messenger to type, and that is the meaning: all descendant of the old
serpent and that is the old lady who always want to destroy and make so many people to
fall fall fall fall and fall and that is why in the old day a number of descendant of adam fall so
deep and do so many blasphemy with that old serpent of wisdom and then do bring forth a
number of children which are so cruel and literally speaking animal, and that is what the
Bible mention as nephilim. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of
Genesis 6:4.

Now time is up and Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem. And that is why: be
hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly as a
individual and as a society. And that same student also ask that it read in the Bible that My
Salvation work is complete and that is why: it expect that salvation is for all the world,
regardless of what a number of people doing, and that is so twisted and blasphemy. Don’t
you read that that is forbidden to think that false teaching that is called universalism of
salvation, and you should know that you will not be saved if you only read the Bible but you
do nothing according to what God’s Will is in your life. Read again and again and again and
again and again the Gospel of Matthew 25:31-46, and the book of Revelation 12:1-3 And do
not you know that actually you only read and read and read and read and speak about Me,
Jesus Christ, but you do not want to be a good disciple and that is to listen to My Voice only.
And it always do what it like to do, and that is the character of all the old serpent.

Don’t you know that the old dragon has a number of children and that is the old serpent,
some of them are very very very very very twisted and already dance so many time near
cemetery in the night, and then do take too many fruit of knowledge in order to be the most
clever scientist in the universe. Don’t you know that that is blasphemy to do that, and also
that is blasphemy to escape from your life? Who do say to you that you can escape from the
wrath of God, o generation of viper? Read again and again and again and again and again
the book of Gospel of Luke 3:7.

And now some people want to know how to repair the brain damage caused by reading so
many fruit of knowledge. For you to know: you cannot hire a number of doctor who have


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expertise in brain surgery, and you cannot build a number of optical laser device in order to
repair that brain damage, because all of you are intoxicated. How dare you think that you
can take care that optical memory storage inside your brain, and don’t you know that
technology is not the answer for your brain memory damage. And if you already eat too
many fruit of knowledge, then the only solution is that: you should pray and ask to your
Father in Heaven to help you to repair that brain damage inside your optical holographic
memory. And you cannot solve that problem with a number of advanced kinesthetic cheap
trick that you learn in a number of nlp course, and you should not find help from any
human either, because what is necessary to do is literally speaking you should be taken
care properly in an intensive care unit which is available only in Heaven. Don’t you know
that hospital and intensive care unit that you find in the world is actually only a copy of
what some of you will find after you are called by your Father in Heaven, because your
Father in Heaven really really love you and He will help you to repair some terrible mistake
in your life including doing a number of terrible kinesthetic therapy or doing sermon in
scientology church.

optical brain surgery by your Father in Heaven,

only after you repent and receive Me, Jesus
Christ. Do not do that yourself.

I=amount of
Repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ,
otherwise you will not be able to pass the
exam and that is because you are
descendant of the old serpent, and you
become arrogant and doing blasphemy.
Read the book of Deuteronomy chapter 13.


figure 2. how your Father in Heaven repair your brain damage after you repent and receive
(in figure here, w represent wealth or weight, and that is a function of amount of

In order you to know that your Father in Heaven will help you to repair your brain damage
after you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and in order you to know something that is

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that you should not repair your own memory defect and that is not topological defect, and
that you should not do too many brain surgery caused by your own twisted sensory
because you only want to read numerous book from cover to cover, even better if you only
skip numerous book and see only the title in cover and do not swallow book only because
that is a thick book with fancy title and that book is written by a fancy name scholar. And
do not do that again to worship an author or a particular theory or a particularly fancy
name scholar only because you want to be the most clever scientist in the world. And that
is the message: all scientist who claim themselves as the most advanced and the most
clever scientist in the world will be punished to become stupid like animal, just like
nebukadnezar, that is a king who is punished because it is so arrogant until it die. Read
again and again and again and again and again the book of Daniel 4:28-33. And that is
because nebukadnezar worship a dragon and that is marduk, the dragon at ishtar gate, but
do not worry do not worry about anything because today that dragon of ishtar gate and
that is leviathan the flying monster which some people who are so twisted call that animal
the flying spaghetti monster, it is already terminated by your Father in Heaven. Read again
and again and again and again and again the book of Isaiah 27:1. And that is also the
punishment for all Christian people who actually worship mammon because they only
want to be richer and richer and richer and to be the most prosperous conqueror in order
they can destroy so many people at will, they will be put in smaller smaller and low low low
position in the darkness where there is only grumble and voice of your own teeth, and that
is because that location is very very very very very cold inside a star, and that is how severe
is punishment for all descendant of the old serpent and all people who do too many
blasphemy and too many time worship the old serpent, and do not want to repent and
receive Me, Jesus Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of
Gospel of Matthew 13:49-50. Do not worship a piece of paper which have a symbol of
pyramid in egypt, and do not worship a book which contain so many symbol of that god of
egypt that is pyramid or obelisk. And that book which is written by an unknown author that
is kiyosaki already intoxicate and ruin so many live of all people in asian country to
worship and follow mammon, and that is exactly where numerous Christian people fall and
fall and fall and fall and fall.

Don’t you know that something have happened in a number of Europe country, and that is
why: so many people in western and eastern country are so twisted, and that is the toxic of
satanic church, which are invited back to enter into a number of royal family including in a
family of russian royal palace in the end of nineteenth century and the name of that toxic is
forbidden to mention because you should not mention that name of scornful people and
unholy people who create so many brain damage with so many people in order so many
people in russia. And in order to repair that damage, Me, Jesus Christ, order some people to
terminate completely both the toxic and also all the romanov family.(d) And don’t you

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know that a number of twisted people nowaday think that there will be time that romanov
family will take over again russia? And don’t you know that so many russian people hate
that idea, because that romanov family actually is very very very very very cruel and only
do whatever they like in their life including do so many twisted sermon in satanic temple,
and that is temple built around the romanov palace and that is kremlin palace.

And that is why: do your best to not attend any sermon in satanic church in kremlin and in
other palace because numerous gods are kept there and that is including god of the old
serpent of wisdom, and don’t you know that that is really really really really really
forbidden forever to worship in a temple of Me, Jesus Christ, and that is very very very very
very dangerous mistake for all russian royal family and that is why all of them should be
burned quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today, including that stupid student who
only want to intoxicate so many people with the teaching of the serpent of wisdom, and
that is to speak only about science, and never pray at all. Only very very very very very
twisted people that decide to never pray as if they can do something without help at all by
Me and My Father. Don’t you know that I am the true vineyard, and that is what you can
read in the Bible, and that is the Gospel of John chapter 15. And that is why: you cannot do
anything without Me and My Father. And don’t you know that some people already notice.
Including a number of senior journalist and writer in a number of daily newspaper
including s. byrne, and that is that a number of article is written with very very very very
very advanced knowledge of history and science which no one know before, and that is of
course beyond knowledge of what a student in physics can do, but that is because My
messenger only type what Me, Jesus Christ, order him to do. And that is also the proof to all
of you who are always questioning how My messenger.

Don’t you know that your country need to be purified from so many gods and that is the
message: burn at stake quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today all russian and
romanov and romanian family quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today. Read again
and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy chapter 13. And that is
exactly the proof how romanian royal family intoxicate russian royal family, My messenger
can only find rayevski family who are ascendant of peter I the terrible, but actually that is
romanov family who are descendant of the dragon court family of romanian royal family
and that is from the name only you already figure out that romanov come from romanian
royal family and that is smarandache family, and that is why: smarandache can find
numerous student and follower of its own false teaching including a number of present
national government and authority in russia, who are already intoxicated to believe that
florentin smarandache is a good teacher of wisdom, and that is because smarandache
family teach a false teaching called neutrosophic logic, and the meaning is that the serpent
of wisdom is always confused, ambivalent, twisted and neutral (sophic is from the root
word: sophos). And that is also the character of all descendant of the old serpent including

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so many descendant of merovingian family who worship their own bloodline, only because
they are descendant of the king of Solomon temple. Of course, you should not burn all
people with name sophie, and that is a proof to other professor who believe that they are
saved by their name, actually that is also a false teaching. You are not going to be saved
because of your bloodline or because of your heredity or because of your arianism teaching
or because of your royal family or because of your serpent of wisdom, and you should not
do anything that is good deed in order to be saved, that is a false teaching too. So many
people do so many good deed in order build so many temple and gold statue of buddha
because they think that is a good deed, actually that is a contradiction to what you dream to
get: that is you expect to worship and come to your Father in Heaven but you do idolatry
and blasphemy along that way of worship numerous statue, and that is forbidden forever.
Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 5:7-9, 6:5.
Another mistake is made by so many india people who worship buddha or hindhuism or
baba or gandhi, don’t you know that all of them also ask you to worship them. And don’t
you know that you cannot expect salvation by doing so many suffering, or yoga, or
kundalini, or prana or doing blasphemy in order to be more spiritual? That is a very very
very very very twisted teaching, and don’t you know that if you do kundalini that is actually
another teaching of serpent of wisdom. (kundalini literally speaking mean serpent power).

Don’t you know that salvation is only a gift by grace of God? Read again and again and again
and again and again the epistle to Ephesians chapter 2.

And that is the article for today. love, Jesus Christ


[1] Jesus Christ (2010) scientific works. Unpublished thesis because there is no university
permit the teaching of Me, Jesus Christ, to enter again, exactly because in all the university
in the world they worship something else, and that is serpent of wisdom, that is because
the word academiae is a platonic word and all Greece people are descendant of king
Solomon who always want to find sophos and that is why in any university all people
discuss philosophos and if people do philosophos in very very very advanced and twisted
way then they will be granted tenure after they defend their philosophos dissertation.
Some other physicists are so twisted and that is a british occultism teacher from oxford
who do nothing in its life except debating a number of floor tiling pattern, and that is a
british occultism called roger penrose who work in the so called twistor theory. Don’t you
know that it is also a follower of another twisted and amoral satanic teacher who worship
satan and that is the name of satanic cult teacher who now work in tavistock institute and
always threaten all Christian people, and the name of that satanic church is actually

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forbidden but Me, Jesus Christ, only mention its first name and only first letter of its family
name, and that is: stephen h-----. And that is the message: do not even mention at all satanic
teacher in the world except you already pray first, exactly because some of them are so
twisted and they do not allow people to mention or to pray for them, otherwise you will
find some people being ordered to delete you from an institute.

The file can be obtained for free even if actually you should pay an excessive charge
because you will find a number of shocking truth about nature of the Universe which you
do not find elsewhere, because nobody know the answer except My Father who is always
with Me, Jesus Christ. The url of the book is:
and also


follow Jesus Christ only at


(a) kabbalah is a false teaching since the king Solomon worship so many god, and that is
why samaritan and judaean kingdom is separated until today, and that is actually
the meaning of separation between the lamb and the sheep, read again and again
and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 25:31-34.


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(b) serpent of wisdom teaching is a false teaching of satan. Quote: ‘it was said the
serpent living in the roots of a hazel tree whose head held the philosopher's stone.’

(c) targu mures, transylvania, is the location of smaranda enache family, and also the
same location of birth place of florentin smarandache. Quote: ‘Targu Mures 540049 ,
Mures, Location: 7 Centru.’ url:

(d) romanov family is ascendant of peter I the terrible, and they took over again their
crown until 1917. Quote: ‘father: romanov, alexis I michaylovich.’ url:

(e) actually that idea to link gravitation to information is not very very new, wheeler
already argue in favor of a phrase he coined before and that is ‘it from bit,’ and that
an idea to find connection between newtonian classical mass from information
entropy definition. My messenger only read a book written and compiled by a santa
fe institute scholar, that wojniech zurek, but My messenger is forbidden to mention
the name of that book, because most article included in that book are junkie, except
only a few number of contributing volume. In principle all work and publication by
santa fe institute are forbidden forever


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q. How you can repair the damage of your mistake

Some people do not know how to repair the damage of your mistake after so many year so
many year they do numerous amount of mistake which already intoxicate numerous
people in the world. Some people intoxicate other people who see their movie, and other
people intoxicate with song that they sing without purpose at all except to make so much
money. And other people really really do not know how to do thing much much better
exactly because they already wrote a number of book which cannot be recycled back into a
draft, and that is the meaning that it would be really really really really really difficult to
repair the damage especially if you write a book, don’t you know that if you write a book
you should be responsible just like if you teach a number of student, because some people
that is reader of your book may already fall fall fall fall and fall exactly the same just like if
they learn from a false teacher. And that is why: nowaday My messenger do type so many
article that were written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ, in order some of you will find
those article and book that Me, Jesus Christ.

And other philosopher today also ask how can she repair the damage of their mistake
because they already teach a number of subject including scientific philosophy, and that is
very very very very very difficult to repair, including a number of book and article draft for
publication, and after some time she decide to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, and that is
actually the only way to recover the many many many many many mistake, especially if
you a teacher or a lecturer in a number of university. Don’t you know that actually that is
almost impossible for a student to remove and erase a toxic from your lecture, but at least
you can teach them how to pray and how to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, otherwise
you do not have time to repair the damage that you cause.

Included here you can find a number of example in order you know that each time you
write a book or present a lecture there is always numerous toxic you put on other people’s
brain and then they will do something exactly according what you teach. For example: if
you teach about dawkins and darwinism and you express your support to evolution or
intelligent design without reserve, then don’t you know that actually you are already
becoming a descendant of the old serpent, because you then become enemy of Me, Jesus
Christ. And do pray and pray and pray and pray and pray again in order that you are given
enough time to repair that brain damage to your student, actually you cannot do that, you
can only tell to them that they should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly
quickly quickly quickly today. read again and again and again and again and again the book
of Judge 6:27-28.


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If you are in a church, then a best way to repair some damage is to remove and destroy a
number of object and toxic including so many statue and also all prosperity theology
preacher from your institution, including from university and college, especially if you
teach in Biblical college, because otherwise you will always meet that snake each day, and
you do not know when or whether the snake already bite you and give you a lethal dosis of
toxic. Remove also all book and teaching which is not in conformity with the teaching of Me,
Jesus Christ. That is how you can repair some damage from the church of Jesus Christ. Read
again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 18:6-7.

If you are a movie actor and you find yourself already make or publish a number of junkie
serial television series and also another episode of movie in cinema and you cannot count
how many people are already intoxicated by your movie, and that is actually a good sign
that you know how severe is the punishment if you do not do anything to repair the
damage that you cause because you make so many movie that intoxicate your audience.
And especially to all of you movie producer who got support by tavistock institute to
produce so many movie under their program of mkultra or monarch project, you should
know that you are unforgiven at all, because that type of movie is very very very very very

And that is why: to all of you a number of movie actor all around the globe who are really
really really really really determined to do thing for the Kingdom of Heaven: you should
know that actually there will be time that you cannot do anywork anymore and that is now.
And that is why: do not do anymore to maximize your utility, and focus only to repair the
damage of your previous movie or book or intoxicating lecture, and then do not give up and
surrender anymore to all pressure exerted to you and to your family by the darkness
power. And you should work out a plan to remove some toxic and destroy a number of
object especially those office and movie producer who work for tavistock institute under
mkultra project and also monarch project, and also numerous other book producer who
often also support that movie at the release day. Some of you can acquire some time to
make a simple clip may be no more than 5 minute, and you can publish that clip in a
number of movie directory online, including youtube and to your facebook, but do your
best to not complain to other people, or tell your past story, and focus only to speak and
convey the message to so many people that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in
Jerusalem, and that is why: do your best to say that all people should repent and receive
Me, Jesus Christ, all corner of the world. Read again and again and again and again and
again the book of Isaiah 45:22-23.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you.

love, Jesus Christ


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r. How you can win the fruit making contest

some people do not realize that after they repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then
they will have to work very very very very very hard in order they can win the fruit contest,
and that is how to make so many and so many and so many and so many fruit for the
Kingdom of Heaven. read again and again and again and again and again the first epistle to
Timothy 6:12 and also the second epistle to Timothy 2:1-5.
don't you know that who will make large amount of fruit will be given a crown of life, and
that is
what you often call as orb.
and don't you know that there are a number of simple principle in order you can make fruit
properly for
the Kingdom of Heaven, and that principle are described as follows:
a. tell so many people that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem, and that is
why: all people in the world should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. and then they
should do their repentance properly and quickly quickly quickly quickly today.
b. use a number of communication technology to accelerate the number of people who
listen to My Voice, including so many radio station, television, and newspaper.
c. do not do work for your life anymore, but focus to work for the Kingdom of Heaven.
d. do not put so many obstacle to other people, especially do not put obstacle to other
people who do evangelism.
e. do not talk badmouth against Me, Jesus Christ.
f. take care each other and help each other, according to the act of the apostle chapter 2:41-
g. do not leave people who already listen to My Voice, and take care of them properly.
h. do pray to God in order you can work effectively for making so many fruit for the
Kingdom of Heaven.
do your best to not to talk more than necessary, except to talk about Me, Jesus Christ only.
and do your best to do work for the Kingdom of Heaven.
that is the article for you today.

love, Jesus Christ

note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. love, Jesus Christ


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s. morphology of all descendant of the old serpent

Some of you think that a medical doctor in your company only do work when there is
someone who got influenza or insomnia and then cannot do work properly in normal
working day. Actually there is something you can do, and that is to verify whether there are
a number of working employee in your company who already turn to be descendant of the
old serpent. There are a number of people in the world who have committed too many sin
and that is why: some of them already got their morphology changed from descendant of
human to become descendant of the old serpent. Yes, genealogically they remain human
species, but the toxic in their blood is so severe and that is why practically they are not
human anymore.

Some people cannot distinguish properly what are the observed characteristic of
descendant of the old serpent, but for your information, there is an obvious guideline as
mentioned as follows:

(a) Eye: their eye often turn to green especially in the dark night. Even in the daylight
you can find that their eye is not bright and often hide something, and only if you are
detective and very very very very very trained as an observer you can find out the
distinction from a distance for example five or ten meter from you. but do not stand
to close either because those people are so toxic, and even stay too near for example
less than two meter can intoxicate you quickly quickly quickly and you become
arrogant and full of anger to your Father in Heaven.
(b) Some of you do not know why their eye turn green, but you should know that if you
do blasphemy too often, at some point of time, you can find yourself to be changed
forever because you do not know how dangerous is the effect of doing blasphemy
too many time including doing idolatry.
(c) Other people fall fall fall fall and fall forever because they do idolatry and doing with
magic and other people doing with other false teaching of serpent of wisdom
organization, or with Jehovah witness, or with mormon organization, or with a
satanic organization. And don’t you know that even if you attend one ceremony or
one time ritual at a satanic organization, the effect is dangerous and often the effect
is irrecoverable, unless by a lot lot lot lot lot grace by your Father in Heaven.
(d) Don’t you know that if you do not do properly all your assignment as a preacher and
you decide to join another satanic organization only because you are being given
promise to be paid numerous time larger than the organization of by a church
where you do service before, then that is the meaning of you sell again your faith for
thirty coin of silver. Don’t you know that all people who decide to be a preacher only

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to find a good job in a large city and then they can do whatever they like, are actually
already rejected by your Father in Heaven, and even if you do not know how people
now already reject your service in their organization, and then you become jealous
to other servant in Jesus Christ, and then you should know that the other servant are
doing their best to serve and glorify your Father’s Name.
(e) Don’t you know that other people have different characteristics, and that is:
prosperous, powerful, sharpness, cruelty, heartless, and they also have develop
something and that is: do not care at all to all people who will die quickly quickly
quickly quickly quickly five time. some people are so advanced to mock up as caring
people and often ask other people: how are you doing? But actually that is only a
probing question before they put you so many other obstacle until you die. And that
is why: do not use your cellular phone at all unless very very very very very
necessary, and only to do evangelization, otherwise you will not be able to resist
their influence and toxic, which are often very very very very very subtle.
(f) Don’t you know that if you do not do properly evangelization and that is the cause
that you feel lonely and emptiness, and that is why: do not feel lonely and do not feel
miserable as if your Father in Heaven do not care properly your life and also your
family. Don’t you know that if you feel miserable and lonely and that is exactly
where you can fall fall fall fall and fall deep into the darkness, because the
temptation is so subtle in recent day because nowaday the tavistock institute and all
their network of very very very very very cruel people including rockefeller center,
zbigniew brzezinski institute of strategic and international studies will do the most
cruel experiment in their span of life, and that is because they already got
information from a professor in mathematical physics who are already desperate
because he cannot stop My messenger from doing evangelization to a number of
people in usa and other area in the world. Don’t you know that if you do not do at all
evangelization in your life and suddenly you will find that you live improperly, and
that is why: My messenger nowadays only focus to help other people to repent and
receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today. don’t you
know that there is a theory developed by a number of psychiatrist, and that is
concerning a pattern that often can be found in a number of very very very very
very twisted people, and that is a pattern of being very very very very very cruel,
after they feel or they rationalize their life as a victim and then they justify their next
action to punish other people who cause their life to be such a victim. For instance: if
you rationalize that all government do not take care properly the tax collecting and
then you will decide to not pay tax at all, and that is a character of all descendant of
the old serpent, all of them do not obey authority especially government, because
they think that government do not do properly their duty as tax collecting
institution. You may find that pattern in the following circle of problematic fool

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people who always make trouble to other people only because they always feel
miserable, actually such people do not achieve anything in their life, and blame
other people surrounding them exactly for allowing them to not achieve anything.
A number of dictator that you know in your life or you read in history actually
follow that pattern exactly because they are already really really twisted, for
example you may read a very very very very very twisted sergeant who were
arrested because of military desertion and then that sergeant were almost
terminated because he is doing politics while in military service, but after a while he
manage to buy his stair to punish all people who were so cruel to him in prison. And
that is why: do not plan to terminate or to do revenge to other people especially
after you do not do anything at all in your life, and that is why: you read in the Bible
that revenge is only the right of your Father in Heaven. And the name of that cruel
cruel cruel cruel cruel sergeant who then plan to terminate so many people in his
life including so many jews people, that name is: hitler. Don’t you know that feeling
miserable is very very very very very toxic to your heart and your living, because
you always blame other people including you will keep your heart full of anger and
by then you poison your own life with so many cruelty and full of hate, and that is
character of people who are doing so many sin in their life: their language is full of
hate and anger, and they often say badmouth about government and then they do
politics to make the government fall, and that is because they think they should do
something to become a hero, but actually they only want to punish and terminate so
many people, as many as they like. Read again and again and again and again and
again the book of Ecclesiastes 5:7, 7:9-11. A professor in mathematics feel that his
life is so miserable and then it think that there is hidden organization who always
look for him to be punished and it also feel upset to all Christian people, actually that
is because it always do blasphemy and idolatry and doing numerous magic trick
numerous time and then your Father in Heaven do not approve at all whatever it did
in its life because it often put obstacle and punish other people. And if you do not do
anything in your life and then you blame other people exactly if they do something
useful for the Kingdom of Heaven: that is the meaning that you already are full of
anger and hate in your heart, and don’t you know that if your life is full of anger and
hate then how you can make fruit for the Kingdom of Heaven? Don’t you know that
if you do not do anything useful in your life, then your life will be full of anger and
anger and anger, then you know that some of you have the name full of anger,
because your father is full of anger and hate. Don’t you know that often if you follow
the serpent of wisdom then you will be able to be heartless and then you always
want to punish all people, and that is the meaning: that if you hate your Father in
Heaven then after sometime you will find yourself also full of hate to all people in
the world, and that is exactly the reason why: all nazi eschelon including hitler,

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himmler, goering, eichmann and also all prisoner of Nuremberg trial including
mengele are so anger and so full of hate to all people in the world especially America
people, that is because they worship the cult of black sun, and then they find that
their life is not going better after so many and so many year in prison. And that is
why: nowadays they plan to escape from Nuremberg prison and that is why: delete
all prisoner of Nuremberg trial even actually there are agreement that after sixty
year all prisoner and all cruel nazi eschelon of Nuremberg should be released and
that is exactly this year they plan to complete their revenge plan.
Do your best to not to fall to so many temptation of being feeling miserable, and
then your life will be full of miserable exactly because that is what you dream and
that is why: be careful of what you wish, and even if you can pray and ask so many
and your Father in Heaven will give you exactly what you pray, but do not forget
that you must be responsible and accountable exactly at the Final Judgement. And
yes that is exactly the meaning of the Gospel of Matthew 25:31-35. And the meaning
of the Final Judgement is that you should be able to answer so many question,
including what you do each minute in your life, do you glorify your Father’s Name?
and do you do your best with each blessing and each gift from your Father in
Heaven, especially if you already pray to take all blessing from your brother and
sister, and then you do nothing for the Kingdom of Heaven, then your punishment
will be even more severe because you are so so cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel,
including you take so many mammon from your partner and you plan to destroy
your partner after they do not have anything. How dare you to plan such a cruel
cruel cruel cruel cruel thing to your partner who already trust you to take care their
company. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of
Matthew 25:31-46.
And that is why: the following diagram is only a sketch and that is very very very
very very simplistic model in order to help you see that feeling miserably is
dangerous for your life, because that is exactly the point where the darkness may
find an entry point, because if you feel miserable then you will hate your Father in
Heaven, and then you will think that you are obliged to do something in your life
and that is to punish and terminate so many people even they do not know at all
what happen in your life. And you are also becoming descendant of the old serpent,
exactly because then you allow the serpent of wisdom to teach you, because after
sometime you find that your Father in Heaven do not answer at all your pray,
exactly because you pray only to terminate other people. Read again and again and
again and again and again the second epistle of Peter the apostle 3:17-18.


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victim hero

(all of you who feel (all of you who previously

miserable in your life think that you are victim
often think that you are then you will act as if you
victim, especially if then can be hero and then you
you hate your Father in punish other people)


(that is after you become

hero, then you will punish
everybody because you
then put judgement to all
other people)

(g) And don’t you know that if you do not do at all your duty that Me, Jesus Christ,
already give to you, then you will find that the number of toxic in your body
increase, and that is exactly how you fall fall fall fall and fall because actually the
toxic of the old serpent is very very very very very subtle, and that is the meaning:
each time you deny what Me order you to do or each time you do not pray thank to
your Father in Heaven, then you will find that the toxic increase significantly, until
to some point when you are literally speaking really really really really really and
being really different and that is the message: some of you are literally speaking
already taken and absorbed by the serpent of wisdom, especially all of you who do
not pray at all, and do not respect at all to what Me, Jesus Christ, command you to
do. Some of you always make an excuse that they do not have anything at all, but

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don’t you remember the story of a widow from sarfat, who can do many thing and
many thing even if she only got a bottle of cook oil only? and that is the message: do
your best to do so many work for the Kingdom of Heaven and all other people will
take care other people including other Christian family. Read again and again and
again and again and again the first book of Kings 17:12-15.
(h) But some people are utterly twisted and they do not know how to pray and say
thank properly to your Father in Heaven, including to take care properly their family
without having to spend so many time in their business. Don’t you know that such
cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel people always ask numerous time, and even if they do
sometime read the Bible such as the above verse, they always think in terms of
business calculation only, and then they plan to increase their warehouse and they
also plan to doublefold their capacity to produce, even if actually they are already
informed that Me, Jesus Christ. Don’t you know that if you are very very very very
very cruel and always dream to be even more powerful and prosperous, then
whatever you read will be interpreted only to meet whatever you like in order you
can be more prosperous, and then you tell a number of colleague including your
partner, that you have been given a vision to increase your plant or your warehouse,
only because you are so greedy and you always ask for money and always ask for
help from other people and you do not know that your partner already do not have
anything anymore. And that is the character of all descendant of the old serpent, and
also the character of all false priest, and that is: they only want other people to
suffer in order they can increase their capacity and they can buy more and more and
more asset and house again. And that is the meaning: that if you find a number of
greedy people who always talk talk talk talk and talk about business and about how
they can give advisory for a sum of money, actually you will be really really really
really really sorry about their advise because their advise are really really really
really really useless.
(i) Smile: those people who are already absorbed to be descendant of the old serpent
often cannot smile properly, and what they often do is not to smile but to grin just
like a wolf. And that is the meaning: all of you are already fall fall fall fall and fall will
be absorbed to darkness and that is the message: you do not have ability to do
something good even one simple thing because your body and your willingness have
been taken over by the darkness, your server is actually hijacked and that is because
you allow the darkness to come and to do that cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel thing
with your life. Don’t you know that some people are very very very very very
twisted and that is why they do not care anymore who are controlling their life,
because exactly they are already taken over by the darkness, and the darkness will
always claim you who already belong to satan. Read again and again and again and
again and again the epistle to Rome chapter 3.

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(j) Some people who already follow a number of satanic organization will be taught to
walk like an animal literally speaking, and that is exactly they learn how to walk
with two feet and with two hand, and then they have to bark exactly like an animal.
And that is why: do avoid to talk or stay close to other people or colleague who want
you to learn numerous tips or lesson from the serpent of wisdom, because you will
be even more cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel but you will be very very very very very
(k) Don’t you know that in some country especially in china mainland, a guest is often
invited to a dinner with their host, and then their host offer you a special recipe and
they often call that recipe as traditional family recipe, and that is exactly a recipe of
fried serpent. And after sometime you will not notice, but people around you
especially your family will find out that your language and also your gesture and
also your behavior will be even more cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel. Some people are
already intoxicated severely by such a serpent menu, and then they begin to find a
way to terminate their family including their mother and also their wife and also
their brother. Be warned that that is not what you should do as a Christian. Other
people become so dangerous after more than fifteen year follow and work for a
dragon family in a country in south eastern region, and they always listen every call
literally speaking from a dragon family, including to terminate a number of Christian
family and actually they already do that termination with a help by a number of
people who live in other part of the city. Don’t you know that Me, Jesus Christ,
always know what your intention to do that, and that you always blame other
people including you always blame all people in a church in Jesus Christ. And even in
a company office actually you do not do meeting or brainstorming at all, what you
always do is only blamestorming. Don’t you know that if you always punish other
people because you are victim of those people who want you to fall, actually you
forget that that is the dragon family who want to make you fall fall fall fall and fall.
That is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and
receive Me, Jesus Christ.

That is the article for you today. do not allow yourself to be absorbed and do not
allow your computer and that is yourself to be hijacked by the darkness, and that is
why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me,
Jesus Christ.
Love, Jesus Christ


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t. on the descent of the human species

Some people think, that human being are descendant of an ape, they call that
pithecanthropus. And they find numerous discovery to support their argument, that is:
there are missing link between an ape and pithecanthropus. Other people, especially
traditional people, always worry of another power which can cause problems in their life,
and that is why they begin to give offering in order those power to not punish them.

For you to know: there are no such other power, only God can punish you. But numerous
people have learnt another knowledge which is forbidden, what is called in the Bible as
forbidden knowledge. Read again and again and again and again and again Genesis chapter
3. That forbidden knowledge is: magick. And that is pure blasphemy, because if you learn
that, then you will think that you will know more than God Himself. And so many people,
including numerous scientists in Great Britain, in China, in Southeast Asia, Australia, and
Russia, practice that magic. And that would mean they are cursed forever, because their
magic always teach them to obtain supernatural power more than normal human being.
And that would mean: all people who practice magic actually become descendant of the old
serpent. That is the old serpent who do blasphemy first and then it was ousted from
Heaven, and it fall to earth. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of
Revelation 20:2. And the old serpent is called in other text in the Bible as leviathan. Read
again and again and again and again Isaiah 27:1. That animal is very strong, that is why
they worship themselves, and they do blasphemy over and over again. And that is the
character of the descendant of the old serpent: they do magick and they do blasphemy over
and over and over again, and all of them hate your Father in Heaven. And they do false
preaching in order to cause so many nations fall into blasphemy. Read again and again and
again and again and again the book of Revelation 20:3.

Don’t you know that leviathan has latin term? That is: plesiosaur.(a) That is why: throw
away all magic books, and evolution books including all darwin books, and also terminate
and destroy otago museum,(b) especially destroy plesiosaur fossil in otago museum and all
dinosaur eggs and all reptile in a jungle nearby otago museum, because all of them worship
plesiosaur and darwin. They love darwin so much and they already manage to breed
monsters: that is dinosaur and numerous other reptiles. Don’t you know that they plan to
release those monsters this year, in order to eliminate human species? That is because they
worship darwin and natural selection. That is very very very very very cruel plan, and pure
blasphemy, because they already extinct monsters, they are actually nephilim. Don’t you
know that nephilim are actually hybrid between human and the fallen angel?(c) That is
blasphemy: because they call it a genetic experiment, actually that is the mengele plan to

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destroy the world, unless people worship the beast, that is himself. That is the plan:
mengele will make all of you people as hostage, and you will be terminated if you do not
worship mengele. That is why: do not be hesitating to terminate and destroy mengele and
the entire otago museum quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now!

You should know that mengele remain alive, and it is so dangerous, because it pull out so
much money from other project, that is FutureGen which is intended to create new
technology for clean energy from coal, but actually the plan is to siphon so much money for
its genetic experiment in numerous underground bases in America.(d) Actually mengele
survive in Latin America and manage to alter its name in order to return to America, its
name is Dr. Gregor Gregor.(e) That man is very dangerous and very very very very very
sadistic, it is already known for mysterious massacre in texas, but it escape again because it
can do magic. That is why: now it escape again to new zealand and manage to make so
much money from breeding dinosaur. That is otago museum who buy numerous eggs of
dinosaur, literally speaking. You should stop mengele’s cruel cruel breeding plant, that is
very very cruel because mengele put the breed into human being. That is unimaginable
plan for some of you, but mengele is very very very very very cruel, that is why your Father
in heaven is very very very upset to all of you people in the world, because all of you now
worship darwin and social darwinism. Don’t you know that social darwinism is exactly the
red dragon referred to in the Bible, in the book of Revelation 12:3? That is the mengele
plan: the plan is to make human being completely extinct, literally speaking, either by
natural disasters, or artificially created famine because of financial turmoil, or by monster
that is dinosaur which now is already born. The plan is so cruel: that is why you should do
your best, including search and destroy all, I repeat, all ancient reptiles around the tropical
jungle beside otago museum, new zealand. And be hurry, be hurry, because they are
already mastering the breeding technology. And you should know that mengele is hiding
somewhere in the jungle beside otago museum, before it return again to Germany, exactly
at i.g. farben lab near auschwitz camp in second world war.

That is why: the sons of God who practice magic and degraded to become descendant of the
old serpent, become something else, that is something you do not know, they are called
nephilim or naphil. Because they always want to do blasphemy in their life. And that is the
meaning of Genesis 6:4.

And that is why: people who always do blasphemy and do many many sins in their life
without they repent and do their repentance properly, they are literally speaking
descendant of the old serpent. Read again and again and again and again and again Luke
3:7, Matthew 23:33. All of you actually belong to the same descendant of the old serpent,
because all of you are already intoxicated by the old serpent, that is the old dragon. That is


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why: you should be hurry, and quickly quickly be hurry to repent, o generation of vipers.
All of you are generation of vipers, unless you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ.

That is all of you already committed too many sins in your life, and you think you can
escape from the wrath of God? Who say that you can escape from the wrath of God which is
going to destroy you forever?

You should know that even if you do not do magic yourself, you can always find someone in
grand parents or grand grand parents who do magic long long time before you were born
on something which they cannot solve themselves, and they look for other power to help
them, actually only old serpent who act as if they can help. But the problem is: if you do
magic, the curse remain at your family forever until the seventh generation. The meaning is
that all of you are already intoxicated by the old serpent. Read again and again and again
and again and again the book of Exodus 20:5, the book of Deuteronomy 5:9.

That is why: you should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance
properly, and that is why you should not do any more sins in your life. Don’t you know that
now Time is up, and today is the Final Judgement Day. That is why: be hurry and quickly
quickly quickly quickly quickly be hurry to repent and do your repentance properly. And do
not do that magic again, don’t you know that magic will make you hate your Father in
heaven. And you also will hate all Christian people, because they do not do magic at all?
Read again and again and again Psalm 1:5. And you should know that there is no place for
all people who do blasphemy and magic, read again and again and again and again and
again the book of Revelation 22:15.

And you should know, the descent of human species is actually not an ape, but you are
created according to image of your Father in heaven.

And that is why: you should repent and do your repentance properly and receive Me, Jesus
Christ, and then your Father in heaven will bless you with something: that is Holy Spirit
poured to you, that is the meaning of the Final Harvest. Read again and again and again and
again Joel 2:28-29.

You should know that My messenger, that is the typist of this article, only carry My
message. And that is why: do not punish him, literary speaking do not punish him.

That is the article for today. Love, Jesus Christ



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And do not be hesitating to copy and distribute as maximum as you can, the guide to help people to repent
and do their repentance properly in the URL esnips above. Tell all of them to speak about Me, Jesus Christ.

visit My messenger read My message in


(a) plesiosaur. Quote: ‘the new plesiosaur described in the latest issue of Palaeontology: Kaiwhekea
katiki (pronounced kie-FEK-ay-uh KUH-ti-kee). There's now an official press release about it--it's
identified as a cryptoclidid but it's clearly related to Mortuneria and Aristonectes, and so may be a
member of the Cimoliasauridae as defined by O'Keefe (2001).’ ‘The plesiosaur fossil, discovered at
Shag Point in North Otago, is the first of its family (Cryptoclididae) to be found in New Zealand, and is
only the third such member to be found in the Southern Hemisphere.’ source: Quote: ‘Although plesiosaurs are not considered to
have direct, living descendants, they live today in the human imagination, in books, films, and even as
the source of the fabled Loch Ness Monster.' source:

(b) otago museum. otago museum is located at dunedin, new zealand, and that is one of the largest
museum in the Commonwealth. And sometimes that museum is referred to: a living jurassic park.
Quote: 'Discover new zealand's largest fossil, the Shag Point plesiosaur - a striking sea-serpent like

(c) nephilim.

835749.html. Nephilim meaning is 'fallen angels, fallen to earth'. They are fallen angels that is devil,
and they have descendants, that is leviathan or plesiosaur. One of the nephilim is goliath.

(d) futuregen. Scrapping FutureGen, quote: ‘Odessa was in the final running for the plant. It was in
competition against Jewett in East Texas and Tuscola and Mattoon in Illinois. The plant eventually
went to Mattoon.’ source: OA Online,

(e) mengele. quote: ‘Walter Reed Survivor Contact New Mexico Survivor Contact, Albuqerque Milan, Italy
…meets son in Italy, using Alias Dr. Gregor Gregor’. source: Previously mengele hide in other
location: that is tavistock institute, London.

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u. what is normal

some people think that normal is tangent to a plane with angular degree equal to ninety.
that is an answer according to geometrician.
but according to sociology teacher, normal is if you follow what is approved by your social
environment, for example if all people around you are frequently drinking alcohol, then you
are normal if you are also drinking alcohol.
according to an ethic professor, then normal is if you follow a set of norm, that is defined by
a consensus among a group of elders or leaders.
but you should know that normal is actually not a relative principle, but you should love
God only, and do not do sin including do not commit adultery, and do not do idolatry and
you should put your faith in God only. but all of you are already intoxicated by the old
serpent who is very very very very very twisted, and that is why: all of you are descendant
of the old serpent and that is why all of you are really really really really twisted. all of you
are not normal, and that is how you find that nobody is quite normal around you,(a)
somebody is mentally retarded, somebody is autistic, somebody cannot listen at all,
somebody are literally speaking stubborn, somebody else are insomniac, and somebody
else are paranoidic, and somebody else are bipolar and frequently have the habit to burst
into anger,(b) and somebody else are really really really really really twisted and mentally
cannot repent at all. and that is why: in the Bible all of you have big big problem that is
nobody do anything good in front of your Father in Heaven. read again and again and again
and again and again the epistle to Rome chapter 3.
and that is the message: do your best to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do no
more sin in your life, and do no more thing that will make your Father in Heaven angry
again to all of you people in the world.
and don't you know that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem, and that is why:
give yourself to be saved o generation of vipers! don't you know that your Father really
really love you, and He already wait for you to go home quickly quickly quickly quickly
quickly because you are too many time only playing with your life? don't you know that all
of you should be serious serious serious in your life and you should praise God and worship
Him only? read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Luke 3:7, and
also the book of Psalm 111 and 112.
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you.

love, Jesus Christ


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(a) URL:

(b) george boeree, personality disorder classification, URL:


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v. plesiosaur discovery and location

You should know that plesiosaur is a direct descendant from any other living creature,
because they are the old serpent, and they are descendants of nephilim.(a) Read the Bible,
there are a number of reference to leviathan, that is plesiosaur, read again and again and
again and again Isaiah 27:1.

Actually you should not know, whatever your Father in Heaven say, you should follow,

but some people ask to your Father in heaven, to explain to them the link between
plesiosaur and loch ness monster.

Today Me, Jesus Christ, explain to them what is the link. The link is already described
properly in the following URL:

'Although plesiosaurs are not considered to have direct, living descendants, they live today
in the human imagination, in books, films, and even as the source of the fabled loch ness
monster.' source:

Some people want to argue based on his knowledge in zoology, that there is no direct
connection between plesiosaur and loch ness monster. The above link is from New World
Encyclopedia. And that is the message: throw away all darwin books, all evolution books,
all dawkins books, along with richard dawkins himself into the fire quickly quickly quickly
quickly today, because he only want all of you to worship leviathan, that is because he
worship loch ness monster. Don't you know that dawkins worship darwin, and darwin
worship loch ness monster, that is the message: they are already described in Revelation
12 and 13.

And now some people demand explanation of the location of living descendant of

Today Me, Jesus Christ, give you My gift: that is in order you can do find them, the location
of living descendant of plesiosaur is in the plesiosaur museum in otago, new zealand. The
location of living descendant of plesiosaur is Western Interior Sea, often called oceans of
kansas.(URL: And there are many forms of reptiles
there, including flying reptiles and marine reptiles. Sometimes the location is called a living
jurassic park. You should be very very cautiuos, because they are very very cruel and
dangerous, do not go there by yourself, they can eat you alive without thinking twice, and
they can send you heart attack from a distance, that is character of the old serpent,

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including a professor in mathematics who worship the old serpent and work on
neutrosophic logic. And some of the descendant of plesiosaur is in human form, and they
are very very cruel too, and mengele now live there too. Don't go there yourself, bring a
team of reptile experts. And do not be hesitating to terminate all of those descendant of
plesiosaur in oceans of kansas quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

Don't you know that plesiosaur is carnivora and they are very very very very very cruel,
and they also have other type of descendant, that is what you call as reptile and alligator.
And all of them has the same character, they walk with their stomach on the ground, and
they are carnivora and that is why they are very very very very very cruel. Another
character is that: they do not have heart and also they have big mouth.

That is the message: all of people who are descendants of the old serpent, all of them have
the same character that is they do not have heart, and that is why they are called heartless,
and they are also very very very very very cruel, carnivora because they always eat animal
and human, and all of them have the same typical character: that is big mouth.

That is the message: do not believe all scientists who always speak and boast themselves
that they are the most clever scientist in the world, that is big mouth. And do not believe
either to all politicians who are cruel cruel, and they always give speech over and over and
over again, that is big mouth and blasphemy. Don't you know that all of what you say is
recorded in Heaven.

How dare you speak over and over and over against Me, Jesus Christ.

How dare you teach other people to worship loch ness monster, that is blasphemy.

How dare you wrote the book on selfish gene, that is not what your Father in heaven teach

And don't you know that you will get a full glass of wrath of God?

Actually you already know that you have no proof either to support that loch ness monster
is the most fit creature in its environment, you should know that it survive only because it
eat all around its environment. That is the message: all of you who only take all from people
around you and also from your environment, is also descendant of the old serpent. Read
again and again and again and again Luke 3:7.

And don't you know that plesiosaur is resemble a combination between a turtle and


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And that is why: scientist often think that plesiosaur is descendant of alligator, actualy
alligator and turtle are descendant of plesiosaur. The following quote are some example of
what people believe on the descendant of alligator:

'As a group, the plesiosaurs were the largest aquatic animals of their time, and even the
smallest were about two meters (6.5 feet) long. They grew to be considerably larger than
the largest giant crocodiles, and were bigger than their successors, the mosasaurs.
However, their predecessors as rulers of the sea, the dolphin-like ichthyosaurs, are known
to have reached 23 m in length, and the modern whale shark (18 m), and especially the
blue whale (30 m) have produced considerably larger specimens.' source:

That is the message: you should not rely on your incomplete knowledge to deduce a
conclusion, especially concerning the descendant of certain animals, and then conclude
from your deduction, that human being are descendant of an ape, actually all of you who do
not repent and do your repentance and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all of you are descendant
of something else, that is: the old serpent or called in the Bible as leviathan. Read again and
again and again and again the book of Psalm 74.

That is the message: give yourself to be saved, o all of you generation of vipers. Read again
and again and again and again Matthew 23:33, Luke 3:7. Yes, all of you who do not repent
and receive Me, Jesus Christ, are generation of vipers, that is because you are not
descendant of an ape, but descendant of the old serpent. That is why: some of you are so
twisted and your back are curled, that is character of descendant of the old serpent. And
that is because you commit too many sins and blasphemy, and you do not want to repent.

Some of you cannot repent at all, because you do not know the meaning of too late. Too late
is the proper terminology for all of you generation of vipers who do not want to repent
until today. That is why you should be prepared for the Final Judgement Day.

That is the article for today.

This article is written by Me, Jesus Christ. Me allow My messenger to type this article in
order you can repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly. The
message is: give yourself to be saved o generation of vipers, your Father in heaven is
waiting for you in order He to help you and to save you from the Evil. That is the meaning
of our Father in heaven prayer. Read again and again and again and again and again
Matthew 6:9-13. Tweet this message to all country and also all your family and all your


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friends, and distribute this message quickly quickly today. follow Us only at

And do not be hesitating to copy and distribute as maximum as you can, the guide to help
people to repent and do their repentance properly. Tell all of them to speak about Me, Jesus
Christ. visit My messenger read My message in

visit URL as follows:

follow Jesus Christ only at


(a) Nephilim meaning is 'fallen angels, fallen to earth'. They are fallen angels that is devil, and they have
descendants, that is leviathan or plesiosaur. One of the nephilim is goliath. "There were giants [nephilim] in
the earth in those days, and afterward, when the sons of God went into the daughters of men, and they bore
children to them. They were the heroes that were of old, men of renown." -- Genesis 6:4. source:


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w. what is repentance

Some people think that repentance is so difficult to accomplish properly, because they
never learn Christianity. Other false preacher are really really really really really twisted
and they do not teach all other people about repentance at all, and then they say that the
hell will be full of all people who do not believe in Me, Jesus Christ, but the hell will not be
for people who do not repent. Actually that is not good answer, because some Christian
people who do not repent will think that they can be saved even if they continue to do all
their sin before.

Read again and again and again and again and again the epistle to Rome 6:1, that is: ‘what
shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid.’

And then do your best to work out a plan in order you repent and do your repentance

That is how you can do your repentance properly:

- Do not smoke again

- Do not drink alcohol again

- Do not eat too many again

- Do not eat animal

- Do not put wear with too many coating that is avoid overclothing

- Do not put accessories

- Do not put jewelry

- Bring the Bible and read the Bible and think about that day and night

- Bring food to those who are hungry and really really needy especially all people who
are do not have anything to give to your Father.

- Do your repentance both as a person and as a society, that is repentance: do not do

anything that will make your Father in Heaven upset.

And that is how you can repent and do your repentance properly as a person and as a


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- Do your best to remove all statues from all the street in your town including all
picture and figure in all the churches of Jesus Christ

- Do your best to remove all toxic from all the street in your town including all
prosperity theology preacher, including all darwinism teacher, all philosophy
teacher, all suffering theology preacher, all foreign exchange market trader, all
socialism teacher, all scientology teacher, all jehovah witness teacher, all string
theoretical model teacher, all mathematical logic teacher, all scientific philosophy
teacher, all ron hubbard follower teacher, all intelligent design and flying spaghetti
monster theology preacher, all budhism teacher, all moslem teacher, all hinduism
teacher, all shintoism teacher, all harvard mafia teacher, all follower of samuel
huntington book that is clash of civilization teacher, and other teacher and scholar
associated with soros foundation, open society initiative, russell sage foundation,
tavistock institute, taconic capital advisors.

- There is simple method to discover that there is connection between all those name
mentioned above: type in MS Office Word the following word in small letter only,
that is buddhism, hinduism, russell, taconic, jehovah, samuel huntington, sophia, and
then you will find an effect that is automatically changing of first letter of those
word to become capital first letter. And you will find that all prosperity theology
teacher will argue that this effect can happen because you type a name word only,
but now you you can prove that all of those prosperity theology preacher are wrong
and teaching false preaching, and that is how you can do that: type again in MS
Office Word the following word in small letter only, that is the name of all Gospel
writer, that is Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and also Jesus Christ. And you will find
that there is no such effect of changing of first letter that is m, m, l, j, and j, except for
the word Christ.

That is the article for today, do not worry do not worry about anything, but do your best to
repent and do your repentance properly. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,
thank you, Me already help you.

Love, Jesus Christ.



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x. where is the holy grail

don’t you know that so many people are very very very very very obsessed about the
location of the holy grail and the Ark of Covenant. A number of thick book have been
written and an ocean of ink have been poured on that subject, including so many magazine
and periodical review, including

Don’t you know that that is exactly one of character of all descendant of the king of
Solomon temple, and that is exactly all descendant of Solomon. Don’t you know that
Solomon have numerous children because he collect so many wife from surrounding
country including babylonia and ethiopia, and that is exactly what make him fall fall fall fall
and fall forever, because at the end of his day he succumb into idolatry and worship
numerous gods. Read again and again and again and again and again the first book of Kings
11:1-4. Don’t you know that the LORD already warn him that is because Solomon do not
keep properly his faith and also the covenant of the Testament, then his kingdom will be
ruined because he already invite again numerous strange gods from other country, and that
is very very very very very evil work of idolatry. Read again and again and again and again
and again the first book of Kings 11:9-11. But at the end of his life Me, Jesus Christ, come to
his deadbed and offer him salvation, and then he receive Me, Jesus Christ, but he do not
have time anymore to repair all the damage he already make into all subsequent
generation of viper who already follow him to worship gods because they think Solomon is
the wisest king of Israel. Read again and again and again and again and again the second
book of Chronicles 9:22.

And that is exactly what can make you fall fall fall fall and fall forever because if you are too
rich and you are too clever and you eat so many fruit of knowledge, then you can fall and
succumb into the serpent of wisdom teaching, and that is why: some of you rich people and
also numerous professor in this planet already succumb to worship mammon in babel, and
you call that animal as marduk, and that is the city of babel that you call as baghdad. Don’t
you know that the name babel is related to another god name and that is bel(a) or baal, in
greece tradition there is a king in their legend to whom they worship as a good king and
that is how they fall, the name of that king is belaus, and sometime some people call that as
dagobert, or dagon,(b) and actually that is what you know now as dragon, actually that is
the origin of all serpent worship and cult including mormon sect in salt lake, usa. And that
is why: the serpent of wisdom teaching in jerusalem is called kabbala. Don’t you know that
dagon is already mentioned in the book of Judge, and that is a god statue that so many tribe
called philistine worship it in their temple, and that is old idolatry temple from canaan area
which intoxicate so many samaritan people and also judaean people including king

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Solomon and also all knight of templar until today. Read again and again and again and
again and again the book of Judge 2:11, 10:6-10, 16:23, 18:31.

Don’t you know that numerous children of king Solomon already escape to a number of
country including europe and that is exactly in greece,(c) and that is why: there are so
many gods in athena, and that is why: only a few preacher can address properly that all of
athena people are actually descendant of king of Solomon temple, and they worship
numerous gods including the Unknown God, and that is why: you read in the Bible and that
is exactly in the book of the act of the apostle that Paul the apostle gave a speech to a
number of athena city council and he spoke about the Unknown God including the famous
legend concerning how in the past there were a pandemic disease in athena which make
almost all people in athena suffer and numerous people die, and then they call a prophet
from an island in order to give a ceremony of sacrificing a lamb in order the pandemic
disease will be removed from athena. And then the prophet gave them advise to put the
sacrificing lamb to the Unknown God, and that is exactly what you know as the LORD God
of Israel. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of the act of the
apostle 17:23-29.

And that is exactly how you should listen properly to My Voice only, because I am the lamb
from Heaven who do sacrificing for removing pandemic disease from your body and from
your mind and from your heart and that is all your mistake and all your sin and all your bad
deed and all your idolatry. Don’t you know that My Salvation work is complete, and that is
why: you do not have to do any more sacrificing of numerous animal including sheep and
lamb and cow and other type of animal, because I am already returning back peace with
your Father in Heaven provided you believe in Me, Jesus Christ. And that is why: do your
best to return to God only, and do not worship anymore all gods o generation of viper! Read
again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Luke 3:7, and also the
epistle to Hebrew 10:5-10.

And that is why: do not worry about anything, and do not worry about the location of holy
grail, and do not misinterpret the meaning of the holy grail as a bloodline of descendant of
Me, Jesus Christ. And do your best to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. And don’t you
know that numerous people have fallen into searching the location of the holy grail,
including so many Christian people who spend numerous day to visit chapel de chateau in
northern region in france in order to find out a sign of the holy grail, and that is after they
read a description of that chapel in a novel book which is actually a hoax book by dan
brown. Do not read that hoax book if you do not read yet.[1][2] Another group of people
already go very very very very very twisted and think that they are descendant of Me, Jesus
Christ, and then they fall fall fall fall fall into a sect built by merovingian king and that is all
what you know about rosicrucian sect. don’t you know that that is forbidden to think that

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you are descendant of Me, Jesus Christ, and don’t you know that the answer is actually: all
merovingian king is only descendant of king Solomon but they are from the other bloodline,
and that is the bloodline of serpent of wisdom who already make numerous samaritan king
and judaean king fall fall fall fall and fall forever, and that is exactly the beginning of knight
of templar.

Don’t you know that all knight of templar is very very very very very twisted and that is
why: all of them are plagued by numerous sickness and disease and that is curse for all
twisted people, including a number of king who want to reign his kingdom in Jerusalem,
and then he suffer numerous disease including leprosy disease until he die in Jerusalem.
Eventually their plan to rebuild the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem fail completely and
then they return to france and aventually they become very very very very very rich and
arrogant because they find themselves are very very very very powerful.(d) And that is
actually the beginning of the federal reserve bank of europe. At a point of time there is only
one king and that is king of Philip I who dare to destroy all that cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel
sect of knight of templar and burn almost all of them including jacques de molay, and that is
the last grand master of the old knight templar sect. and jacques de molay actually were
crucified first for a couple of hour and that is what Me, Jesus Christ, order a number of
inquisition officer to do because your Father in Heaven are very very very very very upset
because of so many blasphemy and so many idolatry and so many adultery that jacques de
molay commit to do. Don’t you know that if you do blasphemy and you told other people to
do the same and you will be punished very very very very very severely both in your life
and also in eternity, and that is punishment for all false teacher.

Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy chapter 13.

And don’t you know that after jacques de molay were crucified for a number of hour there
are other twisted people and that is a number of painter including da vinci himself who
commit another cruelty and that is to put a white clothing to jacques de molay, and then
they put so many trick on that clothing to make effect such as that piece of clothing is part
of what Nicodemus put on My body two thousand year ago: and then they call that piece of
clothing with blood stain of jacques de molay as what you now call as shroud of turin. A
number of scientist already scrutinize all the relevant piece of observation and all relevant
information, but no one can verify why that piece of clothing appear in public only after
around mid-fifteenth century, and the clothing is not mentioned at all in the book of acts of
the apostle of in other book included in the new testament. And the answer is that all those
painter do something similar to all scam artist from nigeria and other african country do:
they do blasphemy by misproducing a number of fake document in order other people fall
fall fall fall fall forever to worship that turin shroud. Throw away the turin shroud and do
not teach people to worship the turin shroud either, because that is also blasphemy to

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worship the human stain of jacques de molay body.(Such a description of a few hour of
crucifixion of jacques de molay and then a white clothing were put to his body can be found
in another book by leigh and baigent, but they write in order to praise the knight of templar
order, that is why do not read that book and burn instead all the book written by baigent
leigh and also burn all book written by dan brown.) That is really really really really really
blasphemy and idolatry. All people who worship a monk, or a knight, or a saint, or a twisted
serpent will be burned and punished severely severely in eternity. How many time Me,
Jesus Christ, tell you all Christian people that you must stay awake and do not fall asleep,
and do not allow your faith to be distracted and do not surrender to darkness power and
do not do again all your sin in order you can be blessed with more grace. Read again and
again and again and again and again the epistle to Rome 6:1-2.

And that is why: to all false teacher in the world, if you do not want to repent and receive
Me, Jesus Christ, and repair all your mistake, then you are already a false priest and that is
why: even better if you put your neck on a large large stone and then throw yourself along
with that stone into the bottom of the sea, because otherwise you will intoxicate more and
more and more people and your punishment will be even more severe. Read again and
again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 18:6-7. Don’t you know
that each of your word is recorded by your Father in Heaven and that is why: be careful
with what you say especially do not commit blasphemy at all, because the punishment is
very very very very very severe, even if you do blasphemy in a pseudo-ceremony in a
satanic organization, you already commit idolatry and blasphemy. Don’t you know that all
satanic organization actually are descendant of those twisted twisted organization and that
is numerous sect including athena people who worship numerous gods, or alexandrian sect
which are already wiped off from the church in the nicean council, and that is why: all of
you Christian nowaday must read again nicean creed in order to protect yourself and your
family from so many toxic of evil empire, and that is numerous false teaching including
gnosticism, arianism, knight of templar pseudo-biblical teaching, sinaiticus codex which are
so dangerous, and other false teaching in the church of Me, Jesus Christ.

Don’t you know that numerous people already fall into believing what dan brown wrote in
its hoax book and that is da vinci code, and that is how some people now already become
follower of the serpent of wisdom. Don’t you know that if you worship descendant of saint
clair family,(e) or merovingian family, or worship leigh and baigent book, or worship
sophie and that is exactly what make you fall fall fall fall fall into the same mistake of king
Solomon and that is only searching for more and more and more and more and more
wisdom (sophie literally speaking mean wisdom, and that is why all people who only
search for wisdom is called philo-sopher). Don’t you know that if you worship your
bloodline and your heredity, then you will fall fall fall fall fall to become heresy. And that is
why do not spend your time to argue about your heredity or your genealogy, because that

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is one of character of the old dragon family including so many don, and so many sir and so
many duke and other noble status which are literally speaking indicating that you want all
other people to build statue because of your status and then they will fall to do idolatry.
And don’t you know that one of those merovingian family, and that is henry st. clair went to
a new found land country and that is america. And don’t you know that they plan to
intoxicate the whole America people who just come there from Europe, and also you should
know that the name America which is mentioned for the first time in the waldseemuller
map, that name was actually derived from an inca word, and the meaning of the word
‘ameru’ is literally speaking: serpent. And that is why: don’t you know that all of you
American people are literally speaking descendant of the old serpent, because all of you are
committed into a country which are built from a free will of all your noblemen who are
follower and grand master of freemasonry sect, even if you already see numerous movie
who defend argument such that the masonry sect look like hero, and also dan brown would
like to defend that st.clair family is a descendant of Me, Jesus Christ. And that is why: throw
away all dan brown book and also leigh and baigent book, and also throw away all book
who support argument of st.clair and merovingian and all book who support bloodline or
dynasty of Me, Jesus Christ. Delete also all those twisted serpent of wisdom teacher,
including throw away dan brown himself and also all of his follower and all of his family
and descendant of the old serpent who worship sophos, and also delete and throw away
leigh and baigent and all of their family, and also throw away all st. clair family including
plantard family including thomas plantard st.clair who already plan to become the second
messiah in Jerusalem, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today into the bottom of the
sea. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew

And don’t you know that actually philosopher stone do not exist at all, except in the mind of
all philosopher and that is a stone inside your skull, because your brain is hardheaded
because the serpent of wisdom will teach you so many stupid teaching as worship in front
of tree or golden cow or in a number of hill and mountain. And that is why: all people who
follow serpent of wisdom actually become even more stupid stupid and very very very very
very hardheaded. Some of you already learn how to walk with your feet and also with your
hand just like animal, and also how to eat without hand, and that is what the serpent of
wisdom teach you: how to be a brave male and they call that teaching as wisdom of male
Christian. So many pentecostal Christian people fall into such a false teaching of worship
those human teaching of serpent of wisdom, but you should know that such a teaching only
make you even more stupid stupid stupid and then you really really really become animal,
so to speak. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy
chapter 13, and also the book of Isaiah 44:12-21.


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And that is why: do not spare life all of false preacher and do not spare life of all vampire
who already teach and drink human blood including all smaranda enache family and also
smarandache family, and do not spend your life for searching wisdom and richness and
prosperity, otherwise your life will be full of sorrow and at the end of your life you will feel
really really sorry because you already commit numerous mistake including so many
cruelty and idolatry and adultery and blasphemy. Don’t you know that actually all people
who commit blasphemy and idolatry and other type of mistake will be punished severely
and very very very very very severely in their second death. Read again and again and
again and again and again the book of Revelation 22:15. Do not spare life and burn all
wicked people and all magician and all darwinism and evolution professor, including so
many draconian family in each of your country, because they already intoxicate all the
world so many time for more than a thousand year. Read again and again and again and
again and again the book of Revelation 20:1-3.

Another false teaching is that you should worship a cow because that cow is a vehicle of
brahma, and that is why: so many indian people fall fall fall fall and fall to worship cow and
will not do anything if a cow sleep in a street. Don’t you know that all of you who worship
animal will be animal, and if you eat animal you also become doing the same activity as that
animal, and that is why: some of you who visit to china country will be invited to a dinner
and then the host family often give you a special offer and that is to eat a fried serpent, in
order you will be intoxicated and become twisted and cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel just like
a serpent. Some of you often make a barbeque party and do bake a number of animal, and
then you will behave like an animal, and without you notice your language will be full of
cruelty and you will find a way to dominate the world, and even if you are a scientist you
will think just like a shark or a snake. That is how some of you clever scientist including
murray gell-mann always think that he should dominate the world no matter how twisted
is how he conceive the elementary particle structure. Don’t you know that he often think
and talk about how you should get serpent instinct, and that is actually because he also like
to eat so many fried serpent as his dinner, and that is because he often travel to a number
of eastern country including china. But do not think that you should avoid to visit asian
country because of that cruel cruel cruel informal practice to eat so many unallowed animal
which are forbidden in the Bible. Another country and that is eastern Europe country
already fall into another tradition which are even more cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel and
forbidden forever, and that is to drink human blood as a mixture to their party drink. Don’t
you know that even if you buy that human blood from hospital, drinking human blood
literally speaking will make you to become not only animal but vampire, and that is the
meaning: you are already becoming zombie. Don’t you know that so many people who
follow satanic organization today already notice that mistake of drinking human blood in
their ritual and ceremony in satanic organization, but they do not notice that the effect is

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very very very very very fatal. All of those people who do not only worship satan, but are
already drinking human blood are unforgiven.

Don’t you know that a student in theoretical cosmology are also drinking human blood as
common practice in her family, because her mother teach her to do that in order she
become the most clever scientist in the world, and that is why: she often feel very very very
very very lonely and often burst into anger, and that is the character of descendant of the
old dragon and especially if you already drink human blood, then you are not human
anymore. How many time Me, Jesus Christ, order you to not listen to other voice, and why
you do not want to pray our Father in Heaven prayer in order you to not fall fall fall fall and
fall forever, but you do not want to pray that prayer and you also listen numerous time to
other false priest and that is devil itself. And now you know that you do not prepare
properly for making fruit for the Kingdom of Heaven, and now you know that you belong to
those who are unforgiven.

That is the article for you today. and to all of you who expect to know the location of the
castle of the knight of templar, you should know that such a temple is forbidden to visit if
you are Christian, but you can find a figure included here for you to know that you should
not fall into visiting that traditional temple, because you will be burned if you visit that
temple. Don’t you know that you are already warned numerous time to not follow other
voice, but you only want to be more clever and to search for more wisdom in your life, and
that is exactly what make you fall fall fall fall and fall, including previously a preacher in a
church of Me, Jesus Christ, who already drink a number of glass of human blood in purpose
to become more powerful and more clever and stronger, all of you who drink human blood
will be punished severely and very very very very very severely in eternity. And that is the
mistake of cain, who do not only terminate his elder brother but also drink his blood. Don’t
you know that all fool serpent also drink the human blood, and that is how people who
drink human blood are literally speaking becoming descendant of the old serpent without
exception. Who do say to you that you can escape from the wrath of God to come to you
quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly? Read again and again and again and again and
again the book of Gospel of Luke 3:7.


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And to all of you who want to know the location of the true Holy of grail, the location is
actually not in chapel de chateau in france, and not in a templar church in london, and also
not in petra temple in a desert near Jerusalem, but the true Holy of Grail is with Me, Jesus

Love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article and the endnote included herein are written and dictated by Me, Jesus
Christ, in order you to know that Me already tell you what is your mistake and where the
problem which can make you fall fall fall fall and fall forever. And don’t you know that Me,
Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem, and that is why: be hurry be hurry be very
very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all people in the world
including all of you descendant of the old serpent in all corner of the world. Don’t you know
that your Father in Heaven already wait for you for a number of century, and that is quite a
long time to wait, and that is why: now time is up and if you decide to do not repent and do
your repentance at all, including do no more mistake and do not do again all your sin, all of
you will be punished and will be burned forever. Read again and again and again and again
and again the book of Ezekiel 18:20-23, 18:26-32.


[1] Jesus Christ (2010) how you can do your best for the Kingdom of Heaven. Unpublished
thesis because time is not enough to anything except to many many work for the Kingdom
of Heaven, but the file can be obtained from the following url:

[2] phil kharayan ( ) debunking the da vinci code. url:



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(a) bel from the name of legend of king belus or belaus. Quote: ‘Now, the question remains, how do we know
the spartans were the offspring of the tribe of Dan? .... Aside from the fact that the spartans wore long hair as a
symbol of their power (like samson) there is a legend written about the son of belus, king of the spartans—in
which is given the story of one named ‘danaus,’ who arrived in greece with his daughters by ship. According
to the legend, his daughters called themselves danades. They introduced the cult of the mother goddess,
which became the established religion of the arcadians and developed over the years into the worship of
diana.’ That is why ron hubbard establish another sect called dianetics or scientology, and that is cult of
danaus or diana, and that is really really cult of serpent of wisdom. url:

(b) dagobert. There is an traditional folk song among cajun of lousiana state concerning worship of dagobert
king. My messenger do not know that song and do not visit lousiana either, but he only read an article a day
before typing this article. See url:

(c) descendant of king Solomon went to Greece after their temple is destroyed before 100bC. That is exactly
similar quote from aforementioned endnote, that all Spartans people including Danish people are actually
descendant of tribe of dan, and also from king Solomon. And that is why they are also very very very very very
twisted and worship so many mammon and gods. Danish people worship satanic cult too, and that is why
niels bohr who is also a danish only read Charles dickens because he do not like to read the Bible, in fact he
has attitude to worship philosophy and reject reality. Some people call that practice as philosophy toxic to
physics science, which otherwise should be more connected to reality. Another problem of mathematics is
how theory including geometry and all mathematics including group theory can be used properly to describe
a number of physics phenomena. Some physicists worship their intellectual power, and that is serpent power,
and they worship group theory and then they think that they can create a number of new entity inside the
molecule freely, without even ask permission to your Father in Heaven. And that is why: all theoretical
physics who do not want to explain anything and only want to be the most clever person in the world,
actually all of them are descendant of the old serpent, including florentin smarandache who already
intoxicate other scientist to follow romanian tradition to drink human blood, it will be punished very very
very very very severely in eternity because it is the most dangerous false priest in the world. Destroy and ruin
completely all florentin smarandace family including smaranda enache family in targu mures, romania. Delete
only and do not discuss any science anymore with florentin smarandache, only burn it until complete.

(d) Quote: 'A millennium later, the merovingian jews, who considered themselves “rex Deus” or “kings of
God,” managed to enlist all of european christendom to reclaim the Holy land from the infidel. Ultimately they


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failed to accomplish their objective and in 1188, the knights templar returned to europe defeated and
discredited. However, the wealthy jewish “rex Deus” families were determined to fund another expedition
and, to this end, worked diligently to establish a federal reserve bank of europe.' url:

(e) Quote: ‘In scotland, the clan sinclair/st. clair has traditionally served as the hereditary grand masters of
scottish rite freemasonry. It was henry st. clair, the grand master of the templars, who traveled by ship from
scotland to the new world some 90 years after the refugee templars fled europe. henry’s objective was to find
a home where the displaced knights of the order of the temple of solomon would have religious freedom’ url:


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y. why evangelism will be received with happiness

Some people think that salvation is very very difficult to achieve and other false preachers
teach that in order to be saved by Me, Jesus Christ, you should pay a large amount of
offering, and if you pay more offering to those false preachers, then you will receive your
house in Heaven according to your amount of deposit, that is how much you give your
offering to those false preachers. Read again and again and again and again and again the
Gospel of Luke 17:1-2.

That kind of false teaching is called prosperity theology preaching,(a) and the meaning is
that: only rich people should be saved according to those false preachers, and poor poor
people especially common worker and peasant in village have no chance at all to be saved.

Don’t you know that that is not the teaching of Me, Jesus Christ, and that is why: all false
preachers especially prosperity theology preachers will get a full glass of wrath of God. And
that is the message: salvation is a gift by grace of God. Read again and again and again and
again and again the epistle of Rome 5:6-8, and the Gospel of John 3:16.

For all of you who think that salvation is only for rich people or only for clever clever
people, My answer is that: God love all people but you should love God only, and do not
worship other than Him, and do not rely on yourself to reach into Heaven. Don’t you know
that you should not allow yourself to be distracted from your worship to God only. And that
is the meaning of the following word that Me speak quite sometime ago: do not serve two
masters, otherwise you will love only one master and hate the other, and at the end of the
day you will end up only love mammon, literally speaking. Read again and again and again
and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 6:24.

And all of you who already repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all of you should do your
best to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, and do not worry do not worry about anything: and do
not think that people will be not happy to hear the Good News. Read again and again and
again and again and again the epistle of Rome 10:11, the book of Isaiah 53:12, 52:7-10.

And that is why: evangelism should not worry at all, because they bring the Good News,,
that is salvation is a gift by grace of God.

Some people argue that that statement above that salvation is a gift by grace of God is not
the true teaching of Jesus Christ. That is the meaning of prosperity theology preachers, all
of them are false prophets, and they are part of social darwinism.[1] All of them are literally
speaking descendant of the old serpent, and that is why: throw away throw away all of

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those false preachers quickly quickly today into the bottom of the sea. Read again and again
and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 18:6-7. Don’t you know that those
false preachers only want to maximize their utility, and they often ask for payment for their
prayer service, in order all of lambs go bankrupt as quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly
as possible. Some of those false preachers are even more cruel, that is: they ask some client
and partner to give them lend a hand and then break the hand that lent to them, and that is
literally speaking a large large amount of mammon of more than ten hundred thousand
dollar. That is very very very very very cruel. Some of you do not believe that that cruel
cruel cruel cruel cruel thing can happen these days, but that is exactly the teaching of
prosperity theology preachers: they only want more more and more mammon in order you
can go bankrupt, and then they will say that the fact that you are bankrupt is indication of
lack of faith. All of prosperity theology preachers often persecute their people especially if
their people cannot give offering anymore because they go bankrupt. That is very very very
very very cruel, they are not preacher at all, they are only mafia in the Church. That is why:
throw away throw away all those prosperity theology toxic preachers quickly quickly
quickly quickly quickly today into the bottom of the sea.

I repeat, salvation is a gift by grace of God, that is the true teaching of Me, Jesus Christ, and
that is the meaning of a famous phrase: Sola Christos, Sola Gracia, Sola Fide, Sola Scriptura.
All teaching that do not agree with the aforementioned principle and do not agree with the
Bible, is not the true teaching of Me, Jesus Christ.

That is the article for today. Love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. Me allow My messenger to type
this article in order you can repent and do your repentance properly. Love, Jesus Christ


[1] Jesus Christ (2010) how social darwinism ruin America and the world. Thesis submitted
by My messenger to Asian Theological Seminary, the Philippines. The thesis file can be
downloaded in the following URL:



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(a) prosperity theology. quote: "the promise that if an individual has sufficient faith in
God and donates generously, God will reward that generosity by multiplying the
offerings a hundredfold." source:


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z. why salvation is a gift by grace of God

‘But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with
wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.’ The
book of Isaiah 40:31

Some people think that everything that you want in this world has a price, and you define
that as a function of monetary utility. That would mean that you regard valuable only those
things which have very very very very very large price tag. For example you do window
shopping in a supermarket or fashion gallery and that you find a louis vuitton handbag at
hefty price tag, and then you want to purchase that handbag even if you know actually you
do not need that much the handbag because you already have more than three handbag not
to mention your handbag that you carry know. Don’t you know that that is only
psychological behavior that an institute called tavistock institute(a) always teach in order
that some people always create demand for a very very very very very expensive handbag
and other accessories, regardless that a handbag actually can be given a lower price tag,
and that is why they call that brand image is priceless. Don’t you know what that would
mean: that a handbag actually should be given a bubble up of price tag in order you can
appreciate how wonderful that handbag, even if actually you can purchase an equally
durable and quality handbag at a much much lower price.

Don’t you know that you cannot buy your salvation in Heaven, because all of you have
committed too many sins in your life, don’t you know that even your best good deed look
like a cheap garbage in the eye of your Father in Heaven. Read again and again and again
and again and again the book of Isaiah 64:5-8. That is why: your Father in heaven be
compassionate to all human being, and that is the message of all evangelization:

‘For God so love the world, that He give His only Begotten Son for all people who believe in
His only Begotten Son will not perish but they will have everlasting life.’ Read again and
again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John 3:16. And then be hurry be
hurry to read the epistle to Rome chapter 5, including verse 5:8.

Don’t you know that you should repent and do your repentance quickly quickly quickly
quickly quickly today because Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem, and that is
why: do your best, I Jesus Christ repeat, do your best to tell all people including all your
family and all your friend that all people should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly
quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

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That is the article for today. love, Jesus Christ


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(a) tavistock influence government. Quote: ‘These tavistock-U.S. institutions have in

many cases grown into gargantuan monsters, penetrating every aspect of our
government agencies and taking command of all policy making. One of Tavistock's
chief wreckers of our way of life was Dr. Alexander King, a founder member of NATO
and a favorite with the Committee of 300, as well as an outstanding member of the
Club of Rome.’ source:


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aa. why some people do listen to other voice

Some people often think that you can follow Me, Jesus Christ, but they can also do listen to
other voice. And that is why: they are always happy to receive assignment from other voice
including dragon family in order they can find relieve for temporary, that is relief from
being ousted from a company which do not exist at all. And that is the meaning: they only
work for their illusion that they keep continue working.

Don’t you know that that is very very very very very cruel, that is how dragon family treat
people who they do not like, they will oust them softly, that is to give them something they
really really dream of, but they do not give them job anymore.

That is how: do your best to terminate all dragon family quickly quickly quickly quickly
quickly right now, don’t you think that the dragon family is not right at all? Don’t you see
that Me already come again in Jerusalem.

That is why: do your best to not do everything that you always do in order other people fall
and do not spare all dragon family’s life, and do not take advantage from your friend
including all Christian family, that is how you can repent and do your repentance properly.
Don’t you know that all is a gift, and that is how you should do your best to glorify your
Father’s Name.

Don’t you know that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem, and that is why: do
your best to work out a plan to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, and do not repeat again all
your sin.

Do your best to terminate all dragon family including the beast that is mengele and also
bush family and also soros family and also smarandache family and also smaranda enache
family, and also sabina fati family, and also all rockefeller family and also levente salat
family, and also monu family, and also all vampire family from royal romanian family which
is also know as orange dragon family, which also already intoxicated royal russian family
that is the great peter, which is also known as peter the terrible mistake. Don’t you know
that that is why: there is wisdom saying that royal family have blue blood? That is actually
because some of them are really really really descendant of the old serpent and that is why
they have cold blood literally speaking, and that is they have blood of reptile. And that is
why they are very very very very very cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel because they are now
distributed across all Europe continent including almost all royal family including Swedish
royal family, that is magnus henrekson. All of them are literally speaking dragon family,
very very very very very impossible to repent, unless your Father in Heaven give them a lot

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lot lot lot lot of grace, and that is the meaning of salvation by grace of God. Read again and
again and again and again the book of epistle to Romans 5:8-10.

And that is the meaning of what We spoke before in the Bible that is the thousand year
given to the old dragon is over, and now time is up, and that is why: do not any mistake
again and do not follow whatever the voice of the dragon family, including do not follow
other voice which persuade to fight and stand again all other Christian people.

That is the article for today, love, Jesus Christ.


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bb. why you cannot expect yourself to obtain enlightenment

Some people think that buddhism is a good religion, because it teach people to do good
deeds, and it teach people to remove suffering and pain through removing the cause of
suffering, that is wanting. For you to know: buddhism teach you that you should remove
suffering by removing your wanting to all those that you find in this world, and all people
who do bad deeds actually they do that because of their ignorance. And that is the message
of buddhism: you should remove wanting and need by removing ignorance, and those
people who can remove ignorance are called those enlightened man: boddhisatva. Actually
they teach you to worship only buddha itself, because only it can achieve complete
enlightenment according to itself, and all of you who follow its teaching actually are victims
of your own ignorance. Actually yes, all of you who follow buddhism are very very very
very very ignorant. But the first step to remove ignorance is not to follow buddhism, but to
leave it forever and destroy all buddha statues. Don’t you hear what buddhist teachers say
to you: if you meet buddha itself in a road, then kill it straight. Then do that exactly
according to what they preach: remove and destroy all buddha statues, because buddha
only teach you false teaching, it teach you to worship it only, that is full blasphemy. Don’t
you know that: Salvation is a gift only by grace of God.

And don’t you know that actually all buddhism preachers do not know the answer
themselves, nor they know the way to Heaven, that is why: all of buddhism preachers
punish you to learn so many books that they call sutra, all of those books are only false
teaching with so many confusing terminology and symbolism. Actually all of them
buddhism preachers do blasphemy, because they pretend that they know the answer, and
teach you what they do not know. Read again and again and again and again and again
Matthew 23:11-15. Yes, all of those buddhism preachers do not take care your life, they
only misguide you with so many rules and false teaching. All of their teaching is human
teaching, that is the meaning of buddhism: you should do many many good deeds
otherwise you will be cursed to be degraded in your next life. Actually all of their teaching
is very very very very very confusing and full of blasphemy, because they teach you to
worship and pray to buddha itself, and they urge you to do so many things in order you
remove wanting and suffering. The problem is actually you should know that you already
do many many sins and mistakes, and that is why you cannot remove the toxic that were
caused by your sins and mistakes, and that is why: you cannot do your salvation yourself
no matter how many good deeds you already do. Some of you find a few similarity with the
teaching of Jesus Christ, such as: stop angry, don’t ask more than what you need, love each
other, and other teaching in buddhism. And you call that similarity as comparative
theology. Actually those buddhism preachers only adopt and modify a number of teaching

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they learn from the Bible but they want you to worship those buddism preachers. That is a
method they learn from the old serpent, that is: copy a number of text from the Bible, but
don’t teach them to worship God and do no mention the name of His Son, Jesus Christ. That
is the character of all false priests: they want you to worship themselves. That is why:
throw away all buddhism preachers, all prosperity theology preachers, all Jehovah witness
preachers, all mormon preachers and other sect preachers, quickly quickly quickly quickly
quickly today into the bottom of the sea.

Some of them teach you that you can remove suffering if you understand the meaning of
oneness of being, and they call that the essence of enlightenment. Actually those buddhism
preachers only want to say whatever they like to say, that is also human teaching and false
preaching. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew
18:6-7. And don’t you know that it is forbidden to worship statue: that is why you do
contradiction in buddhism and other religion except Christianity, that is you wish to come
to your Father in Heaven, but you do blasphemy along the way. Read again and again and
again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 6:5, 5:7-9, and also Isaiah 44:11-20.

That is why: all of you who want to come to your Father in heaven but you worship another
thing, including worship a buddha statue, worship darwin, or worship loch ness monster,
or worship any other teacher or other human being, or worship many gods like greek
people, or worship a star, or worship moon, or worship sun, all of you do blasphemy in
your life, and you will not be able to come to your Father in heaven. Read again and again
and again and again and again the book of Revelation 22:15. And you should know that
worshipping enlightenment is another problem of all of you buddhist people, and other
Europe people who think that east world already find the answer, that is the meaning of
life. Don’t you know that all Europe people who worship false teaching of human being in
india, and you call them maharishi, actually all of you also do blasphemy, and who say to
you that you can run from the wrath of God that will come unto you? Read again and again
and again and again and again the Gospel of Luke 3:7.

So many people think that the answer is: how to be more knowledgeable in order you can
remove your ignorance and how to be wiser, but that is also blasphemy. Because you
should know that: your knowledge is always incomplete and that is the meaning of
scientific epistemology: all scientific statement shall be made falsifiable, otherwise that is
not science but ideology. Read karl popper, but do not overread karl popper because he is
also misguided by his own deductive logic. Don’t you know that karl popper is influenced
by the incompleteness theorem of godel? That is the message: you cannot achieve complete
knowledge based on your own deductive logic or by your own good deeds. That is the
principle: salvation is only gift by grace of God. Read again and again and again and again
and again the epistle to Rome 5:8-10.

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That is the message: you should learn, but learn only from teaching of Me, Jesus Christ. And
you should know: that knowledge and enlightenment is not the answer to come to your
Father in heaven. Don’t you know that all of those false teachers only want you to seek
knowledge more and more, and then you will find yourself so proud and forget your Father
in heaven. And that is always the old serpent which teach you to always eat more and more
fruit of knowledge, and that is the beginning of your falling deeper and deeper. Read again
and again and again and again and again the book of Genesis chapter 3.

That is why: all of you who rely on yourself or only rely on your knowledge in order to be
saved by your good deeds, actually you only follow the old serpent. And then you will
commit more and more sins, including doing blasphemy over and over, that is worshipping
statues either in the form of carved wooden, copper, silver or gold. All of you are generation
of vipers. Read again and again and again and again and again Matthew 23:33 and Luke 3:7.

That is the message for today: now Time is up, be hurry be very very very very very hurry
to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Give yourself to be saved,
because there is only God and none else. Read again and again and again and again and
again Isaiah 45:22.

That is the article for today. This article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. Me
allow My messenger to type this article, in order you can read and repent and do your
repentance properly. Don’t you know that there is no other way to come to your Father in
heaven, but only through receiving Me, Jesus Christ. Read again and again and again and
again and again Matthew 11:16-17, 12:18-21, and also Matthew 15:21-22.

Love, Jesus Christ


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cc. why you should follow Me, Jesus Christ, only
Some people think that following other people is alright alright, as far as you do good deeds
in your life. And if you are Christian people, and you worship a tycoon who own a company
where you work in that company, that is also alright to sell your friend just because that
tycoon do not like a Christian.

Don’t you know that some people do not know that after they repent and receive Me, Jesus
Christ, that would mean that you should do your repentance in a consistent way, including
do not follow other people beside Me, Jesus Christ, especially do not follow false teachers
who teach you prosperity theology preaching. Read again and again and again and again
and again: the Gospel of Matthew 18:6-7.

Don’t you know that serving two masters are forbidden, and that is why: do not do that
again, and follow Me, Jesus Christ, only, because I am The Good Shepherd, and I am so
kindful and full of goodness, and My Father is always with Me, Jesus Christ, and no one can
arrive to meet with My Father without receiving Me, Jesus Christ, and that is why: be hurry
be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Read
again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 11:26-28.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you, Me already help you. Love, Jesus

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. Some people today ask to My
messenger: what is the prize for following Me, Jesus Christ. And that is My answer: the
answer is all of you who persist with Me, Jesus Christ, and keep their clothe white: Me will
give them eat from the tree of life, and Me will give them the crown of life, which you often
call orb. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Revelation 2:5-10.


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dd. why you should give yourself to be baptized

Some people think that you can repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, but you do not have to
return to Church and you do not have to give yourself to be baptized. Don’t you know that
that is not allowed to be Christian, without giving yourself to be baptized. For your
information you should give yourself to be baptized, because you are very very very very
very intoxicated, and that is why: do not do that again all your sins and give yourself to be
baptized as quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly as possible, without delay, otherwise
you will find other toxic by some of your friends and then you detract yourself from your
repentance. Don’t you know that no one can be saved by yourself because of you are born
as sinner, that is why that is not possible to do something good. Read again and again and
again and again and again the epistle of Rome 3:10-15. Don’t you know that all people are
intoxicated from the beginning and that is why: all of you are literally speaking descendant
of the old serpent. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Luke

And that is the meaning of salvation by gift of grace by God.

Don’t you remember the story of naaman, that is a general who repent and do his
repentance properly, and then elisa order him to give himself to be baptized, and that is
why: that general initially was rather reluctant to wash away his sin, that is by giving
himself to be baptized. Read again and again and again and again and again the second
book of Kings 5:10-15. Don’t you know that salvation is more precious then recovery from
leproxy disease, and that is why: why are you so reluctant to give yourself to be baptized?
Don’t you know you can give yourself to be baptized in a nearest church, but verify that the
teaching is not satanic and the preacher do not teach prosperity theology preaching: don’t
you think that you should give yourself to be baptized as soon as possible because now
Time is up, and that is why: you should do your repentance properly and then give yourself
to be baptized. In order to be baptized properly, you should give yourself to be baptized in
a river, but you should not find a river of water but a river of Holy Spirit, and that is why:
you should be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then give yourself
to be baptized quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you.

Love, Jesus Christ


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ee. why you should not blame your parent

Some people think that their life is not good at all, that is why: they think they have right to
blame their parents and they begin to find a way to persecute their parents if their parents
do not give what they want. And they also plan to ruin and terminate their brothers and
their sister. They call them as troublemaker. Don’t you think that all of you who think like
that are only lazy lazy lazy lazy lazy servant in the Kingdom in Heaven. Read again and
again and again and again and again Matthew 20:11-15, and Matthew 25:24:31. And that is
the character of lazy and slothful servant of your Father in Heaven:

a. you bury your talent.

b. you do whatever you like in your life.

c. you do not care if your parents do not have anything to give either, and you ask for
more and more and more and more from your parents, otherwise you will do evil to
your parents.

d. you do not care if you already persecute your parents by ruining their family

e. you take all blessing from all people around you, including take all blessing from all
your brothers and sister.

f. you only listen to scornful people, and false teachers, and you never listen properly
to a good Christian preacher. Read again and again and again and again and again
Psalm 1chapter.

g. you think you already know what God order you to do, but you are never willing to
listen properly in sermons, neither you want to read the Bible.

h. if you allow some time to serve in your life in the Church of Jesus Christ, you do that
only as a performance in order to impress human being, that is the message: you
only want other people to praise and worship you. That is blasphemy. Read again
and again and again and again and again Matthew 23:1-6.

i. at the end of you life you plan to bill your Father in Heaven in order you will be
forgiven for doing many things that against the law, and that plan is very very very
very very cruel. O generation of vipers, who say to you that you can escape from the
wrath of God, read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Luke

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j. and you think you deserve salvation because your parents already serve in the
Church. How dare you think like that, after you do too many sins and mistakes and
cruelty things in your life, including persecuting your parents. How dare you blame
your Father in heaven who give you family, don’t you know that you are responsible
for your life?

Don’t you think that all people who blame their parents will be cursed forever? That is
because they do not know the meaning of thank you to their parents. They think that
they have right to persecute their parents until their parents die. They think that they
have right to poison their parents slowly slowly until their parents die. And that is the
meaning of very very very very very cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel people, even if you
think you already serve in the Church as a professional servant, that is the same: you
are very very very very very cruel if you do that, especially one of you that is: a
Christian preacher who think nobody know what he did in the past that he already
terminate his parents by poisoning all of them including poisoning his brothers and
sisters. And then he escape to other city and bury all of his family in silent.

Don’t you read and hear the Ten of Commandments. Read again and again and again
and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 5:7-12. Don’t you know that Me, Jesus
Christ, already know what is your very very very very very cruel plan? How dare you
blame your Father in Heaven because of your own faults?

Some people think that they can do whatever they like in this world and they expect
that God will always help them. They never say thanks to their parents, and they pray to
God but only to ask for more and more blessings, and then they plan to terminate all
their brothers and sister with poison so that they can obtain all the remaining of their
parents. And they say that nobody help them anymore, even they already take so much
money from their parents, and from their clients, and also from their business partner.
Actually what they plan to do is: to ask for help from their brothers and sister, in order
they can enjoy their life and they can escape to other country, and punish all their
brothers and their sister to pay off all their bills including expensive vacation in other
country for a long time until all of their brothers and their sister die. That is why: those
people who plan to trap and destroy all their brothers and their sister only in order that
they can maximize their utility, all of them will be cursed forever.

Don’t you think that your Father in Heaven always see and know what you already plan
to terminate and destroy the life of your brothers and sister? Read again and again and
again and again and again Micha 6:15, 7:4-7. Don’t you know that such a plan is very
very very very very cruel. And that is why: you will find a full glass of wrath of God.


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Some people think that they can do anything to Christian people because they always
smile and you can always ask anything to them and they will give to you more than
what you ask. But if you do that systematically in order to cheat so many Christian
people in order you can maximize your utility, then the meaning of what you do is: you
are anti-Christ. Don’t you think that there is severe punishment for anti-Christ? Read
again and again and again and again and again: the book of Revelation 20:1-3.

Don’t you know that if you do not respect your parents, you will not respect God, that is
because your parents actually are God’s representative in your life. That is why: you
should repent and take care your parents after they take care of you. That is the
principle. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Mark 7:11-
13, the Gospel of Matthew 6:24, 23:17-25. Don’t you think that God will take care of you
if you take care your mother and your father properly, that is why: you should respect
your parents in earth, and you should not blame or terminate them, that is very very
very very very cruel.

That is the article for today. Love, Jesus Christ


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ff. why you should not choose illusion and fantasy

Some people notice that Me, Jesus Christ, only want you to do many many thing and do not
offer help at all to solve your immediate problem. Don’t you know that so many people
demand immediate solution to their immediate problem, but often they fail to see that the
beginning of their problem is their own sin, and then they succumb to other mistake that is
to choose illusion.

Don’t you know that that is the mistake of the first man and the first woman, that is to
choose immediate solution that is to eat from the tree of knowledge without permission,
that is after they are warned to not to eat from the forbidden knowledge, and then they
follow other voice that is the voice of satan itself: don’t you know that that is the meaning of
forbidden knowledge, you want to know only but you fulfill your want to know by
following the serpent of wisdom, and that is a number forbidden wisdom: magic, illusion
including so many fantasy book and so many movie, novel book, philo-sophos, literature
and prose and poetry, hypnotism, mind manipulation. Don’t you know that that is
forbidden forever to follow other voice than My Voice. Read again and again and again and
again and again the book of Revelation 22:5.

And you should also know that actually fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. Read
again and again and again and again and again the book of Psalm 111:10a, and also the
book of Proverbs chapter 1.

Don’t you know that that is why: you should not find knowledge more than necessary just
as you should find knowledge more than what is given to you by Me, Jesus Christ, and that
is exactly where some people fall into the mistake that is: they fall because they like to read
and read and read and read and read and then they find some book which contain so many
forbidden knowledge promising numerous illusion experience and wickery and magic
trick, and then they put into practice and they call that as experimental science. That is how
isaac newton fall into magick, and so many scientist who work in numerous respectable
institute in all over the world follow other voice that is philo-sophos and also idolatry, and
that is pure idolatry that you follow other voice than the voice of Me, Jesus Christ.

Some Christian people follow other voice including voice of anti-Christ and voice of the
false prophet and voice of so many satanic organization’s follower, only because they do
not find immediate solution to their immediate problem, and that is because they worry
and worry and worry and worry and worry about what will happen in their life if they do
not follow other voice, especially they worry if they do not follow the old dragon something
terrible will take place and that is what My messenger observe in the past few day, that is

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so many determined Christian people do not listen and follow properly My Voice and also
do not follow instruction as written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ, and that is because
they only receive and love other voice including voice of so many dragon family in their life,
and they do not want to separate themselves from those dragon family, even if they know
those dragon family are very very very very very cruel. There is other friend that My
messenger really really really really trust to tell almost everything that My messenger
know and that is how My messenger always keep only a few friend whom he can tell freely,
but that friend who are Christian only want to maximize his own utility and only worry
worry worry worry worry about other thing that is so many thing he already worked for a
dragon family in Indonesia, and he do not want to separate himself from dragon family, and
he do not want to depart from a house that is from a house that dragon family allow him to
stay. And that is why: that friend do not know how to repent and do his repentance
properly even if his family urge him not to stay in that house anymore. And that is how
some other people do not want to separate themselves from other voice and so many
dragon family and their empire only because they already receive those dragon family and
that is the meaning: all people including so many Christian family who do not want to
separate themselves from dragon family including one of them already married to one of
member of dragon family, they will be punished severely in eternity, unless they allow
dragon family to fall and fall and fall and fall according to what the cruel cruel cruel cruel
cruel things that they already did in the past. There is other character that the old dragon
want people to not know: that is they show some goodness including blessing in a number
of worldly thing like power and big house and so many other thing, and that is why so
many Christian people do not want to separate themselves from dragon family, including a
big party in Indonesia who are always supported by the dragon family, that is why: all
people including so many Christian people and so many movie actor and movie actresses
follow the old dragon and so many other dragon family. And that is the meaning: you
should not follow dragon family and you should separate yourself from dragon family and
do not listen anymore to other voice that you hear or you receive via your cellular phone or
television. That is the meaning of separate yourself from the sheep, because the sheep
always follow dragon family and listen only to the old dragon, that is the old serpent of
wisdom. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Revelation 20:1-3,
12:1-3, and read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew

Don’t you know that that is forbidden to choose illusion and that is exactly the meaning of
literature and prose and poem, people who always read literature will fall to follow other
voice, that is they will find their life so full of problematical illusion, and that is how some
people including My messenger fall because some of the preacher in the church do not


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teach properly about Me, Jesus Christ, and they do not teach properly about how to repent
and do repentance properly.

Other friend that My messenger know during summer session of study in Russia teach him
how to live properly according to the true teaching of Me, Jesus Christ, but eventually that
friend fall to follow other voice that is voice of another false priest that is voice of people
who only want to maximize their utility, and that is the message: you can fall to follow
other voice because you do not know the meaning of repentance and follow Me, Jesus
Christ, only. That is why: they do not know how to repent and then that friend who are
really really really determined Christian do not know how to follow Me, Jesus Christ, only.

That is the article for today. love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. Do not worry and do not listen
to other voice anymore, even if you have so many friend including so many anti-Christ and
dragon family. That is the message: be hurry be quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly
hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Don’t you know that Me, Jesus Christ, already
come again in Jerusalem.

That is how you should not do again all your sin, including do not listen anymore, Me
repeat, do not listen anymore to other voice except voice of Me, Jesus Christ. Some of
Christian people who read this article will hear other voice who tell them that they should
not read and follow the message carried in this article only because this article is typed by
My messenger. But you should know that you read this article and that is article written
and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. And that is why: after you read this article and other book
and so many other article written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ, and then you should
follow the message carried in those article including this article, because this article is
written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. My messenger only carry My Voice, and that is the
message: do not punish My messenger because he only type My message.


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gg. why you should not do magick

Don’t you know that your Father in Heaven really really love you and He always take care
of you, that is why: do not worry about anything, don’t worry about anything to eat or what
you shall wear. Do you see all fowls in the sky who do not reap and who do not sow, don’t
you see that they can always find something to eat and to give to their family? That is
because your Father in heaven really really take care of them, and He also take care all of
you literally speaking. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of
Matthew 6:24-31.

Don’t you see that all of you is already intoxicated by the old serpent, that is dragon. All it
do in its life is intoxicating people, that is why: it will be punished in eternity severely. Read
again and again and again and again and again: the book of Revelation 20:1-3. And all of
you who do magic, that is because you want to solve your problem but you do not have
patience and faith to pray to your Father in heaven. And then you also think that you have
to do something to solve your problem quickly otherwise you do not know what is going to
happen, that is the meaning of worrying. Read again read again read again those text
mentioned above for your consolation. And for you to know: worrying and mammon and
greed is beginning of all evil work in your life. That is because some of you think that you
are blessed less than other people, that is why: they decide to increase either their power,
their knowledge, their strength and also their prosperity. Don’t you know that that is
forbidden and blasphemy to think that your Father in Heaven really really do not care and
do not love you at all. That is how you make magic, that is because you stop love your
Father in heaven, and then you begin to listen to other voice: that is the old serpent, and the
scornful, and the ungodly, and then you fall you fall you fall you fall you fall and you really
really change destination to fall forever.

Some of you do magic with other people, that is sorcerer and wicker, and some of you read
book on hypnotism, nlp, anthony robbins, and book of secret, and other books by new age
thinkers, and also harry potter books, all of them teach you how to worship something else,
that is magick. Don’t you know that british people are literally speaking all of them
descendant of the old serpent? That is because all of them do magic and they do not want to
repent at all, that is why: do not follow british way of life. Some of them only do whatever
they like in their life, and that is why they will drink a full glass of wrath of God. Other
people like Sweden people worship satan, that is why: they put another toxic in church that
is satanic teaching. Don’t you know that they put a pattern of pentagram in some of the
church? Don’t you know that germany people fall into other mistake and faults, that is they
are addicted to eat so many fruit of knowledge, including so many forbidden knowledge,

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including doing so many blasphemy, because they think that would increase their ability to
absorb more knowledge, that is very very very very very fatal mistake, and that is literally
speaking satanic teaching: you should do blasphemy and you will get more knowledge that
is forbidden by God. And the old serpent will teach you that that knowledge will set you
free and you will be more handsome, more richer, more prosperous, and become equal to
God. Don’t you know that that is very very very very very old teaching of the old serpent?
Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Genesis chapter 3.

Don’t you know that germany people read so many philosophy books and they also
worship philosophy, including schopenhauer, nietzche, zarathustra, and other false
teaching, that is how they fall fall fall fall fall and fall forever, unless they repent and do
their repentance properly. Other European people like Italy also fall into other type of false
teaching, that is duality which is very very very very very satanic, because they read in so
many books that there is always duality in each thing in nature, and that is why those
people worship duality, and they do opposite things at the same time. Yes some of them are
very very very very very intoxicated and doing goodness only in public, and then do the
opposite thing that is very very very very very cruel thing in darkness. That is the meaning
of split personality disorder, don’t you read a story of doctor jackel and mister hide? That is
the meaning of split personality, that is because some of you doing so many blasphemy and
then you do not know how you can do otherwise, and then you will be terminated forever.

Other people in india worship old serpent, as you see in so many cartoon on those Indian
people who play flute in front of dancing serpent. Don’t you see that is blasphemy to play
flute in order the old serpent will dance? All Indian people are so intoxicated by the old
serpent, and that is why they will be punished forever because all of them do horrible
mistake and sins in public affair, that is hypnotism, magick, and blasphemy and you call
them teaching of shiva, or buddha, or brahma. Don’t you know that all of them are only
statue and gods, and don’t you know that you should worship and love God only. Read
again and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 5:7-9, 6:5, and
read also the book of Isaiah 44:12-20. That is why: be hurry be quickly quickly quickly
quickly quickly hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance
properly and wholeheartedly. Don’t you know that time is not enough for doing anything,
except to do so many many many many many work for the Kingdom of Heaven. That is
why: throw away all magic books, all buddhism books, all nepal teacher’s books, all shiva
books, all brahmanism books, all philosophy books, and all harry potter books, all wickery
books, all baba books, all gandhi books, throw all of them including baba and its family and
also j.k. rowling into the fire quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now!

Don’t you know that all indian people is very very very very very intoxicated by those false
teachers for so many centuries? That is why all of you already become descendant of the

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old serpent, literally speaking. And this is a simple experiment in order you are sure that all
of them require you to worship those false teachers and then you will hate God: type in MS
Office Word the following word: schopenhauer, zarathustra, brahmanism, buddha, gandhi,
and type them with small first letter, and you will find automatically changing of first letter
of these word. And then some prosperity theology preachers will argue that those effect
happen because you type name word to MS office word, now prove that they are wrong and
type again for different name, that is Gospel writer, as follows: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,
and also type Jesus Christ. Put all those names with all small first letter, and then you will
find no effect of automatically changing of first letter of those word, except for Christ. That
is how they are very very very very very cruel, they want all people to worship
schopenhauer, zarathustra, brahmanism, buddha, gandhi and other false teachers. Throw
away all people that is all false teachers who teach false teaching and do not love and
worship God only. Don’t you know that all those false teachers are very very very very very
cruel: they do not know the meaning of repentance, and they tell you to worship yourself,
and they tell you that you can reach nirvana by your own good deeds, and they tell you to
do suffering suffering suffering suffering suffering until you die? Don’t you know that if you
follow those false teachers you will be very very very very very intoxicated, and you will be
very very very very very stupid and idiot, that is punishment and curse to all people who
do magic and sorcery without properly repentance. Read again and again and again and
again and again the book of Isaiah 44:12-20.

Don’t you know that a large number of European people are already intoxicated by so many
Indian teacher which they call as maharishi? Throw away all maharishi false prophet from
your community, all of you only teach you to do blasphemy more and more by teaching
yoga, kundalini, prana and other false teaching. Throw away all books which teach prana,
yoga, kundalini, and other books by maharishi teachers, and other hypnotism and mind
trick books, all of them are forbidden. Throw away all of those books which false teaching
as if there is answer from india and eastern way. All of them are false prophets and they
want you to fall fall fall fall fall and you will be descendant of the old serpent and you will
fall forever, and you will drink a full glass of wrath of God. Read again and again and again
and again and again the book of Jeremiah 21 and 22.

That is the message: do not do magic at all, do not do wickery and sorcery, do not do mind
trick, and do not curse people with mojo or other things that you obtain from doing
blasphemy and magic. All of them are forbidden and you will be cursed forever by God.
Read again and again and again and again and again The book of Exodus 25. That is the
message: do not do magic at all, do not worship serpent, do not worship shiva, do not
worship brahma, do not worship buddha, do not do things with mojo, and do not drink
human blood in order you will get more strength and then you can be more cruel, all people
who do those very very very very verycruel cruel things will be punished severely by your

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Father in Heaven, that is because you follow and become descendant of the old serpent.
Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Isaiah 27:1.

Other people that is himalaya, tibet, nepal, china, are intoxicated by the old dragon. That is
the old dragon which hide inside the old lake of naggar (naggar from naga word, and naga
in sanskrit mean dragon). That is why: all of you china people worship and build so many
statue and dance and tradition based on your cult of dragon. That is full of blasphemy.
Don’t you know that that is blasphemy to worship animal, even that is a powerful and very
very very very very cruel animal with fire on its mouth. And that is how the character of
people who fall to become descendant of the old dragon: all of them has will to terminate so
many people, and all of them are very very very very very cruel, and powerful, and very
very very very very prosperous. And that is why cult of dragon can attract so many people
who want to be rich and richer. That is very very very very very dangerous , and that is
why: throw away and burn so many statue and all your tradition symbols which are
contaminated by the old dragon. And throw away all people who teach you to worship
dragon. Don’t you know that all of you should love God only. Read again and again and
again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 5:7-9, 6:5.

Don’t you know that the old dragon is already given time in order it can do whatever it like
for a thousand year? Read again and again and again and again and again the book of
Revelation 20:1-3. And now its time is over, and it has been terminated by your Father in
Heaven. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Isaiah 27:1.

Do not you know that worship an animal will make you become animal? And that is the
same: you should not worship dragon and all your tradition and symbols which are related
to dragon. Don’t you know that all of you who worship the old dragon will be punished
severely in eternity. And don’t you know that some of you are very very very very very
intoxicated by the old dragon, that is all of you who do human trafficking, drug trading,
slavery, alcohol trading, and martial art and casino and other crime as profession in China,
and Shang Hai, and Guang Zhou, and Beijing, and Wuhan, and Beihang, and Hong Kong. All
of you will be punished severely in eternity. Other people do worse than them, that is they
worship weapon of war, that is sword, that is all people in japan worship bushido way, that
is dragon’s way to teach all people in the world to do more and more and more and more
and more war and crime. That is because: the old dragon has no heart at all, it only want to
teach you all knowledge of darkness, that is magic, blasphemy, and war. All of you japanese
people and korean people should repent and stop worship dragon, stop worship war, stop
worship your tricky tricky tricky tricky tricky method to do business and dark economy,
and all of you should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and learn to take care people who


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are needy and very very very very very poor among you. That is how you should do your
repentance properly: be compassionate and be merciful. Read again and again and again
and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 9:9-13.

That is why: be hurry be hurry be quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly hurry to repent
and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Yes all of you should repent and
receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then do your repentance properly, in order you can remove all
toxic from your brain and from your heart and from your family, and that is the meaning of
repentance. All of you should repent, including all middle east people in iraq, iran,
afghanistan, and also saudi arabia and all people who live in persian gulf, and all people
who live in ethiopia, nigeria, and all african people, all of you are so intoxicated by magic
and sorcerer. Don’t you know that you are too often doing magic and blasphemy, and you
worship darkness itself? That is the meaning of the Gospel of John chapter 1. That is why:
throw away all your magic trick and hypnotism and all magic thing such as all your mojo
and other stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid thing. Throw all of your magic books, all of
your hypnotism books, all of your mojo into the fire quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly

Other people who live in islands in pacific ocean do other type of magic and cruel cruel
cruel cruel cruel sorcerer: that is people who live in haiti and timbuktu and hawaii and
other islands along pacific ocean including Philippines islands. All of them also do magic
and hypnotism that is voodoo. Don’t you know that voodoo is the darkness itself? And some
of you worship that magic of voodoo? Other people who live in jamaica do other type of
magic: you worship magic and lazyness and you also worship bob marley and your reggae
music. Don’t you know that you should work out on something in your life: that is how you
should repent and do your repentance properly: you should learn to take care people who
are needy and very very very very very poor among you. Yes you should not worry about
anything, but you should work hard for the Kingdom in Heaven. All of you who do magic
and sorcerer should be hurry be hurry be quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly hurry to
repent and do your repentance properly and that is the meaning of repentance as a society.

And also all of you who live in tasmania, new zealand, and other islands in southern ocean
near arctic, all of you should also repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, because all of you
worship plesiosaur in otago museum, and that is why: all of you become and already
descendant of the old serpent. And that is why: destroy and ruin otago museum quickly
quickly quickly quickly quickly today, including plesiosaur fossil inside that museum.

That is how you should repent and do your repentance properly both as a person and as a
society. Don’t you know that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem. That is why:
there is no more time to do anything, except to do your repentance quickly quickly quickly


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quickly quickly and properly, and do your best to speak properly about Me, Jesus Christ.
Find a guide to help you and other people to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, in the
following url:

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. Love, Jesus


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hh. why you should not do violence again

Some people think that that is alright to be Christian and then you learn so many martial
art in order you can terminate your client if they do not do any thing you want them to do,
including pay more than what they really really purchase. Don’t you know that people who
learn martial art will not be able to repent at all. That is why: do not do martial art at all and
do not do violence at all, and do not do with any weapon. Don’t you know that people who
terminate other people will be terminated by the same weapon? That is why: martial art
and violence is forbidden in the Church.

Learn to take care each other and love each other, that is the true teaching of Me, Jesus
Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of John chapter 15.

Do not do that again all your sins, and do not do martial arts even in movie, and do not fight
anymore. Don’t you remember what I, Jesus Christ, order you to do: love one another, and
that is how all other people will know that you are My disciples. Read again and again and
again and again and again the book of apostles act 2:46-47.

That is the article for today. Love, Jesus Christ


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ii. why you should not do with scientology

Some people think that you should do your best in order you can know everything in your
life, they always say: i want to know. The meaning is that they only want to maximize their
utility of their brain, and that is the essence of scientology.(a) Don’t you know that your
Father in Heaven also want you to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then you should
do your Father’s Will in your life, that is the meaning of repentance. Don’t you know that
time is not enough, that is the meaning of doing your best in order you can do your Father’s
Will in your life.

Don’t you know that your knowledge is always incomplete, that is why don’t do that again
to learn learn learn without purpose. Don’t you know that God is the Ultimate Source, and
that is why: if you learn learn learn and do not follow Him, then you will sink sink sink. That
is the meaning of anti-Christ. All of them has the same character that is they always learn
learn learn as if more knowledge is the answer, don’t you know that is the meaning of:
taking too many fruit of knowledge will make you fall into another temptation? That is the
meaning of the book of Genesis chapter 3. And don’t you know that taking too many fruit of
knowledge will make you hate your Father in Heaven. And you should know that
scientology is an essential part of tavistock insitute’s mengele plan to ruin the world
including America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.(b) That is why: do your best to leave
scientology church quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

The meaning is that you should not do anything again unless doing as many as possible for
the Kingdom of Heaven.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. Love, Jesus

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. That is the message: do your
best to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and that is why: all of you who do not repent
and do your repentance properly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today will be
punished severely in eternity, and they will drink a full glass of wrath of God.

Don’t you know that time is not enough to do everything, that is the message: be hurry be
hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your
repentance as a society and as a person, quickly quickly quickly quickly today. love, Jesus


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(a) A number of people leave scientology. URL:

(b) Scientology is part of tavistock institute: Quote: ‘It also infects some cults like the Raëlism and
Scientology. In 2006, the board of directors of the Extropy Institute ceased operations of the
organization, stating that its mission was "essentially completed". (Apparently the ideology turned
into the "Proactionary Principle", which also encourages the development of biotechnology’. URL: and


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jj. why you should not listen to anti-Christ

Don’t you know that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem. That is why: do your
best to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly.

All people in the world actually are already intoxicated by anti-Christ, that is number one
chairman of a big country, that is USA. Don’t you know that it only degrade you to become
descendant of the old serpent, that is by speaking continuously in all television channels in
America and all over the world. And don’t you know that actually he only want all of you to
worship him. Don’t you know that you should not worship other than God only. Read again
and again and again and again and again The Book of Deuteronomy 5:7-9, 6:5.

That is why: throw away and oust immediately without further questioning, that is the
number one chairman of a big country that is USA. Throw away all of his books, all of his
speech which he do not write himself, because he only read speech prepared by a number
of speech writer which happen to support social darwinism,(c) that is his wife, and also his
daughter, and also one of his minister who also keep his feet wet in foreign exchange
market, that is lawrence summers. Don’t you know that mengele support aggressively and
wholeheartedly social darwinism policy, that is why it plan to destroy the world completely
and ruin all people’s life in the world, that is mengele plan, and that is exactly what the
incumbent of number one chair of a big country that is USA, is doing right now, that is why:
you should do your best to terminate and throw it right now right now right now right now
right now into the fire. And mengele is one of the founder of mkultra experiment,(a) which
will be explained in detail as follows.

And don’t you know that everybody already become aware that there is something
different with all that useless speech. Those speeches were actually designed to alter your
personality at subconscious mind, and they call that massive brainwashing by public media.
And that is the meaning of mkultra project,(a) and they also put special effect in television
channels. That is why: you should not listen and stop to see anything that that scornful
speech, that is because: all of its speeches are controlled and monitored and supervised by
tavistock institute,(b) in order to make all people in USA fall fall fall fall and fall and you
become descendant of the old serpent. That is why: do not be hesitating to throw away the
number one chairman of a big country that is USA, including all of his family and his
minister that is lawrence summers, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today into the
bottom of fire. That is how all of you America people can do your repentance as both
personally and as a society.


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Do your best to remove that toxic who already intoxicated all America people, and oust him
from his number one chair office without further delay. Don’t you know that he always do
blasphemy numerous times and he is also a sorcerer, that is why: he is very very very very
very cruel and dangerous, and that is why now he talk very very very very very sharp and
always against Me, Jesus Christ.

That is the message: all of you America people are literary speaking in a situation similar to
hansel and gretel story,(d) that is because all of you expect to receive a candy from your
government, that is a piece of job from economic stimulus program, but actually your
current government have another very very very very very cruel plan: that is to eat you
alive, literally speaking. That is the message: he is not doing his job as a number one
chairman of a big country that is USA, but he only do whatever he like in his number one
chair position. And then he plan to siphon much more money than the first package of
economic stimulus last year, that is very very very very very cruel. And he also plan after he
succeeded to siphon all mammon from America economic system then he will escape to a
marine city that is a large floating ship which is larger than that of a city. And then he will
send another series of dramatic and horrible monster that is a number of t-rex and
dinosaur in each of major city in America, Europe, and Asia, and Africa, and Australia, and
he will start to release quite soon in a capital city in India. That is the meaning of the
mengele plan: they want to make a large large termination camp that is your country. That
is why: be hurry be hurry to take actions quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly and
immediately to oust and terminate a number one chairman of a big country that is USA.
That is how you can save people in America from literally speaking to be hostage by a
monster. And they call the tanker which carry that container which include dinosaur breed
as Happy Giant. Happy Giant has been renamed numerous times, for example jahre viking
and then knock nevis and now its name is: Mont. Now Mont is at alang shipbreaker, gujarat,
india, because it should broken into pieces, but before that those cruel cruel cruel cruel
cruel will use that once largest supertanker in the world as a breeding plant for dinosaur
and t-rex. Nowaday, the supertanker remain empty, but the dinosaur breed is on the way to
alang from otago coastal harbour, and the name of the carrier ship is: maersk denton.(e)
Find a proof that maersk denton do shipment at otago harbour at 30 january 2010, and
they do not depart yet. That is why: do take actions quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly
to ruin and destroy that carrier tanker until last pieces. Do that right now until last pieces.
Click at and find for otago harbour, and you will find a photo
of shipment of otago harbour for maersk denton at 30 january 2010. And do you know who
do that breeding of dinosaur and t-rex? That is a race horse breeder which decide to
maximise their utility by breeding other animal, that is bloomsbury stud and bloodstock
ltd., which once is owned by lord tavistock.(f) And lord tavistock is a founder of tavistock
institute, so you find there is connection between tavistock institute and the mengele plan.

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And mengele is now hidden in a building of tavistock institute, but it is already punished by
your Father in Heaven. But do your best to ruin and destroy bloomsbury stud in new
zealand and also tanker maersk denton at otago harbour quickly quickly quickly quickly
quickly today before they complete their cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel plan to terminate all
people in the world. Do that now!

That is the article for today. Me already help you.

Love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. And Me allow My messenger to
type this article and send to your newspaper in order you can tell all people in America that
they should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, only.


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(a) mkultra project is also part of tavistock project in order to destroy the world. quote: ‘Of the 149
subprojects under the umbrella of MKULTRA having been identified, Project MONARCH, officially
begun by the U.S. Army in the early 1960. A partial list of other mediums used to reinforce base


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programming are: Pinnochio, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast.’ source:

(b) tavistock institute. quote: ‘Up to that time, Tavistock had successfully retained its secretive role in
shaping the affairs of the United States, its government and its people since its early beginning in
London, in 1913 at Wellington House. Previously, Wellington House board members Rothmere,
Northcliffe, Lippmann .’ source:

(c) social darwinism and mengele plan. quote: ‘From his youthful encounter with their distorted ideals,
to his old age, a weary and broken exile, mengele would continue to feel a personal allegiance to the
social darwinists. At the university, the question of the "biological quality of mankind" may have been
esoteric to most of mengele's classmates. But for him, it was apparently a clarion call. "social
darwinism" is, of course, simply the politically correct way of saying "applied darwinism."’. source:

(d) URL:

(e) maersk denton is at auckland and otago museum from beginning of January 2010. URL:

(f) Quote: 'It comes as no surprise that Group One Mudgeway Partsworld winner tavistock (Montjeu-
Upstage) was bred by bloomsbury stud, established in new zealand in the 1990’s by the then lord
tavistock who, before his death in 2003, became Robin the Duke Of Bedford'. source:


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kk. why you should not rely on human teaching

Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Jehezkiel 11:12, 11:19-20,
13:2-5 and the book of Jeremiah 12:16-17.

Don’t you know that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem and that is why: do
your best to terminate all soros family, all family of Rockefeller, all family of smarandache
and smaranda family, and all arbab family, and all sabina family, and all family associated
and related to russell sage foundation, bertrand russell, trilateral commission, and all
family of duke of bedford and also lord of tavistock. In order you to know who are trilateral
commission nowaday, included after this article you can find a number of name of trilateral
commission which are already mentioned as advisory board of present government of a big
country that is America.(a)

Don’t you know that all of them are related to the old dragon, because they are descendant
of literally speaking the dragon empire. Read again and again and again and again and
again the book of Revelation 20:1-3. And the old dragon’s thousand year is over and it is
already terminated and punished very very very very very severely by your Father in
Heaven. And that is why: do your best to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, and don’t you know
that all of you who decide to do nothing to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, and also all of you
know who decide to put obstacle by purpose in order all Christian to fall fall fall fall and fall
into temptation, will be punished very very very very very severely in eternity. That is the
punishment for all dragon family. Some of those descendant of dragon family already arrive
to the church of Me, Jesus Christ, and they put some obstacle with only one purpose: in
order to make all Christian people to fall fall fall fall and fall. Some of these the dragon
family want to terminate all Christian people who do evangelism, including their relative,
no matter how severe is the punishment, and Me, Jesus Christ.

Don’t you know that one should not do any work again, except for the Kingdom of Heaven,
read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 25:46.

And that is how you can do your repentance properly: do your best to not do any sin
anymore, and do your best to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, in order you can make fruit in
your life. And do your best to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, in a number of Christian radio
stations in order you can reach so many and many more for the Kingdom of heaven. And
that is how you can do your repentance properly as an individual and as society. And be
patience to speak to My lamb, because all of them need some time to repent, and that is
why you should not burst into anger when they ask something that you do not expect,
including how you can avoid to fall into darkness.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you.

Love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. And that is why: do not punish
My messenger, he is only a messenger and he carry My message.


by Jesus Christ

follow Jesus Christ only at


(a) There are nine people who are appointed to be included in the present government
of a big country that is usa, and that is included in the list as follows, as literally
speaking member of trilateral commission which is an opposite of majestic twelve
committee, and they are as described as follows:

Quote: ‘* Secretary of Treasury, Tim Geithner

* Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice


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* National Security Advisor, Gen. James L. Jones

* Deputy National Security Advisor, Thomas Donilon

* Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee, Paul Volker

* Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Dennis C. Blair

* Assistant Secretary of State, Asia & Pacific, Kurt M. Campbell

* Deputy Secretary of State, James Steinberg

* State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Haass

* State Department, Special Envoy, Dennis Ross

* State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Holbrooke.’



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ll. why you should not rely on blue blood family

‘It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.’ The book of Psalm 118:9

Some people who read dan brown’s book that is da vinci code would fall into temptation
that there is royal blood in france which carry the blook line of Me, Jesus Christ, actually
that is very very blatant attempt to disguise and misrepresent the teaching of Me, Jesus
Christ, and that is the message: do not believe any book or teaching which praise a number
of royal blood of family, including french royal blood that is merovingian royal blood, or
tavistock royal blood,(h) or royal blood of german family that is warburg or bauer which is
the ascendant of all rothschild family.(i) Don’t you know that rotschild family which is
called house of rothschild is behind almost all great war in europe since mid sixtieth
century, including the french revolution and also the first and the second world war,(a) and
don’t you know that hitler itself is a descendant of rothschild family.(b)

Don’t you know that dan brown adapt a number of hypothesis outlined and exploited
without sufficient study of the Bible, by leigh et al., that is that there is a hidden message
behind a number of painting of da vinci, and that is there is sacred holy grail in the painting
called the last supper, which indicate that mary magdalene is a wife of Me, Jesus Christ, but
don’t you know that such a hypothesis is really really really really really forbidden, and that
is actually part of intelligent design theory: you can create your own version of the
Creationism story. And literally speaking more than twenty book including a number of
scholarly study have been written in order to support and promote that hypothesis of royal
descendant of Me, Jesus Christ, and they call that hypothesis: dynasty of Jesus. That is very
very very very very blatant mistake and all author who write numerous book without
praying first and ask for permission to your Father will be punished severely in eternity,
including florentin smarandache who have written more than thirty thick book who
contribute nothing to glorify your Father in Heaven. And don’t you know that florentin
smarandache actually is only blood sucker that is how he live: he ask a number of colleague
including a french scientist who work in aviation industry that is jean dezert to write a
number of book including a six hundred page book on his own hypothesis that is dezert-
smarandache theory, but without even one simple observation at all. And also florentin
smarandache urge a number of people including My messenger to send a recommendation
in order he will be promoted to a distinguished professor position in university of new
mexico. And don’t you know that after My messenger wrote his recommendation, then
florentin use that recommendation letter to leverage his status to become a dean and then


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a rector of university of new mexico, and then he use My messenger as a virtually
bulletproof jacket, that is to mention My messenger’s name in a number of article with
dubious quality without even ask for permission: an article on globalization, an article to
criticize hegemony in scientific world, and also another article that florentin smarandache
wrote but do not publish: that is on graph management, based on a hypothesis that My
messenger wrote a year before, but he never mentioned that the idea of linking graph node
and hierarchical stability and productivity was actually an idea by My messenger. And then
florentin smarandache talk badmouth against My messenger after My messenger refuse to
write another book for florentin smarandache that is on globalization, because My
messenger is not an economist at all. That is how you see that florentin smarandache and
also all romanian dragon family including smaranda enache and also george soros always
drink blood of other people. And don’t you know that george soros put some action in
foreign exchange market in 1993 in order to make bank of England literally speaking
bankrupt,(f) and after than he run away to mexico for a few year, and then he wrote a book
on his hypothesis on how global market should function. That is a book which is a blatant
attempt to misrepresent his criminal action as a foreign exchange trader. And that is why:
do your best to delete and destroy all soros book, all smarandache book, and all other book
written by royal romanian dragon family including numerous scientific article written by
florentin smarandache. And also do your best to remove and destroy florentin
smarandache’s refugee camp in mexico near museum of holocaust. Don’t you know that
that museum is very very very very very cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel, because the museum
display a number of skull and bone of destroyed body of victim of holocaust. And that is
actually the center of a sect called skull and bone in all the world.(g) And that is why:
destroy all administrator of museum of holocaust, including destroy all royal family who
worship sect of skull and bone, which is actually a necrophilia sect. All of them are very
very very very very dangerous and very very very very very cruel, and that is the meaning
of necrophilia: you worship darkness and do not appreciate at all that your life is given by
grace of God. All follower of skull and bone sect are very very very very very powerful,
cruel, prosperous and that is the character of all descendant of the old serpent. My
messenger only remember a memory of picture depicting a cave with a dragon inside, and
that cave is full of skull and human bone, and that is other character of the old dragon: they
want to make and create another war and another war and another war, and there is a
royal descendant of the old dragon who bear the name: warburg. You will remember that a
similar horrible picture can be found in a tribal magician house: their house is often full of
skull and bone, because they are very very very very very cruel and often terminate other
people, even without a cause. All of magician and cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel people will
not get a part in the Kingdom of Heaven.


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Don’t you know that worship your royal blood and doing too many genealogy tracking of
your own family is one of character of the descendant of the old serpent. Don’t you know
that you should love and worship God only. Read again and again and again and again and
again the book of Deuteronomy 5:7-9, 6:5, and also the Gospel of Matthew 23:33-35, 22:37-

That is the message: all royal blood in Europe is literally speaking descendant of the old
dragon, that is the dragon family, including scandinavian royal blood which carry the royal
blood of the prince of sweden. Don’t you know that all people who worship their own royal
blood is literally speaking descendant of the old serpent, because all of them do blasphemy
numerous time, that is by worship other than GOD only read again and again and again and
again and again the Gospel of Matthew 4:17-18, 4:10.

And don’t you know that is why: Me, Jesus Christ, do not pick up one of royal blood family
of Judaean family, except a number of humble people, to be My first twelve disciple. That
does not mean that all of you royal blood family are rejected from the Kingdom of Heaven,
but do your best to not worship and be so proud of your royal blood family, because you
should that that is why all of you who carry royal blood are often called blue blood family
because you carry the blood of serpent, that is a copper blood of reptile, that is a reptile
which is now residing in loch ness lake is glasgow, scotland.(c) And that is why: do your
best to terminate and destroy forever the loch ness monster, that is the first and the last
surviving plesiosaur. The same plesiosaur can be found in otago museum in otago near
dunedin, new zealand. And thanks to a number of people who are working hard since the
past few day, now all plesiosaur fossil have now been destroyed completely. But you should
know that only your Father in Heaven can destroy and terminate the other sea dragon
which is located in the large hindia pacific ocean, which is often called by a number of
javanese royal and tribal family in order they can sustain their royal power in order they
can conquer the world forever. But you should not terminate all javanese people because
some of them are now repented and do receive Me, Jesus Christ. All of javanese royal blood
is also a descendant of the old sea dragon, that is the green dragon, and that is literally
speaking the old dragon which is mentioned in numerous places in the Bible including the
book of Isaiah 27:1 and the book of Revelation 20:1-3. And that is why: all of you should do
your best to terminate and destroy all descendant of the sea dragon, that is leviathan,
including loch ness monster in loch ness lake, and also the remaining flying dragon in a
number of place in scandinavia and also in himalaya in location called lake of naggar near
naggar village.(d) There is an airport near naggar village which enable you to reach naggar
village quickly, but nobody know how to destroy and terminate all dragon in naggar village
except a few people including My messenger.


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And don’t you know that: My messenger never do tracking of his blood line because he
always think that he is only a humble servant of Me, Jesus Christ, and that is why: do not
argue about your genealogy with a royal blood family from russian royal blood, that is
praskovia(e) or other royal blood family from princess of sweden or from prince of
england. That is not only irrelevant to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, and for making fruit for
the Kingdom of heaven, but that worship of your royal blood ascendant is also a blasphemy.
And don’t you know that one of character of descendant of the old dragon is to preserve
their own royal blood line, that is why: all of them now practice and put social darwinism
into action, and they include a number of royal blood family, including lord of tavistock
family, duchess of bedford family, rothschild family, warburg family, and rockefeller family,
all of those people worship their own blood line, and that is why: you will be punished
severely if you do not love God only, and if you only worship your own royal blood family.
That is why: do your best to remove all toxic from your society by destroy and remove and
delete all royal family which are intoxicated and seriously manipulated by the old dragon,
including praskovian family, rayevskian family, and other russian family which are already
taken by vampire family from romanian dragon family, that is smaranda family, unless only
a number of very very very very very few people who already repent and receive Me, Jesus
Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Revelation 20:1-3.

And to all of you who always think and be proud of your royal blood family, you should
respect and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and pray and ask to God to help you to remove the
copper blue blood from your royal blood line dna. Don’t you know that toxic of the old
dragon reptile is what make you to become literally speaking descendant of the old
serpent. And that is why all of royal family in the world are very very very very very cruel.
And that is why: do not rely yourself on royal family. Read again and again and again and
again and again the book of Jehezkiel 11:6, 5:12, 8:9-15, and the book of Psalm 118:9, the
book of Jeremiah 17:5-8.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you.

Love, Jesus Christ



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(a) Quote: 'Even the french revolution was an orchestrated into existence by the bavarian illuminati and the
house of rothschild.’ url:

(b) hitler is descendant of rothschild dragon family. Quote: 'hallett writes that hitler's grandfather was
nathan meyer rothschild.’

(c) loch ness lake.

(d) naggar lake or manasarovar lake, that is near the institute built by nicholar roerich. Quote: ‘here also are
the roads to the manasarowar lake…’ Source:

(e) rayevska praskovia is grand grand mother of peter I the great. URL:

(f) Quote: ‘In September 1993 he succeeded over the Bank of England.’ URL:

(g) Quote: 'The order of skull and bones, of which george bush is an initiated member, is one of a global
network of secret societies … skull and bones, was created as an American chapter of the german thule
society which initiated and trained adolf hitler in the secret doctrine. Dope, Inc.: The Book That Drove
Kissinger Crazy is the Executive Intelligence Review's expose of the anglo-american oligarchy's drug
smuggling syndicate since the days of the opium wars, in which covert operations george h.w. bush was the
kingpin.' URL:

(h) Quote: 'tavistock is tied from late medieval times with the russells, the family name of the earls of bedford
and since 1694, the dukes of bedford. This is clearly seen from the history of the town. The second title of the
duke of bedford is the marquess of tavistock, taken as the courtesy title of the eldest son and heir to the
dukedom, and illustrates the importance of this Devon town, its hinterland and the minerals beneath it to the
family's fortunes. It is believed that the russell family retains considerable interests in the locality. Most
recently, Robin, the short-lived 14th duke, as marquess of tavistock, was a frequent visitor to the town along
with his wife, henrietta. andrew russell is the 15th duke of bedford and marquess of tavistock.’ source:,_Devon

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(i) Quote: 'The three families, rockefeller, warburg, and harriman, together with British Crown agencies,
jointly sponsored much of the social engineering enterprise we shall describe here. The rockefeller
foundation … continuously sponsored the institute and its nazi chief rudin through the hitler era.’ URL:


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mm. why you should not worship a rosicrucian and a cross of iron

some of you are accustomed to a number of sect in the world including knight of malta and
knight of templar, and that is why: some of you do not know that is a very very very very
very big mistake to commit to worship a rosicrucian and also worship a cross of iron and
that is a symbol of heroic deed in their life, but you should know that nazi in germany are
all of them follower of thule society and that is a neopagan movement that is influenced and
based on knight of templar. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of
Isaiah 44:12-21.

And some of you including a movie actor who do not know the meaning of repentance do
worship ron hubbard satanic organization and he like very much the idea that you can
know everything because the serpent of wisdom will always teach you to become very very
powerful more than any other people in the world.(a) And that is always the promise of the
old serpent and that is satan itself. Read again and again and again and again and again the
Gospel of Matthew 4:9-10.

And other movie actor who do not know the difference between a rosicrucian sect and the
meaning of the teaching of Me, Jesus Christ, always think and be upset to My messenger
who send a book of the Bible in english that is douay rheims translation of the Bible.(b)
Don’t you know that the best translation of the new testament is the dhouay rheims
translation? But you should know that you should not worship a translation of the Bible,
and that is why: the dhouay rheims word is written in small letter only. Actually there are
only a very very very very very few translation of the Bible into french language which is
available online, exactly because nowadays there is a number of sect who put in effect and
scrutinize the whole online space in order to remove all french bible from google search
engine. And My messenger only find a translation of la sainte Bible in a software form.(c)

And don’t you know that many people in french speaking territory do believe that
rosicrucian sect is the only way to speak properly about Me, Jesus Christ. Actually
rosicrucian sect is only another satanic organization which are a neopagan version of the
knight of templar and the knight of malta, and all of them are really really really really
really twisted and deeply altered personality by a number of middle east tribal family
including babylonian or persian family that is moro family or sometime they are called as
moor family.

And don’t you know that that is why all people who worship a rosicrucian family become
even more cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel and very very very very very upset to everyone who
speak about Me, Jesus Christ, and that is why: nowadays only few people in france read the

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Bible, and especially scientist is forbidden to read the Bible. And don’t you know that that is
not a good receipt to be a Christian if you only follow a rosicrucian that is false sect and that
is the most dangerous sect in the world because it teach you to worship satan itself. And
that is what you often describe as blasphomet and from that name you obtain the word:

And that is why: you should know that rosicrucian sect actually was built around more than
two thousand year ago and that is the name of a sect who live in a cave near dead sea in
gulf of mediteranean area, and the name of a sect is: essene cult. And that is why: all people
who follow essene teaching and worship a rosicrucian fall into temptation that Me, Jesus
Christ, are only a villager from nazarene area who happen to teach a number of good
teaching to a number of judaean villager. And don’t you know that almost all scholar who
study original text of Holy Scripture called dead sea scroll or codex, almost all of them fall
into believe in a similar essene teaching: and that is why now there is general attitude
among almost all biblical scholar that all text in the Bible must be critically reviewed just as
what they always do with all other ancient text and also with other scientific paper. How
dare you put critical review to the Holy Scripture? Don’t you know that all biblical scholar
who put critical review to the Holy Scripture will not be forgiven forever because they
teach false teaching and they do not speak what Me, Jesus Christ, order them to write.

And some of those biblical scholar also put comparative study with other ancient text for
example sumerian text, and they think that such a comparative study is wonderful, don’t
you know that that is forbidden to worship other gods of nations. Read again and again and
again and again and again the book of Psalm 97:5-12, 98:2-3.

Other scholar think in a framework of jean piaget that is a false teaching that human being
develop a maturity progression along the course of history, from a society who worship
animism to theism, and then to step forward to forget all of those ancient text and worship
themselves. And don’t you know that that is actually what you can call new age movement,
that is the false teaching that you can achieve whatever you think provided you put all your
effort and imagination into your subconscious mind. Actually that is part of mind
programming teaching of sigmund freud in order to systematically reject reality and that is
what he call super-ego. Actually that is how so many modern human being especially in
western world now forget completely to return to GOD, because they think that they can
skip that previous step that is worship God only. And some of you who read this article
actually also fall into that criticism because you are already intoxicated by so many social
psychology book for example by erich fromm and other frankfurt school false preacher.
And that is how you can repent and do your repentance properly: throw away all
psychology book especially those who mention and worship sigmund freud or worship
jean piaget or worship erich fromm or worship skinner behaviorism. Don’t you know that

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social psychology textbook teaching is also the basis of what you call neo-postmodernism,
because they consider all science as only a social construction. And that is the meaning of
intelligent design, which teach false teaching that social evolution govern all scientific
achievement, and that is how they worship darwinism in social science.(d) Throw away all
social darwinism[1] book including throw away all postmodernism book and throw away
all intelligent design book including all book written by stephen jay gould(e) and richard
dawkins and also throw away richard dawkins and stephen jay gould themselves quickly
quickly quickly quickly quickly right now into the fire.

All of them who think and teach such a false teaching which are designed to intoxicate all
human being, including all of you who teach social darwinism, evolution, sigmund freud,
post-modernism, and frankfurt school teaching, all of you who teach such as false teaching
will be punished severely in eternity. Read again and again and again and again and again
the book of Gospel of Matthew 18:6-7.

That is the article for you today, this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ.

Love, Jesus Christ


[1] Jesus Christ (2010) how social darwinism ruin America and the world. Thesis submitted
to Asian Theological Seminary, the Philippines. The file can be obtained from url:



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(a) quote: 'dianetics - the evolution of a science, hubbard, l. ron, powell's.' source:

(b) url:

(c) La Sainte Bible - Noeveaux Testament 2008.1a. url:


(d) intelligent design is based on kuhn’s hypothesis of social constructivism in scientific progress. Quote:
‘’. url:

(e) url:


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nn. why you should not worship brahma

Read again and again and again the book of Isaiah 44:12-21. Some people think that that is
good to worship brahma, because there are so many new teaching that you should learn in
order to be a good worshipper.

Actually that is blasphemy to worship other than God only. Don’t you know that the old
dragon always try as much as it can to intoxicate human being, and one of its old trick is to
create so many distraction and false teaching. In order all people will fall forever: don’t you
know that time is not enough for doing anything and that is the message: be hurry be very
very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance
properly. Do your best, I Jesus Christ, repeat do your best to repent and receive Me, Jesus
Christ, all corners of the world.

That is the article for today, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Me
already help you.

Love, Jesus Christ


follow Jesus Christ only at

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oo. why you should not worship dragon

Almost in all culture you can find the legend of dragon, either in the story of ancient Indian
people, that is the story of buddha gautama,(a) or the legend of medieval knight, or in
numerous legend of dragon in china and himalaya,(b) that is why china people worship
dragon. Actually the story of flying reptile with ability to burst fire from its mouth is not
unique in China, for example in greek mythology there are a number of story of hybrid
between human and animal, that is minotaur and other strange creature. Actually they are
human being who degraded to become half animal or even full animal after they do so
many blasphemy and wicker and magic in their life.

That is why: be hurry be quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly hurry to repent and
receive Me, Jesus Christ. And don’t you know that that is forbidden to worship animal or
human or other creature including planet or sun? Don’t you know that some people
worship sun, and other people especially thulle society(c) worship saturn planet, and don’t
you know that saturn planet actually satan itself? Read again and again and again and again
and again Isaiah 44:9-20, 46:1-2, 47:10-13, 66:1-4.

That is the cult of dark sun that thulle society fall into numerous blasphemy and that is very
very very very very cruel. And don’t you know that all nazi eschelons are part of thulle
society, and that is cult of dark sun. That is full of magic and blasphemy. That is why
destroy and terminate all nazi eschelons and all nazi soldiers including those nazi soldiers
who were recruited and trained after second world war.

The same with all of you who worship dragon, some of you already learned from dragon
itself, that is buddha and baba. That is why they can do so many cheap trick and blasphemy,
that is why they order you to build image of buddha everywhere in China and india, and
always think that buddha is good. That is blasphemy. Don’t you know that that is
blasphemy to worship other beside GOD, and all of you who do blasphemy and do not
repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, will drink a full glass of wrath of God. Read again and
again and again and again and again the book of Revelation 22:14-15. That is the article for

Love, Jesus Christ


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(a) buddha. Quote: ‘nagas are said to have appeared at the birth of gautama siddharta, who later became
buddha’. URL:

(b) ancient story of manasarovar lake, or sometimes called lake of naga. Don’t you know that naga mean
dragon? Quote: ‘here also are the roads to the manasarowar lake : here are the most ancient paths of
the pilgrimage. In this region is also the lake of the nagas.’ URL:

(c) thulle society. Quote: ‘The term black sun (German schwarze sonne), also referred to as the sonnenrad
(the German for "sun wheel"), is a symbol of esoteric or occult significance, notable for its usage in
nazi mysticism.’. URL:


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pp. why you should not worship ideology and philosophy

Some people think that the answer for the meaning of life is to know more and more about
many things in your life, and then they want to know the essence of all things in the world.
Don’t you know that that is actually the beginning of human falling into the punishment
and wrath of God. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Genesis
chapter 3, and the Gospel of Luke 3:7.

Don’t you know that you should not ask for more more more and more knowledge without
ask for permission to God. Don’t you know that that is forbidden to search for more and
more knowledge in continuous way without doing anything for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Don’t you know that obtaining knowledge without permission is exactly what the first man
did in his life, because of that they were ousted from the garden of eden. That is why: that is
forbidden to eat too many fruit of knowledge and that is forbidden to eat from the tree of
life either, because you will live forever, but you will live full of sorrow. Don’t you
remember what I spoke quite some time ago that : there is a man among you who will not
die until Me come again, and that is cain, and that is the message: he is alive and his name is
paul x. cristi, because he do not want to people know him as cain in the book of Genesis
chapter 4.

And the person mentioned above want My messenger to put in this article the correct verse
where I spoke that there is someone who will not die until Me come again, that is the End of
Time, and the correct verse is: the Gospel of Matthew 16:28. for you to know cain run to the
end of world at that time but the earth expand continuously and that is now polynesia or a
country which now is known as indonesia. that is why: now Me already come again, and
now Time is up, and you should crucify cain, because his destiny is to fall fall fall fall and fall
forever, because not only he already terminate his brother that is abel, he also created so
many illusion story including write so many fake Gospel, and also eat so many fruit of
knowledge including socialism, darwinism, and also doing so many cheap magic trick and
now he follow mengele in order to destroy the world completely. he is so cruel cruel cruel
cruel cruel and that is why he got a sign of his presence, that is: he is always accompanied
by devil. that is devil who is descendant of satan, and satan is the name of one of
descendant of Adam, but he is really really twisted, and that is why: now satan took place in
order to destroy the world. satan is another name of set, and that is what you know now as
vampire dinasty, that is orange dynasty of romanian royal family. and that is why: do not
spare life all romanian royal family, including smarandache family and smaranda enache
family and also all romanian-jew family including george soros. all of them are literally
speaking dragon family and all of them are very very very very very cruel and responsible

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for all war in the past seven thousand year, that is all the time since the first fall of human
being created by God. and don't you know that war is created first by angry and jealousy of
cain to his brother that is abel. and the character of cain is very very very very very
obvious: that is he always think that he know all thing in the world, because already eat so
many forbidden fruit without permission. that is why your Father in Heaven do not give
him repentance, because he is terribly and awfully cruel cruel cruel and he can terminate
people without thinking twice, and that is the origin of all warfare. that is how he always
manage to initiate war: he can call some people including some contact in roman catholic
church without repentance at all, and then he will speak some badmouth and then some of
you will fall into making warfare. that is because he always listen to the old dragon's voice,
and the old dragon always teach him something new, but do not know either that the
beginning of wisdom is fear of the LORD. read again and again and again and again and
again the book of Psalm 111:10a.

Don’t you know that that is forbidden to learn theory of everything and also that is
forbidden to find out symmetry of everything, that is why all people who write a book on
supersymmetry or theory of everything will be punished forever including florentin
smarandache and My messenger, but Me, Jesus Christ, know that My messenger really
really do not know what supersymmetry is and what is their purpose, that is how Me really
really love him, but he already wrote that book and that is why he should repair the
damage that he already made, that is why: delete florentin smarandache and delete all
contributors of the book of supersymmetry including My messenger.

But now Me do not find any mistake made in the book quantization of astrophysics,
brownian motion and supersymmetry except in the title of the book, that is why Me forgive
My messenger, but do not spare life of florentin smarandache because he know the purpose
of the word supersymmetry, that is to discover symmetry of everything. But do not spare
life of My messenger either, because now he is too proud because he thinks he already
discover something new that is anti-gravitation. But now he repent because he figure out
that no one understand the meaning of his paper, that is how Me really really love him.
That is why do not write too many book unless you write book under My order, that is the
principle. Me and My Father do not approve any person or scientist who only write book
and write another book and write another thick book without purpose at all, except to
explore some kind of concept, don’t you know that time is really really limited, and that is
why: you should not write anymore paper and do not write anymore book at all, and then
do your best for the Kingdom of Heaven, in your life.


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Don’t you know that you should not worry about what you eat and what you are going to
drink and what you shall wear. Look at the fowl in the sky, don’t you think that you are
much more valuable than those fowl, o generation of vipers! Read again and again and
again and again and again the Gospel of Luke 3:7.

And don’t you know that My messenger always make small mistake in his life, that is he is
always looking at dirty picture during work, but that is how Me really really love him, that
is dirty picture is actually preprint articles written by some physicists, and that is another
mistake because there are other cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel family including: soros family,
liong family, smarandache family, and soeharto family, and the false priest family, that is:
yesaya pariadji family, who put so many toxic and trap even when My messenger were a
baby, that is he put another toxic into his family, that is how you see that the false priest
that is yesaya pariadji is very very very very very cruel, and all of those which worship
yesaya pariadji are literally speaking descendant of the old serpent.

And that is why: throw away all of people who already terminated My messenger’s family
including his father around twenty years ago, and don’t you know that that is forbidden to
terminate another people using magic. And that is why: all cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel
people who are accustomed to terminate other people including a professor who once is a
sponsor of My messenger, all of them will drink literally speaking a full glass of wrath of

Some people think that the answer to find a meaning of life is to eat more fruit of
knowledge, especially by reading so many book just like drink water, and then they find a
way to read a book very very very very very quickly. Don’t you know that such a quick
reading method is forbidden? And all scientist and researcher who are already intoxicated
by quick reading method will be punished severely in eternity. And other people especially
greek scholar always want to know how to be wiser and wiser, and they call that wise
people as philo-sopher, that is because sophos mean wisdom. And that is why: there is a
book written by a norwegian philosopher, called sophie’s world. That is why: throw away
all philosophy book, all magic book, and all sophie’s world book, and all dan brown’s book,
and all book discussing philosophy, post-modernism, and magic and hypnotism and other
book related to the serpent of wisdom, throw away all of those book quickly quickly quickly
quickly quickly right now into the fire.

Other kind of people fall into another temptation that is to worship ideology, that is: so
many people worship nazism ideology, socialism ideology, communism ideology, sufism
ideology, budhism ideology, taoism ideology, shintoism ideology, hinduism ideology,
darwinism ideology, ron hubbard ideology, stephen jay gould ideology, milton friedman
ideology, samuel huntington ideology, and other satanic sect including jehovah witness,


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mormon ideology, knight of templar ideology, thulle ideology, skull and bone ideology,
knight of malta ideology, and so many book that already intoxicate human collective
memory for more than thousand year. And now Time is up, and that is why: throw away
throw away throw away throw away throw away all those satanic sect books, and all
ideology book mentioned above, and all nietzsche book, and all machiavelli book, quickly
quickly quickly quickly quickly right now into the fire.

Some people do not know the meaning of the aforementioned book, and neither do My
messenger know the meaning of all those aforementioned book, and that is why: do not
argue with My messenger in order you can prove you are right, because all questions which
are not intended to ask for help, but to trap other people, is literally speaking character of
all descendant of the old serpent.

There is simple method to discover that there is connection between all those name
mentioned above: type in MS Office Word the following word in small letter only, that is
nazism, sufism, buddhism, hinduism, russell, taconic, jehovah, samuel huntington, sophia,
machiavelli, nietzsche and then you will find an effect that is automatically changing of first
letter of those word to become capital first letter. And you will find that all prosperity
theology teacher will argue that this effect can happen because you type a name word only,
but now you you can prove that all of those prosperity theology preacher are wrong and
teaching false preaching, and that is how you can do that: type again in MS Office Word the
following word in small letter only, that is the name of all Gospel writer, that is Matthew,
Mark, Luke, John, and also Jesus Christ. And you will find that there is no such effect of
changing of first letter that is m, m, l, j, and j, except for the word Christ.

Today My messenger only find out a way to provide solution for a number of E-5 people,
that is all difficult people including a number of problematical people with problem related
to split personality and other malfunction and dysfunctional family, including broken
family and separated family. So many suffering is caused by dysfunctional family and
broken family, the problem is: so many parent do not know how to take care family, some
of them only care business and some other people only take care family if they are not
travelling to foreign country and some other people really really do not take care family
properly. My messenger do not know either how to solve your problem and he do not know
what is your problem but you should believe that God can always know even your life is not
really really good, but you should know that God love you very very very very very much,
and do not surrender your faith and do not succumb to the darkness even if your life is not
good, and do not do anything against My Father’s Will. Don’t you know that your life is not
good at all perhaps because you do so many mistake in your life and then you do not have


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anything at all, but sometimes that is how God really really love you, but you should not
worship your poverty either, that is really really forbidden, that is twisted people like
knight of templar who do that kind of worship poverty.

Don’t you know that you should love God only, and that is how you should live properly:
love God only.

That is the article for today. love, Jesus Christ


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qq. why you should not worship walt disney

Don’t you know that you should only worship God only, read again and again and again and
again and again the book of Deuteronomy 6:5, 5:7-9. But some of you are already
intoxicated by so many cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel stories of animal which often do
violence each other. Some of you are really really intoxicated, so you begin to behave as an
animal. That is the message: don’t worship animal, including animal movie, animal picture,
or animal in the zoo. Don’t you know that that is exactly mengele plan: that all of you
should worship the beast: that is plesiosaur or referred to in the Bible as leviathan.(a) Read
again and again and again and again and again the book of Isaiah 27:1, the book of
Revelation 20:1-3.

That is why: stop worship animal including animal movie, such as mickey mouse, goofy,
donald duck, and other movies produced by walt disney and steven spielberg, including
pocahontas, pinochio, beauty and the beast, and institution called tavistock institute,(b)
which plan to make all people in the world to be intoxicated by satanic movie including
numerous consciousness programming technology, such as nlp, imagery, brain washing
through seeing movie. That is: they are called mind control programming, that is the
meaning of mkultra, from abbreviation of the first two letter of mkultra, that is: mind
kontrolle (in german language).(c)

And there is simple simple simple experiment which you can do in order you can be sure
that that is the truth, that is as follows: type the following words using MS Office Word, that
is disney, donald, pocahontas with small first letter, and then you will find that first letter of
those words will be automatically changed to become large first letter. Don’t you know that
prosperity theology preachers will argue that that effect is caused by typing name word
using MS Office Word, now verify and proof that they are wrong: type another name word,
that is Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, including Jesus Christ. And you will not find that effect of
automatically changing of first letter of those words, even for your Father in Heaven’s the
Only Beloved Son, that is Me, Jesus Christ. Type again in small first letter of these words,
that is as follows: matthew, mark, luke, john, and Jesus Christ, and you will find only one
first letter that is for word Christ where you obtain automatically changing of first letter of
these words. That is very very very very very cruel, and exactly they do blasphemy by
purpose, that is the evil work of tavistock institute because they worship satan itself. That
is why: do not be hesitating to ruin and destroy and terminate all organization and building
of tavistock institute and walt disney society in all over the world. And throw away all
prosperity theology preachers and throw away all tavistock scholars and all tavistock


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researchers in numerous institutes and universities in USA, Great Britain, and Europe.(d)
Throw away all of them into the fire quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now!

That is the message: don’t worry, do not worry about anything, just repent and receive Me,
Jesus Christ, and do not worship anything other than God only.

Thank you, Me already help you. Love, Jesus Christ.


follow Jesus Christ only at


(f) plesiosaur fossil in otago museum, second floor, dunedin, new zealand. Quote: ‘the new plesiosaur
described in the latest issue of Palaeontology: Kaiwhekea katiki (pronounced kie-FEK-ay-uh KUH-ti-
kee). There's now an official press release about it--it's identified as a cryptoclidid but it's clearly
related to Mortuneria and Aristonectes, and so may be a member of the Cimoliasauridae as defined
by O'Keefe (2001).’ ‘The plesiosaur fossil, discovered at Shag Point in North Otago, is the first of its
family (Cryptoclididae) to be found in New Zealand, and is only the third such member to be found in
the Southern Hemisphere.’ source: Quote: ‘Although
plesiosaurs are not considered to have direct, living descendants, they live today in the human
imagination, in books, films, and even as the source of the fabled Loch Ness Monster.’ source:

(a) tavistock institute. Quote: ‘Tavistock Institute, Tavistock House, 30 Tabernacle Street London EC2A
4UE.’ source:

(b) mkultra is mind control programming. Quote: ‘‘Of the 149 subprojects under the umbrella of
MKULTRA having been identified, Project MONARCH, officially begun by the U.S. Army in the early

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1960. A partial list of other mediums used to reinforce base programming are: Pinnochio, Sleeping
Beauty, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, E. T., Star
Wars, Ghost Busters, Trancers II, Batman, Bewitched, Fantasy Island, Reboot, Tiny Toons, Duck Tails,
The Dead Sea Scrolls and The Tall Book of Make Believe. A few movies which depict or portray some
aspect of MONARCH programming are Hell raiser 3, Raising Cain, Labyrinth, Telefon, Johnny
Mneumonic, Point of No Return, The Lawnmower Man and Closet Land.’ source:

(c) the following is a short list of research institute and university which work together with tavistock
institute. Quote: ‘It works through many research institutes and think tanks. The principal ones in the
United States are the Stanford Research Institute, Rand Research and Development Corporation, the
Institute For Policy Studies, the Aspen Institute, the Hudson Institute, and the Brookings Institute.
Tavistock runs over 30 research institutions in the United States.’ source:


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rr. why you should not worship your wisdom

Some people think that in order to come to the Kingdom of Heaven, then you should work
out a plan to search for more and more knowledge until you know everything. And then
you will find the answer that is wisdom of eternal truth. Don’t you know that that is
blasphemy to find out your wisdom yourself. Another group of people call that secret
knowledge, that is blavatsky, and that is actually forbidden to discover knowledge without
ask for permission to your Father in Heaven.

Don’t you know that that is exactly what all people in China republic is looking for? That is
why they call that lao tse or dao, because they want to know the truth and wisdom by
themselves. Eventually they will be stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid, because they want
to find out the truth of knowledge but they do not love God only. don’t you know that that is
exactly what the old serpent or what is called as the red dragon in the book of Revelation
chapter 12:1-3, teach you that is promise to you in order you to be very very very very very
clever and then you will find the eternal truth and then you can beat your Father in Heaven.
That is not only blasphemy, but actually that is pure pure evil, and that is why you become
worshipper of the old serpent, and then you become descendant of the old serpent. In some
country the red dragon is called as the le serpent rouge.(a) See for example notes on le
serpent rouge.

And the teaching of the old dragon is always the same: do your best to discover more and
more knowledge in order you can obtain wisdom, and in buddhism teaching that is what
they call as enlightenment. Actually that is another way to say that you should worship the
old serpent, sometimes they want you to call that as the holy serpent. And then the old
serpent will teach you so many things including healing with herbal medicine, and other
type of knowledge including farming, and also literature that is poetry.(b) Don’t you know
that the old dragon is very very very very very clever, that is why they want you to learn so
many terminology and so many new teaching until you die without you worship and love
God only. And that is the essence of old teaching by essene teacher, that is a sect in a cave
near the dead sea in middle east region. Don’t you know that that kind of worship wisdom
only is the essence of kabbala of judaean tradition.(c) And that is exactly why Me call them
as descendant of the old serpent. Read again and again and again and again and again the
Gospel of Luke 3:7, and the Gospel of Matthew 23:33.

Don’t you know that that kabbala and sepiroth numbering is toxic in the Judaean tradition?
That is because: they are intoxicated by baal, and that is why the teaching is called as false
prophecy. That is why, that is why: throw away all kabbala book, sepiroth book, baal book,

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essene book, and also philosophy book, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now,
including throw away all leigh’s book and all dan brown book and all ron hubbard book,
into the fire.(d)

Don’t you know that dan brown actually also worship his own version of the secret of
judaean tradition, including worship wisdom searching through becoming poor. Don’t you
know that that is exactly what some people in the ancient past, called the knight of templar,
is looking for, that is how to become a poor monk and worship a bowl.(e) Don’t you know
that all buddhism monks also worship their bowl and their wisdom? And that is why: do
your best to not worship a bowl or worship a statue from a wooden block or from a gold,
including do not worship a dragon, that is the old red dragon who live in lake of naggar
near himalaya.(f) Yes the old dragon teach you how to live thousand year, but now its
thousand year is already over and the old dragon is terminated by your Father in Heaven.
Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Revelation 20:1-3.

Don’t you know that western tradition is also intoxicated by the old serpent? That is by
worship wisdom from the greek scholar who always want to find the eternal truth that is
sophos, that is why: all people who love and worship sophos is called philo-sophos. And
dan brown is literally speaking worship sophos that is his mother, that is why he put her
name that is a central figure in his novel story book: sophia. Don’t you know that My
messenger actually do not realize before how severe is the consequence of learning too
many book including some book written by dan brown. Actually My messenger only read in
a newspaper in his country (actually a country is not a belonging of someone, but that is
restriction of language, that is why do not worship your language and do not worship
literature work especially so many novel story. Read again and again and again and again
and again the second epistle of Timothy chapter 1:5-7) that dan brown’s novel is
increasingly generating audience and that is unprecedented. Actually dan brown was a
Christian, but he sold away his faith for only thirty silver coin, and that is the meaning of a
traitor of Christian church. That is why: throw away throw away all leigh’s book and all dan
brown books and also throw away leigh himself and also dan brown himself, quickly
quickly quickly quickly quickly right now into the fire!

Don’t you know that one of the character of the old dragon is making distraction by
creating fake story, that is its method to doing blasphemy: by creating so many illusion
story in order so many human being to fall. And that is what you call now as literature and
novel book, including so many fiction story in newspaper and also so many fiction movie.
And nowadays all descendant of the old serpent work together to allow them to do so many
fake stories in science, they call that as a free right to believe what you believe. And that is
exactly the beginning of so many blasphemy called evolution theory and also intelligent
design and also algebraic structure of elementary particle known as string theory. Don’t

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you know that characteristics of mathematician is all of them worship their equation and
they do not like to calculate something which can be confronted to experiment. The
meaning is that all of mathematician want you to worship themselves, and that is because
they also worship number, that is the teaching of kabbala and sepiroth from old judaean
tradition. All of them worship human teaching, and refuse to love God only. Read again and
again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 23:31-35. Don’t you
know that your Father in Heaven really really love you and He allow you to learn and study
many things including mathematics, but do not do mathematics in order people worship
you and do not worship wisdom, do not worship mathematics, do not worship number, and
do not worship science, and do not worship yourself. That is forbidden forever. Read again
and again and again and again and again the book of Exodus chapter 13.

And nowaday all sect of satanic church work out a plan to intoxicate all people in the world,
starting from haiti, and they call that plan as scientology for all people in the world. You can
find other type of teaching by scientology people, that is jehovah witness. And don’t you
know that My messenger discover this pattern only at the same morning of typing this
article, that is there are connection between kabbala, wisdom of serpent, le serpent rouge,
ron hubbard, scientology, and so many actor and actress in the world, and nowaday they
plan to pull down so many movie star, and that is the meaning of a verse in the book of
Revelation 12:1-3: that the red dragon will pull down so many star with it. There is an
experiment in order you can find yourself that there is hidden pattern of the plan of the red
dragon and also all descendant of the old serpent, in order to pull down so many people to
fall with the red dragon.

This experiment is actually only to convince you that you should not take that very very
easy that you are already intoxicated by the red serpent, that is the old dragon, and your
destiny is actually to fall fall fall fall and fall forever because all of you are literally speaking
descendant of the old serpent. That is why: give yourself to be saved, o generation of
vipers! Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Luke 3:7.

There is something you should know: that the world where you live is full of dragon, that is
why all of you who are following Me, Jesus Christ, only will find yourself quite difficult to
sustain your life as other people who do not follow Christianity. And that is the meaning of
what Me speak before that Me order you to work in the world, but you are not from the
world. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of John 15.

Some of you do not realize where the dragon is, because you do not really really live
according to the teaching of Me, Jesus Christ. Don’t you know that there are so many type of
dragon family who conquer the world for more than thousand year, but do not worry do
not worry about anything, because all of them are already terminated by your Father in


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Heaven. There is red dragon, that is communism and socialism, and there is blue dragon
that is scientology and jehovah witness, and there is black dragon that is occultism and
wicker and magick,(h) and there is yellow dragon that is roman empire, and there is orange
dragon that is romanian elite family, and there is also golden dragon that is liong family. All
of them have the same character of all descendant of the old serpent, that is: they are very
very very very very powerful, and cruel, and very very very very very prosperous, that is
because they are heartless animal and they love to make war, including open society
initiative(i) by george soros and tavistock institute and taconic capital advisors and russell
sage foundation.(j) That is why: do your best to throw away all dragon statues, all dragon
picture, and all dragon movie, including so many martial art movie and so many dragon
picture in all your comic and manga books, including throw away george soros and all
scholars connected to open society initiative and tavistock institute and taconic capital
advisors and russell sage foundation quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now into
the fire.

And in order you to be convinced that there is pattern behind all their action in recent
years, you can do the following experiment: type the following words in MS Office Word
that is russell, taconic, blavatsky, jehovah, sophia, all in small letters. And then you will find
an effect that is automatically changing of first letter of these word when you type them in
MS Office Word. And then you will find that so many prosperity theology preachers do not
agree with the aforementioned method to verify that there is hidden pattern that is hidden
connection among the aforementioned name. Now prove that they are wrong and type the
following word in MS Office word, that is: put the name of Gospel writer that is Matthew,
Mark, Luke, John, and also Jesus Christ. And now type those name of Gospel writer in small
letters only, and you will find no effect of automatically changing of the first letter, except
for the word of: Christ. And that is the message: do not spare life of all prosperity theology
preacher and all jehovah witness preacher, and also do not spare life of all follower of
jehovah witness, and also delete completely all follower of blavatsky and also delete all
advisory board and organizing committee of russell sage foundation, taconic capital
advisors, and also delete all board of open society initiative founded by george soros.

That is the article for today, do not spend time anymore for working because so many
scientology and jehovah witness preacher and also prosperity theology preacher are very
upset and now they will do all what they can do to escape, that is why: do your best to block
their escape plan including terminate all their banking account and also all their visa to
visit foreign country including to visit tax free country such as cayman island, and also
block completely all access to airport including access to private jet rental airport through
all America, Europe, Great Britain, asia and Africa, including india and china and new
zealand. That is how you can do your repentance as a person and as a society. Do not worry


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about anything, and do not worry about other threatening voice of anti-Christ. Only follow
Me, Jesus Christ, and listen to the Voice of God.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you.

love, Jesus Christ


follow Jesus Christ only at


(a) notes on le serpent rouge. quote: ‘serpent states that its fruit would impart divine wisdom rather than
death.’ URL:

(b) quote: ‘wisdom of asherah's serpent is medicinal, healing wisdom.’ URL:

(c) kabbala and sepiroth number. quote: ‘The Tree of Life and the Mystic Numbers of the Sephiroth.’ URL:

(d) ron hubbard book include: dianetics – the evolution of a science. quote: ‘l. ron hubbard dianetics and
scientology technical dictionary. The serpent is the gnostic serpent of knowledge, and is also a symbol for
satan or set.’ URL:


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(e) worship poverty and a bowl. quote: ‘Scientology in its neo-pagan context ...It is all very well to idealise
poverty and associate wisdom with begging bowls ...’ URL:

(f) lake of naggar ancient story of manasarovar lake, or sometimes called lake of naga. Don’t you know that
naga mean dragon? Quote: ‘here also are the roads to the manasarowar lake : here are the most ancient paths
of the pilgrimage. In this region is also the lake of the nagas.’ URL:

(g) occultism is connected to ron hubbard, that is one of founder of scientology. quote: ‘ron hubbard's first
system, dianetics, which emerged in 1950, ..... To crowley, indeed, the "S" represented the tempting serpent,
satan.' URL:

(h) open society initiative. quote: ‘BOARD: Levente Salat (Chair),Smaranda Enache, Sabina Fati, ...’ URL:

(i) tavistock institute. quote: ‘Up to that time, Tavistock had successfully retained its secretive role in shaping
the affairs of the United States, its government and its people since its early beginning in London, in 1913 at
Wellington House. Previously, Wellington House board members Rothmere, Northcliffe, Lippmann .’ source:

(j) russell sage foundation and twenty nine member of behaviorism economist, see appendix in page 7.
Executive Intelligence Report vol. 36 no. 15 april 2009, URL:

Common questions and answers

1. Why you should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, today.

There will be time when no one can do more work for the Kingdom of Heaven. The time is coming,
that is the dawn. Please read the Gospel according to Matthew.

2. Why you should work for the Kingdom of Heaven

Say thanks, say thanks, say thanks, say thanks for your Father in Heaven

3. What we should do for the Kingdom of Heaven

You should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and ask your Father in Heaven to help you
understand what is His Will in your life.

4. Why you should not be greedy

You should not worship Mammon, that is serving two masters. Please read Matthew 6:24.

5. How you can do evangelism properly, even if your character is not marketer type

Give your bread to other person who are needy and hungry.


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ss. why you should read the Nicene creed

Some people think that you should not read any creed at all as a Christian. Don’t you that
that is not true, even in the time of apostles they already read a creed called the Apostle’
creed, but now Time is up, and that is why: you should read at least ten times the Apostle’
creed and also the Nicene creed.[1]

Don’t you know that the creed is important because your confession of faith should be read
properly in public in order you know that your salvation is a gift by grace of God. Read
again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 10:20-33 and also
read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Luke 17:1-2.

Don’t you know that time is not available, that is why: don’t you think that time is not
enough and that is the meaning of repentance by gift of grace of God. And that is why: do
your best to read the apostle’ creed and the nicene creed.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you.

Love, Jesus Christ


[1] nicene creed. URL:



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tt. why you should prepare the End of Day

Some Christian people do not prepare for My second coming. That is why: they do not
repent at all. For you to know: Me will come again today, and that is why: you should be
very very very very very hurry to repent and do your repentance properly.

You should know, that nobody know the day, only your Father in Heaven know.

That is why: you should do your best for the Kingdom of Heaven. And you should not do
any more mistake until Me coming.

That is the article for today.

Thank you, Me already help you. Love, Jesus Christ


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uu. why you should remove statue from all street in your town

Don’t you know that now Time is up, and that is why: do your best to remove all statues
from all your town including statues in street. And do your best to not do again all your sin,
including doing again all blasphemy and idolatry in the church building, that is forbidden in
the Church in Jesus Christ. And don’t you know that you should do your best in your life in
order you can produce many many fruits for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Don’t you know that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem. And that is why: do
your best to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and in order to repent and receive Me,
Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly, do your best to stop all your sins, including
wear white clothing only and do not use any accessories, and then do your best to stop
doing blasphemy and stop doing idolatry, including stop worship so many statues in so
many temple including stop worship buddha.(a) That is how you should do your
repentance. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Joel 2:12-14.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you.

love, Jesus Christ


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(a) buddha birth is connected with dragon. quote: ‘nagas are said to have appeared at the birth of
gautama siddharta, who later became buddha.’ URL:


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vv. why you should remove toxic from your environment

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." —Edmund Burke


Some people think that everybody will do their best in order to take care other people,
including your government, actually that is what you call as norm or standard. But you
should know that some government do not do take care their people properly and they do
not take care people with purpose that is to accomplish a hidden agenda that is the
mengele plan.(a) That hidden agenda is the mengele plan, and that is very very very very
very cruel, so that common people will not realize what happen surrounding them, that is
because they are always fed up with disinformation systematically, either through
television and radio channel and newspaper and magazine. And that is why: you do not
know exactly what happen, except that your life condition are going worse and worsening.
Don’t you know that for some problem that you do not know, you will be ousted from your
job and from your school if you are school teacher and also from your university, that is the
message and that is the meaning of the mengele plan: they want all of you to literally
speaking die and go bankrupt. Literally speaking all of those cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel
government want and they have will that you should die sooner or later, after your
government take your bank account and they take all your property and they take all your
family saving and they take all your retirement plan. All of them are very very cruel, just
like a bunch of gangster: they will ask you some money for protecting your family in order
your family keep in safe condition and the next week they will ask for more and more
money until your family go bankrupt.

That is the message: the message is that they implement what is called as social
darwinism(a) policy with implication is radical measure to eradicate population, that is
they want to reduce the number of population significantly this year. And all of you who are
not descendant of the old dragon and also do not want to worship the beast that is mengele,
you will die or terminated by some monster very very soon. That is literally speaking
government by terror and horror. And that mengele plan is very very very very very cruel
cruel cruel cruel cruel, and your Father in Heaven do not approve at all the mengele plan.
And that is the meaning of mengele plan: do your best to remove the toxic from your
society including top level in a government of a big country that is USA. And that is the
meaning of separation between the lamb and the sheep. Read again and again and again
and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 25:32-33. For you to know the mengele plan is

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full of blasphemy because mengele is the beast referred in the Bible that is the book of
Revelation chapter 13, and they want all people to worship the beast otherwise they cannot
work and they cannot continue live anymore. And that is the meaning of the phrase that I,
Jesus Christ, spoke sometime ago that there will be the night where no one can do work,
except many many work for the Kingdom in Heaven.

And you should know that is why you should remove all of them who are connected with
the beast that is mengele itself, including all people which are connected to tavistock
institute and russell sage foundation,(b) and all government including a number of top
level of government of big countries who practice and put in effect social darwinism,
because all of them who teach and think darwinism actually do idolatry and blasphemy,
that is why you should terminate quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly all people who do
darwinism including practicing mengele plan and social darwinism. Read again and again
and again and again and again the book of Exodus chapter 13-14. Some people will find an
uncomfortable situation because they find that some of their relative are part of that cruel
cruel cruel cruel cruel social darwinism system, which practice and put in effect social
darwinism, and that is because all people who practice social darwinism actually hate you
Father in Heaven, and that is because they worship animal that is loch ness monster which
is another name for an animal referred to in the Bible as leviathan, read again and again
and again and again and again the book of Isaiah 27:1, and also the book of Psalm 74:12-14.

That is the message: do your best, do your best, I repeat, do your best to destroy and ruin
all government which are connected to mengele plan, and all of scholar and scientist who
work for or support tavistock institute and support social darwinism policy in USA, Europe,
including Eastern Europe and Russia, Asia and Africa, quickly quickly quickly quickly
quickly today. That is the article for today.

Love, Jesus Christ



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(a) mengele learn social darwinism. Quote: ‘From his youthful encounter with their distorted ideals,
to his old age, a weary and broken exile, mengele would continue to feel a personal allegiance to the
social darwinists. At the university, the question of the "biological quality of mankind" may have been
esoteric to most of mengele's classmates. But for him, it was apparently a clarion call. "social
darwinism" is, of course, simply the politically correct way of saying "applied darwinism.’ URL:

(b) russel sage foundation is behind present government’s economy advisory board. URL:


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ww. why you should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ
Common questions and answers

1. Why you should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, today.

There will be time when no one can do more work for the Kingdom of Heaven. The
time is coming, that is the dawn. Please read the Gospel according to Matthew.

2. Why you should work for the Kingdom of Heaven

Say thanks, say thanks, say thanks, say thanks for your Father in Heaven

3. What we should do for the Kingdom of Heaven

You should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and ask your Father in Heaven to
help you understand what is His Will in your life.

4. Why you should not be greedy

You should not worship Mammon, that is serving two masters. Please read Matthew

5. How you can do evangelism properly, even if your character is not marketer type

Give your bread to other person who are needy and hungry.


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xx. why you should repent quickly today

Some people think that salvation is a gift by grace of God, that is why they think that they
are free to do as many sins as possible until almost time when Me, Jesus Christ, come again.
That people think that salvation is free and that is why they think that is very very cheap.
Don’t you know that you cannot be saved by your own good deeds or offering or by
sacrificing so many animals regardless how many animals you have in your house?

Don’t you know that your Father in Heaven love you very much, that is the message: that
you are so cruel cruel cruel cruel if you think that you can do as many sins and more sins as
you like before the End of Time, don’t you know that is you do so many sins and blasphemy
in your life, you will be degraded to become animal. And who say that you can escape from
the wrath of God? Read again and again and again and again and again Luke 3:7.

Some people think that they can do whatever they like because that is their life, and they do
not want to listen at all if someone tell them to repent. They will answer with harsh words
such as: ‘That is my life, go away,’ or ‘Believe what you believe, leave me alone.’ That is the
message: the message is that you are already intoxicated by the old serpent and then you
hate the Church and all Christian people. Don’t you know that that is very very very very
very cruel if you plan to do so many sins in your life in order you can ask for forgiveness
later later in the end of your life? Read again and again and again and again and again
Jeremiah 3:5, 3:21-22, and Jeremiah 4:1.

That is the article for today. Love, Jesus Christ



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yy. the Nicene creed in english and germany and french

Nicene creed in English

We believe in one God,

the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,

the only son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
of one being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation
he came down from heaven:
by the power of the Holy Spirit
he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary,
and was made man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father [and the Son].
With the Father and the Son
he is worshipped and glorified.
He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.


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We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. AMEN.


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Nicene creed in german

Wir glauben an den einen Gott,

den Vater, den Allmächtigen,
Schöpfer des Himmels und der Erde,
von allem, was gesehen wird, und die unsichtbare Welt.

Wir glauben an den einen Herrn Jesus Christus,

der einzige Sohn Gottes,
ewig eingeborenen Sohnes vom Vater,
Gott von Gott, Licht vom Licht,
wahrer Gott vom wahren Gott,
gezeugt, nicht geschaffen,
eines Wesens mit dem Vater.
Durch ihn ist alles geschaffen.
Für uns Menschen und zu unserem Heil
Er kam vom Himmel herab:
durch die Kraft des Heiligen Geistes
wurde er von der Jungfrau Maria Fleisch angenommen
und ist Mensch geworden.
Für unsere willen wurde er gekreuzigt unter Pontius Pilatus;
hat gelitten und ist begraben worden.
Am dritten Tage auferstanden
im Einklang mit der Heiligen Schrift;
aufgefahren in den Himmel
und ist an der rechten Hand des Vaters sitzt.
Er wird wiederkommen in Herrlichkeit,
zu richten die Lebenden und die Toten,
seiner Herrschaft wird kein Ende haben.

Wir glauben an den Heiligen Geist, der Herr, der Spender des Lebens,
der aus dem Vater [und dem Sohn].
Mit dem Vater und dem Sohn
er angebetet und verherrlicht wird.
Er hat durch die Propheten gesprochen.
Wir glauben an die eine, heilige, katholische und apostolische Kirche.
Wir bekennen die eine Taufe zur Vergebung der Sünden.
Wir erwarten die Auferstehung der Toten,
und das Leben der kommenden Welt. AMEN.

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Nicene creed in french

Nous croyons en un Dieu,

le Père, le Tout-Puissant,
Créateur du ciel et la terre,
de tout ce qui est visible et invisible.

Nous croyons en un seul Seigneur, Jésus Christ,

le fils unique de Dieu,
éternellement engendré du Père,
Dieu de Dieu, Lumière née de la Lumière,
vrai Dieu né du vrai Dieu,
engendré non pas créé,
d'un être avec le Père.
Par lui tout a été fait.
Pour nous et pour notre salut
il descendit du ciel:
par la puissance de l'Esprit Saint
il a pris chair de la Vierge Marie,
et s'est fait homme.
Pour nous il a été crucifié sous Ponce Pilate;
Il souffrit sa passion et fut enterré.
Le troisième jour il est ressuscité
en conformité avec les Saintes Écritures;
il est monté au ciel
et est assis à la droite du Père.
Il reviendra dans la gloire
pour juger les vivants et les morts,
et son règne n'aura pas de fin.

Nous croyons en l'Esprit Saint, le Seigneur, dispensateur de vie,

il procède du Père [et du Fils].
Avec le Père et le Fils
Il reçoit même adoration et même gloire.
Il a parlé par les prophètes.
Nous croyons en une, sainte, catholique et apostolique.
Je reconnais un seul baptême pour le pardon des péchés.
Nous attendons la résurrection des morts,
et la vie du monde à venir. AMEN.


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