September 2004 Delaware Bicycle Council Newsletter

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Delaware Bicycle D

Council News B
Volume 8, Issue 2 - September 2004 C
A Cooperative Effort of the Delaware Bicycle Council and the Delaware Department of Transportation
As time went on the effort needed for
Staffing Bicycle and Pedestrian each of these areas increased to the point
where doing them all was too much for
Planning Activities at DelDOT one person. It was becoming very clear
Joseph Cantalupo, AICP, Assistant Director, Planning, Statewide that if we were going to continue to have
and Regional Planning an effective bicycle and pedestrian plan-
ning program, a different approach to
As one of the Assistant Directors with- It is also the Section where most of the providing these services was needed.
in DelDOT Planning, I oversee the bicycle and pedestrian planning gets
Statewide and Regional Planning done and is coordinated with other Consideration was given to hiring an
Section. The responsibilities of this DelDOT sections as well as outside assistant for the Bicycle and Pedestrian
Section include: agencies and organizations, and it’s Coordinator or cutting back on the activ-
• development and maintenance of long home to the State Bicycle and ities done under the program. Neither of
range transportation plans for Pedestrian Coordinator. these options, however, appeared to be
Statewide and Sussex County the best approach. So, when the Bicycle
• coordination with the Wilmington Historically, DelDOT had one person and Pedestrian Coordinator position was
Area Planning Council and the whose only function was to serve as the vacated two years ago, it seemed like a
Dover/Kent County Metropolitan State Bicycle and Pedestrian good opportunity for the Department to
Planning Organization Coordinator. This position was respon- try something different. Instead of plac-
• community-based land use and trans- sible for bicycle and pedestrian advoca- ing all of the responsibility for bicycle
portation studies cy and outreach; prioritizing and devel- and pedestrian planning with one per-
• management of travel demand fore- oping stand-alone bicycle and/or pedes- son, we decided to try a team approach.
casting and air quality conformity trian improvement projects; and, for
Transportation Enhancements and reviewing land use development and continued on page 5
State Scenic and Historic Highways highway improvement plans for ade-
Programs are managed. quate bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Inside this Issue

"Safe Routes to School" for Delaware Staffing Bicycle and Pedestrian

Planning Activities at DelDOT Page 1
Joseph Cantalupo, AICP, Assistant Director, Planning, Statewide and
Safe Routes to School
Regional Planning for Delaware Page 1
One of the more interesting projects we are incentives that show how much fun it can be, C & D Canal Recreation
working on this year is the development of a and by helping to remove many of the physical Area Pitched Page 2
“Safe Routes to School” Program to imple- and social barriers that prevent children from A Share the Road License
ment the Safe Routes to School legislation walking or biking to school. Many of the pro- Plate for Delaware? Page 2
passed by the Delaware General Assembly in grams apply one or more of four principles that Ride with the Flow Page 3
June 2002. are commonly referred to as the "4E's" - Pomeroy Rail-To-Trail
Engineering, Education, Enforcement and Feasibility Study Page 4
Safe Routes to Schools programs are quickly Encouragement. One or all can be applied, Delawareans Consider Linear
gaining popularity across the United States and depending on the needs of and opportunities at Activities Most Important Page 5
Canada. They are designed to decrease traffic a particular school. 15th Annual Legislator’s Bike
and pollution while at the same time increase to Work Ride Page 6
the health of children and the community. Safe Over the past Spring and Summer, we have Bicycle Safety Program for
Routes to Schools program promote walking been working with representatives of school Summer Employees at the Beach Page 6
and biking to school through education and districts, health care agencies, and our consult-
Coaching Corner Page 7
continued on page 4
Delaware Bicycle Council News
which offers multi use paved trails for
C and D Canal Recreation Area Pitched bicyclists, rollerbladers, walkers and
Tim Plemmons, Executive Director of Delaware Greenways joggers, interpretive programs, camp-
ing, and many other recreational
The C and D Canal, which is owned country. Among the examples men- opportunities for the broader public's
and managed by the Army Corps of tioned was the 7 mile Cape Cod enjoyment.
Engineers, is a big deal to Delaware. Canal, also owned and managed by
Under a proposal being championed the Army Corps of Engineers. At With a growing population sur-
by Congressman Castle, it could be a Cape Cod, the movement of boat traf- rounding it, now is the time to plan for
better deal for Delaware, and for all fic and recreational facilities are well the future of the C and D Canal.
Delawareans who enjoy linear activi- managed priorities. Where else can bicyclists and other
ties such as hiking, bicycling, and non-motorized users travel car-free,
rollerblading. The Congressman, The C and D Canal is primarily a completely off-road and next to a
working with Senators Biden and working canal, not a working and beautiful body of water here in the
Carper, is requesting funding to study recreational Canal. Currently, recre- mid-Atlantic? Where else can this
the feasibility of recreational upgrades ational facilities include fishing piers, experience be combined with an
along the 13 mile C and D Canal designated hunting areas and gravel intriguing history, outstanding civil
which connects Delaware City, DE to service roads. The service roads, not engineering landmarks and numerous
Chesapeake City, MD. Potential intended for non-motorized uses, are ship watching and birding opportuni-
upgrades could include improved sur- sometimes enjoyed by bicycling and ties?
faces and connections for bicycling jogging enthusiasts. The road surface
and other outdoor pursuits. is bumpy and flat, so if planning a trip
to the Canal bring along a
In February of this year, Delaware hybrid or a mountain bike For more information...
Greenways met with staff from our and don't expect a car-free Cape Cod boat traffic
Congressional Delegation's offices to experience. The facilities at
C and D Canal
present the possibilities for the future the C and D Canal pale in
of the Canal and to share examples of comparison to the facilities Delaware Greenways slide show
recreational canals from across the at the Cape Cod Canal,

A “Share the Road” License Plate for Delaware?

Should Delaware have a special "Share the Delaware already has hundreds of "Share the
Road" license plate for bicycling? The Road" signs along many roadways. The
Bicycle Council thinks so. The purpose of license plates would reinforce this message and
having such a special plate would be to raise be a constant reminder to motorists that bicy-
awareness in bicycle safety. cles belong.

In 2002, Delaware had the second worst Delaware already has special license plates
fatality rate for bicyclists of all states - Florida for Animal Welfare, Environmental (ducks
was the worst. To see the complete listing visit and seashore design), and Agricultural Farmland Preservation. Legislation will be
30/NCSA/TSF2002/2002pcyfacts.pdf. Over required to create one for bicycling.
the last 5 years Delaware’s fatality rate has
been well above the national average. Clearly A number of other states have special "Share
this safety initiative would be appropriate. the Road" plates, including Florida, South
Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio, Washington and
The "Share the Road" plates would serve as a Illinois. For examples, including background
reminder that bicycles are vehicles too, and information and legislation, visit
also call attention to how many bicyclists and ~thetandemlink/GATagInfo3.html.
supporters there really are on the roads.

Page 2
Volume 8, Issue 2
Ride with the Flow ing him or her self. This cyclist is a danger
to everyone on and around the roadway. An
Sergeant George A. Heberling, Delaware State Police oncoming motorist could swerve to avoid the
In 1938, Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan data, it's the bicycle rider who causes half of wrong way bicycle and wind up causing a
made a successful solo flight from New York these crashes. head-on collision with another motor vehi-
to Dublin, Ireland. Only problem was, he'd cle. What's a motorist to do upon encounter-
filed to fly to California that day! Although Some bicyclists have an inherent fear of
being struck from behind. Of course, no sane ing two cyclist; one going the right way and
he claims his compass malfunctioned, most the other riding against traffic? The League
believe he intentionally flew the wrong way. motorcyclist would ever consider riding on
of American Bicyclists lists some great rea-
You see, for years he'd been denied approval the wrong side of the roadway. If you ever sons for riding with traffic:
for that trans-Atlantic flight he really wanted saw one, you'd certainly dial 911. Yet, we Expectations
to take. Going "the Wrong Way" is often don't react the same to a bicycle going the • Motorists expect to find other traffic on the
depicted in a humorous manner. We've all wrong way. However, many bicyclists do right side of the road
laughed at everything from quarterbacks run- ride on the wrong side. Many argue that they • Motorists may only be scanning where
ning to the wrong end zone to John Candy want to see approaching traffic so they can they expect to see other traffic
and Steve Martin driving the wrong way take any necessary avoidance actions; that • Motorists assume that you can see lights
down the interstate. Sadly, the real life con- they'll have more time to react. Mostly, and signs that dictate traffic behavior
sequences, with the possible exception of they're fearful of being struck from behind. Laws
Corrigan's flight, are rarely humorous. An inexpensive bicycle mirror and actively
listening for traffic can help to reduce some • In all 50 states, the laws require that you
Someone once wrote, “Imagine motor of this anxiety. ride on the right, with the flow of traffic
vehicles were invented just yesterday. Now, • Disobeying traffic control devices in any
imagine someone proposes today that we While collisions from behind do occur, direction is illegal
should place members of the general popula- they're far less common than one would • Even on one-way streets where you can
tion into this mix of motor vehicles, most imagine. What is far more common, in fact ride on either side, go with traffic
capable of exceeding 100 mph, traveling in it's the biggest cause of all car-vs-bicycle Turning
opposite directions, with very little training, crashes Nationwide, is wrong way riding. • Making a turn requires a wrong-way
separated by nothing more than a yellow Collisions with passing cars represent a very cyclist to cross twice as much traffic for
painted line less than one foot wide. We'd small percentage of injuries to cyclists. turns
probably lock this kook up and throw away Simple falls, collisions with dogs, pedestri- • Cyclists must be able to see traffic control
the key! Surely, such an idea would never ans and other cyclists injure far more cyclists devices at intersections
work!” than collisions with cars. Also, these same • Motorists have no idea how to react to
cyclists who fear being struck by a motor someone going the wrong direction
Well, thankfully, our system does work -- vehicle from the rear show little concern Closing Speed
usually. It works when we all do what is while driving their cars; where they will • Riding 20 mph into a car going 35 mph is
expected of us: obeying traffic laws: stopping encounter head-on traffic missing their cars like hitting a wall at 55mph
for red lights, obeying speed limits, using our as little as one foot at closure rates exceeding • Motorists overtaking cyclists on the right
headlights, and driving (or riding) on the 100 mph! decrease closing speed
right side of the roadway. • The likelihood of surviving such a crash is
A bicycle on the wrong side of the roadway
As an avid bicyclist who's also a motorcy- can have tragic consequences. A motorcycle
Traffic Control Devices
cle rider, I quite often find myself astride one rider who was a friend of my sister-in-law
• Traffic lights are impossible to read from
two-wheeled conveyance or another. Many recently made a right turn after presumably
the wrong side
of the same fears I have while riding my looking both ways. Primary threat is to his
• If you don't know where traffic is going,
BMW also concern me when I'm riding my left, so he probably devoted most of his atten-
you increase your chance of getting hit
Trek. Generally, my fellow roadway users tion to looking left. He apparently never saw
• Not obeying traffic controls destroys any
are courteous; we respect each other's right- the bicyclist to his right until it was too late.
order on the roadway
of-way and refrain from running in to one The bicycle rider was riding the wrong way,
another. Trouble will occur, however, if two against the flow of traffic. They collided.
So, next time you see a bicyclist riding on
or more of us attempt to occupy the same Despite his half-shell helmet, the motorcy-
the wrong side of the road, do us all a favor.
piece of roadway at the same time. When clist died of head trauma. The bicyclist,
Politely remind him or her that while "Wrong
that happens, it's usually the two-wheeler although injured, survived.
Way" Corrigan wound up exactly where he
who comes out on the losing end of the bat-
wanted to be, their own actions could end
tle. Lest we be quick to blame the motorist, As my true anecdote shows, a bicyclist on
with a hospital being someone's final destina-
remember this - according to government the wrong side of the road isn't just endanger-
tion - or worse!

Page 3
Delaware Bicycle Council News
trail would provide a dedicated walking
Pomeroy Rail-To-Trail Feasibility Study path connecting to sidewalks on Main
Anthony Aglio, DelDOT Street and Delaware Avenue.
The Pomeroy Rail to Trail Feasibility cross the Papermill/Cleveland intersec-
Study is nearly complete. On Tuesday tion. The idea for the trail was initiated by
August 31st a public workshop was held the City of Newark a few years ago and
to present preliminary findings to the DelDOT and the City of Newark was brought to DelDOT's attention
community. The meeting was held at believe that a trail such as this will be a shortly after. Since that time DelDOT
the City of Newark's Wilson Center and great amenity to the community, has explored the idea to determine if a
over 80 interested people attended. enabling residents and guests direct multi-use trail on this line is possible,
access to the commercial areas from this feasibility study is the first step in
At the meeting trail maps were dis- neighborhoods to both the North and the that process. The next step is prioritiza-
played showing the location of the South on a multi-use trail. The trail has tion for project development, engineer-
potential trail, road crossings and envi- gained great support from the public and ing and construction this could take sev-
ronmental features. The potential trail business owners. Ideas are being dis- eral years. For further information
extends from the existing Hall Trail cussed that include a rest area near Main regarding the study contact Anthony
along the AMTRAK Line near Chapel Street, which would serve as a pocket Aglio at DelDOT Planning.
Street through Newark crossing both park allowing trail users a place to park
Main Street and Delaware Avenue con- their bike and visit Main Street by foot.
necting to White Clay Creek State Park
at North College Avenue near North The trail will also connect to the pro-
Street. The Pomeroy Trail is proposed posed Newark Transit Hub. This con-
to connect to the White Clay Creek State nection would serve transit riders and
Park's trail system as well as connect to trail users allowing direct access to both
trails in Pennsylvania. At this point the transportation modes with out the use of
a motorized vehicle. Additionally, the Trail alignment near East Market Plaza
biggest hurdle is finding a safe way to
Each of the schools we select will receive gram, visit
"Safe Routes to School" $10,000 - $15,000 grants plus additional
(continued from page 1) consultant assistance to develop their Safe For more general information about Safe
ant team to develop a Safe Routes to Routes to School Program and related Routes to Schools programs, you can visit
School Guidebook for Delaware. The activities at their school. We started the the National Highway Traffic Safety
Guidebook is intended to serve as a tool selection process in early August. Administration website at
that school districts, parent-teacher organi- gov/people/injury/pedbimot/bike/safer-
zations, or other interested agencies and After about nine to twelve months of outeshtml, or you can just search for "Safe
organizations could use to develop a pro- working with schools under the pilot pro- Routes to School."
gram for a particular school. gram, we will take what we have learned
and adjust the Guidebook accordingly. If you are interested in learning more
The Guidebook is substantially complet- From there, we'll make the Guidebook about what we are doing here at DelDOT,
ed. Before we finalize it, however, we available for all schools to use and do our you can contact me:
have decided to enhance it by adding local part to promote this very good program
examples and running pilot programs at a that will help to improve our environment Joseph Cantalupo, AICP
handful of schools beginning this Fall. We and the health of our children and commu- Assistant Director, Planning
are in the process of looking for schools nities. Delaware Department of Transportation
that will represent the diverse settings in P.O. Box 778
which Delaware's schools are located (i.e. There is an enormous amount of informa- Dover, DE 19903
urban, suburban and rural). We are trying tion available on the Internet from the 302-760-2121 / 302-739-2251
to find schools that have a demonstrated many states that have already undertaken
need for a program, a desire to participate, Safe Routes to School programs. Marin
potential for reducing child injuries and County, California developed one of the
fatalities, and potential for increasing the first programs in the United States with
number of walking and bicycling students. great success. For information on the pro-

Page 4
Volume 8, Issue 2
and commenting on has increased
Staffing Activities at DelDOT tremendously. We have left behind a
(continued from page 1) system where only some plans were
being reviewed for adequate bicycle and
The first and perhaps most important ing track of all of the bicycle and pedes- pedestrian facilities and created one
point to make is that we still have a trian related issue in their respective where nearly all plans are being
Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator. counties; participating in the county spe- reviewed. Our comments are more
That title and function, although slightly cific development review meetings; thoughtful and we are creating more
modified, now belongs to the Assistant serving as members of our review team; partnerships within and outside of
Director of Planning responsible for the visiting the project sites for projects on DelDOT, which are very quickly trans-
Statewide and Regional Planning -- in which we are asked to comment; and lating into more and better bicycle and
other words, it's me! As the serving as the point of contact for their pedestrian facilities. We have also been
Coordinator, I am responsible for help- respective counties. It is important to able to undertake more policy based ini-
ing to identify areas where we need to remember though, that each of these tiatives such as the Statewide Bicycle
focus our planning efforts; identifying folks has other responsibilities. Facility Master Plan and the Statewide
our advocacy and outreach efforts; Pedestrian Plan.
ensuring consistency in our reviews of For example, Dave Petrosky is also the
plans and programs throughout the Program Manager for the State Scenic More importantly though, we are cre-
State; and for helping to set the strategic and Historic Highways Program, and ating a larger pool of resources and
and policy direction for the development Dan and Anthony are responsible for expertise for handling bicycle and
and management of bicycle and pedes- more than a few community-based pedestrian issues. By using a team
trian facilities. All of the hard work is transportation planning efforts. The approach, we are almost guaranteeing
done by a team of project planners fourth project planner position, current- that we will always be able to do the
assigned to work on bicycle and pedes- ly vacant, is assigned to advocacy and very best we can, and that our accumu-
trian related projects as part of their pri- outreach. When filled, this individual lated knowledge will stay within the
mary responsibilities. will serve as a member of our project Department. That's good for us and for
review team and will oversee one or two our customers. The only area where we
There are four project planner posi- community based transportation plans need to continue to expand is in the area
tions assigned to working on bicycle and per year. As of the writing of this arti- of advocacy and outreach.
pedestrian planning issues within cle, we are preparing to interview for
Statewide and Regional Planning. Each this position and its quite possible that We are all looking forward to complet-
County has been assigned a project by the time this newsletter is printed and ing our team with a project planner to
planner: distributed, the position will be filled. focus on this. When that happens, we'll
be able to, as Emeril says, "kick it up a
• Dave Petrosky - New Castle County We have been operating under the notch," and you can all look forward to
• Dan Rose - Kent County team approach for two years and for the us doing more in terms of education.
• Anthony Aglio - Sussex County most part it has been a huge success.
These folks are responsible for keep- The number of plans we are reviewing

Delawareans Consider “Linear Activities” Most Important

Tim Plemmons, Executive Director of Delaware Greenways
The Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor The following excerpts and independent "60% statewide think bicycle and pedes-
Recreation Plan (SCORP) survey says survey results from the SCORP speak for trian pathways are a very important fund-
more walking and jogging paths are the themselves: ing priority, and another 26% think they
number one recreational priority of are a somewhat important priority."
Delawareans. SCORP is a plan compiled "By far the most popular individual activ-
by the DNREC Division of Parks and ity is walking or jogging." The report findings go on to show
Recreation. The plan is based on input Delawareans recreate for three major rea-
from citizens, interest groups, local, coun- "The one issue that sparked more conver- sons. Reason number one is for physical
ty and state agencies. Its goal is to identi- sation than any other at the SCORP work- fitness, two is time with family and friends
fy Delaware's outdoor recreational needs. shops is safety concerns for walkers and and three is for relaxation. The full
bicyclists." SCORP report is on the internet at

Page 5
Delaware Bicycle Council News

15th Annual Legislator’s

Bike to Work Ride
Amy Wilburn
On Wednesday, May 12, 2004, about Some of the riders,
60 cyclists led by Senator Dave including Dave Sokola, are
Sokola (D- Newark) and avid cyclists who partici-
Representative Roger Roy (R- pate in the event every year.
Limestone Hills) peddled as far as 56
miles to celebrate Bike to Work Week "I have always enjoyed
and to encourage bicycling in this ride. It is an opportuni-
Delaware. For the first time, six high ty to promote an alternate Charter School of Wilmington students (from left to
right) Laura Wilburn, Molly Yborra, Andrew Mao, Adi
school students--all from the Charter method of transportation
Bose, Brian Kinney, and Scott Kilheffer, and parent
School of Wilmington--were among that also has terrific fitness chaperone Amy Wilburn (right) meet with Senator Sokola
the participants in this annual event. benefits," Sokola said. and Governor Minner following the signing of the “Bike
The first Legislator's ride was held in to Work Week” proclamation.
1990 for the signing of the bill that For others, the ride
created the Bicycle Council. offered a new experience. "I wanted Participants hope this event will con-
to see if I could do it," Adi Bose, a tinue to expand in years to come.
At the end of the ride, Governor Ruth sophomore at Charter, said. Bose also
Ann Minner joined the cyclists on the feels that biking is important because "This year it was extra special with
Dover Green to sign a proclamation of its health benefits and because it is the students' participation," Sokola
declaring May 9-16 Bike to Work environmentally friendly and con- said. "I have already set a goal to try
Week. serves resources. "It's especially to expand the level of student partici-
important now because of sky-rocket- pation next year."
ing oil prices," he said.
The Police, DelDOT, and local
Bicycle Safety Program chambers of commerce gave away
helmets and bicycle lights, and distrib-
for Summer Employees at uted “Rules-of-the-Road” brochures
in four different languages.
the Beach
In recent years there have been The program was based on "effective Many cyclists in the summertime are
numerous bicycling accidents on cycling" principles and used segments foreign students who work in the
Route 1 from Five Points to Fenwick of the widely respected "Effective beach area and have no cars. The
Island. In fact, in the last three years Cycling" video by the League of exchange students say they need bicy-
over 10 percent of the state's accidents American Bicyclists. It aimed to alert cles to get around. In the busy Route
involving bicyclist have occurred in cyclists to the dangers on local road- 1 corridor, which carries up to 80,000
this 24-mile stretch of roadway. A big ways and to make sure they know the vehicles a day and has no bike lanes,
concern was the summer workers, rules of the road. Such training is that means being out on the road with
many of whom are from outside the especially important for students from traffic.
United States and unfamiliar with our European countries, where the rules
bicycling laws and customs. for bicyclists are not the same as here. This safety training will be done
annually, and it is expected that
So with the support of local mer- The half-day program was presented employers will send more of their
chants, a bike safety program specifi- by Mike Tyler of Sussex Cyclists, a summer workers in future years as
cally targeted at these employees was former member of the Bicycle word of the usefulness of the program
developed by local bicyclists, the Council. About 50 foreign students spreads.
Bicycle Council and DelDOT. The and children participated.
program was presented at Rehoboth
Elementary School on June 29th.

Page 6
Volume 8, Issue 2

Coaching Corner
Doug Mills
One of my many commitments as for all upcoming events. Start by Secret - Fixed Gear Training
a member of the Delaware Bicycle penciling in upcoming season events
Council is coaching and educating and note the ones you'd like to ride Another good training tip that I still
riders of all ages and abilities. well for. swear by is fixed gear training. If
you have access to a fixed gear bike
Cycling has been a part of my life TIP 1 - Make a commitment and one or are considering one to put
for 20+ years. It has given me some- stick to it! your base miles on, do it! A fixed
thing spiritual as well as some of the gear with proper gear ratios will
essential building blocks for achiev- Establish a common goal between greatly improve your pedal stroke.
ing goals in all aspects of my life. teammates, friends and associates. You are pedaling more effectively
This will get you motivated and in which means "saving energy" which
As a USCF Expert Cycling Coach the proper mindset both physically means more efficiency. You quickly
for 7 years, I would be happy to and mentally. learn about truly pedaling in circles
answer questions to make your bike and "up and down" stroke power
riding experience a fun, healthy Aerobic Base Miles perks.
alternative activity in our great state.
The objective is to develop and Note: I highly recommend fixed
I want you to have fun and meet build your aerobic conditioning and gears to have brakes front and rear. I
your goals reality. From training for strength for the upcoming year. have known a few that used their
your first century to preparing for Strength work, such as weight train- track bikes with no brakes. I would-
your first competitive event. ing can be integrated to build power n't recommend it.
and strength slowly. The training
Planning and More Planning during this period establishes a solid
foundation for the training that will Thought for the Month
Planning was one thing I used to be follow later in the year. You should Unless you practice it and train it,
terrible at doing and now I find it be riding 3-4 times per week. The how do you intend to race & ride it!
essential for good mental health both intensity should be low to medium,
professionally and personally. We all keeping pedal cadence at 100-120 Questions and Feedback Welcome
have busy lives, working, going to rpm's. Aerobic training increases the
school and trying to fit a personal life muscles capacity to use oxygen Doug Mills, Team Director
in between, so it is essential that you when producing energy. The intensi- Wilmington Velocity Cycling Team
plan for training time and stick with ty level for aerobic training should Email:
it. be roughly between 60-80% of your Web:
maximum heart rate. This does vary
If you haven't started yet, start now. for all individuals. Consult your
Make a rough outline (on your PDA Coach for individual HR Zones and
or on paper) of a preliminary itiner- evaluations.
ary with scheduled milestone dates

Upcoming Topics …

• What's A Fixed Gear Bike..?

• Expensive Bikes Make Me Fast?
• Bike Trainers -- Why?
Page 7
“Our Mission is to Promote and Enhance Bicycling in Delaware.”
A Cooperative Effort of the Delaware Bicycle Council and the Delaware Department of Transportation

Dover, DE 19903 C
P.O. Box 778 B
Delaware Bicycle Council News D

Delaware Bicycle Council Membership and Staff Support

Representatives Representing Phone Number E-Mail Address
Don Carbaugh New Castle County 529-7929
Fred Breukelman Public Health 739-4724
Harry Isaacs, Jr. Council on Transportation 684-1332
Judith Jeffers At Large 761-6952
Tom Hartley Kent County 697-6400
George Heberling Public Safety - State Police 856-5850
Danna Levy Greenways & Trails Council 478-7853
Laura Madara DNREC 577-7202
Doug Mills New Castle County 994-2656
Lisa Moore Office of Highway Safety 744-2740
Vacant At Large
Nicholas Vacirca Dept. of Education 739-4658
Calvin Weber, Jr. DelDOT 760-2365
Amy Wilburn At Large 995-2985
Tim Willard Sussex County 856-7777

Staff Support Affiliation Phone Number E-Mail Address

Joe Cantaloupo DelDOT Planning 760-2112
Fritz Schranck Deputy Attorney General 760-2020
Admin. Assistant DelDOT Planning 760-2121

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