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Features of interactions: Create social interaction Focus on participants and their social needs Interactive, requiring

two-way participation May be casual or formal Reflects speakers identity

Examples : Greetings Small talk and chit chat Recounting recent experiences Compliments

Features of transactions Giving or obtaining information, or getting goods and services Focus on message Making
oneself understood completely Grammatical accuracy may not be a priority Communication strategies Information
oriented: -asking for directions -describing how to use something -sharing opinions and ideas -discussing plans Goods
and services oriented: -focus on achieving a goal or service -checking into a hotel -shopping -ordering a meal
Examples Classroom group discussion and problem solving activities Discussing needed repairs to a computer with a
tecnician Making a telephone call to obtain flight information Asking someone for directions on the street Ordering
food from a menu in a restaurant

Accuracy is relative. A very young child isnt capable of the same level of accuracy as an adult. The child will make mistakes
and misuse vocabulary.
Teachers who concentrate on accuracy help their students to produce grammatically correct written and spoken English,
ideally aiming towards the accuracy of a native speaker of similar age and background.
The emphasis in the classroom will be on grammar presentations and exercises, reading comprehension and suchlike.

A fluent speaker, on the other hand, may well make grammatical errors but will speak or write efficiently (without pauses).
They will be able to converse freely and talk with native-speakers about many different subjects.
Fluency generally increases as learners progress and become more comfortable using the language.
Language teachers who concentrate on fluency help their students to express themselves in English. They pay more
attention to meaning and context and are less concerned with grammatical errors.
Typical fluency activities are role playing and more communicative activities where English is used as a medium of
communication rather than an end in itself.

Accuracy & Appropriacy

(B) Terms accuracy and appropriacy in the context of language learning.
Meaning of Accuracy
Accuracy means correctness of the language. In accuracy, the speaker had full command of he language. Accuracy is an
important skill in language communication with the people. Accuracy also means mastery of the language. Accuracy is an
exactions of word. When we building a group of words, only exactness work will give us accuracy. Accuracy is the most
important part of the language learning. Accuracy makes us speedy in reading. Learning. Language is the most important
part of the human nature. Communication requires to do accuracy of languages. We might many things to discursive
things like express our preferences in study, discursive things like express our views about a political situation, and so on.
When we learn any language we have to maintain accuracy. If our accuracy will standard and correct, it makes us master
speaker in the languages. In English language there are four ways to getting accuracy. First is Listening, second is Speaking,
third is reading and fourth is writing. These four skills are most important in the language learning. The quality of the
language is become of accuracy, it affords many opportunities too train use to say thing correctly and to understood the
underlying grammar which will enable use to do this.
Meaning of Appropriacy
Appropriacy means suitable words of the languages. Appropriacy can help us in spoken and written languages. If all words
are suitable as a grammar system and use the correct sentences in a appropriate languages, it makes us proper use of
languages. In spoken and, appropriacy is must. In English languages, written long.
There are many words which should have appropriate manner. If we will write or speak in the English language, its arise
many different meanings of different words. Sometimes once words have also two or three meanings, like the words
right, rite, write, wright spellings, four pronunciations, and six meanings. If we will use appropriate words in the
sentences, it shows our mastery in a language. We have to keep also the mastery in the functional English. When we use
grammatical words in English, we have to keep in our mind about tenses and sentences structures.

Important of Accurcy
Accuracy helps the learners to get correctness and speed in languages. Accuracy is an important from its side. The
essential thing is to achieve get accuracy in language, even if we make mistakes. Someone will understand you if your, say
I have been here since four oclock this morning. Bur they wont understand you if you say. I was been here to four
oclock today. The fact is, however that self-conscious learners dont like making mistakes and that is why they have to
strike a careful balance between accuracy & fluency. The main purpose of language learning is to do communicate with
people. If you have not accuracy on proper way. If you want to become accurate in a language, you have to do more and
more practice on speaking and writing. When you will use accurate language. Its better to understand others. There are
so many tips to get accuracy in languages. Many points carefully explained so that you are fully aware, e.g. different uses
of some and any, so you do not say things like I want any milk. If you will do more practice, you will get 100%
accuracy. That mean you are not allowed to make mistakes when doing accuracy exercise, you are allowed to make
mistakes when doing fluency exercises.

Important of Appropriacy
In appropriacy the words & phrases are important suitable learning. The words should have suitable for sentences for
sentences. When we speak, the words should put at the right place. If you have good command on grammar, it will be
helpful in language learning. Basically appropriacy depends upon when you say and how you say it. In other words its
depend upon your choice of words and the way you show those words, which in spoken language is largely dependent on
pronunciation and body language. What you say and how you say it will in turn be controlled by the situation and who you
are talking to. By Gate used the term reciprocity condition to describe how these features affect language production.
An example might be the use of the exclamation shut up ! Most of us might a friend to shutup ! in friendly informal
way. We could mean I dont believe you and use high pitched falling intonation. We were not smiling and used rising
intonaction the message would be very different and inappropriate. We would be less likely to use the same words in a
friendly way to the same person at a formal dinner because the other people present might misinterpret our meaning.
We would not tell a stranger or someone we are not on very familiar terms with to shutup ! under any normal
When I speak, I think appropriacy is more important than accuracy in the context of language learning. Actually
appropriate words make accurate language because when we speak if we have not appropriate words, we can not speak
accurately. If you will use appropriate words, you will get accuracy automatically. I do not mean that only appropriate is
the most important. Accuracy and appropriacy are like the two side of coin. Both are important on situation. If we have
writing something, we do not need that accuracy. If the teacher teaches students, he has need accuracy because without
accuracy, the student can not understand the meaning. It depends on the situation what is important in language learning.
Brown and Vale suggested that much language use aims at interaction by which they mean using language to create and
develop social relationship. If the speaker is not appropriate this aim will not be achieved. If the speaker has appropriacy
and accuracy, he or she can give better speech. When we talk with people we do not need accuracy but when the teacher
teaches the students, they should have both terms accuracy and appropriacy.

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