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Indicators and Data

Mapping to Measure Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)
Case of Indonesia 2015

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets 1
2 Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets

Indicators and Data Mapping

to Measure Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) Targets

Case of Indonesia

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets 3
Bappenas - Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional
National Planning Agency
BKKBN - Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional
National Family Planning Coordinating Board
BPS - Badan Pusat Statistik
National Statistics Office
BRT - Bus Rapid Transit
CSO - Civil Society Organization
Depkes - Departemen Kesehatan
Health Department
ESDM - Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Jamsostek - Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja
Workers Social Security Programme
Kemendikbud - Kementerian Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan
Ministry of Education and Culture
Kemendiknas - Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional
Ministry of National Education
Kemenkes - Kementerian Kesehatan
Ministry of Health
Kemenristek - Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi
Ministry of Research and Technology
Kemensos - Kementerian Sosial
Ministry of Social Affairs
MDG - Millennium Development Goal
MoH - Ministry of Health
NGO - Non-Governmental Organization
OWG - Open Working Group
PODES - Potensi Desa
Village Potential Statistics
Riskesdas - Riset Kesehatan Dasar
Basic Health Research
RPJM - Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah
Mid-Term Development Plan
SDG - Sustainable Development Goal
SUSENAS - Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional
National Socio-economic Survey
UKP4 - Unit Kerja Presiden Bidang Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Pemban-
Presidents Delivery Unit for Development Monitoring and Oversight
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme

4 Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets

Executive Summary ............................................................................................... 7

Introduction ..................................................................... ........................................ 9

Comprehensive Inventory ..................................................................................... 10

Mapping Results and Challenges on Data Consolidation ....................................... 16

Recommendations ................................................................................................... 19

Annex: SDGs Data Availability Map ......................................................................... 127

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets 5
Contact Person:

Programme Manager
Sustainable Development & Energy
United Nations Development Programme - Indonesia
Menara Thamrin Building, 9th Floor
Kav 3 Jl. M.H. Thamrin, Jakarta 10250, Indonesia

6 Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Executive Summary

The Inter-governmental discussion on Development (2013), UN Sustainable
Post-2015 agenda has been started Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
two year ago, highlighting Sustainable and UN Statistics proposed indicators for
Development Goals (SDGs) as the central SDGs Post 2015. The indicators mapping
theme. In 2014, the process of formulating then followed by data mapping for each
indicative SDGs goals and targets started indicator based on the availabity and
in the United Nations General Assembly quality of data from National Statistics
Open Working Group (OWG), where the Agency (BPS) and line ministries.
representative of member states were
negotiating and discussing the possible The indicators mapping showed 323
goals and targets to be set for Post 2015 relevant national indicators and 220
Agenda taking into account Millenium international indicators (UN-STAT
Development Goals (MDGs) platform. A proposed indicators) can be used to
set of 17 indicative goals and 169 indicative measure all 17 Goals and 169 Targets.
targets are proposed to member states Data analysis showed that 67.8% of
for adoption in UN General Assembly in national indicators are considered Most
September 2015. United Nation Statistical Ready indicators in terms of availability
Commission (UNSC) will then facilitate the and quality of required data, availability of
indicator formulations process. method for that indicator or applicability
of indicator, adoptability without major
In order to be able to measure the adjustment; and 5.26% are considered
achievements of the SDGs targets, set of Not Ready due to unavailability of data
indicators are required and data needs to and required data collection and analysis
be available to apply those indicators. In methodology. For UN-Stat proposed
that context, UNDP and UNEP supported indicators, only 37.27% indicators are
government of Indonesia in mapping considered Most Ready ones and 36.36%
availability of relevant indicators and are considered Not Ready indicators for
data that can be used to measure SDGs in Indonesia. The study recommend
SDGs. This exercise offers a preliminary the development of One Data system for
look at the readiness of national data for SDGs by involving all line ministries and
individual goal of SDGs, data gap and key National Statistics Angency to ensure data
challenges in the context of data system to consistency and timely monitoring of SDGs
measure SDGs. The results of the exercise implementation Post 2015.
are expected to contribute in Indonesias
preparation for SDGs implementation and
to support Government of Indonesia in
SDGs negotiation at global forum.

The exercise was conducted through desk

review method by mapping for each SDGs
Target existing relevant indicators used or
proposed in the national and international
documents: Indonesia National Medium-
Term Development Plan 2015-2019
(RPJMN), MDGs indicators, National
Statistics Agency data on Sustainable

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets 7
Ringkasan Eksekutif

Pertemuan antar negara telah dimulai sejak Studi ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan
dua tahun lalu membicarakan mengenai metode kajian data sekunder untuk
Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan memetakan ketersediaan indikator yang
(Sustainable Development Goals atau relevan untuk setiap Target SDGs. Sumber
SDGs). Di tahun 2014, Kelompok Kerja data sekunder yang dipergunakan adalah
Terbuka (OWG) dari Sidang Umum Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah
Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa telah Nasional 2015-2019, Indikator MDGs, Data
mulai memformulasikan tujuan indikatif Badan Pusat Statistik untuk Pembangunan
dari SDGs. Forum ini menjadi ajang Berkelanjutan, usulan indikator SDGs Post
diskusi dan negosiasi perwakilan negara 2015 yang diajukan oleh UN Sustainable
anggota dalam menentukan tujuan Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
dan target pembangunan Pasca 2015 dan UN Statistics. Pemetaan ketersediaan
dengan mempertimbangkan Millennium indikator ini kemudian dilanjtukan dengan
Development Goals (MDG) sebagai pemetaan ketersediaan data dan kualitas
pijakan. Tujuh belas (17) Tujuan indikatif data untuk menggunakan indikator tersbut
dan 169 Target indikatif dihasilkan dari dengan mengacu pada Badan Pusat
forum ini untuk mendapatkan persetujuan Statistik Nasional dan data yang tersedia
dari negara anggota pada Sidang Umum di kementrian terkait.
PBB pada bulan September 2015.
Komisi Statistik PBB (UNSC) selanjutnya Hasil pemetaan indikator menunjukkan
akan memfasilitasi proses penyusunan 323 indikator nasional dan 220 indikator
indikator. internasional (diusulkan oleh UN-Statistik)
yang relevan dan dapat digunakan untuk
Untuk dapat mengukur pencapaian mengukur 17 Tujuan dan 169 Target
dari Target SDGs, diperlukan perangkat SDGs. Hasil analisa data menunjukkan
indikator dan ketersediaan data yang bahwa 67.8% indikator nasional termasuk
memungkinkan indikator tersebut untuk kategori Sangat Siap Digunakan karena
dapat dipergunakan. Dalam konteks ketersediaan dan kualitas data, kesiapan
ini, United Nations Development metodologi untuk menghitung indikator
Progamme (UNDP) dan United Nations dan kesiapan indikator tersebut untuk
for Environmental Protection (UNEP) diadopsi tanpa perubahan yang signifikan;
mendukung pemerintah Indonesia sementara 5.26% indikator masuk dalam
dengan melakukan pemetaan indikator kategori Tidak Siap Digunakan karena
yang relevan dan ketersediaan data dalam ketidaktersediaan data dan metodologi
memonitor pencapaian target SDGs. penghitungan. Untuk indikator yang
Studi ini menawarkan informasi awal diusulkan oleh UN-Statistics, hanya
mengenai kesiapan sistem data nasional 37.27% indikator yang termasuk kategori
untuk mengukur setiap Tujuan dari Sangat Siap Digunakan dan 36.36%
SDGs, kekosongan data dan tantangan termasuk Tidak Siap Digunakan sebagai
terkait sistem data yang diperlukan untuk indikator SDGs di Indonesia. Studi ini
mengukur SDGs. Hasil dari kajian ini merekomendasikan dibentuknya sistem
diharapkan dapat berkontribusi pada usaha Satu Data untuk SDGs dengan melibatkan
Indonesia dalam mengimplementasikan semua kementrian terkait dan Badan Pusat
SDGs dan juga mendukung pemerintah Statistik untuk memastikan konsistensi
Indonesia dalam forum-forum negosiasi data dan monitoring implementasi SDGs
global mengenai SDGs. Pasca 2015.

8 Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets

A process to develop a set of Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) has been This SDGs Data Mapping exercise
launched as part of the main outcome
helps us to estimate readiness of
of Rio+20 Conference. The process
formulates appropriate goals of SDGs as Indonesia in applying proposed
the continuation of MDGs that will expire SDGs indicators to measure SDGs
at the end of 2015. targets; for which indicator data
improvement is required and
Since it rose first time in 2012, SDG has
where the data gaps exist.
been extensively discussed covering
various topics that can be outlined into
six essential elements as stated by UN
Secretary General: (1) Dignity: to end This report compiles a range of indicators
poverty and fight inequality (2) prosperity: to that fit to proposed SDG framework
grow a strong inclusive and transformative for a well-defined goals with sufficient
economy (3) Justice: to promote safe and indicators. Each Goal has different number
peaceful societies and strong institutions of target as well as the indicators. By
(4) Partnership: to catalyse global society compiling relevant indicators, then we can
for sustainable development (5) Planet: assess data availability for each compiled
to protect our ecosystems for all societies indicators, data gaps, challenges and
and our children (6) People: to ensure recommendations that are needed to
healthy lives, knowledge and the inclusion measure the indicators.
of women and children.
Employing desk reviews method, this report
The Open Working Group (OWG) on the developed to review national documents
SDG released a set of 17 proposed goals as the key references and using relevant
and 169 targets. Therefore, every member global reports such UN Stat. The following
country needs to prepare and provide documents were used as main source of
recommendation to intergovernmental indicators for the proposed SDGs: from
negotiation on its priority targets and national agencies are BPS and RPJMN
indicators. The country preparation 2015-2019; from international is UN-Stat.
means opportunity to reconcile innovative
indicators to be proposed as well as This report started with the inventory of
refreshed indicators that need to be data availability for each Goal in Section 1,
adjusted according to each country then followed by the summary of challenges
characteristics. we found during the data consolidation
in Section 2. Some recommendations are
Indonesia preparation on post 2015 found in Section 3.
agenda has been done so far by involving
several agencies such Bappenas and
BPS. UNDP Indonesia is actively assisting
the government of Indonesia in the
preparation. This assessment is one of
UNDP Indonesia effort to provide a support
tools for Indonesia in negotiation process.

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets 9
Section 1: Inventory of SDGS Relevant Indicators


Number of National and International Indicator
Number of National
Number and International
of National Relevant Indicators
and International for SDGs
70 for SDGs
Relevant for SDGs
70 70 50
60 60 40
50 50 30
40 40 20
30 30 10
20 20 0
10 10
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 2 3 4 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 510611712813914101511161217Development
Sustainable 13 14 15 16 Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development
Number ofGoals
National Indicators
Number of National Indicators
Number of National Indicators
Number of International Indicators
Number of International
of International Indicators

Fig. 1 Number of indicators from national agencies and UN-Stat

Goal 1: by 2030, eradicate and KemenRisTek. Some indicators

collected from UN-Stat are not available
extreme poverty for all people
because they have been proposed for
everywhere, currently measured SDGs indicators quite recently. These data
as people living on less than will be developed and possibly measured
$1,25 a day in Indonesia.

Source: Goal 1 proposes 40 indicators.

The goal focuses on poverty reduction Goal 2: End hunger, achieve
which is the most important issue in the
world. Poverty is one of the MDGs goals.
food security and improved
Therefore, many measurable indicators nutrition, and promote
are available either in international data sustainable agriculture
repositories or in national statistical
agencies. More than half indicators come Source: This goal focuses on hunger and
from national sources. One third indicators food security which are almost debated
are proposed by UN-Stat. within organizations especially after being
one of the MDGs goals. Many measurable
Availability: Most of indicators have been indicators are available in international
measured and the data are available in data repositories and national data
national agencies such as BPS, Bappenas, repositories.
Susenas, KemenSos, DepKes, Jamsostek

10 Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 1: Inventory of SDGS Relevant Indicators

Availability: In total 34 indicators are Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and

proposed for goal 2. Most of indicators equitable quality education
have been measured and the data are
available in national agencies such as BPS, and promote life-long learning
Bappenas, Susenas, KemenSos, DepKes, opportunities for all
Jamsostek and KemenRisTek. Some
indicators collected from UN-Stat are not Most of indicators are available and found
available because the indicators are more in National Statistical Agency (BPS) online
specific. Indonesias national agencies have and Ministry of Education (Kemendiknas).
not yet developed a research or survey to However, some approaches are required
measure these non-available indicators. so the measurement of the indicators
would be more accurate. These include
additional explanation, scope or details on
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and the required data:
Number of 15-year old students
promote well-being for all at all showing proficiency in knowledge of
ages environmental science and geoscience
Number of 13-year old students
Source: Goal 3 focuses on health which endorsing values and attitudes
is very important for human being. For promoting equality, trust and
more than a decade, many organizations participation governance
developed indicators to achieve the Number of education facilities providing
targets of a significant improvement effective learning environment (Indicator
in human health and access for health. 4.a)
Health indicators have a high level of data Recommended approaches to fill this
availability and a high reporting frequency data gap are consultations with Ministry of
as compared to other indicators. Education for the information on trained
teacher and available scholarships. There
Availability: Most of indicators have been are foreign related institutions providing
measured and the data are available in scholarships that relevant as sources
national agencies such as BPS, Bappenas,
Susenas, KemenKes, MoH, Riskesdas,
and BKKBN. The data are available for Goal 5: Achieve gender equality
a long time. Whereas, some indicators
collected from international organization and empower all women and
are not available online, although they are girls
important parameter to reach the targets.
We suggest that the unavailable indicators Most of indicators are available in national
need to be simplified and measured by agencies such as BPS, Bappenas, Susenas
different approach. and KemenDikBud. Whereas, some
indicators collected from UN-Stat are
not available because they have been
proposed for SDG indicators quite recently.
From my perspective, these indicators are
important, measurable and best in line
with international standard, so they need
to be develop further.

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets 11
Section 1: Inventory of SDGS Relevant Indicators

Goal 6: Ensure availability and Goal 9: Build resilient

sustainable management of infrastructure, promote inclusive
water and sanitation for all and sustainable industrialization
and foster innovation.
Goal 6 has 27 indicators. More than half
of indicators are not available in national We assess that 9 indicators are available,
agencies such as BPS, Bappenas and while 6 indicators need more effort to
Susenas. It is because the indicators are conduct measurement. Available indicators
mostly developed recently by international can be collected through BPS publications
agency such as UN-Stat. as well as from ministrys statistic.

Goal 7: Ensure access to Goal 10: Reduce inequality

affordable, reliable, sustainable, within and among countries
and modern energy for all
More than half of indicators are available.
However, their data availability can be We consider the availability since it can
assessed through relevant institution using be found in publications. Unavailable
in-depth interview with personal at relevant indicators are required to be discussed
institutions: more to find alternate approach as well as
Bappenas: international cooperation methods of the measurement.
project on energy access
ESDM: energy efficiency of various
sectors, related incentive on low carbon
energy at electricity sector Goal 11: Make cities and human
settlements inclusive, safe,
resilient and sustainable
Goal 8: Promote sustained,
inclusive and sustainable Most of indicators data collected from
International agencies are not available
economic growth, full and in national agencies such as BPS and
productive employment and Bappenas. It is because the indicators
decent work for all are more specific and completely new for
Indonesia. For example: km of high capacity
At least 16 indicators are currently available (BRT, light rail, metro) public transport per
on various publications. Some indicators person for cities with more than 500,000
are unavailable due to lack of methodology inhabitants (source: UN-Stat). Indonesias
of data collection. Others, data required national agencies have not yet developed
can be gathered from relevant institution. a research or survey to measure these non-
available indicators, eventually it will be
proposed to the government.

12 Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 1: Inventory of SDGS Relevant Indicators

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable Goal 15: Protect, restore

consumption and production and promote sustainable use
patterns of terrestrial ecosystems,
sustainably manage forests,
Approximately 50 percent of indicators combat desertification, and halt
are available. Were seeking alternative
and approach so the indicators can be
and reverse land degradation
measured aligned with Goal 12. and halt biodiversity loss
More than half of indicators data collected
from national sources. Half out of the
Goal 13: Take urgent action to total indicators are coming from UN-Stat
combat climate change and its and the data are not fully available. It is
impacts because the unavailable indicators have
not been regularly measured at a larger
scale such as at country or regional level.
More than half of indicators data collected
Mostly they are measured by International
from International agencies are not available
agencies at small scale while the data are
in BPS and Bappenas. It is because the
not accessible.
indicators are new for Indonesia. Indonesia
has not yet developed a research or survey
to measure these non-available indicators.
For example: indicators for target 13.3 Goal 16: Promote peaceful and
related with % of population with increased inclusive societies for sustainable
knowledge on climate change (source:
development, provide access to
justice for all and build effective,
accountable and inclusive
Goal 14: Conserve and institutions at all levels
sustainably use the oceans, There are 61 indicators that will be
seas and marine resources for proposed for goal 16. The indicators are
sustainable development mostly coming from national sources and
only small part of indicators are listed in
More than half of indicators data collected UN-Stat.
from International agencies are not
available in BPS and Bappenas. It is
because the unavailable indicators have
not been measured at a larger scale such
Goal 17: Strengthen the means
as at country or regional level. Mostly they of implementation and revitalize
are measured by International agencies the global partnership for
at small scale while the data are not sustainable development
Our preliminary assessment shows that
less than 10 indicators were collected from
national sources. Most of indicators are
suggested by UN-Stat. In total there are
39 indicators proposed for goal 17.

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets 13
Section 2: Mapping Results and Challenges on Data Consolidation


Throughout the exercise of mapping relevance, collecting method and
indicators and their data availability, we comparability. The following table shows
identified that the data indicator can how selected indicators categorize into
be categorised based on its availability, three groups:

Table 1. Three different groups of indicators based on the identification of data

availability and data gaps

Type of indicators Notes

The data is available in Indonesian Ministries and

Group 1
The indicators are ready to be adopted without any
(The most ready
major adjustment
indicators) The quality of the data is good (timely data, based on
survey, available at least at the provincial level
The indicators are feasible (methodology exists,
measurable and accountable).
Indicator requires data that need to be improved,
adjusted or modified based on existing national data.
Group 2 Only some of the required data are available
(ready) The data was collected from small, unique sample
research and not timely base
The data is not well integrated. They are spread through
different agencies
The data only available at national level, not at smaller
level (e.g district, city or village level)
The data is not available
Group 3 The indicators are not feasible.
(not ready) The indicators require data collected from new
methodology or approach

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets 15
Section 2: Mapping Results and Challenges on Data Consolidation

The following table shows the summary

of assessment result for each indicators
based on the above categories:

Table 2. National indicators vs UN-Stat indicators

National Indicators UN-Stat Indicators

Goals No. Of Most Not No. Of Most Not
Ready Ready
Indicators Ready Ready Indicators Ready Ready
Goal 1 32 21 11 0 11 7 1 3
Goal 2 27 23 8 2 9 5 3 1
Goal 3 69 55 16 4 17 13 0 4
Goal 4 8 8 0 0 6 2 4 0
Goal 5 26 23 2 1 13 6 2 5
Goal 6 21 15 6 0 10 4 1 5
Goal 7 2 2 0 0 8 3 5 0
Goal 8 22 5 12 5 10 5 4 1
Goal 9 1 1 0 0 8 2 4 2
Goal 10 8 8 0 0 12 5 7 0
Goal 11 8 8 0 0 14 7 4 3
Goal 12 2 1 1 0 18 0 6 12
Goal 13 4 4 0 0 5 1 0 4
Goal 14 5 3 2 0 14 8 4 2
Goal 15 35 25 10 0 18 9 1 8
Goal 16 48 12 19 5 13 0 9 4
Goal 17 5 5 0 0 34 5 3 26
Total 323 219 87 17 220 82 58 80
% 67.80 26.93 5.26 37.27 26.36 36.36

As shown in table 2 and figure 2, out of were placed in second group, meaning
the 323 national indicators, 219 indicators that they were considered not ready to be
(67.8 percent) were evaluated as the most implemented because it will need strong
ready indicators (group 1) that are available effort and timely consuming. In total UN-
with high quality data, feasible and very Stat proposed 220 indicators, 82 indicators
relevant. Eighty seven national indicators (37.27 percent) were grouped in the most
(26.93 percent) were categorized as group 2 ready indicators. Fifty eight indicators
(ready), meaning that those indicators were proposed by UN-Stat (26.36 percent) were
considered ready with further improvement evaluated as ready and 80 indicators (36.36
and analysis. Seventeen (5.26 percent) percent) were categorized as not ready.

16 Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 2: Mapping Results and Challenges on Data Consolidation

Readiness of International Indicators as SDGs Indicators in Indonesia

Readiness of National Indicators as SDGs Indicators
17 17
16 16
15 15
14 14

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

13 13
12 12
11 11
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Most Ready Indicators Ready Indicators Not Ready Indicators Most Ready Indicators Ready Indicators Not Ready Indicators

Fig. 2 Percentage of proposed indicators from national and UN-Stat and

groped into most ready, ready and not ready

Currently we are at the beginning step of SDG program in 2020 is fast which means
the SDG development where we propose the concerted efforts are needed to achieve
the targets indicators by pulling together the targets and address the challenges.
indicators from different relevant resources. Therefore, proposing the proper indicators
Some technical challenges appear during will be very important. Adequate capacity
indicators mapping. It is related to of national agencies and commitment are
methodology, data scope, data certainty also will required to reach the targets.
and visibility of indicator. The deadline of

The identified key challenges through the BPS and RPJM are not always provided
process of indicator mapping are follows: with information of data collector, data
owner, level of data, frequency of data
1. Data availability. Data provided by collection and the scope of data. The
national agencies (BPS or relevant whole information are needed when we
ministries) are available in regular basis want to develop baseline and want to
of publications. Meanwhile, some data validate the data.
found in the media are not available
regularly. They need to be gathered 4. Data validation. The data that are
using additional method such interview, published by national data repositories
focus group discussion or expert available in national, province and
justification. district level, but some of them are
different with data at local level (such
2. Lack of the high quality data. The as PODES). Then the national agencies
success of target monitoring depends and local agencies should synchronize
on the availability of timely data, the data. To enhance the quality of the
consistent, reliable, and accurate data. data, the data need to be validated at a
The SDG indicators especially proposed local scale such as at village level even
by national agencies suffer greatly from at household level or community level.
lack of the high quality data due to the
improper methods and data control. 5.
Inadequate data series. The
measurement of data is only collected
3. Lack of information about the survey or at one point in time or one time data
data collection. The available data in collection. Several indicators do not

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets 17
Section 2: Mapping Results and Challenges on Data Consolidation

have data on the base year of (2014 8. The unit measurement is not applicable.
or 2015) to allow values for target year The indicators are not measured by a
to be derived. We cannot measure the proper measurement unit. For example
performance of attaining the targets the number of villages that establishes
when we only have one data. The data organic farming which means organic
should be collected frequently in a farming has been implemented fully in
period of time. one village. In reality, the percentage
of area that has been used for organic
6. The targets indicators are too ambitious farming do not reach one third of the
and unrealistic. The indicators should be village area. Then we cannot measure it
designed not only for defining success as one village. The proposed indicator
and failure but also for valuing the should be the number of organic
performance even though we do not farming and the area size.
perform in a significant result. If we set
the target too ambitious, we will come 9. The indicators are too specific. It will
up with a failure result. For example be difficult to collect the data if the
Indonesia will be able to increase the indicator is too specific. For example
access to water and sanitation by half. the persentage of the districts policy
It may sound unrealistic target. readiness in responding to public
health emergencies that has plague
7. Some of the indicators measure progress potential and women partisipation
in terms of development outcomes level in the sustainable livelihood
(such as reducing maternal mortality) group. (Persentase Kab/Kota yang
instead of development outputs (such mempunyai kebijakan kesiapsiagaan
as enrolling girls in school). Whereas dalam penanggulangan kedaruratan
achieving outcomes is a longer and kesehatan masyarakat yang berpotensi
more difficult process than achieving wabah and Tingkat partisipasi
output targets. Otherwise, the SDG is perempuan dalam Kelompok
only focus on relatively short term and Penghidupan Berkelanjutan)
concrete targets

18 Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 2: Mapping Results and Challenges on Data Consolidation


Based on the assessment result as stated MDGs. Nationally, Indonesia would

in Section 1 and Section to, we proposed be capable to provide annual data
several recommendations as follows: collection with higher quality of data.

1. Developing additional methods: To 5. The indicators should focus on outcomes

fill the gaps of various data category, such as ending extreme poverty. The
it is important to develop additional different between outcomes and
methods such deep interview, survey, outputs need to be clearly clarified
focus group discussion and expert to ensure the accountability of the
judgment. indicators.

2. Consultations with relevant stakeholder 6. The preparation of collecting indicators

are important to ensure that proposed and coordinating data will be better
SDG adoption will align with the if it is led by one specialised agency
national development. There are two to ensure harmonization and avoid
type of consultation needed overlapping
a. Data level consultation that aims to
find solutions to upscale the data
collection at certain level needed.
b. Subject-based consultation that aim 7. The indicators should be clear, simple,
to discuss each relevant subject with easy to collect, easy to interpret and
relevant institution such government communicate.
agencies, NGO/CSO or research
agencies 8. The data requirement should be pooled
in one data bank. UNDP, UKP4 and
3. The indicators proposed by RPJM 2015- Bappenas has developed Satu Data
2019 should provide verifiable data. as a pioneer to put in place common
platform the available governance
4. The SDGs should improve quality and data among Indonesian Ministries and
frequency of the data compare with Agencies.

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets 19
Goal 1. End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere
Indicator Data Time
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Data Level
Source Source Series
1.1 by 2030, 1.1.1 Persentase BPS, most ready Persentase penduduk yang BPS, MDG 2002 national
eradicate penduduk yang MDGs, hidup dibawah $1,25 per 2003
extreme poverty hidup dibawah $1,25 UN-Stat hari (jumlah penduduk 2004
for all people (PPP) per hari miskin yang hidup dibawah 2005
everywhere, $1,25 per hari / total 2006
Section 4: Data Availability Map

currently jumlah penduduk * 100%) 2007

measured as 2008
people living on 2009
less than $1,25 2010
a day 2011

Jumlah penduduk miskin BPS 1970 - province,

menurut provinsi / 2013 kota, desa
Number of poor people by

Persentase penduduk BPS 1970 - province,

miskin menurut provinsi/ 2013 kota, desa
percentage of poor people
by province

Garis kemiskinan menurut BPS 1970 - province,

provinsi / Poverty line by 2013 kota, desa

1.1.2 Persentase BPS, RPJM most ready Persentase Penduduk BPS 2007 - province
penduduk yang 2015-2019, Miskin 2014

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
hidup di bawah garis MDGs
kemiskinan nasional,
dibedakan menurut
perkotaan dan

1.1.3 rasio kesenjangan RPJM 2015- most ready average of the extreme BPS, 2000, national
kemiskinan 2019, MDGs poor's incomes susenas 2005,
Indicator Data Time
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Data Level
Source Source Series
number of population BPS 2007 - province
living below $1,25 2014

total number of population BPS 1971 - village, prov-

2010 ince

the poverty gap and is

calculated as the sum
of the relative distance
between the poverty
line (z) and income or
consumption for those
who are poor (the non-
poor have a poverty gap
of zero). I(.) is an indicator
function that equals 1 if
the bracketed expression
is true, and 0 otherwise. N
is the total population.

1.1.4 presentase MDGs most ready Share of poorest quintile in BPS 1990 national
penduduk miskin national consumption 1993
pada level konsumsi 1996
nasional 1999

1.2 by 2030, reduce 1.2.1 Indeks kemiskinan UN-Stat not ready MPI = H * A; where UNDP (MPI- 2007 national
at least by half multidimensi (MPI) multidimensional poverty OPHI), Susenas
the proportion headcount ratio (H),
of men, women as the proportion of
and children of the population that is
all ages living multidimensionally poor.
in poverty in all Anyone who is deprived
its dimensions in more than three (one
according third) of the indicators is
to national included in the headcount.

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data Time
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Data Level
Source Source Series
(A) which indicates the UNDP (MPI- 2007 national
average intensity of OPHI), Susenas

1.2.2 Persentase UN-Stat most ready Persentase Penduduk BPS 2007 - province
penduduk yang Miskin 2014
hidup di bawah garis
kemiskinan nasional
Section 4: Data Availability Map

1.3 implement 1.3.1 Persentase BPS, MDGs, most ready the percentage of the JamSosTek 2000 - national
nationally penduduk UN-Stat population covered by 2010
appropriate yang tercakup these social safety nets
social protection dalam program
systems and perlidungan sosial
measures for all,
including floors,
and by 2030
achive subtantial
coverage of the 1.3.2 Jumlah Penduduk RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah penduduk yang KemenKes, 2013 national
poor and the yang menjadi 2019 menjadi peserta penerima Riskesdas
vulnerable peserta penerima bantuan (PBI) melalui Kartu
bantunan (PBI) Indonesia Sehat (KIS)
melalui Kartu
Indonesia Sehat (KIS)

1.3.3 Jumlah keluarga RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah keluarga sangat KemenKes, 2013 national
sangat miskin 2019 miskin yang memperoleh Riskesdas

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
yang memperoleh bantuan tunai bersyarat
bantuan tunai dan memperoleh
bersyarat dan pendampingan
Indicator Data Time
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Data Level
Source Source Series
1.3.4 Jumlah keluarga RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah keluarga sangat KemenKes, 2013 national
sangat miskin 2019 miskin penerima bantuan Riskesdas
penerima bantuan bersyarat yang mengikuti
bersyarat yang pertamuan peningkatan
mengikuti kemampuan keluarga

1.3.5 Jumlah anak RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah anak penyandang KemenSos 2014 national
penyandang 2019 disabilitas dalam keluarga
disabilitas dalam yang memperoleh bantuan
keluarga yang tunai pendampingan
bantuan tunai

1.3.7 Jumlah kabupaten/ RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah kabupaten/kota Bappenas 2014 national
kota yang memiliki 2019 yang memiliki regulasi
regulasi untuk untuk pengembangan
pengembangan akses lingkungan inklusid
akses lingkungan bagi pengandang
inklusid bagi disabilitas, lanjut usia, dan
penyandang anak
disabilitas, lanjut
usia, dan anak

1.3.8 Jumlah masyarakat RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah masyarakat KemenSos 2014 national
marjinal termasuk 2019 marjinal termasuk
masyarakat adat, masyarakat adat, korban
korban penyalah penyalah gunaan NAPZA,
gunaan NAPZA, ODHA yang memperoleh
ODHA yang pelayanan dan rehabilitasi
memperoleh (Jiwa)

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
pelayanan dan
rehabilitasi (Jiwa)

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data Time
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Data Level
Source Source Series
1.3.11 Average social UN-Stat most ready Average social protection KemenSos 2014 national
protection transfers transfers as % of income or
as % of income poverty line
or poverty line
(rata-rata kiriman
perlindungan sosial
dari persentase
pendapatan dan
garis kemiskinan)
Section 4: Data Availability Map

1.4 by 2030 ensure 1.4.1 jumlah akses RPJM 2015- most ready jumlah akses terhadap Bappenas, national
that all men terhadap 2019 sumberdaya tanah dan BPN
and women, sumberdaya jumlah bidang tanah yang
particularly the tanah dan jumlah bersertifikat
poor and the bidang tanah yang
vulnerable, have bersertifikat
equal rights
to economic 1.4.2 Persentase BPS, RPJM most ready Persentase penduduk world bank, 2011 national
resources, as penduduk terhadap 2015-2019 terhadap akses jasa MenKeu, OJK
well as access to akses jasa keuangan keuangan formal/
basic services, formal/ perbankan perbankan dan kredit
ownership, and dan kredit usaha usaha
control over
land and other
forms of poverty, 1.4.3 Jumlah bidang tanah BPS most ready Jumlah bidang tanah yang Bappenas, national
inheritance, yang bersertifikat bersertifikat di perdesaan, BPN
natural di perdesaan Persentase realisasi
resources, (persentase realisasi terhadap target sertifikasi
appropriate new terhadap target tanah di perdesaan
technology, and sertifikasi tanah di
financial services perdesaan)
microfinance 1.4.4 Pengembangan RPJM 2015- most ready Pengembangan sarana dan PU, KemenTan 2014 national
sarana dan prasarana 2019 prasarana air irigasi untuk

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
air irigasi untuk pertanian (unit)
pertanian (unit)

1.4.5 Jumlah perluasan RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah perluasan Areal KemnTan 2014 national
Areal Cetak Sawah 2019 Cetak Sawah (ha)
Indicator Data Time
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Data Level
Source Source Series
1.4.6 Akses terhadap RPJM 2015- most ready Akses terhadap sumber BI, OJK, BPR 2014 national
sumber pembiayaan 2019 pembiayaan (kredit
(kredit program) program)

1.4.7 Jumlah keluarga RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah keluarga kurang KemenSos 2014 national
kurang mampu 2019 mampu dan rentan
dan rentan yang yang menerima bantuan
menerima bantuan stimulan usaha ekonomi,
stimulan usaha baik di perdesaan maupun
ekonomi, baik di perkotaan
perdesaan maupun

1.4.8 Jumlah keluarga RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah keluarga kurang KemenSos 2014 national
kurang mampu 2019 mampu dan rentan yang
dan rentan yang menerima pelatihan
menerima pelatihan keterampilan dan
keterampilan dan penyaluran ke lapang
penyaluran ke pekerjaan
lapang pekerjaan

1.4.9 proporsi rumah UN-Stat most ready Proportion of population/ BPS 1990- national
tangga yang households with access 2013
memiliki akses to basic services (to be
terhadap pelayanan defined)

1.4.10 proporsi penduduk UN-Stat most ready proporsi penduduk dewasa BPN national
dewasa yang yang memiliki legal tenurial
memiliki legal dan terdokumentasi secara
tenurial dan aman

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
secara aman

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data Time
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Data Level
Source Source Series
1.5 By 2030, build 1.5.1 Jumlah korban BPS, RPJM most ready Jumlah korban bencana BNPB, national
the resilience bencana alam yang 2015-2019 alam yang meninggal KemenSos
of the poor meninggal dunia dunia
and those in dan kerugian akibat
vulnerable bencana alam dalam
situations, rupiah dan US$ kerugian akibat bencana BNPB, national
including alam dalam rupiah dan KemenSos
through US$
assistance to
those affected Jumlah kerusakan rumah BNPB, national
by complex
Section 4: Data Availability Map

akibat bencana alam KemenSos

humanitarian menurut provinsi dan
emergencies, kondisi kerusakan
and reduce their
exposure and
vulnerability to 1.5.2 Jumlah Kota yang RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah Kota yang Renstra, 2013 national
climate-related terfasilitasi dalam 2019 terfasilitasi dalam Bappenas,
extreme events penyusunan Perda penyusunan Perda Riskesdas
and other Pengelolaan Pengelolaan Lingkungan,
economic, Lingkungan, Mitigasi Mitigasi Bencana dan
social and Bencana dan Antisipasi Dampak
environmental Antisipasi Dampak Perubahan Iklim dalam
shocks and Perubahan Iklim Pengelolaan Perkotaan
disasters dalam Pengelolaan

1.5.3 Jumlah Lokasi RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah Lokasi Kegiatan Bappenas national
Kegiatan Fasilitasi 2019 Fasilitasi Kesiapsiagaan

1.5.4 Sarana/prasarana RPJM 2015- ready Sarana/prasarana PU, Bappenas national

pengendalian banjir 2019 pengendalian banjir yang

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
yang dibangun dibangun

1.5.5 Sarana/prasarana RPJM 2015- ready Sarana/prasarana PU, Bappenas national

pengendalian lahar/ 2019 pengendalian lahar/
sedimen yang sedimen yang dibangun
Indicator Data Time
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Data Level
Source Source Series
1.5.6 Sarana/prasarana RPJM 2015- ready Sarana/prasarana PU, Bappenas national
pengaman pantai 2019 pengaman pantai yang
yang dibangun dibangun

1.5.7 Sarana/prasarana RPJM 2015- ready Sarana/prasarana PU, Bappenas national

pengendalian banjir 2019 pengendalian banjir
yang dioperasikan yang dioperasikan dan
dan dipelihara (km) dipelihara (km)

1.5.8 Jumlah sarpras yang RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah sarpras yang BNPB, national
dialokasikan bagi 2019 dialokasikan bagi pusat KemenSos
pusat dan daerah dan daerah dalam
dalam rangka rangka pencegahan dan
pencegahan dan penanggulangan Bencana
penanggulangan serta bahaya kebakaran
Bencana serta
bahaya kebakaran

1.5.9 jumlah daerah RPJM 2015- ready jumlah daerah yang BNPB, national
yang ditingkatkan 2019 ditingkatkan kapasitas KemenSos
kapasitas aparatnya aparatnya dalam upaya
dalam upaya penanggulangan bencana
penanggulangan dan bahaya Kebakaran
bencana dan bahaya

1.5.10 jumlah bantuan RPJM 2015- ready jumlah bantuan stimulan BNPB, national
stimulan daerah 2019 daerah rawan bencana KemenSos
rawan bencana alam alam dan bencana sosial di
dan bencana sosial daerah tertinggal
di daerah tertinggal

1.5.11 jumlah penduduk UN-Stat not ready Number of people affected BNPB, national
yang terancam by hazardous events KemenSos

1.5.12 jumlah fasilitas UN-Stat ready Proportion of health and KemenSos, national
kesehatan dan educational facilities Riskesdas
pendidikan yang affected by hazardous

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
terancam bencana events

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data Time
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Data Level
Source Source Series
1.5.13 indeks kemiskinan UN-Stat not ready MPI = H * A; where
multi-dimensional multidimensional poverty
headcount ratio (H),
as the proportion of
the population that is
multidimensionally poor.
Anyone who is deprived
in more than three (one
third) of the indicators is
included in the headcount.
Section 4: Data Availability Map

1.5.14 persentase BPS most ready persentase penduduk BPS, BNPB national
penduduk miskin miskin yang terpapar
yang terpapar bencana

1.5.15 persentase BPS most ready persentase penduduk yang BPS, DepSos national
penduduk yang dilindungi program sosial/
dilindungi program asuransi

1.5.16 persentase BPS most ready persentase penduduk yang BPJS, national
penduduk menerima perlindungan Rinkesdas
yang menerima kesehatan seperti BPJS
kesehatan seperti

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable

Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
2.1 by 2030 end 2.1.1 proporsi penduduk BPS, MDGs most ready proporsi penduduk dengan BPS 1991 1992 national
hunger and dengan asupan asupan kalori minimum 1993 1994
ensure access kalori minimum 2000kal/kapita/hari 1995 1996
by all people, 2000kal/kapita/ 1997 1998
in particular the hari 1999 2000
poor and people 2001 2002
in vulnerable 2003 2004
situations 2005 2006
including infants, 2007 2008
to safe, nutritious 2009 2010
and sufficient 2011 2012
food all year 2013
2.1.2 Prevalensi RPJM most ready Prevalensi kekurangan gizi BPS, 1992 1995 national
kekurangan gizi 2015-2019, (underweight) pada anak Susenas 1998 1999
pada anak balita MDGs, UN- balita (persen) 2000 2001
(persen) Stat 2002 2003
2004 2005
2007 2010

2.1.3 persentase akses RPJM 2015- not ready persentase akses untuk
pangan bernutrisi 2019 pangan bernutrisi

2.1.4 jumlah lumbung RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah lumbung pangan Bulog,
pangan yang 2019 yang diberdayakan (Unit) KemenTan

2.1.5 Skor Pola pangan RPJM 2015- most ready Skor Pola pangan Harapan KemenTan, 2005-2010 province
Harapan (nilai PPH) 2019 (nilai PPH) = persentase Litbang
angka kecukupan energi Pertanian,
(%AKE) / angka kecukupan BKP, BPS
gizi (AKG) setiap golongan Susenas

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
bahan pangan * bobot setiap
golongan bahan pangan

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
2.1.6 Pengembangan RPJM 2015- ready Pengembangan Lembaga BKP, BKPD
Lembaga 2019 Usaha Pangan Masyarakat
Usaha Pangan (Gapoktan)

2.1.7 rata-rata jumlah BPS most ready Rata Rata Konsumsi Kalori BPS 2007-2013 province
makanan yang dan Protein per Kapita per
tersedia untuk Hari
konsumsi perhari
Section 4: Data Availability Map

2.1.8 Prevalensi UN-Stat not ready penduduk rawan pangan di

penduduk rawan level sedang
pangan di level
sedang atau penduduk rawan pangan di
berat berdasarkan level berat
Food Insecurity
Experience Scale

2.2 by 2030 end 2.2.1 Prevalensi anemia RPJM 2015- most ready Prevalensi anemia pada ibu Riskesdas, 2010-2013 national
all forms of pada ibu hamil (%) 2019 hamil (%) Dinkes
by 2025 the 2.2.2 prevalensi balita BPS, RPJM most ready prevelensi balita dengan DepKes, 1992 1995 national
internationally dengan keadaan 2015-2019, kondisi kurang gizi dan berat Bappenas 1998 1999
agreed targets kekurangan gizi MDGs, UN- yang kurang dari normal 2000 2001
on stunting dan memiliki berat Stat 2002 2003
and wasting in kurang dari normal 2004 2005
children under 2007 2010
five years of age,

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
and address the
nutritional needs 2.2.3 proporsi populasi BPS, MDGs most ready rata-rata konsumsi kalori BPS 1999, 2002 - national
of adolescent yang berada per kapita sehari menurut 2013
girls, pregnant mengkonsumsi kelompok makanan
and lactating nutrisi di bawah
women, and minimum level
older persons energi konsumsi
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
2.2.4 persentase bayi RPJM 2015- ready persentase bayi kurang dari 6 DepKes
kurang dari 2019 bulan yang mendapatkan ASI
6 bulan yang ekslusif
mendapatkan ASI

2.2.5 persentase balita BPS most ready persentase balita terlantar KemSos, 2003, 2006, national
terlantar BPS Susenas 2009
2.2.6 Prevalence of UN-Stat ready persentase balita yang Riskesdas
overweight kelebihan berat badan
children under
5 years of age
(prevelensi balita
yang kelebihan
berat badan)

2.3 by 2030, double 2.3.1 persentase BPS most ready actual yields relative to the BPS, 2013 national
the agricultural produksi yang yield that can be achieved Susenas,
productivity and dicapai terhadap under good management KemenTan
the incomes target produksi conditions
of small-scale pertanian tanaman
food producers, pangan
women, 2.3.2 Produksi Pangan RPJM 2015- most ready produksi pangan strategis BPS, 1990-2010 national
indigenous Pokok (padi, 2019 Susenas,
peoples, jagung, kedelai, KemenTan
family farmers, gula, daging,
pastrolists and ikan) serta pangan
fishers, including lainnya (kelapa
through secure sawit, karet, kakao,
and equal access the, kopi, dan
to land, other kelapa) (Ton)
productive 2.3.3 Produktivitas RPJM 2015- most ready Produktivitas tanaman BPS, 1990-2010 national
resources tanaman serealia 2019 serealia (padi, jagung) Susenas,
and inputs, (padi, jagung) KemenTan
financial services,
markets, and 2.3.4 Rata-rata RPJM 2015- ready Rata-rata penguasaan luas KemenTan
opportunities for penguasaan luas 2019 lahan pertanian perkeluarga

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
value addition lahan pertanian
and non farm perkeluarga

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
2.3.5 produksi dari UN-Stat ready Value of agricultural KemenTan
komoditi pertanian production per hectare
per hektar area (measured in constant USD/
diukur dengan unit hectare, disaggregated for
USD/hektar the two lowest quintiles
of countries farm size
distribution, as well as for
female-headed smallholder
producer households)
Section 4: Data Availability Map

2.4 by 2030 ensure 2.4.1 Perubahan BPS most ready Perubahan tahunan luas KLHK, BPS province
sustainable tahunan luas lahan lahan kritis dengan unit %
food production kritis dengan unit atau ha
system and % atau ha
agriculture 2.4.2 Persentase hasil BPS most ready Persentase hasil ternak yang BPS, Disnak national
practices ternak yang dicapai terhadap target
that increase dicapai terhadap produksi ternak
productivity and target produksi
production, that ternak
help maintain
2.4.3 Tingkat BPS most ready Tingkat pertumbuhan hasil BPS, 1990-2010 national
that strengthen
pertumbuhan hasil panen serealia (padi dan Susenas,
capacity for
panen serealia jagung) Kemen-
adaptation to
(padi dan jagung) Tan
climate change,
extreme weather,
drought, 2.4.4 Luas lahan sawah RPJM 2015- most ready Luas lahan sawah yang Kementan 2012 district
flooding and yang menerapkan 2019 menerapkan SRI (ha)
other disasters SRI (System of Rice
and that Intensification) (ha)
improve land
2.4.5 Rehabilitasi irigasi RPJM 2015- ready Rehabilitasi irigasi (ha) Bappenas 2014 national

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
and soil quality
(ha) 2019

2.4.6 Rehabilitasi, RPJM 2015- most ready Rehabilitasi, konservasi Kementan, 2014 national
konservasi 2019 (pemulihan kesuburan) dan KLHK
(pemulihan optimasi lahan (ha)
kesuburan) dan
optimasi lahan (ha)
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
2.4.7 Jumlah desa RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah desa yang Kementan 2014 national
yang menerapkan 2019 menerapkan pertanian
pertanian organik organik (unit)

2.4.8 Jumlah desa RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah desa mandiri pangan Kementan 2014 national
mandiri pangan 2019 yang diberdayakan desa
yang diberdayakan

2.4.9 efisiensi BPS most ready rasio = pupuk yang diserap Kementan
penggunaan tanaman : pupuk yang
pupuk diaplikasikan

2.4.10 Emisi gas rumah UN-Stat most ready Emisi gas rumah kaca di KLHK, DNPI
kaca di sektor sektor pertanian (per hektar
pertanian (per tanah dan per unit output,
hektar tanah dan secara terpisah untuk sektor
per unit output, tanaman dan ternak
secara terpisah
untuk sektor
tanaman dan

2.4.11 absolut level emisi UN-Stat most ready absolut level emisi di sektor- KLHK, DNPI
di sektor-sektor sektor yang terkait dan sub-
yang terkait dan sektornya

2.5 by 2020 maintain 2.5.1 jumlah bibit lokal UN-Stat ready number of locally adapted KemenTan,
genetic diversity atau turunan lokal breeds classified as being Litbang
of seeds, at-risk, not-at-risk, and Pertanian/
cultivated plants, unknown-levels of risk of Perkebunan
farmed and extinction
animals and 2.5.2 Jumlah varietas RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah varietas unggul baru KemenTan, national
their related unggul baru (VUB) 2019 (VUB) tanaman pangan; Litbang
wild species, tanaman pangan; Hortikultura, dan perkebunan Pertanian/

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
including Hortikultura, (jumlah varietas) Perkebunan
through soundly dan perkebunan
(jumlah varietas)

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
managed and 2.5.3 Jumlah teknologi RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah teknologi KemenTan, national
diversifies seed berbasis 2019 berbasis bioteknologi dan Litbang
and plant banks bioteknologi dan bioprospeksi (teknologi) Pertanian/
at national, bioprospeksi Perkebunan
regional and (teknologi)
levels, and
ensure access
to and fair and 2.5.4 Ex-situ crop UN-Stat most ready Ex-situ crop collections KemenTan, national
equitable sharing collections (jumlah indicator. Litbang
of benefits koleksi tanaman Pertanian/
Section 4: Data Availability Map

arising from ex-situ) Perkebunan

the utilization
of genetic
resources and
knowledge as

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
3.1 by 2030 reduce 3.1.1 persentase BPS, most ready Persentase persalinan di BPS, 2003 - 2013 national
the global kelahiran yang RPJM fasilitas pelayanan KemenKes
maternal ditolong tenaga 2015-2019,
mortality ratio kesehatan terlatih MDGs,
to less than 70 UN-Stat
per 100000 live
births 3.1.2 rasio angka MDGs, most ready AKI (angka kematian ibu) BPS 1990 1995 national
kematian ibu UN-Stat = jumlah kematian ibu tiap 2000 2005
kelahiran / jumlah kelahiran 2010 2013
hidup * 1000

3.1.3 Angka Kematian BPS, RPJM most ready Angka Kematian ibu per SDKI, 2003 - 2010 national
ibu per 1000 2015-2019 1000 kelahiran Sirusa BPS,
kelahiran KemenKes

3.1.4 persentase asupan RPJM 2015- ready persentase asupan KemenKes

suplemenasam 2019, BPS suplemenasam folat dan zat
folat dan zat besi besi pada wanita hamil
pada wanita hamil

3.1.5 Jumlah ibu hamil RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah ibu hamil kurang KemenKes
kurang energi 2019, BPS energi kronik yang
kronik yang mendapatkan PMT
mendapatkan PMT

3.1.6 Persentase ibu RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase ibu hamil yang BPS 1991 1994 national
hamil yang 2019, BPS, mendapatkan pelayanan 1997 2003
mendapatkan MDGs antenatal keempat (K4) 2007 2010
pelayanan 2012
antenatal keempat
(K4), minimum

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
antenatal 4 kali

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
3.2 By 2030, end 3.2.1 Persentase anak MDGs most ready The percentage of children BPS 1990-2014 national
preventable berumur 1 tahun under one year of age who
deaths of yang diimunisasi have received at least one
newborns and campak dose of measles-containing
children under vaccine.
5 years of age,
with all countries 3.2.2 angka kematian BPS, RPJM most ready angka kematian bayi dan BPS 1990-2014 national
aiming to bayi dan balita 2015-2019, balita per 1000 kelahiran
reduce neonatal per 1000 kelahiran MDGs, UN- hidup
mortality to at hidup Stat
least as low as
Section 4: Data Availability Map

12 per 1,000
3.2.3 angka kelahiran BPS most ready angka kelahiran total BPS 1971 - 2012 national
live births and
under-5 mortality
to at least as low 3.2.4 usia rata-rata ibu BPS most ready usia rata-rata ibu saat BPS, SDKI, 2013 national
as 25 per 1,000 saat kelahiran anak kelahiran anak pertama Ditjen
live births pertama PP&PL

3.2.5 persentase RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase bayi usia kurang Badan 2013 national
pemberian ASI 2019 dari 6 bulan yang mendapat Litbangkes,
eksklusif pada 6 ASI eksklusif Kemenkes
bulan pertama RI, Riskesdas

3.2.6 persentase RPJM 2015- most ready persentase kunjungan Riskesdas, 1991 1994 national
kunjungan 2019 neonatal pertama (KN1) BPS, 1997 2003
neonatal pertama KemenKes 2007 2010
(KN1) 2012

3.3 by 2030 end 3.3.1 Prevalensi BPS, RPJM most ready Incidence rates associated BPS, 1991 1994
the epidemics Tuberkulosis 2015-2019, with Tuberculosis KemenKes, 1997 2003
of AIDS, per 100.000 MDGs, UN- (all cases/100,000 people/ Riskesdes 2007 2010
tuberculosis, penduduk) dan Stat year) 2012
malaria, and (Tingkat kematian
neglected akibat Tuberkulosis

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
tropical diseases per 100.000 Prevalence rate of BPS, 1991 1994
and combat penduduk) dan Tuberculosis (jumlah kasus KemenKes, 1997 2003
hepatitis, water- (Angka kejadian penyakit TB positif) per Riskesdes 2007 2010
borne diseases, Tuberkulosis 100.000 penduduk BPS, 2012
and other (semua Death rate of Tuberculosis KemenKes, 1991 1994
communicable kasus/100.000 (per 100,000) Riskesdes 1997 2003
diseases penduduk/tahun)) 2007 2010
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
3.3.2 Prevalensi HIV/ BPS, RPJM most ready the estimate number of BPS 1990-2013 national
AIDS (persen) dari 2015-2019, new HIV infections per 1000
total populasi MDGs, population
the estimate number of BPS 1990-2013 national
new HIV infections per 1000

the percent people living BPS 1990-2013 national

with HIV and receiving
treatments ex: anti-retroviral
therapy (ART)

number of people died due BPS 1990-2013 national

to HIV as a ratio to people
living with HIV

3.3.3 Proporsi jumlah BPS, MDGs most ready population with MOH, 1990-2013 national
penduduk usia comprehensive knowledge Riskesdas,
15-24 tahun on HIV/AIDS BPS
yang memiliki
tentang HIV/AIDS

3.3.4 Persentase kasus RPJM most ready Proportion of population with KemenKes,
HIV yang diobati 2015-2019, advanced HIV Riskesdas

3.3.5 Persentase RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase kabupaten/ KemenKes, national
kabupaten/kota 2019 kota yang memenuhi Riskesdas
yang memenuhi syarat kualitas kesehatan
syarat kualitas lingkungan

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
3.3.6 Persentase RPJM most ready Persentase Kab/Kota yang KemenKes, national
Kab/Kota yang 2015-2019 mempunyai kebijakan Riskesdas
mempunyai kesiapsiagaan dalam
kebijakan penanggulangan kedaruratan
kesiapsiagaan kesehatan masyarakat yang
dalam berpotensi wabah
masyarakat yang
berpotensi wabah
Section 4: Data Availability Map

3.3.7 Persentase RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase kab/kota yang KemenKes, 2010 national
kab/kota yang 2019 melakukan pengendalian Riskesdas
melakukan vektor terpadu
vektor terpadu

3.3.8 Jumlah kab/ RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah kab/kota endemis KemenKes, 2009-2013 national
kota endemis 2019 yang melakukan pemberian Riskesdas
yang melakukan obat massal pencegahan
pemberian (POMP) Filariasis
obat massal
(POMP) Filariasis

3.3.9 Persentase RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase kabupaten/kota KemenKes, 2008-2013 national
kabupaten/kota 2019 dengan angka keberhasilan Riskesdas
dengan angka pengobatan TB paru BTA
keberhasilan positif (Success Rate) minimal
pengobatan TB 85 persen
paru BTA positif
(Success Rate)
minimal 85 persen

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
3.3.10 contraceptive MDGs most ready prevelensi penggunaan IDHS, 1991 1993 national
prevalence rate (%) kontrasepsi (any method) National 1994 1995
(Tingkat prevalensi Economic 1996 1997
kontrasepsi) Survey 1998 1999
2000 2001
2003 2005
2007 2012
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
prevelensi penggunaan IDHS, 1991 1993 national
kontrasepsi (condom) National 1994 1995
Economic 1996 1997
Survey 1998 1999
2000 2001
2003 2005
2007 2012

3.3.11 Angka kejadian BPS, RPJM most ready Angka kejadian Malaria per Riskesdas 2013 national
Malaria (per 1,000 2015-2019, 1,000 penduduk
penduduk)) MDGs,

3.3.12 Proporsi anak BPS ready Proporsi anak balita dengan MOH,
balita dengan demam yang diobati dengan Riskesdas
demam yang obat anti malaria yang tepat
diobati dengan
obat anti malaria
yang tepat

3.3.13 Jumlah kab/kota RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah kab/kota dengan Riskesdas 2013 province
dengan eliminasi 2019 eliminasi malaria

3.3.14 prevelensi anak UN-Stat not ready Prevalence of hepatitis B

balita yang terkena surface antigen in children
hepatitis B under 5

3.3.15 Kehadiran 13 UN-Stat not ready Presence of 13 IHR core

kapasitas inti IHR capacities for surveillance
untuk pengawasan and response

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
dan respon

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
prevelensi penggunaan IDHS, 1991 1993 national
kontrasepsi (condom) National 1994 1995
Economic 1996 1997
Survey 1998 1999
2000 2001
2003 2005
2007 2012

3.3.11 Angka kejadian BPS, RPJM most ready Angka kejadian Malaria per Riskesdas 2013 national
Section 4: Data Availability Map

Malaria (per 1,000 2015-2019, 1,000 penduduk

penduduk)) MDGs,

3.3.12 Proporsi anak BPS ready Proporsi anak balita dengan MOH,
balita dengan demam yang diobati dengan Riskesdas
demam yang obat anti malaria yang tepat
diobati dengan
obat anti malaria
yang tepat

3.3.13 Jumlah kab/kota RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah kab/kota dengan Riskesdas 2013 province
dengan eliminasi 2019 eliminasi malaria

3.3.14 prevelensi anak UN-Stat not ready Prevalence of hepatitis B

balita yang terkena surface antigen in children
hepatitis B under 5

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
3.3.15 Kehadiran 13 UN-Stat not ready Presence of 13 IHR core
kapasitas inti IHR capacities for surveillance
untuk pengawasan and response
dan respon
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
3.4 by 2030 reduce 3.4.1 Probabilitas UN-Stat most ready the percentage of 30-year- Riskesdas 2013 national
by one-third pre- kematian antara old people who would die
mature mortality usia 30 dan before their 70th birthday
from non- 70 dari setiap from any of cardiovascular
communicable penyakit jantung, disease, cancer, diabetes, or
diseases kanker, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease
(NCDs) through atau penyakit
prevention and pernapasan kronis
treatment, and
promote mental
health and 3.4.2 Prevalensi berat RPJM 2015- most ready Prevalensi berat badan lebih Riskesdas 2013 national
welbeing badan lebih dan 2019 dan obesitas pada penduduk
obesitas pada usia 18+ tahun (persen)
penduduk usia
18+ tahun (persen)

3.4.3 Prevalensi tekanan RPJM 2015- most ready Prevalensi tekanan darah Riskesdas 2007, 2013 province
darah tinggi 2019 tinggi (persen)

3.4.4 Prevalensi RPJM 2015- ready Prevalensi merokok pada usia Riskesdas national
merokok pada usia 2019 18 tahun
18 tahun

3.4.5 Persentase RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase penurunan kasus Riskesdas 2011-2013 national
penurunan kasus 2019 penyakit yang dapat dicegah
penyakit yang dengan imunisasi (PD3I)
dapat dicegah tertentu dari tahun 2013
dengan imunisasi
(PD3I) tertentu dari
tahun 2013

3.4.6 Persentase RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase Puskesmas yang Riskesdas 2013 national
Puskesmas yang 2019 melaksanakan pengendalian
melaksanakan PTM terpadu
pengendalian PTM

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
3.4.7 Persentase RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase kab/kota yang Riskesdas 2013 national
kab/kota yang 2019 melaksanakan kebijakan
melaksanakan Kawasan Tanpa Rokok (KTR)
kebijakan Kawasan minimal 50 persen sekolah
Tanpa Rokok (KTR)
minimal 50 persen

3.4.8 pengguna UN-Stat most ready Current tobacco use among Riskesdas 2013 national
tembakau yang persons 15 years and over
berumur 15 tahun
Section 4: Data Availability Map

ke atas

3.5 strengthen 3.5.1 Prevalensi BPS most ready total (recorded and BPS
prevention peminum alkohol unrecorded) alcohol
and treatment 12 bulan dan 1 consumption within a
of substance bulan terakhir calendar year in liters of pure
abuse, including alcohol
narcotic drug 3.5.2 Cakupan terapi UN-Stat not ready Coverage of opioid
abuse and substitusi substitution therapy among
harmful use of opioid antara opioid-dependent drug users
alcohol pengguna narkoba
tergantung opioid

3.5.3 Cakupan intervensi UN-Stat not ready Coverage of interventions for

untuk pencegahan the prevention of substance
penyalahgunaan abuse interventions among
obat terlarang di people under 25
bawah umur 25

3.6 By 2030, halve 3.6.1 Jumlah korban BPS, UN- most ready the rate of road traffic fatal BPS
the number of meninggal akibat Stat injury deaths calculated per
global deaths kecelakaan lalu 100,000 population
and injuries lintas per 100.000

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
from road traffic penduduk
accidents and, in
the interim, by 3.6.2 Tingkat kecelakaan RPJM 2015- most ready number of road crash injuries
2020, stabilize lalu lintas (%) 2019
and then reduce
global deaths
and injuries
from road traffic
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
3.7 by 2030 ensure 3.7.1 Tingkat prevalensi BPS, RPJM most ready prevelensi penggunaan IDHS, 1991 1993 national
universal access kontrasepsi (%) 2015-2019, kontrasepsi (any method) National 1994 1995
to sexual and UN-Stat Economic 1996 1997
reproductive Survey 1998 1999
health care 2000 2001
services, 2003 2005
including for 2007 2012
family planning,
information and
education, and prevelensi penggunaan IDHS, 1991 1993 national
the integration kontrasepsi (condom) National 1994 1995
of reproductive Economic 1996 1997
health into Survey 1998 1999
national 2000 2001
strategies and 2003 2005
programmes 2007 2012

3.7.2 perawatan RPJM ready Persentase ibu hamil yang BPS, DHS, 1991 1994 national
ibu sebelum 2015-2019, mendapatkan pelayanan Renkesdes 1997 2003
melahirkan MDGs antenatal ke empat (K4) 2007 2010

3.7.3 tingkat kelahiran MDGs, UN- most ready tingkat kelahiran pada anak BPS, IDHS, 1992 1995 national
pada anak remaja Stat remaja Susenas 1997 2000
2005 2009

3.7.4 persentase MDGs ready women not using any BPS, IDHS,
yang belum method of conceptions / Susenas
menggunakan KB women wanting no more
children or wanting to delay
the next birth

3.7.5 total tingkat BPS most ready total fertility rate BPS 1971 - 2014 province

3.7.6 persentasi RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase kebutuhan ber-KB Riskesdas 2013 national
kebutuhan ber-KB 2019

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
3.7.7 persentase RPJM 2015- most ready persentase penggunaan Riskesdas 2013 national
penggunaan 2019 metode kontrasepsi jangka
metode panjang (MKJP)
kontrasepsi jangka
panjang (MKJP)

3.7.8 persentase tingkat RPJM 2015- most ready persentase tingkat putus Riskesdas 2013 national
putus pakai 2019 pakai kontrasepsi
Section 4: Data Availability Map

3.7.9 persentase RPJM 2015- ready persentase kesertaan KB pria BKKBN,

kesertaan KB pria 2019 (peserta KB pria/PA) Riskesdas
(peserta KB pria/
3.7.10 Persentase RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase kabupaten/kota Riskesdas 2013 national
kabupaten/kota 2019 yang mencapai 80 persen
yang mencapai 80 imunisasi dasar lengkap pada
persen imunisasi bayi
dasar lengkap
pada bayi

3.7.11 Persentase balita RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase balita yang Bappenas, 2014, 2011- national,
yang menerima 2019 menerima imunisasi lengkap BPS 2012 province
imunisasi lengkap

3.8 achieve universal 3.8.1 Persentase anak BPS most ready Persentase anak berumur BPS 1995 - 2013 province
health coverage berumur 1 tahun 1 tahun yang diimunisasi
(UHC), including yang diimunisasi campak
financial risk campak
access to quality
3.8.2 Jumlah kecamatan RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah kecamatan yang Riskesdas 2013 national
essential health
yang memiliki 2019 memiliki minimal satu
care services,
minimal satu puskesmas yang tersertifikasi

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
and access to
puskesmas yang akreditasi
safe, effective,
quality, and
3.8.3 Jumlah puskesmas RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah puskesmas yang Riskesdas 2013 national
medicines and
yang minimal 2019 minimal memiliki lima jenis
vaccines for all
memiliki lima jenis tenaga kesehatan
tenaga kesehatan
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
3.8.4 Persentase RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase kabupaten/kota KemenKes, 2013 national
kabupaten/kota 2019 yang mencapai 80 persen Riskesdas
yang mencapai 80 imunisasi dasar lengkap pada
persen imunisasi bayi
dasar lengkap
pada bayi

3.8.5 persentase Kab/ RPJM 2015- most ready persentase Kab/Kota yang KemenKes, 2013 national
Kota yang memiliki 2019 memiliki minimal satu RSUD Riskesdas
minimal satu RSUD yang tersertifikasi akreditasi
yang tersertifikasi nasional
akreditasi nasional

3.8.6 Persentase RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase kepesertaan SJSN KemenKes, 2013 national
kepesertaan 2019 kesehatan (persen) Riskesdas
jaminan atau SJSN
kesehatan (persen)
3.8.7 Jumlah puskesmas RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah puskesmas yang KemenKes, 2013 national
yang minimal 2019 minimal memiliki lima jenis Riskesdas
memiliki lima jenis tenaga kesehatan
tenaga kesehatan

3.8.8 Persentase RSU RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase RSU Kabupaten/ KemenKes, 2013 national
Kabupaten/Kota 2019 Kota kelas C yang memiliki Riskesdas
kelas C yang tujuh dokter spesialis
memiliki tujuh
dokter spesialis
3.8.9 Persentase RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase ketersediaan obat KemenKes, 2013 national
ketersediaan obat 2019 dan vaksin di Puskesmas Riskesdas
dan vaksin di

3.8.10 Persentase obat RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase obat yang KemenKes, 2013 national
yang memenuhi 2019 memenuhi syarat Riskesdas

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
3.8.11 Jumlah penduduk RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah penduduk yang KemenKes, 2013 national
yang menjadi 2019 menjadi peserta penerima Riskesdas
peserta penerima bantuan (PBI) melalui Kartu
bantuan (PBI) Indonesia Sehat (KIS)
melalui Kartu
Indonesia Sehat

3.8.12 Jumlah dokumen RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah dokumen hasil studi/ KemenKes,
hasil studi/ 2019 monitoring dan evaluasi Riskesdas
Section 4: Data Availability Map

monitoring pelaksanaan JKN

dan evaluasi
pelaksanaan JKN

3.8.13 Jumlah dokumen RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah dokumen hasil Health KemenKes,
hasil Health 2019 Technology Assessment/HTA Riskesdas
Technology yang disampaikan kepada
Assessment/HTA Menteri Kesehatan
yang disampaikan
kepada Menteri

3.8.14 Jumlah dokumen RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah dokumen kebijakan KemenKes,
kebijakan 2019 pembinaan pengembangan Riskesdas
pembinaan pembiayaan dan jaminan
pengembangan kesehatan
pembiayaan dan
jaminan kesehatan

3.8.15 Jumlah bahan RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah bahan baku obat, KemenKes,
baku obat, obat 2019 obat tradisional dan Riskesdas
tradisional dan kosmetika dalam negeri

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
kosmetika dalam yang dimanfaatkan, serta
negeri yang alat kesehatan (alkes) yang
dimanfaatkan, diproduksi di dalam negeri
serta alat
kesehatan (alkes)
yang diproduksi di
dalam negeri
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
3.8.16 Persentase RPJM 2015- ready Persentase puskesmas yang KemenKes,
puskesmas yang 2019 melaksanakan pelayanan Riskesdas
melaksanakan kefarmasian sesuai standar
kefarmasian sesuai

3.8.17 Jenis alkes yang RPJM 2015- ready Jenis alkes yang diproduksi KemenKes,
diproduksi di 2019 di dalam negeri Riskesdas
dalam negeri

3.8.18 Jumlah bahan RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah bahan baku obat, KemenKes,
baku obat, obat 2019 obat tradisional dan Riskesdas
tradisional dan kosmetika dalam negeri yang
kosmetika dalam dimanfaatkan
negeri yang

3.8.19 Persentase RS RPJM 2015- most ready Persentase RS Kab/Kota kelas KemenKes, 2010 national
Kab/Kota kelas 2019 C yang memiliki 4 dokter Riskesdas
C yang memiliki spesialis dasar dan 3 dokter
4 dokter spesialis spesialis penunjang
dasar dan 3
dokter spesialis

3.8.20 Pengeluaran BPS, UN- most ready percentage of total KemenKes,

pemerintah untuk Stat expenditure on health Riskesdas
kesehatan, sebagai
persentase dari
3.8.21 Rasio tenaga BPS, UN- most ready ratio of healt professionals to KemenKes, 2010 national
kesehatan Stat population (medical doctors, Riskesdas
terhadap nurses, community health
penduduk (dokter, worker)
dokter gigi, dokter
spesialis, bidan,
perawat, tenaga
farmasi, kesehatan

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
keterapian fisik,
keteknisian medis,
dan tenaga gizi)

Section 4: Data Availability Map
No Target No. Indicator Indicator Categories Data Required Data Time Series Data Level
Source Source
3.8.22 Persentase fasilitas BPS ready proportion of population with KemenKes,
kesehatan menurut access to affordable essential Riskesdas
ketersediaan obat drugs on sustainable basis
umum, obat gigi,
obat/alat KB, obat
khusus Puskesmas
PONED, vaksin,
dan alat kesehatan
dalam dan luar
Section 4: Data Availability Map

3.8.23 kebutuhan yang RPJM 2015- ready Unmet medical needs (place KemenKes,
belum terpenuhi 2019 holder indicator) Riskesdas
untuk pelayanan

3.8.24 persentase BPS most ready Persentase Penduduk yang KemenKes, 2007-2012 province
penduduk yang Berobat Jalan di Puskesmas Riskesdas
berobat jalan dan Puskesmas Pembantu
di puskesmas Selama Table Sebulan yang
dan puskesmas lalu
pembantu selama
sebulan yang lalu

3.9 by 2030 3.9.1 rata-rata polusi UN-Stat most ready the annual mean of particle KemenKes, national
substantially udara dari partikel concentration with diameter KLHK
reduce the tertentu equal to or greater than 10
number of microns
deaths and
illneses from
chemicals and
air, water, and
soil polution and

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning
opportunities for all

Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
4.1 by 2030, 4.1.1 Tingkat melek BPS,MDG most ready net enrolement ratio (APM) BPS 1994-2013 national
ensure that all huruf laki-laki for primary education (SD/MI)
girls and boys perempuan pada
complete free, kelompok umur
equitable dan 15-24 tahun (BPS)
quality primary
and secondary
leading to 4.1.2 Proporsi murid MDG most ready Percentage 1st grade student BPS
relevant and kelas 1 yang to completed primary
effective learning menamatkan education
outcomes sekolah dasa)

4.1.3 Rasio partisipasi BPS,MDG most ready Net enrolment ratio in BPS 1994-2013 national
murni dalam primary education
pendidikan dasar

4.1.4 presentase BPS most ready Educational Attainment BPS national

penduduk Population Aged 15 Years
berumur 15 and Over
tahun yang
pendidikan dasa)

4.1.5 Rasio penerimaan BPS most ready -net enrolement ratio (APM) BPS 1994-2013 national
bersih di for junior high school
pendidikan -net enrolement ratio (APM)
sekunder (BPS) for senior high school

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
4.2 by 2030 ensure 4.2.1 presentase anak- UN-Stat most ready preschool participation ratio BPS 2001-2013 national
that all girls anak menerimana
and boys have program
access to quality pendidikan pra
early childhood sekolah minimal 1
development, tahun) (BPS)
care and
education so 4.2.2 Akses terhadap UN-Stat most ready ECDI index UNICEF national
that they are indeks
ready for primary pembangunan
Section 4: Data Availability Map

education anak (UNICEF)

4.3 by 2030 ensure 4.3.1

equal access
for all women
and men to
quality technical,
and tertiary

4.4 By 2030, ensure 4.4.1 Prosentase UN-Stat ready -number of youth/adults BPS, BPS, Ke-
that all youth and pemuda/orang who are computer and Kemendik- mendiknas
adults have dewasa yang information literate * nas
relevant skills, melek komputer -number of youth/adults in
including dan informasi population

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
technical and
vocational skills,
for employment,
decent work and
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
4.5 by 2030, 4.5.1 Rasio anak MDG most ready -Percentage population by BPS 2002-2013 national
eliminate gender perempuan sex in school participation
disparities terhadap laki-laki
in education dalam partisipasi
and ensure sekolah (BPS)
equal access
to all levels 4.5.2 Indeks kesamaan MDG most ready -net enrollment ratio for BPS 2000-2013 national
of education gender dalam primary school
and vocational rasio partisipasi -net enrollment ratio (APM)
training for the pendidikan dasar, for junior high school
vulnerable, sekunder dan -net enrollment ratio (APM)
including tersier (BPS) for senior high school
persons with
indigenous 4.5.3 Rasio anak MDG most ready Ratio of girls to boys in BPS
peoples, and perempuan illiteracy rate
children in terhadap anak laki-
vulnerable laki dalam tingkat
situations literasi (BPS)

4.6 By 2030, ensure

that all youth
and adults,
both men and
women, reach
a proficiency
level in literacy
and numeracy
sufficient to fully
participate in

4.7 by 2030 ensure 4.7.1 prosentase pelajar UN-Stat ready -Number of 15-year BPS, National,
all learners berumur 15 tahun old students showing Kemendik- provincial,
acquire yang menunjukkan proficiency in knowledge of nas district
knowledge and kecakapan dalam environmental science and
skills needed pengetahuan ilmu geoscience*
to promote lingkungan dan -Number of population in 15
sustainable kebumian (-) year old

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
including among

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
others through 4.7.2 Prosentase UN-Stat ready -Number of 13-year old BPS, National,
education for pelajar berumur students endorsing values Kemendik- provincial,
sustainable 13 tahun yang and attitudes promoting nas district
development mendorong nilai equality, trust and
and sustainable dan perilaku yang participation governance*
lifestyles, mempromosikan -number of population in 13-
human rights, kesejajaran, year old
gender equality, kepercayaan dan
promotion of partisipasi dalam
a culture of tata pemerintahan
peace and non- (-)
Section 4: Data Availability Map

violence, global
citizenship, and
appreciation of
cultural diversity
and of cultures
to sustainable

4.a build and 4.a.1 Prosentase sekolah UN-Stat ready -Number of school with BPS, National,
upgrade dengan akses access to (i) electricity (ii) Kemendik- provincial,
education terhadap listrik, drinking water and (iii) single- nas district
facilities that are air layak minum sex sanitation facilities*
child, disability dan sanitasi untuk -Number of school in
and gender setiap perempuan Indonesia
sensitive and dan laki laki
provide safe,
inclusive and
effective learning

4.b By 2030,

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
increase support
for scholarships
available to
countries, in
particular least
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
4.b countries, 4.b.1
small island
States and
African countries,
for enrolment
in higher
training and
information and
and scientific
in developed
countries and
other developing

4.c By 2030, 4.c.1

all learners
are taught
by qualified
cooperation for
teacher training
in developing
especially least
countries and
small island

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
5.1 end all forms of 5.1.1 persentase MDGs most ready persentase perempuan Depnakertrans, 1990-2012 national
discrimination perempuan yang yang bekerja di sektor MDG/BPS
against all bekerja di sektor non-pertanian
women and girls non-pertanian

5.1.2 persentase kursi MDGs most ready proportion of seats held World bank, 2005-2014 national
Section 4: Data Availability Map

parlemen yang by women in national MDG, BPS

diduduki oleh parliament

5.1.3 rasio jumlah RPJM most ready rasio jumlah murid BPS, Susenas, 2007-2010 national
murid perempuan 2015-2019, perempuan dan laki-laki di Kemendikbud
dan laki-laki di MDGs sekolah
rasio murid MDG, BPS 2001-2012 national
di sekolah

rasio murid MDG, BPS 2001-2012 national

di sekolah
rasio murid MDG, BPS 2001-2012 national
di sekolah

5.1.4 Indeks RPJM 2015- most ready Indeks Pembangunan BPS 2009-2010 national
Pembangunan 2019 Gender (IPG)
Gender (IPG)

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
IKKG (Indeks Kesetaraan BPS 2006-2010 province
dan Keadilan Gender)
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
5.1.5 Indeks RPJM 2015- most ready Indeks Pemberdayaan Bappenas 2014 national
Pemberdayaan 2019 Gender (IDG)
Gender (IDG)

IKKG (Indeks BPS 2006-2010 province

Kesetaraan dan
Keadilan Gender)

5.1.6 apakah ada atau UN-Stat ready Whether or not kemenpppa, 342 national
tidak kerangka legal frameworks komnas kebijakan
hukum diskriminasi discriminate against perempuan diskriminatif di
terhadap women and girls, tahun
perempuan dan as identified by the 2013
anak perempuan, CEDAW committee
seperti yang
diidentifikasi oleh
komite CEDAW

5.1.7 apakah ada atau UN-Stat not ready Whether or not

tidak diskriminasi inheritance rights
untuk hak waris discriminate against
pada perempuan women and girls
dan anak

5.2 eliminate all 5.2.1 Prevalensi wanita BPS, RPJM most ready the occurrence of BPS, 2006-2010 national
forms of violence 15-49 tahun 2015-2019, violence against kemenpppa
against all yang mengalami UN-Stat women by intimate
women and girls kekerasan fisik partners.
in public and atau seksual oleh
private spheres, pasangan intimnya
including dalam 12 bulan
trafficking and terakhir (ad-hoc)
sexual and atau persentase
other types of wanita 15-49 tahun

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
exploitation yang menjadi
korban kejahatan

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
5.2.2 Persentase wanita BPS, RPJM most the capacity to redress BPS, 2006-2010 national
yang mengalami 2015-2019, ready crimes, whether kemenpppa
tindak kejahatan UN-Stat citizens trust formal
dan dilaporkan ke system enough to
polisi actually go to police
and courts
5.2.3 prevalensi RPJM 2015- most prevalensi kekerasan BPS, 2008, 2013 national
kekerasan terhadap 2019 ready terhadap anak kemenpppa
Section 4: Data Availability Map

5.2.4 Jumlah RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah perempuan IOM, BPS
perempuan korban 2019 korban perdagangan

5.3 eliminate 5.3.1 Persentase wanita BPS, MDGs, most ready Percentage of women BPS
all harmful umur 20-24 tahun UN-Stat aged 20-24 years old
practices, such yang berstatus who were married or
as child, early kawin/ hidup in union before age
and forced bersama atau 18
marriage and berstatus kawin/
female genital hidup bersama
mutilations sebelum berusia 18

5.3.2 Persentase pernah BPS most ready the percentage of BPS

disunat pada anak women aged 15-49
perempuan umur got the practice
0-11 tahun of female genital
mutilation (FGM)

5.3.3 Angka kelahiran RPJM 2015- most ready Angka kelahiran Bappenas 2014 national

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
kelornpok umur 15- 2019 kelornpok umur 15-19
19 tahun (ASFR) tahun (ASFR)

5.3.4 Persentase anak UN-Stat not ready Percentage of girls

perempuan dan and women aged
wanita berusia 15- 15-49 years who have
49 tahun yang telah undergone FGM/C
menjalani FGM/C
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
5.4 recognize and 5.4.1 Rata-rata jam kerja BPS, UN- most ready the time spent by BPS 2007-2010 national
value unpaid pekerja dibayar dan Stat women and girls to do
care and tidak dibayar paid and unpaid work
domestic work combined
through the
provision of
public services, 5.4.2 proporsi jumlah UN-Stat ready Proportion of BPS, 2013 province
infrastructure and rumah tangga yang households within 15 RISKESDAS
social protection berlokasi 15 menit minutes of nearest
policies, and dari sumber air water source
the promotion
of shared
within the
and the family
as nationally

5.5 ensure womens 5.5.1 Persentase BPS, RPJM most ready the ratio of the World bank, 2005-2014 national
full and effective keterwakilan 2015-2019, percentage of seats MDG, BPS
participation perempuan di UN-Stat held by women and
and equal lembaga legislatif minorities (including
opportunities (DPR, DPRD indigenous people)
for leadership Provinsi, dan DPRD in legislative bodies
at all levels of Kab/Kota) (national, regional,
decision-making local)
in political,
economic, and
public life

5.5.2 Tingkat partisipasi RPJM 2015- not ready Tingkat partisipasi

perempuan 2019 perempuan
dalam Kelompok dalam Kelompok
Penghidupan Penghidupan
Berkelanjutan Berkelanjutan

5.5.3 jumlah perusahaan RPJM 2015- ready jumlah perusahaan Depnakertrans national
yang menerapkan 2019 yang menerapkan

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
norma kerja norma kerja
perempuan perempuan

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
5.5.4 Tingkat Partisipasi RPJM 2015- most ready Tingkat Partisipasi BPS 2007-2010 national
Angkatan Kerja 2019 Angkatan Kerja (TPAK)
(TPAK) perernpuan perernpuan

5.5.5 Rasio upah yang BPS most ready Rasio upah yang BPS 2007-2010 national
diterima pekerja diterima pekerja
perempuan perempuan terhadap
terhadap laki-laki laki-laki

5.5.6 Persentase BPS most ready Persentase KemenSos 2011 national

Section 4: Data Availability Map

perempuan yang perempuan yang

berstatus sebagai berstatus sebagai
kepala rumah kepala rumah tangga
tangga ataupun istri ataupun istri yang
yang tidak bekerja tidak bekerja dan
dan menjadi pekerja menjadi pekerja
keluarga/ tidak keluarga/ tidak
dibayar dibayar

5.5.7 Proporsi wanita UN-Stat not ready Proportion of women

yang memiliki suara who have a say in
dalam keputusan household decisions
di rumah tangga (for large purchases,
(untuk pembelian their own health and
dalam jumlah visiting relatives)
besar, kesehatan
mereka sendiri
dan mengunjungi

5.6 ensure universal 5.6.1 Met and unmet BPS, MDGs most ready the percentage of IDHS, National 1991 1993 national
access to sexual demand for women (or their Economic 1994 1995
and reproductive family planning partners) who desire Survey 1996 1997
health and (Tingkat kebutuhan either to have no 1998 1999

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
reproductive pelayanan KB yang further children or 2000 2001
rights as agreed terpenuhi dan yang to postpone the 2003 2005
in accordance belum terpenuhi) next child and who 2007 2012
with the are currently using a
Programme of modern contraceptive
Action of the method.
ICPD and the
Beijing platform
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
for Action and 5.6.2 Total fertility rate RPJM most ready total fertility rate BPS 1971 - 2014 province
the outcome (tingkat kesuburan) 2015-2019,
documents of MDGs
their review
conference 5.6.3 Mean age of mother RPJM most ready the mean age of BPS, IDHS, 1992 1995 national
at birth of first child 2015-2019, mother at birth of first Susenas 1997 2000
(Angka Kelahiran MDGs, UN- child 2005 2009
usia remaja 15-19 Stat

5.6.4 Contraceptive RPJM most ready Contraceptive IDHS, National 1991 1993 national
prevalence rate 2015-2019, prevalence rate Economic 1994 1995
(Angka Pemakaian MDGs Survey 1996 1997
Kontrasepsi) 1998 1999
2000 2001
2003 2005
2007 2012

5.6.5 Persentase RPJM most ready Persentase kunjungan Riskesdas, BPS, national
kunjungan neonatal 2015-2019, neonatal pertama KemenKes
pertama MDGs

5.6.7 Presentase ibu hamil RPJM most ready Presentase ibu hamil BPS 1991 1994 national
yang mendapatkan 2015-2019, yang mendapatkan 1997 2003
pelayanan antenatal MDGs pelayanan antenatal 2007 2010
ke empat (K4) ke empat (K4) 2012

5.6.8 Persentase RPJM 2015- ready Persentase kesertaan Bappenas 2014

kesertaan KB Pria 2019 KB Pria (Peserta KB
(Peserta KB Pria/PA) Pria/PA)

5.6.9 Persentase UN-Stat not ready Percentage of women

perempuan dan and girls who make
anak perempuan decisions about
yang membuat their own sexual and
keputusan tentang reproductive health
kesehatan mereka and reproductive

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
sendiri seksual dan rights
reproduksi dan hak

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
5.6.10 Adanya undang- UN-Stat not ready Existence of laws
undang dan and regulations that
peraturan yang guarantee all women
menjamin semua and adolescents
perempuan dan informed choices
remaja mendapat regarding their sexual
pilihan informasi and reproductive
mengenai health and
kesehatan seksual reproductive rights
dan reproduksi regardless of marital
dan hak reproduksi status
Section 4: Data Availability Map

terlepas dari status


Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
6.1 by 2030, achieve 6.1.1 persentase rumah BPS, RPJM most ready persentase rumah tangga BPS, Susenas, 1990-2012 urban, rural
universal and tangga yang 2015-2019, yang memiliki akses riskesdas
equitable memiliki akses MDGs, UN- terhadap air minum layak
access to safe terhadap Sumber Stat
and affordable Air Minum Layak
drinking water
for all
6.1.2 Regulasi = UU BPS most ready Regulasi = UU No 4 BPS, BPPSPAM
No 4 Tahun Tahun 2004 tentang
2004 tentang Sumber Daya Air, PP
Sumber Daya 16 Tahun 2005 tentang
Air, PP 16 Tahun Pengembangan Sistem
2005 tentang Penyediaan Air Minum
Penyediaan Air

6.2 by 2030, 6.2.1 Proporsi BPS, RPJM most ready the percentage of the BPS, Susenas, 2009-2013 province
achieve access rumah tangga 2015-2019, population in urban and riskesdas
to adequate dengan akses MDGs, UN- rural areas with access to
and equitable berkelanjutan Stat safely managed sanitation
sanitation and terhadap sanitasi services
hygiene for all, layak
and end open
paying special 6.2.2 Tingkat pelayanan RPJM 2015- most ready Tingkat pelayanan sanitasi pamsimas, national
attention to sanitasi (air limbah 2019 (air limbah domestik, STBM, riskesdas
the needs of domestik, sampah sampah dan darinase
women and dan darinase lingkungan) (%)
girls and those lingkungan) (%)
in vulnerable

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
6.2.3 Persentase rumah BPS most ready Persentase rumah sakit kemenkes, 2013 national
sakit umum/ umum/ pemerintah dan riskesdas
pemerintah puskesmas yang memiliki
dan puskesmas ketersediaan air bersih
yang memiliki dan memiliki pengolahan
ketersediaan limbah (SPAL)
air bersih
dan memiliki
limbah (SPAL)
Section 4: Data Availability Map

6.2.4 Persentase BPS, UN- most ready Persentase penduduk riskesdas 2013 national
penduduk Stat dengan fasilitas cuci
dengan fasilitas tangan dasar di rumah
cuci tangan dasar
di rumah

6.2.5 Persentase rumah BPS most ready Persentase rumah tangga riskesdas 2013 province,
tangga yang tidak yang tidak memiliki national
memiliki fasilitas fasilitas tempat buang air
tempat buang air besar dan tidak memiliki
besar dan tidak tempat pembuangan akhir
memiliki tempat tinja berupa tangki/ SPAL.
akhir tinja berupa
tangki/ SPAL.

6.3 By 2030, improve 6.3.1 Tingkat pelayanan RPJM most ready Percentage of wastewater pamsimas,
water quality sanitasi (air limbah 2015-2019, flows treated to national STBM
by reducing domestik, sampah UN-Stat standards, by municipal
pollution, dan darinase and industrial source
eliminating lingkungan) (%)

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
dumping and
release of
chemicals and
materials, halving
the proportion
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
of untreated 6.3.2 Persentase UN-Stat not ready
wastewater and penggunaan
at least doubling sumber air
recycling and dibawah batas
safe reuse tanpa merusak
globally lingkungan
atau kesehatan

6.4 by 2030, 6.4.1 total ketersediaan UN-Stat not ready WAI = R+G-D/R+G+D
substantially air dari sumber (R = surface runoff, G =
increase water- alam dan buatan groundwater resources
use efficiency atau indeks and D = sum of demands
across all sectors ketersediaan air of all sectors)
and ensure (WAI)
and supply of
freshwater to
address water 6.4.2 indeks UN-Stat not ready total water use (air
scarcity, and penggunaan air yang digunakan) / the
substantially availability of water
reduce the (sumber air yang tersedia)
number of
people suffering
from water

6.5 by 2030 6.5.1 pembangunan RPJM 2015- most ready jumlah waduk SDA PU 2014 national
implement waduk 2019
water resources
at all levels,
cooperation as

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
6.5.2 Terjaganya / RPJM 2015- most ready Terjaganya / SDA PU 2014 national
meningkatnya 2019 meningkatnya jumlah
jumlah mata mata air di 5 DAS prioritas
air di 5 DAS dan 10 DAS prioritas
prioritas dan 10 lainnya sampai dengan
DAS prioritas 2019 melalui konservasi
lainnya sampai sumber daya air
dengan 2019
melalui konservasi
sumber daya air
Section 4: Data Availability Map

6.5.3 Pengembangan RPJM 2015- most ready Pengembangan dan SDA PU 2014 national
dan pengelolaan 2019 pengelolaan Jaringan
Jaringan Irigasi Irigasi (permukaan, air
(permukaan, air tanah, pompa, rawa, dan
tanah, pompa, tambak)
rawa, dan

6.5.4 Akses Air Minum RPJM 2015- most ready persentase aksesibilitas air SDA PU, 2013 national
Layak 2019 minum layak KemenKes,
Riskesdes, BPS

6.5.5 Persentase total BPS, MDGs most ready proportion of water BPS 1990 1995 national
sumber air yang resource used 2000 2005
digunakan 2010

6.5.6 status UN-Stat not ready Status of IWRM

implementasi Implementation
sumber air yang

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
6.5.7 Ketersediaan UN-Stat not ready Availability of operational
operational untuk arrangements for
pengelolaan lintas transboundary basin
batas DAS management
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
6.6 By 2030, 6.6.1 menyelesaikan RPJM 2015- ready DAS lintas negara Bappenas, national
water-related status DAS lintas 2019 Kemenkumhan
ecosystems, negara
forests, wetlands,
rivers, aquifers
and lakes have
been fully
protected and
6.6.2 Mengurangi RPJM 2015- most ready Mengurangi luasan lahan Bappenas, national
luasan lahan 2019 kritis, melalui rehabilitasi KLHK
kritis, melalui di dalam KPH dan DAS
rehabilitasi di
dalam KPH dan

6.6.3 Pemulihan RPJM 2015- most ready Pemulihan kesehatan Bappenas, national
kesehatan 5 DAS 2019 5 DAS Prioritas (DAS KLHK
Prioritas (DAS Ciliwung, DAS Citarum,
Ciliwung, DAS DAS Serayu, DAS
Citarum, DAS Bengawan Solo dan DAS
Serayu, DAS Brantas) dan 10 DAS
Bengawan Solo prioritas lainnya s.d. 2019
dan DAS Brantas)
dan 10 DAS
prioritas lainnya
s.d. 2019
6.6.4 Perlindungan RPJM 2015- ready Perlindungan mata air Bappenas, national
mata air di 5 DAS 2019 di 5 DAS Prioritas (DAS KLHK
Prioritas (DAS Ciliwung, DAS Citarum,
Ciliwung, DAS DAS Serayu, DAS
Citarum, DAS Bengawan Solo dan DAS
Serayu, DAS Brantas) dan 10 DAS
Bengawan Solo prioritas lainnya sampai
dan DAS Brantas) dengan tahun 2019
dan 10 DAS

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
prioritas lainnya
sampai dengan
tahun 2019

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
6.6.5 Peningkatan RPJM 2015- ready Peningkatan kualitas air Bappenas, national
kualitas air sungai 2019 sungai sebagai sumber air KLHK, PU
sebagai sumber baku
air baku

6.6.6 Pengendalian RPJM 2015- ready Pengendalian sedimentasi Bappenas, national

sedimentasi di 2019 di waduk dan danau KLHK, PU
waduk dan danau prioritas
Section 4: Data Availability Map

6.6.7 Pengelolaan RPJM 2015- ready Pengelolaan terpadu di Bappenas, national

terpadu di danau 2019 danau prioritas nasional KLHK, PU
prioritas nasional

6.6.8 Revitalisasi Sungai RPJM 2015- ready Revitalisasi Sungai Tepadu Bappenas, national
Tepadu 2019 KLHK, PU

6.6.9 persentase UN-Stat ready Change in wetlands KLHK

perubahan lahan extent over time (%
basah dari waktu change over time)
ke waktu

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all

Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
7.1 by 2030 ensure 7.1.1 Prosentase UN-Stat most ready -number of pipeline gas BPS, PLN 1993-2013 national
universal access penduduk yang customers
to affordable, memasak dengan -number of household
reliable, and piranti modern: using LPG
modern energy gas (BPS, PGN)
7.1.2 Prosentase UN-Stat most ready -electricification rate PLN 2009-2013 national
penduduk yang -number of household
menikmati listrik with electricity access

7.2 increase 7.2.1 Prosentase energi MDG most ready final energy consumption KESDM 2000-2013 national
substantially terbarukan dalam
the share of konsumsi energi
renewable final(ESDM)
energy in the
global energy 7.2.2 Leglisasi dan UN-Stat most ready regulations on renewable KESDM
mix by 2030 kerangka energy
kerja yang
produksi energi
terbarukan pada

7.3 double the 7.3.1 Tingkat perbaikan MDG most ready energy intensity KESDM 2000-2013 national
global rate of intensitas energi
improvement in primer (ESDM)
energy efficiency
by 2030 7.3.2 indeks komposite UN-Stat ready -energy efficiency index KESDM KESDM
untuk efisiensi
energy yang
terdiri dari
berbagai sektor

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
bangunan dan
pertanian (-)

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
7.a by 2030 enhance 7.a.1 Perbaikan dalam UN-Stat ready -net carbon intensity KESDM
international intensitas karbon
cooperation to bersih pada sektor
facilitate access energi (ESDM)
to clean energy
research and
technologies, 7.a.2 Investasi teknologi UN-Stat ready investment on clean KESDM 2005-2010 national
including dan infrastruktur energy (geothermal,
renewable energi bersih hydro)
energy, energy (ESDM)
efficiency, and
Section 4: Data Availability Map

advanced and
leaner fossil fuel
and promote
in energy
and clean energy

7.b by 2030 expand 7.b.1 Tingkat perbaikan UN-Stat ready -energy productivity KESDM
infrastructure produktivitas
and upgrade energi (ESDM)
for supplying
modern and 7.b.2 prosentase UN-Stat ready number of international Bappenas,
sustainable proyek kerjasama cooperation projects KESDM
energy services internasional being implemented
for all in yang sedang to facilitate access to
developing diimplementasikan energy
countries, untuk memfasilitasi
particularly LDCs akses energi
and SIDS (Bappenas)

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all

Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
8.1 sustain per 8.1.1 PDRB per kapita UN-Stat most ready Gross domestic product BPS, BI 2000-2013 national
capita economic (BPS, WB) (GDP) per capita in US$
growth in
with national
and in particular 8.1.2 Indeks UN-Stat ready Inclusive wealth index UNEP
at least 7% per kesejahteraan
annum GDP terbuk (-)
growth in the

8.2 achieve higher 8.2.1 Jumlah tenaga RPJM 2015- not ready Jumlah tenaga kerja yang Kemenakertrans
levels of kerja yang 2019 memperoleh pelatihan
productivity memperoleh berbasis kompetensi*
of economies pelatihan berbasis
through kompetensi*
technological 8.2.2 Jumlah instruktur RPJM 2015- not ready Jumlah instruktur yang
upgrading and yang ditingkatkan 2019 ditingkatkan potensinya*
innovation, potensinya
through a focus
on high value
added and 8.2.3 Jumlah tenaga RPJM 2015- not ready Jumlah tenaga kerja yang
labour-intensive kerja yang 2019 meningkat produktivitas*
sectors meningkat

8.2.4 Jumlah lembaga RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah lembaga pelatihan

pelatihan yang 2019 yang ditingkatkan sarana
ditingkatkan prasarananya*

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
8.3 promote 8.3.1
oriented policies
that support
activities, decent
job creation,
creativity and
and encourage
Section 4: Data Availability Map

and growth of
micro-, small-and
including through
access to
financial services

8.4 improve 8.4.1 Produktivitas MDG most ready Labour productivity (GDP ILO,BPS 1996-2010 national
progressively Tenaga Kerja per person employed)
through 2030 (ILO)
global resource
efficiency in
and production,
and endeavour
to decouple
growth from
in accordance
with the 10-year

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
framework of
on sustainable
and production
with developed
countries taking
the lead
No Target No. Indicator Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
8.5 by 2030 8.5.1 rasio pekerja UN-Stat most ready - Labor Force Participation ILO,BPS 1996-2009 national
achieve full terhadap Rate
and productive penduduk
employment and angkatan kerja
decent work for berdasar gender
all women and dan kelompok
men, including umur dan
for young people penyandang
and persons with disabilitas.
disabilities, and
equal pay for
work of equal 8.5.2 tingkat UN-Stat most ready employement to ILO,BPS 1996-2009 national
value pengangguran population ratio
berdasar gender
dan kelompok

8.5.3 Peningkatan RPJM 2015- most ready Peningkatan kepesertaan

kepesertaan 2019 program jaminan sosial
program jaminan tenaga kerja
sosial tenaga

8.5.4 Perusahaan yang RPJM 2015- ready Perusahaan yang Kemenakertrans

menerapkan 2019 menerapkan kesetaraan di
kesetaraan di tempat kerja*
tempat kerja

8.5.5 Jumlah RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah perusahaan yang Kemenakertrans

perusahaan yang 2019 menerapkan norma
menerapkan kelembagaan, keahlian
norma dan sistem managemen
kelembagaan, keselamatan dan
keahlian kesehatan kerja *
dan sistem
keselamatan dan
kesehatan kerja (-)

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 4: Data Availability Map
No Target No. Indicator Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
8.5.6 Jumlah RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah perusahaan yang Kemenakertrans
perusahaan yang 2019 menerapkan norma
menerapkan ketenagakerjaan*

8.6 by 2020 8.6.1 Jumlah RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah pembinaan Kemenakertrans
substantially pembinaan 2019 pusat layanan informasi
reduce the pusat layanan pasar kerja provinsi dan
proportion of informasi pasar kabupaten
Section 4: Data Availability Map

youth not in kerja provinsi dan

employment, kabupaten
education or
training 8.6.2 Jumlah RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah pengembangan Kemenakertrans
pengembangan 2019 bursa kerja pemerintah
bursa kerja dan bursa kerja luas
pemerintah dan
bursa kerja luas

8.6.3 Jumlah tenaga RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah tenaga kerja Kemenakertrans
kerja yang 2019 yang mendapat pelatihan
mendapat berbasis kompetensi
pelatihan berbasis

8.7 Take immediate 8.7.1 prosentase dan UN-Stat most ready number of child labor (age ILO 1996-2010 national
and effective jumlah pekerja 10-17)
measures to anak
eradicate forced
labour and secure
the prohibition 8.7.2 jumlah orang UN-Stat ready Number of people in Kemenakertrans
and elimination yang terpaksa forced labour (jumlah
bekerja orang yang terpaksa

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
of the worst
forms of child bekerja)
labour, including
recruitment and 8.7.3 Jumlah pekerja RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah pekerja anak ILO
use of child anak yang ditarik 2019 yang ditarik dari bentuk
soldiers, and by dari bentuk pekerjaan kompetensi
2025 end child pekerjaan
labour in all its kompetensi
No Target No. Indicator Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
8.7.4 kerjasama RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah lintas sektor Kemenakertrans
lintas sektor 2019 perlindungan pekerja
perlindungan perempuan dan anak
perempuan dan

8.7.5 Jumlah RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah perusahaan yang Kemenakertrans

perusahaan yang 2019 menerapkan norma kerja
menerapkan anak
norma kerja anak

8.8 protect labour 8.8.1 tersedianya RPJM 2015- not ready Dokumen grand design BNP2TKI
rights and grand design 2019 mekanisme rekrutmen
promote safe and mekanisme dan penempatan pekerja
secure working rekrutmen dan migrant
environments penempatan
of all workers, pekerja migrant
migrant workers, 8.8.2 jumlah kasus RPJM 2015- most ready jumlah kasus hukum BNP2TKI
particularly hukum yang 2019 yang terselesaikan dalam
women migrants, terselesaikan pemenuhan hak dan
and those in dalam perlindungan pekerja
precarious pemenuhan hak migran di dalam dan luar
employment dan perlindungan negeri
pekerja migran
di dalam dan luar

8.8.3 terlaksananya RPJM 2015- not ready Amandemen UU 39/2014 Kemenakertrans

amandemen UU 2019

8.8.4 Jumlah CTKI/TKI RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah CTKI/TKI yang BNP2TKI
yang mendapat 2019 mendapat pelayan
pelayan pemberdayaan
pemberdayaan perlindungan sejak pra,
perlindungan selama sampai dengan
sejak pra, selama pemulangan

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
sampai dengan

Section 4: Data Availability Map
No Target No. Indicator Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
8.8.5 Jumlah fasilitas RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah fasilitas kerjasama BNP2TKI
kerjasama 2019 internasional dalam
internasional rangka penguatan
dalam rangka penempatan dan
penguatan terlindungan TKI
penempatan dan
terlindungan TKI

8.9 by 2030 devise 8.9.1 turisme dalam UN-Stat most ready -GDP BI, BPS annual
Section 4: Data Availability Map

and implement PDRB (BPS) -GDP by sector : tourism

policies to
tourism which 8.9.2 Tourism UN-Stat not ready -tourists expense
creates jobs, consumption
promotes local
culture and

8.10 strengthen 8.10.1 Jumlah cabang UN-Stat ready -Number of comercial BI, BPS
the capacity bank dan ATM bank branches and ATM
of domestic per 100,000 -number of adult
financial orang dewasa population
institutions to
encourage to
expand access
to banking,
insurance and
financial services
for all
8.a increase Aid for 8.a.1 Evaluasi bantuan UN-Stat ready Evalution in Aid for
Trade support untuk komitment Trade Commitment and

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
for developing perdagangan dan Disburshment
countries, pembayaran
particularly LDCs,
including through
the Enhanced
Framework for
No Target No. Indicator Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
8.b by 2020 8.b.1 penyerapan MDG most ready - Labor Force Participation ILO,BPS 2004-2014 national
develop and tenaga kerja (BPS) Rate
operationalize a -employement to
global strategy population ratio
for youth
employment and
implement the 8.b.2 produktivitas MDG most ready Labour productivity (GDP ILO,BPS 1996-2010 national
ILO Global Jobs tenaga kerja per person employed)
Pact (BPS,ILO)

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 4: Data Availability Map
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster

No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
9.1 develop quality, reliable, 9.1.1 prosentase UN-Stat ready number of employed in
sustainable and resilient pekerja di bisnis business infrastructure
infrastructure, including infrastruktur
regional and trans-border terhadap total
infrastructure, to support pekerja
economic development
Section 4: Data Availability Map

and human well-being, with

a focus on affordable and 9.1.2 transportasi UN-Stat most ready Number of passangers
equitable access for all dengan udara, of air, land and water
jalan dan kereta transport

9.2 promote inclusive and 9.2.1

sustainable industrialization,
and by 2030 raise
significantly industrys
share of employment and
GDP in line with national
circumstances, and double
its share in LDCs

9.3 increase the access of small- 9.3.1 prosentase share UN-Stat not ready number of small scale
scale industrial and other nilai tambah industries value added
enterprises, particularly in industri skala
developing countries, to kecil menengah
financial services including terhadap industri
affordable credit and their total
integration into value chains
and markets

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
9.3.2 Prosentase UN-Stat not ready number of SME with line of
UMKM dengan credit, total SME
pinjaman atau
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
9.4 by 2030 upgrade 9.4.1 Jumlah energi MDG most ready GHG emission by industrial 2000-2005 national
infrastructure and retrofit dan emisi GHG sector
industries to make them industri yang
sustainable, with increased ditunjukkan
resource use efficiency and dengan emisi
greater adoption of clean berdasar
and environmentally sound permintaan (KHL)
technologies and industrial
processes, all countries
taking action in accordance
with their respective

9.5 Enhance scientific research, 9.5.1 Pengeluaran UN-Stat ready Percentage of Research 2000 national
upgrade the litbang (Diktri- and development 2001
technological capabilities Ristek) expenditures to GDP 2009
of industrial sectors in all
countries, in particular
developing countries,
including, by 2030,
encouraging innovation
and substantially increasing
the number of research and
development workers and
public and private research
and development spending

9.a facilitate sustainable and 9.a.1 aliran kredit UN-Stat ready Volume of credit for
resilient infrastructure ke proyek infrastructure annually
development in developing infrastruktur
countries through enhanced (Kemenkeu)
financial, technological and
technical support to African
countries, LDCs, LLDCs and
SIDS 9.a.2 Prosentase UN-Stat ready volume of loans for
pinjaman infrastructure, total volume
infrastruktur of loans
terhadap total

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets

Section 4: Data Availability Map
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
9.b support domestic 9.b.1
technology development,
research and innovation
in developing countries
including by ensuring
a conducive policy
environment for inter alia
industrial diversification
and value addition to
Section 4: Data Availability Map

9.c significantly increase access 9.c.1 Jumlah UN-Stat most ready Fixed-telephone 2005-2013 national
to ICT and strive to provide pelanggan subscriptions per 100
universal and affordable telepon kabel inhabitants
access to internet in LDCs (Kominfo) Household with fixed-lines
by 2020 telephone access

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among coutries

No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
10.1 by 2030 progressively 10.1.1 measure income UN-Stat most ready national income
achieve and sustain income inequality using
growth of the bottom 40% gini coefficient
of the population at a rate or palma ratio
higher than the national pre and post
average social transfer/
tax, regional and
national level
disaggregated by
groups as defined

10.1.2 Change in real UN-Stat ready income, consumption

income and
consumption by
quintiles over
time, at global,
regional and
national level

by 2030 empower and 10.2.1 Prosentase UN-Stat most ready number of woman voters, KPU, BPS
promote the social, perempuan number of all voters
economic and political pemilih dalam
inclusion of all irrespective pemilu daerah
of age, sex, disability, race, dan nasional
ethnicity, origin, religion or (KPU)
economic or other status

ensure equal opportunity 10.3.1 Rasio perempuan MDG most ready school participation rate BPS 1994-2013
and reduce inequalities of terhadap laki-laki by sex
outcome, including through dalam pendidikan
eliminating discriminatory dasar, sekunder
laws, policies and practices dan terssier
and promoting appropriate (ILO,BPS)

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
legislation, policies and
actions in this regard

Section 4: Data Availability Map
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
10.3.2 Prosentase MDG most ready Percentage of women in ILO,BPS 1996-2009
perempuan wage employmet in the
dalam pekerjaan non-agricultural sector
bergaji di luar
sektor pertanian
10.3.3 Prosentase kursi MDG most ready Percentage of seats held KPU, BPS 1999-2004
yang diraih by women in national
perempuan parliament
dalam parlemen
Section 4: Data Availability Map

nasional (KPU)
10.3.4 prosentase UN-Stat most ready number of population
penduduk yang perceived existance of
melaporkan distrimination, number of
adanya population
yang dilarang
oleh hukum

10.3.5 keberadaan UN-Stat most ready Existance of an

lembaga independent body
independen yang responsible for promoting
bertanggung- and protecting the right to
jawab non-discrimination
dan melindungi
hak untuk nir-

adopt policies especially 10.4.1 prosentase UN-Stat ready number of people covered
fiscal, wage, and social orang yang by minimum social
protection policies and memiliki jaringan

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
protection floor, number of
progressively achieve sosial meliputi population
greater equality pendidikan dasar
dan kesehatan,
umur, sex, status
ekonomi, asal,
tempat tinggal,
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
disability dan
status sipil dan
status lain yang
relevan untuk

10.4.2 Progressivity of UN-Stat ready Proportion of tax

tax and social contributions from bottom
expenditures e.g. 40%
Proportion of
tax contributions
from bottom
40%, Proportion
of social
spending going
to bottom 40%

10.5 improve regulation and 10.5.1 Jumlah utang BPS most ready External Debt Outstanding BPS 2000-2013
monitoring of global luar negeri
financial markets and (Kemenkeu, BPS)
institutions and strengthen
implementation of such 10.5.2 Prosentase BPS most ready Value of current account BPS 2000-2013
regulations transaksi berjalan GDP
terhadap PDRB

10.5.3 Adopsi pajak UN-Stat ready transaction tax


ensure enhanced 10.6.1 prosentase hak UN-Stat ready voting rights in

representation and voice voting dalam international organizations,
of developing countries in organisasi GDP
decision making in global internasional
international economic and negara
financial institutions in order berkembang
to deliver more effective,
credible, accountable and

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
legitimate institutions

Section 4: Data Availability Map
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
facilitate orderly, safe, 10.7.1 Indeks yang UN-Stat ready Index on Human Mobility
regular and responsible mengukur tata Governance
migration and mobility pemanerintahan
of people, including migrasi
through implementation of Jumlah migrant
planned and well-managed yang terbunuh,
migration policies luka atau menjadi
korban kejahatan
ketika berusaha
perbatasan laut,
Section 4: Data Availability Map

tanah maupun

Jumlah migrant UN-Stat ready grants killed, injured or

yang terbunuh, victims of crime while
luka atau menjadi attempting to cross
korban kejahatan maritime, land, air borders
ketika berusaha
perbatasan laut,
tanah maupun
10.a implement the principle 10.a.1 Nilai impor BPS most ready Import by commodities, BPS, BI 2000-2013
of special and differential berdasar asal value and its quantity
treatment for developing negara (BPS)
countries, in particular
least developed countries,
in accordance with WTO

10.b encourage ODA and 10.b.1 Investai langsung BPS most ready foreign direct investment BPS 2000-2013
financial flows, including luar negeri (BPS) by sector, origin
foreign direct investment,

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
to states where the need is
greatest, in particular LDCs,
African countries, SIDS, and
LLDCs, in accordance with
their national plans and
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
10.b.2 Aliran investasi UN-Stat most ready volume of FDI, GDP
luar negeri
langsung per
GDP negara
dipecah dalam
kelompok dan
sumber negara (-)

10.c by 2030, reduce to less 10.c.1 Remitansi dari BPS most ready annual migrant remmitance BPS, BI 2006-2012
than 3% the transaction migrant (BPS, BI)
costs of migrant remittances
and eliminate remittance
corridors with costs higher
than 5%

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 4: Data Availability Map
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
11 by 2030, ensure 11.1.1 Persentase BPS, MDGs, most ready the number of people BPS, Susenas 1990 1995 national
access for all to penduduk UN-Stat living in slums of a city 2000 2005
adequate, safe perkotaan yang 2007 2009
and affordable tinggal di daerah
housing and kumuh
basic services,
Section 4: Data Availability Map

and upgrade 11.1.2 luasan kawasan RPJM 2015- most ready luasan kawasan PU, Dinas Cipta 2006 national
slums pemukiman 2019 pemukiman kumuh di Karya
kumuh di perkotaan (Ha)

11.1.3 kekurangan RPJM 2015- most ready kekurangan tempat Bappenas 2014 national
tempat tinggal 2019 tinggal (backlog)
(backlog) berdasarkan perspektif
berdasarkan menghuni
11.1.4 Jumlah RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah penyediaan Bappenas 2014 national
penyediaan 2019 hunian layak baru (sewa/
hunian layak baru milik)

11.1.5 Jumlah fasilitasi RPJM 2015- most ready proportion of household Bappenas 2014 national
penyediaan 2019 living in a housing unit
prasarana, sarana considered as durable
dan utilitas

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets

11.1.6 Proporsi rumah UN-Stat most ready Proportion of households BI, OJK,
tangga dengan with housing costs greater KemenSos
biaya perumahan than 30% of income
lebih besar
dari 30% dari
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
11 by 2030, provide 11.2.1 persentase UN-Stat not ready access to reliable public
access to safe, penduduk yang transportation, using a
affordable, tinggal dengan proxy of percentage of
accessible and jarak 0.5 km dari population within [0.5]
sustainable public transit kilometers of public transit
transport running at least every [20]
systems for all, minutes
improving road
safety, notably 11.2.2 km of high UN-Stat not ready km of high capacity (BRT,
by expanding capacity (BRT, light rail, metro) public
public transport, light rail, metro) transport per person for
with special public transport cities with more than
attention to the per person for 500,000 inhabitants
needs of those cities with more
in vulnerable than 500,000
situations, inhabitants
women, children,
persons with
disabilities and
older persons

11 by 2030 enhance 11.3.1 Jumlah RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah pemenuhan SPM BNBP, 2014 national
inclusive and pemenuhan SPM 2019 dan peningkatan kualitas KemenSos
sustainable dan peningkatan penataan ruang kota
urbanization kualitas penataan (untuk memenuhi sasaran
and capacities ruang kota Meningkatnya upaya
for participatory, (untuk memenuhi pengelolaan lingkungan
integrated and sasaran dan mitigasi bencana
sustainable Meningkatnya alam dalam perencanaan
human upaya dan pelaksanaan rencana
settlement pengelolaan pembangunan perkotaan)
planning and lingkungan dan
management in mitigasi bencana
all countries alam dalam
dan pelaksanaan

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
11.3.2 Rasio tingkat UN-Stat ready Ratio of land consumption BPN, KLHK, national
konsumsi tanah rate to population growth KemenSos
dengan laju rate at comparable scale
penduduk di skala
yang sebanding

11.3.3 Kota dengan UN-Stat ready Cities with more than Bappenas 2014 province
lebih dari 100.000 100,000 inhabitants that
Section 4: Data Availability Map

penduduk yang implement urban and

melaksanakan regional development
rencana plans integrating
pembangunan population projections
perkotaan and resource needs
dan regional
penduduk dan
sumber daya

11 strengthen 11.4.1 Persentase UN-Stat ready Percentage of budget KemDikBud national

efforts to protect anggaran yang provided for maintaining
and safeguard disediakan untuk cultural and natural
the worlds menjaga warisan heritage
cultural and budaya dan alam
natural heritage

11.4.2 Persentase UN-Stat ready Percentage of urban KemDikBud national

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
daerah perkotaan area and percentage of
dan persentase historical/cultural sites
sejarah situs/ accorded protected status
budaya yang
status dilindungi
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
12 By 2030, 11.5.1 jumlah korban UN-Stat most ready number of natural disaster BPS, KemenSos 2007 - 2012 national
substantially jiwa karena victims by province and
reduce the bencana alam condition of victims
number of atau kejadian
deaths, the ekstrim
number of
affected people
and the direct
economic losses 11.5.2 jumlah rumah UN-Stat most ready Number of housing units BNPB, 2014 national
relative to global yang hancur dan damaged and destroyed KemenSos
gross domestic roboh
product caused
by disasters,
including water-
related disasters,
with a focus on
protecting the
poor and people
in vulnerable

12 by 2030, reduce 11.6.1 Persentase limbah UN-Stat most ready Percentage of urban solid BPS, PU, KLHK 2014 national
the adverse padat perkotaan waste regularly collected
per capita yang dikumpulkan and well managed
environmental dan dikelola
impact of cities, dengan baik
including by
paying special
attention to air 11.6.2 indeks kualitas RPJM 2015- most ready indeks kualitas lingkungan KLHK 2014 national
quality, municipal lingkungan hidup 2019 hidup (IKLH)
and other waste (IKLH)

11.6.3 ambang batas UN-Stat most ready ambient air concentration KLHK

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
untuk konsentrasi of NOx, SOx, VOCs
Nox, Sox, VOCs
di udara

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
12 by 2030, provide 11.7.1 Ruang terbuka BPS, UN- most ready the proportion of public Bappenas,
universal access hijau di perkotaan Stat space available to KLHK
to safe, inclusive (per kapita) residents, as a proportion
and accessible, of the total space of the
green and city
public spaces,
particularly for
women and 11.7.2 proporsi UN-Stat not ready Proportion of residents
children, older perumahan yang within 0.5 km of
persons and berlokasi 0.5 km accessible green and
persons with dari akses ruang public space
Section 4: Data Availability Map

disabilities publik dan ruang

terbuka hijau

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required
12 implement the 10-Year 12.1.1 Jumlah negara dengan rencana UN-Stat not ready SCP National plans
Framework of Programmes aksi SCP nasional atau SCP
on sustainable consumption diarusutamakan sebagai prioritas
and production (10YFP), all ke dalam kebijakan nasional,
countries taking action, with pengurangan kemiskinan, dan strategi
developed countries taking the pembangunan berkelanjutan
lead, taking into account the
development and capabilities 12.1.2 Jumlah negara dengan koordinasi UN-Stat not ready inter-ministerial coordination and
of developing countries antara kementerian dan mekanisme multi-stakeholder mechanisms
parapihak mendukung pergeseran related to SCP
ke SCP, termasuk organisasi
dengan menyepakati monitoring,
implementasi dan evaluasi

by 2030 achieve sustainable 12.2.1 Konsumsi materi domestik UN-Stat not ready Domestic Material Consumption,
management and efficient use number of population
of natural resources 12.2.2 Materi jejak karbon per kapita UN-Stat not ready material footprint, number of
by 2030 halve per capita global 12.3.1 Indeks Kehilangan Makanan Dunia UN-Stat ready Global Food Loss Index (GFLI)
food waste at the retail and
consumer level, and reduce
food losses along production 12.3.2 Sampah terbuang perkapita, diukur UN-Stat ready Per capita food waste
and supply chains including dengan Food Loss and Waste Protocol
post-harvest losses

by 2020 achieve 12.4.1 Konsumsi substansi penyebab MDG ready Consumption of ozone-depleting
environmentally sound penipisan ozone substances
management of chemicals and
all wastes throughout their life 12.4.2 emisi CO2, total, per kapita dan per MDG most ready CO2 emissions, number of
cycle in accordance with agreed $1 population, GDP
international frameworks and
significantly reduce their
release to air, water and soil to
minimize their adverse impacts

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
on human health and the

Section 4: Data Availability Map
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required
12.4 By 2020, achieve the
environmentally sound
management of chemicals
and all wastes throughout
their life cycle, in accordance
with agreed international
frameworks and agreements,
and significantly reduce their
release to air, water and soil in
order to minimize their adverse
impacts on human health and
Section 4: Data Availability Map

the environment

13 by 2030, substantially reduce 12.5.1 Jumlah sampah yang dihasilkan UN-Stat ready Amount of waste generated
waste generation through
prevention, reduction, 12.5.2 Tingkat recycle nasional UN-Stat ready National recycling rate, tonnes of
recycling, and reuse material recycled

encourage companies, 12.6.1 Jumlah perusahaan yang membuat UN-Stat ready Numberof companies that produce
especially large and trans- laporan keberlanjutan sustainability reports
national companies, to adopt
sustainable practices and
to integrate sustainability
information into their reporting

promote public procurement 12.7.1 Number of countries implementing UN-Stat not ready Number of countries implementing
practices that are sustainable Sustainable Public Procurement Sustainable Public Procurement
in accordance with national policies and action plans (jumlah policies and action plans
policies and priorities negara yang meimplementasikan
kebijakan dan rencana kerja
Pengadaan Publik Berkelanjutan)

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
12.7.2 % of Sustainable Public Procurement UN-Stat not ready % of Sustainable Public
in total public procurement for a set of Procurement in total public
prioritized product groups procurement for a set of prioritized
product groups
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required
by 2030 ensure that people 12.8.1 jumlah negara yang melaporkan UN-Stat not ready Number of countries reporting
everywhere have the relevant keterbukaan pembangunan inclusion of sustainable
information and awareness for berkelanjutan dan topik gaya hidup development and lifestyles topics in
sustainable development and formal education curricula
lifestyles in harmony with nature

12.8.2 Frekuensi pencarian daring untuk kata UN-Stat not ready Frequency of researches online
kunci yang berhubungan langsung for key words with direct links with
dengan pembangunan berkelanjutan sustainable development and
dan gaya hidupnya lifestyles

12.a support developing countries 12.a.1 jumlah pengeluaran libtang di negara UN-Stat not ready Amount of spending on R&D in
to strengthen their scientific berkembang untuk SCP developing countries, for SCP
and technological capacities to
move towards more sustainable
patterns of consumption and

12.a.2 jumlah paten yang diberikan tiap UN-Stat not ready Number of patents granted
tahun di negara berkembang untuk annually in developing countries,
produk SCP for SCP products

12.b develop and implement 12.b.1 prosentase destinasi wisata UN-Stat not ready Percentage of the destinations with
tools to monitor sustainable dengan rencana aksi turisme yang a sustainable tourism strategy
development impacts for berkelanjutan dengan monitoring,
sustainable tourism which kontrol dan evaluasi yang disepakatai
creates jobs, promotes local (-)
culture and products

12.b.2 leglisasi nasional yang diadopsi UN-Stat not ready national legislation to integrate
untuk mengintegrasikan tujuan sustainability objectives in tourism
berkelanjutan dalam wisata operations

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 4: Data Availability Map
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required
12.c rationalize inefficient fossil 12.c.1 Jumlah subsidi BBM per unit PDRB UN-Stat ready Subsidi BBM, pengeluaran nasional
fuel subsidies that encourage (Produksi dan Konsumsi) dan BBM
wasteful consumption by proporsi pengeluaran nasional BBM
removing market distortions, (Kemenkeu)
in accordance with national
circumstances, including by
restructuring taxation and
phasing out those harmful
subsidies, where they exist,
to reflect their environmental
impacts, taking fully into
Section 4: Data Availability Map

account the specific

needs and conditions of
developing countries and
minimizing the possible adverse
impacts on their development
in a manner that protects
the poor and the affected

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
13.1 strengthen 13.1.1 Consumption of MDGs most ready Import of Materials BPS 1992 - 2007 national
resilience ozone-depleting Containing Ozone
and adaptive substances Depleting Subtances (ton)
capacity to (penggunaan
climate related materi yang
hazards and merusak ozon)
natural disasters
in all countries
13.1.2 Emisi GRK netto BPS most ready Estimates of CH4 BPS, Bappenas, 1990 - 2010 national
di Pertanian, Emissions from Livestocks KLHK
Kehutanan dan and Poultries by Province
Penggunaan (ton)
Lahan lainnya
(AFOLU) (tCO2e))

13.1.3 Jumlah Desa RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah Desa Tangguh BNPB 2008 national
Tangguh 2019

13.1.4 Jumlah Fasilitasi RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah Fasilitasi dan BNPB 2008 national
dan pedoman 2019 pedoman Pengurangan
Pengurangan Risiko Bencana
Risiko Bencana

13.1.5 # of casualties UN-Stat most ready Losses from natural BNPB 2008 national
and amount of disasters, by climate
economic losses and non-climate related
(jumlah korban events, by urban/rural (in
jiwa dan kerugian US$ and lives lost)
ekonomi akibat
bencana alam)

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
13.1.6 jumlah negara UN-Stat not ready jumlah negara yang
yang melaporkan melaporkan telah
telah mendapat mendapat progres dari
progres dari adaptasi kapasitas rendah
adaptasi kapasitas ke menengah atau dari
rendah ke menengah untukke tinggi
menengah atau kapasitas adaptasi dalam
dari menengah hubungannya dengan
untukke tinggi dunia dan negara lainnya
adaptasi dalam
Section 4: Data Availability Map

dengan dunia dan
negara lainnya

13.2 integrate 13.2.1 Jumlah negara UN-Stat not ready Jumlah negara yang telah
climate change yang telah diberitahukan secara
measures into diberitahukan resmi untuk membentuk
national policies, secara resmi pembangungan yang
strategies, and untuk membentuk terintegrasi antara rendah
planning pembangungan karbon, pengurangan
yang terintegrasi risiko bencana, tangguh
antara rendah perubahan iklim (misalnya
karbon, proses rencana adaptasi
pengurangan nasional)
risiko bencana,
perubahan iklim

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
(misalnya proses
rencana adaptasi
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
13.3 improve 13.3.3 sejumlah negara UN-Stat not ready number of countries
education, yang telah that have integrated
awareness raising terintegrasi mitigation, adaptation,
and human and mitigasi, adaptasi, impact reduction and
institutional pengurangan early warning into primary,
capacity on dampak dan secondary and tertiary
climate change peringatan dini curricula
mitigation, dalam primer,
adaptation, sekunder dan
impact tersier
reduction, and
early warning
13.3.4 persentari UN-Stat not ready % of population with
populasi yang increased knowledge on
mengalami climate change
perubahan iklim

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 4: Data Availability Map
Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable

Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
14.1 by 2025, prevent 14.1.1 Indeks kesehatan BPS ready measures 10 aspects of BPS national
and significantly laut marine ecosystems and
reduce marine their use by humans: food
pollution of all provision, artisanal fishing
kinds, particularly opportunities, natural
from land- products, carbon storage,
Section 4: Data Availability Map

based activities, coastal protection,

including marine tourism and recreation,
debris and coastal livelihoods and
nutrient pollution economies, sense of
place, clean waters, and
biodiversity --> each
aspect is evaluated by
4 dimensions: present
status, current trends,
existing pressures and

14.1.2 jumlah pemakaian UN-Stat most ready Fertilizer consumption KemenTan, national
pupuk in kg/ha (kg/ha of arable land) KLHK

14.1.3 volume material UN-Stat not ready volume material plastik

plastik yang yang terbuang ke laut
terbuang ke dari segala sumber dalam
laut dari segala metric tonnes
sumber dalam
metric tonnes

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
14.2 by 2020, 14.2.1 persentase BPS, MDGs most ready Share of coastal and KLHK, KKP 1990 2000 national
sustainably kawasan laut dan marine areas that are 2010 2012
manage and garis pantai yang protected
protect marine dilindungi
and coastal
ecosystems to
avoid significant
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
adverse impacts, 14.2.2 ocean health UN-Stat ready measures 10 aspects of KKP, LIPI, national
including by index marine ecosystems and Bappenas
strengthening their use by humans: food
their resilience, provision, artisanal fishing
and take opportunities, natural
action for their products, carbon storage,
restoration, to coastal protection,
achieve healthy tourism and recreation,
and productive coastal livelihoods and
oceans economies, sense of
place, clean waters, and
biodiversity --> each
aspect is evaluated by
4 dimensions: present
status, current trends,
existing pressures and

14.2.3 Persentase pantai UN-Stat ready Percentage of coastline KKP national

yang merumuskan with formulated and
dan mengadopsi adopted ICM/MSP
ICM/MSP plans (Persentase pantai
yang merumuskan dan
mengadopsi ICM/MSP)

14.3 minimize and 14.3.1 tutupan coral UN-Stat most ready area and condition of LIPI, KKP, KLHK national
address the coral reef
impacts of ocean
through 14.3.2 rata-rata pH laut UN-Stat most ready (rata-rata pH laut yang KKP national
enhanced yang diukur di diukur di area sampling
scientific area sampling station)
cooperation at station
all levels

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
14.4 by 2020, 14.4.1 produksi tangkap BPS most ready Proporsi tangkapan ikan KKP national
effectively laut dibanding laut dalam batas biologis
regulate dengan total yang aman (produksi
harvesting, and allowable catch tangkap laut dibanding
end overfishing, dengan total allowable
illegal, catch)
unreported and
(IUU) fishing
and destructive 14.4.2 Daerah ekosistem BPS ready Daerah ekosistem KKP national
fishing practices terumbu karang terumbu karang dan
Section 4: Data Availability Map

and implement dan persentase persentase tutupan

science-based tutupan terumbu terumbu karang hidup
management karang hidup
plans, to restore
fish stocks in the 14.4.3 proporsi ikan UN-Stat ready proportion of fish species KKP, LIPI, national
shortest time yang terancam threatened with extinction Bappenas
feasible at least punah
to levels that
can produce
maximum 14.4.4 Proporsi UN-Stat ready Proportion of fish stocks KKP, LIPI, national
sustainable yield tangkapan ikan within biologically Bappenas
as determined by dalam batasan sustainable limits (Proporsi
their biological biologis yang tangkapan ikan dalam
characteristics berkelanjutan batasan biologis yang

14.5 by 2020, 14.5.1 luas kawasan laut MDGs, UN- most ready coverage of protected BPS 2011
conserve at yang dilindungi Stat areas (luas kawasan laut
least 10 per cent yang dilindungi)
of coastal and
marine areas,
consistent with

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
national and
international law 14.5.4 persentase area UN-Stat not ready Percentage area of each KLHK, KKP 1990 2000 national
and based on ABNJ and global country's EEZ in MPA 2010 2012
best available ocean di bawah Percentage area of ABNJ
scientific MPA in MPA Percentage area of
information global ocean under MPA
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
14.6 by 2020, prohibit 14.6.1 nilai subsidi UN-Stat most ready Dollar value of negative KKP national
certain forms perikanan fishery subsidies against
of fisheries 2015 baseline (nilai
subsidies which subsidi perikanan)
contribute to
and overfishing,
and eliminate 14.6.2 rangka aturan UN-Stat most ready Legal framework or KKP national
subsidies that atau mekanisme tax/trade mechanisms
contribute to pajak/ prohibiting certain forms
IUU fishing, and perdagangan of fisheries subsidies
refrain from yang melarang (rangka aturan atau
introducing new bentuk tertentu mekanisme pajak/
such subsidies, dari subsidi perdagangan yang
recognizing that perikanan melarang bentuk tertentu
appropriate and dari subsidi perikanan
effective special
and differential
treatment for
developing and
least developed
countries should
be an integral
part of the
WTO fisheries

14.7 by 2030 increase 14.7.1 perikanan sebagai UN-Stat most ready Nilai pemasukan dari KKP, national
the economic persentase dari sektor perikanan sebagai Kemenperin
benefits to SIDS GDP persentase GDP
and LDCs from
the sustainable
use of marine
resources, 14.7.2 tingkat UN-Stat most ready Level of revenue KKP,
including pendapatan dari generated from Kemenperin
through sumber daya sustainable use of
sustainable kelautan yang marine resources (tingkat
management berkesinam- pendapatan dari sumber
of fisheries, bungan daya kelautan yang

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
aquaculture and berkesinambungan)

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably
manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt
biodiversity loss

Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
15.1 Ensure the 15.1.1 Cakupan UN-Stat most ready Coverage of protected KLHK 2005 - 2014 national
conservation, kawasan lindung areas broken down
restoration and berdasarkan by ecosystem type,
sustainable use jenis ekosistem, including total area of
Section 4: Data Availability Map

of terrestrial and termasuk total forests in protected areas

inland freshwater luas hutan di (thousands of hectares)
ecosystems and kawasan lindung (Cakupan kawasan
their services (ribuan hektar) lindung berdasarkan jenis
by 2020, in ekosistem, termasuk total
particular forests, luas hutan di kawasan
wetlands, lindung (ribuan hektar)
mountains and
drylands, in line 15.1.2 Jumlah RPJM most ready Jumlah beroperasinya KLHK 2014 national
with obligations beroperasinya 2015-2019 KPH Konservasi pada
under KPH Konservasi Kawasan Konservasi non
international pada Kawasan Taman Nasional (target 50
agreements, Konservasi non unit)
and take further Taman Nasional
action as needed (target 50 unit)
by 2030
15.1.3 Jumlah Rencana RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah Rencana KLHK 2014 national
Pengelolaan 2019 Pengelolaan Kawasan
Kawasan Konservasi yang Tersusun
Konservasi yang (target sebanyak 150
Tersusun (target dokumen)
sebanyak 150

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
15.1.4 Jumlah pemulihan RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah pemulihan KLHK 2014 national
Ekosistem 2019 Ekosistem Kawasan
Kawasan Konservasi Yang
Konservasi Yang Terdegradasi (target
Terdegradasi seluas 250.000 ha)
(target seluas
250.000 ha)
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
15.1.5 Jumlah RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah terbentuknya KLHK national
terbentuknya 2019 Kawasan Ekosistem
Kawasan Esensial (target pada 16
Ekosistem lokasi)
Esensial (target
pada 16 lokasi)

15.1.6 angka deforestasi BPS most ready angka deforestasi KLHK 1990, 2000, national
2005, 2010
15.1.7 Rasio luas BPS most ready Rasio luas kawasan KLHK 1990, 2000, national
kawasan lindung lindung untuk 2005, 2010
untuk menjaga menjaga kelestarian
kelestarian keanekaragaman hayati
keanekaragaman terhadap luas kawasan
hayati terhadap hutan
luas kawasan

15.1.8 luasan area hutan UN-Stat most ready Forest area as a KLHK 1990, 2000, national
percentage of total land 2005, 2010
area (luasan area hutan)

15.2 By 2020, 15.2.1 Luas penutupan BPS, MDGs most ready proportion of land KLHK 1990, 2000, national
promote the lahan sebagai covered by forest (Luas 2005, 2010
implementation hutan dalam penutupan lahan sebagai
of sustainable kawasan hutan hutan dalam kawasan
management hutan)
of all types of 15.2.2 rehabilitasi hutan: RPJM 2015- most ready rehabilitasi hutan: KLHK 2015 national
forests, and perubahan 2019 perubahan tahunan luas
by 2030, halt tahunan luas kawasan hutan dan lahan
deforestation, kawasan hutan budidaya
restore degraded dan lahan
forests and budidaya
afforestation and 15.2.3 Jumlah RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah terlaksananya KLHK 2015 national
reforestation terlaksananya 2019 Pengelolaan Hutan
globally Pengelolaan Produksi (target di 347
Hutan Produksi KPH)

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
(target di 347

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
15.2.4 Jumlah RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah Terjaminnya KLHK 2015 national
Terjaminnya 2019 pengelolaan hutan
pengelolaan lindung (target di 182
hutan lindung KPH)
(target di 182

15.2.5 Jumlah RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah beroperasinya KLHK 2015 national
beroperasinya 2019 KPH Konservasi pada
KPH Konservasi Kawasan Konservasi non
Section 4: Data Availability Map

pada Kawasan Taman Nasional selama

Konservasi non 5 Tahun (target 50 Uniit
Taman Nasional KPH)
selama 5 Tahun
(target 50 Uniit

15.2.6 Jumlah RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah pembuatan KLHK 2015 national
pembuatan 2019 Tanaman hutan Kota dan
Tanaman hutan pemeliharaanya (target
Kota dan seluas 1.000 ha)
(target seluas
1.000 ha)

15.2.7 Jumlah pemulihan RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah pemulihan KLHK 2015 national
Ekosistem 2019 Ekosistem Kawasan
Kawasan Konservasi yang
Konservasi yang terdegradasi (target seluas
terdegradasi 250.000 ha)
(target seluas
250.000 ha)

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
15.2.8 Jumlah Usaha RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah Usaha KLHK 2015 national
Pemanfaatan HTR 2019 Pemanfaatan HTR (target
(target bertambah bertambah seluan
seluan 250.000 250.000 ha)
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
15.2.9 Rasio luas BPS ready Rasio luas kawasan KLHK 2015 national
kawasan tertutup tertutup pepohonan
pepohonan berdasarkan hasil
berdasarkan pemotretan citra satelit
hasil pemotretan dan survey foto udara
citra satelit dan terhadap luas daratan
survey foto udara
terhadap luas

15.2.10 Rehabilitasi lahan BPS most ready Rehabilitasi lahan kritis di KLHK 2015 national
kritis di dalam dan dalam dan di luar kawasan
di luar kawasan hutan

15.2.11 Perubahan BPS most ready Perubahan tahunan luas KLHK 2015 national
tahunan luas kawasan hutan dan lahan
kawasan hutan budidaya
dan lahan

15.2.9 Net forest UN-Stat most ready Net forest emissions (net KLHK 2015 national
emissions emisi dari deforestasi)
(net emisi dari

15.2.10 tutupan hutan UN-Stat most ready Forest cover under KLHK 2015 national
dibawah sustainable forest
pengelolaan management (tutupan
sustainable hutan dibawah
management pengelolaan sustainable

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
15.3 By 2030, combat 15.3.1 Luas kebakaran BPS, RPJM most ready Luas kebakaran hutan di KLHK 2015 national
desertification, hutan di dalam 2015-2019 dalam kawasan hutan
restore degraded kawasan hutan
land and soil,
including land 15.3.2 Jumlah hotspot RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah hotspot pada KLHK 2015 national
affected by pada kawasan 2019 kawasan hutan di pulau
desertification, hutan di pulau Sumatra, Kalimantan dan
drought and Sumatra, Sulawesi
floods, and strive Kalimantan dan
to achieve a land Sulawesi
Section 4: Data Availability Map

neutral world
15.3.3 tren degradasi UN-Stat most ready Trends in land KLHK 2015 national
lahan degradation (tren
degradasi lahan)

15.3.4 area yang UN-Stat most ready Area of land/soils under KLHK 2015 national
berada dibawah sustainable management
sustainable (area yang berada
management dibawah sustainable

15.4 by 2030 ensure 15.4.1 area hutan UN-Stat most ready land conservation area KLHK 2014 national
the conservation lindung
of mountain
including their 15.4.2 Jumlah RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah beroperasinya KLHK 2014 national
biodiversity, beroperasinya 2019 unti KPH Konservasi pada
to enhance unti KPH Kawasan Konservasi non
their capacity Konservasi Taman Nasional selama 5
to provide pada Kawasan Tahun
benefits which Konservasi non
are essential Taman Nasional
for sustainable selama 5 Tahun

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
15.4.3 Jumlah RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah terbentuknya KLHK 2014 national
terbentuknya 2019 Kawasan Ekosistem
Kawasan Esensial (target pada 16
Ekosistem Lokasi)
Esensial (target
pada 16 Lokasi)
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
15.4.4 Jumlah Luasan RPJM 2015- most ready Jumlah Luasan Pemulihan KLHK 2014 national
Pemulihan 2019 Ekosistem Kawasan
Ekosistem Konservasi Yang
Kawasan Terdegradasi (target
Konservasi Yang seluas 250.000 hektar)
(target seluas
250.000 hektar)

15.4.5 Mountain Green UN-Stat not ready Mountain Green Cover

Cover Index Index

15.5 Take urgent and 15.5.1 Jumlah RPJM most ready the IUCN Red List of KLHK 2014 national
significant action peningkatan 2015-2019, Threatened Species
to reduce the populasi 25 UN-Stat
degradation and spesies terancam
fragmentation of punah menurut
natural habitats, Redlist IUCN)
halt the loss of (target sebesar
biodiversity and, 10% sesuai
by 2020, protect baseline data
and prevent tahun 2013)
the extinction
of threatened 15.5.2 Living Planet UN-Stat not ready the worlds biological
species, and take Index diversity, based on
further action as species population trends
needed by 2030

15.6 ensure fair and 15.6.1 Terbangunnya RPJM 2015- most ready Terbangunnya sumber KemenTan, 2014 national
equitable sharing sumber benih 2019 benih berkualitas melalui KLHK
of the benefits berkualitas kebun benih semai/
arising from melalui kebun kebun benih klon dan
the utilization benih semai/ areal sumber daya genetik
of genetic kebun benih klon (target 490 ha)
resources, dan areal sumber
and promote daya genetik
appropriate (target 490 ha)
access to genetic

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
15.6.2 Jumlah negara UN-Stat not ready Number of countries
yang telah that have adopted
mengadopsi legislative, administrative
legislatif, and policy frameworks
administratif for the implementation
dan kerangka of the Nagoya Protocol
kebijakan untuk (Jumlah negara yang
pelaksanaan telah mengadopsi
Protokol Nagoya legislatif, administratif dan
kerangka kebijakan untuk
pelaksanaan Protokol
Section 4: Data Availability Map


15.6.3 Jumlah izin UN-Stat not ready Number of permits or

atau setara their equivalents made
yang tersedia available to the Access
untuk akses dan and Benefit-sharing
Benefit-berbagi Clearinghouse established
Clearinghouse under the Nagoya
yang didirikan di Protocol and number
bawah Protokol of Standard Material
dan jumlah Transfer Agreements,
Standard Material as communicated to
transfer Perjanjian the Governing Body
Nagoya of the International
Treaty (Jumlah izin atau
setara yang tersedia
untuk akses dan Benefit-
berbagi Clearinghouse
yang didirikan di bawah
Protokol dan jumlah

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Standard Material transfer
Perjanjian Nagoya)
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
15.7 take urgent 15.7.1 Red List Index BPS, UN- most ready Red List Index for species KLHK national
action to end Stat in trade (Red List Index)
poaching and
trafficking of
protected 15.7.2 Jumlah BPS most ready Jumlah tersertifikasinya KLHK national
species of flora tersertifikasinya unit penangkaran
and fauna, and unit penangkaran yang akan melakukan
address both yang akan peredaran Luar Negeri
demand and melakukan (target 60 unit)
supply of illegal peredaran Luar
wildlife products Negeri (target 60

15.7.3 Jumlah BPS most ready Jumlah penanganan KLHK national

penanganan Perkara Tindak Pidana
Perkara Kehutanan (target
Tindak Pidana terselesaikan minimal 75
Kehutanan (target kasus per tahun)
minimal 75 kasus
per tahun)

15.7.4 Jumlah lokasi RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah lokasi KLHK national
Pengamanan 2019 Pengamanan dan
dan Penindakan Penindakan terhadap
terhadap gangguan dan ancaman
gangguan dan bidang Kehutanan (target
ancaman bidang terlaksana di 70 Lokasi
Kehutanan (target pada UPTPHKA)
terlaksana di
70 Lokasi pada

15.7.5 Terpenuhinya RPJM 2015- ready Terpenuhinya standar KLHK national

standar minimum 2019 minimum sarana dan
sarana dan prasarana pengamanan
prasarana hutan di 226 Lokasi pada
pengamanan UPTPHKA dan Brigade
hutan di 226 SPORC
Lokasi pada

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Brigade SPORC

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source

15.7.6 Jumlah RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah peningkatan KLHK national
peningkatan 2019 kapasitas sumber daya
kapasitas sumber manusia di bidang
daya manusia pengamanan hutan (target
di bidang 10.000 orang)
hutan (target
10.000 orang)
Section 4: Data Availability Map

15.7.7 rasio indeks UN-Stat ready Ratio of indexed value of KLHK national
dari total CITES total CITES-listed wildlife
wildlife untuk izin seizures to indexed value
ekspor of total CITES wild-
sourced export permits
issued. (rasio indeks dari
total CITES wildlife untuk
izin ekspor

15.8 by 2020 15.8.1 penggunaan UN-Stat not ready Adoption of national

introduce peraturan legislation relevant to
measures to nasional yang the prevention or control
prevent the relevan dengan of invasive alien species
introduction larangan dan (penggunaan peraturan
and significantly kontrol invasive nasional yang relevan
reduce the species dengan larangan dan
impact of kontrol invasive species)
invasive alien
species on
land and water
ecosystems, 15.8.2 Red List Index UN-Stat not ready Red List Index for birds
and control or untuk burung showing trends driven by
yang disebabkan invasive alien species (Red

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
eradicate the
priority species karena invasive List Index untuk burung
species yang disebabkan karena
invasive species)
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
15.8.3 Presentase RPJM 2015- ready Presentase Peningkatan KLHK national
Peningkatan 2019 populasi 25 spesies
populasi 25 terancam punah (menurut
spesies terancam Redlist IUCN) (target
punah (menurut sebesar 10% sesuai
Redlist IUCN) baseline data tahun 2013)
(target sebesar
10% sesuai
baseline data
tahun 2013)

15.9 by 2020, 15.9.1 Jumlah Rencana RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah Rencana KLHK national
integrate Pengelolaan 2019 Pengelolaan Kawasan
ecosystems and Kawasan Konservasi (target
biodiversity Konservasi (target tersusun sebanyak 150
values into tersusun sebanyak dokumen)
national and 150 dokumen)
local planning,
15.9.2 Luasan areal RPJM 2015- ready Luasan areal pemulihan KLHK national
pemulihan 2019 ekosistem Kawasan
and poverty
ekosistem Konservasi yang
Kawasan terdegradasi (target seluas
strategies, and
Konservasi yang 250.000 ha)
(target seluas
250.000 ha)

15.9.3 Jumlah RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah pengusahaan KLHK national

pengusahaan 2019 pariwisata alam (target
pariwisata alam meningkat sebesar 100
(target meningkat Unit dari tahun 2013)
sebesar 100 Unit
dari tahun 2013)

15.9.4 Jumlah unit usaha RPJM 2015- ready Jumlah unit usaha jasa KLHK national
jasa lingkungan 2019 lingkungan air (target
air (target 25 25 perusahaan dalam 5

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
perusahaan dalam tahun)
5 tahun)

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
15.9.5 program UN-Stat not ready National programme
nasional untuk on the measurement of
penghitungan values of biodiversity or
kehati atau on the implementation
implementasi of the SEEA-EEA
SEEA-EEA (program nasional untuk
penghitungan kehati atau
implementasi SEEA-EEA)

15.9.6 jumlah UN-Stat not ready Number of national

Section 4: Data Availability Map

pembangunan development plans and

nasional dan processes integrating
proses integrasi biodiversity and
kehati dan nilai ecosystem services values
ekosistem (jumlah pembangunan
nasional dan proses
integrasi kehati dan nilai

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access
to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
16.1 significantly 16.1.1 Jumlah kejadian Mabes most ready Jumlah kejadian Tahunan Polda
reduce all forms kejahatan/korban POLRI, kejahatan/korban (Polres)
of violence and Kemenko sampai
related death Kesra, kab/kota
rates everywhere BPS

16.1.2 Rasio jumlah Mabes most ready Rasio jumlah kejadian

kejadian POLRI, kejahatan kekerasan
kejahatan Kemenko terhadap total kejahatan
kekerasan Kesra,
terhadap total BPS

16.1.3 Violance crime Mabes most ready Violance crime rates

rates POLRI,

16.1.4 Rasio jumlah Mabes most ready Rasio jumlah korban

korban kejahatan POLRI, kejahatan kekerasan
kekerasan Kemenko (cedera, meninggal)
(cedera, Kesra, terhadap penduduk
meninggal) BPS (prevalensi)

16.1.5 Jumlah Insiden Mabes most ready Jumlah Insiden tewas dan
tewas dan korban POLRI, korban kekerasan
kekerasan Kemenko

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
16.2 End abuse, 16.2.1 Prosentase UN-Stat ready Percentage of young Pusiknas (?)
exploitation, penduduk adults aged 18-24 years
trafficking and all berumur 18- who have experienced
forms of violence 24 tahun yang violence by age 18,
and torture mengalami by type (physical,
against children kekerasan psychological and/
sebelum usia 18 or sexual) (Prosentase
berdasarkan tipe penduduk berumur 18-24
(Fisik,psikologi, tahun yang mengalami
sesksual) (UN- kekerasan sebelum usia
Stat) 18 berdasarkan tipe
Section 4: Data Availability Map

(Fisik,psikologi, sesksual)

16.2.2 Jumlah korban UN-Stat ready Number of victims of Pusiknas (?)

human trafficking human trafficking per
per 100,000 100,000 people (Jumlah
penduduk korban human trafficking
per 100,000 penduduk)

16.2.3 Jumlah kejadian Mabes ready Jumlah kejadian kejahatan Data Evaluasi Tahunan Polda (atau
kejahatan / POLRI / korban Kamtibmas Polres)
korban Tahunan

16.2.4 Rasio jumlah Mabes ready Rasio jumlah korban

korban kejahatan POLRI kejahatan kekerasan
kekerasan anak (cedera, meninggal)
anak (cedera, terhadap penduduk
meninggal) (prevalensi)

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
16.2.5 Rasio jumlah Mabes ready Rasio jumlah kejadian
kejadian POLRI kejahatan kekerasan anak
kejahatan terhadap penduduk (child
kekerasan violence crime rates
anak terhadap
penduduk (child
violence crime
No Target No. Indicator Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
16.3.5 Jumlah RPJMN not ready Jumlah pembinaan dan
pembinaan dan pengawasan pelaksanaan
pengawasan bantuan hukum (yang
pelaksanaan dilaksanakan oleh
bantuan organisasi bantuan hukum
hukum (yang yang telah terverifikasi
dilaksanakan dan terakreditasi oleh
oleh organisasi Kementrian Hukum &
bantuan hukum HAM)
yang telah
terverifikasi dan
oleh Kementrian
Hukum & HAM)

16.3.6 Jumlah anggaran Kemen- ready Rasio jumlah polisi Data Tahunan Provinsi
(dana) yang terian dengan penduduk, tingkat Administrasi
disalurkan untuk Hukum akuntabilitas aparat dan Tahunan
bantuan hukum dan HAM lembaga penegak hukum

16.3.7 Rasio penyerapan Kemen- ready Rasio penyerapan

anggaran bantuan terian anggaran bantuan hukum
hukum untuk Hukum untuk orang miskin
orang miskin dan HAM

16.3.8 Rasio peminta Kemen- ready Rasio peminta bantuan

bantuan hukum terian hukum dengan bantuan
dengan bantuan Hukum yang diberikan
yang diberikan dan HAM

16.3.9 Rasio jumlah Kemen- ready Rasio jumlah pengacara

pengacara terian terhadap penduduk
terhadap Hukum

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
penduduk dan HAM

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
16.2.6 Rasio jumlah Mabes ready Rasio jumlah kejadian
kejadian POLRI kejahatan kekerasan anak
kejahatan terhadap total kejahatan
kekerasan anak
terhadap total

16.3 promote the 16.3.2 Prosentase UN-Stat ready Percentage of total Rutan, Polsek,
Section 4: Data Availability Map

rule of law at tahanan yang detainees who have been Polres, Polda,
the national and telah ditahan held in detention for more Mabes Polri
international lebih dari 12 than 12 months while
levels, and bulan ketika awaiting sentencing or a
ensure equal menunggu vonis final disposition of their
access to justice case (Prosentase tahanan
for all yang telah ditahan lebih
dari 12 bulan ketika
menunggu vonis)

16.3.3 Pelaksanaan Pos RPJMN ready Jumlah pos pelayanan

Pelayanan Hukum hukum

16.3.4 Pelaksanaan RPJMN not ready Pelaksanaan Zitting

Zitting Plaatz Plaatz (tempat sidang

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
(tempat sidang tetap) dan pelaksanaan
tetap) dan pembebeasan perkara
No Target No. Indicator Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
16.3.10 Rasio jumlah Kemen- ready Rasio jumlah OBH
OBH (organisasi terian (organisasi Bantuan
Bantuan Hukum) Hukum Hukum) terhadap
terhadap dan HAM penduduk

16.3.11 Lamanya proses Kemen- ready Lamanya proses peradilan

peradilan terian
dan HAM

16.3.12 Pendampingan Kemen- ready Pendampingan pada

pada proses terian proses penanganan
penanganan Hukum perkara
perkara dan HAM

16.4 by 2030 16.4.1 Total volume UN-Stat not ready Total volume of inward PPATK (?)
significantly masuk dan keluar and outward illicit financial
reduce illicit aliran keuangan flows (Total volume
financial and ilegal masuk dan keluar aliran
arms flows, keuangan ilegal)
recovery and
return of stolen 16.4.2 Jumlah kejadian Mabes ready Jumlah kejadian kejahatan Data Tahunan National,
assets, and kejahatan Polri, penyelundupan senjata Administrasi Provinsi
combat all forms penyelundupan Kejaksaan (arms smugling),, , Tahunan
of organized senjata (arms Agung,
crime smugling),, , KPK

16.4.3 Jumlah kejadian Mabes ready Jumlah kejadian kejahatan

kejahatan Polri, terorisme
terorisme Kejaksaan
16.4.4 Jumlah kelompok Mabes ready Jumlah kelompok preman
preman Polri,

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets

Section 4: Data Availability Map
No Target No. Indicator Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
16.4.5 Realisasi Mabes ready Realisasi pengembalian
pengembalian Polri, aset tipikor yang
aset tipikor Kejaksaan disetor ke kas negara
yang disetor Agung, dibandingkan dengan
ke kas negara KPK total aset yang dirampas
dibandingkan untuk negara berdasarkan
dengan total aset putusan pengadilan
yang dirampas
untuk negara
Section 4: Data Availability Map


16.5 substantially 16.5.1 Indeks penegakan KPK, most ready Index of law enforcement Indeks National
reduce hukum anti Judiciary, against corruption Penegakan
corruption and korupsi National Hukum Tipikor,
bribery in all its Police, Survei Perilaku
forms BPS and Anti Korupsi
Bappenas (SPAK)

16.5.2 index of Anti- BPS and most ready The index of Anti-
corruption Bappenas corruption Behavior

16.5.3 Indeks Integritas KPK most ready Indeks Integritas Layanan

Layanan Publik Publik

16.6 develop 16.6.1 Pengeluaran UN-Stat ready Actual primary

effective, dasar aktual expenditures per sector

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
accountable per sektor dan and revenues as a
and transparent pendapatan percentage of the original
institutions at all sebagai approved budget of the
levels prosentasi government (Pengeluaran
anggaran asli dasar aktual per sektor
pemerintah yang dan pendapatan sebagai
disetujui prosentasi anggaran asli
pemerintah yang disetujui)
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
16.6.2 Proporsi UN-Stat ready Proportion of population
penduduk yang satisfied with the quality
puas dengan of public services,
pelayanan publik disaggregated by service
(Proporsi penduduk yang
puas dengan pelayanan

16.6.3 Indonesia Partnership most ready Indonesia Governance Nasional,

Governance Index Provinsi,
Index Kabupaten/

16.6.4 Index of KEMEN- most ready Index of Bureacracy Instansi,

Bureacracy PAN RB Reform Nasional
Reform (Instansi
Provinsi, K/L

16.6.5 Evaluasi Kinerja Kemen- most ready Evaluasi Kinerja Instansi,

Penyelenggaran terian Penyelenggaran Nasional
Pemerintahan Dalam Pemerintahan Daerah (Instansi
Daerah (EKPPD) Negeri (EKPPD) Vertikal,
Provinsi, K/L
16.7 ensure 16.7.1 Keragaman UN-Stat ready Diversity in representation
responsive, perwakilan dalam in key decision-making
inclusive, badan utama bodies (legislature,
participatory and pemegang executive, and judiciary)
representative keputusan (DPR,
decision-making pemerintah dan

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
at all levels MA)

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source

16.7.2 Prosentase UN-Stat ready Percentage of population
penduduk who believe decision-
yang menyakini making at all levels is
pengambilan inclusive and responsive
keputusan pada (Prosentase penduduk
semua level yang menyakini
adalah terbuka pengambilan keputusan
dan responsive pada semua level adalah
terbuka dan responsive.

16.7.2 Indonesia KEMENKO most ready Indonesia Democracy National,

Democracy Index POLHUKAM, Index Provinsi
Section 4: Data Availability Map


16.8 broaden and 16.8.1 Prosentasi hak UN-Stat ready Percentage of voting
strengthen the voting dalam rights in international
participation organisasi organizations of
of developing internasional di developing countries
countries in negara voting (Prosentasi hak voting
the institutions dalam organisasi
of global internasional di negara
governance voting)

16.9 by 2030 provide 16.9.1 Persentse balita RPJMN not ready Persentse balita yang
legal identity for yang memiliki memiliki akta kelahiran
all including birth akta kelahiran

16.9.2 Persentase bayi RPJMN not ready Persentase bayi 0-1

0-1 tahun yang tahun yang memiliki akta
memiliki akta kelahiran

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
16.9.3 Persentase bayi RPJMN not ready Persentase bayi 0-17
0-17 tahun yang tahun yang memiliki akta
memiliki akta kelahiran
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
16.9.4 Rasio tingkat BPS ready Rasio tingkat kepemilikan SUSENAS National
kepemilikan akta kelahiran di sampai
akta kelahiran di masyarakat Kabupaten/
masyarakat Kota

16.10 ensure public 16.10.1 Tingkat kepuasan KEMENKO ready Tingkat kepuasan IDI National,
access to masyarakat POLHUKAM, masyarakat khususnya Provinsi
information khususnya dalam BPS, dalam kemudahan
and protect kemudahan BAPPENAS, mengakses informasi
fundamental mengakses KEMENDAGRI, publik yang telah
freedoms, in informasi publik & UNDP dilindungi UU
accordance yang telah keterbukaan informasi,
with national dilindungi UU Kebebasan Sipil/Dasar
legislation and keterbukaan
international informasi,
agreements Kebebasan Sipil/

16.a strengthen 16.a.1 Prosentase UN-Stat not ready Percentage of requests for
relevant national permintaan international cooperation
institutions, kerjasama (law enforcement
including internasional yang cooperation, mutual
through sesui dengan legal assistance and
international pelaporan extraditions) that were
cooperation, met during the reporting
for building (Prosentase permintaan
capacities at kerjasama internasional
all levels, in yang sesui dengan
particular in pelaporan)
countries, for
preventing 16.a.2 Tingkat Indeks Kemenpan- ready Tingkat Indeks Reformasi Index of Instansi
violence and Reformasi RB Birokrasi untuk Institusi Bureacracy
combating Birokrasi untuk Penegak Hukum Reform
terrorism and Institusi Penegak seperti Polri, Kejaksaan,
crime Hukum seperti Pengadilan

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Polri, Kejaksaan,

Section 4: Data Availability Map
Indicator Data
No Target No. Indicator Categories Data Required Time Series Data Level
Source Source
16.b promote and 16.b.1 Proporsi UN-Stat not ready Proportion of the
enforce non- penduduk yang population reporting
discriminatory melaporkan and perceiving to be
laws and policies dan merasa discriminated against
for sustainable didiskriminasi directly and/or indirectly,
development baik langsung and hate crimes
maupun tidak (Proporsi penduduk
serta kejahatan yang melaporkan dan
atas kebenjian merasa didiskriminasi
baik langsung maupun
tidak serta kejahatan atas
Section 4: Data Availability Map


16.b.2 Proporsi UN-Stat not ready Proportion of the

penduduk yang population satisfied with
cukup dengan the quality of public
pelayanan publik services, disaggregated
by service (Proporsi
penduduk yang cukup
dengan pelayanan publik)

16.b.2 Jumlah aturan KEMENKO ready Jumlah aturan tertulis IDI National,
tertulis yang POLHUKAM, yang diskriminatif dalam Provinsi
diskriminatif BPS, hal gender, etnis, atau
dalam hal gender, BAPPENAS, kelompok rentan lainnya,
etnis, atau KEMENDAGRI,
kelompok rentan & UNDP

Jumlah tindakan KEMENKO ready Jumlah tindakan atau

atau pernyataan POLHUKAM, pernyataan pejabat
pejabat BPS, pemerintah yang

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
pemerintah yang BAPPENAS, diskriminatif dalam
diskriminatif KEMENDAGRI, hal gender, etnis, atau
dalam hal gender, & UNDP kelompok rentan lainnya
etnis, atau
kelompok rentan
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for
sustainable development

No Target No. Indicator Categories Time Series Data Level
17.1 Strengthen domestic resource 17.1.1 Prosentase pendapatan domestic BPS most ready national
mobilization, including yang dialokasikan ke pembangunan
through international support berkelanjutan (Kemenkeu)
to developing countries to
improve domestic capacity
for tax and other revenue 17.1.2 Rasio pajak terhadap PDRB RPJM 2015-2019 most ready national
collection (BPS,Kemenkeu)

17.2 Developed countries to 17.2.1 Net ODA, total sebagai prosentase UN-Stat ready
implement fully their ODA pendapatan nasional kotor donor
commitments, including to OECD
provide 0.7% of GNI in ODA
to developing countries
17.2.2 Proporsi total bilateral, sektor yang UN-Stat not ready
of which 0.15-0.20% to
dialokasi donor untuk layanan sosial
leastdeveloped countries
dasar (pendidikan dasar, kesehatan,
nutrisi, keamanan air dan sanitasi

17.3 Mobilize additional financial 17.3.1 biaya remittance UN-Stat not ready
resources for developing
countries from multiple 17.3.2 biaya remittanci dalam top tier UN-Stat not ready
sources koridor biaya berat

17.4 Assist developing countries 17.4.1 luar negeri dan dalam negeri RPJM 2015-2019 most ready
in attaining long-term terhadap GDP
debt sustainability through
coordinated policies aimed at 17.4.2 Rasio pembayaran cicilan RPJM 2015-2019 most ready
fostering debt financing, debt ditambah bunga utang luar negeri
relief and debt restructuring, pemerintah terhadap GDP
as appropriate, and address
the external debt of highly
indebted poor countries
(HIPC) to reduce debt distress 17.4.3 jumlah negara yang sudah UN-Stat not ready

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
mencapai titik keputusan HIPC dan
yang sudah mencapai titik kumulatif

Section 4: Data Availability Map
No Target No. Indicator Categories Time Series Data Level
17.4.4 Penghapusan utang dilakukan di UN-Stat not ready
bawah inisiatif HIPC

17.5 Adopt and implement 17.5.1 Adopsi / Pelaksanaan BPS most ready
investment promotion pembangunan berkelanjutan
regimes for LDCs berorientasi target oleh lembaga
promosi investasi baru atau yang
sudah ada
Section 4: Data Availability Map

17.5.2 Jumlah perubahan kebijakan dalam UN-Stat not ready

rezim investasi menggabungkan
tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan

17.6 Enhance North-South, South- 17.6.1 Akses terhadap informasi paten UN-Stat not ready
South and triangular regional yang ada (pembuatan database
and international cooperation paten)
on and access to science,
technology and innovation,
and enhance knowledge 17.6.1 Jumlah pertukaran-pertukaran UN-Stat not ready
sharing on mutually agreed ilmuwan dan staf teknologi
terms, including through
improved coordination
among existing mechanisms,
particularly at UN level, and
through a global technology
facilitation mechanism when

17.7 Promote development, 17.7.1 jumlah investsi STEM per PDRB UN-Stat not ready
transfer, dissemination and

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
diffusion of environmentally
sound technologies to
developing countries on
favourable terms, including
on concessional 17.7.2 STEM per kapita UN-Stat not ready
and preferential terms, as
mutually agreed
No Target No. Indicator Categories Time Series Data Level
17.8 Fully operationalize the 17.8.1 Penetasi internet UN-Stat most ready
Technology Bank and STI
(Science, Technology and
Innovation) capacity building
mechanism for LDCs by 2017, 17.8.2 Kualitas akses internet/bandwith UN-Stat most ready
and enhance the use of
enabling technologies in
particular ICT

17.9 Enhance international support 17.9.1 Nomor (share) dari rencana nasional UN-Stat not ready
for implementing effective untuk melaksanakan SDGs disetujui
and targeted capacity oleh pemerintah pada akhir 2016
building in developing dibandingkan dengan tahun 2020
countries to support national
plans to implement all
development goals, including 17.9.2 Peningkatan substansial dalam UN-Stat not ready
through North-South, kapasitas dibangun melalui
South-South, and triangular kerjasama selatan-selatan

17.1 Promote a universal, 17.10.1 Stok tindakan yang berpotensi UN-Stat not ready
rules-based, open, non- pembatasan perdagangan pada
discriminatory and equitable anggota WTO
multilateral trading system
under the WTO including
through the conclusion of
negotiations within its Doha 17.10.2 Rerata tertimbang global untuk UN-Stat not ready
Development Agenda tariff: a. MFN diterapkan dan
preferensial, b. Diterapkan untuk
DEVD / DVG / LDCs, c. Yang
diterapkan oleh DEVD / DVG /
LDCs, dan d. Dengan sektor utama

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 4: Data Availability Map
No Target No. Indicator Categories Time Series Data Level
17.11 Increase significantly the 17.11.1 Pemantauan evolusi negara-negara UN-Stat ready national
exports of developing berkembang ekspor kelompok
countries, in particular with mitra dan sektor-sektor utama.
a view to doubling the LDC Seperti: a) Ekspor kandungan
share of global exports by teknologi tinggi sebagai proporsi
2020 dari total ekspor, b) ekspor
Buruh-intensif proporsi total
ekspor (ekspor pro-poor), dan c)
diversifikasi ekspor (dengan produk,
dengan tujuan pasar)
Section 4: Data Availability Map

17.11.2 Nilai ekspor non-minyak dari LDCs UN-Stat not ready

yang berasal dari pengelolaan
sumber daya alam

17.12 Realize timely implementation 17.12.1 Tariff rerata dihadapi oleh UN-Stat not ready
of duty-free, quota-free negara berkembang dan kurang
market access on a lasting berkembang, berdasar sektor
basis for all least developed
countries consistent with
WTO decisions, including 17.12.2 Preferensi pemanfaatan oleh UN-Stat not ready
through ensuring that negara berkembang dan negara-
preferential rules of origin negara kurang berkembang untuk
applicable to imports from ekspor ke negara-negara maju
LDCs are transparent and
simple, and contribute to
facilitating market access

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
17.13 Enhance global 17.13.1 PDRB UN-Stat most ready national
macroeconomic stability
including through policy
coordination and policy 17.13.2 surplus transaksi berjalan dan defisit UN-Stat most ready national
coherence per PDRB
No Target No. Indicator Categories Time Series Data Level
17.14 Enhance policy coherence for 17.14.1 Jumlah negara yang telah UN-Stat not ready
sustainable development meratifikasi dan menerapkan
instrumen internasional
yang relevan di bawah IMO
(keselamatan, keamanan,
perlindungan lingkungan, tanggung
jawab perdata dan kompensasi dan

17.14.2 Jumlah negara dengan mekanisme UN-Stat not ready

multi-sektoral dan koordinasi
multipihak pada satu tempat untuk
pelaksanaan terkoordinasi bahan
kimia dan limbah konvensi dan
kerangka kerja

17.15 Respect each countrys 17.15.1 Jumlah negara menandatangani UN-Stat not ready
policy space and leadership kesepakatan berbagi informasi
to establish and implement fiskal
policies for poverty
eradication and sustainable
development 17.15.2 Transfer otomatis informasi UN-Stat not ready

17.16 Enhance the global 17.16.1 Perubahan jumlah kemitraan UN-Stat not ready
partnership for sustainable multipihak peserta aktif di negara-
development complemented negara berkembang
by multi-stakeholder
partnerships that mobilize
and share knowledge,
expertise, technologies
and financial resources to
support the achievement of
sustainable development
goals in all countries,
particularly developing

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets

Section 4: Data Availability Map
No Target No. Indicator Categories Time Series Data Level
17.17 Encourage and promote 17.17.1 Jumlah Proyek PPP UN-Stat not ready
effective public, public-
private, and civil society
partnerships, building on the 17.17.1 Jumlah proyek PPP yang UN-Stat not ready
experience and resourcing diimplementasikan negara
strategies of partnerships berkembang

17.18 By 2020, enhance capacity 17.18.1 yang [a] mengabadikan UN-Stat not ready
building support to independensi statistik; [b]
developing countries, pengumpulan data mandat, dan
Section 4: Data Availability Map

including for LDCs and SIDS, [c] akses yang aman ke data
to increase significantly the administrasi nasional
availability of high-quality,
timely and reliable data
disaggregated by income,
gender, age, race, ethnicity, 17.18.2 jumlah negara yang memiliki UN-Stat not ready
migratory status, disability, pengaturan lembaga formal untuk
geographic location and koordinasi dan kompilasi statistitik
other characteristics relevant resmi.
in national contexts

17.19 by 2030, build on existing 17.19.1 Indeks kesejahteraan ekonomi UN-Stat ready
initiatives to develop berkelanjutan
measurements of progress
on sustainable development
that complement GDP, and 17.19.2 Kebahagiaan Nasional Kotor/Indeks UN-Stat most ready national
support statistical capacity kebahagiaan nasional
building in developing

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets
Section 4: Data Availability Map

ANNEX: SDGs Data Availability Map

Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets 127
130 Indicators and Data Mapping to Measure Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Targets

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