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2 Oracle Applications
System Administrator
Student Guide Volume I

Edition 1.0
July 2014
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Sagar Garuda
Mildred Wang
Melody Yang
Robert Farrington

Technical Contributors and Reviewers

Mike Waddoups, Leta Davis, Phil Cannon

Curriculum Manager
Clara Jaeckel

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Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................1-1
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................1-3
Course Objectives ..........................................................................................................................................1-4
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................1-5
Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration ............................................................................................1-6
Oracle E-Business Suite Security ..................................................................................................................1-7
Concurrent Processing in Oracle E-Business Suite .......................................................................................1-8
Oracle Applications Manager .........................................................................................................................1-9
Oracle Workflow .............................................................................................................................................1-10
Personalizations in Oracle E-Business Suite .................................................................................................1-11
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................1-12
Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrative Responsibilities ..............................................................2-1
Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrative Responsibilities ..................................................................2-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................2-4
System Administrative Responsibilities ..........................................................................................................2-5
System Administration Responsibility ............................................................................................................2-6
System Administrator Responsibility ..............................................................................................................2-7
Functional Administrator and Functional Developer Responsibility ................................................................2-8
Integrated SOA Gateway Responsibility ........................................................................................................2-9
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................2-10
Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security ........................................................................................3-1
Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security ...........................................................................................3-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................3-4
Successive Layers of Access Control ............................................................................................................3-5
Increasing Flexibility and Scalability ...............................................................................................................3-6
Function Security ...........................................................................................................................................3-8
Data Security..................................................................................................................................................3-9
Oracle User Management Layers of Access Control .....................................................................................3-10
Role Based Access Control (RBAC) ..............................................................................................................3-11
Delegated Administration ...............................................................................................................................3-13
Provisioning Services .....................................................................................................................................3-15
Self Service and Approvals ............................................................................................................................3-17
Introduction to Single Sign-On .......................................................................................................................3-18
Simplified User Management .........................................................................................................................3-19
Centralized Account Provisioning...................................................................................................................3-20
On Demand User Creation .............................................................................................................................3-21
Automatic Linking of User Accounts...............................................................................................................3-22
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................3-23
Introduction to Function Security...................................................................................................................4-1
Introduction to Function Security ....................................................................................................................4-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................4-4
Overview of Function Security .......................................................................................................................4-5
Defining a New Application User ....................................................................................................................4-7
Applications ....................................................................................................................................................4-8
Registering an Oracle ID ................................................................................................................................4-9
Data Groups ...................................................................................................................................................4-10

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Student Guide Table of Contents

Using Responsibilities ....................................................................................................................................4-12
Responsibility Components ............................................................................................................................4-13
Responsibility Creation Process.....................................................................................................................4-14
Defining a New Responsibility ........................................................................................................................4-15
Defining a Menu .............................................................................................................................................4-17
Identifying Existing Menu Structures ..............................................................................................................4-18
Menu Guidelines ............................................................................................................................................4-19
Creating a Menu using the Menus Window in Forms .....................................................................................4-20
Creating a Menu using the HTML-based Menus Page ..................................................................................4-22
Modifying an Existing Menu Definition ...........................................................................................................4-23
Securing Functions ........................................................................................................................................4-24
Navigator Menus ............................................................................................................................................4-25
The Menu Viewer ...........................................................................................................................................4-26
Viewing Node Properties in the Menu Viewer ................................................................................................4-27
Adding a Custom Form Function....................................................................................................................4-28
Passable Forms Parameters ..........................................................................................................................4-29
Query-Only Forms..........................................................................................................................................4-30
Form Window Name Changes .......................................................................................................................4-32
Help Target Changes .....................................................................................................................................4-33
List of All Submit Request Parameters...........................................................................................................4-34
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................4-36
Introduction to Data Security ..........................................................................................................................5-1
Introduction to Data Security ..........................................................................................................................5-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................5-4
Introduction to Data Security ..........................................................................................................................5-5
Data Security Components - Objects .............................................................................................................5-6
Grants ............................................................................................................................................................5-7
Permissions and Permission Sets ..................................................................................................................5-8
Data Security Policies ....................................................................................................................................5-9
Example of a Data Security Policy .................................................................................................................5-10
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................5-11
Introduction to User Management ..................................................................................................................6-1
Introduction to User Management ..................................................................................................................6-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................6-4
What Is Oracle User Management? ...............................................................................................................6-5
Who Is Oracle User Management Intended For? ...........................................................................................6-6
Access Control Model ....................................................................................................................................6-8
Successive Layers of Access Control ............................................................................................................6-9
Function Security ...........................................................................................................................................6-10
Responsibilities ..............................................................................................................................................6-11
Data Security..................................................................................................................................................6-12
Role Based Access Control (RBAC) ..............................................................................................................6-13
Role Categories and Inheritance Hierarchies .................................................................................................6-14
Delegated Administration ...............................................................................................................................6-16
Delegating to Proxy Users .............................................................................................................................6-17
Provisioning Services .....................................................................................................................................6-19
Self-Service and Approvals ............................................................................................................................6-21
Login Assistance ............................................................................................................................................6-22
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................6-23
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Student Guide Table of Contents

Implementing Oracle User Management ........................................................................................................7-1
Implementing Oracle User Management ........................................................................................................7-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................7-4
Implementing Oracle User Management ........................................................................................................7-5
Steps for Implementing Oracle User Management ........................................................................................7-6
Introduction to Roles ......................................................................................................................................7-9
Examples of Roles .........................................................................................................................................7-10
Defining Roles: Data Security Policies ...........................................................................................................7-11
Defining Roles: Assigning a Single Responsibility and All Its Functions to a Role .........................................7-12
Assigning a Single Responsibility to a Role and Granting Specific Functions to a Role ................................7-13
Defining Roles: Assigning Multiple Responsibilities to a Role ........................................................................7-14
Role Inheritance Hierarchies ..........................................................................................................................7-15
Role Categories .............................................................................................................................................7-16
Permissions and Permission Sets ..................................................................................................................7-17
Assigning Permissions to Roles .....................................................................................................................7-18
Advantages of Roles Over Responsibilities ...................................................................................................7-20
Phase II: Define Roles ...................................................................................................................................7-22
Steps for Creating Roles: Define a Role Category .........................................................................................7-23
Steps for Creating Roles: Create a Role within the Role Category ................................................................7-24
Steps for Creating Roles: Place Role in Role Inheritance Hierarchy ..............................................................7-25
Steps for Creating Roles: Assign Permissions to Roles .................................................................................7-26
Steps for Creating Roles: Assign Role to a New Person................................................................................7-28
Steps for Creating Roles: Test the Role .........................................................................................................7-30
Delegated Administration ...............................................................................................................................7-31
What Is Delegated Administration? ................................................................................................................7-32
User Administration Privileges .......................................................................................................................7-33
User Administration Privileges (cont.) ............................................................................................................7-34
Role Administration Privileges........................................................................................................................7-35
Seeded Permissions for User Administration .................................................................................................7-36
Managing Roles with Role Administration ......................................................................................................7-37
Seeded Permissions for Role Administration .................................................................................................7-38
Organization Administration Privileges ...........................................................................................................7-39
Registering External Organization Contacts ..................................................................................................7-40
Seeded Permissions for Organization Administration ....................................................................................7-41
Delegated Administration vs. Traditional System Administration ...................................................................7-42
Phase III: Setting Up Delegated Administration .............................................................................................7-43
Steps for Implementing Delegated Administration: Set Up User Administration for a Role ............................7-44
Steps for Implementing Delegated Administration .........................................................................................7-45
Registration Processes ..................................................................................................................................7-48
Registration Processes: Core Components ...................................................................................................7-49
Self-Service Account Requests ......................................................................................................................7-50
Requests for Additional Access......................................................................................................................7-51
Account Creation by Administrators ...............................................................................................................7-53
Phase IV: Creating Registration Processes ...................................................................................................7-54
Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Provide Required Description Information .................................7-55
Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Enter Runtime Execution Information ........................................7-57
Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Enter Eligibility Information ........................................................7-58
Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Register Subscriptions to Business Events ...............................7-60
Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Set Profile Options (Optional) ....................................................7-61

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Student Guide Table of Contents

Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Optionally Set Login Page UI Attributes.....................................7-63
Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Test as Customer Administrator ................................................7-64
Proxy Users ...................................................................................................................................................7-65
Oracle User Management Security Reports ...................................................................................................7-69
Creating, Inactivating, and Reactivating User Accounts.................................................................................7-71
Resetting User Passwords .............................................................................................................................7-72
Self-Service Features .....................................................................................................................................7-74
Login Assistance ............................................................................................................................................7-76
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................7-77
Introduction to Concurrent Requests ............................................................................................................8-1
Introduction to Concurrent Requests..............................................................................................................8-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................8-4
Concurrent Requests, Programs, and Managers ...........................................................................................8-6
Business Needs for Concurrent Processing ...................................................................................................8-7
Business Needs for Standard Request Submission .......................................................................................8-8
Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................8-9
Submit Request Flow .....................................................................................................................................8-11
Submit a New Request ..................................................................................................................................8-12
Using Parameters ..........................................................................................................................................8-13
Defining a Submission Schedule....................................................................................................................8-14
Defining Completion Options (Forms UI) .......................................................................................................8-16
Defining Completion Options (HTML-based UI) .............................................................................................8-17
Request ID .....................................................................................................................................................8-18
Reprinting a Report ........................................................................................................................................8-19
Use the Requests Window to View and Change Requests ............................................................................8-20
How to Use the Requests Window (Forms-based UI) ...................................................................................8-21
How to Use the Requests Page (HTML-based UI).........................................................................................8-22
Additional Tasks for Requests........................................................................................................................8-23
Additional Tasks for Requests, continued ......................................................................................................8-24
Viewer Options Window .................................................................................................................................8-25
Canceling a Request ......................................................................................................................................8-26
Holding a Request..........................................................................................................................................8-27
Changing Request Options ............................................................................................................................8-28
Four Phases of a Concurrent Request ...........................................................................................................8-29
Pending Phase ...............................................................................................................................................8-30
Running Phase...............................................................................................................................................8-31
Completed Phase...........................................................................................................................................8-32
Inactive Phase................................................................................................................................................8-33
System Administrator Monitoring Privileges ...................................................................................................8-34
Review Log Files ............................................................................................................................................8-35
Managing Log Files and Tables .....................................................................................................................8-37
Purge Request Results ..................................................................................................................................8-38
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................8-39
Managing Concurrent Requests .....................................................................................................................9-1
Managing Concurrent Requests.....................................................................................................................9-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................9-4
Grouping Concurrent Programs and Requests ..............................................................................................9-5
Creating a Request Group .............................................................................................................................9-7
Using a Request Group with a Code ..............................................................................................................9-8
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Student Guide Table of Contents

Submitting Requests: Form Compared with Responsibility ............................................................................9-9
Implementing a Coded Request Group ..........................................................................................................9-10
Customization Example .................................................................................................................................9-11
Creating the New Form Function ...................................................................................................................9-12
Passable Request Parameters for Request Groups ......................................................................................9-13
Adding the Function to the Menu ...................................................................................................................9-14
Using a Request Group Code as an Argument ..............................................................................................9-15
Customizing the Submit Requests Window ...................................................................................................9-16
List of All Submit Request Parameters...........................................................................................................9-18
Controlling Access to Concurrent Programs using RBAC ..............................................................................9-20
Enabling Access to Concurrent Programs using RBAC .................................................................................9-21
Enabling Access to Concurrent Programs using RBAC, continued...............................................................9-22
Controlling Access to Viewing Requests using RBAC ...................................................................................9-23
Defining a Request Set ..................................................................................................................................9-25
Request Set Stages .......................................................................................................................................9-26
Stage Status ..................................................................................................................................................9-27
Linking of Stages............................................................................................................................................9-29
Defining Request Sets Step 1: Enter Request Set Name ..............................................................................9-30
Defining Request Sets Step 2: Define a Stage ..............................................................................................9-32
Defining Request Sets Step 3: Enter Requests for Stage ..............................................................................9-33
Defining Request Sets Step 4: Enter Request Parameter..............................................................................9-34
Defining Request Sets Step 5: Link Stages ...................................................................................................9-35
Submitting a Request Set ..............................................................................................................................9-36
User Request Set Privileges ..........................................................................................................................9-37
System Administrator Request Set Privileges ................................................................................................9-38
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................9-39
Administering Concurrent Managers .............................................................................................................10-1
Administering Concurrent Managers ..............................................................................................................10-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................10-4
Concurrent Requests, Programs, and Processes ..........................................................................................10-5
Overview of Concurrent Processing ...............................................................................................................10-6
Generic Service Management (GSM) ............................................................................................................10-7
Defining a Concurrent Manager .....................................................................................................................10-8
Defining Work Shifts.......................................................................................................................................10-10
Balancing Process Workload Over Time ........................................................................................................10-11
Work Shift Hierarchy ......................................................................................................................................10-12
Concurrent Managers: Program Libraries ......................................................................................................10-13
Assigning Workshifts to a Manager ................................................................................................................10-15
Specializing a Concurrent Manager ...............................................................................................................10-16
Specialization Rules .......................................................................................................................................10-17
Action Types ..................................................................................................................................................10-18
Specializing a Concurrent Manager: Combined Rules ...................................................................................10-19
Combining Multiple Actions Within Rules .......................................................................................................10-20
Concurrent Request Types ............................................................................................................................10-21
Using Request Types .....................................................................................................................................10-22
Conflicts Domains ..........................................................................................................................................10-23
Processing Conflicts Domain .........................................................................................................................10-25
Control Functions of Concurrent Managers (Forms-based UI) ......................................................................10-26
Managing Concurrent Processing with Oracle Applications Manager ............................................................10-28

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Student Guide Table of Contents

Activating and Deactivating Concurrent Managers in Oracle Applications Manager ......................................10-29
Internal Monitor and ICM ................................................................................................................................10-30
Defining a Transaction Manager ....................................................................................................................10-31
Monitoring Concurrent Requests in Oracle Applications Manager .................................................................10-32
Concurrent Processing Charts in Oracle Applications Manager ....................................................................10-33
Concurrent Processing Activity Reports .........................................................................................................10-34
Viewing Log and Output Files ........................................................................................................................10-35
Managing Parallel Concurrent Processing .....................................................................................................10-36
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................10-38
Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) ....................................................................................11-1
Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) ......................................................................................11-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................11-4
What is Oracle Applications Manager? ..........................................................................................................11-5
Benefits of Oracle Applications Manager .......................................................................................................11-6
Oracle Applications Manager Integrates with ............................................................................................11-7
Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite ............................................................................................11-9
Integration with Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Fusion Middleware Control ................................................11-10
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................11-11
System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager ....................................................................................12-1
System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager .......................................................................................12-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................12-4
Navigation in OAM .........................................................................................................................................12-5
Applications Dashboard .................................................................................................................................12-6
Applications Dashboard Overview ................................................................................................................12-7
Applications Dashboard Applications System Status ....................................................................................12-8
Applications Dashboard Configuration Changes ...........................................................................................12-9
Applications Dashboard Web Components Status........................................................................................12-10
Applications Dashboard System Alerts ..........................................................................................................12-11
Applications Dashboard System Alerts, Metrics, and Logs ............................................................................12-12
Applications Dashboard User Initiated Alerts ................................................................................................12-14
Applications Dashboard Performance ...........................................................................................................12-16
Applications Dashboard Critical Activities ....................................................................................................12-18
Applications Dashboard Critical Activities Setup ...........................................................................................12-19
Applications Dashboard Business Flows ......................................................................................................12-20
Applications Dashboard Security ..................................................................................................................12-22
Monitoring Oracle E-Business Suite Security Setup - Diagnostic Tests .........................................................12-24
Applications Dashboard Software Updates ...................................................................................................12-25
Site Map .........................................................................................................................................................12-26
Site Map Administration .................................................................................................................................12-27
Host Management ..........................................................................................................................................12-28
Host Management - Status ............................................................................................................................12-30
Host Management - Configuration .................................................................................................................12-31
Application Services .......................................................................................................................................12-32
Concurrent Requests .....................................................................................................................................12-33
Workflow ........................................................................................................................................................12-34
Site Map Monitoring .......................................................................................................................................12-35
Database Status Details.................................................................................................................................12-36
Monitoring Forms ...........................................................................................................................................12-37
Forms Runaway Processes ...........................................................................................................................12-38
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Student Guide Table of Contents

Forms Sessions .............................................................................................................................................12-40
Forms Runtime Processes .............................................................................................................................12-42
Database Initialization (init.ora) Parameters ..................................................................................................12-44
Custom Reporting Utilities SQL Extensions ...................................................................................................12-45
Site Map Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................12-46
Site Map Diagnostics and Repair ...................................................................................................................12-47
Monitoring Oracle E-Business Suite Security .................................................................................................12-48
Setting Up Oracle Applications Manager .......................................................................................................12-49
Dashboard Configuration and Alerting Setup .................................................................................................12-50
Setting Up Dashboard Configuration and Alerting..........................................................................................12-51
Knowledge Base Setup ..................................................................................................................................12-53
Concurrent Requests Setup ...........................................................................................................................12-54
Signon Audit Setup ........................................................................................................................................12-55
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................12-56
Oracle Applications Manager - Diagnostics and Troubleshooting ..............................................................13-1
Oracle Applications Manager - Diagnostics and Troubleshooting ..................................................................13-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................13-4
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting in Oracle Applications Manager ................................................................13-5
Diagnostics and Repair ..................................................................................................................................13-6
Troubleshooting Wizards ...............................................................................................................................13-7
Concurrent Manager Recovery Wizard ..........................................................................................................13-9
Service Infrastructure Wizard .........................................................................................................................13-11
Generic Collection Service (GCS) and Forms Monitoring Wizard ..................................................................13-12
CP Signature ..................................................................................................................................................13-13
Dashboard Collection Wizard .........................................................................................................................13-15
Support Cart ...................................................................................................................................................13-16
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................13-18
Managing Profile Options ................................................................................................................................14-1
Managing Profile Options ...............................................................................................................................14-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................14-4
Personal Profile Values ..................................................................................................................................14-5
System Profile Options - Profile Hierarchy Types ..........................................................................................14-6
Profile Hierarchy Levels - Security .................................................................................................................14-7
Profile Hierarchy Levels Organization .........................................................................................................14-8
Profile Hierarchy Levels - Server....................................................................................................................14-9
System Profile Options ...................................................................................................................................14-10
Profile Categories...........................................................................................................................................14-11
Searching for Profile Options and Profile Option Values ................................................................................14-12
Using User Profile Values as Defaults ...........................................................................................................14-13
Auditing-Related Profile Options ....................................................................................................................14-14
Currency-Related Options ..............................................................................................................................14-15
Flexfield-Related Options ...............................................................................................................................14-16
Online Reporting-Related Options .................................................................................................................14-18
Personal Output Viewer Options ....................................................................................................................14-20
User-Related Concurrent Request Profile Options.........................................................................................14-21
Security Signon Profile Options......................................................................................................................14-23
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................14-25
Introduction to Oracle Workflow.....................................................................................................................15-1
Introduction to Oracle Workflow .....................................................................................................................15-3
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Student Guide Table of Contents

Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................15-4
Enabling E-Business ......................................................................................................................................15-5
Inter-Enterprise Business Processes .............................................................................................................15-6
Traditional Workflow.......................................................................................................................................15-7
Workflow-Driven Business Processes ............................................................................................................15-8
Sample Workflow Process .............................................................................................................................15-10
Event-Based Workflow ...................................................................................................................................15-11
Subscription-Based Processing .....................................................................................................................15-12
System Integration with Oracle Workflow.......................................................................................................15-13
Business Process-Based Integration .............................................................................................................15-14
Supported System Integration Types .............................................................................................................15-15
Designing Applications for Change ................................................................................................................15-16
Designing Applications for Integration ............................................................................................................15-19
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................15-20
Oracle Workflow Components ........................................................................................................................16-1
Oracle Workflow Components........................................................................................................................16-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................16-4
Oracle Workflow Architecture .........................................................................................................................16-5
Oracle Workflow Components........................................................................................................................16-9
Workflow Engine ............................................................................................................................................16-10
Workflow Processes.......................................................................................................................................16-11
Supported Process Constructs.......................................................................................................................16-13
Oracle Workflow Builder .................................................................................................................................16-17
Business Event System Architecture .............................................................................................................16-18
Advanced Queuing, an Enabling Technology ................................................................................................16-19
Oracle Database Communication Alternatives ...............................................................................................16-20
Accessing Oracle Workflow Web Pages ........................................................................................................16-21
Oracle Workflow Home Pages .......................................................................................................................16-22
Notification System ........................................................................................................................................16-23
Worklist Web Pages .......................................................................................................................................16-24
E-Mail Notifications ........................................................................................................................................16-25
Directory Services ..........................................................................................................................................16-26
Directory Services Roles ................................................................................................................................16-27
Status Monitor Web Pages ............................................................................................................................16-28
Workflow Definitions Loader ..........................................................................................................................16-29
Workflow XML Loader ....................................................................................................................................16-30
Workflow Manager .........................................................................................................................................16-31
Service Components ......................................................................................................................................16-32
Oracle Workflow Documentation ....................................................................................................................16-33
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................16-34
Workflow Tasks for the System Administrator..............................................................................................17-1
Workflow Tasks for the System Administrator ................................................................................................17-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................17-4
Administrator Monitor .....................................................................................................................................17-5
Viewing Workflows in the Administrator Monitor ............................................................................................17-7
Viewing Activity History in the Administrator Monitor .....................................................................................17-9
Viewing a Status Diagram in the Administrator Monitor .................................................................................17-10
Viewing Responses in the Administrator Monitor ...........................................................................................17-12
Viewing Workflow Details in the Administrator Monitor ..................................................................................17-14
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Student Guide Table of Contents

Viewing Error Information in the Administrator Monitor ..................................................................................17-15
Viewing Child Workflows in the Administrator Monitor ...................................................................................17-16
Viewing Notifications from a Web Browser ....................................................................................................17-18
Notification Details .........................................................................................................................................17-19
Reassigning Notifications ...............................................................................................................................17-22
Administrator Search for Notifications ............................................................................................................17-24
Vacation Rules ...............................................................................................................................................17-26
ORACLE WORKFLOW MANAGER ...............................................................................................................17-27
SERVICE COMPONENTS .............................................................................................................................17-28
Oracle Workflow Manager ..............................................................................................................................17-29
Service Components ......................................................................................................................................17-30
Service Component........................................................................................................................................17-31
Accessing Service Components in Oracle Workflow Manager ......................................................................17-32
Managing Service Components .....................................................................................................................17-33
Service Component Container Logs ..............................................................................................................17-35
Service Component Startup Modes ...............................................................................................................17-36
Agent Listeners ..............................................................................................................................................17-37
Notification Mailers .........................................................................................................................................17-39
Outbound Notification Mailer Processing .......................................................................................................17-40
Inbound Notification Mailer Processing ..........................................................................................................17-41
Notification Mailer Setup ................................................................................................................................17-43
Connecting to Mail Servers Through SSL ......................................................................................................17-45
SMTP Authentication .....................................................................................................................................17-46
Notification Mailer Basic Configuration ...........................................................................................................17-47
Notification Mailer Advanced Configuration ...................................................................................................17-49
Advanced Configuration - Define ...................................................................................................................17-50
Advanced Configuration - Details ...................................................................................................................17-52
Advanced Configuration - E-mail Servers ......................................................................................................17-54
Advanced Configuration Message Generation ............................................................................................17-58
Advanced Configuration Schedule Events ..................................................................................................17-61
Advanced Configuration - Tags ......................................................................................................................17-63
Advanced Configuration - Test .......................................................................................................................17-65
Advanced Configuration - Review ..................................................................................................................17-66
Component Details for Notification Mailers ....................................................................................................17-67
Notification Mailer Throughput .......................................................................................................................17-69
Handling Notification Mailer Errors .................................................................................................................17-70
Testing Mailer URL Access ............................................................................................................................17-71
SYSTEM STATUS .........................................................................................................................................17-73
Workflow System Status ................................................................................................................................17-74
Workflow Status in Oracle Applications Manager...........................................................................................17-76
Work Items .....................................................................................................................................................17-78
Completed Work Items...................................................................................................................................17-80
Background Engines ......................................................................................................................................17-83
Purging Workflow Data ..................................................................................................................................17-85
Workflow Purge APIs .....................................................................................................................................17-90
Control Queue Cleanup .................................................................................................................................17-91
Queue Propagation ........................................................................................................................................17-93
Agent Activity .................................................................................................................................................17-94
Searching Messages on an Agent .................................................................................................................17-95

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Student Guide Table of Contents

Summary ........................................................................................................................................................17-96
SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator .................................................................................18-1
SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator ...................................................................................18-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................18-4
Service-Oriented Architecture ........................................................................................................................18-5
Comparing Methods - Challenges ..................................................................................................................18-6
Web Services .................................................................................................................................................18-8
SOA in Oracle E-Business Suite ....................................................................................................................18-9
Architectural Changes in Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Release 12.2..........................18-10
Product Dependencies ...................................................................................................................................18-11
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway........................................................................................18-12
Oracle Integration Repository ........................................................................................................................18-13
Service Provider: Expose Oracle E-Business Suite and Custom Interfaces as Web Services ......................18-15
High-Level Overview of Service Development ...............................................................................................18-17
Assigning User Roles .....................................................................................................................................18-18
Performing Administrative Tasks....................................................................................................................18-19
Accessing Oracle Integration Repository .......................................................................................................18-20
Searching and Viewing Integration Details .....................................................................................................18-21
Managing Service Life Cycle Activities: SOAP ...............................................................................................18-22
Generating SOAP Services ............................................................................................................................18-23
Service Generation with Interaction Patterns .................................................................................................18-24
Deploying SOAP Services .............................................................................................................................18-25
Undeploying, Retiring, and Resetting Services ..............................................................................................18-26
Activating Retired SOAP Services .................................................................................................................18-27
Managing Service Life Cycle Activities: REST ...............................................................................................18-28
Deploying REST Services ..............................................................................................................................18-29
Undeploying REST Services ..........................................................................................................................18-30
Performing Administrative Tasks....................................................................................................................18-31
Authentication for SOAP-based Web Services ..............................................................................................18-32
Authentication for REST-based Web Services ...............................................................................................18-33
Authorization Through Security Grants ..........................................................................................................18-34
Authorization Through Security Grants: Both SOAP and REST Services .....................................................18-35
Authorization to Verify Execution Privileges ...................................................................................................18-36
Performing Administrative Tasks....................................................................................................................18-38
Composite Service Enablement Process .......................................................................................................18-39
Administering Composite Service - BPEL ......................................................................................................18-40
Performing Administrative Tasks....................................................................................................................18-41
Understanding Custom Interfaces and Services ............................................................................................18-42
Administering Custom Integration Interfaces and Services ...........................................................................18-44
Performing Administrative Tasks....................................................................................................................18-45
Logging Configuration for Web Services ........................................................................................................18-46
Viewing and Searching Existing Configurations .............................................................................................18-47
Adding a New Log Configuration....................................................................................................................18-48
Modifying an Existing Log Configuration ........................................................................................................18-49
Performing Administrative Tasks....................................................................................................................18-50
Service Monitor: A Web Service Auditing and Monitoring Tool .....................................................................18-51
Searching SOAP Messages ...........................................................................................................................18-52
Viewing SOAP Requests and Responses ......................................................................................................18-53
Viewing Service Processing Logs ..................................................................................................................18-54

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Purging SOAP Messages, Audits, and Logs ..................................................................................................18-55
Performing Administrative Tasks....................................................................................................................18-56
Service Invocation Framework (SIF) ..............................................................................................................18-57
Architecture Overview ....................................................................................................................................18-58
Setup Tasks ...................................................................................................................................................18-60
Implementing Event Driven Service Invocation ..............................................................................................18-61
Runtime Invocation Process Flow ..................................................................................................................18-62
Setting Profile Options ...................................................................................................................................18-63
Supported Web Service Clients .....................................................................................................................18-64
Running Diagnostic Tests ..............................................................................................................................18-65
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................18-66
Auditing System Resources............................................................................................................................19-1
Auditing System Resources ...........................................................................................................................19-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................19-4
Auditing Oracle E-Business Suite ..................................................................................................................19-5
Auditing User Activity .....................................................................................................................................19-6
Sign-On Audit Profile Option ..........................................................................................................................19-7
Sign-On Audit Reports ...................................................................................................................................19-8
Signon Audit Forms Report ............................................................................................................................19-9
Signon Audit Concurrent Requests Report ....................................................................................................19-10
Signon Audit Responsibilities Report .............................................................................................................19-11
Signon Audit Unsuccessful Logins Report .....................................................................................................19-12
Signon Audit Users Report .............................................................................................................................19-13
Purge Audit Records ......................................................................................................................................19-14
Monitor Users Window ...................................................................................................................................19-15
Auditing Database Changes ..........................................................................................................................19-16
Steps for Setting Up AuditTrail .......................................................................................................................19-17
Identify Tables and Columns to Audit .............................................................................................................19-18
Create an Audit Group ...................................................................................................................................19-19
Audit Tables Window .....................................................................................................................................19-20
Identifying the Schema to be Audited.............................................................................................................19-21
Enabling Audit Processing .............................................................................................................................19-22
Audit Shadow Tables .....................................................................................................................................19-23
Shadow Table Views......................................................................................................................................19-24
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................19-25
Managing Printers ............................................................................................................................................20-1
Managing Printers ..........................................................................................................................................20-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................20-4
Oracle Print Definition Components ...............................................................................................................20-5
Relationships of the Printer Components .......................................................................................................20-7
Formatting Information ...................................................................................................................................20-8
Defining Printers.............................................................................................................................................20-9
Finding Existing Printer Types........................................................................................................................20-10
Registering a New Printer ..............................................................................................................................20-11
Defining a New Printer Type ..........................................................................................................................20-12
Printing with Pasta .........................................................................................................................................20-13
Setup for Basic Printing with Pasta ................................................................................................................20-14
The pasta.cfg file ............................................................................................................................................20-15
Example of Setting Margins with pasta.cfg ....................................................................................................20-16
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Student Guide Table of Contents

Modifying an Existing Printer Type to Use Pasta ...........................................................................................20-18
Generating Other Formats using the Preprocessing Option ..........................................................................20-20
Using Pasta with BI Publisher ........................................................................................................................20-21
Other Customization Materials for Oracle E-Business Suite Printing .............................................................20-23
Other Sources of Information for Oracle E-Business Suite Printing ...............................................................20-24
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................20-25
Overview of Flexfields .....................................................................................................................................21-1
Overview of Flexfields ....................................................................................................................................21-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................21-4
Benefits of Flexfields ......................................................................................................................................21-5
Modifying Oracle E-Business Suite ................................................................................................................21-6
Key and Descriptive Flexfields .......................................................................................................................21-7
Flexfield Structures and Flexfield Segments ..................................................................................................21-8
Segment Prompts and Value Descriptions .....................................................................................................21-9
Validating Input Using Value Sets ..................................................................................................................21-10
Using Flexfield Value Security .......................................................................................................................21-11
Differences Among Similarly-Named Features ..............................................................................................21-12
Key Flexfields .................................................................................................................................................21-13
Intelligent Keys ...............................................................................................................................................21-14
Oracle E-Business Suite Key Flexfields (Partial List) .....................................................................................21-16
Descriptive Flexfields .....................................................................................................................................21-17
Using Descriptive Flexfields ...........................................................................................................................21-19
Using Reference Fields ..................................................................................................................................21-21
Using Different Contexts: Asset Category Flexfield........................................................................................21-22
Oracle E-Business Suite Descriptive Flexfields (Partial) ................................................................................21-23
Standard Request Submission (SRS) and Flexfields .....................................................................................21-24
Storing Flexfield Data Internally .....................................................................................................................21-25
Implementing a Flexfield - Steps ....................................................................................................................21-26
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................21-27
Overview of Personalizations .........................................................................................................................22-1
Overview of Personalizations .........................................................................................................................22-3
Course Objectives ..........................................................................................................................................22-4
Test Access To Personalizations Before Production Deployment..................................................................22-5
Concepts: Pages ............................................................................................................................................22-6
Concepts: Items .............................................................................................................................................22-7
Examples of Oracle Forms Personalizations .................................................................................................22-8
Oracle Forms Personalizations ......................................................................................................................22-9
Examples of OA Framework Personalizations ...............................................................................................22-10
User Personalizations ....................................................................................................................................22-11
Administrator-seeded Personalizations ..........................................................................................................22-13
Personalizations vs. Extensions .....................................................................................................................22-14
Benefits of Personalizations ...........................................................................................................................22-15
Benefits of Extensions ....................................................................................................................................22-16
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................22-17
Appendix - Overview of Folders .....................................................................................................................23-1
Appendix - Overview of Folders .....................................................................................................................23-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................23-4
Folders: Definition ..........................................................................................................................................23-5
Administering Folders: Topics ........................................................................................................................23-6
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x ii
Assigning a Default Folder to a Responsibility ...............................................................................................23-7
Assigning a Default Folder to a User..............................................................................................................23-8
Assigning Ownership of a Folder ...................................................................................................................23-9
Deleting a Folder Definition ............................................................................................................................23-10
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................23-11
Appendix - General Information......................................................................................................................24-1
Appendix - General Information .....................................................................................................................24-3
Activities ...........................................................................................................................................................25-1
Activities .........................................................................................................................................................25-3
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................25-4
Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrative Responsibilities ..................................................................25-5
Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security ...........................................................................................25-6
Introduction to Function Security ....................................................................................................................25-7
Activity - Create a User Account ................................................................................................................25-8
Activity - Register Custom Application .......................................................................................................25-11
Activity - Copy a Menu ...............................................................................................................................25-13
Activity - Create a Custom Menu................................................................................................................25-16
Introduction to Data Security ..........................................................................................................................25-22
(Optional) Activity - Data Security Policy Example .....................................................................................25-23
Introduction to User Management ..................................................................................................................25-25
Activity - Assign Security Administrator Role..............................................................................................25-26
Activity - Create Objects for RBAC .............................................................................................................25-28
Activity - Create a Help Desk Role .............................................................................................................25-34
Implementing Oracle User Management ........................................................................................................25-40
Activity - Create a Role and Place it in a Role Inheritance Hierarchy .........................................................25-41
Activity - Assigning Permission Sets to the Role ........................................................................................25-43
Activity - Setting Up Delegated Administration ...........................................................................................25-45
Activity - Testing Delegated Administration ................................................................................................25-47
Activity - Creating a Registration Process for the Role ...............................................................................25-50
Activity - Testing the Registration Process for the Role .............................................................................25-52
Activity - Create a Proxy User ....................................................................................................................25-54
Introduction to Concurrent Requests..............................................................................................................25-59
Managing Concurrent Requests.....................................................................................................................25-60
Activity - Scheduling Requests Using HTML-based Standard Request Submission ..................................25-61
Activity - Scheduling Requests Using Forms Standard Request Submission ............................................25-66
Activity - Request Groups...........................................................................................................................25-71
Activity - Coded Request Groups ...............................................................................................................25-73
Activity - Request Access Level .................................................................................................................25-77
Activity - Request Sets Using Wizard .........................................................................................................25-82
Administering Concurrent Managers ..............................................................................................................25-86
Activity - Administering Concurrent Managers Using the Forms-based UI .................................................25-87
Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) ......................................................................................25-94
Activity - Administering Concurrent Managers in OAM ..............................................................................25-95
System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager .......................................................................................25-98
Oracle Applications Manager - Diagnostics and Troubleshooting ..................................................................25-99
Managing Profile Options ...............................................................................................................................25-100
Activity - Profile Options .............................................................................................................................25-101
Activity - Profile Categories ........................................................................................................................25-103
Introduction to Oracle Workflow .....................................................................................................................25-105
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xi ii
(Optional) Activity - Running the Expense Process ....................................................................................25-106
Oracle Workflow Components........................................................................................................................25-108
Workflow Tasks for the System Administrator ................................................................................................25-109
(Optional) Activity - Assign Workflow Administration Privileges .................................................................25-110
(Optional) Activity - System Status and Throughput ...................................................................................25-113
SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator ...................................................................................25-116
Auditing System Resources ...........................................................................................................................25-117
Activity - Auditing Resources......................................................................................................................25-118
(Optional) Activity - AuditTrail .....................................................................................................................25-120
Managing Printers ..........................................................................................................................................25-123
Overview of Flexfields ....................................................................................................................................25-124
(Optional) Activity - Entering an Asset and Discussing Flexfields ..............................................................25-125
Overview of Personalizations .........................................................................................................................25-127
Appendix - Overview of Folders .....................................................................................................................25-128
Appendix - General Information .....................................................................................................................25-129

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Student Guide Table of Contents


How This Course Is Organized

This is an instructor-led course featuring lecture and hands-on exercises. Online
demonstrations and written activity sessions reinforce the concepts and skills introduced.

Related Publications

Oracle Publications


Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrators Guide - Configuration

Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrators Guide Maintenance

Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrators Guide Security

Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide

Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts

Oracle Diagnostics Framework Users Guide

Oracle E-Business Suite Users Guide

Oracle E-Business Suite User Interface Standards for Forms-based Products

Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide

Oracle Workflow Administrators Guide

Oracle E-Business Suite Integration SOA Gateway Implementation Guide

Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library

Additional Publications
System release bulletins
Installation and users guides
Read-me files
International Oracle Users Group (IOUG) articles
Oracle Magazine

Copyright 2014. Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Student Guide Table of Contents

Typographic Conventions
Typographic Conventions in Text

Convention Element Example

Bold italic Glossary term (if The algorithm inserts the new key.
there is a glossary)
Caps and Buttons, Click the Executable button.
lowercase check boxes, Select the Cant Delete Card check box.
triggers, Assign a When-Validate-Item trigger to the ORD block.
windows Open the Master Schedule window.
Courier new, Code output, Code output: debug.set (I, 300);
case sensitive directory names, Directory: bin (DOS), $FMHOME (UNIX)
(default is filenames, Filename: Locate the init.ora file.
lowercase) passwords, Password: User tiger as your password.
pathnames, Pathname: Open c:\my_docs\projects
URLs, URL: Go to
user input,
User input: Enter 300
Username: Log on as scott
Initial cap Graphics labels Customer address (but Oracle Payables)
(unless the term is a
proper noun)
Italic Emphasized words Do not save changes to the database.
and phrases, For further information, see Oracle7 Server SQL Language
titles of books and Reference Manual.
courses, Enter, where user_id is the
variables name of the user.
Quotation Interface elements Select Include a reusable module component and click Finish.
marks with long names
that have only This subject is covered in Unit II, Lesson 3, Working with
initial caps; Objects.
lesson and chapter
titles in cross-
Uppercase SQL column Use the SELECT command to view information stored in the
names, commands, LAST_NAME
functions, schemas, column of the EMP table.
table names
Arrow Menu paths Select File > Save.
Brackets Key names Press [Enter].
Commas Key sequences Press and release keys one at a time:
[Alternate], [F], [D]
Plus signs Key combinations Press and hold these keys simultaneously: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]

Typographic Conventions in Code

Convention Element Example

Caps and Oracle Forms When-Validate-Item
lowercase triggers

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xv i
Convention Element Example
Lowercase Column names, SELECT last_name
table names FROM s_emp;

Passwords DROP USER scott

(OG_GET_LAYER (prod_pie_layer))

Lowercase Syntax variables CREATE ROLE role

Uppercase SQL commands and SELECT userid
functions FROM emp;

Typographic Conventions in Oracle Application Navigation Paths

This course uses simplified navigation paths, such as the following example, to direct you
through Oracle Applications.
(N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batches Summary (M) Query > Find (B) Approve
This simplified path translates to the following:
1. (N) From the Navigator window, select Invoice then Entry then Invoice Batches
2. (M) From the menu, select Query then Find.
3. (B) Click the Approve button.

(N) = Navigator
(M) = Menu
(T) = Tab
(B) = Button
(I) = Icon
(H) = Hyperlink
(ST) = Sub Tab

Typographical Conventions in Oracle Application Help System Paths

This course uses a navigation path convention to represent actions you perform to find
pertinent information in the Oracle Applications Help System.
The following help navigation path, for example
(Help) General Ledger > Journals > Enter Journals
represents the following sequence of actions:
1. In the navigation frame of the help system window, expand the General Ledger entry.
2. Under the General Ledger entry, expand Journals.
3. Under Journals, select Enter Journals.
4. Review the Enter Journals topic that appears in the document frame of the help system

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Student Guide Table of Contents

x vii
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Student Guide Table of Contents

x viii
Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Page 1
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Chapter 1 - Page 2

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Chapter 1 - Page 3
Course Objectives

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Chapter 1 - Page 4

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Chapter 1 - Page 5
Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration

System Administrator's Guide Documentation Set

The System Administrator's Guide documentation set comprises the following books:
Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide
Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide
Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Chapter 1 - Page 6
Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Chapter 1 - Page 7
Concurrent Processing in Oracle E-Business Suite

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Chapter 1 - Page 8
Oracle Applications Manager

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Chapter 1 - Page 9
Oracle Workflow

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Chapter 1 - Page 10
Personalizations in Oracle E-Business Suite

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Chapter 1 - Page 11

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Chapter 1 - Page 12
Oracle E-Business Suite
System Administrative
Chapter 2

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Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrative Responsibilities

Chapter 2 - Page 1
Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrative Responsibilities

Chapter 2 - Page 2
Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrative Responsibilities

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrative Responsibilities

Chapter 2 - Page 3

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Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrative Responsibilities

Chapter 2 - Page 4
System Administrative Responsibilities

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Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrative Responsibilities

Chapter 2 - Page 5
System Administration Responsibility

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Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrative Responsibilities

Chapter 2 - Page 6
System Administrator Responsibility

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Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrative Responsibilities

Chapter 2 - Page 7
Functional Administrator and Functional Developer Responsibility

Functional Administrator and Functional Developer Responsibilities

These responsibilities contain many functions used while setting up your Oracle E-Business
Suite system, among others. In this course we will cover many features available under
Security and Core Services.

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Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrative Responsibilities

Chapter 2 - Page 8
Integrated SOA Gateway Responsibility

Integrated SOA Gateway Responsibility

This responsibility allows you to access tasks in Integrated SOA Gateway. The following
features are covered in more detail later in this course:
Integration Repository
Administration > Service Monitor to access the Service Monitor where you can
manage and monitor SOAP messages.
Administration > Configuration to access the Log & Audit Setup Details page where
you can configure log settings at the interface level.

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Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrative Responsibilities

Chapter 2 - Page 9

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Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrative Responsibilities

Chapter 2 - Page 10
Introduction to Oracle E-
Business Suite Security
Chapter 3

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Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Chapter 3 - Page 1
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Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Chapter 3 - Page 2
Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security

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Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Chapter 3 - Page 3

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Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Chapter 3 - Page 4
Successive Layers of Access Control

Layers of Access Control

Access control with User Management is implemented in successive layers and each builds
upon the one that precedes it. Organizations can optionally uptake the various layers
depending on the degree of automation and scalability they wish to build upon the existing
Function and Data Security models.
There are six layers of access control. From the lowest level, the first two layers represent
Core Security:
Function Security
Data Security
Moving upwards, the next four layers are provide the infrastructure for Oracle User
Role Based Access Control
Delegated Administration
Provisioning Services
Self Service and Approvals

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Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Chapter 3 - Page 5
Increasing Flexibility and Scalability

Increasing Flexibility and Scalability

Access Control with Oracle User Management begins with basic system administration tasks
and progresses to more distributed, local modes of administration, ultimately enabling users to
perform basic, predefined registration tasks on their own. While details of the various levels of
access control and the increasing level of flexibility and automation are provided later in the
course, the following general guidelines will be considered now.

System Administrator
Oracles Function Security and Data Security mechanisms constitute the base layers, and
contain the traditional system administrative capabilities. Organizations can optionally add
more layers to the system, depending on the degree of flexibility they require.
By themselves, Function Security and Data Security limit the scope of Oracle User
Management to basic system administration by granting access to specific menus and to the
data that can be accessed from within those menus.

Local Administrators
When Role Based Access Control and Delegated Administration are added to the Data
Security and Function Security layers, system administration tasks can be distributed to local
administrators who manage a subset of the organizations users.

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Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Chapter 3 - Page 6
End Users
Registration Processes and Self Service and Approvals further distribute system
administration by automating some registration tasks.

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Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Chapter 3 - Page 7
Function Security

Function Security
The base layer of access control within Oracle E-Business Suite is Function Security, which
can be used to control user access to components such as menus, forms, and HTML pages.
Each of these various components many of which are graphical, and known as widgets is
represented in the system as a function (also known as a permission).
Taking the Order Entry page as an example, Function Security could control whether a user
has the ability to create a new order, or even access the page at all.
A key point to remember is that Function Security only restricts access to functions: it does not
restrict access to the data a user can see, or the actions a user can perform on that data. This
is the role of Data Security, discussed on the next slide.

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Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Chapter 3 - Page 8
Data Security

Data Security
The second layer represents Data Security. Working in conjunction with Function Security,
Data Security determines what data a user can see and the actions a user can perform on
that data, by establishing access control to the data that can potentially be shown once a user
has selected a menu or menu option.
For example, you could control access to the set of orders that an order administrator can
update within the Order Management application.

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Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Chapter 3 - Page 9
Oracle User Management Layers of Access Control

Oracle User Management Layers of Access Control

The top four layers of access represent the means by which Oracle User Management (UMX)
is implemented. UMX is an optional component in the implementation of Oracle E-Business

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Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Chapter 3 - Page 10
Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

A role can be configured to consolidate the responsibilities, permissions, function security and
data security polices users require to perform a specific function. This is accomplished with a
one-time setup, in which permissions, responsibilities, and other roles are assigned to the
role. Users are not required to be assigned the lower level permissions directly since
permissions are implicitly inherited based on the roles assigned to the user. When making a
mass update in a production system an organization simply changes the permissions or role
inheritance hierarchy defined for a role. The users assigned that role subsequently inherit the
new set of permissions.

Role Categories
Administrators can create role categories to bundle roles and responsibilities to simplify the
process of searching for roles and responsibilities. For example all sales and marketing
related roles could be included in the Sales & Marketing category.

Role Inheritance Hierarchies

Roles can be included in role inheritance hierarchies that can contain multiple sub-roles and
superior roles. With role inheritance hierarchies a superior role inherits all the properties of its
sub-role and any of its sub-roles.

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Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Chapter 3 - Page 11
Organizations can define roles that closely mirror their business situation. For example, an
organization can create an "Employee" role and assign that role to all of its employees. It can
also create an "External" role and assign that role to customers and suppliers. Further
examples may include specific roles such as "Support Agent", "Sales Rep", "Sales Managers".
In these examples, each role contains a specific level of access privileges that restricts its
assignees to the scope of their job functions. Some members of the organization will probably
be assigned more than one role. A sales representative would be assigned the Employee and
Sales Representative roles and a Sales Manager would be assigned the Employee, Sales
Representative, and Sales Manager roles. Roles and role assignments are stored in the
workflow directory, which is interpreted by the security system at runtime.

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Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Chapter 3 - Page 12
Delegated Administration

Delegated Administration
Delegated administration allows an organization to create local administrators and grant them
sufficient privileges to manage a specific subset of the organization's users and roles. This
enables organizations to use a tighter, more granular level of security, and offers a useful
alternative to relying on a central administrator to manage all users.
The ability to scale administrative capabilities enables an organization to designate
administrators at division or department levels, and then delegate administration of external
users to people within those organizations.
The following four sets of privileges are provided for use with Delegated Administration.

Administration Privileges
Administration Privileges determine the users, roles and organization information delegated
administrators (local administrators) can manage. Each privilege is granted separately, yet the
three work in conjunction to provide the complete set of abilities for the delegated

User Administration Privileges

A local administrator must be granted User Administration Privileges to determine the users
and people the local administrator can manage. Local administrators can be granted different

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Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Chapter 3 - Page 13
privileges for different subsets of users. For example, a local administrator can be granted
privileges only to query one set of users, and granted full privileges (including update and
reset password) for another set. Local administrators cannot query users for which they do not
have administration privileges.

Role Administration Privileges

Role Administration Privileges define the roles local administrators can directly assign to and
revoke from the set of users they manage.

Organization Administration Privileges

Organization Administration Privileges define the organizations a local administrator can view
in the system. This privilege enables an administrator to search for people based on their
organization, if the local administrator has additionally been granted access to view the people
in that organization (User Administration Privileges). Depending on the user administration
privileges, an administrator may have the ability to register new people for that organization.

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Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Chapter 3 - Page 14
Provisioning Services

Provisioning Services
Provisioning services enable end users to perform some of their own registration tasks, such
as requesting new accounts or additional access to the system. They also provide
administrators with a faster and more efficient method of creating new user accounts, as well
as assigning roles.
Registration processes provided by Oracle User Management include the following:

Self-Service Account Requests

Commonly referred to as Self Service Registration, self-service account requests provide a
method for users to request a new user account. For example, customers may need to
register before they can purchase an item from an online store. Once they have completed the
registration process, they obtain both a user account and the necessary roles for accessing
some portion of the website in which they registered.

Requests for Additional Access

Users can request additional access through the Oracle User Management Access Request
Tool (ART) available in the global preferences menu. Requests for Additional Access uses the
same Oracle User Management infrastructure and processing logic as Self Service Account

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Chapter 3 - Page 15
Account Creation By Administrators
Administrators can benefit from existing registration processes designed to streamline the
process of creating and maintaining user access. Registration Processes of this type are
geared toward administrators, especially delegated administrators, to ensure consistent
application of the client's user security policies. Each account creation registration process
can be made available to select local administrators to perform within their own organizations.

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Chapter 3 - Page 16
Self Service and Approvals

Self Service and Approvals

Once registration processes have been configured as required, individuals can subsequently
perform self-service registration tasks such as obtaining new user accounts or requesting
additional access to the system. In addition, organizations can use the Oracle Approvals
Management engine, to create customized approval routing for these requests.

An organization may enable users to request a particularly sensitive role, however before the
user is granted the role, the organization can specify that two approvers (a manager and a
vice president) must first provide their approval.

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Chapter 3 - Page 17
Introduction to Single Sign-On

Introduction to Single Sign-On

Large organizations in particular can benefit from a single sign-on solution.

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Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Chapter 3 - Page 18
Simplified User Management

Simplified User Management

In large organizations, users may have different userids for resources such as corporate
websites and custom applications. As the number of such resources grows, users and
security administrators are face an increasingly difficult challenge in managing userids and
passwords across different systems.
Enterprise identity management solutions allow security administrators to define a user in a
single location such as an Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory, and share
that common user definition throughout multiple parts of the organization.
Instead of performing authentication natively (via the FND_USER table), Oracle E-Business
Suite can be configured to direct unauthenticated users to a single sign-on mechanism for
identity verification, and then securely accept identities vouched for by this mechanism.
Oracle E-Business Suite supports the use of single sign-on functionality via two classes of
component, each of which performs a distinct but related function. The first class is an LDAP
directory such as Oracle Internet Directory (OID). The second class is a single sign-on product
such as Oracle Access Manager, which is used in conjunction with Oracle E-Business Suite
AccessGate, which maps a single sign-on user to an Oracle E-Business Suite user, and
creates the Oracle E-Business Suite session for that user.

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Centralized Account Provisioning

Centralized Account Provisioning

Oracle Internet Directory is the integration point that allows Oracle E-Business Suite to
participate in enterprise level user management.
The level of abstraction needed for an enterprise-level user requires a mechanism that can
uniquely identify a user across the organization. This is accomplished via a globally unique
identifier (GUID). Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle E-Business Suite store GUID
information for each enterprise level user; the GUID can be considered as an identity badge
that is recognized by both Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle E-Business Suite.
Another requirement in such an environment is for user enrollment to be done only once, in a
defined location.
Two additional features enable support for automatic propagation of user information across
an enterprise. These are a synchronization process between Oracle Internet Directory and a
third-party LDAP server, and a provisioning process between Oracle Internet Directory and
Oracle E-Business Suite.

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On Demand User Creation

On Demand User Creation

The Applications SSO Auto Link User profile option can be used to enable automatic linking of
an authenticated single sign-on account to an application account of the same name, without
prompting the user for authentication information for the application account.

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Chapter 3 - Page 21
Automatic Linking of User Accounts

Automatic Linking of User Accounts

The Link Applications User With OID User With Same Username profile option specifies
whether a new Oracle E-Business Suite user should be linked to an existing Oracle Internet
Directory account with the same name.
The Applications SSO Allow Multiple Accounts profile option specifies whether one Oracle
Internet Directory user can be linked to multiple Oracle E-Business Suite user accounts.

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Chapter 3 - Page 24
Introduction to Function
Chapter 4

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 1
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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 2
Introduction to Function Security

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 3

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 4
Overview of Function Security

Overview of Function Security

In Oracle E-Business Suite, the system administrator manages security on a number of levels.
A user is defined as a human being. Although the concept of a user can be extended to
include machines, networks, or intelligent autonomous agents, the definition is limited to a
person in this document.
You authorize a user to sign on to Oracle E-Business Suite by defining an application user.
You then assign one or more responsibilities to the new user.
A responsibility is a collection of authorizations that allow access to:
A specific application or applications.
A ledger.
A restricted list of windows, functions, and reports. These may be associated to the
responsibility through menus.
Each user has one or more responsibilities, and several users can share the same
A system administrator can assign users any of the standard responsibilities provided with
Oracle E-Business Suite or create new custom responsibilities as needed.
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A function is a part of an application's functionality that is registered under a unique name for
the purpose of assigning it to, or excluding it from, a responsibility. A function can be
assigned to a responsibility through a menu, or excluded from a responsibility via a menu
exclusion. An example of a function is an Oracle Form or an HTML page.
Reports can be grouped together into request groups, which are in turn assigned to
An application is a collection of functions, forms, programs, and reports.
Oracle User Accounts
Oracle User accounts (also known as Oracle IDs) provide access to specific tables in the
Oracle database. These are typically set up by the Oracle database administrators.

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 6
Defining a New Application User

Defining a New User

(N) Security > User > Define
Note : All Navigation paths, unless otherwise noted, are from the System Administrator
Although defining user accounts may be the last task you complete in setting up function
security for your installation, we will cover this task first so that you can complete the following
sections by logging into Oracle E-Business Suite with your own user account.
Define an authorized user of Oracle E-Business Suite by specifying a username and
password. Grant application privileges by assigning one or more responsibilities to the user.
The user will be able to access functions and reports via the assigned responsibilities.
Responsibilities will be covered later in this chapter.
Note that in previous releases of Oracle E-Business Suite, user passwords were treated as
case insensitive. Now, Oracle E-Business Suite user passwords can optionally be treated as
case sensitive. Case-sensitivity is controlled by the site-level profile option Signon Password
For a complete explanation of the fields on the Users Form see:
(Help) Applied Technology > Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration > Security >
Overview of Oracle E-Business Suite Security > Users Window

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Chapter 4 - Page 7

An application is composed of components such as forms, menus, and concurrent programs.
An application serves as a unique context for these components.
You can protect custom functions, forms, reports, and programs from being lost during
upgrades by registering them under a custom application. Follow the instructions in My
Oracle Support Note 1577707.1 to create a custom application using adsplice.
An application's definition includes the following:
Name A user-friendly name that will appear in lists seen by the user.
Short Name Oracle E-Business Suite uses this short name to identify forms, menus,
concurrent programs, and other components of your application.
Basepath The base path where the forms, reports, and program files are located. Your
base path must be unique to prevent other applications from writing to the same
Note: The Applications window, (N) Application > Register, is deprecated in Release 12.2 and
should NOT be used. Follow the instructions in My Oracle Support Note 1577707.1 instead.

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 8
Registering an Oracle ID

Registering an Oracle ID
You need to register an Oracle ID if you create a custom application using Oracle Application
Object Library. For information on registering Oracle IDs, refer to My Oracle Support Note
Note that:
Only database administrators can create Oracle accounts.
Only create a new Oracle ID for a custom extension to Oracle E-Business Suite.
The install group designates which data group the application is associated with. For
applications that span all data groups, the install group is 0. Install groups numbered 1 or
greater are associated with one specific data group. Your database administrator can
supply the correct install group number.
Note: The Oracle Users window, (N) Security > ORACLE > Register, is deprecated in
Release 12.2 and should NOT be used.

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 9
Data Groups

What Is a Data Group?

A data group is a collection of pairings of an application with an Oracle ID. Data groups
automatically support concurrent processing and cross-application reporting. They guarantee
that an application connects to a unique application database account.
Note: The installation process automatically defines data groups for Oracle E-Business Suite.
For custom applications, you must use the standard data groups as well. Do NOT define
custom data groups. Information on data groups is given for legacy purposes. The Data
Groups window, (N) Security > ORACLE > DataGroup, is deprecated and should NOT be

Application-Oracle ID Pairs
A data group lists the Oracle ID assigned to each Oracle application. An Oracle ID is a
username and password that allows access to application tables in an Oracle database
An application can be listed only once in a data group.
An Oracle ID can be paired with more than one application.
A custom application registered with Oracle E-Business Suite can be included in a data
group and paired with an Oracle ID.
Data Groups and Application Object Library

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Chapter 4 - Page 10
Application Object Library owns the database tables referred to during concurrent processing
and the standard submission of reports by any Oracle Application. Therefore all applications
need access to the Application Object Library tables. When you are defining a data group, the
application Application Object Library is automatically included. The Application Object
Librarys Oracle ID cannot be updated or deleted.

Relating Data Groups to Forms and Programs

You can control the relationship among applications, forms, and concurrent programs by
defining a data group.

Applications, Forms, and Programs

A window connects to the application database account designated by the responsibility
associated with the application.
A data group determines the pairing of an application with a unique application database
account or Oracle ID.
A program connects to the application database account associated with the application
that owns the program.

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 11
Using Responsibilities

Creating a New Responsibility

Generally you relate new application users to existing predefined responsibilities. However,
you can customize an existing responsibility or create new responsibilities to accommodate
the needs of different users or different categories of users. When creating a new
responsibility, it is generally easier to modify an existing responsibility if users require
additional reporting and summary information, by doing the following:
Use request groups to add additional program or report privileges to a
Use menus to add windows and tasks to a responsibility
After you have defined a new responsibility, you can associate it with an application user.

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Chapter 4 - Page 12
Responsibility Components

Components of a Responsibility
A responsibility has two required components and one major optional component.

Required Components
Data group: specifies the Oracle Application database accounts to which a
responsibilitys forms and concurrent programs connect.
Menu: specifies the forms and web pages that a responsibility can display and the
functions it can access.

Optional Component
Request security group: lists the concurrent programs that a responsibility can run.
When a request group is assigned to a responsibility, it is referred to as a request
security group.

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 13
Responsibility Creation Process

Responsibility Creation Process

There are five forms involved in the responsibility creation process. These are available under
the System Administrator responsibility. This slide displays the navigation paths for these

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 14
Defining a New Responsibility

Defining a New Responsibility

Assemble the components of application privileges to create a responsibility.
Define the responsibility by assembling a menu, report security group, and data group
and defining any function security (any menu or function exclusions).

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Chapter 4 - Page 15
Defining a New Responsibility

Defining a Responsibility
(N) Security > Responsibility > Define
A responsibility determines the type of applications a user accesses, which application
functions a user can use, which reports and concurrent programs the user can run, and which
data those reports and concurrent programs can access. Most responsibilities are available
from Oracle E-Business Suite (the Forms navigator or the HTML-based E-Business Suite
Home page), others may be accessible from Oracle Self-Service Web Applications or Oracle
Mobile Applications.

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Chapter 4 - Page 16
Defining a Menu

Menus Link Functions to Responsibilities

Use the Menus form to define menus pointing to functions that you want to make available to
a new responsibility.

Determine the Application Functionality Required

Different jobs require access to different functions.
Identify predefined menus, functions, and form subfunctions to use as entries when
defining a new menu.

Plan Your Menu Structure

Start with a blank Menus form (blank screen). A menu saved under a different name
overwrites the original menu (there is no Save As feature).
Start with the lowest-level menus. A menu must be defined before it can be selected as
an entry on another menu.
Assign menus and functions to higher-level menus.
Assign the menu structure to the new responsibility by using the responsibilities form.
Document your menu structure by printing the Function Security Menu Report.

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Chapter 4 - Page 17
Identifying Existing Menu Structures

Designing a New Menu Structure

Before designing a new menu structure, identify any possible existing menu structures that
can be modified or modeled from, and document custom menus by using reports in the
Function Security Report Set.

Function Security Menu Report

Lists the full menu name of the responsibility
Indicates any excluded menu items, with the rules that exclude them

Function Security Navigator Report

Lists the menu as it appears in the Navigator for the responsibility specified
Does not include items excluded by function security rules

Function Security Function Report

Lists the functions accessible by the responsibility specified
Does not include items excluded by function security rules

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Chapter 4 - Page 18
Menu Guidelines

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Chapter 4 - Page 19
Creating a Menu using the Menus Window in Forms

Creating a Menu in the Forms-based UI

Use the Menus window to create a menu:
(N) Application > Menu (from the System Administrator responsibility)
After you save your changes in this form, the Compile Security concurrent program is
automatically submitted to compile the menu data. Compiling your menu data allows for the
system to determine more quickly, during a users session, whether a function is available to a
particular responsibility or menu.

New Menus form fields:

Menu Type used to specify the purpose of the menu. The possible values are:
- Standard for menus that would be used in the Navigator form
- Tab for menus used in Self-Service applications
- Security for menus used to aggregate functions for data security or specific
function security purposes, but would not be used in the Navigator form.
Grant check box checking this box indicates that this function is automatically
enabled for the user.
For a complete explanation of the fields on this form see:

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(Help) Applied Technology > Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration > Security >
Function Security > Menus Window
Note: If a menu entry has both a submenu and a function defined, then the behavior depends
on whether or not the function is executable. If it is executable, then the submenu is treated as
content to be rendered by the function. The submenu will not appear on the navigation tree,
but will be available in function security tests (FND_FUNCTION.TEST calls). If the function is
not executable, then it is treated as a tag for enforcing exclusion rules, and the submenu is
displayed on the navigation tree.
A function is considered executable if it can be executed directly from the current running user

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Creating a Menu using the HTML-based Menus Page

Creating a Menu in the HTML-based UI

Use the Menus pages in the HTML-based UI to manage menus.
(N) Core Services > Menus (from the Functional Administrator responsibility)

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 22
Modifying an Existing Menu Definition

Modifying a Menu
You can modify existing custom menus to suit specific job functions.

Overwrite a User Menu Name

When you change a menus User Menu Name, the menu entries are not affected. The menus
definition still exists, but under a new name. Other menus that call the menu by its old user
menu name now call the same menu by its new (revised) user menu name.
The old user menu name is no longer valid. When you are defining menus, or if you are
selecting main menus when defining a responsibility, the previously named menu is no longer
displayed in any list of values.

Modify a Menu Entry

When you are modifying a previously defined menu, all other menus that call that menu
display the menus modifications. For example, if you modify XXX_GL_USER by adding
another prompt that calls a form, all menus that call GL_SUPERUSER4.0 display the
additional prompt when XXX_GL_USER is displayed.
Note: Modifying shipped menu definitions is not supported. The customized definitions may
be overwritten during an upgrade process.

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Chapter 4 - Page 23
Securing Functions

Securing Functions
You can manage security by controlling access to individual functions through menu
Use the Functions page or Function window to manage functions.
(N) Core Services > Functions (from the Functional Administrator responsibility)
(N) Application > Function (from the System Administrator responsibility, for Form Functions)

About Functions
A function is a set of code in Oracle E-Business Suite that is executed only if the name
of the function is present in a list maintained within a responsibility.
There are two types of functions: a form function and a nonform function or subfunction.
A subfunction represents a securable subset of a forms functionality.

Adding Functions to or Removing Functions from a Responsibility

Maintain menu structures while eliminating specific functionality.

Adding or Removing Menus of Functions

Use menus to group functions together.

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 24
Navigator Menus

Navigator Menu Displays

The Navigator displays only the menu items needed for navigation. Because you cannot
choose subfunctions from a menu, they are not displayed. Submenus consisting only of
subfunctions are also not displayed.

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 25
The Menu Viewer

The Menu Viewer

(N) Application > Menu > (B) View Tree...
To view the menu tree, click on the plus (+) sign next to the menu name. You will see a
hierarchical tree with a number of nodes. Each node represents a function or submenu
of your main menu.
The menu tree displays the user menu name for the main menu, and displays the
prompts from the Menus form for submenus and functions. If no prompt has been
specified, then no label will appear for the node.
There are three styles for viewing your menu tree. You can select the style from the View
menu or by clicking the appropriate toolbar icon.
Vertical Menu entries are displayed vertically, similar to how they appear in the
Navigator window when you log on to Oracle E-Business Suite.
Org-Chart Menu entries are displayed horizontally as in an organizational chart.
Interleaved Menu entries are displayed horizontally and vertically.

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Chapter 4 - Page 26
Viewing Node Properties in the Menu Viewer

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 27
Adding a Custom Form Function

Procedure for incorporating a custom form function

Use the following procedure to incorporate a custom form function.
1. The application developer (using the Application Developer responsibility) registers the
form in the Forms window.
2. The application developer or system administrator creates a function that accesses the
new form in the Form Functions window.
3. The application developer or system administrator adds the form function to a menu in the
Menus window.

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 28
Passable Forms Parameters

Passable Forms Parameters

The slide shows the parameters you can pass in your custom form function. These will be
described in the next slides. For a complete explanation of these parameters, see Oracle E-
Business Suite Developer's Guide.

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 29
Query-Only Forms

Query-Only Forms
When you define a form function in the Form Functions window or call an existing form function
using FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE or APP_NAVIGATE.EXECUTE, you can add the string:
to the string in the Parameters field or in the arguments string (using the other_params
argument). This argument causes the form to be called in query-only mode. The
FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE procedure (which is also used by the Oracle Application Object
Library Navigator) sets the QUERY_ONLY flag that sets all database blocks to non-insertable,
non-updatable, and non-deletable.
To dynamically determine when to call a form in query-only mode, add the string to the
other_params argument of the call to FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE.
Disable or remove all functionality that does not apply when the form is run in Query-Only mode,
such as 'New' buttons in Find Windows. Entries on the menu (other than Special) are handled
automatically. Turn off any logic that defaults values into new records when the form is in
Query-Only mode (this logic is usually called from the WHEN-CREATE-RECORD triggers).
Check for this mode by checking the parameter query_only:
IF name_in('parameter.query_only') != 'YES' THEN
<defaulting logic here> END IF;
Important: Use query-only forms only when the user does not have update privileges on the
form; not when the primary purpose of the form is viewing values.
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Do not limit a form to query only because the primary need is viewing values. If the user has
update privileges on a form, you should not create a separate query-only form function, even
when calling the form from a special menu for the purpose of querying information. Forcing
users to use the Navigator to reopen a form in an updatable mode if they need to make a
change is a clear violation of our user interface standards. There may be rare cases where
technical limitations force you to limit the user to query mode on particular calls to a form. In
general, however, update privileges should remain constant within a responsibility, regardless of
how the user accesses the form (from a branch of the Navigator menu, or from a special menu
in another form).

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 31
Form Window Name Changes

Form Window Name Changes

Some forms (such as the Submit Requests form) accept arguments that change the form
window name. With the Submit Requests form, you use the parameter TITLE to specify the
name of a message in the Message Dictionary. That message becomes the window title. The
syntax to use is:
If the message REP_ROUTING contained (in English) the text "Report Routing", you use the
to open the Submit Request window with the title Report Routing.
See the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide for more information on customizing the Submit
Requests form.

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Chapter 4 - Page 32
Help Target Changes

Help Target Changes

When a user selects the help button in Oracle E-Business Suite, the application tries to open
the correct help file at a help target consisting of the form name and the window name:
form_name_window_name. You can override the form name portion (and optionally the
application short name of the help file) of this target by passing the parameter
For example, to use Oracle Receivables help for the Submit Requests form, you could define
your form function for the FNDRSRUN form name with the following parameter:
You can pass the HELP_TARGET parameter either when calling the form function using
argument) or when you define the function in the Form Functions window.
See the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide for more information on help targets in Oracle E-
Business Suite.

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Chapter 4 - Page 33
List of All Submit Request Parameters

List of All Submit Request Parameters

Below is the comprehensive list of parameters supported by the "Run Requests"/SRS form and
additional information about their usage.
Vertical Menu entries are displayed vertically, similar to how they appear in the
Navigator window when you log on to Oracle E-Business Suite.
Org-Chart Menu entries are displayed horizontally as in an organizational chart.
Interleaved Menu entries are displayed horizontally and vertically.
SUBMIT_ONCE (default 'N').
SUBMIT_ONCE can be set to either Y or N ( N is the default).
SUBMIT_ONCE is used in conjunction with CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME or
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Chapter 4 - Page 34
If SUBMIT_ONCE is set to Y, then the form will exit after the Submit button is clicked.
LOOKUP (default 'N')
If USE_ORG is set to 'Y' (default is 'N') then the Submit Requests form checks to see if
the other ORG parameters are set. If the parameters are not set, then it attempts to
populate the parameters from the globals (GLOBAL.FND_ORG_ID,
GLOBAL.FND_ORG_NAME, etc.). If the globals have not yet been set, the an
ORG LOV shows, and both the parameters and the globals are populated from the
LOV. Values sets should always reference the parameters, not the globals.
In your value sets, refer to these parameters as:

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Chapter 4 - Page 35

Complete the Create a User Account, Register Custom Application, Copy a Menu,
and Create a Custom Menu activities which are provided for your reference and
future learning.

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Introduction to Function Security

Chapter 4 - Page 36
Introduction to Data Security
Chapter 5

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Introduction to Data Security

Chapter 5 - Page 1
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Introduction to Data Security

Chapter 5 - Page 2
Introduction to Data Security

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Introduction to Data Security

Chapter 5 - Page 3

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Introduction to Data Security

Chapter 5 - Page 4
Introduction to Data Security

Working in conjunction with Function Security, Data Security provides additional access
control on the data a user can see and what actions a user can perform on that data.
Data Security Policies restrict the actions or operations that can be performed on a specific
business object (for example, inventory items). Data Security Policies can reflect access to:
All Instances All instances of an object represents all rows in the database table or
view. For example, assume that we have an object inventory item in the database.
Creating a data security policy for all instances of our object would result in providing
access to every single inventory item we have catalogued in the database.
An Instance Set An instance set is a related set of instances of an object. This
corresponds to a set of rows in the database. Using our object example, an instance set
could be constructed to include all inventory items with a shelf life of 7 days.
A Specific Instance A specific instance generally corresponds to a single row in the
database. A specific instance is generally identified by a primary key value for the object.
Using our example, we could enter a unique serial number for the inventory item. This
would return one and only one inventory item from the database.

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Introduction to Data Security

Chapter 5 - Page 5
Data Security Components - Objects

(N) Functional Developer > Objects
An object is a system entity on which an operation can be performed. In Oracle E-Business
Suite, an object typically maps to records in relational tables/views, Forms/HTML pages, and
UI widgets. Examples include: a person, a machine, and a file.
Examples of operations include: Create, Update, Escalate, Approve, and Reject. In Oracle E-
Business Suite, operations are implied by a permission definition. Permission has been
defined as an operation on a object; for example, Invoke Service Request Form, Update
Order, Approve Expense Report, and Query Customers.
An object instance is a specific example of an object, such as Project Number 123 or User
JDOE. An object instance generally corresponds to a row in the database, and is identified by
a set of one or more primary key values as defined by the object.
Related object instances can be grouped together into an object instance set, a group of
related object instances within an object. A set can be specified as a predicate on the keys or
other attributes of an object, typically expressed as a SQL WHERE clause.

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Chapter 5 - Page 6

(N) Functional Administrator > Grants
Grants authorize a particular user to perform a specified action on a specified object instance
or object instance set. Those grants that deal with business objects are called Data Security
Access to an application's functionality can be controlled using grants. Examples include
securing an aspect of a menu, page, or other widget within an application, such as providing
access to a set of administrative menus to a specific group of users.
The grantee defines who is being granted access. The grantee can be one of three types:
A group of users for example, Clerks.
A specific user for example, John Smith.
All users (global) all users of the system, except the Guest account.

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Introduction to Data Security

Chapter 5 - Page 7
Permissions and Permission Sets

The Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Model defines permission as "an approval to perform
an operation on one or more RBAC-protected objects." This definition maps to what has been
referred to as functions, so a function may also be referred to as a permission.
Permissions can be grouped into permission sets, which can be granted to users or roles
independently of menus or responsibilities. Permission assignments, or grants, reflect the
access granted to users through roles.
Permissions are discussed further in the User Management lessons.

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Introduction to Data Security

Chapter 5 - Page 8
Data Security Policies

Data Security Policies

Within Data Security, access to a specific object can be specified using a data security policy.
Such a policy restricts operations so that they can only be performed on a subset of instances
of the corresponding database object (object instance set).
Data security policies can reflect access to:
All instances (rows) of an object.
An Instance Set, which is defined as a SQL predicate (WHERE clause), and can
optionally be implemented as a VPD (Virtual Private Database) policy.
A specific instance, identified by a primary key value.

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Introduction to Data Security

Chapter 5 - Page 9
Example of a Data Security Policy

Example of a Data Security Policy

The Customer Administrator role includes a grant to users with this role that gives customer
administrators the ability to perform some basic administration privileges (All User
Administration Privileges, defined by UMX_OBJ_ADV_ADMIN_PERMS) through a permission
This grant specifies the actions that can be performed on the object (User Management
Person, UMX_PERSON_CODE), but only on the instance set composed of people in the
customers own organization.

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Introduction to Data Security

Chapter 5 - Page 10

Complete the (Optional) activity Data Security Policy Example which is provided
for your reference and future learning.

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Introduction to Data Security

Chapter 5 - Page 11
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Introduction to Data Security

Chapter 5 - Page 12
Introduction to User
Chapter 6

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Introduction to User Management

Chapter 6 - Page 1
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Introduction to User Management

Chapter 6 - Page 2
Introduction to User Management

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Introduction to User Management

Chapter 6 - Page 3

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Introduction to User Management

Chapter 6 - Page 4
What Is Oracle User Management?

What Is Oracle User Management?

Note: This section introduces concepts that will be discussed further in later sections of this
Key features of Oracle User Management include:
Role Based Access Control (RBAC) - Enables organizations to create roles based on
specific job functions, and to assign these roles the appropriate permissions. With RBAC,
administrative privileges and user access are determined by assigning individuals the
appropriate roles.
Delegated Administration - Enables system administrators to delegate some of their
administrative privileges to individuals that manage a subset of the organization's users.
These individuals are assigned administrative privileges for the limited set of roles that
they can assign to the users they manage.
Registration Processes - Enable organizations to provide end-users with a method or
requesting various levels of access to the system, based on their eligibility. Registration
processes also simplify an administrator's job by providing streamlined flows for account
maintenance and role assignment.
Self Service Requests and Approvals - Enable end users to request initial or additional
access to the system.

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Chapter 6 - Page 5
Who Is Oracle User Management Intended For?

Who Is Oracle User Management Intended For?

Note: This section introduces concepts that will be discussed further in later sections of this
Oracle User Management is a feature used by:

System Administrators
The system administrator is a trusted individual who manages an organizations access
policies and administers its users. The system administrator is sometimes also known as
the security administrator.
The system administrator is responsible for defining the core of the security system,
including permissions, data security policies, responsibilities, and menus. The system
administrator defines setup for all core security administrative features.

Local Administrators
Oracle User Management enables organizations to define local administrators, who are
only granted enough privileges to manage a subset of the organizations users, and with
whom they will generally have a closer relationship than the system administrator does.

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Chapter 6 - Page 6
When Role Based Access Control and Delegated Administration are added to the Data
Security and Function Security layers, system administration tasks can be distributed to
local administrators, who manage a subset of the organizations users.

End Users
Organizations can configure Oracle User Management to enable end users to perform
some of their own registration tasks such as registration, requesting additional access, or
resetting passwords. End users can be users of any Oracle E-Business Suite products.
Registration Processes and Self Service and Approvals further distribute system
administration, by automating some registration tasks so that end users can perform

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Introduction to User Management

Chapter 6 - Page 7
Access Control Model

Access Control Model

Core Security
Core Security includes Oracles Function and Data Security models, as well as a new
Role Based Access Control (RBAC) model.

Administrative Features
Administrative Features build upon Core Security, and include Delegated Administration,
Provisioning Services, and Self-Service and Approvals.

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Introduction to User Management

Chapter 6 - Page 8
Successive Layers of Access Control

Layers of Access Control

Access control with Oracle User Management is implemented in successive layers, each
building upon the one that precedes it. Organizations can optionally uptake the various layers,
depending on the degree of automation and scalability that they wish to build upon the
existing Function and Data Security models.

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Introduction to User Management

Chapter 6 - Page 9
Function Security

An organization can use Function Security to provide its sales representatives with the
required pages, menus, and menu options for querying customers. This could include
controlling access to specific components of those pages, such as a "Generate Sales
Forecast" button on a sales forecasting page.

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Chapter 6 - Page 10

Responsibilities have a menu tree in which available menus are defined with a grant flag. On
being assigned a responsibility, a user gains access to all menus on the menu tree. There is
an exception. In previous versions of Oracle E-Business Suite, there were menu exclusions.
Menu exclusions have been deprecated, and should only be used in cases where backward
compatibility is required. Otherwise, do not use menu exclusions.

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Introduction to User Management

Chapter 6 - Page 11
Data Security

Data Security policies can be defined for applications that have been written to utilize the Data
Security Framework. They control the data the user can see in menus or menu options, and
the actions he can perform on the data. For example, Data Security is used to restrict the set
of users that a local administrator can access within Oracle User Management.

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Introduction to User Management

Chapter 6 - Page 12
Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

A role can be configured to consolidate the responsibilities, permissions, function security and
data security polices that users require to perform a specific function. This is accomplished
with a one-time setup, in which permissions, responsibilities, and other roles are assigned to
the role. Users are not required to be assigned the lower level permissions directly, since
permissions are inherited implicitly, based on the roles assigned to the user. When making a
mass update in a production system, an organization simply needs to change the permissions
or role inheritance hierarchy defined for a role. The users assigned that role subsequently
inherit the new set of permissions.

Organizations can define roles that reflect their business situation. For example, an
organization can create an Employee role and then assign that role to all of its employees. It
can also create an External role and assign that role to customers and suppliers. Further
examples may include specific roles such as Support Agent, Sales Rep, Sales Manager.
In these examples, each role contains a specific level of access privileges that restricts its
assignees to the scope of their job functions. Some members of the organization will probably
be assigned more than one role. In the above example, the manager is assigned the
Manager role and the Employee role, while the employee is only assigned the Employee

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Chapter 6 - Page 13
Role Categories and Inheritance Hierarchies

Role Categories and Inheritance Hierarchies

Oracle User Management also introduces the concepts of role categories and role inheritance
hierarchies. Administrators can create role categories to bundle roles and responsibilities,
simplifying the process of searching for roles and responsibilities. For example, all sales and
marketing roles could be included in a Sales & Marketing category.
Roles can be included in role inheritance hierarchies, which can contain multiple subordinate
roles and superior roles. With role inheritance hierarchies, a superior role inherits all the
properties of its subordinate role, as well as any of that role's own subordinate roles.
The arrows on the diagram show membership inheritance and permission inheritance:
The rounded boxes represent roles.
An arrow pointing from a person to a role indicates that this individual is assigned the
An arrow pointing from one role to another indicates that the role from which the arrow
points is the superior role, and the role to which it points is the subordinate role.
Permissions associated with a role are inherited by all its superior roles and the
individuals to which any of these roles are assigned.

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Chapter 6 - Page 14
For example, because the Employee role is a subordinate role of the Manager role, anyone
assigned the Manager role automatically also obtains the permissions associated with the
Employee role.

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Chapter 6 - Page 15
Delegated Administration

Delegated Administration
Delegated Administration is a privilege model that builds on the RBAC system. With delegated
administration, instead of exclusively relying on a centralized administrator to manage all its
users, an organization can create local administrators and grant them sufficient privileges to
manage a specific subset of the organization's users and roles. This provides organizations
with a tighter, more granular level of security and the ability to easily scale their administration.

Administration Privileges
Administration Privileges determine the users, roles and organization information that
delegated administrators (local administrators) can manage. Each privilege is granted
separately, yet the three work in conjunction to provide the complete set of abilities for the
delegated administrator.
User Administration Privileges: A local administrator must be granted User
Administration Privileges to determine the users and people he can manage. Local
administrators can be granted different privileges for different subsets of users.
Role Administration Privileges: Role Administration Privileges define the roles that
local administrators can directly assign to and revoke from the set of users they manage.
Organization Administration Privileges: Organization Administration Privileges define
the organizations a local administrator can view in the system.

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Introduction to User Management

Chapter 6 - Page 16
Delegating to Proxy Users

Delegating to Proxy Users

Traditionally, delegation was done by a user supplying his password for specific applications
to another user, who could assume the delegators identity and privileges in those
applications. However, if Oracle E-Business Suite is integrated with Oracle Single Sign-On
(SSO), the delegate can access every SSO-enabled application to which the delegator has
The proxy user mechanism provides a more sophisticated mechanism that enables controlled,
auditable delegation of privilege from delegators to delegates.

Examples of Delegating to Proxy Users

Executives allowing their assistants to access selected business applications on their
Managers granting peers or subordinates limited authority to act on their behalf while they
are out of the office.
Users granting help desk staff limited duration access to their Oracle E-Business Suite
accounts, so the help desk staff can investigate problems and provide assistance.
Companies granting an auditor access to employees' Oracle E-Business Suite accounts
on a read-only basis.

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Chapter 6 - Page 17
The Security Administrator role allows an administrator to specify which users can create
delegates to act on their behalf.

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Introduction to User Management

Chapter 6 - Page 18
Provisioning Services

Provisioning Services
Oracle User Management includes the following provisioning services, implemented as
registration processes:
Self-Service Account Requests
Commonly referred to as Self Service Registration, self-service account requests provide a
method for persons to request a new user account. For example, customers may need to
register before they can purchase an item from an online store. After completing the
registration process, the customer obtains both a user account and the necessary roles for
access to the store.
Requests for Additional Access
Users can request additional access through the Oracle User Management Access Request
Tool (ART) available in the global preferences menu. Requests for Additional Access uses the
same Oracle User Management infrastructure and processing logic as Self Service Account
Account Creation By Administrators
Administrators can benefit from existing registration processes designed to streamline the
process of creating and maintaining user access. Registration Processes of this type are
geared toward administrators, especially delegated administrators, to ensure consistent

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Introduction to User Management

Chapter 6 - Page 19
application of the client's user security policies. Each account creation registration process
can be made available to select administrators.

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Chapter 6 - Page 20
Self-Service and Approvals

Self Service and Approvals

Once registration processes have been configured as required, individuals can subsequently
perform self-service registration tasks such as obtaining new user accounts or requesting
additional access to the system. In addition, organizations can use the Oracle Approvals
Management engine to create customized approval routing for these requests. For example,
an organization may allow users to request a particularly sensitive role, but require that a
combination of specified individuals (such as a manager and a vice-president) must approve
the request.

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Introduction to User Management

Chapter 6 - Page 21
Login Assistance

Login Assistance
System administrators often have to reset a user's forgotten password, or even advise a user
of his account's user (login) name. This is unproductive for both the user and the
administrator. In addition, a user may request the password to be reset, when it is actually the
user name that has been forgotten, or vice versa.
The login help mechanism on the Oracle E-Business Suite Login Page helps reduce the time
administrators spend on such activities: a user simply clicks on the "Login Assistance" link
located below the Login and Cancel buttons. On the screen that appears, the user can choose
between the Forgot Password and Forgot Username sections.

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Introduction to User Management

Chapter 6 - Page 22

Complete the Assign Security Administrator Role, Create Objects for RBAC, and
Create a Help Desk Role activities which are provided for your reference and
future learning.

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Chapter 6 - Page 23
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Introduction to User Management

Chapter 6 - Page 24
Implementing Oracle User
Chapter 7

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 1
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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 2
Implementing Oracle User Management

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 3

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 4
Implementing Oracle User Management

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 5
Steps for Implementing Oracle User Management

Steps for Implementing Oracle User Management

For the purposes of this course, Phase I: Define Core Security Features has already been
completed. The next stage is Phase II: Define Roles.
When implementing Oracle User Management, you must begin by defining core security
features, but you do not have to implement User Management in the exact sequence
described here. However, the implementation flow given here is probably the most common.
You will test many of the implementation steps by logging on as an administrator or as a user,
and viewing the results of your configuration.

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Chapter 7 - Page 6
Steps for Implementing Oracle User Management

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Chapter 7 - Page 7
Steps for Implementing Oracle User Management

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 8
Introduction to Roles

Introduction to Roles
Traditionally in Oracle E-Business Suite, access to individual functions within an application
could only be defined through responsibilities, menu hierarchies, and menu exclusions. New
responsibilities had to be defined for each set of users (with different job functions) that
needed access to a set of pages within an application. These responsibilities required either:
Completely new menu hierarchies for each responsibility.
A common menu covering the superset of all functions within the application, and menu
exclusion rules defined for each responsibility.
An example is the Human Resources product, which typically has at least two responsibilities
defined, one for employees and one for managers.
This means that responsibilities have increasingly been used not only to define application
navigation menus, but also the privileges and permissions within an application. As the
number and complexity of menu hierarchies and exclusion rules grows, so does the number
of responsibilities and associated management costs.
Oracle User Management provides alternative strategies for defining access to an application,
enabling organizations to separate navigation menus from access control and thereby
simplifying management.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 9
Examples of Roles

Examples of Roles
In this example, the manager is granted both the employee role and the manager role, since
the manager has to function as both an employee and someone who is responsible for other

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 10
Defining Roles: Data Security Policies

Defining Roles: Data Security Policies

Data security policies determine the data users can access and which is therefore eligible to
be returned to them at runtime.
Organizations can use Data Security to manage permission assignments that control access
to objects. Access to the specific object must be formed with a specified Data Security Policy
(also referred to as the Data Scope or Access Policy). A Data Security Policy restricts typically
operations to a subset of instances of the corresponding database object.

Data security policies determine to which department a manager belongs, and returns only the
correct set of data for that manager. In the above example, the Manager role is assigned to
Managers X and Y. At runtime, data security policies ensure that Manager X can only view
Department X data, and Manager Y can only view Department Y data.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 11
Defining Roles: Assigning a Single Responsibility and All Its
Functions to a Role

Defining Roles: Assigning a Single Responsibility that Includes all Functions to a

Organizations can define a single responsibility that includes all relevant functions, and assign
it to a role. For example, instead of having separate Manager Expenses and Employee
Expenses responsibilities, an organization can define an Expenses responsibility that contains
all employee and manager expenses functions.
The grant flag is turned off for all menus defined for this role.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 12
Assigning a Single Responsibility to a Role and Granting Specific
Functions to a Role

Defining Roles: Assigning a Single Responsibility to a Role with Some Functions

When a role is assigned, the relevant user is granted the appropriate functions. For example,
an employee is granted employee-related expenses functions, but not manager-related
expenses functions.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 13
Defining Roles: Assigning Multiple Responsibilities to a Role

Defining Roles: Assigning Responsibilities to a Role

Organizations can define multiple responsibilities for a single role. Provided that the grant flag
is on for all menus in the menu tree, assigning the role to a user gives that user access to all
the menus defined for the role.
In this example, the Manager Expenses and Employee Expenses responsibilities are defined
for the Manager role. When the Manager role is assigned to a manager, he has access to all
functions defined for these responsibilities.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 14
Role Inheritance Hierarchies

Role Inheritance Hierarchies

Oracle User Management enable roles to be linked together in role inheritance hierarchies.
With role inheritance hierarchies, a role can contain sub-roles. When a user is assigned a role,
the user inherits the privileges defined both for that role and all its sub-roles.
Role inheritance means that the permission to access a new page only has to be granted
once, at the lowest-level sub-role in the role inheritance hierarchy; the relevant permissions
will then be inherited automatically by all superior roles in the hierarchy.
The opposite process, of revoking access to a page or an entire application, is equally simple.

In this example, some roles such as "Employee" or "Manager" are assigned general
permissions for a given function. For example, the Employee role may provide access to
menus generally available to all employees, while the Manager role provides access to menus
that should only be viewed by managers. Because the Employee role is a sub-role of the
Manager role, anyone assigned the Manager role automatically obtains the permissions
associated with the Employee role.
This principle can easily be extended to more specialized job functions such as Sales
Manager or Sales Representative.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 15
Role Categories

Role Categories
Most roles are organized according to role categories. Select the role category that contains
the role. If you do not see the required role, then either you are not eligible for the role or it has
not been set up to for additional access requests.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 16
Permissions and Permission Sets

Permissions and Permission Sets

A permission is the smallest unit of securable action that can be performed in the system. It
can be an abstract permission, or an executable function. For example, "View Person" may be
an abstract permission, while a particular JSP page may be an executable permission.
Permissions can exist at system level, or be sensitive to the data context. The Permissions
pages can be accessed from the Functional Administrator and Functional Developer
Permission sets provide a convenient way to group related permissions together.
Actions that can be performed on permissions and permissions sets are:
Assign to role
Remo ve

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 17
Assigning Permissions to Roles

Assigning Permissions to Roles

You can configure a role with suitable permissions as follows.
Data Security: You must select a business object when you create Data Security
policies. Specifying the object data context (data scope) provides an additional level of
access granularity for the object. Choose one of the following from the Data Context
- All Rows: Provides access to all rows (instances) for the database object.
- Instance: Provides access to an instance (single row in the database) of the object.
- Instance Set: Provides access to a related set of instances of the object. This set is
specified as a predicate on the attributes of the object. The predicate is expressed as
an SQL WHERE clause.
Security Context: Restricts the availability of the permissions being assigned. If you do
not define a security context, permissions are available to users in all contexts. Security
contexts are also known as activation contexts.
- Operating Unit: Many organizations consist of several different operating units. You
can limit your grant to be active only in the context of an individual operating unit.

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- Responsibility: Responsibilities determine the applications that can be accessed by
users. You can optionally limit your grant to be available only in the context of an
individual responsibility, or with all responsibilities.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 19
Advantages of Roles Over Responsibilities

Advantage of Roles Over Responsibilities

A role can be associated with multiple responsibilities

Because a single role can be associate with multiple responsibilities, multiple responsibilities
can be assigned to a single role, and the role assigned to users as required. This is more
efficient than assigning individual responsibilities to each user. When updating menu access
or permissions, organizations can add new menu items to the responsibility with the grant flag
off, then switch the grant flag on for a role if the role needs to have access to that menu.

Roles can inherit the properties of other roles

With role inheritance hierarchies, roles can inherit the permissions of roles. This simplifies the
process of defining roles: when defining a higher-level role such as "Manager", there is no
need to include access to employee menus and responsibilities, since these are inherited from
the lower-level "Employee role.

Navigation menus and security functions can be separated

As noted earlier, RBAC and role inheritance allows organizations to separate navigation
menus from access control: a responsibility can be defined to represent a single application,
and a menu can be tailored for each application. Access to the application (responsibility) and

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 20
its menu hierarchy are controlled by different roles, each representing a specific job function
or set of people.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 21
Phase II: Define Roles

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 22
Steps for Creating Roles: Define a Role Category

Steps for Creating Roles: Define a Role Category

In this scenario, an organization is creating a Customer Administrator role. A role category will
be required to contain this or similar roles.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 23
Steps for Creating Roles: Create a Role within the Role Category

Steps for Creating Roles: Create a Role within the Role Category
Create a role and include it within the role category. In this scenario, the role is Customer
Administrator. This role is created for an external organization, and is assigned to individuals
who manage the external organizations users.
Oracle User Management ships with three seeded roles: Partner Administrator, Customer
Administrator, and Security Administrator. The business scenarios and practices in this course
assume that the Customer Administrator role must be created and configured to function with
the other two.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 24
Steps for Creating Roles: Place Role in Role Inheritance Hierarchy

Steps for Creating Roles: Place Role in Role Inheritance Hierarchy

Place the Customer Administrator role in a role inheritance hierarchy. In this case, the
"Partner Administrator role inherits permissions from both the "Customer Administrator" role
and the User Management Responsibility.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 25
Steps for Creating Roles: Assign Permissions to Roles

Steps for Creating Roles: Assign Permissions to Roles

You can use roles to enable or disable the permissions that the "Customer Administrator" role
inherits from the "User Management". In the example shown, "User Maintenance UIs" is the
only permission enabled for the "Customer Administrator" role when it inherits the "User
Management" responsibility.
As a result, when an individual who is assigned the "Customer Administrator" role logs on to
the system, that person will be able to access "User Maintenance UIs", but unable to query
users unless assigned user administration privileges.
Permissions can be assigned to a role by creating a grant that specifies the navigation menus,
permission sets or data security policies that are available at runtime to the role's assignees.
(The menus and permission sets in turn typically include individual functions and

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 26
Steps for Creating Roles: Assign Permissions to Roles

Steps for Creating Roles: Assign Permissions to Roles

1. Log in as a user with the Security Administrator role (typically SYSADMIN), select the User
Management responsibility in the navigator, then click the 'Roles & Role Inheritance'
2. In the Role Inheritance Hierarchy, access the role to which the permission is to be
assigned, then click the 'Update 'icon.
3. Click the 'Permissions 'subtab and then click the Create Grant button.
4. Define the grant by entering the required information and then clicking Next.
5. If a specific object was defined in the preceding step, choose the object data context for
the object (also referred to as the data scope). Specifying the object data context provides
an additional level of access granularity: choose a suitable option from the Data Context
6. Choose an option from the LOV to select the required permission set or navigation menu
containing the functions (permissions) that are to be assigned to the role.
7. Review the grant information and click Finish.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 27
Steps for Creating Roles: Assign Role to a New Person

Steps for Creating Roles: Assign Role to a New Person

In the example on the slide, the system administrator creates a new person and assigns the
Customer Administrator Role to that user.
To create, inactivate, and reactivate user accounts, an administrator must have both:
The common prerequisites.
The appropriate administrative privileges for the role being assigned or revoked.

Procedure for Assigning

1. Log in as a user with a role granting access to the User Management responsibility.
2. Search for the person to whom the role is to be assigned.
3. In the search results, navigate to the User Details page by clicking on the Update icon
next to the person's name.
4. To assign a role to the user, click the 'Assign Roles' button on the User Details page and
select the desired role.

Procedure for Revoking

To revoke a role from the user, you end-date the role. An inherited role can only be removed
by removing the role from which it originates in the role inheritance hierarchy.
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Chapter 7 - Page 28
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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 29
Steps for Creating Roles: Test the Role

Steps for Creating Roles: Test the Role

Log on as the newly created role and test your capabilities.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 30
Delegated Administration

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 31
What Is Delegated Administration?

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 32
User Administration Privileges

User Administration Privileges

To grant a local administrator user administration privileges, you must configure the role
assigned to the local administrator. When doing so, you must choose which of the available
people and users you want the local administrator to manage, and the permissions you want
to grant the role for managing those people and users.
In this context, people are individuals in the system who may or may not possess a user
account, whereas users are individuals in the system who do possess user accounts.
Typically, people and users are managed by local administrators, who can perform the
following tasks:
Register new people
Create, update, or disable user accounts
Reset passwords
Grant users access to different parts of the system (by assigning or revoking roles)

Permissions determine the actions that the role assignee (the local administrator) can perform
on the people and users selected for that role. These permissions must be granted with a data
security policy on the User Management Person (UMX_PERSON_OBJECT) business object.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 33
User Administration Privileges (cont.)

Configuring Roles for User Administration

Local administrators can be granted different privileges for different subsets (groups) of users.
For example, a local administrator can be granted privileges only to query one set of users,
and granted full privileges (including update and reset password) for another set. Local
administrators cannot query users for which they do not have administration privileges.
In the example shown on the slide, assignees of the Local Administrator Role can manage
two subsets of their organizations users and people, Subset A and Subset B. They have
permissions to query and edit person details, manage user accounts, and reset passwords for
all users of Subset A. However, they can only query person details for all users of Subset B.

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Chapter 7 - Page 34
Role Administration Privileges

Role Administration Privileges

A role can specify a subset of roles that the assignee can manage. To grant a local
administrator role administration privileges, you must configure the role assigned to the local
When configuring the role, you must choose which of the available roles in the system you
want the local administrator to manage.
There is a single seeded permission available for defining role administration privileges for
roles, which has a function code of UMX_OBJ_ADMIN_ROLE. To enable role administration,
this permission must be granted with a data security policy on the User Management Role
(UMX_ACCESS_ROLE) business object.

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Chapter 7 - Page 35
Seeded Permissions for User Administration

Seeded Permissions for User Administration

All user administration privileges must be granted with a data security policy on the User
Management Person (UMX_PERSON_OBJECT) business object.
The Query Person Details (UMX_OBJ_VIEW_PERSON) permission is the minimum
permission required by any security administrator who wishes to manage people and users in
Oracle User Management.
The Maintain System Accounts (UMX_SYSTEM_ACCT_ADMINISTRATION) permission is
only granted to system administrators.

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Chapter 7 - Page 36
Managing Roles with Role Administration

Managing Roles with Role Administration

In this example, the local administrator can assign roles to (or revoke roles from) the users in
subsets (groups) A and B.

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Seeded Permissions for Role Administration

Seeded Permissions for Role Administration

All role administration privileges must be granted with a data security policy on the User
Management Role (UMX_ACCESS_ROLE) business object.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 38
Organization Administration Privileges

Organization Administration Privileges

These privileges enable local administrators to search for people based on their organization,
assuming the local administrator has also been granted access to view the people in that
organization (User Administration Privileges).
Depending on the administration account registration process has been granted, the
administrator may have the ability to register new people for that organization.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 39
Registering External Organization Contacts

Registering External Organization Contacts

To register new people, an administrator must be assigned the following:
Common prerequisites
The necessary privileges to invoke the specific administrative account creation
registration processes
Organization Administration privileges for all organizations where the administrator
needs to register new people

1. Log in as a user with a role granting you access to the User Management responsibility.
2. Select the User Management responsibility in the navigator and click the Users subtab.
3. From the Register dropdown menu, select the administrative account registration process
you wish to invoke.
4. Click the Go button.
5. Enter the information required by the registration process as defined by its registration UI.
6. Click the Submit button.
7. Click the OK button on the resulting page.

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Chapter 7 - Page 40
Seeded Permissions for Organization Administration

Seeded Permissions for Organization Administration Privileges

All role administration privileges must be granted with a data security policy on the User
Management Organization (UMX_OBJ_VIEW_RLTNSHPS) business object.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 41
Delegated Administration vs. Traditional System Administration

Advantages of Delegated Administration Over Traditional System Administration

With traditional system administration, one or more trusted individuals manage access control
and users for the entire organization. The system administrator must assign access privileges
to a potentially large number of people and users.
With delegated administration, local administrators manage a subset of the organizations
users and roles: they can only assign a specific set of roles to a specific set of users, with
whom they will generally have a relatively close working relationship. Security is thereby
managed on the basis of functional areas.

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Chapter 7 - Page 42
Phase III: Setting Up Delegated Administration

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Chapter 7 - Page 43
Steps for Implementing Delegated Administration: Set Up User
Administration for a Role

Set Up User Administration for a Role

The system administrator sets up user administration for the Customer Administrator role by
determining (a) the users it enables the assignee to manage, and (b) the manner
(permissions) by which those users can be managed.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 44
Steps for Implementing Delegated Administration

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Chapter 7 - Page 45
Steps for Implementing Delegated Administration

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Chapter 7 - Page 46
Steps for Implementing Delegated Administration

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 47
Registration Processes

Registration Processes
Oracle User Management contains the following registration processes:
Self-Service Account Requests
Commonly referred to as Self-Service Registration, self-service account requests provide a
means for people to request a new user account. For example, customers may need to
register before they can purchase an item from an online store. After completing the
registration process, the customer obtains both a user account and the necessary role or roles
to access the store.
Requests for Additional Access
Users can request additional access through the Oracle User Management Access Request
Tool (ART), available on the global preferences menu. Requests for Additional Access uses
the same Oracle User Management infrastructure and processing logic as Self-Service
Account Requests.
Account Creation By Administrators
Administrators can benefit from existing registration processes designed to streamline the
process of creating and maintaining user access. Registration Processes of this type are
geared toward administrators, especially delegated administrators, to ensure consistent
application of the client's user security policies. Each account creation registration process
can be made available to selected administrators.
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Chapter 7 - Page 48
Registration Processes: Core Components

Registration Process Core Components

The following points apply to the registration processes:
Roles are assigned after a user successfully completes registration.
The registration user interface is optional, and is used for collecting account or additional
The workflow is used for approval, confirmation, rejection, and identity verification
The approval management transaction type represents a set of approval routing rules
that are interpreted at runtime.
The set of users eligible to request additional access are only applicable for the Request
for Additional Access registration processes.
Identity verification confirms the identity of a requester before the registration request is
processed. An email notification is sent to the submitting email address. If the recipient
does not reply within a predetermined amount of time, the request will be automatically
The set of local administrators should be able to register people and create users via the
Account Creation by Administrators registration process.

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Chapter 7 - Page 49
Self-Service Account Requests

Self-Service Account Requests

Self-service account requests provide a method for persons to request a new user account.
Recall the earlier example where customers need to register before they can purchase an
item from an online store: after completing the registration process, the customer obtains both
a user account and the necessary role (or roles) for access to the store.
Accounts and user accounts (person party in TCA) in this course refer to an individual's login
account, stored in the FND_USER table.
Oracle User Management provides sample Self-Service registration UIs for internal
employees and for new, external individuals. Organizations can copy these sample Self-
Service registration and extend them based on their own requirements. In addition,
organizations wishing to support other types of users, or capture additional user information,
can create their own registration UIs and business logic.

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Chapter 7 - Page 50
Requests for Additional Access

Requests for Additional Access

Oracle User Management enables users to request additional access to the specific
applications they use. Requesting such additional access to the system is in effect making a
request to be granted additional roles.

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Chapter 7 - Page 51
Requests for Additional Access

Requests for Additional Access

The availability of additional roles depends on the user's currently assigned roles. For
example, an organizations employees could request roles that further define their job
functions, while customers of that organization could not.

1. Click the Preferences link, then click the Access Requests link (in the sidebar menu).
2. The Access Requests page displays the currently assigned roles. Click the Request
Access button to request one or more additional roles.
3. Select the role category that contains the role to be requested. If it is not shown, either
you are not eligible for the role or it has not been set up to for additional access requests.
4. Select the role or roles require dfor additional access, click the Add to List button, and
repeat for any other roles required.
5. When you have selected all the required roles, click on the Next button.
6. Enter a justification for the request and click on the Next button.
7. Some roles may require additional information to be provided before the request process
can be completed. If so, the system will prompt for it.

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Chapter 7 - Page 52
Account Creation by Administrators

Account Creation by Administrators

Account creation registration processes are geared toward administrators, especially
delegated administrators, and can be made available to them as needed.
This strategy helps ensure consistent application of an organization's user security policies.

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Chapter 7 - Page 53
Phase IV: Creating Registration Processes

Steps for Creating Registration Processes

The following slides describe the steps in the creation of registration processes.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 54
Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Provide Required
Description Information

Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Provide Required Description

Registration processes all use the same infrastructure and processing logic. Steps for defining
a registration process will vary depending on the type of registration process being created.
In this example, the System Administrator creates the request for additional access
registration process, and assigns it to one of the roles managed by the Customer
Administrator. The Customer Administrator subsequently logs on and assigns that role to a
new user. Log on as a user that is assigned the Security Administrator role (typically as
Responsibility: User Management
(N) Registration Processes > (B) Create Registration Process
You must provide the following information for the registration process description:
Role: The role with which you optionally associate the registration process, and which is
assigned to the user at the end of the registration process.
Type: Type of registration process you wish to create.
Registration Process Code. Unique identifier for the registration process.
Display Name: Display name for the registration process.
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Description: Description of the registration process.
Application: Application with which the registration process is classified, which can be
used for querying the registration process.
Active From: Date from which the registration process is first active.
Active To: Date you can (optionally) specify to terminate the registration process.

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Chapter 7 - Page 56
Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Enter Runtime Execution

Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Enter Runtime Execution Information

The next stage is to enter the runtime execution information for the registration process, then
click the Next button. This information specifies:
Registration Start Page: The first page (represented as a function) in the registration
process, which captures any additional user registration information. This page is
optional, unless you are creating a Self-Service Account Request registration process.
Notification Event: The workflow business event that invokes a workflow. The
notification workflow subscribes to the event, and subsequently sends notifications to the
approver or to the user.
Approval Transaction Type: The set of approval routing rules that is interpreted at
runtime by the Oracle Approval Management rules engine. Based on the user transaction
types you have defined for use with Oracle User Management, the rules determine
whether approval is required, and if so, by which set of users.

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Chapter 7 - Page 57
Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Enter Eligibility

Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Enter Eligibility Information

Enter the eligibility information for the registration process by selecting the appropriate roles or
groups. In this case, eligibility will be everyone. However, be aware that:
For Requests for Additional Access, eligibility defines the users who are able to register
for the role associated with the registration process.
For Account Creation by Administrators, eligibility determines which administrators can
register new users through the registration process.
Oracle User Management ships with the following seeded permissions for defining eligibility

Administrator Assisted Account Creation (UMX_OBJ_ADMIN_CRTN_FLOW)

Permission representing "Administrator Assisted Account Creation" registration processes.
Must be granted as a data security policy on the Registration Process (UMX_REG_SRVC)
business object.

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Self-Service Eligibility (UMX_OBJ_ROLE_ELGBLTY)
Permission representing registration processes for additional access determines the set of
end users who are eligible to register for a given role/registration process. Must be granted as
a data security policy on the Registration Process (UMX_REG_SRVC) business object.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 59
Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Register Subscriptions to
Business Events

Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Register Subscriptions to Business

Register subscriptions to the appropriate business events raised by Oracle User
Management, ensuring that your subscription logic writes the registration data to the
appropriate destination schemas.
Note: The Activity Guide has an activity (Creating a Registration Process for the Role) that
walks you through this step of the registration process.

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Chapter 7 - Page 60
Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Set Profile Options

Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Set Profile Options (Optional)

Optionally, set the following profile options for registration processes of type Self-Service
Account Request. The Web (HTTP) server may need to be restarted for the changes to take
Registration Links: Oracle User Management provides support for displaying different
registration links on the login page, based upon the application tier through which the
login page is accessed. Organizations can set the server level profile option, UMX:
Register Here Link: Default Registration Process (UMX_REGISTER_HERE_REG_SRV)
to specify different destinations for the registration link.
Registration Parameters: The registration link can also contain additional parameters
that are not known at design time. These parameters are available at all stages of the
registration process; for example, for routing approval requests. Organizations can set
the server level profile option, UMX: Register Here Link: Default Registration
Parameters (UMX_REGISTER_HERE_REGPARAMS) for this. The format for this profile
option is: "ParamName1=ParamValue1&ParamName2=ParamValue2.
UI-specific Parameters: Organizations can additionally specify parameters used to
control the rendering of the registration user interface, such as the menu displayed in the
registration UI. The server level profile option, UMX: Register Here Link: Default Html

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Chapter 7 - Page 61
Parameters (UMX_REGISTER_HERE_HTMLPARAMS) can be set for this. The format
for this profile option is: "ParamName1=ParamValue1&ParamName2=ParamValue2

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Chapter 7 - Page 62
Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Optionally Set Login Page
UI Attributes

Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Optionally Set Login Page UI

You can optionally set the UI attributes for the login page using the profile option, Local Login
Mask: FND_SSO_LOCAL_LOGIN_MASK. For the Login page to display one or more of these
optional attributes, add the numeric values of all desired attributes and set the value of the
profile option to that value:
For example, to show PASSWORD_HINT and FORGOT_PASSWORD_URL only, set the
profile option to 10 (02+08). To show just the LANGUAGE_IMAGES set the value to 32, which
is the default.

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Chapter 7 - Page 63
Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Test as Customer

Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Test as Customer Administrator

The Customer Administrator assigns the role associated with the registration process to a
customer. The customer can then request additional access. You perform this test in Phase
IV: Understand and Test the Self-Service Features.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 64
Proxy Users

Setting Up Proxy Users

Log in as System Administrator. (N) User Management > Users.
Query the user (delegator) who is to have the ability to grant proxy privileges to other
Click (I) Update of the results table to navigate to the User Details page.
On the User Details page, click (B) Assign Role, and select the Manage Proxies role in
the list of values.
Supply a justification and then click (B) Apply.
The delegator can now grant proxy privileges to other users to act on his behalf.

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Chapter 7 - Page 65
Proxy Users

Delegating Proxy User Privileges

(N) Peferences > Manage Proxies > (B) Add People
As a user with the Manage Proxies role (see previous slide), log on to Oracle E-Business Suite and
click on the global Preferences menu.
Under the Manage Proxies link, click (B) Add People.
3. Select a user from the list of values, updating the start and end dates if required.
4. Click on (B) Apply to save the changes.
5. A notification will be sent to the user who has been granted the proxy privileges.

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Chapter 7 - Page 66
Proxy Users

Acting As a Proxy User

Users permitted to act on behalf of other users will have their names displayed with the
prefix Logged in as in the upper right of the screen, as a reminder of their current
To switch to another user (act as a delegate), choose the (H) Switch User to access the
'Switch User' page. These are only shown for users permitted to use the Proxy User
Click the (I) Switch to switch to Proxy Mode and act on behalf of the selected user.
The Switch User page shows an list of people who have specified that a suitably-
privileged proxy user can act on their behalf.
After a delegator has been selected, the application will enter Proxy Mode. While in this
mode, the icon and link will change from 'Switch User' to 'Return to Self'.
The user details display now reflects that the original user is acting on behalf of the
selected delegator.
To exit Proxy Mode, click (H) Return to Self. This is also needed for a user in Proxy
Mode who wishes to switch to another proxy: that is, it is not possible to switch directly to
another user.

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Note that using Proxy Mode turns on Page Access Tracking, to enable auditing of pages visited
by the user when acting as a proxy. A report on proxy user activities can be run by going to
Preferences > Manage Proxies, and clicking on 'Run Proxy Report'.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 68
Oracle User Management Security Reports

Oracle User Management Security Reports

Responsibility: User Management
(N) Security Report
The Security Reports feature of UMX enables a security administrator to query the security
infrastructure, identifying users who have access to specified security entities and listing the
type of access those security entities grant.
From the Security Reports home page, the security administrator can create reports on the
basis of user, role/responsibility, function/permission, or data security object. A suitable set of
reports is created for each of these parameters.
When creating reports, the security administrator can specify:
The report required.
Whether the report is to be viewed online or offline.
The format of the report.
In addition, the security administrator can:
Specify the report required.
Schedule recurring reports (reports that are generated offline on a periodic basis).

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Filter conditions specific to the report, to help restrict the number of rows seen in the

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Chapter 7 - Page 70
Creating, Inactivating, and Reactivating User Accounts

Creating, Inactivating, and Reactivating User Accounts

To create, inactivate, and reactivate user accounts, an administrator must be assigned the
Common prerequisites
The Create, Inactivate, Reactivate User Account (UMX_OBJ_ACTIVATE_ACCT)
permission for the set of people that the administrator can manage
Steps to Create Accounts
Log in as a user with a role granting access to the User Management responsibility.
Responsibility User Management > (ST) Users.
Search for the person for whom the account is to be created (results will only be shown
for the set of users you are eligible to manage).
If the account does not already exist, click (I) Create Account next to the person's name.
Enter or modify the required information and click (B) Submit .
Oracle recommends that you base user names on the person's email address.

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Chapter 7 - Page 71
Resetting User Passwords

Resetting User Passwords

To reset user passwords, an administrator must be assigned the following:
Common prerequisites
The Reset Password (UMX_OBJ_PASSWD_MGMT) permission for the users that the
administrator can manage
Steps to Reset Passwords
Log in as a user with a role granting you access to the User Management responsibility.
Responsibility User Management > (ST) Users.
Use the Search field to locate the user whose password you wish to change and then
click (I) Reset Password next to the user.
Select one of the following options, provide any required information and click (B) Submit.
Generate Automatically The system automatically generates the new
Enter Manually The system prompts for entry of the password and

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Chapter 7 - Page 72
The person whose password has been reset receives an email notification stating that the
password has expired and must be reset the next time the user logs in. This notification is
sent by the UMX Password (UMXUPWD) workflow.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 73
Self-Service Features

Self-Service Features
Organizations can use these registration processes in their existing form, or can use them as
references for developing their own registration processes.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 74
Self-Service Features

Self-Service Features
Organizations can use these registration processes in their existing form, or can use them as
references for developing their own registration processes.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 75
Login Assistance

Login Assistance
System administrators often have to reset a user's forgotten password, or even advise a user
of the account's user (login) name. This is unproductive for both the user and the
administrator. In addition, a user may request the password to be reset, when it is actually the
user name that has been forgotten, or vice versa.
The time spent on such administrative activities can be reduced by using the login help
feature provided on the Oracle E-Business Suite Login Page. The user simply clicks on the
(H) Login Assistance located below the Login and Cancel buttons.
On the login assistance screen that appears, the user can either go to the "Forgot Password"
section and enter the correct user name, or to the "Forgot Username" section and enter the
email address associated with the account. The user will then either be emailed the password
reset details or the user name, as applicable.
For security, the relevant data is stored securely in workflow tables, and the secure URLs
employed by the mechanism have both a single-use limitation and an expiration time.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 76

Complete the Create a Role and Place it in a Role Inheritance Hierarchy,

Assigning Permission Sets to the Role, Setting Up Delegated Administration,
Testing Delegated Administration, Creating a Registration Process for the Role,
Testing the Registration Process for the Role, and Create a Proxy User activities
which are provided for your reference and future learning.

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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 77
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Implementing Oracle User Management

Chapter 7 - Page 78
Introduction to Concurrent
Chapter 8

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 1
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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 2
Introduction to Concurrent Requests

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 3

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 4

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 5
Concurrent Requests, Programs, and Managers

Concurrent Requests, Programs, and Managers

Concurrent processing allows long-running, data-intensive programs to run simultaneously
with online operations.
Oracle E-Business Suite programs can run concurrently with each other as well as with
other programs; they are referred to as concurrent programs.
Requests to run Oracle E-Business Suite programsfor example, to run an Oracle
General Ledger reportare concurrent requests. Each concurrent request inserts a row
into a database table maintained by the Oracle Application Object Library.
Concurrent managers read requests from the requests table and start concurrent

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 6
Business Needs for Concurrent Processing

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 7
Business Needs for Standard Request Submission

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 8

Concurrent Processing Definitions

Concurrent Request
A concurrent request is a request that you submit to run a concurrent program as a concurrent
process. You issue a concurrent request when you submit a report or program to run using
Standard Request Submission (SRS) or when you click an action button in a product-specific
submission window.

Concurrent Manager
A concurrent manager is a component of concurrent processing that monitors and runs
requests without tying up your computer.

Request Set
A request set is a collection of reports or programs that you group together. You submit the
reports or programs in a request set all at once, using one transaction.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 9

Concurrent Processing Definitions (continued)

In SRS, a parameter is a report variable whose value you can change each time you run a
report. For example, you might run an account balance report and change the account
number whenever you run the report. The account number is the parameter for the report.

Concurrent Processing Options

You can control and change certain run options for each of your concurrent requests. Not only
can you control and change the number of copies to print, which print style to use, and which
printer to use, but you can also choose to hold a request from being run, choose a specific
date or time to start a request, or choose to save the results of your concurrent request in a
standard file format.

Online Request Review

You can review the output and log files from your concurrent requests online. You can see the
results of a concurrent request without the delay of printing out the entire report or log file.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 10
Submit Request Flow

Using Standard Request Submission (SRS)

Using Standard Request Submission gives you control over how you can run your requests
and request sets.
There are three elements involved in submitting a request: selecting the request or
request set to be submitted, defining a submission schedule, and providing completion
Defining a schedule can be as simple as submitting As Soon as Possible, or it can
involve using a more complex schedule that you define when you first submit your
request. This schedule can then be used for other requests in the future.
Completion options enable you to deliver notification to others using Oracle Workflow, as
well as specifying which printers and how many copies of the output you want to
produce for each request.
You can submit as many requests as you like from the Submit Request window. You can
even submit a request more than once if you want to run the same request with different
parameter values.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 11
Submit a New Request

Submit a New Request

(N) Requests > Run (Forms-based UI; for example, from the System Administrator
(N) Schedule Requests (HTML-based UI; for example, from the System Administration
(N) Requests > Schedule (HTML-based UI, for example, from the System Administration

The responsibility you are using determines the requests that will appear in the list of available

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 12
Using Parameters

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 13
Defining a Submission Schedule

Submitting Requests
(N) Concurrent > Requests > Submit a New Request > (B) Schedule... (Forms-based UI)
(N) Schedule Requests > Schedule step (HTML-based UI)

The Schedule Window (Forms-based UI)

The scheduling window provides you with several scheduling options. You can choose to
reuse a schedule you previously defined and saved, or define a new schedule. You can define
your schedule to run a request as soon as possible, at a specific time, or repeatedly at specific
intervals, or on specific days of the week or month.
When saving your schedule you must provide a unique name. You can also provide additional
information in the Description field.

Simple Schedule and Advanced Schedule (HTML-based UI)

The Simple Schedule option allows you to define a schedule to run a request your schedule to
run a request as soon as possible or at a specified start time. You can have the request
repeat and specify an end time as well. The Advanced Schedule gives you the additional
options of specifying months, dates within a month, and days of the week.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 14
Defining a Submission Schedule

Define Submission Schedule (continued)

(N) Concurrent > Requests > Submit a New Request > (B) Schedule... (Forms-based UI)
(N) Schedule Requests > Schedule step (HTML-based UI)

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 15
Defining Completion Options (Forms UI)

Submitting Requests
(N) Concurrent > Requests > Submit a New Request > (B) OK > (B) Options... (Forms-based

Layout Options and Layout Language Options

If the request was implemented using BI Publisher and has multiple layouts available, you can
select one of the available layout templates to apply. If you are supporting multiple languages
you can select the language for the output. You can also select the type of output that you
For language options for the Layout, if you selected multiple language outputs from the
Languages window, a separate template entry displays for each language. You can apply a
different template for each language. The Template Language defaults to the language
selected for the request. If the template is not available for a selected language, this field
defaults to the session language.
If you selected multiple language outputs from the Languages window, you can select a
language for each person to notify.
If you selected multiple language outputs from the Languages window, you can select a
language for each printer.

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Chapter 8 - Page 16
Defining Completion Options (HTML-based UI)

Submitting Requests
(N) Schedule Requests (HTML-based UI)

Language Options
For language options for the Layout, if you selected multiple language outputs earlier, a
separate template entry displays for each language. You can apply a different template for
each language. The Template Language defaults to the language selected for the request. If
the template is not available for a selected language, this field defaults to the session
If you selected multiple language outputs from the Languages window, you can select a
language for each person to notify.
If you selected multiple language outputs from the Languages window, you can select a
language for each printer.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 17
Request ID

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 18
Reprinting a Report

Reprinting a Report
(N) Requests > View (Forms-based UI)
(N) Monitor Requests > (B) Search (HTML-based UI)
Use one of the above navigation paths to find a specific request.
Note: The Profile Option Concurrent:Save Output must be set to Yes.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 19
Use the Requests Window to View and Change Requests

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 20
How to Use the Requests Window (Forms-based UI)

How to Use the Requests Window (Forms-based UI)

Display the Find Requests window by navigating to (N) Requests > View.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 21
How to Use the Requests Page (HTML-based UI)

How to Use the Requests Page (HTML-based UI)

Display the Requests page by navigating to (N) Monitor Requests.
By default, your requests submitted in the past 24 hours are shown. You can change this
criteria using the dropdown list and clicking Go; other options available here are : All,
Completed, Last 24 hours, Pending, and Running.
To enter more specific criteria, use (B) Search.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 22
Additional Tasks for Requests

Additional Tasks
For the Forms-based Requests window, use the buttons provided for these tasks:
Refresh Data - Re-queries the lines in the request table.
Find Requests - Displays the Find Request window to perform a search.
Submit a New Request - Displays the Submit a New Request window.
Hold Request - Puts a request on hold if the request has not started running.
Cancel Request - Cancels a request.
For the HTML-based Requests page, you can access the same functionality:
Refresh Data - Use (B) Refresh on the main page to refresh the data in the Requests
Summary Table. Use (B) Refresh on a single request's Details page to refresh its data.
Find Requests - Use (B) Search.
Submit a New Request - Use (B) Submit Requests.
Hold Request - For a request that has not started running, click on the request's Details
icon to access its Details page, from which you can use (B) Hold Request to place it on
Cancel Request - Use (B) Cancel Request from the request's Details page.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 23
Additional Tasks for Requests, continued

Additional Tasks for Requests, continued

In the Forms-based Requests window, buttons are provided for additional tasks.
In the HMTL-based UI, you can view report output from the main Requests page. Click the
Details link to view details, diagnostic information, and log files.
In order to use (B) View Output, your program must have paper output. If the report file format
you selected for your request has multiple MIME types associated with it, clicking (B) View
Output will display a window prompting you to select the MIME type you wish to use to view
your output.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 24
Viewer Options Window

Use the Viewer Options Window to Define MIME Types

(N) Install > Viewer Options (Forms-based UI)
You can use one MIME type to view reports of a certain format. For example, you can view all
text format reports in Microsoft Word. MIME types for supported formats for a particular user
are set by several profile options. Seeded MIME types are:
Viewer: Application for HTML
Viewer: Application for PCL
Viewer: Application for PDF
Viewer: Application for PostScript
Viewer: Application for Text
Viewer: Application for XML
The MIME type selected for a users report is sent to a browser window when the user views a
report of that file format.
For more information on associating file formats with MIME types see:
(Help) Applied Technology > Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration > Maintenance >
Managing Concurrent Processing and Concurrent Programs > How to View Request Status
and Output > Defining the Reports Viewer

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 25
Canceling a Request

Canceling a Request That Has Not Yet Completed

(N) Requests > View (B) > Find > Cancel Request (B) (Forms-based UI)
(N) Requests > Details > Cancel Request (B) (HTML-based UI)
If you cancel a request set, then Oracle E-Business Suite automatically cancels all requests in
the set.
If you cancel a request that is scheduled to repeat, then Oracle E-Business Suite cancels that
request and future executions that had been scheduled.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 26
Holding a Request

Holding a Request That Has Not Started Running

(N) Requests > View (B) > Find > Hold Request (B) (Forms-based UI)
(N) Requests > Details > Hold Request (B) (HTML-based UI)
Only requests that have not started running can be put on hold.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 27
Changing Request Options

Changing Request Option

(N) Requests > View (B) Find (Forms-based UI)
Note: You can change the following only if the request or request set is Pending or
- Start Date and Time
- Printer and number of copies
- Save output
- Resubmission options

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 28
Four Phases of a Concurrent Request

Four Phases of a Concurrent Request

The system administrator must periodically review the status of Oracle E-Business Suite
programs to determine a particular requests status in its lifecycle. A concurrent request has a
lifecycle of either three or possibly four phases:
Pending: The request is waiting to be run.
Running: The request is running.
Completed: The request has finished execution.
Inactive: The request cannot yet be run.

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Pending Phase

Pending Phase
A program in the Pending phase can be in one of four statuses:
Normal: The program is waiting for an available manager.
Waiting: A child program is waiting for a parent to mark it ready to run.
Standby: A program is waitiang for another incompatible program in the same logical
database to complete.
Scheduled: A programs scheduled start time has not yet elapsed.

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Chapter 8 - Page 30
Running Phase

Running Phase
A program in the Running phase can be in one of four statuses:
Normal: Program is in progress.
Paused: A parent program is waiting for one or more child programs to complete.
Resuming: A parent program is continuing after the completion of one or more child
Terminating: The program is being terminated.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 31
Completed Phase

Completed Phase
A program in the Completed phase can be in one of five statuses:
Normal: Program completed successfully.
Warning: Program completed successfully but with warning messages.
Error: Program failed to complete successfully.
Terminated: A running program was terminated.
Canceled: A pending or inactive program was canceled before it started.

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Chapter 8 - Page 32
Inactive Phase

Inactive Phase
A program in the Inactive phase can be in one of three statuses:
Disabled: The requested program has not been enabled for execution.
On Hold: The requested program has been placed on hold.
No Manager: There is no manager defined to run this type of request.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 33
System Administrator Monitoring Privileges

Monitoring Privileges of the System Administrator

The system administrators privileges extend beyond those of the end user. The system
administrator can perform all the operations shown on the slide. However, the system
administrator cannot view the actual output of another users report.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 34
Review Log Files

Log File Descriptions

Request Log: When a user submits a request in Oracle E-Business Suite, a concurrent
manager processes the request and creates a diagnostic log file. Request Log files document
the execution of a concurrent program running as the result of a concurrent request. The file
contains the program parameters, the start and completion times, and any error messages.
Both the user and the system administrator can access this file.
Manager Log: Manager Log files document the performance of a concurrent manager that is
running a request. The Manager Log lists each request processed by this manager in
descending order by start date and time. This file is accessible by both the user and the
system administrator.
Internal Manager Log File: This file documents the performance of the Internal Concurrent
Manager. It displays parameter values that are loaded when the Internal Concurrent Manager
is started (STARTMGR command) and records the time that each concurrent manager is
started and when each process monitor session (or PMON) cycle is initiated. During each
PMON cycle, the Internal Concurrent Manager verifies the correct operation of each defined
concurrent manager. Only the System Administrator can access the Internal Concurrent
Manager Log file.
Note: In Release 12.2, by default, request log files are stored under $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG.
But if the variable $APPLLDM is set to "product", then the log files go under
$APPLCSF/$<PROD>/$APPLLOG. By default, manager log files are stored under
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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 35
$APPLCSF/$APPLLOG; but if $APPLLDM is set to "product", then the manager log files are
stored under $APPLCSF/system/$APPLLOG. In other words, setting $APPLLDM to "product"
allows you to separate the request log files by product under $APPLCSF, with all manager log
files being stored under $APPLCSF/system/$APPLLOG.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 36
Managing Log Files and Tables

Managing Log Files and Tables

Purging Log Data: Eventually the tables holding log information consume disk space with
data that may no longer be of use to you. To conserve disk space, you should periodically
delete Oracle E-Business Suite log files and output files. Your companys MIS department and
application users should agree on an archiving and file retention policy appropriate for your
Use the Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data program to purge Request Log files,
Concurrent Manager Log files, and report output files from your product directories maintained
by the operating system, as well as records from Application Object Library tables that contain
history information about concurrent requests and concurrent manager processes. The Purge
Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data program allows you to select a specific application
for which you want to purge request data or manager data.
Scheduling Purge Submissions: Run the Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data
program once and automatically resubmit the program to run at specific time intervals. Use
the Parameters window to specify various criteria with which you can control the timing and
frequency of program execution.
Loss of Audit Data: Be aware that purging concurrent request information loses audit details
used by the Sign-on Audit Concurrent Requests Report.

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 37
Purge Request Results

Results of Purge Requests

The slide shows the database tables and the operating system files affected by a purge
request. On the Parameters form of the Purge Concurrent request and/or Manager Data
program, you can specify that either request data (Entity=Request) or manager data
(Entity=Manager) be purged. The slide shows the effects of the different requests.

Database Table Descriptions

FND_CONC_REQUEST_ARGUMENTS: This table records arguments passed by the
concurrent manager to each program it starts running.
FND_RUN_REQUESTS: For submitted report sets, this table stores information about
the reports in the report set and the parameter values for each report.
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS: This table contains a complete history of all
concurrent requests.
FND_DUAL: This table records when requests do not update database tables.
FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES: This table records information about Oracle E-
Business Suite and operating system processes.

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Chapter 8 - Page 38

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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 39
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Introduction to Concurrent Requests

Chapter 8 - Page 40
Managing Concurrent
Chapter 9

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 1
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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 2
Managing Concurrent Requests

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 3

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 4
Grouping Concurrent Programs and Requests

Grouping Concurrent Programs and Requests

Grouping concurrent programs and other requests together allows you to control access and
streamline processing. In Oracle E-Business Suite, you group programs and requests into
request groups and request sets.

Request Groups
A request group is a collection of reports and other concurrent programs. You use request
groups to implement security at the responsibility level. Request groups are normally
associated with a responsibility, in which case they are referred to as request security groups.
Any user of a responsibility has access to the reports in that responsibilitys request security
Additionally, you can define a request group to have an access code. You can then define the
form so that it allows users to select only those reports or concurrent programs belonging to a
request group with an assigned code.

Request Sets
A request set is a collection of concurrent programs set up to run in a specified sequence from
a single transaction. Request sets can also have run and/or print options, which apply to every
member of the set. Programs in a request set can share parameters; therefore a parameter
value needs to be entered only once for multiple programs. Any user can create a request set.
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Chapter 9 - Page 5
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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 6
Creating a Request Group

Request Group Creation

(N) Security > Responsibility > Request (Forms-based UI)
Note: There is no HTML-based page for this functionality.
An application name is required when defining the request set. This application name and the
request group name uniquely identify this request set. The application name does not prevent
you from assigning reports and report sets from other applications to this group.
For more information see:
(Help) Applied Technology > Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration > Configuration
> Overview of Concurrent Programs and Requests > Request Groups Window

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 7
Using a Request Group with a Code

Using a Request Group with a Code

The code must not contain any spaces. The combination of the application and the code
identify the request group.

Customizing the Submit Requests Window using Codes (Forms UI only)

You can give the Submit Requests Window a different title, and define the form so that it
allows users to select only those reports or concurrent programs belonging to a request group
that you have assigned a code to. To do this, you register a form function that references the
Submit Requests Window, and you pass certain arguments to the function. Then you
construct your menu to include this form function. For more information, see: the Oracle E-
Business Suite Security Guide.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 8
Submitting Requests: Form Compared with Responsibility

Submitting Requests: Form Versus Responsibility

The request processing is different depending on whether you are using a normal request
group or a coded request group.

Responsibility-Based Access
This is the typical way a user submits a report. The menu prompt Run does not pass any
arguments to the Submit Requests form when the prompt is chosen.
The list of values includes all the programs in the responsibilitys request security group.

Form-Based Access
This type of access uses a coded request group. In this method, when a modified menu
prompt is chosen, it calls a form function to pass an argument (the code) to the Submit
Requests form.
The only programs displayed in the Submit Requests list of values are those defined to the
coded request group.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 9
Implementing a Coded Request Group

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 10
Customization Example

Customization Example
The slide shows the values that are used in the following example.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 11
Creating the New Form Function

Creating the Form Function

(N) Application > Function
Type is a non-validated field used to enter a description of the functions use.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 12
Passable Request Parameters for Request Groups

Passable Request Parameters

The slide shows the parameters you can pass in your new function. The two request group
parameters must be used together. Remember that when the request group was created, it
was associated with an application. You must pass both the code and the short name of the
application for the system to identify the correct request group.
For a complete explanation of these parameters and other request parameters, refer to the
Concurrent Processing chapter in the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 13
Adding the Function to the Menu

(N) Application > Menu

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 14
Using a Request Group Code as an Argument

Using a Request Group Code as an Argument

This page describes the parameters passed to associate a request group with the Submit
Requests Window and to customize the title of that form. Text is entered in the Parameters
field of the Form Functions form.
In the slide, the parameter syntax is given followed by an example. Explanations of each is
provided below.
REQUEST_GROUP_CODE: This parameter passes the request group's code.
REQUEST_ GROUP_APPL_SHORT_NAME: This parameter identifies the short name
for the application associated with the request group. (Required)
TITLE: This parameter identifies a message whose contents define the title, as well as
the application short name of that message. (Optional)
LOOKUP: This parameter indicates whether the TITLE parameter is a message name or
a hardcoded string. The default value is "Y", which indicates that TITLE is a message
name. (Optional)

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 15
Customizing the Submit Requests Window

Customizing the Submit Requests Window

You can customize the Submit Requests Window in several ways.
Rename the Window Title: You can change the title to reflect the requests available in
the window.
Restrict Requests Available to A Request Group: You can restrict the reports and
programs available to those in a specified request group.
Restrict Requests to a Single Request: You can call Submit Requests form for a single
request submission by passing the program/set name as parameters. The parameters
window pops up on navigation to the form when called with a program/report_set name.
The form exits after the user acknowledges the displayed request ID for the submitted
Restrict Requests To A List of Requests: You can call Submit Requests form to submit
one or more requests for a single program/set by passing the program/set name as
parameters. The parameters window pops up on navigation to the form and the user can
submit one or more requests for the program/set that was passed as a parameter.
Requests for other programs cannot be submitted in this case.
Pass Parameters Used in Value Set Parameters: You can pass additional parameters to
the Submit Requests form that can be referenced in the value sets to validate the
request parameters.
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Chapter 9 - Page 16
Pass Manufacturing "ORG" Parameters: You can pass 5 ORG related parameters and
refer to them in the value set. Alternatively, you can bring up a ORG LOV on navigation
to the Submit Requests form that populates the ORG parameters which can be
referenced in the value sets.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 17
List of All Submit Request Parameters

List of All Submit Request Parameters

Below is the comprehensive list of parameters supported by the "Run Requests"/SRS form
and additional information about their usage.
SUBMIT_ONCE (default 'N')
- SUBMIT_ONCE can be set to either Y or N ( N is the default).
- SUBMIT_ONCE is used in conjunction with CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME
- If SUBMIT_ONCE is set to Y, then the form will exit after the Submit button is
LOOKUP (default 'N')
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Chapter 9 - Page 18
- If USE_ORG is set to 'Y' (default is 'N') then the Submit Requests form checks to
see if the other ORG parameters are set. If the parameters are not set, then it
attempts to populate the parameters from the globals (GLOBAL.FND_ORG_ID,
GLOBAL.FND_ORG_NAME, etc.). If the globals have not yet been set, the an
ORG LOV shows, and both the parameters and the globals are populated from the
- Values sets should always reference the parameters, not the globals.
In your value sets, refer to these last three parameters as:

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 19
Controlling Access to Concurrent Programs using RBAC

Controlling Access to Concurrent Programs using Role-Based Access Control

Administrators can assign individual programs/sets, all programs/sets in a request group,
programs/sets belonging to one or more applications, and so on, either to the user directly or
to a role that can then be assigned to one or more users. If applications are included in the
request groups, all programs/requests sets that are created in these applications will also be
automatically included. Please note that request submission applies to both programs and
request sets.
Two instance sets are seeded to be used for assignments (new ones can be created as well):
All programs in a given request security group
All request sets in a given request security group
For more information on RBAC, see: Overview of Access Control with Oracle User
Management, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 20
Enabling Access to Concurrent Programs using RBAC

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 21
Enabling Access to Concurrent Programs using RBAC, continued

Enabling Access to Concurrent Programs using RBAC, continued

Note that there are two seeded grants for all users to account for request group assignments
that already exist for legacy responsibilities:
Programs - Grant Defaults
Request Sets - Grant Defaults

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 22
Controlling Access to Viewing Requests using RBAC

Controlling Access to Viewing Requests using RBAC

Note that this method using RBAC replaces the functionality using the profile option
Concurrent: Report Access Level found in earlier releases of Oracle E-Business Suite.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 23
Controlling Access to Viewing Requests using RBAC

Example of Controlling Access to Viewing Requests using RBAC

Follow the steps above to grant a specific programs requests to a group of users:
Create an instance set that selects all the requests for the program. Navigation:
Functional Developer responsibility, (T) Security > Object. Query Concurrent Requests.
(T) Object Instance Sets > (B) Create Instance Set.
Create a grant to the instance set to a role. Navigation: Functional Administrator
responsibility > (T) Grants > (B) Create Grant.
Assign the role to users. Navigation: User Management responsibility > (T) Users. Query
[user} > Update > (B) Assign Roles.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 24
Defining a Request Set

Defining Request Sets

By defining request sets, you can submit the same set of requests regularly with a single
transaction. Use the Request Set window to create and edit request sets. You can also use
the Request Set Wizard to create simple request sets.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 25
Request Set Stages

Organizing Requests with Stages

Request sets are divided into one or more stages, which are linked to determine the sequence
in which the requests will run. Each stage consists of one or more requests that you want to
run in parallel (at the same time in any order). For example, in the simplest request set
structure, all requests are assigned to one stage thus allowing all requests to run in parallel.
To run requests in sequence, assign requests to different stages and then link the stages in
the order you want the requests to run.
The concurrent manager allows only one stage in a request to run at a time. When one stage
is complete, the next stage is submitted. A stage is not considered complete until all of the
requests in the stage are complete. One advantage of using stages is the ability to run several
requests in parallel and then move sequentially to the next stage, thus enabling you to create
more versatile and efficient request sets.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 26
Stage Status

Using Stage Status

Like request sets and concurrent requests, stages can complete with different statuses. Each
stage can complete with a status of Success, Warning, or Error. You can use these
completion statuses to structure your request set by defining which stage will follow the
current stage based on its completion status.
The request set in the slide always starts with Stage 1. If Stage 1 were to complete with the
status of Warning, then the Warning link would be followed and Stage 3 would be submitted.
The status of a completed stage is set according to the highest error status returned by the
individual requests comprising the stage. Therefore, in order for the stage to complete with a
status of Success, all the requests that make up the stage must have completed with a status
of Success. If one request completes with a status of Error, the status for the stage will be
Error, regardless of the statuses of the other requests.

Restarting Request Sets

If a request set stage completes with a status of Error, you can restart the request set at the
point of the error after fixing the cause of the error. In such an instance, the system captures
information on the first stage that fails. and the Restart button in the Oracle Applications
Manager - View Completed Requests page is enabled. When you click on the Restart button
the request set can restart from the point of the error.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 27
Once the stage has been identified, the request set program submits the stage program in
resubmit mode. In this mode, the program looks at the same stage from the previous run and
determines which programs need to be rerun, (only those that ended in error), and runs those
programs. If this stage completes successfully or has a Warning status, the system proceeds
to the next stage using the normal mechanism of restarting the request set program.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 28
Linking of Stages

Linking of Stages
There are no restrictions on linking stages within a request set. Any stage can be linked to
any other stage, including itself. Two or more links can point to the same stage. For example,
one stage can link to another if the completion status of the first is Success or Warning, and
link to a third stage if the status is Error.
You determine the end of a request by not specifying a follow-up stage for each completion
status. You can end a request set after any stage in the set. When any stage completes with
a status that does not link to another stage, the request set ends.
You can use the linking of stages to control your request set. By using the Request Set
Wizard button in the Request Set window you can create the request set as follows:
Run in Parallel creates one stage containing all of the requests you wish to run in
Run Sequentially creates a separate stage containing the request or requests for each
step in the sequence and link in the appropriate order.
Run Sequentially but abort on Error sets up your sequence the same as it did for Run
Sequentially, but when it links the stages, it does not enter a follow-up stage as a link in
the Error completion status field.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 29
Defining Request Sets Step 1: Enter Request Set Name

Defining A Request Set

(N) Requests > Set (Forms-based UI only)
Note: There is no HTML-based page for this functionality.
The Owner field defaults to your user name and can be changed only by your system

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 30
Defining Request Sets Step 1: Enter Request Set Name

Defining A Request Set (continued)

If the current date is outside the Active Dates From and To range you define, the request set
will not be available in the Submit Requests window.
Selecting the Print Together check box will send all your requests to the printer together when
they complete.
Select the Allow Incompatibility check box to have the system check for incompatible
programs when the request set is run. If this check box is left unchecked, then incompatibility
rules will be ignored.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 31
Defining Request Sets Step 2: Define a Stage

Defining A Request Set (continued)

(N) Requests > Set > (B) Define Stages

Defining Stages
The value for the Display Sequence field is defaulted in sequence as you enter your stages.
You may change the display order of the stages by modifying the field.
The default value for the Function field is Standard Evaluation that bases its completion status
on the normal completion status of the requests it contains.
If you select the Return Value check box for more than one stage, the completion status of the
request set will equal the completion status of the last of these stages to run.
Select the Allow Incompatibility check box to have the system check for incompatible
programs when the request set is run. If this check box is left unchecked, then incompatibility
rules will be ignored.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 32
Defining Request Sets Step 3: Enter Requests for Stage

Defining Stages (continued)

(N) Requests > Set > (B) Define Stages > (B) Requests

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 33
Defining Request Sets Step 4: Enter Request Parameter

Request Parameters
((N) Requests > Set > (B) Define Stages > (B) Requests > (B) Parameters

Request Parameters Window

Use the Request Parameters window to customize the parameter values of a specific request
in a request set. The fields at the top of the Request Parameters window list general
information about the current request set for which you can customize the parameter values.
The multi-row portion of the window lists the parameters for that request.
The Sequence and Prompt fields are display only.
Selecting the Display check box specifies visibility of a request parameter at submission
Selecting the Modify check box to specifies you can insert or change the value for a
request parameter at submission time.
Using the Shared Parameter field sets a default value for a parameter that occurs in
more than one report or program of a request set. Use the shared parameter label to set
an initial default value for all occurrences of the same parameter so you can avoid typing
the same value all over again for every occurrence of the parameter.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 34
Defining Request Sets Step 5: Link Stages

Linking Stages in a Request Set

(N) Requests > Set > (B) Link Stages
Success, Warning, and Error columns - To ensure a particular stage follows the preceding
stage regardless of the completion status, enter the desired stage in all three columns. To
stop the request set if a stage ends in Error, leave the Error column blank. Any time you do
not specifically indicate which stage should follow for a completion status, the request set will
exit on that completion status.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 35
Submitting a Request Set

Who Can Use a Request Set

(N) Requests > Run > (Option) Request Set > (B) OK (Forms-based UI, System Administrator
(N) Request Set > Schedule (HTML-based UI, System Administration responsibility)
After you define a request set, it becomes your private request set. You can run it as long as
you have access to an SRS flow that does not limit access to specific requests.
Other users can run the request set only if your system administrator assigns the request set
to their responsibilitys request group. It is possible to have a request set in your request group
that contains individual requests not in your request group, but you can only edit request sets
you own. You can add any requests in your request group to the request set. You can delete
any request from the request set, regardless of whether that request is in your request group.
To update information about an individual request in the request set, however, the request set
must be in your request group.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 36
User Request Set Privileges

Request Set Privileges

You can control request set ownership to manage request set editing and run privileges.

Application User Editing Privileges

Application users define a request set by selecting reports or other concurrent programs
from their current responsibilitys request security group.
Application users automatically own the sets they create.
Application users can always edit the sets they own. However, they cannot edit a
request set they do not own.

Request Sets and Request Security Groups

After changing responsibilities, application users can add reports from their current (new)
responsibilitys request security group to a request set they own.
After changing responsibilities, application users can delete reports from a request set
they own, regardless of whether the report is in the new responsibilitys request security

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 37
System Administrator Request Set Privileges

System Administrator Request Set Privileges

System administrators can define or edit a request set to include any standard
submission report or concurrent program.
System administrators do not automatically own the request sets they define. Request
sets defined by a system administrator initially do not have an owner.
System administrators can assign or change ownership of any request set.
If a request set is assigned to an owner but not to the owners request security group as
well, the reports contained in the request set are available only to the owner.
System administrators can edit any request set, whether the set is owned or not.
System administrators can assign any request set to any request security group, even if
the request set contains individual reports not in the request security group. However,
this privilege provides the members of a responsibility access to reports and programs
outside their request security group.

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 38

Complete the Scheduling Requests Using HTML-based Standard Request

Submission, Scheduling Requests Using Forms Standard Request Submission,
Request Groups, Coded Request Groups, Request Access Level, and Request
Sets Using Wizard activities which are provided for your reference and future

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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 39
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Managing Concurrent Requests

Chapter 9 - Page 40
Administering Concurrent
Chapter 10

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 1
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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 2
Administering Concurrent Managers

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 3

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 4
Concurrent Requests, Programs, and Processes

Concurrent Requests, Programs, and Processes

When a user runs a report, a request to run the report is generated. The command to run the
report is a concurrent request. The program that generates the report is a concurrent
program. Concurrent programs are started by a concurrent manager.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 5
Overview of Concurrent Processing

Overview of Concurrent Processing

A concurrent manager is itself a concurrent program that starts other concurrent programs
running. When an application user submits a request to run a program, the request is entered
into a database table that lists all of the requests. Concurrent managers read requests from
the table and start programs running.
Part of a managers definition is how many operating system processes it can devote to
running requests. This number is referred to as the managers number of target processes.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 6
Generic Service Management (GSM)

Generic Service Management (GSM)

Generic Service Management (also called simply Service Management) provides a powerful
framework for managing processes on multiple host machines. Concurrent managers as well
as other application tier services can be managed under GSM. Managed services besides
concurrent managers include the Oracle Forms Listener, Oracle Reports Server, and the
Oracle Workflow Mailer.
With Generic Service Management, the Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM) manages the
various service processes across multiple hosts. On each host, a Service Manager acts on
behalf of the ICM, allowing the ICM to monitor and control service processes on that host.
You can then configure, monitor, and control services through the Oracle Applications
Manager console.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 7
Defining a Concurrent Manager

Defining a Concurrent Manager

Concurrent managers can be defined to process only certain types of requests and to operate
during certain times of the day.
Scheduling Requests - You can schedule when a manager operates by defining one or
more work shifts and associating the manager with a work shift.
Segregating Requests - You can define specialization rules to identify the kinds of
requests a manager will read. Specialize managers so they only read requests to start
certain kinds of programs.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 8
Defining a Concurrent Manager

Defining a Concurrent Manager

(N) Concurrent > Manager > Define (System Administrator responsibility)
(N) Oracle Applications Manager > Site Map > Administration (T) > Request Processing
Managers (under Application Services) > Create New (B) (System Administrator or System
Administration responsibility)
Concurrent Managers can also be defined using the following navigation path: Oracle
Applications Manager > Concurrent Managers > Select Request Processing Manager, View
Details (B) > Create New (B)

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 9
Defining Work Shifts

Defining Work Shifts

(N) Concurrent > Manager > Workshifts (System Administrator responsibility)
(N) Oracle Applications Manager > Site Map > Administration (T) > Request Processing
Managers (under Application Services) > Create New (B) or Edit (B) for a selected service >
Add from Available Shifts (B) > Create New (B) (System Administrator or System
Administration responsibility)
A concurrent manager operates only during its specified work shift. Use military time notation
to define a work shiftthat is, use 24 hours rather than 12.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 10
Balancing Process Workload Over Time

Balancing Process Workload

You can create multiple work shifts for a concurrent manager to regulate the number of
operating system processes the manager starts up at different times of the day and different
days of the week.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 11
Work Shift Hierarchy

Overlapping Workshifts
When work shifts overlap, the work shift with the more specific time period takes effect for the
overlapping time period. For example, a work shift for January 1 overrides a work shift from
9:00 am to 5:00 PM every Monday through Friday.
When work shifts with the same hierarchy level overlap, the work shift with the largest number
of target processes takes effect.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 12
Concurrent Managers: Program Libraries

Concurrent Managers: Program Libraries

(N) Concurrent > Manager > Define (System Administrator responsibility)
(N) Oracle Applications Manager > Site Map > Administration (T) > Request Processing
Managers (under Application Services) > Create New (B) (System Administrator or System
Administration responsibility)

Immediate Programs and Spawned Programs

Immediate concurrent programs are C or PRO*C subroutines linked with concurrent
managers. Most concurrent programs are spawned as independent processes at run time
instead of running as subroutines. If you are defining a new concurrent program, you should
run the program as a spawned program rather than as an immediate program.
Examples of these are:
FNDLIBR: Contains immediate concurrent programs used by Oracle Application Object
INVLIBR: Contains immediate concurrent programs used by Oracle Inventory.
MFCLIBR: Contains immediate concurrent programs used by Oracle Manufacturing.
PALIBR: Contains immediate concurrent programs used by Oracle Projects.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 13
Note: You will not usually create immediate concurrent programs. The immediate concurrent
programs are created by the product teams based on the requirement.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 14
Assigning Workshifts to a Manager

Assigning Work Shifts to a Manager

(N) Concurrent > Manager > Define > (B) Workshifts (System Administrator responsibility)
(N) Oracle Applications Manager > Site Map > Administration (T) > Request Processing
Managers (under Application Services) > Create New (B) or Edit (B) for a selected service >
Add from Available Shifts (B) (System Administrator or System Administration responsibility)

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 15
Specializing a Concurrent Manager

Specializing a Concurrent Manager

(N) Concurrent > Manager > Define > Specialization Rules (B) (System Administrator
(N) Oracle Applications Manager > Site Map > Administration (T) > Request Processing
Managers (under Application Services) > Create New (B) > Rules region (System
Administrator or System Administration responsibility)

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 16
Specialization Rules

Defining Specialization Rules

Use actions and qualifications to define specialization rules. An action defines a concurrent
managers behavior toward the request.
Include and Exclude Actions
The manager runs included requests.
The manager does not run excluded requests.
Exclusion rules override inclusion rules.

Example Rules
The example rules would result in a managers reading requests for all programs assigned to
Oracle Purchasing except programs defined with the request type Month-End Rep.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 17
Action Types

Action Types
Use action types to specify the actions of a manager. An action type specifies the type of
request to which an action refers.
Programs that connect to a specific Oracle E-Business Suite account (Oracle ID).
For example, you could include for processing all programs that connect to the Oracle
Payables account AP1.
Specific programs by name. For example, you could include for processing the Oracle
General Ledger program Trial Balance-Budget. When using an action type of program,
you specify the application and the program name.
Certain request types. For example, you could include for processing all programs
defined as a request type of Month-End Reports.
Programs requested by certain users. For example, you could include for processing
all programs requested by the user Operations.
Combined rule. A combined rule combines more than one action to generate a single

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 18
Specializing a Concurrent Manager: Combined Rules

Combined Rules
(N) Concurrent > Manager > Rule (System Administrator responsibility)

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 19
Combining Multiple Actions Within Rules

Combining Multiple Actions in Rules

Multiple include actions in a combined rule behave differently from other multiple include
actions in a specialization rule.
A specialized include rule is associated with a specific concurrent manager. A combined
include rule is an independent rule possibly associated with multiple managers.
Multiple specialized include rules create OR clauses, allowing more requests to be read
by the manager.
Multiple combined include rules create AND clauses, further restricting a manager from
reading the request.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 20
Concurrent Request Types

Defining Request Types

(N) Concurrent > Program > Types (System Administrator responsibility)

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 21
Using Request Types

How to Define and Use Request Types

There are three steps in defining and using request types:
Identify a category of programs according to some criterion. Define a request type for
that category of programs.
Identify a concurrent program according to the new request type.
Use the new request type in a managers specialization rule.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 22
Conflicts Domains

The Purpose of Conflicts Domains

Concurrent processing resolves conflicts and imposes constraints within a domain and not
across. That is, two incompatible programs A and B will not run concurrently when they are
submitted within the same domain. But, if A is submitted within domain D1 and B is submitted
within D2, they may run concurrently.

Defining Conflicts Domains

(N) Concurrent > Conflicts Domains (System Administrator responsibility)
To prevent two programs from concurrently accessing or updating the same data, you have to
know where in terms of data, they are incompatible. A Conflict Domain identifies the data that
creates the incompatibility.
In Oracle E-Business Suite data is stored in database tables belonging to a particular
application. Each table may also contain information used to determine what conditions need
to be met to access the individual records. These conditions may consist of one or more of the
following data groupings:
General Ledger Data Access Set (determined by the profile option GL: Data Access Set,
Multiple Orgs (determined by profile option INV_ORGANIZATION_ID, used by
Manufacturing applications)
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Chapter 10 - Page 23
HR may use business group as a conflict domain
Fixed Assets may use a Fixed Assets book
A conflict domain is an abstract representation of the groupings used to partition your data.
There is no limit to the number of domains that can be defined, but excessive domains may
impact performance.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 24
Processing Conflicts Domain

Processing Conflicts Domain

All programs are assigned a conflict domain when they are submitted. If a domain is defined
as part of a parameter the concurrent manager will use it to resolve incompatibilities. If the
domain is not defined by a parameter, the concurrent manager uses the value defined for the
profile option Concurrent: Conflicts Domain. Lastly, if the domain is not provided by a program
parameter and the Concurrent: Conflicts Domain profile option has not been defined, the
Standard domain is used. The Standard domain is the default for all requests.
Each request submitted uses parameters identifying the records it will access. For programs
defined with incompatibility rules the conflict domain parameter is used additionally. The
conflict domain may be set automatically based on such variables as logon ID, ledgers, or the
organization the user is working in. The conflict domain parameter may in some cases be
selected in the parameters field of the Submit Requests flow.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 25
Control Functions of Concurrent Managers (Forms-based UI)

Activating and Deactivating Concurrent Managers

(N) Concurrent > Manager > Administer (Forms-based UI, System Administrator
You can control concurrent managers by activating or deactivating one or all of the managers.
Activate All Managers Simultaneously: When you activate the Internal Concurrent
Manager, it starts up all the concurrent managers. You can only activate the Internal
Concurrent Manager using the server side scripts.
Deactivate All Managers Simultaneously: When you deactivate the Internal Concurrent
Manager, it shuts down all the concurrent managers. You can deactivate the Internal
Concurrent Manager from either the Administer Concurrent Managers window or the
operating system.
Activating and Deactivating Individual Managers: You can activate individual concurrent
managers by using the Administer Concurrent Managers window. The Internal Concurrent
Manager must be active for an individual manager to be active. Deactivate individual
concurrent managers by using the Administer Concurrent Managers window.

Internal Manager Control Functions

Verify Concurrent Manager Status: Manually executes the process monitoring (PMON)
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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 26
Deactivate Concurrent Manager: Deactivates the Internal Concurrent Manager and all other
Terminate Requests and Deactivate Manager: All running requests running concurrent
programs) are terminated, and all managers are deactivated.

Any Other Manager Control Functions

Activate Concurrent Manager: If the manager is defined to work in the current work shift, it
starts immediately.
Restart Concurrent Manager: Available for running managers only. When the Internal
Concurrent Manager picks up a Restart request, it will shut the manager down. Then in the
next PMON cycle after the manager is down, the ICM will reread the manager's definition and
start it back up.
Note: The concurrent manager is not restarted immediately after the request is made.
Deactivate Concurrent Manager: Deactivates the manager. All requests (concurrent
programs) currently running are allowed to be completed before the manager shuts down. A
manager will not restart until you select the manager and choose Activate Concurrent
Terminate Request and Deactivate Manager: All running requests (running concurrent
programs) handled by the manager are terminated. Once deactivated a manager will not
restart until you select the manager and choose Activate Concurrent Manager.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 27
Managing Concurrent Processing with Oracle Applications Manager

Managing Concurrent Processing with Oracle Applications Manager

(N) Oracle Applications Manager > Concurrent Managers (System Administrator or System
Administration responsibility)
In addition to creating a concurrent manager, you can also monitor concurrent managers in
OAM. A concurrent manager is considered an instance (a service instance) of a type of
service in OAM. The Status Overview tab lists the types of services monitored in OAM, and for
each one, its status and process information.
For Request Processing Managers (like that described earlier in this lesson), select "Request
Processing Manager" and View Details. The manager's status, state, node (if applicable) is
shown, as well as number of running requests, pending requests, actual processes, and target

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 28
Activating and Deactivating Concurrent Managers in Oracle
Applications Manager

Activating and Deactivating Services in Oracle Applications Manager

(N) Oracle Applications Manager > Concurrent Managers > Request Processing Manager,
View Details (B) (System Administrator or System Administration responsibility)
You can select a service type, such as Request Processing Manager for a concurrent
manager, and go to its Details page. You can choose a control function to act on all of the
instances or just one. Choose one of the following control functions:
Start (Activate)
Stop (Deactivate)
Abort (Terminate)

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 29
Internal Monitor and ICM

Internal Monitor Processes

You can provide fault tolerance for the Internal Concurrent Manager by using Internal Monitor
The Internal Concurrent Manager can run on any node and can activate and deactivate
concurrent managers on the same or other nodes. Because the Internal Concurrent Manager
must be active at all times, it needs high fault tolerance. To provide this fault tolerance,
parallel concurrent processing uses Internal Monitor Processes.
The sole job of an Internal Monitor Process is to monitor the Internal Concurrent Manager and
to restart that manager if it fails. The first Internal Monitor Process to detect the failure of the
Internal Concurrent Manager restarts the Internal Concurrent Manager on its own node.
Only one Internal Monitor Process can be active on a single node. You decide which nodes
have an Internal Monitor Process when you configure your system. You can also assign each
Internal Monitor Process a primary and secondary node to ensure its protection.
Internal Monitor Processes, like concurrent managers, can have assigned work shifts and are
activated and deactivated by the Internal Concurrent Manager.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 30
Defining a Transaction Manager

Creating Custom Transaction Managers

(N) Concurrent > Manager > Define (System Administrator responsibility)
Because forms must be pre-coded to submit synchronous requests, you do not usually need
to create custom transaction managers.
Each transaction manager is associated with a particular data group. Transaction managers
can run requests submitted only from a responsibility associated with the same data group.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 31
Monitoring Concurrent Requests in Oracle Applications Manager

Monitoring Concurrent Requests in Oracle Applications Manager

(N) Oracle Applications Manager > Concurrent Requests (System Administration or System
Administrator responsibility)
Search results include the following for each request: Diagnostics, logs, and output.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 32
Concurrent Processing Charts in Oracle Applications Manager

Concurrent Processing Charts

(N) Oracle Applications Manager > Site Map > Monitoring > Performance, Concurrent
Processing Charts (System Administrator or System Administration responsibility)
Use these charts to see the number of running requests or the number of pending requests
per manager, for example, to see the current workload of processes on the system.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 33
Concurrent Processing Activity Reports

Concurrent Processing Activity Reports

(N) Oracle Applications Manager > Dashboard > Site Map > Monitoring > Usage, Concurrent
Processing Reports
The Concurrent Request Statistics by Program report summarizes concurrent request
statistics by program. These statistics can be useful when scheduling requests or balancing
load across nodes (using specialization rules). This report is based on data in the
fnd_concurrent_requests table, and is limited to the data in that table since the last time the
table was purged using the "Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data" concurrent
program. By default, the report displays data for the past week.
The Concurrent Request Statistics by Username report summarizes the concurrent request
statistics by username. These statistics can be useful to determine the usage pattern of
different users.
The Programs Usage Statistics report provides a summary of statistics on concurrent
programs, in which you can drill down to details for statistics on a specific concurrent program.
Statistics shown are as of the Reset Date shown in the individual Program Runtime Statistics

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 34
Viewing Log and Output Files

Viewing Log and Output Files

You can review log and output files from any node, regardless of which node the concurrent
process runs on. You do not need to log on to a node to view the log and output files from
requests run on that node. The concurrent log and output files from requests that run on any
node are accessible online from any other node. This capability relies on setup steps taken at
install time. For more information, refer to the installation documentation for your platform.
Access concurrent manager logs from the Administer Concurrent Managers window (Forms-
based UI) > Processes (B) > Internal Manager Log (B) or Manager Log (B).
Alternatively, from Oracle Applications Manager, navigate to Site Map > Administration tab >
Request Processing Managers. Select a manager and click Processes (B). Then click Log
(B) or ICM Log (B).

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 35
Managing Parallel Concurrent Processing

Managing Parallel Concurrent Processing

You can distribute concurrent processing across multiple nodes in a cluster, massively
parallel, or homogeneous networked environment.

Benefits of Parallel Concurrent Processing

High Performance: Processes can run on multiple nodes to improve throughput.
Fault Tolerance: Processes can continue running on available nodes even when one or
more nodes fail.
Adaptability: Integrate with platform-specific batch queue and load-balancing systems
to maximize concurrent processing performance on a particular platform.
Single Point of Control: Managers can be administered from any node.

Each node consists of one or more processors (CPUs) and its associated memory.
Each node has its own memory that is not shared with other nodes.
Each node operates independently of other nodes except when sharing resources.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 36
Nodes and Concurrent Managers
With parallel concurrent processing, one or more managers can run on one or more nodes.
You decide where concurrent managers run when configuring the system. You can define any
set of specialization rules and apply them across nodes in any way desired.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 37

Complete the Administering Concurrent Managers Using the Forms-based UI

activity which is provided for your reference and future learning.

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Administering Concurrent Managers

Chapter 10 - Page 38
Introduction to Oracle
Applications Manager (OAM)
Chapter 11

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Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)

Chapter 11 - Page 1
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Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)

Chapter 11 - Page 2
Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)

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Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)

Chapter 11 - Page 3

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Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)

Chapter 11 - Page 4
What is Oracle Applications Manager?

Oracle Applications Manager is a system management console. It provides a wide variety of
features related to system management for use by DBAs, System Administrators, and
Technical Support personnel.
Oracle Applications Manager allows you to monitor and control Oracle E-Business Suite
system components. It can help you to understand how the performance and availability of
those components affects your business. When problems arise, Oracle Applications Manager
provides a variety of features to help you diagnose and resolve those problems quickly to
reduce any necessary downtime. Oracle Applications Manager helps you manage your
system configuration by enabling you to make and track configuration changes as well as
identify potential configuration problems. Additionally, Oracle Applications Manager helps you
track periodic maintenance activities and facilitates the patching process.
The pre-defined Oracle Applications Manager Administrator Menu is available from the
System Administration and System Administrator responsibility.

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Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)

Chapter 11 - Page 5
Benefits of Oracle Applications Manager

Oracle Applications Manager provides features to manage all aspects of the Oracle E-
Business Suite.
During system implementation, Oracle Applications Manager automates configuration tasks
and enables you to tighten security on the system. OAM can also help in keeping the system
up-to-date with the latest Oracle E-Business Suite patches.
Oracle Applications Manager automates system monitoring, facilitates daily administration,
and helps speed problem resolution.
For maintenance or upgrades, OAM helps identify necessary updates, provides an analysis of
the potential impact of those updates, and delivers tools to facilitate and minimize any
required downtime.

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Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)

Chapter 11 - Page 6
Oracle Applications Manager Integrates with

OAM Integration Points

OAM integrates with other Oracle products and provides features that manage or extend
those products. For example, the Oracle Workflow Manager within OAM manages Oracle
Workflow functionality.
In addition to Oracle Workflow, it provides management interfaces for Generic Service
Management and related concurrent processing features. It provides access to tests run
through Oracle Diagnostics Framework. OAM also provides a way to run custom SQL scripts
(as well as seeded scripts) via the SQL Extensions feature. OAM also provides a Context
Editor to change values of existing context variables for AutoConfig.
Finally, the Oracle Application Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite, licensed
separately, can link to Oracle Application Management. This plug-in is discussed in the next
Note: The integration of only some of these features will be covered in this course. For more
information on Oracle Workflow Manager, see the course Implement Oracle Workflow". For
more information on using features related to AD Utilities such as AutoConfig, cloning, Patch
Wizard, Timing Reports, see the course Install, Patch and Maintain Oracle E-Business
Suite". Also, refer to the following manuals:
Oracle Workflow Administrators Guide
Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide
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Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)

Chapter 11 - Page 7
Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide

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Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)

Chapter 11 - Page 8
Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite

Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Application Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite (also known as AMP, or
the Oracle E-Business Suite plug-in extends Oracle Enterprise Manager to help monitor and
manage an Oracle E-Business Suite system more effectively.
As of the writing of this course, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 is supported by version of this management pack, which requires Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c.
Licensing of the management pack and/or components is required, and you should contact
your Oracle salesperson for more information.
The Application Management Pack is released and installed separately from the Oracle E-
Business Suite, and the installation and setup is not covered in this lesson. For more
information on Oracle Application Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite Release, see My Oracle Support Note 1532970.1.

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Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)

Chapter 11 - Page 9
Integration with Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Fusion Middleware

Integration with Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Fusion Middleware Control

Beginning with Release 12.2, links are provided to the Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Fusion
Middleware Control console and the Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Administration console.
Fusion Middleware Control provides a high-level view of Oracle WebLogic Server, and is the
only place where you can configure your HTTP Server. The WebLogic Server Administration
console handles Oracle WebLogic Server settings and managed servers. Examples of these
include oacore, oafm, forms, and forms-c4ws services.
For more information, see the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide and Oracle Enterprise
Manager Getting Started with Oracle Fusion Middleware Management 11g.

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Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)

Chapter 11 - Page 10

Complete the Administering Concurrent Managers in OAM activity which is

provided for your reference and future learning.

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Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)

Chapter 11 - Page 11
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Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM)

Chapter 11 - Page 12
System Monitoring in Oracle
Applications Manager
Chapter 12

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 1
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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 2
System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 3

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 4
Navigation in OAM

You can access OAM from the System Administration responsibility or the System
Administrator responsibility. A seeded menu, Oracle Applications Manager Administrator
Menu (OAM_ADMIN_MENU) is available from these responsibilities. In addition, individual
OAM functions can be added to custom menus. Direct links to specific Oracle Applications
Manager features are possible from the Oracle E-Business Suite Home Page.
The OAM console includes:
The Applications Dashboard, which includes tabs and a dropdown list for quick access
to commonly-used features
The Site Map, which contains links to all features within OAM
Global buttons/links for setup, the Support Cart, your home page, and online help

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 5
Applications Dashboard

Applications Dashboard
The Applications Dashboard provides a comprehensive summary of the Oracle E-Business
Suite components including:
An overview of configuration changes and the status of infrastructure components
Performanc e information
Required critical maintenance activities
Diagnostic test results
The status of key business flows
Potential security issues
Software updates
In addition, a dropdown list provides quick access to commonly-used pages and features,
Configuration Overview
Forms Sessions
Database Status
Applied Patches and Patch Wizard
Workflow Manager
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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 6
Applications Dashboard Overview

System Overview
(N) Oracle Applications Manager > Dashboard > Overview (T)
The Overview tab of the Applications Dashboard provides an overview of the general status of
your system.

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 7
Applications Dashboard Applications System Status

Applications System Status

The status of each host is shown.
Platform - the host's operating system.
Host Status indicates whether the host is up or down.
Admin - indicates whether the Admin server has been installed on the host machine. All
middle tier nodes are Admin nodes.
Database - indicates the status of the database instance installed on the host machine.
Click on the icon(s) in the column to drill down to more information on the database
Concurrent Processing- indicates the status of the Internal Concurrent Manager and the
services managed by the ICM. Click on the icon(s) in column to drill down to more
details on the status of concurrent managers and their concurrent processes

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 8
Applications Dashboard Configuration Changes

Configuration Changes
This region shows system-level changes that were made in the last 24 hours. Use this data to
help diagnose sudden changes in the functioning of your applications system.
To see the list of Patches Applied, click on the number to drill down to the Patch Summary
To see the list of Site Level Profile Options, click on the number to drill down to the Site Level
Profile Settings page.
To see the list of Applications Context Files Edited, click on the number to drill down to the
Applications Configuration Parameters page. Changes made to context files can impact your
overall processing configuration and the functioning of business processes.

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 9
Applications Dashboard Web Components Status

Web Components Status

This region lists the status of the web components.
Status values may be "Up, Down, "Warning, and Unmonitored.
The status of each Web component is determined by testing the corresponding URL as
defined in the component's Web agent profile option. The Warning status will be displayed if
the profile option is not set. Otherwise, a status of Up or Down will be returned based on the
success of the URL test. The profile options are listed with their corresponding components
Servlet Agent - Uses profile option APPS_SERVLET_AGENT (Apps Servlet Agent). If
down, the Self-Service Framework-based Applications will not function, as well as all
other servlet-based features. Look for errors in the Apache error and access logs, and
also the mod_jserv log (<iAS_HOME>/Apache/Jserv/logs/mod_jserv.log). Also, execute
the Servlet Ping from the System Administration Diagnostics menu.
JSP Agent - Uses profile option APPS_SERVLET_AGENT (Apps Servlet Agent). If
down, execute the JSP Ping from the System Administration Diagnostics menu.
TCF - Uses profile option APPS_SERVLET_AGENT (Apps Servlet Agent). If down, try
running the AOL/J Diagnostic or the Servlet Ping utilities from the System Administration
Diagnostics menu.

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 10
Applications Dashboard System Alerts

System Alerts
Use the System Alerts region to find out about critical events to your system. Examples of
such events are a halted process or a program that returned an error.
This region lists the number of system alerts in the categories listed below.
If your system is functioning well, there should be no new alerts reported. When an alert of a
particular type first occurs, it is counted as a new alert. It remains new until the status is
manually changed by the administrator. If an alert of the same type occurs again while the
original alert is still in open or new status, it is counted as a new occurrence.
New Alerts - alerts that have not yet been acknowledged by the administrator. An alert is
acknowledged when it is manually moved from a status of "New" to a status of "Open" or
New Occurrences - additional occurrences of alerts that are in new status.
Open Alerts - all alerts that are in an open status. An alert must be manually moved from
the new to open status.
Open Occurrences - all occurrences of alerts that are currently open.
Click on the number for any of these to drill down to the System Alerts and Metrics page.
(Help) Applied Technology > Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration > Maintenance >
Overview of Monitoring Oracle E-Business Suite > System Alerts, Metrics, and Logs
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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 11
Applications Dashboard System Alerts, Metrics, and Logs

System Alerts, Metrics, and Logs

Alerts can be accessed from:
(N) Applications Dashboard > Overview (T) > System Alerts
(N) Site Map > Monitoring (T) > System Alerts [or Logs] (under Current Activity)
The System Alerts, Metrics, and Logs tab pages provide information that can help you
diagnose potential problems. Oracle E-Business Suite applications can report these potential
problems as system alerts to Oracle Applications Manager. These alerts can then be tracked
in OAM, and administrators can classify alerts as open or closed, as well as keep notes on the
steps taken to resolve underlying problems.

This page shows a summary of the system alerts as well as a list of new alerts.
Alerts are classified by Severity level of Critical (an important business flow is impeded or a
large number of users is affected), Error (a less severe, more isolated issue), or Warning
(there may be a negative impact on users or business processes). Alerts are also marked as
New or Open. "New" indicates that the alert has just been posted in the system. "Open"
indicates the alert is being resolved.

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 12
In the Summary region, Alerts are grouped according to their severity and status of New or
Open. The New or Open column indicates how many alerts of the given severity exist. You
can click on the number to drill down to details on the alerts. You can change the state of
alerts (along with the associated occurrences) in OAM. You can also add notes to alerts; for
example, to indicate how the problem was resolved.
Use the buttons for the following features:
Search Alerts search for alerts based on severity, category, date posted, and/or state.
Search Occurrences search for occurrences of alerts. Search criteria can include
details of the system alerts, component, and database session.
Notifications Setup set up notifications to users for alerts. A notification can be set up
for an application or all applications and for a component type (concurrent program,
form, function, or service) within that application(s). You can specify a category of alert
(product, security, system, user, or any) and minimum severity level for the notifications.
System Alert Setup you can specify the severity level for logged system alerts,
maximum number of new system alerts, and maximum number of occurrences per new
system alerts.

Not all exception conditions can be immediately detected directly within an Oracle E-Business
Suite component, but are best detected through external analysis. Some are detected by
measuring certain criteria, such as decreasing transaction throughput for a component or
excessive completion times for a business process. External analysis allows for easier
comparison of current and historical metric values, consideration of metrics from multiple
products and components., and end-user defined exception triggers. These exceptions are
analogous to "events" in Oracle Enterprise Manager where the use specifies the specific
conditions that will trigger an alert.

System Logs are general log messages that are logged by the various components in an
Applications System. These log messages can be logged by the developer of the components
at the following levels:

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 13
Applications Dashboard User Initiated Alerts

User Initiated Alerts

The User Initiated Alerts region is similar to the System Alerts region. You can define
additional alerts to be raised for events of your choosing. With User Initiated Alerts, end users
can report problems or other issues to administrators by clicking on the "Contact Admin"
global button available in Oracle Application Framework-based pages. The end user can
provide a description of the problem, and the framework will automatically collect the
application context of the page from which the user clicked the button. This report generates
an user alert, which can be viewed from the Oracle Application Manager Dashboard.
This feature is enabled when the profile OAM: UALERT_SHOW_ICON is set to Y and
logging is enabled at the Unexpected level (UNEXPECTED-6). For more information, see
the Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide and the Oracle E-Business Suite
Developers Guide.
This region lists the number of alerts in these categories:
New Alerts - alerts that have not yet been acknowledged by the administrator. An alert is
acknowledged when it is manually moved from a status of "New" to a status of "Open" or
"Closed." See System Alerts for more information.
New Occurrences - additional occurrences of alerts that are in new status.
Open Alerts - all alerts that are in an open status. An alert must be manually moved from
the new to open status.
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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 14
Open Occurrences - all occurrences of alerts that are currently open.
Click on the number for any of these to drill down to the Alerts and Metrics page.

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 15
Applications Dashboard Performance

(N) Applications Dashboard > Performance (T)

Application Tier Hosts

Database Sessions - the number of active database sessions. Clicking the value link
returns a page showing all active database sessions.
Running Requests - drills down to the Search for Requests Results page showing
information on all currently running requests.
Forms Sessions - the number of running Forms sessions. Drills down to the Forms
Sessions page.
- The Forms Sessions page shows information including the following: username,
auditing session ID or AUDSID (from which you can drill down for database
session information), CPU usage, and duration.
- The Active Database Sessions includes the following information - AUDSID,
machine, program, and module.
Service Processes - drills down to the System Activity page. Service processes include
all concurrent manager processes and all processes managed by the ICM. If you have
set up your system to have other services managed by Generic Service Management
(GSM), those services are included as well.
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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 16
- GSM is an extension of concurrent processing and provides a framework for
managing processes on multiple host machines. With GSM, the Internal
Concurrent Manager manages various service processes across multiple hosts.

Database Instances
Database Sessions - the number of active database sessions. Clicking the value link
returns a page showing all active database sessions.
Running Requests - drills down to the Search for Requests Results page showing
information on all currently running requests.
Forms Sessions - the number of running Forms sessions. Drills down to the Forms
Sessions page.
- The Forms Sessions page shows information including the following: username,
auditing session ID or AUDSID (from which you can drill down for database
session information), CPU usage, and duration.
- The Active Database Sessions includes the following information - AUDSID,
machine, program, and module.

Services Up - the number of service instances whose target services match the actual
Services Down - the number of service instances whose target services do not match
the actual services.
Unsent Workflow E-mail

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 17
Applications Dashboard Critical Activities

Monitoring Critical Activities

(N) Applications Dashboard > Critical Activities (T)
The Critical Activities page allows you to monitor periodic maintenance activities, such as data
purge programs, that are required to keep your system running smoothly.
The information on this page can help you understand historical success rates and gauge the
current needs for purging activity.
From this page you can specify the purge programs you wish to monitor using the Modify
Monitored Program List button. You can specify how frequently they are run using the
Update Frequency button.

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 18
Applications Dashboard Critical Activities Setup

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 19
Applications Dashboard Business Flows

Monitoring Business Flows

(N) Applications Dashboard > Business Flows (T)
Business Flow Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager helps you to understand the effects
that system component issues and availability have on your business. This type of monitoring
has several benefits. Traditionally, system management tools have focused on monitoring
system components without regard to the effect those components have on the business.
This release of Oracle Applications Manager allows you to look at system issues from a
different perspective, helping you to understand the effects that system issues have on the
business, allowing you to prioritise accordingly. This solution is customisable, allowing you to
define flows specific to your own business, and map those flows to the system components
upon which they depend.
You can monitor system components within the context of the business flows that are
comprised of those components. These components include Oracle Workflow item types,
concurrent programs, forms, Oracle Application Framework functions, and services. Flows
and sub-flows and their related system components are presented in a hierarchical format,
allowing you to see the ripple effects of a failed component.
You can define your own custom business flows. Once you have identified the flows that you
would like to monitor, Oracle Applications Manager allows you to control monitoring at the
flow, sub-flow, and system component levels.

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 20
Business Flow Details
When you drill down to the monitoring details for a flow, you see the hierarchical
representation of that flow and the associated system components. For each system
component you can see the number of system alerts, concurrent request errors, and Oracle
Workflow work item errors where applicable. You can drill down on the links for more
information on the individual alerts or errors. Also, you can see that the alert and error
statistics are rolled up through sub-flows and flows to show the ripple effects of each on your
business flows.
You can also edit a custom flow. You are able to update the name or description of a flow or
sub-flow, and add or delete a new sub-flow or system component to the hierarchy. This page
allows you to define and edit your custom flows. Your custom flows show as type User
Defined and will have an link in the edit column to take you to the editing page. To create a
new flow, click (B) Create.
See the Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide for more information on business flows.

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 21
Applications Dashboard Security

Applications Dashboard - Security

(N) Applications Dashboard > Security (T)
The Security page of the Applications Dashboard serves as your starting point for detecting
and resolving security issues. Ensure that you have entered in credentials to access My
Oracle Support and configured Signon Audit Setup as desired using the OAM Setup link.
The Security Alerts table shows a summary of all of the security related system alerts that
have been posted for failed security diagnostic tests and other events. You can drill down to
view details of the system alerts.
The Security Test Failures table displays recent failures of security related diagnostic tests.
This table includes both tests that were scheduled using the Run Diagnostic Tests
concurrent program and tests that were run manually through Oracle Diagnostics or Oracle
Applications Manager. The test failures are grouped by the severities of Critical, Error, and
Warning. From this table, you can drill down on the Failure Time to obtain the diagnostic test
report, or you can rerun the test by clicking on the icon in the Diagnose column.
The final section of the Security page is the Resources section. This provides links to
security related documents and notices on My Oracle Support. You can use these links to stay
up-to-date on the latest developments and best practices for Oracle E-Business Suite system

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 22
Lastly, you can use the Manage Security Options button to manage SQL*Net access for your
middle-tier hosts.

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 23
Monitoring Oracle E-Business Suite Security Setup - Diagnostic Tests

Diagnostic Tests for Security

To get the most out of security monitoring, schedule the security diagnostic tests to run
periodically. To do this from Oracle Applications Manager, choose Submit New from the
Concurrent Requests section in the Administration tab of the Site Map. In the request
submission page, choose the Run Diagnostic Tests concurrent program. For parameters,
enter Application Object Library for the Application Name, and EbusinessSecurity for the
Group Name. Leave the TESTNAME field blank to run all of the tests in the group. Later,
when you are familiar with the various tests, you can schedule specific tests to run at different

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 24
Applications Dashboard Software Updates

Software Updates
Software Updates is a portal from which you can view all the patching-related activities of your
system. From the Software Updates main page, you can access information such as:
patches that have or have not been applied
latest patch recommendation requests from the Patch Wizard page
latest jobs run from the Timing Reports page
links to patching-related pages

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 25
Site Map

Site Map
The Site Map provides links to most pages in OAM, in these categories:
Diagnostics and Repair
The following pages cover the Site Map category subtabs.

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 26
Site Map Administration

Administration Features
From the Administration tab you can perform system tasks such as view and edit selected
configuration information, create and manage concurrent managers, run concurrent requests,
and manage Oracle Workflow.

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 27
Host Management

Host Management
(N) Site Map > Administration (T) > Hosts (under System Configuration)
Oracle Applications Manager provides a list of host machines that are employed by the
Applications and Database tiers of the Oracle E-Business Suite system. For each host, you
can view the host status, and you can drill down to see the status of the individual Oracle E-
Business Suite processes on that host. You can also view the Oracle E-Business Suite
configuration details for that specific host, including the installed server types, and port
Oracle Applications Manager allows you to change the state of a given host to make that host
available or unavailable to Generic Service Management (GSM). Under GSM, the Internal
Concurrent Manager manages the various service processes across multiple hosts. If you
need to take a host down for maintenance, you can first mark that host as offline in OAM,
which will ensure that concurrent mangers and other service processes are migrated to a
secondary node as appropriate. Later, when you set the node back to online, the processes
will be migrated back.
The new host-oriented interfaces allow you to track more easily which service processes are
running on which hosts, and you can more easily identify the services that would be affected
by a planned or unplanned outage for the host. For planned outages, OAM enables you to
prevent Generic Service Management processes such as concurrent managers from running
on an offline host without reconfiguring the service definitions.
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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 28
The Hosts page lists all the hosts that are running components of your Applications and
Database tiers. For each host, the current state and status is given. The status indicates
whether or not the host and the Oracle E-Business Suite system processes for that host are
up and running.
The Applications Processes tab of the Host Status page lists the individual Generic Service
Management processes that are running on that host. In most cases, you are also able to see
the database session AUDSID associated with the process. You can drill down on the
Application tier process ID to view more information about the process and obtain the log file
for the process. You can drill down on the database session AUDSID to find session
statistics, current SQL, and control SQL tracing for the database session.
You can update the the state to one of three values. A state of Online means that Generic
Service Management processes such as concurrent managers are able to run on the host. If
you want to make the host unavailable to Generic Service Management temporarily, then you
can change the state to Offline. You can later change the state back from Offline to
Online. The third state, called Disabled is used to remove a host from use by the system.
The primary difference between Disabled and Offline is that a disabled host will be
removed from many system management views and status checks. A disabled host is no
longer considered to be part of the system, whereas an offline host is considered to be a
temporarily unavailable part of the system.
From the Hosts page, you can drill down to a more detailed view of the status of a given host,
or to a configuration summary for a host.
The Applications Processes tab on the host status page lists the individual Generic Service
Management processes that are running on that host. In most cases, you will also be able to
see the database session AUDSID associated with the process. You can drill down on the
Application tier process ID to view more information about the process and obtain the log file
for the process. You can drill down on the database session AUDSID to find session
statistics, current SQL, and control SQL tracing for the database session.

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 29
Host Management - Status

Host Management Status

(N) Site Map > Administration (T) > Hosts (under System Configuration), select a host > View
Status (B)
The Applications Services tab on the host status page shows a summary of the Oracle E-
Business Suite services on the host. This summary is rolled up by service type. For each
service type shown you can drill down to a more detailed view of individual services, and also
the pages where you can control services running under Generic Service Management.
The Applications Processes tab on the host status page lists the individual Generic Service
Management processes that are running on that host. In most cases, you will also be able to
see the database session AUDSID associated with the process. You can drill down on the
Application tier process ID to view more information about the process and obtain the log file
for the process. You can drill down on the database session AUDSID to find session
statistics, current SQL, and control SQL tracing for the database session.

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 30
Host Management - Configuration

Host Management - Configuration

The configuration summary shows the different service types installed on that host. These
include Database, Administration, Concurrent Processing, Forms, and Web. The page also
shows a summary of the ports in use by the Oracle E-Business Suite on that host. You can
press the Edit Configuration button to edit the AutoConfig parameters for this host.

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 31
Application Services

Application Services
(N) Site Map > Administration Tab > Application Services > Generic Services
You can configure, monitor, and control application services from the System Activity page for
services. These services are managed under Generic Service Management (GSM). GSM
allows you to manage a variety of services using a fault-tolerant framework. The Application
Services lets you drill down to details for instances of each service and view the instances'
statuses and processes.

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Chapter 12 - Page 32
Concurrent Requests

Concurrent Requests
(N) Site Map > Administration (T) > Concurrent Requests
You can submit a new concurrent request from this tab.
Also, you can review requests in Pending, Running, and Completed (in the last hour) statuses.
For viewing requests, a table view and a bar chart view are available.

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Chapter 12 - Page 33

Oracle Workflow Manager

Oracle Workflow Manager features are available from the Site Map Administration tab. These
are discussed in detail in another lesson.

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Chapter 12 - Page 34
Site Map Monitoring

The Monitoring tab provides features to help you monitor technology stack components and
configuration settings. For example, you can:
Monitor availability of system components
Access Fusion Middleware Control console
Access WebLogic Server Administration console
Monitor performance of forms sessions, concurrent processes, and the Oracle Workflow
Monitor current activity in Forms sessions and concurrent requests
View system configuration information
Monitor applications usage

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Chapter 12 - Page 35
Database Status Details

Database Status Details

(N) Site Map > Monitoring (T) > Database (under Availability)
This page displays details on the database. Form more information on the entities listed, refer
to the Oracle database documentation.
Instance Status
Wait Events
Memor y Statistics
System Statistics
Tablespaces and Status
Rollback Segments and Extents

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Chapter 12 - Page 36
Monitoring Forms

Monitoring Forms
The Site Maps Monitoring tab includes links under both Performance and Activity for
monitoring Forms activity in Oracle E-Business Suite. These links are described on the next

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Chapter 12 - Page 37
Forms Runaway Processes

Forms Runaway Process Detection

(N) Site Map > Monitoring (T) > Forms Runaway Processes (under Current Activity)
The Forms Runaway Process Detection feature can help you reduce wasted system
resources by proactively notifying you when Forms runtime processes cross the thresholds
that you set. For potential runaway processes, Oracle Applications Manager provides critical
details such as the Oracle E-Business Suite user that owns the process. This data allows
you to more efficiently collect the information that you need for deciding on whether or not to
kill a process. If you do decide to kill a process, then it can be done directly from within
Oracle Applications Manager.
The term runaway process refers to processes that are no longer serving their intended
purpose or are consuming an inordinate amount of resources. Oracle Applications Manager
can now help you detect Forms runtime processes that have likely become runaways. You
can set thresholds for memory usage, CPU usage, and elapsed runtime, and be alerted if any
Forms runtime process crosses these thresholds. Additionally, Oracle Applications Manager
can detect Forms runtime processes that have continue to run even though they have lost
their database connections.
When a potential runaway process is detected, a System Alert will be posted. As with any
system alerts, you can subscribe to receive notifications via Workflow, so that you dont have
to keep checking back in Oracle Applications Manager for new alerts.

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Chapter 12 - Page 38
Oracle Applications Manager provides you with a list of the possible runaway processes, and
gives you the option of terminating individual processes once you have confirmed that they
are indeed runaways.

Forms Runaway Processes Page

The Forms Runaway Processes page allows you to configure the thresholds for the feature,
and view the current list of potential runaway processes. Here you can set the values for the
maximum amount of memory that a process should allocate, the maximum percentage of
server CPU that a process should consume, and the maximum amount of time that a process
should every stay alive.
When a runaway process is discovered, a system alert will be posted, and the process will
appear in the table. The table will list middle tier details, including host, PID, memory size,
CPU percentage, and total runtime. You can also see the Oracle E-Business Suite user who
owns the process, and the IP address of the client connected to the process.
Once you have confirmed that a process is truly a runaway, you can use (B) Terminate to kill
the process.

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Chapter 12 - Page 39
Forms Sessions

Forms Sessions
(N) Site Map > Monitoring (T) > Forms Sessions (under Performance or Current Activity)
This page shows information on the current forms sessions. Every open form has its own
database session, or "Forms session." The profile option "Sign-On:Audit Level" should be set
to 'Form' to use this feature. If this profile option is not set to 'Form', the Forms Sessions table
will show an empty table even when there are active forms sessions.
The following data is shown for each session:
Form Name
AUDSID - The auditing session ID. Click on the value to drill down to the Database
Session information page.
RTI_PID - The runtime instance process ID. Click on the value to drill down to the
Forms Sessions for Process ID page.
LRs (Session Logical Reads) - Input/output (I/O) is one of the most expensive operations
in a database system. SQL statements that are I/O-intensive can monopolize memory
and disk use and cause other database operations to compete for these resources. To
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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 40
prevent single sources of excessive I/O, Oracle lets you limit the logical data block reads
per call and per session. Logical data block reads include data block reads from both
memory and disk. The limits are set and measured in number of block reads performed
by a call or during a session.
PRs (Physical Reads) - The total number of data blocks read from the disk for the
PGA (Session Program Global Area memory) - The PGA is a memory buffer that
contains data and control information for a server process. A PGA is created by Oracle
when a server process is started. The information in a PGA depends on the
configuration of Oracle.
UGA - User Global Area memory used by the session.
Duration - in HH:MM:SS
Click (B) Session Details or the AUDSID to view database information for the selected forms
Use (B) Diagnostics ON/OFF to turn on or off the Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD) for the
runtime process.

Forms Sessions for Process ID

If you click on the RTI_PID from the Forms Sessions page, or if you click on the PID from the
Forms Runtime Processes page, you will see the fields described above as well as the
following data for the Process ID:
Client IP Address
Server Host Name
CPU Time
Memory Usage (KB)
Diagnostics (On/Off)
Log File Name

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Chapter 12 - Page 41
Forms Runtime Processes

Forms Runtime Processes

(N) Site Map > Monitoring (T) > Forms Runtime Processes (under Performance or Current
This page shows information about Forms runtime processes. You must first register and
start a service instance of the OAM Generic Collection Service to collect this information. The
Generic Collection Service must be running for the information to be collected.
The following columns are shown for each session:
PID - The ID of the runtime process for the user session. Click this value to drill down to
the Forms Sessions for Process ID page.
Memory (KB) - The memory used by the runtime process in kilobytes. For HP and AIX
platforms, this is the virtual memory size. For all other platforms, this is the resident set
Client IP Address - The IP address of the client machine used to connect to the Forms
Username - The database username used by the Forms application for the user session.
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Diagnostics - On/Off
Last Update Time
Click (B) Sessions or click on the PID to view the Forms Sessions for Process ID page.

Forms Listener versus Forms Listener Servlet

The Forms Listener is a process running on a specific port on the server machine. When the
connection between the client and the Forms runtime process is established, the client and
the runtime process requires that the connection be persistent.
The Forms Listener Servlet is a Java servlet running in a servlet engine. The Web server
routes the client requests for the Forms Listener Servlet directly to the servlet instance.
Because the web server acts like the end point for the client, the other server machines and
ports are no longer exposed to the firewall.
In the Forms Runtime Processes page, the node name and the port are shown for each
runtime process. You can distinguish between the Forms Listener process and Forms Listener
Servlet process by examining the port numbers. For the Forms Listener process, the port is
the Forms server machine port. For the Forms Listener Servlet process, the port is the web
server port.

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Chapter 12 - Page 43
Database Initialization (init.ora) Parameters

Database Initialization(init.ora) Parameters

(N) Site Map > Monitoring (T) > Database init.ora Setting (under System Configuration)
This page shows you the database init.ora parameters and their current values for the
installation. You can compare the current values with the recommended values, as well as
see if a given parameter is mandatory. You cannot set these parameters from this page,
Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 396009.1, Database Initialization
Parameters for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12, for more information on these

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Chapter 12 - Page 44
Custom Reporting Utilities SQL Extensions

SQL Extensions
(N) Site Map > Monitoring > Custom Reporting Utilities > SQL Extensions
This page displays seeded (and custom) scripts. Expand each group to view the scripts.
Click Run Report to run a script. For a given script, the following might be displayed:
Report Format - HTML or Text
Applications Schema Password - If the report is password-restricted, enter the
password here.
Input Parameters - Enter any required or optional parameters.
For information on setting up custom scripts so they are automatically discovered by Oracle
Applications Manager and available to run from the SQL Extensions page, refer to the Oracle
E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide.

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Chapter 12 - Page 45
Site Map Maintenance

Maintenance Features
Patching utilities are available from the Site Map > Monitoring tab. These are described in the
R12.x Install/Patch/Maintain Oracle E-Business Suite course.
Critical activities are activities that must be run periodically. They are monitored to ensure they
are being run. Examples include refreshing an Employee Directory or purging obsolete data.

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Chapter 12 - Page 46
Site Map Diagnostics and Repair

Diagnostics and Repair

Diagnostics and Repair tasks include
Scheduling diagnostic tests and analyzing their results using the Oracle Diagnostics
Repairing system problems using troubleshooting wizards)
These features are described in another lesson.

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Chapter 12 - Page 47
Monitoring Oracle E-Business Suite Security

Monitoring Oracle E-Business Security in Oracle Applications Manager

OAM enables you to monitor failed security tests, posted security alerts, and also provides
links to online security-related documents and notices from Oracle. This page serves as your
starting point for detecting and resolving potential Oracle E-Business Suite security issues.
Security threats can come from a variety of sources including poorly configured systems,
weak user passwords, and external attacks. Oracle has developed a set of diagnostics tests
that help detect such conditions on your system. Additionally, you can integrate your own
security related tests tailored for your specific system.
You can schedule security tests to execute periodically. Whenever a security test fails, it
posts a system alert. Other components of the Oracle E-Business Suite may also post
security-related system alerts based on certain metrics or events. You can subscribe to be
notified via Oracle Workflow whenever a security related alert is posted. This allows you to
continuously monitor the security of your system, even when you are not in the office. You can
be proactively notified of any potential vulnerabilities that appear. You will be automatically
notified of conditions such as risky configuration changes, sudden increases in login failures,
and users that have been locked out of their accounts. Additionally, if you have a need for
security related tests beyond those provided by Oracle, you can integrate your own tests
using Oracle Diagnostics. Your custom tests can be executed periodically, post alerts, and
appear in the Security tab of the Applications Dashboard. For more information, see the
Oracle Diagnostics Framework User's Guide.
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Chapter 12 - Page 48
Setting Up Oracle Applications Manager

Setting Up Oracle Applications Manager

(H) Setup
Many of the features described in this chapter require special setup. Use the OAM Setup
global link to navigate to the OAM Setup pages.
Dashboard Setup Enable and set up the frequency and thresholds of metric collections
for the Dashboard. Enable alerts for the status of services.
Oracle MetaLink Credentials Define your credentials for accessing My Oracle Support.
Business Flows Update or view business flows, either seeded or custom.
Knowledge Base Use this page to retrieve documents from My Oracle Support.
Concurrent Requests Use this page to set up alerts for concurrent requests, such as
long-running requests or pending requests.
In addition, the Signon Audit Setup page is used to enable Signon Audit.

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Chapter 12 - Page 49
Dashboard Configuration and Alerting Setup

Dashboard Configuration and Alerting Setup

The metrics shown in the Applications Dashboard are periodically collected by a concurrent
program called the OAM Dashboard Collection Program (short name FNDOAMCOL). The
periodic collection of data allows the Applications Dashboard to show automatically important
system metrics. You can control the frequency of the collections as well as enable or disable
the collection of individual metrics.
You can also configure alerts to trigger when potential system issues arise. You can be
notified of services that are found to be in a specific status, or metrics that have met
conditions that you specify.

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Chapter 12 - Page 50
Setting Up Dashboard Configuration and Alerting

Dashboard Setup
(N) Setup > Dashboard Setup > (B) Update
View the current collection and alerting settings here. To update these, click (B) Update.

OAM Dashboard Collection Interval

Specify how frequently the collection program should be run.

Metrics Setup
Enable or disable the collection of individual metrics by checking or un-checking the box in the
Enable Collections column.
- If you would like to enable alerts for a given metric, check the appropriate box in
the Enable Alerts column.
- To set the alert condition, you can choose either less than, equal to, or greater
than from the Threshold Operator column, and then enter the desired value in
the Threshold Value column. Click (B) Next to move to the configuration of
monitoring services.

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Service Monitoring
To enable monitoring for any specific service, check the appropriate box in the Enable
Collection column.
You can set up alerts for a given service by checking the Enable Alerts box, and then
choosing the status that you want in the Threshold Value column.

Alert Notification
Alerts flag events that may need your attention.
The OAM Dashboard Overview tab has a System Alerts region, from which you can drill down
to see any new or open alerts (types of alerts) or occurrences of alerts.
Notifications of alerts can be sent out to users via the Notifications Setup button on the
System Alerts page.
For metrics that are displayed in the OAM Dashboard, when metric exceeds a threshold that
you have set, a warning icon will appear next to that metrics value.

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Chapter 12 - Page 52
Knowledge Base Setup

Knowledge Base Setup

(N) Setup (B) > Knowledge Base Setup
Use this page to submit a concurrent request for the Knowledge Base Catalog Refresher
program to retrieve the latest documents from My Oracle Support (MOS). (You must have
entered in your MOS credentials and web proxy setup information first.)

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Chapter 12 - Page 53
Concurrent Requests Setup

Concurrent Requests Setup

From this page you can enable alerting for concurrent requests that have been running or
pending for a long time. You can specify the thresholds for which request must reach before
alerts are raised.
Specifically, you can enable the system to do the following:
Raise a general alert for any long-running requests, for any concurrent program.
Raise an alert for a long-running request for a specific program.
Raise a general alert for any requests that have been pending for a long time, for any
concurrent program.
Raise an alert for a request for a specific program that has been pending for a long time.
Raise an alert for a request that has waited longer than a specified time after its
requested start time.

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Signon Audit Setup

Signon Audit Setup

Use this page to enable Signon Audit. Select the Enable Auditing button to set the Sign-On:
Audit Level profile option to FORM. Selecting the Disable Auditing button sets the Sign-On:
Audit Level profile option to NONE.
Use the Enable Alerting/Disable Alerting buttons to turn on/off alerting if the Sign-On: Audit
Level profile option is set to something other than FORM.

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System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager

Chapter 12 - Page 56
Oracle Applications Manager
- Diagnostics and
Chapter 13

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Oracle Applications Manager - Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Chapter 13 - Page 1
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Chapter 13 - Page 2
Oracle Applications Manager - Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

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Chapter 13 - Page 3

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Oracle Applications Manager - Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Chapter 13 - Page 4
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting in Oracle Applications Manager

Oracle Applications Manager provides features to help you diagnose and resolve system
Oracle Applications Manager integrates with Oracle Diagnostics to provide access to a large
library of diagnostic tests for system technologies, E-Business Suite products, and business
If you encounter a problem in the system, you can first try to diagnose the problem using
Oracle Diagnostics. Then you can try to correct the problem using the Troubleshooting
Also, if you are unable to diagnose and resolve problems yourself, then Oracle Applications
Manager makes it easier for you to communicate with Support. The Support Cart has been
improved to provide automated collections of the data that Oracle Support requires for
resolving issues.
For more information on Oracle Diagnostics, see the Oracle Diagnostics Framework User's

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Oracle Applications Manager - Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Chapter 13 - Page 5
Diagnostics and Repair

Diagnostics and Repair Tab

(N) Site Map > Diagnostics and Repair (T)
The Diagnostics tab provides a summary of the diagnostic tests that have been run on the
environment. From this page, you can access the Oracle Diagnostics Dashboard, where you
View results from executed diagnostics tests
Schedule requests to run diagnostics tests, and view such requests
Configure Diagnostics
- Register applications with Oracle Diagnostics (through Diagnostics Setup)
- Manage users and roles with access to Oracle Diagnostics (through Diagnostics
- View Diagnostics reports
Oracle Diagnostics enables the creation and execution of diagnostic tests. With Oracle
Diagnostics, you can execute tests to help prevent and troubleshoot problems. You can
create your own diagnostic tests. You can be alerted automatically when problems occur
through Oracle Diagnostics. For more information on Oracle Diagnostics, see the Oracle
Diagnostics Framework User's Guide.
You can also access the Troubleshooting Wizards from the Diagnostics tab.
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Chapter 13 - Page 6
Troubleshooting Wizards

Troubleshooting Wizards
(N) Site Map > Diagnostics (T) > [links under Troubleshooting Wizards region]
Troubleshooting Wizards are available for the following:
Concurrent Manager Recovery - Use this wizard when the Internal Concurrent Manager
fails to start.
Service Infrastructure - Using the Service Infrastructure diagnostic wizard, you can
examine existing Generic Service Management data to determine potential problems,
and update the data to eliminate the issues. An example of a potential problem is an
active node without a service manager.
GCS and Forms Monitoring - The GCS and Forms Monitoring wizard helps you
troubleshoot the OAM Generic Collection Service. The GCS, or Generic Collection
Service, is a service managed by Generic Service Management. It performs file
uploading, signaling, purging, and other management tasks for other service runtime
processes such as the Forms Listener runtime process.
CP Signature - This wizard collects information regarding the current status of
concurrent processing on the system.
Dashboard Collection - The OAM Applications Dashboard Collection program gathers
information on the system that is displayed on the Dashboard under the Overview and

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Chapter 13 - Page 7
the Performance tabs. This wizard provides a summary of the information regarding its
data collection.

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Chapter 13 - Page 8
Concurrent Manager Recovery Wizard

Concurrent Manager Recovery

Use this wizard when the Internal Concurrent Manager fails to start. This wizard walks you
through several steps that must be completed before restarting the Internal Concurrent
Active Managers with a Database Session - these managers must be stopped before
restarting the Internal Concurrent Manager. You may want to wait for any running
requests to complete first.
Managers Deemed Active but without a Database Session - Any processes listed here
must be terminated before continuing. Because these processes have lost their
database sessions, they must be manually terminated from the command line. Refer to
your operating system documentation for instructions on terminating a process from the
command line.
Reset Conflict Resolution - This step lists requests that are waiting for conflict resolution.
Click (B) Reset to reset the listed requests for conflict resolution. This action changes
requests that are in a Pending/Normal phase and status to Pending/Standby. Click (I)
Refresh to verify that all requests have been reset.
Requests that are Orphaned - This page lists the requests that do not have a manager.
If any requests have Active Sessions listed, drill down on the session ID and terminate
the session from the Database Session Details screen. Return to the Concurrent

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Chapter 13 - Page 9
Manager Recovery screen and click (I) Refresh to verify that the session is no longer
After you have completed the steps for the above conditions, a summary page is shown listing
the information collected from them. After reaching this page, you should be able to restart
your Internal Concurrent Manager.

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Chapter 13 - Page 10
Service Infrastructure Wizard

Service Infrastructure
This wizard will list the potential issues with your Generic Service Management setup,
Active nodes without a service manager
Active Concurrent Processing nodes without an Internal Monitor
Service managers without active nodes
Active nodes with inactive service managers
Enabled service instances without workshifts
Nodes that do not have names in uppercase (for service instances)
Nodes that do not have names in uppercase (for processes)

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Generic Collection Service (GCS) and Forms Monitoring Wizard

Generic Collection Service (GCS) and Forms Monitoring Wizard

This wizard helps you troubleshoot the OAM Generic Collection Service. The OAM Generic
Collection Service is managed by Generic Service Management and performs file uploading,
signaling, purging, and other management tasks for other service runtime processes such as
the Forms Listener runtime process.
The Internal Concurrent Manager must be up and running before this wizard can be run.
The steps within this wizard are:
If necessary, register the OAM Generic Collection Service on all listed nodes.
If necessary, enable the OAM Generic Collection Service on all listed nodes.
If necessary, activate the OAM Generic Collection Service on all listed nodes.
View the registration of the Forms Listener.
If necessary, enable the Forms Listener on all listed nodes.
If necessary, set the Sign-On Audit level to "FORM".
View a Summary page where you can view a log file and add files to the Support Cart if

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Chapter 13 - Page 12
CP Signature

CP Signature Wizard
The CP Signature wizard collects technical information on Concurrent Processing. This
information is what is most commonly requested by Oracle support analysts, and includes
items such as important configuration settings, code levels, and log files.
This wizard collects information on the following:
Configuration status for Parallel Concurrent Processing, Real Application Clusters, and
Generic Service Management
Registered nodes
Concurrent processing package versions
Concurrent processing package errors
Concurrent processing profile options
Service instances that could be managed by concurrent processing
Concurrent processing processes
Request processing manager specialization rules
Request Conflict Resolution
Concurrent request processing statistics
Recent requests to run the Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data program
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Chapter 13 - Page 13
Each step of the Wizard collects a specific set of information listed above. At each step, you
have the option of adding the information to the Support Cart. However, you may want to
wait until the end of the wizard to do so, because at the end you will be presented with a
summary page that shows all of the collected information from all steps, which you can add to
Support Cart all at once. Also note, that you can skip to the summary early by pressing (B)
Finish. However, the Summary will only contain the information collected by the steps that you
have executed so far. So, unless told otherwise by Support, you should progress through
every step using (B) Next.

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Chapter 13 - Page 14
Dashboard Collection Wizard

Dashboard Collection Wizard

This wizard collects relevant data concerning the OAM Applications Dashboard Collection
program. Oracle Applications Manager uses this concurrent program to gather the information
displayed on the Applications Dashboard. This wizard collects information regarding the data
collected by this program, including:
Request statistics for the program; for example, how often the Dashboard Collection
program is schedule to run.
Program definition.
Related profile options, if any.
Version information on any Applications Dashboard-related files.
Version information of any Applications Dashboard-related packages.
Information on the live database sessions for the Dashboard Collection program, if any.
Metrics setup information.
Service instances setup information.

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Chapter 13 - Page 15
Support Cart

Support Cart
The Support Cart feature allows you to save Oracle Applications Manager pages with their
data and then zip them up in a file to send to Oracle Support. Oracle Support can then view
your pages in the Oracle Applications Manager display format.
When you click the Support Cart global button, the page is added to the Support Cart. If you
have filtered or sorted the data, your manipulated view is submitted. To view the contents of
the Support Cart, click the Support Cart global button.

You can enter in an SR number and description of the issue here.

Applications Signature
The Support Cart can collect a standard set of information regarding your E-Business Suite
system. Oracle Support requires this information when logging a service request (SR).
To collect this information, click Collect.
The set of information collected includes:
Database version

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Topology - This page includes data about all the nodes of the applications infrastructure.
For each node, the system collects information about the operating system and the
different services running on that node.
Patches For each individual patch applied, the patch number, type (for example,
Patch Set or Maintenance Pack), and application timestamp is shown.
Database parameters The init.ora parameter settings.
Product Information For each product, the version, current patch level, and status (for
example, Installed) is shown.
You can specify to include or exclude output and log files for specific nodes as well.

Other Information Collected

Pages that you save using the Support Cart button are listed under this tab.

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Chapter 13 - Page 18
Managing Profile Options
Chapter 14

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 1
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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 2
Managing Profile Options

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 3

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 4
Personal Profile Values

Personal Profile Values

For further information on using the Personal Profile Values window see:
(Help) Oracle E-Business Suite Users Guide > Profile Options >
Setting Your Personal User Profile
The table FND_PROFILE_OPTION_VALUES stores values for user profile options. Each row
includes values that identify the profile option; the profile level; and the user, responsibility,
application, organization, server, or site for whom the profile value is set. There is one row for
each profile option setting (at each level, for each user, and so on).

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 5
System Profile Options - Profile Hierarchy Types

System Profile Options - Hierarchy Types

Of the three hierarchy types, the Security type is most widely used.

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 6
Profile Hierarchy Levels - Security

Setting Profile Hierarchy Levels

You can set user profiles at different levels, using one of three hierarchies.
Most profile options use the Security hierarchy, in which setting a user profile affects
application users across one of four different levels.
Site Level Site-level settings apply to all users at an installation site. To display the name of
your installation site, select About Oracle Applications from the Help menu.
Application Level Application-level settings apply to all users of the specified application.
For example, a profile could be set that applies to all Oracle General Ledger users. Profile
options that can be set at the application-level override options set at the site level.
Responsibility Level Responsibility-level settings apply to all users currently signed on
under the responsibility. For example, a profile could be set that applies to all users of the
Oracle General Ledger GL budget supervisor responsibility. Profile options that can be set at
the responsibility level override options set at the site and application levels.
User Level User-level settings apply to individual users, identified by their application
usernames. For example, a user profile could be set that applies only to user JDoe. Profile
options set at the user level override all other options.

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 7
Profile Hierarchy Levels Organization

Profile Hierarchy Levels - Organization

The second hierarchy type is Organization, where organization refers to operating unit. For
example, clerks in different organizations may need to have different values for a given profile
option, depending on their organization, but clerks in the same organization would use the
same value. The Organization hierarchy type allows system administrators to set a profile
option at the organization level, so that all users within that organization will use the profile
option value set once at the organization level. Profiles using the Organization type use the
hierarchy Site - Organization User, where a user level option overrides the organization level
option, which overrides the site level option.
An example of a profile option using the hierarchy type Organization is AR: Default Credit
Management Currency (Receivables).

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 8
Profile Hierarchy Levels - Server

Profile Hierarchy Levels - Server

The Server hierarchy type is used when the system needs to determine the server on which
the user's session is running. For example, the profile Applications Web Agent (Application
Object Library) can be defined using the Server type. The setting of this profile option can
differ for an internal server versus an external one. Cookie validation, for example, can then
be done against the value of this profile option. Profiles using the Server type use the
hierarchy Site - Server - User, where a user level option overrides the server level option,
which overrides the site level option.
Another example of a profile option using the Server hierarchy type is Node Trust Level
(Application Object Library).

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 9
System Profile Options

Setting System Profile Options

Use the Functional Administrator responsibility or the System Administrator responsibility to
view and set profile option values.
For profiles using the Security hierarchy type, if you choose to set a value at the Application,
Responsibility, or User level, you must also specify the particular Application, Responsibility,
or User. Any values defined at a lower level than the level chosen will also be displayed.
Likewise, for profiles using the Organization hierarchy, if you choose to set a value at the
Organization or User level, you must also specify the particular Organization or User. For
profiles using the Server hierarchy, if you choose to set a value at the Server or User level,
you must also specify the particular Server or User. Any values defined at a lower level than
the level chosen will also be displayed.
For a complete description of the fields in the System Profile Values window see:
(Help) Applied Technology > Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration >
Setting Profile Options > System Profile Values Window

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 10
Profile Categories

Profile Categories
(N) Functional Administrator responsibility > Core Services > Profile Categories
Profile options can be grouped into logical categories based on their functional area. A profile
option can belong to more than one profile category.
You can create new or update existing profile categories.
The following slides describe some of the more commonly-used profile options. They do not
represent all the profile options included in each listed profile category.

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 11
Searching for Profile Options and Profile Option Values

Searching for and Updating Profile Options and Profile Option Values
Use the Search capabilities of the Profiles window and Profiles page to find how a profile
option is set for the different levels; for example, find out how different users have different
profile values for the same profile. The search features for these user interfaces are designed
for this type of search.
The HTML-based Profiles page is especially useful for finding and updating profile values for
multiple users, responsibilities, or applications at once.
To find profiles within a profile category, use the Profile Categories page.

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 12
Using User Profile Values as Defaults

Default User Profile Values

After profile values have been defined, they can be referenced elsewhere in Oracle E-
Business Suite. The figure shows the locations where profile values can be used to supply
default processing values.
Enter the setting of a profile option as a default value by selecting Profile as the default
type, and then enter the internal name (not end-user name) of the profile option as the
value in the Default Value field.
Look up the internal name of the profile option in the HTML-based Profiles page
(Functional Administrator responsibility) or the Forms-based Profiles window
(Application Developer or System Administrator responsibility).

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 13
Auditing-Related Profile Options

How to Use Profile Options Related to Auditing

These two profile options are used to enable auditing within Oracle E-Business Suite. They
belong to the Security profile category.

AuditTrail: Activate
This option enables auditing of changes to database tables. AuditTrail tracks which rows in a
database table or tables were updated, at what time, and which user was logged in using the
form or forms.

Sign-On: Audit Level

This option allows you to select a level at which to audit users signing on to Oracle E-
Business Suite. Choose from four audit levels which increase in functionality:
None default value. No users will be audited.
User tracks who signs on to your system, the times the users log on and off, and the
terminals used.
Responsibility performs the User-level audit as well as tracking the responsibilities the
users choose and how much time spent as each responsibility.
Form performs the Responsibility-level audit and also tracks the forms the users
choose and how long each form is used.
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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 14
Currency-Related Options

How to Use Currency-Related Options

The options shown in the figure control the editing of monetary fields. They belong to the
NLS profile category.

Currency: Negative Format

This option enables the user to select the indicators for a negative amount.

Currency: Positive Format

This option enables the user to select the indicators for a positive amount.

Currency: Thousands Separator

This option enables the user to request that a comma be inserted appropriately within a
number of a thousand or more.

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 15
Flexfield-Related Options

How to Use Flexfield-Related Options

The options shown on the figure control the behavior of flexfield processing.
These profile options belong to the Flexfields profile category.
Flexfields: AutoSkip
As soon as you enter a valid value into a flexfield segment, AutoSkip automatically positions
your cursor in the next segment.
Flexfields: Shorthand Entry
This option controls the behavior of shorthand entry of flexfields if shorthand entry has been
Flexfields: Show Full Value
If both shorthand entry and a complete alias have been defined for a flexfield, and this option
is set to no, the complete flexfield window does not open when the alias is entered. If this
option is set to Yes, the window always opens.
Flexfields: Validate on Server
Set this option to Yes to enable server-side validation of key flexfields. This improves
performance when using key flexfields over a wide-area network.
Flexfields: BiDi Direction

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Chapter 14 - Page 16
This option controls the appearance of the flexfields window in Applications running in Semitic
Flexfields: LOV Warning Limit
Sometimes an LOV can take a very long time to run if there is a very significant amount of
data in it. Set this option to the number of rows to be returned before you are asked to
continue retrieving the entire list.
Flexfields: Open Descr Window
This option allows you to control whether a descriptive flexfield window automatically opens
when you navigate to a customized descriptive flexfield.

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 17
Online Reporting-Related Options

How to Control Output Processing at the System Level

The options shown in the figure control output processing at the system level.
They belong to the Concurrent Processing File Server profile category.

RRA: Enabled
Set this user profile to Yes to use the Report Review Agent to access files on concurrent
processing nodes.

RRA: Delete Temporary Files

When users use a custom editor to view a concurrent output or log file, the Report Review
Agent makes a temporary copy of the file on the client. Setting this option to Yes automatically
deletes these files when the user exits Oracle E-Business Suite.

RRA: Maximum Transfer Size

Specify, in bytes, the maximum allowable size of files transferred by the Report Review Agent.
If you enter no value, there is no size limit.

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 18
Specify a URL that points to the CGI script on your web server to use the Report Review
Agent to access files on concurrent processing nodes.

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 19
Personal Output Viewer Options

How the User Can Control Request Output

A user can set several options to control request output. You can specify different tools to
view different output types, as well as different font sizes. If a user asks to send request
completion notifications to other people, a URL pointing to request results can be sent.
These profile options belong to the Concurrent Processing View Requests profile category.

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 20
User-Related Concurrent Request Profile Options

How to Use User-Related Concurrent Request Profile Options

These belong to the Concurrent Processing Execution profile category.

Concurrent: Attach URL

Setting this option to Yes causes a URL to be attached to request completion notifications.
When a user submits a request, and specifies people to be notified in the defining completion
options region, a URL is appended to the notification that enables them to view the request

Concurrent: Save Output

You can save your request outputs in a file if one is generated. This allows you to reprint a

Concurrent: Active Request Limit

You can limit the number of requests that can be run simultaneously by each user, or for
every user at a site.

Concurrent: Request Priority

This displays the default priority number for your concurrent requests. Priorities range from 1
(highest) to 99 (lowest). The default is 50.
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Concurrent: Sequential Requests
Setting this option to Yes forces requests to run sequentially in the order in which they were

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 22
Security Signon Profile Options

How to Use Security Signon Profile Options

These profile options belong to Security profile category.

Setting this option to Yes displays a message at login that indicates:
Concurrent request failures since your last session
How many times someone tried to log on to Oracle E-Business Suite with your
username and an incorrect password
When the default printer identified in your user profile is unregistered or not specified

Signon Password Hard to Guess

This profile option sets rules for choosing passwords to ensure that they will be hard to
guess. A password is considered hard-to-guess if it follows these rules:
It contains at least one letter and at least one number
It does not contain the username
It does not contain repeating characters

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 23
Signon Password Length
Signon Password Length sets the minimum length of an Applications signon password. If no
value is entered, the minimum length defaults to 5.

Signon Password No Reuse

This profile option specifies the number of days that a user must wait before being allowed to
reuse a password.

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 24

Complete the Profile Options and Profile Categories activities which are provided
for your reference and future learning.

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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 25
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Managing Profile Options

Chapter 14 - Page 26
Introduction to Oracle
Chapter 15

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 1
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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 2
Introduction to Oracle Workflow

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 3

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 4
Enabling E-Business

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 5
Inter-Enterprise Business Processes

Inter-Enterprise Business Processes

In e-business, different enterprises need to communicate with each other over the Internet.
Oracle Workflow with the Business Event System can be used as part of an integration hub,
modeling business processes that span all of the enterprises involved in an end-to-end

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 6
Traditional Workflow

Traditional Workflow
Traditional applications-based workflow processes are launched from a business application
through APIs hard-coded within the application. These processes model the business rules in
the individual local application and are made up of activities executed by the Workflow Engine
only in that applications system. For example, the modeling of an approval hierarchy is a
common use of Oracle Workflow in this scenario.

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 7
Workflow-Driven Business Processes

Workflow-Driven Business Processes

Oracle Workflow can help save time by:
Reducing repetitive data entry tasks
Automating approval hierarchies
Automatically delivering notifications and reminders of work to be done
Providing self-service monitoring capabilities

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 8
Workflow-Driven Business Processes

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 9
Sample Workflow Process

Sample Workflow Process

A workflow process consists of a sequence of activities that together make up a business flow,
expressing your organizations policies and rules. The activities can include significant
business events, automated functions, notifications to users, or subprocesses.
This example shows a sample order processing workflow process that includes business

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 10
Event-Based Workflow

Event-Based Workflow
With the Business Event System, Oracle Workflow supports both traditional applications-
based workflows and event-based integration workflows.
For e-business, there is a requirement to integrate with external systems, such as sending a
document to a business-to-business exchange, or other systems external to the local
application. Oracle Workflow supports e-business integration workflows by allowing business
analysts and developers to model business processes spanning different systems using a
graphical drag-and-drop designer - the Workflow Builder - and run those processes using the
Workflow Engine and the Business Event System. This support enables Oracle Workflow
customers to deal with business objects in comprehensive e-business integration flows with
minimal intrusion into the core application.
The Business Event System and the Workflow Engine can function independently of each
other. However, you can achieve the most powerful and flexible processing by using the
Business Event System and the Workflow Engine together to execute cross-system
processes for e-business integration.

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 11
Subscription-Based Processing

Subscription-Based Processing
The Business Event System provides increased flexibility through subscription-based
processing: you raise a business event from an application, but specify the processing to
perform for that event as a subscription in Oracle Workflow. For example, you can launch a
workflow process when an event is raised by specifying that process in a subscription to the
event. You can also define multiple subscriptions to the same event to perform additional
processing for different purposes without intruding any further on the core application.

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 12
System Integration with Oracle Workflow

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 13
Business Process-Based Integration

Business Process-Based Integration

Business process-based integration is model-driven.
Business rules are expressed in a process model.
These rules define the policy for each end-to-end process.
The process model can encompass applications both within and beyond the enterprise.
Business process-based integration provides:
A global, enterprise-level view of business objects
Business process automation
Oracle Workflow supports business process-based integration through the Business Event

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 14
Supported System Integration Types

Supported System Integration Types

The types of system integration supported by Oracle Workflow are message-based. By
supporting the communication of messages between systems, Oracle Workflow lets you
define processing across different systems encompassing both your own enterprise and your
business partners. The power of this cross-system processing, together with the flexibility
provided by subscription-based processing, enables you to use Oracle Workflow for e-
business integration.

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 15
Designing Applications for Change

Designing Applications for Change

The benefits of good design include:
Reduced cost of ownership through diminished development costs
Ease of management and maintenance
Visual documentation of business processes

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 16
Designing Applications for Change

Designing Business Processes for Change

Complete process representation:
A workflow process can cross organizational and company boundaries to represent an
end-to-end flow.
You can provide alternatives within a process to accommodate different situations.
You can build management metrics and performance goals into a process.
Graphical development tool:
The Oracle Workflow Builder separates business process definition and modeling from
code development.
Workflow diagrams provide a visual overview of your processes.
You can easily modify a process definition.
Ease of management and maintenance:
Oracle Workflow lets you analyze time and costs for entire business processes.
You can refine your process definitions according to your analysis to streamline them
and reduce time and costs.
You can easily implement a modified process.

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Chapter 15 - Page 17
Oracle Workflow empowers process participants by giving them access to review the
progress and current status of their processes.
Users can find the answers to many common questions themselves using these
monitoring capabilities.

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 18
Designing Applications for Integration

Designing Applications for Integration

Business events as integration points:
Applications can raise business events at any point where further processing or
integration might be required.
You can define the processing to be triggered by an event immediately after defining the
event or at any later time.
Subscription-based processing:
Use subscriptions to specify the processing you want to perform for a business event.
You can define multiple subscriptions to the same event to perform additional processing
for different purposes.
Web-based business event and subscription management tool:
The Event Manager separates event subscription definition from code development.
You can use the Event Manager web pages to define, update, or delete event
subscriptions without intruding on the core application.

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 19

Complete the optional activity Running the Expense Process which is provided
for your reference and future learning.

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Introduction to Oracle Workflow

Chapter 15 - Page 20
Oracle Workflow
Chapter 16

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 1
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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 2
Oracle Workflow Components

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 3

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 4
Oracle Workflow Architecture

Oracle Workflow Architecture

Development Client
The development client is a Windows PC. This tier is used to create and modify Oracle
Workflow process definitions, and to save and load flat files containing Oracle Workflow
process definitions and XML definitions for Business Event System objects.

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 5
Oracle Workflow Architecture

Oracle Workflow Architecture

Oracle Database
The server tier is the Oracle Database that hosts the business application integrated with
Oracle Workflow, the Workflow Engine, Business Event System, Notification System, and
directory service. The Business Event System leverages the Advanced Queuing feature within
the Oracle Database.

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Chapter 16 - Page 6
Oracle Workflow Architecture

Oracle Workflow Architecture

Application Server
The application server is the middle tier environment outside of the database. This
environment includes ancillary services such as Oracle HTTP Server as the Web server, and
Oracle Workflow service components that run in the middle tier, such as agent listeners and
notification mailers.

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Chapter 16 - Page 7
Oracle Workflow Architecture

Oracle Workflow Architecture

End-User Client
The end-user client is the workstation or PC that an end user uses to perform daily tasks. This
client includes browser support for accessing Oracle Workflow Web pages, as well as for
accessing the Oracle Workflow Manager component available through Oracle Applications
Manager (OAM). The end-user client also includes a mail client application for reviewing and
responding to notifications by e-mail.

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Chapter 16 - Page 8
Oracle Workflow Components

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 9
Workflow Engine

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 10
Workflow Processes

Workflow Processes
A workflow process definition must be saved to the same database as the Workflow Engine. A
process definition is composed of activities and the transitions between them.
A completed application transaction or event can initiate a workflow process by raising
an event or by calling a series of Workflow Engine APIs.
The Workflow Engine locates the Start activity in the process definition.
The Workflow Engine drives through the process, performing all automated steps such
as function activities and Raise and Send event activities, until an asynchronous activity
such as a notification, Receive event activity, or blocking activity occurs.
- The Workflow Engine calls the Notification System to deliver a notification
message to an appropriate role. Once a user of that role completes the notification
response, the Workflow Engine continues to drive through the remaining activities
in the process.
- If a blocking activity is encountered, the Workflow Engine waits for an external
program to complete and call the appropriate Workflow Engine API before
proceeding to the next activity.
- If a Receive event activity is encountered, the Workflow Engine waits to receive the
event from the Business Event System before proceeding to the next activity.
The process completes when the Workflow Engine encounters an End activity.
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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 11
Example: Order Processing
This example shows a workflow process that includes business events.

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 12
Supported Process Constructs

Supported Process Constructs

The Workflow Engine supports sophisticated workflow rules to model your business logic.

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 13
Supported Process Constructs

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 14
Supported Process Constructs

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 15
Supported Process Constructs

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 16
Oracle Workflow Builder

Oracle Workflow Builder

Saving workflow definitions as flat files on the local file system enables designers to back up
their work and use source control.

Navigator Tree
The navigator provides a tree structure for the workflow definition, with the highest level being
the data store. Next is the item type, which is a grouping of workflow objects into a high-level
category. The lower levels are the workflow objects themselves, such as attributes,
processes, notifications, functions, events, messages, and lookup types. All these objects are
organized into their respective categories within the tree.

Process Diagram
The diagram is made up of icons representing workflow objects. A diagram is built by dragging
the objects from the navigator window and dropping them into the process diagram window.
This method is called bottom-up design. You can also create new objects as you design the
diagram and complete the definitions of those objects later. This method is called top-down

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 17
Business Event System Architecture

Business Event System Architecture

The Business Event System is an application service that communicates business events
between systems. Oracle Workflow with the Business Event System can act as a system
integration messaging hub that relays business event messages among systems.
The Business Event System leverages Oracle Advanced Queuing to send messages from
one system to another.
For the greatest flexibility in routing and processing business events, you can model your
business process logic in powerful cross-system workflow processes that are executed by the
Workflow Engine. However, the Business Event System can also function independently of
the Workflow Engine.

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 18
Advanced Queuing, an Enabling Technology

Advanced Queuing, an Enabling Technology

Oracle Advanced Queuing allows queue-to-queue propagation across machine boundaries.
Oracle Advanced Queuing is a feature of the Oracle Database that provides database-
integrated message queuing functionality, leveraging the functions of the Oracle Database to
store messages persistently and transmit them using various transport protocols.
Java Message Service (JMS) is a messaging standard defined by Sun Microsystems, Oracle,
IBM, and other vendors. Oracle Java Message Service (OJMS) provides a Java API for
Oracle Advanced Queuing based on the JMS standard. Oracle Workflow supports
communication of JMS Text messages through Oracle Advanced Queuing in a format called
Oracle Workflow also supports business event messages in a standard Workflow format
called WF_EVENT_T. You can additionally define custom message formats.
For more information, refer to the Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing Users Guide and

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 19
Oracle Database Communication Alternatives

Oracle Database Communication Alternatives

You can use Oracle Advanced Queuing for communication by SQLNET, HTTP, and HTTPS
protocols, and for integration with third-party messaging solutions.
You can use Oracle Net Services to propagate messages by the SQLNET protocol. Oracle
Workflow supports JMS Text messages for SQLNET propagation, as well as business event
messages in a standard Workflow format called WF_EVENT_T. You can also define custom
message formats.
The Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing Internet access functionality lets you perform Oracle
Advanced Queuing operations over the Internet by using the Oracle Advanced Queuing
Internet Data Access Presentation (IDAP) for messages and transmitting the messages over
the Internet using transport protocols such as HTTP or HTTPS.
Messaging Gateway is a feature of Oracle Advanced Queuing that enables communication
between applications based on non-Oracle messaging systems and Oracle Advanced
Queuing. Standard Oracle Advanced Queuing functionality provides propagation between two
Oracle Advanced Queuing queues; Messaging Gateway extends that propagation to legacy
applications based on non-Oracle messaging systems.
For more information, refer to the Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing Users Guide and

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 20
Accessing Oracle Workflow Web Pages

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 21
Oracle Workflow Home Pages

Oracle Workflow Home Pages

Administrator home page: Lists your five highest priority notifications. Also provides tabs
to the Developer Studio, Event Manager (Business Events), administrator Status
Monitor, Advanced Worklist, and Administration pages.
Self-service home page: Lists your five highest priority notifications as well as the five
most recent workflows that you own that were started in the last two weeks. Also
provides tabs to the Advanced Worklist and self-service Status Monitor.

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 22
Notification System

Notification System
The Notification System:
Routes notifications to a role, which can be a single user or group of users
Enables users to receive and respond to notifications using an e-mail application or Web
browser of choice
Sends e-mail notifications and processes e-mail responses using the JavaMail API
Allows any users with access to the Internet to be included in a workflow process
Provides access to the Worklist from Oracle E-Business Suite through the Worklist web
Enables users to drill down from a notification in the Worklist web pages to any URL or
Oracle E-Business Suite form to respond to the notification

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Chapter 16 - Page 23
Worklist Web Pages

Worklist Web Pages

Oracle Workflow includes two different versions of the Worklist:
Advanced Worklist: Provides full notification information as well as additional options for
displaying and administering notifications
Personal Worklist: Provides additional search and filtering options for displaying

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 24
E-Mail Notifications

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 25
Directory Services

Directory Services
Users can be associated with more than one role, and a role may contain more than one user.
The Workflow Engine and Notification System use the directory service to determine who
should receive notifications and in what format. Notifications can be delivered to an individual
user or to all members of a particular role.
Note: Oracle Workflow uses a directory service model in which denormalized information is
maintained in the Workflow local tables for performance gain. You should maintain
synchronization between the user and role information stored in application tables by the
source modules and the information stored in the Workflow local tables.

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Chapter 16 - Page 26
Directory Services Roles

Directory Services Roles

A role can contain only individual users as its members. It cannot contain another role.

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 27
Status Monitor Web Pages

Workflow Monitor
Oracle Workflow includes both administrator and self-service versions of the Status Monitor in
the Oracle Application Framework user interface format.

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Chapter 16 - Page 28
Workflow Definitions Loader

Loading Workflow Definitions

The Workflow Definitions Loader is a utility program that lets you transfer process definitions
between a database and a flat file. The Workflow Definitions Loader:
Runs on the server machine.
Lets you upgrade a database with new versions of process definitions or upload existing
process definitions after a database upgrade.
Is also integrated into Oracle Workflow Builder.
Allows process definitions to be source-controlled as flat files.

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Oracle Workflow Components

Chapter 16 - Page 29
Workflow XML Loader

Workflow XML Loader

The Workflow XML Loader is a utility program that lets you transfer XML definitions for
Business Event System objects between a database and a flat file.
When you download Business Event System object definitions from a database, Oracle
Workflow saves the definitions as an XML file.
When you upload object definitions to a database, Oracle Workflow loads the definitions
from the source XML file into the Business Event System tables in the database,
creating new definitions or updating existing definitions as necessary.

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Chapter 16 - Page 30
Workflow Manager

Workflow Manager
Administrators can use Workflow Manager to perform the following tasks:
Run Workflow service components, such as notification mailers and agent listeners.
Control other Workflow system services, including background engines, purging
obsolete Workflow data, and cleanup of the Workflow control queue.
Monitor work item processing by viewing the distribution of all work items by status and
drilling down to additional information.
Monitor event message processing for local Business Event System agents by viewing
the distribution of event messages by status and drilling down to additional agent
information and individual event messages, as well as by viewing queue propagation
With this ability to monitor work items and event messages, a system administrator can
identify possible bottlenecks easily.

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Service Components

Service Components
Oracle Workflow uses the Generic Service Component Framework (GSCF) to simplify and
automate the management of background Java services. A service component is an instance
of a Java program that has been defined according to the GSCF standards so that it can be
managed through this framework.
Use Oracle Workflow Manager to configure and run service components.
Note: Oracle Workflow Manager also lets you manage Web services outbound components,
which process outbound Web service messages for Oracle XML Gateway. For more
information, see the Oracle XML Gateway Users Guide.

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Oracle Workflow Documentation

Oracle Workflow Documentation

The main Oracle Workflow documentation set includes the following:
Oracle Workflow Administrators Guide: Explains how to complete the setup steps
necessary for any product that includes Workflow-enabled processes, as well as how to
monitor the progress of run-time workflow processes.
Oracle Workflow Developers Guide: Explains how to define new workflow business
processes and customize existing Oracle E-Business Suite-embedded workflow
processes. It also describes how to define and customize business events and event
Oracle Workflow Users Guide: Describes how users can view and respond to workflow
notifications and monitor the progress of their workflow processes.
Oracle Workflow API Reference: Describes the APIs provided for developers and
administrators to access Oracle Workflow.
Oracle Workflow Client Installation Guide: Describes how to install the Oracle Workflow
Builder and Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer client components for Oracle E-
Business Suite.

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Workflow Tasks for the
System Administrator
Chapter 17

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Workflow Tasks for the System Administrator

Chapter 17 - Page 1
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Workflow Tasks for the System Administrator

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Chapter 17 - Page 3

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Chapter 17 - Page 4
Administrator Monitor

Administrator Monitor
The administrator version of the Status Monitor lets you view and administer runtime
workflows. You can:
Review the activities performed for a workflow.
Check the status of the workflow by viewing the status diagram.
Examine responses to notifications sent by the workflow.
Review the workflow definition and attributes.
If you have the appropriate workflow administrator privileges, you can also perform
control operations for a workflow or handle an error.

Workflow Administrator Privileges

Users have workflow administrator privileges if they belong to the Oracle Workflow
administration role, which is defined in the Workflow Configuration Web page.
Oracle Workflow also allows users to be assigned specialized workflow monitoring privileges
with restricted access to workflow data. If you have specialized workflow monitoring privileges,
you can only view workflows and perform administrative actions to which you have been
granted access. For example, you may only have access to monitor workflows belonging to
particular item types, and you may be able to suspend and rewind workflows but not to skip
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Workflow Tasks for the System Administrator

Chapter 17 - Page 6
Viewing Workflows in the Administrator Monitor

Viewing Workflows in the Administrator Monitor

Use a Web browser to navigate to the administrator Status Monitor, using a responsibility and
navigation path specified by your system administrator. Some possible navigation paths in the
seeded Workflow responsibilities are:
Workflow Administrator Web Applications: Status Monitor
Workflow Administrator Web (New): Status Monitor
Workflow Administrator Event Manager: Status Monitor
You can navigate to the administrator Status Monitor from other Oracle Workflow
administrator Web pages by selecting the Status Monitor tab or clicking the Status Monitor link
at the end of the page.

Searching for Workflows

In the Search region of the Workflows page, enter search criteria to locate the workflows you
want to display. The main search options are workflow item type display name, item type
internal name, owner, item key, user key, status, and start date.
Workflow Owned By: If you have workflow administrator privileges, select the user who
owns the workflows you want to review. If you do not have workflow administrator
privileges, you can only search for workflows that you own.

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Item Key and User Key: You can enter a partial value to search for workflows whose
keys begin with that value.
Workflow Started: All the start date ranges include the current date; for example, Last 2
Weeks includes today as well as the previous thirteen days.
Note: You must enter at least one of the following criteria when you search in order to limit the
size of the results list.
Workflow Type
Type Internal Name
Workflow Owned By
Workflow Started: If you search only by this option, you must select a specific start date
range. You cannot use Workflow Started with the Any Time value as your only search
You can also enter additional search criteria to search for workflows by activity characteristics.
The additional search criteria are activity status, activities waiting for a response from a
particular user, and days without progress.
Click the Go button to perform your search.

Viewing Workflows
To send e-mail to the owner of a workflow, click the user link in the Owned By column.
For an errored workflow, click the error icon or the error link in the Status column to view
error details.
For a parent workflow, click the icon in the Child Workflows column to view its children.

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Viewing Activity History in the Administrator Monitor

Viewing Activity History in the Administrator Monitor

A hierarchical grid displays the process hierarchy formed by the selected workflow and any
child workflows associated with it.

Searching for Activities

All activity types and statuses are selected by default. To search for specific activities,
deselect any activity types and statuses you do not want to view and click the Go button. At
least one activity type and one activity status must be selected for a search to be performed.

Viewing Activities
To view details about the definition and current status of an activity, click the activity
name link in the Activity column.
To send e-mail to the performer of a notification, click the user link in the Performer

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Viewing a Status Diagram in the Administrator Monitor

Viewing a Status Diagram in the Administrator Monitor

Above the process diagram, the process title displays the workflow process name, type, and
user key, or item key if no user key has been set. If you drill down to a subprocess in the
process diagram, the process title displays the subprocess name.

Process Diagram
An activity can be highlighted with a colored box to indicate a distinctive state:
- Red: The activity is in an error state.
- Green: The activity is active or in progress.
- Yellow: The activity is suspended.
A transition arrow can have a thick green line to indicate that it has been traversed, or it
can have a thin black line to indicate that it has not been traversed.
Click an activity icon to display information about it in the detail tab window.
Click any empty space in the diagram to deselect a selected activity and display
information about the process as a whole in the detail tab window.
Double-click a subprocess activity icon to drill down and display the diagram of the
subprocess and its information in the detail tab window. You can also select the
subprocess activity icon and then choose Zoom In.
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The process diagram is view-only. You cannot edit the diagram in the Status Monitor.

Detail Tab Window

Definition: Displays the properties of the activity or process.
Usage: Displays the properties for the activity as a node in the process.
Status: Displays status and result information about the activity. Also shows error
information if the activity status is ERROR.
Notification: Displays notification details for the selected notification activity.

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Chapter 17 - Page 11
Viewing Responses in the Administrator Monitor

Viewing Responses in the Administrator Monitor

You can use the Monitor Responses page to drill down to responses to a particular
notification. For example, you can use this page to view individual responses to a voting
A hierarchical grid displays the process hierarchy formed by the selected workflow and any
child workflows associated with it.
To view and respond to a notification in the Notification Details page, click the subject link in
the Notification Subject column.
To send e-mail to the respondent for a notification, click the user link in the Respondent

Notification Response Details

The Notification Response Details page displays the following:
The subject line of the notification
The user who responded to the notification
The user to whom the notification was originally sent
The date and time when the notification was sent
The date and time when the response was received
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The response value that is the result of the notification
Whether the notification required an electronic signature
Any further response values requested in the notification in addition to the result
For a notification that required a signature, the page also displays further signature details.
To send e-mail to the respondent or original recipient for a notification, select the
corresponding user link.

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Viewing Workflow Details in the Administrator Monitor

Viewing Workflow Details in the Administrator Monitor

A hierarchical grid displays the process hierarchy formed by the selected workflow and any
child workflows associated with it.
The Workflow Definition region displays the workflow type internal name, workflow type
description, the persistence type, number of persistence days, and the selector/callback
function that determines which process activity to run for the workflow type in a particular
The Workflow Attributes region lists the names and values of the item attributes for the
workflow. For an attribute of type event, click the event message link to view the event
message details.

Updating Workflow Attribute Values

To change the values of any item attributes, click the Update Attributes button. In the Update
Workflow Attributes page, enter the new values you want and click Apply.
Note: You cannot update attributes of type event. However, you can click the event message
link to view the event message details.

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Viewing Error Information in the Administrator Monitor

Viewing Error Information in the Administrator Monitor

The Workflow Errors page displays the name of the activity that encountered an error, the
activity type, the internal name of the error, the error message describing the error, and
context information to help you locate the source of the error.
Note: If you navigated to the Workflow Errors page from an error status link for a workflow,
the page shows details for each errored activity within the workflow. If you navigated to the
page from an error status link for a single errored activity, the page shows details for only that

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Viewing Child Workflows in the Administrator Monitor

Viewing Child Workflows in the Administrator Monitor

To send e-mail to the owner of a workflow, click the user link in the Owned By column.
For an errored workflow, click the error icon or the error link in the Status column to view
error details.

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Workflow Tasks for the System Administrator

Chapter 17 - Page 17
Viewing Notifications from a Web Browser

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Chapter 17 - Page 18
Notification Details

Notification Details
You can access the Notification Details page from the Advanced Worklist, from the
Personal Worklist, from e-mail notifications, or from the notification details pop-up
window that appears when you position the cursor over a notification subject in the
Worklist region (to enable the pop-up window, you must set the WF: Notification Pop-up
Enabled profile option to Yes).
In Oracle E-Business Suite, nonstructured data such as images, spreadsheets, or video
can be linked to structured application data, including Oracle Workflow notifications
seeded by other Oracle E-Business Suite applications. If a notification includes such
Oracle E-Business Suite attachments, the notification header displays an Attachment(s)
heading with links to the attachments. Click a link to view the attached data.
The message body may include embedded links to additional information sources
pertinent to the notification. A reference URL link connects to a specified URL, either in
the same Web browser window or in a new window, depending on the notification.
The Related Applications section may include attachment icons. These icons link to
additional information sources for the notification. There are three types of attachment
- A reference URL link that connects to a specified URL.

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- A PL/SQL, PL/SQL CLOB, or PL/SQL BLOB document link that displays the
contents of a document generated from a PL/SQL function. Such documents can
contain text, HTML, images, or application files such as PDF or RTF documents.
- An Oracle E-Business Suite form link that drills down to an Oracle E-Business
Suite form or Oracle Application Framework page.
Note: You must use a responsibility with the appropriate security to open a linked
form or Oracle Application Framework page. If the form link or URL link is defined
to use a particular responsibility, you must have that responsibility assigned to you
to open the form or page. Otherwise, Oracle E-Business Suite displays a list from
which you can select the responsibility you want to use.
If you want to view your next notification on the Notification Details page after
responding to this notification, select the Display Next Notification After My Response
check box. Otherwise, Oracle Workflow displays your worklist after you respond to a
Use the Response section to act on the notification.
- If a notification requires a response, but none of the responses affect the result of
the notification activity, enter your response values and submit your response by
clicking Submit.
- If a notification requires a response with a result, enter your response values and
click the button for the result value you want, or if there are more than four result
values, enter your response values, select the result value you want from the pull-
down menu, and submit your response by clicking Submit.
- The Response section can also display an attached form icon that lets you drill
down to an Oracle E-Business Suite form to complete your response.
- If a notification does not require a response, click the Close button when you have
finished reviewing it so that it does not appear in your worklist the next time you
view your open notifications.
- If you want another user to respond to the notification instead of you, click the
Reassign button. The Reassign button may be replaced by the Delegate button or
the Transfer button, depending on the access you have been assigned in the WF:
Notification Reassign Mode profile option.
- To request more information about a notification from another user or role, click the
More Information Request button.
- If another user sent you this notification with a request for more information, the
Response section displays the user who made the request and the request details.
Enter the information you want to provide and click Submit.
- If a user sends you a notification with a request for more information, and if you
want another user to answer instead of you, select the Transfer Request for More
Information option. In the Assignee fields, select the type of user, and then select
the user you want within that type. Enter any additional comments, and click
If this notification requires a password-based electronic signature, a confirmation page
appears after you submit your response. This page displays notification header
information and the response values that you entered to let you review the response you
are signing. If the notification requires the signed response to include the message body,
then the confirmation page also displays the message body for you to review. To affix
your electronic signature to your response, enter your Oracle E-Business Suite user
name and password and click Submit.
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If this notification requires a certificate-based digital signature, a confirmation page
appears after you submit your response. This page displays notification header
information and the response values that you entered to let you review the response that
you are signing. If the notification requires the signed response to include the message
body, then the confirmation page also displays the message body for you to review.
Click the Sign button and use your Web browser to enter your X.509 certificate as your
signature. For detailed instructions, please refer to the online help for your Web browser.
If you have multiple certificates installed, ensure that you enter a certificate that is
assigned to the Oracle E-Business Suite user name with which you logged in.

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Reassigning Notifications

Reassigning Notifications
Navigate to the Reassign Notifications page by one of the following methods:
In the Advanced Worklist or Personal Worklist, select one or more notifications and
choose the Reassign button.
On the Notification Details page for a single notification, click the Reassign button.
Choose to reassign a notification from the Status Monitor.
Note: If a notification is reassigned, the sent date displayed in the notification of the new
recipient shows the date of the reassignment, i.e., the date when the new recipient first
received the notification, rather than the date the notification was sent to the original recipient.
Similarly, the sent date displayed in the request for more information shows the date when the
request was made, rather than the sent date of the original notification.
The Reassign button may be replaced by the Delegate button or the Transfer button,
depending on the access you have been assigned in the WF: Notification Reassign Mode
profile option.
The assignee types correspond to the originating system partitions in the Oracle Workflow
directory service.

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If you have access either to delegate or transfer notifications, select one of these reassign
modes on the Reassign Notifications page to specify how you want to reassign the
Delegate your response: Select this option if you want to give the new user authority to
respond to the notification on your behalf, but you want to retain ownership of the
notification yourself. For example, a manager might delegate all vacation scheduling
approvals to an assistant.
Transfer notification ownership: Select this option if you want to give the new user
complete ownership of and responsibility for the notification. For example, use this
option if you should not have received the notification and you want to send it to the
correct recipient or to another recipient for resolution.
Note: You must be aware of the following:
If you only have access to one reassign mode, Oracle Workflow automatically uses that
mode (either delegate or transfer) when you reassign notifications.
If the user you are logged in as has workflow administrator privileges, as defined on the
Workflow Configuration page, then the Reassign button always appears in the
Notification Details page regardless of it being suppressed for regular users.
Oracle Workflow automatically prevents users from reassigning a notification to the
process owner who initiated the workflow process, or to the role specified as the from
role for the notification.

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Workflow Tasks for the System Administrator

Chapter 17 - Page 23
Administrator Search for Notifications

Administrator Search for Notifications

Navigate to the Notifications page by selecting the Administration tab on the Oracle Workflow
administrator home page and selecting Notification Search in the horizontal navigation.
You must have workflow administrator privileges to access other users notifications on the
Notifications page. If you do not have administrator privileges, you can only search for and
access your own notifications. Workflow administrator privileges are assigned on the Workflow
Configuration page.

Searching for Notifications

The following search criteria are available only if you have workflow administrator privileges:
Notification ID: If you specify a notification ID, all other search criteria are ignored.
To: Usually, the Owner role and the To role for a notification are the same. However, you
can specify different roles in the Owner field and the To field to search for notifications
that were reassigned in Delegate mode.
The following search criteria are always available:
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Workflow Type
Type Internal Name
Subject: This field is case-sensitive. You can use the percent sign (%) as a wildcard
Sent: All the sent date ranges include the current date. For example, Last 2 Weeks
includes today as well as the previous 13 days.
Due Date: All the due date ranges include the current date.
If you have workflow administrator privileges, you must enter at least one of the following
criteria when you search in order to limit the size of the results list.
Notification ID

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Chapter 17 - Page 25
Vacation Rules

Automatic Notification Processing

Each time a notification is sent to you, Oracle Workflow tests the notification against your
vacation rules.
First, Oracle Workflow checks whether you have any active rules for that specific
message type.
If not, it checks whether you have any active rules for that specific item type.
Finally, it checks whether you have any active rules for messages of all item types.
As soon as it finds a match, Oracle Workflow applies the rule and discontinues any further rule
If a rule reassigns a notification, Oracle Workflow performs rule matching again against the
new recipients list of rules.
Note: Oracle Workflow automatically prevents users from reassigning a notification to the
process owner who initiated the workflow process, or to the role specified as the from role for
the notification.
Oracle Workflow maintains a count of the number of times it forwards a notification to detect
perpetual forwarding cycles. If a notification is automatically forwarded more than ten times,
Oracle Workflow assumes that a forwarding cycle has occurred and ceases executing any
further forwarding rules, marking the notification as being in error.

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Chapter 17 - Page 28
Oracle Workflow Manager

Oracle Workflow Manager

You can access Oracle Workflow Manager either from System Administrator or System
Administration responsibility:
(N) Oracle Application Manager > Workflow
You can also access Oracle Workflow Manager using the Workflow Administrator
(N) Oracle Applications Manager > Workflow Manager
Using Oracle Workflow Manager, administrators can control Workflow system services, such
as notification mailers, agent listeners, and other service components, background engines,
purging obsolete Workflow data, and cleanup of the Workflow control queue. Administrators
can also monitor work item processing by viewing the distribution of all work items by status
and drilling down to additional information. Additionally, they can monitor event message
processing for local Business Event System agents by viewing the distribution of event
messages by status as well as queue propagation schedules. With this ability to monitor work
items and event messages, a system administrator can identify possible bottlenecks easily.

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Workflow Tasks for the System Administrator

Chapter 17 - Page 29
Service Components

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Service Component

Service Component Containers

Service component containers and their service components are run through Generic Service
Management (GSM), which you can control through Oracle Applications Manager.
A service component is an instance of a Java program which has been defined according to
the Generic Service Component Framework standards so that it can be managed through this
framework. Currently, Oracle Workflow provides four service component types:
Workflow Mailer perform send and respond e-mail processing for the Notification
Workflow Agent Listener process inbound messages on Business Event System
agents on the database
Workflow Java Agent Listener process inbound messages on Business Event System
agents on the middle tier
Workflow Web Services Outbound process outbound Web service messages

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Accessing Service Components in Oracle Workflow Manager

Accessing Service Components in Oracle Workflow Manager

If you click the Service Components status icon or link, the Service Components page
displays all types of service components.
If you click the Agent Listeners status icon, the Service Components page automatically filters
the list to display only PL/SQL agent listeners and Java agent listeners.
If you click the Notification Mailers status icon, the Service Components page automatically
filters the list to display only notification mailers.
If the status of a service component changes to Stopped with Error or System Deactivated,
Oracle Workflow posts a system alert to the System Alerts and Metrics page in Oracle
Applications Manager.

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Managing Service Components

Managing Service Components

You can also perform the following actions on the Service Components page.
To manually filter the service components displayed in the list, select a service
component property from the Filter pull-down menu, enter a filter value in the text field,
and click the Go button. You can filter by the following properties:
- Service component name
- Service component status
- Service component type display name
- Service component type internal name
You can automate the running of a service component by assigning it an Automatic or
On-Demand startup type, or by scheduling control events in advance. However, if you
want to manually control the running of a service component, select the service
component, choose the command that you want from the command pull-down menu,
and click the Go button. You can choose the following control commands:
- Refresh
- Resume
- Start

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- Stop
- Suspend
- Launch Summary Notifications (Workflow Mailer service components only)
To review details for the container to which a service component belongs, click the
container link in the Container column.
When you choose to create a new service component, a page appears to let you select the
type of service component that you want to create. After you select a service component type,
the configuration wizard for that type appears.
Similarly, when you choose to edit an existing service component, the appropriate
configuration wizard appears.
On the Component Details page, you can review the configuration parameters and scheduled
control events for the selected service component. You can also review the history of control
events scheduled for the service component, review the service component container log,
access the configuration wizard to edit the service component, or perform other actions
appropriate to that type of service component.

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Service Component Container Logs

Service Component Container Logs

The default container log level, which is also the recommended setting, is Error. You can
optionally specify a different log level. The log levels that you can select, in order from most
detailed to least detailed, are as follows:
1 - Statement
2 - Procedure
3 - Event
4 - Exception
5 - Error
6 - Unexpected
To specify a log level for a service component container, click the container link on the Service
Components page, select the container, and click the View Status button to navigate to the
Service Status page. Then select the log level that you want to assign to the container from
the Change Log Level To pull-down menu, and click Go.
You can specify a log level for an individual service component in the configuration wizard for
that component.

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Service Component Startup Modes

Service Component Startup Modes

A service component can have one of three startup modes.
Automatic: When a component container is started, it will automatically start its
automatic service components. It will also monitor these components and restart them
automatically when necessary.
On-Demand: A component container will start its on-demand service components if
those components have messages waiting to be processed. For example, an on-
demand notification mailer service component will be started if there are messages
waiting on the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue. The container will stop an on-demand
service component when that component's maximum idle time has been exceeded.
Manual: You must manually start and stop the service component through Oracle
Workflow Manager. The component container does not start or stop its manual service

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Agent Listeners

Agent Listeners
Oracle Workflow provides the following seeded PL/SQL agent listeners:
Workflow Deferred Agent Listener: Handles messages on WF_DEFERRED to support
deferred subscription processing.
Workflow Deferred Notification Agent Listener: Handles notification messages on
WF_DEFERRED to support outbound notification processing.
Workflow Error Agent Listener: Handles messages on WF_ERROR to support error
handling for the Business Event System.
Workflow Inbound Notifications Agent Listener: Handles messages on
WF_NOTIFICATION_IN to support inbound e-mail notification processing.
Oracle XML Gateway also provides seeded PL/SQL agent listeners named ECX Inbound
Agent Listener and ECX Transaction Agent Listener. See: Oracle XML Gateway Users Guide.
Oracle Workflow provides the following seeded Java agent listeners:
Workflow Java Deferred Agent Listener: Handles messages on WF_JAVA_DEFERRED
to support deferred subscription processing in the middle tier.
Workflow Java Error Agent Listener: Handles messages on WF_JAVA_ERROR to
support error handling for the Business Event System in the middle tier.

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Oracle XML Gateway also provides a seeded Java agent listener named Web Services IN
Agent. See: Oracle XML Gateway Users Guide.
You can configure additional agent listeners for other inbound agents that you want to use for
event message propagation, such as the standard WF_IN and WF_JMS_IN agents, or any
custom agents. You can also configure an agent listener that only processes messages on a
particular agent that are instances of a specific event.

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Notification Mailers

Notification Mailers
For example, you can create a notification mailer that processes only messages that belong to
a particular workflow item type, or create additional mailers that process the same types of
message to increase throughput. The correlation ID for a notification mailer can be set to a
specific item type to determine which messages it can process.
Note: In Oracle E-Business Suite releases prior 12.2, a message that matched the correlation
ID of a dedicated mailer or dedicated listener could be processed by a general mailer or
listener if the general mailer or listener was the first to access the message. From Release
12.2, the service component processing is enhanced to ensure that general mailers do not
process messages that are being handled by a dedicated mailer. Instead, only the appropriate
dedicated mailer will process these messages, as long as the dedicated mailer has a status of
Running, Stopped With Error, or System Deactivated. Similarly, general listeners for the
WF_DEFERRED and WF_JAVA_DEFERRED agents also do not process messages that are
being handled by a dedicated listener, but leave these messages to be processed by the
dedicated listener.
You can also configure any notification mailer service component to process only inbound
messages, or only outbound messages. You associate inbound and outbound mailers with
each other by assigning them the same mailer node name. The mailer node name indicates
which inbound mailer can process incoming responses to outbound messages sent by a
particular outbound mailer.
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Outbound Notification Mailer Processing

Outbound Notification Mailer Processing

When the event is dequeued from WF_DEFERRED and the subscription is processed, the
subscription requires the event data for the event, causing the Generate function for the event
to be executed. The Generate function for this event performs the following actions:
Resolves the notification recipient role to a single e-mail address, which itself can be a
mail list.
Checks the notification preference of the recipient to determine whether an e-mail
notification is required, and in what type of format.
Switches its database session to the recipient role's preferred language and territory as
defined in the directory service.
Generates an XML representation of the notification message and any optional
attachments using the appropriate message template.
Finally, the subscription places the event message on the standard WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT
A notification mailer service component polls the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT agent for
messages that must be sent by e-mail. When the notification mailer dequeues a message
from this agent, it uses a Java-based notification formatter to convert the XML representation
of the notification into a MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) encoded message and
sends the message by the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
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Inbound Notification Mailer Processing

Inbound Notification Mailer Processing

A notification mailer processes e-mail responses from users using the Internet Message
Access Protocol (IMAP). The notification mailer uses a Java-based e-mail parser to interpret
the text of each message and create an XML representation of it.
A notification mailer uses three folders in your response mail account for response
processing: one to receive incoming messages, one to store processed messages, and one to
store discarded messages.
A notification mailer does the following to process response messages:
Logs into its IMAP e-mail account.
Checks the inbox folder for messages. If a message exists, the notification mailer reads
the message, checking for the notification ID (NID) and node identifier in the NID line.
If the message is not a notification response, meaning it does not contain an NID line,
the notification mailer moves the message to the discard folder and treats it as an
unsolicited message.
If the message is a notification response, but for the wrong node, the notification mailer
leaves the message in the inbox and adds the e-mail's Unique Message ID (UID) to its
ignore list.

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If the message is a notification response for the current node, meaning it contains an
NID line including the node identifier of the current node, the notification mailer
processes the message.
The notification mailer performs the following steps for messages that belong to its node.
Retrieves the notification ID.
Checks to see if the message bounced by referring to the tags specified in the
configuration parameters. If the message bounced, the notification mailer reroutes it or
updates the notification's status and stops any further processing, depending on the
specifications of the tag list.
Checks the Oracle Workflow database for this notification based on the NID line.
- If the notification does not exist, meaning the notification ID or the access key in
the NID line is invalid, the notification mailer moves the message to the discard
folder. If the NID line is incorrectly formatted, the notification mailer moves the
message to the discard folder and treats it as an unsolicited message.
- If the notification exists, but is closed or canceled, the notification mailer moves the
message to the discard folder and sends a Workflow Closed Mail or Workflow
Canceled Mail message to the recipient role, respectively.
- If the notification exists and is open, the notification mailer generates an XML
representation of the message and places it on the WF_NOTIFICATION_IN agent.
The notification mailer then moves the message for the completed notification to
the processed folder.
Finally, if there are no more unprocessed messages in the inbox, the notification mailer logs
out of the mail and database accounts.
When an event message is dequeued from WF_NOTIFICATION_IN, Oracle Workflow
executes a seeded subscription that calls the appropriate notification response function. This
function verifies the response values with the definition of the notification messages response
attributes in the database. If a response value is invalid, or if no response value is included,
the notification mailer sends a Workflow Invalid Mail message to the recipient role, or, for an
invalid response to a request for more information, the notification mailer sends a Workflow
Invalid Open Mail (More Information Request) message to the recipient role. If the responses
are valid, the notification response function records the response and completes the

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Chapter 17 - Page 42
Notification Mailer Setup

Notification Mailer Setup

You should also ensure that the Business Event System status is set to Enabled on the
Configuration page, and that the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES database initialization
parameter, which is required for the Business Event System, is set to an appropriate value.
The Business Event System status is set to Enabled by default, and usually you do not need
to change the status. If notification processing is not being completed, however, you should
check this preference value.
You can optionally set the WF: Workflow Mailer Framework Web Agent profile option to the
host and port of the Web server that notification mailers should use to generate the content for
Oracle Application Framework regions that are embedded in notifications. If this profile option
is not set, notification mailers will use the same Web agent specified in the Application
Framework Agent profile option. However, if necessary for load balancing purposes, you can
optionally specify a different Web agent for notification mailers to use. The WF: Workflow
Mailer Framework Web Agent profile option should be set at site level.
Before a service component can run, the container which manages it must first be started.
Check that the containers for agent listeners and notification mailers are running. Also check
that the Workflow Deferred Notification Agent Listener, Workflow Error Agent Listener, and
Workflow Inbound Notifications Agent Listener are running.
By default, the seeded Workflow Notification Mailer has a Launch Summary Notifications
event scheduled to send summary notifications once a day. You can optionally use the
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notification mailer configuration wizard to modify the start time and interval for this event's
schedule, or to schedule the Launch Summary Notifications event at the interval you choose
for any notification mailer service component. When this event is processed, a summary
notification is sent to each role with a notification preference of SUMMARY or SUMHTML.
You can optionally configure a notification mailer to connect to the SMTP server and IMAP
server through Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt the data exchanged.
You can optionally set the internal mailer parameter named HTML_DELIMITER to specify
which characters the notification mailer uses to delimit response values in response templates
for HTML-formatted e-mail notifications. See: Setting Up a Notification Mailer, Oracle
Workflow Administrators Guide.
The seeded Workflow Notification Mailer uses the Automatic startup mode by default and will
be started automatically when you complete its configuration. If you select the Manual startup
mode for a notification mailer service component, use the Service Components page to start
that notification mailer.

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Connecting to Mail Servers Through SSL

Connecting to Mail Servers Through SSL

To use SSL, you must have loaded on the SMTP and IMAP servers an X.509 certificate and
private key that were issued by a certificate authority. You can use the same certificate for
both the SMTP server and the IMAP server.
Additionally, to connect to the SMTP server through SSL, you must have an Stunnel process
running on the SMTP server, with the location of the certificate file specified in the Stunnel
arguments. Stunnel is a program that lets you encrypt connections inside SSL. For more
information, see:
You can then enable SSL for the SMTP and IMAP servers in the notification mailer
configuration wizard.
After completing the SSL setup, stop and restart the service component container named
Workflow Mailer Service for the changes to take effect.

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SMTP Authentication

SMTP Authentication
You can configure the SMTP server to require authentication for server connections through
the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL). The Oracle Workflow notification mailer
supports the PLAIN, LOGIN, and DIGEST-MD5 authentication mechanisms.
If you configure your SMTP server to support more than one authentication mechanism, then
the notification mailer uses the mechanism that appears first in the server's list of supported
mechanisms. Consequently, if you want the notification mailer to use a particular mechanism,
ensure that that mechanism appears first in the server's list. At a minimum, you should ensure
that the first authentication mechanism listed for the server is one that the notification mailer
For more information, See: Setting Up a Notification Mailer, Oracle Workflow Administrators

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Notification Mailer Basic Configuration

Notification Mailer Basic Configuration

The Basic Configuration page is the first page of the notification mailer configuration wizard.
- Name: The unique name of the service component.
Outbound E-mail Account (SMTP)
- Server Name: The name of the outbound SMTP mail server.
- Username: If the outbound SMTP server is configured to require authentication,
enter the user name of the account that the notification mailer uses to connect to
the SMTP server.
- Password - If the outbound SMTP server is configured to require authentication,
enter the password for the account specified in the Username parameter. The
password value is masked as asterisks in the display and is stored in encrypted
- Outbound SSL Enabled: Select this parameter to enable the notification mailer to
use SSL for connections to the SMTP server. You must also complete additional
setup steps to use SSL.
Inbound E-mail Account (IMAP)

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- Inbound Processing: Select this parameter to enable inbound e-mail processing
with this notification mailer. Deselect this parameter to disable inbound e-mail
processing for this notification mailer and dedicate the notification mailer solely to
outbound processing. If you disable inbound processing, you can leave the other
inbound parameters blank.
- Server Name: The name of the inbound IMAP mail server.
- Username: The user name of the mail account that the notification mailer uses to
receive e-mail messages.
- Password: The password for the mail account specified in the Username
- Reply-To Address: The address of the e-mail account that receives incoming
messages, to which notification responses should be sent.
- Inbound SSL Enabled: Select this parameter to enable the notification mailer to
use SSL for connections to the IMAP server. You must also complete additional
setup steps to use SSL.
To send a test message, click the Test Mailer button. On the Test Notification Mailer page,
select the recipient role to which the message should be sent, and click the Send Test
Message button. Then check the e-mail account for the recipient role to verify that the test
message was received.
To set additional parameters for this notification mailer in the advanced configuration wizard,
click the Advanced button.

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Notification Mailer Advanced Configuration

Notification Mailer Advanced Configuration

Use the Next and Back buttons to navigate among the pages of the configuration wizard.

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Advanced Configuration - Define

Advanced Configuration - Define

ID: The configuration wizard displays the identifier for the service component.
Status: The configuration wizard displays the status of the service component.
Name: The unique name of the service component.
Startup Mode: Select Automatic, Manual, or On-Demand.
Container Type: The container type to which this notification mailer belongs, which is
always Oracle Applications Generic Service Management (Oracle Applications GSM).
Inbound Agent: The Business Event System agent for inbound processing. The inbound
agent for a notification mailer is always WF_NOTIFICATION_IN.
Outbound Agent: The Business Event System agent for outbound processing. The
outbound agent for a notification mailer is always WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT.
Correlation ID: Optionally select an item type to specify that this notification mailer
should only process messages that belong to that item type. If you enter a partial value,
this notification mailer will process messages that belong to any item type whose internal
name begins with that value. You can enter an item type as the correlation ID if you want
to increase throughput for that particular item type by dedicating a notification mailer to
it. If you leave the correlation ID blank, this notification mailer will process messages

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from any item type. The seeded Workflow Notification Mailer does not have any
correlation ID specified, so that it can operate generally to process all messages.

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Advanced Configuration - Details

Advanced Configuration - Details

Details Page
ID: The configuration wizard displays the identifier for the service component.
Status: The configuration wizard displays the status of the service component.
Name: The configuration wizard displays the name defined for the service component.
Container: The container to which the service component will belong. The container for
notification mailer service components is a predefined container called Workflow Mailer
Maximum Idle Time: If you selected the On-Demand startup mode for the service
component, enter the maximum time in minutes that the service component can remain
idle before it is stopped. An on-demand component that is stopped in this way will be
restarted by its container when it is needed again to process new messages.
Max Error Count: The number of consecutive errors the service component can
encounter before its container stops it and changes its status to Stopped with Error. If an
error is resolved and processing can continue, the error count is reset.
Inbound Thread Count: Set the inbound processing thread count to 1 to enable inbound
message processing with this notification mailer. Select 0 to disable inbound message
processing for this notification mailer.
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Outbound Thread Count: Specify the number of outbound processing threads you want
to execute simultaneously with this notification mailer. You can set the outbound thread
count to 1 or more depending on the volume of outbound messages you need to send.
Specify 0 to disable outbound message processing for this notification mailer.
Log Level: Select the level of detail for the information you want to record in the service
component container log.
Processor Read Wait Timeout: Specify the amount of time in seconds that the service
components processing thread continues to wait, after reading the last message from its
assigned queue, before timing out. If another message is received before this time
expires, that message is processed and the timeout period begins again. If the timeout
period expires and no more messages have been received, the service component
stops reading and its sleep time begins.
Processor Min Loop Sleep: Specify the minimum sleep time in seconds during which the
service component waits, after its read timeout period expires, before it checks its queue
for messages again.
Processor Max Loop Sleep: Specify the maximum sleep time in seconds if you want to
increase the sleep time between read attempts when no messages are received. If you
specify a maximum sleep time that is greater than the minimum sleep time, then the
service component initially waits for the minimum sleep time after it finishes reading
messages from its queue. If no messages are read in subsequent attempts, then the
sleep time between read attempts gradually increases until the maximum sleep time is
reached. Increasing the sleep time can help enhance performance if messages are
received infrequently. You can also specify 0 for this parameter to indicate that the sleep
time should not be increased. In this case, the service component always waits for the
minimum sleep time between read attempts.
Processor Error Loop Sleep: Specify the sleep time in seconds during which the service
component waits, after an error occurs, before it attempts to begin processing again.
Processor Close on Read Timeout: Select this parameter to specify that the service
component should close its connections after its read timeout period expires, when its
sleep time begins. Deselect this parameter to specify that the connections should remain
open until the processing thread stops.

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Advanced Configuration - E-mail Servers

Advanced Configuration - E-mail Servers

Mailer Node Name: The node identifier name used by this notification mailer. The
maximum length of the node name is eight characters. The node name is included with
the outgoing notification ID in outbound messages, and is used in inbound messages to
identify the notification mailer that should process the messages.
Email Parser: The Java class used to parse an incoming notification response e-mail
and create an XML document for the response. The standard default e-mail parser
provided by Oracle Workflow is named
Usually you do not need to change this value.
Alternate Email Parser: The Java class used to parse an incoming notification response
e-mail formatted according to the direct response method and to create an XML
document for the response. The notification mailer uses this parser when the Direct
Response parameter is selected. The default alternate e-mail parser provided by Oracle
Workflow is named Usually you do not
need to change this value.
Expunge Inbox on Close: Select this parameter to purge deleted messages from the
inbox folder when the notification mailer closes this folder. If you do not select this
parameter, copies of messages that were moved to the discard or processed folders

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remain in the inbox, in a deleted state, until you manually expunge them using your e-
mail application.
Inbound E-mail Account
Inbound Protocol: Oracle Workflow supports the IMAP protocol for inbound e-mail.
Inbound Server Name: The name of the inbound mail server.
Username: The user name of the mail account that the notification mailer uses to receive
e-mail messages.
Password: The password for the mail account specified in the Username parameter.
Inbox Folder: The name of the folder from which the notification mailer receives inbound
messages. This value is case-insensitive. The default value is INBOX.
Inbound Connection Timeout: The maximum amount of time in seconds that the
notification mailer will wait to establish a connection to the inbound server before timing
Inbound Message Fetch Size: The maximum number of messages that the notification
mailer can fetch from the inbox at one time.
Maximum Ignore List Size: The maximum number of notification IDs that the notification
mailer can store in its ignore list, indicating that this notification mailer will make no
further attempts to process them after encountering errors. Usually you do not need to
change this value.
Inbound SSL Enabled: Select this parameter to enable the notification mailer to use SSL
for connections to the IMAP server. You must also complete additional setup steps to
use SSL.

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Advanced Configuration - E-mail Servers

Advanced Configuration - E-mail Servers

Outbound E-mail Account
Outbound Protocol: Oracle Workflow supports the SMTP protocol for outbound e-mail.
Outbound Server Name: The name of the outbound mail server.
Username: If the outbound SMTP server is configured to require authentication, enter
the user name of the account that the notification mailer uses to connect to the SMTP
Password - If the outbound SMTP server is configured to require authentication, enter
the password for the account specified in the Username parameter. The password value
is masked as asterisks in the display and is stored in encrypted form.
Test Address: This parameter has been replaced by the override e-mail address, which
is available through the Component Details page for a notification mailer.
Outbound Connection Timeout: The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that the
notification mailer will wait to establish a connection to the outbound server before timing
Outbound SSL Enabled - Select this parameter to enable the notification mailer to use
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for connections to the SMTP server. You must also
complete additional setup steps to use SSL.

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E-mail Processing
Processed Folder: The name of the mail folder where the notification mailer places
successfully processed notification messages. This value is case-insensitive. The default
value is PROCESS.
Discard Folder: The name of the mail folder where the notification mailer places
incoming messages that are not recognized as notification messages. This value is
case-insensitive. The default value is DISCARD.
Allow Forwarded Response: Indicate whether to allow a user to respond by e-mail to an
e-mail notification that has been forwarded from another role.

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Advanced Configuration Message Generation

Advanced Configuration Message Generation

From: The value that appears in the From field of the message header of a notification e-
Reply-to Address: The address of the e-mail account that receives incoming messages,
to which notification responses should be sent.
HTML Agent: The base URL that identifies the HTML agent that handles HTML
notification responses. This URL is required to support e-mail notifications with HTML
Message Formatter: Oracle Workflow uses the Java class to generate notification
Framework User: The numerical user ID for the user through which a notification mailer
accesses Oracle Application Framework content for inclusion in e-mail notifications. The
Framework user must have workflow administrator privileges in order to access the
content for every user's notifications. If you change the Workflow System Administrator
preference, check the Framework User parameter to ensure that the user accessed by
the notification mailer has workflow administrator privileges. Set the Framework User
parameter to a user that is a member of the Workflow System Administrator role, or, if
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you set the Workflow System Administrator preference to a responsibility, set the
Framework User parameter to a user that has that responsibility.
Framework Responsibility: The numerical responsibility ID for the responsibility through
which a notification mailer accesses Oracle Application Framework content for inclusion
in e-mail notifications. The user specified in the Framework User parameter must have
this responsibility assigned.
Framework Application ID: The numerical application ID for the application through
which a notification mailer accesses Oracle Application Framework content for inclusion
in e-mail notifications. The responsibility specified in the Framework Responsibility
parameter must be assigned to this application.
Framework URL Timeout: The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that the notification
mailer will wait to access a URL for Oracle Application Framework content before timing
Attach Images to Outbound Emails: Select this parameter to attach any images
referenced in HTML content included in a message, such as Oracle Application
Framework content, to outbound notification e-mail messages. Deselect this parameter
to display the image references as off-page URLs.
Attach Stylesheet to Outbound Email: Select this parameter to attach any stylesheet
referenced in HTML content included in a message, such as Oracle Application
Framework content, to outbound notification e-mail messages. Deselect this parameter
to display the stylesheet reference as a URL.
Autoclose FYI: Indicate whether this notification mailer automatically closes notifications
that do not require a response, such as FYI (For Your Information) notifications, after
sending the notifications by e-mail.
Direct Response: By default, notification mailers require a response format for plain text
notifications called the templated response method. Select this parameter to use the
direct response method instead.
Reset NLS: Indicate whether the notification mailer should convert the NLS codeset for a
notification message according to the notification recipient's preferences before
composing the message.
Inline Attachments: Select this parameter to set the Content-Disposition MIME header to
inline for attachments to notification messages, including the Notification Detail Link,
HTML Message Body, Notification References containing attached URLs, and attached
PL/SQL documents. Deselect this parameter to set the Content-Disposition MIME
header to attachment for these attachments. For example, if your e-mail application
cannot display HTML content such as the Notification Detail Link inline, deselect this
parameter to display this link as an attachment instead.
Send Warning for Unsolicited E-mail: Select this parameter to allow the notification
mailer to send back a warning message the first time it receives an unsolicited e-mail
message from a particular e-mail address.
Send E-mails for Canceled Notifications: Select this parameter to allow the notification
mailer to send cancellation messages to users when previously sent notifications are

This region lets you specify the message templates you want to use to generate e-mail
notifications. The template for a particular type of e-mail notification determines the basic

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Chapter 17 - Page 59
format of the notification, including what header information to include, and whether and
where to include details such as the message due date and priority.
Oracle Workflow provides a set of standard templates in the System: Mailer item type, which
are used by default. It is not recommended to modify the standard templates. However, you
can customize the message templates used to send your e-mail notifications by assigning a
notification mailer alternative templates provided by Oracle Workflow or custom templates that
you create in Oracle Workflow Builder. The templates assigned to a mailer override the default
System: Mailer templates.

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Advanced Configuration Schedule Events

Advanced Configuration Schedule Events

You can schedule the following events to be raised to control the running of a notification
Launch Summary Notifications
Click the Add a Row or Add Another Row button to add a new row to the list of events and
enter the information for the event.
Select the event for the command you want to schedule.
Select the date when you want the event to be raised first.
Select the hour and minute to specify the time on the specified date when you want the
event to be raised first. The hour values are in a twenty-four hour format. For example,
select 00 for midnight, or 23 for 11 PM.

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If you want to raise the event periodically, enter the time interval in minutes at which you
want to raise the event. If you do not specify a repeating interval, the event is raised only
If you choose the refresh event, you can optionally enter parameters to refresh the
notification mailer configuration parameters with those values when the event is raised.

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Chapter 17 - Page 62
Advanced Configuration - Tags

Advanced Configuration Tags

Oracle Workflow provides several predefined tags for text commonly found in undeliverable or
auto-reply messages. Since different mail systems vary in how they identify bounced,
undeliverable, or otherwise invalid messages, you can use notification mailer tags to specify
how your mail system identifies those stray messages and how you want the notification
mailer to handle those messages should it come across them.
The notification mailer handles messages according to these mail status values, as follows:
UNDELVRD: Moves the message to the discard folder and updates the notification's
mail status to FAILED. Additionally, the notification preference of the recipient of the
notification is updated to DISABLED. No error process is initiated for this notification
activity. However, after correcting the issues that prevented the e-mail from being sent,
you can reset the user's notification preference and then run the Resend Failed
Workflow Notifications program to re-enqueue failed notifications on the notification
mailer's outbound queue.
Unavailable: Moves the message to the discard folder and continues waiting for a reply
to the notification since the notification's status is still OPEN, but its mail status is
updated to UNAVAIL. This status is purely informative, as no further processing occurs
with this notification.

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Ignore: Moves the message to the discard folder and continues waiting for a valid reply
to the open notification. The notification's status is still OPEN and its mail status is still
You can define additional tags for other patterns you want the notification mailer to handle
automatically. To add a new tag, click the Add Another Row button, enter the text pattern in
the Pattern column, and select the status you want to assign to messages containing that
pattern in the Action column.

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Advanced Configuration - Test

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Advanced Configuration - Review

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Component Details for Notification Mailers

Component Details for Notification Mailers

The Component Details page lets you review the configuration of a service component.
(N) Applications Dashboard > (pull-down menu) Workflow Manager > (B) Go > (I) Service
Components status > (B) View Details
Click the Test Mailer button to send a test message. On the Test Notification Mailer page,
select the recipient role to which the message should be sent, and click the Send Test
Message button. Then check the e-mail account for the recipient role to verify that the test
message was received.
Click the Set Override Address button to set an override address where you want to send all
outgoing e-mail notifications. Use an override address when you are testing workflow
definitions or mailer processing so that you can automatically receive all the test notifications
at one e-mail address, instead of having to check or change each individual recipient's e-mail
address. To ensure that the override address is accessible and that its use is authorized, you
must verify the request before the notification mailer can use the address.
On the Set Override Address page, review the current override address, if any. Enter the
e-mail address you want to set as the new override address, and select Submit. Then
check the e-mail account that you specified for the verification e-mail message.
On the Verify Override Address page, enter the verification code shown in the e-mail
message, and click Apply. If necessary, you can use the link provided in the verification

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Chapter 17 - Page 67
e-mail message to navigate back to the Verify Override Address page. You must log in
to Oracle Applications Manager before you can access this page.
To remove the override address, navigate to the Set Override Address page and click
the Clear Override Address button. The notification mailer then resumes sending e-mail
notifications to the individual recipients' e-mail addresses.

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Notification Mailer Throughput

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Handling Notification Mailer Errors

Handling Notification Mailer Errors

For additional information about error handling scripts, diagnostic tests, and concurrent
programs, see: Handling Mailer Errors, Oracle Workflow Administrators Guide.

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Chapter 17 - Page 70
Testing Mailer URL Access

Testing Mailer URL Access

Before you can access the Workflow Mailer URL Access Tester page, your system
administrator must add it to the menu for an Oracle E-Business Suite responsibility that is
assigned to you.
You can test either the notification details for a single notification, or the notification summary
of all open notifications for a particular role.
The notification mailer uses the context values specified in the Framework User, Framework
Responsibility, and Framework Application ID parameters in the notification mailer
configuration wizard. For example, the default values for these parameters are:
Framework User - SYSADMIN (0)
Framework Responsibility - System Administrator (20420)
Framework Application ID - System Administration (1)

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Testing Mailer URL Access

Testing Mailer URL Access

Navigate to the Workflow Mailer URL Access Tester page using a responsibility and
navigation path specified by your system administrator.
You can test either a Notification Details region or a Notification Summary region.
For a Notification Details region, specify the following parameters:
- Notification ID - Specify the unique ID for the notification to test.
- Content Type - Specify whether to test the notification content in HTML format or
as plain text.
- Language - Select the language in which to display the notification content.
For a Notification Summary region, specify the following parameters:
Recipient Role - Select the type of role for which you want to test the notification
summary. Then select the role you want within that type.
Content Type - Specify whether to test the notification summary content in HTML format
or as plain text.
If the content generated by the test URL in your browser session does not appear correctly,
adjust the code for your Oracle Application Framework region to ensure that it does not
depend on the user session context.

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Workflow System Status

Workflow System Status

The Workflow System page also includes the following:

System Status
You can also click the Notification Mailers, Agent Listeners, or Service Components status
icons to manage those components.
Additionally, you can also select an Oracle Workflow feature that runs as a concurrent
program from the Submit Request For pull-down menu and click the Go button. You can
submit requests for background engines, purging, and control queue cleanup.

Related Database Parameters

This region lets you review actual and recommended values for the database initialization
parameters that are required for Oracle Workflow.

Workflow Metrics
Work Items: To view the distribution of item types within a status, either select the bar for
that status in the graph, or click the status name link.
Note: A work item can be counted in more than one status. For example, all work items
that do not have an end date are counted as Active work items, including deferred,

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Chapter 17 - Page 74
suspended, and errored work items as well as running work items. Also, if an activity
within an item is deferred, and the work item as a whole is suspended, the work item is
included in the count for both the Deferred and Suspended statuses. Consequently, the
total of the counts for all the statuses is greater than the actual number of work items.
Agent Activity: To view the distribution of event messages with different statuses on
different agents, either select the bar for a status in the graph, or select an event
message status name link.
Note: Messages are not explicitly assigned a status of Error. The Error bar in the graph
represents messages of any status on the WF_ERROR agent.

Related Links
- Click the Service Components link to configure service components, including
notification mailers and agent listeners.
- Click the Queue Propagation link to view a list of propagation schedules for
Business Event System agents.
- Click the Work Items link to view the distribution of completed work items across
different item types.
- Click the Notification Mailer link to view the notification mailer throughput.

Gathering Oracle Workflow Statistics

Some Oracle Workflow Manager graphs and lists may summarize large volumes of data,
depending on the level of activity in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance. To enhance
performance in displaying these statistics, Oracle Workflow Manager periodically runs
concurrent programs to gather the statistics and displays the graphs and lists based on the
latest data from the concurrent programs.
Workflow Agent Activity Statistics program: Gathers statistics for the Agent Activity graph
on the Workflow System status page and for the agent activity list on the Agent Activity
Workflow Mailer Statistics program: Gathers statistics for the throughput graph on the
Notification Mailer Throughput page.
Workflow Work Items Statistics program: Gathers statistics for the Work Items graph on
the Workflow System status page, for the Completed Work Items list on the Workflow
Purge page, and for the work item lists on the Active Work Items, Deferred Work Items,
Suspended Work Items, and Errored Work Items pages.
These concurrent programs are scheduled to run every 24 hours by default. They do not require
any parameters. You can optionally cancel the default scheduled requests and run the programs
with a different schedule if you want to gather statistics at a different frequency.
Each of these graphs and lists displays the date and time when its statistics were last updated, as
well as a refresh icon that you can click to refresh the statistics immediately if necessary.
However, note that if your Oracle E-Business Suite instance contains very large volumes of
workflow data, you may encounter delays or page timeouts when refreshing the data.

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Workflow Status in Oracle Applications Manager

Oracle Applications Manager

Oracle Workflow provides the following diagnostic tests.
Duplicate User Test: Checks the Oracle Workflow directory service to verify that there
are no roles in the WF_LOCAL_ROLES table with the same internal name, originating
system, and originating system ID.
Notification Preference Validation Test: Checks the Oracle Workflow directory service to
ensure that all roles with a notification preference for receiving e-mail notifications have
an e-mail address defined.
Rule Function Validation Test: Checks the rule functions defined for subscriptions and
the generate functions defined for events in the Business Event System.
GSM Setup Test: Checks the Generic Service Management (GSM) setup required for
Oracle Workflow in Oracle Applications Manager.
BES Clone Test: Checks certain standard agents and subscriptions required for internal
Business Event System and notification mailer processing to verify that they are enabled
and that their definitions include the correct local system.
GSC Control Queue Test: Verifies that the Workflow control queue, WF_CONTROL, is
properly accessible.
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Workflow Advanced Queue Rule Validation Test: Checks the standard WF_ERROR and
WF_DEFERRED queues to verify that only one subscriber rule is defined for each
Workflow Agents/AQ Status Test: Checks the Business Event System agents for Oracle
Workflow and Oracle XML Gateway, as well as the queues associated with these
Workflow Objects Validity Test: Checks the Oracle Workflow and Oracle XML Gateway
database objects to verify that all the objects are valid.
XML Parser Installation Test: Checks your Oracle E-Business Suite installation to verify
that the Oracle XML parser is installed and valid.
Mailer Component Test: Checks your notification mailer service components to verify
that at least one notification mailer has been configured with all the parameters needed
to run it.
Mailer Component Parameter Test: Checks your notification mailer service components
to validate their configuration parameters.
Event Diagnostic Test: Reports details about the Business Event System, including the
statuses of the local system and agent listeners, details about the definitions of the
specified event and any subscriptions to that event, and details about the specified
instance of the event if it appears on a standard deferred or error queue.
Event Raise Test: Checks the basic operation of the Business Event System by raising a
test event from Java and from PL/SQL and executing synchronous and asynchronous
subscriptions to that event.
Mailer Diagnostic Test: Reports details about a notification and about the notification
mailer that sent the notification.

Oracle Workflow uses the Oracle Applications Logging framework to standardize and
centralize in the database logging activities related to the Oracle Workflow Business Event
System and Oracle XML Gateway.
Note: The Java middle tier components of Oracle Workflow, including notification mailers and
agent listeners, also use Oracle Applications Logging; however, due to the high volume of
messages that pass through these components, their information is logged to the file system
by default.

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Chapter 17 - Page 77
Work Items

Work Items
Review the number of work items in different statuses to monitor Workflow Engine processing
and identify any possible bottlenecks. For example, an abnormal number of activities with a
deferred status may indicate that there are not enough background engines available.
Information about completed work items is available through the Workflow Purge page.

Work Items
To filter the item types displayed in the list, select an item type property and an operator from
the Filter pull-down menus, enter a filter value in the text field, and click the Go button. You
can filter by the following properties:
Work item type display name
Work item type internal name
Number of work items of this type
Note: When you drill down to active work items, all work items that do not have an end date
are counted as active work items in this page, including deferred, suspended, and errored
work items as well as running work items.

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Work Item Details
By default, the lists of active or deferred work items show only work items that started within
the last 30 days, because there may be large numbers of work items in these statuses.
However, the lists of suspended or errored work items show work items that started at any
time, by default.
To view work items that started within a specific period, enter a number of days in the Filter:
Start Date Within Last _ Days option and click the Go button.
Note: When you drill down to active work items, only activities with a status of Active, Waiting,
or Notified are included on this page. Activities with a status of Deferred, Suspended, or Error
are not included on this page, although the work items to which they belong are counted as
active work items.

Work Item Activity Details

By default, the lists of active or deferred work items show only work items that started within
the last 30 days, because there may be large numbers of work items in these statuses.
However, the lists of suspended or errored work items show work items that started at any
time, by default.
To filter the work items displayed in the list, select an activity property from the Filter By pull-
down menu, enter a filter value in the text field, and click the Go button. You can filter by the
following properties:
Internal name of the work item activity
Start date within a specified number of days
Due date within a specified number of days
User assigned to perform the activity
Item key of the work item
Note: When you drill down to active work items, only activities with a status of Active, Waiting,
or Notified are included on this page. Activities with a status of Deferred, Suspended, or Error
are not included on this page, although the work items to which they belong are counted as
Active work items.

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Completed Work Items

Completed Work Items

Note: These pages show information for completed work items that have not yet been purged.
Work items that have already been purged will no longer appear, because their information is
no longer stored in the Oracle Workflow tables.

Completed Work Items

To filter the item types displayed in the list, select an item type property and an operator from
the Filter pull-down menus, enter a filter value in the text field, and click the Go button. You
can filter by the following properties:
Work item type display name
Work item type internal name
Persistence type
Retention period
Number of completed work items of this type
Number of items of this type available for purging
You can also drill down by clicking the item type link in the Work Item Type column.

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Completed Work Item Details
By default, the list shows unpurged, completed work items that ended within the last 30 days,
because there may be large numbers of work items in this status. To view unpurged,
completed work items that ended within a different period, enter a number of days in the Filter:
End Date Within Last _ Days option and click the Go button.
You can also drill down by clicking the activity stage link in the Work Item Activity Stage

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Completed Work Items

Completed Work Items

Note: This page shows information for completed work items that have not yet been purged.
Work items that have already been purged will no longer appear, because their information is
no longer stored in the Oracle Workflow tables.

Completed Work Item Activity Details

By default, the list shows unpurged, completed work items that ended within the last 30 days,
because there may be large numbers of work items in this status.
To filter the work items displayed in the list, select an activity property from the Filter pull-down
menu, enter a filter value in the text field, and click the Go button. You can filter by the
following properties:
Internal name of the activity at which the work item ended
Start date within a specified number of days
End date within a specified number of days
User assigned to perform the activity
Item key of the work item

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Background Engines

Background Engines
You can set up as many background engines as you need, but if you set up only one, then
that background engine must handle both deferred and timed out activities as well as stuck
Generally, you should run a separate background engine to check for stuck processes at less
frequent intervals than the background engine that you run for deferred or timed out activities,
normally not more often than once a day. Run the background engine to check for stuck
processes when the load on the system is low. Do not run more background engines
concurrently than your server has CPU processors.
When you start a new background engine, you can restrict the engine to handle activities
associated with specific item types, and within specific cost ranges. You can submit the
Workflow Background Process concurrent program several times to schedule different
background engines to run at different times.

Item Type: Specify an item type to restrict this engine to activities associated with that
item type. If you do not specify an item type, the engine processes any activity
regardless of its item type.

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Minimum Threshold: Specify the minimum cost that an activity must have for this
background engine to execute it, in hundredths of a second.
Maximum Threshold: Specify the maximum cost that an activity can have for this
background engine to execute it, in hundredths of a second. By using Minimum
Threshold and Maximum Threshold you can create multiple background engines to
handle very specific types of activities. For example, if you only want to process activities
with a certain cost, you can set both the Minimum Threshold and the Maximum
Threshold to that value. The default values for these arguments are 0 and 100 so that
the background engine runs activities regardless of cost.
Process Deferred: (Mandatory parameter) Specify whether this background engine
checks for deferred activities.
Process Timeout: (Mandatory parameter) Specify whether this background engine
checks for activities that have timed out.
Process Stuck: Specify whether this background engine checks for stuck processes.

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Chapter 17 - Page 84
Purging Workflow Data

Purging Workflow Data

Note: The Purge APIs are provided to let developers and administrators perform manual
purging when necessary. However, it is recommended that you submit purge requests from
Oracle Workflow Manager because this tool centralizes workflow management functionality
and lets you review the completed work items eligible for purging before you perform the

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Chapter 17 - Page 85
Purging Workflow Data

Purging Workflow Data

The persistence type of an item type controls when runtime status information for work items
of that type becomes eligible for purging. The persistence values are:
Temporary: Item will be eligible to be deleted in n days
Permanent: Item will be deleted only when forced
Note: For a work item to be considered eligible for purging, all activities must be complete.
This requirement includes FYI notifications, which must be closed.
This program purges obsolete runtime information associated with work items, including
status information, any associated notifications, and, if the ECX: Purge ECX data with WF
profile option is set to Y, any associated Oracle XML Gateway transactions. By default, it also
purges obsolete design information, such as activities that are no longer in use and expired ad
hoc users and roles, and obsolete runtime information not associated with work items, such as
notifications that were not handled through a workflow process and, if the ECX: Purge ECX
data with WF profile option is set to Y, Oracle XML Gateway transactions that were not
handled through a workflow process. You can optionally choose to purge only core runtime
information associated with work items for performance gain during periods of high activity,
and purge all obsolete information as part of your routine maintenance during periods of low

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To preserve electronic signature evidence for future reference, this program by default does
not delete any notifications that required signatures or their associated signature information.
If you do not need to maintain signature evidence, you can choose to delete signature-related
information as well.
Note: You can also use the Purge Obsolete ECX Data concurrent program to purge Oracle
XML Gateway transactions according to Oracle XML Gateway-specific parameters. See:
Purge Obsolete ECX Data Concurrent Program, Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide.

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Purging Workflow Data

Purging in Oracle E-Business Suite

You can also access the Workflow Purge page from the Workflow System page by selecting
the Purge status icon.
You can also submit a request for the Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Data concurrent
program by selecting Purge from the Submit Request For pull-down menu on the Workflow
System page and clicking the Go button.

Item Type: Specify the item type to purge. Leave this field blank to purge the run-time
data for all item types.
Item Key: Specify the item key to purge. The item key is a unique identifier for an item
within an item type. Leave this field blank to purge the run-time data for all items of the
specified item type.
Age: Specify the minimum age of data to purge, in days, if you are purging items with a
Temporary persistence type. The default is 0 days.
Persistence Type: Specify the persistence type of the data you want to purge, either
Permanent or Temporary. The default is Temporary.

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Core Workflow Only: Enter Y to purge only obsolete run-time data associated with work
items, or N to purge all obsolete run-time data as well obsolete design data. The default
is N.
Commit Frequency: Enter the number of records to purge before the program commits
data. To reduce rollback size and improve performance, set this parameter to commit
data after a smaller number of records. The default is 500 records.
Signed Notifications: Enter N to preserve signature evidence, including notifications that
required electronic signatures and their associated signature information. Enter Y to
purge signature-related information. The default is N.

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Workflow Purge APIs

Workflow Purge APIs

Many of the purge APIs in the WF_PURGE package accept the following parameters:
Item Type: The item type associated with the obsolete run-time data that you want to
delete. Leave this parameter null to delete obsolete data for all item types.
Item Key: The string generated from the application objects primary key that uniquely
identifies the item within an item type. Leave this parameter null to purge all items in the
specified item type.
End Date: A specified date to delete up to.
Note: Most of the WF_PURGE APIs only purge data associated with Temporary item types
whose persistence, in days, has expired. Use the WF_PURGE.TotalPERM API to delete all
eligible obsolete run-time data associated with item types of with a persistence type of

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Chapter 17 - Page 90
Control Queue Cleanup

Control Queue Cleanup

When a middle tier process for Oracle E-Business Suite starts up, it creates a JMS subscriber
to the queue. Then, when an event message is placed on the queue, a copy of the event
message is created for each subscriber to the queue. If a middle tier process dies, however,
the corresponding subscriber remains in the database. For more efficient processing, you
should ensure that WF_CONTROL is periodically cleaned up by removing the subscribers for
any middle tier processes that are no longer active. The Workflow Control Queue Cleanup
concurrent program sends an event named to check the
status of each subscriber to the Oracle Workflow Manager WF_CONTROL queue. If the
corresponding middle tier process is still alive, it sends back a response. The next time the
cleanup program runs, it checks whether responses have been received for each ping event
sent during the previous run. If no response was received from a particular subscriber, that
subscriber is removed.
The recommended frequency for performing cleanup is every twelve hours. In order to allow
enough time for subscribers to respond to the ping event, the minimum wait time between two
cleanup runs is thirty minutes. If you run the procedure again less than thirty minutes after the
previous run, it will not perform any processing.
You perform Workflow control queue cleanup by submitting the Workflow Control Queue
Cleanup concurrent program (FNDWFBES_CONTROL_QUEUE_CLEANUP). This program
does not require any parameters. This concurrent program is scheduled to run every twelve
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hours by default (set during the install), which is the recommended frequency for performing
cleanup. You can optionally submit this program with a different schedule if you want to
perform cleanup at a different frequency.
To submit a request for the Workflow Control Queue Cleanup concurrent program,
choose Control Queue Cleanup from the Submit Request For pull-down menu in the
Workflow System status page and click the Go button.
To view Workflow Control Queue Cleanup concurrent requests, click the Control Queue
Cleanup status icon in the Workflow System status page.

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Chapter 17 - Page 92
Queue Propagation

Queue Propagation
The Oracle DBA should schedule propagation for your local outbound Business Event System
agents to send event messages to their destinations. A propagation schedule is defined for an
outbound queue and a specified destination, which can be either a remote database link or
the local system. If the Oracle DBA wants to use the standard WF_OUT and WF_JMS_OUT
agents or custom agents for event message propagation, the Oracle DBA must schedule
propagation for those agents.
Note: The Oracle DBA does not need to schedule propagation for the WF_CONTROL or
WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT agents, however, because the middle tier processes that use
WF_CONTROL dequeue messages directly from its queue, and a notification mailer sends
messages placed on the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue.
The Queue Propagation page shows information to let the Oracle DBA determine the status of
a propagation schedule, including the job queue process executing the schedule, whether the
schedule is enabled or disabled, and the error date and error message of the last
unsuccessful execution. For example, if no process is allocated to execute the schedule, the
Oracle DBA may need to increase the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES database initialization
parameter to ensure that processes are available for propagation. If the propagation schedule
is disabled, the Oracle DBA must enable it before it can be executed.

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Agent Activity

Agent Activity
Review the number of messages in different statuses on your local agents to monitor event
message processing and identify any possible bottlenecks. For example, if an inbound agent
has an abnormally large number of messages with a status of Ready, you may need to check
the status of the agent listener processing message for that agent, or configure a new agent
listener service component for that agent. Similarly, if an outbound agent has an abnormally
large number of messages with a status of Ready, you may need to check the status of the
propagation schedule for that agents queue, or schedule propagation if necessary.
Note: The Agent Activity page displays event messages on the WF_ERROR agent according
to their explicitly assigned status on the WF_ERROR queue, unlike the Agent Activity graph in
the Workflow System page which summarizes all messages on the WF_ERROR agent in an
Error status.

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Searching Messages on an Agent

Searching Messages on an Agent

The icon in the View XML column is disabled if the event data for a message is empty.
You can also search Oracle XML Gateway queues with these payload types:
For the Oracle XML Gateway payload types, the Search Queue page provides different filter
criteria and message details that are specific to Oracle XML Gateway messages.

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Complete the Assign Workflow Administration Privileges and System Status and
Throughput activities which are provided for your reference and future learning.

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Chapter 17 - Page 96
SOA and Web Services for
the System Administrator
Chapter 18

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 1
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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 3

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 4
Service-Oriented Architecture

Service-Oriented Architecture
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) defines Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) as: a
set of components which can be invoked, and whose interface descriptions can be published
and discovered.
SOA is an architectural style designed to integrate loosely coupled services. Loose coupling is
possible by using standards-based technologies that enable platform independence and
interaction based on the request-response architecture provided by the Internet. Several
standards from the W3C have come together to enable SOA to be realized.
Essentially, an SOA is a collection of services that communicate with each other using
standards-based technology.
The function provided by a service is a unit of work performed by a service provider to achieve
desired end results for a service consumer. The provider and consumer roles are
implemented through software components.

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Chapter 18 - Page 5
Comparing Methods - Challenges

Comparing Methods Challenges

There are challenges and drawbacks to SOA and other high-end methods. In many cases, the
advantages far outweigh the challenges and drawbacks. But, you must understand these to
make a fully informed decision. In this analysis, lets look at the end product, the SOA method.
The SOA method relies on a complex multi-tier architecture. If any one of these tiers is
inoperable, the whole system is down. As well, the architecture allows for heterogeneous
systems to connect and communicate. At times, network realities can make this very difficult.
Because of its multi-tier complexity, SOA applications are much more difficult to debug. There
are few tools that are capable of reaching across a variety of hardware, software, and
operating system environment to fully debug SOA applications. This is not a direct limitation of
the development tools. Many times, SOA applications will be relying upon services outside of
their direct influence or control. Or, the developers of the SOA application may not have the
proper security access to fully debug the applications. Many of the more serious debugging
issues are directly related to operational and security issues.
SOA applications will never be as efficient as native machine methods. SOA applications will
always consume more memory, more resources, and more CPU cycles (in-total) to achieve
the same functionality in comparison to a native machine application.
Finally, SOA applications have to be more fully managed in an end-to-end lifecycle than other
applications. For example, if the API changes on an application, often times the underlying

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 6
application merely needs to be recompiled and rebuilt using the updated API. With SOA
applications, you must not only manage the services within your control, but you must be
aware of and managing, as best you can, all the services that your application uses.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 7
Web Services

Introducing Web Services

Web services are a set of standards that describe a service-oriented, component-based
application architecture. Web services enable loosely coupled, reusable software components
that semantically encapsulate discrete functionality and are distributed and programmatically
accessible over standard Internet protocols.
A Web service has an interface described in a machine-processable format, specially in
WSDL (Web Services Description Language). Other systems interact with the Web service in
a manner prescribed by its description using SOAP messages for WSDL-based services.
The WSDLs described for SOAP services can be used either to create clients which invoke
the deployed SOAP services directly, or use Oracle SOA Suite BPEL component to create a
composite application which coordinates the flow of data between various Web services to
accomplish a business process.
Note: SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a protocol for exchanging XML-based
messages over networks, normally using HTTP/HTTPS.
Additional Information: REST (Representational State Transfer) service is another style of
Web service that serves as a simpler alternative to SOAP service allowing you to access
service over the Web. This type of services described in WADLs (Web Application Description
Language) is commonly used for mobile applications. More information about REST services
is explained later in this lesson.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 8
SOA in Oracle E-Business Suite

SOA in Oracle E-Business Suite

The SOA capabilities have migrated into the Oracle E-Business Suite server space. There is
no longer an arbitrary separation, and this allows a native level of connection and integration
otherwise impossible.
Integration Repository contains numerous interface endpoints.
Web Service Provider (WSP) supports for exposing generic XML Gateway Messages
and Business Service Objects (or earlier Service Beans) as Web services.
Oracle Applications Adapter (also called Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter) supports for
exposing database related interfaces such as PL/SQL, Concurrent as Web services.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway (ISG) enables supported interface
types published in Oracle Integration Repository. These interfaces can be transformed
into Web services. It also provides service monitoring and auditing features through
Service Monitor.
In Release 12.2 SOAP-based service enablement, ISG leverages Oracle SOA Suite 11g
and Oracle Applications Adapter for provisioning standard Web services for business
Note: In Release 12.2.3, REST services provided through ISG are also available.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 9
Architectural Changes in Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA
Gateway Release 12.2

Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Release 12.2

By leveraging Oracle SOA Suite 11g running on Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle E-Business
Suite Integrated SOA Gateway provides greater capabilities and infrastructure for exposing
various integration interfaces within Oracle E-Business Suite as Web services.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 10
Product Dependencies

Product Dependencies
Supported interfaces published in Oracle Integration Repository can be transformed into
SOAP and REST Web services.
SOAP-based services are deployed to Oracle SOA Suite 11g running on Oracle WebLogic
Server 11g. Therefore, this type of services depends on Oracle SOA Suite 11g and Oracle
Applications Adapter 11g.
REST-based services are dependent solely on the infrastructure provided by Oracle E-
Business Suite and are deployed to Oracle E-Business Suite. They do not dependent on
Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Applications Adapter.
REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architecture principle in which the Web services
are viewed as resources and can be uniquely identified by their URLs. The key characteristic
of a REST service is the explicit use of HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE) to
denote the invocation of different operations. Please note that only POST method is supported
in the 12.2.3 release.
Unlike SOAP messages completely based on XML format, REST messages can process both
XML and non-XML formats such as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), a text-based open
standard. Compared to XML, JSON is light weight with faster parsing results and is often used
with REST services to transmit structured data between a server and Web application.
Note: REST services are only available in Oracle E-Business Suite release 12.2.3.
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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 11
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway

Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway

It provides SOA-based integration infrastructure that helps organizations to provide, consume,
and monitor Web services for integrations in a heterogeneous ecosystem.
Oracle Integration Repository (Service Broker), an integral part of Oracle E-Business
Suite, is the centralized repository that contains numerous interface endpoints exposed
by applications within the Oracle E-Business Suite. Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated
SOA Gateway leverages Oracle Integration Repository to provide the capabilities of Web
service generation and deployment, as well as service life cycle management.
Service Provider (previously known as SOA Provider) is the primary engine
underlying the Web services. It is the engine that performs the actual service generation
and deployment behind the scene.
Service Invocation Framework serves as a service consumer to send a request
through the invocation of a Web service from Oracle E-Business Suite. By leveraging
Oracle Workflow Java Business Event System (JBES) and a seeded Java rule function,
this framework provides an infrastructure that facilitates Web service invocation and
consumption from Oracle E-Business Suite.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 12
Oracle Integration Repository

Oracle Integration Repository

Oracle Integration Repository supports the following integration interface types:
XML Gateway Map
Concurrent Program
Business Service Object (formerly known as Service Beans)
Business Event
Open Interface Tables
Open Interface Views
EDI Interface
Composite services BPEL
Jav a
- Java APIs for Forms
- Security Services (12.2.3 only)
Note: Java APIs for Forms and Security Services are subtype of Java interfaces.
Security services, available in Oracle E-Business Suite release 12.2.3, are a special set
of predefined, predeployed REST services from Oracle Application Object Library.
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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 13
Custom integration interfaces and composite services BPEL type can be created and
annotated based on the Integration Repository annotation standards. Integration repository
administrators use a standalone design time tool called Integration Repository Parser to
validate these annotated source files against the annotation standards. After validation, a
loader file is generated and then can be uploaded to the Integration Repository where they
can be displayed for all users.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 14
Service Provider: Expose Oracle E-Business Suite and Custom
Interfaces as Web Services

Service Provider
Service Provider is the engine that performs the actual service generation and deployment
behind the scene. It helps expose the following interface types as SOAP-based Web services:
XML Gateway Map (inbound)
Concurrent Program
Business Service Object (formerly known as Service Beans)
Java APIs for Forms
Business events and XML Gateway outbound messages can be used as services through
Users with the Integration Repository Administrator role can perform the administrative tasks
to transform these integration interfaces into Web services.
In release 12.2.3, PL/SQL APIs can also be exposed as REST-based Web services.
Note: Only PL/SQL APIs can be exposed as both REST and SOAP services. Security
services are predefined, predeployed REST and they are pregranted to all users. There is no
need for the administrator to perform any user actions for security services at design time.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 16
High-Level Overview of Service Development

High Level Overview of Service Development

At development phase, users with the System Integration Developer role can create
custom interfaces, and annotate custom interface's definitions. Users with the Integration
Repository Administrator role can validate and upload annotated custom interfaces to
the Integration Repository where all the registered interfaces, regardless of custom or
Oracle packaged ones, can be viewed and accessed by all users.
At design time, users with the Integration Repository Administrator role can generate
SOAP services with desired operation patterns, and deploy them to Oracle SOA Suite by
attaching an appropriate security policy.
In 12.2.3 release, users with the integration repository administrator role can also deploy
PL/SQL APIs as REST services. Please note that REST services are deployed to Oracle
E-Business Suites application server.
At run time, Web service clients send request messages to invoke Oracle E-Business
Suite services enabled through ISG's Service Provider. After authenticating and
authorizing the users who request the services, services can be invoked.
Users with the Integration Repository Administrator role are responsible for monitoring runtime
service activities using Service Monitor.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 17
Assigning User Roles

Assigning User Roles

A system administrator can assign these user roles to appropriate users through the User
Management responsibility.
For example, users with the System Integration Analyst role can browse integration interfaces
and services through the Integration Repository user interface as well as view each interface
Users with the System Integration Developer role not only can view each interface through the
repository, but also can annotate custom integration interfaces based on annotation
standards, and perform service generation task for SOAP-based Web services.
Users with the Integration Repository Administrator role (hereafter referred as an integration
repository administrator or the administrator) can perform all user and administrative tasks.
These include browsing and viewing each integration interface and service, managing service
life cycle activities (such as generating, deploying, undeploying, retiring, activating, and
resetting services), creating security grants, and monitoring runtime SOAP-based service

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 18
Performing Administrative Tasks

Performing Administrative Tasks

In addition to managing service life cycle activities, users with the Integration Repository
Administrator role can perform the following tasks in the Integration Repository user interface:
Managing Web service security and creating grants
This section explains each authentication type used in authenticating users who
requests Oracle E-Business Suite SOAP and REST services. Information on how to
create security grants is also included in this section.
Downloading composite services BPEL
Administering custom integration interfaces and services
An integration repository administrator can configure log settings at the interface level using
the Log & Audit Setup Details page, and monitor and audit all SOAP messages passed
through Oracle SOA Suite for Oracle E-Business Suite Web services using Service Monitor.
Service Invocation Framework (SIF) provides the functionality to invoke and consume Web
services from Oracle E-Business Suite.
Note: Logging feature and service monitoring feature are supported for SOAP services only.
These features are not supported for REST services in release 12.2.3.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 19
Accessing Oracle Integration Repository

Accessing Oracle Integration Repository

To access the Integration Repository, select the Integration Repository link from the
Navigator. Additionally, use the following navigation paths to perform additional administrative
Administration > Service Monitor to access Service Monitor where you can manage
and monitor SOAP messages.
Administration > Configuration to access the Log & Audit Setup Details page where
you can configure log settings at the interface level.
Note: You must log on to Oracle E-Business Suite with the Integration Repository
Administrator role in order to perform administrative tasks. Otherwise, you can only view
interface details, without the privileges of managing service life cycle activities in the
Integration Repository, and the Administration link will not be displayed for selection from the

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 20
Searching and Viewing Integration Details

Searching and Viewing Interface Details

Once you logging on to the Integration Repository by clicking the Integration Repository link,
you can perform a search by clicking Search to access the main Search page.

Searching for Java APIs for Forms interfaces and Security Services
You must perform a search by clicking the Show More Search Options link to display more
search fields. Enter the following key search values as the search criteria:
Category: Interface Subtype
Category Value: 'Java APIs for Forms' or 'Security Services

Searching for Custom Integration Interfaces

First click the Show More Search Options link and then select 'Custom' from the Interface
Source drop-down list along with more search fields if needed as the search criteria.

Viewing Interface Details

Select a desired interface from the search result table. The interface details page appears
where you can generate and deploy services and manage other service life cycle activities.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 21
Managing Service Life Cycle Activities: SOAP

Managing SOAP Service Life Cycle Activities

An integration repository administrator can perform the following administrative tasks in
managing each state of SOAP services throughout the entire service life cycle:
Generating SOAP services: This transforms integration interface definitions into SOAP-
based Web services described in WSDLs. If service definitions have been changed after
service generation, services must be regenerated again.
Deploying and undeploying SOAP services: This deploys generated services to Oracle
SOA Suite with Deployed with Active state.
Retiring SOAP services: This disables an active deployed service.
Activating SOAP services: This lets a retired service become active again.
Resetting SOAP services: This clears up a service artifact, and takes the service back to
its initial status - 'Not Generated' regardless of its current state.
Please note that these service design-time activities can also be generated and managed
from backend processing. Refer to the Managing SOAP Service Life Cycle Activities Using An
Ant Script section, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide
for details.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 22
Generating SOAP Services

Generating SOAP Services with Desired Interaction Patterns

(N) Integration Repository > (B) Generate
SOAP services can be generated with the support for synchronous or asynchronous
interaction pattern, or both synchronous and asynchronous patterns.
Before generating a service, the administrator must specify interaction pattern(s) for desired
methods to be exposed as service operations. This can be achieved at the method level for
one or more methods, or at the interface level for all methods.
Note: Asynchronous operation is supported only in PL/SQL APIs for SOAP-based services.
After a service has been successfully generated, the Web service status is changed from 'Not
Generated' to 'Generated'.
Click the View WSDL Link to view the generated WSDL description. For more information
about WSDL description, refer to the Reviewing WSDL Element Details section, Oracle E-
Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developers Guide for details.
After service generation, if the interface definition or selected interaction pattern has been
changed, click Regenerate to regenerate the service before service deployment.
Note: In release 12.2.3, PL/SQL APIs can be exposed as both SOAP and REST services.
The Generate is located in the SOAP Web Service tab instead.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 23
Service Generation with Interaction Patterns

Service Generation with Desired Interaction Patterns

Depending on how the service has been generated, the invocation of services can be:
Synchronous: This type of service execution provides an immediate response to a
query. In this situation, the client will wait until the server sends back the response
message. The advantage of using the synchronous service is that the client application
knows the status of the Web service operation in a very short time.
Asynchronous: This type of service execution may require a significant amount of time
to process a request. However, the client that invoked the Oracle E-Business Suite Web
service can continue with other processing in the meantime rather than wait for the
Using WS-Addressing and a correlation ID, BPEL supplies information about the
requester to the service invoked. The invoked service uses the callback location,
identified by the correlation ID, to return the response to the correct requester.
All services, whether invoked synchronously or asynchronously, should be subject to security
provided by the service infrastructure. Secured invocation can be supported by service
security standards, such as WS-Security header and the appropriate authentication type
selected during service deployment.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 24
Deploying SOAP Services

Deploying SOAP Services

(N) Integration Repository > (B) Deploy

Deploying Web Services with Authentication Types

Prior to deploying a SOAP service, the administrator must select one of the following
authentication types:
Username Token: This authentication type provides username and password in the
security header for a Web service provider to use in authenticating the users.
SAML Token (Sender Vouches): This authentication type is used for Web services
relying on sending a username only through SAML Assertion.
The selected authentication type will be used at run time to authenticate users who request
Oracle E-Business Suite Web services.

Deployment with Active State

Once a SOAP service has been successfully deployed, the deployed service will have
'Deployed with Active' service status in Oracle SOA Suite where Oracle E-Business Suite
services can be used at run time. Click the View WSDL link to view the deployed WSDL
information with physical location of service endpoint where the service is hosted.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 25
Undeploying, Retiring, and Resetting Services

Undeploying, Retiring, and Resetting SOAP Services

(N) Integration Repository > (B) Undeploy, (B) Retire, or (B) Reset
After service deployment, the administrator can undeploy the deployed service for following
Changes on an interface definition for a deployed service.
Changes on interaction pattern for a deployed service.
Changes on the Authentication Type field for a deployed service.
The original service was corrupt.
Click Undeploy to undeploy the service from Oracle SOA Suite back to Oracle Integration
Repository. The Web service status is changed from Deployed with Active state to
Generated. Click the View WSDL Link to view the generated WSDL description.
Click Reset to clear up the service artifact and reset the Web service status to its initial state -
'Not Generated' regardless of its current state. This action can be performed at any stage of
service generation and deployment life cycle.
Click Retire to change the state of the deployed service from 'Active' to 'Retired'. A deployed
service with 'Retired' state indicates that this service is no longer active for service invocation
and will not accept new SOAP requests.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 26
Activating Retired SOAP Services

Activating Retired Services

(N) Integration Repository > (B) Activate
After a service has been deployed with 'Retired' state, it is not available to participate in any
Web service activities at run time.
To bring it back to work and to be invoked by Web service clients, the integration repository
administrator must change the 'Retired' state to 'Active'. This can be achieved by clicking
Activate to take the retired service back to an active state again.
Please note that activating a service will not change its service definition. This means that the
selected interaction pattern and authentication type information remains the same as it was

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 27
Managing Service Life Cycle Activities: REST

Managing REST Service Life Cycle Activities in Release 12.2.3

In this release, REST services only support synchronous (request-response and request-only)
interaction pattern. The administrator can manage REST services in the following ways:
Deploy a Service: A PL/SQL interface can be exposed as a REST service through a
'Deploy' action. Unlike SOAP services deployed to Oracle SOA Suite, REST services
are deployed to an Oracle E-Business Suite WebLogic managed server.
Undeploy a Service: This action not only undeploys the REST service, but also resets
the service to its initial state - 'Not Deployed'. Any existing or running service requests
will be completed and no new request is honored.

Supporting Security Services - Predeployed REST Services

Additionally, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway supports Oracle Application
Object Librarys Authentication and Authorization services as REST security services.
Security services are used for mobile applications to validate or invalidate user credentials,
initialize user sessions with applications context, and authorize users.
Note: REST service design-time activities can also be performed from backend processing.
Refer to the Managing REST Service Life Cycle Activities Using An Ant Script section, Oracle
E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide for details.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 28
Deploying REST Services

Deploying REST Services

(N) Integration Repository > (T) REST Web Service > (B) Deploy
All REST service related activities are performed in the REST Web Service tab. Prior to
deploying a PL/SQL API as a REST service, the administrator must:
Specify service alias: Each REST service should be associated with a unique alias
name. Alias is a set of characters and used in the service endpoint which shortens the
URL for the service.
Select one or more methods to be exposed as REST service operations.
REST services are deployed to an Oracle E-Business Suite WebLogic server.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 29
Undeploying REST Services

Undeploying REST Services

(N) Integration Repository > (T) REST Web Service > (B) Undeploy
After service deployment, the REST Service Status field is changed from its initial state 'Not
Deployed' to 'Deployed. The Verb field displays the Verb value indicating how the REST
service is implemented using an HTTP method. Please note that 'POST' is the only method
supported in 12.2.3 release.
Click the View WADL link to view the deployed WADL for the selected PL/SQL interface.

Undeploying REST Services

When a service is undeployed, any existing or running service requests will be completed and
no new request is honored. The associated service artifact will be removed from the system.
For more information about WADL description, see the Reviewing WADL Element Details
section, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developer's Guide.

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Chapter 18 - Page 30
Performing Administrative Tasks

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 31
Authentication for SOAP-based Web Services

Authentication for SOAP Services

At run time, SOAP requests are received through Oracle SOA Suite for the deployed SOA
Composites in an Oracle WebLogic managed server. To authenticate users who request
Oracle E-Business Suite Web services, SOAP messages must be examined, depending on
the selected authentication type, by a JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service)
based login module for Oracle E-Business Suite.
Username Token: This authentication type provides username and password
information in the security header to authenticate SOAP requests. Username is a clear
text; password is the most sensitive part of the UsernameToken. The supported
password type is plain text password (or PasswordText).
SAML Token based security: This is to authenticate users who requests the service
relying on sending a username only through SAML assertion.
The identified authentication information is embedded in the wsse:security security
For more information about Web service security, refer to the Managing Web Service Security
section, the Securing Web Services chapter, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA
Gateway Implementation Guide.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 32
Authentication for REST-based Web Services

Authentication for REST Services

HTTP Basic Authentication: This method is for an HTTP client application to provide
username and password when making a REST request that is typically over HTTPS.
Token Based Authentication: This method authenticates a user using a security token
provided by the server. When a user tries to log on to a server, instead of authenticating the
user each time with username and password, a unique access token (such as Oracle E-
Business Suite session ID) may be sent as Cookie in HTTP header. This method can be used
in multiple consecutive REST invocations.
For example, when an Oracle E-Business Suite user has initially authenticated on a given
username and password, after successful login, the security Login service creates an Oracle
E-Business Suite user session and returns the session ID. The session ID that points to the
user session will be passed as Cookie to HTTP headers of all subsequent Web service calls
for user authentication.
The LoginModule will interpret and extract the token (session ID) from HTTP headers, and
validate the subject or username with token, not password, in the subsequent requests for
authentication. If the request passes the authentication and authorization, a security service is
invoked to initialize the applications context, and then REST service will be invoked.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 33
Authorization Through Security Grants

Authorization Through Security Grants

This security grant feature allows only authorized users to execute certain methods contained
in an interface through the Integration Repository.

Managing Grants in the Methods Region for Interfaces with SOAP Services Only
(N) Integration Repository > (B) Create Grant or (I) Revoke
For interfaces that can be exposed as SOAP services only, security grants are managed in
the Methods region.
To create a security grant, select a desired interface from the Integration Repository, the
interface details page appears. In the Methods region, select a desired method and click
Create Grant to open the Create Grants page where the administrator can grant the selected
method access permissions to a user, user group, or all users.
To view the grant details, click the Show link for a given method in the Methods region. Click
the Revoke icon to revoke a grant for a specific grantee.
For more information about how to manage grants for interfaces with the support for SOAP
services only, refer to Managing Security Grants for SOAP Web Services Only, Oracle E-
Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 34
Authorization Through Security Grants: Both SOAP and REST

Managing Grants for Interfaces with Support of SOAP and REST Services
(N) Integration Repository > (T) Grants > (B) Create Grant or (B) Revoke Grant
To create grants, in the Grants tab select appropriate method name check boxes and click
Create Grant to open the Create Grants page where the administrator can select a grantee
type and grantee name if applicable and click Great Grant.
To revoke grants for a single method, select a method name and then click Revoke
Grant. The Revoke Grants page displays the existing grants created earlier for the
selected method. Select the grants that you want to revoke, and click Revoke Grant.
To remove common grants for more methods, select more than one method name that
have grants created earlier before clicking Revoke Grant. The Revoke Grants page
appears where you can find existing grants that are commonly assigned to the selected
methods. For example, two methods (such as 'Create Credit Request' and 'Get
Application Number') are assigned to the same User (grantee type) 'operations (grantee
name). User 'operations' is considered as the common grant for these methods and is
displayed in the second table of the Revoke Grants page. Select the common grant(s),
such as User 'operations, and click Revoke Grant to remove the common grant(s).
Please note that the grant action applies to both SOAP and REST services. Refer to Oracle E-
Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide for details.
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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 35
Authorization to Verify Execution Privileges

Authorization to Verify Execution Privileges

Message Header for Applications Context

Some Oracle E-Business Suite services require applications context values to be passed
before they can be invoked. These context values including Responsibility, RespApplication.
SecurityGroup, NLSLanguage, and Org_Id may be included in the SOAHeader element as
part of the SOAP requests or the RESTHeader element as part of the HTTP body.

Message Header for XML Gateway Messages

In Oracle XML Gateway, each trading partner is configured with Oracle E-Business Suite
users. Only these authorized users defined in the Trading Partner Setup form are allowed to
perform XML transactions. External clients can pass such usernames in the <USERNAME>
and <PASSWORD> elements defined within the <ECX:SOAHeader> element (or
<XMLGateway_Header> element for generic XML Gateway services) in the SOAP body.
These username parameters are validated by Oracle XML Gateway against the username
defined in the trading partner setup before initiating a transaction.
For XML Gateway interface type, the authorization check is performed at both the trading
partner level, as well as on the username passed in the wsse:security header in the SOAP

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For information about how to pass applications context values and XML Gateway header
parameters, see the Understanding SOAP Messages section and the Understanding REST
Messages section, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developer's Guide.

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Performing Administrative Tasks

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SOA and Web Services for the System Administrator

Chapter 18 - Page 38
Composite Service Enablement Process

Enablement Process for Composite Services BPEL

A composite service is a set of specifications that define a way of assembling SOA-based
application. It may consist of one or more services to describe a complex business process
To design a composite service, a system integration developer uses BPEL process
component in Oracle JDeveloper 10g (Service Designer) to assemble a series of service
components together for a business function. The newly created composite service -BPEL
definition needs to be annotated based on the Integration Repository annotation standards.
Users with the Integration Repository Administrator role can validate the annotated files using
a standalone design time tool called Integration Repository Parser. An Integration Repository
loader (iLDT) file is generated after the validation and then uploaded to the Integration
Repository using the FNDLOAD command. The composite service - BPEL type can then be
displayed and searched from the Integration Repository user interface.
Note: In Oracle SOA Suite 11g, BPEL process is managed and deployed together with the
associated SOA composite application. In Oracle SOA Suite 10g, it is developed and
deployed as a separate component. Integration Repository displays 'Composite Services -
BPEL' of Oracle SOA Suite 10g as a catalogue for you to view and download.

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Administering Composite Service - BPEL

Administering Composite Services BPEL

(N) Integration Repository > View By (drop-down selection)
To view a composite service BPEL in the Integration Repository, use View By 'Interface
Type to browse the interfaces, or perform a search by selecting Composite service (such as
'Composite - BPEL) interface type in the Search page. Click your desired composite service
name link to display the interface details.
In the interface details page of the selected composite service, click the View Abstract WSDL
link to view the abstract WSDL information. Click the View BPEL File link to view the BPEL
file. Click Download Service to download a corresponding composite service - BPEL project
file (.JAR) to a local directory.
Note: In general, only users with the System Integration Developer role and the Integration
Repository Administrator role can download the composite services - BPEL. However, users
who are granted the download composite service privilege through Integration Repository
Download Composite Service Permission Set (FND_REP_DOWNLOAD_PERM_SET) can
also perform the download action. After the download, a system integration developer can
open the downloaded BPEL file using Oracle JDeveloper 10g and modify it if necessary
before deploying it to a BPEL server in Oracle SOA Suite 10g for service consumption.

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Chapter 18 - Page 40
Performing Administrative Tasks

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Chapter 18 - Page 41
Understanding Custom Interfaces and Services

Understanding the Enablement Process for Custom Integration Interfaces

Users with the System Integration Developer role annotate custom interface definitions
based on Integration Repository annotation standards for the supported interface types.
For information about Integration Repository Annotation Standards, see Appendix A
Integration Repository Annotation Standards, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated
SOA Gateway Developer's Guide.
Users with the Integration Repository Administrator role validate the annotated custom
interface definitions against the annotation standards. The validation is performed by
executing the Integration Repository Parser (IREP Parser) to read the annotated files. An
Integration Repository loader file (iLDT ) is generated if no error occurred.
For information on how to set up and use the IREP Parser, see the Setting Up and
Using the Integration Repository Parser section, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated
SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
Users with the Integration Repository Administrator role upload the generated iLDT file to
Oracle Integration Repository.
All users can view the uploaded custom interfaces from the Integration Repository.
(Optional) Users with the Integration Repository Administrator role then create necessary
security grants for the custom integration interfaces if needed.

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(Optional) Users with the Integration Repository Administrator role can generate SOAP
Web services if the custom interfaces can be service enabled.
(Optional) Users with the Integration Repository Administrator role deploy the services
from Oracle Integration Repository to the application server.
If the custom interfaces are PL/SQL APIs that can also be exposed as REST services, the
administrator can deploy the custom APIs as REST services.

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Chapter 18 - Page 43
Administering Custom Integration Interfaces and Services

Administering Custom Integration Interfaces and Services

Searching for Custom Integration Interfaces

In the Search page, click the Show More Search Options link and then select 'Custom' from
the Interface Source drop-down list along with desired fields to locate your custom interfaces.

Administering Custom Interfaces and Services

The behavior of custom integration interfaces and services is the same as Oracle seeded
interfaces except they are not native packaged, but custom ones. As a result, an integration
repository administrator uses the same approach of managing native interfaces to manage
custom interfaces and services. These administrative tasks explained earlier include:
Creating security grants
Managing service life cycle activities for both SOAP and REST services
Viewing and downloading composite services
Note: Custom interface types of EDI, Open Interface Tables, Interface Views, and Java APIs
for Forms interfaces are not supported in this release. For more information on administering
custom integration interfaces, see Administering Custom Integration Interfaces and Services,
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.

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Performing Administrative Tasks

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Chapter 18 - Page 45
Logging Configuration for Web Services

Logging Configuration for Web Services

With proper logging setup and configuration, an integration repository administrator can easily
monitor and audit Web service activities provided through Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated
SOA Gateway.
This feature helps track log messages and troubleshoot any issues occurred at design time
and run time for SOAP-based services.
Use the Log & Audit Setup Details page to configure log settings at the integration interface
level. The administrator can perform the following administrative tasks through this page:
Viewing and searching existing configurations
Adding a new configuration for an interface by clicking the Add Another Row icon
Modifying an existing configuration by changing the log settings for a desired interface
Deleting an existing configuration by clicking the Delete button
Note: This feature is supported for SOAP services only.

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Viewing and Searching Existing Configurations

Viewing and Searching Existing Configurations

After selecting the Administration > Configuration link from the Navigator, the Log & Audit
Setup Details page appears. All existing log and audit settings listed by interfaces are
automatically displayed in the configuration table.
Each log entry listed in the configuration table contains interface name, internal name, product
name, service status, design-time log status (On or Off), runtime log severity level, and audit
feature status (On or Off).
Clicking the Internal Name link from the table takes you to the interface details page for the
selected interface in the Integration Repository.

Searching Existing Configurations

Search feature is available only if there are more than 10 interfaces that have log settings
configured. In this situation, the Interface Name field is displayed on the top of this page
allowing the administrator to filter or search the configurations by interface name.
Specify the desired interface name (such as 'Order%') and click Search to execute the query.
All interface names that match the search criteria will be displayed in the table.

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Adding a New Log Configuration

Adding a New Log Configuration

(N) Administration > Configuration > (I) Add Another Row
To add a new configuration, click the Add Another Row icon. An empty row is added to the
end of the current configuration table. By default, the design-time log, runtime log, and the
auditing feature are turned off initially once an interface name is selected for configuration.
If the design-time log is enabled for an interface, logs can be written for that interface
during design-time activities, such as Generate, Deploy, Reset, Retire, and Activate.
- The View Log button appears in the interface detail page for the selected interface
if the design-time log is enabled and log record is available.
- The View Error button appears instead if the design-time log is NOT enabled and
error occurred while performing the design-time activities.
If the runtime log is enabled (by selecting a different value other than the default 'Off), at
run time the associated log messages for SOAP services are captured and can be
viewed through Service Monitor. Click the Log icon to access the runtime log page.
If the auditing feature for a specific interface or service is enabled, all SOAP messages
for that interface or service that Oracle SOA Suite processes along with the associated
payloads and fault messages can be saved and audited through Service Monitor.

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Modifying an Existing Log Configuration

Modifying an Existing Log Configuration

(N) Administration > Configuration
In the Log & Audit Setup Details page, to update the log settings for an interface, select
appropriate values from the Design time Log, Run time Log, and Audit drop-down lists. For
example, enable the runtime log for the 'Order Capture' interface by changing the 'Off' value to
'Information' in the Run time Log field. All informational messages during service invocation
specific to the 'Order Capture' service will be recorded.
After modifying the existing settings for an interface, click Apply to save changes to the
database and in Oracle SOA Suite if the changes applied to a service that has been deployed.
To delete existing configurations, select at least one configuration that you want to remove
and then click Delete. This disables the logging and audit features for the selected interfaces,
and removes the records from the configuration list and database.
For a service that has been deployed to Oracle SOA Suite, once a configuration is deleted for
that service, the runtime log level would be reset at the SOA Composite level as well in Oracle
SOA Suite.

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Performing Administrative Tasks

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Chapter 18 - Page 50
Service Monitor: A Web Service Auditing and Monitoring Tool

Service Monitor
Service Monitor, previously known as SOA Monitor, is a centralized, light-weight service
monitoring and management tool. It fetches data and statistics for each instance of a SOAP
message and provides monitoring capability for Oracle E-Business Suite services.
The administrator can view all runtime SOAP request and response data received and sent
from Oracle SOA Suite through the Service Monitor user interface in Oracle E-Business Suite.
If the auditing feature is enabled during log configuration, the administrator can view auditing
records including payloads, faults, and attachments if available for the service execution.
The administrators can perform the following activities through Service Monitor (or the Monitor
Search page):
Searching SOAP requests in the Search region
Viewing SOAP message details by clicking the Details icon from the search result table
Viewing log messages by clicking the Log icon from the search result table
Purging SOAP messages, audits, and logs by clicking the Purge button
Note: Only SOAP services are monitored and audited through Service Monitor. Runtime
REST service monitoring and auditing features are not supported in this release.

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Searching SOAP Messages

Searching SOAP Requests

The Search region is automatically displayed after selecting the Administration > Service
Monitor link from the Navigator.
Enter search criteria and then execute the search. All entries that match the criteria will be
retrieved and displayed.
Note: Click the Show More Search Options link to display more search fields including
Username as well as the From and To fields for a specific period of time.
From the search result table, the administrator can:
View the status of each monitored SOAP request and response
View the service details in the Integration Repository by clicking a service name link
View SOAP request and response details by clicking the Details icon for a request
View service processing log details in the Web Service Runtime Logs page by clicking
the Log icon if log messages are available for an instance
Purge SOAP requests and responses, audits, as well as log messages collected over a
period of time by clicking the Purge button

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Viewing SOAP Requests and Responses

Viewing SOAP Requests and Responses

(N) Administration > Service Monitor > (I) Details
When a SOAP request is received, Service Provider generates a unique numeric instance ID
based on a database sequence and passes it to Service Monitor. Therefore, each SOAP
request in Service Monitor appears with instance ID.
To view SOAP messages, click the Details icon from the search result table for a given
instance ID. The Request and Response Details page appears where the administrator can
view general SOAP request heading, request details, and response details.
Click the SOAP Request (or Response) View link if available to view the actual XML file of this
request (or response) as shown above.
Note: The View link appears only if at the time of processing that request, the auditing feature
was enabled for the selected interface. If it was disabled at the time of processing that
request, the link will not appear. The same theory applies to processing SOAP responses.
In the Request Details region, if the request has failure status caused by server fault, the Error
Information region appears with the error description and details. If the SOAP request has
attachments associated with it, the Attachment region appears with attachment details
including all attachment names and MIME Type information.

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Viewing Service Processing Logs

Viewing Service Processing Logs

(N) Administration > Service Monitor > (I) Log
Log statements can be captured either in the Oracle SOA Suite server's file system (File
Logging) or in the Oracle E-Business Suite database tables (Database Logging). If runtime log
is enabled and log messages are present for the interface, the Log icon is visible in the
search result table. Click the icon to view the log details.
Runtime Middle tier execution logs are retrieved from Oracle SOA Suite server's file
system (File Logging) for Oracle E-Business Suite integration. Logs are compiled in a
table for a selected service request. The administrator can only view the middle tier log
details, but cannot delete them directly from the Service Monitor user interface.
For service execution on Oracle E-Business Suite, runtime logs are recorded and
retrieved from the log table (FND_LOG_MESSAGES) for Oracle E-Business Suite
(Database Logging). This type of logs can be deleted by clicking Delete Log. Before
deleting the logs, save a backup copy by clicking Export. This exports the records listed
in the table to Microsoft Excel.
Refer to the Viewing Service Processing Logs section, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated
SOA Gateway Implementation Guide for details.

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Purging SOAP Messages, Audits, and Logs

Purging SOAP Messages, Audits, and Logs

(N) Administration > Service Monitor > (B) Purge
In the Service Monitor Purge page, enter request name, start date and end date information
for your purge. Click Submit to execute the purge request. The monitored SOAP requests
and responses will be purged in the following order of sequence:
Purging SOAP requests for the specified date range.
Purging SOAP body including payload corresponding to those SOAP requests that have
been purged.
Purging SOAP attachment associated with the SOAP requests and responses for the
specified date range.
Purging log messages from the Oracle E-Business Suite database.
This deletes only the logs for which the service is completed with a status of
'SUCCESS'. Logs for the service with 'FAILURE' status are not deleted.
Purging composite instances from Oracle SOA Suite for the specified date range.
Note: Log messages retrieved from Oracle SOA Suite's server file system cannot be purged.

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Performing Administrative Tasks

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Chapter 18 - Page 56
Service Invocation Framework (SIF)

Service Invocation Framework Overview

Service Invocation Framework (SIF) provides an infrastructure allowing developers to interact
with Web services through WSDL descriptions and to invoke Web services from Oracle E-
Business Suite.
Note: Service invocation framework from Oracle E-Business Suite is enabled though Oracle
Workflow Java Business Event System and is based on the JAX-WS (Java API for XML-
based Web Services) Dispatch from Oracle JRF (Java Required Files) 11g.

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Chapter 18 - Page 57
Architecture Overview

Architecture Overview
Oracle Workflow Business Event System is a workflow component that allows events to be
raised from both PL/SQL and Java layers.

Service Invocation from PL/SQL

Application raises a business event using PL/SQL API WF_EVENT.Raise. The event data
can be passed to the Event Manager within the call to the WF_EVENT.Raise API, or the
Event Manager can obtain the event data or message payload by calling the generate
function for the event if the data or payload is required for a subscription.
Oracle Workflow Business Event System (BES) identifies that the event has a subscription
with Java Rule Function
The Business Event System enqueues the event message to the WF_JAVA_DEFERRED
queue. The Java Deferred Agent Listener then dequeues and executes the subscription
whose Java rule function invokes the Web service.
If callback event and agent parameters are mentioned, the Web service response is
communicated back to Oracle E-Business Suite using the callback information. The Java
Deferred Agent Listener process that runs in the Concurrent Manager (CM) tier invokes
the Web service.
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Service Invocation from Java
Java Application raises a business event using Java method either from OA Framework
page controller/AMImpl or Java code running on the Concurrent Manager (CM) tier.
Since the event is raised in Java where the subscription's seeded Java Rule Function is accessible,
whether the rule function is executed inline or deferred is determined by the phase of the
If the invoker subscription is created with Phase >= 100, the event is enqueued to
If the invoker subscription is created with Phase < 100, the event is dispatched
If the event is raised from OA Framework page, the dispatch logic executes within
OACORE WebLogic Server.
After an event is raised either using the PL/SQL API or Java method, the raised event can be
processed in the following ways:
If the raised event is dispatched immediately to the Java Business Event System, then
the seeded Java rule function and its associated event subscription information will be
retrieved and executed to invoke the Web service.
If the raised event is enqueued to the WF_JAVA_DEFERRED queue, then Java
Deferred Agent Listener running on concurrent tier will dequeue the event message and
then dispatch the event to the Java Business Event System. The seeded Java rule
function and its associated event subscription information will then be retrieved and
executed to invoke the Web service.

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Setup Tasks

Setup Tasks
Web services can be invoked from any one of the following tiers:
OACORE WebLogic Server: Service invocations from OA Framework page using a
synchronous event subscription (phase < 100) is executed from the OACORE WebLogic
Concurrent Manager (CM) Tier JVM: The following service invocations are executed
from CM tier JVM within Java Deferred Agent Listener that runs within Workflow Agent
Listener Service:
Invocations from PL/SQL either through synchronous or asynchronous event
Invocations from Java/OA Framework through asynchronous event subscriptions
Standalone JVM: Service invocations from a Java process that runs outside OACORE or
CM using a synchronous event subscription are executed from within that JVM.
For more information on proxy setup tasks, see Implementing Service Invocation Framework,
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.

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Implementing Event Driven Service Invocation

Implementing Event Driven Service Invocation

Web service invocation metadata can be defined by using Oracle Workflow Business Event
System to create events and event subscriptions. When defining invoker event subscription,
the Web Service security information (username and password) along with subscription
parameters can be specified.
When a triggering event occurs, the service can be invoked through an appropriate event
To create an event, log on to Oracle Workflow with the Workflow Administrator Web
Applications responsibility and select the Business Event link and click Create.
To create event subscription, select the Business Event link > Subscriptions. Click
Create Subscription.
For detailed instructions on how to create business events and event subscriptions to invoke
Web services, see the Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developers Guide.

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Runtime Invocation Process Flow

Runtime Invocation Process Flow

At run time, when an invoker event is raised, the event and subscription parameters are used
to invoke a Web service by sending a SOAP request message.
If this request or output message requires transformation in order to communicate with an
external Web service, the Java rule function performs XSL transformation on the output
message before invoking the service.
If the Web service being invoked enforces UsernameToken authentication, then the Service
Invocation Framework also supports the same WS-Security header during the service
If it is a synchronous request - response operation and the response is available, the XSL
transformation on the input (response) message can be performed if necessary in order to
communicate or callback to Oracle E-Business Suite.
If callback information is provided, perform callback by either raising a business event or by
enqueuing the event to a given workflow agent with the response message as payload.

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Chapter 18 - Page 62
Setting Profile Options

Setting Profile Options

(N) System > Profile (from the System Administrator responsibility)

FND: XML Gateway Map Generic Service

Use this profile option to display or hide the generic XML Gateway service information for the
selected XML Gateway map.
If it is set to 'Yes, the Generic XML Gateway Service subregion is displayed within the
Web Service region in the XML Gateway Map interface details page.
If it is set to 'No, the Generic XML Gateway Service subregion will not be displayed.
Note: If you have been using generic XML Gateway services in earlier releases, set the profile
option to 'Yes'. This allows the Generic XML Gateway Services subregion to be displayed
within the Web Service region. Otherwise, the subregion will not be shown and any
invocations of generic XML Gateway services will return a fault message.

ISG: Generic Service WSDL URL for XMLG

Once a generic XML Gateway service has been deployed, the deployed service WSDL URL is
populated as the profile value and the URL is also displayed in the 'Generic XML Gateway
Service subregion. If the generic service is not deployed, the profile value will not be shown
and no WSDL URL is displayed in the subregion for the selected XML Gateway interface.
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Supported Web Service Clients

Supported Web Service Clients

Customers or third parties can use the above standard Web service client technologies or
tools to invoke Oracle E-Business Suite Web services.

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Running Diagnostic Tests

Running Diagnostic Tests

Execute the following Ant scripts from the command prompt:
ant -f $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/fnd/isg/ant/isgDesigner.xml DiagnoseAGENTSetup
- This command runs configuration checks on the Oracle E-Business Suite side.
ant -f $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/fnd/isg/ant/isgDesigner.xml DiagnoseAPPSetup
- This command runs configuration checks on the Oracle SOA Suite side.
ant -f $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/fnd/isg/ant/isgDesigner.xml DiagnoseISGSetup
- This command runs complete diagnostic tests on both Oracle E-Business Suite
and Oracle SOA Suite.
ant -f $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/fnd/isg/ant/isgDesigner.xml DiagnoseISGFunctionality
- This command runs all design-time SOAP-based operations for all types of
interfaces in Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway.
After each test run, a report DiagnosticsReport.xml will be generated as a result. The
generated report will have test name, status, and message if test is failed. For information on
the script usage, see Appendix A Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway
Diagnostic Tests, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.

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Auditing System Resources
Chapter 19

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Auditing System Resources

Chapter 19 - Page 1
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Auditing System Resources

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Auditing System Resources

Chapter 19 - Page 3

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Auditing System Resources

Chapter 19 - Page 4
Auditing Oracle E-Business Suite

Changes to Audit in Oracle E-Business Suite

Within Oracle E-Business Suite, you can audit user activity and database row changes.

Sign-On Audit Feature

The Sign-On Audit feature enables you to monitor user activity. You can audit at the user,
responsibility, or form level. When you enable Sign-On Audit, you specify the desired level of
auditing. Sign-On Audit provides two methods for viewing audit data:
The Monitor Users form provides online access to audit data.
Various Signon Audit reports are available.

AuditTrail Feature
With the AuditTrail feature you can keep a history of changes to your important data: what
changed, who changed it, and when it changed. With AuditTrail, you can easily determine how
any data row or element obtained its current value. The audit data is stored in database tables
that can be queried by using any standard Oracle SQL tool.

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Chapter 19 - Page 5
Auditing User Activity

Sign-On Audit Feature

You can audit and monitor user activity by enabling the Oracle E-Business Suite Signon Audit
feature, enabling you to track the activity of users signed on to Oracle E-Business Suite.
Implement the Sign-On Audit feature by updating the Sign-On: Audit Level system profile.
With Sign-On Audit you can choose whom to audit and what type of user information to track.
You can selectively determine what audit information you need to match the needs of your

Sign-On Audit Reports

Sign-On Audit reports give you historical, detailed information on what your users do in your
application. You control the data selected for the reports as well as how the data is presented.

Monitor Users Window

The Monitor Users window gives you online, real-time information about who is using Oracle
E-Business Suite and for what purpose.
You can see which users are signed on and which responsibilities and forms they are using.

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Chapter 19 - Page 6
Sign-On Audit Profile Option

Signon Audit Levels

The Sign-On: Audit Level profile option enables you to select a level at which to audit users
who sign on to Oracle E-Business Suite. The four possible audit levels increase in
functionality and detail of auditing.
None: Is the default value and disables the Sign-On Audit feature.
User: Auditing at the user level tracks who signs on to your system and the times that
users log on and off.
Responsibility: Auditing at the responsibility level tracks all the information tracked at
the user level, including the responsibility the user is using and how much time the user
used the responsibility.
Form: Auditing at the form level tracks all the information tracked at the user and
responsibility levels as well as which forms the user chooses and how long he or she
uses those forms.
The recommended setting is Form to enable as much auditing as possible. At this setting, the
system logs all user sign-ons, responsibility selections and instances of access to forms.
Note: This profile option can be set in the Oracle Applications Manager Signon Audit Setup

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Chapter 19 - Page 7
Sign-On Audit Reports

The Signon Audit feature can generate several reports detailing information gathered by Sign-
On Audit. These reports are shown in the figure.
Signon Audit Forms
Signon Audit Users
Signon Audit Responsibilities
Signon Audit Concurrent Requests Report
Signon Audit Unsuccessful Logins Report

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Chapter 19 - Page 8
Signon Audit Forms Report

Using the Signon Audit Forms Report

Use the Signon Audit Forms Report to view who is navigating to what form and when. You
can use this report to check for bottlenecks in the system. The report contains the following
User Name: Oracle E-Business Suite username of the user who accessed the form.
Responsibility Name: Name of the responsibility from which the user accessed the form.
(The responsibility is displayed only if you audited the user at the responsibility or form
Signon Audit level.)
Start Active Time/End Active Time: Dates and times when the user accessed and exited
the form (This information is displayed only if you audited at the form level.)
Form Name: Name of the form the user accessed. (The form name is displayed only if
you audited the user at the form level.)

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Signon Audit Concurrent Requests Report

Using the Signon Concurrent Requests Report

You can use this report to view information about concurrent requests.
Login Name: Operating system login name of the user who submitted the concurrent
Request ID: Concurrent request ID of the submitted concurrent request.
Concurrent Program Name: Name of the concurrent program the user submitted.
User Name: Oracle E-Business Suite username of the user who submitted the
concurrent request.
Responsibility Name: Name of the responsibility from which the user submitted the
concurrent request. (The responsibility is displayed only if you audited the user at the
responsibility or form level.)
Form Name: Name of the form from which the user submitted the concurrent request.
(This information is displayed only if you audited the user at the form level.)
Requested Start Time: Date and time when the request started running.

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Signon Audit Responsibilities Report

Using the Signon Audit Responsibilities Report

You can use this report to view who is selecting what responsibility and when. The report
contains the following columns:
User Name: Oracle E-Business Suite username of the user who selected the form.
Responsibility Name: Name of the responsibility that the user used. (The responsibility is
displayed only if you audited the user at the responsibility or form level.)
Start Active Time/End Active Time: Dates and times when the user selected or exited
the responsibility. The start active time and end active time are displayed only if you
audited the user at the responsibility or form level.

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Signon Audit Unsuccessful Logins Report

Using the Signon Audit Unsuccessful Logins Report

You can use this report to view who attempted unsuccessfully to sign on to Oracle E-Business
Suite as another user. An unsuccessful login occurs when a correct username is entered with
an incorrect password. The report contains the following columns:
Username: Oracle Application username of the user who unsuccessfully signed on.
Attempt Time: Date and time when the user unsuccessfully tried to sign on.

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Signon Audit Users Report

Using the Signon Audit Users Report

You can use this report to view who signs on and for how long. The report contains the
following columns:
Session Number: Oracle E-Business Suite session number uniquely identifying each
application user sign-on.
User Name: Oracle E-Business Suite username of the user who signed on.
Start Active Time/End Active Time: Dates and times when the user accessed/ exited
Oracle E-Business Suite. (The start active time and end active time display only if you
audited the user at the user Signon Audit level.)
ORACLE Process: Oracle Process ID used during the users sign-on.

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Auditing System Resources

Chapter 19 - Page 13
Purge Audit Records

Purge Signon Audit Data

Purge end-user access data using the Purge Signon Audit Data concurrent program. This
concurrent program purges all audit records older than a user-supplied date. Run this
concurrent program between once a week and once a month, retaining thirty to ninety days of
records. This concurrent program purges the following tables:
Purge concurrent request data using the Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data
concurrent program. Run this concurrent program at least once a week and retain 14 to 90
days of records.
Note: This concurrent program can be scheduled and monitored through Oracle Applications
Manager, from the Critical Activities tab on the Applications Dashboard.

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Chapter 19 - Page 14
Monitor Users Window

Monitor Users Window

(N) Security > User > Monitor

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Chapter 19 - Page 15
Auditing Database Changes

Auditing Important Data

AuditTrail enables you to keep a history of changes to your important data. You can track
what changed, who changed it, and when it was changed. Using AuditTrail, you can easily
determine how any data row or column obtained its current value.
When you enter or update data through your forms, you change the underlying database
tables. AuditTrail tracks which rows in the database were updated. Audit information for each
of these changes is stored in audit tables that can then be queried and reported upon.

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Auditing System Resources

Chapter 19 - Page 16
Steps for Setting Up AuditTrail

How to Set Up the AuditTrail

The figure shows the steps involved in implementing AuditTrail. These steps are covered in
the subsequent slides.
Because there is overhead involved in recording audit information, it is important to
determine which columns of which tables should be audited; not all changes to all tables
need to be tracked.
After you have identified what to audit, you can begin setting up AuditTrail definitions.
You should select tables for auditing that are functionally related. Create an Audit Group
containing these related tables.
For each of the tables in the audit group, you must define which columns are to be
audited. The primary key columns for these tables are automatically included.
Enable auditing of a particular Oracle ID (schema) by defining audit installations, thus
enabling you to audit across multiple application installations.
After your definitions are complete, run the AuditTrail Update Tables program to create
your audit tables and enable auditing for your audit group.
There are no predefined audit reports. You can use any SQL tool to retrieve information
from your audit tables.

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Auditing System Resources

Chapter 19 - Page 17
Identify Tables and Columns to Audit

Determining Columns and Tables to Audit

You should select columns from tables that are functionally related. For example, if the
accounting department wants to audit changes to any customer transactions involving cash
receipts, columns from the Customer Transactions Lines table, the Cash Receipts table, and
the Adjustments table would be good candidates for auditing.

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Auditing System Resources

Chapter 19 - Page 18
Create an Audit Group

Audit Groups
(N) Security > AuditTrail > Groups
Once you have your tables and columns identified, you should group those tables into an
audit group. In the figure, the three tables mentioned have been placed together in a
Receivables Internal Control audit group.

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Auditing System Resources

Chapter 19 - Page 19
Audit Tables Window

Audit Tables Window

(N) Security > AuditTrail > Tables
For further descriptions of the Audit Tables window see:
(Help) Applied Technology > Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration >
User and Data Auditing > Audit Tables Window

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Auditing System Resources

Chapter 19 - Page 20
Identifying the Schema to be Audited

(N) Security > AuditTrail > Install

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Auditing System Resources

Chapter 19 - Page 21
Enabling Audit Processing

(N) Requests > Run

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Auditing System Resources

Chapter 19 - Page 22
Audit Shadow Tables

What Audit Shadow Tables Identify

For each table being audited, an audit shadow table is created. This table contains audit
processing data such as the transaction type (for instance, INSERT) and time-stamp data, the
primary key columns of the audited table, and whatever columns are being audited. In the
example above, the CUSTOMER_TRX_ID, APPROVED_BY, CREATED_BY, and
ACCT._AMOUNT of the AR_ADJUSTMENTS_ALL table are being audited so the shadow
table includes these columns as well as the other columns required by the audit process.

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Auditing System Resources

Chapter 19 - Page 23
Shadow Table Views

Using Shadow Table Views

Two views are created for a shadow table. These views are called Shadow_Table_Name_Avn
and Shadow_Table_Name_Acn where n is a number. If the number of columns being audited
is very large, multiple views are created and numbered sequentially. The presentation of the
audit table data is different depending on whether you are querying the AV view or the AC
view. The AC view enables you to reconstruct the value for a row at a given time while the AV
view provides simple access to when a value was changed.

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Auditing System Resources

Chapter 19 - Page 24

Complete the Auditing Resources activity and the optional activity AuditTrail
which are provided for your reference and future learning.

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Auditing System Resources

Chapter 19 - Page 25
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Auditing System Resources

Chapter 19 - Page 26
Managing Printers
Chapter 20

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 1
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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 2
Managing Printers

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 3

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 4
Oracle Print Definition Components

Required Formatting Information for Components

The formatting information required by your printer is specified by the components shown on
this figure.

Printer Type
Describes what kind of a printer you have. This is the manufacturer and modelfor example,
a DEC LN03 printer or an HP LaserJet III printer.

Printer Style
Describes how a report should be printed
Determines the number of lines (rows) per page
Determines the width of each line (number of columns)
Controls whether to print a header page
Printer Driver
Contains the set of commands that tell a printer how to print in the print style chosen
Initializes printing orientation
Resets printer drivers instructions for next print job

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 5
Printer Drivers Versus SRW
A printer driver formats the destination printer.
An SRW driver formats text and sets page breaks in an Oracle Reports file.

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 6
Relationships of the Printer Components

How the Print Components Are Related

Oracle E-Business Suite uses the components shown on the previous figure to store the
information necessary to print a report. This figure shows how the components are related to
provide a flexible method of defining your print environment. The printer type is at the heart of
your print definitions. The above figure displays:
A printer is registered as a printer type.
A printer style is associated with a printer type.
A printer driver is assigned to a printer type.

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 7
Formatting Information

Formatting Information
For a printer to produce a report, it requires three basic types of formatting instructions: text,
document, and printer.
Text Formatting
Oracle Reports generates reports for the various Oracle E-Business Suite products.
When Oracle Reports formats text as bold or underlined, and sets page breaks,
formatting codes are used.
A SQL*ReportWriter (SRW) driver defines text formatting codes.
Document Formatting
The dimensions for a report output file are predefined as the number of rows and
columns (height and width).
A print style defines the dimensions for a report output file.
Printer Formatting
A printer prints in a certain orientation, portrait or landscape.
A printer can also start printing with a specific font and type size. These instructions are
contained in an initialization string.
A printer driver defines initialization and reset strings.
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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 8
Defining Printers

How to Define Printers

The figure shows the sequence of operations to define printers. Generally, you simply register
a new printer by using existing definitions as shown in the path on the left. However, in some
cases you must modify existing definitions or create new definitions to accommodate a new
printer as shown on the right.
This lesson focuses on printing with the Pasta printing utility, which greatly simplifies your
configuration. Custom configurations not using Pasta (those that would follow the illustration
on the right) are covered in the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 9
Finding Existing Printer Types

Printer Types Window

(N) Install > Printer > Types
For a complete explanation of the fields in this form see:
(Help) Applied Technology > Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration > Printers >
Printer Types Window

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 10
Registering a New Printer

Registering a New Printer

(N) Install > Printer > Register
For a complete explanation of the fields in this form see:
(Help) Applied Technology > Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration > Printers >
Printers Window

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 11
Defining a New Printer Type

Defining a New Printer Type

(N) Install > Printer > Types
For a complete explanation of the fields in this form see:
(Help) Applied Technology > Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration > Printers >
Printer Types Window

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 12
Printing with Pasta

Overview of Printing with Pasta

Pasta is an Oracle E-Business Suite utility that converts text report files to PostScript and also
enables the printing of custom PostScript reports from Oracle E-Business Suite. The reports
can then be directed to any PostScript printer.
Setting up your system to use Pasta is simpler than the standard Oracle E-Business Suite
printer setup procedure. The Printer Type, Printer Driver, and SRW driver files are provided.
The only setup required to begin printing is the registration of the printer with Oracle E-
Business Suite. Many printing options can be defined using the Pasta configuration file
(pasta.cfg). You no longer need to maintain multiple drivers and styles for each printer.
Pasta is provided as an executable named FNDPSTAX.
For updates and more details, see the Pasta Users Guide for Release 12 available
from My Oracle Support Note 239196.1.

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 13
Setup for Basic Printing with Pasta

Setup for Basic Printing with Pasta

Use the following Steps to enable any PostScript printer to print text or PostScript reports in
the following styles: Landscape, Landwide, Portrait, or Dynamic.
Use the Printers window to register your printer:
1. Enter your printers name as defined in the operating system and applications.
2. Select Pasta Universal Printer from the list of values for the printer Type.
You are now ready to print text and PostScript reports from your PostScript printer using the
default Pasta configuration.

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 14
The pasta.cfg file

The pasta.cfg file

The pasta.cfg file controls many printing options, such as margins, or output type.
The pasta.cfg file is an ASCII text file that is shipped in the $FND_TOP/resource/ directory.
Special options are included to support Arabic, Hebrew, and Thai data.
If you have printers that require special setup, you can customize these options by creating a
configuration file for each printer. Copy the pasta.cfg file to pasta_<printer name>.cfg. Make
the necessary changes to the file. Pasta automatically looks for a printerspecific file name. If
it does not find one, Pasta then uses the default file, pasta.cfg.

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 15
Example of Setting Margins with pasta.cfg

Example of Modifying the pasta.cfg file

The pasta.cfg file itself contains instructions on how to modify it for your needs.
This slide shows the default settings for the margins (in inches). You can change these values
as needed. For example, you could set "topMargin=1.0".
For some parameters, two lines for the parameter are provided in pasta.cfg and one is
commented out. Any line that starts with a % (percent) or a ; (semi-colon) is a comment and is
ignored. In this sample file, the % symbol is used for commentary and the ; symbol is used for
options that you may want to enable. For example, you can specify the paper (page) size in
inches. Pagewidth specifies width and pageheight specifies height. The following settings are
given in pasta.cfg:
% [A4]

% [Letter]
; pagewidth=8.5
; pageheight=11

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Chapter 20 - Page 16
If you want to use Letter as the default paper size, comment out the A4 settings and
uncomment the Letter settings.

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 17
Modifying an Existing Printer Type to Use Pasta

Modifying an Existing Printer Type to use Pasta

If your printer is already assigned to a printer type that contains styles and drivers you want to
maintain, you can add Pasta to the existing printer type.
To do so, associate one of the Pasta printer drivers with a print style on the Printer Types
The seeded Pasta printer drivers are:
You can associate a Pasta driver with an existing print style, or you can create a new print

1. Query your existing printer type in the Printer Types window.
2. In the Style field, select the style to which you want to assign a Pasta driver. Or, if you are
assigning Pasta to a style already defined for the printer type, delete the driver in the
Driver Name field currently associated with the style.
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Chapter 20 - Page 18
3. In the Driver Name field, select the appropriate Pasta driver.

Adding a New Printer Type to Use Pasta

If you want to add a new printer type, you can also add Pasta to your new printer type.
Navigate to the Printer Types window.
Enter the Type of printer.
In the Style field use the list of values to select the style to which you want to assign a
Pasta driver.
In the Driver Name field, select the appropriate Pasta driver from the list of values:

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 19
Generating Other Formats using the Preprocessing Option

Generating Other Formats using the Preprocessing Option

Pasta can use a preprocessing option to generate output in formats other than those that
Pasta natively supports. For example, by invoking Ghostscript, you can generate PDF output.
With this option, Pasta invokes a filter program to preprocess the Pasta output before passing
it to the printing command.

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 20
Using Pasta with BI Publisher

Using Pasta with Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher

Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher (formerly Oracle XML Publisher) is a template-
based publishing solution. It provides a new approach to report design and publishing by
integrating familiar desktop word processing tools with existing Oracle E-Business Suite data
reporting. BI Publisher leverages standard, well-known technologies and tools, so you can
rapidly develop and maintain custom report formats. For more information on BI Publisher,
see the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide and the
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Report Designer's Guide.
If you are using BI Publisher to format and generate your report output then the easiest
method to get report output to your printers is to use the Pasta print driver.
BI Publisher generates PDF output. Typically the PDF must be converted to a format the
printer can understand, such as Postscript (PS) or Printer Command Language (PCL).
Currently BI Publisher does not natively support these output formats and you need to use a
converter to print within the Pasta printing framework.
The flow of command is the concurrent manager calls BI Publisher to create PDF output for
the given report. The output is then sent to the Pasta driver which preprocesses it through a
converter program. Its output is sent to the printer.
To use a converter, change the Pasta configuration file to call a third party package to convert
the PDF to PS or PCL. Pasta can use a preprocessing command to invoke any executable

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 21
that supports an input file and an output file (a filter program). The third party package can be
an open source solutions such as Ghostscript and XPdf.
Pasta invokes the filter program to preprocess the BI Publisher output before passing it to the
printing command. By using the preprocess option, you can generate output formats other
than the formats currently supported by Pasta.
For more information, see the Pasta User's Guide for Release 12 in My Oracle
Support Note 239196.1.

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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 22
Other Customization Materials for Oracle E-Business Suite Printing

Customization Considerations
You can customize Oracle E-Business Suite printer support components to use custom print
styles and custom print programs. For information on how to do customize these
components, use the references below.

Materials Needed
Manual for your specific printer to look up control codes required by a printer type
Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install
Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide
Pasta User's Guide for Release 12 in My Oracle Support Note 239196.1

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Chapter 20 - Page 23
Other Sources of Information for Oracle E-Business Suite Printing

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Chapter 20 - Page 24

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Chapter 20 - Page 25
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Managing Printers
Chapter 20 - Page 26
Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 1
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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 2
Overview of Flexfields

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 3

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 4
Benefits of Flexfields

Benefits of Flexfields
You should now have a basic understanding of how flexfields are used by Oracle E-Business
Suite. The ease of configuring flexfields provides many benefits to users. The main benefits
are listed on the slide.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 5
Modifying Oracle E-Business Suite

Using Flexfields to Modify Applications

A flexfield is a modifiable field or group of fields that are built into Oracle E-Business Suite
screens. Defining flexfields enables you to tailor Oracle E-Business Suite to your own
business environment. You can easily define flexfields to modify or extend Oracle E-Business
Suite without programming. By using flexfields within Oracle E-Business Suite, you can:
Structure certain identifiers required by Oracle E-Business Suite according to your own
business environment
Collect and display additional information for your business as needed
Flexfields are important because they are used throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.
Flexfields provide many opportunities for easy modification and customization of standard
Oracle E-Business Suite processing. Members of the system implementation team as well as
system administration personnel should be familiar with the concepts and procedures of
flexfields to design and support an Oracle E-Business Suite environment that meets the needs
of all its users.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 6
Key and Descriptive Flexfields

Different Types of Flexfields

There are two types of flexfields, key and descriptive flexfields. Each type is discussed in
more detail on the following slides. The main differences are:
You use key flexfields to define your own structure for many of the identifiers required by
Oracle E-Business Suite.
You use descriptive flexfields to gather additional information about your business
entities beyond the information required by Oracle E-Business Suite.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 7
Flexfield Structures and Flexfield Segments

Flexfield Components
A flexfield is composed of segments. The segments of a flexfield contain the flexfield values.
Flexfield segments are combined in a grouping called a structure. The segments that make up
a particular structure are logically or functionally related. A single flexfield can have more than
one structure.
When you implement a flexfield, you decide how many segments you need for a particular
structure and whether you need multiple structures. Being able to define different structures
for the same flexfield allows you to tailor the same flexfield to the needs of different end users.
The example on the slide shows three segments:
These three segments together form a structure.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 8
Segment Prompts and Value Descriptions

Customizing the Flexfield Appearance

In addition to defining the segments and structures that make up the flexfield, you can define
the appearance of the flexfield. You can specify names and descriptions for the segments
appearing on the window, as well as specify the display size for each field.
In Oracle Forms-based windows, flexfield segments appear in separate pop-up windows. In
Oracle Application Framework-based HTML pages, key flexfields appear with all their
segments in a single field, and descriptive flexfields appear as a group of separate fields,
often underneath a title such as Additional Information.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 9
Validating Input Using Value Sets

Using Value Sets with Flexfields

Value sets allow you to control the values for a segment or a report parameter. A value set is
a definition of the values approved for entry or display by a particular flexfield segment. A
value set may also contain a list of actual approved values although this is not required. You
may be able to define the appropriate values after you define the value set.

Value Sets Limit Acceptable Types of Values

Some value sets permit a limited range of values; others permit only certain values;
others have minimal restrictions.
Different flexfields can share the same value set. For example, a value set containing
the names of regional offices could be used by many different flexfields.
Different segments of the same flexfield can use the same value set, for example a date
value set. Segments defined to different structures of the same flexfield can share value
set. Many of the report parameters used with SRS forms are tied to shared value sets.
Value sets do not have to have the actual values defined.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 10
Using Flexfield Value Security

Using Flexfield Value Security

Flexfield Value Security gives you the capability to restrict the set of values a user can use
during data entry. With easy-to-define security rules and responsibility level control, you can
quickly set up data entry security on your flexfield segments. Based on your responsibility and
access rules that you define, Flexfield Value Security limits what values you can enter in
flexfield pop-up windows. Flexfield Value Security gives you greater control over who can use
restricted data in your application. When you use Flexfield Value Security, users see only
values they are allowed to use; restricted values do not appear in lists of values associated
with the flexfield.
You can define security rules for each segment for which you want to restrict data entry.
Within a rule, you specify ranges of segment values to include and exclude from use. You can
create many rules for the same segment, and assign the rules to different responsibilities. You
also define the error message you see if you try to enter a value for which you do not have
access. If you define no security rules for a segment, you can enter any value you have
defined into that segment.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 11
Differences Among Similarly-Named Features

Differences Among Similarly-Named Features

Function security controls what pages and forms a user can get to through responsibilities
and menus. This feature is described in another lesson.
Flexfield value security, described on a previous page, is a separate feature where an
administrator sets up what ranges of values can be entered by an end user while entering
transactions into pages and forms across the Oracle E-Business Suite.
Flexfield value set security, which is new for Release 12.2, controls which value sets a user
can insert and update values for. This feature assumes that the user already has access to
the Segment Values form through function security. Discussion of this feature is outside the
scope of this course, but more information can be found in the Oracle E-Business Suite
Flexfields Guide.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 12
Key Flexfields

Key Flexfields
In Oracle E-Business Suite you use key flexfields as identifiers for entities. Generally, the
identifier you create using a key flexfield is required by the application (for example, the
Accounting Flexfield builds the account number used by Oracle General Ledger).
A key flexfield appears as a normal field on a form. Any existing value for the key appears in
the field as a concatenated value having segment separators.
You can use the Flexfields: Open Key Window profile option to specify whether you want the
key flexfield window to be opened automatically when you navigate to the key flexfield on the
base form. This profile option is visible and updatable at the user level.
A key flexfield structure usually consists of multiple segments, each of which contains
meaningful information. The resulting combinations of values from these segments therefore
function as intelligent keys.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 13
Intelligent Keys

Using Key Flexfields to Build Intelligent Keys

Intelligent keys are multipart codes where the value in each individual part contains
meaningful information. Each combination of values can therefore identify a particular
business entity or class of entities. Such intelligent key structures are used throughout Oracle
E-Business Suite. Because you define your key flexfield structure yourself, it reflects the
organization of your business.

Accounting Flexfield Example

One important key flexfield is the Accounting Flexfield. The example on the slide shows how
two hypothetical businesses could define Accounting Flexfield structures that reflected their
different accounting structures. Business As accounting structure has five segments, while
Business Bs accounting structure has four segments.

Additional Key Flexfield Features

You can define value sets to control the allowable values for each segment of the key. You
can also define cross-validation rules to control the allowable combinations of segment values
within the key.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 14
Intelligent Keys

Intelligent Key Examples

There are many areas in business where you can use intelligent keys. Some examples are
displayed above. Many such intelligent keys are used in Oracle E-Business Suite to represent
such entities.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 15
Oracle E-Business Suite Key Flexfields (Partial List)

Key Flexfields Within Oracle E-Business Suite

Many Oracle E-Business Suite products have key flexfields. The slide displays some of the
applications and their associated key flexfields. In many cases, you must implement the key
flexfield to implement the application. Many key flexfields are used by multiple applications.
For example, the Accounting Flexfield is used by both Oracle General Ledger and Oracle

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 16
Descriptive Flexfields

Descriptive Flexfields
You use descriptive flexfields to collect information beyond what is collected by Oracle E-
Business Suite. Using descriptive flexfields allows you to gather additional specialized
information required by your business. The use of descriptive flexfields is optional.
A descriptive flexfield appears on an Oracle Forms-based window as a double-character field
enclosed by brackets. In Oracle Application Framework-based HTML pages, descriptive
flexfields appear as a group of separate fields, often underneath a title such as Additional
You can use the Flexfields: Open Descr Window profile option to specify whether you want
the descriptive flexfield window to be opened automatically when you navigate to the
bracketed field, if the flexfield is enabled. This profile option is visible and updatable at the
user level.
A descriptive flexfield typically uses multiple structures. You can:
Define a basic structure that gathers additional information for all entities.
Define several different structures that gather specialized information for different types
of the same general entity.
Define a structure that can gather general information about all entities, and then
optionally gather certain information about certain types of entities. (combination)

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 17
The example shows a descriptive flexfield that gathers different payment information based on
the type of payment: check (CK) or credit card (CC).

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 18
Using Descriptive Flexfields

Using Descriptive Flexfields

Descriptive flexfields have many uses in Oracle Applications:
Flexfields expand Oracle Applications processing without programming.
- Descriptive flexfields provide user-customizable expansion space in forms by
enabling built-in blank fields to store extra data.
- Each installation of Oracle Applications may use descriptive flexfields differently.
You can use different structures for different contexts.
- Descriptive flexfields have two different types of segments, global and context-
sensitive. A global segment is a segment that always appears in the descriptive
flexfield pop-up window (or page, for HTML-based applications), regardless of
context (any other information in your form or page). A context-sensitive segment
is a segment that may or may not appear depending upon what other information is
present in your form.
- Use different segments depending on other information in the Form or the
descriptive flexfield.
- Allow only the appropriate context-sensitive segments to appear.
Flexfields save space.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 19
- Non-essential information resides in a descriptive flexfield that pops up only when
the information becomes necessary.
- If no extra fields are needed, the descriptive flexfield occupies little additional
space on the Form or the OA Framework page.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 20
Using Reference Fields

Using Context and Reference Fields to Control Descriptive Flexfields

The same descriptive flexfield often uses multiple structures. Each of these structures can
have different segments and gather different data. When you define multiple structures for a
descriptive flexfield, you can make the choice of structure either dependent on the value of
another field or selectable by the user:
If the value in a preceding field elsewhere on the form determines which structure is
used, the preceding field is known as a reference field. However, if the descriptive
flexfield is used in another form, then the two forms must have the same name for the
reference field.
If the value in a field within the flexfield itself determines which structure is used, that
field is called a context field.
The example on the slide shows a hypothetical window containing sales information. One of
the fields on this window, Payment Type, is used as a reference field for a descriptive flexfield
that contains information about how the customer will pay.
In this example, the buyer is using a credit card so the credit card information is gathered by
using the descriptive flexfield structure shown on the right. If payment is by check, you could
gather check-related information by using the descriptive flexfield structure shown on the left.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 21
Using Different Contexts: Asset Category Flexfield

The Asset Category Flexfield

The example on the slide shows the Asset Category descriptive flexfield. The descriptive
flexfield is gathering further information about an office building asset. You can see this both
by the value in the reference field, and by the type of information being requested on the
Note: In this example, the reference field is itself a key flexfield.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 22
Oracle E-Business Suite Descriptive Flexfields (Partial)

Partial List of Oracle E-Business Suite Descriptive Flexfields

Numerous descriptive flexfields are available throughout Oracle E-Business Suite. The slide
shows only a partial list. In contrast to key flexfields, descriptive flexfields are usually not
shared between applications.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 23
Standard Request Submission (SRS) and Flexfields

Using Flexfields as Parameters Within Standard Request Submission

Reports and concurrent programs submitted with Standard Request Submission often have
parameter windows that pop up. These parameter windows behave similarly to descriptive

Parameter Windows Are Context Sensitive

The window that appears and the segments contained in it depend on which request is
being run.
The request name acts as a reference field.
Many request parameters have associated value sets to control the allowable values for
that parameter. Such value sets are often shared by many other flexfields. You should
always be careful when modifying any value sets used by SRS processing.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 24
Storing Flexfield Data Internally

Storing Flexfield Values in Database Tables

The values entered through an applications flexfields are stored internally in that applications
database tables:
Each segments value is stored in a column in one of the base tables.
The column name reflects the type of flexfield data it holds. In general, key flexfields
store their data in columns called SEGMENTn, where n is a number. In general,
descriptive flexfields store their data in columns called ATTRIBUTEn, where n is a
The number of SEGMENT and ATTRIBUTE columns available for use by a flexfield
varies between flexfields. Not all flexfields have the same number of fields defined.
When implementing a flexfield, determining the number of fields available for use is an
important planning step.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 25
Implementing a Flexfield - Steps

Implementing a Flexfield: General Procedure

Use the following steps when defining flexfields, both key and descriptive:
Plan your flexfield structure and layout. Remember that many flexfields use more than
one structure, and that each structure can consist of different segments. Also plan any
value sets and their values.
Define flexfield value sets. Value sets limit the allowable values for the flexfield segment.
If you create your value sets first, you can refer to them while your are defining your
flexfield segments in the following step.
Define flexfield segments and structures. Use the plan you designed earlier.
Define values for your value sets.
For key flexfields, define security and cross-validation rules as necessary.
Test your flexfield.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 26

Complete the optional activity Entering an Asset and Discussing Flexfields which
is provided for your reference and future learning.

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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 27
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Overview of Flexfields
Chapter 21 - Page 28
Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22

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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 1
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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 2
Overview of Personalizations

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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 3
Course Objectives

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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 4
Test Access To Personalizations Before Production Deployment

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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 5
Concepts: Pages

When terms are used frequently, or overloaded, confusion results. The word page
can have several meanings based upon the underlying tech stack. An HTML page is
constructed with a certain set of technical components. An Oracle Forms-based form,
PL/SQL HTML page, or JSP page are constructed with their own set of technical
components and requirements. Because of the technical components used in various
types of pages, changing how a page is rendered is usually not possible without
complex logic built into the page itself.

In Oracle Applications Framework (OAF), the pages are different. Pages seen within a
browser, start as XML created with JDeveloper. The XML pages are read from the MDS
(Meta Data Service) within an Oracle E-Business Suite instance, and are rendered via
the middle tier so that a browser has a very small overhead in displaying the page.
Because OAF pages are read at run-time, personalizations can be applied to change
how the base page is rendered at run-time. In effect, the base page is read,
personalizations, if any, are applied, and the page is finally rendered.

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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 6
Concepts: Items

An item within a page will be contained within a region.

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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 7
Examples of Oracle Forms Personalizations

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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 8
Oracle Forms Personalizations

This is an Oracle Forms-based page with personalization rules already in place.

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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 9
Examples of OA Framework Personalizations

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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 10
User Personalizations

Once you create a user personalization, the page displays a Views button. This allows you to
call up any user-created or administrator-seeded user personalizations. The screen capture
above is only showing what will be seen after a User Personalization has been created and to
display one of the Types of personalizations.

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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 11
User Personalizations

Once you click on the Views button, you now have an additional UI where you can call up your
predefined user-level personalizations, including administrator-seeded user-level
personalizations. As a user, your personalizations will appear to you and not to others. If your
personalization could be used by others, then your administrator would then create an
administrator-seeded user-level personalizations for everyone.

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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 12
Administrator-seeded Personalizations

Administrator-level personalizations on OA Framework-based pages are roughly equivalent to

Oracle Forms-based personalizations.

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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 13
Personalizations vs. Extensions

The choice of making a personalization or an extension depends on factors that you might not
have control over or that will require skills that you are not familiar with. Extensions involve
Oracle Forms or Oracle JDeveloper, and require familiarity with the tools and processes for
extending Oracle Forms or OA Framework pages. In addition, extensions are generally not
supported to Oracle based pages. You would be creating custom pages which may not survive
upgrades. The matrix above can help you decided what is right for you.

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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 14
Benefits of Personalizations

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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 15
Benefits of Extensions

Limitations of Personalizations
Modifying business logic requires creating an extension to the application.
The ability to change page flows depends on how the page flow was implemented. In
some cases, URLs in functions may be modified, or destination URIs on navigational
elements may be personalized. However, in any case of changing page flows,
transaction flows may be affected, and such changes should be thoroughly tested. Page
flow changes are generally beyond the scope of the system administrator.

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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 16

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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 17
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Overview of Personalizations
Chapter 22 - Page 18
Appendix - Overview of
Chapter 23

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Appendix - Overview of Folders

Chapter 23 - Page 1
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Appendix - Overview of Folders

Chapter 23 - Page 2
Appendix - Overview of Folders

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Appendix - Overview of Folders

Chapter 23 - Page 3

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Appendix - Overview of Folders

Chapter 23 - Page 4
Folders: Definition

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Appendix - Overview of Folders

Chapter 23 - Page 5
Administering Folders: Topics

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Appendix - Overview of Folders

Chapter 23 - Page 6
Assigning a Default Folder to a Responsibility

Assign a Default Folder to a Responsibility

(N) System Administrator responsibility > Application > Administer Folders
Note: You must create default folders before you can perform the following functions. For
information on creating default folders see
(Help) Users Guide > Forms-Based Applications > Customizing the Presentation of Data in a
Note: After you save a default folder definition for a folder set, that folder set no longer
appears in the list of values.

Form Fields
Folder Set: Every folder set is associated with a particular folder block, and a user or
responsibility can have one default folder within each folder set. The folder set name
generally describes the records shown in the block; some blocks may have multiple sets
of folders associated with them.

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Appendix - Overview of Folders

Chapter 23 - Page 7
Assigning a Default Folder to a User

Assign a Default Folder to a User

(N) Application > Administer Folders
Note: After you save a default folder definition for a folder set, that folder set no longer
appears in the list of values.

Form Fields
Source Type: Enter either User or Responsibility. Records entered in this window use
the source type of User. If one of the current users responsibilities has default folders
defined, the default folders are listed with a source type of Responsibility.
User defaults override Responsibility defaults. You cannot delete Responsibility default
folders in this window.
Responsibility: The Responsibility that uses this default folder definition.

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Appendix - Overview of Folders

Chapter 23 - Page 8
Assigning Ownership of a Folder

Form Fields
(N) Application > Administer Folders
Public: This check box governs the availability of the folder to all users.
Anyones Default: Indicates whether this folder definition is used as a default by a user
or a responsibility. If it is a default definition, use Default Assignments to view the users
and responsibilities for which it is the default folder definition.
Default Assignments: The users and responsibilities that use this folder definition as a

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Appendix - Overview of Folders

Chapter 23 - Page 9
Deleting a Folder Definition

(N) Application > Administer Folders

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Appendix - Overview of Folders

Chapter 23 - Page 10

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Appendix - Overview of Folders

Chapter 23 - Page 11
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Appendix - Overview of Folders

Chapter 23 - Page 12
Appendix - General
Chapter 24

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Appendix - General Information

Chapter 24 - Page 1
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Appendix - General Information

Chapter 24 - Page 2
Appendix - General Information
Additional R12.x Profile Options
Name Description Notes
Concurrent: Show Requests Sends users directly to the View
Summary After Each Request Requests window after submitting
Submission a request
Concurrent:Collect Request
Concurrent:Debug Flags
Concurrent:Hold Requests
Concurrent:Report Copies
Concurrent:Show Request Set
Signon Password Failure Limit Maximum number of times logon
can be attempted before account
is disabled
Signon Password Custom 189367.1
Signon Password Case
ICX:Session Timeout Number of minutes of inactivity 171261.1
before session is disabled 412224.1
ICX: Limit time Absolute maximum duration (hrs)
of a users session regardless of
Hide Diagnostics menu entry Hides the diagnostics menu on a Forms Personalization
Utilities:Diagnostics Makes it possible to go into the Forms Personalization
Diagnostics > Examine screen
without a password
Oracle Applications Look and Specifies the Look-and-Feel for OAF Personalization
Feel / APPS_LOOK_AND_FEEL all OA Framework-based pages
Personalize Self-service Defn Allows display of the Personalize OAF Personalization
Page link
FND: Personalization Region Link Enables the Personalization OAF Personalization
Enabled Region link
FND: Diagnostics Enables the About this Page OAF Personalization
Disable Self-service Personal If set at Site level, OAF Personalization
personalizations will not be

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Appendix - General Information

Chapter 24 - Page 3
Additional R12.x Profile Options
Name Description
Flex fields: Open Desr Window Whether or not a descriptive flexfield
window opens automatically when you
navigate to it. Values: Yes or No
FND: Indicator Colors Defines whether or not the default field
color scheme is used (i.e. fields yellow,
query mode blue, read only grey) Values:
Yes (default) or No
Java Look and Feel Used for Forms-based interface. Values:
Oracle look and feel provides a
predefined set of color schemes used by
EBS by default or Generic look and feel
adheres to the color scheme of your
operating system.
Java Color Scheme If Java Look and Feel is set to Oracle, you
can select a color scheme option to
enhance usability of the Forms-based
Printer Defines users default printer

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Appendix - General Information

Chapter 24 - Page 4
Appendix - General Information
Concurrent Processing Scripts
Script Type Description
afcmclean.sql SQL clean the Concurrent Manager tables
analyzereq.sql SQL analyze a concurrent request
cproginfo.sql SQL list info about a concurrent program
ccmlocks.sql SQL list RDBMS locks held by concurrent processes
locks.sql SQL list RDBMS locks held by APPS shell gather all logfiles related to a concurrent request
getpids shell print all the managers' process ids
reqinfo.sql SQL everything about a concurrent request shell test the setup needed for the FND_FILE package
AFFTEST.pls PL/SQL test the setup needed for the FND_FILE package
multisub shell submits multiple requests using CONCSUB
chkreqs.sql SQL lists concurrent request totals
flexinfo.sql SQL lists flexfield information
getinc.sql SQL list a concurrent program's incompatibilities
whocanrun.sql SQL list responsibilities that can run a given concurrent program Perl replaces unknown function names in a dbx stack trace CGI environment variables in the webserver environment
mon_opencur.sql SQL list open cursors in db ordered by the most total occurrences
lookups.sql SQL list of lookup types, with lookup codes and their meanings
test_init_service.sql SQL Tests FND_CP_GSM_IPC functions for initializing services,
enqueueing and dequeueing message SQL testing basic transaction manager functionality
Cpident shell gather all CP ident records
afcpftst.sql SQL test the FND_FILE package
oppdebug.sql SQL turn on debugging for the OPP service
concrules.sql SQL list all specialization rules

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Appendix - General Information

Chapter 24 - Page 5
Appendix - General Information
Concurrent Processing Resources: Documents and My Oracle Support (Support IDs)
Doc/MOS ID: Description
E22953-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide
E22954-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide
1304305.1 11i / R12: Concurrent Processing - Product Information Center (PIC)
823587.1 Using Oracle 11g Release 2 Real Application Clusters with Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12
182154.1 Summary of Possible Reasons and Solutions for the Problem Where All
Concurrent Requests Stuck in Pending Phase
602899.1 Some More Facts On How to Activate Parallel Concurrent Processing
104452.1 Troubleshooting Concurrent Manager (Unix specific)
134007.1 CMCLEAN.SQL - Non-Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent Manager
1057802.1 Concurrent Processing - Best Practices for Performance for Concurrent
Managers in E-Business Suite
736547.1 Concurrent Report Access Level
134036.1 WHOCANRUN.SQL - List Responsibilities That Can Run a Given
Concurrent Program
134033.1 ANALYZEPENDING.SQL - Analyze all Pending Requests
164978.1 REQCHECK.sql - Diagnostic Script for Concurrent Requests
170107.1 How to Determine Scheduled Concurrent Requests
132823.1 Managing Concurrent Processing Files and Tables
170524.1 How to Create a Custom Concurrent Manage
154850.1 How to Run the Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data Program
and Which Tables Does it Purge?
1304305.1 11i / R12: Concurrent Processing - Product Information Center (PIC)
189616.1 How to Schedule a Concurrent Request to Run Periodically Only on Certain
Days and Only During Certain Hours of the Day

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Appendix - General Information

Chapter 24 - Page 6
Appendix - General Information
OA Framework Resources: Documents and My Oracle Support (Support IDs)
E22961-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide
395117.1 Forms Personaliztions (R12)
743490.1 Customization in Oracle Applications
E48969-01 Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide
438922.1 Order Management Suite - Usage of Custom Library
420518.1 Limitations of Forms Personalization
421010.1 Forms Personalization: Sample Code to Add a Web Link to the Applications
Forms Menu
429604.1 How to use Parameters in Forms Personalization
747508.1 How to call code logic or procedure in Custom.pll using forms personalization
550626.1 How To Enable/Disable The Forms Personalization Menu
391554.1 Oracle Application Framework Documentation Resources, Release 12
1455931.1 Oracle Application Framework Development FAQ
1512113.1 Oracle Application Framework Troubleshooting Guide
1315510.1 Oracle Application Framework Profile Options
741459.1 Tips For Personalizing The E-Business Suite r12 Login Page (MainLoginPG)

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Appendix - General Information

Chapter 24 - Page 7
Appendix - General Information
R12.x Oracle Applications System Administrator Fundamentals MOS Note Listing
Note ID Title
1160285.1 Application Technology Group (ATG) Product Information Center (PIC)
1480550.1 E-Business Suite - Technology Stack : Navigation (landing)
1461465.2 EBS Technology Stack OID and SSO and OAM
1320509.1 E-Business Suite 11i / R12: Oracle Workflow (WF) Product Information Center
1511969.2 EBS Printing Information Center (PIC) - Component Tools - Overview
1581299.1 Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Information Center
1583153.1 Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Information Center - Implement
1583156.1 Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Information Center - Manage
403537.1 Secure Configuration Guide for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
380482.1 Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Technology Stack Documentation Roadmap
105122.1 FAQ (Generic System Administration)
189487.1 System Administration FAQ's
189457.1 Oracle Applications Systems Administration Setup and Usage
108207.1 Oracle Applications DBA SQL utilities
189490.1 System Administration Troubleshooting
214088.1 Oracle Applications System Administration Scripts
108185.1 Oracle Applications Object Library SQL scripts
393861.1 Globalization Guide for Oracle Applications Release 12
235307.1 E-Business Suite Diagnostic Tools FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for Release
11i and R12
457166.1 FNDCPASS Utility New Feature: Enhance Security With Non-Reversible Hash
1336479.1 How to change passwords to include special characters using FNDCPASS
393861.1 Globalization Guide for Oracle Applications Release 12
554986.1 IREP - Oracle Integration Repository: The Tool To Find Which API Is Supported
and How To Use It ...
184788.1 Frequently Asked Questions About AOL Responsibility Issues
427517.1 Oracle Application Object Library Function Security Data Collection Test
103418.1 Beginner's Guide: Create a Custom Event Alert to Fire against a Custom Table
553547.1 Data Security Terminology
399766.1 Reset Password Functionality FAQ
290525.1 Oracle User Management FAQ
431815.1 AME Frequently asked Questions

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Appendix - General Information

Chapter 24 - Page 8
Note ID Title
290996.1 Oracle User Management Additional Documentation
227391.1 Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide
812683.1 What is a Permission and its Usage in User Management
399400.1 Oracle Applications User Management (UMX) Developer's Guide
734864.1 Diagnostic: UMX.sql
401463.1 User Management Security Wizard Feature
862812.1 R12: Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Unable to View Output for Requests
Submitted by other Users
804296.1 R12: How To Configure Access To Request Output Of The Same Responsibility
555524.1 11i: How To Configure Access To Request Output Of Specific Responsibility
471675.1 R12.0.6+: Oracle Application Object Library Profile Options Data Collection Test
804296.1 How To Configure Access To Request Output Of Same Responsibility in R12
395445.1 Oracle Application Framework Profile Options Release 12
564125.1 How to setup Password Security?
747471.1 How To Auditing Users Responsibility Changes?
402116.1 Page Access Tracking in Oracle Applications Release 12
105630.1 Setup & Usage (Audit Trail)
393582.1 How to Cleanup Auditing on An Applications Audited Table
60936.1 Step By Step Guide to Set Up a Printer in Oracle Applications
104679.1 Setup & Usage (Printing)
104528.1 Troubleshoo ting (Printing)
105115.1 FAQ (Printing)
241086.1 How to Specify a Printer Paper Tray With Pasta
420019.1 Pasta Overview
356501.1 How to Setup Pasta Quickly and Effectively
762116.1 How to Know The Version Of PASTA
763274.1 How To Setup Custom Pasta A4 Print Styles And Drivers
778970.1 How to Print PDF/UTF8 in R12?
239196.1 PASTA 3.0 Release Information
Pasta Users Guide
1224313.1 Getting Started with Oracle E-Business Suite Plug-in, Release 4.0
387859.1 Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12
164085.1 Enhancing Oracle Applications Concurrent Processing
134036.1 WHOCANRUN.SQL - List Responsibilities That Can Run a Given Concurrent

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Appendix - General Information

Chapter 24 - Page 9
Note ID Title
164978.1 REQCHECK.sql - Diagnostic Script for Concurrent Requests
811093.1 R12 Concurrent Managers not starting after patching or upgrade changes
134007.1 CMCLEAN.SQL - Non Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent Manager Tables
171855.1 CCM.sql Diagnostic Script for Concurrent Manager
132823.1 Managing Concurrent Processing Files and Tables
735119.1 How to Find Database Session & Process Associated with a Concurrent Program
Which is Currently Running.
197034.1 Getting Started with Workflow 2.6 Embedded
461431.1 Script To Check What Workflow Related Patches Are Installed in E-Business
Suite R12
105124.1 FAQ (Flexfields)

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Appendix - General Information

Chapter 24 - Page 10
Appendix - General Information
Form Parameters
Query-Only Forms
When you define a form function in the Form Functions window or call an existing form
function using FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE or APP_NAVIGATE.EXECUTE, you can add
the string:
to the string in the Parameters field or in the arguments string (using the
other_paramsargument). This argument causes the form to be called in query-only mode.
The FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE procedure (which is also used by the Oracle
ApplicationObject Library Navigator) sets the QUERY_ONLY flag that sets all database
blocks to non-insertable, non-updatable, and non-deletable. To dynamically determine when
to call a form in query-only mode, add the string to the other_params argument of the call to
FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE. Disable or remove all functionality that does not apply when
the form is run in Query-Only mode, such as 'New' buttons in Find Windows. Entries on the
menu (other than Special) are handled automatically. Turn off any logic that defaults values
into new records when the form is in Query-Only mode (this logic is usually called from the
WHEN-CREATE-RECORD triggers). Check for this mode by checking the parameter
IF name_in('parameter.query_only') != 'YES' THEN
<defaulting logic here> END IF;
Important: Use query-only forms only when the user does not have update privileges on the
form; not when the primary purpose of the form is viewing values.
Do not limit a form to query only because the primary need is viewing values. If the user has
update privileges on a form, you should not create a separate query-only form function,
even when calling the form from a special menu for the purpose of querying information.
Forcing users to use the Navigator to reopen a form in an updatable mode if they need to
make a change is a clear violation of our user interface standards. There may be rare cases
where technical limitations force you to limit the user to query mode on particular calls to a
form. In general, however, update privileges should remain constant within a responsibility,
regardless of how the user accesses the form (from a branch of the Navigator menu, or from
a special menu in another form).
Form Window Name Changes
Some forms (such as the Submit Requests form) accept arguments that change the form
window name. With the Submit Requests form, you use the parameter TITLE to specify the
name of a message in the Message Dictionary. That message becomes the window title.
The syntax to use is:
If the message REP_ROUTING contained (in English) the text "Report Routing", you use
the argument
to open the Submit Request window with the title Report Routing.
See the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide for more information on
customizing the Submit Requests form.

Help Target Changes

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Chapter 24 - Page 11
When a user selects the help button in Oracle Applications, the applications try to open the
correct help file at a help target consisting of the form name and the window name:
form_name_window_name. You can override the form name portion (and optionally the
application short name of the help file) of this target by passing the parameter
For example, to use Oracle Receivables help for the Submit Requests form, you could
define your form function for the FNDRSRUN form name with the following
You can pass the HELP_TARGET parameter either when calling the form function using
other_params argument) or when you define the function in the Form Functions window.
See the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide for more information on help
targets in Oracle Applications.
Complete List of All Submit Request Parameters
Below is the comprehensive list of parameters supported by the "Run Requests"/SRS form and
additional information about their usage.
SUBMIT_ONCE (default 'N'). SUBMIT_ONCE can be set to either Y or N ( N is the
default). SUBMIT_ONCE is used in conjunction with
set to Y, then the form will exit after the Submit button is clicked.
LOOKUP (default 'N')
parameters) If USE_ORG is set to 'Y' (default is 'N') then the Submit Requests form
checks to see if the other ORG parameters are set. If the parameters are not set, then it
attempts to populate the parameters from the globals (GLOBAL.FND_ORG_ID,
GLOBAL.FND_ORG_NAME, etc.). If the globals have not yet been set, the an ORG
LOV shows, and both the parameters and the globals are populated from the LOV.
Values sets should always reference the parameters, not the globals.
NUMBER1, NUMBER2, NUMBER3, NUMBER4, NUMBER5 In your value sets, refer to these
parameters as:

Customizing the Submit Requests Window using Codes

You can give the Submit Requests Window a different title, and define the form so that it
allows users to select only those reports or concurrent programs belonging to a request
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Appendix - General Information

Chapter 24 - Page 12
group that you have assigned a code to. To do this, you register a form function that
references the Submit Requests Window, and you pass certain arguments to the function.
Then you construct your menu to include this form function. For more information, see: the
Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide: Security.
Using a Request Group Code as an argument
The following table describes the parameters passed to associate a request group with the
Submit Requests Window and to customize the title of that form. Text is entered in the
Parameters field of the Form Functions form.
Parameter Syntax followed by Example Explanation
REQUEST_GROUP_CODE ="Request Group Code" This parameter passes the request group's

REQUEST_GROUP_APPL_SHORT_NAME = "Application short name" This parameter identifies the short name for
REQUEST_GROUP_APPL_SHORT_NAME = "OE" the application associated with the request
group. (Required)

TITLE ="Application_short_name:Message_Name This parameter identifies a message whose

TITLE = "FND:SRS_NEWTITLE" contents define the title, as well as the
application short name of that message.

LOOKUP = "Y|N" This parameter indicates whether the TITLE

LOOKUP = "Y" parameter is a message name or a
hardcoded string. The default value is "Y",
which indicates that TITLE is a message
name. (Optional)

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Appendix - General Information

Chapter 24 - Page 13
Appendix - General Information
Form Function and Subfunction Standards
A form is a special class of function that differs from a subfunction in two ways:
Forms appear in the Navigator window and can be navigated to. Subfunctions do
not appear in the Navigator window and cannot be navigated to.
Forms can exist on their own. Subfunctions can only be called by logic embodied
within a form; they cannot exist on their own.
A form as a whole, including all of its program logic, is always designated as a function. Subsets
of a form's program logic can optionally be designated as subfunctions if there is a need to
secure those subsets.
For example, suppose that a form contains three windows. The entire form is designated as a
function that can be secured (included or excluded from a responsibility.) Each of the form's
three windows can be also be designated as functions (subfunctions), which means they can be
individually secured. Thus, while different responsibilities may include this form, certain of the
form's windows may not be accessible from each of those responsibilities, depending on how
function security rules are applied.
Hide Unavailable Functions
If a subfunction determines whether a button, field, menu choice or other form item is available,
code the subfunction to hide the item if the user does not have access to that function. Hide
anything not enabled while the user is in the form (as opposed to item that are enabled/disabled
based on actions taken in the form).
Subfunction Menus
A form may have subfunctions within it whose availability to the user is determined by
responsibility. To accomplish this, a menu of these subfunctions is placed in the menu hierarchy
below the level of the form. A menu of subfunctions always assumes the name of the form entry
with "_MENU" appended, for example: "PO_POXPOMPO_MENU". The user menu name
should be the <form name>: Subfunctions, for example: "Purchase Orders: Subfunctions".
Subfunctions are tied directly to forms in the shipped menu to make it easier for the System
Administrator to understand which subfunctions are part of which forms. In other words, there is
one hierarchy combining the menu structure with the security structure, as opposed to separate
menu and security structures following different hierarchies.
Subfunction Names
All subfunctions for each form are predefined by the developer, and are named
<form>_<subfunction>, for example: "PO_POXPOMPO_ DELETE". The user function name
should be <form name>: <subfunction>, for example: "Purchase Orders: Delete". This naming
standard is important because it enables the System Administrator to find all the available
functions to include or exclude from a responsibility by using Autoreduction in the LOV in the
Responsibilities form. For example, the System Administrator can enter "Purchase Orders", and
then see the Purchase Orders form itself, the subfunctions menu(s) for that form, and all the
restrictable subfunctions. Without this naming standard, it would be difficult to find all the
subfunctions of a form.

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Appendix - General Information

Chapter 24 - Page 14

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