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This study is entitled "The Mazhab Epistemology of Critical Education in Islam Perspective" (an
Analysis of Islamic Education Philosophy). This study began from the idea that education is seen not
to reflect the humanism and emancipatory attitude towards interrelationship of human. Education is
not seen as a social transmormation from irrationality to rationality, from oppression to freedom,
from theory to practice, the basic critical theory of epystemology is from theoritical theory.
Education is not only about theory but also action. The objectives of this reasearch are; theoretically
to enrich khazanah Science, especially about education discipline commtted to and has great
attention on human resource quality by giving sharp criticism on social mindset towards social
pragmatism. Another objective of the ressearch is to contribute to thought to extend educational
ideas in academic environment. Practically, this study is useful for learning model development of
education practitioners, whether they are formal practicioners or non-formal ones. The reason of the
implementation of this study is to know how far the Islamic perspective is on Critical Flow. The
writer used a descriptive qualitative research design with literature reviews. He used a library
research (cintent analysis) to collect the data of the research. The study showed that Mazhab
Epistemology on critical education in Islam perspective is about the knowlodge method in critical
theoretical framework about humanism and emansipatory concepts. Islam is also about humanism
and egalitery emphasizing highly the human right equality. The implication of human monoteism
towards the almighty god having monotheism freedom framework, by action and revolution as well
as with effective communication constructed from the thought of Karl Max.

Keyword : Critical Theory, Education Epystemology and Humanism


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