04-Technical Interview Form (V3 00) - 20150728

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Technical Interview Form INTERNAL

Technical Interview Form

Name of Candidate: Position:

Past Responsibilities and Achievements:

Professional knowledge: required knowledge in the professional domain (Assess the candidate's mastery
of professional knowledge and check () in the respective column.)
Rating L0 L1 L2 L3 L4
General Professional Professional Extensive Cutting-edge
concepts knowledge knowledge professional professional
gathered gathered knowledge in knowledge in
through through the domain the domain
Assessment Item practices independent
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Key skillset: competency requirements meant to ensure work quality (Assess the candidate's professional
skills and check () in the respective column.)
L0 L1 L2 L3 L4
Able to Able to work Able to lead Able to Able to provide
Rating work under independently others in work design forward-lookin
guidance processes g guidance in
and guide the domain
Assessment Item businesses in
Skill 1:
Skill 2:
Skill 3:
Other Required Tests:

Written test/computer-based test score: Conclusion: Pass Fail

Language test score: Conclusion: Pass Fail
Comments: Comments: Comments:

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Technical Interview Form INTERNAL

Weaknesses: Weaknesses: Weaknesses:

Points to be clarified: Points to be clarified: Points to be clarified:

Technical interviewer 1 Technical interviewer 2 Technical interviewer 3

(Name/Employee ID): (Name/Employee ID): (Name/Employee ID):
Date: Date: Date:

Interview conclusion: A Excellent B Good C Fair

Proceed to the next step? Yes No
Recommended C&Q category and level: Family Technical Category N/w Planning and
optimization Sub-category Level

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