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Lateral intakes are favorable if the amount of water to be diverted is greater than 50% of the
amount of water supplied.
2. Lateral intakes are less favorable for very great to great gradient (I > 10%) as it may cause
the scouring of downstream feeder channel. However it will result in maintenance free
3. For medium Gradient (1% > I > 0.01%) lateral intake is more favorable in connection with a
hydraulically efficient sand trap as compared to bottom intake.
4. If the ground plan of the river is straight then Lateral intake is less favorable in connection
with additional structures.
5. If the ground plan of the river is winding then lateral intake is very favorable when arranged
on the outside bend.
6. If the ground plan of the river is branched then lateral intake is Unfavorable as it will affect
the damming action of the weir.
7. For high concentration of the suspended matters in water lateral intake is suitable in
connection with a hydraulically efficient sand trap.
8. For low concentration of suspended matters in water lateral intake is well suited as
compared to other intake structures
9. For strong bed load transport lateral intake is less suitable as long as a sufficient amount of
water remains in the river for flushing and transport purposes.
10. For weak bed load transport lateral intake is well suited.

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