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DEcember 2015



Training Week
Pages 4 and 5

Cacia and Vila Velha de Rdo
Pages 8, 9, 10 and 11
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In the first 9 months,

the Group saw its
Workforce grow
Happy Christmas
to a total of 2,411 Building on our Achievements, with a
employees. Vision of the Future

One year ago, we mapped out ambitious To list every achievement would be
new plans, with fresh targets and added impossible, but I would like to mention
responsibilities. Today, this is now a that 2015 was the year in which work
reality for all of us, based on the defi- started on building the Colombo Energy
ENVIRONMENT BUSINESS PERFORMANCE nition of our Mission, Vision and Values.
This new approach to our work allows
mill in the USA, which will allow the
Group to move into the pellets business,
us to respond with determination and the year in which we acquired AMS and
WATER (m3/t) Turnover 1,204.3 (M ) improved effectiveness to the growing doubled its production capacity, our first


Net debt / EBITDA 1.5

294 (M ) demands of the market.
In 2015 we learned new ways of working
step into the tissue business, the year
operations started at the Lu Nurse-
EFFLUENTS - Suspended together. People and teamwork have ries in Mozambique, a crucial stride
always been the key factor in our Group's forwards for our ambitious project invol-
solids (kg/t)
HUMAN success. Work started this year on a series ving investment of more than 2 billion
0.3 SALES RESOURCES of structural and transversal projects
which have included a growing number
euros in Mozambique, and the year we
expanded the Cacia Industrial Unit and
RENEWABLE ENERGY (%) of individuals and multidisciplinary teams its paper pulp production capacity,
2,411 all pulling in the same goal: the success of helping to increase exports and boost
91.7 52% 64% = 100
the Portucel Soporcel group.
This has been achieved on the basis of
the Group's presence around the world.
The Portucel Soporcel group contributes
AIR (Emissions of fossil CO2, t) a number of useful programmes, inclu- to creating wealth and to sustainable
ding in particular the Business Review economic development in all the regions
(HOURS) Meetings (BRMs) which set out to review in which it operates, thanks to the enter-
SALES MIX 4.18% 88,278 plant operations from a business-
-focussed approach, involving mana-
prising spirit and vision of its sharehol-
ders, and also to the capabilities of its
FORESTS gers from different areas. Another good vast Workforce, who strive every day to
example is the Lean Project instituted achieve and exceed the targets set. gPS IN FIGURES 02
OUTPUT SAFETY through the gPS Production System I am therefore extremely proud of every-
AREA UNDER programme, which sets out to imple- thing we have achieved together. With Sustained growth
MANAGEMENT ('000 ha) No OF ACCIDENTS ment and sustain an uniform culture of full confidence in the future, I wish you

Leading to
sick leave 41 continuous improvement as part of our a challenging 2016, and every personal gPS ONLINE 05
1,059.176 1,240.390 Not leading
33 corporate identity. and professional success.
to sick leave
Mention must also be made of the Training Week
(M m ssc) FREQUENCY INDEX* Re-Innovate Programme, designed
PULP PAPER to instil a culture of constant innova- Diogo da Silveira, CEO gPS IN FOCUS 08
3,376 Total output,
Net output at
reelers, t
* number of accidents with sick leave per
million hours of risk exposure (hours worked
in reference period)
tion, responding to the new challenges
and opportunities we face, through Double inauguration
a number of schemes which seek to
encourage creativity. gPS SUSTAINABLE 12
Editorial data It was also in the past year that the
The quest for the perfect
Published and coordinated:
Exempt from registration with Printed on: Inaset Plus Offset Print run: 300 copies Group launched its first Trainees
Communication Department
ERC under Reg. Dec. 8/99 of 9/6
120g/m2, FSC certified (paper
manufactured by Portucel Graphic company: Fotoarte Artes Programme, creating a talent base clone
Grficas, Lda.
Editor: Joana Seixas Proprietor/Publisher: grupo
Soporcel group) to support the development of future
Design: Ray Gun I Creativity
Portucel Soporcel Frequency of publication: management staff with an integrated gPS + 14
Worldwide Address and editorial office: business vision and the ability to
Mitrena - Apartado 55 - 2901-861 Christmas in the Group Setbal exploit synergies between the different
Contributions to this issue from: sectors, responding in this way to the
future needs of the organisation.

Group Workforce

4 5


PPS Office Paper Converting,
joined the Group almost
Lus Almeida
PPS Office Paper Converting,
joined the Group 24 years ago
training was provided between 27 th 18 years ago
October and 3rd December to all shift I learned a lot from the training and
workers at the Setbal site: this means This year's Training Week was a good we can ask questions which we don't
learning experience, and I came away always have the chance to do during
process operatives in the wood, pulp the year, so it's an opportunity to clear
with fresh ideas about several gPS areas
manufacture and energy recovery and projects, such as 5S+1, and how to up questions we have. I would like to
sectors, Paper Machines 1, 3 and 4, PPS implement them in my everyday work. It go on more trips to other units in our
and ATF Manufacturing, PPS and ATF would be useful for the training session to Group and other areas we know little
Dispatch, maintenance technicians deal with other companies and sectors in about, for there to be more interaction.
working on a shift basis (mechanical the Group, such as forestry and others.
and electrical) at the pulp mill, PPS
and ATF and our colleagues in the
laboratories. The programme involved
28 trainers.
The 660 employees involved were
divided into 20 groups, with around
140 receiving training each day, in
groups of 35 employees each.
Efforts were made this year to make
the training more dynamic, interactive
and productive, reducing contact time
from 4 days to 3 days, with two days
given over the general training and one
day to specific training, with shorter Jos Candeias Srgio Miguel
and more varied modules, all adding PPS Converting and Dispatch, ATF Converting, joined
up to 15,100 training hours. joined the Group 29 years ago the Group 6 years ago
It was also decided to include new
topics which, although never dealt The training was useful and altogether It's quite important, because just now we
very interesting. I'm looking forward to talking about safety, which is a constant
with before, are extremely relevant to the safety module, which we haven't had concern in the company and something
Training room
the daily lives of the employees, such yet, and is always a challenge. First aid we discuss with each other everyday.
as nutrition, educating staff to include is something we did in previous years, We also talked about nutrition which I
better good in their diet, to help them but I would like to have more training. found really interesting because as shift
Another Training Week was held at Training Week involved - these are just some of the topics cope with the physical challenges I particularly enjoyed the lean workers we don't always have the best
the Setbal Industrial Unit, running included in this year's Training Week at posed by shift work. concept awareness session, because diet. It was the topic I enjoyed most so far.
from the last week of October
660 employees and a the Setbal Industrial Unit. Training Week takes a holistic approach it gave us new ideas, and I also This year the sessions are shorter
total of 15,100 training liked the new business module. which makes it less painful for us,
through to early December. These We hope that by the end the staff felt to developing the Group's human because we're not used to being in a
events have been organised annually hours. that the learning experience had been resources and provides a unique classroom, so it's been quite good.
since 2002, and this year involved useful and that their concerns had opportunity for employees to learn
660 employees and 28 trainers. been listened to, and also that they about a range of topics of interest to
felt motivated to press ahead with the company. Above all, it helps us to
Safety, nutrition, lean concept aware- their work. achieve the high standards based on
ness, new business, occupational This training programme has been quality, safety, rigour and efficiency
health, the role of communication, running since 2002 and provides which can only be achieved with the
emergency planning, environment, employees with a combination of precious contribution of each individual.
presentations of results and targets general and specific training. In 2015,

6 7



Watch the videos, share them Another 300 people from the local doors to local people who came to learn and also to learn about the production
with your co-workers and always communities around out Figueira da Foz how paper is manufactured. process and the whole closed cycle
remember that safety comes first. and Setbal units were this year able to Around 300 children, youngsters, adults involved in the company's operation -
Stop accidents from happening! see for themselves how paper is made and senior citizens spent their Saturday from forest management through to the
and the contribution our Group makes morning finding out how we make paper. end consumer," whilst Catarina, aged 11,
Staff safety is the number one priority to the Portuguese economy. Each had his own reason for joining the went to see the Setbal Mill, "because
for our Group, and prevention should On three Saturdays in October and tour: Joo Verssimo, aged 25, visited in Technology Studies we learned about
be built into how we approach our work November, the paper production divi- the FFIU because it's something that what paper is. I really liked the control
and tackle each task. Reflecting this sions at the Figueira da Foz and Setbal really interests me, to study, all the room, how they are able to control that
concern, the Corporate Communica- industrial units once again opened their environmental and industrial issues, huge machine."
tions has worked closely with DASEP
(Central Department for Quality, Envi- Modernity, leadership and technology
ronment and Safety, Energy and Stra- After enjoying a tasty breakfast, the visi-
tegic Industrial Projects) to produce tors were welcomed by our co-workers
two videos on safety topics. One focus- from the Communication and Environ-
sing on procedures and the other explo- ment , who answered their questions
Filming in Cacia
ring behavioural issues. after screening an institutional video
"Its obvious that the Portucel Soporcel about the Portucel Soporcel group.
group's most valuable asset is its Ins Franco, aged 14, said that what
human capital. This means that the impressed her most on her visit to the
health and safety of the Group's people Figueira da Foz plant were "the videos I
and the service providers it works with saw, which made me see the mill diffe-
is regarded as fundamental to busi- rently," and she was keen to recommend
ness development and its value is non- the visit to her school friends.
negotiable in this Company," we heard A bus then tok them to the paper
from the new director responsible for Figueira da Foz production area, where the tour started
industrial operations and for health Teams in action Piloting the drone in the control room and ended in the
and safety at work. Joo Paulo Oliveira dispatch sector, passing through the
also stressed that "the central message "I feel proud that we have "You are really at the top paper quality testing laboratories, the
I want to get across is that safety of working practices where rules are a company like this in our of what's done around paper machine, the processing sector
all depends on each one of us. This broken or communication breaks gPS channel region the world." and warehouse.
means not just complying strictly with down and then explain the corrective At the end of the Setbal tour, Margarida
the established safety rules, but also a measures needed, which are often very on Youtube Margarida Botelho, aged 53 Carlos Almeida, aged 50
Botelho, aged 53, told us: "I was very
permanent search for ways to improve simple. Did you know the Group as a YouTube impressed by the investment they have
our working environment, sharing these The films stress the importance of channel where you can watch all the made, it's all so modern, I feel proud
suggestions so that the whole team can effective teamwork in order to created videos produced about the Group? that we have a company like this in the
Go to YouTube (,
benefit from a reduction in accident safer, healthier and more productive search for Grupo Portucel Soporcel, region," and Carlos Almeida, 50 years,
risks and optimised working conditions. workplaces, encouraging participation see what's on offer and share said "it's a way for the company to build
We're relying on you all!" as the best way of ensuring the right the videos with your co-workers, closer ties with local people, so they can
The videos look at safety in the context attitude: the way we do things round friends and service providers. understand exactly what goes on here.
of real action in different work places, here. Because people sometimes imagine
with the emphasis on prevention. The things but have no real idea. And you are
filming took place at all the industrial really at the top of what's done around
units, but as the issues involved also the world."
apply outside a manufacturing context, The safety of all depends on each one of us. This Soraia Oliveira, aged 30, told us that what
the film crew also worked at the Espirra means not just complying strictly with the established impressed her most on the tour of the
Estate and in forest locations, in order Figueira da Foz unit was "the automation,
to show examples of unsafe behaviour
safety rules, but also a permanent search for the quantity of robots and how technology
and situations of avoidable risk. improvement. We're relying on you all! is everywhere you look in the company".
The videos point out various unsafe Setbal

8 9

gPS em foco gPS em foco

Cacia and
vila Velha
de Rdo
As it continues to modernise and grow, our Group
inaugurated on the same day the extension of the
Cacia Industrial Unit, which has created 15 new
jobs, and well as indirect employment for as many
as 290 people, and the new tissue production line
at the mill in Vila Velha de Rdo, set to generate
more than 70 new jobs.

The expansion of the Portucel Soporcel expand its business successfully around
group continues apace. A double inau- the world."
guration was held on 13 October: the Diogo da Silveira, CEO of the Portucel
extension of the Cacia industrial unit Soporcel group, then took the platform
and the new tissue paper machine at the to say that this "investment is important
Vila Velha de Rdo mill. Together, these for Cacia, important for the Baixo Vouga
projects represented investment of 95.3 region and important for the Group Unveiling the plaque
million euros. The Group chose the same and the country", pointing out that "the
day to announce its intention to invest Group's oldest plants - Cacia, Figueira 20% more paper pulp in Cacia The three industrial tons of paper pulp per annum, accom-
120 million euros in a new tissue produc- da Foz and Setbal - contribute, directly In the morning, the Cacia industrial unit panied by an increase in production of
tion line in Cacia, to be completed by and indirectly, more than 2,600 million officially opened the extension to its units Cacia, Figueira renewable energy of around 9%, to a
2017, increasing the Group's total capa- euros to Portugal's GDP." pulp mill, the result of an investment da Foz and Setbal total of 336.7 MW/year.
city in this sector to 130,000 tons/year. This array of projects - which are joined project worth 56.3 million which is set contribute directly "Today, for me, this is yet another land-
"The Portucel group has always kept by the project in Mozambique and the to boost the Group's annual exports by and indirectly more mark achievement for the Group. It is
pace with the natural evolution of a pellets factory in the US - make up the a further 30 million. Pedro Queiroz always a huge challenge to complete
globalised and highly competitive Group's plans for expanding and diversi- Pereira, Chairman of the Directors of than 600 million euros a project of this degree of complexity,
market," enthused the former Minister fying its business over the coming years, gPS, pointed out that the project inau- to Portugal's GDP interacting with most of the existing faci-
for the Economy, who attended the two in pursuit of our aim of sustained growth gurated today, in the presence of the Diogo da Silveira, CEO lities, as has happened here in Cacia,"
opening ceremonies. Antnio Pires de for our increasingly important multina- Minister for the Economy, will allow this said Guilherme Pedroso, the central
Lima was generous in his praise for the tional with roots in Portugal. complex to increase its capacity by 20%, engineering manager.
Group: gPS "has been committed to with a highly positive impact on new The extension to the mill has created a
modernising its industrial facilities, and direct and indirect jobs in the region. 15 fifteen direct jobs, and potentially
also in innovating and developing its The production capacity at the Cacia generated around 290 indirect jobs, in
own brands, displaying the capacity to mill has risen from 294 to 353 thousand particular in the forestry industry and in

10 11

gPS em foco gPS em foco

port logistics and road haulage sectors.

As many as 1,520 external workers
gPS "has (...) displayed
were recruited during the construction the capacity to expand Upgrading Cacia
period. its business successfully
The changes at the Cacia mill have around the world Investment of 56.3 million euros;
incorporated the latest industrial and Antnio Pires de Lima, Minister for production capacity up by
environmental technology, and inno- 20% (from 294 thousand to 353
the Economy
vative measures have been adopted to thousand tons of pulp/year);
improve environmental performance, pulp exports up by
including the collection, processing 30 million euros;
and incineration of malodorous gases, renewable energy capacity
as well as the fitting of a new burner in Welcome up by 9% (to 336.7 MWh);
the existing lime kiln, the installation of 15 direct jobs and up to 290
an electrofilter for the new lime kiln and indirect jobs (forestry, port
partial substitution of the use of fuel oil logistics and haulage);
by natural gas in the lime kilns. 1,520 external workers
We should also recall that the work on involved at the peak of the
building the new facilities and fitting 30 THOUSAND JOBS NATIONWIDE Diogo da Silveira makes his speech
construction process;
the equipment was carried out with the 17 km of piping for collection
Cacia mill in full operation, except for The Portucel Soporcel group's plants accounting for 80% of total spending from local companies, the new mill has and treatment of non-conden-
two periods in January and June. in Setbal, Figueira da Foz and Cacia at the Setbal plant, 75% in Cacia and increased its factory floor space from sable gases (malodorous gases);
In short, this project has made it employ a direct workforce of more 70% in Figueira da Foz. 40,000 m2 to 70,000 m2 and is fitted natural gas supply piping
possible to optimise performance at the than 2,000 employees, and indirectly Analysing the individual performance with the latest environmental technolo- extended by 550 m;
Cacia mill, helping to improve reliabi- generate around 9,000 jobs in the of the three units, the study shows gies which will allow it to cut CO2 emis-
lity in the mill facilities and to eliminate surrounding regions, and more than that the Cacia plant, producing pulp sions by 22,000 tons/year.
bottlenecks in certain production areas. 30,000 in the country as a whole, and power, generates an extremely For Maria Lemos, process/paper
Rosa Maria Nogueira, management according to a report from the consul- significant impact in the Baixo Vouga machine engineer at Vila Velha de Rdo,
secretary in Cacia, told us that with this tancy firm KPMG (released to mark the region, accounting for around 1,700 the inauguration marked the culmina-
new project I feel a renewed confidence twin inauguration ceremonies) which direct and indirect jobs in the region, tion of many months' work by a superb
in the Group. With investment on this looked into the Group's economic, exports of 107 million euros repre- Guests team () whose achievements are on 2nd tissue paper
scale, we will necessarily be setting our environmental and social contribu- senting 2% of GDP and 3% of exports show today". With this new produc-
sights even higher". tion to the country and to the regions from the region, and also 288 GWh of tion line in Vila Velha de Rdo, the our
machine at the Vila
where its industrial units are located. renewable electricity, and approxi- Group can now assert itself as one of Velha de Rdo plant
The research, conducted in 2014, matley 12% of the country's output of Europe's most competitive manufactu-
Vila Velha de Rdo plant doubles leaves out the data for the tissue plant biomass. rers in the tissue market, a position we Investment of 39 million euros;
output in Vila Velha de Rodo and for the The Figueira da Foz plant, producing intend to improve further through our 70 new direct jobs;
In the afternoon, the new tissue paper new extension to the Cacia industrial pulp, paper and power, also has a plans (as mentioned above) for investing production capacity doubled;
production line was inaugurated at the complex, meaning that the reality now major economic impact on the Baixo a further 120 million in a new produc- potential for increa-
Vila Velha do Rdo plant. The gPS CEO is even more impressive than these Mondego region, starting with appro- tion unit in Cacia, due to start up in 2017, sing exports by 40%;
declared that "the project itself, as we figures show. ximately 2 500 direct and indirect which will have rated annual capacity of around 40% of purchases
have already heard, involved invest- This study has put precise figures jobs created in the region, and around 70 thousand tons, incorporating equiva- of construction materials
ment of 39 million euros, with the aim of on a phenomenon we were already 10,600 around the country. This Vila Velha de Rdo lent finishing capacity. from local companies;
doubling the production capacity of this aware of: the Portucel Soporcel group impact also includes exports of 541 factory floor space increased
complex in the reels section." is structurally crucial to the industry million euros representing 9% of the from 40,000 m2 to 70,000 m2;
This expansion has created 70 new and to the Portuguese economy, and region's GDP and 39% of its exports. CO2 emissions cut by
jobs on site and increased the produc- is a driving force for development in For its part, the Setbal Plant, 22,000 tons/year;
tion capacity, opening the way for an its local regions and in the country as producing pulp, paper and power, the new production line makes our
increase in exports of around 40%. a whole, explained the Group's CEO, is obviously a leading contributor Group one of the most competitive
The logistics manager at Vila Velha de Diogo da Silveira, who went on to draw to the region's economy. This is due in Europe in the tissue market.
Rdo, Fernando Gaga, explained that attention to the significant figures to the total of around 2,600 direct
we managed to draw up the business also revealed for gPS' performance in and indirect jobs generated in the
plan for this project in two or three relation to the environment and social Setbal Peninsula and around 15,000
months. And once it was approved we responsibility. nationwide, and also to exports of 555
got down to work, made things happen, Another important finding is the large million euros, accounting for 6% of the
we have a great dynamic and we don't percentage of spending by the plants region's GDP and 14% of its exports.
waste time." which goes to Portuguese suppliers,
Purchasing around 40% its supplies

12 13

gPS sustentvel gPS sustentvel

areas. He went on to explain that "at characteristics are yield, volume, wood

RAIZ: THE QUEST FOR THE least every five years, we have to offer
new clones which are better than those
we recommended previously," but he
Forestry Research
density and pulp yield, but importance is
also attached to adaptability (the ability
to do well in different areas), the rooting

PERFECT CLONE recalled that "the entire process breaks

down into several stages, from choosing
the best trees in the field, to propagation
and further field trials, all of which takes
Genetic Improvement
rating and tolerance of/resistance to
pests and disease. In this area, the focus
is on finding the natural enemies and
identifying genetic tolerance, as well as
around 15 years, meaning that we start Vegetative Propagation good forest husbandry. The main pest
The Forestry Research and Consul- new cycles every year." Forestry Techniques affecting Eucalyptus globulus is the gum
tancy Department (DIFC) at RAIZ is Soils, Nutrition and Biomass tree weevil (Gonipterus scutellatus) and
engaged in a systematic and pains- Certifying the clones Forestry Protection and researchers have already developed
Spontaneous Vegetation
taking task: the daily quest for the Biotechnology is used as a tool to hybrids which are more tolerant of this
Ecophysiology and Irrigation
best Eucalyptus globulus clone. The support genetic improvement, "we have pest.
aim is to discover the clone that offers the clonal material certified to control
Biometrics and Information
the fastest yields in each region, with quality and expand our knowledge of the Management We start of with hundreds, and narrow
the most cellulose and the best resis- variability of the plant population which Technology Transfer them down to half a dozen
tance to disease and pests. has undergone genetic improvement, In contrast to the production process
and also in the population of operational used in the nurseries next door, where
The Genetics department at RAIZ, the clones," we heard from the researcher millions of plant are produced from
Portucel Soporcel group's forestry and Joana Costa. a handful of clones, the staff at the
paper research institute, is located at the In the mother plant area at the Espirra RAIZ research nurseries "start off with
Espirra Estate and its mission is to "make Estate, five or six Eucalyptus globulus At least every five hundreds, which we narrow down to half
the forestry value chain more competi- clones are used at any one time, and years, we have to a dozen clones", which are then multi-
tive, on a sustainable basis, by develo- replaced every three to four years, "to plied in production, the manager told us.
ping genetic materials and forestry prac- ensure variability and because over time
offer new clones for Research into forestry techniques is
tices that result in increased yields and we gradually select the clones with the production conducted from the RAIZ headquarters in
improved product quality, at the lowest best characteristics." The most valuable Jos Alexandre Eixo (Aveiro), involving a series of research
cost and with minimum environmental Natural enemies
projects looking at soils and nutrition,
impact." forestry protection and ecophysiology, in
The forestry research manager explained particular in relation to water.
to us that "RAIZ works on the basis of New general Cristina Marques explained that the insti-
projects (normally with a duration of manager tute's consultancy work "is an area which
three years), commissioned by Portucel latches onto forestry operations, as we
Florestal, which each years submits a The Executive Board of the provide services to our internal client,
series of issues it wants to have resolved, Portucel Soporcel group has but also to producers' associations, for
so the projects are adjusted every year." appointed Carlos Pascoal example by providing training for their
Cristina Marques explained that DICF Neto as general manager of technical staff." This area of work also
works on three main fronts: genetics; RAIZ, as from 15th October. involves biometrics and forest informa-
forestry techniques; and consultancy Jos Nordeste, who held this tion management, as well as maintaining
(see insert). post at the same time as that a network of technology showcases up
In genetics, the manager told us "we of plant manager for Cacia, will and down the country, to demonstrate
have three types of work: genetic impro- now concentrate exclusively good practices in forestry management.
vement, biotechnology and vegetative on managing the Cacia site.
Research work on genetic improve-
ment in high yield areas for Eucalyptus
globulus, but they also look for alter-
native genetic materials for lower yield
areas. For example, "by mixing other We have the clonal material certified to check
species to 'stretch' the adaptability of whether we're maintaining the right level of variability
E. globulus, mainly in areas south of the in the plant population
Tagus," explained Cristina Marques.
Cristina Marques
The researcher, Jos Alexandre Arajo,
told us as time goes by it's possible the
research programme will split into two
areas: for good yield areas and bad yield Clones

14 15

gPS + gPS +

Senior Technician, Paper Senior Technician, Senior Technician, Paper
Production, FF Processing, FF Production, FF

Eliana Rui Joo Some of our co-workers
in the Vila Velha do Rdo
Sobral Verssimo Silva
BTT team took part in trials
Administrative Assistant/ Forklift driver Sales Officer/Client Senior Technician, DPGG Senior Technician, DPGG
Receptionist Manager in September, October and
November. Their dedication
was rewarded by excellent
On 20th September, Ruben
Gonalves (8th Under-23/
Elite), Marco Ribeiro (13th
Renata Adriano Jorge Nuno Joo Canoeing on the river AMS staff
Master A) and Henrique
Flores Flix Tavares Costa Frazo Bento (7th Master A) took
Senior Technician, Pulp Laboratory Analyst, Cacia Senior Officer, Financial Maintenance Supervisor, Senior Officer, CEO's office On 26th September, the club organised a special day out in part in the 3rd Retiro das
Division, Cacia Department Setbal
Arganil, with a range of activities, including stand-up paddle, Adegas Sarzedas BTT Raid. And on 10th and 11th October,
canoeing, beach volleyball, zumba, aquafitness and a specta- Henrique Bento and Pedro Patrcio took part in the Odemira
cular picnic. Bike Race 2015, finishing in 32nd position for general doubles.
On a beautiful day, around 100 participants splits into their Also on 11 October, Marco Ribeiro (17th General) and Jos Paulo
different groups, all determined to have a good time, with Antunes (260th General) represented the XI Maratona BTT
background music and a lunch to recover from their exertions Trilhos da Raia Idanha-a-Nova team for the first time, and on
Marcos Cristina Ana Pedro Joo before the start of afternoon activities. A day to repeat. 1st November, Henrique Bento took part in the 5th and penul-
timate trial in the Trofu de Maratonas da Beira Interior 2015.
Lana Barros Canha Ferreira Gil
Senior Maintenance Engineer, Senior Technician DPGG Senior Technician, Paper Senior Technician, Pulp Sales Manufacturing Process

CACIA ARTS AND SPORTS CLUB: Setbal social and sports club:
Setbal Production FF Division Operative, ATF


The Cacia volleyball team is playing in the Friendly The Setbal Social and Sports Club organised a trip to explore
Joo Henrique Carolina Afonso Tiago Championship, organised by Clube Wildcats Aveiro Sports Setbal and Azeito on 3 October. The tour started with a visit to the
Rodrigues Xavier Silva Ogando Pinho Team, and beat the Matraquilheiros team (University of Convento da Arrbida, the ancient monastery nestling in the Arr-
Manufacturing Process Mechanical Maintenance Maintenance Supervisor, Setbal Senior Technician, Pulp Technician Control and Power, Aveiro), 2-1, in the 1st round, on 29th October. bida hills. The participants then continued to the picturesque town
Operative, ATF Officer, Setbal Division, FF Setbal
The team of 20 players who train at the Cacia C+S take part of Azeito where they visited the Casa Museu, dating from the 19th
in this championship each year, which in 2015 ran up to century and restored in 1923. This was followed by a visit to the old
December, with teams from other companies in the region, wine cellars: Adega da Mata, Adega dos Teares Novos and Adega
including EDP, PT, Renault, University of Aveiro, etc. dos Teares Velhos, home to the oldest Moscatel wines typical of the
Setbal region. The trip was rounded off by an excellent meal in one
of the wine cellars with an atmosphere to remember.
Andr Joaquim Joaquim Tiago Antnio
do Batista Santos Nunes Gomes
Technician Control and Power, Technician Control and Power, Director, RAIZ Technician Control and Power, Technician Control and Power,
Setbal Setbal Setbal Setbal

Rui Leonardo Carlos Joo Joo

Raposo Bispo Pascoal Neto Raposo Guerreiro
Friendly Game Arrbida Convent



Christmas and New Year are when we celebrate with our
families, but our Group has mills that operate non-stop, so
someone has to be there to keep them running.

Every year, the teams that keep the missing their family celebrations,
plants running over the holiday season th th st st
the Group provides staff with special
24 and 25 31 and 1
wait expectantly to see the Christmas meals to mark the occasion: Christmas
and New Year rotas. They know that, Eve dinner and Christmas Day lunch,
on these two nights of the year, they a dinner of New Year's Eve and lunch
won't be with their families, and will
instead find themselves alongside their 1,306 1,352 on New Year's Day. The menu is served
in the workplace in keeping with the
everyday co-workers. Although commi- specific rules in force in each unit.
tted to doing their jobs, their thoughts The sectors involved, covering the
and hearts are with those at home. Employees Employees entire production process, are: Pulp
This year, although we can't name them Production, Timber Yard, Recovery and
all, we would like to tell the whole Energy, Pulp Store, Shift Control and
Company that on Christmas Eve and Power Technician, Shift Mechanical
Christmas day, 1,306 gPS employees Maintenance Technician, Maintenance,
and contract workers will keep the three Information Systems, Paper Production,
industrial complexes - Cacia, Figueira da The Group is pleased Supply Chain, Processing Laboratory,
Foz and Setbal - running at full speed. to provide its staff with Warehouses and Dispatch, Security,
And on New Year's Eve and New Year's Canteen, Sick Bay, Porters' Lodges, Fire
Day, there will be 1,352 employees.
seasonal fare: dinner Service (at units with this service).
In contrast, in Vila Velha de Rdo and supper on Christmas In addition to these workers, there are
the plant shuts down at this time of Eve and Christmas Day also the prevention and assistance
year for what is called the Christmas lunch, and dinner on teams for the facilities in operation,
Stoppage, a measure implemented who are on stand-by, and may be
since the unit was first founded. The
New Year's Eve and called in if needed.
plant closes down at 14:00 hours on lunch on New Year's Day. To all the Group's employees, and to
24/12 and 31/12, and starts up again at these in particular,
06:00 hours on 26/12 and 02/01.
In view of the festive season and in MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY
order to compensate workers for NEW YEAR!


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