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Trevally whole round / Jurel gigante entero / carangue toute

Caranx hela / carango gigante indopacico intero

: Caranx ignobilis Varied

: FAO 71 (Pacic Ocean)

: Hooks and Lines
: dd/mm/yyyy
: dd/mm/yyyy
: dd/mm/yyyy
: dd/mm/yyyy

: 82693/295.13B/C/1905.5
Trevally (100%)

: 295.13.B/C
Imported by :
EEG NL 6257
Exported by :
PT. Kelola Mina Laut

Distribution by :
Bonesca Import and Export B.V.
Schulpengat 9 - 8321 WC URK
The Netherlands

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