Sophie Cotsis MP: Labor Calls For Disability Advocacy Funding To Continue Beyond July 2018

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Sophie Cotsis MP
Shadow Minister for Disability Services

Wednesday, 20 September 2017


Shadow Minister for Disability Services Sophie Cotsis and 7-time Australian Paralympian Liesl Tesch MP
today joined with disability advocacy groups and cross-bench MPs to call on the NSW Government to
continue disability advocacy funding beyond July 2018.

Representatives from the Physical Disability Council NSW, Disability Advocacy NSW and Family Advocacy
rallied alongside the Labor MPs as well members of the Greens, Shooters Fishers & Farmers, CDP and
Independents at NSW Parliament, seeking to see their important services continued.

Funding disability advocacy promotes, protects and ensures that people with disabilities receive full and
equal inclusion of human rights and community participation. There are major concerns that people living in
regional and rural parts of the state wont have local advocacy on issues including transport, education,
employment and health.

Currently the NSW Government funds approximately 50 disability advocacy, information and peak
representational organisations at a cost of around $13 million per year

The Federal Government last month announced $60 million in funding until 2020 but stressed that a national
system requires ongoing investment from states and territories for their own state-run services and state-
based planning.

NSW Labor has already committed to providing funding for disability advocacy after hosting the NSW
Disability Advocacy Alliance Parliamentary Roundtable at State Parliament in August.

Quotes attributable to Shadow Minister for Disability Services Sophie Cotsis

Disability advocacy groups need certainty so they can continue their important services. Labors committed
to continuing their funding and so should the Berejiklian- Barilaro Government.

State-run services need state funding so why doesnt the NSW Government say they will continue the
funding for disability advocacy beyond July next year?

Quotes attributable to Labor MP and Paralympian Liesl Tesch

The Minister for Disability Services claims that advocacy money is used to lobby the government. As a
person with a disability, I want to know that advocacy organisations can represent me to ensure my human
rights are protected.

Our NSW Advocacy organisations hold a wealth of knowledge, have strong relationships with community
members, and are the first point of call for people with disabilities when they need additional support.

We have a long way to go to achieve full inclusion in Australia, and disability advocacy organisations are the
vehicle to help create an accessible and inclusive society.

Media Contact: Sophie Cotsis 0407 945 914

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